Autumn 2013


Autumn 2013
Autumn 2013
Southern Lumber & Timber Market
Recovery Underway
A Fresh Take on
Georgia’s Phenomenal Forests
Are You a Lifelong Learner?
Property for Sale
Before Farm Credit,
there was no credit.
is published quarterly for stockholders, directors
and friends of AgGeorgia Farm Credit.
Jack C. Drew, Jr.
Gerald D. Andrews
John W. Bagwell, Jr.
Edward M. Beckham II
Jack W. Bentley, Jr.
William L. Brown
James B. Carlton
Billy J. Clary
Dan N. Crumpton
Guy A. Daughtrey
Howard Lawson
Ronney S. Ledford
Joseph M. Meeks
Robert G. (Bobby) Miller
Richard David (Dave) Neff
J. Dan Raines, Jr.
George R. Reeves
Anne G. Sisk
David H. Smith
Franklin B. Wright
Mary Kiley
AgFirst Farm Credit Bank
Imagine a time when farmers were on their own—a time when
banks thought lending to farmers was too risky. Then came Farm
Credit, a cooperative established in 1916 for farmers and rural
America. For almost 100 years, through good times and bad,
Farm Credit has been there to support America’s farmers.
Farm Credit is now the nation’s largest agricultural lender—and
the only lender dedicated to agriculture. We have more experience,
resources and services to help farmers achieve their dreams than
any other lender.
When you’re ready for a lender who is dedicated to agriculture for
the long term, you’re ready for AgGeorgia Farm Credit.
Amanda Wagasky
Athina Eargle
Darren Hill
Amanda Simpson
Travis Taylor
Professional Printers
Kathi DeFlorio
Address changes, questions, comments or
requests for copies of our financial reports
should be directed to AgGeorgia Farm Credit by
writing P.O. Box 1820, Perry, GA 31069 or calling
800-868-6404. Our quarterly financial report can
also be obtained on our website:
Table of Contents
The economic recovery is producing a
promising outlook for the southern timber
and lumber industries. Increasing demand
and constrained supply are inciting
a long-term rebound across the U.S.,
which is particularly good news for the
South where the timber industry is an
important economic driver. As one of the
nation’s largest landowners, Plum Creek ...
Page 6
4 McMillan Receives
Peanut Profitability Award
6 Southern Lumber & Timber
Market Recovery Underway
8 A Fresh Take on Georgia’s
Phenomenal Forests
11 Are You a Lifelong Learner?
12 Small Class, Big Business
14 Sweet Tips for Sweet Treats
16 Association News
There was no red carpet, nor were there
klieg lights or movie stars on Peachtree
Street in Atlanta on May 14. There was,
however, a high level of excitement, as
a groundbreaking film debuted in the
Georgia-Pacific auditorium. After nearly
five years of planning and almost a year
of filming, “The Sustainable Forest — A
Georgia Success Story” premiered to ...
Page 8
Last December, Emily Reece (BSA–
Agribusiness, ’12) became the first
agribusiness graduate from the UGA
Tifton campus. Within the next year,
six more students will graduate from
the program, which began fall 2011.
Using a combination of on-site
instruction and distance learning
technology, undergraduates on the Tifton ...
Page 12
17 Cpl. Greg Wade Honored
With Waterfowl Officer
of the Year Award
18 Property for Sale
McMillan Receives
Peanut Profitability Award
By Rhonda Shannon
Tim McMillan was presented the 2013 Peanut
Profitability Award at the recent 14th Annual
Southern Peanut Farmers Federation annual
meeting at Panama City Beach, Fla. The award
was presented to McMillan by Paul Hollis,
Editor of Southeast Farm Press, at a program
moderated by Dr. Marshall Lamb, Research
Leader for the USDA National Peanut
Research Laboratory. McMillan was the
winner of the Peanut Profitability for the
Lower Southeast Region, and was accompanied by the award winners representing
the Virginia-Carolina and Southwest Regions.
McMillan and his brother, Steve, are
seventh generation farmers from Berrien
County. Their operation, Southern Grace
Farms, consists of peanuts, cotton and
corn, along with strawberries, blackberries,
nectarines and peaches. It is truly a family
farming operation. Tim manages the row
crop operation, and Steve manages the two
you-pick fruit operation locations and their
peanut buying point, Berrien Peanut Company.
Steve’s wife, Laura, is the office manager and
Steve’s daughter, Jennifer, oversees the local
and internet sales of jams and jellies made
from the fruit crop. She also coordinates the
peanut buying point transportation.
McMillan was presented the Profitability
Award based on production efficiency, and
he credits two components of his success —
timeliness and management of overhead costs.
Timeliness pertains to herbicides, insecticides
or irrigation. “If it needs to be done today, it
needs to be done today and not tomorrow,”
McMillan says. Overhead costs include
equipment, general supplies and inputs. That
combination really paid off, with an almost
unprecedented balance in last year’s yields.
His dryland peanut yields averaged 5,732
pounds per acre, and his irrigated peanut
yields averaged 5,991 pounds per acre. It’s no
wonder McMillan refers to 2012 as a “dream
Tim McMillan (left) is presented with the 2013 Peanut Profitability Award by Paul Hollis, Editor of
Southeast Farm Press.
year.” “I’ve been farming since 1983, and last
year was the most perfect year for weather
that I’ve seen.”
His typical crop rotation includes a
three-year rotation, mostly two years of cotton
and then one of peanuts. Sometimes corn
is added to the rotation, depending on the
price. The 2012 peanut variety of choice was
Georgia-06G, the top variety of McMillan’s
five-year consecutive trial. As co-owner of a
peanut buying point, McMillan admits he
also has the advantage of talking with other
farmers about the performance of different
varieties for future trial consideration.
McMillan is a graduate of the University
of Georgia and has farmed full-time since
graduating in 1983. He and his wife, Margaret,
have three sons, Jesse, Tyson and Daniel. He is
an active member in the community, serving
as a board member of the Berrien County
Farm Bureau, and serves on the Georgia
Farm Bureau state fruit committee. He’s
also a member of the Berrien County Board
of Education and the First United Methodist
Church of Nashville.
“Tim is highly respected and very involved
in issues that affect the community,” said Joel
Pitts, branch manager of the AgGeorgia Farm
Credit Nashville office. “He has been a member
of AgGeorgia since he started farming and it
has always been a pleasure to work with him
and his brother Steve.” z
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Southern Lumber & Timber
Market Recovery Underway
The economic recovery is producing a
which is pushing toward pre-housing bust
Growing demand is also fueled by timber
promising outlook for the southern timber
levels for housing starts. While U.S. builders
exports to China and growing bioenergy
and lumber industries. Increasing demand and
started work on fewer homes in June, reports
markets domestically and globally. China’s
constrained supply are inciting a long-term
suggest that home construction should rebound
economy is expanding at a continuous and
rebound across the U.S., which is particularly
in the coming months. Long-term demographic
stable growth rate, including increased demand
good news for the South where the timber
demand is projected to drive 1.5 million or more
for lumber products. China’s surge in housing
industry is an important economic driver.
annual housing starts nationwide, according to
needs has led to a jump in lumber and log
As one of the nation’s largest landowners,
the Harvard Joint Center for Housing.
exports to the country. North American lumber
Plum Creek is tracking these market forces,
Applications for permits to build singleexports to China surged 1-7 fold to 3.5 billion
especially in the South where the company
family houses rose for the third straight month
board feet since 2006, as the country’s sources
holds significant interests in timber across
to the highest since May 2008. Repair and
for lumber are limited. These upward trends
several states. The company has several wood
remodel expenditures are predicted to dramatiin China’s housing needs suggest sustained
products facilities in the northwest.
cally improve over 2008–2012 levels.
demand. Additionally, the bioenergy market
A while back, USA Today
is expanding in the U.S and
covered the opening of a Plum
abroad, and demand is emerging
Creek sawmill in Montana (http://
from the south with several mill
projects underway.
business/2013/04/30/housingAt the same time, global
rebound-pulling-up-lumberlumber and timber supply is
industry/2123301/) which had been
constrained. The Mountain Pine
shuttered since 2009. The story also
Beetle has decimated timber
addressed the link between the
resources in Canada, the world’s
housing market and the timber
largest exporter of timber. More
industry nationwide, as well as
than half the commercial pine
in British Columbia, the largest
the effects of rising lumber prices
Rebounding demand is
timber-producing province, has
and reopening of other sawmills on
tied to the recovering
U.S. housing market.
local economies in the northwest
been lost to the worst pine beetle
Long-term demographic demand
U.S. These impacts stand to be even
infestation on record in Canada.
projected to drive 1.5 million +
The country’s output fell to 23.7
greater in the southeast.
annual housing starts by 2015.1
billion board feet in 2012 from a
“The key ingredients are now
in place for a surge in southern
peak of almost 36 billion in 2004 —
Exports to China will continue.
lumber and timber demand
a 35 percent decrease. Eastern
North American lumber exports to
(and prices) over the next five
Canada is lowering harvest levels
China surged 17-fold to 3.5 billion
board feet since 2006.2
years,” explained Lynn Michaelis,
by 20 percent to achieve sustainable
forestry economist and president of
rotations. And while Canada has
Strategic Economic Analysis. “Three
supplied up to 35 percent of the
factors will drive the rebound in the
lumber used in the U.S. in the past,
southern U.S. timber harvests —
their market share will likely shrink
Canadian supply will shrink.
recovery in the U.S. housing starts,
below 25 percent.
It will take years for the world’s largest
sustained demand for softwood
Collectively, these conditions
exporter of timber to recover from a pine
beetle infestation that has wiped out more
logs and lumber in Asia (primarily
will continue to drive a growing
than half of the commercial pine in British
China), and lumber supply limits
and sustained market for southern
in Canada.”
timber and lumber, which will bode
Rebounding demand is tied to
well for local economies. z
1 Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies 2 International Wood Markets Group
3 British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
recovery of the U.S housing market,
Southern Timber Industry Rebounds
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A Fresh Take on
Georgia’s Phenomenal Forests
By Stasia Kelly
There was no red carpet, nor were there klieg
lights or movie stars on Peachtree Street in
Atlanta on May 14. There was, however, a high
level of excitement, as a groundbreaking film
debuted in the Georgia-Pacific auditorium.
After nearly five years of planning and almost
a year of filming, “The Sustainable Forest —
A Georgia Success Story” premiered to an
appreciative crowd of forestry professionals.
