
RSL Australia - NSW Branch
No 2 - May 2014
Our Future …
Art Awards
New Banners
90 Years
271 Elizabeth Street Sydney
02 - 9264 6001
‘When in Sydney
it’s not just a room with a view …
It’s your home away from home’
RSL NSW sub-Branch discount rates online
Our Future…
ANZAC Day 2014 - Sydney
With an air of excitement and anticipation, thousands
mustered for this year’s Sydney March under
threatening skies. The weather was not kind with a city
downpour just 30 minutes before march off. For some,
the ANZAC Day March 2014 would be their first, while
for others, perhaps their last.
Fresh from the Middle East, more than 200 young
sailors from HMAS Melbourne gathered in Castlereagh
Street to join the ranks of about a thousand sailors
from Sydney’s ships and establishments. With rain
looming, their first day of winter uniform was both
colourful and timely.
Veterans of recent conflicts and peace keeping
missions including Somalia, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Gulf
War, Iraq, East Timor and the Solomon’s, were
honoured with prime position behind Her Excellency
Professor, The Honourable, Marie Bashir, and the RSL
NSW executive. It was Prof. Bashir’s last March as NSW
Governor and she will be sorely missed.
RSL NSW President, Don Rowe, hailed all who turned
out in fine spirits to defy the rain and gloomy skies,
especially the newest veterans.
“These young men and women deserve our thanks
and our recognition for their service under extremely
hazardous circumstances,” said Mr Rowe. “They are
our next generation of membership.”
During the past ten years in Afghanistan alone, 40
Australian personnel have been killed in action and
almost 260 wounded. The number of men and women
who have served overseas since 1999 is approaching
Young veteran, RSL member Damien Thomlinson, was the
‘Face of ANZAC’ for 2014. He took on the ambassador role
for DefenceCare and the national spokesperson for the
ANZAC Appeal with the launch of the new ‘Minute of
Silence’ promotion and the young veterans involvement in
the Sydney ANZAC March.
60,000. They now outnumber the ranks of surviving
veterans from the Vietnam era.
“Just as we honour the sacrifices made in the two
World Wars, in Korea and in Vietnam, so too must we
pay tribute to the casualties in these current
deployments, and give these younger veterans pride
of place in the March,” said Mr Rowe.
“The RSL has worked for almost 100 years to provide
welfare services to veterans of earlier conflicts. We
pledge ourselves to caring for the men and women
who currently serve in Australian uniforms at home and
“The ANZAC Day March has given us all the chance to
let them know that we do care. We look forward to
seeing them all back here next year for the Centenary
A new banner for ‘Young
Veterans’ supporting all
ADF operations forward of
1975. The Western
Metropolitan District
Council purchased the
banner for the veterans.
H ere Today... Rare Tomorrow
Now available to the general public
direct from RSL NSW
For a limited time only
Phone Orders
02 - 9264 8188
The 2012 commemorative $2 coin was minted to acknowledge Remembrance Day. It features a poppy in the centre on
a background of microtext, reading: "remembrance day" and "lest we forget." There are also poppies on either side of
the main design. The obverse features the third effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Ian Rank-Broadely, and
"Australia 2012".
This limited coloured version of the coin is to be circulated with a mintage of 500,000 as Australia's first coloured
circulating coin. Only available through your State Branch RSL network.
Finest hours
farewell for Governor…
ANZAC Day 2014, Sydney…
It was Marie Bashir’s last time leading
Sydney’s Anzac Day Dawn Service and
March as NSW Governor. The Dawn
Service saw massive crowds, over 20,000
swell the streets and lane ways around
Martin Place. VIP’s, Veterans and public,
from young children to grandparents, they
all made the most of the balmy morning as
it was 20 degrees celsius.
After the sun rose a sudden downpour
commenced. While it dampened the city
streets and the many gathering veterans,
but not their spirits. Prof. Bashir, a longserving Governor under both the Labor
and Coalition State governments, will retire
towards the end of 2014, after her last
ANZAC event in Sydney as Governor, this
was her finest moment.
Cover Photo. . .
Governor Bashir's final
ANZAC Day Dawn Service
Cenotaph, Martin Place, Sydney.
Photography by MARK LEE
Over her period as Governor she has
attended many commemorations every
year, and has been very solid in recent
months when she has delivered speeches
in Martin Place with building jack hammers
and emergency sirens endeavouring to
drown her message. At the end of a recent
speech for the RAAF commemoration of
their 90th anniversary, the crowd broke out
in applause for her delivery of an eight
page speech. She took many deep
breaths, she with stood the dust and noise
with absolute professionalism in delivery!
2013 Annual Reports
RSL & WBI ready to download…
201 3
Full financial details for both
organisations are ready for
downloading in PDF format from the
website in the
ABOUT US section.
RSL NSW Welfare
Hard copies will be available at the
NSW Congress, Coffs Harbour.
RE PO R T 20
A full condensed resolution, digital
PDF version, of the Annual Reports
is also available for downloading
from the RSL NSW website for those
with PC and tablet device viewers.
and Benevolent
RSL NSW Annual Report, all 78 full
colour pages and a new format,
expanded, 20 page version of RSL WBI
Annual Report have recently been
delivered by Australia Post to your subBranch in the April RSL bulk mail.
Brief summary reports from RSL NSW State Council meeting, ANZAC House, April 2014.
Remembrance Poppy Coin - Promotion in November ...
Continued promotion with coin now available at $10 each to RSL members and the general
public. Bulk purchase of 25 coins per roll are also available. Sub-Branches can purchase
direct through ANZAC House, orders by phone or fax and now directly on line from the RSL
NSW website.
RSL NSW Website Hit Report ...
Website hits over the past four months:
NSW Centenary of ANZAC ...
Lest We Forget
Logo design has been endorsed and a new webpage listing the up coming activities will be
designed. The committee to run the project will be announced after the next State Council
meting in June.
NSW Centenary of RSL ...
Events and ceremonies committee has been established containing State Councillors Ian
Henderson and Peter Stephenson with specialist advisors to create schedules and seek
funding opportunities. They will liaise with State President, State Secretary, CFO, CRSL
Committee, FARM Committee and State Council.
