February 2010 - Indianapolis HOG Chapter #1


February 2010 - Indianapolis HOG Chapter #1
Harley Owners Group
Northside Harley News
February 2010
Message from Your Director
I left the house early for the chapter
meeting last weekend to allow time for
potentially bad roads and the heavy
snow that had fallen overnight. I admit
that I was most surprised by the fact
that the weather-people actually called
this one correctly; it looked like we got
exactly what they said we would: snow
and plenty of it. Nonetheless, I made
my way to the dealership without incident, mostly owing to the fact that there
were very few people on the road that
early on a snowy Saturday morning.
No longer a daily commuter, I always
look forward to the early morning
drives for our chapter meetings. Even
this winter morning held its own rewards as the ground was blanketed with
a new covering of white snow whipped
smooth by driving winds. As much as I
would like to have been riding the
Harley into the meeting, I admit that I
enjoyed my near-solitary drive through
this winter scene in the early light of
Volume 23, Issue 2
In This Issue
Activities Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . thru-out
Bulletin Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Dealership News . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Getting to Know You . . . . . . . . . . . 7
New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Officers, 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Activities Co-Directors . . . . . . . . . 6
Assistant Director . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Safety Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Secretary (meeting minutes) . . . . . 2
Rider Education Courses ABATE . . . 8
I was unsure as to what to expect for
a turnout as the roads outside of Indianapolis were in even worse conditions
due to drifting and accidents. When I
arrived at the dealership, it was just me
and the guy clearing snow from the
parking lot. But, within ten minutes,
Bill and Mistee drove in and then it was
a steady stream of members and employees. Given the weather, we had a
great showing for attendance at the
chapter meeting. I appreciate everyone
who braved the elements and were able
to make it there safely. To those that
weren’t able to make the meeting, I ate
an extra doughnut in your honor.
The meeting had a full agenda and
we covered a lot of territory. Marty
Dickerson from Gleaners Food Bank
dropped in to give us a quick update on
Gleaners and to say thanks, once again,
for the proceeds from the Charity Auction in December. It is always good to
see Marty and to hear about Gleaners.
Mike Boudreau officially opened the
planning season for Flags for Heroes
on Memorial Day weekend. In all
honesty, there isn’t a month in the year
that Mike isn’t thinking about this event
or working directly on it. This year’s
event promises to be even larger and
more significant. Thanks to Mike’s
direction, our chapter is taking a lead
role in this event as it continues to grow
and to impact more and more of our
fellow citizens. Mark your calendar
now to ride with the chapter or attend
the ceremony at the Indiana War
Memorial and be a part of a new and
honorable tradition. I can’t think of a
better tribute for Memorial Day than to
be a part of this landmark event.
Jeff Heck also took the podium to
speak of the recent Dealers show.
There are always good things to be
gleaned from this event. He also went
on to announce the new service rates
for the dealership. Be sure to see Carlos
and the guys in the Service department
for your next service and for winter
specials. Jeff also announced that
Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis is
sponsoring a custom bike show at the
‘500 World of Wheels to be held the
weekend of 12-14 February 2010. The
dealership will have a large booth area
at this event and are encouraging members to enter their bikes in the show. In
addition to this show, the dealership
will also have a large presence at the
Motorcycle Expo on 25-28 February
2010. Both of these events are held at
the Indiana State Fairgrounds and draw
large crowds. So, if the long, gray days
of winter are getting you down and you
feel the need to talk with kindred spirits
about riding with a warm breeze in
your hair, head to the fairgrounds.
You will also remember that the
Motorcycle Expo is the first opportunity to sign up for the ABATE Beginner
Course and the Experienced Riders
Course. As you know this is a popular
attraction at the Expo and often sees a
long line of interested riders looking to
get their choice of classes before they
fill. HOWEVER, this year is the first
time that our chapter will have a chance
to sign up for a beginners or experienced rider’s course before the Expo
opens its doors. Will Huston, our Safety
Officer, has made arrangements for
Chapter #1 to have a dedicated class of
continued on page 3
Northside Harley NEWS
Indianapolis Chapter No. 1
Sat, Feb 6, 2010, Chapter Meeting Minutes
Submitted by Mistee Rushton
Ken White called meeting to
order at 9:00 a.m.
