TOHS - Conejo Valley Unified School District


TOHS - Conejo Valley Unified School District
Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory 2011
Table of Contents
Principal’s Remarks .............................................. 1
Administration ...................................................2-3
Clerical Staff .......................................................... 4
Maintenance and Operations ............................. 5
Course Level Descriptions
Advanced Placement
Library ..................................................................... 6
Follows the prescribed Advanced Placement
curriculum, assessment, and instruction
TOHS Clubs & Organizations ........................... 7
Counseling ...........................................................8-9
Designed for the student with strong writing
skills, ability to work independently, and
CTE and School to Career.............................. 10-11
English Department ....................................... 12-15
Health Department/Physical Education ..... 16-17
Mathematics Department .............................. 18-20
Science Department ........................................ 21-23
College Preparatory
Designed for the student who has proficiency in communication and critical thinking
Social Science Department............................ 24-26
Special Education Department ..................... 27-29
Honors/AP Courses
Visual and Performing Arts Department ... 30-32
Non-Departmental Classes ................................. 33
Foreign Language
World Languages Department ..................... 34-35
Expected School-wide Learning Results .......... 36
Additional Course Offerings
Geometry Honors
Algebra 2 Honors
Math Analysis Honors
AP Statistics
AP Calculus
Biology Honors
Chemistry Honors
Physiology Honors
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Environmental Science
AP Physics B
Foreign Language
Japanese 1CP/ 2CP/3CP
Spanish 1CP/2CP/3CP/4CP
French 1CP/2CP/3CP
American Sign Language 1CP/2CP/3CP
Co-Curricular Classes
Full Athletic Program (24 varsity sports)
Full Band and Orchestra program
Full Choir Program
Full Theater program
Academic Decathlon
Dance Team
EThOS (Entrepreneurship) Academy
Journalism 1CP & Advanced Journalism
Mock Trial
Spirit and Competition Cheer
Yearbook class
English 9 Honors
English 10 Honors
AP English Lang/Comp
AP English Lit/Comp
AP Spanish Language
AP Spanish Literature
AP French Language
AP French Literature
Social Studies
AP European History
AP United States History
AP Gov‟t & Politics, U.S.
Economics Honors
AP Art History
AP Art Portfolio
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory 2011
Principal‟s Remarks
Greetings and thank you for taking time to review this informational directory
regarding Thousand Oaks High School (TOHS) programs, faculty, and staff. TOHS
enjoys a rich tradition of academic and co-curricular success that dates back to our
opening in 1962. We prepare students for their future path, whether it be college
(placing students in the University of California system to the Ivy League schools and
everything in between), military service, trade school, or employment. Many of our
graduates have stayed within or returned to our community and currently
volunteer their support through one of our parent or booster organizations.
Our teaching staff includes 104 individuals who possess many years of collective teaching experience as well
as a desire to provide our students with the rigorous and relevant standards-based curriculum that meets the
needs of our diverse community. I hope that after perusing this publication, you will take the time to
visit our web site and/or our campus and inquire about our programs. Our Lancer faculty and staff
appreciate the support of our wonderful school community as we continue to offer a broad curricular
program; a myriad of co-curricular offerings that include music, art, drama, and dance; nearly 100
on-campus clubs; and championship athletics.
Thank you and Go Lancers!
Thanks to the Thousand Oaks High School PTSA
Lou Lichtl, Principal
for helping to underwrite this publication.
2010 AP Awards
AP Scholars
Grades of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams
AP Scholars w/ Honor
Avg. grade of at least 3.25 on all AP exams & grade of 3 or higher on
4+ exams
AP Scholars w/ Distinction 52
Avg. grade of at least 3.5 on all AP exams & grades of 3 or higher on
5+ exams
National AP Scholars
Avg. grade of at least 4 on all AP exams & grades of 4 or higher on
8+ exams
Enrollment by Grade—2010/11 school year
9th grade—609
10th grade—662
11th grade—536
12th grade—567
Approximately 15% of our
students live outside our
attendance area and desire
to attend through school
choice on permit
Total of 2379 students
AP Exam Results 2010
88% of all students in AP classes also took the AP test
Test Title
Total #≥3
Art History
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Chinese Lang.
English Lang
English Lit
European History
German Lang
Gov‟t & Pol, US
Japanese Lang.
Music Theory
Physics B, C
Spanish Lang
Studio Art
Art 2D/3D Design
US History
World History
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory 2011
Administration pictured left to right:
Martin Nichols, Coreen Pefley, Lou Lichtl, DeDe Dryer, Mary Ziegler
School Mission Statement
In a safe and nurturing environment, Thousand Oaks High School strives
to impart the knowledge that will empower each student to be a successful, healthy adult and a responsible, contributing member of society.
Lou Lichtl, Principal
DeDe Dryer, Assistant Principal of Instruction
Mary Ziegler, Assistant Principal of Athletics
Coreen Pefley, Dean of Students
Martin Nichols, Dean of Attendance
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory 2011
Martin Nichols, Dean of Attendance
DeDe Dryer, Assistant Principal of Instruction
Walnut High School, Walnut, CA
Lowell High School, San Francisco, CA
B.A., Psychology, University of
California, Santa Barbara
B.A., Theater, University of California,
Los Angeles
M.S., School Based Family Counseling,
California State University, Los Angeles
M.A., Educational Leadership, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA
Years Teaching: 6 teaching, 4 counseling, 1/2 administration
Years Teaching: 13 teaching, 5 administration
Years at TOHS: 1/2 year
Years at TOHS: 2
Outside Interests: Mountain biking, surfing, parenting
Outside Interests: Sports fan, crossword puzzle, playing with
my dog
Favorite Quote: :”If you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”
Coreen Pefley, Dean of Activities
William Howard Taft High School, Woodland Hills
Favorite Quote: :”Two roads converged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference,”
~Robert Frost
Favorite TOHS memory: When I got my administrator‟s
“letterman” style jacket!
B.A., History, California Lutheran
University, Thousand Oaks, CA
Mary Ziegler, Assistant Principal of Athletics
M.A., Educational Administration, California
Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA
St. Bonaventura High School, Ventura, CA
B.A., Mathematics, California
State University, Fresno
Years Teaching: 17 years teaching, 10 years administration
Years at TOHS: 10
Outside Interests: Reading and spending time with my family
M.A., Education, University of California,
Santa Barbara
Favorite TOHS memory: In 10 years I have had so many wonderful experiences here at TOHS, but I‟d have to say my favorite is
always graduation and seeing all the kids graduate.
Administrative Credential, California State
University, Channel Islands, Camarillo, CA
Lou Lichtl, Principal
Culver City High School, Culver City, CA
B.S., Physical Education, California State
University, Long Beach
M.S., School of Management and Administration,
Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA
Years Teaching: 14 years teaching, 4 years administration
Years at TOHS: 7
Outside Interests: Hiking, biking, traveling around the world
Favorite Quote: :”The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion
to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of
endeavor.” ~Vince Lombardi
Favorite TOHS memory: Seeing students succeed
TOHS Faculty at a glance
Years Teaching: 10 teaching, 16 administration
Years at TOHS: 4 (1998-2000, 2009-present)
Outside Interests: Reading, politics, church, and family life
Favorite Quote: “We need to be the authors of our own life.”
~Peter Senge
Favorite TOHS memory: As Principal I value the opportunity to
visit classrooms as students engage in their learning, drop-in on
club meetings, attend performances, and participate as a Lancer
fan at athletic events.
CVUSD Mission Statement
The mission of the Conejo Valley Unified School District
is to meet the academic, cultural, social, and individual
needs of students in order to prepare them to make a
meaningful contribution to a democratic society.
114 certificated employees:
5 administrators, 5 counselors, 104 teachers
 114 Bachelor‟s degrees and credentials
 80 Master‟s degrees
 6 Doctorate degrees
Average years in education is 16.3 years
 Total teaching experience:
 1858.2 years or
 3716.2 semesters or
 7432.8 quarters or
 334,476 day or
 1,672,380 teaching periods
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory 2011
Clerical Staff, pictured left to right:
Sitting: Julie Lange, Elaine Towner, Stella Cox, Irene Patterson, Marjorie Lizaraga, Myra Bermudez,
Caroline Cleaver
Standing: Ann Lawson, Marla Baker, Bonnie Rossborough (TOHS alum), Kathy Murphy,
Connie Peters (TOHS alum), Kathleen Paskey (TOHS alum), Joan Sparks, Nancy McKinney
Thousand Oaks High School is blessed with a competent and professional clerical staff that is the
backbone of our organization. These individuals manage our offices and oversee the daily
functioning of our school. Their duties extend beyond their “job-titles” and include serving and
supporting all students, parents, and staff in assuring the attainment of our vision for Thousand
Oaks High School.
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory 2011
Maintenance and Operations, pictured left to right:
Sitting: Donald Ramirez, Robert Degenhardt, Kim Rafter, Joe Garcia
Standing: Gary Decker, Sean Howard, Brett Tamburri
Not pictured: Marco Godinez, Al Borroel, Al Burnham, Robert Raimey, Ken Ho
Maintaining an attractive and clean high school campus is no easy task and one that requires
dedication and leadership. Under the direction of Sean Howard, Plant Manager, our staff
accomplishes the many tasks that are required including day-to-day repairs, landscape maintenance,
trash and recycle management, upgrades, installations to name a few. Thank you to our
Maintenance and Operations staff for their hard work each and every day.
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory 2011
Library pictured left to right: Connie Peters (IMT) and Sarah Burns (Teacher Librarian)
Sarah Burns, Teacher Librarian
Vacaville High School, Vacaville, CA
B.A., Liberal Studies, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA
M.S., Physical Education, Azusa Pacific University
M.A., Ed School Librarianship, Azusa Pacific University
Years Teaching: 14
Years Teaching at TOHS: 7
School Site Council, Leadership Council, Intervention Coordinator, WASC
Focus Group Coordinator
Outside Interests: Spending time with my husband and puppy, reading,
running, scrapbooking
Favorite Quote: “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it
is too dark to read.” ~Groucho Marx
Favorite TOHS memory: There are really too many to count. TOHS really is
the BEST high school around! Lancer spirit is alive and well. I am proud to
be part of this wonderful community of faculty, staff, and students.
The Lancer Library is the largest
classroom on campus. Its mission is
to ensure that members of our
community are effective users of ideas
and information. Furthermore, the
Lancer Library strives to provide and
maintain up-to-date materials and an
environment conducive to learning.
“The library has developed into a
major hub on campus...the certificated
teacher librarian teaches through the
research database and provides
instructional support to faculty and
students” (WASC Report 55).