The documentary features breathtaking
aerial photography showcasing Georgia’s
forested land, close-up looks at planting,
harvesting, products, services and crisp sound
bites from industry members. Original music,
narration and visuals take viewers on a custom
journey through the lifecycle of the Georgia
forest. “Fostering the phenomenal forest” is
the tag line for the presentation that highlights
the many benefits provided by Georgia’s
24.8-million acres of forest land. Through
the efforts of a multitude of partners, the film
now stands as a unique communication tool
for Georgia’s forestry community. The film is
available for veiwing online at http://www.
“In 2008, we were with our SFI counterparts in Minnesota,” said Donna Gallaher,
Coordinator for the Georgia Sustainable
Forestry Initiative Implementation Committee
at the University of Georgia’s Warnell School
of Forestry and Natural Resources. “They
shared a delightful PowerPoint presentation
about a Habitat House project they sponsored.
They’d gone from tree harvesting to the
sawmill to local tree farmers and politicians
and ended with a Habitat build,” Gallaher
said. “They built a house for a Girl Scout and
her mom. We were moved.”
Gallaher and industry colleagues Mike
Harrell and James Norris got the ball rolling
in Georgia by garnering the interest of the
Georgia Forestry Association’s Young Professionals/Emerging Leaders group.
“The Emerging Leaders deserve big
thanks for stepping up to the plate,” said
Gallaher. “It’s encouraging to see how they
‘get it.’ We’ve got to be out there telling our
story, and to see these young people waving
the flag for forestry is very encouraging to me,”
she said.
“Everybody was interested and wanted
to do it,” said Norris, Wood Procurement
Superintendent with Graphic Packaging
International in Macon. “We just lacked a
little coordination at first. I went to my boss,
Joe Parsons, and explained the idea and he said,
‘Sure! Let’s go for it.’ And we did,” said Norris.
3 ... 2 ... 1 ... liftoff!
The idea was to bring Georgia’s forestry
community together to build a Habitat house
constructed with Georgia-grown materials,
manufactured in Georgia mills. The house was
slated to be built in the small, Lynmore Estates
neighborhood in Macon that had thrived in
World War II, but had been in decline until
recently when Macon Area Habitat and other
agencies started working to improve it. The
entire project was filmed, so that sustainable
forestry could be communicated in a fresh new
way to Georgians and others.
Fundraising, building and public
relations committees were formed and volunteers started climbing onboard.
“Forestry people are independent
people,” said Mike Harrell, Vice President of
Stuckey Timberland, Inc. in Eastman. “Tell us
what you want and we get it done. Everyone
was so generous and everyone came through.
We got more than we needed,” Harrell.
A who’s who of Georgia forest industry
sponsors played parts in the project, including
the Georgia SFI Implementation Committee,
Georgia Forestry Association Emerging
Leaders, Georgia Forestry Association,
Georgia Forestry Foundation, Georgia
Forestry Commission, Georgia ChapterSociety of American Foresters, Georgia Tree
Farm Program, and Southeastern Wood
Producers Association.
After months of planning, fundraising,
and soliciting volunteers, Georgia’s Tree Farm
Committee kicked off the Georgia Forestry
Community Habitat for Humanity Build in
Macon on February 14.
“A large portion of the building materials
were donated,” said Norris. “All the OSB,
treated lumber, roof and floor sheeting, it was
all Georgia grown or made and SFI- certified.”
Norris said working with the Habitat for
Humanity group was especially rewarding.
“Going into the project I just assumed
Habitat was a kind of give-away program,
but that is not true,” Norris said. “Interested
homeowners are scrutinized in the application
process, there are background and employer
checks, and they have to meet a lot of criteria.
That was eye opening to me,” Norris said.
And that’s not all that’s required,
according to Gallaher. In addition to a down
payment and monthly mortgage payments,
homeowners invest hundreds of hours of their
own labor into building their Habitat house
and the houses of others.
“I love Habitat’s motto,” said Gallaher,
‘Not a hand out, but a hand up.’ To work with
such an organization and share our (forestry)
message by doing so was just a big win-win,”
she said.
Rock musician Chuck Leavell and GFC Director
Robert Farris share a laugh as they help build
the SFI Habitat House in Macon.
The Jones family gets some help from project
sponsors planting trees that will provide back
yard shade and beauty.
Macon Area Habitat for Humanity
Executive Director, Harold Tessendorf, was
equally pleased.
“We were very, very impressed and
humbled that we were selected to provide
the site for the house in this particular
community,” Tessendorf said. “There was a
high degree of professionalism and passion
in all the people who worked on this, and the
volunteers had a real sense of service in mind.”
The sustainability of Georgia’s forests
resonated with Tessendorf and Habitat’s
mission as well.
“We’re working on the ongoing revitalization of a neighborhood, so we’re also talking
about sustainability,” Tessendorf said. “We’re
using the existing infrastructure that’s already
in place,” he said, to bring new life to a neighborhood in need.
myriad of products and environmental services
forests offer, their relation to the economy,
and much more.
“We wanted to make a strong connection
for the audience,” said Gallaher, “that forests
have a big impact on our daily quality of
life. They’re part of the houses we build, our
shelters. And paper, of course, is a huge part
of our lives.”
Documentary producer, Jamie Oliver, said
the biggest aha! moment for him was the fact
that “we live in the woods!”
“Going up in the plane for the aerial
shoot, and seeing that Georgia is two-thirds
covered with forest land was breathtaking.”
Oliver worked on the project for eight
months. He credits cinematographer David
Sizemore with doing an “amazing job,” and
crafting the documentary’s distinctive soft,
classic film look. Oliver’s cousin, Nashville
Georgians “live in the woods!”
musician William Tyler created the original
Tree farmer and rock musician Chuck Leavell
guitar score.
is featured in the documentary, whose message
“Everyone we worked with was great,”
demonstrates the forestry community’s
Oliver said of the forestry professionals who
commitment to responsible stewardship
were interviewed and helped with filming.
of the forest. Viewers learn that Georgia’s
“Their hospitality was unmatched. I’m very
forest resource is abundant and renewable
pleased with the final product.”
as they see and hear about growing seedlings,
People all across Georgia are now able to
thinning, the concept of working forests, the
view the film and hear more about Georgia’s
working forests through
presentations offered
by a special speaker’s
bureau. Representatives
have been fanning
across the state, sharing
the video, a speech and
supplemental handouts
with Rotary Clubs,
Chambers of Commerce
and other civic groups.
“People have been
pleasantly surprised,”
said Mike Harrell. “In
SFI/Habitat homeowner Angela Jones, left, accepts a wheelbarrow full
of donated paper products from Georgia Pacific’s Mike Taylor, pictured
certain rural areas,
foreground, right, with other sponsors on home dedication day. GFA also
people already realize
donated a new lawnmower to the family.
how important forestry is to Georgia,” he said,
“but we urge them to talk to their neighbors,
grandkids, and others. It’s a great message to
send out.”
Tessendorf said his organization has
received an important message through the
experience as well.
“This tells a great story about what
forestry means in the state of Georgia, and
how sustainability is built into it,” he said.
“The relationship with Habitat doesn’t end
today. On our affiliate level, we will be much
more conscious of the wood products that
are locally grown and sourced, and how they
fit into our construction process. We want
to look for ways to involve smaller Georgia
communities. We’ll be looking for how we
can continue to do this and grow a statewide
And the story for Angela and Curtis Jones,
who moved into their new SFI/Habitat House
with their four children on May 24, truly has
a “happily ever after” ending.
“I love our big, new home,” said Angela.
“Everyone has been so nice, and this has been
such an education [about forestry and paper.]
I love our wood floors and the ramp they built
for my husband’s scooter chair, which he’s
needed since having back surgery.”
And how do the kids like their new digs?
“Excited!” said Angela. “They’re always outside
playing and even helping cut the grass. It’s the
first time I’ve seen them interested in keeping
up the yard and our home!” z
To schedule a Speaker’s Bureau event, contact Donna
Gallaher at or 706-542-7691.
Learn more about the Macon Habitat build on
Facebook at “Georgia Forestry Community Habitat
Build” and about Georgia’s Sustainable Forestry
committee at
Reprinted with permission from
Georgia Forestry Today.
Are You a Lifelong Learner?
Dr. Dave Kohl
By Dr. David M. Kohl
One of the exciting trends observed in the
agriculture industry through interaction with
people from around the globe at seminars is
the emergence of lifelong learners.
These eager, inquisitive participants,
regardless of their endeavors in agriculture,
have found a competitive edge by developing
a game plan for lifelong learning. They are
on a quest for information, knowledge and
forums at which to network and interact
with like-minded people. Whether it is youth,
young and beginning producers, the senior
generation or agricultural product and service
providers, the self-improvement light bulb has
been turned on. Why has this trend emerged
in agriculture?
I challenge you to critically think about
your role as an agricultural knowledge worker.
Since the beginning of the century, the great
global agricultural commodity super cycle has
elevated the importance of lifelong learning,
transforming the needs, skills and mindsets
of agriculturalists. It requires businesses,
regardless of size, enterprise or location,
to challenge the status quo concerning
innovation, strategy and execution, or be left
behind in today’s fast paced, interconnected
global marketplace.
outside the agriculture industry to expand
horizons, perspectives and develop empowerment amongst the team members. In some
cases, team members are asked to prepare a
brief summary of their experiences to share
with others in the business to leverage information and knowledge exchange.
Remember to consider the whole
person, and not just the business priorities.
For example, an owner and employee
entered a wellness program together and
lost a combined 200 pounds, which had a
positive impact on key health metrics. A
balance between professional and personal
development is key.
Learning Needs Assessment
Dr. Danny Klinefelter, a well-respected
economist at Texas A&M University, says
good managers prioritize. Taking this a step
further, great managers prioritize their priorities. They can distinguish between the $100,
$1,000 and $10,000 decisions and channel
resources, energy and time for the best results.
Sometimes the tractor seat can be more
fun, but educational seminars may be more
The emphasis on lifelong learning and
personal development is a major trend
amongst elite manager groups. To determine
your knowledge and training needs, start out
with a good old fashioned SWOT analysis that
examines strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. For example, one business
conducts this assessment of its owners,
managers, employees and stakeholders
to determine training and development
priorities. They allocate up to two percent
of revenues and up to five percent of the
individual’s time for educational, professional
and personal development. The organization
recommends 25 percent of the time be spent
Advisory Teams
Another major business trend that supports
the lifelong learning concept is developing
and utilizing advisory teams. These teams
are seen as an investment instead of a cost,
and are often utilized to fortify individual and
business strategic areas of weakness, building
upon the strengths of advisers who are used
as a sounding board for exchange of ideas and
suggestions for improvement.
