Fall 2012 - Bellarmine Preparatory School


Fall 2012 - Bellarmine Preparatory School
FALL 2012
New Memorial
Stadium Bleachers
The football season kicks
off to a spirited crowd
cheering from the new
bleachers. P. 6
Thanks to generous
support, Lion fans go wild!
Inaugural Alums-Honoring-Alums
Timothy Pavolka B’76
Chair, Board of Directors
Jack Peterson
Christopher Gavin
Dean Hanks
Vice President for Development
Lynn Miller
Director of PRIDE &
Special Events
Craig Coovert
Alumni Relations Director
Bell Today Editor
Jessica Rehberger Achziger B’02
Annual Giving Director
I want to take this opportunity to thank the Bellarmine Alumni Board for their
tireless efforts in planning the upcoming Bellarmine Distinguished Alumni
Awards Ceremony (see p. 12). The board has been focused on putting on an
event worthy of the great alumni being honored on this special night – alumni
who have gone above and beyond in their respective professions, modeling
the values and traditions taught to them during their times at Bellarmine,
Aquinas or St. Leo’s. While seating is limited, we hope that you will consider
joining us to honor this year’s inductees on October 25th. We are excited to
announce that this event marks the first of many more years of honoring our
wonderful alumni.
Finally, I want to thank all of our alumni for being an important part of our
success and continuing to serve as an inspiration to Bellarmine. My hope
is that together we can accomplish two very important things – create a
truly great, transforming, and meaningful alumni experience
and continue to engage our alumni in shaping the future of
Bellarmine Prep.
God Bless,
Fr. Fred Mayovsky, SJ
Donor Relations Associate
Kristy Johnson Kunkle B’03
Data and Moves Manager
Amy De Guia
Development Coordinator
Margaret Treleven Murphy B’84
Treleven Design
Design & Layout
Bellarmine Today (Bell Today)
is published by the development
office for alumni, parents and
friends of Aquinas Academy,
Bellarmine Preparatory School
and St. Leo’s High School. We
welcome comments about and
contributions to the magazine.
Please direct correspondence to:
Bell Today
Bellarmine Preparatory School
2300 S. Washington
Tacoma, WA 98405
Phone: 253-756-3857
Web: www.bellarmineprep.org
Email: alumni@bellarmineprep.org
Craig Coovert, Director of Alumni Relations
FALL 2012
3 Students are called to be leaders
on Senior Pilgrimage
4 Boston Celtics Star Still Calls
Tacoma Home
5 Planning for Bellarmine’s 100th Year
and Beyond
6 Game-viewing Experience Improved
from New Bleachers
7 St. Robert Bellarmine All-School Mass
8 Operation Keep ‘Em Warm and Fed
Over the Holidays
8 Phone-a-thon
9 Recent Alumni Events
10 Reunions
12 Distinguished Alumni Honorees
17 Upcoming Events
17 Bellarmine Business Partners
Report to Contributors
19 Annual Report
20 Table of Contents, continued
We would like to humbly apologize for our erroneous report of Betty McDonald’s SL’50
passing in the last issue of Bellarmine Today. Betty is alive, well, and in good health. We
regret any hardships this may have caused for the McDonald family, and anyone who may
know Betty.
In the last issue of Bellarmine Today we incorrectly said that the Girls Golf Team had won the
last two State Championships. They have actually won the last three State Championships.
Also, we failed to state that Jordan Ferreira B’13 tied for second place in the state individual
competition. Also, this was the first time ever at state that two Bellarmine players were in a
sudden death playoff after tying after 36 holes in regulation. We apologize for the errors in
the previous issue.
All efforts are made for 100 percent accuracy in Bell Today. Every attempt will be made so
this mistake does not happen again.
Students are
called to be leaders
on Senior Pilgrimage
The class of 2013 embark on their
Senior Pilgrimage 10-mile hike
Craig Coovert, Director of Alumni Relations
For some, hiking 10-miles up hill with over 200 other
people might not sound like much fun. But for the past 32
years, that is how the Bellarmine senior class kicks-off the
school year.
The Senior Pilgrimage has been a Bellarmine tradition
since 1978. It has spanned three different
presidents, and doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime
soon. The tradition that began in the late 70’s
allows the seniors to begin the year bonding with a 10-mile
hike, along with camping overnight together as a group.
Jenny Phillips, Bellarmine science teacher for the past
22 years, has been on every Pilgrimage since she started
working at Bellarmine. For the past 6 years she has been the
Team Director, where she is responsible for choosing the
seniors who will lead the retreat. She then must help guide
and direct them on the speeches they will make during the
duration of the retreat.
The senior leaders are picked through an application
process. Phillips said the senior leaders are the ones
responsible for running the retreat.
“It’s hard to put yourself out there and
lead,” Phillips said. “Being a team leader
helps build those leadership skills for the
Rachel Sorensen B’13, is the corector of the Pilgrimage this year, along
with Jacob Salazar B’13.
Sorensen wanted to be a leader on the retreat because
“Pilgrimage has the ability to set the tone for the year.”
“I wanted to be a part of making sure that we start off
senior year with feelings of inclusion, love and excitement,”
Sorensen said.
Campus Minister, Jim Fish, addressed the entire senior
class in the chapel and told them that they are all leaders of
right now – not of tomorrow, or the future. He challenged
them to step up and impact the school in a positive way.
“All of you are gifted, and we want all of you to share
your gifts,” Fish told the seniors. He mentioned Pilgrimage
as a opportunity where they can get involved and share their
talents with their fellow senior classmates.
During the Pilgrimage, the leaders are responsible to
write their own talks, based on scripture from the Gospels.
The purpose of the talks and the weekend is to reflect on the
year and look forward to the future.
Phillips’ goal is that the retreat will allow the students
to make more intentional, faith based choices.
“It’s difficult to be faithful in the world today,” Phillips
said. “Hopefully the seniors will see the
need to be intentional in their choices
through going on the pilgrimage.”
Of all the retreats that take place at
Bellarmine, the Senior Pilgrimage gives
the students the most responsibility in
the planning and execution. From the talks throughout the
hike, to the “camp fire” that night after returning to the
campsite, the seniors run the retreat.
Phillips put it this way, “Adults lay the rules, seniors
lead the retreat.”
It is with that idea in mind that Bellarmine hopes the
seniors attending the Pilgrimage will gain the knowledge
and confidence to be the student leaders the school needs
for the remainder of the school year.
Sorensen is excited to have the opportunity to lead on
the Pilgrimage.
“I feel very blessed to be given the opportunity,” Sorensen
said, “And I hope it allows us to set a positive tone for the
entire school year.”
Fall 2012
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Boston Celtic Star
Still Calls Tacoma Home
Meet Avery Bradley in
February when the Celtics
play the Trail Blazers
Former Bellarmine student Avery
Bradley will be in Portland on February
24th and you have a chance to meet
him. Those living in Portland area, or
those who want to make the trip to
Portland, can purchase tickets to the
game, and along with the ticket get
a chance to meet Avery. For
more information, or to request
tickets, please contact Craig
Coovert at 253-756-3857 or
Related Articles:
From Boston, MA, all the way (back) to
Tacoma: NBA player returns to coach
youth basketball camp by Jeanne
Hanigan B’84, Bellarmine Prep English
Teacher and Newspaper Advisor. Read
article by visiting: http://tacoma.
NBA players give kids Big Assist at
Tacoma event by Zach Smith, Tacoma
News Tribune Staff Writer. Read article
by visiting: http://www.thenewstribune.
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When reunion season rolls around, many people question if they can attend the
class events even if they didn’t graduate from Bellarmine. In many cases, those
former students still feel connected to the school even if their tenure was cut
short due to unforeseen circumstances.
In one such situation, a student was playing basketball in Brazil during the
summer preceding his senior year. His family and support group agreed that
finishing his high school career at another school would perhaps be in his best
interest. That student was Avery Bradley.
On Wednesday, Aug. 15, as he sponsored a youth hoops camp, Bradley
reflected on his high school days on the hill.
He expressed a fondness for his would-be alma mater, explaining his affinity
by stating, “Bellarmine is still my high school. I went there for three years. I
chose to go there. It was my motivation to go to college.”
Much of his time was spent on the Bellarmine basketball court, and Bradley
had positive words for that experience.
“At Bellarmine I learned to respect my teammates and coaches. I learned how
to play the right way. It helped me become and discover the player I am today.”
He continued, “I miss the atmosphere, the teammates. I still keep in touch
with the guys.”
In fact, he admitted, “Abdul [Gaddy B’09],
Darnell [Williams attended Bellarmine for two
years], and I just watched the Mt. T game where I
scored 52 points.”
The three reconvened at the Mt. Tahoma gym
in July for Bradley’s 1st Pro-Am tourney. Bradley
coached, Gaddy watched, and Williams organized.
Bradley has returned to Tacoma numerous times, and even makes a point to
stop by his former high school to visit his Community Period advisor, much to the
thrill of her lucky students turned Boston fans. He and his mother also surprised
retired Diversity Co-Director Gwen White in June with an appearance at a party
in her honor. Their gift to her: a Celtics jersey with #0 emblazoned on it.
Bradley continues to return to this area. “Tacoma – I love it here. It’s still
Bradley demonstrates the truth of this statement through his ongoing
summer service. (See Related Articles)
As Community Service is something Bellarmine values in its students and
graduates, it seems that the three years of Bradley’s high school experience were
influential. And, while he didn’t walk across the Tacoma Dome stage at the end
of his school career, Avery Bradley is still a Lion, welcome at Bellarmine and to
any of the upcoming Class of 2009 reunions.
Bellarmine Preparatory School BELL TODAY
Courtesty of Boston Celtics
Craig Coovert, Director of Alumni Relations
Planning for Bellarmine’s
100th Year and Beyond
The Development Department at Bellarmine exists to build meaningful relationships
throughout the community to enhance the accessibility, expansion, and financial stability of
the school. We have the wonderful responsibility of doing our job for the needs of today as
well as for the Bellarmine 15 years from now, when we celebrate our Centennial Year. How
can we ensure that the dream our founders had continues to be actualized to its fullest and
that our long-standing mission continues to be a reality each and every day?
As we begin the new year we are fully embracing strategies and plans that will redouble
our efforts to increase our annual funds for the present while stretching our sights and
challenging our donors to look towards the future to build long term excellence at Bellarmine.
Perhaps we can look at the task ahead as three legs of the stool all of which need to be
supported to provide strength and stability.
• Annual Support – Bellarmine has one of the most extensive financial aid programs
of any high school in the state, and as a result has been able to welcome students from
families of all income levels. Our mission calls upon us to do this, and we are committed
to it. During the current school year financial aid went to more than 33% of our families
at an average amount of more than $6,000 per student for a total of more than $2 million.
In the coming years, we are anticipating an even greater need as the economy continues
to struggle. In addition, annual funds expand our reach and capabilities in all areas that
enrich and enhance our school.
• Long Term Financial Viability – Bellarmine has been blessed with supporters who
see the longer term horizon of financial need that is funded through the school’s
endowment – funds donated that have been invested to produce a steady income source
for the school. Through the generosity of its friends and prudent investment decisions,
Bellarmine built its endowment. The endowment is a source for scholarship and financial
aid dollars that supplement the annual funds raised. It is not yet at a level where it can
allow the school to utilize those funds when paired with annual gifts to comfortably
support the continuing needs of educating all of our students, thus the need to grow our
endowment funds.
• Facilities for our Future – When Bellarmine became co-educational in 1974, the
enrollment doubled. Since then, the school has been working diligently to renovate
existing buildings and add new ones, both to accommodate the student body and to
provide quality academic and co-curricular facilities. Thanks to generous donors and
prudent use of the school’s own resources, the transformation over the last 30 years
has been impressive, but gaps remain. The Campus Master plan completed in 2012
will provide a roadmap for the prioritization of our capital needs and will become the
blueprint for addressing capital needs.
As we look to the future of Bellarmine, it’s ok for us all to dream about how we want
“our” school to look and how much we want our children and grandchildren to have a
Bellarmine experience which is unique to them, but steeped in the traditions and practices
we hold so dear. Lastly we hope that the Heritage on Bellarmine Hill shines brightly into the
future ensuring the five components of the Grad at Grad – Open to Growth, Intellectually
Competent, Religious, Loving and Committed to Justice – are forever a part of Bellarmine.
God Bless, Dean Hanks, Vice President for Development
A change in leadership
in Bellarmine’s
Development Office
Pam Leazer resigned as Vice
President for Development.
Over the past four years Pam
has led the development efforts
at Bellarmine.
“I have found her to be a
professional, a person of great
integrity and someone who has
consistently put the needs of
Bellarmine first,” stated Jack
Peterson, Bellarmine President.
With the unanimous approval of
the Board of Directors, Peterson
appointed Dean Hanks as
Bellarmine’s new Vice President
for Development. Dean has
been working as the Director of
Major Gifts and Planned Giving
at Bellarmine for the past year.
Peterson is excited that Dean
knows Bellarmine well and
already has a vision for how
he can push the school to new
levels in its development efforts.
“He has developed a fierce
passion for Bellarmine and the
work it is doing with the next
generation of leaders in Tacoma
and beyond,” Peterson said.
Please join Bellarmine in
welcoming Dean into his new
role and offering our prayers
and best wishes to Pam for all
her future endeavors.
Fall 2012
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Game-viewing Experience Improved
from New Bleachers
Friday, September 7th was a historic day on Memorial Field
at Bellarmine Prep. For the first time in over 50 years, Lion
fans were sitting in brand new bleachers. After Bellarmine
supporters quickly raised the funds to build new bleachers last
school year, the bleachers were constructed and installed over
the summer – just in time for the first home football game.
“It was amazing how quickly everything came together,”
Mike Tucci B’82 said. Tucci, and his company Tucci
and Sons, were instrumental in the implementation and
completion of the entire bleacher project.
Along with the brand new state of the art bleachers,
other improvements were made to the facility as well.
“The access in and out of the facility is much better …
much easier for the adults to get out of,” said
Ed Ploof, Bellarmine Prep athletic
director. Ploof also said
the lighting is much improved.
While the game viewing experience has improved
through these significant upgrades, Ploof said the intimacy
that Memorial Field provides while watching a game has
not changed.
“I’ll tell you, we still have the character of Memorial
Field – no track and the stands are still right on top of the
action,” said Ploof.
Ploof’s statement held true. Bellarmine welcomed one
of it’s biggest crowds in recent history when they played the
Lakes Lancers on opening night. Everyone loved the new
bleachers, and the viewing experience was vastly improved.
However, it was still the intense, close to the field action
that ruled the night.
While the Lions ultimately fell short in the last seconds
of the game, everyone agreed it was one of the best contests
they had ever seen at Memorial Stadium.
Finally, we would once again like to thank our generous
donors for supporting this project. Without them,
this would not have been possible.
Photos by Denise Erdahl Ploof
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Bellarmine Preparatory School BELL TODAY
St. Robert Bellarmine All-School Mass
Thursday, September 13
Students, faculty, staff, parents and friends packed the Booster Gym to attend the first allschool mass of the year and the Feast of St. Robert Bellarmine, the patron saint of our school.
Fr. John Fuchs presided and was assisted by Deacon Bill Eckert, Frs. Joseph McGowan,
Gene Delmore, Fred Mayovsky, Peter Ely, Peter Titland, and Gerry Chapdelaine concelebrated
the mass. At the liturgy, student Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors were installed and this
year’s members of the Board of Directors were commissioned.
Fr. Chapdelaine and Fr. Fuchs
Blessing of the student Eucharistic
Ministers and Lectors
Commissioning of the 2012-13
Board of Directors
Fall 2012
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Operation Keep ‘Em Warm and Fed
Over the Holidays
Would you like to tap back into Bellarmine’s spirit of service by doing Operation
Keep ‘Em Warm and Fed? Julie Campbell, English Teacher/Adult Formation, is
reserving slots especially for alumni to do just that! There are slots for alumni
to participate in Operation on the following dates: 12/19 (which is
also the date of our all-school advent liturgy to which recent alumni
are invited), 12/21, 12/24, 12/26, 12/28, 12/31, and 1/2.
For recent alums in college, these dates are likely to fall
within your break from school, so it is easy for you
to rekindle your connection with the homeless of
Tacoma and those who serve them.
Whether you served with Operation as a student
or not, this opportunity is for YOU! This is also
a great opportunity to do service work with your
entire family.
Saying yes and signing up means you would meet
in front of the Bellarmine administration building at 7:15 a.m.
sharp, you would bring along bananas, oranges, or fun-size candy bars, then travel
downtown to serve and be back at Bellarmine by 8:30 a.m. at the latest.
We hope many of you will want to take advantage of this opportunity!
Contact Julie Campbell at 253-752-7701 x540 or campbellj@bellarmineprep.org
Operation Keep ‘Em Warm and
Fed is a Social Justice Ministry
of St. Leo Church, A Jesuit
Parish, in downtown Tacoma
Operation Keep ‘Em Warm and Fed
provides blankets, food, coffee, and
vitamins to the indigent, the homeless,
and those struggling with drug and
alcohol addiction in Tacoma’s inner city.
They serve 60 to 80 people a day, and
hope to expand the service by getting
more community members involved and
offering boiled eggs, more nutritious
food, and fellowship. Operation provides
opportunities to both those in need and
those who don’t know how they can help.
Donations of cups, spoons, bowls, eggs,
pastries, health bars, vitamins, coffee,
sugar, cream, the utensils to prepare
those things, and blankets are needed.
For more information, visit www.
if you’re interested.
Bellarmine Annual Phone-a-thon –
Raising Funds for our Greatest Needs
We can use your help! We once again will be holding
our Annual Phone-a-thon, which helps raise funds for
the greatest needs at Bellarmine, supporting our
Annual Fund. The format has changed this year,
as we will be holding three different phases,
over two-week periods. Phase 1 is already
complete and we want to thank those of you
who came and helped. We still need help
with Phase 2 and 3. If you could help
with just one or two calling
nights during either one
of the phases, we would
really appreciate it!
Sun.,Nov. 25
Mon., Nov. 26
Tues., Nov. 27
Wed., Nov. 28
Thur., Nov. 29
Sun., Dec. 2
Mon., Dec. 3
Tues., Dec. 4
Wed., Dec. 5
Thur., Dec. 6
Sun., Mar. 10
Mon., Mar. 11
Tues., Mar. 12
Wed., Mar. 13
Thur. Mar. 14
Sun., Mar. 17
Mon., Mar. 18
Tues., Mar. 19
Wed. Mar. 20
Thur., Mar. 21
Contact Craig Coovert at coovertc@bellarmineprep.org or
253-756-3857 to sign up or for more information.
Keeping in Touch
Newly married, had a baby, changed jobs, or have other news to share? Go to www.bellarmineprep.org and
click on ALUMNI, or email Craig Coovert at coovertc@bellarmineprep.org.
Photo submission guidelines: For best results, please provide high-resolution photo files in .jpg or .tif format.
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Bellarmine Preparatory School BELL TODAY
Recent Events
Tacoma Rainiers Backyard BBQ a Success
Bellarmine in Portland!
We held a successful alumni gathering in Portland in July.
Hosted by Bellarmine alum and current teacher Jeanne
Dressel Hanigan B’84 and her husband Jim B’82, everyone
who came had a great time enjoying good conversation, good
food, and good drinks! We will be back in Portland on February
24, cheering on former student Avery Bradley as his Celtics
take on the Trail Blazers (See story, page 4). We will have an
opportunity to have a meet and greet with Avery as well. If you
would like to attend the game on the 24th, please contact
Craig Coovert at coovertc@bellarmineprep.org.
Over 35 people attended the pregame BBQ and Rainiers
game on Tuesday, August 21 at Cheney Stadium. Everyone
had a great time, enjoying good food, good weather, and good
baseball! We hope to see you at the next event sponsored by
the Bellarmine Alumni Office!
Stay Informed of Alumni Events
Don’t miss fun alumni events like these! Register in the
new Alumni Community Website at www.bellarmineprep.
org/alumni and you’ll receive the monthly Bellarmine
Alumni E-Newsletter with event information.
Booster Golf Classic
This year was probably the best weather ever (sunny and nearly
80 degrees) for the annual Booster Golf Classic on September 13.
Nearly a full field of golfers, including alums, Boosters, coaches
and friends, played 18 holes at Fircrest Golf Club to support
Bellarmine athletics.
Thanks to all the tournament sponsors for their support – and
especially to major sponsor Propel Insurance.
Photos by Terry Bender A’72 and Development Office staff.
Fall 2012
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Bellarmine, Aquinas, and St. Leo’s alumni held successful reunions
this summer, many of which were held on the Bellarmine campus.
Bellarmine class of 1962
Bellarmine class of 1977
(Above left) Aquinas class of 1972 showed their spirit while wine-tasting at Suncadia Resort September 15. (Front, left-right)
Diane Kheriaty-Thomas; Terry Lee Christiansen-Bender; Patty Treleven-Schumm; Mary Joyce Boughal-Swenson (Back, left-right)
Ann Pearson-Bowling; Diana Dunn-Jermstad; Sue Colombraro; Connie McHugh-Griesmeyer; Debra Ceccanti-Smethurst; Debra
DuLaney-Cammack; Kay Kindt; Julie Burr-Spani; Bertha Lynn-Naves.
(Above right) A handful of the Aquinas class of 1972 gathered at the 40 Year Tri-School Reunion September 8. (Front, leftright) Terry Lee Christiansen-Bender; Heidi Fuchs-Hunter; Diane Kheriaty-Thomas; Debbie Ceccanti-Smethurst; Debra DelaneyCammack (Back, left-right) Connie McHugh-Griesmeyer; Sue Colombraro; Mary Joyce Boughal-Swenson; Karen BannonSandusky; Ann Pearson-Bowling
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Bellarmine Preparatory School BELL TODAY
Bellarmine class of 1987
Bellarmine class of 1982
Class of ‘57 Fall Reunion
Planned for November 13
Bellarmine class of 1992
Is it time for a Reunion?
Holding your reunion on the Bellarmine campus is a great way to
reconnect with the school, also while having a great venue to hold
your event. Many classes hold their reunions in the lobby of the new
St. Ignatius Loyola Center. This beautiful location is a great place
to hold your reunion. If 2013 is a reunion year for your graduating
class, please contact Craig Coovert at coovertc@bellarmineprep.org to
start planning now!
The Bellarmine Class of 1957 is sponsoring a luncheon
Reunion on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at Noon at
Fircrest Golf Club, Fircrest WA. The Reunion is for the
1957 graduates of Aquinas, St. Leo’s, Bellarmine, and for
all 1953 graduates of Catholic Grade Schools in the area.
Please pass the word to all whom you know would
be interested in attending. Spouses are welcome. A
donation of $20.00 per person is requested but not
mandatory to cover the cost of the luncheon.
Contact Al Morris if you intend to come so that proper
arrangements are made. He can be reached at 253906-1155 by either voice or text. If you prefer, email
Craig Coovert, Bellarmine Alumni Director, at
coovertc@bellarmineprep.org and he will pass your
information onto Al.
Fall 2012
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Nancy Brown, M.D. B’77
Chair of the Vanderbilt University Department of Medicine
Dr. Nancy Brown graduated from Bellarmine in 1977 and continued her schooling at Yale.
Here she earned her undergraduate degree in molecular biophysics and biochemistry. She then
completed her medical degree with honors at Harvard University. Dr. Brown finished her medicine
and clinical pharmacology training at Vanderbilt University Medical Center where she was the
Hugh J. Morgan Chief Resident in 1992. Brown also joined the faculty at Vanderbilt that same year.
In 2000 Dr. Brown cofounded the Vanderbilt Master of Science in Clinical Investigation program.
This program was created to train investigators in the techniques utilized in patient-oriented
research. In this associate dean role she established the Elliot Newman Society to nurture the
development of physician scientists at Vanderbilt. Dr. Brown is a specialist in vascular biology and
hypertension. In 2009 she was named chief of the Division of Clinical Pharmacology. Most notably
in 2010 Dr. Brown was appointed chair of the Department of Medicine.
Distinguished Alumni Awards Ceremony
Thursday, October 25, 2012
The Alumni Board has been working tirelessly over the past 18 months to host a ceremony
recognizing graduates from Bellarmine, St. Leo’s, and Aquinas who have embodied the
tenets of a Jesuit education in their chosen fields, pursuits of service, or other contributions
to society. The school’s goal is to produce “men and women for and with others” –
the achievements of the honorees demonstrate a successful pursuit of that effort.
PLEASE JOIN US at this exciting event
Thursday, October 25 at 6:30pm in the
Lobby of the St. Ignatius Loyola Center on
Bellarmine’s campus. Seating is limited,
so reserve your tickets today. The event
includes drinks, dinner and dessert. $50
per person. To purchase tickets go online
to www.bellarmine.org/alumni or call
Amy DeGuia at 253-761-3520.
businesses and individuals who
have generously sponsored the
Distinguished Alumni Award event
with either their money or services.
Power Painting
Mike Politeo B’75, Realtor,
Coldwell Banker
FLS Financial Group LLC
By the Numbers
Puget Sound Appraisal
Whole World Catering
Stolz and Associates
Precept Wines
Kali Raisl Photography
Mille Fiori
Craft Brew Alliance
Chuckals Office Products
Thompson Smitch Consulting Group
Dr. Louis Gratzer B’37
Aeronautical Engineer
Dr. Gratzer is Senior Vice President of Aviation Partners,
Inc. (API) where he is responsible for the product
development of aircraft performance enhancement
systems. He worked for Boeing Commercial Airplane
Company from 1953-1986. While at Boeing Dr. Gratzer
directed aerodynamic research in high-speed wings,
drag reduction, and high-lift systems. He contributed
significantly to the design development of the KC-135, 707, and 727 airplanes.
After joining Aviation Partners, Dr. Gratzer developed and patented the
Blended Winglet in 1991. The Blended Winglet has changed the economics
of flight by dramatically improving the wing efficiency with the reduction of
overall aircraft drag thus increasing aircraft productivity. Blended Winglets also
have a major impact on the environment because they not only reduce fuel
burn, but emissions and the noise foot print over populated areas.
Leo Hindery B’65
Businessman, Entrepreneur, Author, Political Activist, & Philanthropist
Leo Hindery, Jr. is Managing Partner of InterMedia Partners, a series of media
industry private equity funds he founded in 1988. Mr.
Hindery is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations
and Chairman of the US Economy/Smart Globalization
Initiative at the New America Foundation. Mr. Hindery
is the author of “It Takes a CEO: It’s Time to Lead With
Integrity”. He has an MBA from Stanford University’s
Graduate School of Business and is an undergraduate of
Seattle University. He has been named a Founder of the
Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and received honorary Doctor of Humane Letters
degrees from Emerson College and the Rabbinical College of America.
Watson’s Greenhouse & Nursery
Fall 2012
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Peter Henriot S.J. B’56
Jesuit, Educator, Advocate
Peter J. Henriot, S.J., a Jesuit priest
and member of the Zambia-Malawi
Province of the Society of Jesus, is
originally from Tacoma, Washington.
Prior to coming to Zambia in 1989, he
served as Director of the Center of Concern, Washington,
DC. In Zambia. Besides regular pastoral work in a poor
rural parish outside Lusaka, he served as Director of the
Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) from 1990
to 2010. The staff of the JCTR does research, education,
advocacy and consultation on issues of faith, justice and
development, and works closely with the Zambia Bishops
Conference. He has taught at several seminaries in Africa,
focusing on the church’s social teaching and its relevance to
African issues.
James Schmidt B’81
James Schmidt attended college at
the University of California at San
Diego after graduating from Bellarmine
in 1981. While living in California
he found inspiration from the taco
shacks along the coastal beaches. When James returned to
Seattle he teamed up with his brother John Schmidt B’84 to
bring these flavors to the Pacific Northwest. Together they
created Taco Del Mar. Over the next 16 years Taco Del Mar
grew steadily with the franchise growing to 270 locations.
James left the company in 2008. In the past decade he has
continued investing & working in the restaurant industry.
He has pursued many joint ventures with his brother John
and other partners. Such involvement has included Slo
Joe’s Backyard BBQ, the Neighborhood Grills (Greenlake
Bar & Grill, Eastlake Bar & Grill, Lakeforest Bar & Grill,
Crossroads Bar & Grill, Bremerton Bar & Grill, and
Southlake Union Bar & Grill), and Paddy Coyne’s Irish
Pubs in Seattle, Tacoma & Bellevue. Pecado Bueno is his
most recent establishment and opened in October of 2011
in Seattle’s Fremont Neighborhood.
Sue Backer Batali A’50
Teacher, Founding contributor to creation of TACID
After Sue Batali graduated from the Aquinas Academy
in 1950 she went on to attend Gonzaga University. Sue
became the first high school teacher hired for the hearing
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Bellarmine Preparatory School BELL TODAY
impaired in the Tacoma School
District. It was through this experience
that she recognized a greater need for
the disabled community. They needed
a center for resources and assistance. In
order to gain funding for such a center
Sue formed a coalition for the various
disabled groups. Prior to this point
they had been separately struggling for increased assistance.
Sue was aware of the benefits in combining efforts and thus
united different organizations for the blind, deaf, physically
disabled, and those with Multiple Sclerosis. Sue became
chairperson and lead organizer. With $1,000,000 raised,
the TACID center was built in 1983 on the TCC campus.
TACID stands for the Tacoma Area Coalition of Individuals
with Disabilities. This became the first building in the
nation that was designed BY individuals with disabilities
FOR their own use.
John McCarthy B’67
The Honorable John McCarthy has
been a judge for 20 years. He has
served as a Pierce County Superior
Court judge for 15 years and prior to
that served as a District Court judge
from 1992 to 1997. He was elected and served as a Port
of Tacoma Commissioner from 1983 to 1992. As a Port
Commissioner, he was also President of the Washington
Public Ports Association and is an honorary lifetime
member. He practiced law in Tacoma from 1975 to 1992.
He was the Port of Tacoma representative in the historic
Puyallup Indian Lands Claims Settlement from 1985 to
1990. He had worked as a casual longshoreman from high
school thru law school.
Judge McCarthy attended Visitation Grade School and
was selected as their Distinguished Alumni in 2012.
Besides Bellarmine, he attended Seattle University and the
University of San Francisco School of Law.
Judge McCarthy has been involved in many civic
organizations and boards throughout his life. Judge
McCarthy is married to Pat McCarthy, current Pierce
County Executive; they have four children and five
grandchildren. He believes his greatest accomplishment, in
addition to his children is marrying and bringing his wife to
Pierce County.
Cecilia Healy Herbert A’67
Managing Director of JP Morgan
San Francisco
Mrs. Herbert received her BA degree
from Stanford University with a focus
in economics and communications.
She then earned her MBA from
Harvard Business School. Following her graduation,
Mrs. Herbert began a career in finance at JP Morgan. In
1978 she graced the cover of Fortune Magazine as one
of the nation’s pioneering women MBA’s. She worked as
Managing Director of JP Morgan’s San Francisco office for
19 years before retiring in 1990. Mrs. Herbert continued
to work in the community upon her retirement. In 1991
she was asked, by the Archbishop of San Francisco to serve
on the Archdiocesan Finance Council. She was chair of
this council until 2006. She also chaired the Investment
Committee from 1994 to 2006. In 1998 Mrs. Herbert was
appointed to serve on the Board of Catholic Charities CYO.
She became president of this board in 2007. Simultaneously,
in 1998 she co-chaired Stanford University’s Parent
Advisory Committee. Mrs. Herbert is the past Director/
Trustee of Schools of the Sacred Heart, Groton School,
California Pacific Medical Center, California Pacific
Medical Center Foundation, and Women’s Forum West.
She has been the past Director and President of Bay Area
Professional Women’s Network as well. Mrs. Herbert is a
Dame of the Order of Malta. Most recently, she has become
a board member for WNET, the premier public media
provider of New York City.
John Petrich B’37
Attorney, Senator, Judge
The Honorable John A. “Jack” Petrich
graduated from Bellarmine in 1937. He
then attended Santa Clara University
graduating in 1941. Following
graduation he immediately entered the U.S. Navy’s Officers
School at Columbia University in New York. Jack ended
a distinguished naval career in 1946 as a Commander of a
minesweeper in the “Big One” in the South Pacific Theater.
After returning to the U.S., he entered Georgetown Law
School, graduating in 1949. This year he joined the office
of the Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney and was soon
appointed Chief Criminal Deputy. In 1954 he opened a
private practice with his partner John Binns. Jack was a
longtime supporter of the Democratic Party and served
from 1956-1966 in the Washington State Legislature in
Olympia. He first served as a State Representative and then
as a State Senator representing the 26th District in Pierce
County. In 1960 he served as JFK’s Western Washington
campaign coordinator and was a delegate to the Democratic
National Convention. He was appointed to Division II of
the State Court of Appeals in 1980. He served as a judge
in this position for 13 years. Jack also served on numerous
boards, commissions, and advisory groups. Jack lived a life of
commitment and integrity, inspiring many people who were
privilege to know him. He passed away on January 7, 2010.
Dick B’60 and Mary
O’Leary SL’60 Henderson
Founders of Archbishop
Murphy High School
Dick and Mary Henderson
are founding members of
Holy Cross High School,
currently Archbishop Murphy
High School, a Catholic college preparatory school in
Everett. Holy Cross High School opened in September
of 1988 following years of fundraising and planning. The
establishment of the high school was intended to provide
Catholic education options for the north sound region.
Prior to the school’s opening, the closest Catholic high
school was located in Seattle. Dick and Mary recognized the
value of a Catholic education. Dick is a 1960 Bellarmine
alum. Mary is a 1960 graduate from St. Leo’s. They were
part of two Catholic couples that co-founded the school.
They formed the Northsound Association for Catholic
Education to organize, raise awareness, and initiate a
feasibility study to gauge interest in the community. Eight
years later, against all odds and some resistance, the group
opened Holy Cross HS in the former Our Lady of Perpetual
Help grade school. Over time, they secured 22 acres of
land for future school development. In order to purchase
property for the permanent campus they donated money,
with 18 other parents, to fulfill the down payment. For the
following three years Dick and Mary paid monthly fees to
cover the interest on the loans. Around 1992 Archbishop
Murphy offered assistance to the board. With his support,
donations, and fundraising approval the dream officially
became a reality. Upon opening in 1988, enrollment at
Holy Cross High School included fifteen freshman and eight
sophomores. The school flourished over the next decade and
in 1999 was re-named Archbishop Murphy High School,
Fall 2012
| 15
due to his support for Catholic education. In this same
year the 254 students and 20 faculty members relocated
to the new twenty-two acre permanent campus in South
Everett. Current enrollment for the 2012-2013 school year
is projected to be approximately 450 students.
Lynn Jurich B’97
Co-Founder of Solar Energy
Company Sunrun
Lynn Jurich has a passion for creating
simple solutions to difficult problems.
She recognized that more people would
switch to solar if it didn’t involve
high costs and complexity and co-founded Sunrun to make
simple and affordable solar a reality. Sunrun makes smart
financial decisions and smart environmental decisions
one and the same so people don’t have to choose between
their pocketbooks and the planet. Lynn focuses on Sunrun
business operations, including sales, marketing, channel
operations, and software development. Under Lynn’s
direction Sunrun provides affordable clean power to families
in ten states and coordinates a network of partners that
employs over 3,000 workers. Lynn joined the Sierra Club
Foundation Board of Directors in 2010 and is a founding
member of the Sierra Club’s Clean Tech Council. She is
also part of the founding board of the Startup American
Partnership and was one of FORTUNE Magazine’s Ten Most
Powerful Women Entrepreneurs in 2009. In 2010 Lynn
and co-founder Ed Fenster were awarded the Ernst & Young
Entrepreneur of the Year award in Northern California.
Previously at Summit Partners, a venture capital and private
equity firm, Lynn completed investments with an aggregate
market value of over $900 million in the financial services
and technology sectors. Lynn holds an MBA and BS from
Stanford University.
Sheila Evans Widnall A’56
Secretary of the Air Force, MIT
Dr. Widnall grew up in Tacoma
near McChord Air Force Base. She
graduated from Aquinas Academy in
1956 and continued her education
at MIT. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in
1960, her Master’s degree in 1961, and her Doctorate in
Science in 1964. All three degrees were in aeronautics and
astronautics. Dr. Widnall joined the faculty at MIT in 1964
and taught there for 30 years. In 1986 she was appointed
the Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of Aeronautics and
Astronautics. She joined the Engineering Systems Division,
and was Chair of the Faculty from 1979-1981. In doing so
she became the first woman to chair a department at MIT.
Furthermore, she has served as MIT’s Associate Provost
from 1992-1993. In 1988, she was the President of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Most notably, Dr. Widnall assumed the position of Secretary
of the Air Force in 1993. She held this role until 1997.
She is the first woman ever to lead an entire branch of the
U.S military. She is also the only woman to have ever done
so. Dr. Widnall was elected to the National Academy of
Engineering in 1995 and served as vice-president from 1998
to 2005. She was awarded their Arthur M. Bueche honor
in 2009. She was also the Living Legacy Award recipient in
1998 from the Women’s International Center. In 2003, she
was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame.
Mary Ann Hindery Seiwerath A’64
Longtime Volunteer and Educator
Mary Ann graduated from Aquinas
Academy in Tacoma, WA as the
Salutatorian of her class. She
continued her education receiving a
Bachelor of Education from Seattle
University in 1968 and a Masters
Degree from University of Washington Tacoma with an
emphasis on at risk students in 1993. Mary Ann has been
a math teacher at Bellarmine Preparatory School since
1993. Mary Ann has been a life-long volunteer, dedicating
her time, talents, and treasures to many different worthy
organizations in the greater Tacoma area. Much of her work
has been centered around children and the elderly. She
helped developmentally delayed children learn to swim,
visited nursing home patients with her own children, and
cleaned homes and shopped for the elderly. When Mary
Ann’s children became school age she started a hot lunch
program, organized altar boys, was a cub scout and brownie
leader, started a fundraiser for scripture quilts, ran Christmas
bazaars, and led a bible study. She currently volunteers as a
tutor at the Purdy Treatment Center for Women, is a tutor
for adult literacy, volunteers with the big brothers/sisters
program, volunteers at the nativity house, helps feed the
homeless, traveled to New Orleans to help build houses, is
a CASA volunteer for children removed from their homes,
and will begin tutoring for the boys and girls club this fall.
Full bios of the award recipients and more information about the event are available online at www.bellarmineprep.org/alumni.
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Bellarmine Preparatory School BELL TODAY
Upcoming Alumni Events
Please mark your calendars for the activities the Bellarmine Alumni Board has planned for this fall. While these functions
are hosted by alumni, they are open to anyone who shares a connection with the school and supports its mission. I look
forward to seeing many of you at these upcoming events!
October 25
Distinguished Alumni Awards: (See page 13) An intimate
ceremony in honor of the recipients will be held Thursday,
October 25, 2012, on the Bellarmine campus.
October 26
Alumni Board will host a gathering for the 21-and-over
crowd. This post-game event is always well-attended by
alumni, faculty, administrators, and coaches – the perfect
setting to socialize and reconnect with the Bellarmine
Community. Thank you to The Ram Restaurant and Brewery
for their generous support of Bellarmine’s Homecoming.