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A Cappella Club
Academic Decathlon
American Cancer Society
American Red Cross
American Sign Language
Animal Rights Club
Anime Club
Art Club
ASB Associated Student Body
Autism Awareness Club
Ballet Folklorico
Basketball Stats
California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
Campus Light Christian Club
Car Club (Conejo Classics)
Chess Club
Chinese Culture Club
Choir & Choral Organizations
Color Guard
Competition Cheer
Cross Country
Dance Club
Desi Club
Diabetes Awareness
Dugout Club
Environmental Marine Trainers Club
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Fielder‟s Choice (Softball)
Free Thinkers Club
French Club
Gay-Straight Alliance
Geopolitics Club
Global Diversity Club
Golf (Boys & Girls)
Green Hole Club
Gridiron Club (Football)
Guitar Club
Improvisational Comedy Club
Japanese Club
Jewish Community Service
Jewish Student Union (JSU)
Junior Statesman of America (JSA)
Key Club
Knowledge Bowl
Lady Spikers Volleyball
Latino Connection Club
Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory 2011
D. Sheridan
M. Budny
A. Fitzpatrick/H. Villa
T. Carvalho
N. Malhotra
T. Dawson
L. Ravitch
C. Powell
M. Giles
V. Sonstegard
T. Young/D. Oliveri
S. Pearson
V. Bass
M. Martone
J. Steuvey
R. Calasin
M. Hahn
J. Hernandez
K. Mills
S. Ramage
S. Shin
G. Fritzen
M. Martone
K. Mills
C. Powell/S. Morris
J. Murphy
N. Malhotra
D. Sheridan
J. Donia
R. Geisler
H. Farrell
J. Smith
G. Walin
F. McGinnis
M. Orsinger
T. Beaudoin
M. Budny
N. Malhotra
R. Stillwell
M. Crawford
M. Leibin/C. Casillas
S. MacDonald
M. Crawford
S. Nardi/C. Reichenberger
K. Benioff
R. Bromberg
D. Nystrom
J. Zimmerman
F. McGinnis
J. Zimmerman
T. Hoag
J. Park
High school is not strictly about academics.
Extracurricular activities are an integral part of a
students' high school experience. They allow for
students to develop leadership and teamwork
skills while pursuing an interest that may lead to
a career or a lifelong hobby.
TOHS has over 96 Student clubs
and organizations on campus.
Faculty members are actively
involved with the students and
clubs that they advise.
Link Crew
Majors Program/EThOS
Mass Media
Mock Trial
National Arts Honor Society
National Honor Society
Newspaper (The Lancer)
Patriot Club
Pay It Forward
Peer Counseling
Progressive Political Club
Project Concern
Quidditch Club
Robotics Club
Rubik‟s Cubing Club
Science Club
Sharp Shooters (Girls Basketball)
Ski/Snowboard Club
Soccer (Boys)
Soccer (Girls)
Spanish Club
Spanish Honors Society
Students for Solar Schools
Style Alliance Fashion Club
Support Our Troops Club
Surf Club
Symphony Orchestra/Strings
Takedown Club
Tea Culture Club
Teen Court
Tennis Club (Girls)
Track & Field
UEV United Environmental Voice
Vatican Three Council
Vex Robotics Club
World Village Club
Yearbook (Lancer Legend)
Young Filmmakers
A. Cooper/J. Carolan
J. Carlson
N. Schroeder
M. Budny
V. Sonstegard
D. Grooms
J. Zimmerman
A. Magana
R. Calasin
S. Shin
R. Haar
K. Swanson
A. Magana
S. Shin
N. Malhotra
R. Cromwell
E. Maor
M. Tietjen
G. Raives
H. Villa
H. Villa
D. Grooms
Z. Abbott
L. Bleiberg
C. Rond
A. Sobrino
K. Lyne
J. Zimmerman
M. Budny
D. Assorson
S. Kloch
D. Powell
A. Magana
S. Burnham
M. Valdez
R. Haar
N. Schroeder
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory 2011
Counselors pictured left to right:
Jane Carlson, Rachel Guyette (TOHS alum), Robin Britt, Helen Spaeth, Elizabeth Dee, Chris Bliss,
Mike Kelly
CVUSD Graduation Requirements
230 Total Credits
40 credits—English
30 credits—Mathematics
30 credits—Social Studies
20 credits—Science
20 credits—Physical Education
10 credits—Visual/Performing Arts
or Foreign Language*
5 credits— Health
75 credits—Electives
(30 credits of the elective requirement must include:
visual/performing arts, foreign language, science,
mathematics, social studies, industrial arts, business, consumer/family studies.)
* All 10 credits must be in fine arts or foreign language.
Credit Recovery Programs for TOHS students
 Cyber High (unique to Thousand Oaks High School)
Students may take online courses at no cost during a first period
class at TOHS through an electronic program called Cyber High.
The Cyber High curriculum is aligned with the Content Standards and Frameworks of California. All courses are currently
accredited through the Fresno Unified School District.
 Concurrent Enrollment/Dual Credit High School and
College Classes
Juniors/Seniors are allowed high school course requirements
through credit at a postsecondary institution for courses not
offered at TOHS. Contact a counselor or refer to CVUSD policy
for details.
Students can earn up to 15 credits per semester for ROP classes.
 Work Experience
Senior students can earn 5 or 10 credits each semester for on the
job work experience
Information available through the TOHS counseling office.
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory 2011
Jane Carlson, School to Career Coordinator
B.A., English, California State University, Fullerton
M.S. Administration, Pepperdine
University, Malibu, CA
Chris Bliss, Counseling
Venice High School, Los Angeles, CA
B.A., Sociology, California State
University, Northridge
Years Teaching: 11
M.A., Education, California
Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 10
Years at TOHS: 3
Years at TOHS: 10
Majors program, EThOS Entrepreneurship
Academy, TEDX Conejo
Peer Counseling, School to Career
Outside Interests: Genealogy, hiking
Favorite Quote: “If you think you can, you can.” ~Henry Ford
Favorite Quote: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So
throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the
trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Favorite TOHS Memory: TOHS was honored in 2009-10 by the
California Department of Education as one of six high schools
with an "Exemplary Career Technical Education Program
Rachel Guyette, Counseling
Thousand Oaks High School, Thousand Oaks
B.S., Psychology, University of
Nebraska, Lincoln
Outside Interests: Hiking, cooking, travel, pets
Elizabeth Dee, Counselor
Colegio San Jose de Tarbes, Caracas, Venezula
B.A., Philosophy, Universidad Catolica
Andres Bello, Caracas, Venezuela
Doctorate, Contemporary Philosophy, Universidad
Complutense, Madrid, Spain
M.S., Educational Psychology, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles
Years Teaching: 10
Years counseling: 15
Years at TOHS: 15
In charge of bilingual parents and students
M.S., School Counseling, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Outside Interests: Hiking, swimming, reading
Years Counseling: 15
Favorite Quote: “To be successful, the first thing to do is
fall in love with your work.” ~Sister Mary Lauretta
Years at TOHS: 1
Favorite Quote: “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”
~Stephen Covey
Favorite TOHS memory: It‟s been fun to return to my alma
mater as a counselor.
Favorite TOHS memory: I was TOHS Grand Marshall!!!
Mike Kelly, Counseling
Verdugo Hills High School, Tujunga, CA
Helen Spaeth, Counseling
Robinson High School, San
Juan, Puerto Rico
B.A., University of
Wisconsin, Whitewater
M.S., Counseling and Guidance, California
State University, Northridge
Years Teaching: 5
Years Counseling: 16
Years at TOHS: 16
ROP Coordinator, Sophomore Conference
Outside Interests: Skiing, camping, hiking, motorcycle riding
Favorite TOHS memory: When “at risk” seniors graduate,
B.A., Physical Education & Biology,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
M.A., University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Years Teaching/Counseling: 31
Years at TOHS: 24
Outside Interests: Family, photography, hiking
Post-Graduate Destinations
*Based on 83% of Graduates responding to survey
48% Attending 2 year colleges
46% Attending 4 year colleges*
2% Attending Trade/Technical College
2% Joining the Armed Forces
National Merit Program
94% of TOHS seniors responding to survey
2009 Commended 11 Semi-Finalists 10 Finalists 10 attending some form of college
2010 Commended 18 Semi-Finalists 4 Finalists 4 *Of students attending 4 year colleges, 23% are attending
University of California or Cal State Universities.
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Department Chair:
Patti McNamara
Career Technical
Education and
School to Career
pictured left to right:
Sitting: Jane Carlson, Vicky
Sonsegard, Patti McNamara
Standing: Abel Magana, Ryan
Thompson, Gary McGinnis,
Jim Ganser, Rod Stillwell
(TOHS alum)
Not pictured: Zenda
Abbott, Debi Kehoe
CTE Pathways:
Cabinetmaking and Wood Products
Wood 1, 2
Architectural and Structural Engineering
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)
Architectural Design 1, 2
Information Support and Services
Personal Computing 1, 2
Microsoft Computer Applications
Program and Systems Development
Personal Computing 1, 2
Computer Programming 1, 2
Machine and Forming Technology
Metals 1,2,3,4
Machine Tool Technology
Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Economics/Virtual Enterprise
Career Technical Education (CTE) pathways are sequences of
multiyear courses that integrate core academic knowledge with
technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with
pathways to postsecondary education and careers.
The Majors is a voluntary, extra-curricular program for ALL
students beginning in sophomore year, whether you choose to
go to college or directly into a career. Its purpose is to help you
explore careers, become familiar with the career planning
process, and gain job skills. Graduating with a Majors certificate
helps clarify
Majors Programs:
career goals
 Arts, Communication, & Entertainment
and enhances
 Business & Information Technology
résumés, port Engineering & Industrial Technology
folios, and
 Entrepreneurship (EThOS)
 Health Sciences
Public & Human Services
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Jane Carlson, School to Career Coordinator
Abel Magana, Industrial Technology
See Bio under Counselors
Oxnard High School, Oxnard, CA.
B.A., Engineering Mechanical,
California State University, Northridge
Victoria Sonstegard, VPA
Years Teaching: 15
Years Teaching at TOHS: 12
High Point High School, Beltsville, MD
Robotic Club
B.A., English, Cal State University, Northridge
Outside Interests: Raising a family and fishing
M.A., California Lutheran
University, Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 11
Years Teaching at TOHS: 9
Advisor Art Club and National Honor Society, Advisor Arts
Major Program
Outside Interests: Singing in local choirs and chorale groups,
reading, painting and drawing, travel with my husband
Favorite Quote: “There is good art and bad art, but there is no
wrong in art.”
