Today`s A/C


Today`s A/C
26 / Number 9
April 2015
Daikin Breaks Ground On New
HVAC Industrial Campus
Near Houston, Texas
Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee
North Carolina, South Carolina
PBACCA Air Show 2015 - South Florida
Fairgrounds-West Palm Beach (see pages 12-13)
Goodman Distribution Hosts Florida
Open Houses In March (see pages B14-B15)
2015 HVAC Excellence Educators and
Trainers Conference (see page 17)
2015 FRACCA Education Conference
Embassy Suites in Orlando (see pages B6-B7)
Blacks Supply 25th Annual Bass Tournament
East Lake Fish Camp (see pages B10-B11)
25, 2015) – Daikin Industries, Ltd., the world’s
largest manufacturer of
heating, cooling and refrigerant products, recently held their groundbreaking ceremony at the
future location of their
Jeff Schlichenmeyer
new, consolidated HVAC
equipment engineering,
manufacturing and logistics campus in Waller, TX,
northwest of Houston. Over the next several years,
Daikin will be building a state-of-the-art campus that
consolidates much of the
current footprint from
Daikin, Goodman® and
Amana® brand operations in Texas and Tennessee, while adding expansion capacity to accommodate projected growth.
Members of the Daikin team from the home
office in Japan were in
attendance in support of
their largest major investment in HVAC manufacturing operations in North America, totaling approximately $417M. Employment figures at the facility are
expected to reach up to 4,000. Several senior staff
from Houston represented the Daikin, Goodman and
Amana brands, and several city council members attended from surrounding communities.
“The new business campus will provide many
outstanding benefits to our customers,” stated Mr.
Takeshi Ebisu, President and CEO of Daikin North
America. “The operational efficiencies we achieve
will be reflected in the superb quality of our high-efficiency, energy-saving heating and cooling systems.
As the leading global HVAC manufacturer, we are excited about the outstanding value that this move will
bring to our current and future customers. We see this
new business campus as a strong, long-term commitment to our customers in North America.”
Operations that will be relocated to the new business campus include engineering, logistics, procurement, manufacturing and marketing. This consolidation directly reflects Daikin’s global commitment to
local, in-country manufacturing.
The new campus is
projected to be operational mid-2016. When complete, it is where Daikin
will manufacture the full
range of energy-efficient
ducted residential and
light commercial products, as well as commercial VRV products currently imported from other inter-company business
units located outside North America. Ducted systems
are typical of conventional North American construction, with VRV and ductless systems being more
prevalent elsewhere in the world. However, VRV and
ductless systems have gained rapid acceptance in the
North American marketplace and represent one of the
fastest growing HVAC market segments.
EPA Addresses Proposed
Changes to Refrigerant
Management Programs
Section 608 of the Federal Clean Air Act requires persons who work with or purchase regulated
refrigerants to be certified. However, the refrigerants
covered by the certification may soon change.
The United States Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) has been working diligently for some
time to review their refrigerant management programs: Section 608, Section 609, and their Significant
New Alternatives Program (SNAP). Last fall the EPA
held their first town meeting where many of the industry stakeholders met to discuss how to transform
the current regulations to be more reflective of the realities of the current marketplace.
The task of training the current and future
HVACR workforce about refrigerants and providing
the certification falls upon the educators and trainers
in the HVACR industry. To make certain that these
instructors have the facts on the plan to revise these
refrigerant management programs, how to provide the
EPA feedback and the timeline for implementation,
ESCO Group arranged attendees of their HVACR
Educators and Trainers Conference to hear directly
from the source, the EPA.
David Donaldson, Branch Chief for EPA Stratospheric Program Implementation took time from his
busy schedule to explain to the attendees the EPA
Action Plan to revise their refrigerant management
go to page 4
PO BOX 451821
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33345
APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015
The Top Ten Foolish
Financial Mistakes
Ruth King’s
Contractors Cents
Yes, April Fool’s Day is coming soon. In honor
of this foolish and fun day, I’ve determined the top
10, in my opinion, financial mistakes. I’ll be counting them down from 10 to 1 over the next couple
#10 - Hiring a bookkeeper and abdicating your
financial responsibility
Many times once your bookkeeper is hired you
“breathe a sigh of relief.” You don’t have to do your
books anymore and you put the entire responsibility
of the financial part of your business on your bookkeeper. You still have the responsibility for the financial part of your business. It’s your name on the
door, it’s your livelihood. It’s your responsibility for
the survival of your business. The financial part of
your business is critical to your survival. Yes, you
can delegate the payroll, entering of invoices and
payments, and other accounting functions. However, you must still review financial statements at
the end of each month and keep a daily eye on your
#9 - NOT sending your bank statements home.
Sending your bank statements home is the first
line of defense in keeping the honest people honest. When you receive your statements at home, you
are the first person to open the bank statement envelope. You see the microfiche pictures of all the
checks and your bank account activity. Look that
you have signed all the checks. Look for checks
to ABC Inc. and ABC Company and other similar
looking names. Also look at the amounts on the
checks. One of my clients found a check that was
written and signed for $45 that was cashed for $450!
You will also get notifications of late loan payments, checks that bounced, etc. so you can keep on
top of your cash and cash activities.
#8 - Trusting your bookkeeper implicitly.
“The job of a good embezzler is to become the
trusted bookkeeper.”
These words should send chills up your spine.
Over the years I’ve had clients tell me that they trust
their bookkeepers with their life. Not a good idea.
Trust, but verify. Great words of wisdom from Ronald Reagan. Apply them to your bookkeeper.
Always watch your bookkeeper’s activities. You
must review, verify, and keep an eye on what is going on with your business. Ask questions. Review
financial statements and ask for backup when something doesn’t look right.
#7 - Relying on cash to know how your business
is doing.
Having cash in the bank does not mean that
you are profitable. You can have cash in the bank
and your business shows a loss on its profit and
loss statement. Likewise, your business can be very
profitable and your company runs out of cash.
While cash is critical to pay your bills, what’s
even more critical is collecting your cash for profitable sales which turns into positive cash flow, which
turns into cash.
It is critical to report your monthly financial
statements on an accrual basis rather than a cash
basis (accrual means recording sales and expenses
when they occur, not when you get the money for
those sales or write the checks for those expenses.
Cash means recording sales and expenses only when
you get the cash for the sales and write the check for
the expenses. There are no accounts receivable, accounts payable or inventory in cash accounting.)
#6 - NOT taking corrective action when necessary.
Over the years I’ve seen contractors get their
financial statements, know they are not profitable,
and keep watching the company lose money month
Industry expert Ruth King has
helped contractors get and stay
profitable for more than 25 years.
Reach her at
after month. That’s insane! If you know that your
company isn’t profitable, do something about it.
Figure out whether it is a combination of too much
inventory, not enough productivity, prices too low,
poor closing ratios, too many callbacks, or something else.
Take a deep breath, fire the people who need to
be fired (you know who they are). Make the changes
(or get help if you need it). If you don’t you will go
out of business.
#5 - NOT analyzing your financial statements
each month.
When you receive your financial statements,
close your door, turn off your phones and your
email, and invest 20 to 30 minutes to analyze them.
You can spot problems within two minutes (balance
sheet that doesn’t balance, negative cash, inventory
the same amount every month (or no inventory),
negative payroll tax liabilities or negative loan balances, etc.
Next month, the last foolish financial activities.
Download our Free Mobile App
Ever have to wait for a meeting or for someone
“stuck in traffic?” Use the time productively. Download our Free mobile app at the Apple or Google
store. Use your wait time productively. Mobile app
name: Profitability Revolution Para
Calculate the 10 critical ratios, and plot your results. The ratios are current ratio, acid test, AR/AP,
Debt/Equity, Long term debt to equity, Productivity, Receivable turns and days, Inventory turns and
days. I’ve written about the ratios in past Contractor Cents. They are also explained in my #1 best
selling book, The Courage to be Profitable available
on Amazon or Kindle or email me ( .
APRIL 2015
SFACA March Program Meeting
New Code Requirements for Outside Air
March 4th, 2015
The SFACA February Program Meeting was
held at the Sheraton Suites in Plantation on March
4th at 6pm. The meeting was a joint ASHRAE meeting (Miami & Gold Coast chapters) on New Code
Requirements for Outside Air. A panel of engineers,
contractors, and manufacturers discussed the current
versus new code requirements for outside air in the
installation and design of both residential and commercial HVAC equipment. There was a lot of interaction and concern on this topic.
The SFACA April Program Meeting will be
held on April 1st at the Sheraton Suites in Plantation
at 5:45pm. This months topic is: Finding & Training New Employees. SFACA members will have a
unique opportunity to participate in a One-Hour Career Fair and conduct brief one-on-one interviews
with new graduates and others interested in a career
in the HVAC profession. Various schools, local employment and veteran organizations will discuss Recruitment, Training, and Ways They Can Assist with
Employment Opportunities in the Trade.
Cheryl Harris of SFACA (right) was busy
registering the members for the March meeting
Mario John Bermudez with Advancoat, Sam Block
of Custom Air, and Bob Volin of ABS
Tim Flaherty of Aloha Air, Jacques Leotaud
of Air Systems, Scott Behanna of Gemaire,
and Alfred Alvarez of Central Air Control
David Steel and Bob Mondore of Broan- NuTone
gave a presentation on product solutions for
the new ventilation requirements
John Brescia, Jim Raiano, Slobodan Mijovski,
and Andrew Laycock of Cousins Air
Rafael Palacios and Oscar Calleja were speakers
on the new code requirements for outside air
Ramon Delgado of Johnstone Supply
with Neil Singh of Ultra Cool AC
Bob Mondore of Broan- NuTone speaks with
Jaime Bernat of Saez Distributors (right)
Albert Shub of ASHRAE speaks to the
members about mechanical changes to the code
EPA Proposed Refrigerant Changes (from cover)
Donaldson further explained what most in the
Mr. Donaldson began by discussing the need
to transition from Hydroflourocarbons “HFCs”. He audience wanted to hear, that the EPA plans on restated that HFCs a greenhouse gas if left unchecked ducing emissions of high GWP refrigerants by exwill rise to nearly 20% of carbon dioxide emissions panding the Section 608 program to cover HFCs.
This would require technicians to be certified to purby the year 2050.
To address this issue, the EPA plans to take action chase HFC refrigerants as well as service, install or
dispose of most appliance containing HFCs.
on HFCs by:
Mr. Donaldson stated
• Using the SNAP prohe anticipates a proposed
gram to approve clirule to be published later
mate friendly chemithis year allowing time for
cals and prohibit some
public feedback through
uses of most harmful
2016 and an updated test
chemical alternatives.
bank following the final
• Having Federal agenrule.
cies work to purchase
Upon conclusion of his
cleaner alternatives to
presentation, Mr. DonaldHFCs where feasible.
son took the time to answer
• Lead negotiations to
questions from conference
phase down HFCs unattendees who wanted to
der the Montreal Proshare their concerns with
the EPA Certification pro• Promote
gram, re-claiming issues
friendly alternatives
and how working together
to high Global Warmwe can move the industry
ing Potential “GWP”
David Donaldson
HFCs to reduce HFC
Mr. Donaldson’s PowerPoint presentation, other
As a result of the Action Plan, the EPA issued a conference presentations and photos are available for
new acceptability notice adding more alternatives (79 viewing online.
As ESCO Group participates in further meetings
FR 62893) on October 21, 2014, issued new rules adding five flammable refrigerants with use conditions with the EPA and other stakeholders, further inforthat adopt safety standards in February of 2015, and mation will be shared and made available at www.
proposed a status change rule to limit the use of HFCs
(79 FR 46126) on August 6, 2014.
Cool Calc Manual J
Recognized By ACCA As
Powered By Manual J
ACCA, the nation’s largest organization of indoor
environment and energy services contracting businesses, has recognized Cool Calc Manual J® as “Powered by Manual J®.” This latest recognition joins six
others on the list of product offerings that have earned
this designation.
To become recognized, ACCA reviewed the software’s functionality, sensitivities, defaults, and capabilities to ensure that Cool Calc Manual J complies
with the procedures and requirements of ANSI/ACCA
2 Manual J – 2011 (Residential Load Calculation).
Cool Calc is now able to use the “Powered By Manual
J” logo on their Manual J product. Manual J is a registered federal trademark of ACCA.
ACCA continues to remind contractors that only
software listed as approved by ACCA at http://www. is considered compliant with Manual J. Load calculation software and procedures that
are not listed on that website cannot be considered to
be properly observing Manual J’s procedures, methodologies, and defaults.
APRIL 2015
Taking Ductless to
a New Level.
With Daikin floor mounted ductless
systems you get a level of installation
flexibility that you expect from a
market leader. Daikin’s MXS line
of multi-split systems now includes
floor mounted models that offer
MXS Series systems achieve:
Up to 18.9 SEER | Up to 12.6 HSPF
outstanding performance metrics.
Enhancing levels of indoor comfort
is easy with ductless systems
offering energy efficiency ratings of up to 18.9 SEER, up to
12.6 HSPF, and up to 12.7 EER. Now you and your customers have
more options to enjoy comfort beyond traditional ducted systems.
