Brochure - American Society of Hematology


Brochure - American Society of Hematology
A m e r i c a n S o c i e t y of H e m a t o l o g y
C e l e b r at i n g t h e
2 5 t h A n n i v e r s a ry o f t h e
or many researchers, the period between
completion of training and the establishment
of one’s independent career can be a
perilous and uncertain time. For 25 years,
the ASH Scholar Awards have helped ease this difficult
transition for promising hematologists, allowing them
to achieve their fullest potential.
Not only do the awards support the tangible needs
of these researchers – such as supplying the means
to buy laboratory equipment and supplies – but a
key provision of the program is something intangible:
providing these talented scholars with the confidence
and mental fortitude that comes from having their
research enthusiastically supported by established
experts in the field. The awardees are not just given
funding, but are given the freedom to take risks, follow
their instincts, and pursue creative solutions
to scientific quandaries.
This hallmark program not only supports the
individuals who directly benefit from the awards, but
the specialty as a whole – and ultimately patients
with hematologic diseases. The continued growth and
vitality of hematology is sustained by encouraging
and supporting new discoveries and bringing them
to the patient – through the diagnosis, treatment, and
ultimately a cure for some of the most common and
life-threatening blood diseases.
Milestones in the ASH Scholar Awards History
The ASH Scholar Awards program, the Society’s first careerdevelopment award, is established and endowed by two of the
Society’s leaders through the Henry M. Stratton – Ernst R. Jaffé
Scholarship Fund.
Henry M. Stratton
Carol A. Westbrook, MD, PhD, receives the first ASH Scholar Award.
1994The Henry M. and Lillian Stratton Foundation provides ASH with
an additional endowment – ultimately designated to support the
Scholar Awards program.
2002In response to a challenge from the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) to address the nation’s clinical research capacity, ASH
commits to a greater focus on clinical research.
Ernst R. Jaffé, MD
2002The Wallace H. Coulter Foundation partners with ASH to include
clinical/translational research awards in addition to the traditional
basic science awards in the ASH Scholar Awards program.
2003ASH creates a formal study section, modeled after the NIH process,
for the selection of the ASH Scholar Awards. Steps are taken to
minimize bias, increase competition, and add prestige to the awards. Wallace H. Coulter
2006ASH establishes the Joanne Levy, MD, Memorial Award for
Outstanding Achievement, which is granted annually to the current
ASH Scholar who has the highest scoring abstract for the ASH
annual meeting. 2006The Society partners with the Association of Specialty Professors
(ASP) to create the ASP-ASH Geriatric Hematology Research Award
within the Scholar Awards program. To learn more about the history of the ASH Scholar Awards, visit
Honoring Joanne Levy, MD, by creating the
Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievement
Joanne Levy, MD
In 2006, ASH created the Joanne Levy,
MD, Memorial Award for Outstanding
Achievement. Endowed by the family of
Joanne Levy, MD, a past Scholar Award
recipient and distinguished ASH member
who passed away in 2004, this award
was established to memorialize and
perpetuate her legacy.
Dr. Levy graduated from Harvard
Medical School and went on to receive
a number of prestigious awards and honors, including an NIH
K08 award for research on the role of the transferrin receptor in
erythropoiesis in 1996 before receiving an ASH Junior Faculty
Scholar Award in 2000 for research on the genetic regulation of
iron metabolism at Children’s Hospital Boston.
The Joanne Levy, MD, Memorial Award for Outstanding
Achievement is a $2,500 grant automatically awarded to the
current ASH Scholar who has the highest scoring abstract for the
ASH annual meeting. Past recipients include Kimberly Stegmaier,
MD, Dana-Farber Cancer
Institute; Dinesh S.
Rao, MD, University of
California, Los Angeles;
and Charles Mullighan,
MD, St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital.
“Joanne was a brilliant young scientist who held herself to a very high standard.
She was fearless about trying new things and meticulous in thinking through
difficult problems. She was also a very generous person who cared deeply about
the people in her life. I think of her often.”
- Nancy Andrews, MD, Duke University School of Medicine
Mentor to Joanne Levy, MD
Dr. Kimberly Stegmaier receives the
inaugural Joanne Levy, MD, Memorial
Award at the 2006 ASH Annual Meeting.
Susan Smyth, MD, PhD — Scholar Award Recipient in 2001
Associate Professor, University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Dr. Smyth has always been interested in research. However, it was as a student in the MD/PhD program at the
University of North Carolina during the hematology portion of the systems course, her favorite class, that her
interest in hematology began. While working with Dr. Leslie Parise as a graduate student, Dr. Smyth developed a
lasting interest in platelets and attended her first major scientific meeting, the 1990 ASH Annual Meeting.
Throughout her training, Dr. Smyth crossed paths with many top hematologists and scientists, including Drs.
Beverly Mitchell, Cheryl Hillery, Gil White, Ellinor Peerschke, Wadie Bahou, and Mae Hultin. Initially planning to do
a hematology-oncology fellowship, Dr. Smyth had a career-changing experience when administering abciximab
to patients; she realized that the future of platelet therapy might lie in clinical cardiology. After completing her
residency, she performed the research portion of her cardiology fellowship with Dr. Barry Coller.
Dr. Smyth received her ASH Junior Faculty Scholar Award for her proposal, The Role of P-Selectin in PlateletLeukocyte Interactions, in 2001 as she was beginning her first faculty appointment at the University of North Carolina. Prior to receiving an
ASH Scholar Award, Dr. Smyth had salary support by a K08 award from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, but few resources for
experiments and no funds to hire laboratory staff. Receiving an ASH Scholar Award helped her build the foundation of her laboratory.
Dr. Smyth’s laboratory has evolved over the years, transitioning from basic science to more clinical/translational research. Today, Dr. Smyth
and her colleagues study the basic biology of platelets to learn more about their contribution to systemic disorders and vascular inflammation.
As a member of ASH for over nine years, Dr. Smyth has served on many review committees and currently serves on the Society’s Scientific
Committee on Thrombosis and Vascular Biology.
“My appreciation of ASH extends beyond provision of the important funds that started my laboratory.
I am grateful to all of the members of ASH who have trained and mentored me over the last 20 years.
Their interactions shaped my career as a physician-scientist. As director of an MD/PhD program, I can
only hope that our current students find societies in their respective fields with members who provide
the career support that I have received from the American Society of Hematology.”
ASH Scholar Awardees
Carol A. Westbrook, MD, PhD –
University of Chicago
Atul Bedi, MD – Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine
Rhonda Berroteran, PhD –
Louisiana State University
Medical Center
Thomas H. Carter, MD, PhD –
University of Oklahoma
Linda Burns, MD – University of
Gwen Nichols, MD – Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Anthony Back, MD – University of
Valerie Castle, MD – University of
Peter H. Domer, MD –
Northwestern University Medical
Suzanne Kirby, MD – University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Shahin Rafii, MD – Cornell
University Medical College
David Russell, MD – Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research
Steven Fiering, PhD – Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research
Catherine P.M. Hayward, MD,
PhD – McMaster University
Medical Center
Charles S. Hemenway, MD, PhD –
Duke University Medical Center
D. Gary Gilliland, MD, PhD –
Harvard Medical School
Stephen P. Hunger, MD –
University of Colorado Health
Sciences Center
Craig Edward Litz, MD –
University of Minnesota
Louie Naumovski, MD, PhD –
Stanford University
Raymond P. Smith, MD – Jewish
Hospital of St. Louis
Daniel S. Wechsler, MD, PhD –
University of Michigan
Helen Enright, MD – University of
Michael P. Mullane, MD –
Washington University, St. Louis
David C. Sane, MD – Duke
University Medical Center
Mark C. Walters, MD – Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research
“The ASH Scholar
Award was essential to
my career development.
