Live the faith
Live the faith
A Stewardship Parish Our Mission: To Evangelize God's People, beginning with the Gift of the Holy Eucharist ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1813 Oakdale Road • Modesto, CA 95355 Office (209) 551-4973 • Fax: (209)551-3213 • • February 8, 2015 The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Holy Eucharist Sunday Mass: Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Sundays: 7:30am, 9am (Traditional Latin), 10:30am 12:00 pm 1:30pm (Español) 5:30pm 7:30pm Daily Mass: 8:00am & 5:45pm; Saturdays 8:00am Traditional Latin Mass, Fridays at Noon Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration: Chapel access code available in office Children’s Services: Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Sunday Mass 10:30am, 1:30 pm Spanish Sacrament of Reconciliation: Monday thru Thursday 5-5:30pm Fridays 6:30-7:30pm Saturdays 8:30-9:30am & 4-5pm Homebound please call 551-4973 for a priest to visit you by appointment. Clergy: Fr. Mark Wagner, Pastor Fr. Francis Joseph, OCD, Assoc. Pastor Fr. Hamilton Suarez, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Mr. Ken Ochinero, Deacon Rev. Mr. Ernest Ciccarelli, Deacon RCIA Inquiries: Please contact John & Nichole Sablan: 209-581-8477 From the Pastor’s Laptop “Live the faith Father Mark Wagner Today’s Gospel describes a typical day in the life of Jesus, with descriptions of how Jesus used His time. It tells what He did at each hour during one day. It says that during the day He taught in the synagogue, then “when it was evening, after sunset” He cured sick people and cast out demons; then “rising very early before dawn” He went into the desert to pray before leaving for another town. (Mark 1:29-39). In this life, we are prisoners of time. We must obey the clock. We cannot make time go faster or slower. We try to balance our lives to fit everything in. This is the human condition. God is outside of time. He entered space and time when he became a man., so He had to live according to the restrictions of time. He could only do one thing at a time, such as, He could not teach while He was healing people.; He could not pray while He was sleeping, and He had to be patient. Jesus understands our human limitations. In today’s second reading we hear Job complaining about the drudgery of time: “Is not man’s life on earth a drudgery? …I have been assigned months of misery, and troubled nights have been allotted to me. If in bed I say, ‘When shall I arise?’ then the night drags on; I am filled with restlessness until the dawn. My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle… Remember that my life is like the wind…” (Job 7:1-4). In order to help us make better use of the time that God gives to us in this life, we are planning to offer a special time management seminar here at St. Joseph’s later this year. With God’s help we can learn to “live the faith” and find time to “pray gratefully, serve responsibly and give generously!” Ash Wednesday February 18 7AM, 8AM, 9:30AM, 12NOON (TLF), 5:45PM 6 AND 7:30PM (HALL) 7:30PM-SPANISH CHURCH Welcome to St. Joseph’s Questions? To make an appointment with a priest or deacon or to register at St. Joseph’s, please call our parish office at 551-4973 or stop in. See open office hours below. We’re glad you’re here! Mass Intentions Sunday, February 8 (Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time) Parish Office Staff & Hours (Lulu, Patty & Rosario) Monday-Friday: 8:30am-6:30pm except Wednesday: 1-6:30pm Alice Eva Nelson, Alicia 7:30a Contreras, Loren Coehlo and John Anderson Weekend Maintenance (209) 602-6062 How can we help? 209 551-4973 Ext. Espanola Altar Servers Buildings and Grounds Rosario Svetlana Tammy 110 200 207 Children and Teen Catechesis Maria 218 Choirs and Cantors Svetlana 200 Events and Activities Tammy 207 Giving to St. Joseph’s Tammy 207 Parish Lending Library Bertha 202 Parish Registration Patty 102 Religious/Adult Education John 203 Room Reservations Rosario 110 Volunteering