Dec 2015 - Jayco Club Of NSW


Dec 2015 - Jayco Club Of NSW
Jayco Club of
New South Wales
P.O. Box 4503, Lake Haven 2263
December 2015 Newsletter
As a successful 2015 rally year draws to a close I would like to thank those
members who have hosted a rally this year, and also those who attended our
rallies, and look forward to seeing you again in 2016.
From my family to yours and on behalf of your hard working committee I wish
you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. If you are
driving over the festive season please take care on the roads, because we
want to see you in 2016.
Until then…carry on caravanning
Neville Henderson - President
Wendy’s Wanderings
Rally Report – Christmas 2014
Swansea Gardens
Present: Dean & Anita Rotissa, Neville
& Joy Henderson, Bob & Liz Beesley,
Col & Vinny Every, Bob & Carol Best,
John & Tricia Spencer, Ian & Chris
Bailey, Tom & Christine Lee, Richard &
Vera Sutherland, Robin & Dorothy Wells,
Bob & Helen Purcell, Joe & Wendy
Agius, Greg & Judy Cavanagh, Tony &
Maria Bataglia, Terry & Lorraine Bain,
Peter & Pat Roher, Ernie & Carline
Ross, Mick & Lyn Robinson, Ron &
Bridie Scanes, Shaun Bowers & Lorraine
Barrett, Vic & Carol Bartolo, Sue & Col
Bradshaw, Paul & Helen Anderson and
day visitors Harry & Gea Waalkens and
Mike Fletcher.
The first vans started to arrive on
Wednesday looking forward to great
weekend. The usual morning and
afternoon tea and happy hour were held
under the shade of a large tree. Other
vans arrived on Thursday to a very hot
day and some of the members even
changed into their swimming attire and
took a plunge in the pool to cool down.
On Friday there was a hive of activities
with the women cutting up coleslaw,
boiling potatoes and cutting up salads in
preparation for the big Christmas lunch
on Saturday The committee got together
for our committee meeting.
An early start on Saturday with the
setting up of tables and chairs by the
men, ladies busy finishing preparation of
the salads for lunch and Paul and Ernie
slicing up the two legs of ham. Santa
arrived at 11.00am in his Nissan sleigh
to the delight of the children and he
handed out the presents and his elves
gave a bag of lollies and a packet of
potato chips to each child and some
littlies who were also in the park.
An early start again on Sunday when
many of our male members cooked
breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast and
tomatoes for our caravaners.
Some members left on Sunday and
Monday and those remaining went to
lunch at the local RSL to celebrate
Carline’s birthday.
By Wednesday lunchtime there were
only two vans left and they packed up
and left on Thursday morning bringing to
a close and enjoyable weekend,
Neville Henderson
Lunch was serves to over 90 people and
our amazing raffle was conducted with
prizes donated by our members, the
club, Jayco Melbourne and Jayco
Sydney. Our special guests were
Newcastle and his wife and daughters.
Later in the afternoon we held a Special
General Meeting and this was followed
by our usual information session and a
discussion of rallies for 2016. The usual
caravan Christmas light decorations
competition was conducted after dinner
and the winner this year was Matt
Bataglia and his family.
Paddy and Murphy are working on a building
Paddy says to Murphy "I'm gonna have the day
off, I'm gonna pretend I'm mad!"
He climbs up the rafters, hangs upside down and
shouts, "I'M A LIGHTBULB! I'M A
Murphy watches in amazement!
The Foreman shouts "Paddy you're mad, go
So he leaves the site.
Murphy starts packing his kit up to leave as well.
"Where the hell are you going?" asks the
"I can't work in the dark!" says Murphy.
Paddy calls Jetstar to book a flight.
The operator asks "How many people are
flying with you ?"
Paddy replies "I don't know! It's your
FESTIVAL 4th—6th Dec 2015.
On Wednesday 2nd Dec after a very enjoyable
Christmas rally at Swansea where a great time
was had by all, an intrepid bunch of cherry
(oops) cheery travellers headed off for Young in
search of that elusive perfect cherry and perhaps
some of the multitude of cherry products on
offer. After an early start the small band of Joe
and Wendy, Terry and Lorraine, Paul & Helen
headed off for the Bathurst showgrounds. The
journey was straight forward with plenty of pit
stops to stretch the legs. It was interesting to note
that the major roadworks along the top of the
mountains appeared to be completed with work
now occurring below Mt Victoria.
On Thursday it was only a short hop to Young
where it seems that many others were also keen
to attend the festival (some 20,000 tourists we
later found out). The park owners Karen and
Garry were very hospitable and even offered
their services when it came time to put your van
on site. When in Rome……….
