Meer dan 95% van onze ziektes worden veroorzaakt door de
Meer dan 95% van onze ziektes worden veroorzaakt door de
Terugkeer naar de leefstijl van de oermens conform de cultuur van de 21ste eeuw Frits A.J. Muskiet 5000 generations 400 generations 5 generations In NL: onze levensverwachting, onze levensverwachting zonder fysieke limitaties en onze levensverwachting in door onszelf ervaren gezondheid stijgt, maar onze levensverwachting zonder chronische ziekte daalt! Men Women 48! Common ancestor chimpanzee Out of Africa First homo sapiens Agricultural revolution Industrial revolution Current homo sapiens Cumulative rates of major depression for USA birth cohorts as a function of age 42! Bruggink J-W, Lodder B, Kardal M, CBS webmagazine 12 februari 2009 Meer dan 95% van onze ziektes worden veroorzaakt door de omgeving Ons genetisch materiaal speelt hooguit een secundaire rol (‘disease susceptibility genes’) Klerman, JAMA 1989 Environmental influences on major diseases PARs for lifestyle (here: specific aspects of diet, overweight, inactivity, smoking) Hier de #1 op de lijst van de 10 ongezondste drankjes in de USA van 2009: Baskin and Robbins Large Chocolate Oreo Shake >90% >80% >70% >70% • 2,600 kilocalories • 135 g fat (59 g saturated fat, 2.5 g trans fat) • 263 g sugars • 1,700 mg sodium This drink packs more sugar than 29 Fudgsicles, as much fat as a stick and a half of butter, more calories than 48 actual Oreos, three days' worth of saturated fat, and as much salt as you'll find in 9 bags of Lay's Classic potato chips. Willett, Science 2002 1 8 oz soda, regular hamburger and small fries = 590 kcal vs. 850 kcal difference = 2 h leisure walking for 70 kg person to burn extra calories Marathon = 42 km Weight = 60 kg Total: 2,610 kcal Metabolic syndrome kcal = kilometers x kg x 1.036 When super sized = 1440 kcal Metabool syndroom Inhoud Het dodelijke kwartet - Metabool syndroom - Evolutionaire geneeskunde/veranderende omgeving - Waar komen we vandaan? - Valse signalen van ontsteking * Fysieke activiteit * Voeding Macronutriënten, CHO, eiwit Vetzuren, visolie Vitamine D - 21ste eeuw jager-verzamelaar - Conclusies Whole-body images demonstrating the TOFI (thin-outside fat-inside) phenomenon. The male individuals shown in this figure are of similar age, BMI and percentage body fat but have different levels of visceral fat and therefore different disease risks. Subject (a) is a TOFI (BMI 25·8 kg/m2; 3·3 litres of visceral fat); Subjects (b) is a healthy volunteer (BMI 26·5 kg/m2; 2·2 litres of visceral fat). Thomas, Nutr Res Rev 2012 1. Te zwaar 2. Gestoorde bloedglucose 3. Te hoge bloedvetten 4. Te hoge bloeddruk Clinical syndromes associated with the metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance syndrome Preeclampsia (late onset) Reaven, Ann Rev Nutr 2005 World Cancer Research Fund 2007 2 Evolutionary Medicine and changing environment Inhoud - Metabool syndroom - Evolutionaire geneeskunde/veranderende omgeving - Waar komen we vandaan? - Valse signalen van ontsteking * Fysieke activiteit * Voeding Macronutriënten, CHO, eiwit Vetzuren, visolie Vitamine D - 21ste eeuw jager-verzamelaar - Conclusies Evolutionary Medicine, or Neo-Darwinian Evolution A composite of Darwin and Mendel "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" "Nothing in medicine makes sense without biology" Theodosius Dobzhansky 1900 - 1975 Charles Robert Darwin, (1809-1882) Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) On the Origin of Species, 1859 Experiments on Plant Hybridization, 1865 Adaptation to the conditions of existence By natural selection (and by epigenetics) Charles Robert Darwin, (1809-1882) On the Origin of Species, 1859 Genetics and the Origin of Species, published 1937 Er is iets vreselijk fout gegaan: We zijn tegenwoordig slecht aangepast aan onze omgeving 3 We hebben een conflict veroorzaakt tussen de door onszelf gecreëerde omgeving en ons miljoenen jaar oud genetisch materiaal Waar komen we vandaan? Inhoud - Metabool syndroom - Evolutionaire