For more information on Daikin’s single and multi-split heat pumps,
please visit, or
* Complete warranty details available from your
local dealer or at To
receive the 12-Year Parts Limited Warranty,
online registration must be completed within
60 days of installation. Online registration is
not required in California or Quebec.
connect with your local Daikin brand sales representative.
Our continuing commitment to quality products may mean a change in specifications without notice. © 2015
· Houston, Texas · USA
APRIL 2015
By Ken Bodwell
When was the
last time you looked
into a kaleidoscope?
Take a moment and
try it! Every time
you turn it, a change
occurs – there are
new shapes, colors
and designs. Now
think about what
you just experienced – life! By turning the kaleidoscope, you changed the look! I think every once in a
while, we need to look at our lives the same way we
look into a kaleidoscope. The only way to grow is
to experience change – we change by learning and
we can only learn if we are exposed. We all tread
the unknown because we get comfortable with our
lifestyles, our knowledge and our routines. We roll
out of bed, grab a quick cup of coffee and head for
the same old work routine. Maybe it’s time to turn
the kaleidoscope!
Where do you start? First thing is to evaluate
your long term personal objectives. Are you happy in your lifestyle? Are you happy with yourself?
Does your lifestyle compliment your long term objectives? If not, turn the kaleidoscope of life - maybe the new shape is in training or management or
sales…If you do not like that new shape turn the kaleidoscope again and maybe this time the new shape
is more appealing or maybe you need to revisit your
long term objectives. In recent years, there has been
a terrific amount of pressure put on young people
to go to college, yet today more college graduates
are unhappy with their future prospects. They are
having to look into the kaleidoscope of life. One of
my best friends graduated from Northeastern University as an Electrical Engineer. After fifteen years
of fulfilling the engineering mold, he looked into
the kaleidoscope. Today he is a successful residential building contractor – and on the way he tried
commercial general contracting but found his comfort, success and happiness was pounding a nail in
residential construction. Our world is changing all
around us – same old just doesn’t do it anymore!
Looking into the kaleidoscope of life is not limited to individuals. Did you know that the Indoor
Air Quality Association was founded by Nick Willocks – the same Nick Willocks that made Today’s
A/C a leading industry publication! Nick made a
change back then and this past month, IAQA announced another change. They are consolidating
with ASHRAE. Apparently the leadership of the
Indoor Air Quality Association looked into the kaleidoscope of life and saw a shape that fulfilled a
long term objective better than the existing path.
According to published articles the purpose is “to
create high-impact resources for building professionals around the globe”. OK, I can see where
IAQA professionals can influence building design
and the long term health of building occupants and
I can certainly see where ASHRAE professionals
have gained a great resources through the consolidation. Time will tell if this direction is best for the
industry and contractors!
Do you remember the year 2000? We contractors lived and worked in a different world back then.
At the time, the consolidators were busy buying up
small companies; the utilities were making major in-
roads into our businesses and our associations tried
to understand the needs of contractors and these
new challenges. It was a wild ride! As an industry,
we certainly had to look into the kaleidoscope to
look for a new shape. Things keep changing! Again
today, fifteen years later, the Air Conditioning Contractors of America is trying to determine how best
to serve the needs of the contractor. For the past
three years ACCA has been peering into the kaleidoscope to find a new shape. As a result, ACCA
recognized that today’s generation of contractors,
more than ever understand the importance of standards development and national advocacy; however
they also recognize that programs tailored to the
local and state level to foster a community of unified contractors within a focused market is better
than control at the national level. Local education
and code enforcement remain a high priority for every Florida contractor, but they want more choices.
Contractors want the ability to reach out to a national organization if they desire, but if they desire only
local support, they want that option too! As a result
ACCA – National has dropped the requirement that
ACCA local chapter members do not have to belong
to ACCA-National The choice is yours.
As a result of these changes at the national
level, ACCA FL must look into the kaleidoscope
to understand how we can improve our pledge to
provide a quality driven-educationally motivated
association that fulfills the needs of Florida contractors. We are open for suggestions. Please do not
hesitate to contact me at and
I’ll share your opinions with the ACCA FL Board of
Directors. Watch for more changes going forward!
ACCA - Helping You Succeed!
Floyd Shasteen Named
Daikin Applications
and Controls Specialist
for the Southeast
Floyd Shasteen has been named the Daikin Applications and Controls Specialist for the Southeast
area. Floyd has over 20 years in the HVAC industry
including wholesale distribution experience, retail
sales, owner/contractor, and now manufacturer support. Floyd is a graduate of UCF with a bachelors in
business administration. His current position, his
duties include training, product support, and design
Floyd resides in Central Florida and has been
married to a Florida Native for 20 years. They have
three girls ages 15, 13, and 11. Other than family
time, he likes to play volleyball on a weekly basis
and goes fish when opportunity presents itself.
Floyd can be reached by calling 407-701-2817 or
Floyd Shasteen of Daikin
OLDACH Is Now Open For
Business In Orlando
OLDACH is now
open for business in Orlando as a new HVACR
distributor. The address
is 3004 Silver Star Road,
Orlando, Fl 32808. The
phone is 407-270-9670.
The branch manager
Freddy Villalona, and his
staff, have many years of
experience to help you
Freddy Villalona
make the right product
selections. Store hours are
7am-5pm Monday-Friday and 8am-Noon on Saturday.
John Oldach, the original founder of our Company, began operations in Puerto Rico (circa 1955)
marketing Ventilation, Air Conditioning equipment
and industrial tools. OLDACH ASSOCIATES, INC.,
as it is today, was incorporated on June 27, 1980 as
a Manufacturers’ Representative and Distribution
Company. The Corporation was conceptualized
from the original John Oldach Company maintaining
the name, which throughout the years, has proven to
be a successful enterprise.
OLDACH’s philosophy is to supply and serve
their customers with products of quality. They are
committed to high standards of service, maintaining
close contact with our customers, responding to economical trends and changes in the business environment, cultivating more than a business relationship,
all which aid in the realization of our goals. OLDACH has plans to open more locations in the US over
the next few years.
OLDACH equipment lines include Armstrong
Air, Ducane, Allied Commercial, and Panasonic
Ductless Mini-Splits. OLDACH also stocks a complete line of refrigeration equipment and controls,
installation supplies, parts, and accessories.
On May 27th OLDACH will be celebrating their
new location by hosting a huge Grand Opening with
BBQ, music, prizes, and even a mucle car show.
Don’t Miss It! Stop by OLDACH to see Freddy and
his staff for all of your HVACR supply needs!
The warehouse and showroom are fully
stocked with the products you need
Jose Ramos, Eric Torres, Gabriel Rivera
are ready to serve you!
APRIL 2015
Contractor Comfort
Index 79 in March; Up
6 from 2014
AHRI Releases
Shipment Data for
January 2015 U.S.
Heating, Cooling
U.S. shipments of central air conditioners and
air-source heat pumps totaled 479,484 units in January 2015, up 29.4 percent from 370,582 units shipped
in January 2014. U.S. shipments of air conditioners
increased 34.1 percent, to 288,361 units, up from
215,062 units shipped in January 2014. U.S. shipments of air-source heat pumps increased 22.9 percent, to 191,123 units, up from 155,520 units shipped
in January 2014.
Choice Ad (0514TN) .indd 1
The March Contractor Comfort Index (CCI)
shows that contractors’ positive outlook on shortterm growth is continuing at the start of spring.
ACCA began measuring contractor attitudes toward short-term economic growth with the CCI in
February 2010.
For March 2015, the CCI is 79. The CCI also
shows that contractors are feeling better than they
were 12 months earlier when the CCI was 73.
The CCI is calculated based on a survey of
the association’s contractor members, who are
asked how positive they feel about new business
prospects, existing business activity, and expected
staffing decisions in the short-term future. Weighted and averaged into one number, a CCI of 50 or
above reflects anticipated growth.
The CCI is released prior to the start of each
month; the next index number will be released during the last week of April.
APRIL 2015
State of Florida
Governing Mold
ATLANTA – After objection from the Indoor
Air Quality Association (IAQA) and other groups,
the state of Florida has withdrawn proposed rules
related to the assessment and remediation of mold.
In February, IAQA shared its position about the
proposed rules via a letter sent to the Division of
Professions, Mold Related Services Licensing Program, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. IAQA was opposing proposed
changes related to Florida’s Minimum Standards
and Practices for Mold Assessors and Minimum
Standards and Practices for Mold Remediators.
The Florida mold licensing law, which went into
effect July 1, 2010, prohibits individuals and companies from performing mold assessment,
remediation or mitigation services without
carrying a license. The
current licensing law
prohibits anyone from
performing or offering
to perform any mold
remediation to a structure on which the mold
assessor’s or the mold
remediator’s company
provided an assessment within the last 12
months. IAQA felt that
several of the proposed
provisions were highly
impractical and there
were elements of the
proposed changes that
conflicted directly with
existing statutes.
Cole Stanton, chair
of IAQA’s Government
Affairs Committee, said
the state is withdrawing
the proposed changes as
well as the concept of
creating its own work
practice standards for
mold remediation.
“Based on these
developments and feedback from many, IAQA’s
Government Activities
Committee was able to
use advocacy to achieve
a positive outcome for
our IAQA members in
Florida,” Stanton said.
“Our committee succeeded in implementing
our new model to generate informative communication with our
members, liaise with
and bottom line, IAQA
was able to change the
direction of a state government initiative that
otherwise would have
had numerous negative
impacts on our members and the industry as
a whole.”
The opposition letter can be read in its entirety here http://www.
5/29/14 1:20 PM
APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015
FRACCA Education Conference Unveils
New High Tech Air Diagnostic Lab
Hands-on experience with the leading air diagnostic products and technologies
Conference attendees
we able to use and compare hand-held devices
such as hot wire anometers and flow hoods and
larger test equipment
such as blower door and
duct blower gear. Product experts were on site to demonstrate and explain
the features and functions of the equipment used and
compared in the diagnostic lab. Airflow and air pressure measurements on various fans and duct components could be collected using several different methods and types of diagnostic tools. Building and duct
leakage measurement techniques and test equipment
were used to demonstrate various uses; participants
were assisted in taking these measurements exactly
as done professionally in the field.
AIRodeo Overview
Ventilation Lab; Exhaust and make-up air flow
measurements are made using several different
methods and test instruments to document outside
air and exhaust flow rates.
Temperature and Moisture labs include mixed
air temperature and humidity measurement techniques and air balance strategies.
Ductwork Lab showcases all types of sheet metal, fiberglass and flexible duct are arranged so as to
challenge participants to measure, solve and document duct system performance.
Air Distribution Lab features all types of grills,
registers, diffusers and other types of inlets and outlets. Participants will take difficult readings such as
linear slot diffusers and hoods using digital and nondigital techniques.
Air Handler Lab; measurements are demon-
HFC-32 Refrigerant Receives EPA
Approval Via SNAP Program
10, 2015 - The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced the coming final approval of
HFC-32 (R-32) refrigerant for use in certain refrigeration and air conditioning applications. This final action addresses President Obama’s Climate Action Plan
that calls on EPA’s Significant New Alternative Policy
(SNAP) Program to identify and approve additional
climate-friendly chemicals as determined by the EPA.
“This acceptance of R-32 is a great achievement
for the Daikin organization. Not only did Daikin representatives submit the application to the EPA,” states
Takeshi Ebisu, President and CEO, “but this action
represents the EPA’s first SNAP approval of a lower
global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant for any
household comfort cooling HVAC application in the
United States.” Ebisu added: “A critical part of the
SNAP review and approval process is EPA’s consideration of whether an alternative is safe in its proposed
use. EPA’s SNAP approval is based on EPA’s conclu-
sion that R-32 can be safely managed in these applications.”
HFC-32 (R-32), a chlorine-free, single-component
refrigerant, will now become an EPA approved refrigerant for use in home air conditioning. It offers a
global warming potential of about one-third compared
to currently used R-410A refrigerant. When used in
approved refrigeration and air conditioning products,
up to 30% less refrigerant is needed for proper charge
levels compared to R-410A refrigerant, further reducing potential climate impact.
Successfully used across Asia, it is estimated that
HFC-32 (R-32) refrigerant is contained in approximately 8 million total units in Japan and in approximately 5 million units manufactured by Daikin Industries, Ltd. HFC-32 (R-32) will be approved for use in
equipment meeting the requirements of UL Standard
484 and the use conditions of the EPA SNAP approval.
Such equipment includes package terminal air conditioners, window room air conditioners and portable air
strated using several methods of measurements and
calculations; fan curves, duct traverse and flow grids
are used.
Combustion Analyzer Lab allows participants
to try out various digital analyzers, manometers and
combustion safety devices.
Duct Blower Lab offers participants an opportunity to perform an accurate duct leakage test using
Duct Blaster digital equipment.
Blower Door Lab delivers home performance
project essentials for evaluating envelope and building systems. Blower door is also used in conjunction
with testing duct leakage where located both inside
and outside of building envelope.
Equipment provided by: Testo, Honeywell, Tropic Supply, Inc., The Energy Conservatory, Fieldpiece,
Imperial, and Yellow Jacket. Special Thanks to Rick
Sims and all the employees of Johnsons AC!
