The 2013 NAPA Truck Service Center Planning


The 2013 NAPA Truck Service Center Planning
The 2013 NAPA
Truck Service
An Outside Sales Professionals Guide to Growing the
Business and Relationship of Your Business Partners!
Version 1.0
Table of Contents
Page #
The 2013 NAPA Truck Service Center Sales Growth Planner
Section A
Servicing Store Name, Business Partner Name, Your Name
Section B
2012 Business Partner Stats
 AR #’s
 Phone
 Fax
 # of Bays
 E-Mail
 # of Full-Time Techs
 # of Part-Time Techs
 Business Management System (Computer)
 Year Purchased (Age of Management System)
Section C
NAPA Store Purchases
 Total 2011 Purchases
 Estimated 2012 Purchases
 Total Parts Purchases from all Suppliers – Average Month
 Projected 2013 Purchases
Section D
Relationship Improvement
 How can our store improve our relationship . . .?
 How can you improve your relationship . . .?
Section E
Product Opportunities for 2013
Page 2
Table of Contents (continued)
Page #
Section F
Sales Growth Suggestions
 Instructions for the Growth Suggestions Section
 Advertising / Marketing
o PROimage FREE LOOK and Exterior/Interior Elements
o Leveraging the NAPA Brand
 Answering the Telephone
 Business Cards
 Logo on Repair Orders
 Logo on All Advertisements
 Logo on Employee Uniforms
 Signage on Facility
 Using NAPA Truck Service Center as a ‘Quality Reference’ . . .
 NAPA Truck Service Center Vehicle Decals on Company
 Provide NAPA Truck Service Center Merchandise to Build
Customer Loyalty
o National Warranty
 Truck Warranty – Over the Road
o Local Labor Reimbursement Policy (consumer-owned vehicles)
o Local Fleet Program
o NAPA Service Assistant (NSA)
o Referral Card Program
o TruckDown
o NTTS Breakdown Directory Ad
o 2013 Truck Service Center Sales Drivers
o New Customer Welcome Kit
o Customizable Online Advertising & Promotional Files
o EasyPay Consumer Financing
o CSI Program
o Customer Relationship Management Programs
 NAPA Marketing CRM
 Demandforce
o Email Marketing – Constant Contact
o Custom Websites, Add Custom URL
o Community Event
Profit Growth Suggestions
 Operational
o PROLink
o NAPA AutoCare Career Center
o Identifix
o Vin Waterhouse Financial GPS
o Open Saturday Business Case Review
o NAPA SafePay+
o Program Discounts
Page 3
Table of Contents (continued)
Page #
Section F (continued)
NAPA Health Insurance Plans
NAPA Business Insurance Plans
Employee Uniforms
Additional Growth Suggestions
 Collaboration
o Truck Website
o Business Development Group
 Training
o eLearning Online Training
o Business Training
 Product / Inventory / Tools & Equipment
o Altrom
o Stocking Inventory Programs
o Tools & Equipment
Section G
2013 Top 5 Sales Growth Plans
Section H
Recent Enhancements
Additional Notes for This Business Partner
Page 4
The NAPA Truck Service Center
Planning Guide
This document provides instructions for completing the 2013 NAPA Truck Service
Center Planning Guide. The goal of this sales tool is two-fold: 1) to give you, the NAPA
Store Representative, the confidence to partner with your best customers and 2) to
provide you with tangible ways of assisting the owner of the Truck Service Center in
meeting his / her dreams and goals as an entrepreneur.
How does this tool accomplish these two goals? It addresses three primary shop owner
needs to help your NAPA Store be an integral partner to each Truck Service Center’s
success. The three key needs of your Truck Service Centers are:
1. Be easier to do business with. Your customer may need better delivery, faster
credits, strategic pricing, electronic options, etc. Find out where you need to
2. Train me and my staff. Tech, Service Writer, Business, and Heavy-Duty training
are desired by most shop owners.
3. Help me grow my car count. This is the primary function of the Truck Service
Center program.
The NAPA Store and the Truck Service Center program can address each of these
needs. HOWEVER, it will not happen unless you develop confidence in these three
areas and then dedicate yourself to partner with the shop on a weekly basis.
Partnership takes time, dedication, and A PLAN. The Truck Service Center Planner
is a tool to help you establish your action plan with each of your Truck Service partners.
As your partnership grows you will address the three key needs of your shop mentioned
above and your partner will reward you with increased purchases that last year after
This will require that you understand how the planner is laid out, what questions to ask,
and how to properly assist your Truck Service Centers in their efforts to grow their
business. Remember, they are not in the parts business; they are in the service
business. Therefore, your approach should be that of understanding how their business
model differs from yours and how you can best lead your customers in ways to grow
their business based upon their core needs, not yours.
These instructions follow the planner based upon sections. Many of them are
straightforward, whereas other areas may be more sensitive, but in order to become a
true business partner, the questions need to be asked and a plan developed – with
action required by the NAPA Store and the Truck Service Center.
We encourage any questions you may have regarding this new sales tool. Good
planning will result in proper execution and increased sales!
Page 5
The 2013 NAPA Truck Service Center Sales Growth Planner
You should use this planner to complete a sales growth plan with each of your Truck
Service Center owners. A copy of the completed planner should be made and provided
to your Truck Service Center, with your commitment to follow up on your discussions
and action plans. You should also cover the planner with your DM and the manager of
the serving store. Without their buy in, you may be making promises you can’t keep.
TIP: Set a meeting with the owner in advance and away from the business. Inform him
or her that the meeting is a two-way process that will be educational on the value of
doing business with the NAPA Store and the details of the Truck Service Center
program. Mention that the meeting will take 1-2 hours and you intend on leaving with a
couple of ways to help them with the three key needs mentioned above over the next 12
Follow up, follow up, follow up! The plans you develop will go nowhere unless both
parties commit up front to discuss them on a monthly basis and execute the plans.
Now, let’s get into the planner step by step to ensure that you thoroughly understand
what questions to ask, why they need to be asked and why it’s important that you
complete the planner in its entirety.
Page 6
The following should be completed prior to your initial meeting with each of your Truck
Service Centers.
Section A
As you look at the front page of the planner, you’ll see the following:
A1 Servicing Store Name
A2 Business Partner Name
A3 Your Name
Section B
Next, let’s focus on the Business Partner Stats, as indicated below:
The above is to verify that all information is current, which you’ll need to accomplish
during your initial meeting. If you don’t have the complete information, then obtain it
during your visit. Descriptions are below.
Accounts Receivable Numbers
First, list the A/R number’s that your store bills through to the Truck Service
Center. It might be a good idea to make sure that your sales match that of
the purchase reports that your Truck Service Centers receive from NAPA
HQ’s. The reason for this is that if an A/R number is not included on what
NAPA HQ’s calculates the total purchase volume, then your Truck Service
Center may be missing some sales volume that contributes to their quarterly
Page 7
marketing funds. Your DC Wholesale Manager can assist you in your efforts
to correct this with you.
