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Report GD-31 GLACIOLOGICAL DATA Permafrost and Frozen Ground Bibliography, 1978-2003 National Snow and Ice Data Center World Data Center for Glaciology, Boulder December 2003 GLACIOLOGICAL DATA REPORT GD-31 Permafrost and Frozen Ground Bibliography 1978-2003 Compiler Teresa Mullins Published by: National Snow and Ice Data Center World Data Center for Glaciology, Boulder Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0449 USA December 2003 Permafrost and Frozen Ground Bibliography, 1978-2003 Permafrost and Frozen Ground Bibliography, 1978-2003 197? Building a gas pipeline through the Arctic: what about the permafrost? Winnipeg: Environment Protection Board. 1886. “Report on depth of permanently frozen soil in the polar regions.” Scottish Geographical Magazine 2(11): 693-694. 1905. “Geotechnical research focuses on permafrost re Svalbard.” Arctic News Record 30: 9. 1906. “International Conference on Permafrost.” Arctic News Record 30: 44. 1906. “Heat pumps in foundation design on permafrost.” Arctic News Record 30: 42. 1910. “Permafrost monitoring.” Arctic News Record 5: 5. 1922. “Methods and cost of thawing frozen gravel by means of cold water.” Engineering and Contracting 57: 157-158. 1929. “Permanently frozen soils of Russia.” Nature 123: 741-742. 1937. Gidrologicheskij spravochnik morej SSSR, tom 6 = The hydrological directory of the seas of the USSR, v. 6. Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat. 1939. “Siberia’s frozen ground is survival of Ice Age.” Science News Letter 35: 55. 1942. “Fast foundations in frozen ground.” Engineering News-Record 128: 853. 1946. “Revolt of the earth; rebellious permafrost tests ingenuity of arctic builders.” Popular Science (New York) 149(5): 126-129. 1946. A program of desirable scientific investigations in Arctic North America. Montreal: Arctic Institute of North America. 1947. “Subpermafrost water.” Nauka i Zhizn’ 14(8): 38. 1948. “Earth-fill dam built on frozen ground.” Engineering News-Record 140: 182-184. 1948. Gidrogeologicheskij ezhegodnik. Bassejny Belogo i Barentseva morej = Hydrogeological yearbook. Basins of White and the Barents Seas. Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat. 1948. Comprehensive report: investigation of airfield construction in arctic and subarctic regions. Appendix 6. Design and Construction Studies, Fairbanks Research Area. St. Paul, MN: U S Army Corps of Engineers. 1949. Permafrost: a digest of current information. Ottawa: Canada. Army Headquarters. 1 Permafrost and Frozen Ground Bibliography, 1978-2003 1950. “Designing sewers for the sub-Arctic.” Public Works 81(9): 1-44. 1950. Final report on development of ice mechanics test kit for Hydrographic Office, U.S. Navy. Boston, MA: Corps of Engineers, New England Division. 1951. Interim report to Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research Establishment. Wilmette, IL, United States: Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research Establishment. 1951-1953. Annotated bibliography on snow, ice, and permafrost. Wilmette, IL, United States: Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research Establishment. 1952. Investigation of description, classification and strength properties of frozen soils. Fiscal year 1951 report. Wilmette, IL, United States: Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research Establishment. 1952. Electrical ground temperature measuring equipment. Hanover, NH: U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (ACRREL). 1953. Some aspects of snow, ice, and frozen ground. 1953. Exploring in Iceland. Ambleside: Brathay Exploration Group. 1954-1965. Bibliography on snow, ice and permafrost, with abstracts. Hanover, NH: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers. 1955. “What’s the Alaska road situation.” Western Construction 30: 57-58, 60. 1955. “Constructing 620 miles of trouble.” Western Construction 30: 29,32,35,38. 1956. Engineering problems and construction in permafrost regions, [Part] 3. Book 2 of Dynamic North.: U.S. Office Chief Naval Operations Polar Proj.: 53. 1960. Izuchenie ust’ev rek = Studying river mouths. Sbornik statej: Moskva, izd. AN. 1964. Mineral and water resources of Alaska; report prepared at the request of Senator Ernest Gruening of the U.S. Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Reston, VA, United States: U.S. Geological Survey. 1965. “Arctic no barrier to oil exploitation.” Oilweek 16(36): 13. 1966-1968. Bibliography on snow, ice and frozen ground, with abstracts. Hanover, NH, United States: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. 1967. “Grundlaeggning med haensyn till tjaele.” Byggnadsindustrin 37(11): 90. 1969. “Unique string designed for Slope wells.” Oil and Gas Journal 67(38): 118. 