The sign in sheet indicated
71 members present.
Opening General
• A big “thank you” to H-D of
Indy for the breakfast treats.
Introduction/Welcome of New Members/Guests:
• Introduction of new members. Welcome back recently joined
members. Welcome to all! Please participate in HOG
Chapter rides and events. Get involved! Have fun and ride!
Officer’s Report:
Director, Ken White. Chaired the meeting.
1. Thanks for coming out today! Especially with the weather!
2. Let us recognize our friends & family in the armed forces.
WE SHALL NEVER FORGET!!! Please take a minute to
remember the sacrifices that these great Americans have
made for all of us.
3. Our committee to re-vamp our chapter by-laws has been
filled. Work will start on this task soon. Thanks to all who
stepped up & volunteered to help.
4. P.O.T. (Primary Officer Training) is in April. Seven officers
will be attending in Milwaukee.
5. Also, please consider participating in the HOG mileage
program. It’s free & well worth it.
Assistant Director, Mike Boudreau. The Flags for Heroes
Ride is in the works & progressing very well. I am looking for
a committee of volunteers to help us. If you are interested,
please see me or e-mail me. My goal is to have 100 bikes this
year. It will be an open ride. Parking is going to be guaranteed.
If you have any suggestions on the theme of this years ride,
please see me or e-mail me.
Treasurer, Bill Rushton: Currently we have $2899 in our
checking account. Charity fund has $476.62. And our savings
account has $1892.16.
Secretary, Mistee Rushton: Please be sure to sign in at each
meeting. Also, one of our goals this year is to become more
self-sufficient. Tasks that the dealership used to take care of
for us, we will handle ourselves. One of these things will be
ordering chapter name tags. They are $8.00 & must be prepaid before placing the order. We must also have a minimum
of 12 before placing an order.
Activities Coordinators:
Bill Keesling: Looking forward to riding season. Am work2
ing on putting together some good rides. Will welcome any
suggestions from chapter members on rides you’d like to see.
We would like to do two rides a month. Also, will be putting
together a ride going to New England. It will be 10-14 days,
leaving in July after the chapter meeting.
Greg Shipley: Snowed In!
Safety Director, Will Huston: I have info on the Basic and
Experienced Rider Courses. The BRC will be 4/30, 5/1, & 5/2.
Cost is $50. The ERC will be 5/2 & the cost is $25. Payment
must be made by Feb. 25. If you are interested, please see me
or e-mail me.
Road Captain, Ted Rossell: Snowed In!
Publicity, Mark Bowman: Ads in our newsletter run $60 per
year or $5 per month. Please see me. We also have 1/2 page
or full page ads available. Advertising is almost all chapter
members, so when in need of services, please consider using
our members first. Thanks to all who advertised with us.
Historian, Chip Sandleben: Nothing to report.
Sergeant at Arms, Ken Whisman: Nothing to report.
Awards Chairperson, Matt Benn: 29 days and counting!
Charity Fund, Denise Benn: 50/50 raffle of $127 to Mitch
Merritt. $25 gift cards to Paul Boekle & Wendell Stephens.
Membership, Cyndi Bradshaw: Thank you for making the
renewal process smooth. If you did not receive your membership card, I have them ready. Please check your Nat’l. HOG
membership status, as a lot of yours are close to expiring.
Newsletter Editor, Sherry Shipley: Snowed In!
Jeff Heck: H-D of Indy will have a booth at the motorcycle
expo in late Feb, as well as have space at the 500 World of
Wheels. We also have “SONS OF ANARCHY” merchandise
here at the store.
Donna Dellen: Loop Memorial Ride for Russ Dellen will be
Aug. 21. Proceeds will benefit St. Mary’s, Fairbanks, IU
dance marathon, & Rock for the Cure. Trying to get things
ramped up early to create excitement. We are looking for
volunteers to help with several tasks. If you are able to help,
please let us know.