Add the main phone number for the account.
Add the fax number for the account.
Number of Bays
Indicate the number of working bays. Working bays are those bays where
parts are installed by a technician. With a Truck Service Center, any bay
where the entire tractor-trailer rig can be pulled into the shop is considered a
double bay so count this as 2 bays. This includes a lube bay, since filters,
wiper blades, preventive maintenance items are installed on a vehicle within a
lube bay. A bay used exclusively for tires should not be considered a working
bay for parts installation.
While you should already have a valid email address for all your accounts,
you should verify that the preferred email that each Truck Service Center
regularly checks every day is what you have on file. This can assist you in
additional marketing efforts to your Truck Service Centers when you have
something to communicate to them all, like a special offer.
B6,7 Full Time and Part Time Technicians
While you might know this information, it’s best to check with your Truck
Service Center during your visit. Technicians are those that install parts,
either full time or part time. This is very important for you, since this will give
you a good ballpark idea of the total potential parts purchase volume of the
account. A full time technician is worth at least $4,000 a month from all
wholesale sources, a part time technician is worth $2,000 a month. If the
owner also works in the bays at times, count him as a part time technician.
Once you total up the number of full and part time technicians, you can
quickly determine a potential for the account.
Business Management System (Computer)
Indicate what type of system your business partner is using to operate his/her
business (i.e. TRACS, R.O. Writer, Mitchell1, etc.).
Year Purchased (Age of Business Management System)
Indicate how old their current system is in years. This information should be
helpful to you when you work with your TRACS representatives to determine
the appropriate time to contact your business partner and have a demo set
Page 8
Section C
Now let’s move on to the NAPA Store Purchases area.
Total 2011 Purchases
You’ll want to complete this information prior to your visit. Indicate the Total
2011 Purchases from your store.
Estimated 2012 Purchases
Next, indicate the Actual 2012 Purchases. When estimating, simply divide
the total completed months by your year-to-date purchase total to give you an
average month for the year, and then multiply by 12 to arrive at your
estimated year-end purchases.
During your initial planning call, you want to break the ice during your conversation by
thanking your business partner for their purchases in 2011 and 2012. Your partner
likes to know how much they buy from you and how important they are to the
success of the NAPA Store.
Total Parts Purchases from all Suppliers – Average Month
For the most part, your partner will not mind sharing this info with you if they
have it. If they don’t have it on this call, make this a follow up item for your
next visit. When your Truck Service Center tells you, write it down, then
multiply by 12 to get an approximate total parts purchase volume for the year.
As a mental note, consider comparing this with the total number of full and part time
technicians, times $4,000 or $2,000 in order to validate this potential.
Projected 2013 Purchases
Simply indicate the average month or total year that you would like the
account to attain for 2013.
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Section D
Now it’s time to focus on Relationship Improvement your business partner and your
In this section,
How can our store improve our relationship with you and your business?
Be specific by asking “is there any particular area where we can improve to
better meet your needs?” Pay attention because this is where your partner
will tell you how you can be easier to do business with. After items are
identified, tell your business partner that you’ll take these items back to the
store to discuss what options are available. Work with your Store Manager to
determine where possible adjustments can be made. It’s very important to
get these issues on the table and document them up front. If your partner has
a high priority issue, he may not be open to discuss the planner until the issue
is addressed.
How can you improve your relationship with our store?
Ask the question “how can you improve your relationship with our store?”
The Truck Service Center may not have ever been asked this question
before, but more than likely, there are some areas where the Truck Service
Center can help or improve their standing with the store. Maybe they need to
stock more, or order more parts per phone call, or order more parts
electronically, etc. Some of these may include late payment concerns, a high
rate of returns, etc. The point here is that you can do more for them if they
also do their part. It’s important to listen to their reply and write down the
response no matter what it is. A conversation about specifics will likely ensue
and you’ll be able to see where you also may be able to add some ways to
assist them in their efforts.
Page 10
Section E
Now it’s time to discuss Product Opportunities for 2013 at the Truck Service Center’s
In this section,
Product Opportunities for 2013
This area now can be used for working with your business partner on
Benchmark Product Lines. You’ll want to use the RPT219 Report within
TAMS to determine which products that you’d like to focus on and discuss
with each of your Truck Service Centers. Simply indicate the Line Code and
Product (description for your Truck Service Centers) and then indicate the
Monthly Goal for each Product as indicated in the RPT219 Report.
This will assist you with determining how your store can earn additional
business within each of the targeting product lines and discuss with your
business partner what any issues are that need to be addressed.
If you need assistance regarding the above report, please work with your DC
TSM or Wholesale Manager.
Page 11
Section F
Now it’s time to move toward how you, the NAPA Store and the NAPA Truck Service
Center Program can assist your business partner with their growth plans for the
upcoming year. This section will provide the key elements of the NAPA Store and the
NAPA Truck Service Center Program.
TIP: Don’t try to take on too much. The goal here is to cover each item with your
partner but tell them that it makes sense to check only a few items (3-5) so that there is
time to plan, focus, and execute on those chosen items.
Page 12
Instructions for the Growth Suggestions Section
Simply indicate each area that you and your partner identify as a way to help grow the
shop’s sales and profit performance. Indicate all interests by simply checking them off.
As you can see, the section is divided into three primary areas: Sales Growth, Profit
Growth and Additional Growth Suggestions.
Sales Growth Suggestions
This area focuses primarily on sales growth (Advertising / Marketing) for the business.
It also provides answers to ways you and NAPA can help increase their vehicle count,
plus help sell additional needed repairs and services.
Details and suggested thoughts of conversation are highlighted, with reference
regarding where to find additional information on each support program.
PROimage FREE LOOK and Exterior/Interior Elements – Enhanced
Projecting a professional image is key to capturing new customers, as well as
retaining existing ones, primarily today’s female customers.
Image is about everything a consumer can see and hear about the Truck
Service Center’s business. Exceeding customer expectations in these areas
lead to loyalty and increased sales. In addition, many image elements actually
help overcome price objections.
While all new members receive exterior signage based upon their program
participation, the reality is that this should just be considered the beginning.
Remember that all dealers are in various stages of business development. At
some point in time, they are going to want to improve the exterior and the
interior of their facility. Now, members (OSS can also submit on their behalf)
can view what their facility with upgraded signage could look like – for FREE.
Truck members are automatically directly to the Truck member site when
logging in. All non-members default to the Mechanical site. From the
Mechanical Home Page, simply click on the Truck Service Center Website text
in the upper left-hand corner. Now that you’re on the Truck site, simply click on
the PROimage header. From there, you’ll be taken to the PROimage website
that contains the Truck Free Look site. Click on Free Look, enter your
information, submit up to 4 exterior and / or 4 interior photos, select the signage
you’d like to see on the facility and other items available, then click submit. A
proposal along with images of the potential new look will be available for
viewing within 10 business days.
