july 2010 - Our Town St James
july 2010 - Our Town St James
Our Town S •T • S J •A •M •E •S july 2010 Volume 23 Number 9 Keeping you up to date on SALES, HAPPENINGS & PEOPLE In Our Town - St. James PUBLISHED MONTHLY ! l o o C tay –2– Experience the Difference... We Are Your GREEN Company! sPeCiAliziNg iN NoN CHeMiCAl MeTHods environmental solutions FAsT & eFFeCTive serviCe oN All PesTs • Termites • Carpenter Ants • Roaches • Fleas • Ticks • Rodents • Bees • Wasps • Moths BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? inspection for real estate sales ilAble... A v A w o N to Protect Protectors of Health & Property nology New Tech from Moisture, e Your Hom Carpenter Ants s e Termit , t loss... & Hea FREE SECOND OPINION giNg! A M i l A M THer Preventative Techniques to Protect You & Your Family From Hantavirus, west Nile virus & lyme disease Scientific 265-5252 599 Lake Ave., St. James PesT MANAgeMeNT CorP. www.scientificpest.net OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 q e Our Town S T j A M E S • • • • • • STAFF Ruth Garthe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Robin Clark . . . . . . Associate Editor Elizabeth Isabelle . . Feature Writer William Garthe . . . . . . . Advertising Sales OuR TOWN – ST. jAMES – –3– I N T H I S I S S U E MERCHANT SPOTLIGHT Bullseye Beverage ..................................................4 AROUND TOWN Cottages to Castles Committee Update ............6 Welcome Rev. Neil Mittelstaedt............................8 FeelGoods Cafe’s Healthy Food to Reach Broader Audience ........................................................10 Mail Your Packages FREE to the Troops ........................................12 DeBlasio Capo Design Build and Bella Vita City Grill Join Recent Setauket Extreme Home Makeover ..............16 & 18 St. James Plaza Nursing Facility Recognized ................................20 Special Pancake Breakfast to Benefit Eagle Project....................22 Car Show and Swap Meet ..............................................................26 St.James Healthcare Center Happenings ..............................28-29 Harbor Day 2010 Set for August 21 ................................................30 YOU CAN HELP ..............................................................................34-39 is a monthly publication produced exclusively for the people of St. James, Nissequogue and Head of the Harbor, L.I., N.Y. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT STAC News ........................................................................................40 Smithtown Community Chorus Summer Concert Series ..............41 On Stage at Smithtown Performing Arts Center ..........................42 Stony Brook Film Festival ..................................................................44 Family Concert Series at the Library ..............................................46 Call 862-9849 for Advertising & Copy Deadline EDUCATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT Programs at the Library ..............................................................52-60 OUR TOWN is mailed directly to every residence & business in the 11780 zip code area (6459 total copies mailed) St. James Post Office Permit #10 St. James, NY 11780 Published by Graphics du jour, Ltd. 359 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 11780 631-862-9849 / Fax: 631-862-9839 email: ourtown@optonline.net website: www.ourtownstjames.com Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right at our sole discretion to edit or refuse to print editorial or advertising material deemed detrimental to Our Town’s public image or unsuitable for its readers. Advertising is offered only to those who live in, or have a business in, St. James, Nissequogue or Head of the Harbor, or any business offering services not available in said area. Copyright © 2010 Graphics du jour, Ltd. All Rights Reserved HOME & GARDEN Design Ideas/Home Decorating Club ......................................62-64 Naturally Speaking ......................................................................66-68 POSTAL CORNER ................................................................................70 FINANCIAL SAVVY Protecting Assets During Challenging Business Times.................. 71 Money Matters ................................................................................72 LEGAL-EASE ........................................................................................74 IN THE SCHOOLS ............................................................................76-77 SPORTS ................................................................................................78 PET SAFETY TIPS ..................................................................................80 KEEP IT SAFE ........................................................................................81 HEALTH NOTES................................................................................82-84 CELEBRATIONS ..............................................................................88-90 FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT ........................................................................91 OBITUARIES ....................................................................................93-96 POET’S CORNER ............................................................................98-99 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .............................................................. 100 DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS .................................................. 106-107 PLEASE NOTE: Advertising & Editorial Deadline for the AUGUST edition of OUR TOWN • ST. JAMES is THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 2010 - 12 NOON. Distribution takes place on Wednesday, August 18, 2010. OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 –4– M E R C H A N T S P O T L I G H T Bullseye Beverage 395A East Main Street Smithtown, NY 406-7730 by Elizabeth Isabelle This month’s spotlight takes us to Bullseye Beverage in Smithtown. Managers Kurt and Kate know that consumers have a lot of choices when it comes to buying beer and soda. Therefore, they offer personalized, knowledgeable service along with a vast selection of beverages and that is what sets Bullseye Beverage apart from the grocery or big box stores. In addition to popular brands, Bullseye Beverage has a huge selection of both imported and micro brew and craft beers. What is a micro and craft brew? Micro breweries are considered those breweries that produce less than 15,000 barrels a year. Craft brews are from small, independent brewers, using traditional methods without the use of adjuncts such as corn or rice. The emphasis is on what is flavorful and distinctive, setting these beers apart from mainstream beers. If you are looking for a special brand that is hard to find or love to try new brews, than Bullseye Beverage is the place for you! If Kurt and Kate don’t have what you are looking for, they will get it – special orders are no problem. Refillable Growlers are available, filled with fresh tap craft brews from local breweries. Bullseye Beverage works with their distributors to make sure that their clients get the brands they want at prices that are as good if not better than you will find anywhere else. In addition, they regularly run specials and sales, which you can also find by going to their website at www.bullseyebeverage.net. New York State law mandates that a deposit be charged on all beverage bottles and cans. When you bring back your empties, you are not only getting your deposit refunded, but are in fact doing your part to help the environment. Bullseye Beverage is proud of the fact that they take recycling seriously. Why hassle with dingy, cramped recycling closets at the grocery store? Save yourself the time and aggravation by letting Bullseye do the recycling for you. Planning a party? Kurt and Kate have everything you need in the way of soda, water, beer, kegs, tubs, taps, ice (blocks or bags) and an assortment of snacks. They can help you with planning the right number of beverages for your guests and OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 offer free delivery or will load your car for you right there at the store. Service, selection and the best pricing around is what Bullseye Beverage is all about. Be sure to visit their website and sign up for their newsletter to keep you up to date on new products and tasting events. Stop in and see for yourself why Bullseye Beverage is a great resource for all your beverage needs. Bullseye Beverage is located at 395A East Main Street in Smithtown and can be reached by phone at 631-4067730. Kurt and Kate look forward to meeting you and wish all their customers a safe and fun-filled summer. –5– Toddler – Teen Yoga Classes For more info and class schedule call: 516-313-3323 or visit our website: weewarriorsyogaplaytime.com alicia@weewarriorsyogaplaytime.com check us out on facebook and twitter 2 convenient Smithtown/St. James locations of St. James 779-B Middle Country Rd. Saint James, NY 11780 631-863-2878 420 Lake Avenue Saint James, NY 11780 631-686-5415 Wee Warriors Yoga Playtime hits the road! Just call to schedule a private/semi private session or to bring us to your studio! OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 –6– A R O U N D T O W N A Notice from the Cottages to Castles Committee The Cottages to Castles Committee wishes to thank each visitor who attended the always magnificent house and garden tour through the years. When we were alerted to the fact that the September tour would fall on a religious holiday that is observed by many in our community, we made a collective decision to forgo our event for 2010. Therefore Cottages to Castles will not be hosting a house and garden tour in 2010. However we are putting all our efforts into a superlative event for 2011 which will be held on Friday, September 9th. With that in mind, we will commence to seek out those unique homes in Nissequogue, Head of the Harbor, St. James and Smithtown. Our community has always been so generous in the past, nominating those homeowners who have created sanctuaries called “home”. Whether it be a cottage, castle or somewhere in between, we are interested in unique properties and will consider your home for the tour. This one-day event is always exciting for the visitors, ”oohing and aahing,” as they gather decorating ideas as well as for the participating homeowners. While touring the most interesting homes and enjoying a fabulous luncheon this event is a sure crowd-pleaser! Be sure to save the date for next year’s tour – Friday, September 9, 2011. Besides the excitement and joy of the day, four nonprofit local organizations are the recipients of all the much appreciated proceeds. To suggest a home please have the homeowner’s name, address and telephone number and call Arline Goldstein at 584-8969 or Ruth Garthe at 862-9849. Wall Clocks • Picture Frames • Kitchen Decor • Antique & Vintage Furniture • Garden Statuary • Decorative Mirrors • Iron Basket Planters • Gift Boxes • Floral Wreaths & Baskets • Framed Vintage Prints & Oils • Baby Gifts • Wall Signage • Sentimental & Whimsical • Entertainment Service Pieces • Bird Houses • Wine & Cheese Accessories • Table Lamps • Roosters • Vintage Costume Jewelry • Decorative Plates • Plate Easels • Wallets • Potted Greenery & Flowers • Collectibles • Garden Accents • Teacups • Nautical Decor & Gifts • Indoor & Outdoor Angels • Coffee Mugs • Gifts • Cocktail Napkins & Holders Garden Hats • Home FragranceAntiques • Hostess~ Gifts • Tabletop Boxes • Shelley~Kyle Baby HomeTiramani & GardenBath, Accents ~ & Fragrance • Scarves • Small Garden Tables & Benches • Fragrant Candles • Vintage Glassware 631-686-5525 • Welcome Plaques • Garden Stakes • Outdoor Thermometers • Serving Trays 415 N. Country Rd., St. James • Bearington Bears • Gift Soaps • Note Cards • Decorative Storage Boxes Tues.-Sat. 11-5, Sun. 12-5 • Nightlights • Paper Weights • Bookmarks • Faux Fruit • Bird Themed Decor • Whimsical Kitchen Towels • Ice Cream Bowls & Spoons • Teacup Stands • Stepping Stones • Purse Hangers • Pill Boxes • Windchimes • Garden Gnomes OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 –7– Caligiuri’s Patio Pizza Restaurant 262 Lake Avenue, St. James, NY 11780 • 631-862-7475 Wednesday PASTA NIGHT Menu $12.95 SOUP or SALAD Tortellini en Brodo – Pasta Fagioli – Minestrone PASTA CHOICES Penne or Whole Wheat Penne Rigatoni – Spaghetti – Linguini Fettuccini – Ziti – Angel Hair SAUCE CHOICES Bolognese or Meatsauce Garlic & Oil Tomato Sauce with Meatballs or Sausage Mushroom Marsala Sauce (Brown) Ala Vodka by Broccoli, Sundried Tomato Randy Berliant and Mushroom in Garlic & Oil “The Man Who Alfredo Loves to Sing” Marinara Wednesday and Saturday Arrabiata Primavera Pomodore (plum tomatoes with onions and artichokes) Red or White Clam Sauce ($2.00 Extra) Live Music DESSERTS Assorted Cakes, Rice Pudding or Ice Cream (No Substituting or Sharing) OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 q e y –8– A R O U N D T O W N Welcome Rev. Neil Mittelstaedt – the New Pastor of St. James Lutheran Church The Rev. Neil Mittelstaedt has been installed as the pastor of St. James Lutheran Church in St. James. The Rev. David H. Benke, Bishop of the Atlantic District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, officiated at the service, which was held on Saturday June 12, 2010. Rev. Neil Mittelstaedt is a native of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. His prior service was at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Mississauga, Canada and The Rock Christian Café. Most recently, Pastor Mittelstaedt served at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Rego Park, Queens as well as being the Mission Executive for the Atlantic District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Rev. Mittelstaedt holds a Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary, St. Catharine’s, Ontario and studied for two years at Wycliffe Anglican College in Toronto. He earned an undergraduate degree from The University of Toronto, Canada. Rev. Mittelstaedt has held positions within the Missouri Synod, notably in the area of outreach. His interest in missions, also led him to a 1-year Lutheran Youth Encounter team to Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. Rev. Mittelstaedt has a wife, Carol, who is the Mission Society Coordinator for the Atlantic District –LCMS. They have been married for 25 years. Carol was born and raised in England but moved to Canada when she was 18 where she met Neil. They have three children; Hannah, who is 20 and studying engineering at the University of Toronto, Martha who is entering grade 11 and Jacob, going into grade eight. The Mittelstaedts are delighted to start a new chapter of their life, serving the congregation of St. James Lutheran Church on the corner of Second and Woodlawn Avenues. St. James Lutheran Church photo by Kristy L. Grinere Rev. Neil Mittelstaedt The church has a vibrant ministry to children in the form of a Mommy and Me program, a Preschool School for 3 and 4 year olds, a large Sunday school and an exciting Vacation Bible School. The church also has an active confirmation program and youth group. St. James has a rich history of using the arts and has a wonderful music program with both adult and children’s choirs as well as a hand bell choir. They offer worship in both traditional and contemporary styles. For more information, check out their website at www.stjlc.com. St. James Dog Grooming NO CAGE. JUST KINDNESS! WE’RE ANIMAL LOVERS! – WE FEATURE THE – Hydro Surge Bathing/Massage System AND THE Furminator TO HELP ELIMINATE SHEDDING By App’t Only – Tues.-Sat. 425 N. Country Rd., St. James OWNER/RESIDENT Professional Truck-Mounted steam Cleaning of Carpeting & Upholstery We NoW Do TILe & GRoUT CLeANING 862-7288 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 584-2344 –9– WEEKLY LAWN SERVICE STARTING AT $19.95 call today! OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 10 – A R O U N D T O W N FeelGoods Cafe’s Healthy Food to Reach Broader Audience Health-focused eatery FeelGoods Café, 412 Route 25A in St. James, has teamed up with leading, local distributor, J. Kings Food Service Professionals, to bring the FeelGoods brand to local schools, universities and upscale markets. At FeelGoods Café, co-owners Nicole Lawrence and Kathy Gerdes pay special attention to the smallest details in their recipes, ensuring only the freshest, all natural and organic ingredients are used. John King, owner of J. Kings felt that the FeelGoods brand of all natural vegetable and whole grain-based salads and a wide variety of meatless burgers were wonderful healthy alternatives that should not be limited to distribution only in and around St. James, but should be distributed in the entire New York Metro area. J.Kings has agreed to work with Nicole and Kathy of FeelGoods to manufacture their salads and burgers and distribute these products. When asked her feelings about having the FeelGoods brand opened up to a wider audience partner Kathy Gerdes said “We want more people to become aware of what they’re eating and to consider healthier alternatives and we’re excited that J. Kings will be helping us bring the FeelGoods name and philosophy to more households on Long Island and OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 the surrounding Metro Area.” Nicole and Kathy will be spending long hours working with the J. Kings culinary team to ensure their recipes are ready for mass production and to ensure the quality and integrity of their recipes are kept in tact during the manufacturing process. For any of FeelGoods current customers, who are worried that this partnership will be the end of their favorite healthy family café, don’t. Nicole and Kathy have worked hard to grow their café during these tough economic times and they do not intend to stop. J. Kings Food Service Professionals is a broadline food service distributor that has provided the full spectrum of food and business supplies to the restaurant industry continued on page 86 – 11 – A Long & Health Relationship “Four years ago, I decided I wanted to join a gym that would give both my husband and myself personal attention and training. I called Energy Fitness and was immediately impressed. Energy is a team of caring professionals. Every trainer shows a sincere interest, they have great parties & events, and the workouts are fun – never routine. I can sincerely say... I love my Energy Family!” Jerry & Joanne Kowitt > Joanne Kowitt 556 North Country Road, St. James (631) 862.1737 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 energy-difference.com – 12 – A R O U N D T O W N Mail Your Package FREE to the Troops by Frank Todaro, Commander The Sgt John W. Cooke VFW Post 395 Since last October the Sgt. John W. Cooke VFW Post 395 has been paying the postage for military mail brought to the St. James Post Office. Supporting the troops is what we do, whether they are fighting in Afghanistan or Iraq, serving on a ship at sea, or on duty on a lonely border zone in Korea. Since last October, the Post has paid for over 300 packages, mailed to individual members of our Armed Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as elsewhere around the world. Bring your package or letter to the St. James Post Office addressed to an individual military person, and the postage will be paid by VFW Post 395. The ad- dress must conform to the requirements of the Military Postal Service Agency, available at the Post Office. For information, contact Ed Gaskell at 584-5226. FAIRFIELD CIVIC ASSOCIATION MEETING... Smithtown Supervisor Patrick Vecchio was the guest speaker at the Fairfield Civic Association’s June monthly meeting in St. James. Pictured (LR): Supervisor Patrick Vecchio; John McNulty, civic association president; and May Chasteen, recording secretary. Need A Hearing Test? Hearing Aid? Hearing Aid Repair? Celebrating Our 25th Year! Experience • consistency • Reliability Long Island Hearing, Inc. Owned & Operated by the Kent Family Since 1985 “We’re listening... are you?”® See us on the web @ www.lihearing.com TM LEVITTOWN SMITHTOWN HICKSVILLE 3475 Hempstead Tpke. 496 Nesconset Hwy, Ste 200 388 So. Oyster Bay Rd. (Between Wantagh Ave. & Jerusalem) (Rte. 347, Just West of Rte. 111) (1/10 mi. North of Woodbury Road) 516.735.9191 631.972.5211 (By Appt. Only) 516.933.HEAR (4327) Providers for many Insurance Plans including NYS Empire, HIP,GHI, BCBS, United Health Care, Union Plans and others • Workman’s Compensation Our Specialty • We service all makes and models • Repair lab on premises Services & Hearing Instruments you can count on • Open 6 days a week • Complete Audiological Testing Facility WALK-INS WELCOME • HOME VISITS AVAILABLE • WHERE PATIENTS SEND THEIR FRIENDS OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 13 – Chorus Line Dance Studio “Dedicated To Excellence” • Come See the Difference Celebrating Our 29th Year in our Beautiful Community with our CLDS Family! DIRECTOR: Roseann Cousin ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Dawn Madden BALLET DIRECTOR: Rachel Tavernier Professional Staff of Dedicated Teachers AWARD WINNING STUDENTS FALL REGISTRATION BEGINS MONDAY, AUG. 23rd thru SEPT. 7th REGISTRATION HOURS: Mon. & Wed. 12-6 pm • Tues. & Thurs. 3-8 pm • Fri. & Sat. 10 am-1pm Closed Labor Day, September 6th • Tues., September 7th 10 am-7 pm ALL FALL CLASSES BEGIN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th!!! • Tap • Jazz • Ballet • Pointe • Lyrical • Hip Hop • Modern • eatre • Pre-School • Tiny Dancers (2 Year Old) • Adult Classes • Hip Hop Classes for Boys • Zumba FAMiLY & MuLTiPLe CLASS DiSCOunTS Home of the Jr. Starlette, Starlette, Petite, Junior, Teen, Young Senior, Senior & elite Dance Companies Our Dance Companies will be performing at Disney on Saturday, November 13th! Congratulations Girls!! St. James Studio 380 Lake Avenue Smithtown Studio 385-5 Veterans Hwy 584-7575 543-7575 VISIT OUR WEBSITE: ChorusLineDance.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 14 – DeBarbieri associates, inc. Your Real Estate Professionals Since 1960 406 No. CoUNTRY RD. ST. JAMeS, NY 11780 INTeRNATIoNAL Relocation Services 862-7447 CHarts Don’t sell Houses, realtors Do! DeBarBieri has proven its salesmensHiP for 50 Years Keep in mind: Buying a house should not be a “rusH” to contract. It takes time and energy to reach a decision on the house you’re purchasing, that is, ...Will the family outgrow it too fast? ...Can I really afford it? ...Will the taxes increase? ...Will the value increase? ...What about equity? you need an “experienced” realtor to guide you in your search and final decision... not just today...but to make sure your purchase will be a “good” investment and build “equity” in your future. st. James... rental Cottage... 2 Bedrooms, 1.5 Baths, eiK, lr. eD NT e R O CL renteD 7/3/10... $1750. Coram... short sale. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Cottage, .52 acre, Basement. D SE Closed 6/22/10... $190,000. C DU E R st. James... 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath ranch, granite eiK, lr, Dr. ED short sale... $399,000. st. James... lanD .50 acre. Hillside ave. (bet. #28 & #34) 132 Frontage. owner has plans for 3,800 sq. ft. House. ND LA Become a “client”... Call liz Jongebloed, licensed Broker i’m always available to you. Just call... 631-903-0836 is tHe Housing marKet Better tHis Year? RELOCATING??? Contracts for: let me get you in touch with one of our experienced and reliable Real Estate Brokers nationally or internationally. st. James 11780 Head of Harbor 11780 nissequogue 11780 nesconset 11767 Free information: smithtown 11787 Call liz jongebloed @ (631) 903-0836 2009 grand total: 395 June 2009 June 2010 9 1 3 11 19 7 2 3 16 2010 total to date: 187 above information as per multiple listing service of l.i. as of 6/30/10 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 15 – DeBarbieri associates, inc. Your Real Estate Professionals Since 1960 406 No. CoUNTRY RD. ST. JAMeS, NY 11780 INTeRNATIoNAL Relocation Services 862-7447 VIEW US AT: WWW.DEBARB.COM MILLeR PLACe. “MINT SIDe BY SIDe RANCh” Mint Ranch home on 1.12 level acres. 5 BRs, 3 full baths, updated EIK. HW floors, full bsmnt w/ose, CAC, new architectural roof, Andersen thermo windows. Ideal mother/ daughter w/proper permits. Potential horse property. $419,000. ST. JAMeS. “DIAMoND IN & oUT” Immaculate updated Cape features LR w/frplc, FDR w/chair rail moldings, oak kitchen cabinets w/updated appliances. 2 full baths, 3 BRs, HW floors, full bsmnt, garage. Decking. Prof. landscaped yard. Great starter or down sizer. NEW To MARKET! $419,000. NISSeqUoGUe. “WATeRfRoNT ReTReAT” Scenic waterviews from virtually every room of Nisseq. River. 