Feb 6:
HOG Chapter meeting, 9 a.m.
Feb 20:
Chapter Officers meeting
Mar 6:
HOG chapter meeting, 9 a.m.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Northside Harley NEWS
Report From Your
Hi Everyone,
We had a great
turn out for our
Feb meeting
considering we
had about 4
inches of snow
the night before.
I was beginning
to wonder if I
was going to get out and be able to attend the meeting. We will continue the
renewal process for those folks who
could not make the January or February
meetings. Just as a reminder, as a regular member you are still required to pay
the full price of $12.00 for the year no
matter when you renew. There is no
pro-rating for existing members, this is
only for new members joining the
chapter throughout the year.
The weather has been brutal the first
couple of months of this New Year.
This is the first year since coming out
here in 2003 that I have not been able
to take my bike out at least once for a
short ride during the winter.
We are starting to get ready for the
riding season, so if you have any ideas
for rides and/or you would like to help
out with a ride, please see Greg Shipley
or Bill Keesling with your ideas. Flags
For Heroes is coming along great and
we have received confirmation already
from our primary speakers and other
people that helped make last year’s
event great. We are always looking for
people that would like to help us pull
everything together. At the March
meeting I will be looking for members
that would like to be part of committee
to help complete the event. My Goal is
have at least 100 bikes for our ride
down to Louisville and back.
I’m looking forward to a very exciting year. I believe that we have a great
group of officers and I look forward to
continuing the great tradition and expectation of having great rides during
the summer. I look forward to seeing
everyone at our next meeting in March.
Michael Boudreau
Assistant Director
Message from Your Director
(cont’d from page 1)
12 members in each of these programs.
Contact Will ASAP to reserve your seat
before the deadline. Look for more
information in this newsletter.
And it was good to have Donna
Dellen step to the podium once again.
Donna came to speak of this year’s
Loop Memorial Ride for Russ Dellen to
be held on August 21. Plans and details
are already in the works for this huge
event and Chapter #1 has an opportunity to play a large role. In addition,
Donna gave us insight into the activities
planned for this riding season leading
up to the ride. To kick things off,
Donna asked for volunteers from the
chapter to assist with pre-registration
for The Loop at the World of Wheels
and the Motorcycle Expo. I am proud
to say our chapter members stepped up
and committed to help out in nearly
every time slot for both events! If you
want in on the action and the fun,
contact Donna or let me know!!
I hope you are seeing the beginnings
of a riding season for our chapter that will offer a full venue of
activities. Bill Keesling and
Greg Shipley are pulling together the details of the chapter
schedule and have even more in
store for us this season. I hope
you are making plans to be a
part of the fun and a part of the
chapter this coming season.
Stay tuned as more develops in
the coming couple of months as
the days continue to get longer
and the snow less frequent.
Ride Far, Be
Safe, & Enjoy,
Northside Harley NEWS
2010 Chapter Sponsor and Officers
Dealer Sponsor
Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis
4146 E 96th Street • Indianapolis IN 46240
317.815.1800 • 888.743.3123
Nick Dellen (O) 317.815.7040
(E) ndellen@dellen.com
Road Captain
Ted Rossell
Publicity Chair
Mark Bowman
Sergeant at Arms
Ken Whisman
Ken White
Chip Sandleben
Assistant Director
Mike Boudreau
Charity Fund Chair
Denise Benn
Bill Rushton
Awards Chair
Matt Benn
Mistee Rushton
Co-Activities Directors:
Greg Shipley
Bill Keesling
Safety Director
Will Huston
Dealership News
In a time when prices always
seem to rise, I am very proud to
announce we will be lowering our
service rate from $85 to $75 per
hour effective immediately. I encourage you to take advantage
and get that Christmas chrome installed or get an early jump on
your spring service. Also come in
to check out some of the new
Parts and Motorclothes releasesfrom the Winter Dealer Meeting. While you're here make sure
you check out our 2 custom-painted Street Glides. We will be
doing custom paint sets on other 2010 models and can give
you a quote on painting your bike. The only limit is your
Remember to renew your chapter membership – form is
available at www.hdofindy.com. Contact Cyndi Bradshaw
for membership cards.