Fresh-Aire UV Is
Expanding Their
Facilities Again
Growing demand for
Fresh-Aire UV products
worldwide has made it
necessary for us to expand our facilities yet
again. The new space
is diagonally across the
street from our existing
building in the Jupiter Commerce Park in Jupiter,
Florida. Ron Saunders (VP of Sales) is particularly
excited to “...our new facility has a conference room
big enough to accommodate large groups of visitors, especially those from overseas, who’ve traveled a long way to see our operations.” There are
offices for the sales staff and technical services personnel for when they’re not on the road. The new
facility also provides more space for marketing
operations. These include the production, outsourcing, and distribution of large quantities of product
literature, DVDs, and related promotional items.
APRIL 2015
PBACCA Air Show 2015
“The Largest Air Conditioning Trade Show in South Florida”
South Florida Fairgrounds Expo Center - West Palm Beach - March 3rd, 2015
The Palm Beach Air Conditioning Contractors Association Air Show 2015 was held on Tuesday March
3rd. The event took place at the South Florida Fairgrounds Expo Center, 9067 Southern Blvd in West
Palm Beach.
Air Show 2015 was a terrific success! More than
One hundred-thirty-two booths and over one thousand
decision-making contractors, technicians, property
managers and architects attended the Air Show. There
were many new vendors this year, featuring exciting
new products and services..Exhibitors come from all
around the country to participate in the PBACCA Air
Carrier Enterprises sponsored the Grand Prize
which was a GeoSpring Hybrid Heat Pump Water
Heater. Other vendors provided many other great
prizes that were given throughout the evening. Congratulations to Gil Ledoux of PED for winning the
“Best Booth” award. The success of Air Show 2015
was the result of many individuals who put in countless hours volunteering their time, energy and ideas.
Patrick Raney, instructor for the HVAC Program at
Royal Palm Beach High and his HVAC students assisted throughout the entire day.
Terry McGowen of Braeburn with Shane Studer and
Chris Erickson of Florida Cooling
Bing Berringer of Ron McLaughlin and Associates
with Dan Braning of PRO1 IAQ Thermostats
The Tropic Supply booth was
extremely busy during the Air Show!
Ron Saunders, Dale Harrison, Chris Willette,
and Drew Garland of Fresh-Aire UV
Joe Childress of Applied Building Systems,
Brad Henry of Water Furnace, and
Topper Popovich of Applied Building Systems
Brandon Schinabeck and Jason Beaty of Gemaire
with Wil Jimenez of hilmor
The Carrier Enterprises Team
was in full force
Tony Ruggerri, Jim Grady, Sean Grady,
James Earl, Scott Malone, George Rendon,
and Al Lendino of Baker Distributing
Samuel Amigo, Ken Pearson, Alvaro Gutierrez,
Mike Adcock, Gary Gustafson, Jim Holman,
and Hal Dunn of Johnstone Supply
Esidro Gonzales and Scott Kuschel,
of Miami Tech / Grille Tech
Gorman Rasmussen, Mark Nelles, Mark Ford,
Tarra Qualls, and Raj Bharat of
Economic Electric Motors
Craig Sanscrainte and Jeff Haines of
Lindstrom AC with James and Julie Brown of
JMB Industries - Pipe Prop
Chad Scee of PDS A/C
won the Rod & Reel prize from
Jeff Schlichenmeyer of Today’s A/C News
Mike Gabriel, Ty Powell, and Jeff Myers
of Preferred A/C, with Tom Gibbons
of CPS Products
Walker Joseph and Dr. Elliott Rodriquez
of Florida Career College with
John Figan of Testo
APRIL 2015
PBACCA Air Show 2015 - South Florida Fairgrounds, West Palm Beach - March 3rd, 2015
Gilberto Olascoaga, Camilo Puerta, Josh Neris,
Jack Brown, Ray Strong, Arturo Alba Jr,
Arturo Alba Sr, and Chris Brown of Arco Supply
Gemaire Distributors and Air Systems had
awesome coverage at the Air Show!
Dougie Marty, Scotty Gray, Roger Winter,
and Danny Marty of AirGuide Manufacturing
Javier Cepero, Jorge Saez Jr, Volphe Lafortune,
Sergio Martin, Jorge Saez, Jaime Bernat,
Dovali Mejia, and Samuel Cruz of Saez Distributors
Jon Bruining of Crane AC, Anjanette Soliman of
Trane Supply, Todd Renna of Crane AC,
and Mike Pienkowski of Trane Supply
Kevin Pomeroy of Daikin, Lisa Bailey of RGF,
and Wesley Hudgens of Daikin
Jackie and Alan Garber of A&A Supply, with
Lou Raroche, Bing Berringer, and Ron McLaughlin
of Ron McLaughlin & Associates
Dan Fisher of Luvata, Dale Vernatter - President of
PBACCA, and Tuila Rios of Luvata
Alexis Terzado of Danfoss presents Johnathon
Halpert of Halpert Air, winner of an expansion
valve kit, with David Trone with Danfoss
Joe Sposa Jr. of All County AC, Carl Sinclair
student, Joe Sposa Sr. of All County AC, and Dave
Schopp of Leone Green and Associates
Dan Moody, David Waugh, Grant Meyers, and
Brad Carson of Target Sales
Mike Winkel, Sean Wahl, and Lisa Bailey of RGF,
Glenn Popovics and Nick Popovics of
Unlimited Air, and Mat Charles of RGF
Fernando (Tito) Quintana, Dennis Hudgins, Sean
Brady, Kevin Pomeroy, Jamie Englert, Brenton Pirec,
and Gail Pepe of Goodman Distribution
Michael Cupp of Cain Sales (left) shows students of
Royal Palm High HVAC what is new from Fieldpiece
Ian Guttridge of Fantech, Frank Leone of Leone
Green and Associates, George Wallace of Sheridan
Tech, and Dave Sansone of Sansone AC
Bruce Haupt of McAllister & Assoc, Mark Hunt of
Supco, Kevin Beatty of McAllister & Assoc, Winfield
Clamens of AC&R Solutions, Keith Keller of Gemaire
Dale Vernatter of PBACCA (left) presents the GE heat
pump water heater Grand Prize from CE Florida
to winner Bruce Rhodes of So FL Air Solutions
Robert Hamilton and Carlos Martinez of
Hamilton & Associates
Venstar Debuts New ColorTouch
and Voyager Thermostats Plus
New Surveyor LCP500 Energy
Management System
March 11, 2015 — Venstar®, a leading thermostat and energy management systems (EMS)
supplier, will debut ColorTouch® thermostats now
with Wi-Fi® on board; a new line of value-priced
Voyager® programmable Wi-Fi thermostats; and
a brand new Surveyor® LCP500 energy management system.
“Venstar helps small-box retailers go green by
providing a wide variety of HVAC control solutions that help improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs, all
while keeping the business environment comfortable,” said Steve
Dushane, president and
CEO of Venstar Inc.
“The new ColorTouch
commercial thermostats
deliver top-of-the-line
programmable HVAC
control with a customizable touch screen. The
new Voyager thermostats deliver programmability and value pricing. For a more robust
solution, the new Surveyor LCP500 energy
management system delivers extensive energy control for thousands of locations.”
New ColorTouch Commercial Touch Screen
Thermostats With Wi-Fi on Board; Venstar’s new
ColorTouch programmable commercial thermostats (Models T8850 and T8900) come with Wi-Fi
on board, delivering integrated Wi-Fi in a sleek
design. Model T8900 also has humidity control.
Model T8800 comes without Wi-Fi connectivity for
environments in which Wi-Fi is not needed.
All three ColorTouch models have a multifunctional, simple-to-use, touch screen. The color
touch screen can be programmed to display company logos, advertisements or promotions as well
as a picture gallery of up to 100 files to be used as
a slideshow.
ColorTouch commercial thermostats comply
with California Title 24’s requirements, including
Equipment Fault Detection Diagnostics (FDD).
Another key feature includes Automated Demand
Response (ADR), enabling users to participate in
utility-generated load shedding events, as well as
the ability to support the handling of specific signals from the utility provider.
ColorTouch thermostats are compatible with
Venstar’s Skyport™ Cloud Services, which allow
commercial users to use Venstar’s free mobile app
on their Apple® iOS, Android™, and BlackBerry®
mobile devices or directly from the Web to instantly access and control multiple thermostats at numerous commercial locations.
Now available, ColorTouch commercial thermostats are compatible with virtually every type
of commercial heating and air conditioning system.
New Affordable Voyager Programmable, Wireless Commercial Thermostats; Venstar’s new line
of Voyager Wi-Fi thermostats puts the latest in fully
featured, connected indoor comfort control within
reach. Voyager programmable Wi-Fi thermostats
deliver wireless connectivity and the convenience
of rich features in three new models, each with its
own set of features and affordable price points.
There are three models of Voyager commercial
thermostats, all of which are Title 24 compliant and
include Automated Demand Response (ADR) and
Equipment Fault Detection Diagnostics (FDD) plus
Random Start functionality.
o Model T4700 is non-programmable and features 2-heat and 2-cool functionality with setpoint
o Model T4800 features “Simple as You Want”
operation with a choice of 7-day, 5+1+1 day or 1-day
programming with up to three occupied periods per
o Model T4900 includes all of the T4800 features plus the ability to control or monitor a second
temperature sensor, humidification/dehumidification, and Energy Watch functionality.
Voyager Wi-Fi thermostats are compatible with
Venstar’s Skyport Cloud
Services, which allow
commercial users to use
Venstar’s free mobile
app on their Apple iOS,
Android, and BlackBerry mobile devices or
directly from the Web
to instantly access and
control multiple thermostats at numerous commercial locations. Using
the Skyport Cloud Services mobile application
on their mobile devices,
users can access their
Voyager Wi-Fi thermostats to remotely control
their energy usage and reduce energy costs from
any location at any time.
Wireless modules include Wi-Fi, ZigBee and
Z-Wave, making Voyager the most flexible and affordable thermostat solution for automation and the
Internet of Things.
Now available, Venstar Voyager Wi-Fi commercial thermostats are compatible with gas, electric or heat pump HVAC systems, including multistage systems.
Surveyor LCP500 EMS With Daylight Harvesting Significantly Reduces Energy Costs; Venstar’s original Surveyor EMS has saved retail chain
customers millions in energy costs at more than
22,000 locations across the United States, Canada,
Puerto Rico and Mexico. Small-box retailers typically save 25 percent to 35 percent of their energy
costs, which translates to tens of millions of dollars in savings each year and dramatic reductions
in CO2 emissions.
Venstar now has released its new Surveyor
LCP500 EMS with daylight harvesting and networked sensors plus an intuitive new touch screen
that delivers an enhanced user-friendly experience
and the ability to achieve additional energy savings. Daylight harvesting is the use of outside light
to reduce interior lighting by the use of automatic
lighting control. Networked sensors identify the
levels of outside light coming in through the windows and adjust lights accordingly. Daylight harvesting delivers a significant decrease in the lighting needed, which greatly reduces energy costs.
Surveyor LCP500 EMS is Title 24 compliant and
includes Automated Demand Response (ADR) and
Equipment Fault Detection Diagnostics (FDD).
Surveyor LCP500 EMS empowers small-box
retailers and other multi-location businesses to remotely monitor, control and manage their HVAC,
lighting/electrical and mechanical systems in all
their stores, giving them unprecedented visibility
into their energy usage. Designed specifically for
small-box retail chains with hundreds to thousands
of locations, Surveyor LCP500 EMS provides powerful energy management tools for energy and facility managers responsible for managing multilocation companies.
For more information about Venstar’s ColorTouch and Voyager thermostats, please visit: http://
APRIL 2015
Announces Winners
of Its Green Living
Awards Children’s
Art Contest
Londonderry, NH – Following Bosch Thermotechnology’s February announcement of the winners
of its annual Green Living Awards contest (GLA),
which recognizes contractors/specifiers/builders
who install high efficiency Bosch heating and cooling products, the company has selected three winners of its accompanying Children’s Art Contest,
which is open to children ages 2-16.
The GLA Children’s Art Contest encourages
children to express creatively, whether through
drawing, painting, poetry or essay, respect for the
environment and what it means to live in a greener
world. Winners are selected for the most original creation based on their specific age group. A grand prize
winner is also selected.
Bosch Thermotechnology awards prizes in the
form of Visa gift cards and grand prize winner also
receives a certificate of achievement from Bosch.
The 2014 GLA Children’s Contest award winners are:
Grand Prize Winner, age group 12-16: Aniela
Edwards of Fort Lauderdale, FL for her painting
“Through my hands I will nurture and shape a greener earth.” (Sponsor-ing organization: The Levine/
Slaughter Boy’s & Girl’s Club, North Lauderdale,
Winner, Age Group 2-6: Yash Magar, Boca Raton, FL for his collage “Go Green.”
Winner, Age Group 7-11: Lars Fosstveit, Mountainville, NY for his drawing “Live Green, Laugh
Green, Love Green.”
“It’s always amazing to see how children respond creatively when asked to express how they see
the environment and their place in it,” commented
Richard Soper, President of Bosch Thermotechnology North America. “The entries we receive each
year demonstrate that children are keenly aware of
the environment around them and the importance of
a healthy environment to their future.”
For more information on the Bosch Green Living
Awards and the Children’s Art Contest, visit www. This year’s contests will open up again on April 24th, Earth Day.
