new business comments executive session
new business comments executive session
CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 2011 - 7:00 p.m. Law Enfo rcement Center - 160 1 East Main Street Page Ref. 1. Call to Order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Approve minutes of June 2011 meetings. Pp 1-6 NEW BUSINESS 4. Consider approving CVB Budget for 2011-2012. (Ernie Loeffler) 5. Receive invitation from Fredericksburg FFA Chapter to community event "Restoring the Tradition", September 12, 2011 . (Amanda Geistweidt) Pg7 6. Consider approval of Taxi Permit for Bluebonnet Taxi & Shutde. (Christopher King) Pp 8-14 7. Consider amendments to Court Technology Fee Ordinance. Goyce Spisak) UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. 2011 -2012 Budget Workshop. COMMENTS 9. Public Comment. 10. Council Comment. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above , as authorized by Texas Government Gode Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551,072 (Deliberations about Real Property). 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters). 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices) and 55 1.086 (Economic Development). 11. E xecutive Session - Consult with Attorney I Real Estate - Discuss Lease Modification .. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 6, 2011 7:00 PM STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GILLESPIE CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG On this the 6'h day of June, 2011, the City Council of the CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG convened in regular session at the Law Enforcement Center, with the following members present to constitute a quorum: TOM MUSSELMAN - MAYOR TIM DOOLEY - COUNCIL MEMBER GRAHAM PEARSON - COUNCIL MEMBER TOMMY SEGNER - COUNCIL MEMBER SCOTT JONES - COUNCIL MEMBER ABSENT: NONE ALSO PRESENT: GARY NEFFENDORF - CITY MANAGER PAT McGOWAN - CITY ATTORNEY PAUL OESTREICH - CHIEF OF POLICE JIMMY ALEXANDER - DIR. PARKS & RECREATION BRIAN JORDAN - DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM following the Pledge of Allegiance. POOL CONSULTANT CONTRACT - Council directed the City Manager and City Attorney to research if all the information needed has been received from the pool consultants. APPOINT MAYOR PRO-TEM - It was moved by Council Member Pearson, seconded by Council Member Jones, to appoint Tim Dooley as Mayor Pro-Tern. The vote was as follows: AYE: Musselman, Dooley, Jones, Pearson and Segner; NAY: None. Motion carried. REPORT FROM CHRISTMAS COMMITTEE - Council received a request from Jeryl Hoover on behalf of the City's Christmas Committee for funding for the 2011 Holiday Season. Comments were heard from Steve O 'Brien, Mike Clark, Walter Moldenhauer, John Detmar, and Kathy Gutierrez. It was moved by Council Member Pearson, seconded by Council Member Dooley to authorize $32,500 for disbursements to the Christmas Committee in preparation for the upcoming holiday season. The vote was as follows: AYE: Musselman, Dooley, Jones, Pearson and Segner; NAY: None. Motion carried. APPOINT COMMITTEE TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS ON POOL OPTIONS Council heard from Walter Moldenhauer, Russ Rose, Steve O'Brien, John Martinez, Linda Langerhans, John Detmar, Steve Thomas, Jordan Anderson, Jimmy Lukacs, Larry Wens, and Isabel Werts concerning the appointment of a committee to make recommendations on pool options. No action was taken. FORMATION OF PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD, - Council discussed the formation of a Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Comments were received from Dawn Bourgeois, Al Carr, Larry Werts, John Detmar, Karen Oestreich, Bjorn Kirchdorfer, Walter Moldenhauer, and Leonard Bentch. No action taken. (j) DATE FOR FIRST MEETING IN IULY - Council set July 5'h at for the first meeting in July. PUBLIC COMMENT - Comments were received from Steve O'Brien regarding the candidates' forum and from Sharon Wahrmund requesting longer pool hours and adult swim times. COUNCIL COMMENT - Scott Jones and Tommy Segner thanked the community. EXECUTIVE SESSION - At 9:1 5 PM, Council Member Pearson made a motion to recess the regular session and go into Executive