Bertha 202 Youth Ministry Nathan 206 Readings 2-9–2-15 Maria Dolores Sanchez Sp. Int. Andres Family 9:00a Benedict Szarkowski 5:30p Luciana Esguerra 10:30a Vito & Isabella Masellis Loren Coelho 7:30p All St. Joseph’s Parishioners 12pm Sotero Esguerra Monday, February 9 8:00a Carl Currie 5:45p Annunciata Bacchetti, Joe De Michino, Dora Olive Ashby and Salvador Mendez Peral Tuesday, February 10 8:00a Edward Krantz, Joe De Michino, Honorio Belleza and Gertrude Henderson 208 Parish Ministries 1:30p 5:45p Joe Mendes Wednesday, February 11 8:00a Don Williams 5:45p Mary Dominic Floro and Carilda Costello Sp. Int. Maria Sanchez and Irma Flores Thursday, February 12 8:00a Monday: Servando Aguilar Gn 1:20—2:4a; Mk 7:1-13 Martha Patricia Villa Friday, February 13 8:00a John Caratti 12pm Phillip Steele 8:00a Florentino Rodrigo, Gloria Rocha, Alvaro Vieira and Augustin Huang Sp. Int. Zita Aoigan Gn 1:1-19; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: 5:45p 5:45p Steve Sugar Saturday, February 14 Wednesday: 5:30p St. Joseph’s Memorial Mass Sunday, February 15 (Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time) Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Mk 7:14-23 7:30a All St. Joseph’s Parishioners 1:30p Thursday: Gn 2:18-25; Mk 7:24-30 9:00a Francisco Castellanos Sp. Int. Ernesto Palmerin 10:30a Teresa DePalma Friday: Gn 3:1-8; Mk 7:31-37 12pm Latin Mass: 2 Cor 11:19-33; 12:1-9; Lk 8:4-15 12pm Sp. Int. Dominguez Family Altar Flower Donation Saturday: Gn 3:9-24; Mk 8:1-10 Sunday: Lv 13:1-2.44-46; 1 Cor 10:31—11:1 Mk 1:40-45 Remember a special day or person Call Rosario at 551-4973, ext. 110 Maria Dolores Sanchez Sp. Int. Hernandez Family 3:30p Randy Aguirre Honorio Belleza 5:30p Sp. Int. Javad Parhizgari 7:30p Elizabeth O’Neill RCIA Inquiry classes are for people who want to learn more about Catholicism, but aren’t necessarily sure they want to become Catholic. The RCIA process is also for Catholics who have not yet completed their sacraments of Confirmation or Holy Communion. To start the process call John and Nichole Sablan 581-8477 to make an appointment. Religious Education Know your Rites Call to continuing conversion and RITE of sending The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process (as opposed to a program) through which adults , either unbaptized or baptized in another faith, prepare to enter into the fullness of the Catholic Church. It is adapted for children and youth as needed, and occurs in the context of the parish community. There are four periods that make up the whole process, each marked with liturgical rites that signal a transition to a new period, and so a different kind of preparation. For candidates (already baptized), the conclusion of the second period, called the Catechumenate, is the Call to Continuing Conversion. Since the candidates have already received the graces of baptism, their preparation consists of reflecting on God’s work in their lives through the baptismal graces received, renewing their commitment to living in right r e l a t io ns h ip w i t h H i m , a n d discovering how this happens in the context of the Catholic Church. Once they are ready to fully commit to living out their relationship with Christ in the Catholic Church, they are formally called to intensify their spiritual preparations through penance. The goal is to hear Jesus’ call for conversion in their lives and be faithful to the baptismal covenant. This is the Call to Continuing Conversion. The parish participates in this step by formally sending them to the Call to Continuing Conversion. In the Rite of Sending, the parish pledges to continue their support for the candidates as they enter their last stage of preparation, and sends them to a day of reflection with all of the other candidates of the diocese. During this time of reflection with the diocese, the candidates get a small glimpse into the universality of the Church as they gather with their shepherd, the Bishop. Here are four ways that we can support the candidates of St. Joseph’s in their journey: Pray for them. Anything from specific spiritual attack to rejection by family; there are many ways in which these candidates have been and will continue to be challenged in their resolve to live as faithful disciples of Jesus. Participate in the Rite of Sending. Be present for this celebration and offer the graces of Mass that Sunday for the candidates. Offer up some sacrifice for them on the day of the Call to Continuing Conversion. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers in a special way that day. Reflect on your own baptism. This is a good time to reflect: how faithful have I been in my relationship with Jesus? Rite of Sending for the Baptized Sunday, February 15 Call to Continuing Conversion Respect Life “Life will triumph because truth, goodness, joy and true progress are on the side of life. God, who loves life and gives it generously, is on the side of life. “ -St. John Paul II (Address to the Members of the Pontifical Academy for Life, March 3, 2001) Page 3 – February 8, 2015 Parish Events and Activities ALTAR SERVER TRAININGS I Want You for service at the Altar! Altar server training is now 9:30-11am every second Saturday of the month! Call John Marsella: 602-8031. SENIOR NEWS: DELICIOUS FEBRUARY LUNCH FEBRUARY 11-JOIN US! St. Joseph’s Seniors Lunch is Wednesday, Feb.11, in Fr. O’Hare Hall. Guests and new members are always welcome. If you are not a member, try us. We offer friendship and delicious food for $8. Our Social Hour begins at 10am, with refreshments and snacks. At 11am we take care of business, and lunch is served at noon. The yummy menu is Meatballs and gravy, mashed potatoes, veggies, rolls, butter and dessert. To make a reservation call: Kathy-Lee at 869-2655 or Lou at 484-0337 or 578-4642 would you do it? If you knew that spending an hour a week in prayer could save lives, would you do it? This year's 40 Days For Life campaign begins again on February 18th. It's easy to participate and your prayers literally could save lives. Please consider making an hour or two of prayer each week a part of your Lenten promise this year. Plaza signups February 1st, 8th and 15th! For more information, please email Kim Lohman at or call (209) 676-7688. LIVE STATIONS OF THE CROSS—ACTORS, MAKE-UP AND GRAPHIC ARTISTS, SOUND TECHNICIANS, ALTERATIONS, SNACK CAPTAINS AND MORE! ALL ARE WELCOME. PLEASE CALL THE CENTER FOR LAY APOSTOLATES AT 551-4973, EXT. 201 TO ADD YOUR NAME TO OUR FIRST MEETING LIST Like us on Facebook and stay connected with your parish family Please remember St. Joseph’s Church when planning your estate. Call 551-4973, ext. 207 for more information. This Week Monday, February 9, 2014 5:30 PM Respect Life JP4 6:00 PM Boy Scouts Hall Tuesday, February 10, 2015 9:00 AM Senior Strength Training 10:30 A Light Weigh Hall JP8 12:00 P Ingles para Ciudadanía JP4 6:00 PM Ingles para Ciudadanía JP2 6:00 PM Ingles para Principiantes JP4 6:30 PM Legion of Mary JP4 6:45 PM Rosary Makers JP5 7:00 PM Oración Carismática Español 7:00 PM 40 Days for Life Planning Meeting JP7 JP10 Wednesday, February 11, 2015 10:00 A Seniors Luncheon Hall 12:00 P Ingles Intermedio JP4 2:00 PM Widow & Widower Bible Study 5:30 PM Courage To Be Me JP5 5:45 PM Priciples Study Group JP5 5:45 PM Path to Serenity JP10 7:00 PM School of Faith JP7 JP8 Thursday, February 12, 2015 9:00 AM Senior Strength Training Hall 12:00 P Lunch Bible Study JP8 7:00 PM Escuela de Fe - Español JP7 Friday, February 13, 2015 6:00 PM Al-Anon Spanish JP10 6:00 PM Indian Prayer Group JP6 6:30 PM Adoration and Confession Chur Saturday, February 14, 2015 8:00 AM Lay Dominicans JP5 9:00 AM Language of the Heart (Women) JP4 Sunday, February 15, 2015 10:00 A Children's Liturgy of the Word 11:00 A 7 Steps Bible Study JP6 JP8 1:00 PM Liturgia de la Palabra para JP6 Niños 3:00 PM 7 Steps Bible Study JP8 3:30 PM Filipino Mass Chur Parish Events and Activities The Knights of Columbus will have their VERY popular dinners every Friday