75000 Spent By Company In Smoke Elimination Move
75000 Spent By Company In Smoke Elimination Move
56 Employes Enrolled In Sprague Franklin Program VOLUME XXI Officially opening the Sprague Franklin Program are Louis J. Dunham (second from right), Director of the Franklin Institute, who gave the opening address; and Dr. James Casey (second from left), Research and Engineering and Technical Director of the Program. Looking on are two students, Ray Collier of Product Engineering, and Dom Pappas of Tantalum. A luncheon held on September 4, in the Marshall Street cafeteria officially opened the fall semester of the Sprague Franklin Technical School. Fifty-six students have enrolled in the program and are now attending classes which began that evening. Students, instructors, and guests heard Louis J. Dunham, Director of the Franklin Institute of Boston, officially open the 36-week semester. In his remarks, Mr. Dunham pointed out that "the Sprague Franklin Program is aimed at developing the latent potential of each individual student and not at merely making him or her a more productive employe." Also representing the Institute was Richard Ross, counselor and instructor. The unique program established with the Franklin Institute of Boston is now in its second year and the first graduates in the advanced course will receive diplomas in June of 1959. The Institute provides professional guidance, entrance exams, and course syllabi. Courtney W. Flanders, Manager of Training and Publications, is in charge of administrative matters, and Dr. James Casey, of Research and SERVICE AWARD BANQUET SCHEDULE 15 and 20 year employes each group divided evenly with banquets held for one group October 6, 1958 and the second group October 20, 1958. 25 and 30 year employes — to be held November 3, 1958. All three banquets will be held at the Clarksburg Sportmen's Club (Dondi's). RECENT Purchasing spent in ment. A native of North Adams, Depart- Helen attended local graduated Bliss Business Col- lege. from Prior Electric she to schools joining worked for and Sprague a h andles short time for Kinney Brothers and Wolkins in New York City as a secretary. NO. 1 $ 7 5 , 0 0 0 Spent By Company In Smoke Elimination Move in? technical The program is divided into a preparatory course offering algebra, chemistry, and physics on the high school level; and an advanced course offering college algebra, college physics, electronics, and an introduction to calculus. Instructors are all Sprague engineers and are classified by the Franklin Institute as accredited university instructors. They include: Russell Hansen, George Shim, Daniel Norton, Walter Lamphier, Kurt Schoeni, Howard Davis, Kelly Hooks, Archibald Munroe, and Ali Allmaker. The educational facility is provided free of charge to qualified employes who complete the course. Students Continued on page 9, col. 3 The old makes way for the new as a new "continuous cleaning" stoker (right) takes over for the old "grate dumping" stoker (left) in the Marshall Street Boilerhouse. Three of these stokers are being installed at a cost of $25,000 each in the Company's battle against the small amount of smoke released by its local operations. This new equipment supplements other smoke reducing machinery already in operation. FILTER DEPARTMENT UNDERGOES ORGANIZATIONAL STREAMLINING Changes in both personnel and physical location are now underway in the North Adams Filter Department. These changes are being made to streamline the organization and to allow more expeditious and extensive servicing of the engineering and procurement functions for our customers. The manager of Interference Control Field Service, Frank Garlington, reporting to Fred Scarborough, will now have responsibility for handling all filter orders and inquiries from sales and field service through the release of production and sample orders. In addition, the manufacturing and testing of module filter samples will be transferred from production to the Field Service laboratory. Some of these functions were formerly accomplished by Production Engineering, Research and Engineering, and Production. Research and development of new MANAGEMENT HELEN S. CONNORS — Section Head, Sales D e p a r t ment, joined the Sprague Electric Company in September of 1930. She is presently a 25 year veteran of company service, some time of which was the Engineering, matters. SEPTEMBER, 1958 JAMES S. DRUMMOND — filters will remain with Bernard Schenker, group leader in R&E's Filter Department and. in addition, he will now supervise the design and construction of custom and complex filter samples. Louis Yincelette, formerly foreman of filter sampling has been transferred to Mr. Schenker s group in Research and Engineering where he will supervise the construction of R&E filter designs. Filter Production will continue its present activities and will remain the responsibility of its present foreman, John O'Connell. This activity is now performing the major production of filters. To insure proper coordination of all these activities, the area formerlyoccupied by Western Electric in Building 13 will become their new home. It is now undergoing renovation and should be ready for occupancy within the next few months. ADDITIONS Account Specialist, Sales Department, came to Sprague on a part time basis in March of 1955 while attending Williams College where he graduated with a BA d e g r e e in June of this year. Mr. Drummond is a native of Pittsfield, Mass., graduated from Suffield Academy in 1949, and served in the Air Force from 1950 to 1954. He is married to the former Eileen Toner of Nantucket Island. They reside in Williamstown and are the parents of two children. ARLENE A. JUDGE — Project Coordination Manager, Employe and Community Relations, j o i n e d Sprague in May of 1957 as secretary to Mr. R. C. Sprague, Jr. She is replacing Mrs. Pamela C. Christopher who is joining her husband who has been put in charge of our New Jersey office. She is a native of Williamstown and a 1957 graduate of Katharine Gibbs School in New York City. She has held parttime positions with the Alton L. Perry Insurance Agency and the Cornish Wire Company in Williamstown. Work is now nearing completion on the second of three new stokers being installed in the Company's Marshall Street boilerhouse. Installation of the new stokers is another blow by the Company against smoke emanation from the boilerhouse smoke stacks. The new equipment is expected to eliminate, as much as is technically What Makes The State Of Mass. Tuk (Editor's Note: The Associated Industries of Massachusetts has prepared a series of articles, the first of which appears below, on the economic status of our State. The organization is a Trade Association of manufacturers in Massachusetts whose membership represents about 91% of the total employment in the State. The series is part of a program designed by the A.I.M. to present the facts of the Massachusetts economy to the employes and citizens of the Commonwealth. For more articles in the series consult our editorial section in the months to come.) Industry provides the driving force to the Bay State economy. Well over 700,000 people — about 45% of the total workforce — derive their living from industrial employment. This is the largest single group of employees in the Massachusetts economy — over twice as big as the next largest segment. And since the national average of industrial employment is about 26%, Massachusetts takes justifiable pride in the fact that she is a leading industrial state. But it goes beyond pride in Massachusetts, because industry is the State's only major resource. The Bay State is not endowed with rich deposits of raw materials such as coal or oil as other regions are. Agriculture is not an economically significant factor in the Massachusetts Continued on Page 2, Col. 4 possible, the small amount of smoke which is released by Sprague operations. The equipment improvements are being made at Marshall Street at a cost of $75,000 and all three boilers should be in operation with necessary adjustments and minor modifications by the middle of November. The new "continuous cleaning" type stoker will eliminate the ash cleaning operation which was necessary with the old type "grate dumping" stoker. The old cleaning operation became necessary to keep the system operating efficiently and took place periodically through the day. The operation created a situation whereby smoke was produced for a period of from 3 to 5 minutes. The total amount of solid material emanated during the daily clean up periods was very small. With the new stokers this cleaning operation will take place continuously, and intermittent dumping, will be eliminated, providing more efficient combustion over all. The occasional emission of smoke will be eliminated completely. In addition to the new equipment, other smoke reducing machinery is now already in operation. These include: "smoke indicator switches" and "centrifugal precipitators". The switches register immediately when coal fails to ignite properly and allows the operator the necessary time to correct the situation before the smoke problem reaches any annoying proportions. The precipitators help in re- ' moving dust particles from the smoke before it leaves the stack. While we appreciate the fact that smoke elimination is technically impossible, our plant engineering staff is constantly assessing the performance of our boiler system with a view toward preventing any possible smoke nuisance either to those in our plant or to all our neighbors in the community. SPRAGUE ELECTRIC LOG Page 2 Publishing Staff ALDEM A. TROTTIER Editor-in-Chief Community CERVICE September, 1958 "WHERE OUR PRODUCTS GO" JPOTUGHT Adult Education by BETTY JANGROW The Adult Evening School Program conducted at Drury High School is Circulation Manager: MARION CARON Social Chairman: ANN HEATHnow making plans to launch this year's session. Classes will begin the Sport? Reporter: Louis ZITER Photographer: ALBERT HORSFALL second week in October and will be Assistant Editors held Monday and Wednesday nights JOHN DAVIS, MARION MANION, and ETTA OWEN of each week until the end of March. MARSHALL STREET REPORTERS The program is offered free of Barbara Belding, Betty Bramble, Eloise Brown, Peggy Brule, John Buchanan, charge, and all that is requi ed to reDorothy Buzzell, Mary Cantoni, Lawrence Clark, Chick Currant, Marguerite ceive a certificate is to meet course Daub, Julia Desrosiers, Ella Dunsmore, Edith Fields, William Fortini, Ella requirements and attend 75 percent Genesi, Ida Gigliotti, Lena Grillone, Janice Harriman, Nancy Harvey, Ruth of the meetings. Last year 13 SpraHaskins, Margaret Hauptfleisch, Betty Jangrow, Emma Jobin, Lucy Kenney, gue Employes completed a course Amelia Koza, Donald Lapine, Carolyn Lataif, Suzette Lemieux, Bernard successfully. Loncto, Grace McConnell, Jacqueline Mikutowicz, Alice Monette, Sidney The courses offered are varied and Morin, June Rock, Reginald Rowett. Kay Ryan, Dolores Shaker, Eleanor practical. They include: Sprague, Helen Tatro, Harry Trombley, Janice Trozzi, Cecile Trudeau, Lea Walden, John Walsh, Emily Wlodyka and Marie Ziemlak. ENGLISH BEAVER STREET REPORTERS AMERICAN HISTORY MATHEMATICS Marion Andrews. Betty Barcomb, Ada Blair. Helen Bryce. Helen Burdick, TYPING Claire Cantoni. Florence Clough, Cliff Domenichini, Lil Fenton, Fran Filip, SHORTHAND Lillian Gainer, Elaine Girard, Cecilia Kozek, Jean McDonald, Jessie MecCOOKING zywor, Charles Mulcahy, Shirley Noring, Joseph Pilling, Adelle Solari, Rita SPEED READING AND Sullivan, Nina Underwood, and Wanda Wandrei. ADVANCED VOCABULARY BROWN STREET REPORTERS BEGINNERS SEWING Robert Boucher. Eileen Brown, Martha Clark, Florence Clement, Mildred ADVANCED SEWING Conroy, Betty DeMers, Alice Dupuis, Herbert Hafner, Ann Heath, Evelyn TAILORING Jones, Carmela Mancuso, Ann O'Dell, Mae O'Neil, Irene Pigeon, Ace Samia, MECHANICAL DRAWING Frank Santelli, Dorothy Shea, Ennina Sweeney, Celeste Tallarico, Bernie RUG MAKING Tatro, and Isabelle Witherow. EFFECTIVE SPEAKING Cartoonist: Harry Saunders This year, dependent upon sufFeature Reporters: Peter Mancuso and Kenneth Russell ficent interest, a course in bookkeep'Every Sprague Employe A Reporter'" ing and blueprint reading will be given. Some of the above-named courses Member may be used for High School credit dependent upon the meeting of certain International Council of Industrial other requirements. Editors Anyone interested is asked to conAmerican Association of Industrial Editors tact Mr. Charles McCann. WilliamsMassachusetts Industrial Editors town 1057. or Mrs. Waterhouse at North Adams 3-7225. Thev will be happy to supply you with additional Published by SPRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY, North Adams, Mass. information. GABRIELLA MANCINI Associate Editor PICTURE 0 HIGHLIGHTS i THE BIG ONE FLIES . . . The mighty Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile rises majestically from its launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida. The Air Force's "Sunday punch" weapon, standing as tall as a saven-story building, is boosted into space by the fiery thrust of three huge rocket engines. This shows the successful launching of August 2, 1958, when an Atlas hurtled more than 2,500 miles across the Atlantic. The missile is built at San Diego, California, by Convair (Astronautics) Division, General Dynamics Corporation. The giant missile contains Sprague capacitors and resistors. MASS. IND. Continued from page 1 picture. And the State's famous though unpredictable weather makes the tourist trade a less important source of income than it is in some other areas. And so, a discussion of natural resources in the Commonwealth spotlights the brains and hands and capital which are used by the industrial residents of Massachusetts to produce goods and income and taxes. Other states have other sources of economic strength. Massachusetts has