Remember that the proposal is a living document and can be edited at any time
up until the order is placed. Performing an upgrade of this kind can be a major
investment, but the return on investment can also be impressive. There are
many success stories available to help a member make the decision to move
forward with the investment. Contact your Wholesale Manager for more
Page 13
Where possible, it is recommended that the Truck Service Centers use the
NAPA Blue or combination of NAPA Gray as their primary exterior color(s).
Here’s just one example of a simple exterior upgrade:
What’s the primary benefit of upgrading the exterior? - New customers and
additional sales. In fact, on average, the Truck Service Center that upgrades
their facility to the NAPA colors experiences a sales increase in the first year
of over 22%. Consumers notice a fresh, clean look. Many comments
include “So, how long have you guys been here” and so on. The bottom line
is that a new, upgraded exterior design that is professionally performed will
drive new customers to the business.
Page 14
In addition to signage available for purchase from the PROimage site, new
exterior and interior elements are being added, as well as many of the
current items to help improve the image of the interior and communicate the
right consumer message. Here’s some samples of the new items added:
Ceiling heads and counter wraps can be a very effective and inexpensive
way to work with limited space and a limited budget. Here’s an excellent
The above ‘Before’ image is representative of a typical repair business
customer receiving area. Notice in the ‘After’ image the only change
performed was the addition of two consumer education boards, ceiling
headers, and the counter wrap. There’s no question from a consumer
standpoint that Chuck’s Garage is part of the AutoCare Program. (Specific
Truck ceiling headers are available.)
The owner expressed how impressed he was with his new interior. Chuck said “I’ve
been here at the same location for 18-years. Ever since this upgrade, I have less
price objections from my customers. I feel more professional about presenting their
estimates to them and they seem more appreciative of my work. I should have done
this a long time ago!” More information is available on the PROimage site. Simply
login to the member page and click on the PROimage header.
Page 15
Leveraging the NAPA Brand
Does the Truck Service Center leverage the NAPA Brand as much as possible in
their business? This is one of the most important business tools they have. Why?
NAPA Truck Service Center owners do not want to be associated with a franchise.
This is why they are independent. They don’t want someone telling them how to run
their business all the time – but they do want to compete against the national chains,
franchises and OE dealers in their area.
The importance of leveraging the NAPA Brand is that it is a trusted name, recognized
by over 90% of the motoring public. The American consumer is very brand
conscious. They are eager to support national brands like McDonalds or Wal-Mart
and others when quality and value are perceived. Consumers want to know what to
expect when they shop retail establishments. Helping your Truck Service Centers
become more uniform in their business will result in higher sales to them and to you.
Up to 80% of the typical Truck Service Center’s volume is from repeat customers, so
the NAPA Brand is really a way to grow sales by targeting new customers. This is
why it’s important to leverage the NAPA Brand in as many areas as possible.
The reality is that a Truck Service Center in Oklahoma City has no impact on
consumers in California and so on. This is why the Truck Service Center brand is so
important for shops all across the country. It gives the shop recognition and
exposure to so many potential new-to-area customers. Without using the NAPA
brand in the following ways, the shop misses out on very inexpensive ways to grow
their sales.
Some simple, inexpensive ways to leverage the NAPA Brand:
Answering the Telephone
While 80%+ of all calls are likely from existing customers, it means that almost
20% are from potential new customers. It’s important to establish the Truck
Service Center’s alliance with NAPA early on. For example – have your Truck
Service Center’s answer the phone as follows:
“Hello, this is Joe’s Truck and Fleet Service, your local NAPA Truck Service
Center – this is Mike, how can I help you today?”
The above emphasizes Joe’s Truck and Fleet Service as a NAPA Truck Service
Center, with the personal touch of introducing one’s self to the caller.
Page 16
Business Cards
All businesses invest in business cards – end of story. Then why would they not
include the NAPA Truck Service Center logo? It just makes sense. Business
cards can be ordered online via NAPA’s provider at
Logo on Repair Orders
Every customer receives a repair order, or a receipt upon paying their bill and
driving away. Shouldn’t the appropriate logo also be included? Logos can be
downloaded via the website. Members login to the member
page after registering by providing their email address and password. Once there,
click on ‘Resources’ and then ‘Logos’ to download the files. Both PC and Mac files
are available.
Logo on All Advertisements
If the Truck Service Center promotes his or her business locally via advertising,
then it just makes sense to include the NAPA Truck Service Center logo. Most of
advertising is focused on bringing in new customers, not existing ones, so the use
of the NAPA Truck Service Center logo in all advertisements just makes sense to
reach those customers familiar with the NAPA Brand.
Logo on Employee Uniforms
Once new customers arrive, it’s important to re-emphasize the business affiliation
with NAPA. If all the employees have identifiable clothes as being an employee of
the business, then this serves to reinforce the alliance, as well as eliminate any
confusion from the customers’ standpoint regarding who is associated with the
business and who is not. The NAPA provider of rental uniforms, CINTAS, has the
approved logo options available. Simply call the national rental number for
CINTAS at 800-795-7368 for more information and to start local service.
Signage on Facility
While all new members receive signage, have they taken the time to place their
signage on their facility?” You’d be surprised how many signs stay in the original
shipping box, never being leveraged to gain new customers. Consumers aware of
the NAPA Brand are looking for just that – the NAPA Brand. The best way to
leverage this is initially is to install the sign that was sent to each member upon
their enrollment into the program. For a more professional look, many upgraded
signage options are available for purchase via the PROimage program and
accessible from the member page of the website. Once
there, click on the PROimage header to view the various signage options.
Page 17
Using NAPA Truck Service Center as a ‘Quality Reference’ when Suggesting
Needed Services
Too many Truck Service Centers forget to use the NAPA Brand when
recommending service and repair. To leverage the NAPA Brand in this way
means to take the high road and sell the recommended services and repairs to
those consumers in need.
Each Truck Service Center can help justify their recommendations by simply
stating that, “as a NAPA Truck Service Center, we cannot recommend a service
that isn’t needed and will always consult you on what’s best for the maintenance
and repair of your vehicles.”
Another way to overcome price objections is as follows: “As a qualified NAPA
Truck Service Center, we offer a 45-day, Over the Road national warranty on
commercial, highway use vehicles on qualifying repairs. And if you use your
NAPA EasyPay card, we can extend coverage to 90-days.
This is leveraging the NAPA Brand at its finest, using the earned trust factor to
help gain the approval for needed repairs and services. Taking the ‘higher’ road
leads to increased sales and overcoming pricing objections!