Learning Priorities
economical for long run success. However,
some producers accomplish both by listening
to podcasts or audio books, monitoring
markets and analyzing information from
the tractor seat utilizing technology.
Knowledge and information delivery methods
to lifelong learners can include time-tested
face-to-face meetings, online education or a
blended approach.
Success Story
Recently a young farmer and his spouse were
on a panel discussion I moderated on family
business transition and communication
issues. The young couple explained they
had completed personality profiles during
a personal development seminar, and then
they, in turn, encouraged their parents to do
the same. The bottom line is that the family
is communicating much better now that they
have learned about and understand each
other’s personality styles and the different
ways family members present their thoughts
and perspectives. This “take charge” approach
most likely will save thousands of dollars in
legal fees and circumvent struggles in growth
management in the future.
You are responsible for your own
commitment to lifelong learning and personal
development. If you manage employees,
you are also responsible for identifying
standards and metrics for employee personal
development that align with business
production, finance and marketing goals. A
commitment to lifelong learning is a way to
gain the competitive edge in a dynamic global
marketplace. What is your game plan? z
David Kohl received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Agricultural Economics from Cornell University. For 25 years,
Kohl was Professor of Agricultural Finance and Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship in the Department
of Agricultural and Applied Economics at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. He was on special leave with the Royal
Bank of Canada working on advanced initiatives for two years, and also assisted in the launch of the successful
entrepreneurship program at Cornell University. Kohl is Professor Emeritus in the AAEC Department at Virginia Tech.
Small Class, Big Business
By Amanda E. Swennes
Last December, Emily Reece (BSA–
Agribusiness, ’12) became the first
agribusiness graduate from the University
of Georgia (UGA) Tifton campus. Within
the next year, six more students will graduate
from the program, which began in fall 2011.
Using a combination of on-site
instruction and distance learning technology,
undergraduates on the Tifton campus
join the 140-plus agribusiness majors on
UGA’s main campus in Athens for courses
covering farm management, agribusiness
management, marketing, agriculture policy,
finance, economic principles, quantitative
analysis and selling. Five faculty members
in Tifton teach approximately two-thirds of
the courses in the major, with the balance
taught by Athens and Griffin campus faculty
via distance education.
“Whether students are at Tifton or
Athens, the degree requirements are the same,
and they all graduate with the same degree
from UGA,” said Don Shurley, a professor in
the Department of Agricultural and Applied
Economics on the Tifton campus.
Students complete their core coursework
at other institutions before transferring to the
UGA Tifton campus to finish the last two
years of the degree.
Emily Reece
“A main objective of this program is to
allow south Georgia students who are interested in a career in agribusiness to remain in
south Georgia if they so choose and pursue
this major in Tifton,” said professor and
department head Octavio Ramirez.
That’s what attracted Reece to the
program. “I already had connections in the
Tifton area, and I didn’t want to lose those
by transferring to Athens,” she said.
Another benefit of the program is
that the Tifton faculty, who have primarily
Extension or research appointments, bring
real-world experience to the classroom. Their
connections in the ag community also help
students land competitive internships that
can count toward course credit.
“You get to know your professors
extremely well,” said Shannon Parrish, a
senior from Alapaha, Ga. “There’s a lot of
one-on-one and they will help you with
anything, whether it’s related to their class
or another class.”
Ultimately, adding the agribusiness
major on the Tifton campus will help meet
the growing demand for graduates with a
business — and specifically ag business —
degree in south Georgia. One of the program’s
long-term goals is to keep highly-skilled
graduates in the area to foster local economies
and support the state’s agricultural industry.
If the first graduate is any indication,
the program is off to a positive start. After
graduation, Reece accepted a position as a
loan officer for AgGeorgia Farm Credit in
Chatsworth, Ga. z
Reprinted with permission from UGA Southscapes
magazine, Spring 2013
Experts in Ag Lending.
Meet our Dublin staff—Branch Manager Danny Thomas and his
staff work hard to make sure our members receive the newest loan
products available on the market, keep your interest rates low,
keep your patronage program strong and provide you with service
beyond compare. Call or come by the Dublin office and let us
show you what our experience and knowledge can do for you.
We’ve got you covered—Land, Operating Expenses, Equipment Loans.
Call us today!
From the left: Faith Howard, Sarah Williams, Linda Sapp and Danny Thomas
826 Bellevue Avenue
Dublin, Georgia
Sweet Tips for Sweet Treats
Buddy Valastro
Family Features
You might have a favorite cookie or brownie
recipe — but did you know you could make
it even better by adding a simple, familiar
ingredient? With a few expert tips from
Buddy Valastro, author and star of TLC’s
“Cake Boss,” you can take your sweet treats
from good to great in no time.
Start with Quality Ingredients. When
you start with better ingredients, you end
up with a better cookie or brownie. Use real
butter, high-quality vanilla and great tasting
chocolate. Here, Buddy shares some of his
favorite recipes that use M&M’S candies
to add an extra special touch to family
favorites — making them even better.
Chill the Dough. Leaving cookie dough
in the refrigerator gives it more body and
results in a fuller and better tasting cookie.
Plan ahead so you can refrigerate your dough
at least one hour — or, even better, overnight.
Keep It Uniform. Use a small ice cream
scoop to keep your cookies the same size. This
not only helps them look professional, but
bake up evenly and consistently.
Pans Matter. Bake cookies on lightcolored, non-insulated cookie sheets without
sides. Metal pans will cook brownies faster
than glass pans, which means cooking
times will vary. Start checking your
brownies early to test if they’re ready and
prevent over-baking.
You can find more sweet baking tips and
recipes at
Milk Chocolate Minis Cookies
Prep time: 10 to 15 minutes
Chill time: 1 hour to overnight
Bake time: 7 to 12 minutes
Yield: 24 to 30 cookies
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
3/4 cup firmly packed light
brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 3/4 cups M&M’S Milk Chocolate
Minis Candies
1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
Preheat oven to 350°F.
In large bowl, cream butter and both
sugars until well blended. Add eggs and
vanilla extract, and mix to combine.
In separate bowl, sift flour, cocoa
powder, baking soda and salt. Slowly add
dry ingredients to butter mixture, and stir
until combined.
Fold in candies and walnuts, if desired.
Chill dough 1 hour, or overnight.
Drop dough by rounded tablespoons
onto lightly greased tray, about 2 inches apart.
Bake for 7 to 9 minutes for chewy
cookies, or 10 to 12 minutes for crispy cookies.
Amazing M&M’S Cookies
Prep time: 10 to 15 minutes
Chill time: 1 hour to overnight
Bake time: 8 to 14 minutes
Yield: 24 to 30 cookies
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
2/3 cup brown sugar
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups flour
1 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 3/4 cups M&M’S Milk Chocolate Candies
Preheat oven to 350°F.
In large bowl, cream butter and both
sugars until well blended. Add egg and vanilla
extract, and mix to combine.
In separate bowl, sift flour, baking soda
and salt together. Slowly add dry ingredients
into butter mixture and stir until combined.
Fold in candies and chill dough for 1 hour
or overnight.
Drop dough by rounded tablespoons
onto lightly greased tray, about 2 inches apart.
Bake for 8 to 10 minutes for chewy
cookies, or 12 to 14 minutes for crispy cookies.
Simply Sweet Cannoli
Prep time: 20 minutes
Yield: 24
1 cup Snickers Bars, finely
1 1/2 cups part skim milk ricotta
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon grated orange zest
1 resealable plastic bag
24 mini cannoli shells, unfilled
1/2 cup M&M’S Chocolate Candies
Combine chopped candy bars with ricotta,
sugar and orange zest.
Spoon mixture into resealable bag and
snip off a 1/2-inch corner. Fill cannoli shells
by squeezing in filling from each end.
Decorate both ends with chocolate
Ultimate Peanut Butter Brownies
Prep time: 10 to 15 minutes
Bake time: 30 to 40 minutes
Yield: 32 brownies
4 ounces semisweet chocolate
1 cup canola or vegetable oil
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups M&M’S Peanut Butter Candies,
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Lightly grease a rectangular 13 x 9 x
2-inch pan
In 3-quart saucepan, gently combine
the semisweet chocolate and oil over very
low heat until melted. Remove from heat and
allow to cool.
In separate bowl, combine sugar, eggs
and vanilla extract until blended. Add in
chocolate mixture. Slowly sift in remaining
dry ingredients and mix until combined.
Fold in 1 1/2 cups candies.
Spread batter into pan. Sprinkle with
remaining 1/2 cup candies and press lightly.
Bake until brownies begin to pull away
from sides of pan, about 30 to 40 minutes.
Association News
Staff Updates
Loan Officer Matthew
Moxley has relocated
from the Waynesboro
office to our Perry
Loan Specialist Sarah
Williams is now
serving our members
in the Dublin branch
Loan Officer Eddie
Fresh is now in Tifton.
He worked as a credit
analyst in the corporate
office prior to his
Sara Mitchem has
accepted the position
as the manager of
the Perry branch
office. Sara joined
the AgGeorgia Farm
Credit staff as a loan
officer in the Perry
Branch in 2012. Prior to her employment
with AgGeorgia, she was employed six years
with a local commercial bank. She holds a
bachelor’s degree in accounting from Macon
State College and a MBA from Georgia College
and State University.
Nick Hartley has
accepted the position
as regional lending
manager. He will
oversee the operations
of the Cordele, Perry,
Dublin, Sandersville
and Waynesboro
branch offices. Nick joined the Washington
branch as a loan officer in 2008. He moved to
the SAM Department in 2010 and in January
2012 he was named branch manager of the
Perry office.
John Peters has
accepted the position
as regional lending
manager, overseeing
operations of the
Tifton, Moultrie,
Quitman, Nashville,
Ocilla and Sylvester
branch offices. John joined the Moultrie
branch as a loan officer in 2006 and three
years later was named branch manager of the
Moultrie office.
Ray Hendrick has
accepted the position
as Moultrie branch
manager. Ray has
been with AgGeorgia
26 years, and has held
various credit and
management positions
during his tenure.
Melissa Redd has been
named branch manager
of the Waynesboro
office. Melissa joined
the Waynesboro
branch as a loan
officer in September
2009, expanded her
career with a move to the Special Assets
department in 2011, and now will oversee the
development, progress and supervision of the
Waynesboro office.