Homecoming Football Game: Come cheer on the highly
ranked Lions as they battle the Gig Harbor Tides on
Memorial Field. Stop by Fr. Weber Hall before the game for
snacks and prizes starting at 5:30pm, then during the game
stop by the south-side landing of the new bleachers where
the Alumni Board will give away alumni t-shirts. Following
the game, make your way to the Student Center, where the
Continued on page 18 >>
Homecoming 2011 Alumni Event
Bellarmine would like to thank its 2011-12 Bellarmine Business Partners.
The following businesses have graciously supported activities and events over the past year by becoming Bellarmine
Business Partners through their contributions of $5000 or more.
$15,000 Level
$10,000 Level
$7,500 Level
$5,000 Level
Fall 2012
| 17
Upcoming Alumni Events
<< Continued from page 17
November 21
Thanksgiving Eve: The Wednesday before Thanksgiving
marks the annual Thanksgiving Eve Mass and Social – a
tradition at Bellarmine for many years. This is a familyfriendly event and a wonderful prelude to the Holiday
Season. Following the on-campus event, the Alumni Board
will host an offsite gathering. Details regarding time and
venue will be forthcoming.
December 19
Young Alumni Mass and Social
We welcome all Bellarmine alumni who have graduated
from high school in the last 4 years to our annual Advent
Mass and Young Alumni social. This year, due to when
Christmas break falls, the mass and social will be held on
Wednesday, December 19th. Mass begins at 9:30am with
the reception immediately following in the lobby of the St.
Ignatius Loyola Center. Please spread the word about this
fun event! For more information contact Craig Coovert at
March 23, 2013
Bellarmine PRIDE Auction
We are pleased to announce this years’ Bellarmine PRIDE
Auction Chairs Jeff & Ellen McVidker and Margie B’79) &
Gavin O’Brien. This years’ event will be held on Saturday,
March 23 and will take place on campus in the Booster
Gym. The theme of the auction this year is Welcome to
the Jungle. We hope you’ll join us on this Safari adventure
through the PRIDE Jungle !
For more information on the auction please contact
PRIDE Auction and Special Events Director Lynn Miller at
253-756-3542 or miller@bellarmineprep.org
March 29-30, 2013
Alumni Basketball Tournament &
NCAA Tournament Party
The Bellarmine Alumni Basketball Tournament will be
held Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30 this year.
Like last year, the tournament will be held during NCAA
tournament and we plan to show NCAA games in the
Lobby of the Booster Gym. Last year’s tournament was a
great success and we hope to have even more teams this
year. We will once again have a social Saturday evening
at the conclusion of the tournament. If you are planning
on playing, please contact your fellow classmates and put a
team together. We are also looking for volunteer officials.
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Bellarmine Preparatory School BELL TODAY
If you have officiating experience, or know the game of
basketball well, we need your help. If you are interested in
either opportunity, contact Craig Coovert in the Alumni
Office at 253-756-3957 or coovertc@bellarmineprep.org.
Stay tuned for more information on the tournament.
Many thanks are owed to the business sponsors in the
Bellarmine Community that make these events possible.
The Alumni Board appreciates your generosity, support, and
commitment to its vision. –Zebular Madison B’97
Bellarmine Alumni Board
Zeb Madison, Chair B’97
Mike Politeo B’75
Jim Mack B’69
Jeanne Dressel Hanigan B’84
Steve Seiwerath B’93
Sarah Zindt B’01
John Harkins B’96
John Power B’04
Stefana Gomez Welker B’96
Brian Kampbell B’96
Kate Babbo Harkins B’98
Kelly Hanberg Rosati B’95
Bellar m in e P r ep ar at or y School
Bellarmine’s Board of Directors oversees the direct
governance of the school, determining school policies and
actions. This body is mandated to implement the Mission
and philosophy of Bellarmine education for the benefit of
the community it serves.
We are grateful for the commitment this group of volunteers
makes in its services to Bellarmine.
Timothy Pavolka B’76, Performance Radiator
Vice Chair: Gregory Unruh, Timberland Bank
Secretary: Jay Stricherz, Vice Principal, St. Patrick School
Kerry Bordeaux, CPA, Self-Employed
Peter Comfort B’75, Propel Insurance
Anita Emery, Faculty Senate, Bellarmine Preparatory School
Aaron Engebretson, S.J., Faculty, Bellarmine Preparatory School
Fr. John Fuchs, S.J., Jesuit Rector, Bellarmine Jesuit Community
Gail Harrison, California Province of Jesus – Retired
Brianne Kampbell B’96, Attorney, Kampbell, Andrews & Arbenz, PLLC
Fr. Joseph McGowan, S.J., Bellarmine Preparatory School
Margie O’Brien, Patriot Fire Protection
Sylvia Parker, Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch
Jack Peterson, President, Bellarmine Preparatory School
Peter Petrich B’66, Davis Pearson PC
Stephen Rapkoch, Panagiotu Pension Advisors
Tim Thompson, President, Thompson Smitch Consulting Group
Michael Transue, Attorney, Government Affairs & Lobbying Services
Michael F. Tucci B’82, President, Tucci and Sons Inc.
Message from the Board Chair.............................................. 21
Message from the President.................................................. 22
Endowment Funds............................................................... 23
President’s Evening of Thanks............................................... 24
1928 Society...................................................................... 25
Lifetime Giving.................................................................... 26
Bellarmine Annual Giving
Parents........................................................................... 27
Parent Cost Support Covenant........................................... 30
Alumni............................................................................ 33
Employees....................................................................... 45
Friends........................................................................... 45
Corporate and Foundations................................................ 52
Business Partners............................................................ 52
2011-12 Highlights............41
The Graduate at Graduation.................................................. 42
2011 Bellarmine Boosters Hall of Fame................................ 44
Community Caring............................................................... 53
PRIDE Auction 2012........................................................... 59
Bleacher Project.................................................................. 60
Restricted Giving................................................................. 61
Financial Statement............62
Bellarmine’s Annual Report is published for and distributed to the
alumni and friends of Aquinas, Bellarmine and St. Leo’s by Bellarmine
Preparatory School Development Office, 2300 South Washington,
Tacoma, Washington 98405; www.bellarmineprep.org.
Every effort has been made to recognize our donors accurately. For
corrections or more information, please contact the Development Office
at (253) 752-6302. e-mail: development@bellarmineprep.org
Dear Bellarmine Prep Community,
We proudly present to you the FY2012 Bellarmine Annual Report.
For over 84 years, Bellarmine has been educating students in the south Puget Sound. One thing
that has remained constant during the 84 years is change. Bellarmine Prep has gone thru many
changes, and it does not appear that this trend is going to stop. Bellarmine has transformed from
an all boys school to coed; from being operated entirely by the Jesuits, to operating successfully
under Lay direction while keeping the Jesuit tradition of Ignatian Pedagogy intact; from educating
a couple of hundred students to educating over 1000 students. Today, Bellarmine is one of the
most diverse schools in the area.
The school has done an outstanding job in managing these changes. We are blessed to have one of
the best, if not the best Administration group of any of the 46 Jesuit High schools in the country.
These changes are well planned for and embraced. This is what has kept Bellarmine Prep on the
cutting edge of secondary education, while remaining steeped in tradition. Not an easy task.
In the coming year, Bellarmine is preparing for yet another major change. Starting in September,
The Bellarmine campus will be completely wired, or should we say ‘wireless’, for any type of device.
This endeavor is known as “One-to-One”. One device, one student. Our campus will support, and
students will be encouraged to use technology as an integral part of their learning.
As Bellarmine continues to transform, this transformation is brought on for one reason: Our
mission statement – graduating students who are leaders in action, modeled on Christ, and
committed to the transformation He envisions for the world. As a college preparatory school, this
One-to-One program goes hand in hand with what we see occurring in the educational as well as
occupational world.
With High Tech comes High Touch. With fewer Jesuits available to be in the classrooms, the
school has embarked on a formation program, starting with our newest members of the faculty.
Formation of the faculty has always been in place, and this program includes not only catechetical
training but a sequential curriculum that extends out 10 years. Designed and implemented by our
Campus Ministry, this program looks to be another Bellarmine model which could become the
standard in the nation.
Please take this as a personal invitation to visit the campus whether you live in the area or are
visiting from out of town. Thank all you for what you share with Bellarmine in time, treasure
and talent.
Tim Pavolka
Mission Statement
Bellarmine is a Catholic school in the Jesuit tradition. Its Mission
is to teach students of all faiths as Jesus did, by proclaiming
His message within a community with the purpose of translating
those values into action.
To this end, Bellarmine provides rigorous programs of excellence
that develop and harmonize the intellectual, the spiritual, the
emotional and the physical. The ultimate aim is to produce
graduates who will be leaders in action, modeled on Christ, fearless
in pursuing a Christian transformation of our world.
By maintaining fiscal responsibility and by calling on the
generosity of Bellarmine and the broader community, Bellarmine
makes quality education available to all with preferential regard
for the poor. Tuition, scholarships and salaries are responsive to
the call of charity and justice.
In summary, Bellarmine believes that the future of humanity
lies in the hands of those who are strong enough to provide
coming generations with reasons, methods and resources for
living and hoping.
In the pages of this annual report you will find ample evidence of Bellarmine’s
success in the many aspects of a complex apostolic enterprise. Some of the most
convincing evidence is the record of your own generosity in support of Jesuit
education. Statistics and school achievements are important, but it’s more difficult
for us to convey the profound impact Bellarmine has on the lives of individual
students. I have an idea how to do that.
The last few years we’ve asked all the graduating seniors to reflect on their four
years at Bellarmine. These reflections, about one page each, are then compiled into
a book. If you wanted to see the real annual report for Bellarmine, to see the real
impact of your generosity, this compendium would give you all the evidence you
need. On the assumption that you may not have time to read 240 essays, let me highlight a few tiles in that mosaic of the
Bellarmine experience.
“When I first walked through the doors of Bellarminne as a freshman I didn’t know what to expect,” begins Kathryn
Noakes. “Who would I hang out with? What classes would I take? What would I wear? I felt as if my mind was spinning
out of control with questions I did not know how to answer. Even though I didn’t know it, walking through the doors that
very first day changed my life.”
Classmate Rachel Murray picks up the story: “Going into Bellarmine I knew that God was real but I never felt that God
was always in my life. When I heard about BPS in eighth grade I was told about the athletics, the academics, all of the fun
activities. I was excited about all the opportunities. Not until I experienced the love of the school community did I start
to appreciate Faith.”
The path from freshman to senior year is not always a smooth one. Students write of many challenges they had to
overcome. “Although I had a rough start to my time at Bellarmine, I began to warm up to the whole experience,” Derek
Micheau writes. “As three years passed, my life had its ups and downs until we arrived at senior year.” All the struggles,
however, formed a foundation for these students which led to growth and the joy and confidence that came with it. “This
all culminated for my senior year,” Derek writes. “Everything seemed to come together and we matured in a way I didn’t
think our class would be able to.”
Reflecting on his struggles, Shawn Meyer writes, “I didn’t know if I was going to college or not. But throughout my junior
year I realized that my parents didn’t sacrifice so much for me not to go to college.” Student body president, Ian Miller, put
it this way, “Without failure I would not have been able to be fully present to the joy I have experienced in my life…Because
the man who embraced his ‘failures’ was the one who died for all of our sins and redeemed us. So if we as Bellarmine students
are called to be like Christ, we must embrace our failures and grow as human beings.”
Spencer Hallquist reflects on his first thoughts of
Bellarmine, “Today, the first day of high school, I am going
to Bellarmine Prep if I like it or not. I didn’t like it at all.”
He talks about resisting involvement, holding himself back.
But Bellelarmine eventually snagged him. In the end he
could say, “Bellarmine opened my eyes to a whole new
group of people and to God, someone who was a stranger to me. I love all my friends including the ones I made on that
first day of school when I had no hope at all. I will now be proud to say that I graduated from Bellarmine Prep, something I
never thought I would say.”
These are stories of transformation. Which is precisely Bellarmine’s mission: transforming diffident, self-absorbed 14 year
olds into confident, loving, faithful 18 year olds, who can say, as Micaela McCauley does,
“There is ground beneath my feet and stars in the sky
I’m still here.
People believe in me.
And I can make a difference.”
Jack Peterson, President
The Bellarmine Benefactors’ Trust was organized in 1969 for the purpose of establishing and managing endowment
funds for the benefit of Bellarmine Preparatory School. These endowment funds are the accumulation of gifted funds
set aside and invested to support the Bellarmine Preparatory School’s mission in
perpetuity. Over the past 40 years hundreds of donors who have wanted to provide
enduring support for Bellarmine have added their own gifts. Today the endowment is
comprised of 171 individual principal funds.
Each year the Bellarmine Benefactors’ Trust Committee approves the distribution
of earnings (investment income plus a portion of the appreciated value of the
investments) from the endowment. These earnings, which flow to the operating budget are an essentials source of
financial aid, faculty development, or other special programs.
In fiscal year 2011-12 our $17.5. million endowment produced an income of $813,076. Names listed in italics are those
who made gifts and pledges to endowments during the 2011-12 fiscal year.
Bellarmine Benefactors’ Trust Committee
Ron Pemberton, Chair
Stephanie Cisakowski, Secretary
John Barline B’65
Melanie Dressel
Curt Dyckman B’77
Jack Peterson
Harry J Phillips
Michael A. Tucci B’57
John Wiborg
Bill Philip, member emeritus
Madelyn Smith A’49, member emeritus
John S. Adams Memorial Endowment (1993)
Michael Allen Memorial Scholarship (1992)
Howard W. Anderson Memorial Scholarship (1991)
Paul Myers and Carolyn H. Anderson-Myers
Anne & John Aram Endowed Scholarship (1993)
Michael J. Aro Memorial Financial Aid Endowment (1997)
John W Bader Sr Memorial Endowment (1994)
Barline Scholarship Endowment Fund (1986)
Bellarmine Drama Endowment (1995)
Marine View Beverage, Sumner
Fred and Barbara Bevegni Sr. Endowed Scholarship (1993)
Boulanger Family Scholarship Fund (1992)
Cam Brown Memorial Technology Endowment Fund (2005)
Mr. & Mrs. T. I. Bruback Financial Aid Fund (1993)
Frederick Stearns Foundation
Anne Caraher Memorial Scholarship Endowment (1992)
Dorothy A. Carignan LaFreniere & James L. Carignan (1987)
The Catholic Woman’s Club Endowment Fund (2004)
Ben Cheney Foundation Fund (1985)
Gertrude Connell Comfort Memorial Scholarship Fund (1989)
John Comfort B’45 and Maggie Hutt Comfort SL’46
Kim B’78 and Kathryn Comfort
DiRe Family Faculty Endowment (1993)
Arthur Broback
John and Ann Cedrone
Domenico and Luisa Chiarizia
Carol Colleran
Anthony and Bernadette DiRe
Sam B’77 and Connie DiRe
Sofia Crivellone DiRe-Healy SL’37
Toby and Karen Ek
Evergreen Excavation
Dennis and Betty Furey
Elsie Hamill
Mike and Kristine Hanberg
Lou Imhof B’52 and Joan Petri Imhof A’56
+ deceased * employee
Johnson Stone & Pagano P.S.
Michael and Marcia Madden
Darleen Mcvay
John and Guelda Messina
Virginia Martelli Moceri SL’47 and Jim Moceri
Mr. & Mrs. Nicolina
Butch and Marsha Nyssen
Ray Ozanich B’53 and Patty Bevegni Klos-Ozanich A’63
Lina Perrone
Robblee’s Safe & Lock, Incorp.
Johnny and Ruth Roberts
Cheryl Rue
Dave Seiwerath B’57 and Mary Ann Hindery Seiwerath* A’64
Dina Sine
Don and Elvira Sine
Drew Torgenrud B’93
Dyckman Family Scholarship (1984)
Faculty Development Fund (1984)
Faculty Staff Scholarship Endowment (1992)
Bill* and Barbara Eckert
Bob Huey and Barbara Lidikay*
Bill* B’80 and Nadine Rosendin
Dave Seiwerath B’57 and Mary Ann Hindery Seiwerath* A’64
Sr. Georgia Yianakulis SNJM*
Ed Fallon Maintenance Fund (1994)
Jim and Betty Smith
Tom and Mary Lou Tebb
Fengler Family Scholarship Fund (1992)
Pat Clarence Fengler A’48 and Kenney Fengler
Ferreira Family Financial Assistance Fund (2010)
Bill & Joan Fleet Scholarship Fund (1991)
Bill+ and Joan Fleet
Innersea Discoveries
Hal and Pam* Leazer
J. Peter and Joan Melrose
Jack* and Mary Peterson
Mary Ida Fuchs Scholarship Endowment (2006)
Cyril J. & Bernice M. Galagan Memorial Endowment (1985)
Leo & Kathryn Gallagher Scholarship Endowment (1992)
Gallagher Trust
Betty Gallagher Shea A’45
Therese Gallagher Wooding A’58
Michelle Gaussoin Memorial Music Scholarship (1989)
General Athletics Endowment (2006)
General Scholarship Endowment (1984)
Ozzie and Liliane Bender
Class of 2001
Molly Hagan B’78
Happy Trails Training
Hauer Real Estate
High Definition Homes
Jay B’87 and Wendy Huck
Carol Petrich Kalapus A’47 and Len Kalapus
McPhee Dental Group
Carla Wernofsky Pemberton SL’54 and Ron Pemberton
Jack* and Mary Peterson
Darlene Wickens
Wilcox Farms
Zindt Chiropractic Center
Gernon Family Endowment (1992)
Guadnola Family Scholarship Fund (1993)
John Guadnola
Neal Harrison Campus Ministry Endowment (1993)
Gail Harrison
Walter Mark and Yong-A Hassig Family Endowment (2012)
Geraldine Carbone Hawkins Endowment (2000)
Jim & Mary-Jo Healy Endowed Scholarship (1993)
Henriot Family Scholarship Fund (1990)
Hilger Family Scholarship (1992)
Hindery Family Financial Aid Fund (2000)
Leo J. Hindery Family Scholarship Fund (1993)
Ignatian Identity Fund (2000)
Imhof Family Endowment for Faculty Development (1992)
Iverson Family Scholarship Fund (1996)
Jacques Family Endowment (2002)
Jesuit Community of Bellarmine Endowment Fund (1994)
Justin Denk B’99
Allan C. Johnson Scholarship Endowment (1993)
Katterhagen Family Fund (2004)
Kelley Family Charitable Fund (1997)
Kenevan Family Scholarship Fund (1993)
Don Klos Family Endowment Fund (1986)
Jim Knudson Memorial Scholarship (2011)
Donna Knudson
Frank Morgan
Puyallup Music Teachers
Andy and Maria Rash
Chris A’71 and Alan Ward
Kokich Family Endowment for Faculty Development (1992)
Kors Family Fund (1991)
Kubick-Cathersal Scholarship Endowment (1992)
Ladenburg Family Endowment for Financial Aid (1992)
Hugh and Charlotte Larkin Memorial Scholarship (1991)
Lazar Family Scholarship (1991)
Caroline Anne Burns Leverett Endowment (2000)
Patrick & Bernice Loughlin Memorial Scholarship (1991)
Eugene & Ann Vlahovich Mack Memorial Fund (1992)
Fr. Joe Maguire SJ Music Scholarship (1987)
Maintenance Endowment (1986)
Arthur Boyd Manke Endowed Scholarship (1993)
Tom & Stella Maruca Scholarship Fund (2011)
Patty Maruca SL’62
Maruca-Garrison Endowed Scholarship (1995)
Anonymous (1)
> Endowment Funds, continued
Robert M. May Endowment Fund (2005)
McGoffin Family Fund (1991)
Keith B’48 and Kathleen McGoffin
McMahon Family Scholarship Endowment (1993)
Brian B’62 and Peggy McMahon
Mary Beth McMahon Rasmussen A’70 and Rick Rasmussen
James & William McMenamin Memorial Scholarship (1992)
Mulligan Family Faculty and Scholarship Fund (1991)
Bunny Priest Nance Fund (2004)
Paul & Nara Narigi Family Endowment (1990)
O’Connor Family Scholarship Fund (1992)
O’Connor Leadership Award (1990)
Orell Library Endowment Fund (1989)
Frank and Doris Pavolka Scholarship Fund (1992)
Kenneth Pemberton Memorial Fund (1986)
Carla Wernofsky Pemberton SL’54 and Ron Pemberton
Petrich Family Scholarship Endowment (1991)
W. W. Philip Endowed Scholarship (1994)
Philomathea Scholarship Endowment Fund (1999)
John L. Plowden Endowment Fund (2004)
John J. Reha Jr. Endowment for Financial Aid (1993)
Roberts Family Endowment (1993)
A.E and Evelyn Saunders Financial Aid Fund (1994)
Evelyn Saunders Trust (2000)
V. A. Schwarz Memorial Scholarship Fund (1990)
Gail Scott Memorial Scholarship (1986)
Shanaman Family Scholarship (1984)
Shea Family Maintenance Endowment (1989)
Schindele Family Athletic Fund (2006)
Smith-McGinty Financial Aid Endowment (1992)
Snyder Foundation Scholarship (1984)
Socioeconomic Lunch Fund Endow (2006)
Janine Tangney Music Endowment Scholarship (2006)
Jack Tangney
Tennis Courts Maintenance Fund (1997)
Joan & Don Thompson Family Endowment (1996)
Rosalie Marinkovich Amann A’51 and Frank Amann
William and Janice Baxter
Don Brink
Brink & Sadler
Bob and Marianne Burns
Catholic Health Initiatives/Franciscan Health Systems
Eva Clary
Carol Colleran
Leroy and Margo Danforth
Ted B’58 and Pam Fick
JoAnne Hansen
Jim Healy B’52
John and Carole Holmaas
Vernon and Joan Johnson
Dale and Doreen Murray
Janet Olejar
Larry and Jean Olson
Claude and Helen Pearson
Vernon Pearson
Brian Reeer
Matthew and Linda Smith
Eveline Spitz
Tacoma Pierce County Bar Association
Troup, Christnacht, Ladenburg, McKasy & Durkin, Inc., PS
Ernie and Sherran Whatley
John and Judy Woodworth
Leon and Carolyn Titus Memorial Scholarship (2008)
Tucci Family Memorial Scholarship (1984)
Unrestricted Endowment (1984)
Vandeberg Family Scholarship Endowment (1984)
Dennis and Joyce Vye Memorial Scholarship (1995)
Fr. Dan Weber SJ Fund for Continuing Education
in The Jesuit Tradition (2005)
Rose Clements
Bill Wetzler Endowed Scholarship Fund (1997)
Hilda Wilbur Memorial Scholarship (1984)
Winters Family Endowment (1999)
E.J. Zarelli Financial Aid Fund (1986)
President’s Evening of Thanks
Over 125 invited guests attended an exclusive affair in the St. Ignatius Loyola Center foyer, The President’s Evening
of Thanks, where they were honored for contributing an annual minimum gift of $1,000 to Bellarmine Preparatory
School. That night President Jack Peterson spoke heartfelt words of appreciation, shook hands, acknowledged and
thanked each person who came. Bellarmine’s concert band provided the musical entertainment and senior, Meaghan
Hilger, B’12, provided a moving and inspiring testimonial of her transformational Bellarmine experience. The mood
was electric, the food wonderful and everyone enjoyed a delightful evening making new friends while reconnecting
and visiting with old ones.
Left: Al Morris,
Patty Maruca,
Ret. Col. Robert Maruca
Above: Nancy Shonborg, Frances Browne,
Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J.
Above: Nancy and David Morgan
Left: Ed Ploof, Joe Bordeaux, D.D.S.,
Kerry Bordeaux, Greg Unruh
Right: Joe Clabots, M.D.,
Theresa Clabots, M.D., Charlene Baker
(from a poem) “But the most important thing to remember is that
where you end up matters, / But not nearly as much as how
you got there.” – Mackenzie Garman B’12
The 1928 Legacy Giving Society recognizes donors who have made arrangements to
support Bellarmine through their estate plans and wills. Members of the Society include
alumni, families, faculty, staff and friends of Bellarmine who care about the future of
the school. Their kindness and generosity will be evident in the achievements of our
students for years to come by preserving their giving thru the Bellarmine Endowment
Fund. We are grateful for those that have shown such a loving and far-sighted perspective to supporting Bellarmine
and hope that more people will let us know that they intend to remember Bellarmine in their plans for the future.
With the addition of seven new members this fiscal year the total number of known individuals and families who
have made a planned gift to Bellarmine total 96. For more information or to let us know that you have already
made plans for Bellarmine in your will contact Dean M. Hanks, Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving at
hanksd@bellarmineprep.org or 253-756-3875.
Anonymous (6)
Linda Allen and Cam+ Brown
Doris Lovorato Allmer SL’46 and
Richard+ Allmer
Robert+ D. Backer
John B’65 and Sally Barline
Paula Day Bevegni A’71 and Fred Bevegni
George B’34 and Yvonne Boscovich
Francis B’35 and Helyn+ Browne
Louis+ B’30 and Theresa+ Burkey
Sadie Carstens
Br. Paul Cawthorne SJ
Barbara Coughlin
Frank+ Cozza B’29
James+ T. Cozza B’33
Peter+ M. Dickson
Irene+ H. Dunn A’22
Johanna+ P. Flanagan
Ida+ Fuchs A’36
Leo+ and Katherine+ Gallagher
Shirley and Bill+ B’63 Garrison
William Gazecki
Bill+ and Andie Gernon
+ deceased * employee
Fr. John+ Graisy SJ, B’40
Tom and Pat Habersetzer
Dean M. Hanks
Veronica+ Hanlon A’35
Gail and Neal+ B’53 Harrison
Jay+ SL’22 and Kathryn+ Harrison
Leonard+ Haselman B’62
Dee Havlina
Geraldine+ Carbone Hawkins SL’41 and
E. Stanley+ Hawkins
Tom and Katia Healy
James Henriot B’45
Todd B’82 and Heidi Imhof
Dolores+ Jacques
Elizabeth+ Johnson
Neil B’48 and Sandi Jones
Esme+ Kindelan
Vince and Marilyn Kokich
Ruth and Jim+ Kors
Pam and Hal Leazer
Mary LeVitre
Joseph+ and Margery+ Lovely
Catherine+ Rinkenberger Mace SL’40
Frank+ and Rose+ Magrini
Len Manke
Harry+ Manning
Esther+ Mark
David P. Mathews
Ed and Lynn Mawe
Robert+ McDonough B’43
Leo+ A. McGavick SL’23
Norma+ A. Moratti McLaughlin SL’41
Sheila+ McDonnell Meany A’53
Matthew B’32 and Louise+ Merkle
Lawrence+ B’35 and Minnie+ Mihalovich
Anthony and Marilee Milan
Virginia Martelli Moceri SL’47 and Jim Moceri
Catherine+ Moresti
Bunny Priest Nance
Joe and Suzy Nealon
Joseph+ Nolan
Butch and Marsha Nyssen
Charles+ and Virginia+ Orton
Tom Pagano
Norene+ Frances Pavelka
Martin+ B’33 and Jean+ Petrich
Othmar+ Pitzen SL’23
John+ B’31 and Janice+ Plowden
Wilfred+ Richmond SL’16
Charlie Rousseau
Frank B’60 and Sandy Ruffo
John Ruffo B’60
Helen+ Gallagher Russell
Margaret+ Miraldi Sandberg
Al+ and Teddy+ Saunders
Felice+ B. Schmidt
Betty Gallagher Shea A’45
Vince+ B’35 and Helen Siemion
J. Phillip+ Simpson
Frank+ Sneeringer
Nellie+ Tompkins
Mike B’82 and Mimi Tucci
Mike B’57 and Mary Jo Tucci
Zachary+ and Marie+ Vane
Michael+ Verone
Jim and Shirley Ward
Since the Jesuits founded Bellarmine in 1928, the school has successfully achieved its mission while also growing and
improving, even in the hardest of times. It has done so because it provides students, their families and the community
an education based on faith, excellence, and opportunity. Bellarmine’s success, sound management and solid financial
base is in large part due to the long-term financial gifts and commitment of extraordinary supporters, excellent
volunteer leadership, innovation, and adaptation to new challenges–for more than 80 years. We are so blessed and
grateful to our dedicated life-time donors who have helped provide financial support for today through annual fund
gifts, enhanced long-term financial stability for the school through financial aid and scholarship support and helped
provide quality facilities ensuring a productive, safe and encouraging place for our students to learn and grow. With
deep appreciation we recognize the following life-time donors.
$2,500,000 and up
Leo Hindery B’65
Al+ Saunders
The Frost & Margaret Snyder Foundation
$1,000,000 to $2,499,999
Anonymous (1)
Rose+ Magrini
Sis Names
Scott+ Names
Mary+ Russell
Steve B’81 and Ronna Schreiner
Ada+ Schreiner
$500,000 to $999,999
Anonymous (2)
Ben B. Cheney Foundation
Forest Foundation
The Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Foundation
Geraldine+ Hawkins
Mike B’57 and Mary Jo Tucci
Tucci & Sons Inc.
Gene+ Walters
Mary Ann Walters
$250,000 to $499,999
Anonymous (1)
Janie Andrew
James B’73 and Donna Boulanger
Dick and Mary Ann Boulanger
Jack and Angela Connelly
Gallagher Trust
Grantmaker Consultants Inc.
Tom and Katia Healy
Tom B’58 and Terry Marinkovich
Merit Company
Catherine+ Moresti
Names Family Foundation
The North American Foundation
Estate of Helen Orell
Graham and Julie Tash
Bruce B’75 and Linda Titus
Mike B’82 and Mimi Tucci
Jim and Ann Wiborg
E.L. Wiegand Foundation
$100,000 to $249,999
Anonymous (2)
Alan and Marilyn Anderson
Patricia Reda Annest SL’53
Associated Petroleum Products Inc.
Elbert+ Baker
Dan and Pam Baty
Fritz+ Beckman
Bellarmine Boosters
Paula Day Bevegni A’71 and Fred Bevegni
George+ B’34 and Yvonne Boscovich
Les Cathersal B’56 and
Mary Lou Kubick Cathersal A’58
Columbia Bank
Frank+ Cozza
The Dimmer Family Foundation
Curt B’77 and Olga Dyckman
Catherine+ Eckstrom
John and Buzz Folsom
Cyril+ Galagan
Garco Construction Inc.
Kristine Lazar Grace B’88 and Mark Grace
Larry and Mimi Green
Vern B’67 and Kathleen Harkins
Leonard+ Haselman
Jim B’69 and Amy Healy
Louis A. Hennessy Foundation
Jim and Sue Holman
Darrell and Anne Jesse
Jesuit Community of Bellarmine
Elizabeth+ Kelley
Key Bank
William W. Kilworth Foundation
Esme+ Kindelan
Ray and Lydia Knoll
Vince and Marilyn Kokich
Jason Kors B’81
Jerry and Germaine Korum
Robert and Molly Lane
Leone Development Corporation
Cathie Manza
Jim+ Manza
Charlotte Y. Martin Foundation
John B’46 and Jane McDonough
Brian and Aycee McGuire
Bob B’75 and Sandy McNamara
Sheila+ Meany
Medina Foundation
Allen (Al) B’57 and Inge Morris
Michael and Jackie Murphy
Mike and Karen Musica
Margie Boulanger O’Brien B’79 and
Gavin O’Brien
PACCAR Foundation
Patriot Fire Protection, Inc.
Carla Wernofsky Pemberton SL’54 and
Ron Pemberton
Mark Perry
Jack* and Mary Peterson
Bill and Dorothy Philip
Frank B’89 and Elaine Pupo
Wilfred+ Richmond
Geraldine+ Schwarz
Mary Gallagher Senecal B’75 and
Frank Senecal
Maria Tucci Sessler B’84 and Jon Sessler
Steve and Barbara Shaub
Jeff and Leanne Stock
The Russell Family Foundation
Carolyn A. Titus
Leon+ and Carolyn Titus
Andy Tsoi
Tim B’83 and Barbara Tucci
John and Lesa Wiborg
Woodworth & Company
John Xitco B’87
Luke B’90 and Alisa Xitco
Len B’69 and Darcy Zarelli
Each year Aquinas, Bellarmine, and St. Leo’s alumni, along with parents, friends, corporations and foundations
demonstrate the power of community by investing in Bellarmine through annual giving. Annual giving helps bridge the
gap between tuition and the actual cost to educate each student, supporting Bellarmine’s rigorous academics, religious
formation, athletics, and financial aid. We are grateful for these contributions and acknowledge those whose commitment
and dedication help further our mission. Below we recognize all donors according to their cumulative contributions to
Bellarmine during the 2010-2011 fisca1 year. On behalf of the entire Bellarmine community, thank you for your support.
Bellarmine appreciates the following parents who have generously supported Bellarmine in a variety of ways including, but
not limited to, gifts given through The Parent Cost Support Covenant Campaign, restricted donations and unsolicited gifts
that were received in the 2011-2012 school year.