NAPA Truck Service Center Vehicle Decals on Company Vehicles
Another inexpensive way to leverage the NAPA Brand is to use appropriate logo
vehicle stickers. What better way to advertise their affiliation with NAPA Truck
Service Center while driving down the road than with the appropriate Truck
Service Center stickers strategically affixed to their vehicle. Decals can be
ordered using the PROimage website within
Provide NAPA Truck Service Center Merchandise to Build Customer Loyalty
There are many customer give-a-ways available to a Truck Service Center that
helps advertise the shops services long after the consumer visit. From pens to
key fobs, scratch pads to bottle openers, NAPA Truck Service Centers can be a
subtle advertising tool with various daily consumer thank you gifts. Go to the
PROimage website within
There are many other ways to leverage the NAPA Brand. Look through the entire
Truck website for more information.
Page 18
National Warranty - Enhanced
The importance of a warranty for consumers today cannot be overemphasized. Customers want to know they’ll receive a good product and
trustworthy service when choosing a repair facility. They know they can
count on this when the repair shop is willing to back their work with a
comprehensive warranty. The customer also wants to know that if there’s
an issue with the repair, they can get it resolved without too much
inconvenience. The customer really desires to have Peace of Mind in the
repair process. The Over the Road warranty does just that.
The following should be helpful to you as you explain to your business
partner the importance of promoting their specific warranty to all of their
Truck Warranty – Over the Road
The NAPA Truck Service Center Over the Road Warranty covers the
majority of the repairs performed on heavy-duty, over the road
commercial vehicles today. In fact, it’s the best warranty in the
aftermarket since it’s a customer warranty and not a parts warranty.
What does this mean? The reality is that a parts supplier won’t supply
100% of the parts 100% of the time to every repair shop. It’s just a fact
of our business. You as an Outside Sales Professional already know
this. The Over the Road Warranty protects the customer when they are
100 miles or more away from the Truck Service Center who performed
the original repair REGARDLESS of what brand of parts were installed
on the vehicle. The NAPA Truck Service Center should be proud to
promote to each customer that all repairs done at their shop are
covered by the warranty and supported by over 1,000 locations in the
United States. If the customer cannot return to the original repairing
Truck Service Center and they are 100 miles or more away, NAPA’s
administrator, Sonsio, will direct the consumer to another Truck Service
Center to correct the problem.
This warranty is one of the best-selling features of the NAPA Truck
Service Center program, which can give the shop a competitive
advantage even against the national repair chains. Many Truck Service
Centers include a copy of the warranty with their repair order, either as
a separate page or have them printed on the back of the invoice.
For example (mentioned earlier): “As a qualified NAPA Truck Service
Center, we offer a 45-day, unlimited mileage nationally warranty on
qualifying repairs. We can also extend this coverage to 90-days. This
warranty is included at no charge to you in our total repair and we’ll
have your vehicle ready for you by the end of the day (or when
promised). Do you need a ride to work this morning, Mr. Jones? (or
other appropriate convenience offering)”
Page 19
The Truck Service Centers have the best of all three worlds.
1. The Over The Road Warranty – a special commercial warranty
for 1 ton and above vehicles designed for over the road, highway
use. This warranty is 45-days (90-days with unlimited mileage
and is effective outside a 100-mile radius of the original repairing
2. The Peace of Mind Warranty.
3. The Collision & Refinish Warranty, should they perform collision
repairs and use Martin Senour Paints.
Local Labor Reimbursement Policy
All Truck Service Center members automatically have a NAPA Local
Labor Reimbursement Policy extended to them when they initially
enroll into the program. This policy is designed to compensate the
Truck Service Center for a re-repair of an alleged defective NAPA
part of consumer-owned, not commercial light mechanical vehicles
by reimbursing the cost of the part AND by compensating the shop
up to 75% of their labor time to fix the original repair (up to $250.00).
For example, let’s say that a Truck Service Center’s regular labor
rate is $80.00 an hour. The program pays up to 75% of the original
labor up to $250.00. This means that the Truck Service Center
would receive $60.00 an hour up to a total of $250.00 for the original
repair. If the Truck Service Center has priced their labor accordingly,
then they made 65% gross profit on the original repair. With the
Local Labor Reimbursement Policy, they would still make 53% gross
profit on the re-repair – more than enough to pay the technician
again and still pocket some profit for the business.
The goal of this program is to quickly resolve the issue and move on
to more productive and profitable repairs, and more importantly, save
a customer for the Truck Service Center.
Page 20
Local Truck Fleet Program
The Local Fleet Management Program is designed to assist each Truck
Service Center to pursue small, locally-owned fleets, which in many cases
are the most profitable fleets in their market area. A small/medium size
fleet could be comprised of 5 vehicles to 25 vehicles and those that are
typically not managed by a national fleet maintenance company. These
smaller fleets tend to not have backup vehicles and need to have repairs
and scheduled maintenance performed quickly in order to keep downtime
to a minimum. All members received samples of the materials available,
including the following three styles of presentation folders:
They also received introduction letter samples and template samples. A
finished Local Fleet Presentation Folder would look like this when
Page 21
Additional presentation folders can be ordered by downloading the order
form online from or by using the new PROimage
website. Additional presentation folders are only $10.95 for 15, plus
shipping and handling. It might be a good idea to order 60 to 90 folders at
one time. Custom folder templates are also available for download, but
these must be printed at a specialized local printer capable of die-cutting –
small runs of custom folders can be very expensive, so encourage your
business partner to consider using the ones available online.
All introduction letters and stair-step templates are available online for free
downloading in the Local Fleet Program section online at Once downloaded, they can be customized by each
Truck Service Center, then saved and printed locally (like FedEx Office).
If the Truck Service Center has a color printer, then they can print them
right off their computer.
There are two “How To” training videos online in the Local Fleet
Program section that explain how to build the Local Fleet
Presentation Folder, as well as how to prepare and present shop
services to local fleets in their market in a professional manner.
Page 22
NAPA Service Assistant (NSA) - Enhanced
What is NSA? Today’s consumers require more information on their vehicle
repairs and look to the Internet for information about how certain vehicle
systems work and why certain parts or services are being recommended by
their repair facility. A recent study found that over 50% of today’s consumers
researched information on their vehicle repair or maintenance on the Internet –
and it’s only going to increase! NSA equips the Truck Service Center with a
visual tool that uses both animation and video snippets to educate today’s
information thirsty consumer. Best of all, NSA is FREE to all Truck Service
Centers and adds no cost to the store as well!
The animations and videos within NSA will help the shop owner in several ways
but here are its primary uses:
Service Advisors can use the application on their computer desktop to show
the consumer the basics of the repair recommendation at the service
counter. The iPad application is also available.
The shop can embed NSA within their website or on a screen in the waiting
room for consumers to view on their own. The application is “point and
click” and very easy to navigate. This also helps the shop with search
rankings for their custom websites.