geneeskunde/veranderende omgeving - Waar komen we vandaan? - Valse signalen van ontsteking * Fysieke activiteit * Voeding Macronutriënten, CHO, eiwit Vetzuren, visolie Vitamine D - 21ste eeuw jager-verzamelaar - Conclusies gibbon orangutan gorilla chimpanzee bonobo 5.9 Myr homo sapiens 160,000 yr 7.2 Myr 17.9 Myr 13.9 Myr Hacia. Trends in Genetics 2001 Based on β -globulin region From vegetarian to omnivore, predominantly meat (fish) eater Australopithecus africanus Australopithecus afarensis Homo habilis vegetarian Homo erectus Neanderthal Homo sapiens sapiens 2.5 Mya: cut-marks on mammalian bones Australopithecus (- 2.6-3.2 Mya “Lucy” from Ethiopia) Meat eater: 100,000 years bp sophisticated tools for hunting and butchering 4 160,000 years old H. sapiens idaltu We are of East African ancestry: 3rd Out of Africa wave from Herto, Middle Awash, Ethiopia Genetic diversity highest among Africans White, Nature 2003; Gibbons, Science 2003 Reconstruction: anthropology.html ‘Race’ is biologically meaningless. ‘Out of Africa’ predicts more genetic homogeneity in the geographic region of origin of a person’s ancestry Genetic variation: sub-Sahara Africa>Eurasia> East Asia>Oceania>America Adaptation to local conditions – Mutation. – Gene flow (no admixture). – Genetic drift /bottle necks (small populations 72,000 BC Toba Vulcano, 6 y temp 5-10 degrees down Migration speed: no more than one mile every eight years “Cultureel zijn we mensen van de 21ste eeuw. Maar genetisch bevinden we ons nog in de Paleolithische tijd’’ O’Keefe and Cordain, Mayo Clin Proc 2004 Black/African White/Caucasian Asian Pacific Islander/ Hawai American Indian/Alaska Microsatellite clustering of 52 world-wide populations Zhivotovsky Am J Hum Genet 2003 Tattersall 2003, update of 2000 The savanna hypothesis is in error, we lived at the interface of water and land and ate a water-shore diet from those rich ecosystems Our ancestors found an ecological niche in the landwater interface 5 Fossils of our 6-2.5 Mya ancestors are mainly found at present and former interfaces of (fresh) water and land s Food for brain: AA and DHA in fish available to hominids in Rift Valley Lake Nyasa (Tanzania) and Lake Turkana (Kenya) Gibbons Science 2002 Broadhurst, CBP 2002 Mbelele (catfish) Perch Njenu (carp) Tilapia species Kambale (local sp) Mfui (local sp) Number of identifiable specimens fat g/100 g 10,3 2,6 4,9 2,3 1,8 1,1 AA mg/100 g 421 190 270 184 99 84 DHA mg/100 g 842 447 363 343 227 200 Faunal remains associated with the excavation at the FwJj20 locality Hominins, predating Homo erectus, 1.95 Mya enjoyed access to carcasses of terrestrial and aquatic animals that they butchered in a well watered habitat Koobi Fora Formation in northern Kenya (Turkana Basin): a well watered environment Earliest definitive evidence of the incorporation into the hominin diet of various aquatic animals including turtles, crocodiles, and fish, which are rich sources of specific nutrients needed in human brain growth Braun, PNAS 2010 The aquatic ape: Elaine Morgan-Floyd (Koobi Fora Formation in northern Kenya; Turkana Basin) Bony fish Catfish Crocodile Turtle 224=30% 7=27% Braun, PNAS 2010 13C Collagen shows sharp shift in diet from marine-based to terrestrial-based in Britain at onset of Neolitic (-4,000 y) Marine-based diet Bone collagen from coastal site dweller Bone collagen from inland dweller Terrestrial-based diet Neolitic period Mesolitic period Restanten van onze land-water voeding (‘voeding voor de hersenen’) jodium, selenium vitamine D vitamine A visolie-vetzuren Richards, Nature 2003 6 Contributions (in 2005) of marine and fresh water products (finfish and shellfish, seafood, wild and farmed) to the French dietary intakes of vitamins D and B12, selenium, iodine and docosahexaenoic acid Seafood provides (% of RDA) 23% of selenium 25% of vitamin D 28% of iodine 56% of vitamin B12 203% of DHA (French RDA) Global Prevalence of Micronutrient Malnutrition: 2 million at risk The beneficial effect of fish intake on cerebrovascular risk