Grand Prize Winner, age group 12-16: Aniela Edwards
of Fort Lauderdale, FL for her painting “Through
my hands I will nurture and shape a greener earth.”
(Sponsor-ing organization: The Levine/Slaughter
Boy’s & Girl’s Club, North Lauderdale, FL.)
Report Unlicensed
Hotline for Florida Callers
(M-F/ 8am - 5:30pm Eastern)
Or send an Email to:
APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015
Take Care When Replacing
Registers and Grilles
The visible portions of the HVAC system that
most homeowners notice are the grilles and registers.
Let’s face it; there are grilles and registers used by
HVAC professionals that are unsightly to many homeowners. This puts the average homeowner in a bit of
a situation as they go in search of grilles and registers
that are more visually appealing.
One common upgrade that is often made by homeowners is the replacement of their original registers
and grilles with aftermarket registers and grilles. Are
these grilles and registers the best option for your customers though? Is this an opportunity for you to serve
your customers better?
The majority of the time, very little thought is
given to the performance of registers and grilles. The
cheapest style that can be found is typically chosen
by new construction contractors, but is this the best
choice? After all, their only purpose is to cover the
rough openings from the duct system right?
There is a little more to the purpose of these devices that I’ll look at briefly here. If you’re experiencing comfort issues, you might want to take a hard look
at the type and style of supply registers that are being
used with your HVAC systems. (If you have a magnetic scoop on any of your supply registers, this is a
good, visual clue that issues exist.)
A well-placed supply register delivering 100 cfm
of airflow can easily condition 1,000 to 2,000 cubic
feet of room air. The principle behind this is that higher velocity supply air coming out of the register joins
with the air of the room and mixes these two bodies
of air together. This is referred to as air entrainment.
How well air entrainment is accomplished is determined by how well the register allows air from the
duct system to mix with the air in a room. As air from
the duct system leaves a register, it’s compressed and
forced through the vanes or louvers of the register.
This action causes an effect similar to placing your
thumb over the end of a water hose; it causes an increase in velocity.
When this action doesn’t occur properly, the air
in the room doesn’t get set into motion, as it needs
to. These issues often show up as large temperature
variations in a room; air that seems stagnant; or drafts
caused by excessive air movement.
Supply register “throw” and “spread” are two big
factors that determine how well a register will distribute air in a room. Throw is the distance from the register that the air will travel at a corresponding terminal velocity. This terminal velocity is typically 50 – 75
fpm. Spread is the maximum width the airstream will
travel at a corresponding terminal velocity. One factor
determining the amount of spread from a register, is
the angle of the vanes in the register.
Certain replacement registers and grilles can hinder these characteristics. Due to their construction and
design, they restrict the amount of free area available
for air to pass through. If these conditions are accounted for when sizing the register, the registers have a
greater likelihood of performing properly.
While return grilles might not influence air movement as much as supply registers, it’s still important to
consider them in a replacement scenario. Just as with
a supply register, free area must be accounted for to
ensure they are quiet when the HVAC system is running. We’ve all heard return grilles that are loud when
the fan is running. This is a clue that there is too much
air moving through that particular grille.
Many of the answers in predicting the performance of a register or grille can often be found in the
manufacturer’s engineering data. It is common for
the most popular register and grille manufacturer’s to
publish this data on their websites. It’s a good idea to
review this data and store it in a place you can easily
access it at a future time.
Be sure to understand the impacts of the registers and grilles you’re using. You might just be able to
solve some comfort problems by addressing this assumed aspect of system performance.
David Richardson serves the HVAC industry as
a Curriculum Developer and Trainer at the National
Comfort Institute. NCI specializes in training focused
on improving, measuring, and verifying HVAC and
Building Performance.
If you’re an HVAC contractor or technician interested in learning more about measuring airflow
contact David at or call him
at 800-633-7058. NCI’s website is full of free technical articles and
downloads to help you improve your professionalism
and strengthen your company.
PRODUCT 1-1019.05
, 2017
The Pipe Prop
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Pipe Prop
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APRIL 2015
2015 HVACR Educators & Trainers Conference
The Florida Hotel & Convention Center, Orlando FL
March 15-17, 2015
Over 500 dedicated individuals tasked with training the current and future HVACR workforce gathered for the HVAC Excellence 2015 HVACR Educators and Trainers Conference in Orlando, Florida.
David Boyd (Vice President of Appion Inc.) and
Steve Coscia (President of Coscia Communications)
opened the conference with some entertainment to
show learning can also be fun. Having set the stage for
the keynote, Dr. Michael Lanoutte helped attendees
evaluate their teaching styles so they could identify if
they are highly effective instructors.
Kip Bagley of EMCOR addressed unfilled jobs in
the HVACR industry. He began by stating the fact that
most HVACR educational programs have more job offers than students to fill the positions.
While the breakout sessions varied in topics to
meet the attendees individual needs, they had one element in common - they were all full. Grayson Fleming
of Carrier Corporation had instructors standing out
the door to learn about her 10 1/2 ways to make your
training classes more engaging.
Attendees were able to attend an exposition to
learn about the latest innovations in: equipment, tools,
test instruments, software, controls, refrigerants, recovery machines, curriculum, chemicals, tool kits,
industry certifications, educational trainers, job placement and much more.
David Boyd of Appion had a review of proper HVAC
and refrigerant evacuation procedures
Over 500 HVACR Educators and Trainers
gathered for the HVACR Excellence Conference
Kip Bagley addressed the unfilled jobs in the HVACR
industry. Most HVACR educational programs have
more job offers than students to fill the positions.
Chris Weaver of Dunwoody College,
winner of the Appion TEZ-8,
David Boyd, Svetlana Silina of Appion
Floyd Shasteen and Jeff Bledsoe of Daikin, Joe Kokinda
of Pro HVAC, Thomasena Philen of Daikin, Shaan Colyler
of Remington College, and Russ Wright of Daikin
Douglas Patterson of BBJ/Speedclean
with Robert Torres of Vista College
Scott Daneillo of Cooper Atkins, Steve Coscia,
and Patti Ellingson of Cooper Atkins
and Women In HVACR
Phil Patterson of Imperial with
Charlie Smoak of Angley College
Todd Huxford of South Central College,
James Hanway of Northland Career Center,
and Will Jimenez of Hilmor
Jason Juhnke of Mitchel Tech, Floyd Wilson
of R.E. Michel, and Alexis Terzado of Danfoss
James Bowman of Rectorseal, Bing Berringer of
Ron McLaughlin & Associates, and
Gerry Spanger of Rectorseal
Howard Weiss of Esco Group, Rob Rickman
and James Brackett of Mitsubishi Electric
Tim Begoske of Field Controls spoke
about the code requiring ventilation and
makeup air for residential applications
John Craig and Francisco Muniz of
Sheridan Technical College, and
John Kuefler of Atlantic Technical College
Dr. Timothy Muckey discussing ideas for recruiting
more technicians into the HVACR industry
APRIL 2015
Connect with Comfort
3H / 2C with
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* Phone not included.
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Download the BlueLink
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Downloadable App Allows for Control of
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Connect up to
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7500 Universal
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Complete Wireless
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Superior Wireless Range
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7 Day, 5-2 Day or
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Includes Supply Air
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(561) 732-3400
(386) 252-2979
Pompano Beach
(954) 984-4848
(352) 377-2455
N. Tampa
(813) 249-6062
West Palm Beach
(561) 616-9466
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(904) 824-9664
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(813) 740-0409
(321) 725-6407
Fort Pierce
(772) 465-2233
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(863) 965-8411
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(850) 522-8300
(407) 688-2191
(352) 527-0400
Ft. Myers
(239) 332-0166
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Port Richey
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(407) 656-0066
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APRIL 2015
2015 ACCA Conference
The Business Solutions Conference for
Indoor Environment Contractors
March 16-19 - Gaylord Texan Resort - Grapevine Texas
The ACCA 2015 and IE3 Expo was a big success! Contractors both large and small gathered to
see what’s new, make connections, and share ideas.
Every year, the ACCA Conference brings together
indoor environment and energy professionals for
four days of learning, buying and selling, networking, and fun...all designed to keep contractors growing and running successful operations.
Whether you are looking to increase your bot-
tom line, expand into new markets, or find new
ways to motivate your employees, ACCA 2015 was
focused on providing solutions to these topics and
much more!
In addition to the high-impact Learning Labs
and MainStage sessions, attendees were immersed
in an environment that is all about making the right
connections that will make it easier for them to steer
their business toward true success.
ACCA arranged for the best contractors in the
country to share their top secret techniques for
business success. The ACCA conference was jampacked with opportunities for you to master the
trends, meet dynamic people, and, yes, have one
heck of a good time.
Special thanks to Lance Lackey of Air Conditioning Today for taking photos and covering this
event for Today’s A/C & Refrigeration News.
Adam Green with Cal Air, Monika Moccio,
Amy Hull, and John Scott With Hilmor
Brian Dillon of Parker shows
the latest “Smart Service Tools”
Mike Walrath, Commercial Products Manager
for Fresh-Aire UV
Steve Millheiser of Lux Products
showing the new thermostats available
The HUB was your one stop shop
for all that ACCA has to offer
Scott Whitaker, Elias Reyes, Darrel Barnes,
and Greg Willis With Daikin
The Trane booth was inviting
and very busy throughout the conference
James Porterfield with The Pollex Group
displays products from RGF Environmental
Steve Hoffins and Elizabeth Haggerty
with Johnson Controls - York
Royal Palm Beach High School HVAC Academy
Completes Another Home for the
Habitat for Humanity Program
For the third
consecutive year,
the Royal Palm
Beach Community High School
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Academy have successfully installed the
air conditioning
system, including pipe and duct work, in a home for
the Habitat for Humanity program.
“I’ve done this for three years now, and every
time has been an incredible and rewarding experience,” said Shane Mohamed, a senior in the HVAC
Academy at RPBHS.
Mohamed and a dozen other students spent several weeks helping and installing the system under
the supervision of Patrick Raney, the head of the
HVAC Academy, and technicians from Apollo Air
Conditioning. Don Flori, the vice president of Apollo Air Conditioning, has worked with Raney for the
past three years on these Habitat Houses by providing technicians to help with the installation and to
help further instruct the students as they work.
“We are always grateful, appreciative and thankful for the help we get from the professional community with these projects,” said Raney. “Whether it
is Apollo Air, Lennox Air Conditioning, or ARCO
Supply; I cannot overstate how incredible their support has been.”
ARCO Supply and Director Arturo Alba Jr. provided all the materials necessary for installation,
from screws to PVC pipe to the ducts, while Lennox
and Ryan Yandell, territory manager for Lennox,
provided the air conditioning system.
The Habitat House that the students worked on
was built for the Tirado family. Carolyn Tirado is a
single mother with two sons. She works at the Treatment Center of the Palm Beaches as a Holistic Coordinator and is also a full time student at Palm Beach
State College, where she is working towards her As-
sociate’s Degree with aspirations of a Master’s Degree in Social Work. She and her two sons, Phillip
and Christopher, are excited to move into the home.
“I would like to provide a stable place for my
boys. A safe haven where they will know that no
matter what happens, this is their home,” said Tirado.
The frame
and dry wall of
the home was
assembled by the
Weitz Academy
Construction at Seminole Ridge High
being shipped
and reassembled
at the home’s
permanent location in Jupiter,
APRIL 2015
Tecumseh Introduces Higher
Efficiency, Expanded Capacity
Tecumseh Products
Company continues its
tradition of introducing
new products with higher
efficiency, expanded capacity and more green-refrigerant-optimized compressors.
No less than eight
new compressor platforms
are on display this year, with the all-new AK2, AJ2,
AW2 and TA2 compressor series leading the way.
The Tecumseh compressor offering now also includes
new VSC Scroll, TA series for light commercial refrigeration applications, an AG “stretch” version with
increased capacity, an Eclipse direct current (DC)
model and a new higher
efficiency AW2 series for
residential air conditioning.
revolutionized the commercial
refrigeration fractionalhorsepower landscape
with its AE2 series compressor introduction in 2011, featuring higher efficiency and capacity in a smaller package. It continues that
trend in 2015 with the introduction of new compressors ranging up to 10 HP, all featuring game-changing
improvements in energy efficiency, sound and capacity range.
With the North America introduction of the AK2,
AJ2 and TA2, Tecumseh brings to the market
smaller, more efficient
green-refrigerantoptimized compressors
as the successor to legacy
models that have served
customers worldwide for
many years. Far from being dressed-up versions
of previous models, the
AK2, AJ2 and TA2 are
all smaller, more efficient
and in most cases quieter.
All three are also optimized for green refrigerants such as R290 (propane), R600a (isobutene)
and R1234yf.
“We’re redesigning,
re-engineering and optimizing our entire compressor lineup to help
Tecumseh maintain its
commercial refrigeration
industry leadership,” said
Merritt. “Our engineering, operations and marketing staffs have been
working overtime in efforts to bring the most
efficient, most reliable
products to market at record speed.”