The shop can push the information on NSA to the customer via email or
posting to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and dozens of others, in
just a few “clicks”.
Each NAPA Truck Service Center can be set up with a custom NSA website
with their business name, address and telephone number. Each site contains
articles with rich “keywords” including the name of the shop that assist in
Search Engine Optimization of a Truck Service Center’s website. A highspeed, broadband Internet service is required so that all videos and
animations will function properly without buffering. The rollout of this new
program continues during 2013. Should you have an Truck Service Center that
would like to take advantage of the program now, simply call the NSA Customer
Support at 1-877-642-3555 and they will be setup immediately. An overview of
NSA, as well as contact information and video showcasing NSA can be
accessed from the member page of
Page 23
Referral Card Program
Referral cards are great way to build your partner’s sales by rewarding
existing customers when they referral another owner / operator, friend or fleet
to their facility. Many of the best Truck Service Centers use a referral
program as a key marketing tool to add new business.
The Truck Service Center simply provides a referral card to their customer
when checking them out after a repair. The Truck Service Center writes the
name of the customer on the front of the card. The customer would then
provide the card to a friend, fleet or owner / operator – they should write their
name in the space provided. If they don’t, then the Truck Service Center can
simply write the name of the new customer.
There are cards for each program segment (mechanical, collision and truck).
Here is what the referral card looks like:
The Truck Service Center simply downloads the file from the website. They can put their business information as
indicated above and print the cards locally. When a referred customer
comes in to have work performed, they would present the card to the Truck
Service Center.
The Truck Service Center can customize and use the Thank You letter and
mail it to the existing customers, thanking them for referring their friend or
family member. Most successful referral programs include promotional give
always to both parties. Some of the best ideas include…
 10% to 20% discount to the referred customer
 2 free movie tickets
 $25 gift cards
 $50 dinner gift certificates
 Drawings for monthly prizes (TV sets, iPods, etc.)
Page 24
The Thank You/Referral letter can be customized and mailed to existing
customers and new ones, along with a few referral cards. The letter can be
downloaded from the same section under Customer Referral. The letter
template looks like this:
Again, the letter can be customized based upon the needs and desired offing
of each Truck Service Center by using Microsoft Word.
Page 25
TruckDown - NEW
TruckDown has been providing vendor locator services since 1997 and is the
only vendor locator service that not only makes it easy for fleets to find each
NAPA Truck Service Center, but also keeps bringing those fleets coming
All NAPA Truck Service Centers will receive a free basic listing on the website that includes the NAPA TSC logo and basic details
about each location. NAPA TSC members can also receive a 50% exclusive
discount on any of TruckDown’s premium listing options. For more details
and complete premium listing options, click on the TruckDown text under the
Resources header.
NTTS Breakdown Directory Ad
Every new NAPA Truck Service Center that enrolls in the program by the end
of October each year automatically receives a free ad in the hard copy
version of the National Truck & Trailer Service Breakdown Directory. In
addition, all members receive a free ad placement on the NTTS Breakdown
Directory website.
Here’s a sample of a free ad:
Truck members can access the NTTS Breakdown website after logging into
the NAPA Truck Service Center website and clicking on the upper right-hand
banner. For more information and contact, go to the NTTS Breakdown
Page 26
2013 Truck Service Center Sales Drivers - NEW
The 2013 Truck Service Center Sales Drivers is new for 2013 and provides
for up to 6 dedicated heavy-duty promotions. All NAPA Truck Service
Centers signing up for these heavy-duty promotions will also receive the
light-mechanical Sales Driver promotions at no charge! These include local
and national promotions for only $39.99 (includes shipping and handling).
The local promotions include instant savings offers that Truck Service Center
members can deduct right off the customer repair order! These instant
savings offers are cost-shared at 25% Truck Service Center, 25% Store,
25% DC and 25% Suppler.
In addition, all Truck Service Centers during 2013 will be able to participate in
the national Big Events, which are 30-day national promotions. But only
Truck Service Centers purchasing the 2013 Truck Service Center Sales
Driver Kit will be able to promote these Big Events for 60-days and will
receive a 60-day promotional kit rather than a 30-day kit.
Here’s our 2013 Promotional Layout for the year:
For more information on each promotion, as well as file downloads, login to
the member page of
Page 27
New Customer Welcome Kit
Designed to build the relationship with a new customer and get them coming
back, the New Customer Welcome Kit is a simple way to customize local
offers, communicate services and community involvement in a compact
Truck Service Centers can order either full size or glove box size folders for
their use. Templates for customization can be downloaded for free from the
New Customer Welcome Kit landing page on the member site of From the Marketing / Advertising header, simple click
on the New Customers / Welcome Kit Tab for complete information. An
order form for the folders is there, along with all the insert templates,
Business Information
Import Service
Here’s a sample of what this a New Customer Welcome Kit can look like:
Folders can also be ordered via the PROimage website with a credit card.
Page 28
F10 Customizable Online Advertising & Promotional Files
These files can be accessed by going to, logging on to
the membership page, then selecting the Promos, Coupons and Posters or
the Customer Loyalty & Appreciation Tabs. There are also guidelines to
assist the Truck Service Center with regard to determining a budget, as well
as suggestions on what advertising media to consider.
Below are just a few (light mechanical) samples of what is available through
this online guide:
Print-Ready Newspaper Ads
Patriotic Thank You Postcard
Insert Custom Ad Modules
Ad Modules Samples
Simply insert in any ad coupon
Page 29
F11 EasyPay Consumer Financing - Enhanced
The NAPA Truck Service Center EasyPay Credit Card can provide great
sales potential for all Truck Service Center members). As a part of the Car
Care ONE network, members can offer 6-months and 12-months same as
cash consumer financing.
With instant approval and immediate use, participating members now have a
way to finance repairs and services that an owner / operator may need on
the road.
Extended Over the Road National Warranty
Customers using this card at participating Truck Service Centers will extend
their Over the Road warranty on covered repairs from 45-days with unlimited
mileage for commercial, over the road highway use vehicles to 90-days!
TIP: When a member signs up for this program, they must get into the habit
of asking all of their customers if they’d like to put the repair on their NAPA
Truck Service Center EasyPay Credit Card. Doing so should allow for
almost a 50% approval to their customers. Find enrollment information via
the member page of and click on the “Learn More” text
under the card logo.
F12 CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) Program
The NAPA Truck Service Center CSI Program invites consumers to rate
their service experience at their serving NAPA Truck Service Center.
Participating Truck Service Center owners can view their report online on
the CSI website in real time. A key component to this program is that
members are notified immediately regarding any negative comments so that
the Truck Service Center owner can contact the customer and hopefully
resolve any issues.