its industry. And it is industry which enables the Bay State to maintain its high standard of living. Here is a concise statement of this fact from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston: "It is New England manufacturing which provides the bulk of the municipal and state revenues, which Continued on Page 9, Col. 3 Mrs. Rose Dupre, Brown Street, was one of the 2,430 employes who recently received free chest x-rays. Awaiting his turn is Saverio Jammalo (left) of the Sandia Department. Frank KoLansky is the x-ray technician and Mary Gardzina, Employe & Community Relations, handles the clerical duties. Getting Union Street ready for occupancy for the Special Products Division are Tom Quinton and George Bushika. In the rear Bill Falcon, Jr., makes a last adjustment on a switch. The SPD moved in this month and is now occupying two floors. Alexander Hamilton Institute Correspondence Course Completion Certificates were recently awarded to two Research and Engineering Department Heads. Dr. Wilbur A. Lazier (center), Vice President and Technical Director, awarded certificates to Walter Lamphier (left), Section Head Paper Capacitors, and Odvar Ness (right), Chief Life Test Engineer. At a recent Electronics show held on the West Coast attended by over 30,000 electronics industry personnel, Ron Kelstrup (center) of the Los Angeles Sales Office discusses our "Pancake" type pulse transformer with Wisal Zarichi (right) of Hughes Aircraft. Robert Sheehan (left), Chief Engineer at our Visalia Plant, joins the discussion. Names in the News JOHN HOLMES, Research and Engineering, was recently awarded a patent for a buoyant y rt'covdt'i l'ov vise on submarine diving controls. LEONARD LEWITT, Foreman, High Quality Line, was installed as outside guard of the North Adams Council, Knights of Columbus, in ceremonies held recently at the K ofC rooms. REGINALD ROWETT, JR., Prokar and Polyester Impregnation, was elected president of the Florida Volunteer Fire Department at a meeting held recently at the Town Hall. NORMAN D. SCHULZE, Plant Engineering, became a Gallon Club donor with his donation at the North Adams Hospital during the month of .July. With one issue under our belts, we are now in the publishing business for sure. To get a more complete coverage of all departments, seven reporters are now hard at work authoring articles. They are David Puppolo, Ida (Marceau) Lovett, Etta Owen, Mary (DiLorenzo) Chalifoux, Mary Mat hews, Jack Washburn, and Bill Shields. Much of the success of this early publications is due in part to the excellent photography of Fred Crosier now of Production Engineering. The following names which appeared in the September 1938 Log arc still on our payroll. (Note: If anyone is figuring ages from our wedding announcements in this or any future items in this column we would like to go on record as stating that 1938 was a year of child brides). George Scarbo (now of Machine Shop) and Margaret O'Leary announced their engagement. Dorothy Thebarge (now of Tantalum Dept.) and Ralph Blanchard were married. A son was born to Clifford and Mary (now of Pulse Transformer) Sullivan. A daughter, Veronica (now of Special Products Divison) was born to Burton (now of Etching) and Mrs. Moloff. A daughter was born to Harry (Centrifuge) and Sophie (Metal Clad Dept.) Embry. Margaret Ann Jobin, pictured as a baby, now works in the Shipping Dept. Carol (Cooper) Richard, another in our baby section, is now married and the mother of a year old baby. Carol works in the Sales Office. Thirty-five of the sixty-three who enjoyed vacations in September 1938 are still working at Sprague. Of the sixteen engineers pictured in 1938 ten are still employed here. They are Odvar Ness, Lucius Henry, Leon Podolsky, Walter Clark, William Arnold, Ernie Purpura, Edward Goodman, Dr. Robinson, William Allison, and Stanley Dorst. See you next month with more reminiscing. September, 1958 SPRAGUE ELECTRIC LOG Page 3 School Bells Toll For TOP PICTURE Ed Williams packs his trunk the evening before departing for R.P.I. Brother Jimmy, Dad and Mom look on. Ed is the winner of the Sprague Engineering Scholarship of $500 per year for four years. Juris Zauls, shakes hands with brother Andris as he departs for the University of Massachusetts and a course in Engineering. Dad, Percy of the Impregnating Department and Mom, of the Advertising Department, say their goodbyes. Juris was awarded a Sprague Electric Scholarship of $500 a year for four years. Bob Chouinard places the last piece of luggage into the trunk of the family car, prior to his leaving for the University of Massachusetts and a four year course in Engineering, Dad, Armand of the Etch House, Mom, sister Nancy, and brother Donald look on with a last word of encouragement. Bob received a Sprague Electric Scholarship of $500 per year for four years. BOTTOM PICTURE Colleen Moore (2nd from left) has difficulty selecting a wardrobe for her trip to Pittsfield where she will study Nursing at St. Luke's. Mom, Dad, and brother Tommy lend their assistance. Colleen is the recipient of the Sprague Nursing Scholarship of $400. Sprague Scholarship Ed Benoit gets ready to fill an empty suitcase as he begins packing in preparation for departure to the University of Massachusetts. He gets plenty of help from Dad, sister Rosalie, Mary Lou, Judy and Mom, of the Clorinol Department. Ed is the recipient of the Sprague Electric Scholarship of $500 per year for four years. Winners SPRAGUE ELECTRIC LOG Page 4 DEPARTMENTAL NEWS . . . coteau is back on the job again and wishes to thank all the girls for the cards sent during her illness. Metal Clad Assembly "Hi Folks! My name is Patricia Mazza, and I am 5 months old. My Daddy, Pat, works in A. C. Test, and Mom, Aileen works in Sandia, Nights. I think they're great!" Michele Ann Lavigne, 4 months old, doesn't quite know what to make of all the fuss everyone is going through to take her picture. Her mother, Carol, was formerly employed in the Tabulating Dept. "I'm not picking them, only smelling them", says two year old Steven Ponlon. Steve is the nephew of Nancy Harvey, Dry Rolling, and Marcia of Production Engineering. Earl Swartzer is pictured as every mother likes to picture her son, although we know that boys at times will be boys. Proud Mom is Eunice Swartzer of Tabulating, Nights. Aunt is Leona Charbonneau, of F. P. Drys and Grandpa is Paul Swartzer, Maintenance. Hi-Reliability by Marion Andrews I would like to welcome Dot Farinon and Florence Dean in our department. Vacation time is almost over for most of us, but here are some of the places the girls have gone in the last month or so. Vi Levesque, Hazel Lillie, RosenaDeMarco, Emma Alongi, Lorretta Menard, Leah Gamache, Joe Lamarre and Florence Carsno rested up at home. . . Olympia Domenick spent a week at Harrisburg and Hershey, Penna.. . . Pearl Chilson went to Cedar Lake in Vermont and took in the races at Saratoga. . . Pauline Beliveau spent the first week moving and rested up the second week at Newfound Lake, N. H.. . .Virginia Lancia went to Misquamicut Beach, Westerly, R. I., Ocean Beach, New London, Conn, and Lake George. . . Sylvia Brayman and family went to the Catskill Game Farm and Carson City. . . Marion Andrews and her daughter, Beverly, were in the hospital together. They even were in the same room together. . . Margaret Bradley went to Niagara Falls. . . Millie Sherman rested at her camp at Hoosac Lake. . .Joan Harrington went to New Jersey. . . Mary Gleba rented a camp in Vermont. . Helen Fortier took in sights and plays in New York City and also visited in New London, Conn.. . . Peg Decoteau spent hers camping at Lake George. She is quite a camper. . . Evelyn Trueheart has a new grandson. Is she proud!. . .Florence Carsno's son was home on a furlough recently from the Navy Air Force. . . Marie and Anthony Gattuso's daughter Barbara was married to Arthur Morin on August 18th at St. Anthony's Church. Marie was quite a busy girl. . . Lucille Racine had a surprise shower at her home for Mary Duprea "and Sally Little. . .Doris Monette and Dot Davis played the piano while the girls sang some of the old songs. It sure sounded good. A mock marriage was acted out by Doris Monette who was the preacher. . .Virginia Lancia was the bride and Dot Davis was the groom. They sure kept us in stitches. Mary Duprea was married to Joseph Robert, August 30th at Notre Dame Church in Adams. Mary will be living in Springfield. We'll sure miss you, Mary. Sally Little will be married September 6th to Joseph Arabia at the Notre Dame Church in North Adams. Congratulations girls! Belated birthday wishes to Lucille Racine, James Brayman, Sylvia Brayman, Eleanor Rennell, Florence Gaffey and Pearl Chilson. Also belated wedding anniversary greetings to Carolyn Chalifoux, James Brayman, and Florence Millette. A little late but congratulations anyway. . . Birthday wishes to Olive Giroux, and Florence Millette. Angie Downs surprised them with a nice birthday cake. Film Products by Nina Underwood Congratulations to Mary Bishop who is a grandmother as of September 1st., when a son, Michael, was born to her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Poirot. . .Ernest Sorel, husband of Gladys is making a satisfactory recovery following an operation on his back. . .Kit Courtemanche and family visited spots of interest including the Bennington Museum, while on vacation. . . Bertha Moreau and hubby spent Labor day week-end at Lake Bomoseen and reported a wonderful time. The cabin in the pines really pleased Bert. . . Greta Gotzen's daughter of Dorothy, who recently underwent an appendectomy at the North Adams Hospital is home. Greta plans to enter State Teachers College this fall... Ida De- Sepiember, 1958 by Lillian Gainer and Ada Blair We start by welcoming back Gioia Zappone and Alice Lavariere . . . Jennie Thompson is very proud of her son. Freddy Pratt, who graduated from Drury last June, and is planning to enter Ottawa University at Ottawa. Kansas, majoring in Business Administration . . . We are glad to hear that Bertha Dupree is recuperating very nicely from her recently sprained ankle. . .What's this we hear — that our own Pauline Barrett has just got her driver's license for her new Plymouth! . . . Susie Pollone is knee deep in some mysterious plans for an anticipated celebration of some kind, she is also excited over the fact that her nephew Bob who has been stationed in Germany with the army for sometime is home once more. . . Colleen Phillips told us of the nice trip she took on Lake George aboard the Mohican. . Chuck Mulcahy was pleasantly surprised on his birthday, August 25th, by the presentation of gifts from the room and a most delicious home-made four layer birthday cake from Dot Sprague and we all enjoyed it...Glad to have Millie Curtis rejoin us feeling much better after her recent illness. .. Maria & Clyde MacDonald are back from their vacation which took them to New Brunswick, Canada, and from the stories they tell of their enjoyment and sightseeing plus those 26 lobsters, we only wish we could have been along. . . We hear that Nellie Krol's 15 year old daughter, Karen, really appreciated seeing our foreman's picture in the last issue of the Log. . .Mary Cozzaglio, Catherine Letalien, Maria Zelazik, Leona Millard and Claire Poirot have all just returned from their vacations. . . Helen Korzendorfer kept pretty busy on her vacation traveling from Hampton Beach to Stockbridge. . .Those were pretty sharp pictures we saw of Lola and Carl Briggs snapped at Hampton Beach while vacationing. . It's fair time again and Florence Germain and Viola Miller took in the Rutland, Vermont annual fair. . Wedding anniversary time witnessed Jennie and Donald Thompson celebrating their 1st wedding anniversary on August 31 st. . . September 6th was the day Jennie and Chester Burdick celebrated their 10th anniversary, while Pearl and Clarence Walker celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary helped along by their four children and twelve grandchildren. . . Plans were in full swing for Ada Blair's and Bob Harrington's Stag and Shower for September 6th; and on Sept. 7th Gioia and Tony Zappone were having a second birthday party for little son, Jimmy. . .The free chest x-rays were taken by about everyone in the department and we glimpsed Ann Marriott having hers taken. . . Yvonne St. Cyr is being kept busy making quilts and doll clothes as well as Christmas gifts. . .We saw Yvonne Fountain the other day and were greeted by the same old jolly smile. . . It was simply great to hear about our former co-worker Henrietta Bienick, we still miss you, Hennie. . .Guess this does it for now — see you all again soon. prepared by Mr. Troia, were out of this world. Highlight of the event was the appearance of Bella Belanger, Tillie Mendell and Hank Lepecier with their Woods Hole Sombriero. Eva King's husband received a "smack" from an unexpected source, you gotta watch that Mary Collier. Everyone had a grand time, games were played and movies were taken by Mr. Lincoln. . .Che-Che Kozik lias trouble telling one car from another lately. Seems that she spent a good part of a lunch hour in a car waiting for Joe §wistak, but it wasn't Joe's car, same color but different make. . . We would like to congratulate Isabel Thompson on the announcement of her engagement to Bobby Orr. Best of luck, Isabel. thai is). Alice Seneca! speni her two-week vacation al her camp on Sadagwa Lake. Adele Gowron traveled to Lake Champlain and did some fishing. We were glad to hear that the fish were biting. . .Ethel Sakowski is walking on "Cloud Nine" these • lays. Her Bill is home for four months, and they are living in their new home . .Chuck Wilson journeyed to Pennsylvania recently to pick up his wife Lorraine and baby Charles, Jr., who had been visiting Lorraine's parents. Babies grow a lot in a short time, don't they Chuck?. We hope Magnetic Samples by M. Shirley Noring A