Ignation ($10,000 and up)
Rodger Bodoia and Jennifer Rand
Greg and Dion Rurik
Lions ($6000-$9999)
James B’73 and Donna Boulanger
Jeff and Erin Chandler
Charles and Wendy Dent
Darrell and Mary Johnson
Michael and Martha* Parent
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Anonymous (2)
Amy Becken
Steve and Shawn Brown
Joe and Teresa Clabots
Kevin and Lisa Conner
Jody Welsh DeGroot* B’83 and Dave DeGroot*
Mike and Teresa Ferreira
Peter Golesh and Cathy Volz-Golesh
Carlos Guilherme and Mary Jane Oberhofer
Walter and Yong Hassig
Chris and Anne Highsmith
Dan B’78 and Luann Hilger
Jeff and Kristin Hogan
Angela Castro Kors B’82
Jason Kors B’81
Ruben Manzanares and
Ann Freeman-Manzanares
Mike and Pam Martin
Rick and Ellen Martin
Greg and Martha McKenna
Jace and Sally Munson
Lisa Murphy
Mike and Karen Musica
Jim Nardi and Lynne Clark
Nick and Charisma Nesland
Margie Boulanger O’Brien B’79 and
Gavin O’Brien
Sean and Jane O’Brien
Jim and Tricia Peterson
Kathryn Reynolds
Bruce and Mikel Ross
Eric and Marcee Russell
Chris and Mary Schneider
Mary Gallagher Senecal B’75 and
Frank Senecal
Steve and Litishia Skatrud
Mike and Christie Smith
Alan and Sylvia Thomas
Bruce B’75 and Linda Titus
Jean Walsh
Michael Jacobsen and Angelia Wesch
Eric and Kristina Williams
+ deceased * employee
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Anonymous (3)
Jim Andersen and Mary Lobdell
Irfan and Shaista Ansari
Dan and Cheryl Balmelli
Tim Bang and Eunice Ham
Sam and Corina Barker
Christine Vargo Barnhart B’79 and
Michael Barnhart
Rich and Gretchen Benzin
Darrell and Carolyn Blalock
Stephen and Jodie Bolt
Steve and Brenda Bono
Joe B’81 and Kerry Bordeaux
Debbie Breen
Mike and Kellie Brown
Mary McIntyre Byrne B’79 and Kevin Byrne
William B’80 and Clare Cammarano
Steve and Sonya Cary
Jere and Cindy Chellin
Yun Sun and April Choe
Jim Sawatzki and Lynne Christiansen*
Bruce and Suzy Clarke
Peter B’75 and Pam Comfort
Jack and Angela Connelly
Timothy Cosgrove
Mary Palmquist Cranstoun B’83 and
Michael Cranstoun
Brian B’78 and Cynthia Crotty
Dave and Karyn Derby
Kenneth and Sandra Dick
John B’82 and Melinda Dionas
Gonzalo Fernandez-Chale and
Christina Dobler
Dave and Teri Durr
Forrest and Molly Ehlinger
Daniel and Valerica Ene-Stroescu
Monty and Kristin Fairweather
Pat B’71 and Teresa Feutz
John and Kelly Foley
Doug and Jill Gardner
Steve and Gwen Garman
Pete and Marci George
Brian and Kimberly Golob
Stephanie Grassi
Chuck and Mary* Graves
Darren and Liz Griffin
Steve and Liz Hansen
Jeff and Patty Harper
Greg and Laurel Harris
Jim B’80 and Chong Hilger
Joe and Marilyn Hillyer
John B’77 and Katsie Hirsh
John and Lisa Howgate
Todd and Babie Hunter
Philip B’82 and Anne-Marie Jesse
Gabor and Loire Klade
Arthur and Patricia Knodel
David and Diane Ladenburg
Dr. Paul A. Lester M.D., FACP B’82
Charles and Daisy Li
Kevin and Lisa Lovejoy
Don and Jan Mallavia
Pat and Judy Manza
Joenne McGerr
John and Tami McKenna
Michael and Lauri McLeod
Albert and MaryAnn Mendez
Paul B’76 and Beverly Mernaugh
Bill and Suzanne Molt
Dan and Jen Morgenstern
Ed and Drew Murphy
Denis and Lisa Sullivan
Frans Swart and Maria Swart-Broers
Christina Szigeti
Julius Szigeti
Andrew and Tracy Tedesco
Drew and Lisa Thatcher
Chris B’90 and Kari Thierer
Kenny Thomas
Mike and Tina Thomas
Michael and Lila* Transue
Bob B’79 and Chris Turner
Bruce and Kara Valentine
Dutch and Camille VanDevanter
David and Anna Walen
Todd and Kim Ward
Frederick and Solja Warnick
Leon White and Catherine Nicholas-White
John and Beth Williams
Michael and Jackie Murphy
Steven and Kristina Murray
Gregory and Colleen Noronha
Erik and Diane Ogard
Dan and Janette O’Leary
Mike and Moonja Owens
Peter Palmer and Teri Tibbetts
Jeff and Andrea Paradise
Ravi and Indu Pental
Brett Purtzer and Kim Heggerness
Navdeep and Jagpreet Rai
Claude Remy and Claire Spain-Remy
Paul and Lynda Roland
Philip and Catherine Rudolph
Tom and Sheila Ryan
Tim and Annie Schellberg
Mike and Andy Schneider
Walter Schumacher and Susan Holloway
Dan and Arlene Sessler
Maria Tucci Sessler B’84 and Jon Sessler
Dwight and Shirley Ann Shiotani
Steve and Caryn Slack
Matt and Lita Smith
Shane and Judith Son
Chris B’75 and Anita Staeheli
Dave and Leona Stasiak
Bryan and Dianna Stockdale
John and Karen Strub
Bob Wright and Sally Devine-Wright
Tod and Julie Wurst
Brian and Heather Yates
Phil and Mary Pat Yearian
Fellows ($500-$999)
Anonymous (1)
Mike and Cathy Adams
Marc and Kelly Aversa
Douglass and Hope Barkley
Robert Beezer and Patricia Dorsey
Robert and Marissa Bendebel
Peter and Judy Bingcang
Steve and Kelli Bjerk
Gerhard and Jane Blummers
Rod and Heather Bolek
John and Kim Boyle
Margaret Lane Brown B’83 and Charlie Brown
Todd and Heather Burgess
Jeff and Leigh Butler
Julie Campbell*
Nancy Campbell
Kim Kennedy Casey B’81 and John Casey
Drew and Stephanie Cesarini
Richard and Dana Chambers
David and Stephanie* Cisakowski
Meg Sheppard Doscher B’84 and Keith Doscher
Mark and Isabella Doxon
> Parent Giving, continued
John and Sharon Dusek
Sam and Laura Earnest
Tom and Joan Egnew
Mike and Martha Everett
Andrew and Mary Fairchok
Tyler and Kelly Firkins
Lea and Joe Fox
Mark B’79 and Debbie Gallinatti
William and Nannette Gillette
Joe Gostin and Cheryl Hardy-Gostin
Allen and Valerie Graeve
Steve and Dorothy Griffin
Randy and Debbie Grimm
David* and Whitney Grisaffi
Lane and Tammy Hale
Ki Ham and Eunice Schnell
Chris and Lisa Hannon
Ralph and Cari* Harrison
Hilary Harter
Dennis and Marie Heaney
Don and Carolyn Hearon
Delicia Hestle
Brendan and Kelli Hogarty
Russell and Nancy Holtz
David and Laurie Isola
Byron Kaerstner
Patricia Kilmer
Bill and Cristina Kipp
Jeff and Elizabeth Klein
David Hancock and Tamarah Knapp-Hancock
Terry and Danielle Langvad
Craig and Laura Lester
Rob and Mindi Marsh
Jerry and Kathy* Maxey
Tom and Gayle Mayor
Rich B’82 and Jill McEntee
Steve and Donna Meyer
Don Mooney and Kelly Newbrey
David and Nancy Morgan
David and Barbara Morrison
Scott and Davette Mowers
Don and Melissa Nelson
Tod and Cherie Nurmi
Jennifer Welsh O’Loughlin* B’80 and
Tom O’Loughlin
DJ and Elisa Ostrander
Gene Oswald B’69 and Marci Oswald
Jowon and Guiohk Park
Angelino and Linda Patubo
Tim B’76 and Patti Pavolka
Luis and Debbie Pedraza
Matt and Diana Penrose
Scott and Kim Pepin
Juan and Susan Perez
Kevin and Laura Perry
Sean and Maureen Peterson
Peter B’66 and Mary Petrich
Matt Philichi B’79 and Maryann
DiRe Philichi B’80
Jaime and Jane Pugeda
Michael and Rose Pugsley
Subbu and Uma Ramachandran
Andy and Stacy Ramona
Lynn Reder Thurston B’85
Dennis Reid and Anne Cosgrove
Jim and Susan Richards
Charles and Kendra Roberson
Mark B’82 and Joan Roberts
Susie Adams Roberts A’73 and Jim Roberts
Mary Chilton Rogers B’82 and Aaron* Rogers
Kristen Ross
Darlene Guetle Salazar B’85 and
Bernie* Salazar
Theresa Scala
John Seek
Floyd and Maggie Sekeramayi
Mat and Juleen Shaw
Tom and Susan Shjerven
Kevin and Shannon Shuman
Ray Smith and Mary Klimek-Smith
Kenneth and Lisa Starks
Benjamin and Ana Swaab
Craig and Pam Taft
Ida Tameno
Dan and Joy Taylor
Sajan and Sheela Thomas
Dave and Sue Turner
Greg and Amy Unruh
Lisette Gonter Welk B’88 and Mike Welk
Adam and Frances Wendel
Kevin Willard and Joanne Lindberg
Barron and Ann Willis
Charles and Nicole Woo
Michael and Catherine Swensrud
Chong and Mincha Yi
Associates ($250-$499)
Jee and Hyesook Ahn
Jose and Darice Alfaro
John and Wendy Amundsen
Sergio and Patricia Andrade
Bill and Mary Ann Arens
Dawn Arterbridge
Jake B’91 and Rachael Barth
Scott and Marilou Bickel
Dennis and Kathleen Blanchette
Cindy Ozanich Bohren B’79 and Jeff Bohren
Tom and Susie Bottjer
Tom and Amanda Boyd
Tina Parr Braggs B’89 and John Braggs
Michael and Cecilia Brennan
Carl and Shon Brewster
Steven and Heidi Brown
Tom and Susan Brunner
Glenn and Kristin Bullman
Robby and Tamra Bunn
Milissa Burkey B’76 and Jeff Hopper
Martin and Lulu Campos
Courtney Carlson and Mary Erl-Carlson
Eddie and Michelle Carpenter
Dennis and Holly Carter
Myisha Carter
Joseph and Stacy Cates-Carney
Sheree Clark
Dave and Patty Clevenger
Jim and Julie Covell
Chuck and Diane Cumiskey
Don Curtis and Scottie Kelly-Curtis
Greg Devereux and Sandy Adams
Edward and Jocelyn Devita
Chris and Danylla Dinwiddie
Glenn and Sonja Dooley
Stephen and Cathy Elder
Mikaele and Vitoria Falaniko
Benaifer Fanibanda
Paula Peluso Fiorino SL’69 and Daniel Fiorino
Tony and Kathy Forte
Denise Fraser
Tom and Margaret Gallagher
Cesar and Linda Garcia
Don and Nancy Gardner
Jose’ and Cynthia Garzon
Jim and Stacy Goss
Eric Graff and Susan Mahoney
Steve and Susan Haas
Brian Hall
John and Sophia Hall
Michael Hallis B’79 and
Karen Marvik-Hallis B’82
Tom and Jennifer Hanly
John+ B’76 and Teresa Harbottle
Ian and Kim Harding
Ben and Lisa Harrison
Peter and Nancy Heussman
John and Kristi Hollyoak
Mike and Lisa Huber
Andy and Sheelagh Hunter
Rolando and Lyne Ignao
Sundar Iyengar and Rajani Srinivasan
Jeffrey and Joy Johnson
Lynette Jones
Robert and Catherine Jones
Peter and Trish Joyce
Dina Marostica Keaty B’80 and Mark Keaty
Dave and Donna Klugh
Lisa Knutson-Sealey and Camilo Sealey
Doug Konop and Maria Kadile Konop
Stephen Kramp and Sarah Thorpe
Dan and Karen Ladenburg
Nick and Christine Lalena
Amy Lee
Jin and Sook Lee
Mike B’68 and Vicki Sandhorst
Scott and Millie Schulz
Joe and Kim Sheppard
Mark and Pamela Shere
John and Val Sherman
Kevin and Jessie Shin
Chong and Huisuk So
Phil and Susan Sorensen
Tiffany Spaulding
Peter and Elizabeth Stackpole
Ben Szoboszlay
Scott Takehara
Terry B’84 and Julie Tebb
Scott and Stella Thalhamer
Brad B’87 and Angie Thompson
Damon Titus
Ann Tousignant
Jean-Paul Tousignant
Ly Tran and Thuy-Tien Vo
Thao and Debbie Tran
Candice Tuttle
Gregg and Tami Vermillion
Darin and Kelly Lenderink
Heather Hietpas Liufau B’88 and Iosefa Liufau
Todd and Claire Lloyd
Pedro Lopez and Jean Lin
Kari Baerg Maenhout B’85 and Monte Maenhout
Rico and Malou Malonzo
Tim and Mary Martin
David McCune and Deborah Rodriguez
Lynne McDonald
Mary Bucholz McDougal B’82 and
Michael McDougal
Ken and Genny McFarland
David and Annette McGhee
Gayle McIntosh
Dan and Rosemary McLaughlin
Dave B’81and Audrey McRoberts
Jeff and Ellen McVicker
Ignatius Medani
Brian and Tanya Meikle
Steve Metcalfe and Cheryl Metcalfe
John and Julia Miller
Dario and Agnes Misola
Philip and Rosita Mitchell
Don and Kim Montgomery
Casey and MaryLynn Moore
Larry and Marion Murray
Danny and Lorrie O’Brien
Seamus and Hanh O’Brien
Michael and Traci O’Connell
Beth O’Connor B’78 and Ross Drangsholt
Kevin B’83 and Donna O’Connor
Kris O’Leary
Kenneth and Ada Onyali
Brian and Marie Paige
Bart Parker and Jean Picha-Parker
Darren and Katie Pederson
Art and Analea Perez
John Petrich B’75
Karen Petrich
Steve and La’keisha Primas
Dan and Jana Quiocho
Robert and Karen Ramsey
Matt and Lisa Robic
Tony Robydek
Judy Royne
Dean and Erin Rumpza
Mike and Lisa Walsh
Ann McIntyre Webster B’78 and Marty Webster
Tanja Wieser-Dee
Wanda Pierce Williams B’91 and
Joseph Williams
Steve and Marcia Wohlwend
Chuck and Cathy Woods
Rev Young and Toshia Young
Patrons ($100-$249)
Anonymous (1)
Larry Abraham
Tamara Abraham
Craig and Sandy Adams
Enrique and Maria Arias
Rick and Chantel Arnone
Steve and Tere Babcock
Ted B’74 and Anne Baer
Jason and Pamela Barcena
Hans and Missy Barnes
Johnny and Nancy Beck
Robert Becken
Ronald and Imelda Beery
Kelly and Diane Bendixen
Erik and Donna Bjarke
Joyce Blake
Mark B’87 and Michele Bohlman
Tom B’86 and Linda Bordeaux
Eileen Borba Borne B’81 and Paul Borne
John and Kimberly Bowman
Ralph and Kelly Bowman
Donna Bredahl
Anjee Brooks
Chris and Jeanna Brown
Charles and Andrea Bucher
Stephanie Bucich-Fuller
Doug and Carrie Burrus
Scott and Kathleen Byers
Jeff Call
Leanne Cash
Grace Castillo
Tom Tollen and Tiffinie Clark
Dave and Heather Crawford
Dave and Veronica Davidson
Matt and Lucy Davis
Jun and Naomi DeVega
“With every challenge teachers throw my way I am given an
opportunity to push myself to go beyond what I am asked to do, to
grow as a student and to realize my potential.” – Emily Nelson B’12
Rose Dickson
Kim Ott Dizon B’86 and Dan Dizon
Richard Doenges and Mary Beth Brown
Jill Dolak
Curt and Mary Dorn
Kristin Zemek Downing B’87 and Gary Downing
Terry Duggan-Jahns SL’74 and Jeff Jahns
Jim and Kelley Duncan
Dean and Janeice Dunlap
Tom and Doreen Dyer
Juan Dzul and Ceci Tun
Patrick and Kim Elliott
Donna Ems
Greg Endris and Maria Murtha-Endris
Scott and Vicki Euteneier
Lissa Flannigan
Brent and Karen Fleckner
Mike and Mary Flores
Sylvia Foster
John and Jeri Freeburg
James and Renee Froembling
Sophia Garza
Steve B’85 and Wendy George
Steve Gernon B’83 and
Kati Chouinard Gernon B’83
Rebecca Gervais
Michael and Shannon Gilbert
Rainer Glade and Paula Emerson-Glade
Drew B’86 and Lisa Gonzalez
Kenneth Goodson and Cathy Bass
Rolf and Diana Grosch
Molly Hagan B’78
Russom Haimanot and Ghenet Andebrhan
Scott and Kelley Hallquist
James and Nancy Hamilton
Randy and Tiffany Harrison
Doug and Victoria Harroun
+ deceased * employee
Barney Hartley and Sherry Mees
Joe and Lilas Hartman
Mike Hayes B’76 and Mary Kay Quinn Hayes B’75
Edward and Michelle Hayward
Roger and Shelly Hebert
Nathan and Cindy Heinen
Anthony and Lisa Hickman
Steven and Mary Kay High
Victoria Hill
Brian and Dina Hirz
Tasha Holland
Thomas and Louise Hooker
John and Teresa Houser
Mike and Teresa Huiras
Tim Hummel and Cheryl Parkinson-Hummel
Anne Niebergall Hunton B’81 and Mike Hunton
Heidi Hurst
Nicole Smith Hutton B’86 and Ted Hutton
Jennifer Irwin
Patrick and Cathleen Jacobs
Brett and Patti Jacobsen
Steve and Dani Jensen
Chris and Ruthann Johnson
Loren and JoAnn Johnson
Peggy Rogacki Jones B’80 and Huey Jones
Robert Jones
Susan McNally Jones B’79 and Tim Jones
Andre’ Joseph and Maria Yee-Joseph
Stephen Joyce
Greg Karalus and Carol Gregg
Mike and Noreen Kebba
Jim and Julie Kelly
Keith Kemper and Darryl Ward
Clinton and Alicia Kenick
Hoonki and Yongok Kim
Keith and Tonya King
Douglas and Wendy Lane
Choong and Yu Lee
Richard and Maureen Levandowski
Larry and Tracey Lindell
Brian and Sheryll Lomheim
Frank and Maureen Maiocco
Nicky Mancuso
Terry and Helen Manley
Brian and Kari Mannikko
James and Becki May
George and Helen McClure
Rod and Michelle McCulloch
John and Martha McLaughlin
Gail McMullin and Candy Strother
Ben* and Nadine* Meeker
John and Heather Meske
Doug and Vickie Micheau
Rob B’82 and Ann Modarelli
Steve and Barbara Mooers
Ernie and Kristen Morga
Marc B’84 and Jennifer Morris
Kathy Knowlton Mulloy B’81 and Darren Mulloy
Chris West and Heidi Nader-West
Jane Nelson
Van and Anh-Thu Nguyen
Kurt and Karen Nitschman
Mary Njoroge
Steven and Caroline Noakes
Dick and Cathy O’Connor
Wesley and Kim Ohlson
Rafael and Selina Ojeda
Ryan and Jennifer O’Neill
Walter Orloff and Yuh-Shia Huang
Christine Miller Osness B’86 and Paul Osness
Don and Christina Pantoja
Amy Parshall
Gary and Peggy Pavlovich
Emanuel Perera and Dharshi Bopegedera
John and Ann Perko
Jennifer Welch Peterson B’87 and Dave Peterson
Ted B’79 and Lisa Philichi
John and Carmen Pollastro
Neal Prenovost
Tom and Patty Price
Patrick and Kathleen Quinn
Peter B’79 and Ann Raquer
Sandra Rayfield-Mahan
Rich and Mary Reeder
Douglas and Nanette Reetz
Cecile Rieder
Jerry and Katie Ritsema
Annabel Rivera-Arroyo
Kurt Roehm
Al Rose B’76 and Rena Miller
Bill and Debbie Rupert
Tracy Sample
James and Monika Sands
Jim and Gretchen Schacht
Erik and Sheri Schelbert
Christopher and Sarah Schwab
Antonio and Manola Secaira
John* and Jill Seeberger
Curtis and Kim Seevers
Poi and Fiti Setefano
Tor and Becky Sharrard
Ted and Christine Shideler
Andrea Smith
Steve and Mary Smith
Varreice and Sandra Spice
Robert Naugle and Anne Sprute
Steven and Ann Stenberg
George and Jennifer Stilnovich
John and Becky Stoddard
Greg and Patty Swofford
Elia and Kim Tagoai
> Parent Giving, continued
Gene and Kim Tarr
Doug and Lorna Taylor
Hermies and Annette Thomas
John and Christie Thompson
Mark Thurston B’85 and
Lynn Reder Thurston B’85
Manny and Vee Tolentino
Hiep Trinh and Huong Nguyen
Donald and Mary Trotter
Jim and Tawny Van Hollebeke
Rod and Suzi Vasquez
Norbert and Bridget Vecchiato
Dennis and Melanie Vercillo
David and Lorraine Villars
Gary and Wendy Wachowicz
Jerry and Jovita Waldron
Jason B’89 and Lisa Wanner
Joe and Lori Wargacki
Greg and Marcia Waskey
Scott and Pauline Weichert
Peter and Valarie Weickmann
Lawrence and Audrey White
Mary Beth Wigboldy
Jodi Reopelle Wilde B’83 and Don Wilde
Mike Wilson
Karen Manning Witker B’89 and Dan Witker
William and Kandace Wolf
John and Sara Wood
Martin and Eve Yabroff
Rogelio and Dulce Zaragoza
Leokadia Zarebski
Joseph and Laura Zelasko
Participants ($1-$99)
Kristoffer and Allison Baglio
Anne Batte
Irene Bertucci
Margaret Bucholz Birmingham B’84 and
Michael Birmingham
Amy Blackburn
Melanie Brisbane
Gayle Broussard
Lonnie and Dawn Brown
Charles+ and Jennifer Christian
Roberta Coker
Glen and Kelly Cook
Noel and Carmela De Jesus
Greg Dunn and Gina Sevold
Christine Edwards
Timothy Flippin and Pam Eisele
Jose’ and Beverly Eredia
Tina and Henry Ervin
Dan B’77 and Robin Estabrook
Tracy and Kevin Foster
Al and Sue Gedroez
Christine Haight
Terri Hallis
Maurice and Maria Harris
Kevin and Holly Hickok
Adam and Michelle Hunt
Neil and Carol Kelleher
Kevin B’73 and Ruby Kintz
Dan and Emili Kuchler
Mark and Mary LaFalce
George B’81 and Cielito Lane
Prathus and Cara Lee
Pao and Morokat Lo
Matthew McCarthy B’79 and
Gina Bader McCarthy B’87
Michael and Pam McCauley
John and Esther Min
Susie Morley
Larry and Maile Mulligan
Matt and Mary Jo Navlet
Brenda Beritich Neilan B’82
Daniel and Cindi Nelson
Tom and Rosemary O’Brien-Wilson
Stephen and Carla O’Hearne
Stacey and Connie Ota
Gina Palermo
David and Caroline Phill
Lynn Rebar
Jamie Ross
Kevin and Kate Sanborn
Anthony and Kimberly Sardella
Paul and Kimberly Sevigny
Bill and Rhodena Snodgrass
Charles and Diana Sullivan
Brett and Pami Taylor
Rose Vlad
Lewis and Maureen Whitaker
Hor Yong Yu
Janusz Zarebski
We continue to rely on the generosity of parents to support the school through participation in Bellarmine’s annual parent
giving program—The Parent Cost Support Covenant. Their support helps make up the difference between tuition and
the ever increasing operating costs of the school. This helps Bellarmine be more financially sustainable while providing the
best transformational experience for each and every student. Thank you to all these parents for giving to Bellarmine each
year through this important campaign and fostering the school’s mission.
Anonymous (7)
Craig and Sandy Adams
Mike and Cathy Adams
Jee and Hyesook Ahn
Jose and Darice Alfaro
John and Wendy Amundsen
Jim Andersen and Mary Lobdell
Sergio and Patricia Andrade
Irfan and Shaista Ansari
Bill and Mary Ann Arens
Enrique and Maria Arias
Rick and Chantel Arnone
Dawn Arterbridge
Marc and Kelly Aversa
Ted B’74 and Anne Baer
Kristoffer and Allison Baglio
Dan and Cheryl Balmelli
Tim Bang and Eunice Ham
Jason and Pamela Barcena
Sam and Corina Barker
Douglass and Hope Barkley
Hans and Missy Barnes
Christine Vargo Barnhart B’79 and
Michael Barnhart
Jake B’91 and Rachael Barth
Anne Batte
Johnny and Nancy Beck
Amy Becken
Robert Becken
Ronald and Imelda Beery
Robert Beezer and Patricia Dorsey
Robert and Marissa Bendebel
Kelly and Diane Bendixen
Rich and Gretchen Benzin
Irene Bertucci
Scott and Marilou Bickel
Peter and Judy Bingcang
Margaret Bucholz Birmingham B’84 and
Michael Birmingham
Steve and Kelli Bjerk
Amy Blackburn
Joyce Blake
Darrell and Carolyn Blalock
Dennis and Kathleen Blanchette
Gerhard and Jane Blummers
Rodger Bodoia and Jennifer Rand
Mark B’87 and Michele Bohlman
Cindy Ozanich Bohren B’79 and Jeff Bohren
Rod and Heather Bolek
Stephen and Jodie Bolt
Steve and Brenda Bono
Joe B’81 and Kerry Bordeaux
Tom B’86 and Linda Bordeaux
Eileen Borba Borne B’81 and Paul Borne
Tom and Susie Bottjer
James B’73 and Donna Boulanger
John and Kimberly Bowman
Ralph and Kelly Bowman
Tom and Amanda Boyd
John and Kim Boyle
Tina Parr Braggs B’89 and John Braggs
Donna Bredahl
Debbie Breen
Michael and Cecilia Brennan
Carl and Shon Brewster
Melanie Brisbane
Anjee Brooks
Gayle Broussard
Lonnie and Dawn Brown
Margaret Lane Brown B’83 and Charlie Brown
Mike and Kellie Brown
Steve and Shawn Brown
Steven and Heidi Brown
Tom and Susan Brunner
Charles and Andrea Bucher
Stephanie Bucich-Fuller
Glenn and Kristin Bullman
Robby and Tamra Bunn
Todd and Heather Burgess
Milissa Burkey B’76 and Jeff Hopper
Doug and Carrie Burrus
Jeff and Leigh Butler
Scott and Kathleen Byers
Mary McIntyre Byrne B’79 and Kevin Byrne
Jeff Call
William B’80 and Clare Cammarano
Julie Campbell*
Nancy Campbell
Martin and Lulu Campos
Courtney Carlson and Mary Erl-Carlson
Eddie and Michelle Carpenter
Dennis and Holly Carter
Myisha Carter
Steve and Sonya Cary
Kim Kennedy Casey B’81 and John Casey
Leanne Cash
Grace Castillo
Joseph and Stacy Cates-Carney
Drew and Stephanie Cesarini
Richard and Dana Chambers
Jeff and Erin Chandler
Jere and Cindy Chellin
Yun Sun and April Choe
Charles+ and Jennifer Christian
Jim Sawatzki and Lynne Christiansen*
David and Stephanie* Cisakowski
Joe and Teresa Clabots
Sheree Clark
Bruce and Suzy Clarke
Dave and Patty Clevenger
Roberta Coker
Peter B’75 and Pam Comfort
Jack and Angela Connelly
Kevin and Lisa Conner
Glen and Kelly Cook
Timothy Cosgrove
Jim and Julie Covell
Mary Palmquist Cranstoun B’83 and Michael
Dave and Heather Crawford
Brian B’78 and Cynthia Crotty
Chuck and Diane Cumiskey
Don Curtis and Scottie Kelly-Curtis
Dave and Veronica Davidson
Matt and Lucy Davis
Noel and Carmela De Jesus
Jody Welsh DeGroot* B’83 and Dave DeGroot*
John Dempsey B’83 and Claire
Vargo Dempsey B’83
Charles and Wendy Dent
Dave and Karyn Derby
Jun and Naomi DeVega
Greg Devereux and Sandy Adams
Edward and Jocelyn Devita
Kenneth and Sandra Dick
Rose Dickson
Chris and Danylla Dinwiddie
John B’82 and Melinda Dionas
Kim Ott Dizon B’86 and Dan Dizon
Gonzalo Fernandez-Chale and Christina Dobler
Richard Doenges and Mary Beth Brown
Jill Dolak
Glenn and Sonja Dooley
Curt and Mary Dorn
Meg Sheppard Doscher B’84 and Keith Doscher
Mark and Isabella Doxon
Jim and Kelley Duncan
Dean and Janeice Dunlap
Greg Dunn and Gina Sevold
Dave and Teri Durr
John and Sharon Dusek
Tom and Doreen Dyer
Juan Dzul and Ceci Tun
Sam and Laura Earnest
Christine Edwards
Tom and Joan Egnew
Forrest and Molly Ehlinger
Timothy Flippin and Pam Eisele
Stephen and Cathy Elder
Patrick and Kim Elliott
Donna Ems
Greg Endris and Maria Murtha-Endris
Daniel and Valerica Ene-Stroescu
Jose’ and Beverly Eredia
Tina and Henry Ervin
Dan B’77 and Robin Estabrook
Mike and Martha Everett
Andrew and Mary Fairchok
Monty and Kristin Fairweather
Mikaele and Vitoria Falaniko
Benaifer Fanibanda
Mary Jane Fanning
Mike and Teresa Ferreira
Pat B’71 and Teresa Feutz
Norman Fiacchi B’87 and
Tricia Bucholz Fiacchi B’87
Paula Peluso Fiorino SL’69 and Daniel Fiorino
Tyler and Kelly Firkins
Lissa Flannigan
Brent and Karen Fleckner
Mike and Mary Flores
John and Kelly Foley
Tony and Kathy Forte
Sylvia Foster
Tracy and Kevin Foster
Lea and Joe Fox
Matthew and Anne Franz
Denise Fraser
John and Jeri Freeburg
James and Renee Froembling
Tom and Margaret Gallagher
Mark B’79 and Debbie Gallinatti
Cesar and Linda Garcia
Don and Nancy Gardner
Doug and Jill Gardner
Steve and Gwen Garman
Sophia Garza
Jose’ and Cynthia Garzon
Al and Sue Gedroez
Pete and Marci George
Steve B’85 and Wendy George
Steve Gernon B’83 and
Kati Chouinard Gernon B’83
Rebecca Gervais
Michael and Shannon Gilbert
William and Nannette Gillette
Rainer Glade and Paula Emerson-Glade
Peter Golesh and Cathy Volz-Golesh
Brian and Kimberly Golob
Drew B’86 and Lisa Gonzalez
Kenneth Goodson and Cathy Bass
Jim and Stacy Goss
Joe Gostin and Cheryl Hardy-Gostin
Allen and Valerie Graeve
Eric Graff and Susan Mahoney
Stephanie Grassi
+ deceased * employee
Chuck and Mary* Graves
Darren and Liz Griffin
Steve and Dorothy Griffin
Randy and Debbie Grimm
David* and Whitney Grisaffi
Rolf and Diana Grosch
Carlos Guilherme and Mary Jane Oberhofer
Steve and Susan Haas
Molly Hagan B’78
Lane and Tammy Hale
Brian Hall
John and Sophia Hall
Michael Hallis B’79 and
Karen Marvik-Hallis B’82
Terri Hallis
Scott and Kelley Hallquist
Ki Ham and Eunice Schnell
James and Nancy Hamilton
Tom and Jennifer Hanly
Chris and Lisa Hannon
Steve and Liz Hansen
John+ B’76 and Teresa Harbottle
Ian and Kim Harding
Jeff and Patty Harper
Greg and Laurel Harris
Maurice and Maria Harris
Ben and Lisa Harrison
Ralph and Cari* Harrison
Hilary Harter
Barney Hartley and Sherry Mees
Joe and Lilas Hartman
Walter and Yong Hassig
Mike Hayes B’76 and Mary Kay Quinn Hayes B’75
Edward and Michelle Hayward
Dennis and Marie Heaney
Don and Carolyn Hearon
Roger and Shelly Hebert
Nathan and Cindy Heinen
Delicia Hestle
Peter and Nancy Heussman
Anthony and Lisa Hickman
Kevin and Holly Hickok
Steven and Mary Kay High
Chris and Anne Highsmith
Dan B’78 and Luann Hilger
Jim B’80 and Chong Hilger
Victoria Hill
Joe and Marilyn Hillyer
John B’77 and Katsie Hirsh
Brian and Dina Hirz
Jeff and Kristin Hogan
Brendan and Kelli Hogarty
Tasha Holland
Linda Hollen
John and Kristi Hollyoak
Russell and Nancy Holtz
Thomas and Louise Hooker
John and Teresa Houser
John and Lisa Howgate
Mike and Lisa Huber
Mike and Teresa Huiras
Tim Hummel and Cheryl Parkinson-Hummel
Adam and Michelle Hunt
Andy and Sheelagh Hunter
Todd and Babie Hunter
Anne Niebergall Hunton B’81 and Mike Hunton
Heidi Hurst
Nicole Smith Hutton B’86 and Ted Hutton
Rolando and Lyne Ignao
Jennifer Irwin
David and Laurie Isola
Sundar Iyengar and Rajani Srinivasan
Patrick and Cathleen Jacobs
Brett and Patti Jacobsen
Steve and Dani Jensen
Philip B’82 and Anne-Marie Jesse
Chris and Ruthann Johnson
Darrell and Mary Johnson
Jeffrey and Joy Johnson
Loren and JoAnn Johnson
Lynette Jones
Peggy Rogacki Jones B’80 and Huey Jones
Robert and Catherine Jones
Robert Jones
Susan McNally Jones B’79 and Tim Jones
Andre’ Joseph and Maria Yee-Joseph
Peter and Trish Joyce
Stephen Joyce
Byron Kaerstner
Greg Karalus and Carol Gregg
Dina Marostica Keaty B’80 and Mark Keaty
Mike and Noreen Kebba
Neil and Carol Kelleher
Jim and Julie Kelly
Keith Kemper and Darryl Ward
Clinton and Alicia Kenick
Patricia Kilmer
Hoonki and Yongok Kim
Keith and Tonya King
Kevin B’73 and Ruby Kintz
Bill and Cristina Kipp
Gabor and Loire Klade
Aiko Klein
Jeff and Elizabeth Klein
Dave and Donna Klugh
David Hancock and Tamarah Knapp-Hancock
Arthur and Patricia Knodel
Lisa Knutson-Sealey and Camilo Sealey
Doug Konop and Maria Kadile Konop
Angela Castro Kors B’82
Jason Kors B’81
Stephen Kramp and Sarah Thorpe
Dan and Emili Kuchler
Dan and Karen Ladenburg
David and Diane Ladenburg
Mark and Mary LaFalce
Nick and Christine Lalena
Douglas and Wendy Lane
George B’81 and Cielito Lane
Terry and Danielle Langvad
Amy Lee
Prathus and Cara Lee
Choong and Yu Lee
Jin and Sook Lee
Darin and Kelly Lenderink
Craig and Laura Lester
Dr. Paul A. Lester M.D., FACP B’82
Charles and Daisy Li
Larry and Tracey Lindell
Heather Hietpas Liufau B’88 and Iosefa Liufau
Todd and Claire Lloyd
Pao and Morokat Lo
Brian and Sheryll Lomheim
Pedro Lopez and Jean Lin
Kevin and Lisa Lovejoy
Kari Baerg Maenhout B’85 and Monte Maenhout
Frank and Maureen Maiocco
Don and Jan Mallavia
Rico and Malou Malonzo
Nicky Mancuso
Terry and Helen Manley
Brian and Kari Mannikko
Pat and Judy Manza
Ruben Manzanares and
Ann Freeman-Manzanares
Rob and Mindi Marsh
Mike and Pam Martin
Rick and Ellen Martin
Tim and Mary Martin
Jerry and Kathy* Maxey
James and Becki May
Tom and Gayle Mayor
Matthew McCarthy B’79 and
Gina Bader McCarthy B’87
Michael and Pam McCauley
George and Helen McClure
Rod and Michelle McCulloch
David McCune and Deborah Rodriguez
Lynne McDonald
Mary Bucholz McDougal B’82 and
Michael McDougal
Rich B’82 and Jill McEntee
Ken and Genny McFarland
Joenne McGerr
David and Annette McGhee
Gayle McIntosh
Greg and Martha McKenna
John and Tami McKenna
Dan and Rosemary McLaughlin
John and Martha McLaughlin
Michael and Lauri McLeod
Gail McMullin and Candy Strother
Dave B’81and Audrey McRoberts
Jeff and Ellen McVicker
Ignatius Medani
Ben* and Nadine* Meeker
Brian and Tanya Meikle
Albert and MaryAnn Mendez
Paul B’76 and Beverly Mernaugh
John and Heather Meske
Steve Metcalfe and Cheryl Metcalfe
Steve and Donna Meyer
Doug and Vickie Micheau
John and Julia Miller
Matt Millie B’77 and
Maureen McNerthney Millie B’77
John and Esther Min
Dario and Agnes Misola
Philip and Rosita Mitchell
Rob B’82 and Ann Modarelli
Bill and Suzanne Molt
Will and Sue Monin
Don and Kim Montgomery
Steve and Barbara Mooers
Don Mooney and Kelly Newbrey
Casey and MaryLynn Moore
Ernie and Kristen Morga
David and Nancy Morgan
Dan and Jen Morgenstern
Susie Morley
Marc B’84 and Jennifer Morris
David and Barbara Morrison
Scott and Davette Mowers
Larry and Maile Mulligan
Jace and Sally Munson
Ed and Drew Murphy
Lisa Murphy
Michael and Jackie Murphy
Larry and Marion Murray
Steven and Kristina Murray
Mike and Karen Musica
Chris West and Heidi Nader-West
Jim Nardi and Lynne Clark
Matt and Mary Jo Navlet
Brenda Beritich Neilan B’82
Don and Melissa Nelson
Jane Nelson
Nick and Charisma Nesland
Van and Anh-Thu Nguyen
Kurt and Karen Nitschman
Mary Njoroge
Steven and Caroline Noakes
Gregory and Colleen Noronha
Tod and Cherie Nurmi
Danny and Lorrie O’Brien
Margie Boulanger O’Brien B’79 and
Gavin O’Brien
Seamus and Hanh O’Brien
> Parent Cost Support Donors,
Sean and Jane O’Brien
Tom and Rosemary O’Brien-Wilson
Michael and Traci O’Connell
Beth O’Connor B’78 and Ross Drangsholt
Kevin B’83 and Donna O’Connor
Dick and Cathy O’Connor
Erik and Diane Ogard
Stephen and Carla O’Hearne
Wesley and Kim Ohlson
Rafael and Selina Ojeda
Dan and Janette O’Leary
Kris O’Leary
Jennifer Welsh O’Loughlin* B’80 and
Tom O’Loughlin
Ryan and Jennifer O’Neill
Kenneth and Ada Onyali
Walter Orloff and Yuh-Shia Huang
Christine Miller Osness B’86 and Paul Osness
DJ and Elisa Ostrander
Gene Oswald B’69 and Marci Oswald
Stacey and Connie Ota
Mike and Moonja Owens
Brian and Marie Paige
Gina Palermo
Peter Palmer and Teri Tibbetts
Don and Christina Pantoja
Jeff and Andrea Paradise
Michael and Martha* Parent
Jowon and Guiohk Park
Bart Parker and Jean Picha-Parker
Sylvia Parker
Amy Parshall
Angelino and Linda Patubo
Gary and Peggy Pavlovich
Tim B’76 and Patti Pavolka
Darren and Katie Pederson
Luis and Debbie Pedraza
Matt and Diana Penrose
Ravi and Indu Pental
Scott and Kim Pepin
Emanuel Perera and Dharshi Bopegedera
Art and Analea Perez
Juan and Susan Perez
John and Ann Perko
Kevin and Laura Perry
Jim and Tricia Peterson
Jennifer Welch Peterson B’87 and Dave Peterson
Sean and Maureen Peterson
John Petrich B’75
Karen Petrich
Peter B’66 and Mary Petrich
Matt Philichi B’79 and
Maryann DiRe Philichi B’80
Ted B’79 and Lisa Philichi
David and Caroline Phill
John and Carmen Pollastro
Neal Prenovost
Steve and La’keisha Primas
Jaime and Jane Pugeda
Michael and Rose Pugsley
Brett Purtzer and Kim Heggerness
Patrick and Kathleen Quinn
Dan and Jana Quiocho
Navdeep and Jagpreet Rai
Subbu and Uma Ramachandran
Andy and Stacy Ramona
Robert and Karen Ramsey
Peter B’79 and Ann Raquer
Sandra Rayfield-Mahan
Lynn Rebar
Lynn Reder Thurston B’85
Rich and Mary Reeder
Douglas and Nanette Reetz
Dennis Reid and Anne Cosgrove
Claude Remy and Claire Spain-Remy
Kathryn Reynolds
Jim and Susan Richards
Cecile Rieder
Jerry and Katie Ritsema
Annabel Rivera-Arroyo
Charles and Kendra Roberson
Mark B’82 and Joan Roberts
Susie Adams Roberts A’73 and Jim Roberts
Matt and Lisa Robic
Ron and Linda Robydek
Tony Robydek
Kurt Roehm
Mary Chilton Rogers B’82 and Aaron* Rogers
Paul and Lynda Roland
Al Rose B’76 and Rena Miller
Bruce and Mikel Ross
Jamie Ross
Kristen Ross
Judy Royne
Philip and Catherine Rudolph
Dean and Erin Rumpza
Bill and Debbie Rupert
Greg and Dion Rurik
Eric and Marcee Russell
Tom and Sheila Ryan
Darlene Guetle Salazar B’85 and
Bernie* Salazar
Tracy Sample
Kevin and Kate Sanborn
Mike B’68 and Vicki Sandhorst
James and Monika Sands
Anthony and Kimberly Sardella
Theresa Scala
Jim and Gretchen Schacht
Erik and Sheri Schelbert
Tim and Annie Schellberg
Chris and Mary Schneider
Mike and Andy Schneider
Scott and Millie Schulz
Walter Schumacher and Susan Holloway
Christopher and Sarah Schwab
Antonio and Manola Secaira
John* and Jill Seeberger
John Seek
Curtis and Kim Seevers
Floyd and Maggie Sekeramayi
Mary Gallagher Senecal B’75 and Frank Senecal
Dan and Arlene Sessler
Maria Tucci Sessler B’84 and Jon Sessler
Poi and Fiti Setefano
Paul and Kimberly Sevigny
Tor and Becky Sharrard
Mat and Juleen Shaw
Joe and Kim Sheppard
Mark and Pamela Shere
John and Val Sherman
Ted and Christine Shideler
Kevin and Jessie Shin
Dwight and Shirley Ann Shiotani
Tom and Susan Shjerven
Kevin and Shannon Shuman
Steve and Litishia Skatrud
Steve and Caryn Slack
Andrea Smith
Steve and Mary Smith
Matt and Lita Smith
Mike and Christie Smith
Ray Smith and Mary Klimek-Smith
Bill and Rhodena Snodgrass
Chong and Huisuk So
Shane and Judith Son
Phil and Susan Sorensen
Tiffany Spaulding
Varreice and Sandra Spice
“Bellarmine has not just been a great school to go to, but a
great society to be a part of.” – Hansen T. Kelleher B’12
Robert Naugle and Anne Sprute
Peter and Elizabeth Stackpole
Chris B’75 and Anita Staeheli
Kenneth and Lisa Starks
Dave and Leona Stasiak
Steven and Ann Stenberg
George and Jennifer Stilnovich
Bryan and Dianna Stockdale
John and Becky Stoddard
John and Karen Strub
Charles and Diana Sullivan
Denis and Lisa Sullivan
Benjamin and Ana Swaab
Frans Swart and Maria Swart-Broers
Greg and Patty Swofford
Christina Szigeti
Julius Szigeti
Ben Szoboszlay
Craig and Pam Taft
Elia and Kim Tagoai
Scott Takehara
Ida Tameno
Gene and Kim Tarr
Brett and Pami Taylor
Dan and Joy Taylor
Doug and Lorna Taylor
Terry B’84 and Julie Tebb
Andrew and Tracy Tedesco
Scott and Stella Thalhamer
Drew and Lisa Thatcher
Chris B’90 and Kari Thierer
Alan and Sylvia Thomas
Hermies and Annette Thomas
Kenny Thomas
Mike and Tina Thomas
Sajan and Sheela Thomas
Brad B’87 and Angie Thompson
John and Christie Thompson
Bruce B’75 and Linda Titus
Manny and Vee Tolentino
Michael and Holli Tollan
Ann Tousignant
Jean-Paul Tousignant
Ly Tran and Thuy-Tien Vo
Thao and Debbie Tran
Michael and Lila* Transue
Hiep Trinh and Huong Nguyen
Donald and Mary Trotter
Patrick and Cynthia Turco
Dave and Sue Turner
Bob B’79 and Chris Turner
Candice Tuttle
Greg and Amy Unruh
Bruce and Kara Valentine
Jim and Tawny Van Hollebeke
Dutch and Camille VanDevanter
Norbert and Bridget Vecchiato
Dennis and Melanie Vercillo
Gregg and Tami Vermillion
David and Lorraine Villars
Rose Vlad
Jerry and Jovita Waldron
David and Anna Walen
Jean Walsh
Mike and Lisa Walsh
Jason B’89 and Lisa Wanner
Todd and Kim Ward
Joe and Lori Wargacki
Frederick and Solja Warnick
Greg and Marcia Waskey
Ann McIntyre Webster B’78 and Marty Webster
Craig and Julie Webster
Scott and Pauline Weichert
Peter and Valarie Weickmann
Lisette Gonter Welk B’88 and Mike Welk
Adam and Frances Wendel
Michael Jacobsen and Angelia Wesch
Lewis and Maureen Whitaker
Lawrence and Audrey White
Leon White and Catherine Nicholas-White
Tanja Wieser-Dee
Mary Beth Wigboldy
Kevin Willard and Joanne Lindberg
John and Beth Williams
Wanda Pierce Williams B’91 and Joseph
Barron and Ann Willis
Mike Wilson
Karen Manning Witker B’89 and Dan Witker
Steve and Marcia Wohlwend
William and Kandace Wolf
Charles and Nicole Woo
John and Sara Wood
Chuck and Cathy Woods
Bob Wright and Sally Devine-Wright
Tod and Julie Wurst
Teresa Wylie
Martin and Eve Yabroff
Michael and Catherine Swensrud
Brian and Heather Yates
Phil and Mary Pat Yearian
Chong and Mincha Yi
Rev Young and Toshia Young
Hor Yong Yu
Rogelio and Dulce Zaragoza
Janusz Zarebski
Leokadia Zarebski
Joseph and Laura Zelasko
Many employers now match the gifts of their employees made to
qualifying organizations. Bellarmine Preparatory School benefits
from those matching contributions.