Truck Service Centers enrolling in the program receive 300 repair order
stickers and 100 customer evaluation cards to invite their customers to
complete an online survey or complete the card and mail. As an incentive for
consumers to rate their service received, drawings are held each quarter $25
for gift cards.
Page 30
Here’s what these cards look like:
The program is included at no charge to all members. To enroll, go to the
CSI landing page of
Page 31
F13 Customer Relationship Management Programs
NAPA now has two customer relationship management programs, both
offered and available by your Commercial Business Systems representative.
NAPA Marketing CRM
NAPA Marketing CRM allows your business partners to manage their
existing customer base more efficiently by providing business tools designed
to get these customers back in for service. From automated email and/or
postcard reminders, to electronic customer thank you surveys, this program
assists the member in taking better care of their customers’ needs and
increase the shop’s sales. NAPA Marketing CRM interfaces with the top
shop management systems to automate this service reminder process,
including TRACS, Mitchell1, R.O. Writer and over 50 other systems.
To get started, the member can go to or call 877632-4638. More information can be found under the NAPA Marketing CRM
landing page of the member site of
With Demandforce, in a slightly different format, Truck Service Centers can
have automated communications, automatic online survey and reviews, can
have their business information published, leverage social media, as well as
take advantage of the Demandforce network, tapping into potential new
customers using dental, health spa and several other niche markets that use
online customer reminders and online marketing.
To get started, the member can go to or call 800-210-0355. More information can be found under
the Demandforce landing page of the member site of
F14 Email Marketing – Constant Contact - Enhanced
For the member that does not desire a full-blown CRM program, but desires
to market to their customers via email, we’ve added Constant Contact to our
available benefits.
For as little as $10.50 a month, now a member can email their customers
and not get blacklisted by ISP’s by using Constant Contact. While we have
developed a couple of custom templates for our members using the program
segment logos, members have over 450 templates available for their use.
To get started, simply visit or call
Page 32
F15 Custom Websites, Add Custom URL – Enhanced
NAPA makes available a custom website service through Car Care Connect.
Some important considerations:
 63% of consumers and small business owners turn to the internet first
for information about local companies
 87% of all internet searches are local
 According to Google, 50 to 75% of auto searches are looking for
vehicle maintenance when in the automotive category
 A managed website with the right capabilities will help an AutoCare
Center’s site get in front of local customers by using key words and
phrases to help move the site up organically on Google, Yahoo and
 Sponsor local school sports teams
The process is easy to get started! Simply login to the member site of then click on the Individual Website link under the
Customized (Car Care Connect) header.
The professional team will help an Truck Service Center owner get started.
There are samples of what a well-equipped, custom website can look like
starting at only $129.00 a month. For more information, call Car Care
Connect at 1-800-591-8675.
We have enhanced the ability for our members to add their custom URL’s via
the member site. Simply login and click the “Add Your Custom URL” text
under the Your AutoCare Websites section. All approved custom websites
must have the appropriate NAPA Truck Service Center logo included on the
main landing page of their custom site.
Page 33
F16 Community Events
There are many ways NAPA Truck Service Centers can support local
community events and be rewarded by citizens in the community with new
business. A list of events and sponsorships of proven winners are…
 Sponsor local school sports teams
 Sponsor charities and charity events (bake sales, 5K Walks/Runs,
 Car / Truck Shows
 Local Fairs
 Truck Service Center Shop Open Houses
 Much more…
Conducting special thank you days can also gain community exposure with
promotions that can help the community and drive traffic. Work with your
Truck Service Centers regarding what type of event they would like to
promote and consider contributing to such an event. Charity events can lead
to a lot of local, free media exposure depending on the type of event and
Page 34
Profit Growth Suggestions
Within this area, the following focuses primarily on profit growth for the business from an
operational standpoint. Details and suggested thoughts of conversation are highlighted,
with references regarding where to find additional information on each support program.
Read each and become confident in each area for your business partner.
When a NAPA Truck Service Center installs a TRACS system, their
purchases typically increase an average of 26% in the first year. This is
certainly the number one reason why you should be aware of what the NAPA
TRACS systems can do for your customers.
Truck Service Centers can receive up to $1,000 savings toward their new
TRACS system, depending on their needs and selection. This is a NAPA
Truck Service Center exclusive and is available when they are ready. In fact,
many new users report that missing billing items actually makes their monthly
payment! More importantly, with TRACS and the pricing matrix, then can
customize their profit margins to improve their overall profitability.
Consider the NAPA TRACS Partnership Program for select Truck Service
Center customers.
The TRACS Partnership Program provides you with tools to target dealer
customers with a plan that allows them to earn TRACS shop management
and technical information for free through incremental NAPA parts
purchases. Your customers receive a shop management or technical
information system to fit their needs, and your store sells them more parts.
Now TRACS can tell you who’s calling your business before you answer the
phone with TRACS SmartCALL, a new system interface that works with your
phone system. This is especially helpful when your customer has a
customer’s vehicle in the shop! Many helpful reports are also included such
as missed calls, so that a member can reach out to customers that tried to
call and did not even leave a message in order to meet their vehicle needs.
For questions, assistance, or to request copies of the NAPA TPP or NAPA
TRACS SmartCALL software, contact your servicing CSG rep or call the
NAPA Commercial Systems Group at 800-659-3710.
Page 35
F18 PROLink
The new and improved NAPA PROLink website saves time at the store and
provides faster and more accurate parts ordering for your best customers.
NAPA PROLink allows customers to search for NAPA Parts the way they
want including VIN, Category / Subcategory, Job Type, QuickPick, Google
type search, Interchange and NAPA Part number.
The new NAPA PROLink DeskTop provides all search options at the
customers fingertips including recent searches, saved carts, submitted
orders and open shopping cart view. The "My ToolBox" option includes
NAPA Line Cards, Buyers Guide, Conversion Calculator, eCatalogRack,
Mitchell technical data, on-line training videos and much more which help
improve the accuracy and reduce order time for your customers.
Have questions or want to get in on WebEx training? Attend one of the
scheduled sessions found on the NAPA PROLink website
( under the "What's New" option or contact the NAPA
Commercial Systems Group at 800-742-3578 MON - SAT and we will be
glad to help or setup a training session based around your schedule.
F19 NAPA AutoCare Career Center
Through NAPA’s relationship with CareerBuilder, Truck Service Centers
have the ability to search millions of current resumes at no charge online.
This includes a search filter to help the members narrow their search. In
addition, using the job posting feature is made easier by using the many prewritten templates available.
