April 2014 - Buffalo Chapter, American Guild of Organists


April 2014 - Buffalo Chapter, American Guild of Organists
Elaine Gardner, Editor
141 Cleveland Drive
Kenmore, N.Y. 14223-1027
Parti cipate and Succeed
APRIL 2014
Organist ANDREW KOTYLO has concertized throughout the United States and in England, including performances at regional and
national conventions of the American Guild of Organists that have earned critical acclaim. His performances have earned him top prizes
in numerous competitions, including the American Guild of Organists' National Young Artists Competition, the Arthur Poister
Competition, the San Marino Competition, and the Ottumwa National Undergraduate Competition. He has also been featured on
American Public Media's Pipedreams. As a performer, he is represented by Crimson Concert Artists.
Dr. Kotylo holds degrees from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music (BMus, MMus, and DMus) where he studied organ with
Christopher Young and Larry Smith and choral conducting with William Jon Gray. Other teachers have included Carolyn Albaugh, the
late Searle Wright, Jonathan Biggers, and John Schwandt. His doctoral document concerns the life and organ works of Searle Wright,
and he was assisted in his research by a grant from the American Guild of Organists National Library at Boston University given by the
widow of the concert organist, E. Power Biggs.
From L’Esquisses Byzantines Toccata
Toccata: “Tu es petra et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversus te"
Amazing Grace (from Gospel Preludes, Book 2)
Henri Mulet
William Bolcom
Roulade, Op. 9, No. 3 (1920)
Seth Bingham
Prélude, Andante et Toccata (1931)
André Fleury
A Joyous March
Leo Sowerby
Von Gott, will ich nicht lassen, BWV 65
Johann Sebastian Bach
Fantasia sopra “Von Gott, will ich nicht lassen”
Bert Matter
Choralfantaisie über «Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme»
Max Reger
The master class will focus on music for service playing and hymn playing. Andrew's specialty is 19th century and early 20th century
repertoire but any repertoire is appropriate. If you are interested in playing, please contact David Bond at dr.bond4@gmail.com or
716-885-1241 ASAP. The master class is open to everyone . . . even if you just want to observe.
Church music has been an integral part of Andrew’s life and work. Currently he is Associate Director of Music at the historic Trinity
He has also served churches in Texas, Indiana, and New York.
Dr. Kotylo teaches organ privately and has participated as a faculty member for A.G.O. “Pipe Organ Encounters” in Rochester (Eastman
School of Music) and Detroit. He is a past board member for the Bloomington, Indiana and New Haven A.G.O. chapters and is currently
on the steering committee for the 2015 A.G.O. Region I Convention to be held in New Haven. He lives in North Haven, Connecticut
with his wife, Andrea Boudra Kotylo, also an organist and currently a doctoral candidate at Indiana University.
Our thanks to David Bond and First Presbyterian Church for hosting this event. A “Chris Snyder” reception will follow the recital.
Our next event will be our Annual Meeting and Brunch on
Sunday, May 18, 2:30 PM. The venue for this has had to be
changed. That, and all of the information about this event will be in
the May Bombarde. Please plan to attend this event. The meeting
will be short, and it is important to be present to vote in person and
support the officers and committee members who are being
elected. The brunch will be very enjoyable as well as the
opportunity to visit with colleagues.
We have moved into the season of spring and the Christian
season of Lent. There is a wealth of beautiful musical material to
challenge us and inspire others in worship as we journey to the
Easter feast. Why not dust off some notes and participate in the
upcoming master class on Saturday, April 5th at 10:00 AM in First
Presbyterian Church, Buffalo. Andrew Kotylo, formerly assistant
organist-choirmaster at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, Buffalo,
will lead this event.
Be sure to attend Andrew's recital the previous evening, April
4th, 7:30 PM at First Presbyterian, Buffalo.
Finally, we will gather once again May 18 for the Annual
Meeting and brunch, at a place to be announced, at 2:30 PM. Save
these dates and "Participate and Succeed"!
With best wishes to all, – Christina Shrewsbury, Dean
The date and place for next board meeting has not yet been
determined. Watch your email for information about this. And
remember, if you are an Executive Committee member you are
expected to attend these meetings. PLEASE BE SURE to let
Caryn Lawler know if you are unable to attend a meeting
(lawler.caryn@gmail.com / 838-2385).
The AGO is implementing a new process for renewing your
membership in the Guild starting this year. New memberships and
renewals will now be handled through the national office instead of
through local chapters. You should have already received, or will
shortly be receiving an email from national headquarters
outlining all the changes and inviting you to go online to update
your membership information including your address and email.
