open enrollment :nov. 12-30, 2012
open enrollment :nov. 12-30, 2012
ActIon if you wAnT denTAl, Vision or mAjor medicAl for 2013 The DayOne medical plans, available to all employees starting on day one of employment with Darden, are being improved for 2013. You’ll receive discounted pricing and a higher level of coverage when you receive care from health care providers who participate in the nATionwide blue cross blue sHield neTwork. That’s more than 90%ofdoctorsandhospitalsacrossthecountry! Inpatienthospitalcare,x-raysandlabswillbecoveredat90%,upfrom80%,afterthedeductible.Andthat’sontopof providerdiscountsthatcanrangefrom40%to80%,soyourdollarswillreallystretchfurther. D aY O N E m E D I C a l P l a N S aT a G l a N C E O P E N E N R O l l m E N T aT a G l a N C E DayOne medical plans. DayOne plUS AnnuAl dEductIBlE $100 $100 MAxIMuM plAn pAYS EAcH YEAr $500 for wellness care $500 for prescriptions $3,000 for all other services $500 for wellness care Dental and vision benefits. You must take action during Open Enrollment if you want to keep or get • dental or vision benefits for 2013. Major medical plans. TIN LA U ONZ BR V SIL ER You can choose between the BronzE, SIlvEr And Gold vision options. (In-Network – Blue Cross Blue Shield Providers)* Physicals:100%after$20copay ChildImmunizations:90%after$20copay Otherpreventivecareservices:90% Physicals:100%after$20copay ChildImmunizations:90%after$20copay Otherpreventivecareservices:90% oFFIcE vISIt 100%after$20copay 100%after$20copay HoSpItAl 90%afterdeductible 90%afterdeductible EMErGEncY 90%afterdeductible(waivedifadmitted) 90%afterdeductible(waivedifadmitted) pHArMAcY (up to 30-day supply) Generic:25%($10minimum) Brand:25%($20minimum);35%($25minimum)afterinitialfillandtworefillson maintenance drugs MAIl-ordEr (up to 90-day supply) Generic:25%($25minimum) Brand:25%($50minimum) WEEklY coSt (how much you pay each week from your paycheck) Employee only: $21.50 Employee +1 dependent: $42.00 Employee+2ormoredependents:$64.50 Up tO 5 maJOr meDiCal planS: For employees with at least 2 years of service averaging at least 30 hours a week. ONZ BR Employee only: $37.00 Employee+1dependent:$67.50 Employee +2 or more dependents: $108.50 RONZE OPEN ENROLLMENT: NOV. 12-30, 2012 You may enroll yourself and your eligible dependents, including: SAVINGS! • Yourspouseorqualifiedsame-genderdomesticpartner V SIL ER GOLD TIN LA U The BronzE, BronzE pluS and SIlvEr plans have higher deductibles and out-of-pocket costs than our current PPO. However, they also have lower weekly premiums (amount that comes out of your paycheck) on average. You pay less up front, but more out-of-pocket if and when you need care. The Gold and plAtInuMplanscostmoreoutofyourpaycheck,butrequire less out of your pocket when you receive care. If you enroll in the Bronze, Bronze Plus or Silver medical plan, the new HeAlTH sAVings AccounT (HsA) lets you set aside pre-tax money to cover your out-ofpocket medical expenses like deductibles and co-insurance. $ COmpare anD FinD yOUr perFeCt Fit. To enroll, go to the eBenefits on DiSH: Step 1: First, log in to DiSH: - From the restaurant, click My diSH DepenDent Care Flexible SpenDing aCCOUnt - From home, use your brand’s name to access DiSH: The Dependent Care FSA lets you set aside pre-tax money to pay for eligible dependent care expenses. For more details, go to eBenefits on DiSH. If you want to participate in the Dependent Care FSA in 2013, you must enroll even if you are currently enrolled. See next page on how to enroll through the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth.,,,,,, CritiCal illneSS anD aCCiDent NOTE: Type in http:// (instead of www). If you have trouble, try setting your browser to allow cookies and disabling your pop-up blockers. The critical illness plan pays a lump sum (either $10,000 or $20,000) directly to you if you develop cancer, need a major organ transplant or bypass surgery or suffer a heart attack or stroke. Step 2: After you log in, click on Enroll at: (User ID: first letter of first name, full last name. Password: last four digits of Social Security Number and 4-digit birth year). Step 3: From here, you can • For YourSElF, you can choose coverage of $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000. (You must be under age 70 when you enroll.) • For Your dEpEndEntS, you can purchase coverage of $10,000 for your spouse/domestic partner and $5,000 for your children. Children may only be covered up to age 23. The weekly cost of life insurance for yourself is $0.27 for $10,000, $0.42 for $15,000 and $0.54 for $20,000. (If you are currently enrolled in the plan you may only increase your coverage by one level each year.) The weekly costfordependentlifeinsuranceis$0.63,nomatterhowmanydependentsyouhave.don’t forget to update your beneficiary information through DiSH at eBenefits>Benefits Summary>Supplemental Life and AD&D. See next page on how to enroll. Step 4: Step 5: eBenefits, then Benefits Enrollment enroll or make changes to your DayOne plans, as well as the extra benefits such as life insurance and disability insurance. submitted shop After you’ve enrolled and your elections for extra benefits, it’s time to for dental, vision, Dependent Care FSA and major medical (not DayOne) plans through the HEAltH InSurAncE MArkEtplAcE, AccuHealth. Click on the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, link to shop. compare plans, estimate your annual costs and make your selections. Follow the on screen prompts to COMPARE telaDOC Teladoc lets you talk directly to a doctor any time, day or night. Get peace of mind, save time and money – and maybe even a trip to the doctor or emergency room. The cost is $0.50 per week to enroll, and $35 for each consultation with a doctor. to enroll, go to QuEStIonS? Call the Total Rewards Service Center at 888-374-3343. grOUp legal plan - For dental, vision and major medical, press the option for the Health Insurance Marketplace. The group legal plan gives you access to a network of lawyers to handle common legal needs, from wills to divorce to identity theft. There are no limits on the number of times you can seek counsel, and there are no copayments or deductibles (only filing fees, if applicable). The cost of the coverage is $4.85 per week. See next page on how to enroll. - For DayOne and all other benefits, remain on the line to speak with a representative. ShOrt term DiSability (StD) The STD plan has been changed this year to match what is offered by most other employers. the maximum benefit period is now 26 weeks instead of 52. Because of the change, the plan will cost less in 2013.STDpaysbenefitsupto60%ofyourregularpayifyoucan’tworkbecauseofanillnessorinjury–including maternity and childbirth or mental health and substance abuse issues. STD benefits begin after seven days of disability. The maximum benefit period depends on how long you’ve worked for Darden. • • lESS tHAn onE YEAr: STD payments can continue up to 13 weeks. MorE tHAn onE YEAr:STDpaymentscancontinueupto26weeks. FIND WHAT FITS YOU : NOV. 12-30, 2012 See next page on how to enroll. for more deTAils, including AnnuAl benefiT limiTs, go To: ebenefiTs on disH. DAR_OEHR_13 Y O U R H E a lT H I N S U R a N C E m a R K E T P l a C E , a C C U H E a lT H Our new Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, helps you compare your options based on what is important to you. You can sort by plan feature, price, or group by insurance companies (carriers). • Yourchildrenuptoage26,iftheydon’thaveemployersponsored coverage available to them, or work for Darden and only have a DayOne plan available to them. As part of our comprehensive rewards program, you can also sign up for other benefits that add to your personal and financial security. Remember this enrollment period is the one time a year you can makeachangetoyourbenefits,unlessyouhaveaqualifyingfamilystatuschangeduringtheyear.Ifyoudon’tmakechanges to the following benefits, you’ll have the same election for 2013 (except Dependent Care FSA) with new plan changes and costs. You can choose life insurance for yourself and your dependents: *Mostservicesoutofnetwork(non-BlueCrossBlueShieldproviders)arecoveredat80%. WHO CaN I COvER? HERE’S HOW TO ENROll liFe inSUranCe GOLD M New Health Savings Account. • We’re now offering an HSA for eligible, full-time employees who enroll in a Bronze, Bronze Plus or Silver medical plan. The new online Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, has more details. GOLD 3 viSiOn planS: + A new way to ‘shop’ for many of your benefits. • The current dental, vision and PPO medical plans are being replaced by a wide range of new options. You can compare and shop for these plans, along with Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts, through