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Product Information
the safest method of injection automatic protection of the filling set between patients no crosscontamination real proven safety · Investigate Radiology – Vol. 47, Number 4 Transflux TM The Standard in Contrast Administration When Safety is important to you... Transflux™ multi-use contrast administration system The combination of Transflux™ & Transset™ allows the administration of contrast media via a power injector without changing the syringes on a “per-patient-basis”. When used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, this procedure eliminates the risk of cross contamination. (“Study on Microbial Safety of an Infusion Set for Contrast-Enhanced Imaging” / Investigative Radiology ; Edition 2012) The disconnect feature provides permanent control over the position of the needle in the vein, allows checking the blood reflux and offers permanent access to the vein. By consequence, it helps to avoid extravasations, subcutaneous injections (necrosis). It offers the possibility to add drugs at any time or in case of emergency. The system is extremely cost effective, reducing waste,saving time and consequently increasing patient flow. The “Transflux™-contrast administration system” consists of two components: The Transset™ The filling and injecting device that stays permanently connected to the synringes and is changed once a day. The Transflux™ The “Patient Line” with check valves and safety zones that is replaced on a per-patient-basis. Both devices are worldwide patented and trademarked. in certain jurisdictions based upon PCT/ EP2006/062554, PCT/EP2009/066383 and PCT / EP2011/062179 References PR-20 199 Transflux™ CT 20 cm PR-20 202 Transflux™ CT 120 cm PR-HP-150 Transflux™ Cardiac HP 150 cm PUR PR-21 379 Transflux™ CT 45 cm PR-21 410 Transflux™ CT 150 cm PR-HP-22501 Transflux™ HP Filling & Injecting set PR-21 450 Transflux™ CT 45 cm typ GHB PR-20 203 Transflux™ CT 250 cm PR-25 210 Transflux™ Perfusion PR-20 201 Transflux™ CT 60 cm PR-20 206 Transflux™ CT 150 cm for MRI PR-20 197 Transset™ Mono Filling & Injecting Set PR-21 393 Transflux™ CT 100 cm PR-20 195 Transflux™ CT with Injectionport PR-20 198 Transset™ Duo Filling & Injecting Set PR-21 414 Transflux™ CT 100 cm typ GHB PR-HP-20 Transflux™ Cardiac HP 20 cm PUR Transflux™ injecting system · Contamination proof Investigative Radiology, April 2012 Issue ‘Study of the Microbial Safety of an Infusion Set for Contrast-Enhanced Imaging’ · Two seperate valves · Two safety zones · By using the disconnect feature possibility to check position of the needle avoid extravasations & subcutaneous injections permanent access to the vein in case of emergency Transflux TM the standard in contrast administration ONCE A DAY 1 2 Insert Syringes Connect Transset to injector 3 Connect system to contrast medium and saline reservoirs + flush with saline Transset Filling & Injecting set + Ensure Contrast and Saline used are suitable for use in a multi-use system! ONCE PER PATIENT 1 2 Hold TransfluxTM upright and flush Insert needle into vein or via port-a-cath 3 Connect Transflux TM to needle PATIENT PATIENT push to flush 4 5 Check ‘Blood Reflux’ using disconnect feature DISCONNECT FEATURE Reconnect and check all connections 6 Connect TransfluxTM to Transset™ and injector PATIENT PATIENT System ready for injection! PATIENT * in certain jurisdictions based upon PCT / EP2006/062554, PCT / EP2009/066383 and PCT / EP2011/062179 AFTER INJECTION 3+4 PATIENT 1 1 close the clamp 2 disconnect valve 3 leave proximal part of the Transflux™ connected to the Transset™ as a safety cap. 4 remove this part before installing the new Transflux™ for a new patient 2 for more info please visit © All Rights Reserved P&R Medical 2015 P&R MEDICAL OFFICES · University Hasselt High Tech Science Park 1/13 · B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium · tel: +32(0)11 23 46 81 · fax: +32(0)11 23 46 82 DISTRIBUTED BY PO Box 17 456 Greenlane Auckland 1564 New Zealand prmedical WWW.TRANSFLUX.BE prmed_transflux