680+/- feet waterfront. Elegant Grand Colonial. Sparkling HW floors, 2 frplc, 9’ ceilings, 4 BRs all with private baths, 2 with private decks, gourmet EIK, formal LR, banquet DR. 4 seasons Florida room. IGP, patios. 2 car, bsmnt. 3.6 private tranquil acres. Must see! $2,290,000. SMIThToWN. “VILLAGe of The BRANCh” JUST LISTED! Lovely sprawling Ranch on .71 level acres backs to Greenbelt. 3 BRs, 2 full baths, EIK w/cherry cabs, granite tops & SS appliances, FLR, FDR, FR w/stone frplce, arch. roof 4 yrs, bsmnt, 2 car, CAC, enclosed Florida room, Large patio. $495,000. ReSIDeNTIAL ReNTALS LAND PoRT JeffeRSoN STATIoN. Vacant Land. Level 100’ x 300’ lot with Health Dept. approval. Backs to nature preserve. Great location at end of young subdivision. Approx 5 mins to Port Jeff Village & Ferry. $295,000. SMIThToWN. Diamond large 3 BR Colonial, 1.5 baths. Living room, dining room, EIK, w/w carpeting. Washer/dryer hookups only. 1 AC unit. TRW & Refs req’d. $2,000. mo. + utils BoheMIA. 8 year young double wide Mobile Home. Mint 3 BR Ranch style. LR & DR, EIK, Master BR has separate shower & whirlpool tub. CAC, washer & dryer included. $2,000. mo. + utils TWo PRIMe CoMMeRCIAL ACReS ST. JAMeS/SMIThToWN “CeNTRAL BUSINeSS” Commercial Property Zoned Central Business. 2 level acres with 258’ road frontage. 6,000 sq. ft. bldg + out structures. Prime location. Ideal for Shopping Center/developer. Call for details. $2,800,000. ST. JAMeS. “NeW CoNSTRUCTIoN” To be built. 2850+/- sq. ft. Colonial featuring oak floors, 2 story EF, granite tops in EIK, Andersen windows, arch. roof, 9’ ceilings on 1st floor, wood burning frplc. in den. Full bsmnt, 2 car side entry garage. .38 acre. or will build to suit! $649,000. heAD of hARBoR. Reduced! Mostly level treed secluded 3.69 acres property, backs to 2+ acres of protected conservation land. 3V schools, includes all permits, plans for 6,000+/- sq. ft. Colonial w/3 car garage. $499,000. CoMMeRCIAL ReNTALS ST. JAMeS. 1,287 sq. ft. store in brick building on Route 25A. Ample front parking. Approved for wet use, 16 seats, grease trap installed, 10’ high ceilings, attic storage. Ideal retail use. $2,950. mo. + taxes & utils. ST. JAMeS. “DIAMoND RANCh” Move right in to this lovely Ranch featuring oak floors thru out, renovated full bath & 3 BRs. Freshly painted. Updated maple kitchen. Thermopane windows. Full basement. .49 acre. Large rear yard. Great expansion potential. $389,000. ST. JAMeS. 800 sq. ft. storefront in beautiful Colonial Bldg. Plenty of front parking. $1,733. mo. + taxes & utils eAST SeTAUkeT. 1500 sq. ft. bldg, 16’ ceilings, two overhead doors. Gas heat. $1,800. mo. + utils CALL foR A fRee MARkeT ANALYSIS OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 16 – A R O U N D T O W N DeBlasio Capo Design Build Takes On Their 6th Extreme Makeover Phil DeBlasio and Brian Capo of DeBlasio Capo Design Build in St James, together with John Williams of Coles Contracting, were the captains in charge of the coordination and execution of the framing of the build for the Extreme Home Makeover that took place in East Setauket recently. This is the sixth home makeover that they have participated in. Special Thanks to... Gerry Chasteen of EGM Construction of St James and his crew; Tony Fragaletti of Fragaletti Builders and his crew; Joe Knespler of North Shore Home Design and his crew; Vito Vescovo of Pyramid Contracting and his crew; Greg Rakidjian of Hi-Hat Electric; Mark Swenson of M.A.S. Siding; and many other individuals that bore the scorching heat and gave of their time and expertise. “Without their help we couldn’t have succeeded,” states Phil and Brian of DeBlasio Capo Design Build. “It was a real community effort.” ST. JAMES qe Neighborhood Home Care Inc. u A Community Network of Compassionate Caregivers Formerly S.J. Exxon RT. 25A & MoRICheS RD., ST. JAMeS 584-5798 $ 3.00 oFF oil CHANge, lUbe & FilTer 1/2 PriCe Tire roTATioN With oil Change Coupon must be presented before oil change MoST CARS • eXPIReS 8/17/10 WE DO NYS INSPECTIONS sHoP HoUrs: M-F. 8 AM-5:30 PM, sAT 8-5 Offering Distinctive Non-Medical In-Home Services to the Elderly INSURED AND BONDED • Laundry • Light Housekeeping • Grocery Shopping • Meal Preparation • Positive Approach • Household Management • Medication Reminders • Stimulating Companionship • Outside Walks and Visits with • Friends and Neighbors Please give us a call @ 631-741-3350 or Email Kmcgh1@optonline.net We will do our best to help you remain independent, while feeling the safety and support of your neighborhood community. OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 17 – Before After Dream it... Design it ...Build it.... Live it DeBlasio Capo d e s i g n build ARCHITECTURAL PLANS fine homes & Renovations 273 Lake Avenue, St. James Phone: 631.584.5503 • Fax: 631.584.3079 www.dcdesignbuilders.com • Design Services • New Homes • Renovations • Award-Winning Designs featured in major publications • Winners of the 2007 Double Diamond LIBI Award for Whole House Remodeling • 5 Time Participants in Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Stop in and visit our newly renovated offices Serving the Community since 1988 Local references available • Licensed & Insured • Suffolk License 15543-H. Nassau License H18F6680000 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 18 – A R O U N D T O W N Bella Vita City Grill Barbecues for Extreme Makeover Crew When Anthony Cambria Jr., found out that the hit TV show, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, would be rebuilding a home for a deserving family in the Three Village area, he knew exactly how he could help out. On the week of June 21, Anthony, owner and head chef of Bella Vita City Grill in St. James, gathered many of his friends and employees, and barbecued for the volunteers in front of the construction site. This is the second time that Anthony has provided his time and effort to the Extreme Makeover Home Edition crew. He was also involved in the 2004 rebuilding of the St. James home. “This was an awesome experience. It feels great to be able to give back to the community that I live and work in.” Serving the community for COMBO ANY PARTIAL OR FULL HIGHLIGHT $20 Receive a FREE Wash/Cut/Blowdry MANICURE/ PEDICURE With Patricia Cannot be combined New Clients or Existing Clients Trying New Service Exp. 9/30/10 Cannot be combined Exp. 9/30/10 30 years MON/TUES/ WED SPECIAL 20% off Any Service (Excluding updo or special occasion styles) New Clients Only Pat’s Place Hair & Nail Salon 2 3 0 L a k e av e . , s T. J a M e s , n y 1 1 7 8 0 631.862.7023 631.584.9644 631-584-3197 fax w w w. p a t s p l a c e h a i r s a l o n . n e t O p e n : M O n d ay, T u e s d ay, W e d n e s d ay 9 - 6 • T h u r s d ay, F r i d ay 9 - 8 • s aT u r d ay 8 - 6 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Received Award of Distinction by Wine Spectator Award of excellence ZAGAT 2010 RESTAURANT & BAR LET US BBQ FOR YOU Starting at $21.99 per person 50 person minimum Includes: Food • Staff BBQ Equipment & Paper Goods You Supply the Guests, We Take Care of the Rest! Ask About Our BeLLA ViTA CLAM BAke We Specialize in Private Parties: u Rehearsal Dinners u Bridal/Baby Showers u Birthdays u Anniversaries u Corporate Affairs 430-16 North Country Road, St. James IN THE CoLoNIAL SHoPPING CENTER Open for Lunch & Dinner Mon.-Thurs. 11:30am-10pm • Fri. 11:30am-11pm • Sat. 4-11pm • Sun. 4-9pm 862-8060 www.BellaVitaCityGrill.com zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz – 19 – zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 20 – A R O U N D T O W N St. James Plaza Nursing Facility Recognized for Quality Improvement Efforts St. James Plaza Nursing Facility is one of the recipients of IPRO’s 2010 Quality Awards. The Quality Awards, given annually by IPRO, the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for New York State, recognize healthcare providers that demonstrate a commitment to improving healthcare services in the state. “St. James Plaza Nursing Facility has shown that a collaborative, focused effort can lead to tangible improvements in the quality of care delivered to New York’s Medicare beneficiaries,” says Clare B. Bradley, MD, MPH, Senior vice president and Chief Medical Officer, IPRO. “Quality improvement is a complex and time-consuming process, and we thank St. James Plaza Nursing Facility for their commitment to im- proving the health of New Yorkers.” Robert Baffa, Administrator of St. James Plaza noted, “we are very pleased to receive this Quality Award from such a prestigious organization. The adage, “It takes a Village” proves to be the key to our success in accomplishing this worthy goal. I am indeed proud of our staff.” IPRO’s 2010 Quality Awards were conferred at its Annual Membership Meeting on June 8, 2010. Dr. Bradley noted that St. James Plaza Nursing Facility received the award because of their “organization-wide commitment to improved resident care, as demonstrated by the engagement of all unit teams in accomplishing a 60% reduction in the use of physical restraints.” IPR0 is a national organization providing a full spectrum of healthcare assessment and improvement services that foster more efficient use of resources and enhance healthcare quality to achieve better patient outcomes. For information about IPRO visit www.ipro.org. St. James Plaza Nursing Facility, LLC, is a skilled nursing and short term rehabilitation facility, located at 273 Moriches Road in St. James, serving the community for 37 years. For more information please visit www.sjplaza.com or call 862-8990. For advertising rates & information please call 631-862-9849 The Warmth of Home... Offering the Finest Health Care St. James Plaza Nursing Facility “Serving the Community for 35 Years” m 24-Hour Professional Nursing Care m Newly Renovated/Expanded Physical, Occupational and Speech Rehabilitation Services m Intermediate, Skilled Long Term and Sub Acute Care m Dedicated Dementia Unit m Intermediate Short Term Rehabilitation m IV Therapy Services m Audiology, Dental, Podiatry, Ophthalmology and Psychol- ogy Services on Site m Hospice and Respite Care m Recreational and Therapeutic Activities m Wound Care m Unlimited Visitation Hours We Invite You to Visit Our Facility... When the Need Arises Contact Carol Smith - 862-8990 273 Moriches Rd., St. James, NY 11780 Licensed & Certified by N.Y.S. Dept. of Health (631) 862-8990 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Member A.H.C.A. NORTH SHORE WEALTH MANAGEMENT ADVISORS,INC. – 21 – Comprehensive Customized Services for Individuals and Business Owners LeT us HeLp geT your fiNANces* iN order. You need Professional financial Advice when you experience or plan for the following: • Concern about your investments*, retirement income plan, Financial security • Life changing events – Marriage, Childbirth, divorce, retirement • purchasing a home or investment property • Career Changes – promotion, Job Loss, relocation • death, disability or illness of a Family Member • starting / Buying / selling / Transitioning a Business interest or other investment • Growth and expansion of a Family Business or professional practice • paying Too Much income Taxes • Business affected negatively by a poor economy speAk wiTH A seAsoNed, credeNTiALed Advisor TodAy. We have two decades of professional and investment experience – we can help you! Please visit our webpage for more information and contact us immediately to schedule a COMPLIMENTARY APPOINTMENT at one of our convenient locations. NORTH SHORE WEALTH MANAGEMENT ADVISORS, INC. MARK A. CIRELLI, CPA/PFS, CFP® President Resident of St. James since 1997 Main Office: 220 Lake Ave. - Suite 6, St. James, NY 11780 Phone: 631-780-5556 Email: mark@nsadvisors.com Web: www.nsadvisors.com call today! for an appointment *securities offered through american portfolios Financial services, inc. Member Finra / sipC. investment advisory services offered through american portfolios advisors, inc., an seC registered investment advisor. OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 22 – A R O U N D T O W N Enjoy a Pancake Breakfast and Support Troop 301 Eagle Project Ryan Gavorsky of Boy Scout Troop 301 is planning a Pancake Breakfast at the VFW hall located on Lake Avenue in St. James (next to King Kullen) on Sunday, July 25 and August 8 from 8-11 a.m. in order to raise funds for his Eagle Scout project. A donation of $5 is requested. For Ryan’s Eagle Scout project he is planning to build a Chicken Coop for the Smithtown Animal Shelter. There are approximately 30 chickens housed at the Smithtown Animal Shelter. Currently they have a bunch of old dog houses and a truck bed cover for the chickens, which is messy and disorganized and offers little protection from the elements. These make-shift shelters are placed around the property. Ryan’s chicken coop will bring the chickens farther away from the parking lot and road and will provide better safety and security for the chickens, along with proper shelter, food and water. The food and straw would no longer be all over the pavement and the chickens will be safe from the weather. This past winter was really bad. With the new chicken coop the chickens will be safe from the wind, rain and snow. Ryan’s chicken coop will benefit the Smithtown Animal Shelter as well as the Town of Smithtown as it would clean-up, organize and beautify the area. Also, the Animal Shelter will now have a chance to collect good chicken eggs if they so choose. Be sure to stop by the VFW on July 25 and August 8, and enjoy a tasty breakfast and help Ryan build his chicken coop. R.J.K. GARDENS, INC. Creative Landscaping q e 862-7056 y or Visit Us at www.rjkgardens.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 23 – OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 24 – OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 25 – OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 26 – A R O U N D T O W N Car Show and Swap Meet Set for August 1 This 1968 Mustang will be on display at the Car Show & Swap Meet at Flowerfield Fairgrounds on August 1. Long Island Cars will present the SuPEr SWaP Sunday Car SHoW & SWaP MEET on August 1, 2010 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Flowerfield Fairgrounds in St. James. Acre after acre of classic and collectible automobiles including show cars from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, one-of-a-kind custom cars, street rods, antiques, SUV’s exotics, muscle cars and imports will compete in judging in 50 classes with impressive trophies. Hundreds of vendors will be well stocked for this large show, where you can buy, trade, sell or swap all kinds of older parts, literature and accessories necessary for the auto collector; plus a wide variety of cars will be for sale by owners. OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Flowerfield Fairgrounds is located on Route 25A in St. James. Admission: $8/general; under 12 years free, free parking. You may sell or display your collectible car with price of admission. Judged cars and vendors register at the gate between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. For further information call 631567-5898 or visit www.LongIslandCars.com. – 27 – Come See Us for Good Quality Old Fashioned Service PENNEY’S North country car care center 545 RoUTe 25A, ST. JAMeS, NY 11780 ACe Certified Technicians 862-9663 Family Owned & Operated • Brian & Theresa Barton st LuBe, oiL & fiLTer utomotive Spec A ia l ur o i Y Up to 5 Qts of oil (Syn. oil & Cart. Filters slightly higher) $28.95 Most Cars & Trucks all St. James Senior citizens We will gladly pick up & drop off your vehicle 10% off ALL RePAIRS Excluding oil Changes Since 1912 visit our 2nd convenient Location for “The wave” gas (next to chorus Line dance studio) gulf credit cards are accepted only at A/c perforMANce cHeck Inspect A/C Hoses, Tighten Belt. Add up to 1 lb. 134 Freon $59.95 R12 Slightly Higher FREE oiL cHANge With AC Charge Up to 5 Qts Reg. oil only “THE WAVE” Visit our we HAve MINI MART for Fresh Coffee • soda ALL BrANds Milk • Candy • eggs of Tires AT Cigarettes • Newsday greAT prices! N.Y.s. loTTo is Here! FREE Tire roTATioN With Any Paid Oil Change LArge seLecTioN of BATTeries iN sTock Nys iNspecTioNs Q roAd service offeRS GooD ThRoUGh AUGUST 17, 2010 • NoT To Be CoMBINeD WITh ANY oTheR offeRS OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 28 – A R O U N D St. James Healthcare Center gets their courtyard ready for the summer with the help from students and faculty at Mills Pond Elementary School. Together they made the courtyard beautiful for all to enjoy. T O W N For the last few years residents and patients at St. James Healthcare Center worked together to help raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association. They made items in their knitting, painting and arts and crafts classes to raise money for this important cause. St. James Healthcare Center Happenings St. James Healthcare Center, located at 275 Moriches Road, is happy to share their many events with the community. For addi- tional information call 862-8000. continued on facing page St. James Healthcare Center Our staff ’s unequaled professionalism and superb loving care are the very heart of our commitment to service. Long Term Care • Sub-Acute Care • Short Term Rehab Nursing Services • 24-hour Nursing Care • Post-surgical Management • Management of Medical Conditions and Treatments • Respiratory and Tracheotomy Care Therapy Services • Nursing Rehab (7 days) • Physical Therapy (6 days) including Neurological & Orthopedic Rehabilitation • Occupational Therapy (6 days) • Speech Therapy Therapy Services • Psychological Services • Art Therapy • Enteral Nutrition Support • Sensory Stimulation Program • Therapeutic Recreation Medical Services • Dentistry • Podiatry • Audiology • Optometry • Laboratory Services Call our Admissions office Tel: (631) 862-8000 ext 105 or 106 275 Moriches Road, St. James, NY 11780 • Fax: (631) 862-6456 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 29 – A R O U N D T O W N Family Owned & Operated Since 1979 400 LAKE AVENUE • ST. JAMES 584-3750 OPEN: MON.-FRI. 8 AM-7 PM SAT. 8 AM-6 PM • SUN. 10 AM-3 PM SHIRTS 99¢ At St. James Healthcare Center residents take monthly trips of their chosen destination. Here the residents wanted to enjoy a day of shopping and the food court. with incoming dry cleaning of $12.00 or more. With this coupon. Not valid with delivery service. Good at St. James & Commack Only. Exp. 8/17/10 COMFORTERS DRY CLEANED Just $1195 Dutch Girl Cleaners UP TO QUEEN SIZE With this coupon. Down slightly higher. With incoming dry cleaning order. Not valid with other offers. Good at St. James & Commack Only. Exp. 8/17/10 Patients and residents are now enjoying the new Courtyard Cafe at St. James Healthcare Center. Here they are able to play games, download music and connect with family on Skype. icE, oNE PR lE P iM S oNE Way $389 PRE PAID PER PIECE pANTs, BLouses, BLAZers, skirTs, sweATers, sporT JAckeTs Dutch Girl Cleaners With this coupon. Not valid with delivery service. Good at St. James & Commack Only. Exp. 8/17/10 fur sTorAge $19.95 SaFE! with any incoming dry cleaning order SEcURE! With this coupon • Good at St. James & Commack Only. Exp. 8/17/10 StoRE yoUR WiNtER clothES! FREE BOX STORAGE 400 LAke AVeNUe • ST. JAMeS oPPoSITe WeRNeR GLASS Once a year at St. James Healthcare Center residents, family members and staff enjoy “St. James Casino” where they play some of their favorite games – Blackjack, Poker, Roulette and even Bingo. 1575 Lakeland Ave., Bohemia 244-8077 1365 Deer Park Ave., North Babylon 586-8027 120 Veterans Hwy., Commack 543-5781 2101 Montauk Hwy., Bridgehampton 537-5138 155 E. Sunrise Hwy., Lindenhurst 884-0313 307 Middle Country Rd., Selden 696-7915 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 30 – A R O U N D T O W N Coming Soon to a Harbor Near You! Harbor Day 2010 Saturday, August 21 – Free hot dogs for all.* Harbor Day 2009 So mark your calendar and save the date. Harbor Day is sponsored by the Joint Coastal Commission of Nissequogue and Head-OfThe-Harbor. SBU Professor Larry Swanson is the featured speaker, along with local dignitaries. A canoe flotilla, free hot dogs, touch tanks, and fun for the whole family round out the day. Look for your special invitation in next month’s our ToWn. For more information, check out the Harbor Day website, www.harborday.net. *one free per person. Say Goodbye Forever! Emerald Magic “Always at your Service” EZ HOME! GUARANTEED!! Call For Your Free Inspection & Estimate For more information about Poison Ivy, please visit our website at www.emeraldmagic.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 31 – THe NedviN TeAM DIReCT: 631-767-5221 offICe: 631-862-1100 Dave & Rowena Nedvin Licensed Brokers’ Associates Jeff Bass, LBA, GRI Rowena & Dave Nedvin LBA’s • TeAM service • TeAM eXperieNce • TeAM resuLTs • With Every Listing: 3 Custom Marketing Planat Works 3 Internet Advertising Th 3 Staging Expert 3 Professional Photos 3 360º Virtual Tour 3 Ads in Living Choices ers 3 Ads in Local Newspap L SO NISSeqUoGe. Winter water views. Fabulous 5 BR, 3 bath Farm Ranch. Approx 4000 sq. ft. Soaring cathedral ceilings, gleaming hardwood floors throughout. Spacious eat in kitchen with granite. Seperate guest wing. Full bsmt, 3 car garage, IG pool. Set on over 2 acres of lovely property. $949,990. NISSeqUoGUe. Breathtaking water views. Specious 4 BR Farm Ranch with flat level property. Possibility for horses (barn). Hardwood floors, 2 master BR suites, CAC, walk out basement. Great price! $879,000. D ST. JAMeS. Point of Woods, north of 25A. Fabulous 5-6 BR home, designer gourmet EIK, 5 baths, hardwood floors, full walk out basement with French doors, 3 car garage, set on 1 acre plus with IG gunite pool. $749.990. 556 No. Country Rd., ST. JAMES • 631-862-1100 177 W. Main St., SMITHTOWN • 631-767-5221 www.nedvinhometeam.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 cold beer • – 32 – kegs • soda • ice St. James WhoLeSALe ReTAIL BEVERAGE u u u u u u u We DeLIVeR to your home or Buiness 530 North Country Rd., St.James, NY 11780 631-862-7212 Sign Up For Our BEER DINNERS at 404 North Country Rd., St. James 631-862-0151 Join us on Saturday, August 7th Reserve Now for a 12 NooN - 4 PM Special Beer Dinner Sunday, July 25 for a fun-filled afternoon featuring at Kitchen A Bistro featuring Free Food • Free drinks • Prizes • • • AND • • • MAGIC HAT BREWING COMPANY BEER TASTING Seatings at 2:30 & 6:00 PM CALL 631-862-0151 FOr reservaTiOns fRoM 1- 4 PM One of Vermont’s Finest Beers! OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 cold beer – 33 – • kegs • soda • ice St. James BEVERAGE WhoLeSALe ReTAIL u u u u u u We DeLIVeR u to your home or Business 530 North Country Rd., St.James, NY 11780 631-862-7212 AMAZING SUMMERTIME DEALS DUVEL BELGIAN GOLDEN ALE BUD & BUD LITE SUITCASE (24) 12 oz. Cans 16 CASE (24) 12 oz. Bottles $ 99 Highest Rated Beers in the World! each + Tax & Dep. WITh CoUPoN oNLY • eXPIReS 8/17/10 Cannot be combined with any other offer 6 + Tax & Dep. $ 99 + Tax & Dep. WITh CoUPoN oNLY • eXPIReS 8/17/10 Cannot be combined with any other offer SOUTHAMPTON CRAZY KELLER PILS PRICE! $ 99 $ 15 4-PACK 12 oz. Bottles One of the 23 99 + Tax & Dep. 6 PACK CASE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Cannot be combined with any other offer ST. PAULI GIRL $ 12 PACK 12 32 Best Pri in Town! ce !!! + Tax & Dep. That’s Our Everyday Sale Price! Cannot be combined with any other offer SCHAEFER 12 PACK 6 $ 35 The Beer Your Dad Used to Dr ink! WITh CoUPoN oNLY • eXPIReS 8/17/10 Cannot be combined with any other offer Sale Items and Tobacco excluded • No minimum. + Tax & Dep. Cannot be combined with any other offer We ACCePT CoMPeTIToR’S CoUPoNS 10 OFF % We Carry FIJI Water! All Sizes! LET US HELP YOU PLAN YOUR NEXT EVENT FREE DELIVERY & SETUP OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 34 – Y O U C A N H E L P Little Shelter’s Annual Pet-A-Palooza Set for August 21 & 22 Little Shelter Animal Rescue & Adoption Center, 33 Warner Road, Huntington, NY, will be holding its 13th annual PET-APALOOzA on Saturday, August 21 and Sunday, August 22. The shelter will be open both days from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for a fun-filled weekend that will include food, music and entertainment, search and rescue displays by the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department, pet behavior information, free giveaways, Little Shelter alumni festivities, dog contests, children’s games, karate demonstrations, Little Shelter Pets on Parade, and a huge Chinese auction. The team from KJOY will also be on hand both days with music, giveaways and Lucky ‘The Duck’ mascot! If you are considering adding a canine or kitty companion to your home, Pet-A-Palooza is a great place to start your search – Little Shelter will have hundreds of adoptable animals looking for loving homes. In addition, we will be hosting several other rescue groups with adoptable pets including: A Ferret Club, Boxer Angels, Scottish Terrier Rescue, Grateful Greyhounds, Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, Suffolk County Unleashed, and more, including several town shelters. Coupled with this exciting event is a Blessing of the Animals. The blessing will commence at 3 p.m. on Sunday, August 22. Everyone is welcome to bring their pets to the shelter, to receive a special blessing in this very touching ceremony that celebrates the bond we have with our beloved pets. Please join the folks at Little Shelter for a great weekend. You won’t want to miss it! You could meet your new “best friend” at Little Shelter’s Pet-A-Palooza 2010. Admission is free however monetary donations would be greatly appreciated. For more information please call 368-8770 x205. A pooch shows his appreciation to Pastor Paul Britton for his special blessing. This happy family adopted their puppy at Pet-A-Palooza 2009. An entrant in the 2009 Best Kisser Contest. Don’t Dispair! REPAIR! CALL MASTER FIX IT Specializing in all Minor & Major Home Repairs, Trouble Shooting & Maintenance ALL QUALITy HoME IMPRoVEMENTS INCLUDING: • Carpentry • Plumbing • Electrical • Painting • Windows • Doors • Gutters • odd Jobs • Snow Plowing • Basement & Roof Leak Specialist • No JoB Too SMALL JOHN ANTHONY PIAZZA OFFICE FAX CELL: (516) 584-5993 584-5644 380-0727 saint james animal hospital “We strive to make your pet thrive” State-of-the-Art Medical & Surgical Hospital Special Emphasis on Senior Care & Health Maintenance Spay • Neuter • Declaw • Dentistry • Vaccination Full Service Boarding Under Veterinary Supervision Russ J. Star, DVM fULLY LICeNSeD AND INSUReD (#15,038 hI) St. James Resident • Unlimited References 631-584-6336 528 N. Country Rd., St. James, NY 11780 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 35 – Henrietta Homes AND PROPERTIES, INC. 328 Lake Avenue, St. James, NY 11780 • 862-6999 www.henriettahomes.com Directly across from the St. James Post Office List your Home with us and Let us give you The personal Attention we Are known for! We Are Selling St. James and the Surrounding Areas! 