Update on Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis
Update on Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis
Update on Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis Sophia Ish-Shalom Bone and Mineral Metabolism Unit Rambam Health Care Campus Outline • Assessment of fracture risk • Differential diagnosis: Osteoporosis vs. Osteomalacia • Vitamin D Dosage and administration • Glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis • Treatment of osteoporosis – Antiresorbing – Novel therapies( strontium ranelate, denosumab) – Anabolic treatment – Treatment of GIOP – Rare complications of treatment Atypical fractures and ONJ) תיאור מקרה • • • • • אישה בת 77ילידת פולין ,נ ,3+פרופ' בפנסיה באוניברסיטה ,עדיין עובדת .כעת עורכת ספר בתחום בלשנות .מבלה שעות רבות ליד מחשב. סבלה לפני 4חודשים מתמט ב ,L4 -לאחר שהחליקה בחדר אמבטיה. צפיפות עצם בע"ש – ( T SCORE ( -1.2וצוואר הירך- )T SCORE ( -2 בדיקת צפיפות עצם בוצעה מספר פעמים ,מגיל ,60אך נאמר לה שמצבה אינו מצריך טיפול תרופתי מלבד 1 CALCIUM + Dביום ,בגלל צריכת סידן בלתי מספקת בתזונה. צפיפות עצם בע"ש עלתה תוך טיפול זה. • • • • • • יתר לחץ דם וסוכרת מאוזנת ב. GLUCOPHAGE - היפרליפידמיה מטופלת ב 20 Simvastatin -מג'/יום. יתר לחץ דם מטפל בENALADEX - מזה שנה סובלת מכאב לאורך הירכיים בהליכה, תחושה של חוסר יציבות בהליכה ,נפלה 3פעמים בשנה האחרונה. לפני שנתיים ,סבלה מכאב גב לאחר ש"נחתה" בחוזקה למושב באוטובוס בעת נסיעה ,הייתה מרותקת לבית במשך 3שבועות .הכאב הוקל בהדרגה אך עדיין קיים ומתגבר לאחר עמידה ממושכת. אמה נפטרה בגיל 78לאחר שבר צוואר הירך. • • • • • • • לאחר בצוע צילום ע"ש בו נצפו 2תמטים בחוליות ,אחד חדש L4 -ואחר ישן D12-נבדקה רמת 11 - 25OHD נג/מל ( 27.5נמול/ל) לאחר 3חודשי טיפול בוויטמין 4000 Dיחב"ל ביום הרמה תקינה ,במקביל חשה הקלה בכאב בירכיים בהליכה החולה אינה מעוניינת בהוספת תרופות היות ולדבריה וגם כך נוטלת מספיק שוכנע לקחת 150 ACTONELמג'/חודש לאחר 3חודשים מסרה על כאבי שרירים ,כאב באפיגסטריום וצרבת הוחל טיפול ב OMEPRADEX -עם הקלה בתסמינים גסטרואינטסטינליים אך כאבי שרירים ללא שינוי מה ההצעה להמשך טיפול? Osteoporosis - Definition Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by a low bone mass and/or microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue leading to increased bone fragility and increased fracture risk. Prevention and Management of Osteoporosis: report of a WHO scientific group. http://whqlibdoc.who.int/trs/ WHO_TRS_921.pdf December 2, 2008. Implications of Osteoporotic Fractures • In 2000 - nine million osteoporotic fractures worldwide; 1 in 5 of these were hip fractures • Osteoporotic fractures: • mortality • quality of life • direct and indirect costs • Approach to reduce the burden of fractures: • Primary prevention = to identify men and women at high risk and intervene before the fracture occurs). BMD T score -2.5? • Most fragility fractures occur among patients who have a BMD T-score in the osteopenic range. Dawson-Hughes B et al. Osteoporos Int. 2010 21(1):41-52 Fractures are Associated with a Significant Increase in Mortality Dubbo Study: women 2245; Men 1769; age ≥60 Higher fracture incidence in women Nb fractures over 5 years 300 283 Higher mortality in fractured patients Fractures Men Deaths Women 250 200 Hip Women 32/1000 ps. years Men 17/1000 ps. years 183 154 150 Spine 133 100 107 118 77 50 69 63 65 50 37 Other major fractures 0 Hip