- IKCO Press


- IKCO Press
march 2016
Iran Khodro Group Magazine
IKCO in Three Key
Industrial Events
P e r s p e c ti v
No. 117
IKCO Unveiled New
Generation of Engines /6
Targeting Joint Ventures,
SAPCO’s New Approach/7
ecia l R EP O
IKCO Conspicuous
Participation in Three
Key Industrial Events /4
Why Iran and Why IKCO? /8
New Round of Cooperation
Between IKCO and Mercedes
Benz /11
Intl. Cooperation a Way
for Supporting Local Part
Published by: IKCO International Relations Dept
Address: Iran Khodro Co, Gate 5, km 14 karadj Rd.,
Tehran, 13895-111, Iran
Manager Ali Mesrian
Editor-in-chief Hassan Bananej
Executive Supervisor Saeid Amirian
Editors, IKCO Vision English Farnaz Ghasemi
Editor, IKCO Vision Arabic Javad Abd Rouyani
Editor, IKCO Vision Russian Fuzie Ghanbari
Coordinator Massoumeh Jafari
Designer jafar zehni
Tel (+98 21) 48 22 84 86 - 48 22 84 86
Fax (+98 21) 48 22 84 99
E-mail ird@ikco.com
© 2011 IKCO Communication & Int’l Relations Dept.
All Rights Reserved.
Arisun Mass Production
Started In Iraq /14
IKCO Production
Surpassed 450,000
Sets /15
IKD’s New Products in
Tehran Auto Industry
Exhibition /16
Afghanistan to
Welcome IKCO Cars /17
t h e p r ess
IKCO Production Surpassed
450,000 Sets/ 20
New Round of Cooperation
Between IKCO and ... / 20
Iran Khodro Industrial
Group’s Active ... / 21
SAPCO, IKD Unveil Latest
Products / 21
IKCO Shines in Iran’s
Solo Exhibition in Iraq /18
IKCO Conspicuous Participation
in Three Key Industrial Events
Iran Khodro Industrial Group
(IKCO) participated conspicuously in three recent important
industrial events in Iran, namely
the 3rd Iran Automotive Industry
International Conference (IAIIC), Iran’s Automotive Industry’s
Capabilities Exhibition, and the
15th International Environment
Exhibition (Iran ENVIRO 2016).
The three events were simultaneously held from February 28 to
March 12 at the Tehran Permanent International Fairgrounds.
One of the strategies envisaged
by Iran’s Ministry of Industry,
Mining, and Trade to fulfill the
goals of the 1404 Outlook Plan
in the automotive sector is to win
international partnership and attract direct foreign investment.
This, it is believed, will develop
the country’s automotive infrastructure.
The three-day 3rd Iran Automotive Industry International Conference kicked off on February
4 ikco vision Mar 2016
29 with a focus on computability
and international cooperation.
Participating in the event were a
large number of international experts and managers.
A key outcome of the third version of the conference was the
introduction of Iran’s automotive
industry to the visitors. Besides,
the event is envisaged to facilitate international partnership and
Staging the conference in the
post-sanctions Iran was a golden
opportunity for Iranian and foreign partners to meet each other
with the aim of establishing or
expanding cooperation.
Being international in its orientation, Iran Khodro Company
(IKCO) attaches great importance to the event, seeing it as
an opportunity for international
partnership, technological transfer, as well as presence in global
markets through exports.
In addition to being a platform
for IKCO and its affiliates to
bring their products to the judgement of the visitors, the conference provided a panel for IKCO
and global automakers to exchange ideas on joint investment,
manufacturing, and export.
IKCO CEO Hashem Yekehzareh
said in the conference that annual
car demand in the Middle East as
well as the Commonwealth of
Independent States is estimated
to hover around 4,400,000, out
of which 2,700,000 cars are
manufactured by regional producers and the rest will be imported from other countries of
the world.
Hashem Yekehzareh said vehicle
market demand in the region is
forecast to reach 6,700,000 by
2025, of which 2,300,000 will
orders from the Iranian market.