Connie Stinson retired
this past June after
more than 26 years of
service in the Dublin
branch office. She
began her career in 1987
with Central Georgia
Farm Credit as an
office assistant.
Continued on next page
High school senior Samantha Strickland accepts a $1,000 scholarship check from Area Manager Nick
Hartley. The daughter of Edmond and Jody Strickland of Perry, Ga., Samantha is a graduate of Perry
High School and plans to attend Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College before transferring to the
University of Georgia to major in agribusiness with a minor in horticulture.
Cpl. Greg Wade Honored With
Waterfowl Officer of the Year Award
Cpl. Greg Wade, who patrols in Tift
County, has been recognized with the Rocky
Wainwright Waterfowl Officer of the Year
Award for his outstanding efforts regarding
waterfowl conservation over the past year,
according to the Georgia Department of
Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources
Division. The award is named in memory of
Conservation Ranger Cpl. Rocky Wainwright,
who was dedicated to the conservation
of waterfowl.
“Cpl. Greg Wade is an asset to this
agency and to the hunting public thanks to
his dedication to protecting waterfowl and
their habitat,” says Col. Eddie Henderson,
Cpl. Greg Wade
chief of law enforcement. “He encourages
wise use of our resources through quality
education efforts, vigorous enforcement and
community involvement.”
Wade has been with the Division since
2006. Research was key to Wade’s work
with waterfowl. He made superior efforts
to educate himself about resources in Tift
County and surrounding areas, stay on top
of any new hunting “trends,” study maps
and aerial photographs and meticulously
detail information about field encounters
and local area habitat. This preparation work
proved of great assistance and directly led
to numerous waterfowl violation arrests.
In addition to enforcement efforts, Wade
supported waterfowl education by teaching
blocks of instruction on waterfowl and
wetlands protection at the annual “Nature
Trek” programs in the Worth County
School System.
Other conservation rangers nominated
for this award include RFC Ben Cunningham,
Cpl. Brian Hobbins, Cpl. Lynn Stanford and
RFC Keith McDonald.
Adam Flakes has
joined the staff of the
Waynesboro office as a
loan officer. He will be
serving the credit needs
of residents of Burke,
Columbia, McDuffie and
Richmond counties.
Toni Sanders has
joined the staff of the
Sandersville office as a
loan assistant. She has
more than five years
of experience in the
banking industry.
Ryan King, a recent
graduate of The
University of Georgia
with a bachelor's degree
in agribusiness, is a loan
officer in the Royston
office. The Royston staff
serves the credit needs
of residents of Banks, Clarke, Elbert, Franklin,
Hart, Madison and Stephens counties.
Donna Perrin is a loan
specialist in the Tifton
branch office. She has
29 years of accounting
and finance experience.
For more information on conservation rangers
and law enforcement, visit
New Staff
Teresa Thompson
has joined the staff
of the Perry office
as a loan assistant.
She has more than 27
years of experience in
financial services.
Mark Lindsey has
joined AgGeorgia
as an information
systems specialist; he is
located in the Cartersville branch office.
Mark graduated from
Kennesaw State University in 2005 with a
master’s degree in information systems.
AgGeorgia Farm Credit
Copies of the Association’s Annual and Quarterly reports are available upon request free of charge by calling 1-800-8686404 or writing Carrie McCall, Chief Financial Officer, AgGeorgia Farm Credit, ACA, P.O. Box 1820, Perry, Georgia
31069 or accessing the website, The Association prepares an electronic version of the Annual Report
which is available on the Association’s website within 75 days after the end of the fiscal year and distributes the Annual
Report to Shareholders within 90 days after the end of the fiscal year. The Association prepares an electronic version of
the Quarterly report within 40 days after the end of each fiscal quarter, except that no report need be prepared for the
fiscal quarter that coincides with the end of the fiscal year of the institution.
Property for Sale
Properties for sale are listed as a service to our readers. Information is furnished by real estate agents and individuals and
AgGeorgia Farm Credit is not responsible for the accuracy of the listing contents. If you have property for sale in Georgia that
you wish to list in the Leader magazine please contact Mary Kiley for details at or 770/536-3660 ext 374.
Great country home with 2 acres and a pond near
Enigma, Georgia in Berrien County. This home is
move in ready with custom cabinets, large laundry
room, 8X24 sunroom, fenced yard, 16X16 barn,
fruit trees and mature pecan trees. A deep well that
never runs dry and a trouble free septic system. All
appliances are included even the washer and dryer.
269 Wood Williams Road MLS# 121143. $84,900
Call Ronnie Dunn at Century 21 Smith Branch &
Pope 229-388-7283.
Gorgeous developmental tract or private
residence! Rolling wooded land, a real must see!
All preliminary work has been completed for a subdivision. Call Brenda DeLoach with Southern Traditions
Realty 229.507.0622.
86 acre ranch/equestrian facility. Porter Carswell
Rd. just outside Waynesboro, developed by the late
Dale Wilkinson, 2 homes, 30 stall horse barn with
bunk/office and storage, 40x112 equipment/storage
barn, paddocks and pastures with working facilities,
$525,000. Shivers Real Estate, 706-833-9115, www.
Looking for a hunting and fishing tract this is it.
187.55 acres great roads through property cypress
pond on back of property call today for more info.
Call Brenda DeLoach with Southern Traditions Realty
300 acres in Berrien County. Gorgeous riverfront
287 acre farm, Gough Red Hill Rd. 5-1/2 miles
west of Waynesboro, 135 acres cultivated, 64 acres
hay fields, remainder wooded, 1-1/4 miles paved road
frontage, $575,160. Shivers Real Estate, 706-8339114,
property, great fishing and abundant in wildlife! Good
interior roads. Future value in planted pines! Owner
financing available! Call Brenda DeLoach at Southern
Traditions Realty 229.507.0622.
Old Southern home with lots of style and
character. 3550 Stoney Bluff Road, Girard, GA
52 acres in Berrien County. Gorgeous riverfront
property. Abundant with deer and turkey. Boat dock
for fishing, beautiful campsite! Call Brenda DeLoach
at Southern Traditions Realty 229.507.0622.
30426 - Large rooms, hardwood floors in some rooms.
Office/den and upstairs bedroom has solid pine boards
on wall. Nice brick shop/garage in back yard. Lovely
setting underneath large, old trees. Additional land
may be available from seller. $99,000. Contact Mary
Yelton Realty, Waynesboro, 706-554-0340.
156 acres Stoney Bluff Road. located adjacent to
Wade Plantation and near the Savannah River, young
timberland, older timber along Little Sweetwater
Creek, 6 acres longleaf pines, 10 acre field, 2 large
food plots, county road frontage, $168,540. Shivers
Real Estate, 706-833-9114,
This BURKE COUNTY tract has approx. 1/2 mile
frontage on Brier Creek. There is a approx. 35 ac.
2006 cutover in the rear of the property with the
remainder in a marketable pine/hardwood mix. A large
power line crosses the tract offering great locations
for food plots and hunting opportunities. This land
has a good road to the power line area and locations
upfront for a home site. Property has a 2007 survey
done on it. Contact agent Max Boswell 706-871-9141
with MaryYelton Realty.
This BURKE COUNTY tract is a great recreation
tract and could be a homesite. Property is 101.6
acres and has approx. 218 feet of frontage on Beaver
Dam Creek. Tract consists of a recent cutover with
young hardwoods and some open areas. Good
hunting and lots of room for homesites if needed.
This property is split by the Burke and Jenkins
69 ACRE TRACT. Contact agent Max Boswell at
706-871-9141 with Mary Yelton Realty.
This property is on a paved road just 1 mile off
US Highway 319, about a mile south of Norman
Park, Georgia in Colquitt County. A total of 7.7
acres for $34,900. It has 600 feet frontage on Bear
Creek Road and goes 560 feet deep. Originally it
was 2 lots. If divided into 2 lots you could have a
single family dwelling on each lot. Mobile homes are
allowed. MLS#117745 Call Ronnie Dunn at Century
21 Smith Branch & Pope 229-388-7283.
This BURKE COUNTY tract has over 1,000 feet
of frontage on Kilpatrick Rd. It has large pines
with open hardwoods throughout. There are small
open area as well as a powerline crossing.The land
is flat to low rolling offering numerous excellent
places for a homesite. It would be a great place for
horses,recreation, hunting and a home place. There
is power available at the road and it is located approx.
3.5 miles from Waynesboro. Contact agent Max
Boswell 706-871-9141 with Mary Yelton Realty.
3 BR/1 Bath property with 1 acre land. Located in
Horse Property w/ Caretaker Home The property
is 45+/- acres and has two stocked ponds/lakes.
beautiful area of the county. $65,900 Call Jeri Smith
with Browning Brass Key Realty @ 229-873-5374.
MLS #903076
One lake is 10+/- acres and the other is 3.5 +/- acres.
There is a 12 stall horse barn with a tack room and a
feed room. Just outside is a 150 ft. X 200 ft. riding
arena, steel round pen and a hot walker. There is a
3 bedroom/ 2 bath ranch caretaker home as well.
Located throughout the property are numerous home
sites for you to build a dream home you’ve always
wanted. Owner says you could harvest part of the
property for timber. $599,500.00. Call Sue Vetsch
at United Country 678.963.5390 or 678.410.8793
Colquitt County 7 1/2 Acre property with 3 BR/2
Bath, 4 Septic Tanks, 30 x 40 metal building.
Priced at $119,900. Patsy Browning, Browning Brass
Key Realty - 229-985-3032
This BURKE COUNTY tract is a fully wooded
tract which would be great for a home site or a
quite country get away. There are large pines and
hardwoods throughout. This land fronts on both Allen
Chapel Rd. as well as Club Rd. offering many options
for owners. It is located about 10 minutes to Plant
Vogtle, 20 minutes to Augusta and 15 minutes to
Waynesboro. Contact agent Max Boswell at 706-8719141 with Mary Yelton Realty.
Great 111 Acree Farm on Barneyville Road.
Approx. 60 acres of prime farm land, beautiful 12
acre pond, with good hunting land. Main house,
2 rental houses, cabin on pond. Metal building, 3
shelters, & 3 storage buildings. One of the storage
buildings has bath & kitchen. Potential $1600 month
from house rentals & farm rents for $6000. Call
Brenda DeLoach with Southern Traditions Realty
Executive Home in Colquitt County - 3 BR/2 1/2
BA with formal Living, Formal Dining, Kitchen,
Sunroom, Den, and 14 x 20 Workshop with
water and elec. Corner lot in Wiregrass Subdi-
vision. Charlotte Kelley, Browning Brass Key Realty
- 229-985-3032.