ADF Lifetime Health Cover …
National Executive asks the ADF Family Health Joint Health Command to alert eligible
members of the ADF Family Health Program. Failure to take out Private Health Insurance for
their family will result in a Lifetime Health Cover Loading once a spouse turns 31 years of
age and then decides to join a Private Health Fund. More information at web-link
Invictus Games UK …
ADF and RSL will support the upcoming Invictus Games. Over 300 competitors from 13
different nations from around the world will be taking part from 10-14 September 2014 in
London. The competition will include: athletics, archery, wheelchair basketball, road cycling,
indoor rowing, wheelchair rugby, swimming and sitting volleyball. There will also be a
driving challenge as part of the schedule of events for participants, organised by Jaguar
Land Rover. More information at web-link
Queanbeyan Upgrade …
The Queanbeyan sub-Branch will upgrade its Welfare and Support Centre building as
renovations to the centre commence for the increasing demand in the area of support
services in this region.
RSL NSW - State Council Newsletter
Published Bi-Monthly
Editor & Photography
RSL NSW - Mark Lee & Claudia Edwards
Corporate Communications Department
For RSL members, stakeholders and friends of RSL NSW
Annual NSW State Congress
Coffs Harbour Ex-Services Club
25th - 28th May
Sunday 25th May
Delegate Meet & Greet
Coffs Harbour Ex-Services Club
Vista Lounge, Ground Floor
Monday 26th May
9am - 12pm
RSL sub-Branch Administration Seminar
Auditorium & Rainbow Room
9am - 12pm
District Council Presidents Seminar
South Room - opposite club entrance
12pm - 1.30pm Lunch
1.30pm - 4pm
Open for breakfast 8am daily
during Congress
Entry to club before 9am
via Vernon St.
Tuesday 27th May
9am - 12.30pm
Official Opening
DVA Forum
Monday to Wednesday
Level One - Blue Room
12pm - 2pm
2pm - 3.30pm
6.30pm - 11pm Congress Dinner
Wednesday 28th May
9am - 12.30pm Business
12pm - 2pm
8.30am - 12pm Day Trip
Non Delegates
Sawtell, Urunga and Bellingen
M AY 2 6 - 2 8
What’s old!
is not new !
again …
Chris Perrin
Chief Executive Officer
"Ladies & Gentlemen,
please join with me in
a toast to the
Returned & Services
League of Australia The League."
Some vigilant members may
have noticed the use of the term
“The League” in this and other
RSL NSW documents. The use of
the term dates back to well
before most Vietnam veterans
were born. The term “The League” is
defined in the National
Constitution in sub-Clause 1.1 as
the name referring to the
Returned & Services League of
Australia. RSL is an abbreviation
for the Returned & Services
League of Australia. Both are
acceptable for use.
The term “The League” appears
in the National Constitution 136
times. It appears in the RSL NSW
By-Laws 28 times.
The Act of NSW Parliament (Act
39 of 1935) that incorporated
The Returned and Services
League of Australia (New South
Wales Branch) also expresses the
use of the term “The League” to
refer to us. The term “The
League” appears some 22 times
within that document.
The term "The League” appears
at the top of the application
form to join The Returned and
Services League of Australia
(NSW Branch) which can be
found at Annex A to Chapter
four of the RSL NSW
Governance Regulation. On that
same form in the declaration
section at point (v) it states that
"I will abide by the Constitution
of the League...".
All members who used that
application form then signed
that declaration.
There are countless documents
within the records at ANZAC
House that contain references to
where we use the term “The
League” to refer to ourselves.
The correct format for delivering
the toast to the RSL goes to this
effect:- "Ladies & Gentlemen,
please join with me in a toast
to the Returned & Services
League of Australia - The
A great example of the use of
the term “The League” can be
found on the Gosford RSL
website. In a document titled
"History of The Gosford RSL Sub
Branch The Early Years
1919-1929” compiled by Dr
Richard G. Van Wirdum in 2013.
There are 241 references to the
term “The League” to indicate
that its use goes back to 1919 at
At last year’s NSW State
congress it was decided by
delegates present not to engage
in a public campaign to
distinguish the difference
between the League and RSL
Clubs. It was intended to use the
widely accepted and historically
used term that we use to refer to
ourselves as in that campaign.
That term is “The League”.
That public campaign has not
been engaged in but we make
no apology for using a term
steeped in history. After all it
appears in the RSL National
Constitution, our Act of
Parliament, Trust Deeds and RSL
NSW Annual Reports throughout
the ages and in recent writings
commissioned by the Gosford
RSL sub-Branch.
RSL & National Rugby League
New partnerships to be formed 2015…
RSL NSW President, Don Rowe with NRL CEO Dave Smith
are in the final stages of finalising a “Memorandum Of
Understanding” (MOU) between the League and the NRL.
The partnership will deliver contributions and assistance to
the RSL and the NRL with the ANZAC Day NRL round over
the coming commemoration period 2014 - 18.
Dave Smith, a former British Army Officer, is very keen to
make the RSL and the ANZAC Appeal a bigger part of
ANZAC Day in Sydney and the RSL partnership to become
a stronger image within the NRL of the future.
Left: RSL State President,
Don Rowe and NRL CEO,
David Smith, with their
hands on the famous NRL
ANZAC Cup at the start of
the big clash between the
Roosters and Dragons at the
Sydney Football Stadium on
ANZAC Day recently.
Victorious Melbourne
Returns to Sydney…
After six months at sea and over A$1 billion in drug
apprehensions, HMAS Melbourne returned to her
homeport of Garden Island, Sydney.
The crowded wharf of well wishers, which counted among
their numbers the Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon
Tony Abbott MP and the Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Ray
Griggs AO CSC RAN, cheered her crew of 232 as the ship
pulled alongside. !
The ship, which set sail in August 2013, spent the
Christmas season at sea conducting maritime security
operations (MSO) including maritime interception
operations (MIO), as part of a coalition force contributing
to Operation Slipper and the Combined Maritime Forces
Commanding Officer Melbourne, Commander Brian
Schlegel, RAN, says while it was tough being away from
their loved ones, the ship was buoyed by the fact that they
were making a significant contribution on the world stage. !
“While it has been great to successfully execute the
mission we spent many hours training long and hard for,
it’s hard to beat arriving back in Sydney and seeing your
loved ones waiting for you. I know the crew appreciate all
the support they’ve received from friends and family back
home,” said CMDR Schlegel.
The drug interceptions were coordinated by Combined
Task Force 150 (CTF150), currently being led by Australian
Commodore Darryl Bates, AM. CTF150 is working as part
of the 30 nation CMF to defeat terrorism, prevent piracy,
reduce illegal trafficking of people and drugs and promote
the maritime environment as a safe place for mariners with
legitimate businesses.