welcome to Lucy Crandall who recently joined our small group to by Adele Solari lake the place of Janice Richards. We wish to welcome back five of Janice has left us to await the stork. . our co-workers, Arvilla Williams, The Sample girls joined the Shift Mildred Mirante, Dorothy Marlow, Register girls in a dinner party recentIda Forin and Betty Samia, glad to ly at the Springs. It was a wonderful have you back with us girls, and you meal and a good time lor all. Let's all look real good. . .We want to wish do it again soon, girls. . .Alice a happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Badorini has been bragging about her Frances Scott who celebrated it on baseball prowess. She has offered September 19, and Happy Birthday her services to the Magnetics Softball to Emma Busby who was a year older on September 23rd. . . Vacations are team who now leads the Sprague solistill pretty much in order. Arvilla ball league at the wrong end. InWilliams and her husband spent one cidentally our supervisor. Bill Bmdick, week at Old Orchard Beach and also is their star pitcher. . By the time visited the White Mountains and this goes to press Deil Lilly, Ceil visited the New England Coast. . . Biros and yours truly will be enjoying Yvonne Day spent one week traveling a weekend in New York... Birthday to different places. Doris Williams cakes were in order recently lor Ruth spent part of one week at Old Orchard Mulcahy and Ceil Biros who celeand then went to Connecticut. Millie brated their respective birthdays only Dean spent one week at home. Rose four days apart. Alice Badorini celeLampiasi spent two weeks at home brated her 3rd wedding anniversary a during which time she was kept busy few days later. She's the young lady with her daughter's wedding. Emma who was married in Italy. Busby spent one week at Revere Beach and at home. Betty Samia Pulse Transformers (Nights) by Betty ami Lil spent two weeks at home, and yours A lot of things have been happentruly also spent a week at home. . . ing to Teresa Parker in the last month. Special to Doris: Please try and remember where you leave your car. First of all she had her hair cut short. It will be so much easier for everyone We were all amazed as she walked into the room. We thought at first concerned. she was a new girl. A new style sure makes a difference in a girl. Then Metal Clad Finish her husband George, surprised her by W. Wandrei and L. Filip with two things, a "Beagle" dog and a The summer season is fast drawing huge tent. The dog is for George to to an end, and our last group enjoying hunt with this winter and the tent is the sun and fun will just about bring for Teresa to pitch out in the back vacations to a close also. Frances yard when she wants to get away Roy came back with a nice tan from from it all. Well anyway it is a good Hampton Beach; Margaret Sebastino way to do a little resting in your spare enjoyed the ever-popular Cape Cod; time, Ha. Ha....Anne Mariani has Susan LaBelle traveled to the Shrine left our department to await the in Canada; Wilfred Girard worked arrival of the stork. We wish you a hard painting and moving; Caz lot of luck Anne, and hope you will be Ziemlak, our foreman, made some back with us real soon. Anne was short trips; Claire Marceau and Doris presented with a cake and money.. . . Luchini traveled through the scenic Lil Fenton and her husband Dave Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania; spent 4 days in Chicopee and Hart"Jo" Martalisz enjoyed "Happy ford, Connecticut, with friends. AlLand" as much as her children did; though they came home tired, they Sophie Embry had a little trouble were well rested shortly after. . Rita with the buses in New York City, Brooks' daughter Jean spent 2 weeks but she made it back okay; Helen in Michigan with her grandmother. Sikora improved her perfect tan at They also went to Niagara Falls. It Lake George; Ann Patenaude was seems good to have her home again, just happy having her family together huh, Rita? You really miss them again; and Bert Sherman, Horace when they are gone...Some of the Greenlaw, and Wally Godek also girls from our room went down to Unenjoyed their vacations. . Our con- American Legion after work one night gratulations to Ray Getty and best to help celebrate a dance sponsored by wishes to his bride, the former Ella the Drum Corps. The girls that went Naberezny of Lowell, Massachusetts. were: Alice Burdick, Frances Solari, Justine Miner, Betty and Bunny Barcomb and Lil and Dave Fenton. Check Inspection The food was good and everyone had by Helen Bryce At this time we in Check Inspection a swell time. . . Mary Lizak is back to wish to extend our congratulations to work after 2 weeks vacation.- She Paper Rolling Harold Weyers. On August 25th was very tired but she had a wonderby Che-Che and Chuck Congratulations to Chuck Mul- his wife, Nancy, presented him with a ful time. She went to New Jersey to cahy, proud father of a bouncing baby boy named Patrick Arthur. . . get her daughter Lorraine who spent baby boy. It was a little late, but With summer almost over we have 6 weeks with relatives there. Then well worth waiting for, wasn't he only a few vacations to report. Bea they went to Atlantic City. By the Chuck?. . . Eva King was host at a Pierce and Phyllis Parker spent two way Mary, where is the taffy... picnic attended by most everyone in weeks at home taking life easy. George Betty Barcomb and her family went the department, at her beautiful home Senecal with a nice tan which he got to Howe Caverns and Story Town. on Northern Lights Avenue, and while tenting on Cape Cod. It was Story Town is one of the places you what a picnic it was. The steaks, as a shame you had to cut your vacation can visit more than once a year. A Misc. Paper Assembly SPRAGUE ELECTRIC LOG September, 1958 lot of fun for the kids, and the adults. . .Rita Brooks and Frances Solari are having trouble with their hay fever. Cheer up girls, just carry a box ol kleenex around and look forward to the Fall Weather. . .Madeline Kaczowski's daughter almost didn't have a birthday cake. Her brother Walter kicked the cake out of Madeline's hand as she was getting out of the car and it landed on the ground. Lynda cried so hard her lather had to buy another cake and decorate it for her. Walter almost didn't get a piece ol the second cake, but Lynda finally gave in and let him have some. . .Al Labeau has returned from his vacation which he spent at home. Rose and Al did have company from North Carolina, Rose's sister. . .We are very glad to be working with Sonia Drawee lor a lew weeks. She is from the day shift "Shift Registers" and she is instructing us. She has a favorite expression which we all love, "it's O. K. Baby". We really enjoy working with you Sonia and we are hoping you will stay with us for awhile longer. . .We've heard that Harry Haskins has a beautiful voice but he won't sing to us. Are you bashful, Harry, or do you think you will be another Sinatra and have us swooning all over the place. We sure wish you'd croon us a tune. Maybe we'll catch you humming some day. . . We would like to wish belated birthday greetings to Madeline Kaczowski. Her birthday was in July; and Alice Burdick, September 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cironi celebrated their anniversary on September 11 th. They have been married 14 years. Sorry we missed all of you people and we hope to do better in the future. Shift Register by Helen Burdick Hi everyone. Vacations are about over only Annie Maroni is out on hers. We must settle down now and plan on our holidays coming up. . .We expect that by the time this is in the home, we will be down at the Union Street. Plant and lots of changes will be made. . . Connie Lanoue has been very busy lately. Her nephew Louis Scalise was married on August 16th and her niece Sylvia Richardello was married September 1st. Connie's daughter was a bridesmaid for her cousin Sylvia. . .When Marion Parrino isn't attending a christening, she's attending showers and weddings for her niece and neighbors. It must be nice to have money, Marion. . . The girls in Shift Register and the ones from Magnetic Samples had a get together at the Springs recently. The dinner was delicious as all Springs' dinners are and good time was had by all who attended and we all thank Peg Roberts for making all the arrangements and taking charge of everything. A good job done, Peg. Many thanks. . .Well I'm a grandmother again. My son Larry's wife had a son on August 7th so 1 now have 16 grandchildren and I love them all. . Hazel Goddard's grandson who was born in June has now upped his weight to 5 lbs. so he is home. His home for about 9 weeks was an incubator. Keep gaining little Jackie Van, we are rooting for you. . . We are wondering what happened to Jack Grady. He came to work the other morning with a bruise on his neck. How did the other guy look, Jack?. . . Agnes Chesbro just returned from her vacation which she spent in Maine. While there she lost a day. She looked, she figured and she's still a day short. She thought the people up there gained a day while they said she lost one. She's going back next year hoping she can find it. Plating by Joe Pilling Ed Sprague finally hit the jackpot. He got an eighteen inch trout weighing two pounds, and he didn't even have a net! We knew you could do it E d . . . Harry Paesler spent his second week of vacation at Hampton Beach. Nick Sanzi spent his twoweek vacation in Brooklyn and New Jersey. Hope he didn't get bitlen by a Jersey mosquito. .. Stan Lesnick lias a new pair of glasses... Nick Sanzi has decided to give up gardening. Loren Estes says Nick is going to raise rabbits. .. Now that Softball is finished for the year we can look forward to bowling. Angelo Mazza is with us and we hope he'll give us the lift we need. . . Howie Isherwood went to Canada on his second week of vacation. . . Loren Estes, Angelo Mazza, Bernie O'Neil and yours truly went to Boston to see a baseball game. The score wasn't to my liking, but we had a very good time. We looked all around Boston for a certain restaurant but didn't find it— took the wrong subway—but all's well that ends well. Small Order Surplus by Rita Sullivan At this writing the summer weather seems to have disappeared completely and the leaves are beginning to show their beautiful colors. .. Mary Bator accompanied by her husband and sister spent the holiday at Lake George, New York. Patricia Joseph and her mother motored to Connecticut for the holiday weekend to visit her sister and family. Hazel Martel enjoyed the holiday in Holyoke with her daughter and family. Leo Moreau and family recently enjoyed a trip to Salisbury Beach. Mabel Thatcher has returned to her duties after two weeks of vacation spent at home and on various shopping trips. Our check inspector, Josephine Magnifico, spent the weekend in Brooklyn, New York. Yours truly and husband spent the holiday in Manchester, New Hampshire and Hillsboro. At Hillsboro we visited the home of a former President, Franklin Pierce. The homestead has many of the original pieces of furniture used during his boyhood as well as things used during his term of office. Mrs. Anna Downey and her husband are vacationing this month at Daytona Beach and other points of interest in Florida. Mabel Keller has returned following her vacation last week in Boston and at home. Pauline Pappas returned to work looking very tan and rested after being away for three weeks. Mrs. Dempsey is presently enjoying her vacation. Hector Foisey spent his vacation in Maine. We wonder if he shined his shoes and combed his hair as much as he does when he is here?. . . Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery to our former co-worker, Mrs. Shirley Keating, who was at the North Adams hospital for a recent operation. . . Laurette Lyons recently started her twins off on their first day of school. They aren't babies any longer, Laurette. . .Josephine Rosenburg is happy to have her son Kenneth home this week for a tenday furlough from his station in Washington, D. C. with the Marine Corps. over Labor Day week-end took a trip to Lake George. . . Congratulations to Rena Braman and husband Walter, who just celebrated their wedding anniversary. . . Also congratulations to Ruth Bass's sister Sandy, who recently became engaged. . .This is all for now, but will be back with more news next month. Network Rolling by Millie Conroy When the month of August has passed, all the racing fans have a sad look, either because Saratoga has closed or because it didn't close soon enough. Joan Giroux was one of their most faithful Saturday patrons. Joan says even losing is fun. . Esther Poplaski had a lovely vacation touring Canada, they went to the shrines, and also said that, the night clubs are beautiful. Esther also spent the Labor Day week-end in New York City and had a wonderful time. Lucky girl. . . Dottie Lowe spent her vacation in Rhode Island at the beaches. Everyone agrees vacations are too short to do all the things we want to do. Dottie was very busy getting her son, Eddie prepared for Williams College where he enrolled as a freshman. . . Ceil Maxymillian spent her vacation on "Porch Beach' and she came back from her vacation the most rested of a l l . . . Lydia Spooner and Rachel Champney both had sons playing in the Little League and both their teams appeared in the play-offs. The two mothers work next to each other, so their conversations in the past weeks have been all about their sons. Lydia's son was on the winning team. Congratulations David. Rachel had a sad son around the house for a few days but better luck next year, Ronnie. . . Mary Cooney has a new hair cut and it is very becoming. Now Mary all you need is a trapeze dress. . . All the girls in the Dinner Club had a lovely time attending the plays at Williamstown and Stockbridge. The plays were good and so was the food after. Laura Roy always amazes everyone