86 Railroad Ave., St. James rkeT To MA New Ldg iAL B c r e coMM 1745 Jericho Tpke., St. James $479,000 $999,000 194 Lake Ave., St. James Fairfield Community 703 Gotham Dr., St. James $439,999 $379,000 75 Grant Ave., Smithtown New To MA rkeT To New eT MArk Fairfield Community 705 Fenway, St. James $499,000 $359,990 AcT NTr iN co Ndo Nd co o M A di 48 Willow Ridge Dr., Smithtown 126 Hobson Ave., St. James $549,000 $299,000 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 36 – Y O U C A N H E L P Help Little Shelter Animal Rescue Win a $10,000 Grant Vote for ‘Little Shelter’ at www.theanimalrescuesite.com and you can help them win $10,000! The Animal Rescue Site is hosting a special challenge for Petfinder.com member shelter and rescue groups. Grants totalling sidiNg • Insulated Vinyl Siding • Imitation Wood Shakes • Soffits • Fascia • Gutters & Leaders • Entry Doors • Repairs Deal Direct With Owner NO SALESMEN $100,000 will be awarded to rescue groups with the most votes, with the grand prize being $10,000! Imagine how many animals Little Shelter could help with $10,000! wiNdows • Andersens • Vinyl Replacements • Bays • Bows Serving Suffolk for Over 25 Years roofiNg • Complete Tear-Offs • Re-Shingling • Repairs FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK GUARANTEED MORECRAFT CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. Po Box 2171, St. James, Ny 11780 631-584-7010 License #9604HI OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Animals like Baby Huey – a sweet senior Yorkie that was rescued from a city shelter, and Korin – a handsome cat that suffers from a heart murmur! There are so many animals like Baby Huey and Korin that need help! Help Little Shelter WIN! VOTING IS SIMPLE! 1. Visit www.theanimalrescue site.com 2. Click on the ‘Click Here To Give’ icon to give free food and care 3. Click on the ‘Vote Today’ icon at the top of the page to vote in the All Star Shelter Challenge 4. Search for ‘Little Shelter’ and then click ‘Vote’ 5. Validate your vote by answering the confirmation question and then clicking on ‘Confirm Vote’ Remember to vote once a day, every day, from now until August 22, 2010. Every time you vote, or tell a friend to vote, you will be making a huge difference for Little Shelter, and the animals whose lives depend upon them. And while you’re helping Little Shelter win a grant in the Shelter Challenge, remember you can always help by giving directly too! Send your check or money order to: Little Shelter Animal Rescue and Adoption Center Att: Dept SC 33 Warner Road Huntington, NY 11743 For more information about the Shelter Challenge or other ways to help Little Shelter, please call (631) 368-8770 x205 or email jodi@littleshelter.com. – 37 – KEMPO • KICK BOXING • KUNG FU GRAPPLING • JU-JITSU 617-5148 Family owned and operated by N.Y.S. Certified Primary & Secondary School Teachers Please Support All Of Our Local Little League Teams! Proud Sponsor of a St. James/ Smithtown Little League Team free TriAL progrAM 1 Private lesson & 1 week of group Classes Classes for Men, women & Children NO CONTRACTS! 6 WEEK suMMer speciAL $ 00 99 includes Uniform With coupon only • offer expires 8/17/10 WE BUILD CONFIDENCE! giFt CertiFiCates availaBle 430-08 N. CouNTRy Rd. ST. JAmeS, Ny 11780 BirTHdAy pArTies AvAiLABLe Bella Vita City Grill Shopping Center 631-617-5148 Featuring the Bully Buster System™ Visit our other locations: BaldwiN • BaY Po rT • EaST iSliP • Mo riC hES • SEaF o r d • wEST BaBY lo N OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 38 – Y O U C A N H E L P Adopt a Small Animal Month at the Smithtown Animal Shelter The Town of Smithtown Animal Shelter and Adoption Center, located at 410 East Main Street in Smithtown, has pets in need of adoption. The Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please have your pets spayed / neutered and vaccinated FEATuRED PETS Dakota Dakota is a three-yearold Malamute/Collie mix, gray and white in color. He was adopted by his owners from another shelter by a young adult in the household, however, the rest of the family wasn’t as thrilled. Mom said “he required too much attention” and Dad had allergies, so Dakota was surrendered to CRAFTSMANSHIP OF our shelter in December. If he could talk I’m sure he’d be telling us “I can't catch a break.” He is a handsome, pleasant dog, a little strong but behaves well when being walked on leash. Come visit and meet “Dakota” he might be the new member of your family. Skyler “Skyler” is a 9-year-old neutered male Mini Pin / Jack Russell Terrier mix. He is approx. 15 lbs., lived in a household without children and was only leash walked. “Skyler” is crate trained and at one time lived with another dog. He would make a good companion for an apartment or condo dweller. THE HIGHEST continued on facing page QUALITY Pool Enclosures, Pergolas, Arbors, Automated Driveway Entrance Systems pvC specialist • stockade • Chain Link • railings Ornamental aluminum • decorative Wood WE’RE NOT JUST FENCE! OTher serviCes: • Custom Decks, Railings • Extensions, Dormers • Masonry • Handyman Service • Kitchens & Baths • Design/Build Solar Systems & Energy Star Products FREE ESTIMATES Call Today About Our Licensed and Insured • 3rd Generation Owner References Upon Request • Owner Present at Every Jobsite Visit us at www.Lighthousefencing.com • Email: info@Lighthousefencing.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 39 – Y O U contined Swiss Miss Swissy (Swiss Miss) is sweet and affectionate, she loves her belly rubs most of all. Swissy’s favorite activity is going for car rides. She is definitely a “get up and go gal.” She’s more than content to accompany you on all your errands. She loves people, if she could speak, I am sure her motto would be “the more the merrier.” However, her large size and active nature make her unsuitable for a home with small children. Swissy gets along with most dogs her own size. She cannot be placed with small dogs or cats. She likes to play hard with other dogs and does display some dominance, particularly with females. She seems to do best with large male dogs of a similar activity level. Swiss Miss is one of those dogs that you just take everywhere with you. Her large size, good nature and unique look always make her a favorite with those she meets. If you’re looking for a traveling buddy, you can’t go wrong with Swissy. She’s great fun and super affectionate. With a liberal dose of good looks – she’s just too much to resist. C A N H E L P Please have your pets spayed / neutered and vaccinated. Visit the Smithtown Animal Shelter’s website to see all their dogs and cats at www.smithtowninfo.com and click the link on left side “ADOPT A PET,”or call them at 360-7575. For Advertising Rates & Information Call 631-862-9849 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 To print out an adoption application go to the Animal Shelter page, under town departments. If you would like an application form e-mailed to you, E-mail your request to sasac@tosgov.com. – 40 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T X Marks the Spot – Discovering Long Island’s Treasured Places Art Exhibit at the Mills Pond House Gallery The Smithtown Township Arts Council presents X MarkS THE SPoT – dISCoVErIng Long ISLand’S TrEaSurEd PLaCES at the Mills Pond House Gallery, 660 Route 25A in St. James, through August 6, 2010. Regular gallery hours are Monday-Friday 10 a.m.5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 124 p.m. Admission to the gallery is free. With Long Island as muse and art as medium submissions of Long Island places were invited. Whether the entry was an historic site, a favorite beach or park, the artists were asked to identify the site depicted or share statements or stories about experiences there or the hidden histories the place may reveal. The exhibition features the work of 29 artists from across Long Island. Each artist has tried to communicate the particular narrative of a favorite Long Island place. A variety of different media is represented including oil, watercolor, acrylic, and pastel. For more information or directions, call 631-862-6575, or visit www.stacarts.org. Smithtown Community Chorus FREE Summer Concert Series The Smithtown Township Arts Council and Smithtown Historical Society announce the Smithtown Community Chorus Free Summer Concert Series. The community chorus consists of local community members sharing their talents with the community. The choir is in its 14th year and its goals are to make wonderful music, improve the vocal ability and quality of our singers, and to encourage camaraderie between musicians. The conductor, Carl J Ferrara, is a graduate of the Crane School of Music and SUNY Stony Brook; the accompanist, September Desmond, is a pianist, music educator and choral director. The Chorus is open to everyone continued on page 48 North Shore Academy of Dance Toddlers to Adults • Beginner to Advanced • Boys & Girls Register Now for Fall Classes! Tiny Dancers Workshops Adult Dance Special Ballet Programs COMPETITION TEAM TRYOUTS at the end of summer visit us on facebook: facebook.com/nsadance 50% off REGISTRATION FEE When You Register Before July 31, 2010 ZUMBA ALL BOYS DANCE CLASSES Breakdancing • Hip Hop much more! See Us at Free Movie Nights at Deepwells this summer 535 North Country Road, St. James, NY • 631-899-4340 Director: Dina Verdi Tap • Jazz • Ballet • Lyrical • Modern • Ballroom • Hip-Hop • Breakdancing • Acro • Latin • More! OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 PARADISE – 41 – F RE E CAFE & CATERING LocAL d eLiv $15 MiN ery . WE’RE NOT JUST BAGELS!!! Full Line of Baked Goods • Fresh Homemade Soups & Salads Boars Head Cold Cuts • Flavored Coffee buy 1 doz. bagels baker’s dozen bUY 1 lUNCH sANdwiCH BAgeLs $ GET 6 BAGELS Before 10:00 am geT 1 breAkFAsT sANdwiCH FREE 7.99 FREE Pick Up only. Cannot be combined with any other specials or offers. Expires 8/17/10 Pick Up only. Cannot be combined with any other specials or offers. Expires 8/17/10 breAkFAsT sPeCiAls 1 egg on a Roll with 6 oz. Juice 2 eggs on a Roll with Small Coffee .99 2.49 2 eggs on a Roll with choice of meat & cheese, with small coffee and 6 oz. juice (2 eggs any style - your choice of meat) Pick Up only. Cannot be combined with any other specials or offers. Expires 8/17/10 lUNCH sPeCiAls SERVED WITH SIDE SALAD AND PICKLE oUR oWN oVeN RoASTeD TURkeY & RoAST Beef: 3.99 Cold CUT CoMbo sPeCiAls Turkey Sandwich 7.49 1/2 LB. EACH – Roast Beef Sandwich 5.99 with lettuce & tomato on choice of Roll or Bagel HoMeMAde sAlAd sPeCiAls LB. ever roast Chicken & swiss Cheese LB. 7.49 5.50 with lettuce & tomato on choice of Roll or Bagel 1/2 LB. EACH – oven gold Turkey & American Cheese 4.99 4.99 4.49 Tuna Salad on choice of Roll or Bagel Chicken Salad on choice of Roll or Bagel Egg Salad on choice of Roll or Bagel Try our Delicious Chopped Salad Bar Tuna Salad Chicken Salad Egg Salad Potato Salad Macaroni Salad Cole Slaw 8.99 LB. 8.99 LB. 4.99 LB. 1.99 LB. 1.99 LB. 1.99 LB. CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS BIRTHDAYS • FAMILY REUNIONS ANY EVENT – LARGE OR SMALL Fish Platters • Bagel Platters • Cookie Platters • Heros • Special Orders & More 418 N. COuNTRy Rd., ST. JaMES • PhONE: 584-8153 • OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Fax: 584-7324 – 42 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T On Stage at Smithtown Performing Arts Center The Smithtown Performing Arts Center, located at 2 East Main Street in Smithtown, brings professional live entertainment to our backyard at affordable prices. Ticket prices range from $16$30, group rates available. Call the box office at 724-3700 for reservations or visit their website at www.smithtownpac.org. FOR THE KiDS! Disney’s Mulan Jr. MAIN STAGE August 7-29 Saturday 2 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. Tickets: $15 The Marvelous Wonderettes MAIN STAGE Through August 29, 2010 This musical comedy is a must take musical trip down memory lane. Enjoy the music of the 50’s & 60’s. Beatlemania SPECIAL EVENT September 4 and 5 • 8 p.m. Tickets: $40 The best Beatles Tribute Band returns for the 8th consecutive year. relive the experience. How the Other Half Loves MAIN STAGE September 11 - October 3, 2010 From Britain’s equivalent to neil Simon comes this hilarious comedy about adultery in the workplace. Robert Klein SPECIAL EVENT October 9 • 8 p.m. Tickets: $45 Long Island’s own celebrity comedian performs for onE night only. Pat Cooper SPECIAL EVENT October 10 • 3 p.m. Tickets: $45 Celebrate Columbus day with classic comedian Pat Cooper, also featuring american Tenor dominic Mantuano. Man of La Mancha MAIN STAGE October 16 - November 14 The classic quest of an old man who’s “Impossible dream” takes over his mind. Subscription plans available at substantial savings. Call the box office at 724-3700 more information. Become a member and save with additional benefits. Annual membership is $75 and a lifetime membership is $300. Benefits include additional 10% discount on the purchase of tickets to any performance or subscription package, preferred status for seating, and much more. Scruples HEAD TO TOE Women • Men FULL SERVICE SALON We’re Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary Specianlg Prici 5 Gel Nails 3 Weekance ten Main Ask about our Gel Polish on Natural Nails See Us For MANICURES • PEDICURES • WAxING • GEL NAILS • ACRYLIC NAILS • PERMANENT FRENCH NAILS • SILK NAILS 10% SENIOR CITIzEN DISCOUNT NEW HAIR SALON ON PREMISES GIFT 455 Lake Avenue (Across from King Kullen), St James, NY 11780 Call For An Appoinment CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE 584-8030 for all occasions OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 43 – ST. JAMES cash & credit foreign & Domestic Repairs SaME PRicE repAir sHop & gAs puMps at the pumps 255 lake Ave., st. James, NY 11780 • 360-1919 Snacks • Soda Candy Cigarettes Madness 30% off One More Month! We’re ng Extendi t he LABor oNLy offer cannot be combined. Expires 8/17/10 oiL cHANge, LuBe & fiLTer Up to 5 Quarts REGULAR OIL $19.95 Synthic oil Higher offer cannot be combined. Expires 8/17/10 For Your Convenience We Are Now opeN THursdAy eveNiNgs uNTiL 9 pM Make Your Appointment Now! SEE US FOR: • Tune-ups • Brakes • Shocks • Tires • All Front End Work • Computer Diagnostics • 4x4 Truck Work N.Y.S. INSPECTION Need Tires? let us quote you a price for replacements. • • VOLVO SERVICE SPECIALIST • • OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 44 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T 15th Annual Stony Brook Film Festival – July 22-31 The 15th Annual Stony Brook Film Festival will bring the best in independent film from around the world to audiences this summer, beginning with a unique opening night double bill on Thursday, July 22. Two outstanding dramas from The Netherlands, The Storm, a U.S. Premiere, and Bride Flight, an East Coast Premiere, have been chosen to start the festival. More than 15,000 filmgoers are expected at the 10-day festival. Seven world premieres, five U.S. premieres, eight East Coast premieres and six New York premieres will be among the 32 feature and short films presented during the Stony Brook Film Festival from July 22 through July 31 on the large Main Stage screen at Staller Center for the Arts at Stony Brook University. Prices and Schedules Film passes are $75 for 10 days of films. Visit www.stonybrookfilmfestival.com or call (631) 632-ARTS to order. Tickets for individual screenings can be purchased starting Monday, July 12. Single tickets are $9 general admission; $7 for students and seniors. (A ticket includes a short film followed by a feature through most of the Festival.) Tickets to the Opening Night party and the Closing Night awards reception are also on sale. Thursday, July 22 Opening Night 7 p.m. - The Storm 9:15 p.m. - Bride Flight 11:30 p.m. - Opening Night Party in the Art Gallery (Tickets required) Friday, July 23 7 p.m. - Five Star day Short: Big day of Fishing 9:30 p.m. - The Pardon Short: Phone Story Saturday, July 24 7: p.m. - Lovely, Still Short: Worth 9:30 pm. - The Extra Man Short: Pennsylvania nW Sunday, July 25 5 p.m. - Jews and Baseball 7 p.m. - Berlin 36 Short: Chapter 21 9:30 p.m. - Love and Savagery Short: Stay True darling Monday, July 26 7 p.m. - ayla Short: In the key of d 9:15 p.m. - kaifeck Murder Short: The Quartering act continued on page 48 244 Lake avenue, sT. JaMes, ny (631) 584-5686 visiT us @ WWW.vOiLaTheBisTrO.COM 3 COurSe PrIx FIxe LuNCh $21 3 COurSe PrIx FIxe DINNer $30 Seasona l Menu Offered Monday through Saturday – Summer only 5 COurSe taStINg MeNu – $48 P r I vat e r O O M S ava I L a b L e F O r Pa r t I e S OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Introducin g Our New – 45 – CoMPeTiTive PriCiNg • we ACCePT CoMPeTiTor’s CoUPoNs Home Delivery Available with purchase of $50 or more BULLS EYE Wine Coolers • Soda • Snapple • Poland Spring • energy Drinks • ice & more! Th wi n n i n e g to w atc sto re h fo yo u r r b ev e r a ge n e e ds WE FILL GROWLERS! WHOLESALE BEVERAGE Hundreds of Different Beers In Stock • Large Selection of Craft, Import & Domestic Beer Please Join Us for a beer Tasting with DEALS THAT CAN’T BE BEAT! Super Price Reduction! PAUlANer HeFeweizeN 12 PACK HACker-PsCHorr MUNiCH lAger lANdsHArk lAger $ AND $ 11.99 ReG $18.49 + tax & dep (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) + tax & dep (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) BREWERY OF BROOKLYN Have a Water Cooler? on sATUrdAY JUlY 24 from 3-6 pm $3 OFF 16.99 12 PACKS 1 GALLoN BoTTLES ArizoNA iCe TeA All Flavors 2 for $5.00 + tax We Carry 5 GALLoN rePlACeMeNT wATer $4.99 + tax & dep. JUgs purchase of $45 or more $5 OFF purchase of $65 or more $10 OFF Tobacco products and Ny Lotto excluded. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Exp. 8/17/10 Tobacco products and Ny Lotto excluded. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Exp. 8/17/10 Tobacco products and Ny Lotto excluded. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Exp. 8/17/10 purchase of $100 or more Located on Middle Country Road in Smithtown 395 MiddLe couNTry rd. (Next door to Aboff’s Paints) sMiTHTowN 406-7730 FOR ADDITIONAL SALES SEE OUR ONLINE AD AT www.bullseyebeverage.net BRINg US YOUR BOTTLES & CANS - licensed NyS Redemption center OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 46 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T FREE Family Concert Series at the Library The Friends of the Smithtown Library proudly announce the sixth series of outdoor summer shows, made possible by a grant secured by Suffolk County Legislator Lynne C. Nowick, on the Village Green of the Smithtown Library main branch. Events are held Thursday evenings in July and August. Raindates: August 26 and September 2. Bring chairs and enjoy the FREE shows. In case of inclement weather please check the Smithtown Library’s award-winning website www.smithlib.org after 3 p.m. the day of the show for additional details. No smoking please. All residents are welcome to attend. MEET THE JuMPERS ORCHESTRA Thursday, July 22 • 8 p.m. Rockin and swingin family enter- tainment with a unique brand of Ring-a-Ding Ratpack swing. the Stones greatest hits as they pay tribute to their legacy. SPeCiaL SHOW TO KiCK Off THe niGHT Thursday, July 29 • 7:15 p.m. all Good friends Versatile group of performers sing your favorite Golden Oldies from the 40s, 50s and 60s. OLDiES SHOw Thursday, August 12 • 8 p.m. Risky Business One of the top bands on L.I. takes you back to the music of the 60’s through today. Hear the top music from each era. ROD STEwART SHOw Thursday, July 29 • 8 p.m. Rick Larrimore The ‘Ultimate’ tribute to Rod Stewart. Rick Larrimore brings us Rod Stewart – you will not be able to tell if you’re watching Rod or Rick. BEATLES SHOw Thursday, August 19 • 8 p.m. Strawberry fields A Beatles tribute band performing a complete Beatles show in full costume and make up. ROLLiNg STONES TRiBuTE BAND Thursday, August 5 • 8 p.m. Streetfighter This band will perform many of OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Shows are being hosted by WALK 97.5 FM. For additional information call 265-2072. – 47 – Villa Sorrento exáàtâÜtÇà Restaurant and Caterers Elegant dining in a relaxed atmosphere BOOK YOUR SUMMER EVENTS Packages: Champagne Brunch, Lunch, Dinner • Rehearsal Dinners • Communions • Bridal & Baby Showers • Christenings & much more VtàxÜ|Çz 3 COURSE PRIx FIxE DINNER $25.00 per person Includes • Choice of Soup or Salad • Entree • Dessert • Coffee or Tea We make every party unforgettable OUTDOOR PARTY SEASON IS HERE Off Premise Parties for Office, Family or Business SUPREME BARBECUE Entrees Side Dishes All-Beef Hot Dogs & Hamburgers Tri-Color Gorgonzola Salad Slow Roasted Pulled Pork Seasonal Fruits & Wild Berries Grilled Italian Sausage Sauteed ` Peppers & Onions (Plus choice of 3 items below) (Plus choice of 3 items below) St. Louis Spare Ribs • Barbecue Glazed Chicken Fresh Mozzarella & Tomato Platter Marinated Skirt Steak • Shrimp Kebobs Gourmet Gemilli Pasta Salad Maple Honey Glazed Grilled Salmon Roasted Corn & Black Bean Salsa Chicken & Vegetable Kebobs Corn on the Cob Delivery & Set Up • 40 Person Minimum $28.95 per person PERSONALIzED MENU PLANNING BARBEqUES Weddings • Graduations • Traditional Buffets Family Gatherings & More • Supreme BBQ • Texas BBQ • New England Clambake F ULL RENTAL: China, Silver. Chairs, Tables, etc... “Come Taste The Experience” 823 Middle Country Road, St. James, NY 11780 (631) 265-9865 www.villasorrento.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 48 – A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T Smithtown Community Chorus FREE Summer Concert Series continued from page 40 regardless of vocal ability or experience. All that is required is a love of singing! All concerts are free and open to the public. Visit www.stacarts.org or call 8626575. The 2010 Community Chorus season is co-sponsored by Smithtown Township Arts Council and Smithtown Historical Society. Both organizations are excited to link together for this opportunity to benefit Suffolk County residents and are working to nurture and develop these linkages to enhance the cultural vitality of their communities. Friday, August 20, 7:30 p.m. Smithtown Historical Society’s Frank Brush Barn The Performance will include a tribute to John Denver and a trib- ute to the Armed Forces. The Frank Brush Barn is located behind the historic Epenetus Smith Tavern at 211 East Main Street (Route 25), Smithtown, NY. Saturday, August 21, 7:30 p.m. Christ the king Church 2 Indian Head road, Commack The Performance will include special tributes to John Denver and the Armed Forces. Stony Brook Film Festival continued from page 44 Tuesday, July 27 7 p.m. - Beloved Berlin Wall Short: In the dark 9:30 p.m. - The Big dream Short: Eliki wednesday, July 28 7 p.m. - The Legacy Short: unrest 9:15 p.m. - Bon appetit Short: Lighthouse Friday, July 30 7 p.m. - Last Train Home 9 p.m. - The Sicilian girl Saturday, July 31 – Closing Night 8:30 p.m. - Mao’s Last dancer 10:30 p.m. - Closing Night Awards Reception (Tickets required) Thursday, July 29 7 p.m. - The army of Crime 9:40 p.m. - Howl Oceans’ Bounty HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 9:30-6 Sun. 11-5 Live Lobsters Seafood Lovers Gift Certificates seAfood #1 in Customer Satisfaction! ThE UNiqUE BoUTiqUE unique Jewelry & Gifts Jewelry for the Bride Lobster/Clambakes are Back! 1 1/4 lb. Lobster, 1/2 lb. Steamers, 1/2 lb. Shrimp 1/2 lb. Mussels, Sweet Corn on the Cob 459 Lake Ave.,St. James, Ny 11780 862-0027 (Across from King Kullen) qe Time to Barbecue! Marinated Shrimp Skewers, Fish-Ka-Bobs, Diver Scallops, Halibut, Wild Salmon, Tuna, Swordfish, Chilean Sea Bass and more GoldstOr Summertime Entertaining • Deluxe Cold Seafood Platters • Shrimp Platters Made to Order • Mini Crab Cakes • Shrimp Poppers • Lobster Wontons • Gail’s Clam Pie • Scallops in Bacon • Coconut Shrimp • Scallop Bites • Crispy Fried Shrimp q 415 No. CoUNTRY RD. (25A), ST. JAMeS • 862-4228 e www.oceansbountyseafood.com Behind quaint & Classy Antiques & Gifts Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. 