Tobacco International: Reynolds American Rolls Forward
Tobacco International: Reynolds American Rolls Forward
COMP A N P Y R OF IL E Reynolds American acquisition of Conwood Company, the RollsForward nation's second-largestsmokelesstobacco company. Third-quarter revenue climbed nearly2 percentto $2.19billion from $2.15billion last year. r orftJfue tobaccogiant overcomeschallengesof the industry through the strengthof its brands and an innovativemarketingapproach- as well as a highly touted entry into the smokeless category. While the external businessenvironment has become con sider ably more favorablethan it was severalyears ago, non-traditional businessfactorsmostly lawsuits,smoking bans, and tax i ncreases- conti nue to challenge ReynoldsAmerican, aswell asthe entire espitea challengingbusinessen- to just another day at the office for the i ndustry. N everthel ess, Reynolds v ir onm ent ,R e y n o l d sAme ri c a n +^1-^--^ ruudr!u American keepsroiling along. Inc. (RAI) continues to move forward thanks to its creative acquisi- RAI had about $8 billion in annual salesand holds 30% of the U.S. market. tions and sav\y management.But are Its third-quarter profit rose 45%o,with ^i^-+2 SrdrrL; BRAND STRENGTH In 2005RAI'slargestsubsidiary, R.]. litigation, smoking bans, tax increases continued strong performanceby R.l. Reprolds,launcheda new portfolio strat- and intensifying competition taking a toll on the second-largest U.S. cigarette Kool cigarettes,aswell as Grizzly moist- egy aimed at improving profitability. A key part ofthis was to createthreebrand manufacturer- categoriesfor its products. Camel and or doesit all boil down R e y n o l d s Tobacco C o.' s C amel and snufi which came as part of RAI's May 1 4 NO V E M B E200 R 6 T OB AC C O IN T E R N AT ION AL \.ro1 \vereselectedas "investmentprod- third quarter was marked by the conti n u e d s tro ng grow th momentum of support brands as marketing efforts are reduced or eliminated. Further, we see Conwood. " Ou r p e rformancei s on track for -.randsand receivelimited resourcesas RAI to again deliver strong full-year re.he companytries to get greaterefficien- sults," Ivey said. "We are increasingour ;ies out of them. The remaining brands full-year forecastbasedon additional taLlinto RAI's "non-support" category. gainsat R.). Reimoldsand Conwood." increasedcompetitivepressuresin the menthol category,limiting growth for -r;ts" and as such receivethe majority of larketing support.Winston, Salem,Do::1. and Pall Mall are "selectivesupport" With this strategy,R.l. Reynoldsintendsto accelerategrowth of its two in\.estmentbrands - Camel and Kool so their growth exceedsdeclineson the company'sother brands. In this way, "ReynoldsAmerican has offered investorsan extraordinarylevel of wealth c re a ti o n . Even though i t hasn' t been smooth sailingas of late, the stock has returned better than 26% annually over RAI's menthol brands." S & P ' s R A I outl ook has i mpr oved, noting a new marketing strategyand secure price increasesas two key positive elementsbolstering RAI's short-term prospects.The fact that Camel and Kool have continued to grow market sharein a dynamic and challengingmarketplace th e l a s t fi ve years," sai ciP eter Gore, is another encouragingsign. S&P also cites "synergies"generatedfrom recent erate total company share growth be- CFP of financial advisory firm Gore & Golub LLC in Williamsburg, Va. "Late- mergersand acquisitionsto begin favorably contributingto RAI's bottom 1ine. trve e n2 010 and 2012 . Si n c e th e n e w p o rtfo lio s t r at egy wa s i n tro d u c e d , ly, managementhas beenprone to surprise againstestimatedearnings,best- D uri ng the thi rd quarte r , R. J. Reynolds'"investmentbrands" Camel and Kooi continuedto post