Beautiful Lake Front home on lake Sylvia
Moultrie, GA. 3 BR/2 BA with den, living/dining
combo and nice kitchen. Beautiful lake front lot.
Bobby Browning, Browning Brass Key Realty,
Moultrie, GA 229-985-3032
Downsize to a 2 BR/2BA Townhome in Moultrie,
GA. 309 and 313 Floral Drive are for sale at $110,000
ea. Call Patsy Browning of Browning Brass Key Realty
for more information. 229-985-3032
Great 2 BR/2 BA Townhome on Ivy Lane.
Freestanding with carport. Beautiful setting priced
at $150,000. Contact Patsy Browning of Browning
Brass Key Realty @ 229-985-3032. MLS #902457
Brick home located in a nice quiet area just
outside of town. Formal dining room, den and
living room. Beautiful landscaped yard with mature
pecan and fruit trees. Nice size workshop with a/c
and storage space. List Price of $99,000.00. MLS #
903136. Contact Dena Jackson @ Alderman Classic
Realty LLC 229-985-0177 or email denacjp@yahoo.
3 BR/2BA home with 2 acres in Doerun, GA.
More acreage available. Contact Bobby Browning at
Browning Brass Key Realty at 229-985-3032. MLS
Barn, deep well, septic tank and approximately
5.34 acres... Situated on the corner of Thigpen
Trail and Coleman Road in Hartsfield GA. Beautiful
home site or ideal place for horses. MLS # 903100.
Call Dena Jackson @ Alderman Classic Realty LLC.
229-985-0177 or email
$49,875 – Build your dream home on 5 +/wooded acres with access to public water. This
Beautiful 2300 sf home with family room/ formal
LR/DR, large kitchen,fenced in corner lot with 3
BR/2 BA. Priced at $155,900. For more information
call Patsy Browning of Browning Brass Key Realty
at 229-985-3032.
3 or 4 BR/3 Bath home on 1 1/2 lots on
Franklin St., Moultrie, GA. Large kitchen with
large living areas and big yard. Priced at $114,900.
Call Bobby Browning at Browning Brass Key Realty
is a MAGNIFICENT building site is perfect if you
are looking for elbowroom seclusion. There are several
gorgeous 100+ year old shady oak trees and 20+/year old pine trees (that you may consider selling
to timber companies) The lot offers 320 foot road
frontage on Leitner Mill Rd. and additional plus
road frontage on Sandpit (which is on the county
books for paving. There may still be a possibility for
new owner to subdivide the lot into two 2 1/2 acre
lots) after road is paved the lot will be right under 5
acres and won’t be able to be subdivided any longer
(Zoned RA Residential Agricultural) Conveniently
located in Columbia County, minutes to Ft. Gordon.
If you would like to view these or ANY other
property FOR SALE call Christine May of Leading
Edge Real Estate at (706) 869-9478. Our sales
Nice 3 BR/2 BA home in Wiregrass! Priced at
$155,000. this home is on a beautiful lot in great
family subdivision. Contact Patsy Browning of
Browning Brass Key Realty @ 229-985-3032. MLS
small business, workshop, new home site or horses...
The possibilities are endless!! This unique property
offers over 2800 sqft of work or storage space and a
800 sqft apartment that is immaculate and move in
ready. There are 2 nice size bedrooms with walk in
closets and 2 full baths. Situated on 2.59 acres. MLS #
903083. 388 Dunn Road Moultrie GA. Contact Dena
Jackson @ Alderman Classic Realty 229-985-0177
or email
team is available 7 days week! Please visit www.
$35,000 – Grovetown – Are you looking for “elbow
room” and total seclusion? Check out this great,
heavily wooded tract of land offering 5.2 acres with
mature trees, hardwood, dogwoods and a creek
also home to abundant deer and wild life. Owner
Financing may be available! Call Drew or Christine
May of Leading Edge Real Estate at (706) 869-9478.
Our sales team is available 7 days week! Visit www.
1676 Watson Bailey Rd, Harlem GA Columbia
County. $79,900 – 24.74 ACRES - COLUMBIA
COUNTY- with creek and possible pond site, mature
trees along the creek site, newer trees and underbrush throughout rest of property could be cleared
for horses, great for hunting with an abundance of
deer and wild turkey, about 1500 foot road frontage,
can be subdivided, will need well and septic, zoned
Residential Agricultural (RA), If you would like to
view these or ANY other properties FOR SALE call
Christine May of Leading Edge Real Estate at (706)
869-9478. My sales team is available 7 days week!
Please visit
Large 2.26 acre building lot in an established
residential neighborhood in Adel, Georgia Cook
County. It’s on a paved street and the city provides
River Road Hide-A-Way Priced Reduced! A great
family or hunter’s retreat!! 62.48 acres with 3 BRm,
2 Bath home in excellent condition! A beautiful 2
acre spring fed pond stocked with bass, bream, and
catfish is scenically located in front of the attractive
home. The home also has a living room with fireplace,
central heat and air, a nice size kitchen w/eating area
and a spacious deck off the back. A utility shed is
locatd close to the house for storage and equipment.
Mixed hardwood and pine offer grat deer and turkey
hunting. Located 10 miles from Elberton and only
1.5 miles to Broad River. Also, convenient to Lake
Thurmond and Lake Russell. Priced Reduced to
$289,000. Contact Eddie Drinkard, 706-318-3636,, or visit Web site:
water and sewer in this area. Requires only 1500
sf minimum heated. Not zoned for mobile homes.
$28,000 MLS #121555 call Ronnie Dunn at Century
21 Smith Branch & Pope 229-388-7283.
250 to 3200 feet of the shoreline. Individual tract
sizes are 91.94 acres priced at $295,000 and 94.35
acres priced at $375,000. The private gated entrance
fronts on Dry Fork Landing Road, and is located 13
miles from Elberton. Property is 1 mile from public
boat ramp and within sight of Lake Russell Park and
Arrow Head Point Golf Course. Beautiful hardwoods
with winding stream through bottom provide an ideal
habitat for deer, turkey and small game. Several established wildlife food plots. Merchantable pine timber
provides for present and future income. Graveled
interior roads provide easy access to property and good
ATV riding. Contact Eddie Drinkard, 706-318-3636,, or visit Web site:
568 acre recreational timber investment located
on Hwy 56. and the Little Ohoopee River. 158 acres of
1989 PP, 115 acres of 2007 PP, balance in hardwood
and wildlife plots. Tract has been prequalified for
a conservation easement. Great turkey and deer
tract. $1500 per acre. 478-214-0559 johnbickley@
Near Lake Russell , 108 acres.: $2,395 Per
If you are shopping for a nice sized home out in
the country on a paved road in Cook County then
this is it. This home is not too far from I-75 just north
of Sparks. 3 bedroom 2 bath just over one and half
acres, 12X16 storage building with concrete floor.
Concrete driveway with 2 car storage, screened rear
porch, and beautifully landscaped yards. All appliances
will stay plus the water purification-softner system.
12 month home warranty. $98,900 MLS#121749
Call Ronnie Dunn at Century 21 Smith Branch &
Pope 229-388-7283.
INVESTMENT TRACT. This property is located
3 miles from Lake Russell State Park and Arrowhead
Point Golf Course on Ruckersville Road. Excellent
interior roads make tract easily accessible and good
ATV trails. Merchantable pine timber for future
income. Great cabin or hunting camp sites. Ruckersville Road entrance is just minutes from boat ramps
and fishing. Contact Eddie Drinkard, 706-318-3636,, or visit Web site:
Long Cove at Lake Russell. This property consists
of 186.29 acres with over 4,700 feet of Corps of
Engineers frontage. Some property lines are within
Horse Property This farm has a 9 stall barn with
new apt. (approx. 875+/- sq.) it also has a full bath,
bedroom, living room and full kitchen. Has a large
feed/tack room, h/c wash rack, one stud stall fenced,
arena area with grated/sand, spring fed creek on the
back. The head of the spring is located there as well.
Home has had exceptional care and owned by only
one family. Open great room with stone fireplace,
Kitchen has breakfast area. Back porch has great
view of the farm. Home has oversized bedrooms and
closets. Unfinished basement is ready to be finished.
The yard is nicely landscaped and has beautiful trees.
$395,000.00 Call Sue Vetsch at United Country
678.963.5390 or 678.410.8793
Build your dream home on this beautiful secluded
25.79 +/- acres. Property has 2 Creeks, and a duck
pond, with plenty of wildlife . Land is approximately 70% pasture and 30% open land. Also has
available additional adjoining 2 acres with a mobile
home.- $136,687 Crump Mill Road. Call Kenneth
Aavage at Savage Real Estate & Auction Company,
cell: 770-718-8297 or office: 770-983-0066,
Custom Home—Glascock County—5 acres. Home
has an additional 117 acres available with great road
frontage. Home features distressed hickory flooring,
granite countertops, stone fireplace, and much more.
The additional 117 acres has a year round stream,
75 acres of planted pines, hardwoods, and cut
over land. Home with 5 acres $229,000. Contact
Town & Country Real Estate @ 478-552-5681 or
A DREAM COME TRUE! Situated on 9.19 acres with
year round mountain views, this 3BR/2BA ranch
home offers T&G walls, rocking chair porch, 2 stall
barn w/tack room, outside FP/grilling area, pasture
and out buildings, wired for full house generator.
Close to Lake Burton. $259,900 (100065) Shield,
Realtors Ruth Camp 706-499-4702
Good Road Frontage! 280 +/- acres mostly wooded,
land lays well, with a creek /stream. -$697,200
Williams Bridge Road. Call Kenneth Savage @ Savage
Real Estate & Auction Company, cell: 770-718-8297
Office: 770-983-0066,
MUST SEE PROPERTY! This rolling pasture w/
year around mountain views is spectacular. Includes
24+ acres, a branch running thru it and pond site.
Located near the hospital but very private. Also has
nice 2BR/1BA home in good shape. This very special
property is a sleeper! $199,900 (100781) Shield,
Realtors Marty Simmons 770-597-4219
apartment connected to an incredible 4+ car garage/
shop with pasement. Massive rocks landscape the
drive and building, the remodeled shell of an old
mill home is waiting to be a guest home. 10+ acres
offers seclusion and river front serenity, too much to
list. $374,900 (99279) Shield, Realtors Bill Camp
BEAUTIFUL 19+ ACRE FARM!! Just north of
3893 Bastonville Road, Gibson, GA 30810 Price:
$499,000. 60 Acres with 3 story Stately Brick home,
4 bedrooms, 4 baths, 3 car garage, large swimming
pool, large barn, and workshop. Extra bonus room
could be a 5th bedroom. Easy access to I-20, to
Ft. Gordon, and to Augusta. All offers considered.