They will then notify you when they are ready to start taking
renewals on the AGO website. This process, called Online National
Collection And Remittal of Dues (ONCARD), will be much more
convenient for many of our members and will allow you to renew
your membership online and pay with a credit card. Our chapter has
already submitted all of the necessary information to the national
website, and so when you renew online you will see several
specific fields just for members of the Buffalo Chapter where you
will be able to become a patron, contribute to the Haskin Fund and
submit all your information to be on our substitute list. There will
also be a process for members without internet access to still renew
your membership by mail.
– John Novak, SubDean
The Nominating Committee is at work selecting six candidates
who will run for the Executive Committee in the May election.
Three will be chosen to run for a three year term. A candidate for
SubDean will also be chosen – to run for two years and then
become the next Dean. Ed Witul is chair of the committee,
Curt Holmes is working with him. If you are interested in
either of these positions or would like to suggest someone
for the committee to consider,
Ed Witul at:
edwitul@verizon.net or 633-2350.
The Executive Committee of the Buffalo Chapter AGO has
begun the initial stages of planning to create a proposal to host the
2019 AGO Northeast Regional Convention in the Buffalo/Niagara
region. The summer of 2019 would coincide with the 100th
anniversary of the founding of the Buffalo Chapter. There would
be no better way to celebrate 100 years of the AGO in Buffalo than
to have a week of concerts, workshops and events featuring our
wonderful instruments and highlighting everything our area has to
offer. The planning for this proposal is only in the very beginning
stages and is being coordinated by our Sub-Dean, John Novak. If
you have ideas, questions or comments please contact John. A
formal vote of chapter members will be taken before any proposal
is submitted to AGO Headquarters.
– John Novak, SubDean
If you listened to Pipedreams on Sunday, March 16 –– the
program titled “March Marches,” you heard a march that was
composed, over a period of fifty years, by Dr. David Fuller,
Professor Emeritus at SUNY-Buffalo. Michael Barone named it
the “The Fifty-Years March.” If you missed it or want to hear it
again go to: pipedreams.publicradio.org/listings/2014/davidfuller/.
There is also extensive information about the writing of this
march. Included is the following from David: "I am attaching
some notes about the piece. As is stated in various ways, I only just
did this analysis (a half-century after beginning it) and was quite
bowled over by some of the things I did completely unconsciously.
It was an eye-opener for me into the process of composition, having
spent a lifetime trying to teach students how music was conceived.
It turns out that a lot of it may not consciously have been conceived
at all, just written down the way it had to go, and this must be true
of lots of music of which one tries to guess the composer's creative
Please note these dates for your articles
and Date Docket material:
Deadline Date
May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 28, 2014
September . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . late August
The Bombarde is published five or six times a year
by the Buffalo Chapter AGO
Elaine Gardner, Editor
Kenmore, New York
E-mail: ecgardner@roadrunner.com
subscription by membership
The Houghton Organist’s Day at the Cathedral was a huge
success – with eight of Judy Congdon’s students playing brilliantly
on the Hook and Hastings at St. Joseph Cathedral. But very few
Guild members were in attendance which is often the case. If you
can tell us why this is so, we (especially the Program Committee)
would like to know. Please feel free to email comments to me at:
– The Editor
DATE DOCKET . . . a listin g of m e m b er s ev e nt s
All events are free unless otherwise noted
Only churches providing F.I.C.A. and Workers’
as well as Unemployment and Disability Insurance
are listed, and a written contract will be provided for all positions
listed unless otherwise noted.
Friday, April 11, 7:30 PM at SUNY-Buffalo Slee Hall: Eastman
Organist’s Day –– performing will be: Thomas Gaynor, Bryan Holten,
Abigail Rockwood, and Ivan Sarajishvili . . . Abigail is a member of
our chapter and, in addition to being a doctoral student at Eastman, she
is Assistant Organist-Choirmaster at St. Paul’s Cathedral; tickets ?
Saturday, May 24, 7:00 PM at St. Thomas’ Anglican Church, 99 Ontario
St., St. Catharines, Ontario: Forty boys & girls of the New York City
Children's Chorus will travel to Niagara in May to share their favorite
repertoire with their Canadian neighbors. The program will include
classical arias by J. S. Bach and G. F. Handel, Aaron Copland's "Old
American Songs", moving African-American spirituals, and favorite
Broadway songs from "The Sound of Music", "Mary Poppins", and
The NYCCC was founded at Madison Avenue
Presbyterian Church by Mary Huff and Andrew Henderson, and
skyrocketed to national attention in 2012 with their televised
performance on Saturday Night Live with Paul McCartney, on the
TODAY show, and most recently with singer Josh Groban and on
Good Morning America. Equally skilled in performing great classical
masterworks, the chorus recently performed Britten's "St Nicolas" and
Bach's "St. Matthew Passion”, and is preparing for their first recording
of American art songs for release in 2015. Admission: $20 general
($15 for seniors and students). All proceeds to Community Care of St.
