July - Contrails.us


July - Contrails.us
The Official Newsletter
of the Dallas/Fort Worth Wing
of the Commemorative Air Force
Lancaster Airport, Lancaster, TX
July 2013
From the Wing Leader
Hello All, What happened to June? Wow, fast month with a lot of activity. We are
not too far from our annual fundraiser Warbirds on Parade. It will happen
on Saturday August 31, 2013. The show runs from 10am to 4pm. Our July Wing
Meeting will be held Saturday July 13. we will be discussing Warbirds on
Parade. Colonel Russ Coonley is the chairman of this event and will be speaking at
the meeting. Please attend this important meeting. The meeting is Saturday July
13 starting at 1:30pm.
The Big Ass Fan is greatttttttttttt, as Tony the Tiger would say. If you haven't seen
it yet, you need to come check it out. There is another added plus besides moving
the air in the hangar, it is a bit of a dust mover. The area under the fan is clean.
Thanks to all the volunteers that helped at the events we attended last month. We
had a very successful month doing sales, rides and tours.
We can't do any of this without our volunteers.
Matt Breitenstine removed the signs from outside the hangar last weekend. We are in
the process of updating the signage for the hangar. He also hung the tow target inside
the hangar. Wonderful work Matt!!
My niece Lizzy, visiting from England (she is a native Texan, just living there for now)
came to the hangar with me one Saturday to give me a hand. We put up merchandise
in the PX, helped in the Galley and even took the trash to the dumpster. What fun!! I
made her Executive Officer for the day for really pitching in. She was a great helper.
In closing, I can't stress enough the importance of attending the next Wing
meeting. The Warbirds on Parade is our major fundraiser for the year. Please attend!!
See you at the hangar,
Around the Hangar
R4D flight crew deplaning after a fun trip.
The Breitenstiens order their lunch at the BBQ
restaurant. Notice Matt has conned Jim into paying.
Wing members sit in their usual spot, and enjoy the BBQ
Steve’s niece visited from England and helped him
out with the PX. She was also our Executive Officer
for the day!
The jumpers practice “hooking up” before
their jump.
Anxious waiting in the R4D.
The Paratroopers enter the Gooney Bird.
The Paratroopers strike a pose after a
successful and fun jump.
Just hanging around.
Museum Article
Items in photo are numbered left to right top to bottom from 1 to 10. Please offer me any advice
you can regarding those I have not identified. In other words, HELP!
1. Steel helmet designed and patented in 1915 by John Leopold Brodie of Great Britain. In the
UK this helmet was known as the M1917 Helmet; it is also called "Doughboy Helmet", "Tommy
Helmet", "Shrapnel Helmet" and "Tin Hat". This helmet was in use in WWI and the beginning of
2. Reproduction WWII U.S. Army Officers Pith Helmet; tropical pith helmet in the British "Bombay
Bowler" style.
3. WWII China Burma India Pith Helmet. Pith is
the spongy center cylinder found in stems and
roots of many plants. Pith is medulla tissue the
main function of which is storage and
transportation of nutrients through the plant. Pith
has been used to make rice paper, wicks for
candles and the pith of the sola plant, which grows
in the swamps in India, has been used to make
pith helmets. Some pith helmets are actually
made of cork. Perhaps because the origin of this
type helmet was made of pith the name "pith
helmet" became generic for this tropical helmet.
Museum Article Cont.
4. M1 Helmet used by U.S. Military from WWII until 1985. The M1 consists of the "steel pot" and a liner; the liner contains a
suspension web that enables the helmet to be adjusted to fit the individual service member's head. The M-1 helmet
rectangular, stationary chin straps were exchanged with a curved "D" bale and chinstrap loop in the M-2. Airborne cloth
chinstraps had a tab that snapped inside the M-1 paratrooper helmet liner.
5. US Helmet Liner with frontal eyelet hole. This may be WWII vintage, however, some US liners produced in the 1950's also
had this feature. This may actually be a Paratrooper Helmet Liner.
6. US Army Helmet Liner
7. US Navy "Dixie Cup". The "Dixie Cup" first
appeared as part of the US Navy uniform in 1886
and with a brief exception has remained part of the
uniform. Sailors square, roll and crush the canvas
to suit their own style. Navy uniform regulations
require the hat must be worn "with the lower front
edge approximately one-half inch above the
eyebrows and not crushed or bent in the middle."