Contact: Linda Davis, 706-361-3794, Century 21
Larry Miller Realty.
mobile home on 33.69 Acres with 7 in pasture, fenced
and cross fenced . large screened covered deck. Creeks,
picnic area, mostly hardwoods. Second mobile home
on its own septic and well. Price includes tractor and
equipment. $199,900 (100056) Shield, Realtors Carl
Crombach 706-499-6230
Clarkesville, GA!! Home is 4-Sided Brick, 3BR/2BA,
tongue & groove sun room, open floor plan, large
master, hardwood floors throughout, FP, country
kitchen, 2-car garage. Property is mostly rolling
pasture. Extra large shop/storage bldg. & large
equipment shed. Deep creek frontage. $399,900
(99313) Shield, Realtors Bill Camp 706-499-4720
location near Clarkesville and Cornelia with several
prime building sites. Actually 3 separate tracts being
sold as one. Driveway already in to creek. $329,000
(100417) Shield, Realtors Ruth Camp 706-499-4702
SOQUE RIVER PROPERTY! Looking for trout &
large tract of land? 32.48 acres w/798+ ft on trout
filled Soque may be the answer. Includes 4BR/2.5BA
brick home needing some TLC. Acreage alone is worth
price! Few like this in North Habersham. Outside
Clarkesville w/no restrictions. $849,000 (99137)
Shield, Realtors Bill Camp706-499-4720
301 acres—Hancock County, Mature timber, good
interior road system, food plots and a 4 Bedroom,
2 Bath home makes this a hunters dream. Great
corporate retreat. Priced at $1,573 per acre. Contact
Town & Country Real Estate @ 478-552-5681 or
Fabulous Mountain Views! 78 +/- acres with a
beautiful lake. 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house, barn,
and outbuilding. Property has paved road frontage on
two roads. $616,200. Ransom free road. Call Kenneth
Savage @ Savage Real Estate & Auction Company,
Cell: 770-718-8297 Office: 770-983-0066 www.
Hancock County—58.65 acres, 8 acre dove
field, 2 smaller fields, creek, mature hardwoods,
cabin, pole barn, storage building. What more
OGLETREE FARM! Southern splendor abounds in
this neoclassical style Georgian Home. Tree lined
driveway and brick walkway lead into this 5BR/2
full/3half BA historic home complete with original
clapboard, 59 fenced acres, mature trees, pasture,
barns, inground pool and outbuildings. Circa 1908.
$1,950,000 (100194) Shield, Realtors Ruth Camp
do you need? Priced at $1,995 per acre. Contact
Town & Country Real Estate @ 478-552-5681 or
76.8 acres—Hancock County Mature pine timber
and paved road frontage makes this a great
investment tract. Also a great hunting tract. Priced
at $1,650 per acre. Contact Town & Country Real
Estate @ 478-552-5681 or
Hancock county—40 acres, 11 miles West of
Sparta, GA with 1,453 feet of frontage on Glen
Harper Road. 25’x36’ pole barn with electricity.
SPECTACULAR! Special 27 acres features 20 acres in
Three creek bottoms and good interior road system.
All marketable timber has been cut. $1,195 per
acre. Contact Town & country Real Estate @
478-552-5681 or
pasture, the rest in hardwoods, 2 nice branches and a
lot of fencing. No prettier small farm in Habersham
County, very convenient location. $214,000 (100294)
Shield, Realtors Bill Camp 706-499-4720
Hancock County—54.56 acres; Gently rolling
property that was clear-cut in 2011. Priced at
$800 per acre. Contact Town & Country Real Estate
@ 478-552-5681 or
WATER! 38+ ACRE wooded tract, own both sides
of Yellow Bank Creek which is very rare. Convenient
Hwy 26 Elko Tract (Houston County). 186 acres
Nice hunting/investment tract with plenty of road
frontage. Creek frontage on Burnam Branch forms
the North Boundary. Perfect for homesites or hunting.
Located on Hwy 26 in south Houston County. $465k
Contact Real Estate Insider for more details at 478
988-1128 or
Absolutely gorgeous homeplace or recreational
tract! Beautiful 32 acres of established coastal
Own A Piece Of Heaven !!! 50 +/- acres on beautiful
pristine lake hartwell. Property has two houses and
a barn. Gently rolling topography with hardwoods.
-$750,000 Bowersville Hwy- Call Kenneth Savage
@ Savage Real Estate & Auction Company,
cell: 770-718-8297 or Office: 770-983-0066,
Flat Creek Tract (Houston County). 516 acres of
rolling topography includes 40 acre lake located off
Hwy 41 south of Perry behind Flat Creek Subdivision.
Call Real Estate Insider Today 478 988-1128 or visit
bermuda pasture for horses, cows or extra income.
Approximately 94 acres of pines and hardwoods
bordering a small creek and surrounded by large tracts
makes this a perfect recreational tract! Abundance
of deer, turkey and other wildlife! Includes 3br,
2ba, mobile home and a large equipment shed. Call
Brenda DeLoach with Southern Traditions Realty
Pitts Tract (Houston County) 373 acres. Mostly
wooded with planted pines, great interior roads,
County water available, and plenty of paved road
frontage. 373 total acres which can be divided.
$1,500,000. Visit or Call
Real Estate Insider for details @ 478 988-1128
Hwy 26 Elko Tract (Houston County). 80 acres Nice
King House (Houston County). 2 Homes in 1 ~ over
10,000sf all-brick home with 5BR+/4 full baths & 4
half baths, 2 large master suites w/sitting areas, 2 full
kitchens & bar, space for double-door subzero fridge,
stone mantle with granite countertops & custom
cabinetry, huge master bath w/2 private toilet rooms,
a step-in shower w/6 shower heads, separate jetted
tub, see-thru fireplace from master bath to master
bedroom, 2 car garage & 2 car carport, 2 ponds &
creek. Too much to list, call Real Estate Insider Today
478 988-1128 or visit to
schedule your personal viewing. $1.2mil
tract with a mixture of pine and hardwood. Would
make a great homesite or hunting retreat. Located
on GA Hwy 26 near the Elko Road intersection.
$200k Call Real Estate Insider @ 478 988-1128 or
Sugar Hill Tract (Houston County). 834 acres This
tract consists of about 445 acres of planted pine in
various stages. 330 acres of clearcut hardwoods.
Big creek flows through the south side of the tract.
Plenty of deer, hogs and turkey. It has a conservation
easement on it. This tract has excellent interior roads.
$1.4mil Real Estate Insider @ 478 988-1128 or visit
our website at
Lately Bridge Tract (Houston County). 40 acres
of mixed woods $100k. Call Real Estate Insider
for more information 478 988-1128 or visit
Absolutely gorgeous 345 acre tract fronting the
Satilla River and Wiggins Creek! This is a hunter’s
dream with areas perfect for quail hunting, deer, name it! 20-30 year old planted pines
perfect for future income, gorgeous oaks, good interior
roads. Gorgeous home with top of the line everything,
huge rooms, fireplace in den, open floor plan, huge
master suite, office and craft room, huge 50 X 30
Barn and 20 X 20 heated and cooled shop. Can be
subdivided and purchased with or without the home.
Call Brenda DeLoach with Southern Traditions Realty
229.507.0622. (Sheppard House with 345 acres)
5 Poultry Houses The 3000+/- sq ft remodeled
older home is charming. The kitchen has custom
cabinets, center island with a bar top, tile floor and
black appliances. Off of the kitchen is the breakfast
area that leads to the screened in porch. Also off the
kitchen is a sunroom. There are 5 bedrooms and
an office. The family rm has built in shelves, judges
paneling and gas logs. Outside are wrap around
porches. There are a total of 5 poultry houses. There
is also a small 2 bedroom/ 1 bath caretaker home.
Great place work, or live in the house and let your
employee(s) work the poultry houses. Less than
3 miles from I85, you could work in the city and
come home to this amazing property every day. Call
Kathy Bolling at United Country 678.963.5390 or
Just Reduced! Beautiful land 22 +/- acres.
Property has a small barn. Possible short term owner
financing available.-$85,900 Erastus Church Road.
Call Janie Savage @ Savage Real Estate & Auction
Company, cell: 770-654-3513 office: 770-983-0066,
Lake Front Property This gated lake front property
is waiting for you to build your dream home. The
secluded 21+/- acres sits on a private lake with over
1800+/- feet of water frontage. The listing is a combination of two parcels. One parcel is 13.09+/- and is
located within the subdivision of Cardinal Lake and
the other a joining parcel is 8+/- acres. The community
has sidewalks and street lights and of course, the lake.
Cardinal Lake Subdivision is a new construction
community in Jefferson, GA. Convenient to both
Athens and I-85 makes Cardinal Lake a wonderful
location within the fast growing Jackson County. This
property holds the protection and conveniences of a
subdivision but privacy like the country. $359,000.00
Call Tim Hill at United Country 678-963.5390 or
598 McGahee Road, Stapleton, GA 30823
Price: $165,000. 27 acres with 4 bedroom 2 bath
vinyl sided house over cedar siding, nice unfinished
sunporch, Beautiful spring fed pond, and more acreage
can be bought. Contact: Linda Davis, 706-361-3794,
Century 21 Larry Miller Realty.
Shelter Rock Cove: 11.34 Acres on Lake
Thurmond. Private boat dock permit. Quiet
and scenic, deep water cove. $195,000.
Contact Eddie Drinkard, 706-318-3636, email:, or visit website:
Dusty Road Tract (Jones County). 123+/- acres
located in the Dusty Lane & Clifton Ridge area
between Macon & Gray off Hwy 129. May be divided.
$215k. Call Real Estate Insider @478 988-1128 or
WATERFRONT - 14.63 combined acres of land in
Lincoln County. This beautiful Clarks Hill lake front
683 acre farm with irrigation potential. Gays
Hill Church Rd, 12-1/2 miles south of Millen, 432
acres cultivated, 213 acres wooded, 6 acre pond, old
dairy site, 2 wells, 3 phase power, county paved road
frontage, farm & hunting lease income, $1,878,250.