For more information
on Tecumseh products,
Founded in 1934, Tecumseh Products Company is a leading global
manufacturer of hermetic reciprocating, rotary
and scroll compressors
ranging in capacity from
1/15th to 6 horsepower,
as well as offering a complete line of condensing
units and systems for use
in residential and commercial refrigeration and
air conditioning applications. Tecumseh products
are manufactured on four
continents and sold globally through a network
of sales professionals,
authorized wholesalers
and licensed distributors
offering brand names
that include: Celseon®,
L’Unite Hermetique®,
Masterflux®, Silensys®,
and Wintsys®.
APRIL 2015
National Spring
Contractor Spif
From Fresh-Aire UV
FreshAire UV is pleased
to announce their Spring
Sales Promotion beginning
March 1 thru May 31, 2015.
APCO, BlueTube, Mini-UV,
FreshAire AHU, and Purity
are all included.
This SPIF is designed specifically for CONTRACTORS. Prizes are awarded to Individual Technicians or SalesPeople employed by Contractors. One
Prize per person.
$2,000 Grand Prize
$400 with 40 points
$200 with 20 points
$50 with 10 points
Old School, Meet New Cool.
The evolution of
productivity starts
with the Imperial®
iManifold™ Platform.
One Grand Prize ($2000 AMEX Card) will be awarded to the most points throughout the USA and Canada.
Good luck to everybody and call Fresh-Aire UV with
any questions you may have. Please contact Alice
North at (800)741-1195 or (561) 748-4864 if you’d like
to arrange a training in the next few weeks to kick off
the SPIF.
Johnstone Supply
Ft Lauderdale Group
Hosts Imperial
iManifold Workshop
Johnstone Supply hosted several Imperial
iManifold workshops between March 24-26. The
HVAC-R industries next generation of digital, diagnostic technology is here! Introducing the “iManifold” by Imperial.
The iManifold is the first digital manifold
without gauges or digital displays. The iManifold
connects to the service ports on the system like a
traditional 4 valve manifold. The iManifold then
connects wirelessly to your iOS or Android device
using the “iManifold App”, which monitors system
pressures and temperatures using a Bluetooth connection from up to 200 feet away! Take your gauges
with you to check out the air handler, or adjust the
TXV while monitoring your gauge readings from
the condenser. That’s just the beginning! The iManifold app has diagnostic capabilities as well, and allows you to store, email, or print out results that you
can share with your customer.
The workshop was a 60-90 minute class which
showed the features and benefits of the manifold and
instructed on how to navigate the iManifold app,
which can be used as a stand alone tool to diagnose
system problems with, or without the iManifold.
The simple and smart solution for
HVAC/R installation and service.
The iManifold app is available for free download
The Johnstone Supply Sunrise location was only one
of the many iManifold Workshops that were offered.
Brian Scahel of Imperial conducted the training
Imperial® is a registered trademark of Stride Tool Inc. ©2015 Stride Tool Inc.
All rights reserved - iManifold Patent Pending
iManifold_6x15poster_v2LO_20150330.indd 1
3/30/15 5:10 PM
APRIL 2015
Triple your money in 10 minutes!
Stopping air leaks will
Year-R duct maximize HVAC efficiency!
Sealing the envelope of the home
Green P usiness will allow the HVAC system to heat
or cool only the air in the home.
for you
Seven Sizes
HVAC systems in homes are designed for a closed envelope, making air balancing with supply and return air very
critical. Every time these systems are operating, they create a positive or negative pressure, thus forcing conditioned
air out or drawing outside air in the home. The Attic Tent is the perfect green product to seal the attic access door
stopping air infiltration. It comes fully assembled and ready to install in just 10 minutes.
Easy Sale! Just add installed price of the Attic Tent to the invoice/quote for your service and install Attic Tent for free!
Our suggested installed pricing was set from quotes from other contractors already installing the Attic Tent in their day
to day business. It works for them, it will work for you.
Check with your
local distributor,
Phone: 877-660-5640
or 704-892-5399
The Saez Broward Team - Pedro Alcantara,
Samuel Cruz, Lero Pinero, Gerson Padilla
Saez Distributors hosted a Customer Appreciation Day at their Broward location on March 6th
between 11am-1pm. Shorty’s BBQ served up a
delicious lunch for everyone which included Ribs,
Chicken, Corn on the Cob, Potato Salad, and assorted cookies.
Saez customers enjoyed taking a break from
their busy day and enjoy some BBQ. Glen Paetow
from Allied Air Enterprises was available to speak
with customers about the Ducane residential and
Allied commercial equipment that is available at
Saez Distributors.
The BBQ from Shorty’s was fabulous!
There was plenty to satisfy their appetites
Rogelio Rosario of ARCO Electronics
with Jaime Bernat of Saez Distributors
Alfredo Buitrago of Cool Air Tech with
Samuel Cruz of Saez Distributors
Jaime Bernat of Saez Distributors with
Max Anes and Roy Whitley of
Cedenos Comfort Cooling
De Abrue and Franco Licharedelo of
Cool Environments are served some BBQ
Jose Rivera of JR Air Conditioning
with Glenn Paetow of Allied Air Enterprises
Johnny Medrano and Stan Fowler of Just Air
with Volphe Lafortune of Saez Distributors
Jaime Bernat of Saez, Franco Licharedelo of Cool
Environments, Glenn Paetow of Allied, Samuel Cruz
of Saez, and De Abrue of Cool Environments
Everyone enjoyed the tasty BBQ Ribs,
Chicken, and Corn on the Cob ...Yum!
Maurcio Pinzon and Jaime Restrepo
of Air Concepts Air Conditioning
APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015
It’s easy to see why Forane® 427A refrigerant is the
clear choice for R-22 retrofits. Forane® 427A is a
better match to R-22 than other retrofits over a wide
range of applications, offering close capacity and
pressures to R-22, with no oil change required in
many installations. See the difference with Forane®
427A - The Easy Retrofit™.
See the benefits at
APRIL 2015
Emerson Climate
Technologies to Research
Food Service Industry
Challenges at The Helix
Innovation Center
Dayton, Ohio, March 23, 2015 - Emerson Climate Technologies, a business
segment of Emerson (NYSE: EMR), is building a fully operational commercial
kitchen to research and develop solutions to food service industry challenges, including connected kitchen concepts, new refrigerants and food safety.
The kitchen is one of five modules currently under construction at The Helix
innovation center, a nearly 40,000-square-foot facility on the University of Dayton
campus. Emerson’s $35 million total investment in The Helix will foster an ambitious, collaborative approach to conducting research to create new technologies
that address heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) industry challenges.
“We want to look holistically at the challenges facing busy commercial kitchens, so our new facility will be a working restaurant that can serve 150. We will
be able to simulate warm and cold climates, as well as looking at zoning, lighting,
humidity and food temperature scenarios. The facility will be built with the latest technology from food service equipment manufacturers and Emerson’s own
controls and food recycling systems,” said Allen Wicher, director of food service
marketing for Emerson Climate Technologies Refrigeration business.
The functioning 1,500 square foot commercial kitchen will help Emerson
and its collaborators tackle innovative solutions to current and future challenges
in food service operations. The company is kicking off the process by creating a
cross-functional team of its food service product experts to interview chefs and
staff at commercial kitchens across the country.
Aeroseal Makes Duct
Sealing Even More
Profitable With New
Wireless Duct
Sealing System
Scan the QR
code to see
the benefits
Forane is a registered trademark and
The Easy Retrofit is a trademark of Arkema.
GRAPEVINE, TX –March 16, 2015 – Aeroseal today unveiled HomeSeal PRO, the next generation residential duct sealing system, at the ACCA Conference
and IE3 Expo. Designed with wireless technology and
new remote management capabilities, HomeSeal PRO
can significantly increase the productivity and profitability of licensed residential aeroseal dealers.
“HomeSeal PRO can instantly cut the number of
man-hours required to aeroseal a home by 50% or more,” said Aeroseal’s Scott
Mueller, Director of Residential Sales. “Not only do the new remote management
tools significantly reduce the time required to complete a duct sealing project, but,
thanks to HomeSeal PRO’s new integrated wireless capabilities, a procedure that
used to require a minimum of two workers can now easily be accomplished with
just one.
Using the Aeroseal wireless system, a technician is no longer tethered to the
equipment to monitor and manage the process. Now a single worker can facilitate
the entire computercontrolled duct sealing process via a tablet from anywhere in
or around the house. All system monitoring and adjustments, including process
pause, can now be performed remotely, allowing the technician to do ongoing inspections, as needed.
Much of the on-the-job system setup time can also be eliminated with HomeSeal PRO. Using the system’s long-range wireless capabilities, all of the duct
sealing equipment can remain in the truck, pre-assembled and ready for HVAC
The added mobility provided by HomeSeal PRO not only reduces required
man-hours to set-up and manage the duct sealing process, but also frees up time to
allow the Aeroseal rep to better engage with the homeowner.
To further this effort, HomeSeal PRO’s portable tablet-based control system
comes preloaded with a complete library of Aeroseal sales and marketing material,
including videos and brochures. With this information at the technician’s fingertips, it is easier than ever to answer homeowner questions and show prospective
customers the benefits of effectively sealing their ductwork. The immediate access
to this information will ultimately result in closing more Aeroseal jobs.
“Less time and fewer workers per job, higher productivity and more opportunity to build customer loyalty – that’s about as good a recipe as you’ll find anywhere
for increasing profitability,” said Mueller.
“I found the wireless system freed up a lot of time I previously spent monitoring the duct sealing process, which allowed me to devote more attention to my
customer,” said Bryan Barnes, one of the early product testers. “Armed with easy
access to marketing materials, including videos, I was really able to engage with
the homeowner and secure another loyal customer.”
HomeSeal PRO is compatible with any portable Windows 8 device or Android
tablet. The software allows for continuous, instant updates and quicker, easier uploads of reporting data.
APRIL 2015
HARDI Distributors
Report 2.3 Percent
Revenue Increase in
Saez Distributors
of Kendall is Moving
Saez Distributors
of Kendall is moving
around the first week
of May to a larger facility to better serve
their customers. The
new address is 11550
SW 120th Street, Kendall, FL 33176. Armando Villar
is the branch manager at the Kendall store. Armando
can be reached at 305-971-6400.
Saez takes pride in providing South Miami with
the expert advice, parts, and equipment needed to get
the job done. Their warehouse is fully stocked and
ready for projects of any size.
Saez believes that the South Florida market is
the greatest opportunity for technicians to grow their
business, but you’ll need support that allows you to
gain recognition within your community. Saez wants
to be a part of your success!
COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 10, 2015– Heating,
Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) released its monthly TRENDS
report, showing average sales for HARDI distributor
members increased 2.3 percent in January 2015.
The annualized growth has been between 6 and
7 percent throughout 2014. It begins the New Year
struggling to maintain the lower edge of the range
with 5.9 percent growth for the past twelve months.
“The construction industry across the U.S. is in
a distinct deceleration trend,” said HARDI’s Senior
Economist Danielle Marceau. “This is likely weighing
on the pace of rise for company sales in early 2015.”
“January and February are the lowest volume
months of the year for HARDI members and last year
had one more billing day than this year,” said HARDI
Market Research and
Benchmarking analyst
Brian Loftus. “There was
also some unusual inventory growth in this report
that cannot be blamed on
regulatory factors,” said
The Days Sales Outstanding (DSO), a measure of how quickly customers pay their bills, began its normal seasonal
ascent. The DSO is now
49, comparable to last
year at this time and up
from 46 last month. Annual sales per employee
appears to have peaked
in several of the econom™
ic reporting regions.
HARDI members
do not receive financial
for X13 * Replacements
compensation in exchange for their monthly
Generics miss the target...
sales data and can discontinue their participaOther replacement motors have
tion without prior notice
a measurable negative effect on
or penalty. Participathe original system efficiencies.
tion is voluntary, and the
• Of the top OEM systems, the
depth of market coverage varies from region to
competitor’s motors miss the
region. An independent
airflow target up to 80%.
entity collects and com• After field adjustment generic
piles the data that can
include products not dimotors are still up to 20% off
rectly associated with the
OEM performance.
HVACR industry.
For more information on why
HARDI (Heating,
generic motors don't work, visit
Refrigeration Distributors International) is the
single voice of wholesale
distribution within the
HVACR industry.
HARDI members
market, distribute, and
RESCUE Select™
support heating, air-conmotors are +/- 3% of
ditioning, and refrigerathe original equipment
tion equipment, parts and
supplies. HARDI Distributor members serve
*All marks shown within this document
are properties of their respective owners.
installation and service/
replacement contractors
in residential and commercial markets, as well
as commercial/industrial
and institutional maintenance. HARDI proudly
8050 W. Florissant Avenue | St. Louis, MO 63136
represents more than
To place an order, contact us:
475 distributor members
Phone: 855-487-6686 | Fax: 800-899-2887
with nearly 4,100 branch
locations, and 500 suppliers, manufacturer representatives.
Don’t miss
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Rely on US
NMC1503_RESCUESelect_Generic_AD_8-375x11.indd 1
© 2015; All Rights Reserved. U.S. MOTORS ® is a
registered trademark of Nidec Motor Corporation.
Nidec Motor Corporation trademarks followed by
the ® symbol are registered with the U.S. Patent
and Trademark Office.