RSL State President, Don Rowe, OAM, with staff from RSL
NSW and DefenceCare were again on hand to provide the
Ships Company and their families with morning tea and
refreshments dockside at Garden Island, as part of their
continuing service for supporting the home coming of our
naval forces on overseas assignments.
“During our deployment, Melbourne seized and
destroyed drugs, including heroin, meth-amphetamines
and cannabis resin, with a street value of over A$1 billion.
By removing these drugs from circulation, we have directly
impacted the profits of terrorist organisations which trade
drugs to fund their activities,” said CMDR Schlegel.
“We also helped maintain the security of sea lanes for
legitimate mariners, apprehending nine pirates off the
coast of Somalia in October, after merchant ships reported
two piracy attempts,” said CMDR Schlegel.
“The success of our mission is testament to the dedication
and hard work of the ship’s company. The boarding party
and flight crew in particular did an outstanding job.”
5% of all sales of Diggers Vest
donated to DefenceCare
Commanding Officer
HMAS Melbourne,
Commander Brian Schlegel
is congratulated By RSL
State President Don Rowe
with Chief of Navy, Ray
Griggs and Prime Minister
Tony Abbott looking on.
WO2 Fred Cox
EDD Trade Manager
A funeral service at the Army’s Explosive Dog Detection (EDD)
training facility gave a whole new meaning to ‘ a dogs life’ for
our SCN Editor, Mark Lee, with his camera and long lens in focus
during a recent visit to Steel Barracks in Sydney’s southern
suburb of Moorebank.
Anyone who has ever served in the
military will understand the unique
nature of the relationship that exists
between those who serve together,
re g a rd l e s s o f r a n k , s e r v i c e o r
experience. Indeed, an enduring
feature of service within the Australian
Defence Force (ADF) is the egalitarian
spirit that we all know and recognise
as the Spirit of ANZAC.
It should come as no surprise
therefore to understand that the
bonds that exist between military
working dogs and their handlers are
no less profound; and that the
ANZAC spirit extends beyond that
which exists between the human
species of Australian service
Military working dogs have featured
as an important force enabler
throughout history, and they continue
to be employed in supporting
contemporary military operations to
great effect. The School of Military
Engineering is the centre of training
excellence for the development and
maintenance of Army’s Explosive
Detection Dog capability and is
responsible for the training of dogs
and handlers alike.
Explosive Detection Dogs enjoy a full
and rich life, typically serving for a
period of between five and eight
years. While most dogs are re-homed
on reaching retirement age, often rehomed with their handler, it is a sad
truth that every now and then a dog
will succumb to a medical condition
that will end its life suddenly whilst it’s
still employed in active service. In
such circumstances, the handlers go
to extreme lengths to ensure that the
dog – their closest mate – is
farewelled with the dignity and
respect that its service deserves.
Such were the circumstances recently
when we had to farewell EDD Storm,
a faithful nine year old white Labrador,
who suddenly passed away from
illness in December 2013. DM 455
EDD Storm, was enlisted into the
Army in Nov 2007. He underwent
training as an Explosive Detection
Dog and was subsequently teamed
with his first handler, (now) SGT John
Cannon, in 2008.
EDD Storm deployed on active
service twice throughout his career,
initially in 2008 to Afghanistan as a
member of MRTF 1 and subsequently
in 2010 as a member of MTF 2, again
to Afghanistan.
Whilst deployed EDD Storm detected
a significant amount of enemy
o rd n a n c e , i n c l u d i n g n u m e ro u s
Improvised Explosive Devices (IED)
that were sited to target coalition
forces. Without doubt, the
contribution made by EDD Storm to
both operations saved countless lives,
not only those of coalition military
personnel but also those of innocent
In 2013, EDD Storm was posted back
to the School of Military Engineering
where he assisted in the induction of
newly recruited dogs. EDD Storm
passed away suddenly, but peacefully,
as a result of illness in December.
A funeral service honouring EDD
Storm’s life was held at the Explosive
Detection Dog Section recently.
As the EDD Trade Manager, I led the
service which was attended by the
Commanding Officer of the School of
Military Engineering, LTCOL Ken
Martin and the Regimental Sergeant
Major, WO1 Dave Harvey. Also in
attendance were a range of staff from
a ro u n d t h e S c h o o l a s w e l l a s
representatives from NSW Police,
NSW Prison Service and the members
of RSL NSW from ANZAC House.
EDD Storm was formally laid to rest
by two of his handlers in the EDD
grave yard in a short but dignified
c e re m o n y t h a t re c o g n i s e d t h e
contributions that EDD Storm had
made to the Army throughout his
career. In a fitting tribute, SGT
Cannon concluded the service with a
short poem that clearly articulated the
special nature of the relationship
between a handler and his dog.
My dog is more than my partner you see, Because he is a very good friend to me. He's the nose I don't have, the eyes I have not, He's one of the best partners most soldiers ain't got. !
While working in Afghan; with his handler one day, he put himself out on a limb and into harm’s way.
Whether searching, or at the kennels, whatever the test,
he always went hard and did his best.
He was a real champion, at work or at play, but his life was cut short, at the kennels one day.
He made the best commitment, that any dog can give, willing to give up his life, so that soldiers can live.
For my dog is more than a partner to me, My dog is my best mate and he always will be.
“Lest We Forget” by SGT Cannon
NSW Students
Deliver iconic lasting memories
RSL ANZAC Art Awards 2013 …
For the second year of the new arts competition, NSW Students have provided
some iconic artworks for the ANZAC Collection. This years topic “The Face of
ANZAC”, has provided some compelling and challenging works with the
exhibition to be launched at RSL NSW Congress this year followed by a full
exhibition in the Banking Chamber, Martin Place, Sydney, in October.
Arts reporter Michelle Schofield files this report on the 2013 Awards.
Falkenmire Award winner, Connor Tan, year 9 - 10 from Sydney Technical High School, who also won the President’s
Commendation. Connor’s drawing ‘Reflection’, captured the ‘Face of ANZAC’ and has been selected as this year’s RSL NSW
ANZAC Day poster. Governor Professor Marie Bashir officially launched the poster to the surprise of Conner at the awards
Photography - Rob Tuckwell
Commencing March 2013
Falkenmire Award winner, Connor Tan, from Sydney
Technical High School, also won the President’s
Commendation. Connor’s drawing ‘Reflection’ captured
the ‘Face of ANZAC’ theme with intelligence and
sensitivity. The artwork was also selected for this year’s
official RSL NSW ANZAC Appeal poster which the
Governor launched at the ceremony.
