May 2016 - Christ Lutheran Church Shrewsbury


May 2016 - Christ Lutheran Church Shrewsbury
MAY 2016
Notes & News from
Christ Lutheran Church
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has
lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be
restored? It is no longer good for anything
except to be thrown out and trampled under
people's feet. You are the light of the world. A
city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do
people light a lamp and put it under a basket,
but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the
house. In the same way, let your light shine
before others, so that they may see your good
works and give glory to your Father who is in
heaven.” ~Matthew 5:13-16
How do we become salt for our neighbor? Who
is our neighbor? These two questions are key to
who we are at Christ Lutheran in Shrewsbury,
for the sake of the Gospel and the sake of our
world. I have been talking a lot about how we
live into Jesus’ command to Love one another.
That ‘other’ includes all peoples; not just people
who look like us, earn a living similar to us, or
have a house or car like us; it means everyone.
As you know, Jesus didn’t hang out with what
his peers thought were the ‘right kind’ of
people. Jesus went to the margins of society
and helped those whom others had written off,
cast aside, and looked down upon as worthless.
It angered the authorities so much that they
killed him for it. Yet in God’s love and amazing
goodness, Jesus taught us that not even death
will keep God’s love for the world at bay. This
month we will celebrate Pentecost, the sending
of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate. Jesus’
ascension was necessary, but he promised that
God will always be present for us in the Holy
Spirit. So we will celebrate this gift from God on
the 15th along with Confirmation; the affirming
of baptism. 5 young adults in our congregation
will make proclamation of the gift of the Holy
Spirit living in them and actively caring for
How we live out our call from Jesus, with the
help of the Holy Spirit, is at the core of our
redevelopment here at CLC. That is why your
church council and I are holding Covenant
Conversations. We invite everyone to
participate in one of these and help us assess
where we are and how we move forward. This
is your church and the way in which you choose
to be involved helps us know who we are
today, and what your dreams are for your
church in the future. We cannot do this without
everyone participating in the life of the church.
Our Great Bible Challenge is one way to witness
to others your dedication to prayer and
scripture, listening to God and being a full
participant in the body of Christ. Jesus calls us
to be salt, be light, and be a witness. Come,
now is the time!
Blessed Be,
Pastor Grace
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Suggested readings for May are:
May 1st
John 5:1-9
May 15th
John 14:2-17
May 8th
May 22nd
May 29th
John 17:20-26
John 16:12-15
Luke 7:1-10
FAITH5™ (Faith Acts In The Home) is a simple,
easy-to-implement faith practice, perfect for
incorporating into your bedtime routine for five to
fifteen minutes a night. When done over time, the
FAITH5™ carries the power to enrich
communication, deepen understanding, aid sleep,
and promote mental, physical and spiritual health.
The five steps are:
 SHARE your highs and lows
 READ a Bible verse or story
 TALK about how the Bible reading might relate
to your highs and lows
 PRAY for one another's highs and lows
 BLESS one another “God loves you and you
are blessed!” Have the children bless
the adults and vice versa.
PRAYERS CONCERNS: Rich Revely, Vicki Hook,
Arlene Diehl, Carolyn Horn, Diana Monaco, Donald
Miller, family and friends of Jack Alexis, family and
friends of Rumen Borimetchkova, Lois Meli, family
and friends of Jim Dubel, Sandy Hart, Raye Engle,
Ken Cronise, Jerry Adey, and Wilma Mackoviak, and
the men and women who are serving our country
overseas and also for their safe return home.
If you verbally add a prayer concern during worship,
please fill out a prayer request slip (found in the
gathering area) and place it in the offering plate or give it
to an usher.
For immediate phone prayer requests call the
church office Monday—Thurs, 12 noon-3 pm. For
immediate email prayer requests, email Charlotte
Worship - 9 am, Sanctuary
Children’s Sunday School - 10:15 am
Wiggle Worship - 4 pm, Sanctuary
May 1 - Youth Group, 6:30 pm, parish hall
May 8 - Mother’s Day Brunch, 10:15 am, ph
May 15 - Pentecost & Confirmation Sunday
Combined Youth Group, 6:30 pm
Girl Scouts - 6:30 pm, Parish Hall
May 9 - Pastor Grace at Synod Office
May 16 - Preschool Picnic, 11 am, Glen Rock Prk
May 23 - Preschool Camp, 9-1
May 30 - Memorial Day (Summer Office Hours)
Choir Practice - 7 pm, Sanctuary
AA - 7:30 pm, Parish Hall
May 3 - Pastor Grace at conference meeting
May 24 - Preschool Camp, 9-1
Preschool Gym - 9 am-3 pm, Parish Hall
Yoga Melt - 6-7:15 pm, Parish Hall
May 18 - Preschool Graduation, 7 pm, sanctuary
May 25 - Preschool Camp, 9-1
Preschool Gym - 9 am-3 pm, Parish Hall
Praise Band practice - 7 pm, Sanctuary
May 12 - Pastor Grace at York Sr. Center
May 19 - Sanctuary in use for event, 5-6:30 pm
May 26 - Preschool Camp, 9-1
Office Closed
May 6 - Preschool Mom’s Day Lunch, parish hall
May 13 - Last day of preschool
May 20 - Boy Scout Camporee, Church in use 6
pm Friday through 10:30 pm Saturday
Office Closed
May 14 - Parish Hall rental
May 21 - Boy Scout Camporee
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Covenant Conversations will be held on the
following dates:
Sunday, 5/15 & 5/22 at 10:15 am
Mondays, 5/2, 5/16 & 5/23 at 6:30 pm
Tuesday, 5/3 at 6:15 am
Please come and join one of these important
group conversations with Pastor Grace and your
church council to explore our Redevelopment
Covenant. Help us access where we are and
how we move forward!