See you around!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Donuts & Coffee @ 8:30 am • Meeting @ 9:00am
Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis
Membership Officer
Cyndi Bradshaw
Newsletter Editor
Sherry Shipley
H-D Indianapolis
Jeff Heck
20 20 Eye Physicians of
Indiana, PC
20 20 West 86th Street, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46260
Offering comprehensive eye care including glasses,
contact lenses, medical exams and surgery.
Northside Harley NEWS
Message from Chapter Safety Officer
In the January News letter we
spoke of offering a “Basic Riders
Course” as well as an “Experienced Riders Course” for Indianapolis H.O.G. Chapter #1
members through ABATE of Indiana. Well the good news is we
have be able to secure the dates
for both the BRC and ERC. The
dates are as follows:
Basic Riders Course: Friday,
April 30th – Sunday, May 2nd
Experienced Riders Course: Sunday, May 2nd
BASIC RIDER COURSE – BRC: An 18 hour course and is
designed for beginning or experienced motorcycle riders. You
must attend all three days to pass the BRC. The first class will
meet Friday, April 30th from 5:30 pm. to 10:00 pm., Saturday,
May 1st from 8:00 am. to 6:00 pm. and Sunday, April 2nd
from 8:00 am. to 4:00 pm. This class will be held in Carmel,
IN. The cost for the BRC is $50.00 for ABATE members and
$75.00 for non-members. Fees are not refundable!
course taken on your own motorcycle. Your motorcycle must
first pass an inspection by the instructor to make sure that it is
in proper condition to participate in the course. This class will
be held on Sunday, May 2nd beginning at 11:30 am. ending at
4:30 pm. and this class will be held in Carmel, IN. as well.
The cost for the ERC is $25.00 for ABATE members and
$50.00 for non-members. Fees are not refundable!
As of February 6, 2010 we have eight (8) members signed
up for the BRC and nine (9) members for the ERC. Both
classes have room for 12-students. The Instructor-to-student
ratio is 1 to 6. I must have all funds to Indiana ABATE on or
before February 25th. I in turn need payment from all participants by Saturday, February 20, 2010. Check out HOGTAILS to check out the updated information that I presented at
the monthly meeting on February 6, 2010.
For those individuals who contacted me via email to secure
a seat in either the BRC or ERC, I have already sent each of
you, information on the classes and a request for your payment. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me an email
at harleyrider1954@hotmail.com or call me at 317-771-3784.
If you need to pay for either the BRC or ERC, please send me
a check or money order for the proper amount to:
William Huston
4828 Birmingham Drive
Indianapolis, IN. 46235
Ride Safe,
Will Huston
Submitted by Cyndi Bradshaw
I would like to remind everyone to check your National
Membership’s expiration date.
As I was updating the local
membership renewals, I noted
quite a few that will be expiring soon, February through
May. You can log-on HOG.com
to see when your membership
expires and also renew on-line.
If you aren’t already on an automatic reminder for renewal,
you can set that up also. Since we had a lower than usual attendance for February due to the weather, I have quite a few
local membership cards still, so be sure in March to see me for
your cards. If you cannot attend the meeting contact me at
cyndi@bcc-indy.com to make other arrangements. Membership renewal forms are available at hdofIndy.com, HOG.
Chapter. I am sure we are all counting down the days,
itching to ride… well everyday that goes by is one day
closer to Spring!
Welcome New
Members . . .
Steve Foreman
Jon McCain
Thomas Bandy
Jeremy Boardman
Adam Brackin
Joshua Gaines
Bruce Hanson
Christina Harshmana
Ryuichi Hosokawa
David Rains
David Wilcox
Jeffrey Long
Todd Nagel
John Roberson
Glenn Roberts
Robert Saffel
Ryan Shietz
Northside Harley NEWS
2010 Activities – start marking your calendars!
Hello Riders!
Your Activities Directors have been
very busy developing the 2010 riding
season. As we are still in the planning
stages, please check the calendar
often in the coming months – we will
post details in the newsletter as info
becomes available.