2/25/15 11:05 AM
APRIL 2015
Tropic Supply Hosts Fujitsu Electrical
Diagnostics and Teardown Training
Ft Lauderdale Airport Sheraton - March 3, 2015
Tropic Supply hosted several Fujitsu Electrical
Diagnostics and Teardown Training events around
the state of Florida in the month of March. This oneday training session provided contractors an in-depth
troubleshooting session for Halcyon Inverter systems.
The morning session provided thorough instruction
on basic electric and how to use a multi-meter, as well
as a complete teardown and rebuild of an indoor wall
mount unit. The afternoon session provided instruction on inverter technology and DC components. The
afternoon lab also included board-level diagnostics
and hands-on testing of outdoor unit circuit boards
with multi-meters. For more information on future
training events go to and click
on the events tab for dates and locations.
Gil Catano from Applied BTU, Rafael Ramirez of
Tropic Supply, and Jim Luker of Fujitsu
Jim Luker of Fujitsu was the instructor for the
electrical diagnostics and teardown training
Jim Luker of Fujitsu went over the full
training agenda with the contractors
Condensate pump installation was
one of the topics covered in the training
Contractors learned the six key steps
in maintaining ductless mini-split systems
Attendees did a complete teardown and
rebuild of an indoor wall mount unit
The afternoon lab also included board-level
diagnostics and hands-on testing of outdoor unit
circuit boards with multi-meters
A section of the training was devoted
to testing fan motors
Learning first hand on the actual
equipment is always better
HARDI Foundation Publishes
Findings, Insights In New Book
Ohio, March 24,
2015— The Heating,
Air-conditioning &
Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) Foundation
today the publication of its new book,
Myths & Misperceptions: How Markets Are Really
Made in HVACR, which documents the results of
its 2013 research study on demand creation.
“The research presented in the HARDI Foundation’s landmark study on demand creation is surprising and has profound implications for both distributors and manufacturers,” said HARDI Foundation Chairman Richard Cook.
“This book challenges businesses to rethink
how they approach the market,” said Mike Marks,
co-author. Marks is also managing partner of the
Indian River Consulting Group, which conducted
the research.
HARDI members were privy to the study’s initial findings at HARDI’s 2013 Annual Conference
and additional insights at the 2014 Annual Conference. Myths & Misperceptions comprises that information along with additional data and practical
recommendations that manufacturers and distributors can immediately put to use.
“By aligning their resources with real opportunities for growth, businesses may reap significant
long-term, sustainable rewards,” said Marks. “The
HVACR industry has a solid future. Our hope is
that this book will support efforts to continue making the channel stronger.”
“I would strongly encourage parties in the supply chain to read and discuss with their sales and
operations personnel how to allocate resources to
avoid a critical sales event,” said Cook.
More details and order information can be
found at When ordering from, HARDI members should use the
promotional code AMLNKLEU for a 50 percent
The HARDI Research and Education Foundation is a forward-focused body committed to the
consideration and implementation of educational
and research programs in the field of distribution
sciences and related disciplines within the HVACR
The HARDI Foundation was created in 2006
with the merger of ARWI Research and Education
Foundation and the NHRAW Wilder Educational
Foundation. (The ARWI and NHRAW associations
were consolidated into HARDI in 2003.)
APRIL 2015
What goes out, must come in
so says the building code
Makeup Air Fan
Inline Duct Heater 1, EM-WX
Filter Cassette, FGR
Silencer, LD
Shut-off Damper, ADC
Fast Clamps, FC
Intake Wall Hood, FML
Kitchen Makeup Air System
The Fantech Makeup Air System is the smartest and easiest solution for kitchen makeup air requirements.
The system can be tailored to your requirements and interlocked with your range hood to supply the same
volume of air as that exhausted from the range hood, to achieve “balanced ventilation”. Simply put, the
Fantech Makeup Air System can help a you comply with the building code for kitchen makeup air, allow the
kitchen exhaust system to be as effective as it is intended, and do so without the danger of causing backdrafting. That’s simply better™.
APRIL 2015
More than 100 people attended the 13th Annual
FRACCA Education Conference, Perfect Climate,
on March 27-28 in Kissimmee, FL, at the Embassy
Suites Lake Buena Vista South to learn, network,
and experience the FRACCA difference! FRACCA
showcased over 20 unique vendors while providing quality, HVAC-R specific education for industry
New this year is the AIRodeo Air Diagnostic
Lab, featuring a hands-on experience with leading
air diagnostic products and technologies. Partici-
pants use and compare hand-held devices including hot wire anometers and flow hoods and larger
test equipment such as blower door and duct blaster
The featured speaker this year was Joseph Lstiburek, Ph.D, P. Eng, ASHRAE Fellow and founding
principal of Building Science Corporation.
The Annual Awards Luncheon was sponsored
by Johnstone Suppy Ware Group. The 2014 Leadership Award was sponsored by Daikin.
The President’s Hospitality Reception was spon-
sored by Mitsubishi Electric. The Annual Membership Luncheon and Meeting was sponsored by Carrier Enterprises.
All 14 Continuing Education Credits required
for license renewal were offered at the conference.
The Concurrent Workshop Sessions included many
General Courses as well as Advanced Code, Business Practice, Rules and Laws, Workplace Safety
and Worker’s Comp. Many industry distinguished
speakers were present to train and inform the conference attendees on the numerous workshops offered.
Trenton Cotney speaks to conference attendees on
Contractor Regulation and Licensing
Ken Darin of Regal Beloit (center) instructs
how to identify an existing and or replacement
motor with or without a nameplate in Motor Mastery
Bill Coombs talks about Understanding OSHA
Regulations with an overview of the OSHA regulations
for construction implemented in 2014 and 2015.
Freddy Villalona of Oldach,
Fred Kobie of Kobie Kooling, and
Alexis Terzado of Danfoss
Michael Price of Daikin, Brian Hastings of
Four Seasons Air Conditioning, and
James Turner of Daikin
Tom Paull and Rick Roland of Certified Refrigerants
David Harmer of First Class AC
Sean Ince of Johnstone Supply Ware Group
with David Pena of Johnsons Air Conditioning
Jim Bertie of Bertie Heating and Air
with Michael Cupp of Cain Sales
John Figan of Testo with
Scott Wilson of Howard Services
Steve Sloan of Sporlan, Ray Long of Tropic Supply,
Aaron Alfaro of Sporlan, Vincent and Lisa
Santaniello of Santa Cool
Andy Ask and Rebecca Lidstrom
of Ultra-Aire
Eric Barnett, Mark Arcano, Clint Walker,
Charles Del Vecchio, Ray Long, and
Bill Byars of Tropic Supply
Brian Scahel of Imperial with
Benjiman Keach of Building Efficiency
Nick Davis of Certigy with
William Barnes of Ellsworth’s Heating & Air
Bob Wence, Jeremy Mann, Josh Coaten,
and Henry Hassan of Carrier Enterprises
APRIL 2015
Everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch sponsored
by Johnstone Supply Ware Group before
the awards were presented
Sean Ince of Johnstone Supply Ware Group
speaks to the FRACCA members
James Turner, Michael Price, and Paul Stehle present
the 2015 Daikin Leadership Award sponsored
by Daikin to Mark Worrell of State Energy
Paul Stehle and Brian Hastings present the first
FRACCA 2015 Chapter Award of Excellence to
Gary Kurtz of MACCA
Paul Stehle and Brian Hastings present the second
FRACCA 2015 Chapter Award of Excellence to
Marc Labuzienski of SWACCA
Paul Stehle and Brian Hastings present the third
FRACCA 2015 Chapter Award of Excellence to
Susan Beckett of SFACA
Paul Stehle presents the fourth
FRACCA 2015 Chapter Award of Excellence to
Brian Hastings of ACCA Central Florida
Paul Stehle and Brian Hastings present the FRACCA
2015 Innovation Award to Dan Griffen, Scott Wilson,
and Ed Miller of NFACCA
Garrett Pepper, Paul Stehle, and Brian Hastings present
the Outstanding Company Award sponsored by Federated Insurance to Greg Hatfield of Victor Distributing
APRIL 2015
Chance to Win a KAYAK at Every Location.
17 Chances to Win!
See store for details.
APRIL 2015
Pet Care Facility
Uses Cutting-Edge Air
Purification to Cuts
Odors, Energy and HVAC
Maintenance Costs
New Berlin, Wis.--Animal odors are inherent challenges in any pet business,
however the pet care facility, Spa Paw and Tail is using state-of-the-art HVAC air
purification technology to control odors, reduce energy bills and prevent any potential infectious airborne animal diseases.
This facility is a 10,000-square-foot facility, which accommodates up to 125
dogs and cats in individual luxury 3 x 5-foot to 6 x 8-foot guest rooms complete
with glass doors and beds, strategically incorporates cutting-edge odor control in
its entrance area’s unique guest check-in, grooming and gift shop areas. “The sense
of smell influences a customer’s first impression upon entering a pet business” said
Nina Race, president of Spa Paw and Tail. “Bad odors give the impression an establishment isn’t clean, even though it might be spotless from a sanitation standpoint.”
Consequently, odor control is part of Race’s comprehensive attention to detail
that helped put Spa Paw and Tail on local WISN-TV’s Business A-List the last four
years. The five-year-old business has also won a Milwaukee Magazine Reader’s
Choice Award in the “Pet Establishment Category,” and was named the 2013 Business of the Year by the New Berlin Chamber of Commerce. “Since installing the
air purification equipment in our HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning)
equipment, greeting and gift shop odors have been eliminated,” Race said.
Race’s first attempt to curb odor by introducing more outdoor air through the
HVAC systems was successful, but too costly in energy. Typically economizers,
which are adjustable outdoor air openings inside HVAC systems, are calibrated
based on American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 62 ”Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.”
The standard’s criteria is adopted by most commercial building operation codes for
indoor air quality (IAQ). It mandates a minimum 10 to 15-percent outdoor air must
be mixed with the remaining 80 to 85-percent energy-rich indoor air re-circulated
by the HVAC systems.
Conversely, adjustments to the rooftop HVAC systems’ economizers allowed
100-percent outdoor air for the purpose of diluting indoor air odors and contaminants. Unfortunately, the strategy also skyrocketed energy costs by 200 to 300-percent, because it required extensive outdoor air heating and cooling in the winter
and summer, respectively. It was also strongly discouraged by Race’s mechanical
service contractor, Joe Petkus, president of Action Heating and Cooling, Milwaukee, because the technique prematurely corrodes HVAC system coils.
The 45-year-old Action Heating, suggested cutting the facility’s exorbitant
energy bills by installing air purification devices on the HVAC coils. Instead of
100-percent outdoor air that must be expensively heated, cooled and/or humidified,
the addition of air purification devices allows for a return to the conventional outdoor air proportion of 15-percent. Meanwhile, the air purifiers eliminate odors and
contaminants as the indoor air is re-circulated through the HVAC systems.
Petkus installed eight APCO air purification systems by UV manufacturer,
Fresh-Aire UV, Jupiter, Fla., on each of four 7.5-ton rooftop HVAC systems manufactured by Carrier Corp. A to Z Sales, Downers Grove, Ill., assisted Petkus with
the air purification sizing and coil coverage calculations.
The APCO system, an “IAQ Category” International Innovation Award winner at the 2011 Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration (AHR) Expo, combines
ultraviolet (UV) light and gas-phase carbon media/photocatalytic oxidation (PCO)
technologies to remove microbial and volatile organic compound (VOC) contaminants, respectively.
The gas-phase portion uses activated carbon-based media to adsorb and hold
VOCs, such as animal odors, through a chemi-sorption process. The PCO process
converts the adsorbed contaminants into harmless carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and water vapor (H2O) through a chemical reaction caused by UV light shining on the
titanium dioxide-infused carbon media.
The air purification systems handle more than VOC odors however. Aside from
activating the PCO process, the UV light also kills all types of airborne microbes
as they re-circulate through the HVAC system. For example, healthcare facilities
use UV systems to kill airborne infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, influenza
and pneumonia. Therefore any common canine infections, such as kennel cough or
“infectious tracheo-bronchitis,” are also killed by the UV light irradiation. “We’ve
never had health issues at our facility, but the incorporation of UV as an infection
deterrent is a nice back-up,” said Race.
An additional benefit is maintenance savings. The dark, moist environments
inside HVAC equipment is an ideal breeding ground for microbes. UV lights help
eliminate mold and subsequent dirt accumulations that now require considerably
less coil cleaning time during semi-annual service calls. The maintenance of the
air purification systems themselves involves only UV lamp replacement every two
While the entrance area’s odors are gone, air purification in the 5,500-squarefoot guest room and indoor pet play area isn’t completely void of pet odors yet,
although it’s much more bearable than before, according to Race. Even though it’s
cleaned and sanitized twice daily, the area has a continual source of odors from
newly-arrived guests awaiting washing and grooming. Furthermore, Petkus said
the former warehouse’s basic supply and return ductwork layout isn’t ideal for the
number of room air changes and ventilation distribution needed to utilize the air
purification systems’ full capabilities.
The result of meticulous sanitation routines and the incorporation of air purification at this “pet hotel” results in an IAQ that’s better than some human hotels.