May 5th- ASCENSION DAY! Come and
Celebrate with our Southern York County Synod
congregations. We will have a worship service
to celebrate Ascension Day held at Christ
Lutheran church in Loganville. Food and
fellowship will start at 6:00 p.m. with ice cream
and toppings! Our worship will begin at 7:00
p.m. Even if you can only come for ice cream
or worship, come out and join us!
Volunteers are needed for the 3rd Annual
Mother’s Day Brunch to be held on May
8. Donations will be needed for the
event. Please see John Harvilicz after service in
the gathering area. Please sign up on the
bulletin board if you plan to attend so we have
an idea of how many to expect. Thanks!
Counter needed! Stella will be moving and
we thank her for her service! We are looking
for a volunteer to count on the first Sunday of
each month. Please see Scott Watts if you are
St. Paul Hametown will be holding a yard
sale May 14th from 8 am until 3 pm.
God’s work, our hands!
Thanks to everyone who came out to the
McWilliams’ home for a successful yard cleanup day. The weather was chilly but the
company and feeling of helping others was
warm and toasty! Keep on the look out for
more ways to honor God by serving others.
June 6-10, 9:00-11:30
Ages 2-5th grade
(2’s must be accompanied by an adult)
Cave Quest VBS is filled with incredible Biblelearning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and
even taste! Science fun, team-building games,
cool Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few
of the great activities we have planned. Plus,
we’ll help kids discover how to see evidence of
God in everyday life—something we call God
Sightings! To register, or for more information,
go to: or call the
church office. If you are interested in
volunteering to help, see Chris Watts. Keep a
lookout for requests for donation supplies we
will be needing to make this a successful week,
sharing God’s love with children!
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May 1
May 8
May 15
May 22
May 29
Dillan Dunaja
Conner Gillispie
Michael Fisher
Olivia Folfas
Chris & Scott
Chris & Scott
Donna Sheddy
Chris & Scott
Donna Sheddy
Chris & Scott
Chris & Scott
Evelyn R. & Gail
Andy & Kathy S.
Rich S. & Scott
Phil A. & John H.
Scott Watts &
Stella C.
Bob & Kim
Jim & Kathy
Dawn & John
Ron & Kathy R.
Dan S., Kelly G.,
Stella C.
Kelly & Kelly G.
Dan & Becky S.
Kathy & Andy S.
None needed
Charlotte Dubel
Conner Gillispie
Kelly Gillispie
Kelly Gillispie
Kelly Gillispie
Robyn B.
Stella C.
Chris W.
Craig Piercy
Charlotte Dubel
Stella C.
Wiggle Treats Kathy Rohrbaugh
Evelyn R.
Charlotte D.,
Bev C.
Dagmar R.,
Mike S.,
Evelyn R.
Burnetha R.,
Vada W.,
John H.
Becky Stevenson Karen F./Kelly G.
Burnetha R.,
Vada W.,
John H.
Robyn B.
Carrie Reall
Evelyn Rehmeyer
Ron Rohrbaugh
Kathy Shifflet
Bev Cronise
Chris Watts
Walter Bird
Dennis & Jill
Bev Cronise
O’Connor Family
Chris Watts
Scott Watts
Christ Lutheran Church  105 South Main Street  Shrewsbury, PA 17361
Church Office: 717-235-4717 Email:
Web: Facebook: christevangelicallutheranchurch-shrewsbury
Church Office Hours: Noon-3 pm, Monday-Thursday
Summer Office Hours (Memorial Day through August): 9-12, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
Church Leaders & Staff
Pastor: Grace Gravelle
(cell) 651-262-4942
Administrative Assistant: Kelly Gillispie
Pianist: Phil Attig
Preschool Director: Becky Stevenson
Council President: Rich Steines
Youth Group Leader: Dan Stevenson
Organist: Helen Blasser
Praise Band Coach: Jon Frey
Sexton: Robyn Banchiere
Treasurer: Mike Wirz
Director of Christian Education: Chris Watts