might be mediated through a complex interplay among a wide range of nutrients commonly found in fish. Chowdhury, BMJ 2012 Ramakrishnan, Nutr Rev 2002 Bourre, Int J Sci Food Nutr 2008 VCP 2007-2010, children and adults Selenium intake in The Netherlands Dutch people still consume insufficient fruit, vegetables, fish and fibre. The proportion of saturated fatty acids in the diet is still high and overweight is common. Some people have intakes below the recommended amounts for some vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, B1, C, E, magnesium, potassium and zinc. GR vs. IOM: recommended that a re-evaluation of the dietary reference value for selenium is made Age groups with specific higher intake requirements often do not meet these, i.e. concerning folate (for women with a pregnancy wish), vitamin D (people above 50), iron (women of childbearing age) and calcium (adolescents). Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2007-10, Van Rossum 2011 Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2007-10, Van Rossum 2011 Jodiuminname in NL, VCP 2007-2010 =gejodeerd zout toegevoegd bij bereiding maaltijd =gejodeerd zout toegevoegd door voedingsmiddelenproducenten 60% uit nietnatuurlijke bron Dutch Health Council, Naar behoud van een optimale jodiuminname 2008 Salehy, VoedingNu 2012 7 Whole brain volume across the life span between 4 and 88 years of age Longitudinal magnetic resonance brain imaging studies measuring whole brain volume change with age in humans Whole brain volume across the life span between 4 and 88 years of age 60 y, 0.5% per y 35 y, 0.2% per y Longitudinal magnetic resonance brain imaging studies measuring whole brain volume change with age in humans 60 y, 0.5% per y >60 y, >0.5% per y 35 y, 0.2% per y Hedman, Hum Brain Mapp 2011 >60 y, >0.5% per y Hedman, Hum Brain Mapp 2011 False triggers of inflammation Inhoud - Metabool syndroom - Evolutionaire geneeskunde/veranderende omgeving - Waar komen we vandaan? - Valse signalen van ontsteking * Fysieke activiteit * Voeding Macronutriënten, CHO, eiwit Vetzuren, visolie Vitamine D - 21ste eeuw jager-verzamelaar - Conclusies We bevinden ons in een pro-inflammatoire toestand 8 Factoren in onze leefstijl die ons in een proinflammatoire toestand hebben gebracht of antiinflammatoire responsen verhinderen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lifestyle factors exhibit interaction abnormale voedingssamenstelling abnormale microbiële flora onvoldoende fysieke activiteit chronische stress slaaptekort milieu verontreiniging (b.v. roken) Inflammation and metabolism are intimately related Physical activity Hotamisligil, Nat Rev Immunol 2008 Inhoud - Metabool syndroom - Evolutionaire geneeskunde/veranderende omgeving - Waar komen we vandaan? - Valse signalen van ontsteking * Fysieke activiteit * Voeding Macronutriënten, CHO, eiwit Vetzuren, visolie Vitamine D - 21ste eeuw jager-verzamelaar - Conclusies Recalled physical activity at 15, 30, and 50 years in a large sample of Swedish men (n= 33,466) from 1932-1997 The decline in activity was especially marked at 15 years of age from the 1940s through the 1960s which was due to a reduction in work or occupational activity. At the three ages, the decrease in physical activity over time was due in large part to a reduction in occupational and leisure time activities Malina, Am J Hum Biol 2008 9 Relative Risk of CVD Mortality Fatness, Fitness and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Among individuals with MDD, exercise therapy is feasible and is associated with significant therapeutic benefit, especially if exercise is continued over time Aerobically fit Unfit lean unfit Lean <16.7% Clinical status at 10 months (6 mo after treatment) among patients who were remitted (N = 83) after 4 months of treatment in Exercise (N = 25), Medication (N = 29), and Combination (N = 29) groups 156 patients Major Depressive Disorders; 50+ years; HRSD of at least 13 (max 17) at entry; 1) 4 months aerobic exercise 7085% of heart rate reserve, 3 