We were pleased when Harry and Gea arrived,
as they had driven directly from home. The
remaining members of our group Tom and Chris
left Swansea and with a great run arrived a day
earlier than planned. Luckily a site was found,
but it did require a move Fri morning to their
allocated site.
As the festivities did not kick off until 5:30
Friday evening, Thursday and Friday were spent
exploring the region, and checking out a few of
the local tourist attractions. Some picked cherries
at participating orchards while the rest checked
out some of the many roadside stalls.
Anderson Park in front of the old railway station
and Information centre was the scene for a range
of event activities including musicians, crowning
of the Cherry Queens, bush poets, the cherry pie
eating competition, the cherry pip spitting
competition (for the record the world champion
in the USA holds an amazing 30 metres. Aussie
record 15 metres and for this event 11 metres),
sheep dogs demonstrating their amazing skills,
and a pretty impressive fireworks display.
Elsewhere around town over the festival was the
street parade, a display of pipe bands, buskers
and a raft of other attractions.
Helen found the elusive cherries she was looking
for at one of the orchards– New season Rons,
almost the size of golf balls but at $17-50 kg
($35 for a 2kg box) we decided that the Lapins
ranging in price from $5-$10 were more to our
Many other cherry treats managed to find their
way mysteriously into van pantries!
Our little group adjourned to the Commercial
Hotels air-conditioned boardroom for an
enjoyable Sunday lunch before the vans were
hooked up Monday morning and the return
journey begun.
Our attendees included– Tom and Chris Lees,
Joe and Wendy Agius, Harry and Gea Waalkens,
Terry and Lorraine Bain, Paul and Helen
Anderson. With apologies from Colin and
Vinnie Every who unfortunately were unable to
PS. thanks to Chris and Tom for the marinated
cherries in brandy which we had the pleasure of
sampling at Happy Hour.
Paul and Helen.
Breakfast in the Park
Wendy’s Wanderings
Hello to all Members, and welcome to another year of great Rallies. This year we have two tag-alongs planned one short trip from Forster for 2 weeks, with a planned stop at Kempsey to see the
Slim Dusty Centre, the other starts from our clubs Moruya Rally and travels down south making
our way to lakes entrance and the snow fields, this one is for 3 weeks, hope you can join us.
Our next 3 Rallies plus the State Rally are:
January 27th to
February 3rd
Stockton Beach Holiday
3 Pitt Street Stockton
PH: 4928 1393
4th – 6th
Wagga Wagga
Wagga Wagga Showground
Bourke Street
Wagga Wagga
Dean & Anita Ritossa
Note: Rally fully
7 nights $264
$38 per night
-10% Top
discount to be
applied on
NOTE: Sites
will only be
until 18th
$155 – 3
NSW State Rally
9th – 16th
Toowoon Bay
Toowoon Bay Holiday Park
Koongara Street
Toowoon Bay
Ph: 02 4332 2834
Jayco Club Committee
$33 per night
Morning Tea provided
after AGM
BBQ dinner provided
Saturday Night
Booking please ASAP
Check park map for
site locations
20th – 27th
Jenolan Caravan Park
7 Cunynghame Street
PH: 6336 0344
$28 per night
Ernie & Carline Ross
Caravan size
when booking
Sites are
around the
park and
available for 7
nights or less,
Site numbers
260, are
Visit the
Gardens & its
until 20th
1st Tag-a long starting from 17th August to 31st August – North.
Below are the locations we will visit
Forster to Kempsey
Kempsey to Uranga
Alstonville (Ballina area)
Armidale Showground
Make your own way home from
17th – 18th – 19th
20th -21st
22nd – 23rd
24th -25th
26th -27th-28th
29th -30th
2nd Tag-a-long starting from 19th September to 12th October – South.
We are still working on the south locations, so far we will be travelling south from Moruya to
Eden then to Lakes Entrance – we are looking at the best way to go through the snow field areas
details to follow.
If you are thinking of joining in for one or both of the Tags email your details to me, we just need
to know an approximate number of members interested so we can decide on the locations,
parks/showground’s or free camps we can use.
Hope to see you at Stockton, travel safe.
The free camp at the BP Service Centre Clybucca does not allow caravans or motorhomes to stay
overnight anymore. The free camp “Paddys Rest” is closed as the toilets are being repaired.
M5 and the M7 are now equipped with Point to Point Speed Devices.
On entering the M7 the etag beeps and a camera takes a photo of your car recording the exact time.
On exiting the etag system beeps again another camera at that point takes a photo of the car and the time.
Then the computer calculates the time it has taken you to travel between the two points and calculates your speed.