Her Excellency congratulated the winners for their
outstanding artistic efforts, adding all entrants deserved
praise and special mention for their many original
Professor Bashir said the Awards did not glorify war but
provided a way for young people to connect with the
commitment and sacrifice of previous generations of
servicemen and women and those who supported them
at home. She said many serving personnel had paid the
ultimate price for ensuring subsequent Australian
generations live in a democratic and free society. The
Awards help keep alive the ANZAC spirit that sustained
people during times of conflict.
Happy brothers, proud parents - 2013 divisional
winners included two brothers from Years 1&2 and
3&4, Zarek and Zayden Berger from St Augustine’s,
Extraordinary art from children as young as six has
featured in the NSW RSL’s Annual Schools’ Art Awards
which culminated in a warm and heartfelt ceremony at
Government House recently.
Top achievers from the bush to the coast were
presented with their awards by Her Excellency NSW
Governor Professor Marie Bashir who described their
works as inspirational.
The 2013 RSL ANZAC Art Awards attracted more than
500 entries from public, private and home schools
across NSW. The competition’s theme was ‘The Face of
2013 divisional winners included two brothers from
Years 1&2 and 3&4, Zayden and Zarek Berger from St
Augustine’s, Narromine. Home school student
Kuumnan Lee-Maple from Mullion Creek near Orange
took out the Year 7-8 division for the second
consecutive year.
Jessica Honor from Our Lady Help of Christians, Epping
won the President’s Award for Primary Schools. Jessica
was top achiever in the Year 5 & 6 division.
NSW Premier’s Kokoda ANZAC Art Award went to Jack
Pham from Condell Park High School in the Year 11 &
12 division.
Reddam House at Bondi won the RSL LifeCare school
division for the second consecutive year.
With the centenary of World War 1 just around the
corner, it was even more imperative these values were
passed down to young people, she said. The
Centenary of World War 1 will feature as the theme of
the 2014 competition to be announced in early June
this year.
The 2013 RSL ANZAC Art Awards competition judges
were led by Patrick Medway who described it as “one
of the most exciting and productive projects I have
been involved with over the past 20 years.” The team
selected 28 Gold, 75 Silver and 139 Bronze Award
winners from the hundreds of entries.
State President - RSL NSW, Don Rowe, said the awards
were by far one of the best student ANZAC projects
ever and the winning artists should be congratulated as
their art now stands high and proudly in the ANZAC
“Sponsors are the backbone of all competitions and
this is no exception,” Mr Rowe said.
“Sincere thanks go to NSW MP, Charlie Lynn, for his
personal donation of a Kokoda trip to Jack Pham from
Condell Park High School.
“Thank you to the NSW Department of Education and
Communities, the Catholic Education Commission and
the Association of Independent Schools for their
“Our thanks also go to other supporters and sponsors NSW Governor, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir,
ASAP press printing, LOUD advertising RSL Lifecare,
Photopause Agency, Air Nuigini, Bondi-Waverley RSL
sub-Branch and RSL NSW,” Mr Rowe said. !
The 30 highest scoring entries will make up the 2014
ANZAC Exhibition and will be on display later this year
in Sydney’s Martin Place.
School Principal, Mr
Dave Pitcairn, from
Reddam House, Bondi
receives the prestigious
‘A for Art’ trophy for the
second consecutive year
from the NSW Governor
for his schools outstanding contribution to
“By far one of our best student ANZAC projects
ever. Congratulations to the students, teachers,
parents and the RSL team, sponsors and
supporters behind the competition. Well done!”
Don Rowe
State President - RSL NSW
Maria Uzlova - Year 7 Student - Reddam House - Bondi
“One of the most exciting and most
productive projects that I have been
involved in over the past 20 years.
The team behind the project made
this a most professional competition
from its initial inception to reformat
to the final delivery of the ANZAC
exhibition which is the icing on the
cake! Great idea, great art and great
outcomes for all!”
Patrick Medway
ANZAC Arts Council
to enter text
Lisa Ham’s - Meo-Year 7 Student - Reddam House - Bondi
Type to enter text
The Governor presents the NSW
Premier’s Kokoda ANZAC Art Award
trophy to Jack Pham, from Condell Park
High School winner the year 11 & 12
division. Jack will tour the Kokoda Track
in Papua New Guinea as his major prize
of the competition.
“Art students, schools, arts, and
the RSL, brilliant all round
winners! A new benchmark is
set each year and we have a
new heritage with student
artworks of our ANZAC past.”
Rod White
Chairman - RSL LifeCare
Jessica Honor from Our Lady Help of
Christians, Epping won the President’s
Award for Primary Schools. Jessica was
top achiever in the Year 5 & 6 division.
With the Governor again - Year 7 - 8 Home school
student, Kaluumn Lee-Maple, from Mullion Creek, near
Orange, won the year 7-8 division for the second
consecutive year.
2014 competition launch … June 2014
A badge you can be proud
to carry in your pocket …
RSL Money members can now show their support
for the RSL movement in more ways than one.
Displaying the RSL crest and your individual subBranch name, with an RSL Money Visa credit or
debit card you can be proud to carry the RSL badge
in your pocket wherever you go.
Whether you choose a Low Rate Visa Card,
Deeming Account or sub-Branch Account, you will
receive a card that features one of the great new
RSL designs. Simply use your RSL Visa debit or
credit card for everyday purchases such as groceries
or petrol and be proud that you’re helping to
promote the RSL brand throughout the broader
What’s more, the cards are equipped with Visa
payWave, the faster way to pay - simply wave and
go for purchases under $100. Your RSL Money Visa
credit or debit card also features state of the art
card chip security and 24/7 around the clock fraud
monitoring with Vigil.
Banking that gives back
to the RSL community
Introducing RSL Money
The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL)
and the Australian Defence Credit Union (ADCU)
have partnered together to provide a range of low
cost, high value banking products that can make
a real difference to the RSL and greater Defence
RSL Money is Australia’s only range of banking
products that help support the sustained growth
of the RSL movement.