throughout all of Lent. The Knights of Columbus will have their VERY popular dinners on every Friday throughout all of Lent. Tickets can be purchased online at, after Masses on the plaza or at the parish office beginning next weekend. Last year, each and every one of the Friday dinners sold out before the 7 PM end time, so don't wait to get your tickets at the door. Doors will open at 5 PM on each of the Fridays of Lent beginning on the 20th of February. Last year's popular themes are back. On the 20th, there will be a celebration of consecrated life (coinciding with the universal Church's Year of Consecrate Life). Come dressed in attire that highlights the life of those that have answered God's call to religious life for a chance to win special prices. FEEL LIKE BEING A SUBSTITUTE ONLY? IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO COMMIT TO A REGULAR WEEKLY SCHEDULE AS A CATECHIST TEACHER, WE WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO CONSIDER BEING…. A SUBSTITUTE! Please call the Parish School of Religion Offices at 551-4973, ext. 218 for more information or e-mail In the Diocese... PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Could you not keep watch for one hour?” (Mark 14:37) Consider spending an hour a week with our Lord. To sign up please contact David and Monica at 527-4920. You will receive many blessings from Our Lord! HEALTH MINISTRY TIPS Antibiotics can cure bacterial infections, but not viral infections. The common cold and the flu are viral infections, so avoid using antibiotics if you have one of these, Using antibiotics when they are not needed causes some bacteria to become resistant to the antibiotic and therefore stronger and harder to kill. MARRIED COUPLES: Give a Valentine’s gift …… that keeps on giving. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a gift of love. It’s a weekend of fresh air, the rebirth of romance, and new beginnings. If you’d like to make your Marriage even more special than it already is – call now! The next weekend dates are Feb. 1315, 2015, in Turlock and June 5-7, 2015 in Modesto. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER FOR THE FEBRUARY WEEKEND! For more information visit our website at: or contact John and Angelica Angarita at or 209-691-0603 MODESTO CATHOLIC PROFSSIONAL AND BUSINESS CLUB Meeting February 10, 2015 Speaker: Grace DelNero If you wanted to change the world for Jesus Christ and his Church, where would you start? Grace DelNero works for FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, because she believes that the college campus is the most strategic place to make a difference. As a collegiate athlete, Grace knows firsthand about the challenges college students face and the radical need for saints in our culture today. By reaching this critical generation of leaders, we have the ability to impact all areas of the culture from law to education, business and family life! Networking: 7 AM, Breakfast and Speaker: 7:15 AM at the Old Mill Café, 600 9th St. RSVP at, at or Cathy (209) 968-8086 LAY DOMINICANS Join Lay Dominicans for 8:00 AM Mass on Saturday, Feb. 14. After Mass join us in JP Room 5 for our topic The Preaching of St. John the Baptist and the Baptism of Jesus-Matthew 3:1-17. For further information call: Mary McNicholas 544-6549. Page 5 - February 8, 2015 From our Holy Father in Rome Pope Francis We are experiencing a crisis of fatherhood Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our continuing catechesis on the family, we now turn to the dignity and role of fathers. Jesus, by teaching us to call God our Father, gave new depth and richness to this relationship, so fundamental to the life of society. Sadly, in our modern societies, we are experiencing a crisis of fatherhood; from an image of the father as authoritarian and at times even repressive, we now sense uncertainty and confusion about the role of the father. Today we can speak of an “absence” of the father figure in society. Yet responsible fathers are so