This season, we are working to add
a second chapter ride each month –
one will continue to follow our regular monthly chapter meeting, with a
second week-end ride later each
month. In addition, there will be week day rides available,
dinner rides, and possibly a Dealer Appreciation picnic/ice
cream ride. Anyone interested in planning/leading a dinner
ride should contact either Greg or Bill.
Several destinations are still to be determined, but be prepared to head in some different directions this year – west into
Illinois and also east into Ohio. Lunch stops will continue to
be a part of each destination, but several rides this season will
include multiple stop options to different places-of-interest.
We are currently working on at least one overnight trip this
season. One already in the works will be August 7, following
the chapter meeting. Lunch destination is Metamora. For those
continuing, we are headed to the Riverboat Inn, Madison IN.
Details for the ride, destination activities, room reservations,
etc., will be in next month’s newsletter.
Of course, there is the Flags for Heroes ride, The Loop
Memorial Ride for Russ Dellen, the escorted ride to an Indians
Game (details below), Jack Schoettle’s annual Smoky Mountain trip, Yankee Doodle Dandy Ride (details below), and natl
HOG events such as Million Mile Monday, Indiana HOG
Rally, and Ridin’ the Ridge. This is just to name some of the
activities coming up this season. Are you excited yet?
Saturday, April 3 – the Breakout Ride, first ride of the year,
immediately following the chapter meeting.
Saturday, April 24 – 10am, HD of Indy, New Group
Riders Orientation Ride (All members welcome).
Friday Evening, June 11th – Baseball ride, HD of Indy.
Escorted ride to Indianapolis Indians Game
Rides following chapter meetings: May 1, June 5, July 10,
August 7, Sept 11, Oct 2
2nd monthly ride will lead HD of Indy, 9am: June 26, July
24, Aug 21, Sept 18
Indians Game family night, Friday evening, June 4
Join us for an escorted ride to Victory Field for a wonderful
evening of minor league baseball. The Indianapolis Indians
‘Triple A’ affiliate of the Pittsburg Pirates will take on the
Columbus Clippers ‘Triple A’ affiliate of the Cleveland Indians
at 7:15 pm. Tickets are $11.00 each and reserved parking for
motorcycles will be $5.00 in the garage across the street. This
event is for the whole family and sold out last year, so reserve
early – we only have 100 seats together in section 107 which
is near the dugout on the third base side. Victory Field was
recently named “Best Minor League Ballpark in America”.
The ride will leave HD of Indy at
6:00pm, with a Police escort.
Yankee Doodle Dandy Ride,
July 14th –31st
10-14 days, exact length yet to be
determined, but most likely 13-14
days. We will ride through New
England, Maine, Vermont, New
Hampshire, and many points in
between, including but not just, Niagara Falls, Catskills, and more. No
motel reservations, as we should be able to handle up to 20–30
riders without trying to plan every day and night by making
reservations. Interested riders contact Bill Keesling, billkeesling@hotmail.com. Would like to get an idea of number
of riders as soon as possible to plan route and possible places
to see. Will plan on sharing rooms when possible to lower
total cost.
Annual Smoky Mountains trip, June 12 – 18
Ride The Dragon and other interesting sights in the beautiful
Smoky Mountains. Contact Jack Schoettle, 481-0557.
So watch for details in coming months! Don’t hesitate to
contact us if you have suggestions.
Greg Shipley 769-3298
Bill Keesling 388-9239
Jason Long
Office: 317-776-0200
Cell: 317-292-8156
VM: 317-735-7794
Fax: 317-776-6630
F. C. Tucker Company, Inc.
Northside Harley NEWS
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to Right - Bill Rushton,
Ryan Nickel and Dan Lockart, Jr.
Getting to Know You ...
HI, My Name is David Nicholson. For those of you that
don’t know me and those that do, here’s just a little Bio.