with her terrific appetite, and Bea Marsh really enjoys warm bread. We all had a wonderful time and agreed we would start sooner in the season next year. Page 5 well lately, we all hope he is better soon. . .Charlie Cyr and Al Golonka still bet on the weather, well, when you have money, you can bet on anything...Pete Grande is "going to the dogs again". Hope they win the trial. seems somebody's been misplacing some stamps. Cheer up Peg, things could be a lot worse. . We wandered over to Mary Santelli for some help, but Mary could only suggest "Wedding Bells" for a start. Wonder why?... We thought Bessie Paradis could give us a hand but her thoughts Industrial Oil Final are all for flowers which we hear are Assembly C numerous and very beautiful... We by Bernie Tatro and Dot Shea thought Dick Powell could help us The time lias come for Dot and 1 to out seeing he just came back from his sit down and think of a new way to two weeks vacation which he spent in start off tills month's Log. We Maine, but Dick is still thinking about thought we would ask around for the salt water and the sandy beach . some suggestions. We asked our In vain we went to seek advice from General Supervisor Tubby Bianchi, our foreman John Muldowney, he but all he seems to talk about lately reminded us thai school days are here is cement, dirt, putting up forms for a again and how last the summer new hatch way, to match the new went... We knew l.il Trombley, cement cellar which we heard is going Georgimae Joy and Roma King to be very nice. . . Chuck Connors could help us but they're enjoying gave us some advice, he told us to their two weeks vacation. . We were start off this month's column with sorry to see Clyde Kipp, Eddie "Did you ever work on your vaca- LaFleche and Ernie Rondeau get tion?" It seems Chuck did, we hear laid off; hope to see you all back he tarred his roof, repaired his soon. . .Well Dot and I have just eaves spout, put in a new hardwood about given up for a beginning so floor in his bathroom, etc.. . .We also we're going to make this the END. asked Rose Vareschi but all the ad- See you next month! vice she could give us was some new recipes on Italian cooking she re- K.V.A. ceivdd from newly arrived Italian by Frank Santelli relatives that have settled in Kingston. Frank Kolis, Frank Santelli and We sure would like to try that food. Bill Pasotti went on a deep sea fishRose. Sounds as if it would be ing trip. Bill was the lucky winner delicious!. . . .We thought maybe ol the second prize as a result of a Clyde Kipp could suggest something contest held on the boat. Kolis but all we got from him was something caught some nice ones too!... John about a wedding march. By the way, Shaker spent his vacation painting Clyde was married September 1st. his home . . Santelli's spent most ol' Best of luck from all of us Clyde. . . their vacation al home except for a Chuck Felix couldn't give us any trip to Storytown and Frontier town. leads either, except something about Dodge station wagons are the best Sandia Coolers and by the way Chuck went to an by Evelyn Jones auction the other day. He bought a Glad to report that we all had a typewriter which he thought was a very nice Labor Day weekend. . . Bea new one, come to find out Chuck had Marsh and her family visited her gotten himself an antique instead of a brother in New Jersey. She was typewriter. . We took a skip down to quite impressed by a large dairy faun. see Vivian Montgomery but she We expect to see her convert the wasn't too much help. She did say garage into a dairy barn. She's we could use "Snake Pit" for a title. just mad about cows. . Rose Murray We would like also to mention that attended a family reunion dinner at Vivian's son Peter just came out of Taconic Park. . .Eleanor Alibozek the hospital, we all hope he has a had a family picnic in her backyard. speedy recovery. . .We stopped to . . .Pauline Buletti had a barbecue in talk to Peggy Maynard, she wanted her backyard. Her husband's dog to put in a Lost and Found section, was an uninvited guest. Til bet he K.V.A. Stockroom by Ace Samia Nell Zanett, Bill Pasotti, Frank Santelli and Frankie Kolis went deep sea fishing down in Boston recently and all of them had a wonderful time and each of them had a good catch . . . Russ Yarter had a wonderful time up at Sunny Side at the annual outing held by his family each year. . .Marie Dargie, with her husband and children took in different sites through northern New York on their vacation. When she came back she claimed she had a gala affair. Lucky you, Marie . . . Harold Brown and his son Herbie went bullhead fishing the other day and both came back with quite a few heads. . .Walt Kondej is quite happy these days because he was presented with a new truck out in the receiving room and is very proud of it. Good luck Walt. (Left) An outing at the Catskill Game Farm was recently enjoyed by Betty Barcomb, Pulse Transformers, Beaver St., with daughter Michelle; Barbara Napierkoski; Gail, also a daughter of Betty; and Kathy Hamilton, daughter of Bob Hamilton, Filters, Marshall St. Gail and Michelle are the nieces of Valida Kleiner, Shift Registers. (Right) Richard, Beverly and John Zona pose for this family picture. Proud Papa is Joseph of Automatic Rolling, Marshall St., and Grandma is Mary Zona of Filters. Sandia by Bob Boucher Hello again. Well, with summer vacations nearly over, everyone is Potting Department getting back into the swing of things. by Carmela Mancuso We are happy to introduce this new Charlie Cyr stayed home for one week department and all our employes. of his vacation and went to Canada This department has only been in during the second. He still talks progress for five weeks now, but we about the parking lots in Montreal hope in the near future it will build up which charge $18 for five days. Pat to something real big. . . Now to meet DeMarco is going to Florida for a few our fellow employes, Jack O'Leary, weeks, he is taking his trailer. Gus Foreman; Chester Lesniak, super- Boucher almost took a vacation, but visor; Robert Johnson, Thomas Doyle, after we told him we would have to Hallick Briggs, Ruth Bass, Rena close Sandia, he changed his mind. Braman and your reporter, Carmela That's the spirit, Gus. We'll get you Mancuso. . . Now for our news of our a pair of roller skates so you can get department. . .Hallick Briggs is on around faster. . .Doc Logan is still vacation; Ruth Bass recently took a looking for a car. They certainly trip to Cape Cod, Cooperstown, and aren't giving them away, are they Auriesville, N. Y. ...Your reporter Doc?. . .Al Racine hasn't been feeling Donna Mastalisz, 7, was happy to have her picture taken with Red Riding Hood at the "Happy Land". Sister, Judy, 4, seems content to just roam around and take in the sights. They are the daughters of Josephine, Metal Clad Finish, Beaver St. SPRAGUE ELECTRIC LOG Page 6 asked who she was? That was an embarrassing moment!. . . .Theresa Vitro lias been doing some traveling this summer. She has been to Old Orchard Beach. Atlantic City, Cape Cod and the next stop is New York City. . .Until we meet again, here's a thought to remember "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Premold Case Assembly by Florence Clement Great Aunt, Mary Courtemanche, of Western Electric, Marshall St., is pleased to present David Paul, 2',, and Lynn Ann, 1', children of Paul and Verna Trottier both former Sprague employes. With our vacations and the Labor Day weekend over, we are ready to settle down and work until next year. . . . Some of our friends from the department have been laid off, and we hope Alma Fox, Eleanor Hall, Sadie Mercier, and Irene Serventi will be back soon. . .Welcome back to Anna Deeb who has been out due to illness ...Best wishes to Ralph and Beatrice Gibeau on their wedding anniversary. Networks and L.C.C. Line by Irene Pigeon \ THe CE mera man had no trouble getting a smile out of little Scotty Roy. Scott is the grandson of Frances, Metal Clad Finish, Beaver Street. enjoyed that steak though. . .Dorothy Baker enjoyed the lobster at her husband's clambake... Mary Satko speni most of her vacation starting her son Jimmy in school. . Lucille Miller brought in some beautiful slides that she took in Florida. They had a wonderful trip. . .Evelyn Jones spent her vacation al Lake Charnplain and Lake George. The Jones1 have started to paint their house and does it make a difference. Seems like a new house already... Ralph and Emma Gould did quite a bit of traveling on their vacation. All the way from here to San Antonio, Texas. We have been a well travelled department this year. This country of ours has so many wonderful things to see. Save your money and next year we may all be able to see the sights. This is all for now. See you next time, "How about that smile", it belongs to Brian Scarfone, 11 month old nephew of Sam Unsworth, Beaver St. Check Inspector. Dry Rolling and Western Electric by Nancy Harvey FLASH No. 1:—Vacations" are just about all over and everyone is getting back to the old routine — hearty — and unhappy!. . . Flash No. 2: Absent-minded people — Mabel Lewitt fills the bill for this characteristic. We wish we could figure out some way to get her to remember to bring her glasses to work with her every day. Every few days you'll see Mabel trudging to the phone to call "Red", her husband, and soon in comes "Red" to deliver her glasses to her! Now she's misplaced her lipstick. Please try to remember these important things Mabel!. . . Industrial Oils Rolling FLASH No. 3:—Cars —Jackie Peck and Dorsey King are sporting new by Erminia Sweeney Call Kenny Russell the man with cars these days. Jackie is now riding green hair. It seems he put too much around in a Buick and Dorsey has a cloride or clorinal in his swimming Chevvie. Dorsey tried to swap his pool. . . Anyone finding a boiled egg old car to anyone for 95 cents and a it belongs to "Ty" Slattery. . .Helen package of cigarettes but he got noUnis has returned from her vacation. where fast!. . . FLASH No. 4:—Horses . . .Ty Slattery now has 5 grand- —Ruth Szulc and Gladys Costello children, 3 girls and 2 boys. . .Agnes were quite lucky at the horse races Miller spent a week visiting friends at lately. Ruth hit the Daily Doubles West Point and brought back her and Gladys collected a sizeable loot. niece, the former Gladys Hammer, Adam Novak was there too, but his for a visit. Gladys used to work with horse got thirsty and stopped for a us. . .Louis Cronin is doing right well drink along the way. Better luck with his "antique shop". Good luck next time, Adam. . FLASH No. 5:— Louis and keep it u p . . . Alice and Softball—A Softball game took place Paul Beauchamp have found a new recently between the Dry Rolling method for showing home movies; men and Western Electric men. The you might end up cross-eyed but it reward for the winners was a case of sure is a new style. . .We don't know beer at the expense of the losers. It where Francis Delisle puts all the food was a game—from all reports! The he eats, but it must keep him thin favorite cry heard was "Kill The carrying it around... We have a Umpire"—who, by the way, was correction — Millie Kearns spent her Dorsey King. They say that after vacation in Bermuda not Nevada. the third inning he called every ball She has pictures to prove i t . . . Kenny pitched a strike. The final score was Brooks come back to Brown Street. Dry Rolling 9 and Western Electric We miss you. . .We got all excited a 24. What no one can figure out is couple of weeks ago; your reporter, who made off with the case of beer? Fran Delisle, Ty Slattery and Ann (Could it be Joe Allard or Walt Wabnig all found a lucky serial num- O'Neil?) Dry Rolling demands a ber on the "Lucky Partners"; so far, return game!. . .QUESTION CORwe are still waiting. We will prob- NER: Ask Mary Scott about the ably end up with sky blue pink hair night she entered a strange house, and after spending a little time there, was 'waiting' for it. September, 1958 Quality Control by Ella M. name (Obdie) went Dunsmore Beverly Hyndman is wearing a lovely diamond on the correct linger. The lucky man is Richard Daniels . . Emma Maggioli spent her vacation at Hampton Beach and had sunny weather all week lucky girl. New citizens last month were a boy, Steven, lor Larry Burdiek and a girl. Jeanne Marie lor Anne Stawarz. Maintenance by Dorothy Buzzell Congratulations to Mary Ma/.za who works in the Ageing (Jroup. I lei daughter, Connie Simon, who formerly worked at Brown Street, gave birth to a son, John Russell Simon, on September 3 r d . . . Ernest Boyer a plumber in the pipe shop is sporting a new Buick Fred Bennett and Russell Noel, Jr.. of the Electric Shop recently enjoyed a two week's vacation. Mary Lewis of the Maintenance Cost Control office has returned from a trip to Ohio, where she visited her brother for two weeks. Peter fobin has returned from his vacation which he spent driving his son, Peter, Jr., to Pennsylvania where he is attending Valley Forge Military Academy. Now that vacations are over, everyone is getting back to the "grind" . . . Alta Oakes is a grandmother once again. Alta went to Washington to see her new grandson. The parents Heat Seal are Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oakes. Dick by June Rock formerly worked here at Sprague. . . Vacations have come and gone. Once more the girls went to dinner at As the old saying goes. "All good the Four Chimney's in Bennington . . . things must come to an end." < touch Sorry to learn that Mike Gamari Morin spent his vacation at home, leaves us on a layoff. We will all as did yours truly. . September is miss you, Mike. Hope you will be the month of birthdays for our Deback soon. . . Yours truly attended the partment. Agnes John, Julia Cirillo Rutland Fair with some friends. We and Ken Suprenant receive belated all had a great time. . .What would birthday greetings. . .Belated anniClem Mossolani do if he