our new private Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, which you can access from DiSH through eBenefits. prEvEntIvE cArE V SIL ER You can choose between the BronzE, SIlvEr, Gold and plAtInuM (in limited areas) levels for dental coverage. Typically, Platinum is less expensive and provides greater coverage when you see an in-network dentist. However, there is no coverage if you go outside of the network. E • You must take action during Open Enrollment if you are currently enrolled in the PPO medical plan and want major medical for 2013, or if you wish to enroll in one of the new major medical (not DayOne) plans. You must be a full-time employee with at least 2 years of service and average 30+ hours/week to enroll in a major medical plan. If you are enrolled in the PPO plan, you must average 20 hours a week to maintain eligibility. plan payS $500 for prescriptions $10,000 for inpatient hospital $3,000 for all other services ONZ BR E • If you are enrolled in a DayOne medical plan and want to stay in that plan, you do not need to take action. Your DayOne enrollment will continue automatically. DayOne baSiC Up tO 4 Dental planS: M You can continue to choose between the DayOne Basic Plan and the DayOne Plus Plan (which offers an additional $10,000 for inpatient hospital services). The current dental, vision and PPO medical plans are being replaced by a wider selection of new plans, offered by insurance companies that are competing for your business. The actual number of insurance company choices will vary depending on where you live. Not all insurance companies are available nationwide. Below is an overview of the options. During Open Enrollment, details can be found in the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth. E SHOP FOR BENEFITS your way! EXTRa BENEFITS MORE Recent feedback from employees told us they want more choice for benefits that matter most in their lives. So for 2013, we’re providing even more choice and options to fit the various needs of our employees. For 2013, we’re making two important changes to your benefits: 1. Enhancing the DayOne medical plans so your benefits go further. 2. Replacing our current dental, vision and PPO medical plan options with a wide selection of new plans – and giving you a whole new way to shop, compare and pick the plans that fit you. TImE TO GO SHOPPING! P inside: leArn wHy you MuSt tAkE WaY S T O S av E W I T H D aY O N E P l a N S P H O U R lY E m P l O Y E E S WHY JUST ENROll FOR BENEFITS WHEN YOU CaN SHOP FOR THEm? B YOUR 2013 BENEFITS SHOPPING GUIDE remember: THe denTAl, Vision And mAjor medicAl (noT dAyone) PlAns Are All new, so you musT enroll beTween noVember 12–30, if you wAnT coVerAge neXT yeAr. more on eXTrA benefiTs, including eligibiliTy, go To: disH>ebenefiTs>PAy & benefiT info. see next page on how to enroll in dependent care fsA, life insurance, group legal and sTd. you musT enroll if you wAnT mAjor medicAl (noT dAyone), denTAl & Vision benefiTs for 2013. ActIon if you wAnT denTAl, Vision or mAjor medicAl for 2013 The DayOne medical plans, available to all employees starting on day one of employment with Darden, are being improved for 2013. You’ll receive discounted pricing and a higher level of coverage when you receive care from health care providers who participate in the nATionwide blue cross blue sHield neTwork. That’s more than 90%ofdoctorsandhospitalsacrossthecountry! Inpatienthospitalcare,x-raysandlabswillbecoveredat90%,upfrom80%,afterthedeductible.Andthat’sontopof providerdiscountsthatcanrangefrom40%to80%,soyourdollarswillreallystretchfurther. D aY O N E m E D I C a l P l a N S aT a G l a N C E O P E N E N R O l l m E N T aT a G l a N C E DayOne medical plans. DayOne plUS AnnuAl dEductIBlE $100 $100 MAxIMuM plAn pAYS EAcH YEAr $500 for wellness care $500 for prescriptions $3,000 for all other services $500 for wellness care Dental and vision benefits. You must take action during Open Enrollment if you want to keep or get • dental or vision benefits for 2013. Major medical plans. TIN LA U ONZ BR V SIL ER You can choose between the BronzE, SIlvEr And Gold vision options. (In-Network – Blue Cross Blue Shield Providers)* Physicals:100%after$20copay ChildImmunizations:90%after$20copay Otherpreventivecareservices:90% Physicals:100%after$20copay ChildImmunizations:90%after$20copay Otherpreventivecareservices:90% oFFIcE vISIt 100%after$20copay 100%after$20copay HoSpItAl 90%afterdeductible 90%afterdeductible EMErGEncY 90%afterdeductible(waivedifadmitted) 90%afterdeductible(waivedifadmitted) pHArMAcY (up to 30-day supply) Generic:25%($10minimum) Brand:25%($20minimum);35%($25minimum)afterinitialfillandtworefillson maintenance drugs MAIl-ordEr (up to 90-day supply) Generic:25%($25minimum) Brand:25%($50minimum) WEEklY coSt (how much you pay each week from your paycheck) Employee only: $21.50 Employee +1 dependent: $42.00 Employee+2ormoredependents:$64.50 Up tO 5 maJOr meDiCal planS: For employees with at least 2 years of service averaging at least 30 hours a week. ONZ BR Employee only: $37.00 Employee+1dependent:$67.50 Employee +2 or more dependents: $108.50 RONZE OPEN ENROLLMENT: NOV. 12-30, 2012 You may enroll yourself and your eligible dependents, including: SAVINGS! • Yourspouseorqualifiedsame-genderdomesticpartner V SIL ER GOLD TIN LA U The BronzE, BronzE pluS and SIlvEr plans have higher deductibles and out-of-pocket costs than our current PPO. However, they also have lower weekly premiums (amount that comes out of your paycheck) on average. You pay less up front, but more out-of-pocket if and when you need care. The Gold and plAtInuMplanscostmoreoutofyourpaycheck,butrequire less out of your pocket when you receive care. If you enroll in the Bronze, Bronze Plus or Silver medical plan, the new HeAlTH sAVings AccounT (HsA) lets you set aside pre-tax money to cover your out-ofpocket medical expenses like deductibles and co-insurance. $ COmpare anD FinD yOUr perFeCt Fit. To enroll, go to the eBenefits on DiSH: Step 1: First, log in to DiSH: - From the restaurant, click My diSH DepenDent Care Flexible SpenDing aCCOUnt - From home, use your brand’s name to access DiSH: The Dependent Care FSA lets you set aside pre-tax money to pay for eligible dependent care expenses. For more details, go to eBenefits on DiSH. If you want to participate in the Dependent Care FSA in 2013, you must enroll even if you are currently enrolled. See next page on how to enroll through the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth.,,,,,, CritiCal illneSS anD aCCiDent NOTE: Type in http:// (instead of www). If you have trouble, try setting your browser to allow cookies and disabling your pop-up blockers. The critical illness plan pays a lump sum (either $10,000 or $20,000) directly to you if you develop cancer, need a major organ transplant or bypass surgery or suffer a heart attack or stroke. Step 2: After you log in, click on Enroll at: (User ID: first letter of first name, full last name. Password: last four digits of Social Security Number and 4-digit birth year). Step 3: From here, you can • For YourSElF, you can choose coverage of $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000. (You must be under age 70 when you enroll.) • For Your dEpEndEntS, you can purchase coverage of $10,000 for your spouse/domestic partner and $5,000 for your children. Children may only be covered up to age 23. The weekly cost of life insurance for yourself is $0.27 for $10,000, $0.42 for $15,000 and $0.54 for $20,000. (If you are currently enrolled in the plan you may only increase your coverage by one level each year.) The weekly costfordependentlifeinsuranceis$0.63,nomatterhowmanydependentsyouhave.don’t forget to update your beneficiary information through DiSH at eBenefits>Benefits Summary>Supplemental Life and AD&D. See next page on how to enroll. Step 4: Step 5: eBenefits, then Benefits Enrollment enroll or make changes to your DayOne plans, as well as the extra benefits such as life insurance and disability insurance. submitted shop After you’ve enrolled and your elections for extra benefits, it’s time to for dental, vision, Dependent Care FSA and major medical (not DayOne) plans through the HEAltH InSurAncE MArkEtplAcE, AccuHealth. Click on the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, link to shop. compare plans, estimate your annual costs and make your selections. Follow the on screen prompts to COMPARE telaDOC Teladoc lets you talk directly to a doctor any time, day or night. Get peace of mind, save time and money – and maybe even a trip to the doctor or emergency room. The cost is $0.50 per week to enroll, and $35 for each consultation with a doctor. to enroll, go to QuEStIonS? Call the Total Rewards Service Center at 888-374-3343. grOUp legal plan - For dental, vision and major medical, press the option for the Health Insurance Marketplace. The group legal plan gives you access to a network of lawyers to handle common legal needs, from wills to divorce to identity theft. There are no limits on the number of times you can seek counsel, and there are no copayments or deductibles (only filing fees, if applicable). The cost of the coverage is $4.85 per week. See next page on how to enroll. - For DayOne and all other benefits, remain on the line to speak with a representative. ShOrt term DiSability (StD) The STD plan has been changed this year to match what is offered by most other employers. the maximum benefit period is now 26 weeks instead of 52. Because of the change, the plan will cost less in 2013.STDpaysbenefitsupto60%ofyourregularpayifyoucan’tworkbecauseofanillnessorinjury–including maternity and childbirth or mental health and substance abuse issues. STD benefits begin after seven days of disability. The maximum benefit period depends on how long you’ve worked for Darden. • • lESS tHAn onE YEAr: STD payments can continue up to 13 weeks. MorE tHAn onE YEAr:STDpaymentscancontinueupto26weeks. FIND WHAT FITS YOU : NOV. 12-30, 2012 See next page on how to enroll. for more deTAils, including AnnuAl benefiT limiTs, go To: ebenefiTs on disH. DAR_OEHR_13 Y O U R H E a lT H I N S U R a N C E m a R K E T P l a C E , a C C U H E a lT H Our new Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, helps you compare your options based on what is important to you. You can sort by plan feature, price, or group by insurance companies (carriers). • Yourchildrenuptoage26,iftheydon’thaveemployersponsored coverage available to them, or work for Darden and only have a DayOne plan available to them. As part of our comprehensive rewards program, you can also sign up for other benefits that add to your personal and financial security. Remember this enrollment period is the one time a year you can makeachangetoyourbenefits,unlessyouhaveaqualifyingfamilystatuschangeduringtheyear.Ifyoudon’tmakechanges to the following benefits, you’ll have the same election for 2013 (except Dependent Care FSA) with new plan changes and costs. You can choose life insurance for yourself and your dependents: *Mostservicesoutofnetwork(non-BlueCrossBlueShieldproviders)arecoveredat80%. WHO CaN I COvER? HERE’S HOW TO ENROll liFe inSUranCe GOLD M New Health Savings Account. • We’re now offering an HSA for eligible, full-time employees who enroll in a Bronze, Bronze Plus or Silver medical plan. The new online Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, has more details. GOLD 3 viSiOn planS: + A new way to ‘shop’ for many of your benefits. • The current dental, vision and PPO medical plans are being replaced by a wide range of new options. You can compare and shop for these plans, along with Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts, through our new private Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, which you can access from DiSH through eBenefits. prEvEntIvE cArE V SIL ER You can choose between the BronzE, SIlvEr, Gold and plAtInuM (in limited areas) levels for dental coverage. Typically, Platinum is less expensive and provides greater coverage when you see an in-network dentist. However, there is no coverage if you go outside of the network. E • You must take action during Open Enrollment if you are currently enrolled in the PPO medical plan and want major medical for 2013, or if you wish to enroll in one of the new major medical (not DayOne) plans. You must be a full-time employee with at least 2 years of service and average 30+ hours/week to enroll in a major medical plan. If you are enrolled in the PPO plan, you must average 20 hours a week to maintain eligibility. plan payS $500 for prescriptions $10,000 for inpatient hospital $3,000 for all other services ONZ BR E • If you are enrolled in a DayOne medical plan and want to stay in that plan, you do not need to take action. Your DayOne enrollment will continue automatically. DayOne baSiC Up tO 4 Dental planS: M You can continue to choose between the DayOne Basic Plan and the DayOne Plus Plan (which offers an additional $10,000 for inpatient hospital services). The current dental, vision and PPO medical plans are being replaced by a wider selection of new plans, offered by insurance companies that are competing for your business. The actual number of insurance company choices will vary depending on where you live. Not all insurance companies are available nationwide. Below is an overview of the options. During Open Enrollment, details can be found in the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth. E SHOP FOR BENEFITS your way! EXTRa BENEFITS MORE Recent feedback from employees told us they want more choice for benefits that matter most in their lives. So for 2013, we’re providing even more choice and options to fit the various needs of our employees. For 2013, we’re making two important changes to your benefits: 1. Enhancing the DayOne medical plans so your benefits go further. 2. Replacing our current dental, vision and PPO medical plan options with a wide selection of new plans – and giving you a whole new way to shop, compare and pick the plans that fit you. TImE TO GO SHOPPING! P inside: leArn wHy you MuSt tAkE WaY S T O S av E W I T H D aY O N E P l a N S P H O U R lY E m P l O Y E E S WHY JUST ENROll FOR BENEFITS WHEN YOU CaN SHOP FOR THEm? B YOUR 2013 BENEFITS SHOPPING GUIDE remember: THe denTAl, Vision And mAjor medicAl (noT dAyone) PlAns Are All new, so you musT enroll beTween noVember 12–30, if you wAnT coVerAge neXT yeAr. more on eXTrA benefiTs, including eligibiliTy, go To: disH>ebenefiTs>PAy & benefiT info. see next page on how to enroll in dependent care fsA, life insurance, group legal and sTd. you musT enroll if you wAnT mAjor medicAl (noT dAyone), denTAl & Vision benefiTs for 2013. ActIon if you wAnT denTAl, Vision or mAjor medicAl for 2013 The DayOne medical plans, available to all employees starting on day one of employment with Darden, are being improved for 2013. You’ll receive discounted pricing and a higher level of coverage when you receive care from health care providers who participate in the nATionwide blue cross blue sHield neTwork. That’s more than 90%ofdoctorsandhospitalsacrossthecountry! Inpatienthospitalcare,x-raysandlabswillbecoveredat90%,upfrom80%,afterthedeductible.Andthat’sontopof providerdiscountsthatcanrangefrom40%to80%,soyourdollarswillreallystretchfurther. D aY O N E m E D I C a l P l a N S aT a G l a N C E O P E N E N R O l l m E N T aT a G l a N C E DayOne medical plans. DayOne plUS AnnuAl dEductIBlE $100 $100 MAxIMuM plAn pAYS EAcH YEAr $500 for wellness care $500 for prescriptions $3,000 for all other services $500 for wellness care Dental and vision benefits. You must take action during Open Enrollment if you want to keep or get • dental or vision benefits for 2013. Major medical plans. TIN LA U ONZ BR V SIL ER You can choose between the BronzE, SIlvEr And Gold vision options. (In-Network – Blue Cross Blue Shield Providers)* Physicals:100%after$20copay ChildImmunizations:90%after$20copay Otherpreventivecareservices:90% Physicals:100%after$20copay ChildImmunizations:90%after$20copay Otherpreventivecareservices:90% oFFIcE vISIt 100%after$20copay 100%after$20copay HoSpItAl 90%afterdeductible 90%afterdeductible EMErGEncY 90%afterdeductible(waivedifadmitted) 90%afterdeductible(waivedifadmitted) pHArMAcY (up to 30-day supply) Generic:25%($10minimum) Brand:25%($20minimum);35%($25minimum)afterinitialfillandtworefillson maintenance drugs MAIl-ordEr (up to 90-day supply) Generic:25%($25minimum) Brand:25%($50minimum) WEEklY coSt (how much you pay each week from your paycheck) Employee only: $21.50 Employee +1 dependent: $42.00 Employee+2ormoredependents:$64.50 Up tO 5 maJOr meDiCal planS: For employees with at least 2 years of service averaging at least 30 hours a week. ONZ BR Employee only: $37.00 Employee+1dependent:$67.50 Employee +2 or more dependents: $108.50 RONZE OPEN ENROLLMENT: NOV. 12-30, 2012 You may enroll yourself and your eligible dependents, including: SAVINGS! • Yourspouseorqualifiedsame-genderdomesticpartner V SIL ER GOLD TIN LA U The BronzE, BronzE pluS and SIlvEr plans have higher deductibles and out-of-pocket costs than our current PPO. However, they also have lower weekly premiums (amount that comes out of your paycheck) on average. You pay less up front, but more out-of-pocket if and when you need care. The Gold and plAtInuMplanscostmoreoutofyourpaycheck,butrequire less out of your pocket when you receive care. If you enroll in the Bronze, Bronze Plus or Silver medical plan, the new HeAlTH sAVings AccounT (HsA) lets you set aside pre-tax money to cover your out-ofpocket