Vert. Major* Women Hip Vert. Major* 0 Men *Includes pelvic, distal femur, proximal tibia, multiple rib, and proximal humerus. Bliuc D., et al. JAMA 2009; 301(5): 513-521 †Ratio 1 2 3 Standardised Mortality Ratio† 4 of observed to expected deaths, by gender and fracture type. Estimated Age-Standardized Distribution of Incident Low-Trauma Fractures by Risk Category (BMD and prior fracture) for men and women 50– 7448 partic 90 yr of age. Age 50-90. Osteoporosis - 21% of # in men and 39% in women; L. Langsetmo et Osteopenia - 54% of # in men and 51% in women al, JBMR 2009 Incidence of First and Repeat Low-Trauma Fracture in Men and Women by Age Group • in osteoporotic fractures - 60–70% per decade and similar for first and repeat fractures • the incidence of repeat fractures was at least double the incidence of first fractures. L. Langsetmo et al, JBMR 2009 Grading Scheme for a Semiquantitative Assessment of Vertebral Deformities after Genant 0 no deformity 1 20-25% vertebral height 10-20% projected area 2 25- 40% vertebral height 20%- 40% projected area 3 40% vertebral height 40% projected area Genant HK et al.. J Bone Miner Res 1993;8:1137 –1148 Incidence of First and Repeat Low-Trauma Fracture in Men and Women by Vertebral Deformity Status. • The incidence of first and repeat fracture was = among men with grade 1 VD • In all other subgroups, the incidence of repeat fracture was x3 – x4 than the incidence of first fracture L. Langsetmo et al, JBMR 2009 Diagnosis of Osteoporosis DXA: Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry Quantifiable Risk Factor not a Disease Definition of Osteoporosis in Women According to WHO (diagnostic criteria) Definition BMD T score Strategy Normal ≥ -1 SD Prevention Osteopenia -1 SD < -2.5 Osteoporosis ≤ -2.5 Prevention/ Treatment (FRAX) Treatment Severe Osteoporosis Osteoporosis with Treatment fractures Fracture Risk Calculator FRAX Secondary Osteoporosis in Frax • Enter yes if the patient has a disorder strongly associated with osteoporosis: • type I (insulin dependent) diabetes • osteogenesis imperfecta in adults. • untreated long-standing hyperthyroidism • hypogonadism or premature menopause (<45) • chronic malnutrition • chronic malabsorption • chronic liver disease FRAXאבחון ,מעקב ומעבר מטיפול לטיפול • • • • • • FRAXמשמש להערכת סיכון אבסולטי לשברים לעשור הקרוב, בחולה לפני טיפול אינו מתאים להערכת סיכון בחולים שנוטלים טיפול בפועל ,אין לנו כלים להערכת תגובה או הצלחה טיפולית: בדיקת צפיפות עצם אינה רגישה מספיק ברמה של נבדק בודד בגלל שגיאת המדידה של המכשור ,שלרוב עולה על ההבדל המושג על ידי הטיפול שברים לא בהכרח מעידים על כשלון טיפולי היות ואף טיפול אינו מונע שברים ב ,100% -אך יחד עם זאת היות ושבר מצביע על תוצא טיפולית בלתי מספקת הוא מהווה התוויה למעבר לטיפול אנבולי בחולים שקבלו טיפול נוגד פרוק במשך שנה אחת לפחות. הטיפול האנבולי היחיד אשר רשום בישראל הנו FORTEO Excessive Remodelling Contributes to Osteoporosis Increased bone remodelling Structural deterioration Images courtesy of David W. Dempster, PhD. Increased skeletal fragility Increased fracture risk Lips P et al, Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Mineral Metabolism 7th edition, 2008,329-334 Vitamin D Metabolism 290 – 315 nm Food: Salmon, Mackerel Cod liver oil, Yeasts, Plants, Fortified Foods SKIN Prostate, Placenta Breast; Colon