necessary as examples and guides for our children in wisdom and virtue. Without father figures, young people often feel “orphaned”, left adrift at a critical moment in their growth and development. Society itself has a similar responsibility not to leave the young as orphans, without ideals, sound values, hopes and possibilities for work and for authentic spiritual fulfillment. Jesus promised that he would not leave us orphans (cf. Jn 14:18). Let us ask him to deepen and renew our appreciation of fatherhood and to raise up good fathers for the benefit of our families, our Church and our world. Wednesday, 28 January, 2015 If you would like more of Pope Francis’ teaching on the Church please visit http:// audiences/2015/documents/papafrancesco_20150121_udienzagenerale.html "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." - St. Thomas Aquinas Youth Ministry Contact Us! Nathan Steingrebe (209)247-7863 Samantha Jordan (209)551-4973 ext.223 You Don’t Want to Miss What is happening in Youth Ministry!!! Parish School of Religion Updates and Announcements Please remember the needy by bringing powdered milk for St. Vincent de Paul during the month of February. SCHOOL OF FAITH CALENDAR Center for Lay Apostolates Profiles in Stewardship By: Svetlana Avetisyan FOCUS ON LEADERSHIP: Parish Stewardship — a way of life SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE All Due April 15, 2015 Applications and information are available in the Parish Office CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS A limited amount of scholarships are available for children of active, tithing and registered St. Joseph’s parishioners at either Our Lady of Fatima or St. Stanislaus Parish Schools. Scholarship applicants must either be current students or enrolled for the 2015-2016 school year. ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS A limited amount of scholarships are available for children of active, tithing and registered St. Joseph’s parishioners who will attend or are attending a four-year college or university as undergraduates. Prospective applicants must be enrolled for the 2015-2016 school year as full-time students. NET MINISTRIES SCHOLARSHIPS A limited amount of scholarships are available for teens or young adults who are children of or are themselves, active, tithing and registered St. Joseph’s parishioners who are selected as NET Evangelists. ST. JOSEPH’S CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION: PLEASE CONTACT CENTRAL CATHOLIC AT 209-524-9611 Help Support: St. Joseph’s supports Catholic education and college-age parishioners and welcomes donations of support to help fund scholarships. We fund these scholarships through an annual second offering and with your support of donations in the parish office OR ONLINE AT WWW.STJMOD.COM New to the Parish? Wondering where to start?? Call the Center for Lay Apostolates 551-4973, ext. 207 St. Joseph`s Adult Choir St. Joseph`s Adult Choir, the largest musical group and the “heart” of our ambitious music program, comprising from 11 choirs and ensembles, was established over 25 years ago. Now, under the direction of Holly Olsson, our conductor and cantor, our choir consists of about 40 members and presents a wonderful family in which we serve the Lord, dedicate our talent, develop musical skills and learn about our faith. Our brilliant organist, Edward Gerodias, became a very important addition to the group. Our Adult Choir is probably the biggest and the most active choral group in our Diocese. Besides singing at our 10:30am Sunday Mass, we participate in many other liturgical celebrations; Easter and Christmas programs, Diocesan Chrism and Ordination Masses, parish concerts and festivals. The goal of Adult Choir is to lift minds and hearts to God through the beauty of the Church`s most beautiful compositions – Gregorian Chant, Classical, Baroque and traditional sacred music. Every year our Adult Choir and our music ministers plan special retreats and concerts, where we often invite