times/week: 10 min warm up, 30 min cycle or brisk walk/jogging, 5 min cool down; 2) sertrialine (SSRI); 3) Combination; Hamilton Rating Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, at 4 mo and 6 mo after treatment stop (10 mo total) fat fit Normal 16.7%-24.9% Compared with participants in the other conditions, those in the Exercise condition were more likely to be partially or fully recovered and were less likely to have relapsed Obese >25% Body Fat Category (% Weight as Fat) Lee et al. Am J Clin Nutr 1999;69:373. Babyak, Psychosom Med 2000 Slide Source: Our exploratory analyses suggest that exercise may be particularly beneficial for depressed participants with elevated levels of anxiety Although aerobic exercise has been shown to be an effective short-term treatment for MDD in patient volunteers, the beneficial effects of exercise, like those of antidepressant medications, may dissipate after the intervention is discontinued. However, regardless of the initial treatment strategy (i.e., exercise or medication), it is possible that depressed patients may be able to benefit from ongoing exercise participation Association between self-reported exercise during follow-up and depression at 1 year (4 months intervention, then 1 year no treatment) Regular exercise during the follow-up period predicted both Hamilton Depression Rating scores and MDD diagnosis at 1 year The expected difference in HAM-D score between a person reporting 180 minutes/week of exercise and a person reporting 0 minute of exercise was a decrement of 3.1 points The adjusted odds of being in an improved category of depressive status for a person reporting exercising 180 minutes per week are about three times greater compared with a person reporting 0 minute of exercise. 180 minutes Hoffman, Psychosom Med 2011 Hoffman, Psychosom Med 2011 Cognitively normal sedentary APOEε4-positive individuals may be at augmented risk for cerebral amyloid deposition MCBP value is a measure of amyloid deposition established by binding of the amyloid imaging agent carbon 11– labeled Pittsburgh Compound B ([11C]PiB) APOE4 is associated with increased risk of cognitive decline and elevated amyloid deposition. 201 cognitively normal adults (135 women) aged 45-88 years recruited from the Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Diet Head, Arch Neurol 2012 10 Macronutriënt samenstelling Inhoud - Metabool syndroom - Evolutionaire geneeskunde/veranderende omgeving - Waar komen we vandaan? - Valse signalen van ontsteking * Fysieke activiteit * Voeding Macronutriënten, CHO, eiwit Vetzuren, visolie Vitamine D - 21ste eeuw jager-verzamelaar - Conclusies Vetzuur samenstelling Glycemische lading Voedingskarakteristieken die we veranderd hebben sinds de landbouw en de industriële revolutie Micronutriënt gehalte Vezel gehalte Zuur-base balans Na-K ratio Cordain AJCN 2005 VCP 2007-2010, children and adults Dutch people still consume insufficient fruit, vegetables, fish and fibre. Food products The proportion of saturated fatty acids in the diet is still high and overweight is common. Some people have intakes below the recommended amounts for some vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, B1, C, E, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Age groups with specific higher intake requirements often do not meet these, i.e. concerning folate (for women with a pregnancy wish), vitamin D (people above 50), iron (women of childbearing age) and calcium (adolescents). Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2007-10, Van Rossum 2011 aantal gevallen van ziekte (incidentie) of sterfte Gezondheidverlies (incidentie van ziekte, sterfte) veroorzaakt omdat 5 voedingsfactoren (SAFA, transvetzuren, vis, fruit en groente) en lichaamsgewicht (BMI) niet voldoen aan de aanbevelingen 2.700 38.000 2.200 16.000 22.000 Wat u doet en wat u denkt dat u doet De meeste Nederlanders denken dat ze niet alleen lekker maar ook goed eten Groente: 10% denkt te weinig groente eten; in werkelijkheid is dat 80% Fruit: 33% denkt onvoldoende fruit te eten; in werkelijkheid is dat 60% Van alle sterfgevallen 10% 5% Ons eten gemeten, RIVM 2004 NHS; Eten naar hartelust, januari 2010 11 Increased consumption of fruit and vegetables is related to a reduced <3 vs. >5 servings/day risk of coronary relates to 17% heart disease: metaanalysis of 12 reduction in CHD risk cohort studies (278,459 subjects, 9,143 events) He, J Hum Hypertens 2007 Meta analysis 3-5 and >5 servings fruits/vegetables and stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic) <3 vs. 3-5 servings/day: 11% reduction in stroke risk <3 vs. >5: 26% reduction Prospective studies He, Lancet 2006 Fiber intake in The Netherlands About 2/3 of recommendation in g/MJ/day Representative natural dietary bioactive compounds and their sources Pan, J Agric Food Chem 2009 Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2007-10, Van Rossum 2011 Inhoud Macronutrients - Metabool syndroom - Evolutionaire geneeskunde/veranderende omgeving - Waar komen we vandaan? - Valse signalen van ontsteking * Fysieke activiteit * Voeding Macronutriënten, CHO, eiwit Vetzuren, visolie Vitamine D - 21ste eeuw jager-verzamelaar - Conclusies 12 De inname van koolhydraten is in korte tijd sterk gestegen (USA data) Mediane Paleolithische Voeding, Kuipers, Br J Nutr 2010 51 40 en% 33 35 en% Carbohydrates 25 en% 16 CHO intake in The Netherlands Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2007-10, Van Rossum 2011 UK/US jaarlijkse suikerconsumptie 1815-2000 Voor een 70 kg/persoon is dat: 200 g/dag <10 kg/ persoon WO1 Comparison of blood sugar responses to low– and high– glycemic-index foods hyperinsulinemia has been implicated as a mediator in heart disease development WO2 Vóór de in industriële revolutie werden geraffineerde suikers en granen door de doorsnee bevolking nagenoeg niet gegeten reactive hypoglycemia can stimulate the appetite and lead to increased caloric intake Keefe, Cordain. Mayo Clin Proc 2004 Last, Am J Fam Phys 2006 13 18 months RCT 250 mL sugar-free or sugar-containing drink (104 kcal) per day to 641 normal-weight children 4y/10mo to 11y/11mo of age Weight increased by 6.35 kg in the sugar-free group as compared with 7.37 kg in the sugar group De Ruyter, Katan, NEJM 2012 Sugar consumption and number of identified people with mental illness 1800–1914 National dietary patterns in relation to international variations in 2 year schizophrenia outcome and depression prevalence Schizophrenia outcome + meat + eggs + dairy + sugar + alcohol - pulses Depression prevalence + sugar + dairy - starchy roots - fish Multivariate - fish and seafood Multivariate + sugar Peet, Br J Psychiatry 2004 Consumption of burgers, oily fish and full sugar carbonated drinks in relation to age groups Sucrose SAFA vs. LCPω ω3 Peak onset of schizophrenia UK National Diet and Nutritional Survey 2002 10-25 y males 25-35 y females Peak onset of schizophrenia Peet, PLEFA 2004 Peet, PLEFA 2004 Association between consumption of fast food (hamburgers, sausages, pizza) and depression Association between consumption of commercial baked goods (muffins, doughnuts, croissants and other similar) and depression*; SUN Project (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra–University of Navarra Follow-up, Spain) Protein Sanchez-Villegas Public Health Nutr 2012 14 Why do people have difficulty maintaining clinically significant weight loss over long time? Among overweight and obese young adults compared with pre-weight loss energy expenditure, isocaloric feeding following 10-15% weight loss resulted in decreases in REE and TEE that were: Motivation to adhere to restrictive regimens typically diminishes with time. Biological adaptations-specifically a decline in energy expenditure (adaptive thermogenesis) and an increase in hunger- that promote weight regain - Greatest with the low-fat diet - Intermediate with the low-glycemic index diet - Least with the very low-carbohydrate diet Ebbeling, JAMA 2012 Ebbeling, JAMA 2012 Fat intake of hominids and homo sapiens Fatty