A range of products to suit you
RSL Money currently offers three core products:
1. The RSL Money Low Rate Visa Credit Card
2. The RSL Money Deeming Account
3. The RSL Money Sub Branch Account
Giving back to RSL
rate, and a low annual fee. RSL Money will donate
$24.50 (half of the annual fee) to the RSL for every
credit card funded, for every year the card is held.
RSL Money will also contribute 0.20% p.a. of
Deeming Account balances to the RSL National
every month and at no cost to you. That means,
the more you save the more we can give back to
the RSL movement.
Funds raised go back to helping the
Defence Community
When you invest with RSL Money, your funds
serving members of the Defence. So you can
feel good knowing your savings will go back to
helping Defence families who are getting started
and car loans.
RSL Money members can feel proud of their
association to the RSL when banking with RSL
Money. Every time you use your RSL Money
card, you’re helping to promote the RSL brand
throughout the broader community.
Donations and contributions raised from the RSL
With the RSL Money Low Rate Visa Credit Card
we acknowledge your commitment to the RSL by
offering you a low purchase rate, balance transfer
RSL Money is open to all RSL Sub Branch
members and their partners. Simply let us know
your Sub Branch name upon application.
and will help to keep RSL annual membership
fees low.
Joining RSL Money
The RSL Money
Low Rate Visa Credit Card
12 month balance transfer rate
interest on purchases
Terms and conditions available on request. Fees and charges apply to the use of your Credit Card.
Sydney Cenotaph
New banners improve backdrop
for future commemorations …
NSW Governor making her final ANZAC Day
salute at the Cenotaph.
Late last year, the then Premier of NSW,
Barry O’Farrell, made it clear to RSL staff
that he was not happy with the Martin
Place area especially around the
Cenotaph, as the backdrop was constantly
covered with commercial banners at
commemoration services. The Premier was
not the first to make this observation but
certainly the right person to help direct
some change.
Young RSL Veterans, Melissa Phillips and Damien Thomlinson pose for an
ANZAC Day photographic shoot for Sydney newspapers.
RSL NSW CEO, Chris Perrin then
commenced a series of high level
meetings with members of the Lord
Mayor’s staff at SydneyTown Hall. He then
liaised between Town Hall designers and
graphic artists for a new image.
The finished result, just in time for ANZAC
Day services last month, sees a new bright
blue and gold banner featuring members
of the ADF in an ‘art deco’ image style with
a blazing gold Rising Sun at the base. !
The good news! The four closest poles to
the Cenotaph will display these banners
permanently. To add some more
technology to the project, sound speakers
and auto lighting was added to the poles
to lift the image of the Cenotaph. !
“I am most grateful for the assistance of
the City of Sydney CEO, Monica Barone,
and her staff members Leander Klohs and
Steve Howlett” said Chris
ANZAC Day 2014 - RSL NSW State Council led by President Don Rowe,
with special guests Navy Reserve CMDR Dennis Cowdroy, NRL CEO David
Smith and NSW MP, David Elliott salute the Cenotaph with ‘eyes left’.
In late May the Cenotaph will also be spot
lit with a sound voiceover to become part
of many new attractions for the Sydney
‘Vivid’ festival.
Australian Defence Force
New command team announced …
The new Australian Defence Force command team at today's announcement of the new guard of senior Australian
Defence Force appointments. (L to R) Chief of Army, Lieutenant General David Morrison, AO; Vice Chief of the
Defence Force, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs, AO, CSC, RAN; Chief of the Defence Force, Air Marshal Mark Binskin AC;
Chief of Navy, Rear Admiral Tim Barrett, AM, CSC, RAN; and Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Geoff Brown, AO.
The Government will recommend to the GovernorGeneral a number of senior Australian Defence Force
Air Marshal Mark Binskin AC will become Chief of the
Defence Force when General David Hurley AC, DSC
completes his tenure on 3 July 2014. Air Marshal Binskin has demonstrated outstanding
leadership in his current role as the Vice Chief of the
Defence Force and previously as a former Chief of Air
He has held a range of command positions and is a
strong choice to guide the Australian Defence Force
over the next four years as we wind down operations
in Afghanistan and introduce a range of new military
General Hurley has served the nation with distinction
in a career spanning more than four decades.
He is an exceptional military officer who has
successfully overseen operations in Afghanistan,
est print
Sydney’s b
Timor-Leste and the Solomon Islands and has served
time in Somalia.
The Government will also recommend the GovernorGeneral appoint Vice Admiral Ray Griggs, AO, CSC,
RAN as Vice Chief of the Defence Force and Rear
Admiral Tim Barrett, AM, CSC, RAN as the incoming
Chief of Navy. Both would commence their
appointments on 3 July 2014 for a period of four
The Government will recommend that the Chief of
Army, Lieutenant General David Morrison, AO, and the
Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Geoff Brown, AO,
remain in their current positions until July 2015.
These 12 month extensions to their appointments
bring these positions into line with new four year
tenure arrangements for statutory appointments and
ensure continuity and stability in these key leadership
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In early 2013, DefenceCare introduced a new
database that tracks how many people we help.
Since then we have been progressively increasing
our data collection to provide information to our
donors and supporters and monitor how we help
the defence community.
In February:
• DefenceCare received 466 calls for help, the
highest month ever, beating January’s 435.
• Of the calls for assistance, 152 were for help with
DVA Entitlements and claims; 68 were calls about
appeals to the VRB; 131 were calls for counselling,
financial help and other community support; 8 were
This month we were there for…
… A veteran who passed away from cancer
for serving members transitioning out of Defence;
and 107 were for a number of other matters and
• A total of 18 new claims were submitted to the
DVA in February and 44 claims were finalised, with
48% of finalised claims under MRCA.
• At the end of January we had 195 open cases at
the Veterans’ Review Board.
• Community support provided services on 241
occasions, a doubling of the number of services
provided six months ago.
DefenceCare contributed to the cost of David’s funeral
and arranged accommodation for his mother Barbara
and his brother when they travelled from Lismore to
attend the funeral and say goodbye for the last time.
David joined the Australian Army when he was 16 and
served his country for 10 years. He loved serving his
country, but had to leave due to a motorcycle
When we first met David, he was diagnosed with
melanoma and it had progressed to his brain. He was
living with his young family in a granny flat without
proper cooking facilities and no couch or soft chairs.
DefenceCare purchased an oven and a power-lift
recliner so David could rest comfortably when he was
not at hospital. We also paid for medication and at
David’s request, arranged for a solicitor to visit him
and prepare his will while he could still talk reasonably
Sadly David passed away at 50, eight months after
discovering he had cancer.