Osteoblasts Keratynocytes Immune cells 1,25(OH)2D3 Regulation of cell growth (cancer prevention) Regulation ofRegulation immune of immune function function PH Anderson et al. Clin Biochem Rev. 2003 February; 24(1): 13–26 7 dehydrocholesterol Major circulating metabolite used to determine vitamin D status Bone Effects of Vitamin D Deficiency • Ca X P insufficient insufficient mineralization • Osteoblasts continue bone deposition • Endoosteal surface • Periosteal surface Rubbery matrix with insufficient support • Matrix hydrates and expands under periosteal covering outward pressure on periosteal covering innervated with sensory nerves Lips P et al, Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Mineral Metabolism 7th edition, 2008,329-334 ספיגת הסידן במעי 1,25(OH)2D חלל המעי TRPV 6 TRPV 5 < של סידן שנצרך בתזונה10% – 15% Ca++ מהזרחן שנצרך בתזונה60% עד נספגיםD ויטמין במצב של ספיקה תקינה של Transcellular transport saturation at 400 25(OH)D80% D3 31,25(OH) מהסידן עד230% mg/day מהזרחן80% עד70% Paracellular transport 1,25(OH)2D • • ATP VDR ADP PMCA נספגיםD ויטמין בחסר ++ Ca ++ Ca calbindin 30 mg per 100 mg of ingested calcium Lips P et al, Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Mineral Metabolism 7th edition, 2008,329-334 Lips P et al, Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Mineral Metabolism 7th edition, 2008,329-334 A High Prevalence of Vitamin D Inadequacy* Was Seen Across All Geographic Regions In a cross-sectional, international study in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis 90 81.8% N=2589 80 Prevalence (%) Risk factors for vitamin D inadequacy : 70 71.4% 63.9% 60.3% 57.7% 2 53.4% kg/m (odds ratio, 2.4 [ 1.83, 3.14]) • body60mass index >30 50 • living40in a nonequatorial climate (1.91 [1.58, 2.32]) 30 • possessing fair to poor health (1.86 [1.49, 2.33]) 20 10 • no recent travel to sunny areas (1.86 [1.54, 2.25]) 0 All Latin America Europe Middle East Asia Australia • vitamin D supplementation <400 IU/day (1.78 [1.41, 2.24]) Regions • no vitamin D supplementation (2.36 [1.97, 2.82]). *Vitamin D inadequacy was defined as serum 25(OH)D <30 ng/mL. Study Design: Cross-sectional, international study of 2589 community-dwelling women with osteoporosis from 18 countries to evaluate serum 25(OH)D distribution Adapted from Lips P et al. J Intern Med. 2006 Sep;260(3):245-54. Adherence to vitamin D Treatment 3 Month after Hospital Discharge 29 (24%) 93 (76%) non-adherent adherent E. Segal et al. JAGS, 2004; 52: 474-475(2) מטאנליזה – מניעת שברים ונפילות • אנשים בני +65 • 12מחקים מבוקרים כפולי סמיות –שברים בגפיים • 8מחקרים – שבר צוואר הירך • 40,886משתתפים • במינונים מעל 700יחב"ל • בהיארעות שברים ב- 29%בקרב המתגוררים בקהילה • בהיארעות שברים ב- 15%בקרב דיירי מוסדות • נפילות 8 :מחקרים 2426 משתתפים ב19% - H. A. Bischoff-Ferrari et al 2009 , Arch Intern Med 169(6):551-61 Definition of Vitamin D Status for Multiple Health Outcomes Vitamin D Status 25(OH)D ng/ml x 2.5= nmol/l 10 25 Insufficiency 10 – 15 25 – 37.5 RDA 50-70years 600 IU/day Normal RDA >70 years 800 IU/day >15 Upper limit 4000 IU/day >37.5 Deficiency 20 50 20 - 30 50 - 75 > 30 >75 Holick 2007 Parfitt, 1970 Recommended target valueMfor 25OHD≥ 20ng/ml M. (75 nmol/l) Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis • Osteoporosis has been reported