88 Railroad Ave., St. James, NY 11780 All Phases of Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Repairs & Installations written guarantee with every Job • Free estimates PHoNE qe yr 631-584-3839 Serving L.I. for over 20 years Licensed & Insured OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 49 – Visit us on facebook Call in advance for fresh flower arrangements SPECiALiziNg iN ONE-OF-A-KiND FLORAL DESigNS Home & Garden Accessories Lamps, Pictures, Mirrors, Vases, Small Furniture, Curio Cabinets, Urns,Accent Pieces, Small Gifts, a Special Selection of Antiques, Handcrafted Natural Gemstone Jewelry, Unique Small Gifts New Merchandise Arriving Daily Special porch Sale Merchandise Priced From $1-$50 Cash Only HOME CONSULTATIONS AVAILABLE • FREE GIFT WRAPPING • PERSONAL SERVICE • GIFT CERTIFICATES 529 Lake Avenue, St. James • 631-862-8943 • www.Julieshomedecor.net Hours: Tuesday-Friday 11-5, Saturday 11-4:30, Closed Sunday & Monday OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 50 – 556-20 N. Country Road, St. James, NY 11780 (631) 686 - 5042 HarborHillDental.com Dr. Steven Grandillo, DDS • Dr. Allen Motola, DMD Harbor Hill Dental is proud to announce that we are creating a solution to help reduce your spiraling health costs. We know many people today are faced with the dilemma of either being under insured or not insured at all. To aid you in getting the quality dental care you need and deserve, we are introducing the Harbor Hill Dental Plan which will reduce your present costs by approximately 50% or more! We are not sacrificing the quality of our services, but simply passing on to you, our patients, a reduced fee schedule to permit many more to receive all the necessary dental health care for you and your family. Now through August 17, 2010, we will reduce the membership fee by an additional 50% for the first five hundred new members. Harbor Hill Dental Plan 1 Year Plan Individual Plan $240 or $20/month for 1 year • Individual Plus one Plan $360 or $30/month for 1 year Each Child $60 or $5/month for 1 year 100% Financing available for all procedures.* *Must qualify 2010 FEE SCHEDULE DIAGNoSTIC Service Description Consultation (No x-rays) Comprehensive Exam Emergency Exam Palliative Treatment Periodic Exam (Recall) Diagnostic Casts oral/Facial Photographic Images Full Mouth X-Rays Panorex oral Cancer Testing Caries Susceptibility Test Saliva Testing Periapical X-ray 1st Film Periapical X-ray Each Additional Bitewing X-ray Single Film Bitewing X-ray 2 Films Bitewing X-ray 4 Films PReVeNTIVe HHD Plan N/C N/C 40 25 N/C 50 20 N/C N/C 35 15 35 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C HHD Private 45 85 80 45 75 80 45 120 65 35 30 50 25 15 20 25 40 eNDoDoNTICS Service Description HHD Plan HHD Private Direct/Indirect Pulp Cap Pulpotomy Anterior Root Canal* Biscuspid Root Canal* Molar Root Canal* 65 85 350 575 785 150 175 575 795 1050 * Initial Root Canal Therapy only – Retreats not included Service Description HHD Plan Child Cleaning & Polish N/C Adult Cleaning & Polish* N/C Topical Fluoride Treatment - Child 30 Topical Fluoride Treatment - Adult 35 Sealant (per tooth) 30 Space Maintainer Unilateral 200 Space Maintainer Bilateral 325 Nightguard 375 occlusal Guard 300 *More involved cleanings, see periodontics 1 routine cleaning covered per member in a 6 month period HHD Private 125 100 45 55 45 310 520 525 450 ReSToRATIVe Service Description Composite (White) fillings Anterior (front) 1 Surface 2 Surface 3 Surface Posterior (Back) 1 Surface 2 Surface 3 Surface 4 Surface Sedative Filling OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 HHD Plan HHD Private 100 130 155 155 185 210 130 155 220 255 35 185 210 275 310 45 – 51 – fIXeD PRoSThoDoNTICS Service Description Crowns (Per Tooth) Crown – Porcelain & Noble Metal Crown – CAPTEK (Porcelain wi Gold Liner) Crown – PRoCERA (All Ceramic) Crown – LAVA (Zirconia) Bridges (Per Tooth) Bridge – Porcelain & Noble Metal Bridge – CAPTEK (Porcelain wi Gold Liner) Bridge – PRoCERA (All Ceramic) Bridge – LAVA (Zirconia) other Prefab Post & Core Cast Post & Core Core Build Up Lab Processed Temporary (per tooth) Recement CrownlBridge (per tooth) Remove CrownlBridge Post Removal PeRIoDoNTICS HHD Plan HHD Private 650 750 850 950 1200 1300 1400 1500 650 750 850 950 1200 1300 1400 1500 250 310 185 210 35 85 185 300 425 235 270 50 150 250 ReMoVABLe PRoSThoDoNTICS Service Description HHD Plan Complete Denture (Per Arch) 850 Simply Natural Denture (Per Arch) 1150 Partial Denture (Per Arch) 975 Valplast Partial Denture (Per Arch) 1250 Temporary Denture (Per Arch) 375 Repairs Denture Adjustments N/C AddlRepair Tooth–Existing Partial Denture 120 AddlRepair Clasp–Existing Partial Denture 130 Reline Denture 225 Repair Acrylic 130 HHD Private 1260 1500 1350 1500 550 75 150 175 325 160 PeDATRICS Service Description Pulpotomy Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) Stainless Steel Crown Composite Crown HHD Plan 85 250 125 180 HHD Private 175 325 175 200 ANeSTheSIA Service Description HHD Plan HHD Private Local Anesthesia Nitrous oxide Per Visit oral Sedation Per Visit N/C 75 350 N/C 100 500 Service Description HHD Plan Scaling & Root Planing (Per Quadrant) osseous Surgery (Per Quadrant) Bone Graft (1st Site) Bone Graft Each Additional Site Soft Tissue Graft Gingivectomy (Per Tooth) Gingivectomy (Per Quadrant) Crown Lengthening Periodontal Maintenance* 110 585 250 125 375 200 420 475 95 HHD Private 130 775 325 200 500 250 445 550 130 *Following active therapy - 1 visit every 3 months is routine for this procedure. Every other visit N/C as long as D.o.S is 90-110 days from last perio maintenance appt. oRAL SURGeRY Service Description HHD Plan Simple Extraction Surgical Extraction Soft Tissue Impaction Partial Bony Impaction Full Bony Impaction Alveoplasty wI Extraction Alveoplasty wlo Extraction Cyst Removal Hemisection 125 175 220 300 375 185 285 100 130 HHD Private 160 250 275 375 450 210 315 210 155 IMPLANT SeRVICeS Service Description HHD Plan Endosteal Implant 1200 Mini Implant 480 Custom Abutment 650 Crown – Porcelain – Noble Metal Implant Supp 950 Bridge – Porcelain – Noble Metal Implant Supp 950 overdenture 3150 Hader Bar 2000 Semi-Precision Attachment (Each) 520 HHD Private 1500 600 850 1350 1350 3900 2550 650 CoSMeTIC PRoCeDUReS Service Description HHD Plan HHD Private Cosmetic Bonding (Per Tooth) Porcelain Veneer (Laminate) Procera Veneer (Laminate) Zoom! Whitening (incl custom trays and 1 kit of whitening solution) Whitening Touch Up Kit 340 600 840 425 750 1200 795 495 95 Additional Plan Benefits OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 650 370 75 – 52 – E D U C A T I O N A L E N T E R T A I N M E N T Programs Offered at the Library The Smithtown Library offers a variety of programs during the upcoming weeks and months. The Main Branch, is located at 1 North Country Road, Smithtown, 265-2072. The Nesconset Branch is located at 127-20 Smithtown Blvd., Nesconset, 265-3994. The Commack Branch (temporarily closed for renovations - use Kings Park) is located at 3 Indian Head Road, Commack, 543-0998. The Kings Park Branch is located at 1 Church Street, Kings Park, 2699191. Call for Library hours Nesconset closed Sundays. For additional information visit their website at www.smithlib.org. You may register at the above phone numbers for programs. MOViES AT THE LiBRARY The Smithtown and Nesconset branches of the Library will screen a popular movie each month. Register for these programs. Call for films, dates and times. BOOK AND FiLM DiSCuSSiON NESCONSET Thursday, July 22, 4-6:30 p.m. “Don’t Judge a Book by Its Movie” -Flowers for algernon/Charly book by Daniel Keyes/movie directed by Ralph Nelson. Join this discussion group that will compare and contrast movies and the books they are based on. Movie: PG rated, runtime 104 minutes. ONgOiNg ADuLT PROgRAMS ADuLT wRiTERS’ gROuP SMITHTOWN 1st Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. This series is the perfect opportunity for anyone who has the burning desire to write, but has WE HAVE OPENINGS for 3 & 4 yeAr oLds trouble getting started or would like to receive constructive feedback from fellow writers. The group is scheduled to meet the first Tuesday of every month. Compare ideas on writing as well as give and receive advice, while having fun in the process. Call for dates and times. No registration is required. BOOK DiSCuSSiON gROuPS SMITHTOWN Morning Book Discussion Group resume Thursday, September 16 Sports Page Book Discussion Group resume Monday, September 13 Call for books, dates and times. NESCONSET Tea-rrific Reads Book Discussion Tuesday, July 27 2:30 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. continued on page 54 SuNNy ROadEst.RuG CLEaNERS 1948 powerful Truck Mounted on Location cleaning • Area Rugs Picked Up • Washed In our Plant • Upholstery Cleaning • Repair • Binding • fringing Tile Grout Cleaning & Restoration 584-5160 104 Lake Avenue., St. James email us at: sunnyrugcleaner@optonline.net orieNTAL rug wAsHiNg ST. JAMES UNITED METHODIST NURSERY SCHOOL Private Drum Lessons in our St. James State-of-the-Art Recording/Teaching Studio • All Styles of Drumming • All Levels from Beginner to Advanced • NYSSMA Preparation 532 Moriches Road, St. James, NY 11780 For scheduling and lesson information, call (631) 584-9555 or email: teachingdrums@yahoo.com June Liardi, Director For resume information, please visit: john-miceli.com 631-240-0690 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 53 – Breakfast Lunch Now Open HOme OF tHe BOxed LUNcH Puttin Lunchg Back the Bu In dget! Build Your Own Boxed Lunch Grand opening Special from our Create your own Salad at the Classic Deli Menu Salad Station or Lite Classic Deli Menu featuring Boar’s head heart healty Line Includes Sandwich, 2 Sides & Beverage $ 99 7 Breakfast Special 10 oz. Coffee or Tea and a Butter Roll $ 99 1 + tax PICK UP oNLy + tax Choice of Greens, Toppings & Dressing. Includes 12 oz. Beverage $ 49 Small 5 + tax $ 49 Large 7 + tax Grand Opening Breakfast Special 2 eggs on a Roll with choice of Bacon, ham or Sausage, Cheese and 10oz. Coffee or Tea $ 99 2 + tax PICK UP oNLy • oFFER EXPIRES 8/17/2010 Download our Menu at www.MillsPondkitchen.com or call 584-5800 for menu CHILDREN’S BOxED LUNCHES Coming in September – $4.99 + tax FREE DELIVERY to HOME or BUSINESS (2 Box Minimum) – Lunch Deliveries Made From 11 AM-3 PM 7 fLoWeRfIeLD, SUITe 43, ST. JAMeS, NY 11780 Phone 631-584-5800 • Fax 631-584-5802 Website: MillsPondkitchen.com oPEN 6 AM-4 PM MoNDAy-FRIDAy OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 54 – E D U C A T I O N A L E N T E R T A I N M E N T Programs Offered at the Library continued from page 52 “guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” by Mary Ann Shaffer Call for additional books, dates and times. Please register for these programs. CHESS AT NigHT! SMITHTOWN Tuesday, July 27, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call for additional dates. Chess for everyone... bring your mind and be ready to learn the ultimate game of mind strategy. Basic instructions and chessboards will be provided... all are welcome. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. The group usually meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. No registration required. CLiBRARY ART gROuP SMITHTOWN Thursdays, 11:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Work on various art projects in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Call the Library for supplies needed. No registration is required. quiLT AT THE LiBRARY SMITHTOWN Saturday, august 7, 10 a.m. Call for additional dates and times In this monthly series you can share and learn about quilting. The group usually meets the first Saturday of the month. No registration required. COMPuTER CLASSES FOR ADuLTS SMITHTOWN Feeling left behind with the new technology? Learn a new skill at the Smithtown Library. Registration is required for each class. Basic computer knowledge is required. Fee: $20 per class. Call for upcoming classes. DEFENSiVE DRiViNg CLASSES The Smithtown Library offers two Defensive Driving classes in conjunction with the New York State Safety Program. After the successful completion of this course, attendees may receive a discount on their automobile insurance and point deduction from existing violations on their driver’s licenses. There is a fee of $30 (check or money order only) which is nonrefundable. Licensed drivers of all ages are eligible to participate in this course (under 50). Call for dates and additional info. Register at the Circulation Desk of the branch you wish to take the program. Space is very limited, registration is on a lottery basis. continued on page 56 • BURGERS • STEAKS • RIBS • Your Neighborhood Butcher Store! FULL DELI SERVICES & PRIME BUTCHER SHOP Daily Breakfast & Lunch Specials Now Located at 36 east Main street, smithtown (The Village Commons Shopping Center) CaTERiNG for all Occasions! ORDER TODAY FOR: SUMMER BBQs BIRTHDAYS WEDDINGS We Feature Over 80 Imported Beers 265-2040 fAX: 863-0292 OPEN 7 DAYS: Mon.-Sat. 6 am-7 pm, Sun. 7 am-4 pm 36 east Main Street, Smithtown FREE DELIVERY Visit Us at www.mainstmeats.com PARkING IN ReAR off BeLLeMeADe AVe. OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 • • HEROS • HOMEMADE SALADS • • BRATS • GERMAN / AMERICAN / ITALIAN SPECIALTIES • – 55 – S S S S The BesT S S S S Dance Classes for All Ages MISS DEBBIE LYNN Former Bob Fosse Dancer, Dance Competition Judge and Talent Advisor for the Miss America Pageant Age 2 Boogie Baby Classes Available for September • Combo s e s s la C • Weight/Nutrition • Musical Theater Lectures p o H ip H • Slim Training • • Yogasize • Tap • Jazz • Ballet • Compet ition REGISTRATION Teams BEGINS AUGUST 16-20 IRISH STEP DANCE • Belly t n D a e ance • Pag g n li • Yoga Mode Limited Time Offer! FREE Registration $25 Value one Coupon Per Family AUGUST 16-20 oNLY H IGH D EFINITION D ANCE C ENTRE 135 W. Main Street, Smithtown, NY 11787 (next to Sizzler) 631-724-5381 www.highdefinitiondance.net OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 56 – E D U C A T I O N A L E N T E R T A I N M E N T Programs Offered at the Library continued from page 54 An AARP Defensive Driving class will be held at three of the Smithtown Library branches on a rotating basis – SMITHTOWN (January, April, July, October), COMMACK (February, May, August, November) and NESCONSET (March, June, September, December). There is a fee of $12 AARP members; $14 non-AARP members (check or money order only) which is non-refundable for drivers 50+ years. Call for dates and times. Effective NOw AARP and general Defensive Driving Registration will be by Lottery Drawing. Call the library for lottery procedures and dates of lottery entries and drawings. TEEN PROgRAMS CALLiNg ALL TEENS ENTERiNg gRADES 6-12 The Smithtown Library at 1 North Country Road, Smithtown and the Nesconset Branch is located at 127-20 Smithtown Blvd., Nesconset, 265-3994 is offering a variety of programs geared toward teens this summer. Join one or join all – you’re sure to have a great time! (Registration is required - 631265-2072, Ext. 208.) Book Discussions NESCONSET Call for upcoming dates, times and books Concert Volunteers SMITHTOWN Thursdays, July 22, 29, august 5, 12, 19, 6-8 p.m. Volunteers needed to help set up activities such as handing out flyers/assisting w/raffles for weekly FREE concerts on the lawn. You can earn community service credit. Call Miss Doherty at 2652072, ext. 228 to sign up for the dates wanted. Getting Ready to Babysit NESCONSET (grades 6-8) Saturday, august 7, 10 a.m. This workshop is designed for teens to learn the responsibilities required in baby-sitting and the skills necessary for the important job of child care. Registration ongoing. Message in a Bottle SMITHTOWN Wednesday, July 28, 7-8 p.m. Write a message on scroll paper; add sand shells and send it to someone special. Summer Collage SMITHTOWN Tuesday, august 3, 7-8 p.m. Create a lasting collage of your favorite summer memories. Bring your photos; all other materials provided by the Library. Teen advisory Groups SMITHTOWN (grades 6-12) NESCONSET (grades 6-12) Call for dates and times. Teens are invited to speak about issues relating to the library and community. Participants receive community service credit. Teen Page Turners SMITHTOWN Wednesday, July 21, 4 p.m. Thursdays, august 5, 19, 26, 4 p.m. This book club is for young adults who want to read an exciting continued on facing page RESTAURANT Quality Landscape and Architectural Illumination OLD WORLD CRAFTSMANSHIP TODAY’S TECHNOLOGY Beautiful • Durable • Innovative • Affordable • Added Security Low Voltage • Safe and Economical Rated Excellent by The New York Times Open 7 Days for Lunch and Dinner Patrick Johnston 416 No. Country Rd (Rte. 25A) St. James, NY 11780 588-2207 631.862.6030 CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 57 – E D U C A T I O N A L continued book this summer. Come to the kickoff meeting to vote on which book to read. Discussions, debates, snacks and lots of fun. Teen Movie night NESCONSET (grades 6-12) Call for movies, dates and times. Enjoy the movie and a snack Contact your local children’s librarian for details or visit the liwebsite at brary www.smithlib.org. almost Time for Kindergarten SMITHTOWN (entering K in 9/10) Fridays, July 23, 30, august 6, 13 10 a.m. A program specifically designed for children entering kindergarten that encourages a love of reading through books and crafts. continued on following page Alpine Teen Volunteer Opportunity NESCONSET Tuesday, august 3, 6:30 p.m. Make a back-to-school craft to be donated to the less fortunate. You can earn an hour of community service. Registration ongoing. Teen Writers Club NESCONSET (young adults) Call for dates and times. For young adults interested in creative and professional writing. E N T E R T A I N M E N T Pastry Shoppe See our Amazing Cakes @ www.alpinepastryshop.com We Make Fabulous Cakes for Every Occasion! Title Wave Cupcakes SMITHTOWN Thursday, July 29, 7-8 p.m. Decorate three delicious cupcakes with a mini “title wave” on each. Materials fee of $3 is due at in-person only registration. #1 iN childREN’S BiRthday cakES Cookie & PAsTrY TrAYs Cookie FAvors & CHoColATe lollYPoPs For All oCCAsioNs! CUSToM CHiLDREN’S PROgRAMS Register in person or by phone for all Children’s Programs: Smithtown 265-2072, ext. 248. Nesconset 265-3994 Call the library for dates and times and age restrictions for ALL programs. Visit the Library website at www.smithlib.org for a complete program listing and additional details or go to the library and pick up a program flyer. for School age Children A variety of literature-based programs which include a wide range of activities are offered throughout the school year. Each children’s department provides specialized programs, unique to each branch. Baby Shower cakes Wedding cakes Photo cakes Available for Delivery TRy OUR DELICIOUS... • Tiramisu • Silk-n-Satin Cake • Caramel Apple Crumb Cheese Cake • Raspberry Mousse Cheese Cake • Pregnant Cannoli (serves 30) Become a fan of ALPINE PASTRY SHOPPE on FACEBOOK for up-to-date Specials 15% OFF ANY PURChASe $5 MAXIMUM DISCoUNT. With coupon only. 1 per customer. Cannot be combined. Expires 8/17/10 59 rt. 111, smithtown (village center) qe 631-265-5610 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 ry – 58 – E D U C A T I O N A L E N T E R T A I N M E N T Programs Offered at the Library continued from page 57 Book Buddies NESCONSET (4 years, entering grade 2) Call for dates and times. This program pairs the 4 year old with an older child (6th-12th grade) for a rewarding reading experience. Dive in Storytime SMITHTOWN (3-1/2-5 years w/adult) Thursday, July 29, 11 a.m. Preschool storytime for children who are able to sit and listen independently. no registration required. family film NESCONSET (children of all ages, w/adult) Call for dates and times. flip flop Windsock SMITHTOWN (grades K-2) Thursday, July 22, 4 p.m. Join us for summertime stories and make a craft. Here Comes the Garbage Barge NESCONSET (grades 1-3) Thursday, July 29, 3 p.m. Listen to a stinky story and make a boat out of recycled materials then set it to sail. i’m in first SMITHTOWN (entering grade 1) Fridays, July 23, 30, august 6, 13 10 a.m Kindergarten graduates are invited to come for stories, crafts and other activities. Without adult. Kindergarten Kids NESCONSET (entering Kindergarten) Thursday, august 12, 3 p.m. Get ready for school with special stories all about kindergarten and make a craft you will use in school. Mother Goose Rhymetime SMITHTOWN (birth-34 months) Friday, July 24, 10 a.m. Call for additional dates and times. A children’s librarian leads you and your child in reciting, singing and reading Mother Goose rhymes, which are the cornerstones of literature and cultural heritage. Ocean in a Bottle SMITHTOWN (grades 3 & up) Tuesday, July 2, 10 a.m. Bring the spirit of the sea indoors. Hear some stories about the beach and bring a little ocean home with you. One is fun NESCONSET (12-23 months w/adult) Fridays, July 30, august 6, 10 a.m. continued on page 60 All Phases of Home Improvements Jobs Built to Last. • Kitchens • Baths • Windows & Doors • Trims & Moldings • Siding • Basement Refinishing • Decks PUT YOUR TAX RETURN TO WORK ! ! ! Call for a Free Estimate 631-584-0136 www.jblhomeimprovements.