DefenceCare also helped lodge a claim with the
Department of Veterans’ Affairs.
“The first three months after David died were hard for
me. All I did was cry. I cannot get over the help
DefenceCare gave me because I did not know where
to turn,” said Barbara, a pensioner and carer for her
son who has a disability.
“They were so fantastic. I have never asked for
anything in my life and to have complete strangers
calling me and asking if I was OK and if they could
help, was just wonderful.”
After living through the tragedy of losing her son,
Barbara is remaining positive. “I take it a day at a time
and it gets better. David was a happy man who was a
worker, enjoyed his life and loved his daughters. I
could also never forget the silly grin he always had on
his face….”
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A new generation on
our national frontline …
Long Tan Update …
ANZAC Appeal organisers have tapped into new
technology platforms to encourage support from
Australians this year.
The landowners of the rubber plantation at
Long Tan determined that the trees had
suffered damage resulting from recent
cyclones (perhaps even back to Durian in
2006) and that they would remain stunted
and undersized and thus under-productive,
so needed to be replaced. Most rubber trees
are replanted every 20 years.
In a fundraising first, the ANZAC Appeal has
created The Minute of Silence, a pre-recorded
minute of silence which was purchased by phoning
1902 25 04 15 or texting SILENCE NSW to 1999
The plan is to plant new trees in May, 2014,
five or six years before they start to resemble
the rubber plantation which hosted the battle
of Long Tan.
The “silence” component was recorded by more
than 80 currently serving and former Australian
Defence Force members and their families,
including veterans from conflicts as recent as
Afghanistan and Iran and as long ago as WW2,
Korea and Vietnam.
The cutting down of the trees is the normal
cycle for rubber when the trees reach about
15-25 years the amount of sap they produce
decreases and they become uneconomic.
They are then cut down and replaced by
saplings. They begin tapping the trees when
they reach 5-7 years. In the meantime, they
plant secondary crops between the trees.
Crops such as peas, beans, corn or melons.
RSL ANZAC Appeal spokesperson RSL NSW State
President Don Rowe, said the “Minute of Silence
enables anyone with access to a phone to support
the Appeal.
The nominal lessee of the replica Cross Site is
Breaker Cusack. The lease only covers the
ground on which the cross stands and path
to it. The trees belong to the landowner.
“We know that fundraising is changing and to
enhance the valuable work that our traditional
fundraisers do by selling ANZAC badges on the
streets of cities and towns across the country, the
Minute of Silence will allow Australians to support
the cause directly from their landline or mobile
phone in most locations around the country,” said
Don Rowe.
“Our aim is to not only raise funds for the Appeal
around the nation but to highlight the valuable
work that the RSL does with past and present
service men, women and their families”.
The promotion was supported with sponsorship
and donations of support and product nationally.
In NSW, Channel 9, Sydney Morning Herald, Ooh
Media, DBB advertising, Adshell, NRL, 7 Eleven
Stores and St George Bank were all contributors
that supported our ANZAC Appeal in conjunction
with our RSL sub-Branch and CCWA communities.
As to the trees being of any significance to
the site or those killed in the battle, it must
be remembered that the Vietnamese local
authorities built the Cross in 1989 as a replica
of what had been there. It is not a memorial,
it is an Historical Vestige. The Vietnamese
generously allow us to hold our gatherings at
the replica Cross on ANZAC Day and
Vietnam Veterans’ Day.
Pity about the timing, with the 50th
anniversary in Aug 2016 bound to draw a
significant crowd but the plantation is, after
all, a working plantation and needs to remain
Expect some site restrictions around the
Cross in the next few years including the
ANZAC Days and Long Tan anniversary days
as the trees will be young and susceptible to
While some of the
interviewees are certainly
tired from the strains of
military life, others are
grateful for their experiences
and how these have
strengthened their
Commanding the Home
Front, a uniquely in-depth
book which captures the
experiences and thoughts
of 18 modern-day
Australian military families
was recently launched at
the Duntroon Community
Centre, Canberra.
Author Maree Sirois,
whose husband of 16
years has served in both
the Royal Canadian Navy
and the Royal Australian
Navy, details a remarkable
four-year period of her
family’s life whilst living in
Sydney, Western Australia
and Canberra.
“One wife had just returned
from a posting in the United
States which she said gave
them the time they needed
to bond as a family again in a
new and exciting location
after her husband had been
on several long deployments
in the few years prior. I
phoned another wife who
was in Tonga for three years
as her husband was working
with their navy,” said Sirois.
Intertwined in her story are
interviews with 13 partners of varying backgrounds, two
mothers whose sons have served in Afghanistan and two
young adult children of military members. All participants
were extremely honest in their interviews, with some
sharing experiences they have told few others.
“I interviewed one wife only a few months before her
husband was due to deploy to Afghanistan for the
second time and she shared with me how she feared for
both his physical and mental well-being as he had
narrowly escaped death before,” said Sirois.
“I felt this honesty was important as it’s normal for
relationships to be stressed by the circumstances we went
through. The Australian Defence Force has been so active
in the last 15 years that writing about how we and other
families cope with separation, reintegration, moving and
the stress of dangerous deployments will give our
communities a greater understanding of what that service
“Another Army wife told me how the threat of Improvised
Explosive Devices was so real in Afghanistan that when
her husband returned and drove their family out to
Kakadu National Park for a holiday, he slowed down every
time they passed a bag of garbage or an abandoned car
because that’s what his instincts, even back in Australia,
told him to do.
“I also found it very interesting to compare the
relationship of a husband and wife with a parent and
child. Several military members in the book have kept
information from their partners to protect them, whereas
one of the mums told me she had to tell her son to stop
describing his experiences in Afghanistan as she couldn’t
listen to it anymore.”
For the two years that Sirois and her family lived in
Western Australia, her husband was away for more than
half of that time and she writes candidly about the strain
this placed on their relationship.
“Sometimes I laughed right alongside the interviewees
because I understood their circumstances or emotions.
Other times I was in awe of their wisdom and strength.
But sometimes I cried because military service can result
in tragedy. This is the only book where so many modernday military family members have shared their
experiences and I know readers will identify with or learn
from someone in it.”
Around - The League …
NUSHIP Canberra
sails into Sydney …
The largest ship ever built for the
Royal Australian Navy, Landing
Helicopter Dock NUSHIP
Canberra, entered Sydney
Harbour for the first time on 12
March during the contractor sea
trials and testing program.