Favorite TOHS memory: My Graphic Design students design the
ID cards for TOHS, the ESLRs poster, banners for the quad and
provide artwork for various projects needed by ASB.
Patti McNamara, Mathematics & CTE
B.S., Computer Science, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles
CA Secondary Teaching Credential,
California State University, Northridge
Years Teaching:13
Years Teaching at TOHS: 13
EthOS, Business Majors
Outside Interests: Snowboarding, cooking, family
Favorite Quote: “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we
take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” ~Anonymous
Favorite Quote: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach
him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” ~Chinese proverb
Ryan Thompson, Math/EthOs Business Academy
Adolfo Camarillo High School, Camarillo, CA
B.A., Business / Marketing, California State
University, Northridge
Masters in Technology in the Classroom,
California State University, Northridge
Years Teaching: 3
Years Teaching at TOHS: 2
JV Boys Soccer Coach
Outside Interests: Surfing, snowboarding, hunting, camping,
anything with my family.
Favorite Quote: "good players practice ’til they get it right...great
players practice ’til they never get it wrong.” ~soccer player
Rod Stillwell, Mathematics & CTE
Thousand Oaks High School, Thousand Oaks, CA
B.A., Business Administration,
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Years Teaching: 14
Years Teaching at TOHS: 11
Boy‟s and Girl‟s Golf Coach;, Business Majors
Advisor, EthoS Academy Teacher
Outside Interests: Golf, Fishing, traveling with family
Favorite Quote: “It is what you learn after you know it all that
counts.” ~John Wooden
Gary McGinnis, Mathematics
Santa Ana Valley, Sana Ana, CA
B.A., Mathematics and Physical Education, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks.
Masters of Education, California Lutheran
University, Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 39
Years Teaching at TOHS: 11
JV Golf
Outside Interests: Golf, snow skiing, boating, relaxing
Favorite Quote: “If you don’t start, you can’t finish.”
Favorite TOHS Memory: Working with a dedicated teaching
Favorite TOHS Memory: Winning the 1st and only CIF Baseball
Championship in 2003 (Head Coach). Finishing the 2010 Girl‟s
Golf Season undefeated (14-0 League, 16-0 Overall).
EThOS - What is it?
The EThOS Entrepreneurship
Academy is designed for students who would like to learn
to turn ideas into action and
become entrepreneurs of their
generation. The program is for students who seek
the tools to nurture their creativity and become self
starters with an entrepreneurial mindset, regardless of what they go on to do in life. Entrepreneurial leadership is vital to solve the world’s most
pressing problems. Through this program, a group
of 10th-12th grade students explore the world of
entrepreneurship and all that it encompasses.
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Department Chair:
Melissa Wood-Glusac
English Department pictured left to right:
Sitting: Kristen Benioff, Teri Sanders, Kelly Mills, Eileen Moore, Jennifer Smith, Jo Zimmerman,
Donna Baker (TOHS alum), Mary Budny
Standing: Brian Cummings, Tasha Beaudin, Brenda Burgar, Jon Fleming (TOHS alum), Melissa
Wood-Glusac (TOHS alum), Robin Bromberg, Marty
English Core Literature Titles
Crawford (TOHS alum), Thomas Smith (TOHS alum),
9th grade
Brinden Wohlstattar, David Sheridan, Felix McGinnis.
Not pictured: Heather Austin, Paulette Reis-Babbitt
Classes offered:
 English 9— Standard, CP, Honors
 English 10—Standard, CP, Honors
 English 11 - Standard, CP
 AP English Language & Composition
 English 12 - Standard, CP
 AP English Literature & Composition
 Journalism
 Advanced Journalism
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
10th grade
Antigone by Sophocles
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
11 grade
The Crucible by Arthur Miller or
Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Kristen Benioff, English & World Languages
Eileen Moore, English & Spanish
Stillwater Senior High School Stillwater, MN
Aragon High School, San Mateo, CA
B.A., English, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
B.A., English & Spanish, Santa Clara
University, Santa Clara, CA
Masters of Education, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis
Years Teaching: 15
Years Teaching at TOHS: 15
Masters of Education, Stanford
University, Palo Alto, CA
Japanese Club
Years Teaching: Credentialed for 33 years, in business for 20 years before teaching 13 years ago.
Outside Interests: Reading, running, traveling
Years Teaching at TOHS: 6
Entrepreneurship Academy, Project Concerns
Teri Sanders, English
Immaculata Preparatory High
School, Washington, D.C.
B.A., English/Journalism major, Communication/History minor, Elon University,
Elon, NC
Masters of Science of Education, Mount Saint Mary‟s College,
Los Angeles, CA
Years Teaching: 24
Outside Interests: Spending time with family, yoga, reading,
theatre, exercise (indoor and outdoors), cooking
Favorite Quote: "You never really understand a person until you
consider things from his point of view . . . until you climb into his skin
and walk around in it." --Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird
Favorite TOHS memory: When I attended the first graduation ceremony in which my former freshmen received their diplomas, I
was overcome with the realization that I am a part of one of the
most important processes on this earth--educating young people.
Years Teaching at TOHS: 11
Kelly Mills, English & P.E.
Agoura High School; Agoura Hills, CA
B.A., English, University of
California, Irvine
Single Subject Teacher Credential,
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 6
Years Teaching at TOHS: 6
Cheerleading Head Coach (Spirit & Competition)
Outside Interests: Cheerleading, reading (shocking, I know),
playing with my dog at the dog park, and movie-watching
Favorite Quote: “Nothing will come of nothing.” ~Shakespeare
Favorite TOHS memory: During my fourth year at TOHS, I was
still one of the newest teachers on campus and notsurprisingly received a pink slip (at the start of my 4th period
class). My kids, a wonderful group a 10th grade Honors English students, got together and presented me with "pink slips"
of their own the next day - they had each written something
nice for me on pink sheets of paper, what they referred to as
Positive Pink Slips. It was such a thoughtful gesture, one I will
never forget, and is really indicative of what type of students
we have here at TOHS!
Jennifer Smith, English
Agoura High School; Agoura Hills, CA
B.A., Public Administration, San
Diego State University, San Diego, CA.
California Teaching Credential, California
Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 21
Years Teaching at TOHS: 19
Advisor—Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club (FAC)
Outside Interests: Spending time with my family, reading,
church activities, attending my boys‟ many sporting events,
reading and scrapbooking
Favorite Quote: “When I look back, I am so impressed again
with the life-giving power of literature.
If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of
myself in the world, I would do that again by reading,
just as I did when I was young.” ~ Maya Angelou
Donna Baker, English and ELD
Thousand Oaks High School; Thousand Oaks, CA
B.A., History California State University, Northridge
Years Teaching: 34
Year teaching at TOHS: 17
12th grade
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
1984 by George Orwell
Student Study team/ELD Advisor
Outside Interests: Cooking, reading
Favorite Quote: ”Don’t let urgent things get in the way of important
things.” ~ Kenneth Standley
Favorite TOHS memory: Hour long lunches when I was a student
at TOHS.
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Jo Zimmerman, English & Journalism
Brenda Burger, English
Cheyenne Central High School,
Cheyenne, WY
Saratoga High School; Saratoga, CA
B.A., English Education, University of Wyoming,
Laramie, WY
M.Ed., Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT
Gifted and Talented endorsement, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, UT
Years Teaching: 28
Years teaching at TOHS: 16
Advisor—The Lancer and Key Club
Outside Interests: Reading, cooking, traveling
Favorite Quote: “This above all: to thine own self be true.” ~Shakespeare/
Favorite TOHS memory: Lancer football, the Green Hole, cheering for
the win, winning first place at the national journalism convention.
Brian Cummings, English
Royal High School, Simi Valley
A.A., General Ed, Moorpark Community
College, Moorpark, CA
B.A., English, California State University, Northridge
Years Teaching: 9
B.A., English University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Masters in Curriculum
and Instruction with a specialization in Educational Technology,
California Lutheran University,
Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 17
Year teaching at TOHS: 14
Jon Fleming, English
Thousand Oaks High School
B.A., English, California Lutheran University,
Thousand Oaks
Masters of Education, Walden
University, Minneapolis, MN
Years Teaching: 15
Years teaching at TOHS: 10
School Site Council
Outside Interests: Hiking, rock climbing
Favorite Quote: “If you think you can do a thing or think you
can't do a thing, you're right. -- Henry Ford
Years teaching at TOHS: 9
Outside Interests: Family, travel, hiking, reading, cooking, painting
Favorite Quote: “Doing what is right isn’t the problem. It is knowing
what’s right.” ~Lyndon B. Johnson
Favorite TOHS Memory: Whenever students revisit after graduation
to tell me they are going to school to become a teacher.
Tasha Beaudoin, English
Elsinore High School, Lake Elsinore, CA
B.A., English, Literature , Minor in Political Science,
University of Redlands, Redlands, CA
Melissa Wood-Glusac, English
Thousand Oaks High School,
Thousand Oaks
B.A., English, California Lutheran University,
Thousand Oaks
Secondary Credential, California Lutheran University,
Thousand Oaks, CA
M.A., Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA
Years Teaching: 13
Years teaching at TOHS: 13
Years Teaching: 17
Major‟s Writing Club, English Department Chair
Years Teaching at TOHS: 8
Outside Interests: Writing, reading, animals
Advisor—Gay Straight Alliance Club
Outside Interests: Photography, raising my family
Favorite Quote: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined.” ~Henry David Thoreau
Favorite TOHS memory: Leaving TOHS to teach somewhere else
only to come back this year and appreciate the school even more
than I did before. This is am amazing place to work and I‟m
grateful for the opportunity.
Favorite TOHS memory: English classes and playing
basketball when I was a student, and returning to work
with some of my heroes to teach literature and writing
(and coach basketball).
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Robin Bromberg, English
Brinden Wohlstattar, English & Social Studies
U.S. Grant High School, Van Nuys, CA
Birmingham High School; Van Nuys, CA
B.A., English, California State
University, Northridge
Years Teaching: 29
Years teaching at TOHS: 14
Student study team, Tikkun Olam Community Service Club
Marty Crawford, English
Thousand Oaks High School, Thousand Oaks
B.A., English & B.A., Communication Arts,
California Lutheran University,
Thousand Oaks
B.A., Political Science, University of
California, Santa Barbara
Single Subject Teacher Credential,
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
Masters of Education, California Lutheran
University, Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 2
Years teaching at TOHS: 2
Spirit Cheer Coach
Outside Interests: Spending time with family, yoga, reading, theatre, exercise (indoor and outdoors), cooking
Favorite Quote: “Lead by doing” ~Mr. Ramierez (my Athletic Director
at Birmingham H.S.