Session. Council Member D ooley seconded, and the motion carried. At 10:00 PM, Council Member Pearson made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session and reconvene the regular session. Council Member Segner seconded and the motion carried. CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY/POTENTIAL LITIGATION - WASTEWATER PERMIT AGREEMENT AND OTHER RELATED POTENTIAL LITIGATION - No action taken. CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY/POTENTIAL LITIGATION - SALE OF LAND No action taken. With no further business, it was moved by Council Member Dooley, seconded by Council Member Pearson, to adjourn the meeting at 11 :05 pm. Motion carried. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 6'h day of September, 2011. SHELLEY BRITTON, CITY SECRETARY * * * * * STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GILLESPIE CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG * TOM MUSSELMAN, MAYOR * * * * * * * REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 20, 2011 7:00PM On this the 20'" day of June, 2011, City Council of the CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG convened in regular session at the Law enforcement Center, 1601 E . Main Street, with the following members present to constitute a quorum: TOM MUSSELMAN - MAYOR TIM DOOLEY - COUNCIL MEMBE R GRAHAM PEARSON - COUNCIL MEMBER TOMMY SEGNER - COUNCIL MEMBER SCOTT JONES - COUNCIL MEMBER ABSENT: NONE ALSO PRESENT: GARY NEFFENDORF - CITY MANAGER PAUL OESTREICH - CHIEF OF POLICE PAT MCGOWAN - CITY ATTORNEY CRAIG WALLENDORF - D.P.W.U. BRIAN JORDAN - DIR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES JIMMY ALEXANDER - DIR OF PARKS & REC The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM following the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC HEARING Z-1l02 BY BURY & PARTNERS ON BEHALF OF HEB GROCERY COMPANY AT 407 S. ADAMS TO AMEND PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) TO ALLOW A PERMANENT SHADE CANOPY WITHIN THE FRONT SIDEWALK AND THE ADDITION OF A SINGLE DIESEL FUEL DISPENSER ISLAND WITH CANOPY COVER - It was moved by Council Member Dooley, seconded by Council Member Pearson, to recess tbe regular session and open the public hearing on Request Z-1 102 by Bury & Partners on behalf of HEB Grocery Company at 407 S. Adams to amend the PUD (planned Unit Development) to (1) allow a permanent shade canopy within tbe front sidewalk and (2) the addition of a single diesel fuel dispenser island with canopy cover. All voted in favor and tbe motion carried. Following comments from applicant Mark Johnson of Bury & Partners, Mary Rohrer and Kathy Bowen of HEB Grocery Company, it was moved by Council Member Dooley, seconded by Council Member Pearson, to adjourn tbe public hearing and reconvene the regular session. All voted in favor and the motion carried. REOUEST Z-1102 - It was moved by Council Member Dooley, seconded by Council Member Jones, to approve the Request Z-1102 to amend tbe PUD (planned Unit Development) to allow a permanent shade canopy witbin tbe front sidewalk. Staff was directed to review (witb tbe Planning & Zoning Committee) regulations regarding gas pump islands. The vote was as follows: AYE: Musselman, Segner, Dooley, Pearson, and Jones; NAY: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING Z-1103 BY THE CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG TO: (A) CHANGE THE LAND USE PLAN FROM PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC TO CBD (CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT) UPTOWN ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 610 W. MAIN ST. AND (B) CHANGE IN ZONING FROM PF PUBLIC FACILITIES TO C-2 COMMERCIAL ON SUBJECT PROPERTY - It was moved by Council Member Dooley, seconded by Council Member Pearson, to recess the regular session and open the public hearing by the City of Fredericksburg for (A) a change in tbe Land Use Plan from Public/Semi-Public to CBD Uptown for 610 W. Main St.