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Owner & Contractor David Kaplan General Manager Jill Kaplan Suffolk Lic. #3936H Fully Insured – 59 – we pAy Top doLLAr oN ALL uNwANTed goLd, siLver & coiNs Gold & Silver We Buy All Types Of Gold & Silver Jewelry PCGS NGC Coin Dealers for 28 Years Licensed & Bonded Suffolk 45102-PL 10K, 14K, 18K, Gold Jewelry,Silver, Diamonds & Coins • silver Coins • paper Money • silver dollars • all pCGs/nGC/anaCs slabbed Coins • Gold Coins HOST A • Gold & silver Bars LD PARTY O G • Mint sets 00s MAKE $1 URS! • Flatware HO IN A FEetW s ils. All Partie • Lionel Trains Call for D a la Sorrento il Catered by V mes • Old Comics of St. Ja GET AN EXTRA 10% MORE BACK IN CASH for all your unwanted jewelry A&D Gold & Silver • 425 Lake ave., st.. James • 584-7070 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. offer expires 8/17/10 425 Lake Avenue, St. James www.ADGoldSilver.com 631-584-7070 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 RADIO Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10:30 am-5:30 pm Tuesday & Thursday 10:30 am-6:30 pm, Saturday 10:30 am-4 pm, SUNDAY 11 am-4 pm – 60 – E D U C A T I O N A L E N T E R T A I N M E N T Programs Offered at the Library Sea Shell Treasures NESCONSET (4-6 years) Tuesday, July 22, 3 p.m. Read the book Mermaid dance by Marjorie Hakala and make a special “Sea Inspired” craft. continued from page 58 Call for additional dates and times. Enjoy stories, rhymes and songs during this interactive story time with parent/adult. Snooze-a-Palooza NESCONSET (entering grades 4-6) Friday, July 23, 5:30 p.m. through Saturday, July 24, 7 a.m. Enjoy a sleepover at the Library. There will be food, games, movies and maybe a little sleep. For children with a successful sleepover experience. In-person registration is a must. Oscar the Octopus SMITHTOWN (grades 4-6) Friday, July 23, 2 p.m. Learn some octopus facts and make an 8-legged creature to take home. Pajama Story Time SMITHTOWN (3-6 years w/adult) Tuesday, July 27, 7 p.m. Call for additional dates and times. Children are invited to come for a special evening of stories, fingerplays and song in pajamas. Siblings are welcome. No registration is required. Spa night NESCONSET (grades 3-5) Monday, august 9, 7 p.m. Relax and read a book while you get a manicure and pedicure or try a mud mask. Come in comfy clothes. Falzone & Sons, Inc. Story Craft Saturday SMITHTOWN (3-5 years w/adult) Saturday, July 31, 10 a.m. Call for additional dates and times. Listen to stories and complete a simple craft. Siblings are welcome. Swampy the Turtle SMITHTOWN (3-5 years w/adult) Monday, July 26, 3 p.m. Listen to some turtle tales and make a Swampy the Turtle craft to take home. continued on page 86 291 lake Avenue St. james, Ny 11780 Licensed Plumbing & Heating Contractors (631) 584-0100 Fax: (631) 584-2304 laW oFFiCe oF JosePH a. BollHoFer, P.C. j Service Residential Stories and Crafts NESCONSET (3-1/2-5 years w/adult) Mondays, July 26, august 2, 2 p.m. Call for additional dates and times. Enjoy listening to stories and make a craft to take home. Commercial “Maintaining the heart of your home” accidents/Personal injury estate Planning and administration elder law • real estate Joseph A. Bollhofer, Esq. Past President, Chamber of Commerce • NYS Backflow Inspector • Repairs & Installations • Radiant Heat Specialist • Gas & Oil Boilers 631.862.6612 St. James, New York 11780 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Admitted to Practice law in New york & New jersey – 61 – IS HERE 87 E. Main St., Smithtown, NY 979-4278 Try a privATe LessoN for 1/2 price and discover the benefits of Pilates New clients only • Offer expires August 15, 2010 This fully equipped studio offers: q Privates & Semi-Privates q Small Group Reformer and Tower Classes q Small Mat Classes q Pilates for Golf q Flexible Scheduling Call 979-4278 for your appointment & experience the simply Pilates difference! open 6 days k a Wee Owned and operated by Tracy Hebron, Physical Therapist./Certified Pilates Instructor. She brings 17 years of experience in the field of Physical Therapy along with 650 hours of comprehensive pilates training to the studio. Gift certific a Fully equipped studio offering private, semi private sessions, small mat, reformers & tower classes. www.simplypilates.net Convenient rear parking OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 tes – 62 – H O M E & G A R D E N DESIGN IDEAS: The Next “40” by natalie Weinstein, allied aSId In the Smithsonian magazine’s 49th Anniversary Issue, which just arrived, was highlighted “The 40 Things You Need To Know About the Next 40 Years.” I thought they were so interesting that I’ve taken the liberty of reproducing the list hoping it will encourage you to read the articles in Smithsonian which prompted them. The 40 Things You Need to Know 1. SOPHISTICATED BUILDINGS WILL BE MADE OF MUD. 2. CORAL REEFS WILL BE DEVASTATED. 3. THE CATCH OF THE DAY? JELLYFISH. 4. NEW CARS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY, FREE. 5. INDUSTRY WILL GENERATE ENERGY IN SPACE. 6. OYSTERS WILL SAVE WOLVES FROM CLIMATE CHANGE. 7. 2,000 MAMMAL SPECIES WILL BE DISCOVERED. 8. IT’S CURTAINS FOR THE WORLD’S RAREST DOLPHIN. 9. FARMERS WILL PLANT SPINACH IN TALL BUILDINGS. 10. THE NATION WILL MEET THE TEST OF THE CENTURY AHEAD. 11. THE HEARTLAND WILL RISE AGAIN. 12. THE TOP U.S. SOCIAL PROBLEM? UPWARD MOBILITY. 13. BY 2050, ONE OUT OF THREE U.S. KIDS WILL BE LATINO. 14. WORLD WAR III WILL BEGIN IN SPACE. 15. MOST AMERICANS FEAR FOR THE PLANET’S HEALTH. 16. UNLESS WE CONSERVE, MORE PEOPLE WILL GO HUNGRY. 17. AN ANCIENT GRAIN, FUNIO, WILL FIGHT STARVATION. 18. AFGHANISTAN RISKS TURMOIL FOR 40 YEARS. 19. GLOWING SQUID WILL LEAD TO NEW ANTIBIOTICS. 20. HEALTH WORKERS WILL ERADICATE MALARIA. 21. SCIENCE COULD ENABLE A PERSON TO REGROW A LIMB. 22. ASTRONOMERS WILL DISCOVER LIFE BEYOND EARTH. 23. HOW WILL WE AVERT THE DINOSAURS’ FATE? TELESCOPES. 24. BRAIN SCANS WILL ILLUMINATE THE INFANT MIND. 25. ARTISTS WILL RUN THE WORLD. 26. NOVELISTS WILL NEED A NEW PLOT DEVICE. 27. EVERYONE WILL MAKE HIS OWN MUSIC. 28. SECRETS WILL REVEAL IF YOUNG JFK WAS “VACUOUS.” 29. JAMES CAMERON WILL STILL BE MAKING MOVIES AT 96. 30. STAND-UP COMEDY WILL NO LONGER KILL. 31. NATIVE AMERICAN YOUTHS WILL REVIVE THEIR CULTURE. 32. U.S.- MUSLIM RELATIONS WILL IMPROVE. 33. EVOLUTION WILL CONTINUE TO REVERSE, HUMORIST SAYS. 34. A MEDICAL LAB WILL FIT ON A POSTAGE STAMP. 35. VIRUSES WILL HELP BUILD MACHINES. 36. GOODBY, STEREO; HELLO, HYPER-REAL ACOUSTICS. 37. ELECTRICITY WILL BE HARVESTED FROM YOUR SKIN. 38. CRUCIAL ENERGY WILL BE GENERATED WITH MIRRORS. 39. YOUR REFRIGERATOR WILL TALK TO YOU. 40. READING WILL BECOME AN ATHLETIC ACTIVITY. OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 As you can see, only one or two are in the realm of architecture or design, my playing field, yet they’re all about change, for good or bad – the cause and effect element that is so important in home, as well as in life. Yet, what’s the point of anticipating 2050? How accurate can anyone be? And, some of us won’t be around to check, anyway. Since scientists say that only humans can imagine the future, learning about what humanity will be up to provokes many additional thoughts and questions. What will the world of interior design be like 40 years from now? Will “modern” be the “modern” as we know it, or something remarkably different? What about transitional or traditional styles? What will be the “new” antiques? Will form or function be redefined? How will interior space look, then? Will dirt and mud actually replace today’s building materials, taking us all the way back to the beginning of architecture design? Life is so full of interesting parallels. This past weekend my son David flew in to Long Island to celebrate his father’s birthday. He had a chance to see his mom as well, relaxed and happy and then stressed because of all her writing deadlines (including this one). Alluding to the “Next 40” article and being the “tech” person he is, he suggested a bold headline as a starter (for my design column) “What if…”, where I could talk about how modern technology has influenced design and how it might do so in the future. We batted around the idea over morning coffee. Shortly after, he accompanied me as I stopped by Wicks Nursery on 25A to take a photo of the “Big Witch” (whose name I just discovered was Winnie) – for my overdue House Magazine article. continued on page 64 – 63 – Learn How to Decorate ... with a little help from Natalie Schedule a 2-hour in home consultation with Natalie – Call 631.862.6198 AN INSIDER’S SOURCE IN ST. JAMES... The Natalie Weinstein Home Decorating Club Resource Center Get discounted designer fabrics, free design advice* and a free trial Home Decorating Club membership. Call 631.862.6198 to make an appointment with Lisa C. Some evenings and weekends available. *Design advice is free when looking to purchase fabric Visit www.nataliesclub.com Interior Designer, Allied ASID • "Home Decor" columnist for The Times Beacon Record Newspapers • WALK Radio’s Interior Design Expert • "Home Show" on WALK 1370 AM, Sundays from 10-11 AM and podcast 24/7 on www.walkradio.com, keyword Natalie OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 64 – H O M E & G A R D E N The Next “40” continued from page 62 Chatting with David Wicks, Jr. (Senior started out here in 1947, when there was more farmland and a lot less people), my son David remarked that he must have seen a lot of changes since he was a kid. This led to a lively discussion of traffic, street lights and curbs, farmland and buildings, and my recollection of a decade ago fourth of July when our town had a celebration complete with a little red trolley, fireworks at Gyrodyne and a gathering of the oldest citizens of St. James in Burke Park. They, like David Wicks Sr., watched the post office relocate four times, saw family type gathering places come and go, and suburbia develop. Many of them, like him, regretted the loss of the small town camaraderie and the invasion of buildings which took away so much farmland. When Bernie and I came out here with our young sons, ages 6 and 9, in 1976, I thought we had moved to the end of the world! It didn’t take long for me to appreciate the natural beauty and grow to love the peacefulness and “flavor” of St. James. Often times, today, riding in the everpresent traffic, I too, long for the past. Yet, I know we’re still living in a pretty special place – friendly, warm and caring – still embodying small town values. So what do you think St. James will be like in 2050? Since I might not be around to actually see it, I’d love to hear your thoughts (info@natalieweinstein.com). And what about my son’s suggestion to examine the “What if?” question, applying it OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 to our homes and our future? How will that affect the next 40 years in our lives and those who come after us? What do you think ? editor’s note: natalie Weinstein, allied aSId, is president of natalie Weinstein design associates and the natalie Weinstein Home decorating Club with over 15,000 members on Long Island. If you have a design question or would like to become a member, visit www.nataliesclub.com, call 631.862.6198 or e-mail nataliesclub@aol.com. natalie is WaLk radio’s Interior design Expert and you can hear her on the “Home Show” on WaLk 1370 aM, Sundays from 10-11aM, podcast 24/7 on walkradio.com, keyword naTaLIE. – 65 – DESIGN • BUILD • REMODEL 2009 CotY Contractor of the Year Award Winner by the National Association of the Remodeling Industry BEFORE ADDITIONS • RENOVATIONS • CUSTOM BUILDING We are a full service Design/Build & Remodeling Company servicing your community for over 25 years. Call today for a FREE consultation V CVazac Contracting EST. 1985 Design • Build • Remodel 631.584.7817 333 First Avenue, St. James, New York 11780 www.vazac.com RELATIONSHIPS BUILT ON HONESTY, INTEGRITY AND TRUST OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 66 – H O M E & G A R D E N NATURALLY SPEAKING: Enjoy the Steamy Days of Summer by June a. Liardi August is a hot and steamy month. Keep watering, weeding, deadheading and harvesting. Container plants may need water twice a day now. Keep an eye on them. Pull weeds after a rain and when they are small. It helps to pull them before they spread their seeds too. Weeds compete with your wanted plants for water and nutrients. Whenever you are outside admiring your garden, deadhead any spent flowers. By doing this you will prevent the plant from putting its energy into seed production, instead of flower production. The same goes for harvesting, the more you pick, the more the plant will produce. The children will like this chore, I’m sure. Sow another row or three of peas, they will be ready to eat in September. Lettuce, kale and spinach can be sown now too. Pull out tired bush beans and plant some more. Also put in some more nasturtium seeds in a container that you’ll be able to bring in before the frost. It will soon be time to pot up some of your favorite herbs to grow inside for the winter. You can start to order your spring-flowering bulbs and garlic bulbs for planting in the fall. At this time of year, your herbs are probably begging to be trimmed and used. One tasty way is to make some herbal sugar syrups. Use them to sweeten delicious deserts, add some zip to a sauce or flavor a cold beverage such as iced tea or lemonade. Sweeten icing or use as a glaze to spread on a cake or drizzle over some of those beautiful summer fruits. You can use sweet herbs such as lavender, lemon balm, lemon verbena, mint, pineapple sage or scented geranium. Many herbs used for savory dishes make wonderful syrups also. Basil, rosemary, sage and thyme add unusual flavor to sweet foods. Herb Syrup: 1 cup water, 2 cups granulated sugar, 1 cup fresh herb leaves or flowers, 1 TBS fresh lemon juice, (optional) whole spices, such as vanilla bean or continued on page 68 Professional landscape design & Construction HARDWARE STORE Property Maintenance & Restoration FULL SERVICE LUMBER YARD • Yearly Grounds Maintenance • Perennial & Annual Gardens • Seasonal Property Cleanups • Sod/Seed Lawns • Weekly Maintenance • Pruning & Hedging Services • Plantings & Removals • Ponds & Waterfalls ReASoNABLe RATeS Featuring... CALL FOR SEASONAL SPECIALS Moulding • Lumber • Custom Millwork Custom Mantel Work • Hardwood 631.862.6218 DECKING IPE • TimberTech Pressure Treated Decking FOR THE BOATER Hardwood & Marine Plywood “We Have It All” Tools • Hardwoods Millwork Available y Licensed & Insured WE DO MILLWORK • CUT LUMBER TO SIZE • CUT PANELING & MOULDING • MITRE WORK FOR THAT PERFECT FIT • CUT PLYWOOD • CUT CIRCLES No Job Too Small! Special Orders Welcome Nancyann Cook Branch Manager Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday e q 631.584.5140 547 Lake Ave., St. James, NY Monday-Friday 7am-5pm • Saturday 7am-3pm 8:30am - 3:00pm 8:30am - 6:00pm 8:30am - 1:00pm 556-02 North Country Rd. • St. James, NY 11780 (631) 862-4200 • www.myNYCB.com Throughout 2010, New York Community Bank and the entire NYCB Family of Banks are celebrating 150 years of Strength, Stability & Service to the community. OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 67 – Port Jefferson Village – Condo – $368,000 Gorgeous 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath Condo. Pond view, one car garage. First floor features 9’ ceilings, hw floors, mirrored powder room, entry foyer leading to large LR/DR with gorgeous views of the pond, 8’ high Andersen sliding door leads to custom paved private patio. CAC. overlooking LR/DR is gourmet kitchen with granite counter tops and top end s/s appliances. Gorgeous carpeted stairs w/oak railings lead to upper level featuring 2 lg BRs w/vaulted ceilings & top grade carpet. Spacious custom closets. Master BR suite has master bath. Laundry room with washer & dryer. Attic storage. Amenities include community tennis courts, basketball court, swimming pool, exercise room. Professionally landscaped grounds. Too much to list! OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 68 – H O M E & G A R D E N Naturally Speaking continued from page 66 cinnamon stick. Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil and stir until sugar is completely dissolved, about 1 minute. Turn off heat, cover and set aside for 20 minutes. Strain into glass bottle or jar. Seal and refrigerate up to six months. Get a fancy bottle to make this a lovely hostess or neighbor gift. If you do not have a vegetable garden, take advantage of all the farm stands and farmer’s markets in the area. Consider, though, growing your own fruits and vegetables next year. It is a great family activity. Kids love to see where fruits and vegetables come from and how they grow. There are lots of fresh tomatoes available now, here is an easy tomato salsa to make. 2 cups per to taste, 1/4 chopped green onion. Place all but the green onion in a mixing bowl. Let sit 30 minutes. Garnish with green onion. Yield: 2 cups. You can also add some casual beauty to your table with a bouquet of wild grasses. There are so many different types around, along the roadside or on a meadow path. They are all nice and tall and forming their seed heads. The children would probably enjoy gathering these grasses. Please be aware of poison ivy, ticks and bees though. Enjoy these warm sultry, waning days of summer. They are over all too soon. chopped red or yellow (or both) tomatoes, 1/4 cup chopped white onion, 1 clove garlic - chopped fine, 1 tbs. chopped fresh parsley, 2 tbs. lemon juice, salt and pep- editor’s note: June Liardi, a St. James resident for over 30 years, is a wife and mother of three sons. June will be writing articles on gardening, nature related craft projects and family activities. CALL TODAY FOR HUGE SAVINGS ON ALL YOUR FENCING NEEDS • VINYL • WooD • ChAIN LINk • ALUMINUM • RAILINGS • oPeRATING • eSTATe GATeS SYSTeMS conveniently located in St. James (631) 240-9716 Commercial and Residential • Licensed and Insured OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 69 – ImAGINe... A VACATIoNLANd RIGHT IN youR owN BACKyARd! wouldn’t it be nice to have a place to go where your whole family could relax and ease the tensions of life...? without expensive vacation reservations and travel expenses? Since it is your family and your property we are talking about, you will want a quality installation by an experienced, reputable pool builder. Sundance will provide you with a durable, safe, easy to maintain swimming pool built just the way you like it. CALL 862-1900 Suffolk License # 10921HI Nassau License # H280344 Scientific Exterminating We Will Not Be Undersold Bring In Your Home Center Layouts & Price Quotes and Watch Doctor Don Beat Their Price! No oNe sells CaBineTs PESTS OF THE SEASON n for less tha ! doCTor doN ANTS WASPS We Offer: Full Demolition • Complete Plans & Specs Your Own Personal Designer Any Construction & Alterations Heat treatments for Bed Bugs and other pests garlic sprays for mosquitos Insulation & Sheetrock • Tile or Wood Floors Granite Countertops Semi Custom to Custom Cabinetry Crown Moldings & Light Rails Tumbled Marble or Glass Tile Back Splash BEd BugS - BEES - WASPS TERMITES - ROdENTS Showroom Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 AM-7 PM 265-5252 213 Lake Ave., St. James 631-686-5679 Protectors of Health & Property since 1957 Cleaner • greener • Smarter www.doctordonscreationsllc.com Custom Home Builder • Fully Licensed & Insured OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 70 – P O S T A L C O R N E R Finding a PO Box is Only a Click Away Locations, Availability and Fees Now Available at usps.com They’re affordable, convenient and secure. Now finding one has never been easier. U.S. Postal Service Post Office Boxes now can be found online at usps.com/poboxes. The new, online locator feature allows customers to find box availability, sizes and fees, as well as addresses, phone and fax numbers for each Post Office listed with available PO Boxes. PO Boxes are as secure as mailboxes but provide more flexibility for mail pickup. The convenience of earlier mail delivery is helpful to small business owners. Boxes provide home-based businesses with the ability to separate business and personal mail. Post Office Box service is a safe, convenient way to receive mail. Boxes allow customers to choose a location that’s close to either home or work. You hold the key to convenience with a PO Box. Five box sizes are available. Fees are based on a six-month term and determined by box size. Interested customers can log on to usps.com/poboxes and click on “Locate a Post Office Box” on the right-hand side of the page. Boxes can be found by inserting either a zIP Code or street address. One more click will list PO Box lobby hours. Post Office Boxes are available at the St. James Post Office. You can also stop by to get further information and get a PO box of your own. New Stamp Issues for 2010 submitted by the St. James Post office Scouting, the American Treasures series and the 2010 Nature of America series are among the subjects headlining the U.S. Postal Service’s 2010 stamp program. Scouting The U.S. Postal Service celebrates the adventure and spirit of scouting with a stamp that will go on sale July 27 at the Boy Scout’s Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill, VA. winslow Homer The ninth issuance in the American Treasures series features Boys in a Pasture, an 1874 painting by Winslow Homer, considered one of the greatest American painters continued on page 86 CREATIVE WINDOWS, LTD. 367 Lake Ave., St. James (631) 366-0212 www.MyCreativeWindows.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Showroom Hours: Tues., Thurs. 10-5, Sat. 10-3 M-W-F by Appointment Free Shop At Home – 71 – F I N A N C I A L S A V V Y Protecting Assets During Challenging Business Times submitted by Lawrence glazer, CLu, ChFC, LuTCF Small businesses are the engine of the economy, and when the economy sputters they often feel it first. In the current climate of uncertainty, many small businesses have cut expenses to the bone and tried to make their operations as lean and efficient as possible. But even if a small business owner can’t control the marketplace, he or she can take steps to protect their key assets: the people the business relies upon. Details Matter To Customers A recession tests customer loyalty, as people cut back on spending and carefully weigh their options for even necessary purchases. For businesses that are strapped themselves, it may be easy to let attention to the details of customer service slip. But this is the time that details matter most, whether it’s taking the trouble to send a holiday note to your mailing list or offering special deals to prize patrons. The key to their loyalty is to let them know they matter to you. Appreciate Your Employees Of course, you want your employees to know they’re important, too. You need their knowledge and experience to navigate the uncertain times. The recession might mean sacrifices for everyone, but it is also a time to make sure valued workers know how much they are appreciated. Even small gestures, like movie tickets or a night at a local restaurant, can keep morale steady. Supplement Benefits, Not Costs You may want to consider “beefing up” your employee benefits package. A “Voluntary Payroll Deduction” (VPD) program is one of the most popular ways employees can purchase additional, personally-owned buy life insurance. A VPD program can usually be set up using your existing procedures for payroll deduction. A life insurance agent would then meet individually with each employee to explain the benefits of life insurance and the ease with which it can be purchased. All products purchased through VPD are employee-owned and paid for, with no direct out-of-pocket cost to you except the cost of administration. The VPD offerings can be a smart way to supplement your overall benefits package, without draining your budget. Note: Employee participation in a payroll deduction insurance program is completely voluntary. Since this program is not intended to be subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), employers cannot contribute to, or endorse, this program. Protect Yourself As the owner of a business, you are the most important piece of the puzzle. And especially during continued on page 86 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Special Thanks to Richie Kuri of RJK Gardens, Inc. for planting flowers and maintaining the St. James Gazebo grounds. – 72 – F I N A N C I A L S A V V Y MONEY MATTERS: Navigating Your Way Through the Investment World by Scott Posner, CFP, a.a.M.S. You may not realize it, but July 24 is Amelia Earhart Day. July 24 was chosen because it’s the birthday of perhaps the most famous female aviator in history. Earhart’s story ended tragically when she became lost in the Pacific Ocean in 1937 on her voyage around the world, but she is still celebrated for her bravery and pioneer spirit. As an investor, you can learn a lot from Earhart’s career. Here are a few lessons to consider: Plan ahead After a lengthy analysis of Earhart’s final flight, decades after it occurred, a noted aviation expert came to one succinct conclusion: “poor planning, worse execution.” Yet on her successful flights, Earhart was known to have produced, and followed, detailed flight plans. As an investor, you, too, must plan your journey toward your financial goals. First, you need to identify your destination, such as a comfortable retirement. Next, you must create a “map” to reach your goal, in the form of a detailed financial strategy based on an investment portfolio tailored to your risk tolerance and time horizon. And along the way, you must chart your progress via regular reviews of your investments’ performance. use the right “tools” Some sources have noted that, on the fateful flight, Earhart did not appear to fully understand how to use her plane’s directionfinding loop antenna, which at the time was a new technology. If you don’t fully understand the “tools” – that is, the investments – you need to help achieve your goals, you may run into difficulties. Always know exactly what you’re investing in and why you’ve chosen those specific investments. Without this information, you could end up with investments that are either too risky for your comfort or too conservative for your goals. Follow your vision On the day they disappeared, Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, were scheduled to land on Howland Island. Unfortunately, it was a cloudy day; some researchers speculate that the clouds’ dark shadows on the ocean surface may have camouflaged Howland and confused the aviators. As an investor, you need a clear view of what you want to accomplish in the long term – and you need to avoid having your vision “clouded over” by short-term events such as price drops and recessions. JANET L. O’HANLON Attorney at Law Concentrating her Practice in Wills & Trusts • Elder Law Probate & Estate Administration Associated with the firm of WINkLER, kuRTz, WINkLER & kuHN, LLP NO CHARGE for Initial Consultation 310 Hallock Avenue Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 631.928.8000 Put sufficient “power” in your portfolio Many aviation scholars and researchers believe Earhart’s plane simply ran out of gas before she could land on Howland