Years Teaching: 23
Year teaching at TOHS: 17
Felix McGinnis, English
Improv Comedy Club, Basketball/Volleyball Support Staff,
GATE Coordinator, past involvement with drama, speech,
cheerleading, literary magazine, numerous clubs, etc.
Daniele Murphy High School,
Los Angeles, CA
Favorite Quote: "If I had but two loaves of bread, I would sell
one and buy hyacinth, for they would feed my soul." ~Mohammed
Favorite TOHS memory: As a teacher...the first "Mystery of
Edwin Drood," also "Brigadoon," dancing as "Alvin the
Chipmunk" at a rally, chaperoning Grad Nite, and the last
EVER sleepover in the quad, rollerskating in class, trips to
England and France with students. As a TOHS student…
football and basketball games, after game fun at Bob's Big
Boy, homecoming rallies, senior play, Grad Nite, winning
the Dance Marathon , and speaking at graduation
B.A. Philosophy major,
Theology minor, Thomas
Aquinas College, Ojai, CA
M.A., English and American Literature, Claremont Graduate
University, Claremont, CA
Heather Austin, English
Louisville High School, Woodland Hills, CA
B.A., English, University of California, Santa Barbara
Single Subject Teaching Credential English, University of New
Orleans, New Orleans, LA
Years Teaching: 13
Years at TOHS: 1
Thomas Smith, English
Thousand Oaks High School, Thousand Oaks
B.A., English Literature, University of
California, Irvine
Single Subject Teaching Credential English, San
Diego State University, San Diego, CA
Years Teaching: 1
Year teaching at TOHS: 1
JV Boys‟ and girls‟ waterpolo and Varsity swim
Outside Interests: reading, surfing, swimming, water polo,
Favorite Quote: “The secret source of humor is not joy but sorrow; there is no humor in Heaven.” ~Mark Twain
Favorite TOHS Memory: Returning as a teacher.
Outside Interests: My adorable/crazy kids
Favorite Quote: “Come in, she said, I’ll give ya shelter from the storm.”
~Bob Dylan
Favorite TOHS Memory: I continue to enjoy the smiles and visits
from so many of my former students from Redwood. It has made
this transition to high school for me such a smooth and welcoming
experience and I can't thank you all enough for the kind support.
My 1st 8th grade class from Redwood are now Seniors--from the
bird's nest to the soaring sky…I've loved watching you all grow.
I'm just joking. But I do love you all. And may I just say that my 2
unbelievable classes this year-my incredible 10th grade kids-have
inspired me beyond any expectation and I thank you all for that.
Your commitment, your creativity, and your connection throughout the year has made this a truly unforgettable one for me. I felt
completely out of my comfort zone at the start of this year having
never taught anything except 8th grade English, and you all exceeded my hopes and visions. And as far as which class I like the most, I
guess one will never truly know…
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Department Chair:
Rich Endres
Physical Education/Health Department pictured left to right:
Sitting: Val Stillwell, Melissa Martin,
JaLeen Murphy
Standing: Scott Veres, Mike Leibin,
Tom Lee
Not pictured: Mike Giles,
Rich Endres, Ashley Cooper,
Gary Walin (Athletic Director)
Classes offered: The Physical Education/Health department at
Thousand Oaks High School offers Physical Education to all
grade levels and the 9th Grade
Health class.
TOHS CIF Athletic Teams*
Spring Season
Boys Golf
Boys & Girls Swim
Boys Tennis
Boys & Girls Track
Boys Volleyball
Girls Water Polo Boys & Girls Lacrosse
Fall Season
Boys Cross Country
Girls Cross Country
Winter Season
Girls Golf
Boys Basketball
Girls Tennis
Girls Basketball
Girls Volleyball Boys Soccer
Boys Water Polo Girls Soccer
Co-Curricular Programs*
Marching Band
Drum Line
Color Guard
Winter Guard
Spirit Cheer
Competition Cheer
*Participation earns PE credit,
5 credits per semester of activity.
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Val Stillwell, PE
Scott Veres, Health
Poway High School, Poway, CA
B.A., Kinesiology, Athletic Training Option, California
State University, Northridge
Oak Park High School, Oak Park, CA
Master‟s, Educational Leadership,
California State University, Channel Islands, Camarillo, CA
Years Teaching: 13
Years Teaching at TOHS: 11
Outside Interests: Spending time with
my kids and husband
Favorite Quote: “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood...And I took
the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference.”
~ Robert Frost
B.A., Health, San Diego State University,
San Diego, CA
M.S., Physical Education, Azusa Pacific
University, Azusa, CA
Years Teaching: 17
Years Teaching at TOHS: 16
Favorite Quote: “Plan your work, work your plan.” ~Vince Lombardi
Mike Leibin, PE and Head Football Coach
Westlake High School, Westlake, CA
Melissa Martin, PE / Special Education
John C. Birdlebough High School,
Phoenix, NY
B.A., Kinesiology, California State University,
Years Teaching: 10
B.S., Physical Education, State University
of New York, Cortland, NY
Years Teaching at TOHS: 3
M.S., Adapted Physical Education, University
of Wisconsin, Lacrosse, WI
Outside Interests: Wakeboarding, snowboarding, and golfing
JaLeen Murphy, PE / Dance
Bonneville High School, Idaho Falls, ID
B.A., Dance Specialization, Spanish Minor,
Bingham Young University, Provo, UT
Years Teaching: 24
Years Teaching at TOHS: 20
Dance Department organizer, Dance Team director, Coed
Dance Director, all-male Dance Director, Dance Club advisor
Outside Interests: Church and family
Favorite Quote: “Ponder on the lives of men, what they have done
and where they have been, stop to questions, asking why, some men
walk and others fly.” ~Steven E. Garner
Favorite TOHS memory: Winning a national title with the
dance team
Gary Walin, Athletic Coordinator
Bonita Vista High School, Chula Vista, CA
B.A., History, California State University, Northridge
Education, California State University, Northridge
Years Teaching: 19
Years Teaching at TOHS: 17
Softball Coach
Outside Interests: Golf
Favorite Quote: “Little things make big things happen.”
~John Wooden
Favorite TOHS memory: Winning 2001 CIF Softball
Head Football Coach
Favorite Quote: “The battle is won long before it is ever fought.”
~Sun Tzu
Favorite TOHS Memory: Beating Westlake in Football in 2008,
beating Moorpark in overtime in 2010.
League Championships
2011- Boys Basketball
Boys Soccer
2010- Boys Cross Country
Girls Volleyball
Girls Golf
Girls Tennis
2009- Boys Swimming
Boys Tennis
Boys Track
Boys Basketball
Girls Track
Girls Soccer
2008 - Girls Soccer
Girls Volleyball
Boys Cross Country
Boys Swimming
2007- Baseball
Boys Basketball
Boys Swimming
Boys Volleyball
Girls Soccer
Girls Water Polo
CIF Championships
2009- Boys Basketball
Boys Tennis
2008- Boys Cross Country
Girls Soccer
2005- Boys Soccer
State Championships
2005- Girls Cross Country
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Department Chair: James Park
Mathematics Department pictured left to right:
Sitting: Karen Davis, SuGen Grand, Bill Gemberling (TOHS alum), Patti McNamara, Jayna Lovo,
Rosette Calasin
Standing: Dennis King, Dave Singh, Rod Stillwell (TOHS alum), Ryan Thompson, Manuel Valdez,
James Park, Gary McGinnis, Jesse Hernandez, David Nystrom (TOHS alum)
Not pictured: Veronica Bass
Classes offered:
Geometry CP, Honors (9th)
Algebra 2 Honors (9th or 10th)
 Algebra 2 CP (10th or 11th)
 Math Analysis CP (11th or 12th)
 Math Analysis Honors (11th or 12th)
AP Statistics (11th or 12th)
Functions, Statistics & Trignometry CP (11th or 12th)
Discrete Mathematics CP (12th)
AP Computer Science AP (11th or 12th)
AP Calculus (12th)
Focus on Algebra, Geometry, or Algebra 2 (9th,10th,11th)
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Karen Davis Mathematics
Patti McNamara, Mathematics & CTE
Louisville High School, Woodland Hills, CA
B.S., Computer Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
B.S., Mathematics, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA
M.S., Mathematics, California State
University, Northridge
Years Teaching: 11
Years teaching at TOHS: 7
SuGen Shin Grano, Mathemtics
B.S., Mathematics, University of
California, Santa Barbara
CA Secondary Teaching Credential,
California State University, Northridge
Years Teaching:13
Years Teaching at TOHS: 13
EthOS, Business Major
Outside Interests: Snowboarding, cooking, family
Favorite Quote: “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we
take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” ~Anonymous
M.A., Mathematics Education,
University of California, Santa Barbara
Jayno Lovo, Mathematics / Data Coach for CVUSD
Years Teaching: 5
Ventura High School, Ventura, CA
Years Teaching at TOHS: 5
B.S., Math, California State University, Northridge
Pro-Family Club, Rubik‟s Cube Club, Chinese Culture Club
Outside Interests: Ceramic art, astronomy, chess, running,
hiking, camping
Favorite Quote: You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every
experience in which you really stop to look at fear in the face. You
must o the thing which you think you cannot do.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Favorite TOHS memory: I feel tremendously blessed to be able to
teach math everyday. I delight in doing math because it is
beautiful, and I‟m lucky to be able to share that joy with my
students. I love it!
M.A., California State University, Northridge
Years Teaching: 7
Years Teaching at TOHS: 7
Video Game Club, working at athletic events, DataWise
training for teachers
Outside Interests: Watching hockey, football, MMA, playing
hockey, video games
Favorite Quotes: “Audio, Video, Disco. Aut viam inveniam aut
faciam—I hear, I see, I learn I will either find a way or make one.”
William Gemberling, Mathematics
Thousand Oaks High School, Thousand Oaks
B.S., Business Administration emphasis Human Resource Management, California
State University, Northridge
Teaching Credential in Mathematics,
National University, Sherman Oaks, CA
Years Teaching: 13
Years Teaching at TOHS: 12
Running clocks for the football and basketball teams. Did guitar
club for 6 years, supervised homecoming float building for 8
years, coached swimming for 10 years.
Outside Interests: L.A. Kings hockey, my 2 nephews!
Favorite Quote: “I am what I am, and that’s all that I am.” ~Popeye
Rosette M. Calasin, Mathematics
B.A., Mathematics—Secondary education,
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla
M.A. Education—Secondary, University
of California, San Diego, La Jolla
Years Teaching: 4
Years Teaching at TOHS: 3
CSF Advisor, Pay It Forward Advisor
Outside Interests: Volleyball, water polo, swimming, piano.