(Hill Country Credit Union), and (B) a change in zoning from PF to C2. All voted in favor and tbe motion carried. Comments were received from Steve O'Brien about the notification process. Witb no furtber comments, it was moved by Council Member Dooley, seconded by Council Member Pearson, to adjourn the public hearing and reconvene tbe regular session. All voted in favor and the motion carried. REQUEST Z-1103 - It was moved by Council Member Pearson, seconded by Council Member Dooley, to approve (A) the change in the Land Use Plan from Public/ Semi-Public to CBD Uptown, and (B) a change in zoning from PF to C-2 for 610 W. Main St. The vote was as follows: AYE: Musselman, Segner, Dooley, Pearson, and Jones; NAY: None. Motion carried. CLARIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO EXISTING DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLAN - Dir of Public Works & Utilities Craig Wallendorf was on hand to review clarifications and amendments to the existing DROUGHT Contingency Plan, specifically clarifying inconsistencies in the watering days, methods, and definitions. It was moved by Council Member Pearson, seconded by Council Member Jones, to approve the ordinance changing the DROUGHT Contingency Plan as corrected. The vote was as follows: AYE: Musselman, Segner, Dooley, Pearson, and Jones; NAY: None. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 21-006 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WATER CONSERVATION MEASURES ORDINANCE BEING CHAPTER 47 ARTICLE II OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG, TO CLARIFY THE DEFINITIONS OF WATERING DEVICES AND LANDSCAPED AREAS/IRRIGATION USE, TO AMEND THE TIME FOR ALLOWABLE WATERING IN STAGES THREE AND FOUR, SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS THE REOF INCONSISTENT WITH THE PROVISIONS HEREOF. (Recorded in Ordinance Book) STAGE 3 WATER RESTRICTIONS - Stage 3 water restrictions will commence June 21, 201 1. UPDATE ON PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS AND ON VARIOUS PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS THROUGHOUT THE CITY - D.P.W.D. Craig Wallendorf gave a PowerPoint presentation to familiarize Council and citizens of the departments within the Public Works, Utilities and Engineering and to brief Council on current and proposed projects. CREATION OF A CITY SWIMMING POOL COMMITTEE AND PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD - Council heard from members of the community including Larry Werts, Walter Moldenhauer, Russ Rose, Steve O'Brien, Tonya Benson, Kelly Musselman, Linda Langerhans and John Detmar about various aspects of the creation of a Pool Committee and a Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. Following a lengthy discussion, it was moved by Council Member Jones, seconded by Council Member Segner, to create a City Pool Advisory Committee as follows: 1. Consisting of nine voting members, with one council member, the City Manager, and the City Parks & Rec Director serving as ex-officio members. To meet on an as-needed basis. 2. 3. Tasked with presenting three options for pool configurations and/ or locations with projected costs. 4. Potential funding such as grants and fund-raising opportunities. 5. T he Pool Committee, upon completion, would become a permanent Parks Advisory Board by a vote of the Council. 6. Staff was directed to gather information on Parks Advisory Board creation and organization. The vote was as follows: AYE: Segner and Jones; NAY: Musselman, Pearson, and Dooley. The motion failed. It was then moved by Council Member Dooley, seconded by Council Member Pearson, to create a Pool Committee with the following criteria: Solicit names from council and the general public. 1. 2. Number of voting members yet to be determined, with one councilman, the Director of Parks and Recreation, and the city manager as ex-officio members. 3. Solicit comments and direction from the public via public meetings and other forms of oral or written comments. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Committee shall meet at their discretion. Present plan or plans along with cost estimates and suggest timely and realistic funding options beyond Bond Indebtedness. Use available information in place from Kimley-Hom to begin discussion. Seek Council approval to solicit Requests for Proposals from other firms for consulting services if deemed necessary. Request the services of a Task Facilitator to be provided by LCRA. Appoint said committee at 7/5/11 Council meeting. The vote was as follows: AYE: Musselman, Pearson, and Dooley: NAY: Segner and J ones. The motion carried. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETINGS - Council considered a suggestion from Council Members Jones and Segner regarding the submission of Council Minutes. No action was taken. PUBLIC COMMENT - Walter Moldenhauer commented that "every drop (of water) counts". COUNCIL COMMENT - Mayor Musselman appealed to citizens to use water reasonably. EXECUTIVE SESSION - At 9:55 PM, Council Member Dooley made a motion to recess the regular session and go into Executive Session. Council Member Pearson seconded; motion carried. At 10:05 PM, Council Member Jones made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session and reconvene the regular session, Council Member Segner seconded; the motion carried. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Real Estate - Sale of land. Following Executive Session, no action was taken. With no further discussion, Council Member Segner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:08 PM. Council Member Dooley seconded; motion carried. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 6'h day of September, 2011. SHELLEY BRITTON, CITY SECRETARY • • • • • • • TOM MUSSELMAN, MAYOR • • * * * • STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GILLESPIE CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 30, 2011 8:15AM On this the 30,h day of June, 2011 , the City Council of the CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG convened in special session at City Hall, with the following members present to constitute a quorum: TOM MUSSELMAN - MAYOR TIM DOOLEY - COUNCIL MEMBER GRAHAM PEARSON - COUNCIL MEMBER SCOTT JONES - COUNCIL MEMBER TOMMY SEGNER - COUNCIL MEMBER ABSENT: NONE ALSO PRESENT: GARY NEFFENDORF - CITY MANAGER JIMMY ALEXANDER - DIR OF PARKS & REC The meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM. METHODOLOGY, MEMBERSHIP, AND INSTRUCTIONS TO POOL COMMITTEE Council met with 34 individuals interested in serving on the Pool Committee: Karen and Dwight Oestreich, Bjorn Kirchdorfer, John Detrnar, Walter Moldenhauer, Larry Werts, Mercedes Stenberg, Sharon Wahrmund, Linda Langerhans, John Dodds, Dorothy Klaerner, George Burns, Sherman Durst, David Bullion, Dean Haase, Dorothy Jesse, John Martinez Jr., Zephyr Stone, Phyllis Malinak, Russ Rose, Lilli Peters, Tonya Benson, Jerry Farley, Alicia and Keith Hayward, Wanda Carroll, Nick Thompson, Al Carr, Dawn Bourgeois, Lee Miller,Jimmy Lukacs, Stephen Harris, and Mattlie Boos. It was agreed that each member of the committee should have one vote, whether or not they be part of a husband and wife team. With no further business, it was moved by Council Member Dooley, seconded by Council Member Segner, to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 am. Motion carried. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 6'h day of September, 2011. SHELLEY BRITTON, CITY SECRETARY TOM MUSSELMAN, MAYOR From: Gillespie Livestock [mailto:gls@beecreek.netj Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 2:20 PM To: Subject: FISD FFA Youth Shelly Britton , The Fredericksburg FFA Chapter would like to personally extend an invitation to the city council to the September 12, 2011 fajita dinner. The FFA will be hosting a free community fajita dinner, this is a community gathering entitled "Restoring the Traditon". Come and support the local youth. As we previously spoke, we would appreciate being on the agenda September the 6th, at 7:00 p.m. Let me know if I can provide any other information. Thank You,' Amanda Geistweidt 830/998-5233 CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL PERMIT FOR TAXI SERVICE PERMIT FEE PAID:_ _ _ _ __ 1. BUSINELL NAME: BLUEBONNET TAXI & SHUTTLE 2. NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: CHRISTOPHER KING 1D03 E HIGHWAY ST. APT #14 FREDERICKSBURG, TX 78624 3. TYPE OF BUSINESS (COPRORATION, PARTNERSHIP, ETc.) : GENERAL PARTNERSHIP 4. LIST INDIVIDUALS HAVING INTEREST IN THE BUSINESS: A. NAME CHRISTOPHER KING ADDRESS 1003 E HIGHWAY ST. APT.#14 FREDERICKSBURG, TX 78624 CITIZENSHIP U.S. CITIZEN B. NAME C. 5. ADDRESS 1003 E HIGHWAY ST. APT.