academic term and vacation schedule for 2015
academic term and vacation schedule for 2015
egkj k"V v[l kX; fot(ku fo J k - hBJ ukf 'Ad MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, NASHIK (An ISO.900t:2009 Certifi ed University) fnMkj h j kM] Eg lj lcl ukf 'kd&42200+ onoJ n*o Mhasul Nashk422004 Tel.: 0253- 2539220126, Fax.: 0253 _ 2539222123 in Email: Website: Dr. Kashinath D. Garkal Ph. D, P.trlh- vl Reg istra r No. MUHS/R-50 Date :2210712015 CIRCULAR FOR STUDENTS ACADEMIC TERM & VACATION SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 2c15-2016 During the academic yeat 20152016, students of all Health Science Colleges/lnstitr-rtes affitiated University ofHealth Sciences, Nashik shall have following academic tenns and vacations. First Term 0U08t2015 31101t2016 Winter Vacation 01111/201s 1711112015 l5 -I .. 17 Second Term 01102t2016 3110712016 30 Summer Vacation 0t/0st2016 2210st2016 22 r"' to Maharashtr"a 132 l', 130 Note :- I) AcademicYeat20l5-20l6shallcommencefrom0l'tAug20l5.HoweverforM.B.B.S.andB.D.S.Cor-rsqAcademic year will start from l$ September 20i5 as per Hon,ble Supreme Couft order. 2) Total working days available are262 days. 3) The Academic year for all First Year students except M.B.B.S. / B.D.S. 2015-2016, 4) 5) will commence w.e.f. 01't Aug 2015 Students will get l7 7) in academic year days winter vacation and22 d,ays Summer vacation. Exam going students will finish classes on 5'r'May 2016, starl of Theory Examination date. Rernaining students 6) Course adrnitted their examinations will be notified based on cut off dates anriounced by the respective Central Council, Competent (Admitting) ALrthority and the University. ancl will this date they will g.t p,l"purr,o.y leave upto the continue their training. MUHS will hold two examitrations in academic year 2015-20i6 i.e. in last week of November and last rveek of May as per examination schedule, which will be published in due course of time. Above academic term and vacation shall be applicable unifornrly to all Colleges/Institutions affiliated to this Liniversity. The Dean/Principal ofthe college is pernritted to alter the dates ofthe vacations in orcler to suit any e;ttra ordinary local conditiotrs after taking due approval from the Unive;-sity. However, it will not be applicable for Examination relate<i duties. Last date of suburission of such application for obtaining approval fiom the University is 3l" oct. 20 15. Neverlheless, minimum number of totai working days of the students shall be fulfiiled as per requirernent of the respective Central Councils norms for the Acaclemic year. the end of the academic year 2015-201 6, the Dean/Principal of the College/Institute shall send to 8) At University a report of actual working days heki in the acaclemic ( year. \.' jsi*1,d,,ID;r;,J-eJlr,r:':;r -_ !-* _ *11;_1\' ,ir 1.\ ., .i irr,' -.--Tdi .-." I ")1'1 1" .' ' t::p'l\ - '(, g.\th .., , ./"t'^.. q\t .'^\"' \ 2.k' I +lo-z'lg' "/ h.4* ,\2" - -t-,)'^, \,\/ \z !Fr:r. r,,,i,.:,,.,,...1Y.?6.:\f.q.rr"ddn.a... i ',.'_t .( j:;r,.r,,,,t, : ..... frcrr.d,rrh.lL.. . . .. 1*\) \ ' :",i, ',--,-,,i,.-:. i .. .1j.-;:. iil", , l- ,- ''': \ *- P'h* r5e DEN'[AL COUNCIL OF INDIA Nerv Delhi. theZf April ?015 No.DE-87(l)-2015 - In exercise of the powers conferrcd by Section 20 of the Denrists Act i94E, the Dental Couricil of India, with the previous sanction of the CenFal Covemmen! hereby makes rhe following Amendment to the existing principle Revised BDS Course Regulations, 2007, published in Pari III, section 4 of thie Ga7-ette of India, Dxtrar:rdinary, dated lOth September 2007;- L Short title and cornmencementlThese Regulations may be catlcd the Revised BDS Course (7h Amendment) Regulations, 2015 'fhey shall come into force on rhe dar.e of their publicirtion in the officiat aazetre. in nevised BDs Course Regulatrons, 2007, the iollowing insertion/modificationVdelctionVsubstitutions, as indicated therein:- ln the shall be existing Rcgulations under heading captioned as "E,XAMINATIONS", sub-heading *SCHEME Examinations" and sub-heading "l B.D,S. Examination:" the existing clause that "Any sturient who does not qlear the l"ryear BDS examination in all the subjects within 3 years from lhe dute of admission shall be discharged fiom the course," Substituted by the following clause that:- "Any student who does not clear the BDS Course in all the subjecs within a period of 9 years, including one year Compulsory Rotatory paid Internship from the date ol admission shall be discharged from the course". S.K. OJHA Otfg. Secretary Denral Council of India [:oot Nole: 'I'he Principal Regulations namely, "Revised BDS Course Regulations,2007" rvere published in part IIl. Section 4 ()l thc Carcttc of lndia. Extraordinary, dated l0th September 2007 and amended vide Notit'ication (i) dated 0?.01.200g (ii) datcd22.l0"2r)10(iii)dated25.08.20ll(iv)dated08.l2.20ll(v)dated3l.05.20t2(vi)dared24.06.2013. 5-flT Fr{flrrq grtl, qRTr H{irr{ Trvrrtrq. vn.qT{.a. s,,$q.'ilS fi 5k( sq mrrvFr nrq-i-6. f.d PRINTED BY nIRFCYORI.TE (iF pRTNTTNG "; Ergl ,rolRn. Ot 2015 ri,'g!.a pREss, N.r.T. FARroAsADru.toiuet-rsxEoavrHEcoNTRoLLERoFpuBLtcATtoNS,oELHt,20l5 DOPGIPF{PART tll-SEc.4l-r2t +1 +iO = i32 Copies, GovEpNMFNr