Favorite TOHS memory: Wrapping shoe boxes with my students
for Operation Christmas Child.
Favorite TOHS memory: Graduation 1977 from T.O.H.S.!
Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics,
I assure you that mine are greater.”
~Albert Einstein
“For the things of this world cannot be made
known without a knowledge of mathematics.”
~Roger Bacon
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Manuel Valdez, Mathematics
El Monte Union High School
Ryan Thompson, Math/EThOS Business Academy
Adolfo Camarillo High School, Camarillo, CA
B.A., Business / Marketing, California State
University, Northridge
Masters in Technology in the Classroom,
Azusa Pacific University, Oxnard Campus
Years Teaching: 3
Years Teaching at TOHS: 2
JV Boys Soccer Coach
Outside Interests: Surfing, Snowboarding, Hunting, Camping,
Anything with my family
Favorite Quote: "good players practice ’til they get it right...great
player practice ’til they never get it wrong.” ~soccer player
Dennis King, Mathematics
B.A., History Major, Math Minor, University of
California, Santa Barbara
Years Teaching: 38
Years Teaching at TOHS: 38
Assistant Wrestling Coach, Latino Connection, World Village
Outside Interests: Lapidary and silver work
Favorite Quote: “Si se puede” (Yes, it can be done)
James Park, Mathematics
B.A., Mathematics, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
M.A., Education, National University,
La Jolla, CA
Years Teaching: 23
Years Teaching at TOHS: 17
Girl‟s Volleyball Coach
Adolfo Camarillo High School, Camarillo, CA
Outside Interests: Church, sports-playing and talking
B.A., Mathematics, California Lutheran University,
Thousand Oaks
Favorite Quote: “The best dream is when your dream is happening
with your eyes open.”
Masters of Education, California Lutheran
University, Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 12
Years Teaching at TOHS: 12
Soph/Frosh Boys Basketball Coach
Gary McGinnis, Mathematics
Santa Ana Valley, Sana Ana, CA
B.A., Mathematics and P.E.
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
M.A., Education, California Lutheran
University, Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 39
Rod Stillwell, Mathematics
Thousand Oaks High School, Thousand Oaks, CA
B.A., Business Administration,
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Years Teaching: 14
Years Teaching at TOHS: 11
Boy‟s and Girl‟s Golf Coach; Business Majors Advisor, EThOS
Academy Teacher
Outside Interests: Golf, Fishing, Traveling with family
Favorite Quote: “It is what you learn after you know it all that
counts.” ~John Wooden
Favorite TOHS Memory: Winning the 1st and only CIF Baseball
Championship in 2003 (Head Coach). Finishing the 2010 Girl‟s
Golf season undefeated (14-0 League, 16-0 Overall).
Years Teaching at TOHS: 11
JV Golf
Outside Interests: Golf, snow skiing, boating, relaxing
Favorite Quote: “If you don’t start you can’t finish”
Favorite TOHS Memory: Working with a dedicated teaching staff
and teaching down to earth students.
“The understanding of mathematics is necessary
for a sound grasp of ethics.”
David Nystrom, Mathematics
Thousand Oaks High School, Thousand Oaks, CA
B.S., San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
M.A., Instructional Leadership, California
Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 15
Years Teaching at TOHS: 10
Jewish Student Union
Outside Interests: Golf, hockey, volleyball
Favorite Quote: “If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”
~Jimmy Buffet
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Department Chair:
Rhonda Frohn
Science Department pictured left to right:
Sitting: Nikki Malhotra, Heather Farrell, Denise Powell, Ashley Cooper, Abby Stephens
Standing: Valerie Arkle, Doris McDonald, Toni Young, Carl Reichenberger, Dana Grooms,
Rhonda Frohn, Steve Nardi
Not pictured: Tim Hoag
Classes Offered
Biology CP, Honors (9th or 10th)
AP Biology (11th or 12th)
Chemistry CP, Honors (10th-12th)
AP Chemistry (11th or 12th)
Floriculture (11th or 12th)
Geosciences S, CP (9th-11th)
Natural History (11th or 12th
Scientific Research
AP Environmental Science (11th or 12th)
Marine Biology (11th or 12th)
Marine Science (11th or 12th)
Anatomy and Physiology CP (11th or 12th)
Physiology Honors
Physics CP (11th or 12th)
AP Physics B (11th or 12th)
AP Physics C (11th or 12th)
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Nikki Malhotra, Science
Ashley Cooper, Science and Health
B.S., Biology & Chemistry, Punjab
University, Chandigarh, India
Central High School, Phoenix, AZ
B.S., Sports Medicine, California
Lutheran University, Thousand
M.S., Punjab University, Chandigarh, India
Ph.D., University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada
Years Teaching: 13
Years teaching at TOHS: 10
Science Fair and Science Club advisor, Health Science Major
advisor (senior year), American Red Cross Club, Global
Diversity Club, Desi Club
Outside Interests: Hiking, painting, reading, biking, knitting,
fashion and design
Favorite Quote: “Choice is available to anyone who has the courage
to exercise it.”
Favorite TOHS memory: Doing "swallowing goldfish" lab with
Bio H students, doing the pig dissections with anatomy CP and
Physiology H students.
Heather Farrell, Science
Centennial High School, Columbia, MD
B.A., Environmental Science Major/
Sports Coaching Minor, Western
Maryland College, Westminster
Masters in Education, Azusa Pacific
University, Azusa, CA
Administrator‟s Credential, California State
University Channel Islands, Camarillo, CA
Oaks, CA
Master‟s in Education, Azusa Pacific
University, Azusa, CA
Years Teaching: 10
Years Teaching at TOHS: 9
Link Crew, CSF, UACT, Online Education - Health, School Site
Council, Green Council (environmental concerns), work as a
VCOE instructor - VPSS Science, and Online Science courses for
educators, coordinate paper recycling program, coordinate lunch
-time tutoring program
Outside Interests: Exercising with my husband, playing with my
2 year old daughter
Favorite Quote: “Success comes from knowing that you did your best
to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” ~John Wooden
Favorite TOHS memory: Watching the Link Crew Program grow
from an orientation event to a year-round intervention/support
program. The Link Crew Leaders mentor our ninth graders by
Valerie Arkle, Science
B.S., Chemistry, University of Alabama,
Ph.D., Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
M.A., Education, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA.
Years Teaching: 8
Years Teaching: 8
Years Teaching at TOHS: 7
Years Teaching at TOHS: 7
Advisor—Environmental Marine Trainers Club, School Site
Health Sciences Majors, Environmental Majors, School Site
Outside Interests: Travel, photography, hiking, the beach,
SCUBA diving, my animals
Favorite Quote: "The tests of life are not meant to break you, but to
make you." - Norman Peale
Favorite TOHS memory: I have so many great memories of
TOHS! The beginning of every year is always a powerful
memory when I meet my students for the first time and get to
introduce them to high school life. I also enjoy all the dances
including Homecoming, Senior Ball, Prom. It is always nice to
see my current and previous students outside the classroom
and all dressed up. Of course, I can't forget the rally's; they are
always amazing.
Doris McDonald, Science
B.S., Materials Engineering and
Chemistry, University of California,
Los Angeles
M.S. Educational Psychology, University of
California, Los Angeles
Years Teaching: 14
Years Teaching at TOHS: 4
Robotics Team
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Toni Young, Science
Carl Reichengerger, Science
B.A., Biology, California State
University, Northridge
Years Teaching at TOHS: 11
I-Zone Club
M.A., California State University,
Channel Islands, Camarillo
Years Teaching: 14
Steve Nardi, Science
Years Teaching at TOHS: 7
Utica High School, Utica, OH
B.S., Earth Science, California State
University, Northridge
Outside Interests: Competing in reined cowhorse
Favorite TOHS memory: Love the school spirit!
Years Teaching: 28
Years Teaching at TOHS: 10
Dana Grooms, Science
I-Zone Club
St. Bernard High School, Playa del Rey, CA
Outside Interests: Backpacking, surfing, travel
B.A., Biological Science, University of
California, Santa Barbara
Favorite Quote: There’s only one place where success comes before
work and that’s in the dictionary. ~Vince Lombardi
Masters of Education, University of California,
Santa Barbara
Years Teaching: 17
Years Teaching at TOHS: 17
Favorite TOHS memory: fieldtrips with my students
Tim Hoag, Science
National Honor Society, Students for Solar Schools
Professional Degree: Pharmacy, Ohio State University/Idaho State University
Outside Interests: Reading, cooking, crafts, playing with my
puggle, Buddy
Masters of Education., California State University
Rhonda Frohn, Science
Years Teaching: 14
Years Teaching at TOHS: 6
Knowledge Bowl
Washington High School, Washington, IN
Outside Interests: Saxophone
B.S., Biochemistry, Indiana
University, Bloomington
Favorite Quote: Even if you are on the right track, if you don’t move
you are going to get hit! ~Will Rogers
Masters of Education, National University
Favorite TOHS memory: April‟s Fools joke and my periodic table.
Years Teaching: 12+
Years Teaching at TOHS: 5
Outside Interests: Camping, yoga, biking, spending time with
my family
Favorite Quote: "Teaching is not telling. Learning is not
repeating.” Unknown
New Course for 2011: Scientific Research CP
The objective is to enable students to apply problemsolving tasks and critical thinking associated with
scientific lab research their knowledge of different topics
in biological sciences (Biotechnology, HPLC, Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Cell Tissue Culture, Genomics)
while working on their research project with a mentor
from the local biotechnology/pharmaceutical and
academic institutions.