Alluding to the unique advantages of IKCO for attracting
foreign investment, the IKCO
CEO said the company corners
as much as 45 percent of Iran’s
automotive market and benefits
from advanced assembly lines,
widespread sales and after-sales
networks, and well-educated, experienced workforce.
Also, the company prides itself
on capable spare part manufacturing chains, high annual production capacity, and a record
of cooperation with international
Iran’s Automotive Industry’s
Capabilities Exhibition
Another event held was Iran’s
Automotive Industry’s Capabilities Exhibition. The show gave
foreign investors the opportunity
to familiarize themselves with
Iran’s achievements and capabilities closely. IKCO made the
biggest booth itself in the exhibition, projecting a bright image of
Iranian experts by introducing its
IKCO unveiled its newest generation of internal combustion
engines in the event in presence
of President Rouhani, and Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade
Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh.
Advanced internal combustion
turbocharged engines and diesel
sedans of the company are a new
level of technology by which
IKCO is trying to take a major
step toward achieving international standards.
IKCO and its affiliates such as
SAPKO, ISAKO, IKCO Diesel, IAPCO, rescue and relief of
Iran, TAM, IDEM, Charkheshgar, industrial molds, Niroo
Moharekeh, Mehrkam Pars, Derakhshan Saz, aluminum casting,
Naeen urban development, Mehvarsazan, Amiga, Spring production, Khavar parts, ETruck, Mehvar Khodro, Iran engine research
center IPCO, and Goharfam.
Iran ENVIRO 2016
Iran 15th International Environ-
ment Exhibition was the third
event in which IKCO participated. Protecting the environment
has always been a major concern
with IKCO, showing the company’s social commitments. The
group is environmental-friendly
and a leading company in designing and manufacturing powertrains. The company’s research
center for engine is focused on
designing powertrains in compliance with latest global emission
standards. IKCO put on show its
products and achievements in the
field of the environment in the
Mar 2016 ikco vision 5
IKCO Unveiled New Generation of Engines
IKCO unveiled a new generation
of engines in a ceremony attended by President Hassan Rouhani
in IKCO’s booth in Iran Automotive Industry’s Capabilities Exhibition in Tehran.
The president was accompanied
by the Industry Minister Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh as well as a
number of top managers from executive branch of the government.
Many believe that engine production is a big progress in the
global car industry. In this respect, the advanced turbocharged
internal combustion engines
as well as the diesel engine fitting passenger cars are the latest
IKCO achievements.
The diesel engine meets Euro
5 emission standard. Its capacity stands at 1.5 liter and its fuel
6 ikco vision Mar 2016
consumption is about 5.2 liter
per 100km.
The average fuel consumption
reduction of 30 percent, a 40
percent decrease in emission
compared with gasoline engines
as well as better durability, handling, higher safety and finally
reducing maintenance costs are
among the main features of diesel powertrain.
The new turbocharged engines are
set to be mounted on IKCO products in near future. The engines are
highly efficient, generating 161hp
with the torque of 288nm.
With retaining the technology,
IKCO has cemented its status
among the top producers of internal-combustion engines in the
Providing the highest torque in
low revolution gives the driver
greater convenience and control
over their vehicles in traffic jam
or on fast drive.
Meanwhile, a new intelligent
system named Alfa Taxi was
unveiled during the ceremony.
The system has been designed
by ISACO. Detailed calculation of taxi fare using taximeter
and GPS, online payment, smart
automatic positioning system
to dispatch road assist, connection to ECU, remote diagnostic
program and online connections
are some of the main features of
the system. Alfa Taxi will be installed on Samand and Peugeot
405 taxis in the next few months.
President Rouhani also paid a
visit to other booths of IKCO in
the hall 38.
Targeting Joint Ventures,
SAPCO’s New Approach
For the first time SAPCO (Iran
Khodro Company’s Supplying
Automotive Parts Co.) unveiled
its supply chain achievements in
a cyber and physical format during Iran Automotive Industry’s
Capabilities Exhibition.