musicians from other parishes. Some of them became unforgettable experiences for us: January 2005 pilgrimage to Rome, which included Papal Audience, Mass at St. Peter and concert at St. Ignatius Church; June 2010 St. Vianney Combined Choir concert at the Gallo Center for the Arts; 2012 Diocesan 50th years anniversary celebration at St. Stanislaus Church and many others. On February 7, our Adult Choir with cantors and musicians from Cherubim choir and Schola visited Fr. Joseph Illo and Star of the Sea parish at the San Francisco Community of St. Philip Neri, where we participated in the music/liturgy retreat, presented Sacred Music Prelude and sang for Holy Mass. Our Adult Choir already started to practice for the 2015 Lent-Easter season and we encourage anyone interested to join our music programs for a great learning experience: “We serve as a family, we all love to sing for God, and participation in our choir brought to us many blessings and friendships!” Page 7– February 8, 2015 De Nuestro Santo Padre en Roma Papa Francisco Una “sociedad sin padre” Queridos hermanos y hermanas: En nuestra reflexión sobre la familia, hoy nos centramos sobre la palabra padre. Padre es una palabra universal, conocida por todos, que indica una relación fundamental cuya realidad es tan antigua como la historia del hombre. Es la palabra con la que Jesús nos ha enseñado a llamar a Dios, dándole un nuevo y profundo sentido, revelándonos, así, el misterio de la intimidad de Dios Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, que es el centro de nuestra fe cristiana. En nuestros días, se ha llegado a hablar de una “sociedad sin padre”. La ausencia de la figura paterna es entendida como una liberación a veces, sobre todo cuando el padre es percibido como la autoridad cruel que coarta la libertad de los hijos, o cuando éstos se sienten desatendidos por unos padres centrados únicamente en sus problemas, en su trabajo o la realización personal o caracterizados por su marcada ausencia del hogar. Todo esto crea una situación de orfandad en los niños y jóvenes de hoy, que viven desorientados sin el buen ejemplo o la guía prudente de un padre. Todas las comunidades cristianas y la comunidad civil deben estar atentas a la ausencia de la figura paterna, pues ésta deja lagunas y heridas en la educación de los jóvenes. Sin guías de los que fiarse, los jóvenes pueden llenarse de ídolos, que terminan robándoles el corazón, robándoles la ilusión y robándoles las auténticas riquezas, robándoles la esperanza. Miércoles 28 de Enero 2015http:// audiences/2015/documents/papafrancesco_20150128_udienzagenerale.html "Sólo el amor crea" (San Maximiliano Kolbe 1894 1941. Sacerdote que dio su vida en un capo de concentración) Boletín Parroquial en Español! DEL LAPTOP DEL PÁRROCO, Padre Mark A “vivir la fe” Padre Mark Wagner El Evangelio de hoy describe un día típico en la vida de Jesús con descripciones de cómo Jesús usó su tiempo. Nos dice lo que Él hizo a cada hora durante el día. Dice que durante el día, Él enseñó en la sinagoga, luego “al atardecer, cuando se puso el sol,” Él curó a los enfermos y expulsó a demonios, luego “antes que amaneciera, se levantó” y se fue al desierto a orar antes de partir a otro pueblo. (Marcos 1:29-39). En esta vida, somos prisioneros del tiempo. Tenemos que obedecer el reloj. No podemos hacer que el tiempo pase más rápido o más lento. Tratamos de balancear nuestras vidas para acomodar todo. Esta es la condición humana. Dios está fuera del tiempo. Pero Él entró el espacio y el tiempo cuando se hizo hombre. Y, entonces, Jesús tuvo que vivir de acuerdo a las restricciones del tiempo. Él tuvo que hacer una cosa a la vez. Él no podía enseñar cuando estaba curando a gente. Él no podía orar cuando estaba durmiendo. Jesús tuvo que ser paciente. Él entiende nuestras limitaciones humanas. En la segunda lectura de hoy, escuchamos a Job quejándose de trabajo servidumbre del tiempo: “¿No es una servidumbre la vida del hombre sobre la tierra? … Así me han tocado en