couldn't versary greetings go to Gouch Morin throw "snowballs" all day?. . A few on his seventh wedding anniversary girls from the L.C.C. Line, Net which was September 23rd . . . ConWorks, and Small Order have formed gratulations to Julia Cirillo and her a bowling team. They will be called daughter Eleanor and son-in-law the "Smithy's". Jerry Shea on the birth of their twin daughters. Julia also has her grandSample and Small Order daughter Joan Shea spending a few weeks with her. From all reports, by Celeste Tallarico Congratulations to Ensign John W. our grandmother is having a grand Hinkell who received his commission time. . .Wanted one bulldozer for at the conclusion of an 18-week course Gouch Morin, so he can finish his at the Officer Candidate School in front yard...Agnes John has been Newport, R. I. John is the son of preparing and painting her house. Fred and Annette Hinkell. John She sure gets the bug when it comes to also majored in zoology at the \Jni- cleaning. Her specialty is laying rugs. versity of Massachusetts in Amherst. You have reason to be proud Annette Sprague Products . . . A daughter, Delra Joyce Cote, was by Margaret Bride and Carolyn Lataif born to Albina Burdick's daughter Jean Callan—Spent most of her Joyce. Congratulations Albina, four vacation getting her daughter oil" to times a grandma... Vacations are private school. Also spent some time coming to an end. Helen Murphy at the coast of Maine. . . Loretta spent her vacation in Rhode Island. Toomy—says she spent her vacation Albina spent her two weeks at home at home. . .Priscilla Hayden — spent preparing her son Gordy for school. two weeks at St. Petersburg, Florida. Mary Critelli spent her two weeks Did the sun bleach your hair, Priscanning, attending to her beautiful cilla? . . . Mary Krzeminski—or should flowers and touring the country side. . I say "mother"? Hope it's a girl. . . Our poet, Madge Taft, has written a Millie Butler—Vacationed with her lovely poem, "When it's Moonlight family at Cheshire Lake. Did you on the Valley", do read it. . .Alfred rest Millie? Congratulations for beFolino is sporting a haircut that's out coming our new union representative. of this world! . . . Archie LoPresto—one of products great truck gardeners, Archie spent his vacation getting his garden in tipClorinol top shape. . .Jean Lancto—went to by Frances Guyette and Alice Dupuis Sorry that Clorinol Rolling and Florida for two weeks and attended a Assembly was out of circulation for a wedding as one of the attendants. time, but it is back in the swing of Ready to go back again Jean?. . . Rita things with your new reporters, English—took short trips on her two Frances Guyette and Alice Dupuis weeks vacation. Do you still have the replacing Dot LaDue Salvatore and donation box down at that end of the Doris Williams. Sorry they had to office Rita?. . . Kay Connors—spent a leave us, we will miss them and want very quiet vacation, most of the time to thank them for the wonderful job down at Saratoga. Call that dull??? they did in the past. We hope we Were they running a close second can do as well. . .We're a little late Kay?. . . Fran Baran—now Mrs. Raywith news about vacations, but most mond Therrian, spent her vacation of the girls have taken theirs and have honeymooning???. . . Ann Moors — come back to work feeling fit as a went to the beach in Westerly, Rhode fiddle. . . Who is this we see sporting a Island. Hope Gary is feeling better. . . . Helen Daniels—went to Canada, new diamond, can it be our own Irene Skubel? Congratulations from taking the guided route of an old all on your engagement Irene. Lucky friend.. John Roberts—Our "Mr. boy that Jack. . .We were all glad Roberts". Welcome John...Peggy that Muriel Goodrich's husband is on Brule—much of her time was spent at the road to recovery after his acci- Misquamicut beach in Rhode Island dent. . .Glad to see Phyllis Santerre with her family. Congratulations to back after her recent operation. . . you and Art on your 13th wedding anniversary. . . Mary Lasson—NickThat's all for now. "The to Hyannis. Party's Over". . Al Bourassa spent a week touring Canada and Niagara Falls. Anyone go over the falls in a barrel while you were there, Al?. . .Nancy Richardson the back order queen, wen. to Lake George, Niagara Kails and Canada. Sure was a busy week. . Jean Wilk went to Yarmouth at Cape Cod with her husband Betty Beauchamp went to Lake Willoughby in Vermont with her family. Restful wasn't it Betty? . . Margaret Lasher went swinimingupal Hampton Beach, and then took in a Red Sox game in Boston to see her -IDOL" I 1,1) WILLIAMS. .Flo Szymanski worked around the house and took short trips here and there. We know you stayed home, but what'swith the "THERE". • Eileen Gillooly to Hyannis. Did you lake your family, Eileen?. . Priscilla Jones now Mrs. John Gaspardi. Jones seems a lot easier to pronounce, don't you think?... Roberta Decensi went to Washington, I). C. and New York City. Still picking flowers in front of the White House, Bobbie? . . Barbara Simon left us in August, got married to Mr. Leo Mashoianni, now stationed in Boston . Pal Schabot left .,, go to Florida...Marilyn Wojcik went to Maine and spent some time al the differeni Atlantic beaches along route I A Pat Melito —went ,o Providence, near- the Cape. ...Rose Mazzu went to Hyannis with a friend, met a lew people. By the way did you have a good time? Richard Troltier spent most of his time at home, just dilly-dallying around the house. Is that right, Dick? ...Nancy Stone — went to LakeGeorge for a few days, and traveled the remainder. . .Elaine Daunais welcome to "Products". General Accounting by Jan and Sidney Vacation time fqr our office has come and gone for another yen. Nancy's vacation was a happy time for her because Carl was able to spend it with her this year. We all wish them the best ol' luck and happiness on their recent engagement. Eileen and Joe spent a week's vacation in Atlantic City. We're glad to hear you had a nice time even though the weather wasn't very cooperative. Geneva spent a week visiting her sister-in-law in New York State. Ann and Bunny both had wonderful limes at Cape Cod. Sidney spent a lew days in Louisiana. Lucille and yours truly spent a week at Lake George. . . A word of warning to all, "The Menace To the Highway Club" has just announced the enrollment of Lucille DiLorenzo. She received her "pink ticket" on July 24, 1958. All kidding aside Lou, we are glad to see that you received your license. A birthday cake was presented to Nancy from the Gang. Welcome to the "20 Club" Nan, we're glad to see that you made it. . .That's it for another month. General Salvage by Herbert Hafner Most of the vacations in this de-, partment have already been taken. John Waska visited his mother in Pennsylvania Joseph Danforth went to Maine. . . William Cooper spent his at home. . . Herbert Hafner also at home. . . Douglas Ostrander moving from River Street to Spring Street. . William Douglas fishing, but no luck. . . Thomas DeSanty in New York sight seeing. . .Warren Maynard moved recently from' Houghton Street to a newly purchased home in Cheshire. Test Equipment Engineering by Mary Cantoni Au revoir to Trudy Gumbleton who left us to work on the night shift. . Welcome to Betty Blair who is replacing Trudy. . .To Mr. Peterson, we suggest a mixture of glue to the varnish on the secretary's chair. . . To September, 1958 Pete Begiebing, happy to see you among us again. Pete has returned after a sick leave. . . Vacations are just about over for Test Equipment and everyone is settled down to work, work, work. . .Dick Peterson has returned from vacation—what's this about "Brewers Gold", Dick?. . .Bill Novacek and family have returned from a week's vacation on Long Island. . .With so many construction projects under way in North Adams, it's hard to decide which one requires our "Sidewalk Engineering Service." This sure beats erector sets, chough. . . Bernie Hover has been transferred overseas to the Beaver Street plant, replacing Bernie Robert, who has mdved on to the near East (Union St. plant). Filters by Ruth Haskins The deadline date for Log news this month finds co-reporter Alice Monette at home on the sick list. Speedy recovery, Alice, we certainly miss you. . . .As vacation season draws to a close we learn that Florence Saulnier enjoyed hers in Schenectady, N. Y. visiting her daughter. She also went to Rockingham and Saratoga race tracks . . . Bertha Roy traveled to Lowell and Nashua, N. H. to visit two of her sons. . . Henrietta Senecal motored to Florida with her family. While in the sunshine state she visited Mary Scerbo, a former co-worker, who now makes her home in Florida. Gertrude Pedercini enjoyed a restful vacation. She says she lounged, sewed and shopped. . . Pauline Perreault took her vacation when her son, I'.milicr ( lilln-rl <>l the ( larmelite Order in Joliet, Illinois visited her. Brother Gilbert teaches in the Boys' High School in Joliet. . Jean Maselli used her time off to move. She now lives on the Mohawk Trail...Joe Morin spent a peaceful retreat at the Monastery in West Springfield. . . ttwlyn Walden had a grand time taking in the race tracks—most all of them!. . . Henrietta Senecal has a new granddaughter, Susan, born to her son and daughter-in-law. .. Labor Day weekend Al Marsh and his family drove to Elizabeth, N. J. The same weekend Ruth Haskins went to North Falmouth, on Cape Cod— high wind and very thick fog the whole weekend! Filter Dev. Coil Winding by Lucy Kenney Now that summer is over let's all sing "Shine On Harvest Moon"... A big "hello" went out to Mike Morin when he returned to work from a mild case of the virus. . . Virginia Dclisle had a nice family dinner for her children and grandchildren on Labor Day. Everybody went home full but happy..."No lime for Sergeants" was enjoyed by Jeanette Cady and Stella Beauchamp at the Williainstown Summer Theatre ...Bob Hamilton and Mike Morin look their families to the Game Farm in the Catskills and they both came home doing the Barnyard shuffle. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duffy spent a nice weekend in New York City... Betty Battersby had as her guests on Labor Day Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hirst from Nashua, N. H.. . .The Marshall Street gateway looked like the Boston Common one morning. Who is feeding them?. . .Watch oat they're nobod/'s friend. Tantalum b\ Awtlid Kozd Vacation season is drawing to an end and to report Corinne Sears spent a very busy vacation fixing the roof of their house. .Catherine Mendel traveling to Lake George, Sandless Beach in New Jersey and trying her luck at the races. . .Addie Poirot a jaunt to Rhode Island and Holyoke, Mass.. . . Pauline Smith also traveling to Maine, Vermont, New York and entertaining. . .Best of kick to Ann Jammallo who left our merry midst to await the arrival of the stork. Ceramics by Ida Gigliotti and Lee Grillone Vacations are on the wane, and those who already have had their time off, are still talking about the things they have done and seen, and the others are awaiting their vacations patiently. . .Clara Bourdon is enjoying a fishing trip with her husband, and when Clara catches them they don't get away. . . Tom Quinn spent a restful and leisurely vacation around the house. . .John Andrews took trips here and there, going where he wanted to, John must have a little gypsy in him. . .Alma Haley went up Canada way. . . Eva Favreau is anticipating her first flight with a few butterflies in her tummy. Eva is flying to Texas to attend her son's wedding and enjoy all the sights en-route. . .Theresa Briggs topped them all, she was so anxious to start her vacation that she came in late one Monday morning and her explanation was that she thought it was the week of her vacation and turned the alarm off and went back to bed. We never did find out who set her straight. She had a full week to wait before her vacation began. Lab Electronic Test Equip. by Elizabeth Bramble Most of us have had our vacation. Ellie Romeo and her husband spent some time at Plymouth, Mass., enjoying the beach. They spent several days at Lake George and the rest at home. They were most fortunate in having one of the most perfect weeks, weatherwise, to relax i n . . . Harold Bashford spent several days of his vacation at Port Henry, New York, enjoying fishing. He tells us that he had very good luck. . . Dan Kelly spent his vacation at home. . . Dick Pomerance is working with us now for a few weeks then he will return to College. . .Dave Hynes left September 5th to go back to the University of Massachusetts. He has been with us since June. Tantalum by Dolores Shaker Well, Labor Day has come and gone and it seems that there's a little sadness in the air very little swimming and a few picnics more to go, then we will have brisk, cool fall and just three months after,Christmas!. . Betty Johnson, Madeline Januska and Doretta Blanchard have enjoyed their vacations travelling to neighboring cities and resting at home (that is, after the housework was done.).. Adeline Roy went to Lake Dunmore, Page 7 SPRAGUE ELECTRIC LOG Vermont. . .Mary Girard at Milford Beach, Conn.. . . Evelyn Prystas travelled to Pennsylvania, Atlantic City and New York City. . . Pearl Dubreuil to Utica, Springfield and Connecticut. . .Daisy Kuczynski — Miami Beach, Fla.. . .Josephine Piantoni and Belle Mahar to Canada and yours truly to Cape Cod and Long Island. But to our dismay, we have finally settled down to another year's grind, waiting and counting the days until the next holiday. . .We want to welcome those who have joined us again, who were unfortunately laid off from work. We hope we all are able to work steadily henceforth. . . Happy birthday to Adeline Roy, Peggy Zepka, Doretta Blanchard, Mary Boudreau and Betty Jangrow, our check inspector. Many happy birthdays to come, girls! Purchasing by Lea Walden A pleasant summer came to an end