#14 FREDERICKSBURG. TX 78624 CITIZENSHIP U.S. CITIZEN LIST DRIVER'S LICENSE AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OF TAXI DRIVERS: A. NAME B. 6. JOHN KING CHRIS KING NAME STATEMENT OR EVIDENCE OF OWNERSHIP OF ALL TAXI'S EQUIPMENT SUBMITTED: SEE ATTACHED INSURANCE CARD 7. DESCRIBE PAST BUSINESS EXPERIENCE OF APPLICANT, PARTICULARLY IN PROVIDING PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: DRIVE FOR FREDERICKSBURGTAXI FOR 6 MONTHS, JOHN DROVE A LIMO FOR SEVERAL YEARS IN AUSTIN 8. DESCRIBE ANY REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF A PERMIT HELD BY APPLICANT OR BUSINESS BEFORE THE DATE OF FILING THE APPLICATION: N/A 9. GIVE NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION OF TAXI : 2009 E-350 ECONOLINE VAN/ VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 1FBSS31L79DA31589 ® APPLICATION: TAXI PERMIT PAGE2 10. DESCRIBE SERVICES TO BE OFFERED: GENERAL TRANSPORTATION, SHUTILE SERVICE 11. LOCATION OF FIXED FACILITIES: N/ A RESIDENCE ONLY 12. INSURANCE A. TYPE : COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL (PUBLIC) LIABILITY B. ANOUN T: $300,000 .00 (COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT FOR BODILY INJURY & PROPERTY DAMAGE PER OCCURRENCE) C. INCLUDES . pREMISSES/ OPERATIONS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS '/ PE RSONAL INJURY _ PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY V OPERATION OF TAXI CITY NAMED A ADD!TIONAL INSURED --.lfI/AIVER OF SUBROGATION _v' _ TTIHI RTY (30) DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE, IN WRITING, OF CANCELLATION OR MATERIAL CHANGE FEE PAID :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DME: V V V" D. ---------------- 13. I HAVE READ A COPY OF THE ORDINANCE AND AGREE T ABIDE BY ITS TERMS : SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT:J..!sj6.l>J\641:~9A~-'-~:-.&~~_ __ THE STATE OF TEXAS x x COUNTY OF GI LLESPIE x THIS INSTRUMENT WAS ACK NOWLEDGED BEFORE ME ON THE _ _ _ _ DAY OF _ _ _ __ " 19,_ _ __ BY NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS MY COMM ISSION EXPIRES, _ _ _ _ __ PRI NTED NAME OF NOTARY APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL: DATE :_ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ EXPIRATION DATE OF PERMIT' _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG REQUI REM ENTS FOR INSURANCE FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION BUSINESSES 8/20102 1. A business auto policy is required, and shall be maintained the entire time the service is in operation.The form submitted to the City must be on and Acord Certifi cate of Liability Insurance evidencing the limits of liability or other form to be approved in advance by the City. The City of Fredericksburg, 126 West Main Street, Fredericksburg, Texas, attention City Manager shall be listed on the certificate as a certificate holder, and the certificate shall provide a 30 day notice period to the City prior to cancellation or expiration. 2. The insurance company must have a financial rating of A- or better as deemed by the AM Best Company at the time the policy is issued or as approved by the City on an individual bas is. 3. The minimum policy limits are: $300,000 combined single limit or $100,000 bodily injury per person and :;; 300 ,000 bodily injury per accident and $50,000 property damage per accident 4. The insured wi ll be the Taxi, Limo, or Shuttle service if it is a separate entity or the individuals listed doing business as -.aL- Taxi service or the like . .All drivers must be listed and insured. 5. The Automobile liabil ity section sha ll indicate that any vehicle or all owned vehicles are covered . 6. The description of operations section shall include a statement essentially as follows: The above policy is applicable to the for hire operations for the service named above, and there are no major exclusions in this policy that are not ususal for a Business Aulo Policy for "for hire" operations. There are no operators for which coverage is excluded. TEXAS LIABILITY INSURANCE CARD COMPAA'Y PHONE NO. COMPA./IlY 1-888-330-5477 Soutllem County Mutual POLICY I\IUMOER EFFECT IVE O ... lE PT1 08294 4/4/2011 "", EXPIRATION04rE MAKEIUOOEl 2009 Ford Econoli ne SPANISH TRANSLATION AGENCY Vaught Insurance Services PO Box 218870 281 -647 -9100 TRADUCCION DE ESPANOL Hooston. Texas n 2 18·8B70 