acid composition Common ancestor with chimpanzee Switch from vegetarian to hunting-gathering omnivore -160,000 years: homo sapiens Paleolithic diet Agricultural revolution Industrial revolution Simopoulos, AJCN 1999 Visolievetzuren spelen een rol in: LCPω ω3 - (Hersen)ontwikkeling - Zwangerschapscomplicaties - Hart en vaatziekte - (Neuro)psychiatrische ziektes - Andere 15 EPA and DHA per 100 g fish Reported frequency of fish consumption by the Dutch population aged 7-69 years (DNFCS 2007-2010), weighted for socio-demographic factors and season 6-28% 28-65% 5-18% Fedacko Pathophysiology 2007 Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2007-10, Van Rossum 2011 Fish is high in EPA and DHA Richtlijnen Goede Voeding 2006: 450 mg/dag NL, VCP-2007-2010: P50 for EPA+DHA: CAD F+M: 75-110 mg/day GISSI: secondary prevention trial 11,324 MI patients; 1 g n-3/day; 3.5 y NNT at low risk (2.6% annual mortality)=164 patients Marchioli et al. Circulation 2002 Lavie, J Am Coll Cardiol 2009 ORIGIN trial, 2012 12,536 patients at high risk for CAD events, with impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or diabetes, 6.2 years at least 900 mg ethyl esters of n–3 fatty acids or placebo ORIGIN investigators, Bosch, NEJM 2012 16 Meta analysis negative: EPA and DHA per 100 g fish Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Outcomes 20 studies including 63 030 participants Effect of ω-3 fatty acids on composite cardiovascular outcomes Kotwal, Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2012 Fedacko Pathophysiology 2007 American Heart Association Recommendations 2002 Depression Kris-Etherton, Circulation 2002 Should depressive syndromes be reclassified as Metabolic Syndrome type II? While major depression is often a prelude to dementia in later life. dementia depression Low grade inflammation Mood disorders and impaired insulin sensitivity: overlapping pathophysiology. Leonard, Neurochem Res 2007 McIntyre, Ann Clin Psychiatr 2007 17 EPA >60% is effective in depression EPA >60% is effective in depression A ≥60% ing EP ange in ta n o r c a dose ments Supple PA+DHA, in of EPA in lE of tota to 2,200 mg/d effective , were of 200 ssion. of DHA excess primary depre t s again Sublette, J Clin Psychiatry 2011 Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) total scores over time in the modified intention-to-treat population (adjusted on type of antidepressant medication and baseline HDRS score) (1 g/d) of EPA or DHA or placebo (pure coconut oil) as adjuvants to maintenance antidepressant medications for 12 weeks. 81 mild-tomoderately depressed outpatients: 1 g/d EPA, 1 g/d DHA, or placebo (coconut oil), 12 weeks EPA may be more efficacious than DHA or placebo as an adjuvant to antidepressant medications for the treatment of mild-tomoderate depression. Mozaffari-Khosravi, Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2012 Sublette, J Clin Psychiatry 2011 American Psychiatric Association Estimation of optimal DHA intake required for treating affective disorders: 1,000 mg/d EPA+DHA. This value is in line with the daily dose recommended by the American Heart Association for patients with established coronary heart disease. Freeman, J Clin Psychiatry 2006; McNamara, PLEFA 2009 Attention to risk factors, such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, hyperlipidemia and smoking could reduce or delay the incidence of dementia, both vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (also named type 3 diabetes) Neurodegenerative Korczyn, J Neurol Sci 2007 Kroner, Altern Med Rev 2009 (AD=DM3) 18 US Esposito, J Nucl Med 2008 ADHD Meta-analysis EPA+DHA in ADHD - 10 RCTs, 699 children - Small but significant effect - EPA might be more efficient Vitamin D - Relative efficacy modest compared with pharmacotherapy - Might be reasonable to use because of relatively benign side effects Bloch J Am Acad Child Adol Psych 2011 Inhoud Rachitis, osteomalacie, osteoporose - Metabool syndroom - Evolutionaire geneeskunde/veranderende omgeving - Waar komen we vandaan? - Valse signalen van ontsteking * Fysieke activiteit * Voeding Macronutriënten, CHO, eiwit Vetzuren, visolie Vitamine D - 21ste eeuw jager-verzamelaar - Conclusies 19 Vitamin D and disease US Vitamin D is a neuroactive nutrient Gestational vitamin D deficiency causes permanent changes in the developing rat brain. There is ample biological evidence to suggest an important role for vitamin D in brain development and function Deficiency alters brain gene and protein expression Deficiency disrupts the balance between neuronal stem cell proliferation and programmed cell death in the offspring Deficiency has been associated with impaired cognition, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia Tuohimaa, Psychoneuroendocrinology 2009 Age/gender adjusted RR of first contact for schizophrenic disorders for ethnic minorities in The Hague 1997-1999 1st + 2nd generation 15-54 years 1st generation 15-54 years Natives 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.7 3.2 5.5 Netherlands Antilles 2.2 2.9 NA Turkish 0.6 0.8 NA Moroccans 5.0 4.5 8.0 1.1/2.4 Serum 25(OH)D, vitamin D deficiency and percentage undetectable 25(OH)D in pregnant women of several ethnic backgrounds living in The Hague, NL 2nd generation 15-29 years Surinamese Others (West/non West) 2.0 Kiraly, ScientificWorldJournal 2006; McCann, FASEB J 2008; Levenson, Nutr Rev 2008; Cherniack Curr Psychiatry Rep 2009 1.7 Selten, Br J Psychiatr 2001 Van der Meer, AJCN 2006 Associations of low maternal or early postnatal vitamin D status with adverse offspring health outcomes at later life Mother and child Almost equal sharing of 25(OH)D Low vitamin D prevents children from attaining their genetically programmed peak bone mass. Other consequences: e.g. schizophrenia risk? Nicolaidou, Calcif Tissue Int 2006 • • • • Intrauterine growth restriction (Morley, JCEM 2006) Reduced bone mineral accrual: low bone mass 9 y (Javaid Lancet 2006) Recurrent wheeze at 3 y (Camargo: AJCN 2007 and Pediatrics 2011) Increased risk of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) respiratory tract infections (LRTI) during infancy (Belderbos, Pediatrics 2011) • Multiple sclerosis (Schwalfenberg J Environ Public Health 2012) • Diabetes mellitus type 1 (Zipitis, Arch Dis Child 2008; Schwalfenberg J Environ Public Health 2012) • • • • No association behavior and IQ at 9 y (but study was imperfect) Schizophrenia (McGrath: J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2004; Schizophr Bull 2010 and 2001) Higher change MTCT of HIV and death (Mehta, J Infect Dis 2009) Mild or moderate-severe language impairment at 5 and 10 y (Whitehouse, Pediatrics 2012) Whitehouse, Pediatrics 2012 20 119±26 (58-167) Dutch adequate 25(OH)D levels 109±28 (71-171) <70 years: ≥30 nmol/L ≥70 years: ≥50 nmol/L Dutch Health Council 26 09 2012 Traditionally living populations in East Africa have a mean serum 25(OHD) concentration of 115 nmol/L Luxwolda, Br J Nutr 2012 Inhoud 21st Century Hunter gatherer - Metabool syndroom - Evolutionaire geneeskunde/veranderende omgeving - Waar komen we vandaan? - Valse signalen van ontsteking * Fysieke activiteit * Voeding Macronutriënten, CHO, eiwit Vetzuren, visolie Vitamine D - 21ste eeuw jager-verzamelaar - Conclusies Huidige leefstijl Chronische systemische lage graad ontsteking Insuline resistentie tijd Metabool syndroom tijd Metabool syndroom gerelateerde ziektes De trigger en het aanhouden hiervan is abnormaal NIET de respons 21 Yakky! Moet ik dit dan weer gaan doen? Conventional vs. lifestyle medicine approaches Conventional Lifestyle Foto: Remko Kuipers en Martine Luxwolda Egger, Med J Aust 2009 Moet ik weer knollen gaan graven? Moderne jager-verzamelaars US jagen in de Supermarkt English AB19 Die voedings pyramide moet op zijn kop Dit is dus okay! Wat overblijft is groente/fruit and dierlijke producten AB19 22 Eet meer groente en pluk de vruchten van het leven EPA and DHA per 100 g fish Fedacko Pathophysiology 2007 Dit is NIET okay Dit is het alternatief Sometimes it is better to go fishing! 23