to occur in up to 50% of patients who require long-term therapy. • Fractures can occur soon after treatment initiation, with a predilection for sites that are rich in trabecular bone: spine, ribs, proximal humerus, distal radius and hip • Patients receiving glucocorticoids fracture bones at thresholds of BMD that are > those seen in postmenopausal osteoporosis, the fracture risk in patients receiving glucocorticoids X2 when T scores fall below –1.5. Arthritis Care & Research; 62;11, 2010, 1515–1526 © 2010, American College of Rheumatology Variability of Skeletal Response to Glucocrticoid Treatment • A 40 years old woman with sarcoidosis of the heart, treated with glucocorticoids for 20 years, lowest prednisone dose 15 mg/day – normal BMD, never fractured, treated with calcium and vitamin D supplements • A 52 years old woman, X-ray technician, 1 year after menopause, treated with glucocorticoids for dermatomyositis for 3 months, prednisone 6020 mg/day and calcium and vitamin D supplements, symptomatic fractures of D12, L1, L3. 6 months later , symptomatic fractures of L2, L4 and further compression of D12, L1, Teriparatide ( Forteo) treatment for 18 months no additional fractures till present Clinical Factors that may Shift an Individual to a Greater Risk Category for Glucocortcoid-Induced Osteoporosis • • • • • • • • • • Age Menstrual status: postmenopausal risk > premenopausal Low BMI (body mass index) Parental history of hip fracture Current smoking 3 alcoholic drinks per day Higher daily glucocorticoid dose Higher cumulative glucocorticoid dose Intravenous pulse glucocorticoid usage Declining central bone mineral density measurement that exceeds the least significant change Arthritis Care & Research; 62;11, 2010, 1515–1526 © 2010, American College of Rheumatology 09ca121 Treatment 8 out of 10 women do not receive treatment during the first year after fracture Brown SA, Rosen CJ. Med Clin North Am 2003;87;1039-1063 נשים -פרויקט למניעת שבר נוסף ברמב"ם 450 385 400 350 300 250 200 25% (95 מטופלות) 150 21% (81מטופלות) 100 50 0 מטופלות אחרי שבר מטופלות לפני שבר מספר נשים בפרויקט גברים -פרויקט למניעת שבר נוסף ברמב"ם 180 160 162 140 120 100 80 60 17( 10.5% מטופלים ) 1.2% ( 2מטופלים ) 40 20 0 מטופלים אחרי שבר מטופלים לפני שבר מספר גברים בפרויקט Antiresorbing Agents Fracture Risk Reduction Fracture Site HT Evista Calcitonin LS + + + Proximal Femur + Non Vertebral Bisphosphonates Pharmacokinetics Food interferes with absorption Fast uptake into bone; 20-80% PLASMA Intestinal Absorption is low; 0.5-1% OH R1 OH O = P—C —P = O OH R2 OH Slow release from bone No biliary secretion Urine is main route of elimination. No metabolites Bisphosphonates Use in Osteoporosis Fracture Site Bisphosph. Fracture Risk and Mortality Reduction 70 – 25% risk reduction Zoledronate Aclasta Alendronate Fosalan Fosavance (D) Risedronate Actonel Zoledronate (Aclasta) 28% in all cause Vertebral ++ patients++ mortality++ in hip fracture Proximal Femur ++ ++ + Non Vertebral ++ ++ ++ Common )≥5% in ZOL) Post-Dose Symptoms Occurring within 3 Days after Infusion Pyrexia 16 Placebo values cross-hatched 15% Incidence (%) 14 12 Myalgia 10 Flu-like illness 8% 8 7% 6% 6 4 2% 2 0 2% 1% 1 2 3 2% 1% 1 2 3 1 Headache 2 3 5% 2% 1% 1 Arthralgia 2 2% 1% 3 1% 1 2 3 Annual Infusion Black