I was born and raised in Indianapolis, sometime a few
decades ago and lived on the south side of Indianapolis the
majority of my childhood. I did move north of Washington
street and attended TC Howe High school (which is south of
washington street ironically) and graduated in 1974. I worked
many jobs through-out my early adulthood but one of the
longest was working for IVC industrial coatings: a manufacturing company for industrial paint and printing inks. I joined
the Indianapolis Police Department in 1981 and yes, I’m still
there. Presently, I process crime scenes for the Police Department, on the north side of the county.
I was previously married and have 3 children. I have one
grandchild by my oldest daughter Denise, and she is presently
expecting again. My son David is in the Army. He has served
two tours in Iraq and is presently preparing to leave for
Afghanistan this year for his 3rd tour overseas. My youngest
daughter Lindsey still lives with me. She is graduating this
spring and currently attends PJ’s Beauty College as well.
My interests include of course Harley-Davidson motorcycles. I’ve had many models, but currently have a carbureted
Heritage softtail. It was teal, but I recently painted it black and
it’s in the process of getting back together for the up and coming riding season, Come on warm weather !
I didn’t get to ride last year much because someone decided
they wanted to steal my other bike during the best time of year
for riding. So I’m looking forward to riding season. My other
interests include restoring old cars and I have many to work
on, just not enough time (and money) to get as much done as
I’d like. I also enjoy all sports including football, (GO
COLTS), basketball and of course golf. I may not be a scratch
golfer but I love to play, oh yeah… Bowling is fun too when
you’re getting a ton of strikes but, one or two each game
shows room for improvement.
I know that’s a real quick bio, but now you know some
things you may have not known.
Thanks, look forward to meeting you at a meeting or ride
this year!
David Nicholson
Please Remember to Renew Your Chapter Membership TODAY!
Form available at www.hdofindy.com, HOG Chapter.
Northside Harley NEWS
Update for BRC & ERC for Indianapolis H.O.G. Chapter #1
More from your Chapter Safety Officer
Kim Tyger of Indiana ABATE; has set a
“tentative schedule” for both the Basic
Rider Course and the Experienced Rider
Course. Both classes will be held in
Carmel, IN.
For ERC you must have:
• Your own motorcycle
• Protective riding gear. (same as BRC)
• Motorcycle Learners Permit
• Proof of Insurance
BRC is a 3-day class:
Friday, April, 30th, 5:45 pm –10:00 pm
Saturday, May 1st, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sunday, April 2nd, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Class is limited to first 12 members who
sign up with me before Feb 25th.
Interested members please send an e-mail
confirming your desire to take either the
BRC or ERC. I need to provide the following to ABATE prior to the start of the class:
ALL STUDENTS: You will need to have a
helmet, eye protection, long sleeves, long
pants, gloves, and sturdy over-the-ankle
footwear. Note: This class is on a pass or
fail basis. ABATE of Indiana assumes no
responsibility for any student completion of
these rider education courses.
To complete the course you must attend all
sessions, pass a written and riding exam.
Motorcycles are provided.
ERC is a 5-hour course:
Sunday, May 2nd, 11:30 am – 4:30 pm
Recommended experience:
2 years or 5,000 miles
Saturday, March 6, 2010, 9:00am
Harley-Davidson of Indianapolis
Date of birth
Phone Number
Driver’s license no.
And payment prior to Feb 25th.
As a “group” ABATE will waive the registration fee as we are doing most of the “leg
work” for them. The cost is $50.00 for the
BRC and $25.00 for the ERC. I only have
room for 12 students in each class, so it is
first come, first served. As of February 5,
2010, I have 2 members signed up for the
BRC and 6 members for the ERC. Also,
there are no refunds, so if you sign up and
then can’t make it on that date you will lose
your fee, unless we have members waiting
in-line for an open spot.