2010-2011 Science Career Speakers
Dr. Tim Osslund, Amgen Scientist
Dr. Greg Chauchon, Amethyst Life Sciences Scientist
Dr. Eric McGregor, Eye doctor, Kaiser
Dr. Dan Mytych, Amgen Immunology Scientist
Dr. Fred Leong, Pediatric Cardiologist
Dr. Michael Mah, Neonatologist
Dr. Frank Gillingham, ER medicine
Dr. Gail Ishiyama, Associate Prof. UCLA Neurology
Dr. Douglas Wagenaar, Gammamedica
Patricia Knipper, Oncology RN
JoHanna Jones, founder, Girls' Empowerment Center
Marsha S. Ivins, NASA astronaut
Shari Wadman, Physician's Assistant
Sylvia Goldberg, owner of On-Call Medic
Dr. Michelle Conover, Southern California
Neuropsychology Group
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Department Chair:
Robert Haar
Social Sciences Department pictured left to right:
Sitting: Chris Casillas(TOHS alum), Lura Bleiberg, Brinden Wohlstattar, Sue Ann Bryant, Tom Lee
Standing: Ryan Geisler, Krister Swanson (TOHS alum), Kerry Lyne, Robert Haar, Robert Del Sesto
Not pictured: Josh Carolan (TOHS alum), Jeff McCann, Craig Rond (TOHS alum)
Classes Offered
AP European History (10th - 12th)
Comparative Religions (11th or 12th)
Economic Systems Honors (12th)
Philosophy CP (10th - 12th)
Psychology CP (11th or 12th)
AP Psychology (11th or 12th)
Sociology CP (11th or 12th)
United States Government & Politics (12th)
 United States History B, S, CP (11th)
 AP United States History (11th or 12th)
 World History Cultures & Geography (10th)
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Chris Casillas, Social Sciences
Brinden Wohlstattar, English & Social Sciences
Thousand Oaks High School, Thousand Oaks
Birmingham High School; Van Nuys, CA
B.A., Social Sciences, California State University,
B.A., Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara
Years Teaching: 5
Years teaching at TOHS: 2
Football Coach, EThOS teacher
Outside Interests: Coaching
Single Subject Teacher Credential,
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
Masters of Education, California Lutheran
University, Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 2
Favorite Quote: "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know
what you're gonna get.” ~Forrest Gump
Years teaching at TOHS: 2
Favorite TOHS memory: As a student of TOHS, my favorite
moment was graduating. As a teacher of TOHS, my favorite
memory thus far has been our game versus Moorpark High
school this season. We beat them in overtime.
Outside Interests: Spending time with family, yoga, reading, theatre, exercise (indoor and outdoors), cooking
Lura Bleiberg, Social Sciences
B.A., History & Teaching
Credential, San Francisco State
University, San Francisco, CA
M.A., Educational Administration &
Administrative Credential, California State
University, Northridge
Years Teaching: 15
Years Teaching at TOHS: 14
Former Girls and Boys Volleyball coach, former Girls basketball coach, Athletic Petition committee, Score-keeper for Boys
Basketball, member of the inaugural Every 15 Minutes Committee that brought the program to TOHS in 2002
Outside Interests: Reading, traveling, spending time with my
husband and two children.
Favorite Quote: “Be more concerned with your character than your
reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your
reputation is merely what others think you are.” ~John Wooden
Favorite TOHS Memory: Everyday is a great memory for me at
Thousand Oaks. I have been to other schools and NOWHERE
is there a feeling of "family" like there is here at TOHS
Spirit Cheer Coach
Favorite Quote: “Lead by doing” ~Mr. Ramierez (my Athletic Director at Birmingham H.S.
Sue Ann Bryant, Social Sciences/Economics
Belleville High School, Belleville, KS
B.A., History & Education,
Wichita University,
Wichita, KS
MBA, University of Missouri, Kansas City
Years Teaching: 20
Years Teaching at TOHS: 16
Outside Interests: Vocal music, community service, Schipperkes,
Favorite Quote: “It’s not the top of the mountain, but the valley, that
sustains life.” ~Robert Pirsig and “Don‟t compare your „insides‟
with anyone else‟s „outside‟.”
Favorite TOHS memory: 1) Returning students thanking me for
challenging them, although they didn‟t love it at the time. 2) The
student who missed my class on notebook turn-in day, and appeared, with his mother, after school, arms wrapped in bandages,
carrying a melted and charred binder inside a Ralph‟s bag. It
seems there was an electrical fire in his bedroom the night before,
and the only thing available to beat the flames down as his binder! (He brought his mother in for proof).
Craig Rond, Social Sciences
Thousand Oaks High School, Thousand Oaks, CA
B.A., Speech Communications, San Jose
State University, San Jose, CA
M.A., University of Arizona, Tucson
Years Teaching: 16
Years Teaching at TOHS: 16
Outside Interests: Head Men‟s and Women‟s Water Polo
Coach at Cal Lutheran University
“History cannot give us a program for the
future, but it can give us a fuller understanding
of ourselves, and of our common humanity, so
that we can better face the future.”
~Robert Penn Warren
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Robert Haar, Social Sciences
Hoover High School, Fresno, CA
Ryan Geisler, Social Sciences
Adolfo Camarillo High School, Camarillo, CA
B.S., Social Science, California
Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
Single Subject Teaching Credential, Azusa
Pacific University
M.A., Education, Azusa Pacific University
Years Teaching: 7
Years Teaching at TOHS: 7
Asst. Head Coach - Varsity Baseball, Kicking Coach- Varsity
Football, Majors Advisor- Sophomore Public Service, Basketball
Shot-clock operator- Varsity/JV
Outside Interests: Family, anything outdoors (hunting, fishing,
hiking, etc).
Favorite Quote: “The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling,
but in rising again after you fall.” ~Vince Lombardi
Favorite TOHS memory: I will always remember the first time a
senior came back and gave me a senior tribute. It feels good to
know that I made a difference in someone's life.
Krister Swanson, Social Sciences
Thousand Oaks High School, Thousand Oaks, CA
B.A. History/Economics, California
Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
M.A. , Educational Administration, California
Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
Ph.D., American History, University of
California, Santa Barbara
Years Teaching: 21
Years Teaching at TOHS: 10
WASC Coordinator, Quidditch Advisor
Outside Interests: Sports of all kinds, reading, travel
Favorite TOHS memory: Too many to count, it‟s great to be a
Robert del Sesto, Social Sciences
Bishop Garcia Diego High School, Santa Barbara, CA
B.A., Physical Education, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
M.A., Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
B.A., English/History, California
Lutheran University, Thousand
M,A., American Studies, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA
Years Teaching: 16
Years Teaching at TOHS: 16
Lancer Legend Yearbook Advisor, Athletic Announcer
Outside Interests: Golf, volleyball, Ohio State football
Favorite Quote: "History teaches and reinforces what we believe in,
what we stand for, and what we ought to be willing to stand up for."
~David McCullough
Favorite TOHS memory: Receiving the National Scholastic Press
Association Pacemaker, the highest honor in high school journalism, for our CD Yearbook in 2000, earning All-American
status from the NSPA for our 2007 and 2010 yearbooks. I am
honored to be a part of the Lancer family every day
Kerry Lynne, Jr., Social Sciences
Belmont High School, Belmont, MA
B.A., Government and Economics Double Major,
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
M.A., History, Boston College
Graduate School, Chestnut Hill, MA
Years Teaching: 21
Years Teaching at TOHS: 11
Head Wrestling Coach
Outside Interests: Reading, exercise, chasing my 5 year old
Favorite Quote: “Character is developed by the daily discipline of
duties done.” ~Meditation for the day
Favorite TOHS memory: Popping in to D12 to talk with Jerry
Morris, sharing the joy of the Sox comeback in 2004 with
JoAnn Yoos, having old wrestlers come back to help the new
generations, and any time spent with Mr. Valdez.
William “Jeff” McCann, Social Sciences
B.A., History & American Studies, Whitworth
University, Spokane, WA
MS, Leadership University of Idaho,
Moscow, ID
Years Teaching: 22
Teaching Credential, Cal State University,
Years Teaching at TOHS: 16
Years Teaching: 4
Years Teaching at TOHS: 1
Outside Interests: Surfing
Outside Interests: Strength & Conditioning
Favorite TOHS memory: The great rallies we had.
Favorite TOHS memory: Winning the Moorpark game in
double overtime.
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Department Chair:
Melissa Bayles
Special Education Department pictured left to right:
Sitting: Ellen Jirari (TOHS alum), Debbie Schneider, Dawn Rubino (TOHS alum), Lisa Reed, Angela
Fitzpatrick, Georgia Tuttle, Nancy Bates, Sabrina Evans
Standing: Eran Maor, Jason Brown (TOHS alum), Nancy Fruzzi, Milli Maddux, Cherry Mana, Carla
Almenara, Sara Pearson, Melissa Bayles, Christine Powell, Sue Scott, Terry Keyson, Danielle Oliveri,
Sean MacDonald
Not pictured: Seth Burnham, Melissa Martin, Sarah Donnahoe
Thousand Oaks High School is dedicated to meeting the educational needs of all eligible students
with disabilities who attend our school. Approximately 9% of our students are receiving assistance
from a wide variety Special Education programs and services which are uniquely designed to meet
the individual needs of each student, interlocking core curriculum courses with academic support.
TOHS also hosts the CVUSD program for students with autism which includes academic and
community based instruction.
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Ellen Jirari, Special Education
Jason Brown, Special Education
Thousand Oaks High School, Thousand
Oaks, CA
Thousand Oaks High School, Thousand
Oaks, CA
B.A., Education, California State
University, Northridge
B.A., Kinesiology, Teacher Education, California
State University, Chico
Special Education Teaching Credential, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 16
Level I Education Specialist Credential, National University, La Jolla, CA
Years teaching at TOHS: 3
Years Teaching: 10
Project Concern
Outside Interests: Tennis, hiking, skiing, reading, yoga
Years Teaching at TOHS: 1
Assistant Football Coach
Favorite Quote: “Man Plans and God laughs.” ~Yiddish proverb
Outside Interests: Golf, family
Favorite TOHS memory: Being part of TOHS since 1966 when I
was a student and also when my two daughters attended.
Favorite Quote: “Character is doing the right thing when nobody’s
looking.” ~J.C. Watts
Favorite TOHS memory: Being a 1994 graduate of TOHS.
Angela Fitzpatrick, Special Education
B.A., Sociology, Maryknoll Colleges,
Quezon City, Philippines
Carla Almenara, Special Education
M.S., Special Education, California Lutheran
University, Thousand Oaks
B.A., Learning Disabilities and
Language Disorders, UNIFE, Lima, Peru
Years Teaching: 7
Queen of Angels, Lima, Peru
Ambassador Club Advisor and SST
M.A., Science Education,
Special Education, California Lutheran
University, Thousand Oaks
Outside Interests: Water sports and hiking
Years Teaching: 11
Favorite Quote: “To everything there is a season...a time for every
purpose under heaven.” ~Ecclesiastes 3.1
Jr. Advisor
Years Teaching at TOHS: 7
Favorite TOHS memory: My three daughters graduated from
TOHS. It is nice to be working with their teachers and coaches.
Years Teaching at TOHS: 10
Outside Interests: Exercise, dance, Spanish
Favorite Quote: “Just do it!” ~Nike
Eran Maor, Special Education
Sara Pearson, Special Education
B.S., Psychology, University of
California, San Diego
B.A., Theatre, University of
California, Los Angeles
Master‟s in Special Education, California State University, Northridge
Teaching Credential, California
Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 9
Years Teaching: 3
Years Teaching at TOHS: 4
Years Teaching at TOHS: 2
Ski\Snowboard Club Advisor
Majors Program, Autism Awareness Club
Outside Interests: Surfing, rock climbing, traveling
Outside Interests: Reading, Traveling
Favorite Quote: “The harder I work, the luckier I get.”