herencia meses vacíos, me han sido asignadas noches de dolor. Al acostarme, pienso: «¿Cuándo me levantaré? Pero la noche se hace muy larga y soy presa de la inquietud hasta la aurora. … Mis días corrieron más veloces que una lanzadera … Recuerda que mi vida es un soplo y que mis ojos no verán más la felicidad …” (Job 7:1-4) Para poder ayudarnos a hacer mejor uso del tiempo que Dios da en esta vida, estamos planeando ofrecer un seminario especial de administración del tiempo aquí en St. Joseph’s más tarde este año. Cuando la ayuda de Dios, podemos aprender a “vivir la fe” y encontrar el tiempo para “¡orar agradecidamente, servir responsablemente, y dar generosamente!” Escuela Parroquial de Religión: Te Gustaría ser un Suplente de Catequista? “Si no puedes comprometerte a un horario semanal para maestro del catecismo, nos gustaría que fueras un suplente de catecismo “ Para mas información comunicante a la oficina at 551-4973, ext. 218 Por favor recuerden a los mas necesitados, trayendo cajas de leche en polvo para San Vicente de Paula durante el mes de febrero. Leer, Meditar, Orar y Vivir CORRESPONSABILIDAD (STEWARDSHIP) Por: Svetlana Avetisyan Adoración Eucarística para lo Santificación de los sacerdotes y la maternidad espiritual Padre Hamilton Suarez Berthe Petit es una gran mística Belga, un alma de expiación poco conocida. Jesús le indico claramente el sacerdote por el cual ella debía renunciar a sus proyectos personales y también se lo hizo encontrar. Desde cuando era una joven de quince años, Berthe durante cada santa Misa rezaba por el celebrante: “Jesús mío, haz que tu sacerdote no te de aflicciones” . Cuando tenía diecisiete años sus padres perdieron todo su patrimonio. Su director espiritual le dijo que su vocación no era el monasterio, sino el permanecer en casa y cuidar a sus padres. Ella le pidió a la virgen ser mediadora para que, en lugar de su vocación religiosa, Jesús llamara a un sacerdote diligente y santo. Lo que ella no podía prever, ocurrió 16 días después: Un joven jurista de 22 años, el Dr. Luis Decorsant, estaba rezando delante de la imagen de la Madre Dolorosa. Inesperadamente él tuvo la certeza de que su vocación no era la de casarse con la joven que amaba y ejercer la profesión de escribano. Comprendió claramente que Dios lo llamaba al sacerdocio. Fue ordenado sacerdote en 1893. Berthe estaba en Lourdes en peregrinaje. Allí la Virgen le confirmo: “Veras al sacerdote que has pedido a Dios hace 20 años, sucederá dentro de poco” . Lo vio por primera vez en una estación del tren, era el reverendo Decorsant, sus rasgos eran aquellos que Bertha había visto en una revelación que Dios le había permitido en una exposición de Santísimo. El sacerdote la invito a la santa Misa. Mientras el padre Decorsant elevaba la hostia, Jesús dijo a Berthe en su interior: “Este es el sacerdote por el cual acepte tu sacrificio”. (Tomado de documento de la congregacion para el clero pags. 22-23. Vaticano). Qué bonito y que necesario ofrecer nuestras oraciones y sacrificios por la santificación de los sacerdotes y la vida consagrada. Pídele esta gracia al Señor. Miercoles de ceniza Miercoles de ceniza Febrero 18 7AM, 8AM, 9:30AM, 12NOON (TLF), 5:45PM 6 AND 7:30PM (HALL) 7:30PM-ESPANOL El Coro de Adultos de St. Joseph’s El Coro de Adultos de St. Joseph’s, el grupo musical más grande y el “corazón” de nuestro programa ambicioso de música que incluye 11 coros y conjuntos, fue establecido hace más de 25 años. Ahora, bajo la dirección de Holly Olsson, nuestra conductora y cantora, el coro consiste en más o menos 40 miembros y es una familia maravillosa en la cual servimos al Señor, dedicamos nuestros talentos, desarrollamos habilidades musicales, y aprendemos de nuestra fe. Nuestro organista brillante, Edward Gerodias, se ha hecho una adición muy importante al grupo. El Coro de Adultos es probablemente el coro más grande y activo en nuestro Diócesis. Además de cantar en la misa dominical de las 10:30 AM, participamos en otras celebraciones