About 140,000 white hats are made each month for
the Defense Personnel Support Center. The brim of
the "Dixie Cup" is kept stiff by 75 rows of stitching.
8. Green Beret. The Green Beret can only be worn
by soldiers awarded the Special Forces Tab. The
Green Beret was first worn at a retirement parade at
Fort Bragg on 12 June 1955 for Lieutenant General
Joseph P. Cleland, the now-former commander of
the XVIII Airborne Corps.
Denton Airshow
Col. Jim Breitenstine mans the line. He looks like he is
doing a fine job!
Looks like the R4D made quite the impression on spectators.
The crew was kept very busy by the amount of people who wanted a tour in the Gooney Bird.
Ada Airshow
The DFW Wing’s airplanes fit in real well and attracted a lot of attention.
Looks like a high level conference is taking place. Notice
Col. Robert making faces in the background.
Col. Grenzebach snaps a “selfie” on the way back to
A close up of the Wing’s aircraft.
Ada Airshow Cont.
The Stearman rests next to an A-26.
Cols. Russ and Matt pose alongside the BT
Cols. Mario and Ken man the PX table.
Little Noodle flies overhead.
May Meeting Notes
Col. Bennett was not able to attend the May
wing meeting; however, Col. Russ Coonley
stepped up to the plate and guided the
One of our members, Col. Ken Taylor, is a
good friend Bill Beasley, a B-24 navigator
during World War II, so Col. Taylor invited Mr.
Beasley to the meeting to speak with us. After
the normal proceedings wrapped up, Mr.
Beasley shared with us his plethora of stories,
including his mission on D-Day, as well as his
experience as a POW in a German Stalag.
(Prisoner of War camp)
Col. Coonley then presented Mr. Beasley with
a hat and DFW Wing patch. Our thanks go out
to both Mr. Beasley and Col. Taylor.
R-4D Roost
Airshow season is in full swing for the
Gooney Bird with her latest stop being Denton.
She was a big hit at the airshow, and numerous
tours where sold.
Mechanically speaking the R4D has
encountered few problems since returning from
annual which serves as a testament to both
the skill of DFW Wing members, as well as
their dedication.
Her next tour stop will be right at home in
Lancaster for Warbirds on Parade where she
will headline the event along with the B-24.
Thanks to those who keep her flying!
Stearman Space
The Stearman has also had a great month.
Not only did she sojourn to Denton for the air
show, but also she participated in the
Farmersville Flyover for Audie Murphy Day.
The Stearman proved to be a hit at the
Denton Airshow, and several rides were sold
both in Denton and Lancaster. It is great to see
the success that the Stearman is having,
especially after all the hard work was put in
both for the annual, and the engine
replacement a couple of months ago.
BT Corner
The BT still seems to be plagued with a minor
on going electrical problem. Work has
continued in order to iron out the kink, so by
the time this is solved the BT should have an
entirely new electrical system *wink wink*.
On a serious note, the BT continues to
persevere through the issue, and it has
traveled to the Denton Airshow where success
was had. Numerous rides were sold both at
Denton as well as back in Lancaster.
L-5 lair
The engine overhaul on the L-5 is underway
thanks to the leadership of Cols. Collier and
Case along with the supporting crew of
hardworking Saturday regulars. The Lycoming
O-435-1 is now in excellent professional hands
at Hicks Field in Fort Worth. The duration of the
process is contingent on which components are
good and which ones need to be replaced. All
fingers are crossed.
Fundraising continues. If you are able, please
consider making a pledge to the effort. Contact
Jim Breitenstine (jbreitens@gmail.com) or Chris
Volpe (Chris@prismaticmagic.com) for more
Current state
A special thanks to the members who have
jumped on board so far:
Col. Robert Collier
Col. Dan Bunch
Col. Jan Collmer
Col. Ken Norvell
Col. Steve Bennett
Col. Roland Grenzebach
Col. Chris Volpe
Goal state
To assure success Russ requests you please
attend the Wing Meeting. We need your support and presence at these last planning
meetings to make sure we have covered all of
the potential conflicts.This meeting is July
13th. Russ looks forward to seeing you there.
Message from Russ Coonley, Show Chairman
Hello all, this is a reminder that Warbirds On Parade is fast approaching
and none of us can stop or slow down
the calendar.
The big day is August 31st this year.