medical expenses like deductibles and co-insurance. $ COmpare anD FinD yOUr perFeCt Fit. To enroll, go to the eBenefits on DiSH: Step 1: First, log in to DiSH: - From the restaurant, click My diSH DepenDent Care Flexible SpenDing aCCOUnt - From home, use your brand’s name to access DiSH: The Dependent Care FSA lets you set aside pre-tax money to pay for eligible dependent care expenses. For more details, go to eBenefits on DiSH. If you want to participate in the Dependent Care FSA in 2013, you must enroll even if you are currently enrolled. See next page on how to enroll through the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth.,,,,,, CritiCal illneSS anD aCCiDent NOTE: Type in http:// (instead of www). If you have trouble, try setting your browser to allow cookies and disabling your pop-up blockers. The critical illness plan pays a lump sum (either $10,000 or $20,000) directly to you if you develop cancer, need a major organ transplant or bypass surgery or suffer a heart attack or stroke. Step 2: After you log in, click on Enroll at: (User ID: first letter of first name, full last name. Password: last four digits of Social Security Number and 4-digit birth year). Step 3: From here, you can • For YourSElF, you can choose coverage of $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000. (You must be under age 70 when you enroll.) • For Your dEpEndEntS, you can purchase coverage of $10,000 for your spouse/domestic partner and $5,000 for your children. Children may only be covered up to age 23. The weekly cost of life insurance for yourself is $0.27 for $10,000, $0.42 for $15,000 and $0.54 for $20,000. (If you are currently enrolled in the plan you may only increase your coverage by one level each year.) The weekly costfordependentlifeinsuranceis$0.63,nomatterhowmanydependentsyouhave.don’t forget to update your beneficiary information through DiSH at eBenefits>Benefits Summary>Supplemental Life and AD&D. See next page on how to enroll. Step 4: Step 5: eBenefits, then Benefits Enrollment enroll or make changes to your DayOne plans, as well as the extra benefits such as life insurance and disability insurance. submitted shop After you’ve enrolled and your elections for extra benefits, it’s time to for dental, vision, Dependent Care FSA and major medical (not DayOne) plans through the HEAltH InSurAncE MArkEtplAcE, AccuHealth. Click on the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, link to shop. compare plans, estimate your annual costs and make your selections. Follow the on screen prompts to COMPARE telaDOC Teladoc lets you talk directly to a doctor any time, day or night. Get peace of mind, save time and money – and maybe even a trip to the doctor or emergency room. The cost is $0.50 per week to enroll, and $35 for each consultation with a doctor. to enroll, go to QuEStIonS? Call the Total Rewards Service Center at 888-374-3343. grOUp legal plan - For dental, vision and major medical, press the option for the Health Insurance Marketplace. The group legal plan gives you access to a network of lawyers to handle common legal needs, from wills to divorce to identity theft. There are no limits on the number of times you can seek counsel, and there are no copayments or deductibles (only filing fees, if applicable). The cost of the coverage is $4.85 per week. See next page on how to enroll. - For DayOne and all other benefits, remain on the line to speak with a representative. ShOrt term DiSability (StD) The STD plan has been changed this year to match what is offered by most other employers. the maximum benefit period is now 26 weeks instead of 52. Because of the change, the plan will cost less in 2013.STDpaysbenefitsupto60%ofyourregularpayifyoucan’tworkbecauseofanillnessorinjury–including maternity and childbirth or mental health and substance abuse issues. STD benefits begin after seven days of disability. The maximum benefit period depends on how long you’ve worked for Darden. • • lESS tHAn onE YEAr: STD payments can continue up to 13 weeks. MorE tHAn onE YEAr:STDpaymentscancontinueupto26weeks. FIND WHAT FITS YOU : NOV. 12-30, 2012 See next page on how to enroll. for more deTAils, including AnnuAl benefiT limiTs, go To: ebenefiTs on disH. DAR_OEHR_13 Y O U R H E a lT H I N S U R a N C E m a R K E T P l a C E , a C C U H E a lT H Our new Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, helps you compare your options based on what is important to you. You can sort by plan feature, price, or group by insurance companies (carriers). • Yourchildrenuptoage26,iftheydon’thaveemployersponsored coverage available to them, or work for Darden and only have a DayOne plan available to them. As part of our comprehensive rewards program, you can also sign up for other benefits that add to your personal and financial security. Remember this enrollment period is the one time a year you can makeachangetoyourbenefits,unlessyouhaveaqualifyingfamilystatuschangeduringtheyear.Ifyoudon’tmakechanges to the following benefits, you’ll have the same election for 2013 (except Dependent Care FSA) with new plan changes and costs. You can choose life insurance for yourself and your dependents: *Mostservicesoutofnetwork(non-BlueCrossBlueShieldproviders)arecoveredat80%. WHO CaN I COvER? HERE’S HOW TO ENROll liFe inSUranCe GOLD M New Health Savings Account. • We’re now offering an HSA for eligible, full-time employees who enroll in a Bronze, Bronze Plus or Silver medical plan. The new online Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, has more details. GOLD 3 viSiOn planS: + A new way to ‘shop’ for many of your benefits. • The current dental, vision and PPO medical plans are being replaced by a wide range of new options. You can compare and shop for these plans, along with Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts, through our new private Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, which you can access from DiSH through eBenefits. prEvEntIvE cArE V SIL ER You can choose between the BronzE, SIlvEr, Gold and plAtInuM (in limited areas) levels for dental coverage. Typically, Platinum is less expensive and provides greater coverage when you see an in-network dentist. However, there is no coverage if you go outside of the network. E • You must take action during Open Enrollment if you are currently enrolled in the PPO medical plan and want major medical for 2013, or if you wish to enroll in one of the new major medical (not DayOne) plans. You must be a full-time employee with at least 2 years of service and average 30+ hours/week to enroll in a major medical plan. If you are enrolled in the PPO plan, you must average 20 hours a week to maintain eligibility. plan payS $500 for prescriptions $10,000 for inpatient hospital $3,000 for all other services ONZ BR E • If you are enrolled in a DayOne medical plan and want to stay in that plan, you do not need to take action. Your DayOne enrollment will continue automatically. DayOne baSiC Up tO 4 Dental planS: M You can continue to choose between the DayOne Basic Plan and the DayOne Plus Plan (which offers an additional $10,000 for inpatient hospital services). The current dental, vision and PPO medical plans are being replaced by a wider selection of new plans, offered by insurance companies that are competing for your business. The actual number of insurance company choices will vary depending on where you live. Not all insurance companies are available nationwide. Below is an overview of the options. During Open Enrollment, details can be found in the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth. E SHOP FOR BENEFITS your way! EXTRa BENEFITS MORE Recent feedback from employees told us they want more choice for benefits that matter most in their lives. So for 2013, we’re providing even more choice and options to fit the various needs of our employees. For 2013, we’re making two important changes to your benefits: 1. Enhancing the DayOne medical plans so your benefits go further. 