1969. “Slope drillers keep operations simple.” Oil and Gas Journal 67(33): 34-35. 2 Permafrost and Frozen Ground Bibliography, 1978-2003 1969. “Huge North Slope gas supply forecast.” Oil and Gas Journal 67(14): 89. 1969. “Gypsum blend cements show promise for North Slope use.” Oil and Gas Journal 67(20): 58. 1969. “Arctic challenge.” World Oil 169(7): 61-78. 1969. “Fighting frost with plastic insulation.” Alaska Construction and Oil 10(10): 40, 49. 1969-1999. Bibliography on cold regions science and technology. Hanover, NH: U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. 1970. “Alaskan completions will be complicated.” World Oil 170(1): 85. 1970. “Permafrost hides support problems.” Petroleum Engineer International 42(1): 76. 1972. “Dorogi na promorozhennom osnovanii = Roads on frozen foundation.” Stroitel’stvo Truboprovodov 17(10): 30. 1972. “The Pumice-fall Deposits of the Late Pleistocene in the Tokachi Plain, Hokkaido.” DaiyonkiKenkyu = Quaternary Research 11(4): 219-227. 1973. Fundamental concepts for the rapid disengagement of frozen soil; Phase I. Hanover, NH, United States: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. 1973. Fundamental concepts for the rapid disengagement of frozen soil; Phase II. Hanover, NH, United States: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. 1973. “(super 14) C-Age of the sporadic permafrost of the Tokachi-Mitsumata, Hokkaido; (super 14) C-Age of the Quaternary Deposits in Japan (90).” Chikyu Kagaku = Earth Science 27(6): 258260. 1974. “Tundra; The Cold Ecosystem.” Mosaic (Washington) 5(1): 2-9. 1974. “Glaciological literature.” Journal of Glaciology 13(67): 159-170. 1974. “Glaciological literature.” Journal of Glaciology 13(69): 547-567. 1974. “Glaciological literature.” Journal of Glaciology 13(68): 325-346. 1975. Proceedings of the third international conference on port and ocean engineering under arctic conditions. Reykjavik, Quebec: International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions. 1975. “Priorities for basic research on permafrost.” Quaternary Research 5(1): 125-150. 3 Permafrost and Frozen Ground Bibliography, 1978-2003 1975. Kolebaniya urovnya Mirovogo okeana i voprosy morskoj geomorfologii = Fluctuations of the world ocean level and questions of marine geomorphology. Moscow: Nauka. 1977. Terrain overview along Alcan pipeline route. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1978. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Permafrost. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. July 10-13, 1978. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: National Research Council of Canada. 1978. “Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Department of Geocryology.” Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya 4, Geologiya. Moscow. 33(3): 1-6. 1978. Testing of pile foundations in permafrost areas. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Permafrost. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. July 10-13, 1978. Ottawa, ON, Canada: National Research Council of Canada. 2: 179-185. 1978. Experimental roadbed in an area with a thick layer of ground ice. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Permafrost. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. July 10-13, 1978. Ottawa, ON, Canada: National Research Council of Canada. 2: 187-197. 1978. Moisture and frost-related soil properties. Washington, DC, United States: Transportation Research Board, Commission on Sociotechnical Systems, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. 1979. “Abstracts for the Fifty-fifth annual meeting of the Southwestern & Rocky Mountain Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science including the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Association of Physics Teachers and the Colorado Chapter of the National Association of Geology Teachers.” The Journal of the Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science 11(1): 111. 1979. “2nd international symposium on ground freezing; Trondheim, Norway; June 24th-26th, 1980.” Frost i Jord 20: 17. 1979. Results of a survey of research in geotechnics at Canadian universities. Ottawa, ON, Canada: National Research Council, Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research. 1979. The Quaternary System of China. Stratigraphy of China: Second All-China Stratigraphic Congress. Beijing, China. Beijing, China: Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences. 2: 46-49. 1980. A review of oil industry experience with gas hydrates in exploratory drilling in the Canadian Arctic. Proceedings, Symposium on Permafrost Geophysics (No. 5). W. J. Scott and R. J. E. Brown. Ottawa, ON, Canada: National Research Council, Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research. 128: 159-162. 