strong share th e co m pany plans t o re v e rs ei ts d e clining share-of-market trend and gen- Camel and Kool have grown more than ing the overhanging litigation cloud. a full sharepoint on a combined basis, T h e re s ti l l i s a compel l i ng story for and R.l. Reynoldshas cut its rate of to- RAI. That's not to say there is no risk tal declinein half. associatedwith it but the tobacco inThe introduction of the new brand strategycameon the heelsof highly pub- gains,with a combined increaseof 1.07 sharepoints comparedwith the year-ago quarter.On a nine-month combinedba- dustry is still a considerableforce to be reckonedwith." si s. the company s tw o i nvest m ent brandsw ere up 0.9' l sharepoi n t s com - "We expect revenuesto rise about 6010," said Standard& Poor's (S&P) ana- pared with the prior-year period, con- trend improvements at R.J. Reynolds lyst Raymond Mathis. "We seea likely are in line with those expectedfrom the rise in volumes for focus brands Camel brand-portfolio strategyit put in place and Kool but anticipatecontinued voli n e a rl y 2005. S he als o s a i d th a t th e ume declinesfor select-support and non- its overallsharedeclines. "Reynoldsstill needsto seean even more significantimprovementin the op- licized merger-and-acquisition activity that includeda mergerwith the U.S. operationsof No. 3 U.S. cigarettemaker Brown & Williamson (2004)and acquisitions of Lane Limited (2004) and Santa Fe TobaccoCo. (2002).Synergies from the B&W merger have aireadyprovided Rep-roldsAmerican with some $600 million in annual savings. "ReynoldsAmerican'syear-to-date resultsunderscorethe power of our busin e ssmo del and our op e ra ti n gc o m p a nies' inherent strength,"said SusanM. Ivey, RAI's chairman and c.e.o. "Ninemonth profit gainsfrom eachof our operating units contributed to continued growth momentum. Our performance continues to validate that our strategyis solid,and is dliving results." Ivey said that continued total share- tributing to the continuedmoderationof erating margins for its cigaretteopera- N OV E IV ]B E R TOB A C C O 2006 IN TE R N A TIONAL 15 ...>C O M P A NYP RO FIL E tions beforeit can producethe samelevel of profitability reported by most of its lion "investment" to fight state-ballot feat this [California] initiative until it is initiatives on cigaretteexcise-taxincreas- in the hands of the voters," Ivey said at peers,"noted GreggoryWarren, CFA, a es and smoking restrictions,much of it Morningstar analyst."The company's in California. Other smoking-ban and heavierfocus on discount brands has left ta-r fights were on the ballot in Arizona, the time, adding that the company was investingmore than half of its opposition budget in California alone. "Voters have Nevada, Ohio, South Dakota and Missouri. Thesetlpes of opposition strate- to make a good deci si on on Nov. 7, whatever that decision is." Re;'nolds de- o p e ra ti n g gies are becoming part of every giant top re m iumbr andsand g e n e ra te baccocompany'slong-rangeplans. margins in excessof 30o/oannually." " T h e companyi sn' tl etti ngup to dePart of RAI's strategywas its $40 mil- rives some 6% of its salesin California. (Editor'sNote: The resultsof that in- it well behind Altria and Carolina Group, both of which have stronger portfolios of In the Boardroom vestment,post-ElectionDay, were mixed for Reynoldsand the otherbig U.S.tobacco companies:I\'ltile vlters shot down the hugetax hike proposedin the crucial state of California, as well as Missouri, they R,A!'sboarciof directors*lect*cjicffrey A. f*kmann, 54, i* gr*up presi- approvedbal l ot measuresi n Ar izona, dehe had been*.v.