2. Replacing our current dental, vision and PPO medical plan options with a wide selection of new plans – and giving you a whole new way to shop, compare and pick the plans that fit you. TImE TO GO SHOPPING! P inside: leArn wHy you MuSt tAkE WaY S T O S av E W I T H D aY O N E P l a N S P H O U R lY E m P l O Y E E S WHY JUST ENROll FOR BENEFITS WHEN YOU CaN SHOP FOR THEm? B YOUR 2013 BENEFITS SHOPPING GUIDE remember: THe denTAl, Vision And mAjor medicAl (noT dAyone) PlAns Are All new, so you musT enroll beTween noVember 12–30, if you wAnT coVerAge neXT yeAr. more on eXTrA benefiTs, including eligibiliTy, go To: disH>ebenefiTs>PAy & benefiT info. see next page on how to enroll in dependent care fsA, life insurance, group legal and sTd. you musT enroll if you wAnT mAjor medicAl (noT dAyone), denTAl & Vision benefiTs for 2013. ActIon if you wAnT denTAl, Vision or mAjor medicAl for 2013 The DayOne medical plans, available to all employees starting on day one of employment with Darden, are being improved for 2013. You’ll receive discounted pricing and a higher level of coverage when you receive care from health care providers who participate in the nATionwide blue cross blue sHield neTwork. That’s more than 90%ofdoctorsandhospitalsacrossthecountry! Inpatienthospitalcare,x-raysandlabswillbecoveredat90%,upfrom80%,afterthedeductible.Andthat’sontopof providerdiscountsthatcanrangefrom40%to80%,soyourdollarswillreallystretchfurther. D aY O N E m E D I C a l P l a N S aT a G l a N C E O P E N E N R O l l m E N T aT a G l a N C E DayOne medical plans. DayOne plUS AnnuAl dEductIBlE $100 $100 MAxIMuM plAn pAYS EAcH YEAr $500 for wellness care $500 for prescriptions $3,000 for all other services $500 for wellness care Dental and vision benefits. You must take action during Open Enrollment if you want to keep or get • dental or vision benefits for 2013. Major medical plans. TIN LA U ONZ BR V SIL ER You can choose between the BronzE, SIlvEr And Gold vision options. (In-Network – Blue Cross Blue Shield Providers)* Physicals:100%after$20copay ChildImmunizations:90%after$20copay Otherpreventivecareservices:90% Physicals:100%after$20copay ChildImmunizations:90%after$20copay Otherpreventivecareservices:90% oFFIcE vISIt 100%after$20copay 100%after$20copay HoSpItAl 90%afterdeductible 90%afterdeductible EMErGEncY 90%afterdeductible(waivedifadmitted) 90%afterdeductible(waivedifadmitted) pHArMAcY (up to 30-day supply) Generic:25%($10minimum) Brand:25%($20minimum);35%($25minimum)afterinitialfillandtworefillson maintenance drugs MAIl-ordEr (up to 90-day supply) Generic:25%($25minimum) Brand:25%($50minimum) WEEklY coSt (how much you pay each week from your paycheck) Employee only: $21.50 Employee +1 dependent: $42.00 Employee+2ormoredependents:$64.50 Up tO 5 maJOr meDiCal planS: For employees with at least 2 years of service averaging at least 30 hours a week. ONZ BR Employee only: $37.00 Employee+1dependent:$67.50 Employee +2 or more dependents: $108.50 RONZE OPEN ENROLLMENT: NOV. 12-30, 2012 You may enroll yourself and your eligible dependents, including: SAVINGS! • Yourspouseorqualifiedsame-genderdomesticpartner V SIL ER GOLD TIN LA U The BronzE, BronzE pluS and SIlvEr plans have higher deductibles and out-of-pocket costs than our current PPO. However, they also have lower weekly premiums (amount that comes out of your paycheck) on average. You pay less up front, but more out-of-pocket if and when you need care. The Gold and plAtInuMplanscostmoreoutofyourpaycheck,butrequire less out of your pocket when you receive care. If you enroll in the Bronze, Bronze Plus or Silver medical plan, the new HeAlTH sAVings AccounT (HsA) lets you set aside pre-tax money to cover your out-ofpocket medical expenses like deductibles and co-insurance. $ COmpare anD FinD yOUr perFeCt Fit. To enroll, go to the eBenefits on DiSH: Step 1: First, log in to DiSH: - From the restaurant, click My diSH DepenDent Care Flexible SpenDing aCCOUnt - From home, use your brand’s name to access DiSH: The Dependent Care FSA lets you set aside pre-tax money to pay for eligible dependent care expenses. For more details, go to eBenefits on DiSH. If you want to participate in the Dependent Care FSA in 2013, you must enroll even if you are currently enrolled. See next page on how to enroll through the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth.,,,,,, CritiCal illneSS anD aCCiDent NOTE: Type in http:// (instead of www). If you have trouble, try setting your browser to allow cookies and disabling your pop-up blockers. The critical illness plan pays a lump sum (either $10,000 or $20,000) directly to you if you develop cancer, need a major organ transplant or bypass surgery or suffer a heart attack or stroke. Step 2: After you log in, click on Enroll at: (User ID: first letter of first name, full last name. Password: last four digits of Social Security Number and 4-digit birth year). Step 3: From here, you can • For YourSElF, you can choose coverage of $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000. (You must be under age 70 when you enroll.) • For Your dEpEndEntS, you can purchase coverage of $10,000 for your spouse/domestic partner and $5,000 for your children. Children may only be covered up to age 23. The weekly cost of life insurance for yourself is $0.27 for $10,000, $0.42 for $15,000 and $0.54 for $20,000. (If you are currently enrolled in the plan you may only increase your coverage by one level each year.) The weekly costfordependentlifeinsuranceis$0.63,nomatterhowmanydependentsyouhave.don’t forget to update your beneficiary information through DiSH at eBenefits>Benefits Summary>Supplemental Life and AD&D. See next page on how to enroll. Step 4: Step 5: eBenefits, then Benefits Enrollment enroll or make changes to your DayOne plans, as well as the extra benefits such as life insurance and disability insurance. submitted shop After you’ve enrolled and your elections for extra benefits, it’s time to for dental, vision, Dependent Care FSA and major medical (not DayOne) plans through the HEAltH InSurAncE MArkEtplAcE, AccuHealth. Click on the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, link to shop. compare plans, estimate your annual costs and make your selections. Follow the on screen prompts to COMPARE telaDOC Teladoc lets you talk directly to a doctor any time, day or night. Get peace of mind, save time and money – and maybe even a trip to the doctor or emergency room. The cost is $0.50 per week to enroll, and $35 for each consultation with a doctor. to enroll, go to QuEStIonS? Call the Total Rewards Service Center at 888-374-3343. grOUp legal plan - For dental, vision and major medical, press the option for the Health Insurance Marketplace. The group legal plan gives you access to a network of lawyers to handle common legal needs, from wills to divorce to identity theft. There are no limits on the number of times you can seek counsel, and there are no copayments or deductibles (only filing fees, if applicable). The cost of the coverage is $4.85 per week. See next page on how to enroll. - For DayOne and all other benefits, remain on the line to speak with a representative. ShOrt term DiSability (StD) The STD plan has been changed this year to match what is offered by most other employers. the maximum benefit period is now 26 weeks instead of 52. Because of the change, the plan will cost less in 2013.STDpaysbenefitsupto60%ofyourregularpayifyoucan’tworkbecauseofanillnessorinjury–including maternity and childbirth or mental health and substance abuse issues. STD benefits begin after seven days of disability. The maximum benefit period depends on how long you’ve worked for Darden. • • lESS tHAn onE YEAr: STD payments can continue up to 13 weeks. MorE tHAn onE YEAr:STDpaymentscancontinueupto26weeks. FIND WHAT FITS YOU : NOV. 12-30, 2012 See next page on how to enroll. for more deTAils, including AnnuAl benefiT limiTs, go To: ebenefiTs on disH. DAR_OEHR_13 Y O U R H E a lT H I N S U R a N C E m a R K E T P l a C E , a C C U H E a lT H Our new Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, helps you compare your options based on what is important to you. You can sort by plan feature, price, or group by insurance companies (carriers). • Yourchildrenuptoage26,iftheydon’thaveemployersponsored coverage available to them, or work for Darden and only have a DayOne plan available to them. As part of our comprehensive rewards program, you can also sign up for other benefits that add to your personal and financial security. Remember this enrollment period is the one time a year you can makeachangetoyourbenefits,unlessyouhaveaqualifyingfamilystatuschangeduringtheyear.Ifyoudon’tmakechanges to the following benefits, you’ll have the same election for 2013 (except Dependent Care FSA) with new plan changes and costs. You can choose life insurance for yourself and your dependents: *Mostservicesoutofnetwork(non-BlueCrossBlueShieldproviders)arecoveredat80%. WHO CaN I COvER? HERE’S HOW TO ENROll liFe inSUranCe GOLD M New Health Savings Account. • We’re now offering an HSA for eligible, full-time employees who enroll in a Bronze, Bronze Plus or Silver medical plan. The new online Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, has more details. GOLD 3 viSiOn planS: + A new way to ‘shop’ for many of your benefits. • The current dental, vision and PPO medical plans are being replaced by a wide range of new options. You can compare and shop for these plans, along with Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts, through our new private Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, which you can access from DiSH through eBenefits. prEvEntIvE cArE V SIL ER You can choose between the BronzE, SIlvEr, Gold and plAtInuM (in limited areas) levels for dental coverage. Typically, Platinum is less expensive and provides greater coverage when you see an in-network dentist. However, there is no coverage if you go outside of the network. E • You must take action during Open Enrollment if you are currently enrolled in the PPO medical plan and want major medical for 2013, or if you wish to enroll in one of the new major medical (not DayOne) plans. You must be a full-time employee with at least 2 years of service and average 30+ hours/week to enroll in a major medical plan. If you are enrolled in the PPO plan, you must average 20 hours a week to maintain eligibility. plan payS $500 for prescriptions $10,000 for inpatient hospital $3,000 for all other services ONZ BR E • If you are enrolled in a DayOne medical plan and want to stay in that plan, you do not need to take action. Your DayOne enrollment will continue automatically. DayOne baSiC Up tO 4 Dental planS: M You can continue to choose between the DayOne Basic Plan and the DayOne Plus Plan (which offers an additional $10,000 for inpatient hospital services). The current dental, vision and PPO medical plans are being replaced by a wider selection of new plans, offered by insurance companies that are competing for your business. The actual number of insurance company choices will vary depending on where you live. Not all insurance companies are available nationwide. Below is an overview of the options. During Open Enrollment, details can be found in the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth. E SHOP FOR BENEFITS your way! EXTRa BENEFITS MORE Recent feedback from employees told us they want more choice for benefits that matter most in their lives. So for 2013, we’re providing even more choice and options to fit the various needs of our employees. For 2013, we’re making two important changes to your benefits: 1. Enhancing the DayOne medical plans so your benefits go further. 2. Replacing our current dental, vision and PPO medical plan options with a wide selection of new plans – and giving you a whole new way to shop, compare and pick the plans that fit you. TImE TO GO SHOPPING! P inside: leArn wHy you MuSt tAkE WaY S T O S av E W I T H D aY O N E P l a N S P H O U R lY E m P l O Y E E S WHY JUST ENROll FOR BENEFITS WHEN YOU CaN SHOP FOR THEm? B YOUR 2013 BENEFITS SHOPPING GUIDE remember: THe denTAl, Vision And mAjor medicAl (noT dAyone) PlAns Are All new, so you musT enroll beTween noVember 12–30, if you wAnT coVerAge neXT yeAr. more on eXTrA benefiTs, including eligibiliTy, go To: disH>ebenefiTs>PAy & benefiT info. see next page on how to enroll in dependent care fsA, life insurance, group legal and sTd. you musT enroll if you wAnT mAjor medicAl (noT dAyone), denTAl & Vision benefiTs for 2013. ActIon if you wAnT denTAl, Vision or mAjor medicAl for 2013 The DayOne medical plans, available to all employees starting on day one of employment with Darden, are being improved for 2013. You’ll receive discounted pricing and a higher level of coverage when you receive care from health care providers who participate in the nATionwide blue cross blue sHield neTwork. That’s more than 90%ofdoctorsandhospitalsacrossthecountry! Inpatienthospitalcare,x-raysandlabswillbecoveredat90%,upfrom80%,afterthedeductible.Andthat’sontopof providerdiscountsthatcanrangefrom40%to80%,soyourdollarswillreallystretchfurther. D aY O N E m E D I C a l P l a N S aT a G l a N C E O P E N E N R O l l m E N T aT a G l a N C E DayOne medical plans. DayOne plUS AnnuAl dEductIBlE $100 $100 MAxIMuM plAn pAYS EAcH YEAr $500 for wellness care $500 for prescriptions $3,000 for all other services $500 for wellness care Dental and vision benefits. You must take action during Open Enrollment if you want to keep or get • dental or vision benefits for 2013. Major medical plans. TIN LA U ONZ BR V SIL ER You can choose between the BronzE, SIlvEr And Gold vision options. (In-Network – Blue Cross Blue Shield Providers)* Physicals:100%after$20copay ChildImmunizations:90%after$20copay Otherpreventivecareservices:90% Physicals:100%after$20copay ChildImmunizations:90%after$20copay Otherpreventivecareservices:90% oFFIcE vISIt 100%after$20copay 100%after$20copay HoSpItAl 90%afterdeductible 90%afterdeductible EMErGEncY 90%afterdeductible(waivedifadmitted) 90%afterdeductible(waivedifadmitted) pHArMAcY (up to 30-day supply) Generic:25%($10minimum) Brand:25%($20minimum);35%($25minimum)afterinitialfillandtworefillson maintenance drugs MAIl-ordEr (up to 90-day supply) Generic:25%($25minimum) Brand:25%($50minimum) WEEklY coSt (how much you pay each week from your paycheck) Employee only: $21.50 Employee +1 dependent: $42.00 Employee+2ormoredependents:$64.50 Up tO 5 maJOr meDiCal planS: For employees with at least 2 years of service averaging at least 30 hours a week. ONZ BR Employee only: $37.00 Employee+1dependent:$67.50 Employee +2 or more dependents: $108.50 RONZE OPEN ENROLLMENT: NOV. 12-30, 2012 You may enroll yourself and your eligible dependents, including: SAVINGS! • Yourspouseorqualifiedsame-genderdomesticpartner V SIL ER GOLD TIN LA U The BronzE, BronzE pluS and SIlvEr plans have higher deductibles and out-of-pocket costs than our current PPO. However, they also have lower weekly premiums (amount that comes out of your paycheck) on average. You pay less up front, but more out-of-pocket if and when you need care. The Gold and plAtInuMplanscostmoreoutofyourpaycheck,butrequire less out of your pocket when you receive care. If you enroll in the Bronze, Bronze Plus or Silver medical plan, the new HeAlTH sAVings AccounT (HsA) lets you set aside pre-tax money to cover your out-ofpocket medical expenses like deductibles and co-insurance. $ COmpare anD FinD yOUr perFeCt Fit. To enroll, go to the eBenefits on DiSH: Step 1: First, log in to DiSH: - From the restaurant, click My diSH DepenDent Care Flexible SpenDing aCCOUnt - From home, use your brand’s name to access DiSH: The Dependent Care FSA lets you set aside pre-tax money to pay for eligible dependent care expenses. For more details, go to eBenefits on DiSH. If you want to participate in the Dependent Care FSA in 2013, you must enroll even if you are currently enrolled. See next page on how to enroll through the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth.,,,,,, CritiCal illneSS anD aCCiDent NOTE: Type in http:// (instead of www). If you have trouble, try setting your browser to allow cookies and disabling your pop-up blockers. The critical illness plan pays a lump sum (either $10,000 or $20,000) directly to you if you develop cancer, need a major organ transplant or bypass surgery or suffer a heart attack or stroke. Step 2: After you log in, click on Enroll at: (User ID: first letter of first name, full last name. Password: last four digits of Social Security Number and 4-digit birth year). Step 3: From here, you can • For YourSElF, you can choose coverage of $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000. (You must be under age 70 when you enroll.) • For Your dEpEndEntS, you can purchase coverage of $10,000 for your spouse/domestic partner and $5,000 for your children. Children may only be covered up to age 23. The weekly cost of life insurance for yourself is $0.27 for $10,000, $0.42 for $15,000 and $0.54 for $20,000. (If you are currently enrolled in the plan you may only increase your coverage by one level each year.) The weekly costfordependentlifeinsuranceis$0.63,nomatterhowmanydependentsyouhave.don’t forget to update your beneficiary information through DiSH at eBenefits>Benefits Summary>Supplemental Life and AD&D. See next page on how to enroll. Step 4: Step 5: eBenefits, then Benefits Enrollment enroll or make changes to your DayOne plans, as well as the extra benefits such as life insurance and disability insurance. submitted shop After you’ve enrolled and your elections for extra benefits, it’s time to for dental, vision, Dependent Care FSA and major medical (not DayOne) plans through the HEAltH InSurAncE MArkEtplAcE, AccuHealth. Click on the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, link to shop. compare plans, estimate your annual costs and make your selections. Follow the on screen prompts to COMPARE telaDOC Teladoc lets you talk directly to a doctor any time, day or night. Get peace of mind, save time and money – and maybe even a trip to the doctor or emergency room. The cost is $0.50 per week to enroll, and $35 for each consultation with a doctor. to enroll, go to QuEStIonS? Call the Total Rewards Service Center at 888-374-3343. grOUp legal plan - For dental, vision and major