NUSHIP Canberra, the first of two
LHDs being built for the Australian
Defence Force entered Sydney
after her first contractor trials and
testing at sea. She was a
formidable sight as she proceeded
into Fleet Base East, Sydney.
Defence Materiel Organisation’s
LHD Project Manager, Captain
Craig Bourke said the ship was
visiting Sydney to use the dry
“The ship is scheduled to
undertake a commercial docking
in the Dry Dock in Sydney to
receive a hull clean and final paint
before proceeding to sea and
returning to Williamstown to
commence the final phase of
contractor sea trials involving
communications and combat
“The first set of contractor sea
trials have focussed on tuning the
propulsion system and testing and
trialling the hull, mechanical and
electrical systems of the vessel,”
Captain Bourke said.
RSL Shop is committed to the aims
and objects of the League by
providing members and their families
with an exclusive range of quality,
unique products at reasonable prices.
As well as providing the necessary
commemorative items needed for
significant national days, the RSL Shop
strives to provide members with the
opportunity to display the RSL badge
on a great range of apparel,
jewellery, as well as other products.
The online shop is designed to make
purchasing RSL products easier for all
our members - wherever they are
located. We encourage all RSL
members and their families to view
the new website and welcome your
thoughts via the 'contact us' link.
A new Prime Ministerial Advisory
Council (PMAC) has been
established with a renewed focus
on veteran mental health.
Minister for Veterans' Affairs,
Senator Michael Ronaldson, said
that part of the Federal
Government's plans for Veterans'
Affairs was to tackle mental health
challenges facing veterans and
their families, especially following
the drawdown of troops from
Senator Ronaldson said that former
Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Russ
Crane AO, CSM, RAN (Ret'd),
would chair the new PMAC and
that he would be supported by
Corporal Ben Roberts-Smith VC,
MG, as the Deputy Chair. He said
Ryan Stokes would also be a
member of the new PMAC.
"The Government is determined to
prioritise the mental health care of
veterans and their families now and
into the future," Senator Ronaldson
Parramatta men unite …
Commanding Officer of HMAS
Parramatta, CMDR Simon Cannell, had a
several local Parramatta representatives
as guests for lunch on board recently at
Garden Island Dockyard.
L.R: David Shakespeare, Deputy Lord Mayor
Parramatta Paul Garrad, RSL sub-Branch
President Colin Smith, Parramatta Club
President Allen Overton and RSL NSW CEO
Chris Perrin.
5% of all sales of Diggers Vest
donated to DefenceCare
Prime Ministerial
Advisory Council …
"The new PMAC has the Prime
Minister's unequivocal support in
ensuring the Government can
provide the very best support to
veterans and their families facing
the challenges of service-related
mental illness.
"We must never stop looking for
ways to improve the support we
provide to those who have served
our nation.”
and Celebrates
93 years …
On 31 March 1921, 20 years after the
federation of Australia and 18 years after
the Wright brothers’ pioneering first flight,
the Royal Australian Air Force was
The RAAF is the world’s second oldest Air
Force, having been formed as an
independent service from the Australian
Flying Corps following the First World
Over the last 93 years, more than 300,000
Australians have served in the Air Force,
with 18,900 full-time and reserve
personnel serving today.
Air Vice-Marshal Mel Hupfeld, Air
Commander Australia, said the service
had come a long way since it was formed,
with just 149 personnel, operating aircraft
that were largely surplus from the First
World War.
“There existed a pioneering spirit within
the original Air Force members, both in
exploring aviation and applying it to the
security needs of Australia,” Air ViceMarshal Hupfeld said.
“We share a similar spirit of innovation, as
we are embarking on new platforms and
capabilities that will serve this country well
into the 21st Century.”
Commemoration service at
the Sydney Cenotaph, with
Air Force personnel, veteran’s
and a city fly over at 11am.
Since 1921, RAAF operations have taken
its personnel across Australia and around
the globe and today the RAAF continues
to support activities on a global scale.
“In recent months, Air Force personnel
have been central to a number of
international efforts including search
efforts in the Indian Ocean, disaster relief
in the Philippines and humanitarian
operations in South Sudan,” Air ViceMarshal Hupfeld said.
R S L N S W. O R G . A U
C O U R A G E * S A C R I F I C E * M AT E S H I P * E N D U R A N C E
Affiliate Membership!
Now Open
Ken Doolan
RSL Australia - National President
No 3 - 2014
Legislation passed to improve indexation of DFRB
and DFRDB superannuation payments
It is pleasing to report that on 27th March 2014 the
Senate passed the Defence Force Retirement and
Death Benefits Legislation Amendment (Fair Indexation)
Bill 2014 with this important legislation having been
passed by the House of Representatives on 25th March
2014. I was in the House of Representatives visitors’
gallery on 25th March to hear the Bill debated.
I convey my thanks to all in the RSL and to those in the
wider service and ex-service community who have
assisted over many years in our quest for this
improvement in the indexation of military
superannuation payments.
This fulfilment of a pre-election promise by the
Government is most heartening and as a consequence I
have written to the Prime Minister stating in part:
You will recall the occasion at the Bendigo RSL subBranch when you handed me a letter you signed in my
presence in which you gave a written undertaking to
enact this legislation if the Coalition was elected to
Government. Your fulfilment of this promise is to your
very great credit.
Please convey my thanks to those of your colleagues
who have been in the forefront of championing this
issue over several years.
RSL Strategic Planning Conference
The Presidents of all State and Territory Branches and
their Chief Executive Officers, along with the National
Solicitor, National Secretary, National Treasurer,
National Veterans’ Affairs Advisor, National Policy
Advisor and Chairman of the National Trustees
attended an RSL Strategic Planning Conference I
chaired at Adelaide on 17th and 18th March. To assist us
in charting the way ahead for the League we employed
an experienced expert facilitator who has since
forwarded a comprehensive written record of the
outcomes of this important meeting.
This document is now being considered by all Branch
Presidents and National Officers.
Much was achieved at this gathering and the challenge
now is to put the agreements and understandings
reached into action. In broad terms there was
acceptance of the need for the RSL to be a much more
cohesive proactive whole; for us to vastly improve the
way in which we tell Australians what we do and what
we achieve; to streamline our governance by
eradicating duplication (e.g. removing the practice
which exists in some States of separate Constitutions –
National, State and District); and to become the
undoubted “go to” organisation for those who need
the help we are able to provide.