It helped me get started
as an independent
investigator. Without it,
I would not have been
able to do many of the
things that I have been
privileged to do in my
- Stephen P. Hunger, MD
1995 Scholar
Christine Canman, PhD – Johns
Hopkins University School of
John M. Cunningham, MRCP –
St. Jude Children’s Research
Jonathan Drachman, MD –
University of Washington
Nancy S. Green, MD – Albert
Einstein College of Medicine
Athan Kuliopulos, MD, PhD –
Tufts-New England Medical
Lilli Petruzzelli, MD, PhD –
Unversity of Michigan
Gregory Ryan, PhD – Albert
Einstein College of Medicine
Shao-Cong Sun, PhD – The M.S.
Hershey Medical Center, Penn
State University
Young Whang, MD, PhD –
University of California, Los
Elizabeth Yang, MD, PhD –
Washington University, St. Louis
J. Don Chen, PhD – University of
Massachusetts Medical School
Roberta Gottlieb, MD – Scripps
Research Institute
Shuo Lin, PhD – Medical College
of Georgia
Clifford Lowell, MD, PhD –
University of California, San
Jaroslaw P. Maciejewski, MD, PhD
– University of Nevada, Reno
David W. Sternberg, MD, PhD –
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Mark W. Brunvand, MD – Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research
Monica Bessler, MD, PhD –
Washington University, St. Louis
David E. Fisher, MD, PhD –
Harvard Medical School
Kevin Harris, MD, PhD –
University of Minnesota
John P. Sheehan Jr., MD –
Washington University, St. Louis
“The ASH Scholar
Award was a wonderful
opportunity to stimulate
my curiosity for basic
concepts in hematology
and how to bridge basic
science and clinical
medicine. By providing
“protected time”
dedicated to science,
the scholar award has
greatly advanced my
career as a pediatric
hematologist and
- Christoph Klein, MD, PhD
1998 Scholar
Robert A. Brodsky, MD – Johns
Hopkins University School of
Michael Bromberg, MD, PhD –
Yale University School of
Pamela Correll, PhD – The
Pennsylvania State University
Christoph Klein, MD, PhD –
Children’s Hospital
Shiuh-Wen Luoh, MD, PhD –
University of California, Los
Matthew Rettig, MD – University
of California, Los Angeles
J. Eric Russell, MD – University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Ronit Simantov, MD – Cornell
University Medical College
Evangelia Skarpidi, MD –
University of Washington
Stephen J. Szilvassy, PhD –
University of Kentucky Research
Michael Thirman, MD –
University of Chicago
Chunyan Zhang, PhD – Children’s
Hospital of Philadelphia
C. Anthony Blau, MD – University
of Washington
Gerd Blobel, MD, PhD –
Children’s Hospital of
ASH Scholar Awardees (continued)
William C. Aird, MD – Harvard
Medical School
Mark D. Fleming, MD, DPhil –
Children’s Hospital Boston
Vivienne Rebel, MD, PhD –
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Alice D. Ma, MD – University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Joseph Italiano Jr., PhD – Brigham
and Women’s Hospital
Evgueni Saenko, PhD – American
Red Cross Holland Laboratory
Theodora Ross, MD, PhD –
University of Michigan
Michael Verneris, MD – Stanford
K. Gary J. Vanasse, MD –
University of Washington
Suzanne Jacques-O’Hagan, PhD –
New England Medical Center
Hospitals, Inc.
Paul S. Frenette, MD, FRCPC –
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Todd R. Golub, MD – Dana-Farber
Cancer Institute
Lizi Wu, PhD – Dana-Farber
Cancer Institute
Scott Armstrong, MD, PhD –
Harvard Medical School
Carolyn Hoppe, MD – Children’s
Hospital Oakland
Stephen J. Everse, PhD –
University of Vermont, College of
Michael Bender, MD, PhD –
University of Washington
Suming Huang, PhD – Vanderbilt
Timothy Graubert, MD –
Washington University, St. Louis
Jana Krosl, PhD – Institute
de Recherches Cliniques de
Reuben Kapur, PhD – Indiana
Margaret A. Goodell, PhD –
Baylor College of Medicine
Steven W. Pipe, MD – University
of Michigan
Susanne Ragg, MD, PhD – Indiana
Gary Kupfer, MD – University of
Joanne E. Levy, MD – Harvard
Medical School
Jeff Chan, MD, PhD – University
of California, San Francisco
Ellen Chuang, MD – Weill Medical
College of Cornell University
Anthony Letai, MD, PhD –
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Aaron Schimmer, MD, PhD –
Burnham Institute
Susan Smyth, MD, PhD – State
University of New York, Stony
Hong Wang, MD, PhD – Baylor
College of Medicine
Mitchell Weiss, MD, PhD –
Children’s Hospital of
Debra D. Dahlen, MD – Puget
Sound Blood Center
Jonathan Drachman, MD – Puget
Sound Blood Center
Paula Fraenkel, MD – Children’s
Hospital Boston
D. Gary Gilliland, MD, PhD – Scholar Award Recipient in 1991
Senior Vice President
Franchise Head Oncology, Merck and Co., Inc.
Dr. Gary Gilliland views his ASH Scholar Award the way hematologists think of the Notch pathway in development
as a cell fate determinant – the Scholar Award was his determinant. The award was a life-changing event for Dr.
Gilliland, one that developed him into a physician-scientist focused on developing better treatments for hematologic
malignancies based on insights into the genetic basis of disease.
Dr. Gilliland received his PhD in microbiology in 1980 at the University of California, Los Angeles. As a student in
the lab of John Collier, Dr. Gilliland became interested in cancer biology and cancer therapy. This interest led him to
the University of California, San Francisco, to pursue medical training to further inform his understanding of cancer.
Dr. Gilliland completed his fellowship training at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in hematology and at the
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in medical oncology. Even after training, Dr. Gilliland still had concerns about whether
he had what it takes to make significant contributions to the understanding of the molecular genetics of hematologic malignancies and to
translate those discoveries into better therapies. His mentor, Dr. H. Franklin Bunn, knew he did and encouraged Dr. Gilliland to apply for an
ASH Scholar Award in 1990.
His proposal, on the study of myelodysplastic syndrome, was the start of a wonderful journey in understanding the molecular pathogenesis
of myeloid malignancies. Dr. Gilliland credits his successful proposal to being mentored and supported by Dr. Bunn, who gave Dr. Gilliland
a broad breadth for investigation and fostered and nurtured his interest in hematologic malignancies. Today, Dr. Gilliland serves as a mentor
himself and has seen a number of his trainees go on to receive an ASH Scholar Award.
For the past 18 years, Dr. Gilliland has continued his involvement with ASH. He has served on the ASH Awards and Program Committees,
as well as the Scientific Committee on Neoplasia, and he was elected to serve as Councillor on the Executive Committee in 2007. In 2003,
he was awarded the William Dameshek Prize for his work on the pathogenesis of leukemia, which contributed profoundly to a greater
understanding of the disease.