The exhibition held from 28
February to March 2 aimed at
producing main Iranian companies, institutes and centers
involved in car and part making
industry to the world. It sought
to attract local and foreign investment and establish new
rounds of international cooperation with outside world.
During the exhibition, SAPCO
displayed its capabilities and
held innovative workshops for
schools and universities’ students.
With the presence of its active
departments in technical engineering, export and other professional fields, SAPCO intended
to put on display its high-quality
Attracting domestic investment
to produce about 30 auto parts
and mechanisms was among the
main goal of the group in the exhibition.
SAPCO now plans on producing
parts for future IKCO products
through fast prototyping process
including a new steering wheel
for Peugeot 207.
Displaying SAPCO’s innova-
tions in various approaches towards research, environment as
well as logistic was among other
programs of the company during the exhibition.
It also displayed a project called
“Green Package” with the aim
of decreasing the environmental
disaster of automotive and part
making industry and saving of
26 and 50 percent of costs.
SAPCO also held some workshops for establishing a closer
communication with academics
and experts. The main themes
of the workshops were introducing modern technologies in gasoline turbocharged engines and
LCV diesel engines, introducing
various brake systems, elaborat-
ing on the role of nanotechnology and electronic technologies
in the automotive industry. Like
previous exhibitions, SAPCO’s
nanotechnology center played a
key role in this exhibition.
Meanwhile, SAPCO staff proposals for decreasing the costs
and increasing the profits were
displayed to the public. Unveiling new professional books, articles and magazines in the automotive industry were included
in the company’s agenda during
the exhibition as well.
It’s noteworthy that SAPCO
showed a film on the complete
process of part making process
and its relations with the relative
Mar 2016 ikco vision 7
special REPORT
3rd Iran Automotive Industry Intl. Conference
Why Iran and
Simultaneous with the 3rd Iran
Automotive Industry International Conference held in Tehran, with representatives from
different countries gathering
8 ikco vision Mar 2016
here with the subject of “Defensive Economy” IKCO CEO,
Yekehzare spoke of the investment in car industry based on
the main social and economic
Addressing foreign managers
there, he said “different countries are categorized as developed, developing and under-
and economic development has
made it possible to have cars
and so the rational direction for
car industry investment will be
toward these countries.”
He said “developed countries
have purchased 66% of all sold
cars in 2005 while this number
with over 79m
people, Iran has
rich energy resources and industry has a 25% role
in its economy of
which only 2.7% is
reserved for auto
industry which is
planned to reach
4.1% in 2025
He called population growth
and purchase power as two major indexes for car demand here
and said “population growth is
negative in developed countries
so car demand is decreasing
despite their higher purchase
Stating that in under-developed
countries despite high population growth, low purchase power decreases car demand, he said
in developing countries “we
have positive population growth
was only 46% in 2014. Meanwhile the developing countries
purchased 34% of cars in 2005
but this number rose to 53% in
2014. But interestingly 47% of
these were sold in BRIC Countries including Brazil, Russia,
India, China and Rising-15
Iran is one of the Rising-15
countries and expected to have
major economic growth in
coming years. Yekehzare said,
“Statistics show national net
production and direct foreign in-
vestment in these countries are
He also spoke about the economic indexes in Middle East
and CIS countries and said “this
region has 575m people while
Iran had 30% of production and
40% of car sale showing Iranian
car industry could be a proper
investment place for global automakers.”
Iran is second in population,
third in national net production
and first in car sale and vehicle
numbers in the region.
“Iran and Turkey have the highest number of car production in
the region which has an annual
need of 4400000 units of which
700 thousand are produced locally and 1700000 provided by
global automakers,” he said.
He also pointed out vital advantages of Iran over other countries and said “direct sea and
lad access to all 15 countries
of the region, high security and
cheap expert power and acceptable part making capacity with
a thousand part making factories
meeting international standards
give Iran the potential to be the
hub of car production and export in the region”.