APRIL 2015
Blacks Supply 25th Annual Bass Tournament - East Lake Fish Camp - Kissimmee, FL
Jordan Moritz, Pete Moritz, and
Fred E Black of Blacks Supply
Roger Carr, retired from industry, and
Kenny Huff of American Builders Supply
Tim and Zachary Boggs of DHR Mechanical
caught two bass at 3.5lbs total
Hunter and Brian Drinkwater of
DHR Mechanical had a 6.19lb catch
Brad and Blake Jozsa of Air Control
had a total catch of 5.15lbs
Blacks Supply sponsored their 25th Annual Bass
Tournament on March 29th at East Lake Fish Camp
in Kissimmee, FL. East Lake Fish Camp is located on
East Lake Tohopekaliga.
From the first evidence of light, bass anglers headed out to test their skills on bringing back the big prize
catch. Despite some heavy winds and cool weather,
the tournament was at full capacity making this a
very competitive event. There were over 66 boats and
130 anglers. The limit per boat was five and each bass
must exceed 14 inches.
The weigh in was completed at 1PM, while East
Lake Fish Camp prepared a very tasty BBQ with all
the fixins. First place winners for largest bass and
total catch went to Dan Smith and Mark Hunter of
Jacob Sheet Metal. Second place is Todd Icenhauer
and Alan Duncan of EC Waters. Many of Blacks Supply preferred vendors provided many great prizes. LG
sponsored two G-Pad Tablets. A special hand made
custom knife by Marshal Hall was awarded as a special 25th year prize.
Blacks Supply knows how to have fun and enjoy
their customers. Blacks Supply has been in business
for over 35 years and has four Central Florida locations to serve the HVACR trade. Family owned and
operated, Blacks Supply has everything you need to
get the job done! A great 25th Bass Tournament!
Garrett Colbert and Jack Colbert
of Colbert Air reeled in a pair
Dan Mosley and Randal Faber
of Rapture Air had a 3.3lb catch on left
Mallone Traywick and Tom Williams
of Apple Air with 5.5lbs total
Larry Petty and Jonathon Ewing
of Apple Air had a 8.4lb total catch
Maribel Marvin and Ken Cross of Ferran
Air Conditioning holding up all five bass
Mike Jenkins of Apple Air
holds up his 4lb catch
Mike Swagert and Brett Chenoweth
of Titan Mechanical hold up two pair
Dan Smith and Mark Hunter of
Jacob Sheet Metal caught the biggest bass
and have highest total weight of 14.7lbs
Todd Icenhauer and Alan Duncan of EC Waters
had a combined weight of 12.1lbs
Arlin Martin and Matt Martin of Harper Limbach
coming in with their 1.4 lb catch
APRIL 2015
Blacks Supply 25th Annual Bass Tournament - East Lake Fish Camp - Kissimmee, FL
The Blacks Supply Team: Ivan Martinez, Dave Hilliard, Ozzy Ayabarreno, Kevin Bush, Keith “Mutt” Stroud, Chris Foster, Fred E Black,
Steve Brown, Jason Black, Tracy Moris, Richie Bates, and Bruce Fortenberry, Rodney Reid, and Kyle Mosley,
Nate Bloom of Trane
happy with his 4lb bass
Neal Hartman and Craig Colbert of
Colbert Air Conditioning got four bass
Scott and Phillip Kikly of Jacob Heating & Air
had a total weight of 9.2lbs
The boat ramp was really busy at the
conclusion of the bass tournament
Jason Black, Keith Stroud, and Bruce Fortenberry
entered all the weights to determine who
would be the tournament winners
East Lake Fish Camp prepared a
very tasty BBQ with all the fixins
Everyone enjoyed the BBQ lunch and the
great prizes that were awarded
Winner of the 25th Blacks Supply Bass Tournament
special custom made knife
Jason Black awards one of the LG G-Pad
Tablets to Ray Corman of Corman & Sons A/C
First place winners for largest bass 9.2lbs and
largest total catch of 14.7lbs went to Mark Hunter
and Dan Smith of Jacob Sheet Metal
Second place winners were Todd Icenhauer
and Alan Duncan of EC Waters with
a combined weight of 12.1lbs
Third place winner went to TravisCato and Bruce
Bozeman with 11.1lbs total catch
Forth place winner went to Mike Larson and
Tony Bartell with 10lbs total catch
Fifth place winner went to Scott and Phillip Kikly of
Jacob Heating & Air had a total weight of 9.2lbs
Jason Black awards the $750 Gift Card
Grand Prize to Jeff Simmons of MSI
APRIL 2015
Fresh Ideas And A Fresh Start At
ACCA 2015 & IE3 Expo
Business Operations, Radiant and Hydronics, Quality Assurance, and Building Performance.
During the kickoff MainStage, economist Lowell Catlett had attendees laughing and scribbling
down notes on his honest assessment of the country’s current and future economic state. Catlett is
optimistic about the economy, and its impacts specifically on the HVAC industry. From changing agricultural needs to the needs of an aging population, he explained exactly how contractors should
prepare to meet new opportunities.
Legendary business guru Michael Gerber addressed the ACCA conference during a MainStage
on March 18. The author of the worldwide bestseller The E-Myth, held attendees rapt as he described
how to work “on” your business, not in it. He’s the
man who coined the phrase! After his speech contractors lined up for a chance to meet Gerber and
talk with him at the IE3 Expo.
Some of the most
important learning happened as contractors
opened up and shared
real-world experiences
with each other. New
this year, an interactive MainStage called
lem?” let attendees ask
questions of a panel of
six contractors of varying type and size. From
getting new leads to
managing employees,
from new service expansion to dealing with
legalized marijauna, the
audience was treated to
practical answers and
Model AS10 - Dade County NOA
lively discussion beNo. 12-0612.29 Aluminum A/C
tween host Bobby Ring
and the panelists: Linda
Stand, using our patent-pending
Couch of Parrish Serwebbed post technology.
vices; Vince DiFilippo
of DiFilippo Service;
Tim Gray of Frigi-Temp
Temperature Solutions;
Ray Isaac of Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning;
Wade Mayfield of Thermal Services; and John
Michel of Haller Enterprises.
questions directly from
Model AWB10-WLR the audience were seWall mount A/C bracket.
nior executives from
four major manufacturers: Lennox, Rheem,
Johnson Controls, and
Danfoss. This year’s
Forum, sponsored by
Model CUTD - Steel
the Air Conditioning,
(CUTD-1) and Aluminum
Heating & Refrigera(CUDTA) condensing
tion NEWS, addressed
topics like universal
unit tie downs.
standard enforcement
plans; the DOE’s recent
proposal to move the a
Visit our website on your smartphone by scanning the QR code!
nationwide 92% AFUE
furnace standard; alterMADE WITH PRIDE
native refrigerant options; alternative energy
products; and the need
for the entire industry
to work together as one
voice speaking on reguIN THE U.S.A.
lations and laws that
TOLL FREE: (800) 339-2290 FAX: (305) 693-6152 WEB:
will affect the industry.
ACCA, the Indoor Environment & Energy Efficiency Association, held ACCA 2015 and the IE3:
Indoor Environment & Energy Expo at the Gaylord
Texan in Grapevine, Texas, March 16 – 19, 2015.
ACCA 2015 and the IE3 Expo drew over 2,000
indoor environment professionals from all over the
country to Texas to learn ways to increase their bottom line, expand into new markets, and find ways
to motivate their employees. Over the course of
three and a half days they had opportunities to attend timely educational learning labs, MainStages
focused on the big picture, the IE3 Expo, and a variety of social events.
Over 30 different Learning Lab workshops assembled by a Conference Faculty of the nation’s most
successful contracting professionals. 2015 offered a
lineup of programs that received rave reviews from
attendees in seven different tracks: Leadership,
Commercial Contracting, Residential Contracting,
for the 2010 FBC!
APRIL 2015
Bristol Compressors Announces
Opening of New Dubai Office
BRISTOL, Virginia.— Bristol Compressors,
a leading global producer of compressor solutions
for the air conditioning, heat pump and refrigeration industry, announces the opening of a new sales
office in the Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone of Dubai, in
the United Arab Emirates. This new location will
allow Bristol Compressors to better serve existing
and future customers in the Middle East region.
The office was inaugurated in an official ceremony held March 5, 2015 at the headquarters of
the Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone Authority (JAFZA).
Among those attending the ceremony were Mr. Nasir Abbasi, commercial attaché of the US Embassy
in Dubai, Dr. Mohamed Al Banna, Vice President
of JAFZA, and several customers and business
partners from the region. The operation will be
headed by Joe Thomas,
who has been selected
as the General Manager
of Bristol Compressors Middle East and
North Africa. He brings
a distinguished career
hallmarked by years of
management experience and
new market development within the air
conditioning and refrigeration industry, having worked for Carrier
Corporation, Sporlan
Valve Company and Regal Beloit. Mr. Thomas
has a Bachelor’s degree
from Kerala University.
“The Middle East
region has long been
a strategic market for
and is poised for continued growth in the
future. As the region
focuses on increased
energy efficiency and
environmentally friendly refrigerants, Bristol
Compressors is well positioned to serve these
requirements,” explains
Chris Robinson, Director of International
Sales for Bristol Compressors.
someone with Joe’s experience in this market
will be a real asset as
seeks to grow its market
presence in the Middle
East, North Africa and
President and CEO
of Bristol Compressors, Ed Gniewek added
“The Middle East airconditioning
is changing at a quick
pace. We know it is
critical to have a fulltime presence in the region to ensure the highest level of customer
service and responsiveness to market needs.
The Bristol Compressors brand is highly regarded in the region due
to its high quality and
reliability in this very
environment. Bristol Compres-
sors sees the ongoing market changes as an opportunity for growth and the Dubai staff will be a key
part of our future success.”
APRIL 2015
Goodman Distribution
Hosts Florida Open Houses During March
March 10 - Doral / March 12 - Tampa West / March 13 - Clearwater
Goodman Distribution hosted several open
houses during the month of March. Customers who
attended by were welcomed by the branch staff and
a select group of vendors who were on site displaying their latest products available at Goodman. Each
Goodman open house location served a delicious
lunch giving their customers a well needed break
from their busy day!
Goodman – A Member of Daikin Group
Daikin Industries, Ltd. (DIL) is a Fortune 1000
company with more than 49,000 employees worldwide, making it the number one residential and commercial HVAC manufacturer in the world. Daikin
is engaged primarily in the development, manufacture, sales and aftermarket support of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment,
refrigerants and other chemicals, as well as oil hydraulic products. DIL is headquartered in Osaka, Japan, has manufacturing operations in 18 countries,
and a sales presence in more than 90 countries.
The company provides innovative, premium
quality indoor climate management solutions to
meet the changing needs of residential, commercial
and industrial customers.
The Goodman Doral Team - Humberto Fontana,
Flora Vargas, Jorge Dalmau, Eliud Chevres,
Johnathan Chovert, Jesus Hernandez,
The Goodman Doral counter was
busy during the open house
Oscar Videla and Carlos Lopez
of Air Temp Services
Alex Monagas, Norma Delgado, and
Maria Gutierrez of Goodman Distribution
Ramone Perez of Goodman with
Rashid Riaz of PAK Mechanical
Jorge Dalmau of Goodman, Ariam Rodriquez,
Jorge Rodriquez, and Albert Rodriquez
of Fast Cool Air Conditioning
John Mertins, Ruben Falcone, Kevin Pomeroy
of Goodman, Vincent Sanchez of Americas
Economic AC, and Ramone Perez of Goodman
A well needed break from a busy day
The lunch was excellent too!
Dave Schopp of Leone Greene, Alex Monagas,
Frank Leone of Leone Green, and
Dougie Marty of AirGuide Manufacturing
Front- Amanda Seymour, Eric Worlds, Lori Fishman,
Mike Ogoley, Andy Sloan, Back- Jerry Waldron, Bryan
Roman, Buddy Leake, Eric Lockett, Adrian McFadden
The open house in Tampa West
was well attended
Patrick Kilgannon, Jackie Horruitiner, Lori Crawford
of All Tech Air with Randy Hill of Daikin
Randy Hill, Russ Wright, James Turner,
Floyd Shasteen, Wesley Hudgens,
and Michael Price of Daikin
Ben Huron Alberto Molina of Northside
Services with Eric Wygant of Goodman
Bing Berringer of Ron McLaughlin & Associates
with Duane Hinkle of Ocean Air
APRIL 2015
Goodman Distribution - Hosts Florida Open Houses During March
Bob Williams of Leone Green with
Angel De La Rosa of Air Turbulencia
Art Lence, Rick Lence of Patterson International,
Andrew Singer and Lori Fishman of Goodman, and
Michael Albriton of Patterson International
Joseph Iacovino and Eric Wygant
of Goodman Distribution
The Goodman Clearwater Team
Peter Westover, Jeff White,
Emanuel Grandberry, and Kevin Vandonge
Emanuel Grandberry of Goodman with
Shawn Mileti of Orange State
Jackie Tutko of The Metal Shop
with Gino and Erika Wilson of Iceburg Air
Mike Winkle of Pro-Dev with Mike Roy
of Phillips Air Conditioning
Paul Childers, Janet Pacheco-Hodges,
Lori Fishman of Goodman Distribution, and
Michael Price of Daikin
Burt Teeter, Dalton Trexler and
Martin Teeter of ART Air Conditioning
Jack Wygant, Stacy Redmond, Karen Valentine,
and Hope Olson of Goodman Distribution
Here is how we stack up
When it comes to filter bases, nothing
compares to the quality we put into ours. We
have been a leader in the business for more
than 30 years. Whether it’s our flagship, the
Accommodator, or the more economical
Baseline 2.0, you are assured of a product that
is built well, cost competitive and guaranteed.