Gregor B. Adams, PhD –
Massachusetts General Hospital
Nathalie Beslu, PhD – Institute
de Recherches Cliniques de
John Crispino, PhD – University
of Chicago
Xu-Ming Dai, MD, PhD – Albert
Einstein College of Medicine
Haihua Gu, PhD – Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center
Vincent Ho, MD – Dana-Farber
Cancer Institute
Shigemi Matsuyama, PhD –
Blood Research Institute
Loren D. Walensky, MD, PhD –
Children’s Hospital Boston
M. Golam Mohi, PhD – Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Ross Levine, MD – Brigham and
Women’s Hospital
Akihiko Yokoyama, PhD –
Stanford University
Laurent O. Mosnier, PhD – The
Scripps Research Institute
Ruhikanta A. Meetei, PhD –
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center
Fotios Asimakopoulos, MD,
PhD – Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center
Anthony G. Brickner, PhD –
University of Pittsburgh
Roland B. Walter, MD, PhD – Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research
Aileen Cleary Cohen, MD, PhD –
Stanford University
Kim Nichols, MD – Children’s
Hospital of Philadelphia
Hisashi Harada, PhD – Virginia
Commonwealth University
Susan O’Shea, MD – Duke
University Medical Center
Dan S. Kaufman, MD, PhD –
University of Minnesota
David A. Sweetser, MD, PhD –
Massachusetts General Hospital
Robert Lowsky, MD – Stanford
Toshiyasu Taniguchi, MD, PhD –
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Vivian Oehler, MD – Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research
Halvard Bonig, MD, MA –
University of Washington
Tao Cheng, MD – University of
Robert C. Flaumenhaft, MD,
PhD – Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center
Jennifer Gansert, MD, PhD –
University of California, Los
Neil Josephson, MD – Puget
Sound Blood Center
Andrea Ng, MD, MPH –
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Matthias Riewald, MD – The
Scripps Research Institute
Suzanne Trudel, MD – Weill
Medical College of Cornell
Andrew Wagner, MD, PhD –
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Kimberly Stegmaier, MD – DanaFarber Cancer Institute
Matthew J. Walter, MD –
Washington University, St. Louis
Michael W. N. Deininger, MD,
PhD – Oregon Health and Science
Boris Reizis, PhD – Columbia
Titus Boggon, PhD – Yale
Ari M. Melnick, MD – Mount Sinai
School of Medicine
Yatin Vyas, MBBS, MD –
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
David Motto, MD, PhD –
University of Michigan
Tomoyuki Sawado, PhD – Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research
Motomu Shimaoka, MD, PhD –
The CBR Insitute for Biomedical
Zhixiong Xu, PhD – Vanderbilt
Alan B. Cantor, MD, PhD –
Children’s Hospital Boston
Xianzheng Zhou, MD, PhD –
University of Minnesota
Sarah O’Brien, MD, MSc –
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Dinesh S. Rao, MD – University
of California, Los Angeles
Michael P. Rettig, PhD –
Washington University, St. Louis
John J. Strouse, MD – Johns
Hopkins University School of
David Traver, PhD – University
of California, San Diego
“Awards such as the
ASH Scholar Award
are essential for the
success of the young
investigator during these
nascent, high-risk years.
This ASH Award was
certainly critical to the
development of my own
early research program.”
Larry D. Bozulic, PhD –
University of Louisville
imberly Stegmaier, MD
2005 Scholar
Hanno Hock, MD, PhD –
Massachusetts General Hospital
Ricardo C.T. Aguiar, MD, PhD
– University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio
Titus Boggon, PhD – Yale
Min Chen, PhD – Baylor College
of Medicine
James Bradner, MD –
Massachusetts Institute of
Richard E. Dahl, PhD – University
of New Mexico Health Science
Benjamin Braun, MD, PhD –
University of California, San
Marie-Dominique Filippi, PhD –
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center
Jonathan Grim, MD, PhD – Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research
Irene Ghobrial, MD – University
of Pittsburgh
James J.-D. Hsieh, MD, PhD –
Washington University, St. Louis
Neil Goldenberg, MD, PhD –
University of Colorado Health
Sciences Center
Koho Iizuka, MD – University of
Jalila Chagraoui, PhD – Institute
for Research in Immunology and
Francesca Ficara, PhD – Stanford
Maria E. Figueroa, MD – Albert
Einstein College of Medicine
Paul J. Galardy, MD – Mayo Clinic
Hanna Mikkola, MD, PhD –
University of California, Los
David Miklos, MD, PhD –
Stanford University
Sattva Neelapu, MD – University
of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer
Emmanuelle A. Passegue, PhD
– University of California, San
Tobias Ragoczy, PhD – Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research
Dan Vogl, MD – University of
Junping Wei, MD, PhD –
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center
Ethan J. Weiss, MD – University
of California, San Francisco
Mondira Kundu, MD, PhD –
University of Pennsylvania
ASH Scholar Awardees (continued)
Natalia Beglova, PhD – Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Xuefang Cao, PhD – Roswell Park
Cancer Institute
L.R. Devireddy, DVM, PhD – Case
Western Reserve University
Kira Gritsman, MD, PhD – DanaFarber Cancer Institute
Jeanne Hendrickson, MD –
Children’s Hospital of Atlanta
Jing Yang, PhD – University of
Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer
Charles Mullighan, MD – St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital
Chengcheng Zhang, PhD –
University of Texas
Eric S. Mullins, MD – Cincinnati
Children’s Hospital Medical
Cindy N. Roy, PhD – Johns
Hopkins University School of
Joshua Schiffman, MD – Stanford
Elizabeth Hexner, MD –
University of Pennsylvania
Heidi Klepin, MD – Wake Forest
University Health Sciences
Han Liu, PhD – Washington
University, St. Louis
Matthew Strout, MD, PhD – Yale
Geoffrey L. Uy, MD – Washington
University, St. Louis
Loren D. Walensky, MD, PhD –
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Takahiro Maeda, MD, PhD –
Beckman Research Institute of
the City of Hope
Zack Zhengyu Wang, PhD –
Maine Medical Center
Shannon McKinney-Freeman,
PhD – Children’s Hospital Boston
Akil Merchant, MD – Johns
Hopkins University School of
David C. Williams Jr., MD, PhD –
Virginia Commonwealth
Wolfgang Bergmeier, PhD –
Thomas Jefferson University
Julien Bertrand, PhD – University
of California, San Diego
Anil Chauhan, PhD – University
of Iowa
Todd A. Fehniger, MD, PhD –
Washington University, St. Louis
Naoto Hirano, MD, PhD – DanaFarber Cancer Institute
Ivan Maillard, MD, PhD –
University of Michigan
Simon Mendez-Ferrer, PhD –
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Alexander C. Minella, MD –
Northwestern University Medical
Tammy Morrish, PhD – Johns
Hopkins University School of
Vivian Oehler, MD – University of
Christopher Y. Park, MD, PhD –
Stanford University
Ryan Phan, PhD – Sepulveda
Research Corporation
Rodger E. Tiedemann, PhD –
Mayo Clinic
Sioban Keel, MD – University of
Allison King, MD, MPH –
Washington University, St. Louis
Ari Melnick, MD, PhD — Scholar Award Recipient in 2002
Associate Professor, Division of Hematology and Oncology and Department of Pharmacology
Weill Cornell Medical College
Dr. Melnick recognizes that one of the most important elements for successful career development is to train under
the supervision of those able to provide committed, unselfish, and thoughtful mentoring. His mentor, Dr. Jonathan
Licht, embodies these characteristics and to this day remains a central role model and advisor. As a mentor himself,
Dr. Melnick has had the honor of seeing his trainees receive ASH Merit and Scholar Awards and the impact that this
recognition has had on their careers.
In 2001, when Dr. Melnick applied to the ASH Scholar Awards program, his time was split 50/50 as a clinician and
in the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Torn between clinical work and the laboratory, Dr. Melnick realized that a decision
had to be made about which direction to move his career. He was concerned that he did not have the creativity
Photo courtesy of Bud Glick.
or proper training to become an independent investigator. It was in the midst of this crisis of confidence that Dr.
Licht encouraged Dr. Melnick to apply for a Scholar Award. His proposal, The BTB Pocket as Novel Therapeutic Target for Hematologic
Malignancies, emerged from the work he had done in leukemia but was focused on the molecular pathogenesis of lymphomas. Having his
proposal selected, and knowing that he was meritorious as a candidate, gave him the confidence he needed to obtain his first independent
faculty position at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in the Bronx, New York.
When Dr. Melnick started, he thought his focus would be on basic biochemical mechanisms through which tumor-related transcription
factors work. However, over the past six years he has realized that it is much more possible than he originally realized to convert mechanistic
observations into clinically relevant therapeutic or diagnostic strategies. Today, much of his research is patient-oriented and focused on rapid
Since receiving his ASH Scholar Award, Dr. Melnick has remained deeply committed to and involved with the Society. He has served on
ASH’s Committee on Training Programs, Awards Committee, and Program Committee.
“The Scholar Award is a critical mechanism for fostering the careers of physician-scientists and renewing
the hematology field with junior investigators so that the field continues to flourish. It gave me that bit of
confidence that I needed to make the leap, as well as critical funding to enable me to take some risks
and test some of the ideas that have become the centerpiece of the research that I currently do.”
Support for
ASH Scholar
Foundation and Endowment Support
In this celebratory year in the ASH
Scholar Awards program history,
the Society would like to recognize
the generous contributions
Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research
Henry M. and Lillian Stratton Foundation
Henry M. Stratton – Ernst Jaffé Scholarship Fund
Joanne Levy, MD, Memorial Endowment Fund
Jose Carreras Foundation
Virginia M. Hoffman Living Trust
Wallace H. Coulter Foundation
from our corporate partners,
foundations, and the many ASH
members who have supported the
program over the past 25 years. Corporate Support
Amgen, Inc.
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Bayer Healthcare
Biogen Idec Oncology
Celgene Corporation
Centocor Ortho Biotech, Inc.
Cephalon Oncology
Enzon Pharmaceuticals
Favrille, Inc.
Genentech, Inc.
Gloucester Pharmaceuticals
Lilly Oncology
Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company
Novartis Oncology
Otsuka America Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Pfizer, Inc.
Individual Support
Camille N. Abboud, MD
Lool S. Abebe, MD
Vivek V. Abhyankar, MD
Janis L. Abkowitz, MD
Souichi Adachi, MD, PhD
Ferdinand E.K. Addo, MD, FACP
Ranjana Advani, MD
Maria del Pilar Aguinaga, PhD
Yoshiki Akatsuka, MD, PhD
Salah Al Humood, MBBS, FRCPC
Abdulrahman Al Shehri, MD
Seyed Hossain Aleali, MD
Saramma Alexander, MD
Joash R. Aluoch, MD, PhD, FRCP
Barbara M. Alving, MD
Hazzaa Al-Zahrani, MBBS, MRCP
Mammo Amare, MD
Achilles Anagnostopoulos, MD
Claudio Anasetti, MD
Tom Anderson, MD
Nancy C. Andrews, MD, PhD
Stephen P. Anthony, DO
Peter D. Aplan, MD
Efrosyni Apostolidou, MD, PhD
Morio Arai, MD
Sally Arai, MD
Mayda Arias, MD
Joni & Bob Arnold
Frederick Aronson, MD
Barbara Asselin, MD
Jon Aster, MD, PhD
Michael Auerbach, MD
Wiprecht Augener, MD
Charles Saul August, MD
Mark Kyaw Aung, MD
Akinwole A. Awujo, MD
Grover C. Bagby Jr., MD
Dorothy Ford Bainton, MD
James A. Baker, MD
Kelty R. Baker, MD
Phillip E. Baldwin, MD
Edward D. Ball, MD
Sarah Ball, DM
Sally J. Barhydt
Lester Ford Barnes, MD
J. Carlos Barros, MD
Peter Batar, MD, PhD
Orren Beaty III, DO, PhD
Larry Beck, MD
Camille Bedrosian, MD
Alexandre Beliavski, PhD
Charles L. Bennett, MD, PhD
Joel S. Bennett, MD
Thomas Bensinger, MD
Morton P. Berenson, MD
Maury B. Berger, MD
Nancy Berliner, MD
Zwi Berneman, MD, PhD
Juergen H. Bertram, MD
Emmanuel C. Besa, MD
Stephen Besh, MD
Monica Bessler, MD, PhD
Ernest Beutler, MD
“The ASH Scholar
Award provided me
with valuable resources
and the freedom that
was critical in the early
stages of my career to
pursue “risky” ideas
and expand further my
research program.”
– Paul S. Frenette, MD
1999 Scholar
Andres W. Bhatia, MD
Vinod K. Bhuchar, MD
Philip Bierman, MD
Fontanet Delices Bijou, MD
George Birchfield, MD
Michael R. Bishop, MD
Karl G. Blume, MD
Olga O. Blumenfeld, PhD
Kristie Bobolis, MD
Hans Boedeker, MD
David H. Boldt, MD
Antonio Bonati, MD
Zita Borbenyi, MD, PhD
Roberto Bordonaro, MD
Martin Bornhaeuser, MD
Magne Borset, MD, PhD
Anthony C. Botti, MD
Sylvia S. Bottomley
Bertha A. Bouroncle, MD
Vassiliki Boussiotis, MD, PhD
Michael Boxer, MD
Robert D. Boyd
L. Eamonn Boyle
Marek J. Bozdech, MD
Arthur W. Bracey, MD
Melissa G. Brammer, MD
Kenneth Brasel, BS
Christopher Bredeson, MD,
Brett Thomas Brinker, MD, MS
Wolfgang Brockhaus, MD
Judith Brody, MD
Goran Broketa, MD
Peter Bross, MD
Valerie I. Brown, MD, PhD
Hal E. Broxmeyer, PhD
Maura Brugiatelli, MD
Chris Y. Brunson, MD
Mark W. Brunvand, MD
Connie M. Bryan
Paulette Bryant, MD
Edwarda M. Buda, MD
Ulrich Budde, MD
H. Franklin Bunn, MD
Linda J. Burns, MD
Susan F. Burroughs, MD
James B. Bussel, MD
Humberto Caldera, MD
Michael A. Caligiuri, MD
Natalie Scott Callander, MD
Elber S. Camacho, MD
Alan D. Campbell, MD
Jose Cancelas, MD, PhD
Vikki Ann Canfield
Xuefang Cao, PhD
Jose Caravedo, MD
Juan Caraveo, MD
Anthony & Christine Cardoza
J. Paul Carlson, MD
Robert D. Carmichael, PhD
Ricardo Carter, MD
Thomas H. Carter, MD, PhD
Nicola Cascavilla, MD
Rene A. Castillo
H.R. Castro-Malaspina, MD
Spero Cataland, MD
Rose Catchatourian, MD
Daniel Catovsky, MD
Nabil Chamseddine, MD
Edward Chan, MD
Joel Anne Chasis, MD
Robert M. Chasson
Peter J. Chenaille, MD
Linzhao Cheng, PhD
Paul A. Chervenick, MD
Nicholas Chiorazzi, MD
Jonathan Cho, MD
Elaine Gayle Chottiner, MD
Nei-Min Chu, MD
Daniela Cilloni, MD, PhD
Philip L. Cimo, MD
Douglas B. Cines, MD
Robin Clark
Eileen Cohen
Graham Cohen, MBCHB,
Pacita T. Colanta, MD
John T. Cole, MD
Santiago Collado-Chastel, MD
Barry S. Coller, MD
Raymond L. Comenzo, MD
Michael & Marie Compton
Charles Lee Conlon, MD
Joseph M. Connors, MD
Kenneth R. Cooke, MD
James J. Corrigan Jr., MD
Fernando Coutinho, MD
Dale H. Cowan, MD
John V. Cox, DO, MBA
Wanda Crader
Larry D. Cripe, MD
Ricardo H. Crisostomo, MD
Barry P. Cuiffo, MD
Lewis Cuni, MD
John T. Curnutte, MD, PhD
Mary Cushman, MD, MSc
Janet Cuttner, MD
Debra D. Dahlen, MD
George Q. Daley, MD, PhD
Rajendra Damle, PhD
Andrew Dancis, MD
Sheldon J. Davidson, MD
R. Ben Dawson, MD
H. James Day, MD
Pedro U. De La Rosa-Costa, MD
Marcos De Lima, MD
Carlos R. de Medeiros, MD
Luigi De Salvo Cardullo, MD
Kenneth Deaton, MD
David Debono, MD
Francine Decary, PhD, MD
H. Joachim Deeg, MD
Gregory J. del Zoppo, MD
Servillano E. Dela Cruz Jr., MD
Dean Delmastro, MD
William DeRosa
Anita Deshpande, MD
Agnes Devergie, MD
Daniel Deykin, MD
Barrett W. Dick, MD
John F. DiPersio, MD, PhD
Sean Dolan, MD
Jos Domen, PhD
Virginia H. Donaldson, MD
Lujia Dong, MD
S.W. Douglas III, MD
George J. Dover, MD
Bernard J. Dreiling, MD
Priscilla K. Driggers
Joseph J. Dudek, MD
Cynthia E. Dunbar, MD
Matthew & Elaine Dunie
Daniel E. Dunn, MD, PhD
Sherri Durica, Esq., MD
Janice P. Dutcher, MD
Tim Osborn Eden, MBBS, FRCP,
Guiti Z. Eghbali-Fatourechi, MD
Allan D. Eisemann, MD
Mohsen Saleh Elalfy, MD, PhD
Laurence Elias, MD
Scott Ely, MD, MPH
Susan Emanuele, MD
David W. Emery, PhD
Alan L. Epstein, MD, PhD
Patricia Ernst, PhD
Susan Escudier, MD
Leroy Essig, MD
David & Nellie Eveland
Roy & Diann Eveland
Douglas Faig, MD
Michael B. Faletto, PhD
Deborah Farolino, MD
Augusto B. Federici, MD
Stephen A. Feig, MD
Alan Feinberg, MD
Donald I. Feinstein, MD
Hugo F. Fernandez, MD
Karina T. Fernandez
Arthur Figur, MD
Courtney Fitzhugh, MD
Robert C. Flaumenhaft, MD, PhD
John Foerster, MD, FRCPC
Andres Forero-Torres, MD
Randolf Forkert, MD, PhD
Thomas J. Forlenza, MD
David Frank, MD, PhD
Richard Frank, MD
Jared M. Freml
William Fricke, MD
Walter Fried, MD
Jeff Friedman, MD, PhD
Ronald Friedman, MD, MSc
Yoshihiro Fujimori, MD
Junichiro Fujimoto, MD
Kingo Fujimura, MD, PhD
Seiji Fukuda, MD, PhD
Yoko Fukushima-Nakase, MD,
Bruce Furie, MD
Kenichi Furihata, MD, PhD
Preston Gable, MD, FACP
Janice L. Gabrilove, MD
James L. Gajewski, MD
Robert E. Gallagher, MD
Lisa Galloway, DO
Kimberly L. Gandy, MD, PhD
Dorothy J. Ganick, MD
Chong Gao, MD, PhD
Maribel Garcia, MD
Frank H. Gardner, MD
James C. Gay, MD
Louis H. Geeraerts, MD
James N. George, MD
Eric A. Gershman, MD
Matthew Gertzog
Alan M. Gewirtz, MD
Ardeshir Ghavamzadeh, MD
Jonathan M. Gibbins, PhD
David Gilder, MD, BS
Priscilla A. Gilman, MD
Scott D. Gitlin, MD
Kristine Gleason, PhD, MBA
Ronald Go, MD, FACP
David E. Golan, MD, PhD
David Gomez-Almaguer, MD
Enrique Gomez-Morales, MD,
Jianlin Gong, MD
Joseph Gootenberg, MD
Akihiko Gotoh, MD, PhD
Blazenka Grahovac, PhD
James M. Granfortuna, MD,
Flint Gray, MD
David Green, MD, PhD
Ralph Green, MD, PhD
Maria Gia Gregorio, MD
David Grimwade, PhD, MRCP,
Kira Gritsman, MD, PhD
Michael L. Grossbard, MD
Brenda J. Grossman, MD, MPH
Andras Gruber, MD
Janet G. Grudeva, MD, PhD
Stephan A. Grupp, MD, PhD
Andreas Gschwend, MD
Haihua Gu, PhD
Antonio Gualberto, MD, PhD
Gene L. Gulati, PhD
Sunil Gupta, MD
Irina Gurevich, MD
Gregory J. Guzley, MD
Madelein M. Guzner
F.B. Hagemeister, MD
Hong Wang, MD, PhD – Scholar Award Recipient in 2001
Professor of Pharmacology, Temple University School of Medicine
While an Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine in the laboratory of Dr. Andrew Schafer, Dr.
Hong Wang received her first grant — an ASH Junior Faculty Scholar Award. Dr. Wang’s interest in basic
research was kindled when she was a physician in China, which led her to enroll in an MSc program in
Molecular Virology at Peking Union Medical College. Dr. Wang later obtained her PhD in Biochemistry in
Dr. Réjean Morais’ laboratory at the University of Montreal, and went on to spend five years as a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Drs. Edgar Haber and Arthur Lee at the Harvard School of Public Health.
It was Dr. Wang’s Scholar Award proposal, Inhibition of Vascular Endothelial Growth by Homocysteine,
that fostered her research career in vascular biology and monocyte differentiation.
Since receiving her award in 2001, Dr. Wang has gone on to receive a number of awards, including a
K02 NIH Established Investigator Award and three R01 NIH grants.
In 2005, Dr. Wang relocated to Temple University in Philadelphia, where she is now a Professor of Pharmacology in the School of
Medicine and also has a faculty appointment in the Thrombosis Research Center. Dr. Wang has been a member of ASH for the past
eight years and has served as an ASH annual meeting abstract reviewer, in addition to serving on a number of NIH peer review committees. In October 2009, Dr. Wang was inducted into the Temple University League for Entrepreneurial Women Hall of Fame.