~Samuel Goldwyn
Favorite TOHS memory: My favorite memories all involve the
general education population working with my students with
autism. For instance, I love thinking about the prom that the
general education kids help me put on for the students with
special needs.
Favorite TOHS memory: Meeting Mr. Crain, a former AP who
had a huge personality, and having him show me the school on
a golf cart before my first day at work. I was very impressed
with the facilities and the size of TOHS.
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Melissa Bayles, Special Education
Sean MacDonald, Special Education
West Springfield High School, Springfield, VA
Westlake High School, Westlake, CA
B.A., Political Science, Whittier
College, Whittier, CA
B.A., Community
Studies, University
of California,
Santa Cruz
M.S., Special Education Teaching,
Emphasis Learning Handicaps, University of
San Diego, San Diego, CA
Ed.D., Educational Leadership, California
Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
M.S., Special Education, National
University, San Diego, CA
Years Teaching: 13
Years teaching: 17
Years teaching at TOHS: 1
Years teaching at TOHS: 9
Guitar Club
Special Education Department Chair, Student Study Team,
Outside Interests: Surfing, mountain biking, playing music
Outside Interests: Keeping up with my children's sports, Cheer
Force competitive cheerleading, and TO Titans Football
Favorite Quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because
those who mind don’t matter, and those that matter don’t mind.”
~Dr. Seuss
Favorite TOHS memory: I have so many wonderful and cherished
TOHS memories, I can‟t narrow it down!
Christine Powell, Special Education
Camp Lejeune High School, Camp Lejeune, NC
B.A., Sports Medicine/
Kinesiology, Tulane University,
New Orleans, LA
M.S., Special Education., Old
Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
Years teaching: 12
Years teaching at TOHS: 3
Cross Country, Anime Club Advisor, Fashion Club Co-Advisor
Favorite Quote: “Uh oh! Spaghetti-o!” ~Chef Boyardee
Sarah Donnahoe, Special Education, Waverly Program
Liberty High School, Clarksburg, WV
B.A., English Literature, Davis & Elkins
College, Elkins, WV
SPED (LD/ED) M.A., Education, West Virginia
University, Morgantown, WV
M.S., PE/Athletic Coaching, West Virginia
University, Morgantown, WV
Years Teaching: 13
Years Teaching at TOHS: 5
Outside Interests: Cycling, kayaking, anything ocean
Favorite Quote: “If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws
of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.” ~Charles Darwin
Favorite TOHS memory: Watching children who have been written off, walk across the stage - diploma in hand - to the great
dismay of some, and even a greater joy to many!
Outside Interests: Running—marathon training
Favorite Quote: “What would you attempt if you knew you would
NOT fail?” ~Robert H. Schuller
Favorite TOHS memory: Attending Graduation Night at Disneyland with the class of 2010.
Danielle Oliveri, Special Education
Ulysses S. Grant High School, Van Nuys, CA
B.S., Education/Special Education, University of Las Vegas,
M.S., Educational Leadership, California State University,
Channel Islands, Camarillo
Years Teaching: 13
Years teaching at TOHS: 11
Associated Student Body Co-Advisor
Outside Interests: Travel, SCUBA diving
“The Waverly Program”
The Waverly program is an off-site SPED class (located at
University Center) designed for high school students with
emotional needs who, due to their disability, are unable
to attend a comprehensive high school. The program is
embedded with a therapist and all the children are enrolled as TOHS students. Many of these students have
been hospitalized, placed in residential treatment facilities/foster care, and with the help of a strong team, have
been incredibly successful - attending Moorpark College/
Conejo Adult School while enrolled in high school (one
former student is now studying abroad in England). The
program has been successful due to the support of TOHS
staff and administration, District Office personnel, and
the child's desire to heal.
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Department Chair:
Joe Donia
Visual and Performing Arts Department pictured left to right:
Marty Martone, Lisa Ravitch, Steve Love, Jerry Sawitz, Joe Donia, Gary Fritzen,
Nancy Schroeder, Vicky Sonstegard
Not pictured: Anna Sobrino
Classes Offered
 Architectural Design CP
 AP Art History
 Art Media
 Band Clinic
 Ceramics 1-2
 Chorus
 Color Guard
 Computer Graphics
 Concert Band
 Concert Choir
 Dance
 Drawing/Life Drawing
 Jazz Ensemble
 Marching Band P.E.
 Mass Media
 AP Music Theory
 Orchestra/Strings CP
 Photography 1-2
 AP Studio Art Portfolio
 Technical Theatre
 Theatre 1, 2
 Theatre 2/Practicum 3
 Theatre 2/Practicum 4
 Vocal Ensemble
 Wind Ensemble
 Wind Symphony
 Symphonic Band
Page 31
Marty Martone, Music
Strong Vincent High School, Erie, PA
B.S., Music Education,
Edinboro University of
Pennsylvania, Edinboro
Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Nancy Schroeder, Fine Arts and ROP
B.A., English, Cal State University, Northridge, CA
Teaching Credential, California
State University, Northridge
Master of Music, Southern Oregon University, Ashland
Years Teaching: 15
Years Teaching: 25
Years Teaching at TOHS: 14
Years teaching at TOHS: 11
Video Production
AM Jazz Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Wind Symphony, Wind
Ensemble, Color Guard, Percussion, Drumline, Winter Guard,
PM Jazz Ensemble, Marching Band
Outside Interests: Family and pets
Outside Interests: Family, beach, golf
Favorite Quote: Success comes from knowing that you did your best
to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” ~John Wooden
Favorite TOHS memory: Too may to chose from!
Favorite Quote: “Warner, I totally forgot you go here.” ~Elle
Favorite TOHS memory: Making every TO Today
Victoria Sonstegard, VPA
High Point High School, Beltsville, MD
B.A., English, California State
University, Northridge
Lisa Ravitch, VPA
B.A., Visual Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles
M.A., Social Sciences, University
of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Years Teaching: 14
Years Teaching at TOHS: 6
Outside Interests: Family, nutrition, movies/
television, music, truths
Favorite Quote: “It is no measure of health to be well
adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” ~Jiddu Krishnamurti
Steve Love, Art
B.A., Fine Arts, California State University,
M.A., Fine Arts, California State
University, Hayward
Years Teaching: 34
M.A., California Lutheran University,
Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 11
Years Teaching at TOHS: 9
Advisor Art Club and National Honor Society, Advisor Arts
Major Program
Outside Interests: Singing in local choirs and chorale groups,
reading, painting and drawing, travel with my husband
Favorite Quote: “There is good art and bad art, but there is no wrong
in art.” ~Victoria Sonstegard
Favorite TOHS memory: My Graphic Design students design the
ID cards for TOHS, the ESLRs poster, banners for the quad, and
provide artwork for various projects needed by ASB.
Gary Fritzen, Choral Music
B.A., Music, California State University,
Long Beach
Years Teaching: 10
Years Teaching at TOHS: 20
Years Teaching at TOHS: 3
Outside Interests: Surfing, oil painting
Outside Interests: Music composition, musical theatre
Favorite Quote: “Expect the unexpected...” ~Oscar Wilde
Favorite TOHS Memory: Performing at Carnegie Hall.
Jerry Sawitz, VPA
Pomona High School, Pomona, CA
B.A., Fine Arts, California Lutheran University,
Thousand Oaks
Years Teaching: 32
Years Teaching at TOHS: 31
Track Coach
Outside Interests: Professional wildlife artist
TOHS Theatrical Productions 2007—2010
MUSICAL COMEDY MURDERS OF 1940 by John Bishop (2007)
COMIC POTENTIAL by Alan Acykborn (2007)
SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY by Charles Aidman (2008)
INTO THE WOODS by Steven Sondhiem (2008)
MOON OVER BUFFALO by Ken Ludwig (2009)
YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITH YOU by George S. Kaufman (2009)
WORKING by Steven Swartz (2009)
HOW THE OTHER HALF LOVES by Alan Acykborn (2010)
CURTAINS by Rupert Holmes (2010)
THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS by Alan Bennett (2010)
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Joseph N. Donia, VPA
Central Catholic High School, Pittsburgh, PN
B.A., Education/
English, Edinboro
State College,
Edinboro, PN
M.A., Theatre, California State University, Northridge.
Years Teaching:37
Years Teaching at TOHS: 27
Outside Interests: Theatre, golf, music, movies, skiing,
Favorite Quote: “If you always do what you’ve always done,
you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.”
Favorite TOHS Memory: My first year at TOHS (27 years
ago) we put up a 60x60x60 foot circus tent. We performed
A Midsummer's Night's Dream and H.M.S. Pinnafore in repertory for a week during an El Nino year. It poured for a
week, and cleared the day after we closed our performance. Since we dressed in the choir room, by the second
entrance all the actors were soaked, and the audience sunk
6" into the wet ground. The following year we waited until
spring to try another repertory of The Apple Tree and
Twelfth Night. The grass was dry and the audience and actors suffered from sitting in what amounted to a stifling
barn. The PAC sits on the exact site of the circus tent.
Anna Sobrino, Strings
Buchanan High School, Clovis, CA
Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
The TOHS Visual and Performing Arts Department
sponsors numerous concerts and performances through
out the year. Students spend many hours in class and on
their own rehearsing and practicing in order to put on
high-quality productions.
A sample of the productions from Spring 2011:
Talent Show
Performing Arts Center—March 4th
Band Spring Concert
Performing Arts Center—March 22nd
Chamber Choir "March Madness" Concert
Performing Arts Center—March 29th
Show Choir "March Madness" Concert
Performing Arts Center—March 30th
Jazz Concert
Performing Arts Center—April 12th
Dance Concert
Gymnasium—April 28th thru 30th
Spring Musical Play
Performing Arts Center
May 11th thru 14th & 18th thru 20th
Orchestra Strings Concert
Performing Arts Center—May 17th
B.A., Music, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA
Chamber Choir "Spring Sing"
Performing Arts Center—May 26th
M.Ed., California Lutheran University,
Thousand Oaks, CA
Show Choir "Spring Sing"
Performing Arts Center—May 27th
Years Teaching: 11
Years Teaching at TOHS: 2
Symphony, Orchestra Club
Outside Interests: Reading, studying Spanish, gardening,
spending time with family, watching TV crime dramas
Favorite Quote: “If music be the food you love, play on!”
~William Shakespeare
Favorite TOHS memory: One of my favorite parts of the
campus is the giant Lancer statue. It is such an amazing
focal point and is very symbolic of the forceful purpose
and drive that I see daily in the students and staff at TOHS.