September 1st for the Robert Howard family. Bob picked up his family at Chebeague Island, Maine and now it is back to school for the youngsters. Betty Bogus just returned from a two week stay at Asbury Park, New Jersey . . . Dora Delisle is the proud possessor of a Boxer puppy. . . Ken Hamilton, who is leaving the Company was presented with a traveling set from the department. . .We welcome William Reid as a new member of Purchasing . . . Shirley Rarick and Emma Jobin used their vacation week for an early start on fall cleaning.. . . Lorraine Trozzi and her sister Janice were hostesses at the 25th silver anniversary dinner given August 24th at Taconic Park in honor of their parents Mr. and Mrs. James Trozzi. We in Purchasing wish them many more years of happiness. Field Engineering by Kay Ryan and Jackie Mikutowicz Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hazzard are the proud parents of a baby girl Evelyn Mary, Born on July 31 . . . Our office has been kept real busy lately with all the weddings going on. We had a party during rest period for the brides-to-be at which time we presented each of them with a shower and wedding gifc. . . Marjorie Towslee and Ernest Roberts were married on August 23 at Pownal Center Community Church. Marge made a very lovely bride. It was a perfect day for a wedding. Best of luck to both of you. Kay Ryan was a bridesmaid for Marge and looked very nice in her light blue dress which matched the other attendants. . . Sylvia Richardello and Clyde Kipp took their vows September 1 in St. Anthony's Church. Sylvia looked very pretty as did all of her attendants. Everyone had an enjoyable time at the reception which was held at the Eagle's Hall. Best wishes for your future.. . . Beverly Mondia and Kenneth Rougeau became man and wife in St. Francis Church on September 6. Beverly also looked lovely on her day. The reception was held at the Williams Inn where all had a nice time. Best of everything in the future. . . Nora and Fran Scalise have adopted a baby girl (Cynthia Louise). From all reports she looks just like her daddy. . .Gloria Thibert spent her vacation at home. She planned on doing some fall cleaning. She will have her vacations when she goes back to State Teachers, isn't that right, Gloria?.. Jackie Mikutowicz has left us to await the arrival of Mr. Stork. We will miss you but know you will be happy at home with your new duties. . .Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell enjoyed a two-week vacation traveling through Maine. . .Mr. and Mrs. James Balderston took their vacation in Jackson Hole, Wyoming where they did quite a bit of fishing, How big was the one that got away. Jim?. . . Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Scarborough and family spent their vacation with his family in Kennebunk Port, Maine. . .Best of luck to Art Christopher in his new position as Manager of our Camden Office. rest. . .a yearly picnic was held on August 20 at the home of Dot and Talie Lewis. The yard was decorated with Japanese lanterns. The menu consisted of hamburgs and hot dogs with all the trimmings served by Jack Faustini. Entertainment consisted of croquet, badminton and Softball. Everyone had a wonderful time and are still talking about the fun they had. A few took trips over the Labor Day weekend and didn't let the heavy traffic stop them. Rita Fountain went on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Enfield, New Hampshire. Dot Lewis went to Bristol, Connecticut. Marguerite LaCasse went to the Rutland Fair, Doris Roberts went to Granby, Canada. Lorraine MacKay stayed in Springfield to attend the car races and see the Maguire Sisters in person. Josephine Magin visited in Providence, York. Stanley Pasierbiak chose Hampton Beach and Saratoga, New York, as ideal spots for his vacation. Cecile Trudeau and June Rock took short trips daily for their vacation. They went to Lake George, Look Park, Northampton and Lenox. . . Emma Jobin spent a few days in Wayne, Pa. where her son is enrolled at Valley Forge Military School. . . Ann Tremblay's daughter, Paula, has started school at Haskins and Ernest Gregory's son, Ernest, at Johnson School. Sprague International Ltd. by Suzette Lemieux Too bad about Marilyn Soha's leaving us, but the march of education must go on, and Marilyn has hopped off to Becker Junior College in Worcester. She was given a farewell party at the Four Acres Restaurant on September 3 by her ExportR. I. Sprague Products friends, and since it is an accepted fact that music is the Small Order universal language, she was presented by Eloise Brown This is the time of year when all the with a handsome transistor portable happy vacationers are once again radio " . . . t o remember us by."... settled down to their regular routines. Some of the gals here recently spent Dolores Lipinski reminded me that their vacations catching up on house her vacation has yet to come, lucky work but did manage to get away for girl! Our foreman, Mac Filiault a little distraction. Sandy Segala enjoyed his one-week vacation. . . "saw them off" at the Saratoga Race Fran Sprague looks very nice in her Track and also visited Fitchburg and new hairdo. It almost looks as Watervliet. . .Barbara Putthoff stepthough we have a new girl in the ped lively at recent weddings, both at room. . .Alec Groves is finally taking home and abroad (the latter being in the big step. Congratulations, Al! Concord, New Hampshire)... Mari. . . Rose Tassone and Jo Convery are lyn LoPresto enjoyed the two weeks still on sick leave. We hope they visit which her brother Norman will be back soon. . . We are pleased Chenail and his family, from Newport to hear that Doris Horbal's husband News, Virginia, paid to this area in is recovering at home from his recent August. . .Yours truly raced Hurrioperation . . . Arlene Rabidoux came cane Daisy to the Cape and won, back from Saratoga wearing quite a whereupon Daisy fortunately decided sad face. After looking at the stubs to go out to sea. . .Going to the Fair I'd say that it would have been seems to be a popular activity — Beverly and Bruce Sherman went to cheaper" for her to buy a horse! the Cummington Fair; and Marilyn and Joe LoPresto, and Rose and Al Shipping Richard, and cute son Wayne atby Cecile Trudeau A certain ship is on its way from tended the Rutland Fair on Labor Japan, with a certain GI aboard, and Day. . .Naturally, Nancy Kelly spent a certain girl in our office is singing: the Labor Day week-end at Lake "When my dream boat comes home" George, there to wind up a fine ...Phil Talarico spent his vacation summer season.. .Welcome back to at Niagara Falls and Canada. . . Shirley Roberts who, after living in Ernest Gregory spent his vacation at Hawaii and Florida for a while with Lake George and Saratoga, New hubby John T., (who is also a new F. P. Assembly by Grace McConnell August seems to have been the most popular month for vacations. Among those who enjoyed theirs were Bernadette Richmond visiting her son in Kittery, Maine and her brother in Waterford, New York. Frank Segala spent his in Fitchburg, Hazel Russell visited her children, her daughter in Manchester, New Hampshire and her sons in Dalton and Bridgeport, Connecticut. Leona Charbonneau went to Lake George and attended some Red Sox games in Boston. Roy Cook motored through Maine along the shore route as far as Moosehead Lake. Carol Barslow spent her week visiting her sister in Haverhill, Mass, and spending her money at the Peabody Shopping Center. Minnie Hamlin spent a week touring New Hampshire and Vermont and the second week she visited relatives in Providence and New Bedford. Yours truly enjoyed hers at Cape Cod. Rita Fountain traveled to Lake George on her vacation. Violet Shea decided to spend her vacation at home. Johanna Kayser and Julia Abraham had the first two weeks of September and both enjoyed a nice (Left) Congratulations to^Mr. and Mrs. H. Robert Felix, who were married on Aug. 2. Mrs. Felix is the former Sarah Blake. Both are employed in the Tantalum Dept., Marshall St. (Right) "Good Luck" to Edward Lowe, who is a freshman at Williams College this month. Edward is the son of Dorothy Lowe, Networks Rolling, Brown St. Mary Scerbo, formerly of Filters, pictured with her husband, Frank, and Henrietta Senecal (center) of the Filters Dept., Marshall St., at Mary's new home in Florida. Guess Who! Here are a few hints those aren't really her slippers, they belong to hubby she is employed in the Pulse Transformer Department, Beaver Street. SPRAGUE ELECTRIC LOG Page 8 September, 1958 Anita Esposito, Tantalum, Marshall Street is pictured with her five children. With her is the youngest, John. Next, is Peter, a flight instructor at the Harriman Airport. Pete was the youngest pilot ever to obtain his license at the local Airport, he was 16 at the time. Donald is a fellow Sprague employe, working in Plant Services. Marie is a secretary at the Excelsior Printing Company, and Francis is a golf enthusiast, he is presently serving as Caddy Master at the North Adams Country Club. face m Sprague Products) and becoming the proud parent of young John R. and Christopher, lias rejoined our forces. . . Bertha Richards didn't get many suds, but she did get protection from those penetrating rays when she shampooed her hair with Suntan Oil...Could it be just a streak of good luck or "the good life" which won prizes for three of our very own at a recent raffle? Bertha Richards won herself a fine electric kitchen dock; Ken Haskins won a lubrication job lor that sleek black '53 Chrysler of his, and Marilyn Soha won a 3-lb. box of Pretzels which turned out to be well curled Potato Chips. . .The contented look on some faces here may be due to the fine janitor service which is being furnished us. No more will Ken Haskins have lo clean up after the night prowlers. . .One parting word of advice "whether it be poor golf, trick) Spanish, or what not, never give up, kids." Advertising by Jamcc Harriman A One-Act Play Performed by the Advertising Players. Year: 1958 Place: Sprague Electric Company Time: 9:45 A.M. Scene: Advertising Mail Room As the scene opens, the buzzer sounds announcing the start of rest period. A mad dash is made for the lunch wagon which is barely visible in the wings. Bernie Barbeau is the first to arrive at the wagon. BERNIE: (squeezing rolls) Here's a fresh one. Give me a couple of doughnuts, too. Say those tarts look good, I'll have one of those. WAGON BOY: Coffee? BERNIE: Are you crazy? I'm on a diet. FRAN CYR (to wagon boy): I'm sick of all this stuff on this wagon. How about getting something good for a change? Everyday it's the same old story. And furthermore, the coffee is terrible, etc. WAGON BOY: Look lady, I only work here. Ya wanna buy or not? FRAN: Yeah! Give me a coffee and a roll. (Everyone eventually goes through the line and returns to office) NORA ZAULS: Rest period already? I just want to finish this drawer of plates. DORENE SADLOW: NO! Do you want to corrupt the whole office? Shut off that machine. MITZI OZOLINS: Do you want to hear Pear Abby today? Listen to this, (reads from Daily Record) NORM FAVEREAU: Anyone for a game of Pitch? DORENE, BERNIE: Yeah. But if you play with the five we don't want to play. Anyway you cheat. JUNE CHENAIL: I've got to call Toni and tell her to put the casserole in the oven, (goes down to pay phone) HELEN GOODERMOTE: I've simply got to get this sweater done for next week. (Knits furiously) JAN HARRIMAN: This sock pattern is screwy. I don't know why I bother, I hate to knit. (Throws knitting into plastic bag marked "Oranges".) PEARL McGOVERN: Why doesn't someone answer that phone. (Buzzer sounds) Oh the heck with it rest period is over anyway. Machine Shop by John Walsh Vacations this year included John Merritt, New Hampshire; Fred Baker at Lake St. Catherine, Vermont; Stanley Cleveland in Canada; John Garner at Cape Cod; Edgar Remillard spent his attending his son's wedding in Texas; Louis Moracco, in Maine and Vermont; Santo Simonelli in Vermont, New York and Maine; Frank Pushee, New Hampshire; Faustino Balardini in NewYork; William Brown in Maine; Walter Baumert in Pennsylvania; John Gifford in New Hampshire; Ray Bass at the Cape and New York; Edmond Hinkell in Vermont and also at the Cape; Ernest Johnson in Vermont; and yours truly in Connecticut and Maine. Check Inspection by Betty Jangrow Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Grande who are the proud grandparents of a granddaughter. Lyn Marie, born August 24th. The lucky parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Golonka. . . The check inspectors took advantage of the long Labor Day weekend. Jim Lewis and Gerry Coutu motored to the big city of New York. . .Lil and Pete Grande enjoyed a trip to Hartwick and a stay at a cottage on Caspian Lake. . . Rita Fountain spent part of her vacation at Lake George. She also attended the 1958 pilgrimage with the Rosary Society of the St. Francis Church to the shrine of Our Lady of LaSallette at Enfield, N. H.. . Andy Konopka spent the weekend at Lake Champlain but the windy weather gave him a rough time and no fish or fish stories. . Your reporter recently visited her son and family in Burlington. While there, visited the airport where some of the government's aircraft were holding maneuvers. Sure was interesting to watch the jets take off and land. had some sun tanning at Hampton Beach . . . Eleanor Pelletier did a lot of sewing, getting her daughters ready for school; also went to Lake George . . . Rita McClintock and Gert Volpi spent theirs at Lake George also. . . Charlie Carsno spent some of his vacation at the races in Saratoga (he didn't do so well). . . Priscilla Greenlaw. Bernie Fern and Benny Parrino spent theirs at home. . . Bill Mendell spent one week at New Jersey, the second week he did a lot of work at home. . . Millie Rivers spent hers at Lake Ashmere, Hinsdale. Mass.. . .We extend a sincere welcome back to Wralter Osborne