DM, Delmas PD, Eastell R, Reid IR, Boonen S, Cauley JA, Cosman F, Lakatos P, et al. N Eng J Med 2007; 356:1809 Why Consider Adherence? Patients (%) with > 80% adherence in first year of therapy 100 80 Adherence to current osteoporosis therapies is low 72.3% 65.4% 60 54.6% 51.2% 40 20 0 Hypertension Type 2 Diabetes Hyper cholesterolemia Osteoporosis Lekkerkerker et al, Osteoporos Int 2007;8(10):1311–7 Briesacher at al. Pharmacotherapy 2008;28(4):437–443 Poor Adherence is Associated with Increased Fracture Risk low Fracture Risk by Adherence Level high p < 0.0001 Increased Risk of Fracture p = 0.0002 1.4 1.2 p = 0.12 1.09 1.18 1.21 50 to <80% <50% 1 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 >90% 80 to 90% high Huybrechts KF, et al. Bone. 2006;38:922-928. Adherence Level low Data from 38,000 women in a managed care database Strontium Renalate Consists of Two Atoms of Stable Strontium and an Organic Moiety (Ranelic Acid) • • • • • • • • Alkaline earth divalent cation Trace element in the human body 0.00044% of the body mass Atomic weight of 87.6 > x2 calcium (40.07) Normal diet 2-4 mg of Sr/day vegetables /cereals Sr competes with Ca for intestinal absorption ratio 0.6-0.7 In bone Sr in mainly absorbed onto the crystal surface Therapeutic dose 2 gr/day = 8 mmol Sr ; 8mml Ca = 320 mg 40 Effect of Strontium Ranelate on BMD and Bone Turnover • BMD - from baseline by 12.7% at the lumbar spine, 7.2% at the femoral neck, and 8.6% at the total hip. • BMD adjusted for strontium content by 6.8% the lumbar spine after 3 yr compared with a of 1.3% in the placebo • Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase 8% • Serum type 1 collagen C-telopeptide cross-links (CTX) by 12% Strontium and vertebral fractures ►SOTI (Spinal osteoporosis therapeutic intervention) – 41% in Vertebral fractures 42 Mounier et al. NEJM 2004;350:459-68 TROPOS – Treatment of Peripheral Osteoporosis (5091 pt) 43 ►Nonvertebral fractures 16% (p=0.04) ►Hip fractures – 15% reduction – NS ►Major non vertebral OP fractures 19% p=0.031 ►Hip fractures in high risk group – age above 74, femoral T < -2.4 NHANES, - 36%, p=0.046 Safety of Strontium Ranelate • During clinical trials, the most common side effects were nausea and diarrhea (-7% versus 5% in the placebo group over 5 yr), headache, and skin irritation • By pooling SOTI and TROPOS trial data, a significant in the risk of venous-thrombosis embolism event was found (relative risk: 1.42; p = 0.036). However, no coagulation abnormality has been detected in relation with strontium ranelate treatment. • Recently, a few cases of DRESS syndrome Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms – severe form of adverse drug reaction is a severe, acute drug reaction: fever, skin eruptions and systemic symptoms, including enlarged lymph nodes, abnormal liver function, renal impairment, and pulmonary and cardiac infiltrates, as well as haematological abnormalities, primarily hypereosinophilia and lymphocytosis) Le Merlouette et al, Ann Dermatol Venerol,2011 138(2):124-8 RANK Ligand Is an Essential Mediator of Osteoclast Formation, Function, and Survival RANKL Prefusion Osteoclast CFU-GM RANK Multinucleated Osteoclast Hormones Growth factors Cytokines Osteoblasts Activated Osteoclast Bone Formation Bone Resorption Adapted from: Boyle WJ, et al. Nature. 