He said “with over 79m people,
Iran has rich energy resources
and industry has a 25% role in
its economy of which only 2.7%
is reserved for auto industry
which is planned to reach 4.1%
in 2025”.
Iran has the capacity of pro-
Mar 2016 ikco vision 9
special REPORT
ducing 2150000 cars annually
which is to reach 3m in 2025.
Yekehzare said “since 1966
when car making started in Iran,
19m cars have been sold here
93% of them produced locally
that shows the high share of local producers in this market.”
Car and parts sale in Iran had a
total value of $23b in 2014. He
added “a major part of this is for
commercial cars and we expect
it to rise to 45 to 50b in 2025.”
Saying that Iran was 20th in car
sale in 2014 but grow to the 13th
place this year, he said “at the
end of last year we had 17m cars
in Iran of which 6m had been
produced in last 5 years show-
10 ikco vision Mar 2016
ing we will have over 10m cars
with over 15yrs of age needing
to be replaced meaning one million replacement annually.”
He said “IKCO produces 600
thousand cars annually reached
the 25th place among major
automakers in 2014. Since its
foundation this group has produced 9500000 units of which
800000 were produced in 2012
meaning 54% of national production.”
IKCO has increased its share
of national car production from
47% in 2012 to 54% in 2014. He
said the chain of value in IKCO
includes design and development, Industrialization, chain of
supply, sale and after-sales service. He added “IKCO and parts
makers have gained the ability
to design all parts of the cars
except for the platform; and also
have the required facilities.”
He also pointed out the advantage of IKCO for foreign investment and said “leadership
in local market with a share of
54%, modern production lines
and facilities, vast network of
sale and after-sale, trained and
expert personnel, strong part
making chain, high production
capacity, and a history of cooperation with major global companies are the main potentials of
New Round of Cooperation
Between IKCO and
Mercedes Benz
Iran Khodro Industrial Group
(IKCO) and Germany’s car
manufacturer Mercedes Benz
have officially started a new
round of cooperation with
opening their joint company in
Setareh Iran company was
inaugurated in a formal ceremony attended by German
Ambassador to Iran Michael
Freiherr von Ungern as well as
a group of top managers from
IKCO and Mercedes Benz.
Addressing the ceremony, the
CEO of Setare Iran, Ali Namakin spoke of the economically and technically feasibility studies currently underway
for producing Benz motorcars
in Iran, adding:”Based on the
agreement signed between
Germany’s Daimler AG and
IKCO, the two sides will establish a joint venture through
Setare Iran.”
He went on saying that the cooperation would be enhanced
in future. ”Iran will import
1,500 to 2,000 Mercede Benz
vehicles in next year and the
customers can easily take advantage of the special services
of Mercedes Benz in Iran,” the
CEO added.
Namakin cited IKCO as the
largest car manufacturer in the
Middle East and a pioneering
car producer in the world saying IKCO maintained its production standards even under
the West’s sanctions and its
new round of cooperation with
international car manufacturers is part of a larger plan to
Mar 2016 ikco vision 11
play its pioneering role in the
auto industry.
He emphasized the unique nature of IKCO and Mercedes
Benz agreement saying the
new cooperation would be
launched via a joint venture.
“Initial feasibility studies have
already been conducted on assembling Benz products in
Iran. The two sides would enjoy the support of local part
producers in the next rounds of
cooperation,” Namakin said.
Touching upon the company’s
after-sales service, the CEO
said, the service network of
Mercedes Benz and IKCO operate totally separated from
each other.
12 ikco vision Mar 2016
“Mercedes Benz has been
holding a number of training courses for the technical
service staff of its 30 outlets
across the country. The company is also establishing its own
standards,” he added.
The CEO of Setare Iran also
spoke of the company’s plan to
import and produce Mercedes
Benz vehicles in various classes
at lower prices saying:”Almost
all Benz classes are luxurious
but we have already conducted
several researches to import
vehicles with average prices
which could be used as taxis in
the next phases of two sides’
For his part, the CEO of Mer-
cedes Benz Middle East Office, Steffen Boumann praised
IKCO as the largest car manufacturer in the region saying
IKCO’s production lines enjoy
high technical standards.