Will Huston, Safety Officer
Cell Phone: 317-771-3784
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Indianapolis IN 46326
Northside Harley NEWS
Categories: Gen’l Events; H.O.G. Indianapolis Chapter No. 1 Member Events; H-D of Indpls Events
22 Mon
Washington’s Birthday
Motorcycle Expo
6 Sat
14 Sun
17 Wed
20 Sat
Daytona Bike Week
Monthly Meeting (Donuts/coffee @ 8:30 am)
Daylight savings time begins
St Patrick Day
First day of spring, sale at HD of Indy
1 Thur
3 Sat
April Fool’s Day
Monthly Meeting (Donuts/coffee @ 8:30 am)
Chapter Breakout Ride. Destination TBD
P.O.T. Milwaukee, WI
New Rider orientation ride. Destination TBD
ABATE Basic Rider Course
4 Sun
9 to 11
15 Thur
24 Sat
30 Fri
1 Sat
2 Sun
5 Wed
9 Sun
29 Sat
4 Fri
5 Sat
12 to 18
20 Sun
24 to 26
28 Mon
4 Sun
10 Sat
12 to16
14 to 31
31 Sat
LV Time
Contact Person
Contact #’s
LV Time
Daytona Beach, FL
HD Indpls
9:00 AM
Contact Person
Contact #’s
Ken White
State Fairgrounds
HD Indpls
All Day
LV Time
Contact Person
Contact #’s
HD Indpls
HD Indpls
9:00 AM
Ken White
Bill Keesling
HD Indpls
Greg Shipley
Will Huston
Monthly Meeting (Donuts/coffee @ 8:30 am)
Chapter May Day Ride. Destination TBD
ABATE Basic Rider Course continued
ABATE Basic Ride Course continued
ABATE Experienced Rider Course
Cinco De Mayo
Mother’s Day
Flags for Heroes Ride
HD Indpls
HD Indpls
LV Time
9:00 AM
Contact Person
Ken White
Greg Shipley
Will Huston
Will Huston
Will Huston
Contact #’s
Mike Boudreau
Ride to Indpls Indians game
Monthly Meeting (Donuts/coffee @ 8:30 am)
Chapter Ride to Brown Co
Smokey Mountain Ride
Father’s Day
Indiana HOG Rally Richmond, IN
H.O.G. Million Mile Monday
HD Indpls
HD Indpls
HD Indpls
LV Time
9:00 AM
Contact Person
Greg Shipley
Ken White
Bill Keesling
Jack Schoettle
Contact #’s
Independence Day
Monthly Meeting (Donuts/coffee @ 8:30 am)
Chapter Ride, Racoon Lake
Ridin' the Ridge HOG Nat'l event
Yankee Doodle Dandy Ride
HD of Indy open house
LV Time
Contact Person
Contact #’s
HD Indpls
HD Indpls
9:00 AM
Ken White
Bill Keesling
Bill Keesling
HD Indpls
All Day
HD Indpls
Northside Harley NEWS
Style . . . Beauty . . .
HOG member Bob Hines creates
incredible work this
Stunning. . .
Northside Harley NEWS
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Call Mark Bowman Publicity Chair mbowman1@indy.rr.com • 317.846.5476
Great Nails By Kay
1520 Cool Creek Dr.
Carmel, IN 46033
Office: 317.810.9095
Fax: 317.573.0095
Cell: 317.339.1253
Email: chuck@telcomdata.com
Web: telcomdata.com
Awaken your senses and have
some fun learning to talk with
your hands and listen
with your eyes!
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Cyndi Bradshaw
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Northside Harley NEWS
Clients First – We Make It Personal!
– How much insurance should I have?
– How can I protect myself before a crash?
– How can I protect myself after a crash?
As HOG Chapter #1 Members and National HOG Lifetime
members, we are more than happy to answer any questions
you have. You won’t just be a "case" with Sevenish Law
Firm. We offer compassion, quality legal advice in plain
English, we are riders ourselves, we know bikers, we
understand motorcycle injury law; bikers have trusted
us for years.
Motorcycle Owners & Riders:
Insurance Companies DON’T Want You To Know
If You Have a Motorcycle Injury Claim
By Randall Sevenish, Esq.
Call or email for your FREE copy now!
As a veteran motorcycle rider, retired captain & SWAT
commander with the Marion County Sheriff's Department,
you will get the experience you need to help you get the
answers and results you deserve. As an attorney, I have
over 23 years of handling motorcycle injury cases, have a
solid record of securing settlements, and would be honored
to help you with your situation as a fellow HOG chapter
As you know, motorcyclists often experience significant
personal injuries when involved in a crash. Understanding
your rights and knowing exactly what to do when involved
in an accident isn’t always easy. We are here to tell you
what you need to know.