2003;423:337-342. © 2009 Amgen. All rights reserved. Do not copy or distribute. OPG Is a Decoy Receptor That Prevents RANK Ligand Binding to RANK and Inhibits Osteoclast Formation, Function, and Survival CFU-GM Pre-Fusion Osteoclast RANKL Formation inhibited RANK OPG Hormones Growth factors Cytokines Osteoblasts Function and Survival inhibited Bone Formation Adapted from Boyle WJ, et al. Nature. 2003;423:337-342. Bone Resorption IS INHIBITED Denosumab and Mechanism of Action CFU-GM Pre-Fusion Osteoclast RANKL RANK OPG Denosumab Hormones Growth factors Cytokines Osteoclast Formation, Function, and Survival Inhibited Osteoblasts Bone Formation CFU-GM=colony forming unit granulocyte macrophage © 2007 Amgen. All rights reserved. Bone Resorption Inhibited Provided as an educational resource. Do not copy or distribute. Pharmacologic Properties of Denosumab Model of Denosumab • Fully human monoclonal antibody (100% human protein) • IgG2 immunoglobulin isotype • High affinity for human RANK Ligand • High specificity for RANK Ligand – No detectable binding to TNFα, TNFβ, TRAIL, or CD40L • No neutralizing antibodies detected in clinical trials to date Bekker PJ, et al. J Bone Miner Res. 2004;19:1059-1066. Data on file, Amgen. Elliott R, et al. Osteoporos Int. 2007;18:S54. Abstract P149. McClung MR, et al. New Engl J Med. 2006;354:821-31. Denosumab and Bisphosphonates Work Differently RANK L BP RANK BP BP OPG Denosumab BP Denosumab blocks RANK Ligand X Denosumab blocks osteoclast formation, function and survival BP = bisphosphonates Courtesy of Graham Russell BP BP BP BP Bone BPs bind to bone mineral at sites of bone resorption BPBP BP BP BP Bone BP BP BP BP BP BP BP BP BP Bone BPs cause loss of resorptive function but ‘disabled’ osteoclasts may persist FREEDOM Study Design International, multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled study S C R E E N I N G n = 3902 R A Denosumab SC 60 mg Q6M N = 7808 N D O All subjects received daily M calcium (≥ 1 g) and vitamin D I (≥ 400 IU) supplementation Z A T n = 3906 I Placebo O N Study End Primary endpoint New vertebral fracture over 36 months Secondary endpoints Time to first nonvertebral fracture Time to first hip fracture 36 months. Key Inclusion Criteria: • Postmenopausal women aged 60 to 90 years • T-score < -2.5 at the lumbar spine or total hip and not < -4.0 at either site Cummings SR, et al. N Engl J Med. 2009 Aug 20;361(8):756-65 Key Exclusion criteria: • Any severe or > 2 moderate vertebral fractures • Conditions that alter bone metabolism The Effect of Denosumab on Fracture Risks at 36 Months Phase 3: The FREEDOM Trial 9% Incidence at Month 36 (%) 8% 7% 68% P < 0.001 Placebo Denosumab 20% P = 0.01 8.0% 7.2% 6.5% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 40% P = 0.04 2.3% 1% 1.2% 0.7% 0% New Vertebral Nonvertebral Hip Cummings SR, et al. N Engl J Med. 2009 Aug 20;361(8):756-65 The Effect of Denosumab on New Vertebral Fractures Year by Year Phase 3: The FREEDOM Trial 3.5% Crude Incidence (%) 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% Placebo Denosumab 61% P < 0.001 78% P < 0.001 3.1% 65% P < 0.001 3.1% 2.2% 1.5% 1.0% 1.1% 0.9% 0.7% 0.5% 0.0% Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Intent-to-treat, last