Please visit www.bellarmineprep/matching-gifts to see if
your company offers matching gifts. You can also contact Annie
Patterson at pattersona@bellramineprep.org for more information.
Each year thousands of Aquinas, Bellarmine, and St. Leo’s alumni give back to Bellarmine through the Alumni Class
Giving Program. The support we receive from our alumni allows the school to continue its excellence in all areas –
education, athletics, music, drama, fine arts, and formation. Thank you for helping the school continue the tradition of
educating men and women for others, and developing leaders modeled in Christ.
Bellarmine Alumni Board
Zebular Madison B’97, Chair
Evan Boulanger B’00
Jeanne Dressel Hanigan B’84
John Harkins B’96
Kate Babbo Harkins B’98
Brian Kampbell B’96
Jim Mack B’68
Mike Politeo B’75
John Power B’04
Kelly Hanberg Rosati B’95
Steve Seiwerath B’93
Stefana Gomez Welker B’96
Sarah Zindt B’01
Class of 1928
Associates ($250-$499)
Marian Cozza Louderback A’28
Class of 1934
President’s Council
Marie Dooley Martin SL’34 and Lawrence Martin
Class of 1935
Class of 1937
Participants ($1-$99)
Lorraine McLaughlin Boyle A’37
Class of 1938
Patrons ($100-$249)
Jipper B’38 and Helen Buhr
Robert Tardiff B’38
Class of 1939
Patrons ($100-$249)
Michael B’39 and Mary Bratovich
Class of 1940
Associates ($250-$499)
Ann Kneeshaw Staeheli A’40
Participants ($1-$99)
Kathryn Hammerschmith Bailey A’40
Class of 1941
Participants ($1-$99)
Fr. Neill R. Meany SJ B’41
Fr. Jim Poole SJ B’41
Class of 1942
Associates ($250-$499)
Gene Dugaw B’42
Fellows ($500-$999)
Francis Browne B’35
“As a family we supported each other and as a team we played
hard! I will not remember what games we won or lost…
I will remember the girls I competed with, the coaches that
influenced me, the chemistry of the team and the fun we
shared playing the game we loved!” – Kali Johnson B’12
+ deceased * employee
Patrons ($100-$249)
Dick Dolack B’42 and
Marguerite McDougall Dolack A’43
Class of 1945
Participants ($1-$99)
Yvonne DeGuire Clement SL’42
Florence Goralski DeBruler A’42
Associates ($250-$499)
John Comfort B’45 and
Maggie Hutt Comfort SL’46
Dorothy Beauchamp Harrison SL’45 and
Jim Harrison B’51
Class of 1943
Associates ($250-$499)
Barbara Cooke Keller SL’43
Patrons ($100-$249)
Marguerite McDougall Dolack A’43 and
Dick Dolack B’42
Joyce Bartlett Galbraith SL’43
Rosemarie Gaudette Redmond-Ellis A’43 and
Robert Ellis
Class of 1944
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Anonymous (1)
Associates ($250-$499)
John Huston B’44
William Van Rooy B’44
Patrons ($100-$249)
Tom Bichsel B’44
Frank B’44 and Judith Ivanovich
Laura Gagliardi Mitchell A’44 and
Warren Mitchell
Martha Stowell Politakis SL’44 and L.S. Politakis
Lloyd Reed B’44 and
Marianne Medved Reed SL’48
Mary Harrington Sullivan SL’44 and
Tom Sullivan
Participants ($1-$99)
Mary Dorotich Boskovich A’44
Teresa Rink Johnson A’44
Dave Peterson B’44 and
Jackie Smith Peterson A’50
Dan B’44 and Jayne Stumpf
Fellows ($500-$999)
Betty Gallagher Shea A’45
Patrons ($100-$249)
Beverly Gallvas Gosselin SL’45 and
Richard Gosselin
Emil B’45 and Phae Grubisa
Mike B’45 and Bonnie McDonough
Mercedes MacDonald Pellessier SL’45
Dorothy Dung Roll A’45 and Milton Roll
Betty Fleischmann Troup A’45
Agnes Stumpf Wittman SL’45
Participants ($1-$99)
Mary Jean Finnegan SL’45
Kathryn Bott Litwin SL’45
James B’45 and Gina McGoffin
Frances Holt Ryland SL’45
Donald+ B’45 and Juanita Schultz
Mona Eldridge Zelenak SL’45
Class of 1946
Fellows ($500-$999)
Bob B’46 and Shirley Pavolka
Associates ($250-$499)
Maggie Hutt Comfort SL’46 and
John Comfort B’45
Peter B’46 and Jennifer Ivanovich
John B’46 and Jane McDonough
Patrons ($100-$249)
Doris Lavorato Allmer SL’46
Betty Tessier Dickinson A’46 and
Porter Dickinson
Jack B’46 and Patricia Harrington
Hank Hellenkamp B’46
> Class of 1946, continued
Mary Rose Cowan McLeland A’46 and
Julian McLeland
Joe Noll B’46
Rose Carbone Zelensky A’46
Participants ($1-$99)
Lois LaValle Farmer SL’46 and Hugh Farmer
Ann Vlahovich Marinkovich A’46
Sally Doherty Morris SL’46
Lorraine Jacobs Mulholland A’46
Fr. Jack O’Leary B’46
Nancy Sheehan Sherry A’46 and Leo Sherry
Class of 1947
Associates ($250-$499)
Pat+ Cleary B’47 and
Mollie McCormick Cleary A’50
Patrons ($100-$249)
Albert B’47 and Alice Farrar
Lucille Fleischmann A’47
Dolly Johnson Hagan A’47 and Edward Hagan
Tony B’47 and Joan Mladineo
Loretta Flink Montalvo A’47
Marie Gaffikin Schuler A’47
Participants ($1-$99)
Jim B’47 and Joann Christnacht
Barbara Kinzner Cleary A’47
Carol Petrich Kalapus A’47 and Len Kalapus
Joseph B’47 and Margaret Schibig
Rita Blanchfield Shingledecker SL’47
Doris Zaharris Yuckert SL’47
Class of 1948
Associates ($250-$499)
Leonard B’48 and Martha Renner
Patrons ($100-$249)
Jan Barcott A’48
Marianne Medved Reed SL’48 and
Lloyd Reed B’44
Colleen Kindelan Troutman SL’48
Pat B’48 and Carol Woolery
Participants ($1-$99)
Rose Callahan Berntsen SL’48 and
Richard Berntsen
William Greiwe B’48
Arlys Shipman Lane SL’48 and William Lane
Fr. Pat O’Leary B’48
Ray B’48 and Esther Parenteau
Earl Zini B’48
Class of 1949
Fellows ($500-$999)
Gloria May Savio A’49 and Alvin Savio
Associates ($250-$499)
Madelyn Bosko Smith A’49 and Bob Smith
Patrons ($100-$249)
Mary Shilley Brown SL’49
John B’49 and Sonia Corvin
Pat Campbell Hansen SL’49 and
Bernie Hansen
John B’49 and Pat Harbottle
Kay Thaden Judge A’49 and William Judge
Gerald+ Rink B’49 and
Pat Chisholm Rink A’54
Participants ($1-$99)
Anna Halligan Denton SL’49 and Francis Denton
Robert B’49 and Betty Galivan
Dick B’49 and Joyce Jensen
George B’49 and Sara Karpach
Leo B’49 and Kathy O’Dore
Darleen Cole Patnode SL’49
Marcy Barna Rohrbeck SL’49
Class of 1950
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Jim B’50 and Joan Loonam
George B’50 and Jo Marie Pessemier
Fellows ($500-$999)
Mollie McCormick Cleary A’50 and
Pat+ Cleary B’47
Associates ($250-$499)
Jerry O’Leary B’50
Patrons ($100-$249)
Lillian Hoffman Albers SL’50 and Frank Albers
Jean Kropf Anderson A’50
Roy Bagnell B’50
John Bartenetti B’50
William B’50 and Joanne Bender
Art Boyle B’50 and Loretta Bader Boyle SL’51
Larry B’50 and Kathryn Brennan
Therese Verone Brogan A’50 and Paul Brogan
Lois Reimer Brown SL’50
Jack Campbell B’50 and
Patricia Decker Campbell A’56
Michael B’50 and Inga Hazen
Tom Koehler B’50
Bill LaVergne B’50
Paul B’50 and Linda LeBlanc
Antonette Simone Martin SL’50 and
Andrew Martin
Jim B’50 and Shirley Patnode
Richard B’50 and Avies Schiesz
Joe Seeberger B’50 and
Kay Campbell Seeberger A’56
Michael B’50 and Helen Williams
Participants ($1-$99)
Lorraine Matz Anderson SL’50
John B’50 and Phyllis Antush
Joyce Labissoniere Eastman SL’50
Roberta Remmes Elverston SL’50
Bill B’50 and Roasleen Finnegan
Rosalie DeFilippis George A’50
Diane Mazzuca Gilsdorf SL’50
James B’50 and Shirley Hagala
Joan Hebert Hammrich SL’50
Philip Hartman B’50
Ron B’50 and Bee Johnson
Les B’50 and Joyce Jolibois
Betty Reimer Kaija SL’50
Michael Keeley B’50
Ron Mason B’50
Glenn B’50 and Sandra McIntosh
Maureen Crusoe O’Leary SL’50
Jackie Smith Peterson A’50 and
Dave Peterson B’44
Patricia Kelly Ragan A’50 and Lorenzo Ragan
Rev. Lawrence Robinson SJ B’50
Kathy Cowan Sundquist A’50
Jeanne Fauver Tveit A’50
Florence Lavorato Verhaar SL’50
Gerry B’50 and Janice Waltier
Margaret Estrada Wells A’50
Marlene Freisheim Winters A’50
Class of 1951
Fellows ($500-$999)
Mary Lou Morisette Lachowsky A’51
Associates ($250-$499)
Anonymous (1)
Jim Harrison B’51 and
Dorothy Beauchamp Harrison SL’45
Ken B’51 and Mary Roberts
John B’51 and Rosemarie Soltis
Patrons ($100-$249)
Loretta Bader Boyle SL’51 and Art Boyle B’50
Tom B’51 and Phyllis Folk
Fr. John Koehler B’51
Maryanne Thomas Schack SL’51 and
Stan Schack
Will B’51 and Mariam Wyman
Participants ($1-$99)
Bob Barrens B’51
Barbara Simpson Gerrick SL’51
Barbara Geary Gianos SL’51
Jim B’51 and Marion Jackson
Dave McHugh B’51 and
Shirley Uphus McHugh A’51
Mary Maroen Reed A’51 and James Reed
Pat Richmond SL’51
Tom B’51 and Janet Thompson
Class of 1952
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Richard B’52 and Theresa Lynam
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Dennis Birkland B’52
Wes Colbo B’53 and Dolores Helf Colbo A’54
Ronald B’53 and Georgia Eckroth
Larry B’53 and Kathie Kelly
Geraldine Gratzer Kilgren SL’53
Charles+ B’53 and Loanne Moore
Gertrude Zajac Puryear SL’53 and
Richard Puryear
Marilyn Reimer Snarski A’53 and
Jerry Snarski B’52
Phil Wilkins B’53 and
Weulcia Downie Wilkins SL’55
Participants ($1-$99)
Angie Risalvato Allen A’53
Joanne Soraghan Beattie SL’53 and
Dan Beattie
Mary Dugaw Gustin SL’53
Bob B’53 and Carol Pfeiffer
Joel Rabdau B’53 and
Joanne Hilstad Rabdau SL’55
Joanne Charleson Renner A’53 and
Albert Renner B’52
Marilyn Thaden Dexter A’53
Dick Vargo B’53 and Ellen Hulscher Vargo SL’58
Class of 1954
Fellows ($500-$999)
Lou Imhof B’52 and Joan Petri Imhof A’56
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Betty Petri Hedreen A’54 and Richard Hedreen
Associates ($250-$499)
Bill Russell B’52
Fellows ($500-$999)
Betty Imhof Burgi SL’54 and Joe Burgi B’53
Bob B’54 and Patricia Thaden
David B’54 and Joyce Walsh
Patrons ($100-$249)
Jean Harrison Gobel SL’52
Eileen Noll Hoyt SL’52
Eugene Longen B’52
Tom B’52 and Betty McDonough
Jim Ray B’52
James B’52 and Mary Sabol
Harold B’52 and Carol Shakerley
Jerry Snarski B’52 and
Marilyn Reimer Snarski A’53
Hubert Weber B’52 and
Barbara Thrasher Weber SL’52
Participants ($1-$99)
Charles B’52 and Diane Fischer
Loretta Weinberger Fotheringham SL’52
Pauline Stump Inderbitzin SL’52 and
Dick Inderbitzin
Sr. Yvonne LeBlanc SP A’52
Patricia Ryan Mallano SL’52
Albert Renner B’52 and
Joanne Charleson Renner A’53
Ray B’52 and Marilyn Wight
Class of 1953
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Patricia Reda Annest SL’53
Jack B’53 and Margie Umbriaco
Fellows ($500-$999)
Joe Burgi B’53 and Betty Imhof Burgi SL’54
Patrick Quinn B’53
Associates ($250-$499)
Ed B’53 and Karen Knuckey
Larry B’53 and Julie LaPorte
Geraldine Borovich Maniatis A’53
Ray Ozanich B’53 and
Patty Bevegni Klos-Ozanich A’63
John B’53 and Carol Petrovich
Jim B’53 and Arline Shilley
Mike Tyrrell B’53
Patrons ($100-$249)
Art Bader B’53 and Betty Bannan Bader SL’54
Tony Beritich B’53
Janice Hartman Butler SL’53
Associates ($250-$499)
Catherine Costello Elting SL’54 and Jim Elting
John B’54 and Nancy Kennedy
Patrons ($100-$249)
Dave B’54 and Petronella Abercrombie
Betty Bannan Bader SL’54 and Art Bader B’53
Harold B’54 and Florence Bucholz
Donald Bucsko B’54
Dolores Helf Colbo A’54 and Wes Colbo B’53
Pat B’54 and Patricia Galbraith
Barbara Bustruck Lucich A’54 and
Richard Lucich
Pat Chisholm Rink A’54 and
Gerald+ Rink B’49
Patricia DeFilippis Spence A’54
Janet Miller Welsh SL’54
Participants ($1-$99)
Joann McDonough Bargelt A’54
Mary Ann Reding Huff SL’54 and Tom Huff
Kathleen Flood May A’54 and Thomas May
Rita Thornton Schaab A’54
Mary Ann Gonyea Stowell A’54
Class of 1955
Patrons ($100-$249)
Jim B’55 and Maria Burcar
Mary Ann Hondel Coble SL’55
Ron Hulscher B’55
Alice Money Luchino SL’55
Phillip B’55 and Jewel Mlynek
Weulcia Downie Wilkins SL’55 and
Phil Wilkins B’53
Judy Egan Wood A’55 and Pat Wood
Participants ($1-$99)
David B’55 and Bridget Albright
Carol Schnuriger Boyer SL’55
Marilyn Fuchs Calhoun SL’55 and Don
Dick B’55 and Linda Ellis
Roberta Zderic Hansen SL’55 and Rodney
Dorothy Gustin Harris SL’55
Alumni Class Challenge 2011–12 Top Ten
Thousands of Aquinas, Bellarmine, and St. Leo’s alumni keep Bellarmine in the forefront
of their charitable giving. They continue to give back each year to Bellarmine – keeping
their traditions alive while maintaining Bellarmine’s tradition of excellence. With the
generosity from Aquinas, Bellarmine, and St. Leo’s alumni, through efforts such as the
Alumni Class Challenge and other alumni fundraising activities, Bellarmine will continue
living its mission well into the future. Thanks so much.
Class Dollars Raised
Class Percentage Participation
Class Number of Participants
1975............................ $15,765
1973............................ $15,180
1965............................ $14,894
1982............................ $13,395
1979............................ $13,185
1983............................ $13,110
1976............................ $12,715
1991............................ $10,685
1981............................ $10,080
1980............................ $10,002
1950..................................... 50
1979..................................... 37
1965..................................... 33
1983..................................... 33
1966..................................... 32
1982..................................... 31
1953..................................... 30
1976..................................... 29
1962..................................... 29
1984..................................... 28
Ben B’55 and Judy Hubbard
Robert Hulscher B’55 and
Elaine Keller Hulscher SL’56
Patricia Reed Mann A’55 and Robert Mann
Jerry B’55 and Elaine Matz
Jerry B’55 and Jeannie Paukert
Joanne Hilstad Rabdau SL’55 and
Joel Rabdau B’53
Jean Rabdau Tacchini SL’55 and
Joseph Tacchini
Larry Wingard B’55
Class of 1956
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Les Cathersal B’56 and
Mary Lou Kubick Cathersal A’58
Edna Gross Kelso A’56 and Melvin Kelso
Fellows ($500-$999)
Joan Petri Imhof A’56 and Lou Imhof B’52
Jerry B’56 and Lois Pospisil
Associates ($250-$499)
Mike B’56 and Karen Veraya
Patrons ($100-$249)
Raymond Berry B’56
Patricia Decker Campbell A’56 and
Jack Campbell B’50
Ed B’56 and Carol Costello
Lora Lea Mills Gavin SL’56
Jasmine Diaz deLeon Holt SL’56
Don Liberty B’56
Loretta Hebert Macha SL’56
Peggy Jones Nadvornick A’56 and
Donald Nadvornick
Mary Anne Huray Schmitt SL’56 and
Harry Schmitt
Kay Campbell Seeberger A’56 and
Joe Seeberger B’50
Participants ($1-$99)
Mary Antush A’56
Helen Kohler Batie A’56 and Robert Batie
Mary Alice Pfeiffer Busch A’56 and Jay Busch
Georgeann Bilsborrow Cukjati A’56 and
Bob Cukjati
+ deceased * employee
Jayne Stanich Dempsey A’56
Sharon McCarthy Gustafson A’56 and
Dick Gustafson
Elaine Keller Hulscher SL’56 and
Robert Hulscher B’55
Noreen Schmidt Marostica SL’56
Michael Mullen B’56
Dolores Fisher Nilsen SL’56
Class of 1957
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Arnie B’57 and Caylene Gustin
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Larry B’57 and Millie McNerthney
Allen B’57 and Inge Morris
Associates ($250-$499)
Mike Becker B’57
Margaret St. Martin Bubenik A’57 and
Mark Bubenik
Jim Helbling B’57
Mike B’57 and Mary Jo Tucci
Patrons ($100-$249)
Dennis B’57 and Maggie McMenamin
Michael O’Brien B’57
Charles Pasquan B’57
Leland Prentice B’57
Mary Zimsen Simon A’57
Jerry Sramek B’57 and
Harriet Ball Sramek SL’58
Janice Fish Stripes A’57
Gwen Mulligan Taylor SL’57
Dave and Donna White
Participants ($1-$99)
Susan Ehreth Chouinard SL’57
Bob Faulk B’57
Jim Hansen B’57
Larry Kaperick B’57
Dave Seiwerath B’57 and
Mary Ann Hindery Seiwerath* A’64
Sr. Mary E. Thorne CSJP A’57
Dick B’57 and Linda Thurston
Class of 1958
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Mary Lou Kubick Cathersal A’58 and
Les Cathersal B’56
Tom B’58 and Terry Marinkovich
Fellows ($500-$999)
Phil Deibert B’58
Ted B’58 and Pam Fick
Jim Harnish B’58 and Pat Stoker Harnish A’58
Therese Gallagher Wooding A’58
Associates ($250-$499)
Kathy Griswold Manke SL’58
Patrons ($100-$249)
Steve Barkley B’58
Cathy Sleet Bunger SL’58 and
John Bunger B’59
Ruth Barton Ney SL’58 and Thomas Ney
Jack O’Brien B’58
Ray Sandegren B’58
Harriet Ball Sramek SL’58 and Jerry Sramek B’57
Participants ($1-$99)
Annette Martin Clift SL’58 and Raymond Clift
Joan Carnine Martin A’58 and Gilbert Martin
Marcia Wernofsky McLaughlin A’58
Andrew B’58 and Mary Mirkovich
Nancy O’Brien Profitt SL’58
Ellen Hulscher Vargo SL’58 and Dick Vargo B’53
Class of 1959
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Ed Klopping B’59
Fellows ($500-$999)
Mike Kotas B’59
Associates ($250-$499)
Charlene Morris Guetle SL’59
Patrons ($100-$249)
John Bunger B’59 and Cathy Sleet Bunger SL’58
Peggy Hemsch Fuchs A’59
John Holt B’59 and Kathy Burrows Holt SL’61
Marilyn Mullan MacIsaac SL’59 and
Bob MacIsaac
Ken B’59 and Carol McCarthy
Shirley Huver Wagner SL’59 and Dale Wagner
Elaine Winter SL’59
Dick Zimbrick B’59 and
Judy LaVine Zimbrick A’61
Participants ($1-$99)
Connie Stellbrink Clausing A’59 an
Oliver Clausing
Carol Hellyer Crawford SL’59
Jack Cvitanovic B’59 and
Lynn McCarthy Cvitanovic A’61
Dixie Duncan Knoll SL’59 and Ronald Knoll
Veronica Malfatti SL’59
Allen Petrich B’59
Janet Luther Rich SL’59
Jeanne Rauch Schmal A’59 and Rich Schmal
Venita Smith SL’59
Jeannette Bombardier Staudt SL’59 and
Ernst Staudt
Janyce Frickelton Williams A’59 and
Chuck Williams
Class of 1960
Fellows ($500-$999)
Dolores Reda Davis SL’60 and Howard Davis
Donald B’60 and Jacolyn Moore
Claire McCarthy Sadlier SL’60 and John Sadlier
Mary Jo Armstrong Stebner SL’60
Patrons ($100-$249)
Peggy Layton Bartenetti A’60
Phillip Bartenetti B’60
Dick Henderson B’60 and
Mary O’Leary Henderson SL’60
Dennis B’60 and Peggy LaPorte
Jim B’60 and Bonnie Lynam
Dale B’60 and Nathalie McRoberts
Barbara Kennedy Ott SL’60 and Fritz Ott
Allen Prentice B’60
Richard Wolfe B’60
Participants ($1-$99)
Steve B’60 and Pat Anstett
Ann Roberts Couper SL’60 and Lee Couper
Michael B’60 and Betty Hart
Pam Marshall Henslee SL’60 and Gary Henslee
Patricia Hardy Macaluso A’60
Jim B’60 and Dardee Miller
Marty B’60 and Suzy Petrich
Dave B’60 and Cathleen Rossick
John Ruffo B’60
Anne Smith Wade SL’60
Gerry B’60 and Paula Walters
Class of 1961
Fellows ($500-$999)
Al Orheim B’61
Associates ($250-$499)
Marty B’61 and Barbara Eltrich
Larry B’61 and Marlene Marcoe
Jim Stamey B’61 and Judy Miller Stamey A’61
Patrons ($100-$249)
Angela Bonica-DeSimone A’61
Louise Gallucci A’61
Bud B’61 and June Guimond
Bill Higgins B’61
Kathy Burrows Holt SL’61 and John Holt B’59
Patricia Gallagher Lamphere SL’961 and
William Lamphere
Fr. Andrew Maddock SJ B’61
Cecilia Rappin Padfield A’61
Rick B’61 amd Kae Robinson
Judy LaVine Zimbrick A’61 and
Dick Zimbrick B’59
“Teachers continuously trained me to become a more intelligent,
and a wiser person, while my friends became sturdy walking sticks,
helping me each step I took.” – Justin Park B’12
> Class of 1961, continued
Participants ($1-$99)
Lynn McCarthy Cvitanovic A’61 and
Jack Cvitanovic B’59
Linda Brady Finch A’61
Peg Greiwe A’61
Mary Deacon Hammer A’61 and Arne Hammer
Maryelen Jones Johnson A’61 and Bob Johnson
Larry B’61 and Leigh Kennedy
JoAnn Tucci LeJeune A’61 and Jerry LeJeune
Patrick McDonald B’61 and Pat Costello
McDonald SL’61
Donna Schroeder Peck SL’61 and Bill Peck
Class of 1962
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Mike Turner B’62 and Lynne Abbott Turner A’62
Fellows ($500-$999)
Jim B’62 and Jill Hanson
Cap Pearson B’62
Associates ($250-$499)
Jerry B’62 and Corliss Lester
Michael Werner B’62
Patrons ($100-$249)
Patrick B’62 and Linda Furlong
Nancy Roberge Gfroerer A’62 and Alfred Gfroerer
Gary Long B’62
Patty Maruca SL’62
Bernie Petri Piscatella A’62 and Joe Piscatella
Martha Tainter Renggli A’62 and Roy Renggli
Judy Ates Scott SL’62 and Wayne Scott
Nancy Turner SL’62
Dennis B’62 and Janet Ward
Darlene Cupic Wilder A’62 and Larry Wilder
Participants ($1-$99)
Yvonne Bombardier Andersen SL’62
Nancy Antush-Saunders SL’62 and
David Saunders
Mary Kinzner Burnsides A’62 and Roy Burnsides
Robert Carson B’62 and Sri Hidayati Carson
Susie Boehm Huck A’62 and Jurgen Huck
Rita Kowats A’62
Kathy Durward Landree A’62 and Tom Landree
Cheryll Pharmer Lover A’62 and William Lover
Leslie McDaniel A’62
James Reder B’62 and
Kathleen Zydek Reder A’62
Linda Kauzlarich Tillett SL’62
Donna Koenigs VanNorman A’62 and
Bruce VanNorman
Mary Ellen Rieck Johnson A’63 and
Gregory Johnson
John B’63 and Florence Leppert
John B’63 and Laurie Mazzuca
Doug Turner B’63
Mary Ann Hindery Seiwerath* A’64 and
Dave Seiwerath B’57
Mary Lu Otis Taylor A’64 and Clarence Taylor
Janet Walter A’64
Frances Lomax Wood A’64
Class of 1964
Class of 1965
Class of 1963
Fellows ($500-$999)
Susie Adams Cheek A’64 and George Cheek
Carol Bergstrom Young SL’64
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Bill B’65 and Marilyn Bailey
John B’65 and Sally Barline
Tom Pearson B’65
Sue Kiley Soper A’65 and Skip Soper B’63
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Lynda Lovely-Wright A’63 and Terry Wright
Skip Soper B’63 and Susan Kiley Soper A’65
John B’63 and Dixie Starkovich
Mark B’63 and Gail+ Wuotila
Fellows ($500-$999)
James B’63 and Maureen Chambers
Larry Christiansen B’63 and
Diane DiDenti Christiansen A’63
Associates ($250-$499)
Bill B’63 and Tracy Gaeth
Patty Bevegni Klos-Ozanich A’63 and
Ray Ozanich B’53
Mel Mackay B’63 and
Anita Pezanowski Mackay SL’63
Patrons ($100-$249)
Tom Berry B’63
Joseph M. Carbone B’63
Mike Crowley B’63 and
Kathy Harris Crowley SL’64
Leo B’63 and Karen Ehreth
Ruth Sonn Hinz SL’63 and Peter Hinz
Jim Leggett B’63 and Betsy Verhey
Tom Rehak B’63 and Dabney Messer-Rehak
Patrick B’63 and Estrellita Staeheli
Participants ($1-$99)
Sandra Audabin A’63
Stephanie Nelson Jensen A’63 and Ted Jensen
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Dave B’64 and Patricia Maddock
Associates ($250-$499)
Terry B’64 and Carol Johnson
Patrons ($100-$249)
Kathy Harris Crowley SL’64 and
Mike Crowley B’63
Gary Knudson B’64
John B’64 and Margaret Martin
Jim B’64 and Christine Mitchell
Ginny Armstrong Prentice A’64 and Bill Prentice
Fred B’64 and Rebecca Rappin
Suzi Forster Smith A’64
Joan Dzivak Thompson SL’64 and
Andrew Thompson
Participants ($1-$99)
Susan Smith Carter SL’64 and Roger Carter
Patricia Meyerdirk Clements SL’64 and
Stephen Clements
Ed B’64 and Betsy Constantine
Marilyn Fanning Curtis A’64 and Mark Curtis
Fr. John Endres B’64
Michael B’64 and Paula Flynn
Stephen B’64 and Bobbi Kneeshaw
Judy Walter Lantz A’64 and Darrell Lantz
Lawrence B’64 and Michelle McKinnon
Teres Jensen Millar A’64 and Danny Millar
Pamela Gray Palmer A’64 and John Palmer
Terry B’64 and Susan Petranovich
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Tom B’65 and Francoise Milan
Fellows ($500-$999)
Mary Jane Hidaka Patterson SL’65 and
Paul Patterson
Ron B’65 and Connie Rosi
Joe Ursich B’65
Associates ($250-$499)
Janice DiDenti Blackburn A’65 and
Lee Blackburn
R. Russell B’65 and Jonelle Johnson
Frank B’65 and Gail Messina
Ralph Riden B’65 and Marlene Morgan Riden
Patrons ($100-$249)
Andrew B’65 and Ginni Boughal
Paula Morris Hagstrom SL’65 and Bud
Dave B’65 and Judith Hughes
John B’65 and Janice Osborn
Bob B’65 and Karen Wuotila
Dorothy Zarelli A’65 and John Parker
Participants ($1-$99)
Marianne Gibson Blumhoff SL’65 and
Ray Blumhoff
Doug Eberhardt B’65 and
Martha Watts Eberhardt A’71
Chris Sobba Finklein SL’65 and Terry Finklein
Susan Horther A’65
Gloria Koch Johnson SL’65 and Don Johnson
Frances Messina Jordan SL’65 and
Stan Jordan
Terry B’65 and Michele Keenan
Pat Julian Klarich A’65 and Frank Klarich
Rosemarie Gallagher Lewis SL’65 and
Dennis Lewis
Colleen Johnson Miki A’65 and Masakuza Miki
Kathleen Farver Parry A’65 and Richard Perry
Connie Heyel Richey A’65 and Ted Richey
Joe B’65 and Patricia Staeheli
Dorothy Cressey Tenkhoff SL’65 and
Phil Tenkhoff
Class of 1966
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Don B’66 and Judye Hawkins
Barbara Zarelli LaSalle A’66 and Michael LaSalle
Fellows ($500-$999)
Peter B’66 and Mary Petrich
Associates ($250-$499)
Steve Bader B’66 and Judy Menconi Bader A’67
Dwain B’66 and Mary Davis
Pamela DiDente A’66 and Thomas Comerford
John B’66 and Margaret Fife
Patrons ($100-$249)
Jim B’66 and Marie Anstett
Mark B’66 and Carol Bichsel
Jeffrey Carbone B’66
David Dzivak B’66 and
Nalana Ijames Dzivak SL’66
JoAnne Gallwas SL’66
Pierre B’66 and Helene LaPorte
Tom B’66 and Mayo Larkin
Mike B’66 and Judy McNerthney
Cathy Colombraro Mitchell A’66
Nick B’66 and Mary Jane Mullan
Brian B’66 and Marcia Williams
Gene B’66 and Marianne Williams
Participants ($1-$99)
Kathy Bailey Evans A’66 and Ken Evans
Sr. Joan Gallagher SP SL’66
Robert B’66 and Deb Gilles
Marilyn Whitaker Gutsch A’66 and Steve Gutsch
Janice Armstrong Higgins A’66 and John Higgins
Randy B’66 and Saralinda Larson
Anitra Mayor Mitchell A’66
Gail Fahey Patterson SL’66 and John Patterson
Linda Sandell Ronayne SL’66 and Mark Ronayne
Julie Weir A’66
Jaime Grenier Woodard A’66
Teresa Fermo Woolery SL’66 and Brian Woolery
Class of 1967
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Michael Fitchitt B’67
Vern B’67 and Kathleen Harkins
Associates ($250-$499)
Judy Menconi Bader A’67 and Steve Bader
John B’67 and Pam Miller
Kevin B’67 and Patricia Viklund
Patrons ($100-$249)
Mike Beyer B’67 and Molly Mullane Beyer A’67
Claudia Knecht Burke A’67
Bob B’67 and Cathy Comfort
Tom Martin B’67
Melody Munday Vincent A’67 and Jim Vincent
Participants ($1-$99)
Jim B’67 and Shirley Benoit
+ deceased * employee
Bill B’67 and Patricia Bingham
Monica Baker Howard SL’67
John B’67 and Patrice McCarthy
Kathleen Sankwich Olson SL’67 and Doug Olson
Class of 1968
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Joe Burns B’68
Robb B’68 and Barbara Weller
Fellows ($500-$999)
Larry B’68 and Ellen Gaffney
Associates ($250-$499)
Ed B’68 and Cathy Danz
Lenn Johnson B’68 and Maria Kossan-Johnson
Bob Mack B’68
Mike B’68 and Vicki Sandhorst
Patrons ($100-$249)
Richard B’68 and Robin Adams
Dorothy Dusek Anderson A’68
Bill Boskovich B’68
Ralph B’68 and Linda Carbone
Joan Plowden Fabiani A’68
Dennis B’68 Faker
Jim Kors B’68 and Victoria King
Tony B’68 and Sharon Lovrovich
Chris Petrich B’68 and Elizabeth Harburg
Mark B’68 and Nancy Rehberger
Mary Ann Staeheli A’68
Brian B’68 and Denise Swimme
Lonnie Weir B’68 and Connie Harris Weir A’68
Patricia Howard Wright SL’68 and Terry Wright
Participants ($1-$99)
Jo Anne Johns Bedlington A’68 and
Gary Bedlington
Joan Fread SL’68 and Bob Dinerstein
Pete B’68 and Nancy Pagni
Christine Colombraro Smith A’68 and
Duncan Smith
Class of 1969
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Joanne Hidaka SL’69 and Ben Niedermeyer
Fellows ($500-$999)
Gene Oswald B’69 and Marci Oswald
Associates ($250-$499)
Barbara Cowan A’69
Paula Peluso Fiorino SL’69 and Daniel Fiorino
Patrons ($100-$249)
Marie Policani Barth A’69 and Bruce Barth
James B’69 and Theresa Ceccanti
Mary Ann Egeck Earley SL’69 and Harold Earley
Michael B’69 and Nancy Ehreth
Ed English B’69
Joan Seaburg Ferber SL’69
Merton B’69 and Joanne Lott
Mary Ann Gosselin Quigg A’69 and Mike Quigg
Scott Terrien B’69
Participants ($1-$99)
Larry B’69 and Candy Corvari
Greg B’69 and Janis Grenier
Linette Higgins Lasher SL’69 and Chuck Lasher
Mary Martin A’69
Randall B’69 and Jayne McDonald
Maryann Lovrovich Meyer SL’69
Maggi George Michels A’69 and Andrew Michels
Patty Benoit Murray A’69 and Bob Murray
Ruth Haselman Roes SL’69 and Bill Roes
Diane Tiffany SL’69
Class of 1970
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
John Bader B’70
Associates ($250-$499)
Bob B’70 and Ginny Kane
Jeanette Kors A’70
Maggie Brown Oldenburg A’70 and
Rick Oldenburg
Tom B’70 and Pat Skrinar
Patrons ($100-$249)
Maria Treleven Callen A’70 and Cleo Callen
Matt B’70 and Deborah Cleary
Judy Reha Colarusso A’70 and Frank Colarusso
Steve Greiwe B’70
Erik B’70 and Patricia Kohler
Rod Koon B’70
Stephen Lupinski B’70
Al B’70 and Nancy Manning
Jack McLaughlin B’70
Mary Beth McMahon Rasmussen A’70 and
Rick Rasmussen
John B’70 and Deann Rehberger
Cynthia Shaw A’70
Rick B’70 and Johanna Simpson
Participants ($1-$99)
Jim Barkley B’70 and
Barbara Reed Barkley SL’70
Cynthia Christiansen Bryant A’70 and
Gary Bryant
Chris B’70 and Linnea Conant
Julie Gruse Conway A’70 and Vern Conway
Michelle Renner Hittle A’70 and Richard Hittle
Gayle Stumpf Jensen A’70 and Tom Jensen
Carmela Micheli A’70 and Bill Carter
Stephanie Selig SL’70
Class of 1971
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Pat B’71 and Teresa Feutz
Associates ($250-$499)
John B’71 and Susan Colombraro
Brian Countryman B’71
Douglas B’71 and Vickie Saugen
Theresa Boulanger Twining A’71 and
Daniel Twining
Patrons ($100-$249)
Paul Adams B’71 and Patty Fuchs
Thomas Andersen B’71
Robert Barkley B’71 and Linda Green
Joseph Brady B’71 and Martha Leigh
Gretchen Knecht Davis A’71
Patty Fuchs SL’71
Lynn Gardner B’71
Patrick B’71 and Christine Maddock
Participants ($1-$99)
Paula Day Bevegni A’71 and Fred Bevegni
Martha Watts Eberhardt A’71 and
Doug Eberhardt B’65
Sue Nystrom Goethals SL’71
Joseph B’71 and Menchie Hobson
Mark B’71 and Marilyn Laviola
Class of 1972
Fellows ($500-$999)
Terry B’72 and Debbie Bichsel
Robert Hidaka B’72 and Julie Reid
Associates ($250-$499)
Ann Pearson Bowling A’72 and Danny Bowling
Dan B’72 and Katie Heltsley
Fr. Bob Niehoff SJ B’72
Patrons ($100-$249)
Terry Christiansen Bender A’72 and
Mark Bender
Debra DuLaney Cammack A’72 and
Kelly Cammack
Joseph B’72 and Lindsey Harkins
Mary Burris LaMarche SL’72 and Paul LaMarche
Dick B’72 and Mary Reed
Joseph Reha B’72 and Judy Yaconetti Reha B’79
John B’72 and Marilyn Staeheli
Nancy Mullan Taylor SL’72 and James Taylor
Participants ($1-$99)
Marian Brown Barker SL’72 and Bill Barker
Kevin B’72 and Janet Jacques
Debbie Benson Orlando SL’72 and Roy Orlando
Richard B’72 and Lorelei Petrich
Mary Joyce Boughal Swenson A’72 and
Michael Swenson
Class of 1973
Lions ($6,000-$9,999)
James B’73 and Donna Boulanger
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Frank B’73 and Liz Grant
Mark McNamara B’73 and Cynthia Parenti
Paul B’73 and Julie Rehberger
Fellows ($500-$999)
Susie Adams Roberts A’73 and Jim Roberts
Lawrence B’73 Zelenak and Jeanne Moskal
Associates ($250-$499)
Thomas B’73 and Martha Erker
Kerry Keely B’73
Jim B’73 and Deb Tangney
Patrons ($100-$249)
Connie Comfort GeRoy A’73 and Rex GeRoy
Gary LeMoine B’73 and Lynn Schroder
John B’73 and Chrissy Lynch
Tom Moore B’73 and Julie Millie-Moore A’73
Doug Pfeiffer B’73
Cecilia Harkins Shumate A’73 and
Gary Shumate
Peter Spadoni B’73
Participants ($1-$99)
Jim B’73 and Debe Christnacht
Frank B’73 and Roxanne Fulp
Gerald Garitano B’73
Timothy B’73 and Kristine Hoban
Theresa Freeburg Hollis SL’73 and Randy Hollis
Kevin B’73 and Ruby Kintz
Peggy Parker Maguire A’73 and Dan Maguire
Joe Pavia B’73
Class of 1974
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Brian B’74 and Wendy Comfort
Fellows ($500-$999)
Susanne Brady Jones A’74 and Evan Jones
Kevin B’74 and Maria Merrick
Dave B’74 and Jenise Petrich
Paul B’74 and Patricia Simpson
Associates ($250-$499)
Tom* B’74 and Mary Larsen
Terry Leffel B’74 and Nanette Leffel
Don B’74 and Margaret Pearson
Patrons ($100-$249)
Ted B’74 and Anne Baer
Terry Duggan-Jahns SL’74 and Jeff Jahns