[. nf strat*gyand bi:siness dent il Sct*her.Previor-isly and Ohio to require smoke-free f*}" Nevada for the *orflpnny"i-{*will al$oheve$ngcir}gaflrolintab;lily velopmer'lt filnctioils.Hrkffiannwasfnrmerly workplacesand public places,and to indev€lopr*ent and hlusine$s RAI'sstrategy creasetobaccotaxesin South Dakota and T* and chieffinanciaicfficer*i Br*wn& Williamson seninrvic* president baccoCurp"{B&W}aild l*d ihe in;*grationof that conipany'sU.$' *iga- Arizona.) Toba*co*4. ir Juiir?*il4. RAI's total retail market share for with R.J.Reynol'Js reiteaild tabaccobusiness gen*rfii jo!ned eild as e.v.p' clrnpany ihe E. Juiia'uJildy"Lamb*t*: the ni ne-month peri od w as 29. 870/ 0, coilnseleffectlvein $eptemb*r.L*rnbeth,55,wiil al30s*rvses e'v"p"end down 0.35 points. Spendingto combat generalcounselaf RAI': largestsubsidiary,R.-i.R*ynaldsTohecc*tc" stateballot initiatives and an 8% voisucce*diilgCharl*sA. Blrxt,'whohas retiredafter ?1 y**r$ with the c*mume decline that was partially driven by h*th*urolislyLamh*thhad beenat DuFoiita*d Coil*coFhi!lipx, trade-inventory movements weakened arldinternaticnaliy. drnrestinally ea. at RAI's results. CIin."i.ft*ynaids'Icbacc* LynnJ" **asleyvrrillretireas president of BritishArnerithe startof the newyearand be r*placedby the presiilf;ni THENEWFRONTIER? SMOKELESS: can Tcbacc*Ltd.-J*pan. reDanietr M. CIeic*u;illrepl*ceBea*leyori Ja*. 1, thoughB*asleywill Conwood, acquiredfor $3.5 billion, deto *asethe transttion" maino!"ibnardthrr:ughmid-Fcbruary livered strong growth for the third quar*easlsr/jcined ReyncldsTcbacco!n 1382 as e m€rketingass!sia:rt ter and the first nine months with adexecutiveviee presid*:niof rflfirai"idrcse ihr*ugh th* rankst* bec*ryre justed operating income rising 7.4% to ketingin 1"997.She v;asnamedpfesident*nd chief *ilerai:ngaif!cerin $73 million. The formerly privately heid Jenuary20il2. company is a large player in the moistc{ mark*tingand sal*: in ?*il1 Delenwas named$eni*rvice president snuff category largely thanks to Grizzly, which is for fiAT'sformerU.S. unit Brcwn& Williarns*nTi:bacc':eorp", ilnil in a price-valuebrand that holds 20% of and bec*mepresid*iltof BAT'sJapanbuu:"ress nowa fiartCIfF?JR, Aug*si?C*4. the market. It nabbed a 3.7 share-point ffiilves,Reyn*idsAmericananncurcedihe pr*- gain for the first nine months compared In cther RAI perscnnel moiion$*f l-is* -H.fialdwelltt s+niorviee ilresideniof h:;mai':rescilrce$ with the sameperiod of 2005. to senicrvic* presidentnf strategy*nri b,:sinc35d*and Ksrl trr*hitehurst Conwood manufacturesand sellsin haeibeenvic* prestdcntnf h*rnan res*ur.*5,wnlie velopmeilt.Caleiwell every smokel esscategory,including of inve*tari'slilt!ons. had beenv!cenresident lqJhitehurst moist and dry snuff, loose leaf, plug and twist tobaccos.It is the growth leaderin moist snuff, and Grizzly is the leading value brand. Conwood's net saiesfor 2005 were more than $450 million with annual saiesgrowth over 87o during the last five years.Conwood'spresidentand JeffreyEckmann,Judy Lambeth,Ken executives Fram leftto right:Reynolds Whit ehur sand t Lis aC a l d w e l l . IN T ER N A T IO N AL 1 6 NO V E M B E200 R 6 T O B AC C O c.e.o.Bill Rossonreports to RAI group presidentleff Eckmann, who also leads . ".>. C O M P A NY P RO F IL E the company'sLane,SantaFe and GIoba l Produc t s s ubs idi a ri e s(s e e " In th e Boardroom,"page16). "We' r e ex c it ed a b o u t C o n w o o d ' s g ro w t h pr os pec t s ,"s a i d Iv e y . " C o n wood's strong,well-positionedbrands are gaining share in the growing moist ...prtThereare othercompanies inter e s te idn s m o k e l e s s ....The co m p e ti ti veen v i r o n m e nwti l l b e what i t w i l l b e .t' - l, D i a n nMe.N e a cFo snuff market, and its high margins will enhanceour ability to continue to pro24.5o/o of U.S. salesvolume. Midnight vide an excellentreturn to our share- bled its total share of