The fact that our membership increased by over 3,000
during the calendar year 2013 gives confidence that we
will rise to these challenges. There was agreement that
the National Executive should be renamed the National
Board, and a formal resolution to this effect will be put
to an additional special meeting to be held in Sydney
on 23 May 2014 to progress these important matters.
The changes envisaged will not be easy – but they are
I will continue to keep members informed of progress
with these bold initiatives; and, of course, some
matters, such as the updating and simplification of the
National Constitution, will be referred to all Branches
and sub-Branches for consideration before they are
brought forward to the National Conference for
Call on the Leader of the Opposition
I met with the Hon Bill Shorten MP in his Parliament
House office on 27 March to discuss the Opposition’s
outlook on the Veterans’ Affairs and Defence portfolios.
I also took the opportunity to thank Mr Shorten for the
Opposition’s support of the Government’s Fair
Indexation Bill allowing it to pass through the House of
Representatives the previous day.
Also present at this meeting were Senator the Hon Don
Farrell, Shadow Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, the former
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, the Hon Warren Snowden
and Mr Shorten’s Defence and Security Advisor, the
Hon Dr Mike Kelly, a former Minister in the previous
Mr Shorten explained that he wanted to make best use
of Senator Farrell’s talent during his few remaining
months as a member of the Senate and that to
underscore the importance he attached to the work of
the RSL and the esteem in which he holds the
organisation he would be prepared to consider
accepting invitations to attend forthcoming RSL State
Conferences accompanying Senator Farrell. I have
since communicated this advice to Branch Presidents.
The outlook for the Australian Defence Force in light of
the projected new Defence White Paper being
prepared by the Government was another topic of
discussion. I also took the opportunity to brief the
Leader of the Opposition about the RSL’s renewed
emphasis on standing up for the members of the ADF
when pay and allowance matters are being considered
by the Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal.
RSL Queensland State President wrongly accused
As he has recently explained to those attending
Queensland Branch District Conferences, the RSL
Queensland Branch State President has been wrongly
accused on the ANZMI web site of wearing a medal he
was awarded inappropriately. The medal in question is
the Western Australian Police Medal awarded to Mr
Meehan for service in that force and for which extant
policy is that it is to be worn on the left breast after
other medals. It is to be hoped ANZMI will correct this
mistake on their website and more closely check the
facts in future.
Other Events
I convey my thanks to those who made me welcome at
the Wynnum and Cooroy sub-Branches when I
attended two Queensland District Conferences in
The ANZAC of the Year Awards are made
annually ‘to recognise the efforts and achievements
of up to seven Australians who have given service
to their fellow Australians and to the community in
a positive, selfless and compassionate manner.’
RSL National President said, "On behalf of the RSL
National Executive and members of the RSL, I
congratulate the five outstanding Australians who
have been selected for ANZAC of the Year Awards.
They are exemplars of community service."
The 2014 recipients are:
• Gary Park of Victoria in recognition of his
leadership, guidance and encouragement to the youth
and local community of Mt Evelyn through the Mt
Evelyn Scouts.
March. It was heartening to see the significant number
who turned out for these important gatherings and I
much appreciated the opportunity to address
delegates and to listen to what they had to say about a
variety of issues. I have also had meetings with the
Ambassador of Timor-Leste and a visiting delegation
from that nation about the way in which the RSL might
help that nation to establish a veterans’ organisation.
More recently I have met with the Director of War
Graves, Brigadier Chris Appleton, to be briefed about
the Australian Memorial being established in the
refurbished park adjacent to the New Zealand National
War Memorial in Wellington (expected to be dedicated
next year); and about the projected Australian Visitors/
Interpretative Centre proposed by the Australian
Government to be established at Villiers-Bretonneux,
It was an honour on behalf of all in the RSL to
participate in several events honouring the former
Governor General in the weeks preceding the expiry of
Her Excellency’s term of office.
ANZAC Peace Prize and ANZAC of the Year Awards
I chaired a meeting of the ANZAC Awards Committee
on Wednesday 26 March and shared the
disappointment of the Committee Members,
(distinguished Australians who give freely of their time
each year to assist the RSL in this respect) at the lack of
A particular disappointment was the lack of even one
nomination for the ANZAC Peace Prize.
There are many who are worthy of nomination for these
prestigious annual awards and I strongly encourage all
RSL members to put forward the names of outstanding
Australians. Don’t just leave it to someone else, write
out a nomination yourself and send it in, please.
• Carole Doyle of Victoria in recognition of her
determined advocacy for the rights and wellbeing of
veterans and their dependants.
• Fredrick Clark, JP Victoria in recognition of his
many years of dedicated service to the ex-service
community through the Echuca RSL sub-Branch, the
Echuca-Moama Veterans Support Centre and the
Echuca Workers & Services Club.
• Christine Krupa of Queensland in recognition of her
many years of service to the ex-service community
through the Hervey Bay RSL sub-Branch.
• Darrel Herbert of Western Australia in recognition
of his outstanding service, ongoing commitment and
contribution towards the betterment of veterans and
their families through the City of Rockingham RSL subBranch and to the wider community of the City of
Remember !
Don Rowe, and Cadet Under
Officer Thomas Van der Velde
from Newington College
Cadet Unit. Those in
attendance heard brilliant
performances from the NSW
Public Schools Singers and
Symphonic Wind Orchestra,
conducted by Matthew
Manchester and Ian Jefferson.
NSW school students,
dignitaries, invited guests and
members of the public
attended the RSL & Schools
Commemoration Service at
the ANZAC Memorial, Hyde
Park South, Sydney early last
The service was fully
conducted by school students
and as part of the service
each school laid a wreath.
Student representatives were
Kate Jackson from Northern
Beaches Secondary College
Manly, Kate was also the
Master of Ceremonies, Louisa
Fitzgerald from Loreto
Kirribilli, Matthew Theophile
from Cranbrook School and
Salina Alvaro representing St
Patrick’s College Sutherland. Inspection of the Guard by
the Hon. Charlie Lynn, MLC,
RSL NSW State President,
The students spoke of family
connections, of their family
members who have served or
are currently serving and of
the spirit of ANZAC which has
been handed down through
the generations to them. RSL
President, Don Rowe said,
“We are not glorifying or
honouring war by holding
commemoration services such
as this, but we are honouring
the people who have
undertaken a commitment to
serving this great country of
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