Individual Support for the ASH Scholar Awards (continued)
Lawrence Haley, MD
John J. Haluschak, MD
Karly Hamulyak, MD, PhD
Keith S. Hansen, MD, FACP
Nancy Hanway
Anwarul Haq, MD
Vallathvcherry Harish, MD,
Claudia Harris
Kevin Harris, MD, PhD
John H. Hartwig, PhD
Hani Hassoun, MD
Kiyohiko Hatake, MD, PhD
Natalyn N. Hawk, MD, PhD
Douglas K. Hawley, MD
Taru Hays, MD
Ralph F. Heaven Jr., MD
Mary J. Heeb, PhD
Wolfgang F.W. Heit, MD
Walter Helmut, PhD
Charles S. Hemenway, MD, PhD
Charles A. Henderson, MD
Edward S. Henderson, MD
Mary Deirdre Henehan, MD
Reinhard Henschler, MD
John C. Herion, MD
Jeane Porter Hester, MD
Masaaki Higashihara, MD, PhD
Martin Hildebrandt, MD
Cheryl Hillery, MD
Tetsuya Hirano, MD, PhD
Victor John Hirsch Jr., MD, MS
Clement Ho, MD
John C. Hoak, MD
Michel C. Hoessly, MD
Joseph F. Hoffman, PhD
Craig C. Hofmeister, MD
Joseph R. Holahan, MD
Barkat Hooda, MD
Mitsuo Hori, MD, PhD
Donald Stuart Houston, MD,
John R. Howard Jr., MD
Leslie M. Howard, MD
Tom Howard, MD, PhD
Lewis L. Hsu, MD, PhD
Chao Shuo Huang, MD
Cheng-Han Huang, MD, PhD
Shiang Huang, MD
Mae B. Hultin, MD
Stephen Hunger, MD
Anne Hurlet-Jensen, MD
Rafael Hurtado Monroy, MD
Carol B. Hyman, MD
Martin Hyzinski, MD
Tatsuo Ichinohe, MD
Tadahiko Igarashi, MD, PhD
Yasuo Ikeda, MD
Susumu Inoue, MD
Teodosio Izzi, MD
A. Jane Jaffé
Ernst R. Jaffé, MD
Tang-Her Jaing, MD
Ishmael Jaiyesimi II, DO
Somasundaram Jayabose, MD
“The ASH scholarship
provided me an
opportunity to pursue
postdoctoral training
with Dr. John Reed at
the Burham Institute
in La Jolla, California.
It was through this
experience that I
developed my interest in
drug discovery and high
throughput screening. It
remains an award that
I am both very proud
and very grateful to have
- Aaron Schimmer, MD, PhD
2001 Scholar
Jay Lee Jenkins, MD
Shi-Ping Jiang, MD
James Vincent Jordan, MD
Jacqueline Joseph-Silverstein,
Harinder S. Juneja, MD
Herbert Kaizer, MD, PhD
Asha R. Kallianpur, MD, MPH
Masahiro Kami, MD, PhD
Emin Kansu, MD
K.J. Kao, MD, PhD
Yuan S. Kao, MD
Anne & Richard Kaplan
Themis Karmiris, MD
Judith E. Karp, MD
Banshi Kashyap
Gregory J. Kato, MD
Kenneth Kaushansky, MD
Kaan Kavakli, MD
Hiroshi Kawada, MD
Yohko Kawai, MD
Mark Robert Keaton, MD
Ann Kelley, MD
Thomas Kenney, MD
Paul Kent, MD
William Kern, MD
Tarun Kewalramani, MD
Nigel S. Key, MBChB, FRCP
Abbas Khalil, MD, FACP
Shakila Khan, MD
Maged S. Khoory, MD
Yurdanur Kilinc, MD
Bong-Seog Kim, MD, PhD
Byoung Kook Kim, MD, PhD
Chul Soo Kim, MD, PhD
Hyun Sue Kim, MD
Ebenezer Kio, MD
Mitsuo Kitahara, MD
Toshio Kitamura, MD, PhD
Craig Sims Kitchens, MD
Jared L. Klein, MD
Leonard M. Klein, MD
Neil Kluger, MD
P.M. Kluin, MD, PhD
Michael Kneba, MD, PhD
Mitsuru Koike, MD
Jay Kolls, MD
Tsunehiko Komatsu, MD, PhD
Barbara A. Konkle, MD
Elizabeth Kornecki, PhD
Richard Paul Kosinski, Esq., MD
Peter A. Kouides, MD
John & Elizabeth Kozak
Jonathan S. Krauss, MD
Friederike Kreisel, MD
Lesley Kresie, MD
Carl E. Krill Jr., MD
Michael H. Kroll, MD
Scott Kruger, MD
Tooru Kudoh, MD, PhD
Elizabeth M. Kurczynski, MD
Roger Kurlander, MD
James P. Kushner, MD
Steven Kussick, MD, PhD
Michael A. Kutell, MD
Taiichi Kyo, MD
Boris Labar, MD, PhD
Marc Lalancette, MD, FRCP
Parviz Lalezari, MD
My Thi Lam, PhD
Linda D. Lander
Karl Landys, MD, PhD
Richard A. Larson, MD
Mary Laughlin, MD
Gertrude Lawrence
Betsy Layton
Jack Lazerson, MD
Nadine Deannie Lee, MD, PhD
Richard Lee, MD
Soon Yong Lee
Stephanie J. Lee, MD, MPH
Onno Leeksma, MD, DPhil
Kenny Ieng Kit Lei, MD, FRCP
David S. Leibowitz, MD
Kurt Leibundgut, MD
Xavier Leleu, MD, PhD
Steven R. Lentz, MD, PhD
Pietro Leoni, PhD
Pamela A. Lepera, DO
Robert G. Lerner, MD
William Leslie, MD
Michel Lessard, MD, PhD
Kurt P. Leuenberger, MD
Michael Levien, MD
Jonathan Levine, MD
Valery Leytin, PhD
Jia-Zeng Li, MD
Zhixiong Li, MD
Alan E. Lichtin, MD
Marshall A. Lichtman, MD
Marcia Liepman, MD
Martha Liggett, Esq.
Lay-Cheng Lim, MD, FRCP
Michael L. Linenberger, MD
Jane Little, MD
Jin-Hwang Liu, MD, PhD
Jerome M. Loew, MD
Karin & Michael Lombardi
Kevin Lorentsen, MD
William S. Loui, MD, FACP
Dao-Pei Lu, CAE, MD
Alan Lubin, MD
Giuseppe Paolo Luca
Jeanne M. Lusher, MD
Sean R. Lynch, MD
Thomas J. Lynch, MD
Alice D. Ma, MD
B. Gail Macik, MD
Janet MacKinnon, MD
Seiji Madoiwa, MD, PhD
Donald Magioncalda, MD
Pantelis E. Makris, MD
Bassim Malas Al-Beirouti, MD,
Harry L. Malech, MD
Edward L. Malloy, MD
Steven W. Mamus, MD
Catherine Scott Manno, MD
Victor J. Marder, MD
Louis W. Marks III, MD
Peter Marks, MD, PhD
Beth Martin, MD
Eugene & Ruth Martin
Hans Martin, MD
S. Eric Martin, MD
Thomas Martin, MD
Genoveva Martinez-Poventud,
David P. Masiello, MD
Gita Massey, MD
Alina Mastan, MD
Masahiro Masuya, MD, PhD
Abraham Mathews, MD
Bernard Mathey-Prevot
Jeffrey Matous, MD
Dana C. Matthews, MD
Philomena F. McAndrew, MD
Donald M. McCarthy, MD
Philip L. McCarthy, MD
John M. McCarty, MD
Keith R. McCrae, MD
Michael McCrohan, MD
Paul R. McCurdy, MD
Gordon D. McLaren, MD
Eugene McPherson, MD, PhD
Bruno C. Medeiros, MD
John N. Mehanna, MD
Rakesh Mehta, MD
Roland Meisel, MD
Richard J. Meyer, MD
Gabrielle Meyers, MD
Michele Milella, MD
Aaron Miller, MD
Laurie Milner, MD
Gustavo Milone, MD
Martha P. Mims, MD, PhD
Shin Mineishi, MD
Roberto Miranda, MD
Moshe Mittelman, MD
Osamu Miura, MD, PhD
Jeanette Mladenovic, MD, MBA
Reyad Mohsen, MD
Mohamad Mohty, MD, PhD
Marius Mokwe, MD
Brian P. Monahan, MD
“The American Society of Hematology Scholar Award
provided crucial support and validation during a critical
period in my academic development. It helped keep my
research on the neurological complications of sickle cell
disease moving forward while revising an application
for NIH funding. Also, the vote of confidence from ASH
in me and my mentor helped me to obtain a career
development award (K23) from the National Heart,
Lung, and Blood Institute. Given the paucity of support
for sickle cell disease research outside of the federal
government, this Scholar Award was one of the few
possibilities to support our research.”