Percussion Ensemble Concert
Performing Arts Center—June 2nd
Page 33
Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Mock Trial
Teacher Assistant
This course will instruct in-depth reThis course will help students to
search practices in preparation for
Mock Trial Competition. The students learn how to work for a supervisor,
similar to an employer employee
will develop knowledge in defense
and prosecution tactics for courtroom relationship. Students will receive
cases including procedure, trial proto- additional exposure to the skills of
the subject area. *Teacher recomcol, constitutional and amendment
laws, judicial system procedures, and mendation required.
case law. Communication and analytical
Leadership/Student Government
skills for use in preparation for actual com- Open to elected Associated Student Body
petition trial topics will be taught by using officers, class presidents, and other stuattorney coach speakers, small group disdents appointed by a selection process and
cussion, problem solving, and role-playing ASB Advisor approval. The class plans,
implements, and directs school-wide
School-To-Career Internship
Mastering of Academic Decathlon
activities and oversees the utilization of
state content This course will instruct stu- student body funds. Principals of lead- This course provides students the
opportunity to explore a career
dents and provide in-depth ership and managerial organization are
through interaction and on-site
will be asstressed. *Election to ASB Office
research preparation for
experiences in a specific career
competition. This rigorous
pathway. Students receive no pay
through per- competition consists of testing TOHS also offers classes, taught
but earn school credit in some
formanceevents in essay writing, speech, by our highly qualifies teachers
programs, or may receive both
based ininterview, language and literathat cross over departments.
pay and school credit in others.
ture, economics, art, matheThese are just a sampling of the
The student must attend three
matics, science, music, and hiselectives and programs available
hours of class instruction/
tory. This course encourages
seminars with the Career Pathto
small group discussion, probway Counselor or the School-tolem solving techniques, vocabCareer Coordinator, be able to
ulary building, computer skills, test Library Practice
provide a minimum 30 hours of
and study skills, writing applicaLibrary skills, procedures, and work experience, and complete
tion, oral connection, job success
techniques are learned in this
required reports.
skills, assessment procedures, high- class by actively participating in
er-level thinking skills, presentation all aspects of library work.
skills and inter- Good attendance and citizenship are
Office Practice
personal skills. essential for enrollment. *Librarian
Students learn alphabetizing,
approval required
filing, and distribution
Exploratory Work Experience
skills while servicing the
A combination of related work expemain office and other ofrience education classroom instruc- Video production
fice areas on campus.
This course provides advanced intion and a nonpaid off-campus
Good attendance and citi- learning situation, i.e., fire cadet
struction in the use of video equipzenship are essential for
program, police cadet program, ele- ment and prepares students to work
enrollment. *Counselor
mentary classroom aide program, or in television and video production.
approval required.
Classroom instruction covers basic
other approved career exploration
work experience programs. Students studio, news writing, camera operations, field reporting, audio operamust participate in the off-campus
activity for at least 10 hours weekly tions, anchoring, studio directing,
computer graphics, writing, and profor 15 weeks each semester. The
Work Experience Coordinator moni- ducing. Students learn to operate
tors off-campus learning situations. VCR cameras, audio equipment, and
lighting and editing equipment.
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Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Department Chair:
Hillary Villa
World Languages Department pictured left to right:
Sitting: Terin Carvalho, Veronica Bass, Marjorie Hahn, Hillary Villa
Standing: Maria Orsinger, Eileen Moore, Theresa Dawson,
Kristin Benioff, Susan Ramage, Julio Gonzalez
Today‟s multicultural world is expanding rapidly and in order to
compete at an international level, young people must be exposed to
other cultures and be fluent in more than just English. The future of
today‟s commerce and jobs will rely heavily on languages and
communication. Awareness and appreciation of others‟ language
helps one better understand one‟s own culture. Learning another
language develops higher order thinking skills: students‟ SAT
scores increase an average of twelve points for It is crucial that our students leave high
school with a lasting knowledge of the
each year they take a
world in which they will be active, wellworld language.
rounded, and multifaceted citizens.
Classes Offered
American Sign Language 1, 2, 3
French CP 1, 2, 3, 4
AP French Language
AP French Literature
Japanese CP 1, 2, 3
Spanish for Spanish Speakers
Spanish CP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
AP Spanish Language
AP Spanish Literature
Page 35
Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
Veronica Bass, World Languages
Woodrow Wilson High School, Long Beach, CA.
Terin Carvalho, World Languages
B.A. Spanish Translation, minor in Criminal
Justice, and Latin America Studies Certificate,
California State University, Long Beach
B.A., Latin American Studies,
University of California, San Diego
M.A. , Spanish Literature and Linguistics, California
State University, Long Beach
Master‟s of Education, California
Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks
Professional Clear Credential in Spanish and Math,
University of California, Long Beach
Years Teaching: 9
Years Teaching: 6
Years teaching at TOHS: 8
Years Teaching at TOHS: 4
Susan Ramage, World Languages
B.A., Spanish, California State
University, Northridge
Master‟s in Administration, California State University at Channel Islands
Years Teaching: 14
Years Teaching at TOHS: 13
Chess Club Advisor
Outside Interests: Camping, ATV riding, computers, sewing,
Favorite Quote: “A stitch in time saves nine.” ~English proverb
Favorite TOHS memory: The best part of TOHS is all the people I
work with every day and the students I get to know. TOHS is a
wonderful place to be.
Marjorie Hahn, World Languages
B.A., Latin American Studies, University
of California, Los Angeles
Sponsor/coach of the Thousand Oaks Ballet Folklorico Club,
co-sponsor of the Latino Connection Club
Outside Interests: I am currently working on a M.A. in Educational Leadership in CSUCI. I like watching football, basketball,
the Food Network and HGTV with my husband, playing board
games, crochet, and other games with my husband's family, baking, Harry Potter, romantic movies, volleyball, Ballet Folklorico,
and reading. I love spending time and playing with my baby.
Favorite Quote: De todo lo malo, saca algo bueno Dios.” Translation:
From every misfortune, God manages to withdraw something good.
~Veronica Bass
Favorite TOHS memory: I have worked in other schools in the
past, and TOHS is by far the best. The students are respectful,
hardworking, fun, and it's just wonderful to work with them.
TOHS is just a great place in which to study and work, and the
teachers, students and staff make all of that possible.
Hillary Villa, World Languages
Berkeley High School, Berkeley, CA
B.A., Latin America Studies, Macalester
College, St. Paul, MN
M.A. Higher Education Administration,
University of California, Los Angeles
California Teaching Credential, California
State University at Los Angeles
Credential in Spanish, California State University, Bakersfield
Years Teaching: 14
M.A., Educational Leadership, California
State University at Channel Islands, Camarillo
Years Teaching at TOHS: 11
Years Teaching: 20+
Campus Light Advisor
Outside Interests: My family, traveling, the Lakers
Theresa Dawson, World Languages
Favorite Quote: “You catch more bees with honey than you do with
vinegar.” ~American proverb
B.A., Deaf Studies—American
Sign Language Interpreting,
California State University,
Favorite TOHS memory: Mr. Lichtl told the kids that if they
picked up their trash in the quad at lunchtime for the first three
days of school, he would open up the newly landscaped classroom wings so that they could eat their lunch there. Three days
later the kids were eating in the wings. They have picked up
their trash ever since .
M.A. Deaf & Hard of Hearing Education,
California State University, Northridge
Years Teaching at TOHS: 6
Kristen Benioff English & World Languages
Eileen Moore, English & Spanish
See Bio under English Department
See Bio under English Department
Page 36
Thousand Oaks High School Academic Directory
CVUSD Graduation Requirements and Minimum College Admission “A-G*” Requirements
High School Graduation Grades 9-12
230 credits needed to
University of California “A-G’ Requirements
Grades of “C” or
California State
University “A-G”
Grades of “C” or
Grades of “C” or
30 credits:
2 years
2 years
World History /
US History/Geography;
U.S. Govt. & Politics/
World History /
US History/ Geography
U.S. Govt. & Politics
World History
US History/ Geography
U.S. Govt. & Politics
40 credits:
4 years of college
4 years of college
4 years of col-
“B” Requirements
English 9, English 10,
English 11, and English 12
preparatory English
preparatory English
lege preparatory
“A” Requirements
World History, US
History, U.S.
Govt. & Politics &
college preparatory electives recommended
30 credits:
3 years:
3 years:
“C” Requirements
College preparatory
math: Alg. 1, Geometry, Alg. 2
Alg. 1, Geometry, Alg. 2,
more is recommended:
(i.e. Math Analysis,
Statistics, Calculus)
Alg. 1, Geometry, Alg. 2,
more is recommended:
(i.e. Math Analysis, Statistics, Calculus)
Lab Science
20 credits:
10 credits Biology/10
credits Phys. Science
2 years of lab science (Biology/
3 to 4 years lab
“D” Requirements
2 years of lab science (Biology/
Chemistry) more is
2 years same world
3 to 4 years
1 year course of
Visual & Perf.
Arts courses can
count as
College preparatory electives in
the subject area
of interest.
10 credits:
“E” Requirements*
*Must be in the same
Performing Arts
10 credits:
No subject
18 years old
High school
World Languages
College Prep.
math each
year: more is
(Math Analysis,
Stats, Calculus)
2 years same world
language, more is
world language
is recommended
High school
test certificate
Students are
most successful when they
continue to
take the college preparatory courses
suggested for
each semester.
“F” Requirements
1 year course of
75 credits:
1 year or more of ad-
1 year of advanced
courses from: visual/
performing arts, world
language, science, math,
social science, industrial
arts, business, consumer/family studies
vanced courses in math,
visual/ performing arts,
English, lab science,
world language, or social sciences. *NOTE:
Economics counts as a
“g “ requirement for
courses in math, visual/
performing arts, English,
lab science, world language, or social sciences.
Physical Ed.
20 credits
5 credits
Total Credits
needed to graduate
230 credits
California High
School Exit Exam
SAT Reasoning Test
or ACT plus ACT
Writing. SAT Subject
Tests, Analytical
Writing Placement
Exam (Subject A)
SAT Reasoning Test or
SAT Reasoning
Test or ACT
Placement exams in
English EPT and math
SAT Subject
Tests are required for some
exams for
English, mathematics and
“G” Requirements*
*30 credits must include
As of 7/28/09 Special
Ed. students are not
required to pass this
*NOTE: Economics
counts as a “g “ requirement for CSU.
2323 North Moorpark Road
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 805-495-7491 Fax: 805-364-1165
Attendance line: 805-496-6998
Thank you to Cornerstone Photography for
providing their professional services and
contributing the photographs of our staff.