Island. Does you portfolio have sufficient “fuel” to help you go the distance? Specifically, do you have the right mix of growth- and income-oriented vehicles to power you toward college for your kids, a comfortable retirement and your other goals? If you’re not sure, you may want to work with a professional financial advisor to get the assistance you need. You probably will never try to circumnavigate the globe in a small plane. But if you can emulate the best features of Amelia Earhart – such as her courage, perseverance and faith in the future – while taking steps to help focus on what you can control, your investment journey may be rewarding. editor’s note: Money Matters is a monthly feature written by Scott Posner, CFP, a.a.M.S., an investment representative with Edward Jones Investments. This 130-year-old firm has over 10,000 offices around the world with one here in town at 542 north Country road in the old St. James School House. Mr. Posner has serviced both personal and institutional investors for over 24 years. For more information, a schedule of free investment classes or to request topics for future columns, call 862-2020. deComPression theraPy can benefit those who suffer from: • Herniated Discs • Whiplash • Pinched Nerves • Radiculopathy • Headaches • Low Back Pain We Are Here To Help You Dr. Raymond A Semente Chiropractor 265 Lake Avenue, St. James, NY 11780 631.584.7722 We accept many insurance carriers & take direct payment as well OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 73 – Celebrating 12 years in St. James OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 74 – L E G A L - E A S E Trusts for Pets by John L. Belford, Jr., Esq. In 1996 the New York State Legislature enacted a law authorizing trusts for pets whose owners are deceased. The trust may be established during the lifetime of the owner of the pet or by the pet owner’s last will and testament. It would appear that it would be more advantageous for the pet owner to create a trust for the pet before the owner’s death rather than put the trust in a last will and testament. The named trustee of the trust can immediately take ownership of the pet after the pet owner’s death and immediately access trust funds to be used for the pet’s care. But if the trust for the pet is in the pet owner’s last will and testament, the person named to care for the pet, and to access funds from the estate for the benefit of the pet, cannot officially take possession of the pet until the will is approved by the Surrogate’s Court. The time for such approval would be at least six (6) weeks and perhaps six (6) months or more. During that time period other relatives or friends of the decedent may attempt to care for the pet or attempt to take the pet to a governmental facility for pets without owners, in which case the pet may be destroyed before the will is admitted to probate. The trust may provide a stipend for the caretaker during the pet’s life and upon the pet’s death. Upon the death of the pet, the funds remaining in the trust are distributed to the persons named in the trust. If the trust does not name beneficiaries upon the death of the pet the assets in the Residential • trust pass to the estate of the deceased pet owner. If the named trustee and other trustees are not willing or able to act as trustee, a Court will appoint a person to act as trustee of the trust. editor’s note: John L. Belford, Jr., Esq., has been practicing law for 41 years, with 34 of them here in St. James at 217 Lake avenue at the corner of Woodlawn and Lake avenues. a graduate of Columbia Law School, John specializes in real estate, wills & estate planning and elder law. For additional information, call him at 862-8600. Commercial Zoning Analysis Concept Design Space Planning Construction Drawings Permit Expediting Service Fire Restoration Construction Administration St. James, NY 631 686-6585 www.mmarchitectpc.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 75 – JOHN L. BELFORD, JR. AttoRNeY At lAw 217 LAKE AVENUE, ST. JAMES, N.Y. 11780 (Corner of Woodlawn and Lake) r (631) 862-8600 email: johnbelford@optonline.net AREAS OF PRACTICE REAL ESTATE WILLS & ESTATES, TAX PLANNING, PROBATE AND ESTATE ADMINISTRATION, HEALTH CARE PROXIES & POWERS OF ATTORNEY GUARDIANSHIP LAW John L. Belford, Jr. EDUCATION • Chaminade High School • Holy Cross College • Columbia Law School EXPERIENCE • Lieutenant (JG) U.S. Navy (1963-1965) • Suffolk County Bar Association since 1974 Present or Past Member of Elder Law, Taxation (Chairman, 1976), Ethics, Matrimonial and Banking & Insurance Committees • Qualified as Guardian Ad Litem MEDICAID PLANNING • St. James Chamber of Commerce (Past President, 1977) In Home and Hospital Visits Available OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 76 – I N T H E S C H O O L S SACCE Honorees Mary Jo is congratulated by her husband Louis Re; both are longtime Smithtown residents and supporters of Adult Education. in addition, three students from Smithtown Central School District’s Adult Basic Education program received SACCE honors for their achievements in obtaining high school equivalency diplomas, citizenship and basic skills, and language competencies. Pictured are: Ernani Kaam, Mary Jo Re, Pedro gonzales, and Joyce Hopkins. Mary Jo Re, 2010 Outstanding Adult ESL Educator, received accolades for her contributions to Lifelong Learning from the Suffolk Association for Continuing Community Education (SACCE) at the Annual Awards Dinner held June 7, 2010 at the Watermill. GOT BROWN SHRUBS? if you have arborvitaes and they are brown, there is a good chance you have AlM – Arborvitae leaf Minor. This tree killer must be treated! Introducing New York Bagel Kit Make your own fresh bagels at home! SIMPLE & FUN! Stop in and check it out! Let TIC TOC Cater Your Next BBQ Call Colin @ 862-CAFE 410 Lake Ave., St. James ph: 862-2233 fax: 862-0003 www.tictoccafe.com FIND OUT MORE AT www.SaveTheArbs.com Landscape Protection is cheaper than Replanting! Call the landscape Protection experts at emerald Magic lawn Care for a Free Analysis and estimate! www.savethearbs.com 631-286-4600 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 77 – I N T H E S C H O O L S H.S. BAKE SALE BENEFITS ANIMAL SHELTER... Kudos to Smithtown High School East students for holding a bake sale at the High School with the proceeds going to the animals at the Smithtown Animal Shelter & Adoption Center. The success of the bake sale was made possible by not only the hard work of the group, but also by the student body, that supported the bake sale through their cookie and brownie purchases. Smithtown Councilman Kevin J. Malloy is shown here receiving the proceeds from the students pictured: Nikki zach, Nick Palagonia and Lauren Dako. G ranite on the Go we COMe tO yOu For All Your Countertop Needs • Kitchen • Baths • Fireplaces • Furniture Tops • Custom Fabrication Granite – Marble – Quartz FREE In-Home Consultation 631.682.9760 Based in Saint James • Licensed & Insured OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 78 – S P O R T S The Panthers are pictured here, back row: Asst. Coach Bill Kirschbaum, Joe Distasi, Chris Peverelle, Andrew Mundy, Head Coach Bill Edsell, Steven grudman, goalie zach Thiele, Austin Thiele, Asst. Coach John Peverelle; front row: Joey Spiezio, Andrew Edsell, Christian Kirschbaum, goalie Robert Retnauer, Robert Villano, Anthony Rojas, Mike O’Leary. Panthers Championship “Hat Trick” Congratulations to the Boys U13 V.O.B. Panthers (Village of the Branch Soccer Club - Smithtown) on winning three 1st Place Championships in a “Hat Trick” achievement in the LIJSL’s 2009/2010 soccer season. The Panthers started the spring season off with being chosen the winning recipients of two LIJSL Sportsmanship Awards for the fall season. Despite hardships and injuries from school ball and league games, these boys were able to fill in the voids and continued to successfully deliver a winning spring season. They became 1st Place Champions with 25 out of 27 points for the year. Then came the sought-after Waldbaum’s Cup, sponsored by the supermarket chain, which is played progressively throughout the whole season along with the league games. Panthers were set to play against the Garden City Warriors at the Stony Brook fields. With great defensive plays, the Panthers’ offense was able to charge forward with a winning 31 score. Along with their “Memorial tRee seRViCe Tree Removal Pruning Topping Chipping Stump Grinding Free Wood & Woodchips e Licensed & Insured • Suffolk Lic. #20570-HI q 631-584-5575 Competition tRee, inC. OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Day Tournament” win from N.J., this is a very big accomplishment for this young age group. It couldn’t get any better – winning so many awards in one year, and having fun doing it. Congratulations to the coaching staff and the Panthers team on their great success. Panthers Awards – 79 – Dr. Gregory R. Thomaier CHIRoPRACToR 338 LAKE AVENUE (Across from the Post office) EMERGENCy APPoINTMENTS TAKEN 584-8100 SERVING THE ST. JAMES CoMMUNITy HEALTH VIEWS: By Gregory R. Thomaier, D.C., C.C.S.P. This article is part of an ongoing series presented in order to bring you the very best and latest information about exercise, health and diet. Importance of Maintaining Mobility Maintaining mobility is critical in order to live free from pain and disability. Maintaining good mobility is not difficult, but it does not happen on its own. Imagine waking up one morning with a frozen shoulder where you couldn’t move your upper arm more than a few inches in any direction. How much would that impact your ability to do your job? How much would that affect your ability to drive your car or even to dress yourself? How much would that affect your ability to concentrate on anything other than your shoulder? obviously, if your shoulder did not move correctly, it would have a dramatic impact on your life. Well, the same is true with movement in every part of your body. If things aren’t moving the way they are supposed to move, it will have a negative impact on your ability to function at work, take care of the demands of everyday life, and even your ability to concentrate. Many patients with severe low back pain report that their pain came on suddenly when they did something as simple as bend down to pet their cat, put on their socks, or pick up the newspaper. Just about everyone would agree that a person’s body should be able to handle such simple movements. So what has happened? In every one of these cases, the joints of the patient’s body were “all locked up” — they were barely moving at all. When the joints in one area of the body do not move the way they should, other areas of the body are forced to move more in order to compensate. This creates a significant stress on those areas that have to pick up the slack, and it soon leads to pain and inflammation. At the same time, the areas that don’t have normal movement will slowly worsen as the muscles continue to tighten, the joints stick together, and the ligaments and tendons shorten. This leaves the body in a very unstable condition; if left unchecked, this process will continue until the body can hardly move at all. That is how a person comes to suffer flare-ups of pain at the slightest provocation. Most of us have seen people who have lost most of their normal mobility: they look like bodies that have been starched stiff whenever they try to move around. This is especially prevalent among the elderly. Contrary to popular belief, however, this is not an inevitable effect of aging; rather it is the inevitable effect of not maintaining the body’s mobility through exercise, healthy alignment, and body mechanics. There are people in their 60s, 70s, or even older, who are stronger and MEMBER: • AMERICAN CHIRoPRACTIC ASSoCIATIoN • INTERNATIoNAL CHIRoPRACTIC ASSoCIATIoN • CoUNCIL oN DIAGNoSTIC IMAGING more flexible than the average person in their 30s, simply because they keep themselves exercising. Maintaining mobility is critical in order to live free from pain and disability. Maintaining good mobility is not difficult, but it does not happen on its own. Just as in developing a good posture, it is necessary that you perform specific exercises and stretches to keep your muscles, ligaments, and tendons flexible and healthy. In addition, it is necessary that all of the joints in your body are kept moving correctly as well. Although stretching can help achieve a great deal of flexibility, most people also find routine chiropractic adjustments to be very beneficial in restoring normal joint function. • AMERICAN CHIRoPRACTIC ASSoCIATIoN SPoRTS CoUNCIL • N.y.S. CHIRoPRACTIC ASSoCIATIoN • AMERICAN MEDICAL ATHLETIC ASSoCIATIoN Gentle effective Treatment of: • Back/Leg Pain (Sciatica, Disc Problems) • Neck/Arm Pain (Numbness, Tingling) • Whiplash injuries • Sports Injuries • Pinched Nerves • TMJ Disorders • Scoliosis • Headaches OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 • • • • • Worker’s Compensation No Fault (Auto) union Plans Major Medical etc... – 80 – P E T S A F E T Y T I P S Summer Pet Care Tips brought to you by Little Shelter animal rescue The warm weather has arrived. People are enjoying swimming in their pools, sunbathing at the beach and all the other activities that summer has to offer. Unfortunately, the hot weather can be a difficult time for our furry companions, so we need to take some simple precautions to ensure they stay healthy and happy during the summer months: • Always ensure that your pet has plenty of fresh, clean water available. • Exercise your pet in the coolest part of the day – usually early morning or evening. • If your pet has a lot of fur, make them more comfortable by having them shaved down for the summer. • Never leave your pet outside during the hottest part of the day. Bring them inside to cool off in the air conditioning. • Never leave your pet alone in the car. The heat inside a parked car can become like an oven causing overheating, and often fatalities. This can happen in a matter of minutes!!!! • Flea, tick and heartworm infestation is rampant during the summer months. Protect your pet by ensuring they are on appropriate preventatives. • Protect your pet from sunburn. If your dog has a light nose or fur, apply sunscreen to the unprotected areas of their skin. These are just some of the many things you can do to protect your pet during the hot weather. If your pet shows any signs of distress in the heat, please consult your veterinarian immediately. ingrid beats the heat by cooling off in the pool. Little Shelter Animal and Resue Center, located at 33 Warner Road in Huntington, NY, wishes you and your furry family, a safe, happy and enjoyable summer! For additional info call 368-8770 x205. autonomousdesign, ltd. specializing in green design since 1973 design new homes constr. management kitchens bathrooms development alterations historical restorations roofing siding construction landscape design swimming pools decks • patios office interiors stephen cinco 22 stonegate, st. james, new york 11780 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 (631) 724-7726 – 81 – K E E P I T S A F E Is That Phone Call Worth the Risk? by Jim Winter Distracted driving is extremely dangerous and can cause personal injury and property damage. Drivers who use hand-held devices are four times as likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves.1 Even with a hands-free device, multi-tasking while driving could have serious consequences. You’ve seen it before; a vehicle near you is weaving in the traffic lane or traveling well below the speed limit. Chances are that driver is not focused on the road! According to the U.S. Department of Transportation2, there are three main types of distractions: the phone while driving, answer this question: Is this call important enough to risk hurting someone, or can it wait? Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 2005 2 distraction.gov 1 • Visual – taking your eyes off the road • Manual – taking your hands off the wheel • Cognitive – taking your mind off what you are doing Distracted driving isn’t just about phone calls or text messages. Many activities that take your attention away from traffic can lead to accidents. Examples of distracted driving include: • Adjusting a navigation system • Eating • Grooming • Reading • Retrieving a dropped item • Talking on the phone • Texting • Watching a video Nearly half the U.S. states have restrictions against activities that cause distractions. Some states ban phone use in construction zones and school zones. Others place restrictions on novice drivers and operators of commercial vehicles, such as large trucks and school buses. Take the time to research the laws in your state and visit www.distraction.gov. So, the next time you reach for OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 editor’s note: Jim Winter is a State Farm Insurance agent, located at 320 Lake avenue in St. James. He has over 30 years experience with State Farm, the last 18 as an agent serving the insurance needs of St. James. Jim’s office offers auto, home, life, disability and business insurance as well as financial products. He can be reached at 584-5929. – 82 – H E A L T H N O T E S Are You Ready For the Summer Heat? submitted by the Federal Emergency Management administration (FEMa) As the days get longer and warmer, State and Federal emergency management officials warn that extreme heat can be very dangerous and in some instances even fatal, so it is important to be ready. When the air temperature or humidity rises above optimal range for comfort, evaporation is slowed and the body must work harder to maintain a normal temperature. Exposure to extreme heat can cause physical problems and may cause heat disorders or illnesses. Older adults, young children and those who are sick or overweight are most vulnerable to extreme heat. Conditions that can induce heatrelated illnesses include stagnant atmospheric conditions and poor air quality. During extremely hot weather, you should take the following precautions: • Stay indoors as much as you can, on lower floors if possible. • Limit exposure to the sun and use sun block with a high sun protector factor rating (at least 15 spf if you must be outdoors. • If your home does not have air conditioning, spend the hottest part of the day in public buildings such as libraries, schools, movie theaters, shopping malls, and other community facilities. • Use fans. Circulating air can cool the body by increasing the perspiration rate of evaporation. • If you have window air conditioning, eliminate any holes or gaps around the installation. • Check air-conditioning ducts for proper insulation. • Eat well-balanced, light, and regular meals. Avoid using salt tablets unless directed to do so by a physician. • Drink plenty of water. Persons who have epilepsy or heart, kidney, or liver disease; are on fluidrestricted diets; or have a problem with fluid retention should consult a doctor before increasing liquid intake. • Limit intake of alcoholic beverages. • Dress in loose-fitting, lightweight, and light-colored clothes that cover as much skin as possible. • Protect your face and head by wearing a wide-brimmed hat. • Check on family, friends, and neighbors who do not have air conditioning and who spend much of their time alone. • Never leave children or pets alone in closed vehicles. • Avoid strenuous work during the warmest part of the day, 11 a.m. continued on facing page Dr. Salim A. Matar, M.D., F.A.C.S 640 Belle Terre Rd, Building C, Port Jefferson, NY 11777 631-928-7750 www.Matarent.com Get Sinus Relief Now! I am now offering a revolutionary procedure to help resolve the symptoms associated with sinus disease. Commonly referred to as Balloon Sinuplasty, this minimally invasive, no-cut approach uses guidewires and balloons to gently restore normal function to the sinuses and relieve symptoms associated with chronic sinusitis. If you are one of the 37 million Americans that suffer with sinus disease, you are familiar with its debilitating effects: intense facial pain, headaches, congestion, and fatigue. If you have already been through multiple courses of medications and antibiotics without relief, the Balloon Sinuplasty approach may be appropriate. This hospital out-patient procedure has been demonstrated to be extremely safe and effective. Most of my patients return to normal activities and work within a few days. If you are tired of the misery associated with sinus disease please call me to find out if this approach is appropriate for you. Visit my website and view a patient testimonial at: www.Matarent.com You don’t have to suffer with sinus disease any longer. OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 83 – H E A L T H continued • to 4 p.m. Have a buddy system when working in extreme heat, and take frequent breaks. • Exercise should be done in the early morning hours between 47 a.m. • Make sure there is enough food and water for pets. Heat-induced illnesses Exposure to extreme heat can cause serious illness. Heat Cramps are painful spasms, usually in leg and abdominal muscles, and may be accompanied by heavy sweating. Heat Exhaustion is more serious. Symptoms include heavy sweating, but skin may be cool, pale, or flushed. Fainting or dizziness, weak pulse, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, and headaches may occur. If you experience any of these symptoms, sit or lie down in a cool N O T E S place, loosen your clothing, and sip half a glass of water every 15 minutes. Discontinue drinking water if you become nauseous, and seek immediate medical attention if vomiting occurs. Heat Stroke is a severe medical emergency and can be life-threatening. Symptoms include a high body temperature, as much as 105 degrees; hot, red, dry skin; rapid, weak pulse; rapid shallow breathing; and possible loss of consciousness. If you suspect you have heat stroke, seek immediate medical assistance or call 911. Sunburn is a common summer problem. In severe cases it can cause swelling, blisters, fever, and headaches. Take a shower using soap to remove oils that may block pores, preventing the body from cooling naturally. Apply dry, sterile dressings to any blisters and, if they persist, see a doctor. Energy Conservation • Power outages are more likely to occur during warm weather, when utility usage is at its peak. To avoid putting a strain on the power grid, conserve energy to help prevent power disruptions • Set your air conditioner thermostat no lower than 78 degrees. • Only use the air conditioner when you are home. • Turn non-essential appliances off. Only use appliances that have heavy electrical loads early in the morning or very late at night. For more information visit: www.fema.gov. editor’s note: FEMa’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. St. James Medical Services, PC PRIMARY CARE MEDICINE Emrick R. Milligan, M.D. Board Certified Family Practice F.A.A. Senior Aviation Medical Examiner • Air Traffic Control Medical Examiner Fire Department Physician • Over 20,000 Hours of Emergency Room Experience Medical Director & Consultant to: Suffolk County Community College The Stony Brook School/The Knox School • Smithtown Central School District Active Attending Physician at: St. Catherine of Siena Hospital Barbara Stumacher, MD Dr. Stumacher is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and has practiced in the Saint James area for over 10 years. 