He emphasized the necessity
of conducting new research
into the regional markets,
adding:”We are of the opinion
that IKCO has an enormous
potential for producing Mercedes Benz vehicles.”
He concluded that the German company will enhance its
cooperation with IKCO after
conducting feasibility studies
and establishing new production lines at IKCO sites in the
near future.
IKCO Joint Products
With Foreign Partners
The CEO of Iran Khodro Industrial Group said three new
products would be unveiled
in the coming months under
IKCO brand and its future
Outlining IKCO’s production
plan, Hashem Yekehzare said
the company is determined
to make joint products with
Mercedes Benz, Peugeot, Suzuki, Fiat and Renault in the
near future.
Speaking of this year’s exhibition, Yekehzare said, “Last
years’ exhibitions were designed as a showcase of foreign vehicles but this year,
Iranian automakers have a
strong presence displaying
their latest achievements in
the automotive industry.”
“IKCO has put on display its
latest products during this ex-
hibition; it is now planning to
export 30 percent of its joint
products within its international agreements,” he said.
He also cited, “The agreements emphasize the automakers’ seriousness in promoting the quality of their
vehicles and parts”, adding
that high quality would guarantee IKCO’s vehicle export.
According to him the localization of production is
among the main stipulations
of recent international agreements adding that the localization share should reach 70
percent after four years.
In the meantime, Yekehzare
said the fulfillment of the
goals set forth in the document for automotive industry
would enhance Iran’s economy adding that investment in
the car and part making industry would create jobs and
give a boost to the economic
In addition he stressed that
foreign companies have expressed their deep interest in
taking part in Iran’s market
saying the market has a huge
potential for investment.
“The exhibition provides us
with a shortcut to get in touch
with our customers and this
would help us to achieve our
main goal that is meeting our
customers’ expectations,” he
Iran Automotive Industry’s
Capabilities Exhibition was
held in Tehran’s International
Permanent Fairground from
February 28 to March 2 with
IKCO setting up a large booth
at hall 38.
Mar 2016 ikco vision 13
Arisun Mass Production
Started In Iraq
The mass production of
Arisun pickup has officially
started in Iraq with a capacity of 300 units each day.
The production began simultaneous with holding
of a professional exhibition of Iran’s auto industry in Iraq’s capital Baghdad. The production line
of Arisun in Iraq’s site was
inaugurated in a ceremony
attended by Iran’s Industry
Minister Mohammad Reza
Ne’matzadeh as well as top
14 ikco vision Mar 2016
managers from Iran Khodro
(IKCO) and Industry Ministry.
Based on the agreements
signed between Iran and
Iraq within a framework
for cooperation in export
of SKD and CKD parts and
offering technical and engineering services, Arisun replaces a product of IKCO’s
rivals in Iraq’s market.
It’s noteworthy, Arisun’s
body and main parts are exported from Tehran and Ta-
briz to Iraq. Arisun production line is the second IKCO
line operating in Iraq.
IKCO estimates to produce
at least 5,000 Arisun pickups in Iraq next year given to the country’s market
According to the feasibility
studies conducted on Iraqi market and its needs of
pickups, Arisun is expected
to face a warm welcome in
the country.
IKCO Production
Surpassed 450,000 Sets
Iran Khodro Industrial Group
production surpassed 452,800
sets of cars in the past 11
months from March 21, 2015
to Feb 20, 2016.
Peugeot 405 ranks first among
other products considering
the volume of production in
the last month and Peugeot
Pars with the total production
of 104,983 sets comes next.
The production volume of
other products as Peugeot 206
and IKCO Samand reached
96,830 and 77218 sets respectively. In the meantime,
Renault Tondar 90, the production of which showed
86% boost compared to the
same period last year, reached
17,712 sets.