Jan Galbraith Fick A’74 and Matthew Fick
Debbie Johnson McEntee SL’74 and
Dave McEntee
> Class of 1974, continued
Jim B’74 and Tracey Reding
JoAnne Gustin Stoltz A’74 and Wayne Stoltz
Participants ($1-$99)
Dan Fowler B’74
Kim Bower Hladecek SL’74 and Tom Hladecek
Kevin Laughlin B’74
Christine Nettle-Fallat SL’74 and Jack Fallat
Class of 1975
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Mary Gallagher Senecal B’75 and Frank Senecal
Bruce B’75 and Linda Titus
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Sam B’75 and Jeanne Adams
Peter B’75 and Pam Comfort
Chris B’75 and Anita Staeheli
Fellows ($500-$999)
Barbara Loveless Bogue B’75
Associates ($250-$499)
Kathy Georgetti B’75
Joel B’75 and Sherry Hellenkamp
Chris B’75 and Donna Jacques
John Petrich B’75
Mike B’75 and Lisa Politeo
Leon B’75 and Marci Titus
Patrons ($100-$249)
Jim Cowan B’75
Erin Comfort Dobrinski B’75
Bill Fitzpatrick B’75 and
Joan Burris-Fitzpatrick B’75
Mary Kay Quinn Hayes B’75 and Mike Hayes B’76
Michael B’75 and Mary Lowry
Kathleen Rooney Roark B’75 and David Roark
Carol Stumpf B’75
Participants ($1-$99)
Joe+ B’75 and Elaine Glen
Mike B’75 and Mary Pavia
Bill Turner B’75
Ann O’Connell Vaughn B’75 and Mike Vaughn
George B’75 and Lori Zelenak
Class of 1976
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
George Howell B’76
Paul B’76 and Beverly Mernaugh
Cindy Reopelle B’76
Melissa McNerthney Ruby B’76
Alfie B’76 and Carolyn Treleven
Fellows ($500-$999)
Christy Higgins B’76 and Gary Evans
Tim B’76 and Patti Pavolka
Manuel Pereira B’76 and
Debbie Stumpf Pereira B’77
Doug Rohner B’76
Associates ($250-$499)
Milissa Burkey B’76 and Jeff Hopper
John+ B’76 and Teresa Harbottle
Barb Harris B’76 and Ali Saadatnezhadi
Patrons ($100-$249)
Timothy Burns B’76
Kevin B’76 and Julia Buselmeier
Dan B’76 and Marla Crotty
Joan Stumpf Dawson B’76 and Craig Dawson
Mike Hayes B’76 and Mary Kay Quinn Hayes B’75
Matt Joyce B’76 and Holly Godderis Joyce B’77
Michael B’76 and Wendy McDonough
John Narigi B’76 and Roxane Barella Narigi B’76
Vickie Syrovatka Norlin B’76 and Steven Norlin
Al Rose B’76 and Rena Miller
Joe B’76 and Traci Whiteley
Participants ($1-$99)
Mick B’76 and Tammy Alsos
Tom B’76 and Terry Bader
Mark B’76 and Stacy Burkey
Michael Taylor B’76
Paul B’76 and LaVonne Youngedyk
Class of 1977
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
John B’77 and Katsie Hirsh
Matt Millie B’77 and
Maureen McNerthney Millie B’77
Fellows ($500-$999)
Nancy Brown B’77 and Andrew May
Sheila Evoy Mallahan B’77 and
James Mallahan
Debbie Stumpf Pereira B’77 and
Manuel Pereira B’76
Demetra Annest Schwieger B’77 and
Tim Schwieger
Associates ($250-$499)
Barbara Henderson* B’77
Patrons ($100-$249)
Timothy B’77 and Lisa Baer
Jay B’77 and Cathy Bordeaux
Holly Godderis Joyce B’77 and Matt Joyce B’76
Jill Reha B’77
Kathleen Rogacki B’77
Rob B’77 and Marjorie Thomas
Dennis B’77 and Patricia Williams
Participants ($1-$99)
Lizbeth Radford Aspen B’77 and Gib Aspen
Dan B’77 and Robin Estabrook
Pat B’77 and Kristy Mernaugh
Jean Ann Quinn B’77 and Patrick Leavy
Tamara Paine Teuscher B’77 and John Teuscher
Class of 1978
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Dan B’78 and Luann Hilger
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Brian B’78 and Cynthia Crotty
Associates ($250-$499)
Maggie Kohler Angelo B’78 and Rick Angelo
David B’78 and Michelle Cullinane
Kevin B’78 and Katie Flannigan
Beth O’Connor B’78 and Ross Drangsholt
Ann McIntyre Webster B’78 and Marty Webster
Mary Katherine Winkler-Gandhi B’78 and
Kevin Gandhi
Patrons ($100-$249)
John B’78 and Julie Duggan
Greg B’78 and Anne Erwin
Nancy Craft Frank B’78 and Mark Frank
Gerry B’78 and Linda Gallagher
Molly Hagan B’78
John Jacques B’78
Susan Ledger-Edwards B’78 and Dana Ledger
Cathy Vargo Lendosky B’78 and
Thomas Lendosky B’79
Bart O’Connor B’78
Participants ($1-$99)
Lorraine Coleman-Doyle B’78 and
Pete Coleman-Doyle
Joe Habersetzer B’78 and
Tracie Johnson Habersetzer B’78
Mary Tyrrell Hoyt B’78 and Robert Hoyt
Derek B’78 and Carey Sloan
Class of 1979
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Margie Boulanger O’Brien B’79 and
Gavin O’Brien
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Christine Vargo Barnhart B’79 and
Michael Barnhart
Mary McIntyre Byrne B’79 and Kevin Byrne
Bob B’79 and Chris Turner
Fellows ($500-$999)
Mark B’79 and Debbie Gallinatti
Betsy Lane B’79
Matt Philichi B’79 and
Maryann DiRe Philichi B’80
Associates ($250-$499)
Cindy Ozanich Bohren B’79 and Jeff Bohren
Eric B’79 and Mollie Grosch
Michael Hallis B’79 and
Karen Marvik-Hallis B’82
Stewart B’79 and Lynn* Miller
Patrons ($100-$249)
Ed B’79 and Diana Armstrong
Lisa Petrinovich Bartich B’79 and John Bartich
Jeanette Coleman B’79 and Bill Fisher
Mary Jane Freeburg Davis B’79 and Keith Davis
James B’79 and Shelly Fermo
Susan McNally Jones B’79 and Tim Jones
John B’79 and Denise Kelley
Jeanne Barron Knudsen B’79 and Paul Knudsen
Thomas Lendosky B’79 and
Cathy Vargo Lendosky B’78
Steven B’79 and Pamela Martin
Robert B79 and Lori O’Connor
Ted B’79 and Lisa Philichi
Peter B’79 and Ann Raquer
Judy Yaconetti Reha B’79 and Joseph Reha B’72
Michael B’79 and Cindy Turco
Vicky Marostica Zoutte B’79 and Gary Zoutte
Participants ($1-$99)
Megan McNerthney Babbitt B’79
Colleen Crotty Corcoran B’79
Juliet Fengler B’79
Mary O’Loughlin Fouts B’79
Tessa Chouinard Johnson B’79 and
Barry Johnson
Matthew McCarthy B’79 and
Gina Bader McCarthy B’87
Joe Mondau B’79
Barry B’79 and Renee’ O’Connor
Brian B’79 and Sharon Schuetz
John B’79 and Kelly Welsh
Susan Zemek B’79
Class of 1980
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
William B’80 and Clare Cammarano
Jim B’80 and Chong Hilger
Tara Cummings Murphy B’80 and Scott Murphy
Fellows ($500-$999)
Jennifer Welsh O’Loughlin* B’80 and
Tom O’Loughlin
Maryann DiRe Philichi B’80 and
Matt Philichi B’79
Bill* B’80 and Nadine Rosendin
Associates ($250-$499)
Kurt B’80 and Michaela Carlson
Web B’80 and Linda Foreman
Jill Kors Hess B’80 and Corey Hess
Darrell H. Jesse B’80
Dina Marostica Keaty B’80 and Mark Keaty
Tom Treleven B’80 and
Marycarol Pfeiffer Treleven B’80
Patrons ($100-$249)
James B’80 and Laurie Furber
Peggy Rogacki Jones B’80 and Huey Jones
Eileen McKain B’80 and Brian Moran
Bryce B’80 and Alice McPhee
Erin Wimberly Peerboom B’80 and
Paul Peerboom
Participants ($1-$99)
Tim Bordeaux B’80 and
Lorrie Johnson Bordeaux B’80
Kathy Bucholz B’80 and Andrew Moore
Monica Ehrlichman Busch B’80
Amy Glen Gookin B’80 and Edward Gookin
Jeff B’80 and Summer Knowlton
Todd B’80 and Sarah Miller
Jim B’80 and Cheri Rink
Class of 1981
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Jason Kors B’81
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Joe B’81 and Kerry Bordeaux
Fellows ($500-$999)
Kim Kennedy Casey B’81 and John Casey
Teri Gutierrez B’81
Steve B’81 and Ronna Schreiner
Associates ($250-$499)
John Gernon B’81 and Rebecca Brienza
Dave B’81and Audrey McRoberts
Patrons ($100-$249)
Dino Annest B’81 and
Janna Merryfield Annest B’96
Mike B’81 and Cynthia Betz
Eileen Borba Borne B’81 and Paul Borne
Jeanne Brown B’81
Steve Cammarano B’81
Michael Cunningham B’81 and Liana Alvarez
Anne Niebergall Hunton B’81 and Mike Hunton
Tom B’81 and Kathleen McDonald
Kathy Knowlton Mulloy B’81 and Darren Mulloy
Annmarie Petrich B’81
Colleen Cleary Schacht B’81 and Fred Schacht
Dan B’81 and Carolyn Tyrrell
Participants ($1-$99)
Tom B’81 and Katie Coleman
Brien B’81 and Sally Flannigan
Mark B’81 and Becky Hansen
Hannah Jay B’81
Lisa Suinn Kallem B’81 and Daniel Kallem
George B’81 and Cielito Lane
Michele Klein Olsen B’81 and Doug Olsen
Dave B’81 and Julie Truckey
Class of 1982
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Angela Castro Kors B’82
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
John B’82 and Melinda Dionas
Philip B’82 and Anne-Marie Jesse
Dr. Paul A. Lester M.D., FACP B’82
Fellows ($500-$999)
Missy Allen-Scharer B’82 and Shaun Scharer
Keith Klein B’82
Rich B’82 and Jill McEntee
Mark B’82 and Joan Roberts
Mary Chilton Rogers B’82 and Aaron* Rogers
“Out on the playing field or in the classroom everyone is competing
and at different levels. In the St. Aloysius Gonzaga chapel
we are all the same.” – Rachel Elisabeth Murray B’12
Associates ($250-$499)
Greg B’82 and Pam Amann
James Hanigan B’82 and
Jeanne Dressel Hanigan B’84
Karen Marvik-Hallis B’82 and
Michael Hallis B’79
Mary Bucholz McDougal B’82 and
Michael McDougal
Patrons ($100-$249)
Brent B’82 and Valerie Baker
Michael B’82 and Julie Clifford
Jerry B’82 and Victoria Harbottle
Mark McDonough B’82
Bill McNally B’82 and
Laura Gohrick McNally B’82
Rob B’82 and Ann Modarelli
Terri Peschek Pfeiffer B’82 and Greg Pfeiffer
Tom Quinlan B’82
Leanne Bleckert Redding B’82 and
David Redding
Tom Sampson B’82
Rick B’82 and Vicky Shanaman
Carol Troup B’82 and Peter Johnson
Mike B’82 and Mimi Tucci
Petra Morris West B’82
Participants ($1-$99)
Anonymous (1)
Peggy McCann Hickey B’82 and Patrick Hickey
Brenda Beritich Neilan B’82
Mary Petrinovich Spadoni B’82 and
Leonard Spadoni
Class of 1983
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Jody Welsh DeGroot* B’83 and Dave DeGroot*
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Mary Palmquist Cranstoun B’83 and
Michael Cranstoun
Jack Hertzberg B’83
+ deceased * employee
Fellows ($500-$999)
Margaret Lane Brown B’83 and Charlie Brown
John Dempsey B’83 and
Claire Vargo Dempsey B’83
Marnie Elizaga B’83 and Salman Ullah
Russ B’83 and Corinne Hagen
Associates ($250-$499)
Steve Coleman B’83 and
Marilyn Honan Coleman B’86
Chris Harnish B’83
Kevin B’83 and Donna O’Connor
Maureen Cleary Radotich B’83 and
Steve Radotich
Patrons ($100-$249)
Steve Gernon B’83 and
Kati Chouinard Gernon B’83
Greg B’83 and Andrea Glick
Dina Giuntoli Goody B’83 and Ernest Goody
Keith B’83 and Jennifer Horner
Joe B’83 and Jennifer Hurley
Krissy Johnson Jasper B’83 and Peter Jasper
Fralisa McFall B’83
Mary Hill Pratt B’83 and Ian Pratt
Bart Smith B’83 and Graciela Blanco Smith B’83
Jul B’83 and Susan Taraya
Ann McEntee B’83 and Mark Wiegman
Jodi Reopelle Wilde B’83 and Don Wilde
Participants ($1-$99)
Andrew B’83 and Janet Borba
Jennifer Simchuk Curd B’83 and Kelly Curd
Susan Armstrong Davidson B’83 and
Wayne Davidson
Dan B’83 and Kelly Jenkins
Monica Kiehl B’83
Claire Christnacht O’Flaherty B’83 and
Rory O’Flaherty
Mike B’83 and Kelly Sheppard
Tina Stevens Smallbeck B’83 and
Anthony Smallbeck
Class of 1984
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Anna Jesse B’84
Jerry B’84 and Debbie Medved
Maria Tucci Sessler B’84 and Jon Sessler
Fellows ($500-$999)
Meg Sheppard Doscher B’84 and Keith Doscher
Margaret Treleven Murphy B’84 and John Murphy
Associates ($250-$499)
Jeanne Dressel Hanigan* B’84 and
James Hanigan B’82
Andrew B’84 and Kay McDonald
Terry B’84 and Julie Tebb
Patrons ($100-$249)
Greg B’84 and Heidi Allen
Ron Bullatt B’84 and
Patti Estabrook Bullatt B’84
Mara Shanaman Burke B’84 and Brian Burke
Greg B’84 and Michelle Christenson
Tom B’84 and Michelle Dempsey
David B’84 and Mary Hunter
Heidi Kiehl B’84
Jodi Gago Merrywell B’84 and Chris Merrywell
Marc B’84 and Jennifer Morris
Viktors Otlans B’84
Participants ($1-$99)
Sarah Feagin Anderson B’84 and
Bryant Anderson
Margaret Bucholz Birmingham B’84 and
Michael Birmingham
Derek B’84 and Suzanne Birnie
Maralee Trutmann Burnett B’84
Dave B’84 and Julie Comfort
John B’84 and Carole McIntyre
Mike Piacitelli B’84 and
Jill McGroarty Piacitelli B’84
Anne Scraggin Robinson B’84 and
Nick Robinson
Class of 1985
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Joan Fina B’85
Fellows ($500-$999)
Jim McPhee B’85
Jeff B’85 and Danielle Plancich
Lynn Reder Thurston B’85
Darlene Guetle Salazar B’85 and
Bernie* Salazar
Associates ($250-$499)
Mindi Chouinard B’85
Jeff B’85 and Deonya Czerwinski
Charlie B’85 and Deb Hayes
Kari Baerg Maenhout B’85 and
Monte Maenhout
Bill Rink B’85
Patrons ($100-$249)
Scott B’85 and Kari Anderson
Janine Fuchs Baker B’85 and
Christopher Baker
Steve B’85 and Wendy George
Kim Nyssen Greene B’85 and Jeff Greene
Shannon McNerthney Hall B’85 and Brent Hall
John B’85 and Julie Harrison
Bill Honan B’85
Susan Lenth Moffet B’85 and John Moffet
Jason B’85 and Kelly Russ
Mark Thurston B’85 and
Lynn Reder Thurston B’85
Participants ($1-$99)
Doug English B’85 and Laura Oaks
Julie Hogan Haener B’85 and Ryan Haener
Paul B’85 and Kari McEntee
Katie McMenamin Snekvik B’85 and
Kevin Snekvik
Class of 1986
Fellows ($500-$999)
Troy B’86 and Staci Nelson
“I learned that you don’t need to be a straight A student to be open
to growth, all you need is the desire to challenge yourself and
achieve your best work.” – Sarah Smith B’12
> Class of 1986, continued
Associates ($250-$499)
Anonymous (1)
John Amann B’86 and Liz Zusy Amann B’89
Bill* B’86 and Michelle Baerg
Marilyn Honan Coleman B’86 and
Steve Coleman B’83
Kristen Furber Gormley B’86 and Dave Gormley
Monica Names King B’86
Travis B’86 and Kristin Tebb
Patrons ($100-$249)
Ann Bunger Arney B’86 and Jay Arney
Tom B’86 and Linda Bordeaux
Aileen McEntee Carrell B’86 and Robert Carrell
Kevin B’86 and Janet Cleary
Rick Desimone B’86
Kim Ott Dizon B’86 and Dan Dizon
Drew B’86 and Lisa Gonzalez
Mandy Goodman Lee B’86
Nicole Smith Hutton B’86 and Ted Hutton
Pat B’86 and Tiffany Knowlton
Eric Manke B’86
Christine Miller Osness B’86 and Paul Osness
Tara Penry B’86 and Brent English
Participants ($1-$99)
Marta Palmquist Cady B’86 and Brad Cady
Shelly Waltier Handford B’86 and Peter Handford
Robb B’86 and Meredith Lane
Annika Hardison Thorpe B’86 and Eric Thorpe
Annie Treleven Weber B’86 and Michael Weber
Bryan B’86 and Jessica Welch
Class of 1987
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Jay B’87 and Wendy Huck
Fellows ($500-$999)
Mitch Hurley B’87
Associates ($250-$499)
John Lane B’87 and Marilyn Fabian
Greg Roberts B’87 and
Lynne Thiessen Roberts B’87
Brad B’87 and Angie Thompson
Victoria Woodarski B’87
Tiffany Carmichael Wright B’88 and
James Wright
Patrons ($100-$249)
Mark B’87 and Michele Bohlman
Nick B’87 and Nicole DiRe
Kristin Zemek Downing B’87 and Gary Downing
John O’Brien B’87
Jennifer Welch Peterson B’87 and Dave Peterson
Participants ($1-$99)
Andy Brown B’88 and Paola Nunziante
Emily Wood Keller B’88
Megan Leitch Kovanen B’88 and Danny Kovanen
Kirk B’88 and Christine Lackermayer
Carri McCandless-Burk B’88 and Michael Burk
Chris Paradise B’88
Tanya Russ Reber B’88 and Joseph Reber
Participants ($1-$99)
Arah Bahn B’87 and Steve Morman
Lori Waltier Briggs B’87 and Mark Briggs
Andy B’87 and Kelli Colleran
Norman Fiacchi B’87 and
Tricia Bucholz Fiacchi B’87
Brad Klos B’87
Jeff B’87 and Charlene Lipke B’87
Jim B’ 87 and Lisa Lund
Heidi Marostica B”87
Sandra Garrison Martin B’87 and
Kenneth Martin
Gina Bader McCarthy B’87 and
Matthew McCarthy B’79
Class of 1988
Fellows ($500-$999)
Kathy Gustafson Bethke B’88 and Bob Bethke
Peter Blitz B’88
Anne Piscatella Vaughan B’88 and Pat Vaughan
Lisette Gonter Welk B’88 and Mike Welk
Associates ($250-$499)
Steve Baerg B’88 and
Stephanie Stumpf Baerg B’89
Heather Hietpas Liufau B’88 and Iosefa Liufau
Patrons ($100-$249)
Kelly Bland B’88
Elizabeth Pfeiffer Gossett B’88 and
Corban Gossett
Jennifer Regan Koenig B’88 and Joe Koenig
Tracy Mai Nguyen B’88 and Lam Nguyen
Erik Owen B’88
Jesse Schossow B’88
Class of 1989
Fellows ($500-$999)
Brenda Sherry Barry B’89
Dave Iverson B’89
Associates ($250-$499)
Liz Zusy Amann B’89 and John Amann B’86
Stephanie Stumpf Baerg B’89 and
Steve Baerg B’88
Mindy Hurlbut Black B’89 and Don Black
Tina Parr Braggs B’89 and John Braggs
Christopher DiRe B’89
Ben Dobson B’89
Jennifer Griffith B’89 and John Cline
Jennifer Studer Houston B’89 and Peter Houston
Beth Evans O’Reilly B’89 and Eamon O’Reilly
Shannon Parrott B’89 and Matthew Spotswood
Scott Schilling B’89
Patrons ($100-$249)
Jeff B’89 and Kate Cathersal
Dawn Young Crossland B’89
Heidi Harrison B’89
Alisa Crowley Keolker B’89 and John Keolker
Karin Schorr Shelby B’89
Jason B’89 and Lisa Wanner
Andrea Morris Weymiller B’89 and
Paul Weymiller
Karen Manning Witker B’89 and Dan Witker
Participants ($1-$99)
Brandon Huck B’89
John Jolibois B’89 and
Jannae Mitton Jolibois B’91
Class of 1990
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Eric B’90 and Virginia Mulligan
Sarah Shepherd B’90 and Ryan Nelson
Chris B’90 and Kari Thierer
Luke B’90 and Alisa Xitco
Associates ($250-$499)
Erin Manza Chanfrau B’90
Mark Giese B’90 and
Gretchen Lemcke Giese B’92
Patrons ($100-$249)
Albert Foster B’90
Ryan B’90 and Rachel Jeynes
Jessica Leeder B’90
Erin Kiehl Pickett B’90 and James Pickett
Participants ($1-$99)
Rob B’90 and Karianne Harbottle
Brad Howell B’90
Amy White Mackey B’90 and Mark Mackey
Kriss Ott B’90
Rachel Preciso Wood B’90 and Rex Wood
Class of 1991
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Joline Staeheli Andrzejewski B’91 and
Abram Andrzejewski
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Jim B’91 and Shannon Aquino
Matt Studer B’91
Associates ($250-$499)
Jake B’91 and Rachael Barth
John Bratrud B’91
Joy Edwards Brown B’91 and Bryan Brown
John Duplantis B’91
Laura Luce Kelley B’91 and Ryan Kelley
Wanda Pierce Williams B’91 and
Joseph Williams
> Class of 1991, continued on p. 25
We are proud of the many talents and accomplishments of our students, faculty, and staff. This page is dedicated to
showcasing some of those talents in the 2011–12 school year.
Student Enrollment: 1,018
•245 Seniors received diplomas at commencement in May
•98.7% of the 2012 graduating class were accepted to
colleges and universities in the US and abroad
•69% of the senior class were awarded 244 college
scholarships and grants with a combined value in excess
of $8.7 million.
•The Arts: Women’s Large Ensemble and Men’s Large
Ensemble took first place awards. Drama awards included
the Spring Musical production of “How to Succeed
in Business Without Really Trying” receiving several
nominations and awards from the 5th Avenue Theatre.
“I have played on teams before, but never a team of brothers as
close as my football team at Bellarmine. We played together, prayed
together, won as a team, ad lost as a team.” – Jamie Stewart B’12
•Boys Soccer placed 3rd in State
•Girls’ Fast Pitch earned the Narrows League Champions title
•Baseball won 5th in the Narrows League
•Robotics – Student Engineering Program, Team 360—
The Revolution, received top honors and FIRST
Robotics Autodesk Oregon regionals
•Ian Miller, Associated Student Body President, led the
student body with the year’s theme of “You Will Never
Walk Alone”
•Over 1,000 students participated in Campus Ministries
activities: 1 Freshman Retreat, the sophomore St.
Francis Xavier Plunge (50+ students), sophomore service
day at L’Arche Farm, 98% of juniors attended 6 Junior
Encounter retreats (3 boys retreats & 3 girls retreats), 175
attended the Senior Pilgrimage, 2 senior silent Ignatian
retreats (Montserrat & Manresa), and the senior Magis
retreat (3.5 day retreat with over 90 retreatants)
•Boys LaCrosse made it to State Quarter Finals
•Track – Girls finished 6th in State with many individuals
placing high. Boys finished 16th in State
•Tennis – both Boys and Girls tennis earned Narrows
League Titles
•Golf – Boys placed 2nd in State and Girls were Narrows
League title winners
•John Hieptas received the 2012 DeThomas Award for
extraordinary volunteer service to Bellarmine
•Gwen White received the coveted Teacher of the Year
•Steve Anstett was honored at commencement with the
St. Robert Bellarmine Award, a long-time Bellarmine
teacher, coach and administrator.
REPORT TO CONTRIBUTORS 2011-2012 | Grad at Grad
What do we expect at Bellarmine of the graduate?
Here, in outline form, is a summary of our guiding
principles from the “Profile of the Graduate of a
Jesuit High School at Graduation, Jesuit Secondary
Education Association, Commission of Research
and Development” – “The Grad at Grad.”
Supposition: An adolescent is a threshold person, entering the adult world cautiously,
an immigrant, eager to find his/her way.
Open to Growth
...is beginning to be responsible... learning how to accept selfmade conscious of feelings... open to variety of feelings, and
drives... developing habit of reflection.
Intellectually Competent
developing logical skills and critical thinking... developing greater
precision in written and oral expression... developing general
knowledge of variety of disciplines... beginning to relate current
events to cultural antecedents... growing in awareness of global
social problems... public policy implications... growing in critical
consciousness... moral ambiguities.
...has read Gospels and encountered Christ... has basic
understanding of Church’s teaching, mission... aware of own
responsibility to explore and validate one’s faith... has had some
personal experience of God... beginning to appreciate a living
community and the Eucharist’s... is learning through failures...
is becoming a man/woman for others.
“Bellarmine is a family; it is a lesson learned, and a playing field; it
is people to support you; it is crawling with intelligence; and, it is a
place to test your knowledge and strength.” – Kathleen Petrich B’12
...learning to trust fidelity of friends, family, and adults...
experiencing felt moments of God’s love and loving self as he/
she is... coming to grips with prejudice, stereotypes... learning
to extend self to build up community... more at ease with the
mature experiences with opposite sex... sensitive to beauty of
created universe.
Committed to doing Justice
...more aware of selfish tendencies and how unjust... sees how
faith is commitment to a just society... exposed to community
service programs... aware of public policies and social issues and
demands of just society.
> Class of 1991, continued from p. 22
Patrons ($100-$249)
Kyle Bland B’91
Cara Bubenik Hazelbrook B’91 and
Chris Hazelbrook
Brent Knittel B’91
Rich Young B’91 and Samantha Floyd-Young
Participants ($1-$99)
Derek Ducote B’91
Aaron Gonter B’91 and
Maren Yauch Gonter B’91
Lisa Blevins Harrison B’91
Heidi Fix Hechtman B’91
Jannae Mitton Jolibois B’91 and
John Jolibois B’89
Tim B’91 and DeL’Aurore McMenamin
Class of 1992
Fellows ($500-$999)
Brynn McGuire Hoover B’92 and Benton Hoover
Associates ($250-$499)
Gretchen Lemcke Giese B’92 and
Mark Giese B’90
Patrons ($100-$249)
Julian Ayer B’92 and Stephanie Kennedy
Terrie Miles Kranjcevich B’92 and
Patrick Kranjcevich
Meredith Nelson Olson B’92 and Eric Olson
Christa Corazin West B’92 and John West
Participants ($1-$99)
Alexis Kays Leonard B’92 and Derek Leonard
Rachel Shepherd McGovern B’92 and
Padraic McGovern
Karli Royse Plughoff B’92
Scott Poole B’92
Rich B’92 and Alana Rehberger
Class of 1993
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Adam Faulk B’93
Fellows ($500-$999)
Jim Schmitz B’93
Associates ($250-$499)
Jana Gardner Arnold B’93 and Chuck Arnold
Patrons ($100-$249)
Sean Flak B’93
Josh Johnston B’93 and
Dana Joque Johnston B’93
Nathan Kryszak B’93
Participants ($1-$99)
Kate McEntee DeWeese B’93 and John DeWeese
Ann Koontz Ilgen B’93
Class of 1994
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Adrienne Corpuz Joyce B’94 and Dennis Joyce
Fellows ($500-$999)
Anonymous (1)
Dave Black B’94
Dan Dressel B’94
Ed B’94 and Deidra Ducheane
Arthur B’94 and Sarah Trembanis
Patrons ($100-$249)
Brian Jones B’94
Kelly Hanberg Rosati B’95 and Chris Rosati B’94
Stacy Snyder Sandberg B’94 and Josh Sandberg
Participants ($1-$99)
Michelle Monahan Doran B’94 and
Michael Doran
+ deceased * employee
Ryan B’94 and Michelle Gervais
Joe B’94 and Antoinette Perez
Joseph Rehberger B’94 and
Lisa Ladenburg Rehberger B’94
Class of 1995
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Rachel Johnson Rosenberg B’95 and
John Rosenberg
Fellows ($500-$999)
Jennifer Betz B’95
Jeremy B’95 and Whitney Johnston
Associates ($250-$499)
Justin B’95 and Robyn Anderson
John Fitzpatrick B’95
T.J. Gernon B’95 abd
Stacy Chevalier Gernon B’96
John B’95 and Margaret Shepherd
Patrons ($100-$249)
Shawn Brooks B’95
Ken Cabellon B’95
Alex Ootkin Evans B’95 and William Evans
Heather Barry Florida B’95 and Mark Florida
Marc Michalson B’95
Chris Rosati B’94 and Kelly Hanberg Rosati B’95
Participants ($1-$99)
P.J. Butler III B’95
Eddie Engelhardt B’95
Laura Bailey Garrison B’95
Frank Kim B’95
Marquelle Parks B’95
Class of 1996
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Brian Kampbell B’96 and
Brianne Oldenburg Kampbell B’96
Fellows ($500-$999)
Brandy Manza Lindstrom B’96 and
Sam Lindstrom
Associates ($250-$499)
Stacy Chevalier Gernon B’96 and
T.J. Gernon B’95
Sarah Simek B’96 and John Fitzpatrick B’95
Patrons ($100-$249)
Janna Merryfield Annest B’96 and
Dino Annest B’81
Erin Brandsma Gocke B’96 and
Christopher Gocke
John Harkins B’96 and Kate Babbo Harkins B’98
Chris Herchold B’96 and
Jodi Stricherz Herchold B’96
Andre Liloc B’96
James Mallory and Katie Cvitovich Mallory B’96
Mark B’96 and Jaime McMahon
Rurik Peterson B’96
Elizabeth Bailey B’96
Donald Simpson B’96 and Sara Schmidt
Patty Solberg B’96 and Richard Unger
Participants ($1-$99)
Erin Ash Bowser B’96 and Todd Bowser
Dusty Brett B’96
Katey Ward Briere B’96
Jennifer Palmer Dreewes B’96 and
Douglas Dreewes
Juel Lugo B’96
JanAi Roberts B’96
Class of 1997
Fellows ($500-$999)
Chris Burnett B’97
Ruth Lester Mork B’97 and Ryan Mork
Conor B’97 and Emmy Nealon
Associates ($250-$499)
Anonymous (1)
Lisette LaPorte B’97
Patrons ($100-$249)
Sarah Trunk Leyerzapf B’97 and Bjorn Leyerzapf
Jamie Fredrickson B’97 and Jeff Liebert B’97
Shaun Pattison B’97
Participants ($1-$99)
Lindsay Leeder B’97
Zeb Madison B’97
Christine Perez McKanna B’97 and
Steven McKanna
Peter Schumacher B’97
Sara Zachary B’97
Class of 1998
Associates ($250-$499)
Peter Black B’98
Phil Miller B’98 and Emily Miller
Mike and Amber Perez
Jeffrey Thompson B’98 and
Stephanie Schlatter Thompson B’98
Patrons ($100-$249)
Charlotte Larson Dimock B’98 and Dave Dimock
Kate Babbo Harkins B’98 and John Harkins B’96
Nicolle McColeman B’98
Adam Schmitt B’98
Jack B’98 and Sarah Stewart
Participants ($1-$99)
Jeff Beatty B’98 and Melissa Fish Beatty B’98
Angela Batie Carlin B’98 and Matthew Carlin
Veronica Cull B’98
Sarah Hoss Jolliff B’98 and Derek Jolliff
Marie Budde McDade B’98 and Sean McDade
Erin O’Connor B’98
Jenna Willham Solberg B’98 and Chad Solberg
Class of 2001
Patrons ($100-$249)
Aarika Anderson B’01 and Ryan Elter
Maura Nealon B’01
Daniel Rehberger B’01 and
Catherine Pearson Rehberger B’02
David Uhl B’01
Participants ($1-$99)
Elisa Howatson Katsel B’01 and Ilya Katsel
Jamie Pearsall B’01
Tony B’01 and Jennifer Rehberger
Class of 2002
Patrons ($100-$249)
Jessica Rehberger Achziger* B’02 and
Kevin Achziger
Claire Comfort B’02
Catherine Pearson Rehberger B’02 and
Daniel Rehberger B’01
Pam Robinson B’02
Participants ($1-$99)
Alex Diaconou B’02
Greg B’02 and Colleen Gause
Trisha McMahon B’02
Helen Murphy B’02
Vanessa Padelford B’02
John Patterson B’02 and
Anne Condon Patterson* B’02
Ivy Wilson Roberts B’02
Joleen Zanuzoski B’02
Class of 2003
Class of 1999
Patrons ($100-$249)
Brittany Anderson B’03
Aaron Fullerton B’03
Cam Gibelyou B’03
Kristy Johnson Kunkle* B’03 and
Matthew Kunkle
Jon Weiss B’03
Associates ($250-$499)
Angela Treleven Persich B’99 and Justin Persich
Participants ($1-$99)
Beth Zimmerman Grolbert B’03 and
Robert Grolbert
Samantha Pruitt Sonju B’03 and Eric Sonju
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Kelcey Rhodes B’99
Patrons ($100-$249)
Jenni GeRoy Condon B’99 and Billy Condon
Matt Enquist B’99
Erin Bucholz Gatherum B’99 and
Joshua Gatherum
CeCe Klein B’99 and Chris Blankenbaker
Chris B’99 and Elise Nance
Participants ($1-$99)
Tom B’99 and Courtney Erker
Jennifer Rehberger B’99 and Fredrik Widman
Krissy Rehberger B’99
Class of 2000
Fellows ($500-$999)
Evan Boulanger B’00 and
Lauren Richardson Boulanger B’00
Associates ($250-$499)
Dave Albertson B’00
Chris Busch B’00
Patrons ($100-$249)
Patti Harburg-Petrich B’00 and Josiah Hartzell
Mary O’Brien Hawkins B’00 and Chris Hawkins
Participants ($1-$99)
Brent Bero B’00
Jennifer Brennan B’00
Mary Tollefson B’00
Ross Treleven B’00
Class of 2004
Participants ($1-$99)
Tom McEntee B’04
C.J. Swierczewski B’04
Class of 2005
Patrons ($100-$249)
Molly Palmersheim B’05
Participants ($1-$99)
Kathy Cao B’05
Pat Casey B’05
Jenna Maehren B’05
Rachel Howatson B’05
Rita Troup B’05
Broc Woodworth B’05 and
Julia Cook Woodworth B’05
Class of 2006
Participants ($1-$99)
Kelly Cumiskey B’06
Meghan Gavin B’06
Class of 2007
Participants ($1-$99)
Sarah Rash B’07
Jay Richards B’07
> Alumni Giving, continued
Class of 2008
Participants ($1-$99)
Kevin Byers B’08
Alex Klein B’08
Sami Taylor Nervo B’08 and John Nervo
Class of 2009
Patrons ($100-$249)
Erik Weiss B’09
Participants ($1-$99)
Mary Frances Brennan B’09
Maddie Klein B’09
Katie McEntee B’09
Ryan Rash B’09
Kevlyn Richards B’09
Class of 2010
Patrons ($100-$249)
Matt Boyle B’10
Participants ($1-$99)
Heather Eberhart B’10
Julia Reynolds-Walsh B’10
Alison Smith B’10
Lars Walen B’10
Class of 2011
Participants ($1-$99)
Amy Busch B’11
Nicolette Richards B’11
2011 Bellarmine Boosters
Hall of Fame
On January 25, 2011, 6 years since the last event, more than 395 alumni, family,
friends, coaches, faculty and staff of Bellarmine Preparatory school gathered to
celebrate the induction of 10 individuals and 7 athletic teams into the coveted
Bellarmine Booster Hall of Fame. Athletic Hall of Fame criteria dictates that athlete
candidates must be Bellarmine graduates, a varsity letter winner and represent the
Bellarmine community academically and spiritually. Coach or administrator candidates
must have excelled in the high tradition of Bellarmine athletics and earned the respect
and admiration of the Bellarmine community. The Fr. Sneeringer, S.J. Award honors
those with a special interest in Bellarmine athletics and may be awarded to someone
other than those honored as athletes, coaches or administrators. The following
individuals and teams were inducted into the 2011 Bellarmine Boosters Hall of Fame:
Allan Prentice B’60
Sarna Renfro Becker B’94
John Rehberger B’70
Coach Jerry Sullivan
Pat Medved B’73
Baseball Teams (1959 & 1960)
Tina Campbell B’81
Boys Basketball Teams (1966-67, 1967-68)
Nanci Estabrook Ubben B’82
Girls Cross Country Teams (1977, 1978, 1979)
Jim McPhee B’85
Mike and Mary Jo Tucci, The Fr. Jack Sneeringer, S.J. Award
Wendy Walters Nesser B’86
Above: B’66-’68 Basketball Team along with
Sarna Renfro Becker
Left: Class of ‘59 and ‘60 Baseball Team
Right: Cross Country runners from
the 1970’s pose for a picture
Bellarmine is truly appreciative of the following friends of
the Bellarmine community that generously supported the
school this year. We are profoundly grateful for their commitment to the school.