487 Lake Avenue, Saint James, New York 11780 • 631-584-6014 Monday 8 am-8 pm Tuesday 8 am-4 pm NEW OFFICE HOURS NOW IN EFFECT Wednesday 8 am-8 pm Thursday 8 am-4 pm Friday 9 am-4 pm Saturday 9 am-1 pm PRACTICE CURRENTLY OPEN TO NEW PATIENTS OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 84 – H E A L T H N O T E S How to Prevent Summer Sports Injuries by dr. Linda M. Bocchichio Most sports injuries occur when physical stresses are placed upon unconditioned bodies. The majority of Americans are inactive and sedentary, despite the current interest in fitness. Only one of three adults in the U.S. exercises regularly. Inactivity leads to unconditioned muscles, joints and tendons. The number one way to prevent summertime sports injuries is proper body conditioning. Proper body conditioning consists of the following: Cardiovascular Strength This is the ability of the heart and blood to carry oxygen to cells of the body. This is increased by aerobic exer- cise such as walking, swimming, dancing, cycling, etc. Muscular Tone & Flexibility This is achieved through daily stretching and yoga. Stretching improves agility and reduces the chance of injury. Muscular Strength & Endurance This can be achieved by using weights and with isometric exercise. Many summertime sports injuries involve the neck, back and other joints. See your doctor of chiropractic to assure that your spine is in proper alignment before beginning any strenuous exercise program. Dr. Linda M. Bocchichio CHIROPRACTOR 105 Lake Ave, Nesconset, NY 11767 979-9854 editor’s note: dr. Linda M. Bocchichio is a chiropractor practicing at 105 Lake avenue So. in nesconset. She is the founder of the St. James Walking club and is a former president of the St. James Chamber of Commerce. For further information, call 979-9854. We are living in turbulent times – Learn how to Center Yourself & find Inner Peace: ~ *5 WEEK MEDITATION COURSE ~ Begins Tuesday, 9/21/10 ~ 7:30 PM ~ Smithtown NOW ACCEPTING REGISTRATION ~ deposit required. ~ *ONGOING MEDITATION GROUP ~ Things are speeding up on the planet; times are unpredictable … Join us in Centering Yourself while gaining incredible loving guidance … Newcomers Welcome ~ experience with Meditation suggested or consider Registering for 5 week course (above) – 8/3, 8/17, 8/31 * Alternate Tuesdays ~ 7:30-9:30 PM ~ SMITHTOWN Discounts available. Call or check Web site Judith S. Giannotti, M.A., R. Hy. Information, Registration 631.724.9733 ™ www.lightawakeningsmeditationandbeyond.com CHIROPRACTIC FAMILY & PERSONAL CARE Natural & Effective Treatment for: Chronic Pain Conditions Sports, Auto and Job-related Injuries MOST INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED EVENING & SATURDAY HOURS XåÑxÜ|xÇvx AAA XÇxÜzxà|v gÜtÇáyÉÜÅtà|ÉÇ Advanced Nutritional & Wholistic Nursing Assessments for Disease Prevention & Anti Aging Rising Star Healing System • Gentle Yoga Renèe Murphy, LPN, LMT, L.Est & Healer Over 20 Years Experience OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 631-338-8469 rmmurphy24@optimum.net – 85 – Licensed & Insured Residential & Commercial Scotty’s Masonry • Fireplaces • Walkways • Patios • Stoops • Outdoor Kitchens • Grading • Pizza Ovens • Stone Veneer • Cultured Stone • Brick Veneer • Retaining Walls • Demolition AC Residential • Commercial PAINTING Benjamin Moore Paints INTERIOR • EXTERIOR Taping • Spackling Spraying • Power Washing NEAT, PROFESSIONAL WORK References Available Upon Request Over 25 Years Experience FREE ESTIMATES CALL US TODAY! 631-265-4398 631-872-1076 631-457-0017 AppLyiNg for coLLege? TrANsferriNg To ANoTHer coLLege? sTruggLiNg wiTH TiMe MANAgeMeNT? Albert Cuillo, Owner & Saint James Resident Licensed & Insured • #35078-HI • #35079-CP est. 1986 • st. James, ny scHeduLe A free coNsuLTATioN TodAy College Planning Application Preparation Essay Writing Mock Interviewing Time Management writing organization research Note Taking self Advocacy reading Ad/Hd Coaching Bridge coLLege coNsuLTANTs, LLc Call or email Linda DeMotta 516-662-1612 Bridgecc05@gmail.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 86 – T H E F I N I S H L I N E Call for additional dates and times. Enjoy hand clapping, toe tapping songs, finger plays stories and crafts. FeelGoods Cafe continued from page 10 in the New York metropolitan area. FeelGoods Healthy Family Café promises that every ingredient in their dishes is 100% natural and free of artificial preservatives, additives, chemicals, dyes…. and anything fake. Founder Nicole Lawrence, with the help of her business partner and creative director Kathy Gerdes, have brought the local community the message that eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice taste. For more information on the FeelGoods Café, visit www.feelgoodscafe.com. Wii Just Dance NESCONSET (grades 3 & up) Wednesday, august 4, 3 p.m. Shake your groove thing and play Just dance on the Wii gaming console. Stamp Issures continued from page 70 of the 19th century. The painting is part of the Hayden Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. This stamp will go on sale August 12. Hawaiian Rain Forest The 2010 Nature of America issuance features the Hawaiian Rain Forest, the 12th stamp pane in an educational series focusing on the beauty and complexity of major plant and animal commu- Library Programs continued from page 60 Toddler Time NESCONSET (2-3 w/adult) Mondays, July 26, august 2, 11 a.m. nities in the United States. The stamp will go on sale in August. Protecting Assets continued from page 71 difficult times, it is important to think about how the business would function without you. One thing that can provide a greater sense of security is a comprehensive life insurance policy. It can be tailored to fit your needs and ensure that those who rely on you every day would be provided for. So when you think about protecting your assets in this economy, consider your human assets first. editor’s note: Lawrence glazer, CLu, ChFC, LuTCF, a St. James resident, is a new york Life Insurance Company agent and can provide additional information on insurance and other financial products that can be used to help you prepare for the future. For more information please call him at 391-3490. DEbUS Painting & Wallpapering Interior Specializing In: Exterior Multi-Color Painting • Staining • Rag Painting • Faux Finishes • Sponge Painting Residential Commercial Plus: Spackling • Power Washing Quality Workmanship - All Work Guaranteed Licensed Insured Steven Debus “My Customers Are Satisfied Customers” 862-7924 “Quality & Dependability You Can Count On” 20+ Years Experience • References Upon Request SUFFOLK LICENSE #19748-H FREE ESTIMATES OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 87 – HOMESTEAD LANDSCAPING INC. Serving the North Shore for over 18 years Œ CALL NOW FOR CLEANUPS, PLANTINGS & OVERSEEDING OF LAWNS RESIDENTIAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS ALL PHASES OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION COMPUTER IMAGING Œ Patrick Johnston 588-5296 Licensed & Insured OUR TOWN Deadline & Publication Dates = COPY & AD DEADLINE = PUBLICATION DATE In the AUgUST Edition advertise for: • Labor Day Entertaining • Back to School Specials • Sizzling Summer Specials august s 1 8 15 22 29 m 2 9 16 23 30 t 3 10 17 24 31 W 4 11 18 25 t 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 sePtemBer s 7 14 21 28 s m t W 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 t 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 s 4 11 18 25 oCtoBer s m t W t F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 s 2 9 16 23 30 – 88 – C E L E B R A T I O N S St. James Native Joins Ogden Publications Mike Cronin, originally of St. James, New York, recently joined Ogden Publications as an account executive for Mother Earth news, grit and Farm Collector magazines. In this role, Cronin works with prospective and current clients to create multimedia campaigns to meet their business objectives. Before joining Ogden Publications, Cronin worked for BowTie Inc. as an advertising sales manager for Hobby Farms, Hobby Farm Home, Chickens magazine, urban Farm and Popular Farming. Cronin graduated from St. Anthony’s High School in 1981. He then attended New York Institute of Technology where he received a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. He is the son of Maryellen and James Cronin, who still reside in St. James. Ogden Publications Inc. is the leading information resource serving the sustainable living, rural lifestyle, farm memorabilia and classic motorcycle communities. Mike Cronin Girl Scouts Graduate... Congratulations on your graduation to Juniors – Mills Pond girl Scout Troop 662. Anne Marie Lisa smithtown H.s. Alumni, Faculty & staff Nourish the body, Mind & spirit with ALUMNI ASSOCIATION T-SHIRT CERTIFIED NUTRITIoNAL CoUNSELoR • Expert nutritional advice for adults and children • Guided meditation classes • REIKI - a Japanese technique for stress relief and tranquility! Phone consultations and on-site lectures available 631-525-1045 ATTENTION: “Don’t Let the Past Slip Away, Wear your Pride with an…” $15 order Yours Today for only Please send checks to: SMITHToWN ALUMNI ASSoCIATIoN P.o. BoX 1267, Smithtown, Ny 11787 Contact Stephen Costello for additional information (sjclax51@aol.com) Smithtown Alumni Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 89 – C E L E B R A T I O N S Congratulations Suarez Graduates Jennifer Suarez Beaming with pride are from left, Amy Sanchez-Suarez, sister-in-law, Andrew Suarez, brother, Juan Suarez, dad, Myrna Suarez, mom and Jennifer Suarez, sister. Margie Suarez, daughter of Juan and Myrna Suarez, of St. James, recently received her B.A. in Communications with honors from Dowling College in Oakdale at the graduation ceremony held at its Brookhaven campus. Margie plans to take some time off but will pursue her Masters at Hofstra College in 2011. Congratulations and best wishes to Margie from your family and friends. Juan and Myrna Suarez, of St. James, are proud of their daughter, Jennifer Suarez, who graduated from Smithtown High School East in June. Jennifer will be attending Suffolk Community College in the fall and eventually plans on attending either SUNY Farmingdale or Stony Brook to pursue a degree in the medical field. Congratulations and best wishes for the future to Jennifer from your family and friends in St. James. Something Great Is Now Even Better! VILLAGE PRESBYTERIAN PRE-SCHOOL Vacation Bible School Grace Church of Smithtown presents its 2010 Vacation Bible School – Son QuEST raIn ForEST, Monday through Friday, August 2-6 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon for children 4 years old through entering 6th grade. For more information on registration contact: Grace Church of Smithtown, a non-denominational church, located at 450 Edgewood Avenue, Smithtown; call 265-4680 or E-mail: www.gracechurchsmithtown.org. Learning as a Great Adventure • 46 Years Experience • Individualized Attention • Separate Music & Dance Teachers • Large Fenced In Playground • Strong Literacy Program • Emphasis on Math & Science • N.Y.S. Licensed Pre-School • Secure Classroom Environment • Non-Sectarian • 2 Day 2 Year Old Program • 2 & 3 Day 3 Year Old Program • 3 & 4 Day 4 Year Old Program For Info Call 631-724-9382 175 East Main Street, Smithtown visit us at www.vpps.org OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Registerin g Now for our Fa ll 20 Programs 10 VILLAGE PRESBYTERIAN PRE-SCHOOL – 90 – C E L E B R A T I O N S Quinn / Strong Engaged Tiffany quinn and Ryan Strong Bernard and Eileen Quinn, of Head of the Harbor, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Tiffany Eileen Quinn to Ryan Christopher Strong, son of Jeffery and Re Strong of Mattituck, NY. Tiffany is a 2002 graduate of Smithtown High School and a 2006 graduate of Dowling College. She is currently employed as manager of her family business, St. James SelfStorage. Ryan is a 2003 graduate of Mattituck High School and a 2007 graduate of Roger Williams University. He is currently employed as operations manager of Strong’s Marine. An August 2010 wedding is planned at Flowerfield. The couple plans to honeymoon in the South Pacific. Congratulations and best wishes from your family and friends. St. James Jewelry Shoppe TIRED OF OVERPRICED PARTY PLACES? All iNClUsive CHildreN’s PArTies AT oUr loCATioN! pArTies sTArTiNg Reflections Cinderella dress-up (Boys, too!), pirate & princess, pJ party, Thomas party, Build a pet & Many More! for your little future Miss & Mr. Americas! MAKE YOUR CHILD A STAR! Directly Next to Sizzler We are a full service jewelry store specializing in custom designs and expert jewelry repair, all done on premises. • Gold • Diamonds • Gemstones • Sterling Silver for more information on laser repair 631-724-5381 FREE www.thepartystartshereinc.com with this ad 135 w. Main st., smithtown, Ny registration 631 LAKE AVENUE, ST. JAMES, NY 11780 We Buy Gold & Diamonds visit our website at www.St.JamesJewelry.com www.highdefinitiondance.net Dr. Hope M. Miller Dr. Marc S. Taczanowski New beads arriving daily! Open Tues.-Fri. 10-5 • Sat. 10-4 • Closed Sun. & Mon. restrictions amy apply Camp rock Party, High school Musical ii Lizzie-Lou Glamour Party HigH defiNiTioN dANce sTudio grand opening september CALL FOR APP’T TO BOOK WITH US Reflection Beads are compatible with all popular bracelets. 2000 $ off pArTies NEW PAGEANT PARTY at only 195 $ A Charm to Reflect Your Life Story... Timothy Manning, of St. James, N.Y., graduated from the Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing, Michigan on May 22, 2010. He was a First-Year Criminal Procedure moot court competition winner, a Top 10 Advocate in 2007, a member of the Moot Court Board’s Competition’s Committee for two years, and an intra-school moot court finalist in 2009. Cooley Law School is the largest law school in the nation. Founded in 1972, it operates J.D. programs across Michigan. Today, Cooley Law School has more than 13,000 graduates across the nation and worldwide and also offers joint degree and master of laws programs. ThE PARTY STARTS hERE! INC. 483 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 11780 • 631-862-6775 (across from King Kullen) Local Resident Earns Honors at Cooley Law School Across from the Fire House in the same building as LI Family Medical 584-TRuE (8783) MEMBER OF THE ST. JAMES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 www.truesportcare.com – 91 – St. James Chamber of Commerce Invites You To Summer Family Movie Night Thursday, August 5 • 8:00 p.m. RAIN DATE AUGUST 12 On the lawn at Deepwells County Park (Moriches & Rte. 25A) Free Come early with your blankets & food for a picnic dinner on the lawn... Then enjoy the movie at dusk: Free PLEASE – NO Pets – NO Alcoholic Beverages OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 92 – C H A M B E R O F C O M M E R C E 2010 Members of the St. James Chamber of Commerce PLEASE SuPPORT THESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBER BuSiNESSES A & D Gold Silver Accumanage, LLC All Island-Wide Appraisal Svcs. All Shores Mortgage American Real Estate Associates Artpix Studio Bagel Paradise Cafe Balance - Body, Mind & Soul Bank of Smithtown Barattini Productions John L. Belford, Jr. - Attorney Bella Vita City Grill Best Pool Service Joseph A. Bollhofer - Attorney Borriello Team of American Real Estate Assoc. Branch Funeral Home Capital one Bank Carr Business Systems Chief Chimney Services Chiropractic Health Care of St. James / Thomaier Chorus Line Dance Studio Colonial Self Storage Climbing the Walls Design and Interiors Competition Infiniti Costco Wholesale Creative Windows, Ltd. Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty DeBarbieri Associates DeBlasio Capo - Design Build Donald E. Goldstein Associates Financial Services Dowling Brothers Autobody Dowling Knipfing & Klein Agency Ecolin Jewelers Eddie’s Power Equipment Edible Arrangements of Stony Brook Edward Jones / Scott Posner Emerald Magic Lawn Care / Christmas Decor Energy Fitness Enspire Design Group Essenfeld & Co., CPA LLP FeelGoods Cafe Flowerfield Celebrations G. Smith Electrical Services George’s Innovative Inflatables Janice L.Gillespie, D.D.S. Millie Laub, R.D.H., B.S. Lawrence Glazer / Ny Life Ins. Gold’s Gym of Smithtown Grape Culture Wines & Liquors Graphics du jour/our Town Great oak Software Grokind organics, Inc. Gyrodyne Company of America Harbor Collision Harbor Country Day School Helping Hands Eldercare Henrietta Homes & Properties Hither Brook Nursery & Florist House Perfect Home Improvements Interiors by Louise J.C. Broderick & Associates Julie’s Home & Garden Accessories King Kullen Grocery King o’Rourke Auto Group The Knox School Lake Village Delicatessen Lana Rowe Photography/ The Studio Law office of Peter G. Lavrenchik Lesco Construction The Little Gym of Smithtown Joseph Loiodice, M.D., FAAFP Long Island Hearing Long Island Tax Savers Maginniss Team of ReMax Beyond Main Street Meats and Catering Law office of William McCulloh Michael Macrina Architect, PC Mister Softee / David Keller Morecraft Construction Co. My Gym Children’s Fitness Natalie Weinstein Design Assoc. Rowena & Dave Nedvin / ReMax Beyond Neighborhood Home Care Newsday Media Group North Shore Antiques ocean’s Bountry Seafood Parkville Motors/Getty Gas Parties by Ziggy Patio Pizza Physical Therapy & Beyond Power Pool Care, Inc. PRC Industries, Inc. Quaint & Classy Reliance Real Estate & Mortgage ReMax Beyond R.J.K. Gardens OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Marc Jay Rosen, C.P.A. Roslyn Savings Bank/ New york Community Bank Saint James Self Storage Sal’s Auto Body Scientific Pest Management Seiskaya Ballet Raymond A. Semente, DC, PC Shaolin Self Defense Center Sisters Dancewear Sivana Salon Smithtown News Smithtown Volvo Georgetown Motors Solotu Custom-Made Bridal House Spatique Medical Spa St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center St. James Beverage St. James Dental Care St. James Fire Department St. James Funeral Home St. James Healthcare Center St. James Jewelry Shoppe St. James Lumber Corp. St. James Natural Food St. James Plaza Nursing Facility St. James Post office St. James Silk Screening and Embroidery State Farm Insurance/Winter State University at Stony Brook Stony Brook University Medical Center Story Book Hollow Preschool Tagi Garbizu & Associates Tattoo Lous TD Bank Tic Toc Café Times Beacon Record Newspapers Tom’s Casa Buono Pizza Total Family Dentistry of St. James True Sport Care V.F.W. Post 395 Vazac Contracting Corp. Victorian Custom Homes Victorian Fence Video Montages by Kerri Villa Sorrento Werner Boys Glass & Mirror Windmill oil Tank Service – 93 – O B I T U A R I E S Nancy Eustis Huprich Paul J. Montalto Nancy Eustis Huprich, of St. James, NY, passed away in Lutz, FL on June 5, 2010 at the age of 77. She was born October 28, 1932 to Galen and Lorinda Eustis. She was raised in Waterville, ME. and graduated from Colby College. She was employed by A&S Department Store. Nancy loved bridge and was a Silver Life Master. She was an Nancy Eustis Huprich avid competitor at the Smithtown Bridge Studio. She was a member of the Jenkins Memorial Scholarship for Teacher Education. Nancy loved books, cooking, gardening and birds. She had an infectious smile and quick wit. Nancy is survived by her husband of 53 years, Paul R. Huprich. She is predeceased by her daughter, Kathryn Krietsch of East Northport, NY. She is also survived by a son-in-law, Chris Krietsch and grandchildren, Christopher, Elizabeth and Megan Krietsch; son, P. Arthur Huprich, Sr. (Elane), and grandchildren, Nancy and Paul Huprich of Lutz, FL.; a brother, Jon Eustis (Paula) of Waterville, ME; and sister-in-law, Georgia Eustis of Albuquerque, NM. Nancy is further survived by nephews, nieces, and many friends. Mrs. Huprich reposed at the St. James Funeral Home’s North Chapel. A Memorial Service was held on June 16, 2010 at St. James United Methodist Church. Mrs. Huprich’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised, while the Huprich family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement, by Kenneth, Kerry and Ken, Jr. – the Maher family of the St. James Funeral Home. Paul J. Montalto, of St. James, NY, a devoted husband, father and grandfather, passed away on July 6, 2010 at the age of 89. Born May 25, 1921 in Brooklyn, NY, he was the son of the late Frank and Nellie Safina Montalto. Beloved husband of 63 years to Norma Clavell Montalto. Loving father of Nanette (Nicholas Furio), Paul John, Jr. (Cheryl) and Frank (Linda). Cherished grandfather of Kristin, Steven, Paul John III, Katherine, Frank Jr and Carly. Dear brother to his twin William and the late Nancy Bellman. Paul was a Veteran of WWII, retired NYPD and Smithtown Central School District. Mr. Montalto reposed at the St. James Funeral Home’s South Chapel. A Funeral Mass of Christian Burial was held on July 9, 2010 at Sts. Philip & James R.C. Church. Interment followed at Calverton National Cemetery, Calverton, NY. Mr. Montalto’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised, while the Montalto family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement, by Kenneth, Kerry and Ken, Jr. – the Maher family of the St. James Funeral Home. Tracy M. Ochs Tracy M. Ochs, of St. James, L.I., passed away on June 19, 2010. She was an AIS Tutor at Mills Pond Elementary School in St. James. Former embryologist at Mather Memorial Hospital. Former fertility specialist at Cornell Medical. Cherished wife of Steven. Loving mother of Travis and Spencer. Beloved daughter of F.W. Creutz and Val Creutz. Devoted sister of Glenn and Eileen. Loving aunt of Emily and Sarah. Mrs. Ochs reposed at St. James Funeral Home’s South Chapel. A Funeral Service was held on June 23, 2010 at St. James Lutheran Church, St. James. Mrs. Ochs funeral arrangements were professionally supervised, while the Ochs family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement, by Kenneth, Kerry and Ken, Jr. – the Maher family of the St. James Funeral Home. Extra copies of Our Town St. James are always available at the OUR TOWN OFFICE: 359 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 11780 or visit our website at www.ourtownstjames.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 94 – O B I T U A R I E S James L. Beck, Sr. James L. Beck, Sr., longtime resident of St. James, L.I., passed away on June 29, 2010. WWII Veteran. Employee of Republic Aviation and Lawrence Aviation. Loving husband of the late Frances (Dolly) Beck. Cherished father of Theresa (Bob) Kubler, James Beck, Christina (Jack) Kimmelman, and Anthony (Diana) Beck. Adored grandfather of six and great grandfather of two. Mr. Beck reposed at the St. James Funeral Home’s North Chapel. A Funeral Service was held on July 2, 2010 at the funeral home. Committal was private. Mr. Beck ’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised, while the Beck family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement, by Kenneth, Kerry and Ken, Jr. – the Maher family of the St. James Funeral Home. Bonnie Jo Biel Bonnie Jo Biel, of Stony Brook, L.I., passed away on July 4, 2010. Dedicated member of Setauket United Methodist Church. Loving wife of Robert. Cherished mother of Jennifer McCann, Amy Biel, Justin Biel and Chris Biel. Adored grandmother of Ethan, Ella and Cooper. Devoted daughter of Gloria Crevoiserat. Loving sister of Abbie. Mrs. Biel reposed at St. James Funeral Home’s North Chapel. A Memorial Service was held July 9, 2010 at the Setauket United Methodist Church, Setauket. Interment followed at Calverton National Cemetery, Calverton, NY. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Restoration Fund of Setauket United Methodist Church, 160 Main Street, East Setauket, NY 11733 in memory of Bonnie. Mrs. Biel’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised, while the Biel family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement, by Kenneth, Kerry and Ken, Jr. – the Maher family of the St. James Funeral Home. Donna P. Cleary Donna P. Cleary, of Smithtown formerly of Hicksville, L.I., passed away at home surrounded by her loving family after a six-year battle with lung cancer on July 3, 2010 at the age of 49. Dedicated member of St. Patrick’s Church and volunteer of St. Patrick’s School, Smithtown. Loving wife of Buddy. Cherished mother of Brianna, Lynsey, Chrissie and Danny. Devoted daughter of Pete Petersen and the late Patricia Petersen and step-daughter of Jo Petersen. Beloved daughter-in-law of Bud and Dolores Cleary. Adored sister of Denise Hendel. Loving sister-in-law of Maureen, Regina, Jennifer, Therese, Stephanie and Cynthia. Aunt of many nieces and nephews. Mrs. Cleary reposed at the St. James Funeral Home’s South Chapel. A Funeral Mass was held on July 7, 2010 at St. Patrick’s Church, Smithtown. Interment followed at St. James Episcopal Cemetery, St. James, NY. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the American Lung Association in memory of Donna. Mrs. Cleary’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised, while the Cleary family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement, by Kenneth, Kerry and Ken, Jr. – the Maher family of the St. James Funeral Home. John E. Connelly John E. Connelly, of St. James, L.I., passed away on June 4, 2010. Cherished husband of Mary. Loving father of Michael and John. Devoted Pop-Pop of four. Mr. Connelly reposed at the St. James Funeral Home’s South Chapel. A Funeral Mass was held on June 6, 2010 at Sts. Philip & James R.C. Church in St. James. Interment followed at Calverton National Cemetery, Calverton. Mr. Connelly’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised, while the Connelly family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement, by Kenneth, Kerry and Ken, Jr., – the Maher family of the St. James Funeral Home. Edward P. Lang Edward P. Lang, lifetime resident of Smithtown, L.I., passed away on June 2, 2010. He was a 15-year employee of the Town of Smithtown Parks Department and a 15-year employee of Avalon Gardens. Cherished father of Edward and Kelly. Beloved brother of Maureen Lang Urbancik and Joseph Lang. A memorial service was held. Mr. Lang’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised, while the Lang family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement, by Kenneth, Kerry and Ken, Jr. – the Maher family of the St. James Funeral Home, in St. James. Patricia A. McNeely Patricia A. McNeely, of Smithtown, formerly of Floral Park, NY, passed away on July 3, 2010. Loving wife of John A. Wontrobski. Cherished mother of Karen Wontrobski and Jerry Ricciardi, John Wontrobski and Suzanne Cheazens. Adored grandma of five. Mrs. McNeely reposed at the St. James Funeral Home’s South Chapel. A funeral service was held on July 7, 2010 at the funeral home. Interment followed at St. James Episcopal Cemetery, St. James, NY. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in memory of Patricia. Mrs. McNeely’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised, while the McNeely family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement, by Kenneth, Kerry and Ken, Jr. – the Maher family of the St. James Funeral Home. OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 95 – “Personal Attention & Dignified Service-Our Continuing Tradition” St. James Funeral Home, Inc. ~ Home for Funerals & Cremations ~ Kenneth J. Maher Owner, Licensed Manager & Director Kerry J. Maher Kenneth J. Maher, Jr. Licensed Director Licensed Director ~ In Loving Memory of Aelysche M. Maher ~ Locations: North Chapel 551 North Country Road South Chapel 829 Middle Country Road Route 25A Route 25 - Jericho Turnpike St. James Office: (631) 584-5200 St. James Office: (631)-584-7200 ~ Pre Planning Funeral Arrangements Available ~ www.stjamesfuneralhome.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 96 – O B I T U A R I E S Mary C. Knoblach Fay Stahl Mary C. Knoblach, of Massapequa Park, NY, passed away on June 14, 2010 at the age of 89. Mary graduated as a Registered Nurse in 1941 from St. Elizabeth Hospital School of Nursing Utica, NY. She was a proud WWII Army Veteran Retired 1st Lt. Army Nurse Corps. Beloved mother of Mary (and the late Steve) Jette, John (Regina) Knoblach, Kathleen (Al) Grimaldi, Joanne (Gary) Blauvelt Mary C. Knoblach and the late George J. Loving grandmother of Maureen, Michele (Jim), Sarah, Sandra, John, Jacqueline, Gary Jr., and the late Brenden. Cherished great grandmother of Brett, Victoria, Craig, Katelyn, Kevin, and Shannon. Dear sister of Anne McNichol, James McNichol, and the late William McNichol Jr., Eileen Patricia, Sarah McNichol, and John McNichol. Devoted daughter of William and Ellen McNichol. A Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Patrick’s R.C. Church, Smithtown, NY. Interment followed at Pinelawn Memorial Park Cemetery. Arrangements were entrusted to the professional care of The Branch Funeral Home and Vigliante family of Smithtown, N.Y. Fay Stahl, of Albany, NY, formerly of Huntington, NY, passed away on June 22, 2010 at the age of 92. Beloved wife of late August S. Stahl. Loving mother of Barbara (John) Schmidt, Marie (Richard) Quinn and Jeffrey (Gail) Stahl. Cherished grandmother of Marie, Joseph, Kerry, James, Maureen, Daniel, Jeffrey, Jennifer, Jacoyn, and Jared. Adored great grandmother of seven. A Funeral Mass was Fay Stahl celebrated at St. Patrick’s R.C. Church, Smithtown. Interment followed at Calverton National Cemetery Calverton, NY. Arrangements were entrusted to the professional care of The Branch Funeral Home and Vigliante family of Smithtown, N.Y. William Poelker Henry William Poelker passed away of pneumonia and a blood infection on June 4, 2010 at the age of 74. Mr. Poelker, a 45-year resident of Smithtown, retired from Northrop Grumman of Bethpage in the 1980’s. He worked in calibration as an electronic technician. Prior to that, he worked at Sperry’s. An only child, he was preceded in death by his mother, Helen and father, Henry. He is survived by his only wife, Lorraine, of 34 years, his 32 year old son Christopher Henry, and many cousins. Mr. Poelker was often seen enjoying his classical music. A memorial visitation was held on June, 19, 2010 at the Branch Funeral Home. Arrangements were entrusted to the professional care of The Branch Funeral Home and Vigliante family of Smithtown. William Paul Tatem William Paul Tatem, of St. James, formerly of Old Westbury, NY, passed away on June 9, 2010. Beloved husband of Vivian. Devoted father of Suzanne Scheuring, Kathleen, Jeremy, Cynthia Cahill and Laurie. Loving grandfather of Michael. Dear son of Muriel and the late Robert Sr. Dearest brother of Mary TatemMcGehee and the late Christine. Funeral was private. Edward E. Trotta Edward E. Trotta, formerly of St. James; former owner of Trotta’s Pizza, Dix Hills, passed away on May 30, 2010. Beloved husband of the late Lillian. Cherished father of Marianne Cantwell, Emil, Nanette Dezendorf and Edward. Loving Grandpa of 13. Mr. Trotta reposed at the St. James Funeral Home’s South Chapel. A Funeral Mass was held at Sts. Philip & James R.C. Church in St. James. Entombment followed at Pinelawn Memorial Park, Pinelawn. Mr. Trotta’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised, while the Trotta family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement, by Kenneth, Kerry and Ken, Jr. – the Maher family of the St. James Funeral Home. OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 97 – OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 98 – P O E T ’ S C O R N E R Rhyme Time by David F. McKell When I pick up a Poem, instead of Tome, I read it and look for the rhyme. But these days it’s quite rare, tho’ you search everywhere.... To find music in words any time! Though poignant and true, and quite meaningful too.... old verses now seem passé. Because minimalists have compiled lots of lists of serious words for today! The harsh sturms and drangs, with deep heartfelt pangs Seem to dominate most of their blendings. There is no call at all for tales large or small That will offer true Happy Endings. But, be that as it may, at the end of the day, The rhymers will always perdure. With their iambic beat and phrases so sweet.... They are welcomed by all to be sure! OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Vendors Wanted for St. James Day Craft vendors are wanted for the St. James Chamber of Commerce’s 23rd annual ST. JAMES DAy, Sunday, october 3, 2010 along Lake Avenue. 10-foot spaces are being provided for $125 per space, after 8/15/10 if available $150 (no exceptions) Bring your own table. St. James Day has been a huge success in the past. Call now for further information and to receive an application to reserve your space, 584-8510 and leave, name, address and phone number on machine. Applications are available on the St. James Chamber website at www.stjameschamber.org. There will be entertainment throughout the day. We look forward to seeing you there. – 99 – P O E T ’ S C O R N E R Liberty The Fourth of July, 2010 by John Taratunio Fairfield Condos by Ed Gaskell reflect a moment on the phrase “Land of the Free” and what it cost, so that could be. of the lives that were lost in the battles we fought To preserve the ideals that our forefathers sought. and whenever a tyrant or dictator tried To take away this freedom he surely died. So no matter where, in this world I may be, I am proud to stand up and say, I’m from the land of the free. What did you do on the Fourth of July? did you watch a parade? did you wave your flag high? did you remind yourself why We live in the land of the Free? Say a prayer for our soldiers Who fight for you and me. and send them a package or a card or a letter, and tell them we appreciate every day better The freedoms they guard for us, every day. Send the package and letter, Today. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FORM If you’re planning a yard sale, looking for a certain item, or want to sell some of that flotsam & jetsam that’s cluttering up your attic, advertise in OUR TOWN CLASSIFIEDS. We are direct-mailed to each & every residence and business in the 11780 zip code area each month... and are guaranteed to reach your market! AT ONLY $ 5 00 for the first 20 words & 10¢ for each additional word we’re the best bargain around! Complete the above form and return with remittance (payable to Graphics du jour, Ltd.) to OUR TOWN • ST. JAMES 359 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 11780 For information call 631-862-9849 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 100 – C L A S S I F I E D PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL) Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, blessed mother of the Son of God, immaculate virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh star of the sea, help me and show me herein, you are my mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none who can withstand your power. Oh show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times). Oh Holy Mary I place this cause in your hands. (3 times). Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can obtain my goals. You gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me, and that in all instances of my life, you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as you confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer 3 consecutive days, the request will be granted. This prayer must be published after the favor has been granted. F.T. 7/10 TUTOR – NYS Certified (N-6) and local Smithtown teacher is willing to tutor students over the summer. If you’re looking for an experienced, kind, and knowledgeable tutor for your child, please feel free to call Lisa at 516-707-0519. 7/10/mfx DJ PARTY DIMENSIONS – DJ for all occasions – Graduations, Birthdays, Anniversary Parties. Call Kirk at 921-2478 or Ed at 921-9804. 9/10 FOR SALE – HUTCH CIRCA 1900 from Thornton Estate, original glass, hardware, 811/2” high, 2 pc., 68” wide, solid wood. Call 631-807-2287. 7/10 A D V E R T I S I N G FOR SALE – 1982 23-FT. O’DAY SAILBOAT. Swing keel centerboard. Includes jib, genoa, depthfinder, 6 HP 4 cyl. Suzuki OB with 2-year warranty. 2861927. tfn SUMMER DAYCARE in my St. James home. F/T, P/T. Former preK teacher. Meals and snacks included. Member C.C.C.S. Debbie - 686-5847 7/10 NEIGHBORHOOD HOME CARE, INC. seeks homemakers and companions interested in providing non-medical in-home services for the elderly. Positive, compassionate approach a must. Flexible hours, including evenings and weekends. Please contact us at (631) 741-3350 or email at kmcgh1@optonline.net. Please include your phone number and a convenient time when you may be reached. 7/10 RECEPTIONIST / SECRETARY – Local independent real estate office looking for friendly, welcoming personality with ability to multi task, knowledge of computers, sharp telephone manners/ skills. Computer literate. Real estate knowledge a plus, real estate license a plus but not required. Saturdays and Sundays 9a.m.5p.m. Ability to work independently or as part of a team. Experience preferred. Email resume or call Eric at DeBarbieri Associates Inc., 406 N. Country Rd. St. James, NY 11780, 862-7447 or Debarbieri@msn.com 7/10db STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE on 1st and 2nd floors of St. James building with overhead door. Call 631-862-6198. 7/10nw ST. JAMES OFFICE FOR RENT – Professional office suite on 2nd floor - 700 sq. ft. - centrally located (across from 7-Eleven) with a Lake Avenue address. Reception area, 3/4 offices, bathroom. Very reasonable. Call Ruth at 8629849. 7/10 HELP WANTED – Part time driver wanted for local floral deliveries. Afternoons and weekends. Call 862-9292. 7/10 FLORIDA CONDO FOR SALE – Tamarac Florida, 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Pergo/tile floors, fans, screened deck, hurricane shutters and clubhouse. Overlooks pool and golf course. Low maintenance. Includes cable. Asking $75,000. Call 444-0003. tfn/forz RECEPTION / MEETING HALL AVAILABLE FOR USE – St. James United Methodist Church, offers a spacious meeting hall with commercial kitchen for civic and support groups, receptions, clubs, workshops and seminars. The 35’x60’ meeting room has tables, chairs, rest rooms and a grand piano. The Church is located at 532 Moriches Road in Head of the Harbor. Expansive parking and handicapped access is provided. Please contact the Office at 584-5340 for available dates and suggested donations. The SJUMC offers their facilities as a community outreach to the St. James area and welcomes all visitors. tfn AMERICAN LEGION HALL FOR RENT – The American Legion, Sherwood Brothers Post 1152 is looking for an organization to rent the American Legion Hall by the year. Reasonable rates, air conditioned, heat, tables, chairs, complete kitchen and good parking. Located at 95 Lake Avenue, St. James. Call Mon., Wed., Fri., between 8-10 a.m. Ask for William Kennedy. 584-9633. tfn LOOKING FOR HELP? Place a classified ad in Our Town – only $5 for the first 20 words and .10¢ for each additional word. Call 862-9849 for information or mail a check to: Graphics du jour, ltd./Our Town, 359 Lake Avenue, St. James, NY 11780. For advertising information please call 631-862-9849 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 101 – MID-ISLAND AUTo PARTS Foreign & domestic New Parts available AuTo wreckers iNc. 1013 Long Island Ave., Deer Park, NY 11729 q e 631-586-6599 y t yoUR USEd aUto PaRtS SUPERStoRE! All Years and Models – Car Parts, Truck Parts, Van Parts Any part not in stock can be located! • Mention this flyer & SAVe 10% WE BUY LATE MODEL WRECKS www.midislandautoparts.com SALVAGE CORP. 1007 Long Island Ave., Deer Park, NY 11729 JUNK CARS & TRUCKS WANTED ROLL OFF CONTAINER SERVICE scrAp MeTAL recycLers available at We Buy: copper, aluminum, Brass, tin, Batteries, cars, Steel NO CHARGE for any large quantity of Metal RESidENtial • coMMERcial Top doLLAr pAid! 631-667-5048 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 102 – ® NESCONSET – $409,000 Move right in! Expanded and updated 4 bedroom home featuring a large eat-in-kitchen, 2.5 updated baths, den with fireplace, hardwood floors, Andersen windows, new roof, deck with builtin barbeque and garage. Louise Tudisco 631-862-1100/631-513-6814. louisetudisco@optonline.net. www.louisetudiscohomes.com SMITHTOWN – $399,000 Walk to town from this beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1st floor unit in a 55+ community. Master bedroom with full bath and walk in closet, kitchen, dining room living room, full basement and low taxes. Take The Tour @ www.eldridgegang.com NISSEQuOGuE – $2,295,000 Panoramic views of the LI Sound and Connecticut. Incredible home with your own private beach, heated Igp and beautiful perennial gardens. Gourmet kitchen, 2 fireplaces, 1st floor master suite, finished basement and gym. Take The Tour @ www.eldridgegang.com (631) 862-1100 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 103 – ® ST. JAMES – $565,000 Overlooking a preserve, this 5 bedroom colonial offers 2 fireplaces, oak floors, den, master suite, guest quarters, finished basement with separate outside entrance and cul-de-sac. Take The Tour @ www.eldridgegang.com HAuPPAuGE – $498,465 Large expanded ranch on .63 acre with a heated Igp. Custom eat-in-kitchen, den with fireplace, hardwood floors, cac, finished walk out basement, cul-de-sac and low taxes! Louise Tudisco 631-862-1100/631-513-6814. louisetudisco@optonline.net. www.louisetudiscohomes.com NISSEQuOGuE – $1,299,000 Magnificent colonial on 2 private acres featuring 5 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, gourmet kitchen, solarium, den with fireplace, grand master suite, full basement and cul-de-sac. Take The Tour @ www.eldridgegang.com www.remax-beyond.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 104 – ® NISSEQuOGuE – $799,000 Large ‘Yablonski’ 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath colonial. Updated kitchen and baths, guest suite, hardwood floors, cac, master suite, full basement with outside separate entrance, heated in ground pool and cul-de-sac. Take The Tour @ www.eldridgegang.com HAuPPAuGE – $479,000 The Hamlet @ Windwatch. Fabulous golf views! 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath villa with open floor plan, kitchen with granite countertops, master suite, vaulted ceilings, hardwood flooring. Amenities include, pool, tennis courts, clubhouse, restaurant and fitness center. Take The Tour @ www.eldridgegang.com NISSEQuOGuE – $1,299,000 New to Market! Beautifully renovated 5 bedroom, 4.5 bath farm ranch on shy 3 acres. Upgrades throughout, new custom kitchen, den with fireplace, 1st floor master suite, loft/den, new baths, full basement, new deck and Igp. Take The Tour @ www.eldridgegang.com (631) 862-1100 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 105 – ® ST. JAMES/HEAD OF HARBOR – $449,000 Circa 1890, charming home with leaded glass windows, hardwood floors, sun room, living room with fireplace, full basement on .70 acre and low taxes. Take The Tour @ www.eldridgegang.com SMITHTOWN – $539,000 Totally updated diamond home on .50 acre. Gourmet kitchen, family room with fireplace, formal dining room, cac, custom woodwork, full basement and 2 car garage. Louise Tudisco 631-862-1100/631-513-6814. louisetudisco@optonline.net. www.louisetudiscohomes.com NISSEQuOGuE – $1,100,000 Views of the Nissequogue Golf course. Beautiful 5 bedroom, 4.5 bath colonial with a gourmet custom kitchen, family room with fireplace, cac, 10’ ceilings, Andersen windows, hardwood floors, office, master suite, full basement and 3 car garage. Take The Tour @ www.eldridgegang.com www.remax-beyond.com OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 – 106 – D I R E C T O R Y O F A D V E R T I S E R S The following is a list of advertisers who can be found in this issue of Our Town • St. James ANIMAL hoSPITAL St. James Animal hospital 538 North Country Road 584-6336 BeAUTY Pat’s Place hair Salon 230 Lake Avenue 862-7023, 584-9644 DANCe SChooL Chorus Line Dance Studio 380 Lake Avenue 584-7575 fUNeRAL hoMe Branch funeral home 190 E. Main St., Smithtown 724-9500 ARChITeCT Michael Macrina Architect 686-6585 Scruples ‘head to Toe’ 455 Lake Avenue 584-8030 high Definition Dance Centre 135 W. Main St., Smithtown 724-5381 St. James funeral home 551 North Country Road 584-5200 829 Middle Country Road 584-7200 ATToRNeY John L. Belford, Jr., esq. 217 Lake Avenue 862-8600 BeVeRAGe CeNTeR Bullseye Wholesale Beverage 395 Middle Country Road 406-7730 Joseph A. Bollhofer, esq. 291 Lake Avenue 584-0100, 584-2304 St. James Beverage 530 North Country Road 862-7212 Law office of William C. McCulloh 220 Lake Avenue 584-6800 BoUTIqUe / ANTIqUeS GIfTS / hoMe DeCoR Julie’s home & GardenAccessories 529 Lake Avenue 862-8943 Janet o’hanlon - Winkler, kurtz & Winkler, LLP 310 Hallock Ave., Port Jefferson Station 928-8000 AUDIoLoGY Long Island hearing, Inc. 496 Nesconset Highway Suite 200 - Smithtown 972-5211 AUToMoTIVe SCRAP Mid Island Salvage Auto Parts 667-5048 - Deer Park AUToMoTIVe/ Repair / Parts/Gas Mid Island Auto Wreckers 586-6599 - Deer Park Parkville Motor Sports/ Getty 255 Lake Avenue 360-1919 Penney’s North Country Car Care 545 North Country Road 862-9663 St. James Gulf Route 25A & Moriches Road 584-5798 quaint and Classy 415 North Country Road 686-5525 Rosebud Boutique 459 Lake Avenue 862-0027 BUTCheR / CATeRING Main Street Meats and Catering (NEW LoCATIoN) 36 E. Main St., Smithtown 265-2040 CARPeT CLeANING Proline Carpet Cleaning 584-2344 Sunny Road Rug Cleaners 104 Lake Avenue 584-5160 ChIRoPRACToR Dr. Linda M. Bocchichio 105 Lake Ave. S., Nesconset 979-9854 Dr. Raymond A. Semente 265 Lake Avenue 584-7722 Dr. Gregory R. Thomaier 338 Lake Avenue 584-8100 BAkeRY Alpine Pastry Shoppe 59 Route 111, Smithtown 265-5610 True Sport Care, LLC 631 Lake Avenue 584-TRUE (8783) BANkS Roslyn Savings Bank 556-02 North Country Road 862-4200 CLoThING J. Michaels Men’s Shop 529 Lake Avenue 686-5488 North Shore Academy of Dance (NEW LoCATIoN) 535 North Country Road 899-4340 DeNTIST harbor hill Dental, LLC 556-20 North Country Road 686-5042 DRY CLeANeRS Dutch Girl french Style Cleaners 400 Lake Avenue 584-3750 eVeNTS / eNTeRTAINMeNT George’s Innovative Inflatables 757-0294 fRee Movie Night on Deepwells Lawn Thursday, August 5, 8 p.m. (raindate 8/12) Shrek the Third The Party Starts here 135 W. Main St., Smithtown 724-5381 eXTeRMINATING Scientific exterminating 599 Lake Avenue 265-5252, Fax: 862-7272 fINANCIAL edward Jones Investments Scott Posner, CfP 542 North Country Road 862-2020 North Shore Wealth Management Advisors Mark A. Cirelli, CPA/PfS, CfP 220 Lake Avenue - Suite 6 780-5556 (NEW LoCATIoN) Reliance Mortgage William J. Garthe Registered Mortgage Broker 359 Lake Avenue 862-9000 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 heALTh/ fITNeSS energy Interactive fitness Center 556 North Country Road 862-1737 Light Awakenings Meditation and Beyond 724-9733 Anne Marie Lisa Certified Nutritional Counselor 525-1045 Dr. Salim A. Matar, M.D., f.A.C.S. 640 Belle Terre Rd, Pt. Jeff. 928-7750 Renée Murphy, LPN, LMT 338-8469 Neighborhood home Care 741-3350 Shaolin Self Defense Centers 430-08 North Country Road 617-5148 Simply Pilates 87 E. Main St., Smithtown 979-4278 St. James healthcare Center 275 Moriches Road 862-8000, ext. 105/106 St. James Medical Services 487 Lake Avenue 584-6014 St. James Plaza Nursing facility 273 Moriches Road 862-8990 Wee Warriors Yoga Playtime at Curves 778-B Middle Country Road 863-2788 at Balance Studio 420 Lake Avenue 686-5415 – 107 – D I R E C T O R Y hoMe IMPRoVeMeNT AC Painting 457-0017 Autonomousdesign 22 Stonegate 724-7726 DeBlasio Capo Design Build 273 Lake Avenue 584-5503 Debus Painting & Wallpapering 862-7924 Doctor Don’s Creations 213 Lake Avenue 686-5679 Granite on the Go 682-9760 house Perfect home Improvements 584-7527 JBL home Improvements 584-0136 Lighthouse fencing 862-6616 Master fix It 584-5993, Cell: 516-380-0727 Morecraft Construction 584-7010 Power Pool outside kitchens 425 North Country Road 979-PooL Scotty’s Masonry 265-4398, 872-1076 St. James Lumber 547 Lake Avenue 584-5140 Vazac Contracting 333 First Avenue - Suite 1 584-7817 Victorian Custom homes 774-4017 Victorian fence 240-9716 INSURANCe New York Life Insurance Lawrence Glazer 576 Broad Hollow Rd, Melville 391-3490 O F State farm Insurance Jim Winter 320 Lake Avenue 584-5929 INTeRIoR DeSIGN / DeCoRATING Creative Windows 367 Lake Avenue 366-0212 Natalie Weinstein Design Associates and home Decorating Club 176 Second Street 862-6198, Fax: 862-7834 JeWeLRY / CoINS A & D Gold Silver 425 Lake Avenue 584-7070 A D V E R T I S E R S PeTS Grooming / Supplies St. James Dog Grooming 425 North Country Road 862-7288 ReSTAURANTS Deli / Catering / Seafood Bella Vita City Grill 430-16 North Country Road 862-8060 PhoToGRAPhY / PhoTo SCANNING 4Sight Color Technologies 82 Arlington Avenue 656-0888 Lotus east 416 North Country Road 862-6030 PLUMBING & heATING falzone & Son Plumbing 862-6612 Goldstar Plumbing, heating & A/C 88 Railroad Avenue 584-3839 St. James Jewelry Shoppe 483 Lake Avenue 862-6775 PRINTING & INVITATIoNS Graphics du jour, ltd. 359 Lake Avenue 862-9849 LANDSCAPING / DeSIGN / eqUIPMeNT /LIGhTING Competition Tree Service 584-5575 ReAL eSTATe Daniel Gale / Sotheby’s 499 Lake Avenue 584-6600 eddie’s Power equipment 553 Lake Avenue 584-6678 DeBarbieri Associates 406 North Country Road 862-7447 emerald Magic Poison Ivy Removal 286-4600 henrietta homes & Properties 328 Lake Avenue 862-6999 Gaine Landscape 862-6218 herman Brothers Landscape Corp. 360-2939 homestead Landscaping 588-5296 Moonlit Gardens Lightscaping 588-2207 RJk Gardens, Inc. 862-7056 MUSIC LeSSoNS Drum Lessons with John Miceli 240-0690 or email: teachingdrums@yahoo.com The Mills Pond kitchen 7 Flowerfield Pk. - Ste. 43 584-5800 ocean’s Bounty Seafood 415 North Country Road 862-4228 Paradise Cafe & Catering 418 North Country Road 584-8153 Patio Pizza 262 Lake Avenue 862-7475 Tic Toc Cafe 410 Lake Avenue 862-2233 Villa Sorrento 823 Middle Country Road 265-9865 Voila! The Bistro 244 Lake Avenue 584-5686 Liz Jongebloed DeBarbieri Associates 406 North Country Road 862-7447, 903-0836 SChooLS / TUToRING / DAYCARe / CAMPS SAT Prep / Consulting Bridge College Consultants Po Box 685, St. James, Ny 516-662-1612 Marianne koke Daniel Gale / Sotheby’s 499 Lake Avenue 584-6600, Ext 206 St. James United Methodist Nursery 532 Moriches Road 584-9555 edward Martella Daniel Gale / Sotheby’s 499 Lake Avenue 584-6000, 766-4725 Village Presbyterian Pre-School 175 East Main St., Smithtown 724-9382 Dave & Rowena Nedvin ReMax Beyond 556 North Country Road 767-5221, 724-9800, ext. 271 SWIMMING PooLS Installation / Service Power Pool Care Swimming Pools 425 North Country Road 979-PooL Reliance Real estate 359 Lake Avenue 862-9000, Fax: 862-2881 ReMax / Beyond 556 North Country Road 862-1100 OUR TOWN • JULY 2010 Sundance Swimming Pools 862-1900 ZÜtÇw bÑxÇ|Çz – 108 – Over 25 Years Experience Fred Coglietta President Specializing in All Phases of Home Improvements • Siding • Windows • Dormers • Extensions • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Basements • Decks Summer Sale – 15% Off CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 631.774.4017 victoriancustomhomes@hotmail.com Family Owned & Operated • Local Resident for Over 22 Years Licensed and Insured • License #47475-H OUR TOWN • JULY 2010
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