who was out on a long sick leave. . .Our check inspector Stella Zieminski must be a proud mother indeed. Both her son Bob and daughter Barbara were very high in their studies. Bob was tops from boys in math and science. Also excelled both in football and basketball. Barbara's average was third highest in her grade (8th grade at the St. Stanislaus Kostka School in Adams). Bob entered University of Massachusetts at the beginning of September and will most likely follow in his uncle's (Bucky Adamczyk) footsteps who is a senior at the college and has an enviable record in basketball. Barbara entered "Our Lady of the Angels" Academy at Enfield, Conn, conducted by the Felician Sisters. We wish both of them continued success in their studies. . .It is altogether fitting and proper to extend our heartiest congratulations and sincere best wishes for a happy wedded life to Angie Lampiasi and John Bradley who are embarking on the sea of matrimony, Saturday, September 27th at St. Anthony's Church. Both were feted at a greenback stag and shower Saturday, August 30th at the Lafayette Club. Also Angie and Johnny were presented a purse of money from their co-workers Friday afternoon, August 29th. Production Engineering by Helen Tatro and Eileen Brown This month your reporter, Helen Tatro, is back with you again after a month's leave of absence. We must give credit to Eileen Brown for doing such a wonderful job in the last issue . . .Finishing out the vacations for Incoming Inspection this summer, in the Dry Department by Bill Fortini we found Gordie Kent on a twoBelated wishing congratulations week vacation, spending most of it and our apologies for not extending just cruising around in his convertible; them last month to Mr. and Mrs. Bob McPherson on a one-week vacaPreston Smith and Mr. and Mrs. tion; and Pete Jeffers camping in the Charles Bourdon. Charlie and Olive upper part of Maine with his wife. celebrated their 11 th on September Life is sure great in the out doors, 2nd and Preston and Pat celebrated isn't it Pete? In the Brown Street their 4th on September 18th... Office we found Lou Daniels on a Frank Chilson is back to work after one-week vacation, and Pat Monte an enjoyable two weeks vacation santi on a week vacation getting ready spent fishing on Lake Champlain. . . to go to college. He will be attendMany thanks to Shirley Ponti for the ing St. Michaels in Vermont. We scrumptious birthday cake, the boys want to wish him the best of luck. in the department really enjoyed it. In the Marshall Street Office, we found Pete Mancuso on a two-week vacation in California and having a Western Electric Misc wonderful time; Bill Martin on a twoDry Test and Ship week vacation; and Rita Chenail, by Emily Wlodyka and Ella Genesi Vacation Notes — Ceil Magnani Vinnie Tomaselli, Lorraine Winslow, Joe O'Brien, and Ivis Lewis all on spent hers in Canada. . . Maggie Taft went to the races at Saratoga, N. Y. one-week vacations. We know they and Hinsdale, N. H.. . . Marie Paesler all enjoyed their vacations and are looking forward to the vacations they still have coming this year. . .There is a new sparkle in our Blueprint Department, Lorraine Winslow received a diamond from Joe Rock. They expect to be married in November, Congratulations. . . .Rosalie Randall has been transferred from Blueprint to our Marshall Street Office, and Betty Jones has been transferred from our office to Blueprint. We hope you girjs enjoy working here. . .The 14th of August and September are big days for Betty and Dick Brike. On August 14, they became the proud parents of a son, Paul Allen, and September 14, they celebrated their first wedding anniversary. Our congratulations go their way. . We wish to extend our best wishes to Lois Michaels who left us on August 15. She was married on August 150 to Joe Chenail and will live in Worcester where Joe will be attending college. Wre will all miss Lois. . .Our new mother-to-be for this month is Connie Tanguay, Congratulations!. . .Elaine Decker, who was married to Don Jagiello on September 6th, lias bought a mobile home. We hear it is beautiful. . .Our get well wishes go to Chuck Belouin who was in the hospital for an operation. We sincerely hope that this will be the last Chuck will have to see of the hospital... Peter Zabek, the father of your reporter, Helen Tatro, has returned from a one month visit in Poland. He was feted at a "Welcome Home" party by the Polish National Alliance of which he is the secretary. . .That's all for this month. Until next month, keep smiling. now that your daughter has a driver's nightly, you should have more time than ever to work on the patio!... Lidija Augstkalne spent a busy vacation the first week of September packing her son off to school. He's back again at the U of M starling his sophomore year and once more Lidija will settle down to baking and doing laundry. We all enjoy the surplus from the baking. . .George Bateman and his family spent the second week of his vacation at the Cape. We kepi our lingers crossed lor you, George, hoping thai the weather was better this time than it was lor your first week's vacation. . .Pam Christopher is up to her ears with plans lor her new home. I( sounds like a lovely home and we don'i blame you lor being anxious to move i n . . . Congratulations lo Arlcnc Judge on her promotion and admission lo the Management Club. . .Gaby Mancini is a busy girl these days writing letters. Who's the lucky soldier al Fort Dix Gaby?. . .Aldem Trottier prognosticated at the stari of the baseball season thai the Red Sox would finish in second place this year in the American League standings. 11 looks as if they have a good chance to do it and il would make many of us very happy. In a few days we will know whether or not you are a good prognosticator, Al. . John Winant is busier than ever these days. Right now he's serving in the capacity of chairman of the Williamstown Republican Committee. . . Mary Gardzina feels like a widow more and more each week. The past couple of months her husband, Danny has been very busy travelling with the Berkshire Employe and Comm. Rela. Marauders of which he is an avid by Anonymous member. The Marauders have travelThere's been quite a lapse of time ed extensively in the past two months since our department was last heard competing in competitions in various from and as we look around the office parts of New England. Well with the we find we have a lot to tell. First of cooler weather around the corner the all we would like to extend a hearty drum corps competitions will be limitwelcome to Nancy McClement of the ed, Mary, but cheer up the bowling Flight Department, Marion Manion season is now in full swing. . . Monica who has joined our Publication De- Nowak journeyed to New York over partment andEdHarkinournew pilot. Labor Day week-end to attend the Congratulations and good luck. . . wedding and reception of her niece. Also we bid adieu to Nora Jaeschke We hear that new Desoto made the who left us in July, Page Clagett in trip in record time!...The Supper August and Pam Christopher who Club enjoyed another very fine will be leaving us soon to make her dinner last month. This time the home in New Jersey. Her husband, place was the Manor on the Mohawk Art Christopher, has been trans- Trail. As usual, it was a very nice ferred to the Camden, N. J. office and turn out and needless to say a goodthey will be making New Jersey their time was had by all. So much so permanent home. . .We said earlier that tentative plans are already being that we have a lot to tell so here goes: made for the next Supper Club. we are very proud to have in our midst Thanks for the drink, Ken! a female pilot. You certainly don't find many of these. We are now referring to no other than Sandra Sales Isherwood who has taken flying as her by Barbara Belding and Marie Ziemlak We wish to welcome Patty Bohl hobby but it's a serious hobby because Sandra has her flying lessons back to our staff. Patty has been weekly and already has flown solo. living in Agawam since her marriage, It won't be long before she will be a last year. We're glad to have you full-fledged pilot and we're all look- back with us again. . . Around the ing forward to a "hop" with her. . . office, the big topics at hand are Courtney Flanders has been an eager "Returning to school", "Fashions", beaver these past few weeks. He's "Knitting", "Babies" and "Puppies", been working on a patio — one of and the ending of summer vacations. those "do-it-yourself" deals. We sure We find Ann Mahar, Mary Lou hope he will get his patio finished be- Shields and Maureen Messier all talkfore the snow falls so that we can at ing about returning to their various least enjoy one barbecue. Court, schools for another year. Ann will (Continued on Page 9, Column 4) September, 1958 SPRAGUE ELECTRIC LOG Page 9 • THE TRADING POST - Introducing . . . "MISS SEPTEMBER' FOR SALE FORD CONVERTIBLE, 1956, two-tone red and black, radio, heater, power steering, Fordamatic transmission, white side-walls. Exceptionally clean. For more information Tel. MO 4-9856 after 5:30 p.m. or Ma. 654. 1951 CHEVROLET, two door, in excellent running condition, $125. Tel. MO 3-9972. 1955 FORD V-8 Deluxe Ranch Wagon, 2 door, radio, heater, overdrive, nylon tires, undercoating, 36,000 miles. Tel. Pittsfield, Hillcrest 2-5183 or MO 3-3955. 1954 OLDSMOBILE, Super 88. 4 door, two-tone, excellent condition. Will sell reasonably. Tel. Ma. 491. TIRE, 16 inch, very good condition. Also 2 barrels of oil with faucet. Tel. Wmstn. 71M. KITCHEN SET, solid oak stained maple. Folding music stand. Three Venetian blinds 66%" by 60". Tel. MO 3-9300. WASHER, wringer-type Kenmore. Very good condition $35. Baby Casco teeter babe, $3.50. Also 8 bottle automatic electric baby bottle sterilizer, $3.75. Library table 60" long, $6. Tel. MO 3-6775. BED, head-board, mattress and spring, maple finish. Can be seen at 128 Cliff Street, North Adams. Tel. MO 3-7412. SEWING MACHINE, Morse, automatic electric. "New". Tel. MO 3-6706. JACKETS, size 18, boys, grey plaid Mighty Max furlined, and a red with black knitted collar and cuffs. Excellent condition. Tel. MO 3-5296. HOUSE, seven rooms with four bedrooms, large living room, foyer hall. Convenient to schools and center of city. Ideal for children. Reasonable. Tel. MO 2-2455. MOVIE PROJECTOR, Universal, in excellent condition. Tel. MO 2-2278 after 6:30 p.m. It's a bulls-eye for Janet Straczek of the Tantalum Department. In the days of Robin Hood and the HEATER, Florence, 9 inch burner, in good condition. Tel. MO 2-2278 after Sherwood Forest, we are sure there were no lovelier young misses, so confident with a bow and arrow, than Janet. 6:30 p.m. Among other recreational activities, she enjoys bowling, badminton, and golf. WASHING MACHINE, used Frigidaire Automatic. Tel. MO 3-7630. ANTIQUES and used furniture bought and sold. HO River Street. Tel. MO 3-9475. "9 2>o" Mated SINK, 66" Geneva, double bowl. Gas and oil range, reasonable offer. Tel. FOR AUGUST II) William Lauth 19 Beatrice Marsh 1 Mary Richardello MO 3-6775. 20 Beverly Williams 2, Sarah Blake & Robert Felix 2 Betty Jangrow 10 Marie Zelazik WASHER, Easy Spin Dryer. Reasonable. Tel. Adams 1571-W. 2, Priscilla Jones & John Gaspardi 11 Jennie Thompson 20 "Chummy" Roberts 3 Marion Marceau STENOTYPE, machine supplied with Lasalle Extension Course. Best offer 9, Phyllis Mac Jones & 3 Peggy Zepka 1 1 Gaby Mancini 20 Adeline Roy takes it. 1950 Buick Special 4-door, recently overhauled. Make an offer. 11 Lyle Blanchard 20 Liz Slattery Arthur Wylde 3 Irene Davis Tel. Robert Heideman, Ext. 242 or MO 3-3527. 21 Marge Roberts 9, Rita Poirot & Paul Dugal 4 Millie Curtis 12 Mary Boudreau 21 George Senecal 16, Judith King & Louis Scalise 4 Janice Harriman 13 Michael Stefanik WANTED 16, Madeline O'Neil & 5 Jennie Burdick 13 Catherine Scott 21 Arvilla Williams T.V., 2Mnch, blond floor model. (Second-hand). Must be in good con11 Esther Cyrulik 23 Joan Giroux 5 Doretta Blanchard Samuel Veazie dition. Tel. MO 2-2456 after 5 p.m. 11 Dorothy Lewis 16, Barbara Simon & 5 Helen Harrington 24 Alice Senecal BICYCLE, boys 16", 20'' wheels. Tel. Wmstn. I091-W. II Virginia Duda Leo Mastroianni 6 Yvonne Perras 24 William Mausert 11 Laura Roy 16, Concetta Angeli & Robert Duval 7 Leona Millard 26 Geraldine Shartrand RIDERS WANTED, from Cheshire or Adams to Marshall or Brown Street 7-4. Tel. Adams 236R-K. 16, Merle Andrews & Charles Gray 28 Frederick Whitham 7 Lloyd King 15 Frank Segala 1 7, Ella Naberezny & Raynard Getty 28 Helen Tatro 8 Cyrilla Vadnais 16 Alvena Gifford FOR RENT 23, Leonora Parrino & 30 Emma Vivori 17 Marcelline Miller 8 Pauline Perreault \Yl room apartment. Automatic hot water and combination storm windows. Peter D'Amico 18 Helen Baxter 8 Louis Morocco Two minute walk to Sprague's Marshall St. plant. Located at 171 Houghton 23, Marjorie Towslee & Street. Tel. MO 2-2279. MASS. IND. Ernest Roberts Continued from Page 2 30, Lois Michaels & Joseph Chenail July 31, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Haz- support public services; and it is FOR SEPTEMBER zard, Daughter manufacturing which makes possible THE TRADING POST Aug. 4, Mr. & Mrs.Joseph Stawarz, our high standard of living and cultI, Sylvia Richardello& Clyde Kipp 6, Elaine Decker & Donald [agiello Daughter ural development and underwrites LOG DESK Aug. 4, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bassi, (», Beverly Mondia & advances in the arts and sciences." Marshall Street Since Massachusetts normally comKenneth Rougeau Son Aug. 7, Mr. & Mrs. George Simon, prises about 50% of any New Eng27, Angelina Lampiasi & • For Rent • Wanted • For Sale Daughter land statistic, the implications for the John Bradley i j Los, Aug. 7. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Burdick. State are clear. • Riders Wanted C] Ride Wanted FOR OCTOBER Son Without industry, Massachusetts Aug. 9, Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. 