– John J. Strouse, MD
2006 Scholar
Dougald M. Monroe III, PhD
Florence Morgan
Rebecca L. Moroose
Daniel Morris, MD
Sidonie Morrison, PhD
Herbert Morse III, MD
Carole L. Most, MD
Harvey Motulsky
Benjamin Mow, MD
Elaine A. Muchmore, MD
Albert F. Muhleman Jr., MD, BS
Bruce A. Muldoon
Francisco J. Muniz, MD
Hidayatullah G. Munshi, MD
Anthony J. Murgo, MD, MS
Ikuo Murohashi
Paul Musto, MD
Reiko Namikawa
Michael A. Nardi, MS
Mohandas Narla, DSc
Thomas Neal Jr., MD
Robert Negrin, MD
Douglas A. Nelson, MD
Eneida R. Nemecek, MD
Anne Nepo, MD
Ellis J. Neufeld, MD, PhD
Juanita Lo Ngeo, MD
Trinh T. Nguyen, DO
Mary Lynn R. Nierodzik, MD,
Anna Niewiarowska, MD
Nadim F. Nimeh, MD
Amory Novoselac, MD
Ariela Noy, MD
Diane J. Nugent, MD
Sarah O’Brien, MD, MSc
Makio Ogawa, MD, PhD
Kwaku Ohene-Frempong, MD
Junko Ohyashiki, MD
Masayuki Oki, MD, PhD
Jorge Oliveros Alvear, MD
Timothy J. O’Rourke, MD
Thomas L. Ortel, MD, PhD
Carolyn L. Orthner, PhD
Motomi Osato, MD, PhD
Susan O’Shea, MD, MB, BAO
Carlos Osmon, MD
Rose J. Papac, MD
Thalia Papayannopoulou, MD
Seonyang Park
Marcelo C. Pasquini, MD
Heidi A. Patterson, MBA, MT
Barry Paw, MD, PhD
Joseph T. Pedersen, MD, PhD
Jens Pedersen-Bjergaard, MD,
Gerald Penn, MD, PhD
Elliott Perlin, MD
Stephen Petersdorf, MD
Cary Peterson
David Phillips, PhD
William Pierce, MD, PhD
Jorge V. Pinto Neto, MD
Javier Pizzuto, MD
Enrico Maria Pogliani II, MD
Eleanor Pollak, MD
Mortimer Poncz, MD
Maurilio Ponzoni, MD
David G. Poplack, MD
Sibrand Poppema, MD, PhD
Carol S. Portlock, MD
Paul Poulin, MD
Christopher Poynton, DM, FRCP,
Roberto Prieto, MD
Maurizio Provenzano, MD
Elizabeth Prystas, MD
Thomas Przybysz, MD
Vijayalakshmi Puram, MD
Lugui Qiu, MD
Karen Quillen, MD
Keith C. Quirolo, MD
Ian Quirt, MD
Frederick Racke, MD, PhD
Eric Raefsky, MD
Margaret V. Ragni, MD, MPH
Kanti R. Rai, MD
Ramesh Ramanathan, MD
Helen M. Ranney, MD
Angara Koneti Rao, MD
Bruce G. Raphael, MD
Mark U. Rarick, MD
Anne L. Rassiga, MD
Thomas W. Ratliff, MD
Alan E. Rauch, MD
Bishnu Jiban Rauth, MD
Dyanesh Ravindran, MD
Yaddanapudi Ravindranath,
Rupa Redding-Lallinger, MD
Mary Reed, MD
Individual Support for the ASH Scholar Awards (continued)
Clarice Reid, MD
Regina Resta, MD
Virginia Riale
Margaret E. Rick, MD
Frederick R. Rickles, MD
Stanley Riddell, MD
Robert M. Rifkin, MD
Shelby D. Rifkin IV, MD
Charles E. Riggs Jr., MD
Ilonna J. Rimm, MD, PhD
Peter Rintels, MD
Adan Rios, MD
Lorenz Risch, MD, MPH
Howard L. Ritter Jr., MD
Candido E. Rivera, MD
Gerald J. Robbins, MD
George Roberts, BSc, MBBS,
Edwin Robins, MD
Margaret Robinson, MD
Jose R. Roca Leyva Sr., MD
Gilberto A. Rodrigues, MD
Zora R. Rogers, MD
James S. Roloff, MD
Virgil L. Rose
Richard J. Rosen, MD
Steffen Rosen, PhD
Jonathan B. Rosenberg, PhD
Philip S. Rosenberg, PhD
Daniel Rosenblum, MD
David S. Rosenthal, MD
Carlos Rubin de Celis, MD
Donald L. Rucknagel, MD, PhD
Leona Rudinskas, MD, FRCPC
Guillermo Ruiz-Reyes, MD
Frederick Rundall, MD
J. Eric Russell, MD
Pradip K. Rustagi, MD
Cynthia Jean Rutherford, MD,
Daniel H. Ryan, MD
William Rymer, MD
Piotr Rzepecki, PhD, MD
Bradley A. Sachs, DO
J. Evan Sadler, MD, PhD
Entezam Sahovic, MD
Mervyn A. Sahud, MD
Yutaka Saikawa, MD, PhD
Hirohisa Saito, MD, PhD
Kasim Abdul Salim, MD, FRCP
Emad Salman, MD
Jan Samuelsson, MD, PhD
Sergio Sanchez-Guerrero, MD
Sergio Santillana, MD
Maria Santorineou, MD
Chitta Ron Sarker, MB, BS
Goro Sashida, MD, PhD
Michael A. Savin, MD
Nobukuni Sawai, MD, PhD
Kathleen Sazama, MD, JD
David T. Scadden, MD
Marc Schapira, MD
Robert Schaub, PhD
Alan N. Schechter, MD
Geraldine P. Schechter, MD
David A. Scheinberg, MD, PhD
Charles Scher, MD
Max E. Scheulen, MD, PhD
Sandra L. Schmid
Robert M. Schmidt, MD, PhD
Sandra F. Schnall, MD
Martin Schrappe, MD, FRCP
Stanley L. Schrier, MD
Christian P. Schultheis, MD,
Bradford S. Schwartz, MD
Burton S. Schwartz, MD
Joel M. Schwartz, MD
Joseph Schwartz, MD
Robert S. Schwartz, MD
David W. Scott, PhD
Curtis L. Scribner, MD
Mary-Frances Scully, MRCP,
Paul Seifred
Eric Seifter, MD
Sudhir Sekhsaria, MD
Kathy Selvaggi, MD
Baruti M. Serabe, MD
Masao Seto, MD, PhD
Richard K. Shadduck, MD
Binay K. Shah, MBBS
Sarah O’Brien, MD – Scholar Award Recipient in 2006
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Center for Innovation in Pediatric Practice, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
As a past ASH Clinical Research Training Institute participant, Dr. Sarah O’Brien knew the impact the Society’s
career-development awards have on a young investigator’s career, which is why she submitted her proposal,
Thrombophilia Screening in Children with Venous Thromboembolism: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, to the ASH
Scholar Awards program in 2005.