litúrgicas, programas de Pascua y Navidad, misas de Crisma y Ordenaciones, concierto parroquiales, y festivales. La meta del Coro de Adultos es de elevar las mentes y los corazones hacia Dios a través de las composiciones más bellas de la Iglesia – Cantos Gregorianos, Clásicos, Barrocos y música sagrada tradicional. Cada año, el Coro de Adultos y nuestros ministros de música planean retiros y conciertos especiales, donde solemos invitar músicos de otras parroquias. Algunos de estos se vuelve experiencias inolvidables para nosotros: el peregrinaje a Roma de enero 2005, lo cual incluyó una Audiencia Papal, misa en la Basílica de San Pedro, y un concierto en la Iglesia de San Ignacio; el concierto de coros combinados en el Centro para las Artes de Gallo para San Juan Vianney de junio 2010; la celebración de 50 años de la Diócesis en 2012 en la parroquia de San Stanislaus; y muchos más. Este pasado 7 de febrero, el Coro de Adultos con cantores y músicos del Coro Querubín y la Schola visitaron al Padre Joseph Illo y la parroquia Estrella del Mar en San Francisco, la Comunidad de San Felipe Neri, en donde participamos en el retiro de música/liturgia, presentamos el Preludio de Música Sagrada, y cantamos la Santa Misa. El Coro de Adultos y empezó a practicar para la temporada de Cuaresma/Pascua y les motivamos a todos a unirse a nuestros programas musicales para una experiencia de aprendizaje increíble: “¡Servimos como una familia, nos encanta cantar por Dios, y la participación en el coro nos ha traído muchas bendiciones y amistades!” Página 9 - Febrero 8 del 2015 “The Quick & Easy Way To Get The Cash You Need From The Credit Union You Trust” 209-948-6024 • 18 S. CENTER ST., STOCKTON • 435 W. BENJAMIN HOLT DR., STOCKTON • 4603 N. PERSHING AVE., STOCKTON • 206 E. YOSEMITE AVE., MANTECA • 200 S. 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FLORENDO DDS, FICOI, FAAIP 3219 McHenry Ave. Suite E Modesto, CA 95350 accepting new patients call us 209-322-3429 523093 St Joseph Church (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Brakes, Lube, Tires A/C, Custom Exhaust Shocks/Struts, Alignment, Batteries, Lifetime Warranty Midas CC: 180 days interest FREE {oac} Gary Moya......Owner/Parishioner 3833 McHenry Ave. Our technicians are ASE Certified 523-4706 523-4578 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 John L. Gorman III 3224 McHenry Ave.• Modesto • 529-6860 CHEVROLET • GEO David & Jim Halvorson Parishioner 4742 McHenry Ave. 1316 Coffee Rd. Bldg. C Modesto, CA 95355 ph 209.521.6822 fx 209.521.0466 575-1606 Estate Planning Living Trusts Personal Injury Civil Litigation Real Estate and Business Matters Attorney At Law 1200 G Street, Ste. B Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 548-4000 Se Habla Español Voted Modesto’s Favorite Lawyer Printing, Inc. Service And Quality You Expect Theresa Martinho Parishioner Eu Falo Portugues 209.530.2632 3525 Coffee Road, Modesto 571 Tully Rd. 577-3858 SPACE AVAILABLE To Advertise Here... Contact JILL TABACO today at (800) 231-0805 • 577-1901 2345 Scenic & Oakdale Rd. Gifts of Faith Grow deeply in Christ. Gifts for all the Sacraments. Art • Clothing • Jewelry • Books • Cards Mystic Monk Coffee • Children’s activity corner Cucina Italiana 1700 McHenry Ave., Ste. 80 (In McHenry Village) Fine Italian Cuisine 209-408-0728 1000 Kansas Ave. 209-622-0938 Parishioner Bel Piatto Mary Mother of God Mission Society 501(c)(3) non-profit benefitting the Catholic missions in Russia MALISSA SOUZA CalBRE Agent Lic. No. 00693799 209.531.8126 La Panaderia Rico Pan Mexicano Pasteles Para Toda Ocasion $1.00 OFF Dz. Pastries (Sunday Only) LISA STEVES CalBRE Agent Lic. No. 01269308 1001 Kansas Ave. Ste. 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MODESTO GROCERY & DELI 523093 St Joseph Church (A) Asian Produce, Fish & Lechon 1800 Prescott Rd., Modesto Open 7 days 9 AM - 6 PM 10% Discount on Sundays Only 524-7186 Not Valid with any other Discount Coupon For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805