Ignation ($10,000 and up)
Anonymous (1)
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Dick and Mary Ann Boulanger
Karan Glaze
Will and Sue Monin
Jack* and Mary Peterson
Andy Tsoi
Each year our faculty and staff are asked to make generous
personal contributions to the Annual Fund. This special
Employees Campaign helps the school sustain the remarkable
programs, student services and perhaps most importantly, the
extraordinary people that set Bellarmine apart.
“These people make me think. They pose questions that make
me wrestle with the way I see the world and ultimately gain a
better understanding of it. We are all brothers and sisters…(and)
help each other grow socially, emotionally and intellectually. This
growth and learning has truly been the best part of my time at
Bellarmine.” –Matthew Baer B’11
Jessica Rehberger Achziger* B’02 and
Kevin Achziger
Bill* B’86 and Michelle Baerg
Julie Campbell*
Jim Sawatzki and Lynne Christiansen*
David and Stephanie* Cisakowski
Craig* and Katrina Coovert
Darren and Amy* de Guia
Jody Welsh DeGroot* B’83 and Dave DeGroot*
Chuck and Mary* Graves
David* and Whitney Grisaffi
Jeanne Dressel Hanigan* B’84 an
James Hanigan B’82
Dean Hanks*
Ralph and Cari* Harrison
Barbara Henderson* B’77
Kristy Johnson Kunkle* B’03 and
Matthew Kunkle
Tom* B’74 and Mary Larsen
Hal and Pam* Leazer
Bob Huey and Barbara Lidikay*
Jerry and Kathy* Maxey
+ deceased * employee
Ben* and Nadine* Meeker
Stewart B’79 and Lynn* Miller
Jennifer Welsh O’Loughlin* B’80 and
Tom O’Loughlin
Michael and Martha* Parent
John Patterson B’02 and
Anne Condon Patterson* B’02
Jack* and Mary Peterson
Jenny Phillips*
Steve and Rene* Power
Mary Chilton Rogers B’82 and Aaron* Rogers
Bill* B’80 and Nadine Rosendin
Darlene Guetle Salazar B’85 and
Bernie* Salazar
Lindley Terreau Schmitt* and Phillip Schmitt
John* and Jill Seeberger
Mary Ann Hindery Seiwerath* A’64 and
Dave Seiwerath B’57
Michael and Lila* Transue
Sr. Georgia Yianakulis SNJM*
Jake* and Kathy Zimmerman
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Alan and Marilyn Anderson
Dick and Judy Baerg
Paul and Sherry Bickel
Treava Burgess
Bill and Sandy Cammarano
John Christenson
Ron and Linda Coleman
Dr. Bruce and Carol Cooper
Bruce and Mona Davies
Richard and Clare DeVine
Lee Ann Farrell
Andie Gernon
Larry and Mimi Green
JoAnne Hansen
Tom and Katia Healy
Paul and Jennie Hendrie
Susan Jenny C. Johnson
Aiko Klein
Steve and Colleen Klein
Vince and Marilyn Kokich
Robert and Molly Lane
Alex and Sandy Lee
Rosemary O’Leary Mallon A’49 and Bob Mallon
Joe+ and Carolyn McCarthy
Edward and Lois McLeary
David and Christine Michaud
Brady and Megan Miller
Bob and Anne Modarelli
Ralph and Rosemary O’Connor
Marv and Jackie Pasquan
Ron and JoAnn Roberts
Virginia Schneider
James and Judith Schorsch
Noel and Laurie Shillito
Carolyn A. Titus
Carolyn Titus
Joseph and Darlene Wendlick
Jack and Patty Winch
Teresa Wylie
Dempsey Yarberry
Jake* and Kathy Zimmerman
Fellows ($500-$999)
Bill and Nancy Adams
Jose and Janette Alfaro
John Bertero
Mike and Maureen Bonck
Don and Joan Brown
James C. Buckley
Kappy Calkins
Class of 1961
Carol Colleran
Dave and Connie Condon
Frank and Lyn Corazin
Paul and Linda Ellingson
Rick and Betsy Ellingson
Matthew and Anne Franz
Chad and JD Fullerton
Jean Gardner
Randy and Sherree Gause
Richard Gray and Susie Kennedy-Gray
Nancy Gudmund
Teresa Haigh
Dennis and Kathy Hanberg
Keith Harnish
Peter and Barbara Harper
Dee Havlina
Kevin and Yvonne Heaney
David and Marla Hendrickson
Carl and Betty Hogan
Linda Hollen
Dan and Judy James
Darrell and Anne Jesse
John and Pat Judy
Harry Keaty
Peter Likus
Leona Long
David Mahre
Jeannie Martin
Andy and Victoria McDonald
Anne McKenzie
Don and Janet Medley
John and Guelda Messina
Cari Milgard-DeGoede
Bunny Priest Nance
Joe and Suzy Nealon
Anne Nichols
Michael and Patricia O’Leary
Steve and Eileen O’Neal
John and Donna Pagel
Allen and Pacita Payne
Michael and Jo-Anne Priebe
Gene Quinn
Elizabeth Rand
Tom and Patty Rhodes
Ron and Linda Robydek
Ralph Sager and Margaret Beyer
Kevin and Emily Schoenfelder
Milton and Jean Shullian
Bob and Debi Smith
Wally and Patricia Spencer
Jay and Wendy Stricherz
Gene and Nancy Studer
Roger and Lana Sundahl
Tom and Mary Lou Tebb
Larry and Jane Treleven
El and Doris Vandeberg
Charlie and Theresa Walters
Mike and Linda Wark
Pat and Judy Weber
Ray Winters
Gerard and Martha Wyrsch
Associates ($250-$499)
Rob Angel
Roger and Maria Barcena
Brent and Holly Beckstead
Joe and Kristina Belfoine
Mickey Boerner
Michael Boyte and Melissa White
Dorothy Bronson
Gerald and Donalea Brooks
Hank and Pat Brown
> Friends, continued
Joseph and Kathleen Burns
Peter and Kim Cacace
Paul and Marlene Campbell
Tom Capps
William and Ceil Casey
Bob and Joan Casey
Rebecca Cates
Cal and Kathy Chandler
Debbie Chilton
Delores Christianson
Joan Christnacht
Annette Clark
Ron Culpepper and Wendy Firth
Jack and Maggie Cunningham
Frank and Billi DeGroot
Mike and Mary Dolan
Gary and Beatrice Doty
Jack and Didi Durkin
Jon Dversdal
Jim Dwyer
George and Laura Edman
Judy Evers
Barbara Farrell
Chris Fowler
Ray and Barbara Frye
Don and Darlene Gardner
Gov. William B. Gardner
Darrell Gee
Randy and Ginny Getz
Paul and Jeanne Giese
Sally Hallis
Moon and Moonja Han
Dean Hanks*
Tom and Carrie Hayden
Mike and Mary Hightower
Dan and Jeanne Hillman
Wayne and Lori Hogan
Mary Horther
Glenn and Beth Jordan
Ken and Nancy Keiter
Dan Kennedy and Rob Steadman
Jerry and Diane Klein
Mary Koumantaros
Frank and Denise Ladenburg
Jim and Cindy Leeder
Karen Lindsay
Bob and Irene Long
Keith and Linda Loraas
Neale Luft
Jim and Bonnie Manke
Wally and Marlene Mann
Christopher Martin
Dick and Candice Marzano
Corry and Donna McFarland
Patrick McMullin
Mildred Mees
Nick and Magen Michaud
Don and Patti Miller
Nick Adams and Carolyn Modarelli-Adams
Mal and Mary Monahan
David and Tammy Moody
Wayne and Karen Moore
Bob and Sue Nelson
Dawn Ann Noakes
John O’Conner and Celeste Maris
Michael O’Looney
Don and Peggy Paradise
Al and Patricia Payne
Bob and Katie Payne
Guido and Karen Perla
Dennis and Joan Peterson
Curtis Phelps
Jenny Phillips*
Steve and Rene* Power
Frank and Janis Pupo
John+ and Carol Radovich
Andy and Maria Rash
Betsy Reed
Guy and Linda Renfro
Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Ridge
Ken and Lola Ritter
Leo and Joann Robic
Jeffery Robydek and Candy Bradison
Craig and Belinda Rone
Dan and Jackie Russell
Mary Scherer
Jerry and Mary Schumacher
Jay and Kathy Sessler
Troy and Kate Sheets
Peter and Andrea Shelley
Lestle and Patricia Shockley
Richard Singler and Jeanie Doyle Singler
Janice Sorensen
Jim and Nancy Stavinga
Mark and Lynne Stephan
Alexander and Rebecca Stewart
Denise Swensrud
Paul Swinehart
Charlotte Tibbetts
Michael Tierney
Thomas and Tammy Tollen
Rick and Ramona Turner
Signo and Kathlyn Uddenberg
Richard Wakazuru
James and Shirley Ward
Jeff and Linda Watts
Craig and Julie Webster
Martin Wech Jr.
Paul Wigboldy
Troy and Tamra Woodman
Mitch and Mary Ann Woodruff
Jeff and Nancy Woodworth
Joel and Kari Wright
Robert and Jan Wright
James and Marjorie Yager
James and Patty Zettas
Patrons ($100-$249)
Anonymous (5)
Sonia Abdelbari
Greg and Marsha Abel
Tosh and Suzanne Akamatsu
Tony and Colette Alberts
Daniel and Ursula Allen
Bob and Margaret Alston
William and Leila Amigone
Don and Elizabeth Anderson
Gerald and Kathleen Anderson
Roy Anstett
Donna Archer
Chris Arens
Lee and Delicia Asimont
Donald Ausink
Guido and Beth Aversa
Charlann Bachmeier
Mark and Denise Bailey
Michael and Laura Bailey
Bill and Sally Baird
John and Vicki Barr
Carl and Leslie Batten
Don and Joan Batten
Dennis and Sandy Beachler
Leo and Mary Bellarts
Ozzie and Liliane Bender
Stephen and Martha Berg
Richard and Margaret Bergstrom
Stephen Bethke
Richard and Marilyn Beyer
Judy Bickford
Dennis and Karen Blake
Mike and Melissa Blake
John Blanusa
Rae Blevins
Eric and Marilyn Blitz
Dewey and Mary Blocker
Larry and Mary Boatright
David and Sandra Boe
Richard Bolt
April Braxton
Bill and Carole Breitenbach
Herb and Mary Breivik
Bill and Jackie Brennan
Debbie Brese
Dennis Briggs
Iwilda Broadnax
Zenaida Broadsword
Ben and Kelly Broili
Jeff and Michelle Brown
Michael and Debra Brown
Sharon Brown
Kathy Brownfield
Gary and Jackie Bryan
Stephen and Carol Bryant
Elliott and Cely Bucu
Greg and Eugenia Buhre
Jessie Bunug
Byron and Margaret Busch
Tom and Genny Butkey
Colette+ Butterfield
Chip Cahill and Claire O’Connell-Cahill
Karen Callaghan
Roger and Kathryn Calvary
Tracey Carlin
Bridget Carney
Pat Boyd and Lisa Carney
Judy Carr
Gerry and Judy Casey
Charlie Castaneda
Jorge and Sue Castillo
Larry and Betty Cates
Charles and Carmen Catzoela
Ann Caughey
Eric and Tenley Cederstrand
Sid and Margaret Chaloner
Joy and Alice Cherian
Shalawn Childs
Greg and Sharon Chow
Norman Christenson
Tom and Mary Jane Clabots
Charlie and Jean Cleaver
David and Katrina Clem
Ted and Debra Coates
John Collins
Judith Condon
Bob and Cindy Conlin
Pat and Patty Coogan
David and Marcia Cook
Greg Cook
Joetta Cook
Craig* and Katrina Coovert
David and Barbara Crawford
Cris and Elsie Crisalli
Frank and Margie Cristofaro
Jack and Jeanne Crowell
Mary Curry-McElroy
Mike and Debra Custer
Felix and Irene Czuk
Timothy and Diana Dahlgren
Madeline Davidson
Donald and Joan Day
John and Lisa Day
Tina De Falco
Darren and Amy* de Guia
Salvador and Rosario Delgadillo
Mary Dempsey
Joseph and Karin Devencenzi
JerryAnn Devlin
Bob Dickinson
Nikola and Judith Didovic
John and Diane Dimmer
John and Marilyn Dimmer
Kenneth and Jody Dobson
Sean and Courtney Dodson
Frank Doft and Libby Andersen
Lorey Donaldson
Bill and Kally Dowling
Myron and Beverly Doxon
Jack and Sharon Doyle
Hartrice Drangsholt
Bill Dreyer
Dan and Kathy Druzianich
Earl+ and Jackie Ducote
Dan and Lori Durr
Don and Ann Marie Eberhart
Kelly Egeck
Robert and Lovetta Eisele
Toby and Karen Ek
Daniel and Terri Elliott
Robert Emerson
Zoella Emerson
Steve and Anne Enquist
Joanne Erickson
Jerry and Doris Erikson
Ron Ernst
Vicki Fabre
James and Dianne Falk
Daniel Fall
Mary Jane Fanning
Greg and Cheryl Fewins
Tim and Janice Fikse
Bob and Cynthia Finnerty
Darrell Fisk and Marcia Johnson
Thomas and Rita Fitchitt
Terry and Nancy Flajole
Karen Flamoe
Richard and Sonja Flores
Joe and Marianne Floyd
Dick and Mary Foege
Tom and Joann Foster
Robert Fox
Robert Fraser
Kenneth and Miyo Fukuda
Karen Fynboe
Tim and Kathy Gadsby
Rick and Ginger Gallagher
Tom and Mary Gallagher
Jay Gallinatti
Jim and Linda Gallinatti
Steve and Kathy Gano
Todd Gardner
Larry and Patricia Garvin
Shirley Gasperetti
Ross and Percy Gaussoin
Charlie and Toni Gavigan
Joyce Gean
Steve and Diana Geary
Carl and Sally Geist
Pete Giere
Alan and Debbie Gill
Joe Gill
Kenneth and Mary Gill
Jim Giordano and Serina Yuan
Joanne Girolami
William and Arna Goltermann
Evaristo and Sofie Gonzalez
Rich and Kate Gould
Douglas and Dee Grant
Frederick Gray and Betty Howell Gray
Jim and Marilyn Gribbon
Karl and Helga Grosch
Norman and Glenice Gustin
Tom and Pat Habersetzer
Shawn Hackett Evans
Tom and Mimi Hackleman
Steve and Allison Hale
Earl Hall
Joseph and Kelly Hall
Lois Halley
Jack Hamilton
Ken Hamrick and Isabel Ragland
Dennis and Kathleen Hardman
Cliff and Judy Hardy
Jake and Kate Harley
James Harris
Gail Harrison
Bonnie Hartman
Cindy Hartman
Richard and Helen Hartman
Tom and Dori Hathorn
Greg and Marylee Hazard
John and Theresa Healy
Sherman and Frances Heaney
Bart and Toni Heath
Harold and Eleanor Heikes
Kris Helle
Gary and Pamela Hendrickson
Stacey and JoAnn Hendrickson
Eric and Renee Henning
Alfred Hestle
John and Frances Hicks
Frank Hidaka
Paul and Margot Hightower
Doug and Cathy Hill
Dale and Sharon Hirz
Doug Hoerle and Helen Coyne-Hoerle
Pat and Joan Hogan
John and Gayle Holm
Jim and Mary Holroyd
Karen Hook
Dr. Marbry B. Hopkins and Dr. Judith O. Hopkins
Chuck and Connie Huber
Holly Hunte
Howard and Mary Hunter
Cal and Lisa Hunziker
Patricia Hussey
Regis and Nancy Jackson
Thomas and Jean Jacques
Bob Jaeckel
Richard and Lillian Jasper
Ken and Teri Jenkins
Sandy Jennings
Dave and Lori Jetton
Ellie Johnson
Michael and Susan Johnson
Ron Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Rich Gordon and Marian Johnson-Gordon
Jutta Joseph
Josephine Josephine
Burt and Mary Joyce
Tae and Kyung Jung
Lee and Vicky Jurgensmeier
Dawn Kaiser
Lynn Kaufhold
Tony and Maureen Keaty
Neil and Mary Kelleher
Jim and Judy Keller
Joe and Kecia Keller
Ron and Theresa Kelley
Mike and Lisa Kelly
Larry Kemper
Kevin and Jane Kennedy
Stephen and Laura Kern
Brian and Tiffany Kerr
Claudia Kieszling
Mr. and Mrs. Kim
David and Cindy King
Mike and Galey Kinney
Brian and Molly Kirk
Mac and Bette Kirk
Dick and Julie Kirk
Catherine Kirksey
John and Nancy Kirner
Willa Kludt
Ruth Knighten
Norma J. Knittel
Barry Kolano
Paul and Christine Kondrat
Dean and Dorothy Konop
Anthony and Linda Konstant
Jerry and Germaine Korum
Tom and Betty Kresek
Peter and Christine Krumins
Stanley and Peggy Kuchler
Ed and Beverly LaCross
Carl and Patty LaFontaine
William and Lauren Lamberth
Lynette Lampson
George and Rose Landeis
John and Bess June Lane
Danny Langvad
Karen Langvad
Mark and Cammy LaRiviere
Mary Larson
Steven and Marcella Larson
Ed Lauderman
Larry and Frieda Lawrence
Hal and Pam* Leazer
Dave and Mary Anne Lee
James and Jane Lee
Nancy Leonard
Rich and Yvonne Leone
Rex Lester
Stephen Levandowski and Suzanna Musick
Frank and Gerri Lewis
Bob Huey and Barbara Lidikay*
Bob and Marianne Lilley
Ed and Marilyn Lindberg
Reese and Cecile Lindquist
Sydney Liu
Jim and Barb Lobdell
Thelma Loen
Virginia Lujan
Nat and Sally Luppino
Phil Maceechron and Deborah Kim
Robert and Lisa Macht
Mr. and Mrs. Bret C. Macrae
Chico and Annie Mageo
Ron Mahoney
Frank and Patricia Maiocco
David Mallavia
Sue Mallavia
Rick and Patsy Maloney
Wayne and Kathy Mangan
Peggy Mangano
Shirley Manley
Thomas and Lois Martin
Felix Martinez
Grace Masaba
Thomas and Suzanne Masenga
Troy and Trish Mason
Glenna Mathews
Gregg and Karen Matsch
Jan and Pam Mauritz
Raymund and Adriana Mayor
Viola McClure
Georgia McCollum
Bud and Dayle McCune
Mary Anne McDonald
Scott and Kathy McDonald
Jerry and Mary McKain
Russ McLeary
Richard and Susan McMonigal
Carolyn Meacham
Keith Mead
Betty Meikle
Jim and Nancy Merkle
Frank and Juanita Mermoud
Frank Merritt
Carl and Mary Meske
Jack and Nancy Metcalfe
Leticia Meza
Mark and Ramona Michael
Robert Mika and Romina Olevano-Mika
Bobby and Alice Milam
Anthony and Marilee Milan
“When I think of my time at Bellarmine, I think of hands. Hands of
different shapes, colors, sizes. Hands that have lifted me up. Hands
of hope, unity, prayer and love. I think of all the hands that have
clasped mine.” – Meghan Hilger B’12
+ deceased * employee
“I want to thank you so much for the wonderful doors you have
opened for me, and I want you to know that what I found inside
was worth the journey.” – Madeleine Davis B’12
> Friends, continued
Chris and Diane Miller
Cliff and Bonnie-Jane Miller
Lorin and Helen Miller
Arnaldo Rodriguez and Lucia Miltenberger
Thomas and Beatrice Mitchell
Mike and Margaret Mizumoto
Betty Mockel
Roger and Nancy Molt
Steve and Eloise Mondau
Karla Mooers
Anthony Moore
Mrs. Loanne K. Moore
Frank Morales
Loretta Moravec
Gary Morelli
Tom and Debbie Morgan
Dave and Donna Morgan
Larry and Geri Morin
Peter and Liz Morkill
Neil Mullen and Yolanda Duralde
Colleen Mulligan
Donald and Katherine Mulligan
David and Annette Mummery
Mary Murphy
Ieron and Edie Musica
John and Ann Myers
Tom and Meg Names
Jim and Chris Nasrawi
Mr. and Mrs. David Nauditt
Walter and Cindy Neary
Ruth Neher
Michael and Melissa Nesland
Nick and Sheila Nesland
Bud and Joan Niebergall
Butch and Marsha Nyssen
Janet O’Connell
Margaret O’Connell
C.J. O’Connor
Doug and Shiela Off
Micheal and Sharon O’Hara
Edward and Teresa Olson
Mike Olson
Ron and Enid Olson
Ron Squibb and Tamara Olson
Mike and Jan O’Melia
Bill and Marie Orrange
Peg Padovano
Sylvia Parker
William and Beverly Parker
Colby and Allison Parks
Bob and Marge Parks
Angel and Tita Parlan
Mike and Kathy Parshall
Paul Pastor and Ann Nicholson
Deby Patlan
Betty Patterson
Mike and Kay Pattison
Earl and Janice Peace
Michael and Christine Perry
Irma Peterson
Jim and Mary Ann Petrich
Bill and Dorothy Philip
Marie Phill
Martha Phill
Matthew and Britenae Pierce
Robert and Ludi Pierce
Frank Powers
Steve and Jackie Poyorena
Tom and Dianna Putnam
Mike Quint
Romulo and Cynthia Ramos
Paulito and Loida Randrup
Ruth Rasmussen
Matt and Melissa Raterman
Jon and Sally Raymond
John and Shirley Read
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Reagan
Robin and Linda Rego
John and Tracey Reinholt
Ernest and Denise Remy
Jeannie Reopelle
Henry and Mary Ann Retailliau
Jim and Carla Richards
Jim and Mary Anne Rieck
Anthony and Jean Riggio
David Robinson and Lila Ritsema
Rick Rivera
Gerald and Lois Roberts
Nan Robinson
Juan and Lucia Rodriguez
Tom and Blanqui Roeber
Don and Georgia Rogers
Matt Rogers
Stewart and Carol Rogers
Ronald Rohrer
Mary Ann Romo-Ames
Nell Rooth
Mr. Ryan G. Ross
Bob and Dawn Rowland
John and Mary Rowlands
Kirk and Sharon Rue
Bernard and Terese Ruff
Joy Ruiz
Debbie Rush
Gary and Nancie Russ
Dave and Jan Rust
Paul and Kelly Ryhajlo
Jim and Julie Sahagian
Bernardo and Alma Salazar
Robert and Kathy SanSoucie
Loren and Sandra Sawyer
Ron and Cheryl Scavotto
Ronald and Andrea Schaffner
Fred and Melanie Schattauer
Leon and Janet Schenk
William and Patricia Schmidt
Russell Schmidtke
Lindley Terreau Schmitt* and Phillip Schmitt
Joe and Teresa Schneider
Jim and Karen Schneller
Roger and Karen Schoessel
Bill and Joan Schroeder
Angie Schultz
Alfred Scipio
Dave Scobey and Denise Thal
Linda Seeburger
Harry and Susan Shapiro
Leonard and Dana Shaw
Jerry and Joan Sheets
Bruce and Teresa Sherman
Kurt and Yvonne Shevalier
Edith Shiotani
Kathy Simpson
Al and Darlene Slack
David and Kathalyn Smith
Jim and Betty Smith
Mary Smith
Noel and Phyllis Smith
Tom Snider
Rich and Jeanne Snyder
Young Sok
Louis Spain
Stacey Spyropoulos
John and Teresa Stackpole
Dan and Donya Sterns
George and Kay Stilnovich
Ron and Carol Stockdale
Russ and Kristi Stockdale
James and Nan Stoltenberg
Ken and Lynn Stormans
Joe and Carol Stortini
Mary Stout
Robert and Janet Streifel
Chris and Renee Strode
Archie and Helga Sullivan
Richard and Michelle Susie
Lennie Sutton
Edwin and Sharon Sweo
Deb Swickard
Melvin and Edith Swillie
Jack Tangney
Gary Tart and Libby Gilston
Judy Tattersall
Marian Taylor
Tim and Marlene Taylor
Pat Tebb
William and Kimberly Terry
Joan Thompson
Ron and Marilyn Thompson
Paul and Mary Thornton
Ronald Tibbetts
Odette Ticoulat
Robert Tirao and Catherine Robles-Tirao
Gerald and Mary Ann Toohey
Dawn Torgerson
Gary Trantham and Pat McCotter
Tom and Judy Troy
Steve Tuley
Patrick and Cynthia Turco
Giorgio and Ruth Turella
Al and Emma Turner
Steven Urback
James and Nancy Utz
Leopoldo and Josefina Vallarta
Bryan and Pat Van Dragt
Mr. & Mrs. Van Dusen
Bob Vanderwall
Dan and Tracy Vaughn
Fred and Chris Wachowicz
Kay Waiss
Doris Walen
Janet Walkup
Bruce Walyor
Mr. Robert M. Walyor
Needham and Diane Ward
Lyle Watts and Joyce Robson
Kurt Weigel
John and Louise Weldon
Mike and Pat Wensman
Ted and Janet Werner
John and Chris West
Lawrence and Donna White
Stewart and Suzi Whitham
Jeff and Kathleen Whitmer
Todd and Judy Whitmer
Paul Willers and Denise Lucas
Sam Wilson
Donald Winskill
Lee and Jane Wohlwend
Mike and Andrea Wolfe
Michel and Violet Wollak
Kenny and Sharon Woods
John and Judy Woodworth
Audrey Wyman
Steve and Carrie Yates
Bill and Wanda Yoder
David and Mary Young
Ben and Elizabeth Zielke
Participants ($1-$99)
Anonymous (2)
Afton Abraham
Norris and Marilyn Adams
Randal and Ann Adamson
Jerry and Linda Adkins
Bill and Mary Akers
Richard and Mary Alfaro
Bruce and Diane Allen
John and Patty Ambrose
Ron and Helen Ames
Al and Mila Amos
Edward and Nancy Amundsen
Alan and Colleen Anderson
Derek and Katie Anderson
Don and Ginny Anderson
Peter and Barbara Anderson
Vilma Anderson
James and Sandra Ankenbauer
Steven and Cheryl Ankrom
Suzanne Annest
Andy Anselmi
Michael Antonucci
Carles Appling
Orlando and Teza Arceo
Don and Donna Arego
Tom and Emily Arens
Mary Armstrong
Lee and Oleta Artman
Steve and Susan Asbell
Maureen Atkins
Pierre and Debra Atlas
Helen Bache
Randall and Julie Back
Lorraine Baker
James and Michele Barber
Denny and Connie Barringer
John and Karen Barry
Costa and Donna Basil
Charles and Frances Bass
Rex and Angela Bates
Veronica Batiste
Lillian Baur
+ deceased * employee
Stephen and Sherill Baur
Robert and Lois Baxter
William and Janice Baxter
Randy and Cheri Beatty
Gerry and Cathy Beck
Greg and Jayne Beckel
Johnna Belter and Tess Colby
Dick and Sheila Benner
Don and Laura Bentson
Dawn Benzenberg
Vince and Karen Berg
David and Paulette Berger
Mary Bergner
Paul and Rose Bertiaux
Joe and Pauline Betz
Art and Joan Beyette
Thomas and Michelle Bice
Kurt Bilse
Marc and Lucs Bingcang
Ed and Betty Bisig
Duane and Riva Bjorklund
Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Black
Henry Blixt
Mark and Dawn Bloemers
Karla Bloomquist
Adelaide Bodoia
Mike Boggs
Annemarie Bohme-Wirth
Jason and Tiffany Bone
Fred and Amy Borovich
Tom and Patricia Bowden
James and Merrilee Bowen
Greg and Carolyn Bowman
Betty Boyd
Sally Boyle
Lawrence and Laura Bradley
Richard Brady
Jerry and Kathy Brankin
Alan and Robin Bravard
Camille Brennan
Jim and Patti Brennan
Roy and Carolyn Brennan
Therese Brennan
Jimmy and Jean Brett
Jim and Kathleen Brooke
Charles Brooks and Wendy Schudda-Brooks
Joan Brosovic
Carl and Sallie Brown
Gary and Cathy Brown
Kymberley Brown
Christopher and Jennifer Browning
Frank Bruce
David and Mary Bryant
Ron and Jan Buchanan
Maurice and Gloria Buchholz
Paul and Jean Bullman
Dave Burden and Janice Grant
Bart and Louise Burns
Daniel and Marianne Burns
John and Rosemary Bury
Erin and Deirdre Byers
Blanche Byrne
Pat Byrne
Molly Carey
Bernie and Kathleen Carlson
Russ and Pat Carmack
James and Sheila Carminito
Donald Carr
James and Hazel Carr
Peggy Carter
Mary Jo Case
Jim and Barbara Cathcart
Catalino and Solly Cecilio
Jack and Anne Chambers
Margaret Champagne
Cheuk and May Yee Chan
Jim and Pamela Charboneau
Jeanpierre and Gay Charette
Brad Cheney
Matt Beckingham and Piper Cheney
Jim and Beth Chew
Mark and Fran Chmelewski
Kevin and Nancy Christian
Gary and Amalia Christman
Pierson and Sara Clair
Evan and Chrystal Clemens
Victor Cloquet
Charles and Angela Cogger
Tim and Janey Cohen
Ken and Zona Coleman
Joe and Margaret Colina
Jayson and Mary Collins
Mark and Mary Ann Colombo
Alison Cook
Stephen and Wendi Cook
Art and Coleen Coon
Kathleen Cooper
Margie Cooper
Todd and Beth Cornwell
Pat and Jean Corr
Bill Corr and Pam Mills
Maureen Costales
Ann Covell
Ginalyn Cowles
Steve and Meg Cronin
Dan and Cleo Cummins
James Cunningham
Mitch and Mary Czuk
Ben and Marguerite Daltoso
C.T. and Keri Daman
Tom and Gail Daman
Marisa D’Angeli
Phil and Moureen David
Don and Parnian Davis
Robert and Elizabeth Dawson
Warren and Jayne De Prenger
Dominique Delugeau
Sean and Beverly Devereux
Kent and Lucretia Devine
Gene DeVita
Robert and Deborah DeWitt
Ben and Florence Dickerson
Bill and Eloise Dickerson
Mark Didovic and A Sweetser
Mary Dietz
Victoria Dimaano
George and Susan Dimitroff
Kim Do
Pam Dobbs
Billy and Ann Dodge
John and Pat Dodson
Evelyn Doherty
Dave Donaldson
Dave and Ginny Douglas
Gary and Mary Dowen
Jolene Downing
Laurie Drake
Erling and Lucretia Drangstveit
David and Teresa Ducharme
Robert and Elaine Duda
Doug and Lucy Dudley
Don Duncan
Herbert and Tereasa Dunham
Elisabeth Dunkelberg
Tina Dunne
Lee Dusek
Mark Dynan
Ron and Eleanor Eccles
George and Phyllis Edmondson
Frederick Ehret and Anastasia Fyntrilakis
John and Barb Eibel
Roger and Laura Elmore
Pete and Janine Elswick
Michael and Dorothea Elwell
Joe Erdie
Sarah Erickson
Don and Mary Erwin
James and Virginia Eshelman
William and Ann Evans
John and Nancy Evans
Bill+ and Judy Evers
Patricia Fader
Matthew Fairbank and Michele Besso
Mary Falcone
Jacqueline Farrell
Frank and Blaise Feeney
Robert and Kathy Felknor
Nita Ferjo
Marina Fernando
Jacquelyn Fiacchi
Howard and Sherrie Finch
Jim Fink and Barbara Smigo
Dave and Deana Fiorino
Nancy Fishburne
Coral Fisher
Corey Flintoff and Diana Derby
Robert and Michelle Flynn
Jim Foley and Dona Johnson-Foley
Joan Foreman
Russell and Kathleen Forman
Bethany Freeburg
Joan Fricke
Douglas and Kathleen Frieze
Dave and Hiroko Fruge’
John and Genevie Fuller
Rich Funge and Margaret Farris
Dick and Cindy Furse
Laurence and Lynette Gagnon
Pierre and Kathleen Gallant
Judy Gallup
Denny and Chris Gamache
Bryan and Dana Gaume
Melissa Gay
Mary Geiger
Tina Gerlack
Mark and Janet Gildenhar
Rick and Maureen Gindt
Steven and Deborah Gist
Gary Glisson
Gloria Goins
Chris and Linda Goodman
Lynn and Aaron Goodwin
Geoff and Mary Gorman
Leonard and Gladys Goss
Marlene Gottfried
Suzanne Gove
Marla Grassi
Milica Greenwood
Steve and Jarisa Gregor
John Grein
Shirley Grimes
Dolores Grisaffe
Larry and Gloria Groves
Tomas and Susan Guillen
Laura Gurnee
Kirsten Gygi
Keith and Joyceann Hagen
Phyllis Hale
Gregory and Laura Halkides
Brent and Irene Hall
Ron and Sherry Hall
Selden and Cheryl Hall
Don Hallstone and Joyce Parton
Johnny and Hyun-Sook Ham
Jim and Joanne Hammett
Sam and Ruth Hansen
Joann Hardebeck
Helen Harding
> Friends, continued
Bill and Linda Hardwick
Bart and Dawn Harrington
Maria Harris
Kent and Barbara Harrison
Teresa Harrison
Rob and Jody Hartwig
Linda Hassenauer
Iver and Ginny Haugen
James and Dana Hayes
Thomas and Dolores Hayes
George and Barb Heard
Jim and Kathryn Hedrick
Karen Henderson
David and Maureen Hennessy
Barbara Hepfer
Kurt Hermanns and Becky Sproat
Danilo and Mary Alice Hernandez
Perla Hernandez
Gregory and Katherine Hersey
Dennis and Jane Hession
George and Becky Hester
Anthony and Carol Hibbeln
John and Debra Hibbeln
Greg and Renee Hickman
Nicole Hickman
Steve and Bev Hilleary
Bonnie Hoffman
Ellen Hogarty
Janet Holloway
Blair McFarland and Joni Hollyoak
Jerry and Jean Home
Thomas J. Hoolihan and Emma Concepcion
Nathan Houck
Mike Kelly and Jeanne Howe
Tom and Kim Howell
Barbara and Jean Huber
Jean and Barbara Huber
Mary Huber
Bernadette Hunley
Terry and Pauline Hurd
Cathy Hurst
Michael and Linda Huse
Bruce and Bernadette Huson
Gene and Judy Hussey
Don and Laima Huston
Adoracion Ignao
Jeff and Kristen Iverson
Raymond Jackl and Dorothy Betzendorfer-Jackl
Kay Jacobson
Paul and Barbara Jacobson
Alfred and Inge Jaeckel
Meera Jain
Allan and Barbara James
Richard and Karen Jensen
Charles and Betty Jesch
Jeraldine Jew
Chris Jewels
Donald and Elena Jimenez
Bill Jimerson
Allen and Jane Johnson
David and Laurie Johnson
Eliot and Joan Johnson
David and Marlys Johnson
Mike and Chris Johnson
Norman and Dorothy Johnson
Rick Johnson
Roger Johnson
Whitney Johnson-Sawyer
Dewey and Betsy Jones
Rick and Kelley Jones
Darrell and Jen Joque
Oscar Jordan
Su Jordan
Susan Jouflas
Richard and Linda Judd
Jim and Sharon Karalus
Chris and Helen Kasteler
Patrick and Maureen Keaty
Roberta Keaty
Charles Keeran and Mary Richardson
Sam and Regina Keller
Meg Kellerher
Merrill Kelley
David and Kathy Kendrick
Ms. Mary L. Kendrick
Charles and Lynette Kent
Corinne Kent
Mihran and Therese Keoseian
Mike and Ruth Kidd
Dave and LeAnn Kimberling
Jean Kindig
Rick and Sheila King
Jim and Pauline Kinoshita
Lavelle Kleinsmith
Gerald and Debra Klingeisen
Steve and Bonnie Kness
Margaret Knodel
Richard and Donna Knoth
Dan Koch and Ann Dickman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kocher
Michael and Christina Koczarski
Hugh and Brenda Kodama
Mike and Linda Kohut
James and Cindy Komorous
Mike and Jacki Konesky
Jonathan and Lauren Koshar
Peter Kram
Bryan and Barbara Kriewald
Scott and Barb Kuch
Jim Kuhlman and Paula Hansen-Kuhlman
Tom and Janice Kvamme
Wally and Dayna Kwak
Ronald and Diane La Roche
Jeff and Dana Lacey
Lou and Irma LaFalce
Paul LaFranchi
Ken and Colleen Lamb
Chuck and Teresa Langfitt
Lynne Langsford
Lawrence and Mary Larson
Stanley and Janice Larson
Alan Leach and Elizabeth Bohan-Leach
Pat and Marion Leach
Scott and Sarah Lebeck
Paulita Lee
Charles and Eliza Leech
Daniel and Laurie Legler
John and Cindy Lenihan
Kirk and Mary Leverson
Elizabeth Lichliter
Scott Lilley
Ricky Lin and Gu-Zhi Fan
Chris Lindberg
Jon and Krista Linden
Al and Sheila Linggi
Sonja Loftus
Rick Loper
Maria Lopez-Ramos
Charlie and Susan Love
Mary Love
Jean Luce
Jeff and Susan Lyon
Agatino and Ellen Maccarrone
John and Patricia Magee
Rainette Magee
George Magill and Jennifer Glisson
Josephine Mahan
Timothy and Rosemary Mahan
Heidi Mahy
Donald Malloy
Jon and Jean Malmin
Eden Manapul
Jerry Manley
Mary Mann
Dave and Karen Manning
John and Lynn Marchetto
Peter and Susan Marsh
Robert and Claudia Marston
George and Cathy Martin
Matt and Desanne Martin
Bob and Veronica Masenga
David and Nenita Mateny
Lee and Karen Mathews
Mark and Donna Mathews
Otto and Jane Matsch
Thomas and Yong Matsuda
Tom May
William and Patricia May
Andrew and Mary McCain
Jerome and Christy McCarthy
Lois McCarthy
Louis and Mary McClelland
Reid and Terri McClure
Larry McCollum
Martin and Susan McCormack
William McCormack
Bob McCrimmon
Stephanie McCullough
Wade and Carolyn McCune
Joseph McDermott
Corey and Peggy McDonald
Steve and Claudia McDonald
Brian and Cecelia McDonnell
Jay and Tracy McDougal
D. and Sandy McGinnis
Tom and Nancy McGrath
Janet M. McIntyre
John McKay
Richard and Judy McKelvey
Shirley McKenney
Mark McKenzie
Lorraine McLean
William and Maureen McMurray
Charles and Patty McNeal
Bob and Joan McNeil
Harry and Joan McNulty
Darleen Mcvay
Imelda Mead
Mary Meads
Mike and Gayle Medley
Kurt and Angela Meeker
Marlene Meeker
Dennis and Judy Meinert
Gary and Margaret Melhaff
Raymond and Regeania Menard
Richard and Joann Menard
Andrew Mencke and Jessica Kuchan
Rick and Kathleen Mercier
Hugh and Liz Merritt
Mark and Nancy Messe
Geoff and Eileen Meyer
Ida Miller
Jim and Gail Miller
John and Shirley Miller
Joe Miller
Phil and Chris Miller
Art and Patti Mindas
Michael Mishalanie
Chris Mitchell and Jennifer Regan-Mitchell
Austin and Beverly Mooers
Joseph and Marie Mooney
Ms. Kay Mooney
Greg and Missy Moore
James and Karlee Moore
Chris Morgan
George and Shahla Morris
Scott and Tami Morris
Raymond Morrison and Nancy Morgan
William and Jean Morton
Jimmy and Jean Moyer
Darrel and Jill Mueller
Fred and Sharon Mueller
Patricia Mueller
Kevin and Shelly Mullin
Thomas Mumford and Nancy Smith
Jeff and Mary Murphy
John and Lisa Murphy
Arthur and Kwon Murray
John and Michelle Murray
Paul and Lucille Murray
Peter and Claudia Murray
Rose Murray
Jerry and Catherine Mutz
David and Connie Myers
Larry and Lou Naehr
Rhea Nagle
Rudy and Christine Navarro
John and Michelle Neeb
Linden and Diane Nelson
John and Julie Neutzman
Alex and Susan Neyman
Xuan Nguyen and Huong Tran
Rebecca Njenga
Steve and Cathy Nolan
Elvera Nolde
Claire Nold-Glaser
Paul and Maureen Nuccio
Marjorie Nugent
Scott and Ruth Nurmi
Kim and Faith Nutting
Julia O’Brien
Shannon O’Donnell
Don and Kathy Ogard
Jerry and Marguerite Ogden
Keith and Kris Ohm
Flora Oladapo
Grego and Donna Olson
Irene Olson
Richard and Sandy Olson
Todd and Roberta Olson
Joline Omlin
Josie Omlin
Gregory and Angela O’Neill
Sandra O’Reilly
Bobby and Noelle Orvella
Tim and Christie Oswald
Stan and Diane Palmquist
Bob and Coleen Panerio
Patricia Panka
Joel and Karen Parker
Paul and Vanessa Parker
Timothy and Pamela Parker
Byron Parkinson
Tamara Parkinson
John and Lynne Parrott
Heidi Peacock
Bruce and Kory Pederson
Tess Perez
Rick and Kristi Perko
Ed and Veryl Peters
Edward and Helen Peters
Jeff and Richele Peters
Jennifer Peters
Bob and Sandra Petersen
David and Jenny Peterson
Danny Petruss
Greg Pfarr and Lisa Ede
Brian and Heidi Phair
Lance and Shirley Phillips
Harry and Linda Phillips
Shelley Pierman and Steve Pickering
Denny and Talli Pierre
Clark and Monica Pigato
Liane Pigato
Bob and Jackie Pigg
Ted and Lana Pigg
Frank and Lorraine Plouf
Jim+ and Julie Powers
Tom and Raylene Pressley
Bill and Esther Puterbaugh
Shane Putnam
Mary Kay Quinlan
Tim and Kris Quinn
Ralph Ramona
Steve Ramona
Alberto and Maria Ramos
Kris Rantalla
Patrick and Kasey Rega
Kevin and Janice Reilly
Timothy Reilly
Mike and Christi Reimer
Robert and Carol Reis
Mino and Cleo Reporter
David and Joan Rice
Michael and Emily Rich
Robert and Rayanne Richardson
John and Jackie Rickert
George and Peggy Riecan
Angie Roarty
Steve and Laurie Robbins
Nathaniel and Carolyn Roberson
Dave and Shannon Ronald
Patricia Rooney
Rocky and Sandra Ross
Ellis and Ann Rousseau
Robert and Barbara Rukstalis
Randy Rushforth
Lidia Salas
Salvador and Erlinda Salud
Ken and Sheila Samples
Roman and Margarita San Juan
Mike and Debi San Soucie
Mary Sanborn
Ellen Sandberg
Howard and Katherine Saner
Don and Cristi Scarsella
Sam and Marlene Scavo
Joe and Irene Schammel
John and Janet Schlotfeldt
Bill and Kathleen Schlumpf
Dan and Sandi Schneider
Leonard and Ann Schneider
Paul and Tamie Scholter
Mel Schuckenbrock
Bryan and Kristina Schulz
Ken and Mary Schulz
Mary Schumaker
Jim Schweickert
Gordon and Nancy Scraggin
James and Kathryn Seley
Michael Sellars and Carol Murphy
Steve and Raelene Semago
Scott Sewall
Ken and Jan Sharp
Terry Sharrard and June Hokama-Sharrard
Peter Shepherd
Angela Sheppard
Richard and Joanna Shere
Philip Sheridan
Ron and Diane Sherman
Brian and Adell Shetterly
Sam and Sharon Shimizu
David and Tina Shimpeno
Richard and Chris Shine
Don Shjerven
Shirley Shoffner
Travis and Melissa Sims
Matt and Tami Sisco
+ deceased * employee
Edwina Skyles
Victoria Skyles
Derek and Erica Sloan
Sam Slonim
Dennis and Diane Small
Jim Smalley
Scott and Barbara Smith
Johnny and Tracy Smith
Leni Smith
David and Lisa Smith
Stephen and Jane Smith
Terrance and Carolyn Smith
Bill Snider
Kathy Snider
John and Elizabeth Snyder
Linda Snyder
Don and Maureen Sober
Henry and Barbara Soch
Tom and Cecelia Soran
Eric and Maureen Sorensen
Dick Sorenson
Abbie Sorrendino
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde K. Sparks
Jim and Kathy Spencer
Joseph Spengler
Jason and Lisa Stanley
Ron and Shirley Stavinga
Edgar Steinitz
Olivia Stephens
Callie Sterino
Duncan and Sylvia Stewart
Les and Carol Stiles
Jeff and Jeri Stockdale
Debra Stojack
Ken and Josephine Stortini
Vivien Straus
David and Cathleen Sullivan
Peter+ and Suzanne Sullivan
Neal and Janice Supplee
John and Marti Sutton
Jennifer Sweigert
Jackie Talley
Ted and Ginger Tanner
Matt and Beth Tarabochia
Larry and Eve Taylor
Diane Teranishi
Alan Terry
Dave Thomas
Palmerin Thomas
Brian and Kyra Thompson
Karen Thompson
Maureen Thompson
Steven and Margaret Thorndill
Jan Thorne
Mary Timashenka
Bob and Candy Tingstad
Rick and Barb Tipton
Fred and Sue Tistinic
Carl and Janet Titus
Michael and Holli Tollan
Rudy and Connie Tollefson
Clete and Carol Toone
Brad and Jan Topping
Ron and Helen Torgeson
Gabriel and Rosa Torres
Molly Towslee
Feliciano and Felicidad Trajico
Bill and Georganne Trandum
Brendan and Pat Treanor
Thomas and Sheila Treat
Dennis and Jeanne Trittin
Douglas and Kathy Trotter
Bud and Karen Truebenbach
Tom and Rosanne Trunk
Ed and Marilyn Tuohy
Steve and Valerie Ufer
Andy and Kim Uppal
Tom Van Hollebeke
Josine Vanderlaan
Larry and Sue Varga
Tim and Renee Vay
Greg and Laura Veasy
Roberto and Fe Velasco
Mary Vial
Carlos and Pamela Vigil
Joseph Villcecco
Meg Voelker
Inna Voloshina
Barbara Waggoner
Mark and Kathryne Wagner
William and Rose Wagner
Reid and Julie Walen
Jon Walkup
Denny and Jill Waltier
Robert Wargacki
Dan and Asenath Warren
Larry and Patricia Warwick
Geordy Watson
Gerry Watson
Peggy Watson
John and Myrna Weber
Joanne Wegener
Larry and Linda Weigel
Bud and Connie Weiser
Pam Welch
Ray and Catherine Welch
Patrick Wells
Connie Wesson
Greg and Kelly Wetterhus
George and Carol Weymouth
John and Jean White
Bernie and Corleen Whitman
Bruce and Helen Whitmer
Claire Wickham
Gene and Kathleen Wiegman
Charith and Elaine Wikkramamtilleke
Alan and Teri Wilard
George and Beatrice Wilde
Dorothy Wilhelm
Dale Wilkerson
Don and Judy Willard
Colleen Williams
Shari Williams
Don and Mary Willis
Dave and Mary Beth Wilson
David and Lois Wilson
Joseph Wilson and Cecilia McDonagh-Wilson
Steven and Kirsten Wilson
Paul and Diana Wimber
Tanya Wiser
Mr. Susan M. Wolf
Kelly Wolff
Heather Woloshyn
Fred Woo
Peter and Ana Woo
Jim and Linda Wood
Gerrie Woods
Pat and Doris Woods
James and Pat Worley
Robert and Cindy Wu
Stan and Shirley Wysocki
Kazunori and Phoebe Yamamoto
Joe and Rene’ Yannello
Bill and Judy Yates
James and Jeanette Yates
Karl and Starr Yauch
Sr. Georgia Yianakulis SNJM*
John Young and Marilyn Leonard
Perianne Yourkoski
Matthew* and Dana Zahler
Joan Zelasko
Ruth Zelenak
Nancy Zemek
Joanne Zipperer
Matthew and Sarah Zuehlsdorff
“I say Bellarmine with pride. The pride you only realize once you
walk the halls in the highest point in Tacoma.” – Nik Brosch B’12
Bellarmine appreciates the following corporations and foundations that generously
supported Bellarmine this year. We are profoundly grateful for their commitment to our
Bellarmine community.
