My Vacation Journal
My Vacation Journal
This journal belongs to… First name Last name Place a picture of yourself here Age Address E-mail Vacation start date: Who are you going on vacation with? n? Where are you spending your vacatio In which country is it? What is the capital of that country? What are you looking forward to doing on your vacation? I am looking forward to: I am looking forward to: I am looking forward to: I am looking forward to: Table Of Contents A note to parents… Whether they’re short trips or long holidays, vacations are always magical! From the mounting anticipation before departure, to the journey back home, each moment of a child’s vacation is bound to be filled with exciting new emotions, experiences and discoveries. We have created “My Vacation Journal” so that children can record everything they experience before, during and after their holidays; and they can do so in a fun and creative way. We invite them to describe their days and experiences through the use of words, drawings and collages, but also through various activities whose wide-ranging themes touch on science, arts and languages. We also suggest games and activities they can do on their own. And thus, through words, images and interaction, children are compelled to personalize “their” vacation journal and to keep lasting memories of their experiences and encounters. As the book’s content integrates many basic skills, taking a few minutes to familiarize yourself with this book will help you determine how you can make the most of it. The book also provides opportunities to create projects, putting emphasis on planning, execution and self-assessment. Of course, you can always leave it to your child to discover the contents of these pages as s/he wishes but even the most independent child might require your involvement at one time or another, if only to collect shells… Happy Holidays, teacher How to Use “My Vacation Journal”Pages 4-5 I Am Going on Vacation… Pascal Biet Illustrator and big fan of children’s books Pages 6-7 My Vacation Destination Pages 8-9 My Vacation Discoveries My Daily Journal Pages 10 to 23 Pages 24 to 51 Review: My Favourite Memories Page 52 My Souvenir Collection Page 53 My Vacation Friends Page 54-55 What to Do If I Get Bored? Pages 56 to 63 The Creators Marc Berger and Elementary school Checklist Page 3 Answer Key Page 64 Edgar! Hi, my name is ation I’ll be your Vac Journal pal. Checklist bring? What do you want to Think about (Make a list to help you pack. it down.) what you will need and write 5 The most important things you’ll need to have a great vacation: 1 2 3 4 5 Patience Attention Enthusiasm Curiosity Cooperation Did you remember: ? Your toothbrush Your pajamas? Your hat? Your crayons? it? Your bathing su Some games? Your books? How to Use “My Vacation Journal” In your hands you have your very own vacation journal and you can make it as personal as you wish! Kids just like you have helped us create ways for you to have fun every day. Not only can you describe your day in words, drawings and collages, you can also fill in your address book with the names of your new friends or even invent your very own games. Do whatever you want to personalize your journal; decorate it the way you like so it will reflect your special personality and so that later you’ll have fun reading it and be proud to show it to your friends and family… And finally, keep your eyes and ears wide open during your vacation, and glue, staple, draw, write, paint! Vacation Reporter In the “Daily Journal” pages you will often see a little column like this (see opposite). So pick up your pen, because this is your chance to be a reporter! If you witness an impressive or important event, you can quickly record it, using these standard questions: 1 2 3 4 5 Who was there? What happened? Where did it happen? When did it happen? Why did it happen? Make sure to write the exact time and date. Your vacation journal will help you always be on the look-out! Daily Journal The pages titled “Daily Journal” are for you. Enjoy them, they are YOUR pages to write about your vacation the way you want; in them you can write every detail of your day, draw pictures, glue in photos, bus, train or show tickets, stamps, or even leaves and flowers you have found… Just take a look at the example opposite for ideas on how to fill in your Daily Journal… Put a check beside the kind of weather you’re having, and write down the day’s low (coldest) temperature and high (warmest) temperature. wind clouds thunderstorm rain fog rainbow snow Check here the kinds of transportation you used during the day: Don’t forget to write the date here! Draw the hands on the clock indicating what time you woke up and what time you went to bed. Tuesday July √ √ sun 27˚ √ 14˚ train bus airplane bicycle boat 23rd √ scooter I went swimming in the ocean first thing this morning… it was pretty cold! But the water was super clear, so I got to see lots of shrimp swimming by! Then, in the afternoon, Caroline and I built a big, beautiful sandcastle, with lots of towers and windows everywhere… but Mom told us to move into the shade or we would get sunburned! You can use these questions to give yourself ideas on how to get started and what to write. car These lines will help you write in a straight line… ing fish! I saw an amaz oloured! It was multic …and the graph paper will be useful for your drawings! The trivia questions will make your vacation even more interesting! I am Gatoioinng… on Vac in the country at the beach in the mountains at the cottage in a campground at summer camp on a boat visiting family in another country visiting friends Legend Oceans, Seas and Lakes Colour/ Pattern This map needs your artistic talents! Choose a colour or a pattern with which to fill in the little square opposite each category (example: “Country where I know someone” = red square). All you have to do next is to colour the map according to the colour or pattern (i.e. dashes, dots, plus signs) you have chosen. Of course, a country can have more than one colour or pattern. Think about mixing and matching: for example, you can colour the countries of Africa yellow and fill the countries where English is spoken with dots… Therefore, the English speaking countries of Africa will be yellow with dots. Legend Country where I am going on vacation Countries of North America Countries of South America Countries of Europe Countries I would like to visit one day Countries where I know people Countries of Oceania Countries next to mine English-speaking countries Other: ean c Oc Countries of Asia ifi Country where I live Pac Countries of Africa Colour/ Pattern Have fun on your vacation and learn at the same time, with your very own travel journal! Describe Draw Glue in the best moments of your vacation the animals and plants you saw Describe your favourite photos, rs… ts, leaves and flowe bus and train ticke and rate the foods you discovered saw and the shows you Make a list of the new Write Discover words you learned and the places you visited the names and addresses of your new friends new games to play while travelling or when it’s raining ISBN: 978-289464-899-5 $14.95 CAD