the moist-snuff market during the last six years. holders." Special,a value brand that has under- C onwood br an d s i n c l u d e H .B. ReynoldsAmerican will combine its gone rapid growth over recentyears,has Scotts,Morgan's,and Levi Garrett in the L a n e L i mi ted subsi di ary, currentl y 7.60/oof retail volume. Kite, launchedin loose leaf category;Kentucky King and h e a d q u arteredi n Tucker, Ga., w i th 1934,is the leadingmenthol RYO in the Moore's Red Leaf in the Twists group; Conwood in order to drive growth in United States,with 5.2o/oof retail sales Dental Mild and Sweet,and Levi Garrett vol ume. Four other R Y O br ands - snuff; Taylor's Pride, Cannon Ball, and the companies'portfolio of other tobacco products (OTP). The headquartersof Bl a ck M ar ia in pl u g s ; Gri z z l y a n d Cougar in the moist price-value seg- th e c o mbi ned compani es w i l l be i n Memphis, Tenn., and fuil integration of ment; and Kodiak and Hawken in the mo i st - pr em ium gr o u p . It i s th e o n l y the two is expectedto be completedby baccocompanyAltadis)- accountfor a gling Lane 38.8% of total further 1.4o/o, year-end2007. U.S. RYO salesvolume before affiliating company to compete in a1lfive smokeholding the No. 1 or No. lesscategories, Lane Limited has the leading rollyour-own brand in Bugler.Launchedin with Conwood. 2 position in each.It's more than dou- the United Statesin 1932,it accountsfor ter little cigars,the biggestlittle-cigar IN T ER N A T IO N AL 1 8 NO V E M B E200 R 6 T O B AC C O Samson,Roll Rich, Jester,and Gauloises (marketedon behalfof the Europeanto- Additionally, Lane marketsWinches- related to the distrib ra n d, wit h 15. 9%of U .S . l i ttl e -c i g a r contract for ser-vices products for one year. saleswhile Captain Black accountsfor bution of Lane 4.4o/oof the category.Lane also markets th e Dunhill A ged a n d th e D u n h i l l Dr. Grabow is the best-sellingbrand of pipesin the United States,annuallypro- Signedrangesof premium cigarsin the United Statesunder an agreementwith ducing some250,000pipes. "This sale allows Lane to more fully shareholdervalue and are certainlycontributing to the continued strong stock t' -prfnrmanre On a competi ti ve front, Swedish Match announced in October that it will partner its North American unit with British AmericanTobacco,plus 20 styles focus on its core businessand growth of Holland's Schimmelpenninckcigars, strategy," said Nick Bumbacco, Lane and produces bulk pipe-tobaccosfor p re s i d e n t and c.e.o. " S el l i ng the D r. Lori l l ard Tobacco C o., the par ent of smoke shops.Lane's Captain Black is Grabow businessis the best fit for Lane one of America'sleadingpipe-tobacco and Dr. Grabowwhile Lanecontinuesto brands,accountingfor I 2.10/oof pipe to- focus on manufacturing and marketing ed States.An official launch date has not C arol i na Group, to devel op and sell smokelesstobaccoproductsin the Unitbeen set, but accordingto a company statementit will be "in the not-too-distant future." bacco sold in the country. It's followed by Sir Walter Raleigh,with 5.1%. Lane premium tobaccoproducts." "Re1'noldsmanagementhas contin- Altria Group Inc.'s Philip Separately, exports many of its products, with the leading recipient countriesbeing lapan, implement ued to craft and successfully a businessmodel focusedon identifica- Morris USA launchedTaboka,a smoke- Nigeria,Turkey.and Russia. tion with and developmentof its extensive brand portfolio," said Gore. "Since free,spit-freetobaccopouch product, in a test market in luly. ReynoldsAmeri- and Dill's pipe cleanersto International LLC for $4.3 milPipes & Accessories lion. The saleincludes the transfer of can'sR.j. Repolds subsidiaryis current2004,they'veshown their prowessto ac- ly conducting a