I ~SURED Texas Style Limousine 8760 Research Blvd. Austin, TX 78758 ThIs policy provides a! !east tile mil'limurn amlnJrlIS of lIabilil)l IOSll/allee reqUIred by the Texas MOlor Veh,de Satsly Responsibility Act lor Ihe Specified vehicle and named rtsl.lreds and may provide CO¥erage 101 other persons aOO O\hll' vehicles as provided by Iha inlu/ante po~cy. ------~-------------Texas liability Insurance Card Keep this card. Tarjeta de Segura de Aasponsabilidad de Texas IMPORTANT: This card or a copy of your insurance policy must be shown when you apply for or renew your: o motor vehicle registration o drivers license o motor vehicle safety inspection sticker. IMPOATANTE : E$ta r, rjela e una cQPill de au POlIZ;J de seguro debe ser mosuada euando USled soIid\;J 0 I1!nuevo Guarde esta tarJeta. You also may be asked to show this card or your policy if you have an accident or if a peace officer asks to sr.e i~. All drivers in Texas must carry liability insurance on their vehicles or otherwise meet legal requirements for financial responsibility. Failure to do so could result in fines up to $1,000, suspension of your driver's license and molo! vehicle registration, and impoundment of your vehicle for up to 180 days (at a cost of $15 per day) . a regia!ro de veil/cute cse moIor • liceneia para contiJcIt a e!ique!. de InspeociOn de s"O..idao pa ra velliculo. Puede que us/ltd tenga t,mbitln que mostla! eata tarjGta o su pOIlU! ae seguro $i Ilene un acck1enta e 51un aflcfal oe l. p<u sela pide. Todos los conduc:tores en T._.s ';Ieb en dO l$ner seguro do respoosabllid acl para sus vehiculal. e de al ra manera IIonal los requlsJlOS Ieg,Jes de responsnbiJid,d civil. F,~o en Il9n.r esle 'ilQuisita pudiela lesult., en mul tas de hasta $1 ,000. sUSpElnsJOn de 5U Icencia para coOducir y de au regi9!ro de veh/culo de motor, y :a rolenciOn de su vehic ulo por l.1l"I perfodo t!O hasta leO dias (a un costo de 515 por dla). C..,C OI'IO CORPORAllON , " , Use this format for a single sided fold up version. ® StI ___I Page I of I @ http://imganuncios.mitula.netl2009 jord~econoline_wagon_ e350_super_ duty ~assenger_'" 8/22/20 II GILLESPIE COUNTY CLERK 101 WEST MAIN STREET FREDERICKSBURG, TX 78624 (830) 997-6515 ISSUED TO: BLUEBONNET TAXI & SHUTTLE DATE: 08/24/2011 02:09:40 PM WORK STATION : CLERK02 RECEIPT #: 47822 DEPARTMENT: 1 DOCUMENT # FEE 11759 ASSUM @ THANK YOU MARY LYNN RUSCHE GILLESPIE COUNTY CLERK Deputy: LCOLLINS II/v~ 2 PGS 11111111111111111111111111111111111 , NON-5TATE atARTERED BlISINESS ASSUMED NAME QiRiJFlCAU OF~WCICSH!P NOna!: "Cl:R1!flCATES OFOWNERSNlP"AREVAUD CN..YFORA FERIOO HOTlO flO .... . lOYEARSFROH· ll£ DA'll: FIl..B) IN 'l"Ii& <::OUNlYa.mK"S OffICE (0IIpblr 36, Sect. 1, TIlle <4 • au.- 8Id OJIi.lIace COde) {Q NUMII8'lOf YfARS THIS 11(&"95 NAME WJU.IE USl!D (IIotto·- -.dlO,.....) . NAMI! IN WHl'CH BlISP'I 55 12 \, • _1 \. -r-; , . ~cXsh~ (?, " J.J"\I]1C.. \-\~'o!4'f\it fA ' ~ .\'A 7s"JSA.<__); " ~ X.~PMI2 CITY ,.. Q....\. ,il.\.n 1$ OR WlU.BECONDlJC1l:O:-w'\U&.01'!li>w ~ \. <:\- ISUSlftESS ~ IDQ3 'tEARS SfAW ----m ,. J7s,(c'idU, [J ......-a.r.1!D «I IIICftI ;,eiocr!\11IQII sou: ItWE. TtiE IJNOERslGNED• .w: TIlE 0WNeR(S} OF ntE II!t:NE 8I1SU1ESS AND MY/CUt IN e{S} AIID i-IloA!!sS GVEH JS/AAS:.11U:AIID . <XlAAfCT, AND 1l1ERE lS/1JIJ:. HOOY/NERSHII'(S)J!f SAID 1lUSIIESS0TIt!It TIWf USTEI;I1lB.OW. _~ C~I.I% ~ NAME ~~~~~~~U~ art' ' TE~ZIP itUDl'A _ -------------------------~:--------------~--------~--- AtlOR£SS-----,O""... "" ... ...:"~) " ,......._ _...:-_____ ~ e ___.__ ~ arY ____..:-_ _ _ STATE ___ ZlP _ _ __ ____________________ ~~ __ ~ _________________________ orr' _______ ~~ b'ooe) ~ ___ ~TE·· - ___ ZW _______ - STATE OF TEXAS - CouNTy OF ED Al1TM01UTV. ~ :::'-:TlIIS~bb'y~~ ~~!f:,.,=,.....-...;;.---- IlEFORE Me, TIlE UltDERSI KNOWN TO ME TO BE PERSOH(S} _ ISIAn $II SQlIIfI) FOREGOIIIG HE/SHE/THEY SiGNED TIlE SAME ~ TIlE PURPOSE AIID COtI$l~rOtl THEllI!t1t D. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ANI> SCAl. Of OFFICE, this '_ ~Ct2vr=7AJAAAQ SlGHA1'UIt£~ ~ ICOTAI<V PU8LlC IN AND fU~yAT1! Of' TEXAS COMMISSION eJ(PIR£S: ~ ,J W, lib \ ttl I PUCIlIlOTJIoRrQt-.ow I NT AND I£XIIOWl.EDGED TO ME THAT ...!Vi;:::':day~d:!.:~==:!i~::::;::;:==;.:.,.!20~=I1=;.:_., . IIOT_OU~.-r'n.uUM. DO .