Ignation ($10,000 and up)
Anonymous (1)
St. Robert Bellarmine’s Circle
Anonymous (1)
Boulanger Family Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
The Boeing Gift Matching Program
The Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
The Neeb Family Foundation
President’s Council ($1,000-$2,999)
Alaska Airlines
Bruce Titus Automotive Group
National Automobile Dealers
Charitable Foundation
Suncoast West Foundation
The George & Jo Marie Pessemier Family
Endowment Fund of The Greater Tacoma
Community Foundation
The H & R Block Foundation
The Lawrence and Mary Green Fund of The
Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
Washington State Auto Dealers Service, Inc.
Wells Fargo Foundation
Fellows ($500-$999)
Intel Volunteer Grant Program
Travelers Foundation
Associates ($250-$499)
Anonymous (1)
American Express Company
Ben B. Cheney Foundation
Celia’s Restaurant No. 2
Johnstone Supply
Milgard Manufacturing, Inc.
New York Life Foundation
Plum Creek Foundation
RBC Foundation – USA, Employee
Gift Matching Program
Simpson Fund
Chad W. Smart DDS, P.S.
Subaru of Puyallup, Inc
Surgical Practice, LTD
The Oregon Community Foundation
Patrons ($100-$249)
Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan
Affordable Dental Care - Tacoma
Alliance Data
BNSF Foundation
Trinity T Bui, DMD, PS
Cooper Tire & Rubber Company
Creative Casting Company
Home Depot
Intel Foundation Matching Gifts to
Education Program
Naperville Surgical Associates Ltd
Portland General Electric Co
TSP Technology Group LLC
United Way of King County
Participants ($1-$99)
Ecolab Foundation – Kristie L. Greve
Kristine Grace DDS, MS, PS
Ink Inc.
Mellon Financial Corporation Foundation
Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts Program
Old House Mercantile Co.
Pacific Power Foundation
Print NW
Slavonian American Benevolent Society
Tacoma Steel Supply Inc.
United Way of Pierce County
The following businesses
have graciously supported
activities and events over
the past year by becoming
Bellarmine Business Partners
through their contributions
of $5000 or more.
$15,000 Level
Bruce Titus Automotive Group
$10,000 Level
Tucci & Sons, Inc.
$7,500 Level
Propel Insurance
Columbia Bank
$5,000 Level
Connelly Law Offices
FLS Financial Group LLC
Heritage Bank
Hilger Construction, Inc.
Kampbell Andrews & Arbenz
Patriot Fire Protection, Inc.
Print NW
Sessler, Inc.
“Being a part of the Mass, playing music, and being surrounded
by friends was an amazing experience that I looked forward to
week after week.” – Ryan Lambert B’12
(from a poem) “ It’s unbelievable to think we have come this far /
Transformed in a matter of years / Hoping for better tomorrows / We
can take the future by storm.” – Katie Heussman B’12
The Community Caring Campaign, our spring student fundraiser, is a stand-alone activity and part of a greater effort to raise
annual funds for Bellarmine. This campaign not only raises needed funds, but also helps students to develop and experience
charity through philanthropy. We are thankful for those who have supported this campaign, allowing our students to
experience the generosity of others first-hand, and therefore what it means to be men and women for others.
Anonymous (8)
Afton Abraham
Larry Abraham
Tamara Abraham
Norris and Marilyn Adams
Paul Adams B’71 and Patty Fuchs
Randal and Ann Adamson
Jerry and Linda Adkins
Tosh and Suzanne Akamatsu
Bill and Mary Akers
Alaska Airlines
Tony and Colette Alberts
Jose and Janette Alfaro
Richard and Mary Alfaro
Bruce and Diane Allen
Bob and Margaret Alston
Greg B’82 and Pam Amann
John Amann B’86 and Liz Zusy Amann B’89
Ron and Helen Ames
Edward and Nancy Amundsen
Alan and Marilyn Anderson
Alan and Colleen Anderson
Derek and Katie Anderson
Don and Elizabeth Anderson
Don and Ginny Anderson
Dorothy Dusek Anderson A’68
Vilma Anderson
Rob Angel
Steven and Cheryl Ankrom
Suzanne Annest
Andy Anselmi
Steve B’60 and Pat Anstett
Carles Appling
Orlando and Teza Arceo
Donna Archer
Chris Arens
Tom and Emily Arens
Mary Armstrong
Lee and Oleta Artman
Steve and Susan Asbell
Lee and Delicia Asimont
Maureen Atkins
Pierre and Debra Atlas
Donald Ausink
Guido and Beth Aversa
Megan McNerthney Babbitt B’79
Charlann Bachmeier
Randall and Julie Back
Art Bader B’53 and Betty Bannan Bader SL’54
Timothy B’77 and Lisa Baer
Bill B’65 and Marilyn Bailey
Lorraine Baker
James and Michele Barber
John B’65 and Sally Barline
John and Vicki Barr
Denny and Connie Barringer
Marie Policani Barth A’69 and Bruce Barth
Costa and Donna Basil
Charles and Frances Bass
Rex and Angela Bates
Veronica Batiste
Carl and Leslie Batten
Don and Joan Batten
Lillian Baur
Stephen and Sherill Baur
Robert and Lois Baxter
William and Janice Baxter
Gerry and Cathy Beck
Greg and Jayne Beckel
Joe and Kristina Belfoine
Johnna Belter and Tess Colby
Ozzie and Liliane Bender
Kelly and Diane Bendixen
Dick and Sheila Benner
Jim B’67 and Shirley Benoit
Don and Laura Bentson
Dawn Benzenberg
Stephen and Martha Berg
Vince and Karen Berg
David and Paulette Berger
Mary Bergner
John Bertero
Paul and Rose Bertiaux
Kathy Gustafson Bethke B’88 and Bob Bethke
Stephen Bethke
Paula Day Bevegni A’71 and Fred Bevegni
Richard and Marilyn Beyer
Art and Joan Beyette
Thomas and Michelle Bice
Judy Bickford
Kurt Bilse
Marc and Lucs Bingcang
Erik and Donna Bjarke
Duane and Riva Bjorklund
Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Black
Dennis and Karen Blake
Mike and Melissa Blake
John Blanusa
Eric and Marilyn Blitz
Henry Blixt
Dewey and Mary Blocker
Mark and Dawn Bloemers
Karla Bloomquist
Adelaide Bodoia
David and Sandra Boe
Mike Boggs
Rod and Heather Bolek
Richard Bolt
Mike and Maureen Bonck
Andrew B’83 and Janet Borba
Jay B’77 and Cathy Bordeaux
Tom B’86 and Linda Bordeaux
Tim Bordeaux B’80 and
Lorrie Johnson Bordeaux B’80
Fred and Amy Borovich
Mary Dorotich Boskovich A’44
Evan Boulanger B’00 and
Lauren Richardson Boulanger B’00
James B’73 and Donna Boulanger
Dick and Mary Ann Boulanger
James and Merrilee Bowen
Greg and Carolyn Bowman
Betty Boyd
John and Kim Boyle
Matt Boyle B’10
Sally Boyle
Richard Brady
Jerry and Kathy Brankin
Alan and Robin Bravard
Herb and Mary Breivik
Camille Brennan
Mary Frances Brennan B’09
Therese Brennan
Bill and Jackie Brennan
Dennis Briggs
Iwilda Broadnax
Ben and Kelly Broili
Dorothy Bronson
Jim and Kathleen Brooke
Charles Brooks and Wendy Schudda-Brooks
Gerald and Donalea Brooks
Joan Brosovic
Carl and Sallie Brown
Gary and Cathy Brown
Hank and Pat Brown
Jeff and Michelle Brown
Kymberley Brown
Michael and Debra Brown
> Community Caring, continued
Sharon Brown
Gary and Jackie Bryan
Cynthia Christiansen Bryant A’70 and
Gary Bryant
David and Mary Bryant
Stephen and Carol Bryant
Harold B’54 and Florence Bucholz
Trinity T Bui, DMD, PS
Paul and Jean Bullman
Jessie Bunug
Dave Burden and Janice Grant
Treava Burgess
Bart and Louise Burns
Daniel and Marianne Burns
Joseph and Kathleen Burns
John and Rosemary Bury
Erin and Deirdre Byers
Kevin Byers B’08
Blanche Byrne
Mary McIntyre Byrne B’79 and Kevin Byrne
Pat Byrne
Chip Cahill and Claire O’Connell-Cahill
Kappy Calkins
Karen Callaghan
Bill and Sandy Cammarano
Paul and Marlene Campbell
Tom Capps
Molly Carey
Tracey Carlin
Bernie and Kathleen Carlson
James and Sheila Carminito
Bridget Carney
Pat Boyd and Lisa Carney
James and Hazel Carr
Peggy Carter
Mary Jo Case
William and Ceil Casey
Gerry and Judy Casey
Charlie Castaneda
Jorge and Sue Castillo
Larry and Betty Cates
Rebecca Cates
Les Cathersal B’56 and
Mary Lou Kubick Cathersal A’58
Charles and Carmen Catzoela
Catalino and Solly Cecilio
Eric and Tenley Cederstrand
Celia’s Restaurant No. 2
James B’63 and Maureen Chambers
Cal and Kathy Chandler
Jim and Pamela Charboneau
Brad Cheney
Matt Beckingham and Piper Cheney
Joy and Alice Cherian
Jim and Beth Chew
Shalawn Childs
Mark and Fran Chmelewski
Susan Ehreth Chouinard SL’57
Greg and Sharon Chow
Delores Christianson
Gary and Amalia Christman
Joan Christnacht
Joe and Teresa Clabots
Tom and Mary Jane Clabots
Pierson and Sara Clair
Charlie and Jean Cleaver
David and Katrina Clem
Evan and Chrystal Clemens
Dave and Patty Clevenger
Ted and Debra Coates
Charles and Angela Cogger
Tim and Janey Cohen
Anna Jesse B’84
Ken and Zona Coleman
Joe and Margaret Colina
Carol Colleran
Jayson and Mary Collins
John Collins
Mark and Mary Ann Colombo
Bob and Cindy Conlin
Jack and Angela Connelly
Pat and Patty Coogan
Alison Cook
David and Marcia Cook
“I will always carry the values that I have been taught and given
at Bellarmine.” – Eric Bottjer B’12
Greg Cook
Joetta Cook
Stephen and Wendi Cook
Art and Coleen Coon
Dr. Bruce and Carol Cooper
Kathleen Cooper
Margie Cooper
Cooper Tire & Rubber Company
Colleen Crotty Corcoran B’79
Todd and Beth Cornwell
Pat and Jean Corr
Bill Corr and Pam Mills
Timothy Cosgrove
Maureen Costales
Ann Covell
Ginalyn Cowles
Creative Casting Company
Cris and Elsie Crisalli
Steve and Meg Cronin
Dan B’76 and Marla Crotty
Jack and Jeanne Crowell
Kelly Cumiskey B’06
Dan and Cleo Cummins
James Cunningham
Mike and Debra Custer
Jack Cvitanovic B’59 and Lynn McCarthy
Cvitanovic A’61
Mitch and Mary Czuk
Ben and Marguerite Daltoso
C.T. and Keri Daman
Tom and Gail Daman
Phil and Moureen David
Susan Armstrong Davidson B’83 and
Wayne Davidson
Mary Jane Freeburg Davis B’79 and
Keith Davis
Robert and Elizabeth Dawson
John and Lisa Day
Tina De Falco
Warren and Jayne De Prenger
Frank and Billi DeGroot
Dominique Delugeau
Joseph and Karin Devencenzi
Sean and Beverly Devereux
JerryAnn Devlin
Kate McEntee DeWeese B’93 and John DeWeese
Ben and Florence Dickerson
Bill and Eloise Dickerson
Betty Tessier Dickinson A’46 and
Porter Dickinson
Bob Dickinson
Mark Didovic and A Sweetser
Mary Dietz
Victoria Dimaano
John and Diane Dimmer
John and Marilyn Dimmer
Nick B’87 and Nicole DiRe
Kim Do
Pam Dobbs
John and Pat Dodson
Sean and Courtney Dodson
Frank Doft and Libby Andersen
Evelyn Doherty
Dave Donaldson
Dave and Ginny Douglas
Gary and Mary Dowen
Bill and Kally Dowling
Jolene Downing
Myron and Beverly Doxon
Laurie Drake
Hartrice Drangsholt
Erling and Lucretia Drangstveit
Bill Dreyer
Dan and Kathy Druzianich
David and Teresa Ducharme
Robert and Elaine Duda
Doug and Lucy Dudley
Tina Dunne
Jack and Didi Durkin
Dan and Lori Durr
Jon Dversdal
Jim Dwyer
Don and Ann Marie Eberhart
Ron and Eleanor Eccles
George and Laura Edman
George and Phyllis Edmondson
Kelly Egeck
Frederick Ehret and Anastasia Fyntrilakis
John and Barb Eibel
Robert and Lovetta Eisele
Paul and Linda Ellingson
Daniel and Terri Elliott
Roger and Laura Elmore
Pete and Janine Elswick
Michael and Dorothea Elwell
Zoella Emerson
Daniel and Valerica Ene-Stroescu
Joe Erdie
Joanne Erickson
Sarah Erickson
Jerry and Doris Erikson
Thomas B’73 and Martha Erker
Ron Ernst
James and Virginia Eshelman
William and Ann Evans
John and Nancy Evans
Vicki Fabre
Patricia Fader
Matthew Fairbank and Michele Besso
Andrew and Mary Fairchok
Mary Falcone
Barbara Farrell
Jacqueline Farrell
Lee Ann Farrell
Frank and Blaise Feeney
Juliet Fengler B’79
Nita Ferjo
Marina Fernando
Mike and Teresa Ferreira
Jacquelyn Fiacchi
Howard and Sherrie Finch
Jim Fink and Barbara Smigo
Dave and Deana Fiorino
Nancy Fishburne
Coral Fisher
Brien B’81 and Sally Flannigan
Corey Flintoff and Diana Derby
Richard and Sonja Flores
Robert and Michelle Flynn
Russell and Kathleen Forman
Tom and Joann Foster
Chris Fowler
Robert Fox
Robert Fraser
Bethany Freeburg
Joan Fricke
Douglas and Kathleen Frieze
Patty Fuchs SL’71
Kenneth and Miyo Fukuda
Chad and JD Fullerton
Frank B’73 and Roxanne Fulp
Rich Funge and Margaret Farris
Dick and Cindy Furse
Tim and Kathy Gadsby
Larry B’68 and Ellen Gaffney
Pierre and Kathleen Gallant
Jim and Linda Gallinatti
Jay Gallinatti
Judy Gallup
Denny and Chris Gamache
Steve and Kathy Gano
Don and Darlene Gardner
Jean Gardner
Todd Gardner
Gov. William B. Gardner
Gerald Garitano B’73
Larry and Patricia Garvin
Shirley Gasperetti
Bryan and Dana Gaume
Melissa Gay
Steve and Diana Geary
Darrell Gee
Tina Gerlack
Andie Gernon
John Gernon B’81 and Rebecca Brienza
Ryan B’94 and Michelle Gervais
Pete Giere
Mark and Janet Gildenhar
Alan and Debbie Gill
Joe Gill
Kenneth and Mary Gill
Jim Giordano and Serina Yuan
Joanne Girolami
Steven and Deborah Gist
Karan Glaze
Gary Glisson
Jean Harrison Gobel SL’52
William and Arna Goltermann
Aaron Gonter B’91 and Maren Yauch Gonter B’91
Drew B’86 and Lisa Gonzalez
Lynn and Aaron Goodwin
Kristen Furber Gormley B’86 and Dave
Leonard and Gladys Goss
Marlene Gottfried
Suzanne Gove
Kristine Grace DDS, MS, PS
Douglas and Dee Grant
Marla Grassi
Frederick Gray and Betty Howell Gray
Milica Greenwood
Steve and Jarisa Gregor
John Grein
Dolores Grisaffe
Eric B’79 and Mollie Grosch
Karl and Helga Grosch
Rolf and Diana Grosch
Larry and Gloria Groves
Charlene Morris Guetle SL’59
Laura Gurnee
Sharon McCarthy Gustafson A’56 and
Dick Gustafson
Arnie B’57 and Caylene Gustin
Norman and Glenice Gustin
Kirsten Gygi
Joe Habersetzer B’78 and
Tracie Johnson Habersetzer B’78
Tom and Mimi Hackleman
Julie Hogan Haener B’85 and Ryan Haener
Molly Hagan B’78
Keith and Joyceann Hagen
Paula Morris Hagstrom SL’65 and Bud Hagstrom
Teresa Haigh
Christine Haight
Steve and Allison Hale
Gregory and Laura Halkides
Brent and Irene Hall
Ron and Sherry Hall
Selden and Cheryl Hall
Lois Halley
Sally Hallis
Johnny and Hyun-Sook Ham
Mary Deacon Hammer A’61 and Arne Hammer
Jim and Joanne Hammett
Moon and Moonja Han
Sam and Ruth Hansen
Jerry B’82 and Victoria Harbottle
John+ B’76 and Teresa Harbottle
Bill and Linda Hardwick
Cliff and Judy Hardy
Jake and Kate Harley
Keith Harnish
Peter and Barbara Harper
Bart and Dawn Harrington
Dorothy Gustin Harris SL’55
James Harris
Maria Harris
Gail Harrison
Kent and Barbara Harrison
Randy and Tiffany Harrison
Teresa Harrison
Bonnie Hartman
Cindy Hartman
Rob and Jody Hartwig
Linda Hassenauer
Iver and Ginny Haugen
Charlie B’85 and Deb Hayes
James and Dana Hayes
Thomas and Dolores Hayes
Greg and Marylee Hazard
John and Theresa Healy
Kevin and Yvonne Heaney
Sherman and Frances Heaney
George and Barb Heard
Don and Carolyn Hearon
Bart and Toni Heath
Jim and Kathryn Hedrick
Harold and Eleanor Heikes
Joel B’75 and Sherry Hellenkamp
Karen Henderson
David and Marla Hendrickson
Gary and Pamela Hendrickson
David and Maureen Hennessy
Eric and Renee Henning
Danilo and Mary Alice Hernandez
Perla Hernandez
Gregory and Katherine Hersey
Dennis and Jane Hession
Anthony and Carol Hibbeln
John and Debra Hibbeln
Peggy McCann Hickey B’82 and Patrick Hickey
Greg and Renee Hickman
Nicole Hickman
Janice Armstrong Higgins A’66 and
John Higgins
Bill Higgins B’61
Paul and Margot Hightower
Doug and Cathy Hill
Steve and Bev Hilleary
Dale and Sharon Hirz
Doug Hoerle and Helen Coyne-Hoerle
Bonnie Hoffman
Carl and Betty Hogan
Pat and Joan Hogan
Wayne and Lori Hogan
Ellen Hogarty
Linda Hollen
Theresa Freeburg Hollis SL’73 and Randy Hollis
Janet Holloway
Blair McFarland and Joni Hollyoak
Kathy Burrows Holt SL’61 and John Holt B’59
Jerry and Jean Home
Karen Hook
Dr. Marbry B. Hopkins and Dr. Judith O. Hopkins
Mary Horther
Susan Horther A’65
Nathan Houck
Tom and Kim Howell
Mary Tyrrell Hoyt B’78 and Robert Hoyt
Chuck and Connie Huber
Jean and Barbara Huber
Mary Huber
Bernadette Hunley
Andy and Sheelagh Hunter
Howard and Mary Hunter
Cathy Hurst
Michael and Linda Huse
Bruce and Bernadette Huson
Gene and Judy Hussey
Don and Laima Huston
Adoracion Ignao
Ink Inc.
Stan and Judy Ip
Jeff and Kristen Iverson
Kay Jacobson
Paul and Barbara Jacobson
Thomas and Jean Jacques
Alfred and Inge Jaeckel
Bob Jaeckel
Meera Jain
Allan and Barbara James
Dan and Judy James
Richard and Lillian Jasper
Ken and Teri Jenkins
Sandy Jennings
Dick B’49 and Joyce Jensen
Richard and Karen Jensen
Charles and Betty Jesch
Darrell and Anne Jesse
Dave and Lori Jetton
Jeraldine Jew
Donald and Elena Jimenez
Allen and Jane Johnson
David and Laurie Johnson
Ellie Johnson
Lenn Johnson B’68 and Maria Kossan-Johnson
Norman and Dorothy Johnson
Rick Johnson
Roger Johnson
Ron Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Tessa Chouinard Johnson B’79 and
Barry Johnson
Whitney Johnson-Sawyer
Darrell and Jen Joque
Frances Messina Jordan SL’65 and Stan Jordan
Glenn and Beth Jordan
Jutta Joseph
Josephine Josephine
Susan Jouflas
Burt and Mary Joyce
Richard and Linda Judd
John and Pat Judy
Tae and Kyung Jung
Lee and Vicky Jurgensmeier
Dawn Kaiser
Greg Karalus and Carol Gregg
Jim and Sharon Karalus
Chris and Helen Kasteler
Elisa Howatson Katsel B’01 and Ilya Katsel
Lynn Kaufhold
Tony and Maureen Keaty
Harry Keaty
Patrick and Maureen Keaty
Roberta Keaty
Charles Keeran and Mary Richardson
Ken and Nancy Keiter
Neil and Mary Kelleher
Meg Kellerher
Mike and Lisa Kelly
Larry Kemper
David and Kathy Kendrick
Ms. Mary L. Kendrick
Dan Kennedy and Rob Steadman
Larry B’61 and Leigh Kennedy
Charles and Lynette Kent
Mihran and Therese Keoseian
Stephen and Laura Kern
Brian and Tiffany Kerr
Monica Kiehl B’83
Geraldine Gratzer Kilgren SL’53
Mr. and Mrs. Kim
Dave and LeAnn Kimberling
Jean Kindig
David and Cindy King
Mike and Galey Kinney
Jim and Pauline Kinoshita
Brian and Molly Kirk
Mac and Bette Kirk
Catherine Kirksey
Jerry and Diane Klein
Keith Klein B’82
Steve and Colleen Klein
Lavelle Kleinsmith
Gerald and Debra Klingeisen
Brad Klos B’87
Willa Kludt
Ruth Knighten
Richard and Donna Knoth
Jeff B’80 and Summer Knowlton
Dan Koch and Ann Dickman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kocher
Michael and Christina Koczarski
Hugh and Brenda Kodama
Mike and Linda Kohut
James and Cindy Komorous
Mike and Jacki Konesky
Dean and Dorothy Konop
Anthony and Linda Konstant
Jerry and Germaine Korum
Jonathan and Lauren Koshar
Peter Kram
Tom and Betty Kresek
Bryan and Barbara Kriewald
Peter and Christine Krumins
Scott and Barb Kuch
Dan and Emili Kuchler
Stanley and Peggy Kuchler
Tom and Janice Kvamme
Wally and Dayna Kwak
Ronald and Diane La Roche
Jeff and Dana Lacey
Frank and Denise Ladenburg
Lou and Irma LaFalce
Ken and Colleen Lamb
William and Lauren Lamberth
Lynette Lampson
Douglas and Wendy Lane
John and Bess June Lane
Robert and Molly Lane
Chuck and Teresa Langfitt
Lynne Langsford
Danny Langvad
Karen Langvad
Lawrence and Mary Larson
Mary Larson
Steven and Marcella Larson
Ed Lauderman
Mark B’71 and Marilyn Laviola
Larry and Frieda Lawrence
Alan Leach and Elizabeth Bohan-Leach
Scott and Sarah Lebeck
Alex and Sandy Lee
Paulita Lee
James and Jane Lee
Jim and Cindy Leeder
Lindsay Leeder B’97
Daniel and Laurie Legler
Nancy Leonard
Rich and Yvonne Leone
Stephen Levandowski and Suzanna Musick
Kirk and Mary Leverson
Frank and Gerri Lewis
Elizabeth Lichliter
Bob and Marianne Lilley
Scott Lilley
> Community Caring, continued
Chris Lindberg
Ed and Marilyn Lindberg
Jon and Krista Linden
Reese and Cecile Lindquist
Karen Lindsay
Al and Sheila Linggi
Jim and Barb Lobdell
Thelma Loen
Sonja Loftus
Rick Loper
Maria Lopez-Ramos
Charlie and Susan Love
Jean Luce
Jim B’ 87 and Lisa Lund
Jeff and Susan Lyon
Phil Maceechron and Deborah Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Bret C. Macrae
George Magill and Jennifer Glisson
Josephine Mahan
Timothy and Rosemary Mahan
Ron Mahoney
David Mahre
Heidi Mahy
Frank and Patricia Maiocco
David Mallavia
Sue Mallavia
Donald Malloy
Jon and Jean Malmin
Rick and Patsy Maloney
Rico and Malou Malonzo
Eden Manapul
Eric Manke B’86
Jim and Bonnie Manke
Jerry Manley
Shirley Manley
Terry and Helen Manley
Mary Mann
Wally and Marlene Mann
Brian and Kari Mannikko
Al B’70 and Nancy Manning
Pat and Judy Manza
John and Lynn Marchetto
Heidi Marostica B”87
Noreen Schmidt Marostica SL’56
Peter and Susan Marsh
Christopher Martin
George and Cathy Martin
Jeannie Martin
Mary Martin A’69
Matt and Desanne Martin
Thomas and Lois Martin
Patty Maruca SL’62
Grace Masaba
Bob and Veronica Masenga
Thomas and Suzanne Masenga
David and Nenita Mateny
Lee and Karen Mathews
Mark and Donna Mathews
Otto and Jane Matsch
Thomas and Yong Matsuda
Tom May
William and Patricia May
John B’63 and Laurie Mazzuca
Andrew and Mary McCain
Jerome and Christy McCarthy
John B’67 and Patrice McCarthy
Ken B’59 and Carol McCarthy
Lois McCarthy
Louis and Mary McClelland
George and Helen McClure
Reid and Terri McClure
Viola McClure
Georgia McCollum
Larry McCollum
Martin and Susan McCormack
William McCormack
Bob McCrimmon
Wade and Carolyn McCune
Bud and Dayle McCune
Joseph McDermott
Andrew B’84 and Kay McDonald
Corey and Peggy McDonald
Scott and Kathy McDonald
Steve and Claudia McDonald
Brian and Cecelia McDonnell
John B’46 and Jane McDonough
Michael B’76 and Wendy McDonough
Jay and Tracy McDougal
Paul B’85 and Kari McEntee
Rich B’82 and Jill McEntee
D. and Sandy McGinnis
Tom and Nancy McGrath
Janet M. McIntyre
Eileen McKain B’80 and Brian Moran
Jerry and Mary McKain
Christine Perez McKanna B’97 and
Steven McKanna
John McKay
Richard and Judy McKelvey
Shirley McKenney
Anne McKenzie
Mark McKenzie
Patrick McMullin
William and Maureen McMurray
Charles and Patty McNeal
Bob and Joan McNeil
Larry B’57 and Millie McNerthney
Dale B’60 and Nathalie McRoberts
Darleen Mcvay
Carolyn Meacham
Mary Meads
Don and Janet Medley
Mike and Gayle Medley
Kurt and Angela Meeker
Marlene Meeker
Mildred Mees
Betty Meikle
Dennis and Judy Meinert
Gary and Margaret Melhaff
Raymond and Regeania Menard
Richard and Joann Menard
Rick and Kathleen Mercier
Frank and Juanita Mermoud
Pat B’77 and Kristy Mernaugh
Frank Merritt
Carl and Mary Meske
Mark and Nancy Messe
John and Guelda Messina
Jack and Nancy Metcalfe
Leticia Meza
Mark and Ramona Michael
Nick and Magen Michaud
Robert Mika and Romina Olevano-Mika
Bobby and Alice Milam
Cari Milgard-DeGoede
Cliff and Bonnie-Jane Miller
Don and Patti Miller
Ida Miller
Jim and Gail Miller
Joe Miller
Matt Millie B’77 and Maureen McNerthney
Millie B’77
Tom Moore B’73 and Julie Millie-Moore A’73
Michael Mishalanie
Chris Mitchell and Jennifer Regan-Mitchell
Philip and Rosita Mitchell
Thomas and Beatrice Mitchell
Nick Adams and Carolyn Modarelli-Adams
Bill and Suzanne Molt
Roger and Nancy Molt
Joe Mondau B’79
David and Tammy Moody
Austin and Beverly Mooers
Karla Mooers
Joseph and Marie Mooney
Ms. Kay Mooney
Anthony Moore
Greg and Missy Moore
James and Karlee Moore
Wayne and Karen Moore
Frank Morales
Loretta Moravec
Gary Morelli
Chris Morgan
Tom and Debbie Morgan
Dave and Donna Morgan
Al B’57 and Inge Morris
George and Shahla Morris
Scott and Tami Morris
Raymond Morrison and Nancy Morgan
Scott and Davette Mowers
Jimmy and Jean Moyer
Fred and Sharon Mueller
Patricia Mueller
Donald and Katherine Mulligan
Thomas Mumford and Nancy Smith
Jeff and Mary Murphy
John and Lisa Murphy
Mary Murphy
John and Michelle Murray
Patty Benoit Murray A’69 and Bob Murray
Paul and Lucille Murray
Peter and Claudia Murray
Rose Murray
Ieron and Edie Musica
Jerry and Catherine Mutz
David and Connie Myers
Larry and Lou Naehr
Rhea Nagle
Jim and Chris Nasrawi
Joe and Suzy Nealon
John and Michelle Neeb
Bob and Sue Nelson
Daniel and Cindi Nelson
Don and Melissa Nelson
Sami Taylor Nervo B’08 and John Nervo
Michael and Melissa Nesland
Nick and Sheila Nesland
Alex and Susan Neyman
Xuan Nguyen and Huong Tran
Anne Nichols
Bud and Joan Niebergall
Rebecca Njenga
Dawn Ann Noakes
Elvera Nolde
Claire Nold-Glaser
Marjorie Nugent
Scott and Ruth Nurmi
Kim and Faith Nutting
Julia O’Brien
Margaret O’Connell
John O’Conner and Celeste Maris
Barry B’79 and Renee’ O’Connor
Bart O’Connor B’78
C.J. O’Connor
Ralph and Rosemary O’Connor
Robert B79 and Lori O’Connor
Don and Kathy Ogard
Jerry and Marguerite Ogden
Micheal and Sharon O’Hara
Stephen and Carla O’Hearne
Keith and Kris Ohm
Flora Oladapo
Old House Mercantile Co.