two-market test of its quire and mergesignificantand relevant own "spitless"smokelesstobaccoprodbrands,and addingthem to the stableof uct, calledCamelSnus. "There are other companiesinterests tro n g c ategory performers, as w i t- ownershipof the Dr. Grabow manufacturing facility in Sparta,N.C., aswell asa n e s s e db y the C onw ood acqui si ti on. ed in the smokelesstobacco category," Theseefforts have createdsubstantial sai d D i anne M. N eal , R A I e. v. p. and Earlier this year Lane sold its Dr. Grabow line of pipes and pipe filters, 19 IN TE R N A TI O NAL TOB A C C O N OV E MB E2006 R ,"> CO I V I P A NY P RO F IL E chief financial officer. "The competitive environment will be what it will be." nounced it will voluntarily extend comparableguidelinesto all of its brands.Un- HAVINGITS DAYSIN COURT only venuesand communications, R.J. In mi d- O c t ober , R. J .R e y n o l d sa n d a Relnolds' specialtyblendswill not usethe are arguing that smokers of so-called "light" cigaretteswere defraudedinto multi-state group of attorneysgeneralan- name of a fruit, candy,or alcoholicbever- thinking that they were saferthan regu- der the agreement,other than in adult- defendantstheir requestedappeal of a lower court's decision,which granted class-actionstatusto the suit. Plaintiffs nounced a collective agreementon the age in the future naming of its cigarette lar ones.Should they be allowedto pro- future marketing of specialtyflavoredcig- brand sryles. arettesto adult smokers. Most of R.J.Reynolds'specialtyfla"T his agr eem e n t c o d i fi e s R .1 . vored cigaretteswere marketed as part ceed,they are seekingmore than $200 billion in damagesto be paid collectively from the nation's largest cigarette Reynolds'practicefor some time of not of the Camel Exotic Blend family of manufacturers.It remains to be seenif using languagedescribing fruit or candy s ty l e s , w h i ch w ere ori gi nal l y i ntro- the positive momentum generatedby flavors in magazineand newspaperad- d u c e d i n 1999 as a superpremi um- vertising, or point-of-saie communica- dismissalsin the Price and Engle cases p ri c e d p ro duct. In total , these styl es will carry into the Schwabcaseand de- tions in non-age-restricted venues,"said representedlessthan 1/10th of Lo/oof liver a favorabieoutcome for the tobac- L).tt I. Beasley,R.l. Repolds' president and chief operatingofficer. (In late No- th e c o mpany' s annual ci garettevol - co companies. u me . In M ay, R .]. R eynol ds ceased vember, Beasleyannounced her retire- manufacturing the last three of its re- Reyroids American continues to face challenges,some unique to the compa- ment from the company, effectiveJan. 1. See"In the Boardroom,"Page16.) maining Camel Exotic BIends. ny, others impacting the entire industry. In November, a U.S. federal appel- B ut the company conti nues t o show In addition to the conditions of the Iate court granted a permanent stay of considerablestrength, and no matter agreement,which are specificto the com- the proceedingsin the Schwabcase.The what the outcomes,its future will be in- pany's speciaityblends,R.f. Relnolds an- court also grantedthe tobaccocompany A t B oegl iw e have tomorrow ' s embossi ngsol uti on on hand today: S hadow E mbossi ng. O n:y tool to comm,uni cate,your brands' uni . q.ueness, enabl i ngyou to appl y j ust about any desi gn vi si on on the i nner l i ner. :lialr,:]',1, itjriil',il.j !*:::1;;1 ;,a,:t,r:.,a.::: S€ltAllsnment % t:-*,""ffi P-qli9':vlr::f $E T T I N G @- S T A N D ARDS & Oulck-E{hrnqe o'" trry r*'"*rffi"i::,il:" MsILnolbr Syd€m Boegli-Gravures S.A. R O" Box32 Gare24 - 26 CH-2074 Marin Switzerland Tel.:+41 32 753 7080 Fex:+41 32 753 7082 wwrv, bg@boegli,ch q fr E o L N OV E MB E2006 R TOB A C C O IN TE R N A TI O NAL 2I