Shivers Real Estate, 706-833-9114,
Unbelievable hunting retreat! 2181 Acres, 4
bedroom 2 bath hunting accommodations. 40 x
80 steel shop, 3 acre pond, and planted pines. Call
for more information. Call Brenda DeLoach with
Southern Traditions Realty 229.507.0622.
property can be divided into 3 separate lots/tracts (1
waterfront... lot 1, and 2 interior lots ..lot 1&2, of
about 5 acres each) The boat ramp less than 5 miles
from house (driving) and 2-3 min from dock via
water. Soap Creek Marina 5-10 minute ride from
dock. The land is surrounded by large beautiful trees
and shade that attract nature all year round. It is very
peaceful retreat away from big city life. If you would
like to view these or any other properties for sale call
Drew or Christine May of Leading Edge Real Estate
at (706) 869-9478. Our sales team is available 7 days
week! Please visit
Lake Thurmond Retreat. 21.34 Acres, Corps
108 acres with 3 homes. Wadley, 43 acres open
with 6 acres fenced for horses, 60 acres wooded, 4 acre
pond, 4 BR, 3-1/2 BA main home, 2 smaller homes
with rental income, very well maintained property,
$675,000. Shivers Real Estate, 706-833-9114, www.
property frontage on Lake Thurmond with a short
distance from shoreline. Corps permit for golf cart
path to shoreline. Home site in view of lake, with
protective covenants in place. Excellent interior
driveway leading to the Corps property. Gated
entrance from Lisbon Road which is a Lincoln
County graveled road. Heavily wooded, $115,000.
Contact Eddie Drinkard, 706-318-3636, email:, or visit website: www.
Starling Tract (Macon County). 78 acres Best
of both worlds - House, shop, and 2+/- acres in a
subdivision for HER and 75+/- acres (across the
street from the house) for HIM. 3 pond sites with
one pond 75% complete. Power, well and metal
building. Great hunting for trophy deer, hog, and
turkey. Close to the Flint River and Beaver Creek.
Gorgeous Home is Large brick 3BR/2.5BA, 3000sf on
2 acres that is wooded and nicely landscaped in quiet
neighborhood. Fenced backyard w/fountain. 2 car
carport w/cooking area that includes a corian counter/
sink. Huge master suite on main w/double vanity &
large walk-in closet. 2 large spacious BR upstairs w/
vaulted ceilings. Large bonus room upstairs. Fabulous
updated kitchen w/granite countertops & backsplash,
SS appliances, 2 sinks, w/island breakfast bar, tile
flooring, 2 pantries, & plenty of cabinets. Large great
room w/stone fireplace w/gas logs, built-in bookcases.
Formal dining room w/built-ins. All baths updated
w/granite & tile w/updated fixtures. 2 walk-in storage
areas. Spacious 2 level deck with pergola. Large sunken
hot tub in sunroom w/TV. Huge detached workshop
& 2 storage buildings. $275k Contact Real Estate
Insider for your personal viewing @ 478-988-1128
or visit
Cattle Farm 166+/- acres, fenced, barns,
stables, tack room, two ponds, several springs
and creeks, rail frontage. 3800+/- s.f. home, ranch
with basement, 4BR / 3BA, in law suite with five
+/- acres can be purchased separately for $200,000
Call Kathy Bolling at United Country 678.963.5390
or 770.601.3974$230,000.00
Eades Road Tract: 440 Acres. Outstanding timber,
beautiful creek and Harwood bottom. Interior roads
and food plots. Only $1,995/AC. Contact Eddie
Drinkard, 706-318-3636, email: eddie.drinkard@, or visit Web site: Broad River Bluff,
Timberland 71.4+/- acres in Comer close to
Athens. 50+/- acres are in 20 year pines and ready
for thinning. The remaining acres are in various
ages of hardwoods. In addition there is a stream
and a lake site. There is paved county road access
as well as county dirt road access. $230,000.00 Call
Kathy Bolling at United Country 678.963.5390 or
6277 S. Luckeys Bridge Rd, Dearing, GA 30808
Price: $140,000. 10 acres with Modular home with
sheet rock walls and beautiful cabinetry. 3 bedroom,
2 bath, formal dining and great room. Contact: Linda
Davis, 706-361-3794, Century 21 Larry Miller Realty.
Beautiful Gently Rolling Farm Land With Pasture,
Woods, Creek, And Lots Of Road Frontage, Bank
Owned 154 +/-Acres. - $550,000 Stivers RoadContact Kenneth Savage @ Savage Real Estate &
Auction Company, Cell: 770-718-8297or Office:
Cypress Creek Tract (Pulaski County) .... 75 acres
acres off Hwy 341 in Pulaski County in Cypress Creek
subdivision. $300k Call Real Estate Insider for details
@ 478 988-1128 or visit
$90,000 - 5 ½ Acres – Currently zoned residential
but and has residential development potential
with up to 14 building lots. The property would
Breeder House Owner has recently updated the
breeder house. Financial records available with a
signed confidentially agreement . There is a small
home on the 6+/- acre property. Possible owner
financing. Call Kathy Bolling at United Country
678.963.5390 or 770.601.3974
Buffalo Creek Tract : 356 Acres.: 2 Bedroom
Cabin, 150 acres pasture, merchantable pine timber,
48’ x 60’ barn. Great Hunting!! Price Reduced to
$2495/AC. Contact Eddie Drinkard, 706-318-3636,
email:, or visit Web site:
also be ideal for town homes. Windsor Spring is a
major connector in South Augusta and with the road
widening to 4 lanes this would also be a great location
for a strip center, gas station, medical location. The
property is close to Ft. Gordon and minutes to
Diamond Lakes Regional Park (formerly known as
the Augusta International Raceway) If you would like
to view these or ANY other properties FOR SALE
call Christine or Drew May of Leading Edge Real
Estate at (706) 869-9478. Our sales team is available
7 days week! Visit for
additional photos.
The perfect spot to build your dream home!
7.4 +/- acres located near lake hartwell. Property
has a gentle topography. $34,900 Jenkins Ferry
Road. Call Kenneth Savage @ Savage Real Estate
& Auction Company, cell: 770-718-8297 or office:
255 acre recreational timber investment property
located in a prime location. Cabin with utilities,
grain bin, horse shed, well, 135 acres planted pines,
45 acres Cropland, small pond. Paved frontage with
gates. Deer, turkey and doves. $1675 Acre. Bickley
& Assoc. 478-214-0559
31055 31 Acres REDUCED $10K !This grand
horse farm is quite the showplace, 4.5 acre pond,
round pen, and spacious stables! Come for a get-away
retreat or come to stay! Custom home was designed
to attach to the stables. Beautiful vaulted ceilings
overlook a grand stone fireplace and terra cotta tile
floors. Kitchen with bar is open to the living room.
There are 2 private bedrooms and 1 bedroom in
the loft! Offered at $199,000 Call Susan Evans @
912-423-9291 or email
Remarkable home on 13+ acres! Oak flooring,
large spacious rooms, beautiful kitchen, large laundry,
Sun room, loft office, formal dining. Bedroom on
down stairs has trey ceilings and spacious bath. This
home has tons of storage and located on beautiful lot!
Shelter and additional shop this home won’t last long.
Walk in attic storage. Offered at $219,000 Call Susan
Evans @ 912-423-9291 or email susane@curryrealtors.
com website
Oconee River Home has magnificent view.
52 Hummingbird Lane, McRae, Ga. 31055 8 AC
This stunning European home host 4478 sq. ft. The
front entrance is just a taste of what’s to come. Three
bedroom suites, half bath and a kitchen that is a
chef’s delight with commercial gas stove. High ceilings
are enchanting with custom crown molding. The
back overlooks in ground pool & Wet weather creek.
Built with the best for the best! Offered at $475,000
(reduced). Additional acreage available Call Susan
Evans @ 912-423-9291 or email susane@curryrealtors.
com website
120+ ACRES Looking for a great hunting reserve,
you have found the right place! With 126 +/- acres
that borders a hardwood creek. Hunting plots and are
established hunting stands in place bring your cloths
and move in! Furnished home with wraparound porch
and something for everyone to do! Play/tree house in
the back yard for the little ones, pond on property
waiting to be stocked. This property is also close to the
Oconee River. OFFERED AT $417,000 Call Susan
Evans @ 912-423-9291 or email susane@curryrealtors.
com website
69 Hummingbird Lane, McRae, Ga. 5.84 Ac.
1820 Rose Hill c. 1820, Southern Living Historical
House Collection. Custom built home layered with
hardwood, tile custom ceilings and fireplaces with
ornate mantels! The foyer with side lights is just the
start of a great experience as you enter this Rose Hill
replica! Offered at $304,000 Call Susan Evans @
912-423-9291 or email
Porch on living area overlooks the river and boat
ramp one lot down. This beautiful 2 bedroom 1.5
bath has vaulted ceilings and great hardwood floors.
Privacy door on bed 1 and bath. On ground level
you have a laundry room,1/2 Bath, Sink, Grilling
and dining area and a deck that extends over the
side. Furnished!!!! REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE!
Offered at $110,000 Call Susan Evans @ 912-4239291 or email website
House with land in western Tift County near US
Hwy 82. 44 acres of land, 32 acres fenced and open
for crops or pasture, with an additional 12 acres of
woodlands. Modern white siding house (2550 sq. ft.
heated), with four bedrooms and four full baths, great
room, office, dining room, fireplace, large screened
back porch, spacious two-car garage, nice view from
hillside. Fenced Tifton 85 bermudagrass pastures
include 1750 ft of buried water lines. Metal utility
shed is 40 X 48 ft (1920 sq ft), could be used for
RV, boat, equipment, or hay storage, or converted
to a horse barn. Shown by appointment. Phone
These 8 acres are part of a 31 acre tract just west
of Tifton, Georgia in Tift County. Already tested and
approved for a deep well and septic tank. Ideal spot
near town to build your dream home in the peace
and quiet of the country. 1800 sq ft minimum and
no mobile homes. This tract is priced at $6500 an
acre. MLS #121439 Call Ronnie Dunn at Century
21 Smith Branch & Pope 229-388-7283.
Tift County - This property offers the ease of
country living just minutes from downtown. The
5935 sq. ft. custom home with 5BR/4BA sits on
2.5 acres adjacent to a 30 acre lake. The sun room
overlooks the lake, large gardens, boathouse, practice
putting green and bunker. The exterior is finished in
western red cedar board and batten and upgrades
expected in a home of this caliber are featured. In
addition to the home, a 560 sq. ft. boathouse has
a full kitchen, bathroom, and deck from which to
enjoy the 30 lake. Contact E. W. Bowers, Jr. at Kunes
Real Estate & Appraisals, Inc.: 229-386-0440 or
229-848-0450 or
Are you searching for a 12 acre building site on
water? Here it is. Just west of Tifton, Georgia in Tift
County out in the peace and quiet of the country.