1982. “Shallow foundations on frozen soil; a bibliography.” Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division 108(Gt2): 285-291. 4 Permafrost and Frozen Ground Bibliography, 1978-2003 1982. “The Fennoscandian symposium of the Co-ordinating Committee for Periglacial Research of the International Geographical Union will be held in northernmost Finland and Norway.” Biuletyn Peryglacjalny 29: 151-273. 1982. “Tancarville; marine and periglacial deposits, loess.” Bulletin - Centre de Geomorphologie de Caen 26: 23-26. 1982. “Tourville; the low terrace of the Seine; the alluvium, periglacial deposits, interglacial fluviomarine deposits, slope deposits and palaeosols, fauna.” Bulletin - Centre de Geomorphologie de Caen 26: 31-34. 1982. Kompleksnye issledovaniya prirody severnykh morej = Complex study of northern seas nature. Sbornik statej: Apatity, Kol’skij filyal AN. 1983. “Reykjavik symposium and Central Highlands field excursion, Iceland.” Polarforschung 53(2): 107. 1983. Surficial geology of the area around Illisarvik, Richards Island, Northwest Territories. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1983. Review of laboratory testing of permafrost. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1983. Distribution of shallow permafrost; a report on the southern Beaufort Sea. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1984. “Some periglacial phenomena in the Kakuta Basin, central Hokkaido.” Chikyu Kagaku = Earth Science 38(1, 190): 64-66. 1984. Beregovye protsessy v kriolitozone = Coastal processes in cryolithozone. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 1985. “Systematik der Boeden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Kurzfassung.” Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 44: 91. 1985. Maaperageologian lisensiaattiseminaari. Turku, Finland: University of Turku. 1986. “Forschungsergebnisse; Geographie-Kartographie.” Berichte zur Polarforschung 29: 73-78. 1986. “Welt; Permafrostboeden bevorraten zukuenftigen Oel- und Gasbedarf.” Erdoel und Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochemie Vereinigt mit Brennstoff-Chemie 39(4): 162. 1986. Gidrometeorologicheskie usloviya shel’fovoj zony morej SSSR, t. 7, Karskoe more = Hydrometeorological conditions of the shelf zone of the seas of the USSR, f. 1, Kara sea. Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat. 1987. “Complex geology detailed for eastern Siberian Platform.” Oil and Gas Journal 85(9): 17. 5 Permafrost and Frozen Ground Bibliography, 1978-2003 1987. “Exkursion B.” Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 54: 89-118. 1987. “Exkursion C.” Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 54: 119-160. 1987. Arctic, Alaska, vegetation and land cover, 1981. Reston, VA, United States. U.S. Geological Survey. 1987. Beechey Point, Alaska, vegetation and land cover. Reston, VA, United States. U.S. Geological Survey. 1988. Schichtenfolge. Federal Republic of Germany. publisher unknown. 1989. “Methan aus dem Dauerfrostboden.” Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 42(11): 463. 1989. Mechanical properties of ice and frozen soil. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1989. Preprint volume for the workshop on climatic change and permafrost, Signficance to Science and Engineering. Washington, D.C: National Academy of Sciences (U S), National Research Council of Canada. 1990. Bulk volume and water saturation analysis for permafrost and sub-permafrost section of 5 wells, Beaufort Sea. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1990. Report of geothermal modelling, offshore temperature profiles at Angasak and Amauligak, Beaufort Shelf. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1990. Pergelisol, Canada; actes de la Cinquieme conference canadienne sur le pergelisol = Permafrost, Canada; proceedings of the Fifth Canadian permafrost conference. Quebec, PQ, Canada: Centre d’Etudes Nordiques, Universite Laval. 1991. “Methanoxidation in Tundraboeden und Treibhauseffekt.” Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 44(6): 239. 1991. Creep and strength testing of saline soils; literature review and text program. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1992. “Special issue on The periglacial environment; Japan and the world.” Chirigaku Hyoron = Geographical Review of Japan 65(2): 55-131. 1992. “Les Alpes australiennes.” Revue de Geographie Alpine 80(2-3): 554. 1992. Ditchwall database for the Norman Wells to Zama oil pipeline; Volume I, Ditchwall database documentation. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1992. Ditchwall database for the Norman Wells to Zama oil pipeline; Volume II, Revisions for UTM coordinates. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 6 Permafrost and Frozen Ground Bibliography, 1978-2003 1992. Ditchwall database for the Norman Wells to Zama oil pipeline; Volume III, Summary of ditchwall database evaluation. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1993. Die holozaenen Massenverlagerungen des Wutachgebietes (Suedschwarzwald). Tubingen, Federal Republic of Germany: Institut und Museum fuer Geologie und Paleontologie der Universitaet Tuebingen. 1993. Geomorphologische Untersuchungen zur jungquartaeren Klimaentwicklung des Helan Shan und seines westlichen Vorlandes (Autonomes Gebiet Innere Mongolei/ VR China). Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany: [publisher unknown]. 1993. “Mineralbildung in Sedimenten und Boeden der Permafrostzone.” Alfred-Wegener-Institut fuer Polar- und Meeresforschung. Zweijahresbericht 1992: 112-115. 1994. “Die Solarstrahlung als steuernder Faktor im Geosystem der subtropischen semiariden Hochanden (Agua Negra, San Juan, Argentinien).” Heidelberger Geographische Arbeiten 94: 199. 1994. Marine resistivity (MICRO-WIP) survey, Richards Island, Beaufort Sea. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1994. Response of a tundra ecosystem to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and CO (sub 2) induced climate change; Post-field season work plan, September 1, 1994-November 30, 1994. Washington, DC, United States: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research. 1994. Dinamika ruslovykh potokov i litodinamika pribrezhnoj zony morya = Dynamics of river streams and lithodynamics of marine coastal zone. Moscow: Nauka. 1995. “Periglaziale Deckschichten und Boeden im Bayerischen Wald und seinen Randgebieten als geogene Grundlagen landschaftsoekologischer Forschung im Bereich naturnaher Waldstandorte.” Zeitschrift fuer Geomorphologie. Supplementband 96: 301. 1995. Geowissenschaftliche Studien in Eisrandgebieten. Zweijahresbericht 1994/ 1995. Bremerhaven, Federal Republic of Germany: Alfred-Wegener-Institut fuer Polar- und Meeresforschung. 1994: 152-158. 1995. Potential impact of global warming in permafrost in the Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1995. Climate and environment changes of East Europe during Holocene and Late-Middle Pleistocene - preprint. JGU conference “Global changes and geography”. Moscow, August 14-18, 1995: 103. 1996. “Exkursion A2; Gebiet der Blaetter 3431 Parsau Oebisfelde der GK25; am 30. Mai 1995.” Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nordwestdeutscher Geologen. 63: 41-51. 1996. “POLARIS - Bergbau in der kanadischen Arktis.” Mineralien-Magazin, Lapis 21(11): 34-38. 7 Permafrost and Frozen Ground Bibliography, 1978-2003 1997. Geological Survey of Canada; Forum 1997; abstracts. Ottawa, ON, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1997. “Studies from the Cape Roberts Project, Ross Sea, Antarctica, Initial Report on CRP-2/2A.” Terra Antartica 6: 173. 1998. “Pioneering guided boring in permafrost - in the UK!” Geodrilling International 6(2): 24. 1999. Monograph on Norman Wells Pipeline geotechnical design and performance, Northwest Territories. Calgary, AB, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. 1999. “Rola plejstocenskich procesow peryglacjalnych w modelowaniu rzezby Polski.” Acta Geographica Lodziensia 76: 155. 1999. “Frozen engineering and ice and snow hydrology.” Science in China. Series D, Earth Sciences 42(Suppl.): 112. 2000. “Proceedings of the GAME-MAGS international workshop.” Research Report of IHAS 7: 1-168. 2002. Extreme phenomena in cryosphere; basic and applied aspects; International conference abstracts = Ekstremal’nyye kriosfernyye yavleniya; fundamental’nyye i prikladnyye aspekty; materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii. 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Society of Exploration Geophysicists, international exposition and 72nd annual meeting; technical program, expanded abstracts with authors’ biographies. Tulsa, OK, United States: Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Aboltin’sh, O., A. Aseyev, V. Vonsyavichyus, V. Isachenkov, B. Mozhayev and A. Raukas. 1989. “Formirovaniye i osvoyeniye lednikovykh akkumulyativnykh ostrovnykh vozvyshennostey.” Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, Geoloogia = Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Estonskoy SSR, Geologiya 38(1): 23-32. Abou Sayed, A. S., D. E. Andrews and I. M. Buhidma. 1989. Evaluation of oily waste injection below the permafrost in Prudhoe Bay Field. Proceedings of the California Regional Meetings, BAkersfield, CA, 5-7 April, 1989. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME: 129-142. Abraham de Vazquez, E. M., E. Brunotte, K. Garleff and H. Stingl. 1987. “Geomorphologische Karte 1:100000 Bajada Amarilla, Provinz Mendoza, Argentinien.” Berliner Geographische Abhandlungen 42: 65-76. 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