medical, press the option for the Health Insurance Marketplace. The group legal plan gives you access to a network of lawyers to handle common legal needs, from wills to divorce to identity theft. There are no limits on the number of times you can seek counsel, and there are no copayments or deductibles (only filing fees, if applicable). The cost of the coverage is $4.85 per week. See next page on how to enroll. - For DayOne and all other benefits, remain on the line to speak with a representative. ShOrt term DiSability (StD) The STD plan has been changed this year to match what is offered by most other employers. the maximum benefit period is now 26 weeks instead of 52. Because of the change, the plan will cost less in 2013.STDpaysbenefitsupto60%ofyourregularpayifyoucan’tworkbecauseofanillnessorinjury–including maternity and childbirth or mental health and substance abuse issues. STD benefits begin after seven days of disability. The maximum benefit period depends on how long you’ve worked for Darden. • • lESS tHAn onE YEAr: STD payments can continue up to 13 weeks. MorE tHAn onE YEAr:STDpaymentscancontinueupto26weeks. FIND WHAT FITS YOU : NOV. 12-30, 2012 See next page on how to enroll. for more deTAils, including AnnuAl benefiT limiTs, go To: ebenefiTs on disH. DAR_OEHR_13 Y O U R H E a lT H I N S U R a N C E m a R K E T P l a C E , a C C U H E a lT H Our new Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, helps you compare your options based on what is important to you. You can sort by plan feature, price, or group by insurance companies (carriers). • Yourchildrenuptoage26,iftheydon’thaveemployersponsored coverage available to them, or work for Darden and only have a DayOne plan available to them. As part of our comprehensive rewards program, you can also sign up for other benefits that add to your personal and financial security. Remember this enrollment period is the one time a year you can makeachangetoyourbenefits,unlessyouhaveaqualifyingfamilystatuschangeduringtheyear.Ifyoudon’tmakechanges to the following benefits, you’ll have the same election for 2013 (except Dependent Care FSA) with new plan changes and costs. You can choose life insurance for yourself and your dependents: *Mostservicesoutofnetwork(non-BlueCrossBlueShieldproviders)arecoveredat80%. WHO CaN I COvER? HERE’S HOW TO ENROll liFe inSUranCe GOLD M New Health Savings Account. • We’re now offering an HSA for eligible, full-time employees who enroll in a Bronze, Bronze Plus or Silver medical plan. The new online Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, has more details. GOLD 3 viSiOn planS: + A new way to ‘shop’ for many of your benefits. • The current dental, vision and PPO medical plans are being replaced by a wide range of new options. You can compare and shop for these plans, along with Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts, through our new private Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, which you can access from DiSH through eBenefits. prEvEntIvE cArE V SIL ER You can choose between the BronzE, SIlvEr, Gold and plAtInuM (in limited areas) levels for dental coverage. Typically, Platinum is less expensive and provides greater coverage when you see an in-network dentist. However, there is no coverage if you go outside of the network. E • You must take action during Open Enrollment if you are currently enrolled in the PPO medical plan and want major medical for 2013, or if you wish to enroll in one of the new major medical (not DayOne) plans. You must be a full-time employee with at least 2 years of service and average 30+ hours/week to enroll in a major medical plan. If you are enrolled in the PPO plan, you must average 20 hours a week to maintain eligibility. plan payS $500 for prescriptions $10,000 for inpatient hospital $3,000 for all other services ONZ BR E • If you are enrolled in a DayOne medical plan and want to stay in that plan, you do not need to take action. Your DayOne enrollment will continue automatically. DayOne baSiC Up tO 4 Dental planS: M You can continue to choose between the DayOne Basic Plan and the DayOne Plus Plan (which offers an additional $10,000 for inpatient hospital services). The current dental, vision and PPO medical plans are being replaced by a wider selection of new plans, offered by insurance companies that are competing for your business. The actual number of insurance company choices will vary depending on where you live. Not all insurance companies are available nationwide. Below is an overview of the options. During Open Enrollment, details can be found in the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth. E SHOP FOR BENEFITS your way! EXTRa BENEFITS MORE Recent feedback from employees told us they want more choice for benefits that matter most in their lives. So for 2013, we’re providing even more choice and options to fit the various needs of our employees. For 2013, we’re making two important changes to your benefits: 1. Enhancing the DayOne medical plans so your benefits go further. 2. Replacing our current dental, vision and PPO medical plan options with a wide selection of new plans – and giving you a whole new way to shop, compare and pick the plans that fit you. TImE TO GO SHOPPING! P inside: leArn wHy you MuSt tAkE WaY S T O S av E W I T H D aY O N E P l a N S P H O U R lY E m P l O Y E E S WHY JUST ENROll FOR BENEFITS WHEN YOU CaN SHOP FOR THEm? B YOUR 2013 BENEFITS SHOPPING GUIDE remember: THe denTAl, Vision And mAjor medicAl (noT dAyone) PlAns Are All new, so you musT enroll beTween noVember 12–30, if you wAnT coVerAge neXT yeAr. more on eXTrA benefiTs, including eligibiliTy, go To: disH>ebenefiTs>PAy & benefiT info. see next page on how to enroll in dependent care fsA, life insurance, group legal and sTd. you musT enroll if you wAnT mAjor medicAl (noT dAyone), denTAl & Vision benefiTs for 2013. ActIon if you wAnT denTAl, Vision or mAjor medicAl for 2013 The DayOne medical plans, available to all employees starting on day one of employment with Darden, are being improved for 2013. You’ll receive discounted pricing and a higher level of coverage when you receive care from health care providers who participate in the nATionwide blue cross blue sHield neTwork. That’s more than 90%ofdoctorsandhospitalsacrossthecountry! Inpatienthospitalcare,x-raysandlabswillbecoveredat90%,upfrom80%,afterthedeductible.Andthat’sontopof providerdiscountsthatcanrangefrom40%to80%,soyourdollarswillreallystretchfurther. D aY O N E m E D I C a l P l a N S aT a G l a N C E O P E N E N R O l l m E N T aT a G l a N C E DayOne medical plans. DayOne plUS AnnuAl dEductIBlE $100 $100 MAxIMuM plAn pAYS EAcH YEAr $500 for wellness care $500 for prescriptions $3,000 for all other services $500 for wellness care Dental and vision benefits. You must take action during Open Enrollment if you want to keep or get • dental or vision benefits for 2013. Major medical plans. TIN LA U ONZ BR V SIL ER You can choose between the BronzE, SIlvEr And Gold vision options. (In-Network – Blue Cross Blue Shield Providers)* Physicals:100%after$20copay ChildImmunizations:90%after$20copay Otherpreventivecareservices:90% Physicals:100%after$20copay ChildImmunizations:90%after$20copay Otherpreventivecareservices:90% oFFIcE vISIt 100%after$20copay 100%after$20copay HoSpItAl 90%afterdeductible 90%afterdeductible EMErGEncY 90%afterdeductible(waivedifadmitted) 90%afterdeductible(waivedifadmitted) pHArMAcY (up to 30-day supply) Generic:25%($10minimum) Brand:25%($20minimum);35%($25minimum)afterinitialfillandtworefillson maintenance drugs MAIl-ordEr (up to 90-day supply) Generic:25%($25minimum) Brand:25%($50minimum) WEEklY coSt (how much you pay each week from your paycheck) Employee only: $21.50 Employee +1 dependent: $42.00 Employee+2ormoredependents:$64.50 Up tO 5 maJOr meDiCal planS: For employees with at least 2 years of service averaging at least 30 hours a week. ONZ BR Employee only: $37.00 Employee+1dependent:$67.50 Employee +2 or more dependents: $108.50 RONZE OPEN ENROLLMENT: NOV. 12-30, 2012 You may enroll yourself and your eligible dependents, including: SAVINGS! • Yourspouseorqualifiedsame-genderdomesticpartner V SIL ER GOLD TIN LA U The BronzE, BronzE pluS and SIlvEr plans have higher deductibles and out-of-pocket costs than our current PPO. However, they also have lower weekly premiums (amount that comes out of your paycheck) on average. You pay less up front, but more out-of-pocket if and when you need care. The Gold and plAtInuMplanscostmoreoutofyourpaycheck,butrequire less out of your pocket when you receive care. If you enroll in the Bronze, Bronze Plus or Silver medical plan, the new HeAlTH sAVings AccounT (HsA) lets you set aside pre-tax money to cover your out-ofpocket medical expenses like