This is part of a 31 acre developed tract ideal for
your dream home. Tested and approved for a deep
well and septic tank, 1800 sq ft minimum and no
mobile homes. $7500 an acre. MLS #121438 Call
Ronnie Dunn at Century 21 Smith Branch & Pope
Tift County – A scenic lot with no covenants or
restrictions offers 19.76 acres, which includes
+/- 5 acres of a lake. There are some large oak
Executive Horse Property This 10.13+/- acre
horse farm with a home is located in Loganville,
Georgia. The home is 6000+/- sq ft. and has 5
bedrooms, 3 full baths and a half bath. The open
floor plan has floor to ceiling windows and lets in
lots of natural light. The kitchen is oversized with
custom pantry & cabinets, stainless appliances, 3
rack dishwasher, granite countertops and induction
cook top. The formal dining room seats 16. Living
Room has oak paneling, cathedral ceilings w/ oak
beams, antiques oak fireplace and opens to the deck
overlooking the private backyard and pool. The pool
is a saltwater heated pool, there is also oversize cabana
& cooks kitchen, outdoor shower and hot tub on
the pool deck. Down stairs is another family room,
exercise room, full kitchen and more bedrooms and
bathrooms. The barn has 4 stalls. There is horse safe
fencing with water where it is needed. Has tack room
and lots of storage room for hay. Close to Georgia
International Horse Park and other riding stables.
This is an Equestrian Dream Property. $549,500.00
Call Sue Vetsch at United Country 678.963.5390
or 678.410.8793
trees as well as pines and scrub oaks. This property
would make a great home site for someone who
enjoys the privacy and relaxation of country living
within ten minutes of downtown Tifton. Contact
Jeremy Campbell 229-392-0049 or E.W. Bowers,
Jr. 229-848-0450 or call us at Kunes Real Estate &
Appraisals, Inc. 229-386-0440.
Horse or Cattle farm with excellent Deer and
turkey hunting. Borders on Hog Creek on the west
On a 5 acre lake just west of Tifton Georgia in Tift
County. This 7 acre tract is part of 31 acres offered for
sale. Tested and approved for a deep well and septic
tank. 1800 sq ft minimum and no mobile homes.
$7500 and acre. MLS #121437 call Ronnie Dunn
at Century 21 Smith Branch & Pope 229-388-7283.
Quiet shaded lot for your home or doublewide
in Sycamore, Georgia Turner County. City water
and city sewer on a paved street. This .55 acre lot has
mature pecan trees, oak and magnolia trees. 145 W
Fountain. $10,000. MLS #121181 Call Ronnie Dunn
at Century 21 Smith Branch & Pope 229-388-7283.
side. Fenced and cross fenced, pastures are all in
Alicia Bermuda grass. Two bedroom one bath farm
house, mobile home, deep well, 50 x 90 metal barn
with concrete floor, two storage buildings. There
are 2 ponds stocked. Very private yet only 4 miles
to Nicholls, 16 miles to Douglas, 10 miles to Alma
and 26 miles to Waycross. Beautiful rolling pastures
with scattered oaks, a must see to appreciate. Call
Brenda DeLoach with Southern Traditions Realty
63 acres & 113 acres, Salter Road. 6 miles
west of Bartow, open & wooded, long frontage on
Limestone Creek, county road frontage, $104,550
& $187,850. Shivers Real Estate, 706-833-9114,
Washington County—9.53 acres at the corner of
North Sparta Davisboro Road and Walker Road.
Pine and hardwood mix. 710 feet of frontage on
North Sparta Davisboro Road and approximately
400 feet on Walker Road. Great home site. $19,060.
Contact Town & Country Real Estate @ 478-5525681 or
140 acres Old Savannah Road, 2-1/2 miles north
of Riddleville. 50 acres cultivated with farm lease
income, remainder wooded, county road frontage,
$210,000. Shivers Real Estate, 706-833-9114,
Single tree road: 688 ac of prime hunting
land. Mature timber surrounds 2 very large ponds,
large block building, great hunting property
abundant with wildlife! Located in wheeler
county offered at $2,065,500 call Susan Evans @
912-423-9291 or email
54.73 Acres Great Home site with beautiful
stand of pines. Small pond located on the property.
Great for Hunting or Homesite! call Susan Evans @
912-423-9291 or email
Come Relax And Enjoy The Peace And Quiet On
This Secluded 19.36 +/- Acres. Has a charming
ranch home with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
Convenient to Unicoi State Park, Chattahoochee
National Forrest, and Helen Ga.- $174,900 Hwy
356. Call Janie Savage @ Savage Real Estate &
Auction Company, cell: 770-654-3513 or office:
Washington County—35 acres. Deepstep Road,
beautiful tract located 15 minutes from downtown
Milledgeville. Long paved road frontage with several
excellent home sites. 27 acres of 15 year old pines
with balance in cut over and drains. Priced to sell at
only $1,795 per acre Contact Town & Country Real
Estate @ 478-552-5681 or
HOMESITE WITH 39+ ACRES! 500 foot frontage
and currently zoned for agricultural use. Public
water across Hwy 212. Public boat ramp to the
beautiful lake sinclair is just down the road. Offered
at $199,310! Call Susan Evans @ 912-423-9291
or email Website:
Secluded Bank Owned 292 +/- Acres! Property
has a pond, creek, and stream. Gently rolling
topography with hardwoods and open land. Great
building site can be subdivided. $1,449,000. Sandy
Flats Road.Call Kenneth Savage @ Savage Real Estate
& Auction Company, cell: 770-718-8927 or office:
Resort Living With 2 Homes On 9.6 +/- Acre
Park Like Setting With 3 Ponds. Custom built
mountain country chalet home & guest house,
exquisite landscaping. 4 Bedroom 3 bath, wood siding,
roof has designer shingles, huge office with fireplace,
that could also be used for a family room or game
room. Guest house has 2 bedrooms & 2 baths with
a great view overlooking pond. $459,000. Singing
Tree Lane. Call Janie Savage @ Savage Real Estate
& Auction Company, cell: 770-654-3513 or office:
1,094.96+/- Acre Recreation Tract in Wilkinson
County on Oconee River. The tract is located
approximately 10.6 miles southeast of Toomsboro,
GA. Acreage consists of 2 different tracts: The pond
tract and river tract. The pond tract contains approximately 350 acres of planted pines, an approximate 13
acre fully stocked pond, and an approximate 10 acre
dove field. The river tract is a mixture of hardwoods,
cypress and cut over and has approximately 1.5 miles
of frontage on the Oconee River. Electrical power,
deep well and septic field are in place. There is an
approximate 3,600 square foot metal storage building
on slab. Additional chattel is included. Contact Bruce
Elliott at Bruce Elliott & Associates, Inc., 478-7460700 or
log and hardi-plank home on 79 acres. 5BR/4.5BA,
large open kitchen w/granite C-tops, office, loft
and finished terrace level. 30x30 wind powered
workshop, geo-thermal and conventional H/A and
pellet stove. $1,250,000 (98817) Shield, Realtors
Ruth 706-499-4702
A mid sized tract in the heart of big farming and
big buck area of Worth County. This tract was
formerly mostly wooded. The owners have harveted
the majority of timber from this tract and are well
under way to conversion to farm land. They expect
this tract to yield +-55 acres or +-75 percent in cleared/
prepped land suitable for cultivation and/or pasture.
Call Brenda DeLoach with Southern Traditions Realty
Sportsman’s Paradise!! 154 Acre tract with 4300
ft. of frontage on Broad River. A Super recreational
tract offering canoeing, fishing, hunting, and camping
opportunities. Located on Hwy. 17 on the Wilkes/
Elbert County line, this property has easy access
with a private gated fence entrance. Good interior
roads make all areas of the property easily accessible
. Established wildlife food plots for deer and turkey.
Unusual open water duck pond. A home/cabin site is
situated high above flood plain. BARGAIN PRICE!
$2,325/AC. Owner/Broker. Contact Eddie Drinkard,
706-318-3636, email:, or
visit Web site:
37.36 acres carefully timbered, gentle acreage
in southeastern White County. Quality hardwoods
remain. Branch runs across rear of property. Approx
2,000 ft on paved county road. Unrestricted. Magnificent seasonal long range views. Full-time seclusion
possible for a perfect estate or two, or subdivision
possible off county road. Easy access from Cleveland,
Clarkesville or Cornelia – just a hop away from Hwy
985. $250,312 (99020) Shield, Realtors Rose Mariee
AgGeorgia Farm Credit
P.O. Box 1820
Perry, GA 31069
Office Locations
1300 East Main Street
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 382-3637
501 Broad Street
Gainesville, GA 30501
(770) 534-5395
302 S. Cherry Street
Ocilla, GA 31774
(229) 468-5900
775 Sparta Road
Sandersville, GA 31082
(478) 552-6922
19 Woodlake Drive
Chatsworth, GA 30705
(706) 695-0020
700 East Villanow Street
LaFayette, GA 30728
(706) 638-1940
468 Perry Parkway
Perry, GA 31069
(478) 987-1434
105 Dexter Wilson Blvd
Sylvester, GA 31791
(229) 776-5599
102 Blacksnake Road
Mt. Airy, GA 30563
(706) 754-4158
317 Walnut Street
Montezuma, GA 31063
(478) 472-5156
504 E. Screven Street
Quitman, GA 31643
(229) 263-7551
1807 King Road
Tifton, GA 31794
(229) 382-4300
1207 South Greer Street
Cordele, GA 31010
(229) 273-3927
22 5th Avenue., SE
Moultrie, GA 31768
(229) 985-3893
701 East 2nd Avenue
Rome, GA 30162
(706) 291-6340
U.S. 78, 311 North Bypass
Washington, GA 30673
(706) 678-7088
826 Bellevue Avenue
Dublin, GA 31021
(478) 272-3255
707 N. Davis Street
Nashville, GA 31639
(229) 686-5081
675 Church Street
Royston, GA 30662
(706) 245-6142
176 Highway 80 West
Waynesboro, GA 30830
(706) 554-2107