Michael and Patricia O’Leary
Michael O’Looney
Michele Klein Olsen B’81 and Doug Olsen
Edward and Teresa Olson
Grego and Donna Olson
Irene Olson
Mike Olson
Richard and Sandy Olson
Ron and Enid Olson
Ron Squibb and Tamara Olson
Todd and Roberta Olson
Joline Omlin
Josie Omlin
Sandra O’Reilly
Bill and Marie Orrange
Bobby and Noelle Orvella
Tim and Christie Oswald
Barbara Kennedy Ott SL’60 and Fritz Ott
Kriss Ott B’90
Peg Padovano
Stan and Diane Palmquist
Chris Paradise B’88
Don and Peggy Paradise
Michael and Martha* Parent
Joel and Karen Parker
Paul and Vanessa Parker
Timothy and Pamela Parker
William and Beverly Parker
Byron Parkinson
Bob and Marge Parks
John and Lynne Parrott
Mike and Kathy Parshall
Betty Patterson
Al and Patricia Payne
Bob and Katie Payne
Earl and Janice Peace
Heidi Peacock
Don B’74 and Margaret Pearson
Bruce and Kory Pederson
Manuel Pereira B’76 and
Debbie Stumpf Pereira B’77
Joe B’94 and Antoinette Perez
Mike and Amber Perez
Rick and Kristi Perko
Michael and Christine Perry
Ed and Veryl Peters
Jeff and Richele Peters
Jennifer Peters
Bob and Sandra Petersen
David and Jenny Peterson
Dave Peterson B’44 and
Jackie Smith Peterson A’50
Dennis and Joan Peterson
Irma Peterson
Annmarie Petrich B’81
Chris Petrich B’68 and Elizabeth Harburg
Jim and Mary Ann Petrich
Danny Petruss
Greg Pfarr and Lisa Ede
Bob B’53 and Carol Pfeiffer
Brian and Heidi Phair
Curtis Phelps
Marie Phill
Martha Phill
Lance and Shirley Phillips
Harry and Linda Phillips
Matthew and Britenae Pierce
Robert and Ludi Pierce
Shelley Pierman and Steve Pickering
Denny and Talli Pierre
Clark and Monica Pigato
Liane Pigato
Bob and Jackie Pigg
Ted and Lana Pigg
Jeff B’85 and Danielle Plancich
Frank and Lorraine Plouf
Mike B’75 and Lisa Politeo
Portland General Electric Co
“We all move on. But we will never be strangers.” Tyler Hunt B’12
Ginny Armstrong Prentice A’64 and Bill Prentice
Tom and Patty Price
Bill and Esther Puterbaugh
Shane Putnam
Mary Kay Quinlan
Gene Quinn
Jean Ann Quinn B’77 and Patrick Leavy
Tim and Kris Quinn
Mike Quint
Ralph Ramona
Steve Ramona
Alberto and Maria Ramos
Romulo and Cynthia Ramos
Robert and Karen Ramsey
Elizabeth Rand
Paulito and Loida Randrup
Kris Rantalla
Andy and Maria Rash
Jon and Sally Raymond
James Reder B’62 and
Kathleen Zydek Reder A’62
Betsy Reed
Lloyd Reed B’44 and
Marianne Medved Reed SL’48
Dick B’72 and Mary Reed
Jill Reha B’77
Kevin and Janice Reilly
Timothy Reilly
Mike and Christi Reimer
Ernest and Denise Remy
Cindy Reopelle B’76
Jeannie Reopelle
Mino and Cleo Reporter
Julia Reynolds-Walsh B’10
David and Joan Rice
Janet Luther Rich SL’59
Michael and Emily Rich
Jim and Carla Richards
Jay Richards B’07
Kevlyn Richards B’09
Nicolette Richards B’11
Pat Richmond SL’51
Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Ridge
David Robinson and Lila Ritsema
Ken and Lola Ritter
Rick Rivera
Angie Roarty
Steve and Laurie Robbins
Nathaniel and Carolyn Roberson
Gerald and Lois Roberts
Greg Roberts B’87 and
Lynne Thiessen Roberts B’87
Ron and JoAnn Roberts
Leo and Joann Robic
Anne Scraggin Robinson B’84 and
Nick Robinson
Nan Robinson
Jeffery Robydek and Candy Bradison
Juan and Lucia Rodriguez
Don and Georgia Rogers
Matt Rogers
Stewart and Carol Rogers
Doug Rohner B’76
Ronald Rohrer
Craig and Belinda Rone
Nell Rooth
Mr. Ryan G. Ross
Bob and Dawn Rowland
John and Mary Rowlands
Judy Royne
Bernard and Terese Ruff
Joy Ruiz
Robert and Barbara Rukstalis
Debbie Rush
Randy Rushforth
Ralph Sager and Margaret Beyer
Jim and Julie Sahagian
Lidia Salas
Salvador and Erlinda Salud
Ken and Sheila Samples
Roman and Margarita San Juan
Mike and Debi San Soucie
Ellen Sandberg
Howard and Katherine Saner
Robert and Kathy SanSoucie
Loren and Sandra Sawyer
Don and Cristi Scarsella
Ron and Cheryl Scavotto
Ronald and Andrea Schaffner
Joe and Irene Schammel
John and Janet Schlotfeldt
Jeanne Rauch Schmal A’59 and Rich Schmal
William and Patricia Schmidt
Russell Schmidtke
Dan and Sandi Schneider
Joe and Teresa Schneider
Leonard and Ann Schneider
Virginia Schneider
Kevin and Emily Schoenfelder
Roger and Karen Schoessel
Paul and Tamie Scholter
Steve B’81 and Ronna Schreiner
Bill and Joan Schroeder
Angie Schultz
Bryan and Kristina Schulz
Ken and Mary Schulz
Walter Schumacher and Susan Holloway
Jim Schweickert
Demetra Annest Schwieger B’77 and
Tim Schwieger
Alfred Scipio
Gordon and Nancy Scraggin
Joe Seeberger B’50 and
Kay Campbell Seeberger A’56
Linda Seeburger
John Seek
James and Kathryn Seley
Michael Sellars and Carol Murphy
Steve and Raelene Semago
Jay and Kathy Sessler
Scott Sewall
Rick B’82 and Vicky Shanaman
Ken and Jan Sharp
Terry Sharrard and June Hokama-Sharrard
Cynthia Shaw A’70
Leonard and Dana Shaw
Jerry and Joan Sheets
Troy and Kate Sheets
Peter and Andrea Shelley
Angela Sheppard
Mike B’83 and Kelly Sheppard
Richard and Joanna Shere
Philip Sheridan
Bruce and Teresa Sherman
Ron and Diane Sherman
Nancy Sheehan Sherry A’46 and Leo Sherry
Brian and Adell Shetterly
Kurt and Yvonne Shevalier
David and Tina Shimpeno
Richard and Chris Shine
Don Shjerven
Lestle and Patricia Shockley
Shirley Shoffner
Milton and Jean Shullian
Kathy Simpson
Travis and Melissa Sims
Matt and Tami Sisco
Steve and Litishia Skatrud
Edwina Skyles
Victoria Skyles
Al and Darlene Slack
Derek and Erica Sloan
Sam Slonim
Jim Smalley
Chad W. Smart DDS, P.S.
Johnny and Tracy Smith
Leni Smith
David and Lisa Smith
Mary Smith
Bob and Debi Smith
Stephen and Jane Smith
Terrance and Carolyn Smith
Bill Snider
Kathy Snider
Tom Snider
John and Elizabeth Snyder
Rich and Jeanne Snyder
Don and Maureen Sober
Henry and Barbara Soch
Young Sok
Janice Sorensen
Dick Sorenson
Louis Spain
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde K. Sparks
Jim and Kathy Spencer
Joseph Spengler
Stacey Spyropoulos
John and Teresa Stackpole
Chris B’75 and Anita Staeheli
Joe B’65 and Patricia Staeheli
Mary Ann Staeheli A’68
Patrick B’63 and Estrellita Staeheli
Jason and Lisa Stanley
Jim and Nancy Stavinga
Ron and Shirley Stavinga
Mary Jo Armstrong Stebner SL’60
Edgar Steinitz
Olivia Stephens
Dan and Donya Sterns
Alexander and Rebecca Stewart
Duncan and Sylvia Stewart
Les and Carol Stiles
George and Kay Stilnovich
Jeff and Jeri Stockdale
Ron and Carol Stockdale
Russ and Kristi Stockdale
Debra Stojack
James and Nan Stoltenberg
JoAnne Gustin Stoltz A’74 and Wayne Stoltz
Ken and Lynn Stormans
Joe and Carol Stortini
Ken and Josephine Stortini
Mary Stout
Vivien Straus
Chris and Renee Strode
Subaru of Puyallup, Inc
David and Cathleen Sullivan
Roger and Lana Sundahl
Richard and Michelle Susie
Lennie Sutton
Jennifer Sweigert
Denise Swensrud
Edwin and Sharon Sweo
Deb Swickard
C.J. Swierczewski B’04
Melvin and Edith Swillie
Tacoma Steel Supply Inc.
Jackie Talley
Ted and Ginger Tanner
Matt and Beth Tarabochia
Gary Tart and Libby Gilston
Judy Tattersall
Larry and Eve Taylor
Marian Taylor
Tim and Marlene Taylor
Pat Tebb
Tom and Mary Lou Tebb
Travis B’86 and Kristin Tebb
Alan Terry
William and Kimberly Terry
Chris B’90 and Kari Thierer
Dave Thomas
Palmerin Thomas
Brian and Kyra Thompson
Joan Thompson
Karen Thompson
Maureen Thompson
Ron and Marilyn Thompson
> Community Caring, continued
Jan Thorne
Paul and Mary Thornton
Mark Thurston B’85 and
Lynn Reder Thurston B’85
Ronald Tibbetts
Odette Ticoulat
Michael Tierney
Bob and Candy Tingstad
Rick and Barb Tipton
Robert Tirao and Catherine Robles-Tirao
Bruce B’75 and Linda Titus
Carolyn A. Titus
Damon Titus
Leon B’75 and Marci Titus
Carolyn Titus
Rudy and Connie Tollefson
Thomas and Tammy Tollen
Clete and Carol Toone
Brad and Jan Topping
Dawn Torgerson
Ron and Helen Torgeson
Gabriel and Rosa Torres
Molly Towslee
Feliciano and Felicidad Trajico
Bill and Georganne Trandum
Brendan and Pat Treanor
Thomas and Sheila Treat
Larry and Jane Treleven
Dennis and Jeanne Trittin
Douglas and Kathy Trotter
Tom and Judy Troy
Tom and Rosanne Trunk
TSP Technology Group LLC
Mike B’57 and Mary Jo Tucci
Mike B’82 and Mimi Tucci
Steve Tuley
Ed and Marilyn Tuohy
Al and Emma Turner
Rick and Ramona Turner
Theresa Boulanger Twining A’71 and
Daniel Twining
Dan B’81 and Carolyn Tyrrell
Mike Tyrrell B’53
Steve and Valerie Ufer
Steven Urback
Leopoldo and Josefina Vallarta
Tom Van Hollebeke
Josine Vanderlaan
Larry and Sue Varga
Tim and Renee Vay
Greg and Laura Veasy
Roberto and Fe Velasco
Mary Vial
Carlos and Pamela Vigil
Joseph Villcecco
Barbara Waggoner
Mark and Kathryne Wagner
William and Rose Wagner
Richard Wakazuru
Doris Walen
Lars Walen B’10
Reid and Julie Walen
Janet Walkup
Jon Walkup
Janet Walter A’64
Denny and Jill Waltier
Bruce Walyor
Mr. Robert M. Walyor
James and Shirley Ward
Dan and Asenath Warren
Larry and Patricia Warwick
Geordy Watson
Gerry Watson
Peggy Watson
Annie Treleven Weber B’86 and Michael Weber
John and Myrna Weber
Joanne Wegener
Kurt Weigel
Larry and Linda Weigel
Bud and Connie Weiser
Bryan B’86 and Jessica Welch
Ray and Catherine Welch
Wells Fargo Foundation
Janet Miller Welsh SL’54
Mike and Pat Wensman
Michael Werner B’62
Connie Wesson
John and Chris West
Petra Morris West B’82
Greg and Kelly Wetterhus
Andrea Morris Weymiller B’89 and
Paul Weymiller
John and Jean White
Stewart and Suzi Whitham
Bernie and Corleen Whitman
Bruce and Helen Whitmer
Jeff and Kathleen Whitmer
Todd and Judy Whitmer
Claire Wickham
Ann McEntee B’83 and Mark Wiegman
Paul Wigboldy
Charith and Elaine Wikkramamtilleke
Alan and Teri Wilard
George and Beatrice Wilde
Dale Wilkerson
Don and Judy Willard
Colleen Williams
Shari Williams
Don and Mary Willis
Joseph Wilson and Cecilia McDonagh-Wilson
Sam Wilson
Steven and Kirsten Wilson
Paul and Diana Wimber
Mary Katherine Winkler-Gandhi B’78 and
Kevin Gandhi
Lee and Jane Wohlwend
Mike and Andrea Wolfe
Kelly Wolff
Heather Woloshyn
Fred Woo
Peter and Ana Woo
Jim and Linda Wood
Victoria Woodarski B’87
Troy and Tamra Woodman
Gerrie Woods
Kenny and Sharon Woods
Jeff and Nancy Woodworth
John and Judy Woodworth
Broc Woodworth B’05 and
Julia Cook Woodworth B’05
James and Pat Worley
Joel and Kari Wright
Robert and Jan Wright
Audrey Wyman
Kazunori and Phoebe Yamamoto
Joe and Rene’ Yannello
Bill and Judy Yates
James and Jeanette Yates
Steve and Carrie Yates
Karl and Starr Yauch
Bill and Wanda Yoder
David and Mary Young
John Young and Marilyn Leonard
Perianne Yourkoski
Joan Zelasko
Joseph and Laura Zelasko
Nancy Zemek
Susan Zemek B’79
James and Patty Zettas
Ben and Elizabeth Zielke
Joanne Zipperer
Vicky Marostica Zoutte B’79 and Gary Zoutte
How Can I Give?
Every gift to Bellarmine Preparatory School provides vital support to the annual fund, endowment and capital needs.
When considering how to contribute to Bellarmine please keep the following opportunities in mind.
Gifts of Cash
Gifts made by cash, checks, debit, or credit card are deductible to the
full extent allowed by law and may be made by mail, phone or on-line at
www.bellarmineprep.org. We can also set up one-time or recurring credit
card payments on a schedule specific to your instructions and needs.
Matching Gifts
Many businesses and corporations will match your gift to Bellarmine.
This is a great way to double your gift, or a portion of your gift. Go on-line
at www.bellarmineprep.org/matching-gifts to see if your company is
listed or contact Kristy Kunkle, Data & Moves Manager, at kunklek@
Tribute Gifts
Appreciated Securities
If you own stocks or other assets that have appreciated in value, a gift of
those to Bellarmine may provide you with desirable tax savings. To find out
more about making this type of gift contact Dean Hanks, Vice President for
Development, at hanksd@bellarmineprep.org. Please contact your financial
advisor or tax consultant for more information about your particular situation.
Planned Gifts
Planned or deferred gifts (bequests, life insurance, charitable trusts) may
be options you have considered as a way of reducing or avoiding estate and
inheritance taxes while making a gift to help secure the future of Bellarmine
Prep. Please contact Dean Hanks, Vice President for Development to learn
more. hanksd@bellarmineprep.org or call (253)756-3875
A gift in honor or memory of a loved one, special person in your life,
friend, faculty member, or student is a great way to make a special gift
to Bellarmine Prep. If you have questions please contact Kristy Kunkle,
Data & Moves Manager, at kunklek@bellarmineprep.org. Or, you may
call Jessica Achziger, Annual Giving Director at (253)756-3878 or
The 2012 PRIDE auction, “Come On Board” was held on Saturday March 30, 2012, on our Bellarmine Campus, in
the St. Ignatius Loyola Center. Our guests were welcomed by our “Cruise Directors” Mary Byrne B’79 and Karen
Witker B’89 and their wonderful “Captain” hubands. All of our guests which included, current parents, past parents,
and alumni “boarded” the SS Bellarmine and enjoyed an evening that was filled with excitement and filled the air as
our guests bid on original and unique items. Everyone had a wonderful time, reconnecting
and reminiscing about their days at Bellarmine Prep.
We are pleased to announce that the 2012 PRIDE event grossed $380,000 for
scholarships, financial aid and other critical programs at Bellarmine. Fundan-Item this year was overwhelmingly successful by raising $150,000 to
be used for the Memorial Field Bleacher project. The highlight of the
evening came during the Fund-an-Item when the class of 2012 committed
to giving $10,000 towards the Bleacher project. An energy ignited the
room which led to an overwhelming successful Fund-An-Item.
The 2012 chairs, Mary Byrne B’79 and Karen Witker B’89, along with
the PRIDE Board and Steering Committee chairs, would like to thank the
hundreds of volunteers, donors, bidders and sponsors who made this year’s
event successful.
A special thank you goes to Bruce Titus Automotive Group for their generous
support as the 2012 PRIDE Auction Presenting Sponsor.
Please join us and our chairs Jeff & Ellen McVicker and Gavin & Margie O’Brien B’79 next year on March 23rd as we
venture into the wild on the Bellarmine Campus, for our PRIDE auction 2013, “Welcome to the Jungle”.
2012 Auction Co-Chairs
Mary Byrne B’79 & Karen Witker B’89
PRIDE Officers
Greg Unruh, President
Susie Roberts A’73, Vice President
Donna Meyer, Secretary
Maria Hilger B’78, Treasurer
Lynn Miller, Director
Pam Leazer, Administrative Rep
Aida Galbraith, Faculty Rep
Board Members
Lauren Hilterbrant B’84
Jeff Jensen B’83
Trish Joyce
Johnny Maes
Gina McCarthy B’87
Jeff McVicker
Donna Meyer
Suzanne Molt
Gavin O’Brien
Jennifer Welch Peterson B’87
Maria Sessler B’84
Karen Strub
Holli Tollan
PRIDE Sponsors
Table Sponsors
Jeff Jensen B’83/Windermere
Professional Partners
Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management
Services Inc.
Brown & Brown Insurance
Catholic Health Initiatives/
Franciscan Health Systems
Dwyer Pemberton & Coulson, PC
Eisenhower & Carlson, PLLC
Evergreen Excavation
Peninsula Subaru-Suzuki &Triumph Motorcycle
Wells Fargo Bank
William A White, PLLC
Friend of Bellarmine Sponsors
Bordeaux Orthodontics, Joseph M. Bordeaux
BiNW-Delivering Spaces That Inspire
Commencement Bay Dentistry
Delta Dental
Group Health
KM Perry Trucking, Inc.
Puget Sound Investments of Washington, Inc.
dba Subway
RKL Enterprises
Rush, Hannula, Harkins & Kyler, LLP
PRIDE Donors
Rod and Heather Bolek
Tom and Amanda Boyd
Charles and Andrea Bucher
Scott and Kathleen Byers
Mary McIntyre Byrne B’79 and Kevin Byrne
Kenneth and Sandra Dick
John B’70 and Aida* Galbraith
Steve Gernon B’83 and
Kati Chouinard Gernon B’83
Bernadette Miller and
Melinda Dionas pose with
auctioneer, “Captain”
Nick Hilger B’76 and Maria Goins Hilger B’78
Lauren Hanel Hilterbrant B’84 and
Gerald Hilterbrant
Todd and Babie Hunter
Jeff Jensen B’83
Peter and Trish Joyce
David Hancock and Tamarah Knapp-Hancock
Sunni Ko
Hal and Pam* Leazer
Charles and Daisy Li
Ruben Manzanares and
Ann Freeman-Manzanares
Matthew McCarthy B’79 and
Gina Bader McCarthy B’87
Steve and Donna Meyer
Suzanne Molt
Daniel and Cindi Nelson
Margie Boulanger O’Brien B’79 and
Gavin O’Brien
Jennifer Welch Peterson B’87 and Dave Peterson
Patrick and Kathleen Quinn
Susie Adams Roberts A’73 and Jim Roberts
Mary Felzer Schneider A’35
Maria Tucci Sessler B’84 and Jon Sessler
Noel and Laurie Shillito
Sisters Of The Holy Names
Steve and Litishia Skatrud
Scott and Stella Thalhamer
Mike and Tina Thomas
Sr. Mary E. Thorne CSJP A’57
Michael and Holli Tollan
Greg and Amy Unruh
Anne Piscatella Vaughan B’88 and Pat Vaughan
Paul and Lisa Werner
David and Lois Wilson
Karen Manning Witker B’89 and Dan Witker
Bob Wright and Sally Devine-Wright
PRIDE Gift In Kind
Margaret Treleven Graphic Design
Scott and Davette Mowers
Thanks to the generous support of key Bellarmine volunteer groups, major donors and the most successful PRIDE Auction
“Fund an Item” in its long history, new bleachers on Memorial Field are a reality. The former bleachers on the home side
of Memorial Field had been in existence for more than four decades and the time to replace them was long overdue.
The total funds raised for the new bleachers totaled more than $490,000 and included more than $150,000 from fund an
item donors to this year’s PRIDE auction (highlighted by an amazing $10,000 class gift from the outgoing senior class of 2012.
Other major gifts included:
Bellarmine Boosters Multi-Year Commitment..........$100,000
Bob, Melanie, Robb & Bret Dressel............................. $60,000
The Tucci Family........................................................... $50,000
PRIDE reserve funds...................................................... $50,000
Names Foundation........................................................ $25,000
Philomathea.................................................................. $25,000
Chandler Family............................................................ $10,000
Lawrence Family............................................................ $10,000
Ben B. Cheney Foundation............................................ $7,500
Sam B’75 and Jeanne Adams
Don and Nancy Anderson
Doug Andrews
Casey and Annie Arbenz
Dick and Judy Baerg
Steve Baerg B’88 and
Stephanie Stumpf Baerg B’89
Dan and Cheryl Balmelli
Jason and Pamela Barcena
Christine Vargo Barnhart B’79 and
Michael Barnhart
Greg and Jayne Beckel
Terry Christiansen Bender A’72 and
Mark Bender
Rose Callahan Berntsen SL’48 and
Richard Berntsen
Kathy Gustafson Bethke B’88 and Bob Bethke
Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Black
Mike and Maureen Bonck
Joe B’81 and Kerry Bordeaux
Evan Boulanger B’00 and
Lauren Richardson Boulanger B’00
James B’73 and Donna Boulanger
John and Kim Boyle
Margaret Lane Brown B’83 and Charlie Brown
Steve and Shawn Brown
Julie Campbell*
Tracey Carlin
Joe and Teresa Clabots
Peter B’75 and Pam Comfort
Concrete Technology Corporation
Jack and Angela Connelly
Kevin and Lisa Conner
Craig* and Katrina Coovert
Rick and Wendy Coovert
Joel B’75 and Sherry Hellenkamp
Barbara Henderson* B’77
Jim Henderson B’64
Chris Herchold B’96 and
Jodi Stricherz Herchold B’96
Dave Herron and Debbie Elsbree-Herron
Dan B’78 and Luann Hilger
Jim B’80 and Chong Hilger
Nick Hilger B’76 and Maria Goins Hilger B’78
Lauren Hanel Hilterbrant B’84 and
Gerald Hilterbrant
George and Margaret Hofmann
Jeff and Kristin Hogan
Melissa Hortsch
John and Lisa Howgate
Erik and Mary Beth Hynes
Stan and Judy Ip
Regis and Nancy Jackson
Dennis and Tricia Jensen
Philip B’82 and Anne-Marie Jesse
Lenn Johnson B’68 and Maria Kossan-Johnson
Jeremy B’95 and Whitney Johnston
Brian Kampbell B’96 and Brianne
Oldenburg Kampbell B’96
Neil and Carol Kelleher
Keith Kemper and Darryl Ward
Sara and Bruce Kendall
David and Peggy Kennel
Gabor and Loire Klade
Vince B’88 and Michelle Kokich
The Kors Family (Go Kevin)
Kristy Johnson Kunkle* B’03 and
Matthew Kunkle
Bob and Lynelle LaPointe
Tom* B’74 and Mary Larsen
Mary Palmquist Cranstoun B’83 and
Michael Cranstoun
Mike Cvitanovic
Laurie Dahl Isacson
Dave and Veronica Davidson
Cindy Davis*
Darren and Amy* de Guia
Charles and Wendy Dent
John B’82 and Melinda Dionas
Kim Ott Dizon B’86 and Dan Dizon
Meg Sheppard Doscher B’84 and Keith Doscher
Dave and Ginny Douglas
Bill and Kally Dowling
Don and Ann Marie Eberhart
Bill* and Barbara Eckert
Nigel B’88 and Kara English
Mark B’79 and Debbie Gallinatti
Chris* and Doreen Gavin
Brian and Kimberly Golob
Leslie Gould*
Richard Gray and Susie Kennedy-Gray
Charlene Morris Guetle SL’59
Roderick Guiberson and Kelly Crowe Guiberson
Paula Morris Hagstrom SL’65 and Bud Hagstrom
James Hanigan B’82 and
Jeanne Dressel Hanigan B’84
Dean Hanks*
Steve and Liz Hansen
Ian and Kim Harding
John Harkins B’96 and Kate Babbo Harkins B’98
Vern B’67 and Kathleen Harkins
Jeff and Patty Harper
Gail Harrison
Dan and Kathy Hawley
Don and Carolyn Hearon
Darin and Kelly Lenderink
Bob Huey and Barbara Lidikay*
Steven and Marie Lilley
Kevin and Lisa Lovejoy
Jeff and Susan Lyon
Zeb Madison B’97
Don and Jan Mallavia
Morry and Pam Manning
Pat and Judy Manza
Rob and Mindi Marsh
Mike and Pam Martin
Jerry and Kathy* Maxey
Fr. Fred Mayovsky SJ*
Matthew McCarthy B’79 and
Gina Bader McCarthy B’87
Mike and Carolyn McCoy
Michael B’76 and Wendy McDonough
Rich B’82 and Jill McEntee
Jeff and Ellen McVicker
Steve and Donna Meyer
Annette Michalson*
Randy and Denice Milholland
Jim and Bernadette Miller
Rob B’82 and Ann Modarelli
Suzanne Molt
David and Barbara Morrison
David and Annette Mummery
Larry and Marion Murray
Chris West and Heidi Nader-West
Danny and Lorrie O’Brien
Sean and Jane O’Brien
Beth O’Connor B’78 and Ross Drangsholt
Travis B’05 and Krissann Off
Erik and Diane Ogard
Wesley and Kim Ohlson
Maggie Brown Oldenburg A’70 and
Rick Oldenburg
Bart Parker and Jean Picha-Parker
Tim B’76 and Patti Pavolka
Angela Treleven Persich B’99 and
Justin Persich
Jennifer Welch Peterson B’87 and Dave Peterson
Jack* and Mary Peterson
Dave B’74 and Jenise Petrich
Matt Philichi B’79 and
Maryann DiRe Philichi B’80
Jenny Phillips*
Greg and Monica Plancich
Ed* B’75 and Denise Ploof
Tom and Patty Price
Navdeep and Jagpreet Rai
Robert and Karen Ramsey
Steve and Joan Rapkoch
Andy and Maria Rash
Christopher and Lindsay Reanier
Mike and Christi Reimer
Susie Adams Roberts A’73 and Jim Roberts
Bruce and Mikel Ross
John Ruffo B’60
Greg and Dion Rurik
Tom and Sheila Ryan
Darlene Guetle Salazar B’85 and
Bernie* Salazar
Andres’ Sandoval-Lugo and Carrie Lillie-Lugo
Theresa Scala
Rod and Nancy Schauer
Mary Felzer Schneider A’35
Mike and Andy Schneider
Antonio and Manola Secaira
Dave Seiwerath B’57 and
Mary Ann Hindery Seiwerath* A’64
Steve B’93 and Robin Seiwerath
Scott and Vicky Selden
Mary Gallagher Senecal B’75 and
Frank Senecal
Dan and Arlene Sessler
Maria Tucci Sessler B’84 and Jon Sessler
Joe and Kim Sheppard
Steve and Litishia Skatrud
Mike and Christie Smith
Ray Smith and Mary Klimek-Smith
Sprague Pest Solutions
Chris B’75 and Anita Staeheli
George and Jennifer Stilnovich
Jay and Wendy Stricherz
John and Karen Strub
Charles and Diana Sullivan
Scott Takehara
Andrew and Tracy Tedesco
Brendan and Karin Teles
Drew and Lisa Thatcher
The Boeing Gift Matching Program
Bruce B’75 and Linda Titus
Michael and Holli Tollan
Michael and Lila* Transue
Alfie B’76 and Carolyn Treleven
Bob B’79 and Chris Turner
Kristin Tweten
Greg and Amy Unruh
Ann McIntyre Webster B’78 and Marty Webster
Paul and Lisa Werner
Bill and Connie White
Greg and Laura Whitman
Richard Wilber
Bob and Jeri Williams
David and Lois Wilson
Karen Manning Witker B’89 and Dan Witker
William and Kandace Wolf
Charles and Nicole Woo
Alec B’99 and Alexa Zarelli
Jake* and Kathy Zimmerman
Restricted gifts support specific activities, departments, and programs at Bellarmine that
require additional funding or are not part of the annual operation budget.
ACL Camp
Michael and Barbara Doleshel
George B’77 and Anna-Lisa Kanick
Redford Family Partnership
Annette Michalson*
Andy and Maria Rash
Bridget Dwyer Sevigny B’91
Competitor Group, Inc.
Anthony Wilson
Bob and Val Little
Children’s International Club
The Rope Foundation
Athletic Facilities Fund
Jim B’91 and Shannon Aquino
Joseph and Stacy Cates-Carney
Jeanne Barron Knudsen B’79 and Paul Knudsen
Keith Mead
Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts Program
Dave B’77 and Kay Payne
Marty B’60 and Suzy Petrich
Russell Matching Gifts Program
David B’86 and Donna Ryan
Jeannette Bombardier Staudt SL’59 and
Ernst Staudt
The Boeing Gift Matching Program
The Titus-Will Families Foundation
Washington State Combined Fund Drive
Joe Wilczek
Educating For Life
Jim Andersen and Mary Lobdell
David and Stephanie* Cisakowski
Curt B’77 and Olga Dyckman
Edman Company
Kristy Johnson Kunkle* B’03 and
Matthew Kunkle
Robert and Molly Lane
Microsoft Corporation
Tom Pagano
Athletics Baseball
Tony and Cindy Lawrence
Tacoma Steel Supply Inc.
Tacoma Steel Supply Inc.
Boys’ Basketball
Cals Kent Station
James and Helen Oxley
Bernardo and Alma Salazar
Cross Country
Tacoma Steel Supply Inc.
Al and Mickey Allen
Faculty Development
Bancroft-Clair Foundation
Faith and Friendship
Boulanger Family Foundation
Tom and Sheila Ryan
St. Patrick School
Pat Schmieg Young SL’60 and Robert Young
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)
Duane and Sharon* Olson
Boys’ Soccer
Mark and Isabella Doxon
Doxon Toyota, Inc.
John and Sophia Hall
Russell and Nancy Holtz
Hal and Pam* Leazer
Darin and Kelly Lenderink
M & I Investments LLC
Mike B’75 and Lisa Politeo
Sandy Totten
Jeff and Elizabeth Klein
Angela Castro Kors B’82
Jason Kors B’81
Richard Presland
Seattle Seahawks Charitable Foundation
Mary Gallagher Senecal B’75 and Frank Senecal
Building Bridges
Korum For Kids Foundation
Golf Team
Jack Ancich B’96
Campus Habitat
Dave Barta
Chris* and Malia* Bernards
Richard Gray and Susie Kennedy-Gray
Tom* B’74 and Mary Larsen
Frank* and Maria Lewis
Dianna Pitt B’95
Tom and Susan Shjerven
Mike and Christie Smith
Steven and Margaret Thorndill
Mike Turner B’62 and Lynne Abbott Turner A’62
Gwen White*
Ignation Teach in For Justice
Jose Cruz*
Campus Ministry
James Bryan* and Grace Malley
Kate McEntee DeWeese B’93 and John DeWeese
Members Give Powered by JustGive
Marine Chemistry
Greg and Allison Enell
Andy and Maria Rash
The Academy of Applied Science, Inc.
Gavin Star Grant
Fulcrum Foundation
St. Patrick School
InvestEd Foundation
Pierson and Sara Clair
Erker’s Truck Repair
John Osborn
Ann O’Connell Vaughn B’75 and Mike Vaughn
Michael Allen Memorial Fund
Daniel and Ursula Allen
Daniel and Ursula Allen
Barbara Pinckney
Andy and Maria Rash
Craig and Pam Taft
Bruce B’75 and Linda Titus
Offset Principal School Supplies
Target - Take Charge of Education
Phoenix Housing
Restricted Scholarships (Financial Aid)
Follett Virtual Bookstore, Inc.
Joe Gagliardi
Louis A. Hennessy Foundation
Tacoma Junior Assemblies Inc.
Robotics-Student Engineering Program
Donna Altmann
Enterprises International, Inc
Kenneth Goodson and Cathy Bass
Hilary Harter
Matt Hofmann B’07
David and Laurie Isola
Mark and Mary LaFalce
Emerson Lamb B’07
Brian and Sheryll Lomheim
Sue McGrew B’04
Eileen McKain B’80 and Brian Moran
Jerry and Mary McKain
Pacific Integrated Handling, Inc.
Ted Saibeni and Irina Stevenson
Eric Stokely* and Debi Rose
The Boeing Gift Matching Program
The Islam Family Foundation
Brian Thomas B’04
Jerry and Jovita Waldron
Pat Schmieg Young SL’60 and Robert Young
The Birthing Inn
Student Needs - Principal’s Discretion
Mike and Bonnie Gross
Edna Gross Kelso A’56 and Melvin Kelso
Rose Delacey, A Limited Partnership
Financial Statement
Year Ended June 30, 2012
Operating Revenues
Tuition And Fees*................................................................................ $12,807,192
Other Programs Revenue............................................................................ 416,824
Auxiliary Programs..................................................................................... 472,743
Release of Temporary Restricted to operations............................................. 79,818
Endowment Income Released..................................................................... 813,076
General Endowment, Benefactors’ Trust
As of June 30, 2012
Money to School
TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE................................................................ $14,589,653
Operating Expenditures
Instruction & Student Activities............................................................ $9,032,486
Financial Aid........................................................................................... 2,220,418
Administrative and General..................................................................... 1,323,359
Maintenance & Operations of Plant......................................................... 1,320,061
Auxiliary Programs..................................................................................... 500,489
Debt Services............................................................................................. 286,121
Dollars in millions
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES....................................................... $14,682,935
DEFICIT FROM OPERATIONS......................................................................($93,281)
Fundraising Revenues for Operations and Bleachers / Technology
Bellarmine Fund....................................................................................... $848,035
PRIDE–Operating....................................................................................... 376,833
Bleacher Mini-camp................................................................................... 157,845
Fall Fund Raiser......................................................................................... 118,025
Community Caring..................................................................................... 168,323
Other Restricted Donations.......................................................................... 37,338
TOTAL FUNDRAISING REVENUES............................................................ $1,706,399
FUND RAISING COSTS.............................................................................($909,187)
TOTAL FUNDRAISING REVENUES FOR OPERATIONS................................... $797,212
Transfer PRIDE – Bleachers to Capital Fund............................................(157,845)
Transfer PRIDE – Technology......................................................................(40,000)
Transfer PRIDE – Fund-an-Item...............................................................(142,004)
Operating Excess Revenues from all operating Sources........................... $364,081
* Excludes Parent Cost Support pledges
Tuition & Fees..............................................................................................80.26%
Endowment Income.......................................................................................5.10%
Release of Temporary Restricted to Operations.............................................0.50%
Other Programs.............................................................................................2.61%
Auxiliary Programs........................................................................................2.96%
TOTAL REVENUES.......................................................................................100.00%
Saunders Trust
Owned by Bellarmine, permanently restricted for financial aid.
As of June 30, 2012
Account Values
Annual Distribution
1,504,136 78,180
Financial Info
Benefactors' Trust............................................................... $16,037,351
Saunders Trust...................................................................... $1,410,707
Instruction & Student Sevices.....................................................................57.93%
Financial Aid...............................................................................................14.24%
Administrative and General...........................................................................8.49%
Maintenance and Operations of Plant...........................................................8.47%
Fund Raising.................................................................................................5.83%
Auxiliary Activities.........................................................................................3.21%
Debt Service..................................................................................................1.84%
TOTAL ENDOWMENT............................................................. $17,448,058
TOTAL EXPENDITURES................................................................................100.00%
Audited financial statements for the Bellarmine Benefactors' Trust are
available on request from the comptroller’s office.
President...........................................................................................Jack Peterson
Principal..............................................................................................Chris Gavin
Comptroller..........................................................................Stephanie Cisakowski
Vice President of Development........................................................ Pamela Leazer
Facilities Director..................................................................................Kevin Kalal
Jesuit Rector...................................................................Fr. John Fuchs, S. J., B’60
Vice Principal of Academics.......................................................... Barbara Lidikay
Vice Principal of Student Activities/Dean of Students..........................Cindy Davis
Campus Minister....................................................................................... Jim Fish
Director of Admissions...................................................................... Cari Harrison
Freshman Dean of Students.......................................................... Bill Baerg, B’86
Athletic Director............................................................................... Ed Ploof, B’75
Assistant to the President................................................................Dianna Martin
Director of Annual Giving.....................................................Jessica Achziger, B’02
Director of Alumni Relations.............................................................Craig Coovert
Director of PRIDE Auction and Special Events....................................... Lynn Miller
Director of Major Gifts......................................................................... Dean Hanks
Development Data and Moves Manager....................................Kristy Kunkle, B’03
Development Gift Administrator........................................... Annie Patterson, B’02
Development Coordinator....................................................................Amy de Guia
Donor Relations Associate....................................................Fr. Fred Mayovsky, S.J.
Bellarmine’s reputation for excellence extends to the work
of its volunteers. We estimate that each year more than
32,000 volunteer hours are equivalent to nearly $336,000 in
contributed service to the school. Parents, alumni and friends
give their time and talent in the offices, on fund raisers, service
projects, retreats ad in support of athletic and social events. The
service of volunteers is at the heart of Bellarmine and is essential
in maintaining the school and bringing families together.
Boosters................................................................................Greg Plancich, D.D.S.
Philomathea......................................................................................... Joyce Blake
PRIDE Auction...........................................Mary Byrne B’79 and Karen Witker B’89
Alumni Association President.....................................................Zeb Madison B’97
Development Committee Chair............................................................. Greg Unruh
Photographers..................................... Russ Carmack, Dean Hanks, Craig Coovert
Non-Profit Org
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