Go to our website and learn more about our full
line of products.
Houston • Dallas • Phoenix
every month
APRIL 2015
Testo Introduces NextGeneration 550 Digital
Manifold AC/Refrigeration
System Analyzer with
Bluetooth and App
Sparta, NJ (April 1, 2015)
– Recognizing the needs of
the market and building upon
its expertise in refrigeration,
Testo has introduced its nextgeneration 550 Digital Manifold for better performance,
precision, and convenience.
The new generation is more
rugged than ever, thanks to
an additional metal frame
for the display, which makes
it water- and dirt-resistant.
The menu structure has been
further simplified with the
use of an ESC button and
extended by automatic functions. A total of 60 refrigerants, existing plus new generation, have been added to
the onboard memory. The
Bluetooth function wirelessly integrates Smartphones
or tablets, via free app, with
the 550 and provides the users with convenient analysis,
monitoring, test report and
invoice generation. The measurement data can then be
sent via email from the job site directly to the customer or back to the office.
The digital manifold instrument includes two NTC temperature clamp probes,
a service case, and calibration certificate.
Testo, Inc. develops and manufactures handheld test and measurement instrumentation for numerous markets including HVAC/R, Emission Monitoring, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Energy, Life Sciences and many other industries.
Additionally, Testo is recognized as a leading global manufacturer of portable
combustion efficiency and air emission analyzers, temperature, pressure, moisture, and thermal imaging test and measurement instruments. Backed by over
50 years of measuring engineering experience and expertise, Testo’s mission is
to provide the best quality, service and value in test and measurement instrumentation.
ACCA Initiates New
Standard On HVAC
System Design For Energy
Efficient Homes
The Air Conditioning Contractors of America Educational Institute (ACCA-EI) Standards Task Team (STT) announces the initiation of development
of BSR/ACCA 16 Manual E-201x, “HVAC System Design for Energy Efficient
Homes” as a new industry standard.
HVAC designers are increasingly encountering energy-efficient homes,
characterized by markedly reduced heating and cooling loads, as a result of numerous national initiatives like the energy conservation code, EPA ENERGY
STAR, DOE New-Zero Ready programs, and DOE Builder’s Challenge. ACCA
recognized that there is little guidance currently available for HVAC design
and selection for these energy-efficient homes; especially, since there is limited
manufacturer offerings for lower capacity equipment.
This standard will provide procedures to design/select HVAC systems and
equipment for low-load homes that will achieve satisfactory indoor conditions
with lower equipment capacity; i.e., resolving ventilation and moisture requirements/issues with low air volume systems while addressing occupant comfort,
health, and safety. These procedures will apply as lower capacity equipment
appears in the marketplace.
Anyone wishing to submit comments or interested in being considered for
the advisory committee can submit same to
ACCA is a non-profit association serving more than 60,000 professionals
and 4,000 businesses in the indoor environmental and energy services community. Founded more than 40 years ago, today ACCA sets the standards for
quality comfort systems, provides leading-edge education for contractors and
their employees, and fights for the interests of professional contractors in every
state in the country.
APRIL 2015
ABC congratulated the winners of its 2015 National Craft Championships
competition during the March 6 Careers in Constructions awards held during the
association’s Workforce Development, March 3-6, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
A field of 187 craft trainees competed
for top honors in 15 competitions representing 12 crafts, including a new masonry competition and new team competition
with journey-level craft professionals from
five different crafts working to complete
a joint project. Competitors first took an
intense, two-hour written exam and then
competed in daylong hands-on practical
performance tests in: carpentry, electrical-industrial, electrical-residential, fire
sprinkler, HVAC, instrumentation fitting,
insulation, millwright, pipefitting, plumbing, sheet metal, welding-pipe, weldingstructural and masonry.
Associated Builders and Contractors’ (ABC) annual National Craft Championships (NCC) celebrates ABC’s and its member firms’ training and education
efforts. Craft trainees from chapter and
member firm training programs across
the country come together to compete
in the annual National Craft Championships. During this intense two-day
event, young men and women compete
in one of 15 competitions, representing
11 crafts.
ABC knows the future of the industry relies on its ability to attract and retain the most talented individuals necessary to meet the nation’s ever-increasing
construction needs. ABC is leading the way in developing the merit shop construction industry workforce by offering programs, such as the NCC, that promote life-long learning experience and national recognition based on achievement at every career level.
Frigidaire Releases
New IQ Drive® Product
St. Louis, March 5, 2015 — Frigidaire® heating and air conditioning expands innovative iQ Drive product line to include the all-new, FS4BG 20-SEER
air conditioner. This new air conditioning unit includes an inverter-driven rotary compressor to deliver such efficient operation and to effectively meet the
cooling demand of a home. It’s available in 2, 3, 4 and 5 ton capacities.
This model modulates between 49% to 118% capacity in five steps to exactly offset the cooling demands of the home – without operating too loudly. In
fact, this model operates as quietly as 59 dBA.
“Our inverter-driven products provide top-of-the-line performance,” says
Tim Alford, product manager at Frigidaire. “Contractors will be able to stand
out from the pack because they
can install such efficient products.”
This new model features
simplified installation - most
two-stage thermostats are compatible with the unit and it does
not require a shielded thermostat cable. It also includes an
all-aluminum Micro-Channel
condenser coil for superior corrosion resistance, optimized
heat transfer and increased reliability.
The FS4BG joins the other
iQ Drive products including
the FT4BG 19-SEER/10-HSPF
iQ Drive heat pump and the R6GI 20-SEER/81%-AFUE iQ Drive gas/electric
packaged unit.
Contractors and distributors wanting to learn more about this innovative
air conditioning system should visit or
Nortek Global HVAC has been designing and manufacturing reliable heating
and cooling products for more than 95 years. The company focuses on creating
genuine value for its customers through a unique combination of innovation,
product performance and responsive support. Nortek Global HVAC uses proven
technology to build reliable residential Frigidaire systems. To learn more about
Nortek Global HVAC and its product offerings, visit
Special Events
APRIL 2015
in this Issue
Arkema / Forane 427A
Baker Distributing / Venstar / The New Baker 10 & B13
Blacks Supply B19
Copper Watcher
Daikin Ductless
Dynatemp-Choice Refrigerants
Elite Software
Ferguson / American Standard
FRACCA Education Conference
Gemaire Distributors / Rheem
Glass Master Duct Machine
Goodman Distribution / Braeburn
hilmor / Retool + Conquer
Honeywell / TrueZone Damper
ICOR International / NU-22B
Imperial / iManifold
Johnstone Supply / Florida
Johnstone Supply / So Florida / Open Houses
Johnstone Supply / The Ware Group 24 & B8
McDaniel Metals
Miami Tech
NATE Certification
PBACCA High E Fishin Sea XXIV
Pipe Prop
RCD Corporation
Saez Distributors / Friedrich Ductless
Sanuvox / Wireless UV System
The Metal Shop
Tropic Supply / Nu-Calgon
US Motors
Trane Supply Jobs
Apply online at
and search by the job number in parenthesis.
Parts Account Manager – Doral (Miami area) (849793):
Trane Supply is in need of an Account Manager – Parts to join
its Miami, Florida, Parts Center. The Account Manager – Parts is responsible for all functions relating to developing and maintaining Parts
Customer relationships and strengthening existing customer base to
ensure maximum account penetration and customer retention. This
includes finding, generating and developing new channel partners
and retaining current customers in order to sell the company’s products to end-users.
Parts Account Manager – Miramar (Ft.Lauderdale area) (845392):
Trane Supply is in need of an Account Manager – Parts to join its
Miramar, Florida, Parts Center. The Account Manager – Parts is responsible for all functions relating to developing and maintaining Parts
Customer relationships and strengthening existing customer base to
ensure maximum account penetration and customer retention. This
includes finding, generating and developing new channel partners
and retaining current customers in order to sell the company’s products to end-users.
Parts Store Leader - Orlando (789007):
Trane Supply is in need of a Parts Store Manager to manage its
Orlando, Florida, heating, ventilation and air conditioning Parts Center. The Parts Store Manager is responsible for the successful management and leadership of a Trane Commercial Parts Store/Center
including the management of Parts operations and developing personnel, markets, and product representation.
Customer Sales Associate - Port St. Lucie (1403225):
Trane Supply is in need of a Customer Sales Associate in its Port
St. Lucie, Florida, store. The associate is responsible for processing
customer orders and responding to customer’s inquiries, questions
or opportunities regarding the Parts Department services and seeks
remedies to ensure customer satisfaction and retention. Duties include selling and warranty administration.
AC Qualifier
Contact Steve at
INVENTORY: 2,400 -- $48,000
Ph. 954-298-7184
APRIL 2015
Volume 26 / Number 9
Today’s A/C & Refrigeration News
is published monthly,
(12 times a year)
by Today’s A/C & Refrigeration News
P0 BOX 451821,
Ft Lauderdale, FL 32170
Ph: 954-674-1580 / FAX 866-320-2773
Application to mail at periodicals postage
rates is pending at Longwood, FL
and ad­ditional mailing offices.
Send address changes to
Today’s A/C & Re­frigeration News
P0. Box 451821,
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33345
Jeff Schlichenmeyer, Publisher
Copyright © 1988-2014 in series
Today’s A/C & Refrigeration News
Today’s A/C & Refrigeration News is a tabloid size trade
newspaper published specifically for air conditioning
contractors, refrigeration technicians, and other trades
related to the HVACR & lAQ industries in Alabama,
Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, &
The publisher of Today’s A/C & Refrigeration News does not
assume responsibility of state­ments made by advertisers, or
press releases, and reports opinions expressed by suppliers,
wholesalers, manufacturers and contractors as quoted. This
Report Unlicensed
newspaper may contain forward-looking statements by manufac­
turers, advertisers and public relations firms. They are believed to
be within the meaning of Section 27a of the Securities Act of 1933
and Section 21E of the Se­curities Exchange Act of 1934. Although
the Today’s AC News believes that the expectations reflected in
such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can provide
no assurance results will meet or exceed such expectations due
to factors that include, but are not limited to, risks associated with
market conditions, new products, and risks associated with rapid
technological change. All brand names mentioned are trademarks
Hotline for Florida Callers
(M-F/ 8am - 5:30pm Eastern)
Or send an Email to:
of their respective owners. Reprinting or other duplication of any
material or articles within the publication or on our Web site is not
permitted without written permis­sion of the publisher.
For advertising sales contact:
Jeff Schlichenmeyer 954-674-1580
APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015
Johnstone Supply Ft Lauderdale - Mark Fletcher,
Mike McNeill, Ron Stafford, Pam Carnessali,
Wayne Crider, Carlos Masjuan, Jose Quintialla
Johnstone Supply Ware Group Brandon
Mark Scoyners, Eddie Pumajero, Pat Rietow,
Dennis Hall, Ronnie Fortune
Johnstone Supply Ware Group Port Richey
Dustin Smith, Ryan Sanders, Chianta Smith, Bill Vanslyke
Johnstone Supply Miami Lakes
Emilio Diez, Roger Luna, Alan Negele, Samuel Amigo
We’re not certain who is smarter...the folks we hire, or us for hiring them. The fact is, Johnstone Supply
has only the highest standards for our counter help. We hire only the most knowledgeable people in the
HVACR parts business and we conduct extensive ongoing training. Many of our employees previously
worked “the other side of the counter” as service techs and can draw upon their experience to help
you find solutions to even the toughest installation or repair job. You can also count on us to have the
products you need when you need them. With five regional distribution centers and 350 locally owned
stores nationwide, you’ll have over 50,000 HVACR parts, equipment and supplies at your fingertips.
For a copy of our free, 2,000 page catalog, give us a call today or visit at
Jacksonville [904] 354-0282
Jacksonville South [904] 641-2282
Gainesville [352] 378 2430
Ocala [352] 873-4443
Melbourne [321] 676-4177
Naples [239] 643-3446
Boynton Beach [561] 572-2507
Orlando [407] 849-0573
Port Richey [727]-817-0248
Ft. Lauderdale [954] 971-9350
West Palm Beach [561] 689-3366
Dania Beach [954] 921-8070
Fort Myers [239] 275-3533
Miami [305] 917-0900
Ft. Pierce [772] 468-0211
Tallahassee [850] 576-5922
Clearwater [727] 561-9309
Panama City Beach (850) 235-8050
Boca Raton (561) 869-0212
Sunrise (954) 284-3903
Sanford (407) 324-8003
Lakeland (863) 665-4045
Sarasota (941) 753-8491
Cape Coral (239) 242-8796
Kendall (786) 249-4828
Miami Lakes (786) 476-7340
Stuart (772) 781-0102
Cutler Ridge (786) 430-0777
Doral (305) 592-8605
Daytona Beach (386) 265-6400
Pensacola (850) 436-2008
Ft Walton Beach (850) 362-6880
Brandon (813) 424-3180