Considered the Cadillac of job postings, Truck Service Centers have access
30-day job postings for only $75
Free resume database access to view over 24 million resumes less
than a year old
Website is
Job templates will continue to be available
Please direct all calls and emails to Craig Hoffmann as your main point of
contact for CareerBuilder. Craig will post jobs for each Truck Service Center
and will provide them with their login and password access to the free
resume database. Craig can be contacted via telephone at 770-688-1321 or
via email at
Page 36
F20 Identifix
This is a two-part program. The first is that allows technicians
to diagnose problems faster with confirmed, known fixes. In addition, Truck
Service Centers subscribing to Identifix also get special pricing on the
second part of this program, the Identifix Tele-diagnostic hotline. Per
symptom fixes are capped at a special rate…. no matter how many phone
calls a Truck Service Center has to make in order to fix the vehicle symptom.
This service is considered a sublet repair and therefore one that Truck
Service Centers bill their customers for at a profit. For more information or to
set up an account, the Truck Service Center can call 1-866-698-1955.
F21 Vin Waterhouse Financial GPS
Although this is a mechanical profile, most categories apply to a Truck
Service Center business. Vin Waterhouse has trained thousands of NAPA
AutoCare Center owners on how to improve their business. During his
training he also compiles data regarding benchmarks of the average
AutoCare Centers and those within the top 25%. The AutoCare Center
owners providing this information are not known to NAPA and confidential.
The importance of this data is that the numbers are real and provide true
benchmark from which an Truck Service Center owner can compare in order
to improve their business. For a printable version of the Financial GPS click
on the Financial GPS tab within the Resources header from the member
page of
Page 37
F22 Open Saturday Business Case Review
While most of us would rather not work on the weekend, the fact of the
matter is, weekends are the only time many consumers have to take care of
the vehicle repair and maintenance needs. Today’s consumers will shop
when convenient for them and will visit businesses that are open for their
schedule. NAPA respects the decisions of all NAPA Truck Service Center
owners and realizes that each owner must determine if opening on Saturday
would make business sense for their operation. The available brochure
serves only to provide information that may assist an owner’s decision from
their business standpoint using their numbers and market considerations.
For more information, including the ability to view a training video on opening
on Saturday, logon to the member page of, then under
the Resources header, click on the Saturday Business Case Tab.
Page 38
F23 NAPA SafePay+
NAPA recently made available a new merchant processing system than can
save NAPA Truck Service Centers money on their process of credit cards.
Some of the many features of this new system include:
A free Cost Analysis of their current processing provider compared to
how much a member can save with this new program
Accepting Fleet Cards
Offering Gift Cards
Improved Security from credit card fraud liabilities, fines and penalties
Protection of business and consumer credit card information
Online Training Course
GE Money Training – Business Center Information / Classes
PCI (Payment Card Industry) Compliance Course Tutorial
F24 Pr
For complete information, go to the Resource header and click on the
Merchant Processing text.
Page 39
F24 Program Discounts
There are many program discounts available for all NAPA Truck Service
Center owners when they are ready to use them. To access these
highlighted discounts, simply logon to the member page of and using your mouse, hover over the Program
Discounts header to see all the featured discounts. Clicking on any of these
Tabs will take you to a landing page or website for more information.
Keep checking back on a regular basis to see what has been added to the
listing and make sure to share these with all of your Truck Service Centers.
Page 40
F25 GreenCare
e – NEW
Today’s customers
s continue to
o become m
more aware
e of the envvironment a
studies indicate tha
at they are beginning tto frequent businessess that have our
ment in min
nd. The “GrreenCare” C
Certified Prrogram wass developed
d to
help NA
APA Truck Service
nter membe
ers to become green a
and maintain
their gre
een status by
b reducing
g their carbo
on footprintt. At the sa
ame time,
realize energy
costt savings an
nd attract n
new custom
Partnering with the
e environme
ental expertts can provvide the mosst effective
n for members to maxiimize their efforts and return on investment..
The reductions in energy,
es and othe
er expensess should co
over the cosst to
obtain and
a sustain Green Cerrtification.
NAPA Truck
ce Center members
hat become
e Green Cerrtified will b
listed on
n the public service we
ebsite www
m and listed
d in
state and local Clea
an & Green
n City directtories.
o comple
ete informattion and gett started wh
hen the
Memberrs can find out
GreenCare website
e is available from the Truck mem
mber site off An ann
nouncementt will be ma
ade when th
his program
m is
Page 41
F26 NAPA Health Insurance Plan – Enhanced
NAPA Truck Service Center members, their families and employees can now
receive great rates on medical insurance. Savings up to 40% have been
realized! For complete information, access the Health Insurance website
from the Personnel header on the member site and click on the NAPA Health
Plan text. To get a quote, call toll free at 866-312-3868.
F27 NAPA Business Insurance Plan
The NAPA Insurance Center can provide a wide aware of coverage. From
Property & Casualty to Personal Coverage, information and quotes can be
provided over the phone at 800-833-4954.
Page 42
F28 Employee Uniforms – Enhanced
Would you have second thoughts about eating at a restaurant if your server
didn’t look like they worked there? Something to think about, isn’t it? The
same holds true with employees at a repair business. Image how
embarrassed a consumer would be if he or she was describing a problem
about their vehicle to another customer? Or worse yet, a vendor that is more
professional looking and the consumer mistakenly think they are part of the
Cintas is NAPA’s primary value-added business partner for uniform rental.
All members have available a special ‘national ceiling pricing profile’ that
provides local savings. Each Cintas location can adjust their pricing
downward for competitive markets, but never above the national pricing
schedule. They have our logos for all three program segments. To get the
ball rolling, simply call 1-800-795-7368.
Page 43
Additional Growth Suggestions
Within this area, the following focuses on other ways to improve the business, including
the new NAPA Truck Service Center website and collaboration with other Truck Service
Centers in the area to form a Business Development Group. Details and suggested
thoughts of conversation are highlighted, with references regarding where to find
additional information.
F29 Truck Website – Enhanced
The website will always be the most current source for
all NAPA Truck Service Center programs and enhancements. This is why it
is so important to have all of your Truck Service Center owners register and
logon on a regular basis. The new Truck website will automatically recognize
a Truck Service Center member when then logon.
Registering is simple and fast. Have your Truck Service Centers go to and click on the “Register Here” text in the bottom righthand corner. All those registering for access must have a valid email
address as the system will send a temporary password that they will use
along with their email to logon for the first time. Once they logon, they should
change their password to something that they will remember. They can do
this from the member page by clicking on the Your Account text in the upper
right-hand corner of the member page.
As a NAPA Outside Sales Professional, you should be thoroughly versed in
how to use the site for reference, as well as assist your Truck Service Center
owners to create newspaper ads, postcards, posters, coupons, local fleet
program, ordering of materials like the Fleet Folders, customizing these
inserts and more. You’ll be surprised how fast you’ll learn and better yet,
how fast your Truck Service Centers will catch on after you get them
registered and using the site!
Page 44
F30 Business Development Group
The goal of a NAPA Truck Service Center Business Development Group is to
provide a good working relationship with other local Truck Service Centers in
the area and assist each other with their business growth – both as a group and
There are complete details in the following guide that can be found in the
Business Development Group section of the site.
Everything needed to get a group started, select officers, determine direction
and establish a budget are included and laid out in an easy-to-read format.
Some of the many benefits of forming a group for members include:
Establish working relationship with other Truck Service Center owners
Reduce individual expenses relating to advertising
Collaborate on training opportunities, both technical and business
through NAPA Training, Autotech and Vin Waterhouse
Work together in support of community events
Compete effectively as a group against national chains
Exchange marketing and profits making ideas with other established
Learn to view other Truck Service Centers as business partners
In addition, Wholesale Managers have three initial presentations to assist in
your efforts. For more information, including BDG success stories from around
the country, logon to the member page of and select the
many Tabs available under the Business Development Group header.
Page 45
F31 eLearning Online Training – Enhanced
NAPA has a wealth of training venues, both technical and business related.
For 2013, the following technical training benefits are included in their
Autotech Tech’s Edge
Charge $0
 2013 Online Subscription
 New Topic Each Month for 12 Months
 Unlimited per Shop Use by AutoCare Members
Value $49
“How Do I?” Electrical and Successful Shop Management eLearning
Charge $0 Value $229
 Over 20 Electrical tasks with step-by-step instructions
  Online Training Course Series on “What You Sell”
 Courses to Service Managers and Shop Owners maximize their
business opportunities
 Unlimited per Shop Use by AutoCare Members
Technician Skills Assessments
Charge $0 Value $59*
 Knowledge Assessment Testing focuses on each employee’s
training needs and learning path
 Assesses and reports on 9 Technician skill areas
 Unlimited per Shop Use by AutoCare Members
* When used by six technicians a year @ $9.95 each
Training Management Tool
Charge $0 Value $259
 Online Learning Management System
 Track Employee Progress, Scores and Transcript Reports
 Print Certificates and More
 Unlimited per Shop Use by AutoCare Members
Total Included Value for 2013
Charge $0
Additional Savings, Classroom Training Package
Value $547
Value $1,014
Most AutoCare Centers now have the opportunity to purchase a multiclass training package through their NAPA AUTO PARTS Store.
 No Seat Limits / Send as Many Technicians as They Like (Value of
1 seat in 6 classes $750)
 Annual Program Purchase & Pre-Registration Required
 Includes the all-in online eLearning subscription (Value of $264)
Total Included & Additional Value for 2013
Charge $0
Page 46
Value $2,157
F32 Business Training
NAPA makes available three approved sources for business training. Vin
Waterhouse continues to train for NAPA only. R.L.O Training provides
excellent courses for Service Advisors and A.T.I. provides some of the best,
high-end repair business management classes in the industry. Below you’ll
find more information regarding their three outstanding training platforms.
Vin Waterhouse
R.L.O. Training
Email or Website
You’ll also find additional information in the NAPA Training Catalog.
Page 47
Does your Truck Service Center buy most or all of your product lines? Why or why not?
Determining why will assist you in your efforts to gain additional daily sales when in
need of certain product lines.
F33 Altrom
Altrom is NAPA’s specialty foreign parts provider and competes very well with
any competition. Here are some facts to consider:
How many part numbers does the Altrom line consist of?
There are almost 30,000 positively classed parts for import applications.
Do all the Altrom part numbers qualify for the NAPA Truck Service
Center Volume Incentive Rebate?
Yes, as long as the purchase requirements are met by the NAPA Truck
Service Center, a volume rebate will be paid at either the 2% or 4% levels
based upon the NAPA Truck Service Center Program.
How does the Altrom part numbering system work?
Altrom’s part numbering system is based on O.E. or manufacturers
proprietary part numbering system. Customized inventories by product
groupings can easily be made by your servicing NAPA AUTO PARTS Store
so that you have the right import parts that meet your needs.
What is the warranty and labor claim polity for Altrom products?
All of Altrom’s products are covered by a 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty or
the manufacturer’s warranty, whichever is greater. These are also covered
on the NAPA Truck Service Center Peace of Mind Warranty. In addition,
Altrom participates in NAPA labor claim policy as offered through your
servicing NAPA AUTO PARTS Store.
What if I need a part that is not cataloged?
It’s very likely that a new part may not be classified in the NAPA system as of
yet, but Altrom would have it in stock. In this event, simply contact your
servicing NAPA AUTO PARTS Store so that it can be ordered for you.
What parts will I get in an Altrom box?
Altrom’s program is different from any other supplier because Altrom offers
the products from O.E. manufacturers, in their original packaging!
Altrom has all the O.E. brands that today’s import specialist is looking for –
and they can buy them from NAPA!
Page 48
F34 Stocking Inventory Programs
A dealer does not keep inventory on hand today in order to get a better price.
The primary reason they should keep a well-maintained, balanced inventory is
to increase their productivity and efficiency. Even if parts were free, waiting for
parts they should keep on hand, ends up costing them by reducing their
potential billing hours, not to mention disrupting the work flow of the business.
Determining what needs to be kept in inventory is as easy as running some of
the reports available to you from your store. While many reports can tell you
what your customers are buying from you, it’s important to find out why they are
stocking certain lines from your competitor and then develop a plan to get the
Keep all stocked inventory that you maintain well-organized and perform regular
updates of their inventory. Suggest new products as they come to market
through the NAPA System.
F35 Tools & Equipment
NAPA has more choices and the best brands in the industry when it comes to
tools & equipment. Leasing is the preferred method of purchasing equipment
for tax and cash flow reasons.
In addition, all NAPA Truck Service Centers have a preferred rate with NAPA’s
leasing partner, Commodore Financial. Here’s our national contact information
should you need to know more about Commodore and their service:
Steve Rybos
Page 49
Section G
2013 Top 5 Sales Growth Plans
After you’ve gathered your information, it’s now time to assist your business partner to
define their top 5 plans for growth for the upcoming / current year.
In this section,
Determine which of the support programs previously checked off on the front page
would be the Top 5 priorities with your business partner for the upcoming / current year
and list them in order of importance.
Now indicate what next steps that you, your store and the Truck Service Center
member need to take in order to get the ball rolling. Establish a start date for each
(where possible) and continue to follow up with each item as the execution of each
draws near.
Finally, NAPA Truck Service Center headquarters would like input regarding what your
Truck Service Center member needs to help him grow his / her business! Once you get
their input, please forward their comments to your DC Wholesale Manager.
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Section H
The last two areas of the planner are straightforward as well.
In this area,
Consider reviewing some of the many enhancements recently announced for all
members of the program over the past 12-months. Should they want more information,
you now have all the necessary tools within this guide to direct to where they need to
go, as well as the confidence you’ve gained with knowing how to show the Truck
Service Center how to use each one.
Should there be any additional note or follow up items, simply add them in the space
provided and follow up.
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