observation carried forward analysis The percentage of new vertebral fractures was calculated using the number of patients with a baseline and at least one post-baseline spine x-ray evaluation. Adapted from: Cummings SR, et al. N Engl J Med. 2009 Aug 20;361(8):756-65. Cumulative Incidence (%) The Effect of Denosumab on Time to First Hip Fracture Through 36 Months Phase 3: The FREEDOM Trial Placebo Denosumab 60 mg Q6M 1.2 1.2% 0.8 0.7%* 0.4 0.0 0 6 12 Number of patients at risk 18 Month 24 30 36 Placebo, n 3,906 3,799 3,672 3,538 3,430 3,311 3,221 Denosumab, n 3,902 3,796 3,676 3,566 3,477 3,397 3,311 Hip fractures were reduced by 40% (95% CI: 0.37, 0.97) Cummings SR, et al. N Engl J Med. 2009 Aug 20;361(8):756-65 *P = 0.04 Adverse Events Over 36 Months (continued) Phase 3: The FREEDOM Trial Placebo (n = 3,876) Denosumab 60 mg Q6M (n = 3,886) 2,108 (54.4) 2,055 (52.9) Malignancy 166 (4.3) 187 (4.8) Injection site reaction 26 (0.7) 33 (0.8) Clinical hypocalcemia 3 (0.1) 0 (0) Delayed fracture healing 4 (0.1) 2 (0.05) Femoral shaft fracture 3 (0.1) 0 (0) Humerus nonunion fracture 1 (0.03) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) Eczema 65 (1.7) 118 (3.0) Fall* 219 (5.7) 175 (4.5) Flatulence 53 (1.4) 84 (2.2) Adverse events, n (%) Adverse events Infection Osteonecrosis of the jaw Adverse events occurring with 2% incidence and P 0.05 *Excludes falls occurring on the same day as a fracture Adapted from: Cummings SR, et al. N Engl J Med. 2009 Aug 20;361(8):756-65. Human Parathyroid Hormone 1-34 and 1-84 hPTH (1-34) 1 H2 N -Ser 10 Val Ser Glu Ile Gln Leu Met His Asn Leu 20 Glu Val Arg Gly Glu Met Ser Asn Leu His Lys Trp Leu Arg Lys Lys Leu Gln Asp Val His Asn Phe 30 40 50 60 70 hPTH/PTHrP Receptor 80 - COOH hPTH 1-34 Adapted from Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (1974);71:384 Adapted from Jin et al. J Biol Chem (2000);35:27238 (crystal structure) 2004 Therapeutic Effect of PTH in Osteoporosis Teriparatide Improves Skeletal Architecture Baseline Patient treated with teriparatide 20µg Data from Jiang et al. JBMR 2003 (in press) Follow up Female, age 65 Duration of therapy: 637 days (approx 21 mos) BMD Change: Lumbar Spine: +7.4% (group mean = 9.7 ± 7.4%) Total Hip: +5.2% (group mean = 2.6 ± 4.9%) Jiang UCSF EFOS: Study design 1645 pt On Teriparatide Treatment Observations up to 18 Months T1 T2 T3 Post-Teriparatide Follow-up 18 Months T4 T5 T6 T7 Start 3 months Baseline assessment 3 months 6 months 6 months 6 months Stop teriparatide treatment 12 months Final visit Teriparatide - EFOS European Forsteo Observational Study A 36-month, European, prospective observational study to evaluate fracture outcomes, back pain, health-related quality of life, and compliance in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis treated with Forsteo. Back Pain Visual Analogue Scale, mm EFOS Back Pain VAS (mean ± SD) 57.7 ± 26.6 42.8 ± 25.1 38.2 ± 25.4 34.6 ± 25.7 90 31.6 ± 25.6 ***** 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Baseline (n=1627) 3 months (n=1428) 6 months (n=1382) 12 months 18 months (n=1274) (n=1162) ***** P<0.001 vs. baseline Langdahl B et al. Calcif Tissue Int. 2009 Dec;85(6):484-93 EFOS On-Study Fracture Rate Observation Fractures per Patients with P-value Total number 10,000 ≥1 on-study vs. 0-6 of fractures patient-years fracture months 0-6 months (n=1560) 1113 83 72 (4.6%) - 6-12 months (n=1302) 768 50 45 (3.5%) 0.036 12-18 months (n=1200) 583 35 33 (2.8%) 0.004 Total (n=1577) 821 168 138 (8.8%)* - n=number of patients who attended observation Because some patients experienced a fracture in >1 interval, total column does not sum the number of patients with fracture each interval Langdahl B et al. Calcif Tissue Int. 2009 Dec;85(6):484-93 Number of Subjects With New Vertebral and Nonvertebral Fractures >1 Radiographic vertebral* >1 Clinical vertebral† >1 Nonvertebral >1 Nonvertebral fragility Alendronate (n=169) n Teriparatide (n=173) n pvalue 13 (7.7%) 169 3 (1.7%) 173 0.007 4 (2.4%) 169 0 173 0.037 15 (7.0%) 214 16 (7.5%) 214 0.843 5 (2.3%) 214 9 (4.2%) 214 0.256 * Subjects with baseline and post baseline spinal radiographs. † A clinical vertebral fracture was a new radiographically confirmed fracture that was associated with symptoms such as back pain Saag KG et al. Arthritis & Rheumatism 2009; 60: 3346-3355 Locations of Common Hip and Femur Fractures. 7 – 10% of hip fractures 75 % associated with major trauma >50% spiral Mortality rate 25% in 24 months 75% unable to return to the previous level of function Atypical Subtrochanteric and Diaphyseal Femoral Fractures: Report of a Task Force of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Major and Minor Features of Complete and Incomplete Atypical Femoral Fractures: Major: • location in the subtrochanteric region and femoral shaft • transverse or short oblique orientation • minimal or no associated trauma • a medial spike when the fracture is complete • absence of comminution A. Shane et al, JBMR Nov 2010 ONJ: Clinical Description Clinical Features of Suspected ONJ • Exposed bone in maxillofacial area that occurs in association with dental surgery or occurs spontaneously, with no evidence of healing* Working Diagnosis of ONJ • No evidence of healing after 6 weeks of appropriate evaluation and dental care • No evidence of metastatic disease in the jaw or osteoradionecrosis *Refer for appropriate dental evaluation and care as soon as possible מה הטיפול המומלץ לחולה זו? חולה בת 77עם תמטים בחוליות: חסרונות יתרונות טיפול Evista סיכון מאורעות טרומבואמבוליים, אינה סיכון שברים בגפיים ובצוואר הירך נטילה יומית נוחה ,אין תופעות GI בד"כ. תופעות ,GIאומנם פחתו תוך טיפול ב- , OMEPRADEXשקשור ב סיכון שברים ,יעילות ב-שברי צוואר הירך בpost-hoc analysis - מנה חודשית פומית אחת ,נוחות מתן Actonel ביספוספונט פומי ,תופעות ,GIכמו ,ACTONEL מתן שבועי ,מקשה על החולה יעילות מוכחת במחקרים פרוספקטיביים ב -שברים בכל אתרי השלד Fosalan מתן במרפאה המאושרת לטיפול תוך ורידי .ב- 15%תסמונת דמוית שפעת לאחר נטילה ללא מעבר במערכת העיכול ,מתן אחת לשנה ,יעילות Aclasta מתן יומי פומי 2ש' קיבה ריקה ,מנגנון פעולה לא ברור ,סיכון מאורעות טרומבואמבוליים,DRESS , יעילות מוכחת ב -שברים בחוליות וגפיים Protelos יעילות ב-שברי צוואר הירך בpost-hoc analysis - יש להקפיד על מתן זריקות במועד ,אחת ל6- חודשים ,תופעות לוואי –זיהומים עוריים. ללא מעבר במערכת העיכול .הזרקה תת עורית פעמיים בשנה ,יעילות מוכחת ,ב -שברים בכל אתרי השלד Prolia תכשיר בקירור ,הזרקה יומית עצמית ,אינו כלול בסל הבריאות כקו ראשון ,פרט לניצולי שואה תכשיר אנבולי .משקם מבנה מיקרוסטרוקטורלי ,של העצם Forteo תוD ה על ההקשבה
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