deductibles and co-insurance. $ COmpare anD FinD yOUr perFeCt Fit. To enroll, go to the eBenefits on DiSH: Step 1: First, log in to DiSH: - From the restaurant, click My diSH DepenDent Care Flexible SpenDing aCCOUnt - From home, use your brand’s name to access DiSH: The Dependent Care FSA lets you set aside pre-tax money to pay for eligible dependent care expenses. For more details, go to eBenefits on DiSH. If you want to participate in the Dependent Care FSA in 2013, you must enroll even if you are currently enrolled. See next page on how to enroll through the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth.,,,,,, CritiCal illneSS anD aCCiDent NOTE: Type in http:// (instead of www). If you have trouble, try setting your browser to allow cookies and disabling your pop-up blockers. The critical illness plan pays a lump sum (either $10,000 or $20,000) directly to you if you develop cancer, need a major organ transplant or bypass surgery or suffer a heart attack or stroke. Step 2: After you log in, click on Enroll at: (User ID: first letter of first name, full last name. Password: last four digits of Social Security Number and 4-digit birth year). Step 3: From here, you can • For YourSElF, you can choose coverage of $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000. (You must be under age 70 when you enroll.) • For Your dEpEndEntS, you can purchase coverage of $10,000 for your spouse/domestic partner and $5,000 for your children. Children may only be covered up to age 23. The weekly cost of life insurance for yourself is $0.27 for $10,000, $0.42 for $15,000 and $0.54 for $20,000. (If you are currently enrolled in the plan you may only increase your coverage by one level each year.) The weekly costfordependentlifeinsuranceis$0.63,nomatterhowmanydependentsyouhave.don’t forget to update your beneficiary information through DiSH at eBenefits>Benefits Summary>Supplemental Life and AD&D. See next page on how to enroll. Step 4: Step 5: eBenefits, then Benefits Enrollment enroll or make changes to your DayOne plans, as well as the extra benefits such as life insurance and disability insurance. submitted shop After you’ve enrolled and your elections for extra benefits, it’s time to for dental, vision, Dependent Care FSA and major medical (not DayOne) plans through the HEAltH InSurAncE MArkEtplAcE, AccuHealth. Click on the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, link to shop. compare plans, estimate your annual costs and make your selections. Follow the on screen prompts to COMPARE telaDOC Teladoc lets you talk directly to a doctor any time, day or night. Get peace of mind, save time and money – and maybe even a trip to the doctor or emergency room. The cost is $0.50 per week to enroll, and $35 for each consultation with a doctor. to enroll, go to QuEStIonS? Call the Total Rewards Service Center at 888-374-3343. grOUp legal plan - For dental, vision and major medical, press the option for the Health Insurance Marketplace. The group legal plan gives you access to a network of lawyers to handle common legal needs, from wills to divorce to identity theft. There are no limits on the number of times you can seek counsel, and there are no copayments or deductibles (only filing fees, if applicable). The cost of the coverage is $4.85 per week. See next page on how to enroll. - For DayOne and all other benefits, remain on the line to speak with a representative. ShOrt term DiSability (StD) The STD plan has been changed this year to match what is offered by most other employers. the maximum benefit period is now 26 weeks instead of 52. Because of the change, the plan will cost less in 2013.STDpaysbenefitsupto60%ofyourregularpayifyoucan’tworkbecauseofanillnessorinjury–including maternity and childbirth or mental health and substance abuse issues. STD benefits begin after seven days of disability. The maximum benefit period depends on how long you’ve worked for Darden. • • lESS tHAn onE YEAr: STD payments can continue up to 13 weeks. MorE tHAn onE YEAr:STDpaymentscancontinueupto26weeks. FIND WHAT FITS YOU : NOV. 12-30, 2012 See next page on how to enroll. for more deTAils, including AnnuAl benefiT limiTs, go To: ebenefiTs on disH. DAR_OEHR_13 Y O U R H E a lT H I N S U R a N C E m a R K E T P l a C E , a C C U H E a lT H Our new Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, helps you compare your options based on what is important to you. You can sort by plan feature, price, or group by insurance companies (carriers). • Yourchildrenuptoage26,iftheydon’thaveemployersponsored coverage available to them, or work for Darden and only have a DayOne plan available to them. As part of our comprehensive rewards program, you can also sign up for other benefits that add to your personal and financial security. Remember this enrollment period is the one time a year you can makeachangetoyourbenefits,unlessyouhaveaqualifyingfamilystatuschangeduringtheyear.Ifyoudon’tmakechanges to the following benefits, you’ll have the same election for 2013 (except Dependent Care FSA) with new plan changes and costs. You can choose life insurance for yourself and your dependents: *Mostservicesoutofnetwork(non-BlueCrossBlueShieldproviders)arecoveredat80%. WHO CaN I COvER? HERE’S HOW TO ENROll liFe inSUranCe GOLD M New Health Savings Account. • We’re now offering an HSA for eligible, full-time employees who enroll in a Bronze, Bronze Plus or Silver medical plan. The new online Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, has more details. GOLD 3 viSiOn planS: + A new way to ‘shop’ for many of your benefits. • The current dental, vision and PPO medical plans are being replaced by a wide range of new options. You can compare and shop for these plans, along with Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts, through our new private Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth, which you can access from DiSH through eBenefits. prEvEntIvE cArE V SIL ER You can choose between the BronzE, SIlvEr, Gold and plAtInuM (in limited areas) levels for dental coverage. Typically, Platinum is less expensive and provides greater coverage when you see an in-network dentist. However, there is no coverage if you go outside of the network. E • You must take action during Open Enrollment if you are currently enrolled in the PPO medical plan and want major medical for 2013, or if you wish to enroll in one of the new major medical (not DayOne) plans. You must be a full-time employee with at least 2 years of service and average 30+ hours/week to enroll in a major medical plan. If you are enrolled in the PPO plan, you must average 20 hours a week to maintain eligibility. plan payS $500 for prescriptions $10,000 for inpatient hospital $3,000 for all other services ONZ BR E • If you are enrolled in a DayOne medical plan and want to stay in that plan, you do not need to take action. Your DayOne enrollment will continue automatically. DayOne baSiC Up tO 4 Dental planS: M You can continue to choose between the DayOne Basic Plan and the DayOne Plus Plan (which offers an additional $10,000 for inpatient hospital services). The current dental, vision and PPO medical plans are being replaced by a wider selection of new plans, offered by insurance companies that are competing for your business. The actual number of insurance company choices will vary depending on where you live. Not all insurance companies are available nationwide. Below is an overview of the options. During Open Enrollment, details can be found in the Health Insurance Marketplace, AccuHealth. E SHOP FOR BENEFITS your way! EXTRa BENEFITS MORE Recent feedback from employees told us they want more choice for benefits that matter most in their lives. So for 2013, we’re providing even more choice and options to fit the various needs of our employees. For 2013, we’re making two important changes to your benefits: 1. Enhancing the DayOne medical plans so your benefits go further. 2. Replacing our current dental, vision and PPO medical plan options with a wide selection of new plans – and giving you a whole new way to shop, compare and pick the plans that fit you. TImE TO GO SHOPPING! P inside: leArn wHy you MuSt tAkE WaY S T O S av E W I T H D aY O N E P l a N S P H O U R lY E m P l O Y E E S WHY JUST ENROll FOR BENEFITS WHEN YOU CaN SHOP FOR THEm? B YOUR 2013 BENEFITS SHOPPING GUIDE remember: THe denTAl, Vision And mAjor medicAl (noT dAyone) PlAns Are All new, so you musT enroll beTween noVember 12–30, if you wAnT coVerAge neXT yeAr. more on eXTrA benefiTs, including eligibiliTy, go To: disH>ebenefiTs>PAy & benefiT info. see next page on how to enroll in dependent care fsA, life insurance, group legal and sTd. you musT enroll if you wAnT mAjor medicAl (noT dAyone), denTAl & Vision benefiTs for 2013.