We have had fewer WOP specific meetings this year because many of the key
jobs have been filled with the same
people who graciously volunteered last
year and the year before that, But not
We have been actively soliciting aircraft for the day and have a good core
as follows: B-24, A-26, T-28, HUEY, O2,
C-45, PT-19, PT-17, BT-15, R4-D. The
Cold War Museum will bring all of their
birds and Cavanaugh will send some.
We also have a return visit from
WWII Marine V. R. Burgin who wrote Islands of the Damned and a Viet Nam
vet N.G. Brown who wrote Blue Max,
Missions and Memories. He was a HUEY
and Cobra gunship pilot.
We need your support and presence
at these last planning meetings to
make sure we have covered all of the
potential conflicts. Your support has
been outstanding in the past and I suspect this year will be no different.
The meeting is July 13th at the
hangar at 1330. Looking forward to
seeing you there.
Hanger Needs
Paper Towels
Published monthly by
the DFW Wing of the CAF
CDT. Matthew Case
Send comments, questions, updates,
articles, and lots of pictures to:
Orange Soap
Please email me with any items needed
at the hanger
Thanks for all your kind donations!
Wing Staff
Wing Leader
Col. Steve Bennett
Executive Officer
Position Open
Operations Officer
Col. Tom Travis
Maintenance Officer
Col. Robert Collier
Finance Officer
Col. Jim Breitenstine
Col. Curtis Green
Public Info Officer
Col. Tom Manley
PX Officer
Col. Steve Bennett
Wing Museum Curator
Col. Elaine Webb
Wing Chaplain
Col. John Crane
Hanger Deck Officer
Col. Dan Bunch
Propwash Editor
Cdt. Matthew Case
Next Meeting Is:
SATURDAY, July 13TH, 1:30 PM
Mission Membership Link:
The contest continues through the end of the year.
Calendar of Events:
Aug 31
Lancaster, TX
Warbirds on Parade!
Oct 12-13
Midland, TX
CAF AIRSHO (50th Anniversary!)
Please take the time to thank the following sponsors for
their ongoing support of the DFW Wing!
Admiral Level
Texas Loan
Texas First Cash Financial Services
Southwest Airlines
Ellis County Press
Charles Schwab
Awards To Go
Back Country BBQ
Lancaster Regional Airport
Hickory House BBQ
Davis Jewelers
Coyote Roofing
Antique Heritage Tractor Club
Lancaster Machine Shop
24 Hour Wrecker Service
Lancaster K Auto Parts
Business Tech Applications
Select Aircraft Services
Fritts Car Shows
PDG Services
Dallas Air Salvage
Jim & Mary Jane Goad Farms
MCM Grande Hotel
Neils Agather
Jim Jackson
Steve Bennett
Russ Coonley
Michael Gaston
Bruce Stringfellow
John and Donna Sweat
Captain Level
Tom Travis
Shirley Wood
Russell Hicks
Thomas McCoy
Dan Bunch
Jim Goad
Donald Barton
David Pasahow
Jean Paryl
Ken Linton
Commander Level
Russ Coonley
Phil Moroneso
Bonnie Coonley
Harold Savoy
Dr. Michael Jez
Dan Bunch
Kathleen Chitwood
Jack Bradshaw
Anchor Level
Richard Betham
W.N. Bentson
Doris Goad
Candis Wells
Howard Webb
Richard Brown
Jim Davis
Ainsley Chitwood
Patricia Harvard
Wyley “Coyote” Smith
Robert Martin
David Siegert
Maureen Wood
Craig Eaton
Robert Martin
Edward Sharum
Ray Kinney
Marty Case
Elaine Webb
Arine Knecht
Christine Poyer
Paul Chitwood
Curtis Green
Ken Taylor
David Pasahow
Steve Bennett
Matthew Chitwood
Jay Hauteman
Jason Railsback
Tad Foran
Ed Halter
Stephan Brown
Alfred “Lucky” Louque
Diane Darrah
William McGuire
Barbara Hair
Phil Moroneso
Jan Collmer
Charles Waldrop
Leigha McBride
George Lodge
Ken Norvell
Jim Wells
John Curry
Richard Warner
Ben Saladino
Debbie Chitwood
Larry Gollaher
Aubrey Hair
Dan Bunch
Jack Bradshaw
Julian Banks
Richard Stuntz