Dr. O’Brien was a pediatric hematology/oncology fellow under Dr. A. Kim Ritchey at the University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine when she received her ASH Scholar Award. The award gave her the opportunity to demonstrate
as a fellow that she could successfully compete for grant funding. After completing her fellowship in 2006, Dr.
O’Brien was able to secure an 80 percent research position as a first-year faculty member at Nationwide Children’s
Hospital in Columbus, OH – a position she does not believe would have been possible without the achievement of
an ASH Scholar Award on her resume.
Today, Dr. O’Brien is an investigator in the hospital’s Center for Innovation in Pediatric Practice, a team of health services researchers. Most
of her research involves analysis of large secondary data sets, decision analysis, and cost-effectiveness analysis. She is a co-investigator in
two of Dr. Guy Young’s multi-center pediatric antithrombotic clinical studies, which has been a great opportunity for her to meet some of the
leaders in the field. Dr. O’Brien’s areas of interest vary widely in benign hematology, but include DVT prophylaxis, thrombophilia screening,
mild bleeding disorders, and ITP. Currently, she is interested in women’s health as it relates to hematology and is working on a few projects
regarding contraception safety and effectiveness in women at higher risk of thrombosis.
Dr. O’Brien has been a member of ASH for more than five years. She has served as an annual meeting abstract reviewer and is a mentor to
medical students – two of whom are presenting posters at the 2009 ASH Annual Meeting.
Vijay P. Shah, MD
Nasir Shahab, MD
Paul Shami, MD
Jamile M. Shammo, MD
Dana Shani, MD
Sanford J. Shattil, MD
Beth Shaz, MD
John P. Sheehan Jr., MD
Richard G. Sheehan, MD
Vincent S. Shen, MD
Ashok C. Shende, MBBS
Adam Sher
Caroline Shiach, MD
Takashi Shimamoto, MD
Akihiro Shimosaka, PhD
Mordechai Shtalrid, MD
Howard Shulman, MD
Merrill Kingman Shum, MD
Susan B. Shurin, MD
Richard Siegel, MD
Carl Siegrist, MD
Enrique E. Signori, MD, FACP
Oscar Raul Signori, MD
Jeffrey M. Silberberg, MD
Richard T. Silver, MD
Roy L. Silverstein, MD
Patricia J. Simpson-Haidaris,
Marjorie M. Sinclair
Sheo Mohan Singh, PhD
Orachun Sitti, MD
Evan D. Slater, MD
John Mark Sloan, MD
Arne Slungaard, MD
R. Graham Smith, MD
Susan Smyth, MD, PhD
David S. Snyder, MD
Lawrence A. Solberg Jr., MD,
William B. Solomon, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Solti
Giorgina Specchia, MD
Susan Ashley Speckhart, MD
Steven Spitalnik, MD
Jerry L. Spivak, MD, FACP
Sally P. Stabler, MD
E. Richard Stanley, PhD
Richard B. Stead, MD
Ulrich Steidl, MD, PhD
Mark Stein, MD
Marion Sternbach, MD
David W. Sternberg, MD, PhD
Wendy Stock, MD
Wendy Stokes
Rainer F. Storb, MD
Sergio Storti, MD
Sarah E. Strandjord, MD
Richard R. Streiff, MD
Roger Stupp, MD
Agustin J. Suarez, MD
Keith M. Sullivan, MD
Kenneth Sumida, MD
Nancy Sun, MD
Nora Chi-Jun Sun, MD
James W. Sutton, MD
Nobuhiro Suzuki, MD, PhD
“The ASH award
provided the protected
time that I needed to
establish myself as an
independent researcher
in hematologic
malignancies and was
a critical stepping stone
for my career.”
– Michael Deininger, MD
2004 Scholar
Takayo Suzuki, MD, PhD
Samira Syed, MD
Masatomo Takahashi, MD
Shigeki Takemoto, MD, PhD
Masaki Takeuchi, MD, PhD
Martin S. Tallman, MD
Constantine S. Tam, MD
Kazumitsu Tamaki, MD
Eng M. Tan, MD
Kouichi R. Tanaka, MD
Patcharin Tanawattanacharoen,
Tsuyoshi Tange, MD
Patrick Tansey, MBChB, FRCP,
Ayalew Tefferi, MD
Marilyn J. Telen, MD
Margaret Clare Telfer, MD
Craig Tendler, MD
Mary Carol Territo, MD
Angela Thomas, PhD
Leonard C. Thomas, MD
Karin Tiedemann, MBBS, FRACP
Markus Tiemann, MD
Carl Tilden
Robert F. Todd III, MD, PhD
Jakub Tolar, MD, PhD
Masao Tomonaga, MD, PhD
Beverly Torok-Storb, PhD
Keisuke Toyama, MD
Cindy Tran, DO
David Trauber, MD
Samuel M. Trippe
Stanley B. Troup, MD
Masahiro Tsuchida, MD, PhD
R. Judith Tuchman-Ratzan, MD
A. Murat Tuncer, MD
Ali G. Turhan, MD, PhD
Ryuzo Ueda, MD, PhD
Susan & Richard Ulevitch
Noriko Usui, MD
Nancy Valente, MD
Koen Van Besien, MD
Marijke Van den Berg, MD, PhD
Lynne Margaret van Velzen-Ball,
K. Gary J. Vanasse, MD
Mohammad Ali Varghai, MD
A.J.P. Veerman, MD, PhD
M. Antonieta Velez-Ruelas, MD
Walter Verbeek, MD
Diodato Villamena, MD
Ana Villegas, MD
George D. Vlahides, MD
Georgia B. Vogelsang, MD
R. Mala Vohra, MD
Nicolas von der Weid, MD
John K. Waas, DO
William Wachsman, MD, PhD
Hideo Wada, MD, PhD
Denisa D. Wagner, PhD
Pamela S. Walker
Jian-Feng Wang, MD, PhD
Shujie Wang, MD, PhD
Frank Ward, MD
Donna Weber, MD
Robert Wehbie, MD, PhD
Neal J. Weinreb, MD
Howard J. Weinstein, MD
Daniel Weisdorf, MD
Wen-Kai Weng, MD, PhD
Brent Weston, MD
Peter White, MD
Carolyn F. Whitsett, MD
“Receiving the ASH
Scholar Award
convinced me of the
strong commitment of
the Society to basic
research in hematology.”
– J ohn Crispino, PhD
2002 Scholar
Nicholas Wickham, FRCPA,
Peter H. Wiernik, MD
John R. Wilkinson, MD
Alan Cecil Wine, MD
Naomi Winick, MD
Stuart Winter, MD
Elliott F. Winton, MD
Timothy J. Woodlock, MD
Richard C. Woodman, MD
Andrew Woynarowsky, MD
Ted Wun, MD
Jeffrey Wyand
Zhixiong Xu, PhD
Kazuhito Yamamoto, MD, PhD
Angela Yang, MS
Jianchang Yang, MD
Lijun Yang, MD
Saul Yanovich, MD
Zahida Yasin, MD
B. Hilda Ye, PhD
Tracy Yeoman
Tong Yin, MD, PhD
Akihiko Yokohama, MD, PhD
Sung-Soo Yoon, MD, PhD
Ira Zackon, MD
Timothy J. Zamb
Kenneth W. Zamkoff, MD
Axel R. Zander, MD
Dae Young Zang, MD, PhD
Gloria Zappia-Castro, MD
James L. Zehnder, MD
Andrew D. Zelenetz, MD, PhD
Leonard I. Zon, MD
Paul Zorsky, MD, MS
A m e r i c a n S o c i e t y of H e m a t o l o g y
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