Catharines and Thorold. [Mary Huff is Andrew Henderson’s wife.]
Sunday, April 6 at 4:00 PM – The Soloists of OPPC – a program of opera
arias, art songs, lieder, oratorio, and Broadway music featuring the
outstanding soloists of the Orchard Park Santuary Choir; $10
Sunday, April 27 at 4:00 PM – Sanctuary Choir and Soloists of OPPC –
Music from the Baroque and Beyond; free-will donation
Friday, March 28 at 7:30 PM – The Cornell University Women’s Chorus
– one of the nation’s outstanding women’s choirs comprised of fifty
women; since 2001 the chorus has been commissioning new works
from women composers; $20
Friday, April 4 at 7:30 PM – Maurice Duruflé’s Requiem – The St. Paul’s
Cathedral Choir of Men and Girls – Abigail Rockwood, Organ;
Natasha Farny, Cello; Kuang-Hao Huang,Piano (performing alone 1st
half of the program); $20 – A reception will follow
Sunday, May 4 at 3:00 PM – St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Main St.,
N. Buffalo: Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choirs
Recitals every Wednesday at 12:30–1:00 PM: March 26- Musical
Delights Program; April 2- organ; April 9- Bel Canto Choir; April 16no recital; April 23- Jeffrey Thompson, tenor & John Novak, piano;
April 30 Dvorak “Slavonic” Quartet
Previously Listed Still Open
Organist: St. David’s Episcopal Church, West Seneca: organist needed to
play services for 3 or 4 Sundays per month and a few extra services
during the year (so person would have 1 Sunday off per month) no choir;
church has a 2-man. pipe organ that is currently being refurbished; no
contract or extra benefits; Salary: pay is per-service following AGO
guidelines – according to level of ability [Evaluation = Good] Contact Fr.
Allen Farabee at Church: 674-4670 or Home: 882-4981
Organist-Singer: Infant of Prague RC Church, Snyder: Organist with ability
to play and sing and work with the Music Director (could eventually
become a full-time position) –– Saturday 4:00 PM mass, 1st Sunday of
the month 8:30 AM mass (instead of that Sat.), Sunday 10:30 mass with
choir, 8 or more extra masses, weekly 9:15 Sun. AM choir rehearsal
(occasional extra rehearsals), yearly Lessons & Carols and/or special
music, bimonthly Music Liturgy Panning and Cantor Practices; Approx.
20 weddings and 40 funerals per year for organist-singer (compensated
for individually); 15 yr. old 3-man. Allen organ and baby grand piano;
Benefits: all negotiable; Salary: $12,500 – $15,000 [Evaluation = Good]
contact Virginia Greenan, Music Director at 839-3044
Organist-Choirmaster: St. Mark’s and All Saints’ Episcopal Church,
Buffalo: would like a musician who is familiar with liturgical traditions –
– one Sunday morning service, one or two extra services, possible
neighborhood hymn-sing/sing-a-long, weekly adult choir rehearsal (time
negotiable), bi-monthly worship team meetings; two manual (c. 1940)
Delaware organ (good condition); Benefits: 4 weeks paid vacation,
negotiable sick time, and AGO or other dues paid (negotiable); Salary;
$4,600 – $6,000 [Evaluation = Adequate] contact Fr. Harry Grace at
Church: 875-8374 / Cell: 716-836-3781 or send a resumé to the church:
311 Ontario St., Buffalo, NY 14207
Organist-Director /
: St. Katharine
Drexel RC Church, Buffalo: contact Fr. James Monaco at 895-6813 or
cell: 228-2514
Organist/Accompanist: Unitarian Universalist Church of Buffalo: Position
description available at: buffalouu.org/uucb-organist-position.html;
Send resumé with cover letter specifying interest and qualifications to the
Music Director at: music@buffalouu.org
PLEASE NOTE: For information about other Roman Catholic Church
positions please call Alan Lukas at 652-6565
IMPORTANT: You are reminded that listing of positions in this newsletter does not
imply endorsement by the Buffalo Chapter A.G.O. or any of its committees.
Appropriateness of a position must be judged by the applicant him/her self. For help
with this, you may wish to contact the Placement Chair for additional
information about a position and/or consult with a member who previously
held the position. You are also reminded to be very cautious about accepting
a position without a written contract.
EASTMAN ORGANIST’S DAY –– April 11 at 7:30 PM
Don’t miss this organ recital by four outstanding students from
the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York playing the
Fisk organ in Slee Hall on the SUNY at Buffalo N. campus.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
WNED-FM 94.5 / WNJA-FM 89.7

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