4, Ada Blair & Byron Harrington would not be able to maintain the deMulcahy, Son sirable features of the State's cultural, I I, Esther Cyrulik & Aug. 11, Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. social, and economic life. And in this Edward Schmidt Lesure, Daughter light the importance of industry to the Aug. 14, Mr. & Mrs. Richard State is clear: Jobs for 700.000 people Brike, Son who create almost 39 per cent of the Aug. 25, Mr. & Mrs. Harold personal productive income in the LJaincf yylii 1/U<ii4 Weyers, Son state; plus basic support for other busiso ff . a Aug. 26, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew ness activity, for, as the Federal ReName Jane A. Kordana and Lampiasi. Son serve Bank puts it, " . . it is manuHome Phone. Home Address. Sept. 1, Mr. & Mrs. ErnestBlondin, facturing which enables most of the William Wesolowski [sabel Thompson and Bobby Lee Orr Son service industries to maintain their Dept. Ext Department. . . Sept. 1, Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Mestrength and growth. . ." Nancy Price and Carl Sweeney Glynn, Son Industry, in short, is the economic Lorraine Winslow and Joseph Rock Extra Copies can be obtained from your Department Reporter or by callSept. 2. Mr. & Mrs. Richard "well-spring", the prime mover in Beverly Hyndman and ing the LOG DESK, Marshall St. Ext. 383. Belford, Daughter Massachusetts, which provides the Richard Daniels Sept. 5, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. basic driving force to the State econBeverly Wood and James Robinson Gamache, Daughter. answer the questions, we turn to omy. Without industry. Massa- Departmental News Continued from page 8 Rita Trudeau who lias five children. chusetts would not be able to pay for its current high calibre contribution resume her studies as a Senior at Also among the baby talk, we send Drury, Mary Lou will start her long our congratulations to Kenny and to American life. I, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Jeffers, «)th 22. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zappone, And it would appear that it is in the awaited Freshman year at Regis Col- Rita Chesbro on the arrival of a son. 5, Mr. & Mrs . Ralph Gibeau, 20th 3rd interests of every private citizen of lege in Boston and Maureen will Rita formerly worked for Bill Carl Ion 6, Mr. & Mrs John Kenney, 7th 22, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stefanik, Massachusetts to do what he can to enter her Sophomore year at Our and she now lives in Hartford . . . With <>, Mr. & Mrs, Milton Sprague, 12th encourage the growth of the State's Lady of the Elms. With these girls the colder weather on its way, we find I 7th we send our very best wishes. . . Martha Harvey, Janet Clairmont, 7, Mr. & Mrs. George LaBonti, 21st vital manufacturing industries. ( 22, Mr. c K : Mrs. Antonio Bonneville, Summer vacations seem to be gone Marlyn Galley and Marie Ziemlak », Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brooks, 4th 26th 56 Employes for another year, but among the late picking up their knitting needles. . . 11, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Sorel, 16th 22, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Carsno, 35th vacationers we find Barbara Belding We've'heard so much about DachsI I, Mr. & Mrs . Bertram Peters, 34th Continued from page 1 12, Mr. * Mrs. Henry Anderson, llsi 23, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Unis, 38th successfully completing the advanced who spent a few days in Rochester hund puppies lately that everyone in 26, Mr. & Mrs. RichardBrayman, 5th course will have training necessary to and finally did get to see Niagara the office is becoming "Dog Minded". 1:5, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pike, 24th IT), Mr. & Mrs . T. J. Rondeau, 43rd 28, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Lussier, 8th qualify for high technicians ratings, Falls. Loyola Fitzpatrick it seems Dot Sherman and Marie Ziemlak 16, Mr. & Mrs . Robert Murray, 4th 28, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Cady, 14th as they become available. Such stu- took advantage of the last of our sunny have recently become the owners of 18, Mr. & Mrs George Shakar, 9th 29, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Paesler. 7th dents, with additional study and job warm days and spent her time swim- miniature Dachshunds. To top off the ><), Mr. & Mrs. Harry Battersby, 47th 29, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Goddard, training and experience could event- ming. . .Doris McPherson and Dolly subject of animals, John Campbell U, Mr. & Mrs.. [ohnBryee, 19th 29th ually qualify for engineering job Rancatti could chat together for hours about babies. If Dolly can't of the little critters. 22, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Gotzens. 20th 30, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Segala, 10th ratings within the Company. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Baby Talk . . ANNIVERSARIES FOR OCTOBER FOR OCTOBER SPRAGUE ELECTRIC LOG Page 10 Sports . • . Softball: The Sprague interplant Softball league is now completing one of its most successful seasons. The Management team won the first half schedule while Sandia took the second half. Both teams will meet in a best of two out of three play-off series. Competition has been very good and plenty of upsets have occurred. Rated as the biggest upset of the year was the game in which the Machine Shop defeated a strong Industrial Oils team in the second half by a 3-2 score. As your Log sports reporter, 1 would like to pick an all star team for the year. This is a difficult task, especially when so many players are involved and when competition is as by LOU ZITER keen as it has been. This all star team is picked by what each player has shown both offensively and on defense throughout the season and not by what their potentials are. Pos, Player Team 115 Harry Saunders Drafting 2IJ John Kelly Control Lab 3B Al Bergeron Management SS Neil Tanguay Control Lab OF Joe McGlynn Mach. Shop OF Harold Bilger Magnetics OF Jack Gumbleton Management C Fred Pinkall Ind. Oils 1' Management George Roy 1" Deane Brown Sandia P Guido Libardoni Ind. Oils Utility Outfielder—Ronnie Bush Control Lab Utility Infielder: Bob Mancini Sandia MANAGEMENT FIRST HALF CHAMPS — Back row—Kenny Russell, Charlie Wilson, Al Bergeron, Art Caron and Jim Zabek. Bottom row — Henry Fuppolo, John Ariazi, batboy Mark Ariazi, Andy Darling, Jack Gumbleton and Bernie Fitzpatrick. SANDIA SECOND HALF CHAMPS — back row — George Beckwith, DickVanasse, Jack Barry, Howard Davis, Art Van Steemburg. Bottom row: Norm Rougeau, Howard Donovan, Don Davis, Cal Walker, Deane Brown, Bob Mancini, Bernie Duval, Nello Zanett, and Bat Boy, Tommy Santtlli' Golf League Titlest — (L to R)—Norm Lambert, Walt Schroeder, Frank Gamari, Al Volpi and Roger Bastion. Form 3547 Requested Return Postage Guaranteed BULK RATE U. S. POSTAGE PAID North Adams,Mass. Permit No. 94 Second Half Standing: Won Lost Drafting 1 •Sandia 7 1 Ind. Oils 6 2 Control Lab 5 3 Machine Shop 5 3 Management 3 5 Magnetics 2 6 Maintenance 1 Western Electric 0 8 *Sandia won play-off. September, 1958 Pctg.875 .875 .750 .625 .625 .375 .250 .125 .000 Golf: The Sprague interplant golf league completed one of its best seasons and this sport is spreading rapidly throughout the plant with more and more entries each year. In the semi-final rounds for the league championship, Wingfoot defeated Rockledge 4-1 and Equinox shaded Taconic 3-2. The finals exhibited some nip and tuck golf matches. Wingfoot, captained by Roger Bastion, defeated Equinox 3-2 to take the finals and the Sprague title. The win came after the hard and deserving victory of Roger Bastion earned over Tank Wilson by defeating him on the 21 st hole in what proved to be one of the most exciting matches of the season. Final Standings: Team Rockledge Equinox Wingfoot Taconic Pine Valley Oakmont Pinehurst Indian Creek Won 321/2 Lost 231/2 32 28 24 28 271/2 28/2 27 26 29 30 25/2 25/2 30/2 30/2 SPRAGUE ELECTRIC EMPLOYES BOWLING LEAGUE APPLICATION FORM NAME DEPT STREET HOME ADDRESS CITY Night which would not be convenient for you to Bowl . . . J Girls Bowling League — Return to Gerry Macchia, Personnel, Marshall St. ] Men's Bowling League — Return to Jerry LaVigne, Small Order, Marshall Street. This form is provided as a service to the Employes Bowling, League compliments of the LOG. NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! ALL CREDIT U N I O N MEMBERS Section 17, of the Credit Union Statutes, requires verification of all members' accounts every three (3) years. Accordingly, the auditing firm of Henry R. Sykes and Associates has been engaged to make the verification survey. During the second week of October, they will be sending out confirmation forms of your accounts. The balances shown on these forms will be the same as those that appear on the quarterly statements at the close of business on September 30th. These confirmations of your accounts with the Credit Union will be mailed directly to your homes. Please remember that your co-operation in signing and returning the confirmations promptly is very important and will be greatly appreciated. A stamped, sell addressed envelope will be included for this purpose. The Auditing Committee Sprague Electric Credit Union QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR UNITED FUND ? ? ? cM-ele /lie *JUe A*iA.weM. 1. Why a United Community Fund? The United Community Fund is the community's own machinery for the support of agencies which are part and parcel of community life. The North Adams United Fund, formerly the Community Chest had its beginning in 1935 because of a growing feeling in the community that a federation of agencies for joint planning and financing had many advantages. Some of these advantages were and still are: a. Benefits to the Contributor: (1) Eliminates the annoyance of separate appeals. (2) Assures careful budgeting of the amount needed. (3) Assures wise spending of funds. b. Benefits to the Agencies: (1) Reduces cost of fund-raising. (2) Enables agency staff to give more time to service. c. Benefits to Solicitor: (1) Saves time and energy by concentrating on one Campaign. (2) Provides the opportunity for men and women from all walks of life to work together for the common good. d. Benefits to the Community: (1) Enables coordination of existing services. (2) Facilitates thinking and planning so that standards can be improved and a better understanding of agencies can be developed. (3) Eliminates duplication of services. 2. Why does the Fund always ask for more? For years the cost of agency operation has steadily increased, due almost entirely to rising prices and higher wages. Some agencies have had to expand as our community has grown and the demand for services has increased. We have added new agencies to our list in recent years which has allowed us to help more and more people. 3. Why do some agencies charge dues and service fees? Fees and dues cannot begin to foot the bill of maintaining the agencies. If the Scouts, "Y's", Visiting Nurses, etc., conducted their services entirely on a fee basis a lot of people wouldn't be able to use them and belong. Charging for services and dues does help relieve the giving public of trying to support the whole program. Membership dues in the Scouts and "Y's" would be more than many people could pay if there were no other source of income. In cases such as the Visiting Nurse Association fees are on a sliding scale, depending on ability to pay. This preserves the self respect of those willing and able to pay, but/still permits free service to those unable to pay. 4. How much of my gift to the United Fund actually goes to help people who need help? About ninety cents out of every dollar raised *>;IH-S i\n- services to people. And more than fifty cents of that is spent for services to children. The reason: by combining 16 separate appeals into one BIG campaign, the cost of raising the United Fund goal is low. It costs only ten cents out of every dollar raised to run the United Fund offices and its campaign. 5. Doesn't the United Fund spend too much money for dinner meetings? Money contributed is not spent for dinner meetings. Civic-minded, generous corporations and firms pay for all dinner and report meetings of UF volunteers, in addition to making their regular United Fund gifts. 6. What is our local United Fund Campaign goal this year? This year, with your help we hope to meet $101,379.42. 7. What local agencies will receive this money and how much? 1. North Adams Hospital — $8,000. 2. North Adams Community Nursing Service $7,000. 3. Boy Scouts — $4,800. 4. Girl Scouts — $4,200. 5. YMCA — $14,000. 6. Child and Family Center — $9,098. 7. Berkshire Psychiatric Clinic for Adults (Pittsfield) - $2,398. 8. The Salvation Army — $7,000. 9. Northern Berkshire Psychiatric Center for Children (North Adams) — $3,000. 10. Coolidge Hill School for Crippled Children (Pittsfield) — $500. 11. Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (Pittsfield) — $1,457. 8. What national agencies will receive this money and how much? 1. American Red Cross — $19,319. 2. Arthritis and Rheumatism — $1,000. 3. Cerebral Palsy — $3,025. 4. United Service Organization — $1,000. 5. Muscular Dystrophy — $600. 9. How is the goal of $101,379.42 arrived at? Our Budget Committee carefully examines and checks a budget submitted by each of the subscribing agencies. After this examination, a conference is held with the agency's officers and the committee is then ready to determine a fair figure for that agency. All the agencies are then totaled and the total figure becomes the year's goal. As a point of interest, at no time has the Fund been able to give the maximum request from an agency. 10. When does our Campaign start? The 1958 campaign will begin Monday, October 6, and will end Wednesday, October 22.