If you completed the clocked journey too fast you are issued with a speeding ticket.
At the present the speed limit is 100K.P.H. with a tolerance of 102 maximum.
Over that and you are issued with a fine automatically.
What a shock some drivers are going to have when they use this roadway for a week and get weeks’ tickets BOTH
Of course your license will also be recalled for 3 months. Now with the new legislation, fighting a Speed Camera
fine is almost impossible. You must prove the device is faulty and if you are not a technician working on them, you
have no chance of beating the fine.
The Pacific Highway has a set and these are recognised by large steel frames over the lanes with a speed camera
and some distance up the road is another large metal frame with a speed camera.
These new points to point systems are being put onto "any expressway" and highway where vehicles are not able
to exit between those points.
NOTE: School zone cameras are not speed tolerant. Anything over, even 41, is a fine.
Did you know we are open
7 days
Our trading hours are:
Monday – Friday: 8.30am – 5pm
Saturday: 9am – 4pm
10am – 3pm
1 Camfield Drive, Heatherbrae NSW 2324.
Phone: 0240280111 Fax: 0249648714
Email: Web:
Dealer lic: 20462
10% Discount to Jayco Club of NSW members on caravan accessories under $500 per unit.
Present Club Membership Card for discount. Not valid with any other discount or promotion.
Maria’s Murmurings – December 2015
On behalf of the committee I would like to thank all the
members who attended our Christmas rally….it certainly
was one of our best.
A big big thank you goes to Santa for making the trip to
Swansea Gardens. The children as well as the big kids got a
kick of having Santa at our celebrations.
Another big thank you goes to the members who gave us
their time in the preparation of the luncheon. Thank you
also must also go to the members who donated gifts for our
wonderful raffle. The hampers were chocker full of goodies
and winners were definitely grinners on the day.
Thanks also to Swansea Gardens, Jayco Dandenong and Damian Charleston from Jayco
Hexham for their generous donations. A full list of winners is below.
Tag a long special Prize – donated by Gea
Voucher - $50
Vacuum cleaner
Chevas Regal
Gift Pack
Gift Pack
Jayco BBQ
Jayco BBQ set
Gift Pack
Jayco BBQ set
Gift Pack
Damian Charleston
Tom Lee
Matt Battaglia
Dean Ritossa
Vinnie Every
Mick Robinson
Sue Bradshaw
Helen Anderson
Sue Bradshaw
Ian Bailey
Wendy Agius
Vera Sutherland
Mike Fletcher
Jodie Jones (Bailey’s daughter)
Terry Bain
Cathie Bradshaw
Ashely Dawson (Sutherland’s daughter)
Paul Anderson
Mick Robinson
Wine Gift Pack
Mystery Box
Jayco BBQ set
Café Stand
Jayco BBQ set
BBQ condiment
Jayco BBQ set
Jayco BBQ set
Helen Purcell
Sophie Maher (Sutherland’s daughter)
Tony Battaglia
Judi Cavanagh
Fiona Battaglia
Pat Rohwer
Anita Ritossa
Joe Agius
Happy Birthday to our December born members
Jim Facey (8th); Col Bradshaw (16th); Tricia
Spencer (21st); John Thorpe (21st); Colin Every
(26th); Jenny Hewitt (28th); Lorraine Barrett
As there will not be a January newsletter, here
are the Happy Birthday wishes for the January
Joy Henderson (1st); Ron Scanes (20th); John
Spencer (25th); Dorothy Wells (27th)
Minutes from Special General Meeting held at Swansea Gardens on Saturday 28th November,
Tony & Maria Battaglia, Bob & Liz Beesley, Terry & Lorraine Bain, Ernie & Carline Ross, John & Tricia
Spencer, Neville Henderson, Ron & Bridie Scanes, Col & Sue Bradshaw, Robert & Carol Best, Shaun
Bowers & Lorraine Barrett, Col & Maria Every, Pat & Peter Rohwer, Lyn & Mick Robinson, Ian & Chris
Bailey, Richard & Vera Sutherland, Paul & Helen Anderson, Anita & Dean Ritossa, Robin & Dorothy
Wells, Judi & Greg Cavanagh, Bob & Helen Purcell, Victor & Carol Bartolo, Joe & Wendy Agius
Apologies received from:
Joy Henderson, John & Ethel Brennan, Gea & Harry Waalkens, Bob & Liz Beesley
General meeting was declared open at 4.35pm
Neville opened the meeting with the motion that was raised at Nagambie.
On the 9th October 2015, Tony Battaglia motioned that the Jayco Club of NSW revert back to a purely
Jayco Owners Club and to have zero non-Jayco members. Existing non-Jayco members will continue
to be members until they decide not to renew their membership.