CALL Sevenish Law at (317) 636-7777 or visit us at
www.SevenishLaw.com for:
• Free consultation at home, hospital or office
• Free legal advice on insurance issues including type
of coverage’s
• Free Indiana Crash Book – information that is helpful
and relevant
• Watch as we Update our website to include educational
motorcycle videos and chances to win a gift card by
responding to our quiz question
• Free “Hidden Secrets” for Motorcyclists – tips on buying
insurance, types of coverage and what to do before or
after a crash
We don't get paid unless you do.
Find out why we Make it Personal.
Northside Harley NEWS
Bulletin Board
Place your for sale items for free.
Contact: Sherry • 317.769.4106 • harleygrl@tds.net
Attn: If Your Item Sells, please contact Sherry ASAP!
For Sale:
Harley-Davidson “Rallyrunner” Leather Motorcycle
seat model #54030-04 w/Scorpion Style Stitching.
This seat fits 2000 & later Softail Models except:
FXSTD, FLSTSI & FLSTN. This seat is like brand
new, still wrapped in original plastic and box. New
price = $400. Current price = $290. Contact Hog
Chapter #1 member, Kent Garceau @ 317.679.4626.
Please feel free to leave a message.
For Sale:
“LOAD-ALL” Multi-Purpose Loading System with
a “Condor Wheel Chock”. I use mine for my 02
Dyna. Fits in my 2005 Silverado 1500 extended cab.
Go on-line to see more details at www.loadall.com.
Asking $1500.00 or OBO. 317-501-3105.
1992 Harley-Davidson FXRS Conv Low
Rider (Black) with 12,300 miles. Near
perfect condition, recreational use only
when dry, garage stored when not in use.
Rubber mounted Evolution Engine 1340cc, stock bike w/
exception of rejetting carb and removing baffles from
exhaust. Both steps taken to increase HP. Bike has never
been crashed or damaged. Original paint, has wonderful
curb appeal. Purchased in 1992 w/126 miles,
no other rider or owner, all maintenance performed by H-D of Indy authorized mechanics,
records available. Asking $8,200. Call Mike
@ 706-0380 or mjkenniff@aol.com
For Sale:
Mustang tour seat for Heritage Softail, used only on
trips. In orig. box & plastic. $50 OBO. Küryakyn
adjustable floorborads for Heritage Softail. $20
OBO. 6” tinted windshield used once. ‘08 FLHTC.
$30 OBO. H-D foot pegs for Engine guard. $20
OBO. Call Steve Smith, 317.297.5950
For Sale:
I have a great Tourmaster/Cortech
DSX Blue Denim Jacket for Sale,
Size XL/Mens 46, never worn; still
had the tags; vented; shoulder,
elbow, and spine inserts; zip out
liner. I lost a bunch of weight and
never wore it. $69. Paid $120. Call Jerry Brown at
843-9430. This is a top-selling jacket. Do a Google
search and see what a great deal this is!
For Sale:
2007 FLSTF Fatboy – 96 CI, 6-speed, shotgun pipes,
sissybar and pad, Stage 1 kit, detachable windshield,
custom grips and floorboards, 800 miles, asking
$16,800 obo. Have $23,000 invested. Partial trade
possible. Contact Marco 710.9998
For Sale:
Set of loud mufflers; crash bar for Fat Boy; Set of
aftr-market leather saddlebags. Make offer.
Contact Marco 710.9998
For Sale:
2008 Harley 1200 black Sportster, only 3000 miles.
$9,400. Jim Snider: jsnider500@yahoo.com
For Sale:
Boss Bags Saddlebag Set, model
36D, detachable bags for H-D Softail Deluxe (recommended lower
pipes on cycle), all hardware, pins,
locks, straps, etc. Very good shape,
used 2-months, 8-oz leather. Asking $850.
Call Tim 317.379.1483