Moreover, Arisun pick-up
volume which is recently
mass produced in Tabriz site
hit 17,456 sets. Iran Khodro
has also produced 15,382 sets
of IKCO Dena and 13,586
sets of IKCO Runna in the
same period.
Regarding SUVs, IKCO has
successively rolled out 596
and 1147 sets of Haima S7
and Suzuki Grand Vitara, the
production of which accelerated by 76% comparing the
same period last year.
It’s noteworthy Iran Khodro
Industrial Group with the
daily production of 2200
sets of cars is supposed to
successfully gain its target
this year.
Mar 2016 ikco vision 15
IKD’s New Products in Tehran
Auto Industry Capabilities Exhibition
Iran Khodro diesel (IKD) and
its affiliated companies unveiled
their latest products during Auto-Making Industry Capabilities
Exhibition in Tehran.
As the supplier of commercial
products of Iran Khodro industrial group, IKD had a significant presence in the exhibition.
In line with this presence, IKD
unveiled Mercedes Benz Actros
1844, gas consuming bus C1230
and Wagon Hood truck with
engine 0457 adding to the list,
C1230 and C1836 buses, Axor,
Foton, Arena truck compressor,
a pick up and ambulance.
Meanwhile, affiliated companies of IKD were present in the
exhibition including Iranian
Diesel Engine Manufacturing
Company (IDEM). It has established a new round of cooperation with Mercedes Benz. Some
of its latest products include
four types of gasoline engines
with Euro 3, EEV5 and Euro
6 emission standards. IDEM is
also supposed to produce engines 904T, 906T, 936 and 457
within a joint venture with Mercedes Benz.
Charkheshgar Company involved in producing gearboxes
for commercial vehicles is an-
16 ikco vision Mar 2016
other affiliated company of IKD.
During the exhibition the company displayed the newest automatic gearboxes of Germany’s
ZF, automatic AS Tronic gearboxes for urban transport buses
as well as Eco Split 4 gearboxes
for buses and trucks.
Based on the agreements made
just recently, the localization
and export of the mentioned
gearboxes will be carried out in
the near future. Charkheshgar
also planned to display its latest
L90 gearbox for the first time.
The import of the gearbox will
end by the next two months as
the company is set to begin its
production inside Iran.
IKD’s after-sales service pro-
vider Govah was another participant of the exhibition. The
company presented its services
for transport and fire fighting
vehicles during the event. All
operations of Samand Tarabar
Company are carried out by
Meanwhile, Mehvar Khodro
Company showcased its gear
parts and axels during the exhibition. Benz’s new generation of
axel is among Mehvar Khodro’s
main products. The company is
affiliated with IKD involved in
supplying engine parts. A collection of steering parts and
components was among other
items displayed by the company
during the exhibition.
Afghanistan to
Welcome IKCO Cars
Group has showcased its
latest achievements in car
production in the 3rd solo
exhibition of Iran in Kabul.
During the inauguration
ceremony of this exhibition
in Kabul, Mohammad Reza
Nematzadeh the Iranian
Minister of Industry said, “I
hope this exhibition which
emphasizes a new phase of
cooperation between Iran
and Afghanistan can bring
up the opportunity for investment in different industries in this country.”
Referring to the importance
of providing the ground for
business improvement in
both countries, he claimed,
“We are ready to strengthen
our ties with Afghanistan,
and we ask Afghanistan to
help bettering this cooperation and partnership.”
Homayoun Rasa, the Afghani Minister of Commerce said in this respect,
“We expect the Islamic Republic of Iran to support in-
vestment in Afghanistan as
long as there is a wide range
of potentials and capacities
like energy and work force
in this country.”
In the meantime, Rasa referred to the zero tariffs
for Iranian goods and added, “Considering the good
existing relation between
the two countries, we wish
our cooperation can boost,
while holding such exhibitions can be quite useful.”
In this exhibition, Iran Khodro
Industrial Group showcased
IKCO cars as Dena, Samand,
Runna and Arisun, among
which Dena and Arisun attracted the attention of the visitors the most.
The 3rd solo exhibition of
Iran in Afghanistan was held
in this country in Oranous
Hotel, Kabul for four days
with more than 100 Iranian
companies and 12 goods
and services categories.
Mar 2016 ikco vision 17
IKCO Shines in Iran’s
Solo Exhibition in Iraq
Iran’s 2nd Solo Exhibition in
Iraq inaugurated in the presence
of Mohammadreza Nematzadeh, Iran’s Minister of Industry
and Mine and his Iraqi counterpart, Head of the Iranian Parliament’s Industry and Mine Commission and Iraqi high ranking
Exhibiting different passenger
cars as IKCO Pars, Samand,
Dena, Runna, Peugeot 405 and
Arisun pick-up, Iran Khodro
Industrial Group was actively
present in this exhibition in a
200-square meter area, plus
showcasing auto parts and components.
IKCO products are quite welcome in the Iraqi market, however, this company is determined
to introduce some new products
to this market and develop its
market share in this country.
Development of
the market share in Iraq
IKCO took part in this exhibition, focusing on the created
opportunities in different fields
as cars, parts, technical and engineering services. Taking part
in this show, IKCO aims at
preserving and developing its
market share in Iraq, introduc-
18 ikco vision Mar 2016
ing its latest achievements in the
design and production of new
cars, analyzing the existing cars
in that market through buyers’
eyes and introducing its new car,
IKCO Dena.
IKCO’s bright
future in Iraq
Paying a visit to IKCO booth
in this show, the Iraqi Minister
of Industries, Mines and Commerce and his accompanied
delegation got familiar with the
company’s technical achievements and new cars.
During the inauguration ceremony of the show, Hassan Danaeifar the Islamic Republic of
Iran’s ambassador to Iraq cited
IKCO cars are well qualified and
have a good share of this market and added, “The demand for
IKCO cars in Iraq is high; at the
same time, other cars as Dena
and Arisun pick-up can easily
find their place in this market.”
Claiming that the prices of
IKCO cars suit Iraqi market, the
ambassador said, “As long as
this company is highly capable
of producing various cars, its
market share can boost in near
Quality, the main
criteria for exports
Accomplishing the achievements acquired by IKCO,
Reza Rahmani the Head of the
Iranian Parliament’s Industries and Mines Commission
declared, “Fortunately IKCO
has entered many markets so
far, and I believe apart from
quality, the variety and the
prices of the cars can play a
crucial role in expanding export markets.”
He also emphasized that high
quality and beautiful cars as
Dena can have a good market in
Iraq. Praising IKCO’s strategy
in foreign markets, Rahmani
mentioned, “Export and currency gain is the two main factors
IKCO can work on in order to
Iraqis welcomed Dena
The pole takings in the second
Solo Exhibition of Iran in Iraq
suggest Dena as the top ranking
car considering its appearance
and technical specifications. Ira-
qi people also admired Arisun
Baghdad Governor
asked for cooperation improvement with
Visiting IKCO booth in Iran’s
solo exhibition, Baghdad governor asked IKCO to increase its
cooperation with the Iraqi companies in Baghdad.
Praising IKCO achievements in
the design and development of
passenger cars and commercial
vehicles, Ali ALtamimi regarded Dena as a beautiful and high
tech car. He also asserted that
the automatic version of this
car can be quite welcome in this
Referring to Iran as a neighbor
country and the historical, cultural and religious fields that the
two countries hold in common
and considering Iraq’s market as
a growing one, he expressed his
country can offer a good market
to Iran’s car maker, IKCO.
“At the moment, many cars
run on Iraq’s streets, however,
IKCO cars due to their affordability and quality best suit Iraqi
customers,” he cited and added,
“Arisun pick-up is quite roomy
and can have a wide range of
customers among other light
commercial vehicles.”
He finally hoped that the interactions between IKCO and his
country can accelerate in close
It’s noteworthy this exhibition
was held in Baghdad Exhibition Center with the partnership
of different Iranian companies
introducing their products or
services in the fields of industry,
mine, food and agriculture on
March 16-19, 2016.
Mar 2016 ikco vision 19
in the press
IKCO Production Surpassed 450,000 Sets
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran Khodro Industrial Group production surpassed 452,800 sets of cars in the past 11 months from March 21,
2015 to Feb 20, 2016.
Peugeot 405 ranks first among other products considering the
volume of production in the last month and Peugeot Pars with
the total production of 104,983 sets comes next.
The production volume of other products as Peugeot 206 and
IKCO Samand reached 96,830 and 77218 sets respectively.
In the meantime, Renault Tondar 90, the production of which
showed 86% boost compared to the same period last year,
reached 17,712 sets.
Moreover, Arisun pick-up volume which is recently mass produced in Tabriz site hit 17,456 sets. Iran
Khodro has also produced 15,382 sets of IKCO Dena and 13,586 sets of IKCO Runna in the same period.
New Round of Cooperation
Between IKCO and Mercedes Benz
Iran Khodro Industrial Group ( IKCO ) and Germany’s car manufacturer Mercedes Benz have officially started a new round of
cooperation with opening their joint company in Tehran.
Setareh Iran company was inaugurated in a formal ceremony
attended by German Ambassador to Iran Michael Freiherr von
Ungern as well as a group of top managers from IKCO and Mercedes Benz.
Addressing the ceremony, the CEO of Setare Iran, Ali Namakin spoke of the economically and technically feasibility studies currently underway for producing Benz motorcars in Iran,
adding:”Based on the agreement signed between Germany’s Daimler AG and IKCO , the two sides will
establish a joint venture through Setare Iran.”
He went on saying that the cooperation would be enhanced in future. “Iran will import 1,500 to 2,000
Mercede Benz vehicles in next year and the customers can drive them with full confidence,” the CEO
20 ikco vision Mar 2016
Iran Khodro Industrial Group’s
Active Participation in Three
Major Events in Iran’s Auto Industry
Iran Khodro, one of the world’s biggest car manufacturing companies, will actively participate in three national events, namely
the Iran’s 3rd Auto Industry Conference, the Iran’s Auto Industry
Expo and the 15th Environment Exhibition. The Iran Khodro
Industrial Group, one of the world’s biggest car manufacturing
companies, will actively participate in three national events,
namely the Iran’s 3rd Auto Industry Conference, the Iran’s Auto
Industry Expo and the 15th Environment Exhibition. The three
events will be held simultaneously on the Permanent Grounds
for Tehran International Exhibitions and at a major conference
center nearby from February 29 to March 2, 2016. The Auto Industry Conference held with a view to
competition and international cooperation brings together a host of experts and executives from different
countries on February 29 and March 1. Some 311 foreign and 1285 local participants are attending the
SAPCO, IKD Unveil Latest Products
.SAPCO and Iran Khodro Diesel displayed their capabilities and
unveiled their latest products during the Iran Automotive Capabilities Exhibition held last week Iran Khodro’s subsidiary auto parts
company, SAPCO, also showcased its supply chain achievements,
according to an IKCO press release on Sunday. The exhibition held
from Feb. 28 to March 2 sought to attract local and foreign investments and establish a new round of international cooperation with
prospective partners.Attracting domestic investment to produce 30
auto parts was among the main goal of the group in the exhibition.
SAPCO plans to produce parts for future IKCO products through
fast prototyping process, including a new steering wheel for Peugeot 207, the production of which has just
restarted.It also displayed its latest innovations in various approaches towards research, environment as well as
logistics during the exhibition.SAPCO also held innovative workshops for school and university students, as
well as for establishing links between academics and auto experts on the sidelines of the exhibition. The workshops were focused on modern technologies in gasoline turbocharged engines and LCV diesel engines, various
brake systems, the role of nanotechnology and electronic technologies in the automotive industry.
Iran Khodro Group News Website