Motion seconded by Col Every.
After some discussion the motion was voted and unanimously carried.
It was resolved that the Constitution is amended by the following:
That the current Clause 4 – Associate Membership – is repealed.
That a new Clause 4 is inserted as follows –
Associate Members
(1) An Associate Member is a member who, at 31 December 2015, owns a recreational vehicle
other than a Jayco vehicle.
(2) Associate Members may remain as members of the Club until such time as they dispose of
their current recreational vehicle at which time their membership will expire (unless they
purchase a Jayco vehicle).
(3) No new Associate Members will be permitted after 1 January 2016.
(4) Associate Members will pay the same annual subscription as ordinary members and will be
entitled to vote at all General Meetings.
(5) Associate Members may not hold office in the Club or be elected to the Committee.
Insert a new sub-clause 6 (ca) (Cessation of Membership)
(cc) being an Associate Member, disposes of the recreational vehicle held at 31
December 2015;
Secretary’s report –
 41 Financial members plus 2 honouree members plus 3 non jayco financial members.
 5 new members this year and receiving approximately 2 enquiries per week but not all
coming to fruition
Treasurer’s report
Report Moved by Ron Scanes
Seconded Robert Purcell
Newsletter Editor –
 No newsletter in January. December issue will be issued in the next 10 days.
Rally Schedule for 2016
Wendy expressed her disappointment with members not putting their hand up to host a rally. This
small task cannot always fall to the committee.
Rallies agreed to
27/1/16 – 3/2/16
4th – 6th
10th – 13th
20th – 27th
18th – 25th
8th – 15th
13th – 20th
10th – 17th
17th – 24th
12- 19th
19- 28th
March – State Rally
June Long Weekend
Wagga Wagga
Toowoon Bay (Norah Head not avail)
Mannering Park
North Haven
Myall Lakes
Forster Beach
Kempsey – short 1 week tag a long
Canberra National Rally
3 week tag a long
Lake Conjola
Robin Wells advised that for those who know Tony McFadden, he is now in hospice and not well at
Bridie thanked Robin for this update and advised that there was nothing to report but she and Ron
wished everyone a very happy Christmas.
Nothing further to discuss
Meeting closed at 5pm.
NOTE FROM SECRETARY: The Constitution has been updated with the Special Resolution
voted on at this meeting. It will be forwarded on to members as a separate email.
NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Jim Facey & Ruth Nesbitt from Yarrawonga Park. We wish
you many happy journeys in your caravan and many happy days
with the Jayco Club of NSW.
Christmas Wishes: On behalf of Tony and me we would like to wish
you and your families a happy peaceful Christmas and a healthy
2016 with many many caravan travels. Safe journey to you all and
see you in 2016. Maria & Tony.
A guy goes into the confessional box after years being away from the Church. He pulls aside the
curtain, enters and sits himself down. There's a fully equipped bar with crystal glasses, the best vestry
wine, Guinness on tap, cigars and liqueur chocolates nearby, and on the wall a fine photographic
display of buxom ladies who appear to have mislaid their garments.
He hears a priest come in:"Father, forgive me for it's been a very long time since I've been to
confession and I must admit that the confessional box is much more inviting than it used to be".
The priest replies, "Get out, you idiot. You're on my side".
An 8-year-old girl went to her grandfather, who was working in the yard and asked him, "Grampa,
what is a couple sex? The grandfather was surprised that she would ask such a question, but
decided that if she's old enough to know to ask the question then she's old enough to get a
straight answer. Steeling himself to leave nothing out, he proceeded to tell her all about human
reproduction and the joys and responsibilities that go along with it. When he finished explaining,
the little girl was looking at him with her mouth hanging open, eyes wide in amazement. Seeing
the look on her face, the grandfather asked her, "Why did you ask this question, honey? The
little girl replied, "Well, Grandma says to tell you that dinner will be ready in just a couple secs.
Club Merchandise
Club Committee:
The following endorsed
merchandise is available through
Lorraine Bain either by phone on
0427 622 007or via email at
Monte Carlo Shirts (White /Navy)
Biz Cool (Summer National/State
Rally) – Ladies 8-24; Men’s S –
Poly Fleece Jackets Navy
Magnetic Name Tags
Add your name
President: Neville Henderson:
Vice President: Ron Scanes:
Maria Battaglia:
Liz Beesley:
Rally Co-Coordinator
Wendy Agius:
Newsletter Editor:
Terry Bain:
Committee Member: (Web Master)
Lorraine Barrett:
Committee Member:
Shaun Bowers:
Committee Member:
Sue Bradshaw:
Committee Member:
Ernie Ross: