footscan® entry level USB2 system User guide: Version 7 Gait


footscan® entry level USB2 system User guide: Version 7 Gait
footscan® entry level USB2 system
User guide:
Version 7
Gait software
Footwear Adviser software
PN 80000055 RS-PRD-00131-02
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Information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any way without the express written
permission of RSscan International.
© 2009 RSscan International
footscan® is a registered trademark.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
LabVIEW is a registered and unregistered trademark of National Instruments (NI) in the United States
and other countries.
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INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................... 4
CONTACT INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 5
CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS USER GUIDE ..................................................................................... 6
SYMBOLS............................................................................................................................................... 6
THE MAIN SCREEN............................................................................................................................... 7
PREFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 8
CALIBRATION ..................................................................................................................................... 10
DATABASE .......................................................................................................................................... 11
STATIC ................................................................................................................................................. 17
DYNAMIC.............................................................................................................................................. 19
COMPARE MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................................................ 44
AVERAGE MEASUREMENTS............................................................................................................. 49
PRINTOUTS ......................................................................................................................................... 56
EXPORTS ............................................................................................................................................. 61
APPENDIX 1: D3D THEORY ............................................................................................................... 64
APPENDIX 2: REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 69
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The footscan® gait and footscan® footwear adviser systems are developed to perform state-of-theart pressure measurements, for basic, clinical or scientific use.
User friendly software creates the opportunity to have accurate and reliable pressure and timing data
in no time. Barefoot and shod measurements in a static and dynamic way can be performed with the
footscan® gait software.
Besides the static and dynamic pressures during unroll of the foot, the footscan® gait system
provides important information, quantification of the motion of the foot, temporal and spatial
parameters of unroll and of gait ... which are all additional parameters to interpret the overall gait
pattern of humans or animals.
This user guide provides a reference to all features of the footscan® gait and footscan® footwear
adviser software.
Please refer to the footscan® entry level USB2 system Installation guide Gait software and Footwear
Adviser software for the installation and initial start-up.
This software is compatible with the legacy footscan® USB1 system.
Enjoy your footscan® gait system.
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Pre-sales and sales information
For pre-sales and sales information, contact your regional distributor.
If you cannot locate a regional distributor, contact RSscan International directly at
Support information
RSscan International offers following support options:
The included documentation.
The RSscan International website (Frequently Asked
Questions, Knowledge Base, footscan® school instruction video’s and software
Contact your regional distributor.
If you cannot locate a regional distributor, contact the RSscan International support
department at Please include the product serial numbers,
system configuration, screen captures and detailed failure description.
If you have exhausted the above support options, support by telephone is available
from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00 GMT+1:00.
In case your product requires repair, contact your regional distributor or the RSscan
International support department at to initiate the RMA (Return
Material Authorization) process.
Worldwide headquarters
RSscan International NV
Lammerdries-oost 23B
B-2250 Olen
Tel. +32 (0) 14 23 20 31
Fax. +32 (0) 14 23 53 90
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The following typestyle conventions are used throughout this user guide:
emphasis and button names
selections, screen titles and references to other sections of this user guide
references to the other guides of your footscan® system
Some features are not available in all software versions. Where applicable, sections are marked with
one or more of the following symbols indicating the availability:
Gait software (general, all versions)
Gait Basic software
Gait Clinical software
Gait Scientific software
Footwear adviser software
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The main screen provides access to these functions:
Update button. Click to check the
footscan® website for updated
versions of the software package.
Patient details. General information
on the selected patient.
Exit button. Click to
footscan® application.
Preferences button. Click to set-up
the system preferences.
Database button. Click to access the database screen, the measurement functions are also
located on the database screen.
Calibration button. Click to access the weight calibration procedure.
Help button. Click to access the online help.
Shortcut keys are available throughout the footscan® software, for example while on the
Main screen, shortcut key F10 will take you to the Preferences screen. When the mouse
pointer is moved over a button, the tooltip will show the available shortcut key. The full list
with available shortcut keys can be found on the Quick reference card included in the
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After the installation of the software, verify all preferences and modify where required.
Click the Preferences button on the Main screen to access the Preferences screen.
When all changes are made, click OK to confirm or
Cancel to ignore the changes. Click Restore factory
settings to revert all preferences to factory defaults.
Caution: incorrect settings can result in incorrect
2 3
1 General
Show Tooltips: check this box to enable additional information to be shown when you
move the mouse pointer over a button, for example the exit button.
Language: select the preferred language from the dropdown menu.
2 Logos
Software logo: data entered in this field will be printed
as line 1 of the personalized footer on printouts.
Printout logo: data entered in this field will be printed
as line 2 of the personalized footer on printouts.
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3 System
Serial number: the serial number of the connected
footscan® entry level USB2 plate will be displayed.
This serial number is essential when you contact
RSscan International for support.
Database location: by default, the footscan®
measurements database will be stored in the database
folder within the settings folder of the footscan® entry
level gait software. The database folder can be
relocated to another hard drive location or a network
drive to access footscan® measurements from other
computers in the network. When the database folder is
relocated, enter the new path or click Browse to select
the location of the folder.
When the software is updated, verify the database location and relocate if necessary. It is
advised to backup the database periodically and prior to each software update.
4 Operation
Threshold level: when the Measure button in the
Measurement screen is clicked, the plate will start
scanning but no data is recorded.
The data recording will start when the overall pressure
reaches the preset threshold level. The range is 0-255
AD, where 255 is the maximum level of one discreet
sensor contact and AD is the unit (digital
representation of the measured signal).
If the threshold level is set to 0, the data recording
starts immediately at initial contact.
Recording speed: the recording speed for a
footscan® entry level USB2 system with Gait Basic
software is 150 Hertz or frames/second. For the Gait Clinical and Gait Scientific software the
recording speed is 300 Hertz or frames/second.
When used with a legacy footscan® USB1 system (plate serial number 3/9/xxxx), the recording
speed for Gait Basic, Gait Clinical or Gait Scientific software is 125 Hertz or frames/second.
5 Force plate and calibration
Recalibration factor: the recalibration factor is
calculated automatically during the weight scaling
calibration. It can be altered manually if required.
Calibration file: shows the calibration file used with
the connected footscan® plate.
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During weight scaling calibration, the software will determine a recalibration factor which is used to
calibrate future measurements. It is advised to calibrate your footscan® system weekly.
Click the Calibration screen button on the Main screen to start the weight scaling calibration.
1. Enter your weight and click OK.
2. Walk on the plate.
3. Click OK when the recalibration procedure is
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Patient details and measurements per patient are stored in the database. The database screen also
provides access to the measurement and analysis functions.
Click the Database button on the Main screen to access the database and measurements
Patient details and selection
Patient records can be created and maintained. Click a patient in the Patients selection box to select
that patient.
Locate a patient in the patient
database. All patients will be shown
by default.
Search: enter data in any of the
Search item fields and click the
matching the criteria will be displayed
in the Patients selection box.
Show all: click the Show all button to
display the entire patient list.
Add patient button. Click to add a new patient to
the patient database. The Patient # will be
assigned automatically and sequentially.
Enter the patient’s details, * indicates a mandatory
Click Add to add the patient to the patient
database or Cancel to cancel the entry.
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Edit patient button. Click to edit the selected
patient’s details.
Edit where required, click Update to store the
changes or Cancel to cancel the changes.
Delete button. Click to delete the selected patient
and all associated measurements for this patient.
Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
Export button. Click to export an Excel
spreadsheet containing the entire patient list.
Select the folder where you want to save the
patient list. Click OK to save the patient list or
Cancel to cancel.
Return to main screen button. Click to return to the Main screen of the footscan® software.
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Measurement selection and functions
When a patient is selected in the Patients selection box, any stored measurements for that patient
appear in the Measurements box, new measurements can be made.
Static button. Click to display the
static measurement part of the
selected stored measurement or to
take a new Static measurement.
Refer to page 17 for the Static
measurement screen.
Dynamic button. Click to display the
dynamic measurement part of the
selected stored measurement or to
take a new Dynamic measurement.
Refer to page 19 for the Dynamic
measurement screen.
Delete button. Click to delete the selected measurement.
Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
Printouts button. Click to access the Print menu screen. Refer to page 56 for the Print menu
Export button.
menu screen.
CAD/CAM button. Click to export orthotic support data. Two CAD systems are currently
FTCAD (by FTprojects): the software of the FTCAD system will start automatically.
Click to access the Export menu screen. Refer to page 61 for the Export
PedCAD (by pedcad Orthopädieprodukte GmbH): the footscan® software creates an “.apd”
file. This file will be stored in the milling folder (C:\Program Files\footscan 7
USB2\MILLING). The .apd files can be imported by the PedCAD system.
Note: the CAD/CAM button will only be enabled if during the software installation one of the
supported CAD systems has been selected.
Export from DB button. Click to export all
measurements (in case no measurement is
selected) or only the selected measurement from
the database.
For a single measurement, select the folder where
you want to save the measurements. Click OK to
save or Cancel to cancel.
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For all measurements, select the folder where you
want to save the measurements. Click Select Cur
Dir to save or Cancel to cancel.
Import to DB button. Click to import
measurements. Click Measurement to import a
measurement file or Folder to import an entire
folder containing measurements.
In case of a measurement import, select the
folder and file you want to import. Click OK to
import or Cancel to cancel.
In case of a folder import, select the folder you
want to import. Click Select Cur Dir to import or
Cancel to cancel.
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Video sync button. Click to export synchronization
data from the selected measurement. The data
can be imported in video analysis systems to
display pressure data synchronized with video
capture. Currently supported by DartFish.
Select the folder where you want to save the
measurement. Click OK to save or Cancel to
10 Change name button.
Click to rename the
selected measurement. Click OK to save the
changes or Cancel to cancel.
11 Backup DB button. Click to back-up the entire
database. A copy of the database is made at the
selected folder. The default filename of the
database is “footscan”.
Select the folder where you want to save the
database. Click OK to save or Cancel to cancel.
To restore a backed-up database, copy the file to
the location where the database is located (see
preferences), the default location is C:\Program
Files\footscan 7 USB2\Settings\database\
12 Return to main screen button. Click to return to the Main screen of the footscan® software.
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Compare and average functions
Two measurements of a patient can be compared, two or more measurements of a patient can be
Compare / average selection box.
The measurements in this box are
selected to be compared or averaged.
Deselect all measurements button.
Click to remove all measurements
from the compare / average selection
Deselect measurement button. Click
measurement from the compare /
average selection box.
2 3 4 5
Select measurement button. Click to
add the highlighted measurement
from the measurements box to the compare / average selection box.
Select all measurements button. Click to add all measurements from the measurements box to
the compare / average selection box.
Compare button. Click to access the Compare screen. The Compare button will be enabled
when two measurements are selected. Refer to page 44 for the Compare screen.
Average button.
Click to access the Average screen. The Average button will be
enabled when two or more measurements are selected. Refer to page 49 for the Average screen.
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The static measurement captures a static picture of the pressure distribution under the patient’s feet,
while the patient is standing on the plate. Before you take your first static measurement, make sure
the footscan® system is configured and weight calibration is done.
Taking a static measurement
Select a patient in the patients selection box on
the database screen. Click the Static button.
When a measurement is selected in the
measurements selection box on the
database screen, that measurement will
be displayed on the static screen.
Enter the weight of the patient and select the
shoe size from the dropdown list. Click OK when
Measure button. Click to activate the scanning of
the footscan® plate. Ask your patient to stand on
the footscan® plate with both feet. The pressure
will be displayed in real time on the Static screen.
Take a snapshot button. When you are satisfied
with the measurement, click to take a snapshot of
the measurement, the scanning of the footscan®
plate ends.
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The magnitude of pressure distribution is shown
based on a colour scale. Blue representing the
lowest pressure, red representing the highest
pressure. Black represents absence of pressure.
The measurement is divided into four quadrants, a
number representing the relative pressure-load is
displayed in each corner. The yellow horizontal
and vertical divider lines can be dragged to
another position to change the divisions.
The graph displays the maximum pressure (N/cm ) at each of the eight numbered purple markers.
The markers can be dragged to any position on the measurement screen.
Go to the dynamic screen button. Click to access the Dynamic screen.
There is no save function on the Static screen. Use the save function on the Dynamic screen
to save both static and dynamic measurements.
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The dynamic measurement captures the pressure distribution under the patient’s feet, in time over the
full length of the step from the initial contact of the footscan® plate until the end of the foot roll-off.
The dynamic measurement is taken individually for each foot. The patient should walk or run in a
natural gait pattern, a few practice runs might be useful before taking the final measurement.
Before you take your first dynamic measurement, make sure the footscan® system is configured and
weight calibration is done.
Taking a dynamic measurement
Select a patient in the patients selection box on
the database screen. Click the Dynamic button.
When a measurement is selected in the
measurements selection box on the
database screen, that measurement will
be displayed on the dynamic screen.
Enter the weight of the patient and select the
shoe size from the dropdown list. Click OK when
Measure button. Click to activate the scanning of
the footscan® plate. Press ‘c’ to cancel the
scanning. The actual recording of the
measurement starts on first contact with the
footscan® plate and ends when a foot roll-off is
detected or the maximum measurement time has
Ask your patient to walk on the footscan® plate in
a natural gait pattern, when using a 0.5m
footscan® plate make sure one complete foot is
If the software can determine if the measured foot
is the left foot or right foot, the measurement will
be assigned accordingly, otherwise the software
will ask to assign the measurement to the left foot
or right foot.
Repeat step 3 until both feet are measured.
Tip: select a fixed starting point for your patient, ask the patient to start with the left foot
forward for the first measurement and the right foot forward for the second measurement
to ensure both feet are measured.
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When the measurement is completed, a wide range of
analytical views and comparisons is at your disposal to
interpret the measurements.
Function buttons
Exit (Esc).
Measure (F2).
Switch roll-off view to left foot (F3).
Switch roll-off view to right foot (F4).
Pause roll-off view (F5).
Save measurement (F7).
Go to the zone division screen (F8).
Enter weight and shoe size (F11).
Display mode selection.
Step mode selection. The default setting is Auto, the software will automatically
detect the left and right foot. Select Single step if only one foot is measured. Select
Selection to enter the Manual Selection screen directly.
Forefoot runner option, click when you are measuring a forefoot runner (F12).
Manual step selection (F6), only available for a multi step measurement.
Delete current selection (F9), only available for a multi step measurement.
Swap assigned left foot and right foot (F10).
Online help (F1).
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Pressure images (2D display mode)
Dynamic image of the pressure
during roll-off of the foot. The view
loops continuously through all
frames and can be paused with the
Pause button. Use the Switch roll1
off view to left / right foot button to
select left or right foot.
distribution is shown based on a
colour scale. Blue representing the
lowest pressure, red representing
the highest pressure. Black represents absence of pressure.
Indicator for the range of the vertical force during roll-off of the foot. The blue marker indicates the
force for the current frame.
The images show the maximum pressure measured under the foot during stance phase. The
dotted line marks the centre of pressure (COP).
Maximum pressure indicator. The blue bar indicates the maximum pressure on the foot relative to
the full range. Click and drag to change the color scaling of the images.
The Kirby line (red line), indicating the eversion-inversion movement of the rear foot during initial
contact. The minimum and maximum position of the Kirby line is indicated by the two brown
marker lines.
Click to rotate the foot 180°.
Click the up arrow or down arrow buttons to scroll the image vertically.
Force curves
The force curves show the vertical force in time during stance phase. The X-axis shows the time in ms
(milliseconds), the Y-axis shows the force in N (Newton).
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Numerical information
The blue bar indicates the position of the current frame of the dynamic image relative to the total
stance phase. When paused, click and drag the blue bar to scroll through the frames. Next to the
bar are the frame number and the percentage relative to the total stance phase.
Time indicates the position of the roll-off image over time. Frames/sec indicates the scanning
Frames left and frames right indicate how many frames were recorded. Total time left and total
time right indicates the length of the recording.
The progression of the centre of pressure in the dynamic image compared to the foot axis.
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Display modes
2D screen
The 2D screen is the default mode. Select 2D from the
display mode selection dropdown box.
Refer to page 21.
3D screen
To view the dynamic measurements in a 3D graphical
format, select 3D from the display mode selection
dropdown box. Use the L and R buttons to switch the
displayed foot.
The magnitude of pressure distribution is shown based
on a colour scale. Blue representing the lowest
pressure, red representing the highest pressure. Black
represents absence of pressure.
Maximum pressure button. Click to view the
maximum pressure. Click again to return to the
roll-off mode.
Click the arrows or click and drag the sliders to rotate the 3D plane.
Refer to page 21 for the force curves and numerical information.
Synchro screen
To view the dynamic measurements for both feet
simultaneously, select Synchro from the display mode
selection dropdown box.
The magnitude of pressure distribution is shown based
on a colour scale. Blue representing the lowest
pressure, red representing the highest pressure. Black
represents absence of pressure.
Refer to page 21 for the force curves and numerical
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Roll-off screen
To view the roll-off for a multi-step measurement,
select Roll-off from the display mode selection
dropdown box.
The roll-off display option is only enabled when
multiple steps are measured during one measurement.
On a 0.5m plate this is only possible when measuring
The magnitude of pressure distribution is shown based
on a colour scale. Blue representing the lowest
pressure, red representing the highest pressure. Black
represents absence of pressure.
Refer to page 21 for the force curves and numerical information.
Impulse screen
To view the actual loading under the feet, select
Impulse from the display mode selection dropdown
box. The impulse display option shows the actual
loadings under the feet instead of the maximum
pressures. Useful for clinical investigation of diabetes
The magnitude of pressure distribution is shown based
on a colour scale. Blue representing the lowest
pressure, red representing the highest pressure. Black
represents absence of pressure.
65% button. Click to view the actual loading under the foot at 65% of the pressure sensitivity bar.
Areas of high pressure can indicate a possible risk, for example risk for ulcers with diabetes
Refer to page 21 for the force curves and numerical information.
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Step modes
The Auto mode is the default mode. Select Auto from
the step mode selection dropdown box.
The software will automatically detect the left and right
foot and assigns the measurements accordingly.
Single step
To assign the measurements for left and right foot
manually, select Single step from the step mode
selection dropdown box.
The software will ask to assign the measurement to
the left or right foot.
To select the left and right foot manually from a multistep measurement, select Selection from the step
mode selection dropdown box.
The selection step mode is only available when
multiple feet are measured during one measurement.
The selection step mode is useful in cases where the
left and right foot cannot be determined automatically,
for example with a specific gait pattern, shod
measurements and measurements of animals.
Click and drag a rectangle around the foot you want to
The assign step to dialog appears when the mouse
button is released, click the button corresponding to
the feet you want to assign the measurement to.
Repeat until all feet are assigned.
Click OK when finished.
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Selection, based on the force curves
When measuring animals, feet (claws / hooves) can overlap in one measurement. With this feature
the feet (claws / hooves) can be selected manually based on the force curves. Each foot (claw or
hove) can be isolated for analysis.
Use the selection step mode as described on page 25, after assigning the selection to one of the feet
add following steps to isolate each foot:
Add cursor pair button. Click to add two cursors
in the force curves.
Drag the two cursors until the foot is isolated.
Confirm button. Click to confirm the assignment.
Repeat until all feet are isolated and assigned.
Click OK when finished
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Zone division
Each foot will be split into ten anatomical zones: medial and lateral zone under the rear foot, the
midfoot, the five metatarsals, the hallux and the other toes. With this feature, the pressure under the
foot can be linked to the relevant anatomical zones.
Many of the calculations and analytic options are based on the anatomical zones as defined by the
zone division functions. Verify the automatic zone detection and assignment, use the manual zone
selection function to adjust the zones if required.
Zone division button. Click to access the Zones
The ten anatomical zones are defined as:
Heel Lateral
Heel Medial
Metatarsal 5
Metatarsal 4
Metatarsal 3
Metatarsal 2
Metatarsal 1
T2-T5: Toe 2 to toe 5
Manual zone selection button
Left/right standard last button. Click to change
the proposed last to a standard left or right last.
Enter the shoe size (UK size measurements,
increments of 0.5) or click the up / down arrows to
adjust the shoe size. Use the slider to adjust the
shoe width, four width settings are available: D, E,
E2 and E4.
. Click to access the manual zone selection screen.
Adjust last button. Click to adjust the position of
the last.
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Make sure the size and width of the last are
selected before adjusting the last. Click Yes to
Adjust the last:
a Click and drag the handle (+) to move the last
horizontally and vertically.
b Click and drag the handle (+) to pivot the last.
c Shift 90 degrees button. Click to rotate the last
90 degrees.
d Swap horizontal button. Click to mirror the last.
Click Commit when finished.
Use the up arrow or down arrow buttons to move the midfoot-forefoot or rearfoot-midfoot line up
or down.
Click and drag the handles to adjust the midfoot-forefoot or rearfoot-midfoot line.
Correct Heel/Toe zone button. Click to correct the heel (HM/HL) zone and/or toe
(T1/T2-T5) zone. Click and drag the handles at the ends of the white marker line
to adjust the zone division.
Pixel zone definition button. Individual pixels can
be re-assigned to other zones or deleted. Grey
pixels are not yet assigned to any zone.
a Click the pixel(s) you want to re-assign or
b Select the zone you want to assign the pixel(s)
to (or Del to delete) from the dropdown box,
click Apply to apply the re-assignment or
confirm the deletion.
Repeat if necessary, click Accept when finished.
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Pressures / forces
Pressures / forces button. Click to access the
pressures / forces screen.
The pressure information during roll-off is
displayed for each of the ten anatomical zones.
Enter a factor or click the up / down arrows to
change the scale of the X-axis. Use with caution,
the recalibration factor will be modified!
Recalibrate before taking the next measurement.
Zones - cursors button. Click to change the
display from zone based pressures to pinpoint
pressures. Useful to analyze high pressure spots.
The ten rectangular cursors on each foot
represent a pinpoint for each of the zones. Colors
of the cursors are assigned based on the zone
Click and drag the cursors to any position on the
pressure image, the force graph will show the
pressure at the pinpoints.
Enter a factor or click the up / down Size square
arrows to change the size of the cursors.
Show zones on screen button. Click to toggle
between the maximum pressure image view and
the zone view.
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Pressures – Forces button. Click to toggle
between pressure and force curves.
The force curves show the overall force on the
pinpoint or zone. The pressure curves show the
applied force divided by the area over which the
force is applied.
a Show force sum graph button. Click to display
the summarized force (total ground reaction
force) on the graph. This option is only available
when the forces are displayed in the Pressure –
forces screen.
Graph composition button. Click to access the Zone graph composition screen.
The pressure curves for each of the ten
anatomical zones will be displayed individually by
default. The Zone graph composition feature
enables the grouping of zones, the combined
pressure curves for each group will be displayed.
The zone graphs with the associated colors are
shown vertically, the pressure measurements for
the zones are shown horizontally.
Click the radio buttons in the matrix to enable /
disable the grouping of measurements of the
zones into the displayed zone graphs.
Click Apply when finished.
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Parameter table button. Click to access the zone comparison table.
Pressure zones or forces zones can be compared based on these parameters:
Start time:
time of first contact in milliseconds.
End time:
time of last contact in milliseconds.
% Contact:
percentage of contact time compared to the complete stance phase.
Max F/ P:
maximum force/pressure (load) measured.
Time Max F / P:
time when the maximum force/pressure was recorded, in milliseconds.
Load rate:
the speed of loading to peak value.
total loading.
Contact area:
contact area in cm .
Active contact area:
area within the contact area where load is applied, in cm .
Max peak sensor value: maximum measured pressure.
Click the Export button to export the table as a
spreadsheet. Select the folder where you want to save
the table. Click OK to save or Cancel to cancel.
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Load rate button. Click to access the Load rate screen.
The load rate represents the speed of loading under
the anatomical zones, in N/cm .ms.
Click and rotate the resolution knob to adjust the
resolution. The resolution setting determines the
number of frames used to calculate the slope of the
pressure curve. If the resolution is set to one, the
current frame, previous frame and next frame are
used. When the resolution is set to ten, the current
frame, ten previous and ten next frames are used.
The table shows the maximum slope rates for each
zone and the time they occurred. Note that both
parameters are calculated and influenced by the
resolution setting.
Foot dimensions
Foot dimensions button. Click to access the Foot
size screen.
The foot length and foot width (in centimeters) are
determined, based on the measurement.
Click and drag the handles at the ends of the
purple marker lines to reposition and scale.
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Contact percentages
Foot type button. Click to access the Contact
percentages screen.
The loaded contact surfaces under the rearfoot,
midfoot and forefoot are shown as a percentage of
the total contact surface, based on the zone
division. The impulse data indicates the actual
loading under the zones.
Foot angles
Angles button. Click to access the Angles screen.
Any angle on the measurement can be determined
with the foot angle option.
Marker lines can be dragged onto the image, the angle
formed by a set of lines will be displayed.
Three sets of angle marker lines are available,
each identified by their color: purple, white and
yellow. Click and drag the handles at the ends of
the angle marker lines to reposition and scale.
The angles of each of the marker line sets will be
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Foot axes
Foot axes button. Click to access the Foot axes
The Foot axes screen indicates the exo rotation or
endo rotation from the foot and rearfoot pronation.
The foot axis (purple line) is located between the
medial and lateral part of the heel and between
metatarsal head 2 and 3 .
Foot axis angle: the position of internal or external
rotation of the foot related to the gait direction. A
positive angle indicates exo rotation of the foot, a
negative angle indicates endo rotation of the foot.
Subtalar joint angle: the pronation in the rearfoot
during impact. The higher the value, the more pronation of the rearfoot. The minimum and maximum
values indicate the position of the rearfoot in relationship to the ground.
Subtalar joint flexibility: the range between the minimum and maximum subtalar joint angle.
The dashed white line shows the direction of gait and is set at the basis of the foot axis angle and
subtalar joint angle.
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Timing modus (single step)
Timing button. Click to access the single step
timing screen. Refer to page 36 for the multi-step
timing screen.
The single step timing screen provides timing
parameters of the foot roll-off, in milliseconds and
percentage of contact phase.
Left/Right Foot: click the up / down arrows to
select a foot from a multi-step measurement.
Timing parameters of significant events during the
stance phase, in milliseconds.
Timing table. Timing parameters of significant
events during the stance phase, in milliseconds
and percentage of stance phase.
Timing table button. Click to open the timing table.
The timing table lists the timing values according
to the zones and the significant events during gait,
compared to reference timing values .
Three colors are used to indicate the relation
between the measured values and reference
Blue: the timing parameter is early in time
compared to the reference timing value.
Green: the timing parameter is within the range of
the reference timing value.
Red: the timing parameter is late in time compared
to the reference value.
Heelstrike (%): defined as the instant the heel region (HM-HL) first contacts the footscan® plate
until one of the metatarsal heads contacts the footscan® plate.
Pre-Midstance (%): defined as the instant when one of the metatarsal heads contacts the
footscan® plate until all the metatarsal heads made contact with the footscan® plate.
Midstance (%): defined as the first instant all the metatarsal heads made contact with the
footscan® plate until the heel region lost contact with the footscan® plate.
Propulsion (%): defined as the instant the heel region lost contact with the footscan® plate until
last contact of the foot on the footscan® plate.
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Timing modus (multi-step)
Timing button. Click to access the multi-step
timing screen. Refer to page 35 for the single step
timing screen. On a 0.5m plate, multi-step
measurements are only possible when measuring
The multi-step timing screen provides timing
parameters of the foot roll-off, in milliseconds and
percentage of contact phase.
Play roll-off button. Click to start the roll-off
animation, click again to pause. When the roll-off
animation is completed, the maximum pressure
under the feet will be shown.
When the roll-off animation is completed, click the
up / down arrow or click and drag the blue bar to
scroll through the roll-off. A cursor line will appear
in the graphical display of events.
Timing of significant events during the stance phase, each event is represented by a different
Timing table. Timing parameters of significant events during the stance phase, in milliseconds
and percentage of stance phase.
Legend button. Click to display the significant
events and related color scheme.
Initial contact: defined as the instant the heel
region first contacts the footscan® plate until one
of the metatarsal heads contacts the footscan®
Forefoot contact: defined as the instant when one
of the metatarsal heads contacts the footscan®
plate until all the metatarsal heads made contact
with the footscan® plate.
Foot flat: defined as the first instant all the metatarsal heads made contact with the footscan®
plate until the heel region lost contact with the footscan® plate.
Active propulsion: defined as the instant the heel region lost contact with the footscan® plate until
the opposite foot first contacts the footscan® plate.
Passive propulsion: defined as the instant the opposite foot first contacts the footscan® plate until
last contact of the foot on the footscan® plate.
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Temporal and spatial parameters button. Click to show the temporal or spatial parameters of
the measurement.
a Select Temporal from the dropdown menu.
b The force curve shows the vertical force over
time during stance phase.
c Ambulation time: the time of the gait cycle in
Velocity: velocity of the gait pattern. Select the
velocity unit from the dropdown menu.
Sequence: Sequence of the feet during the
d Temporal parameters table, in milliseconds.
e Legend button. Click to view the legend of the
temporal parameters. Click again to return.
f Select Spatial from the dropdown menu.
g Maximum pressure image of the measurement.
h Legend of the spatial parameters.
i Spatial parameters, in centimeters.
Detailed analysis button. Click to view the single step timing screen. Refer to page 35.
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Balance screen
Balance screen button. Click to access the
balance screen. Use the up and down arrows next
to the button to switch the x-axis between
milliseconds and percentage.
The balance screen shows balance graphs
calculated from the gait measurements. Click on
any of the graphs to zoom in.
Click the radio buttons to enable or disable the
graphs for the Left or Right foot (L1, R1, L2, R2),
or the Maximum / Minimum graphs. When
enabled, the maximum and minimum graphs show
the motion pattern expected to be an indication of
low risk for injuries. The vertical lines in the
balance graphs represent the sub phases of
stance phase.
Graph combination button. Click to combine
Check the boxes for the graphs you want to
combine. When finished, click OK.
Export button. Click to export an Excel
spreadsheet containing the motion graph values of
the balance screen.
Select the folder where you want to save the
export file. Click OK to save or Cancel to cancel.
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Print button. Click to print the motion graphs of the balance screen.
Heel Rotation: the rearfoot balance during stance
The rearfoot balance is calculated by
comparing the pressure under the medial heel (HM)
with the pressure under the lateral heel (HL).
The rearfoot is pronating when the pressure is higher
under the medial heel, the rearfoot is supinating when
the pressure is higher under the lateral heel.
The maximum and minimum graphs show the motion
pattern expected to be an indication of low risk for
Foot Balance: the total foot balance during stance
The foot balance is calculated by comparing the
medial part of the foot (M1+M2+HM) with the lateral
part of the foot (M3+M4+M5+HL), and the pressure
under these zones.
The foot is pronating when the pressure is higher
under the medial part, the foot is supinating when the
pressure is higher under the lateral part.
The maximum and minimum graphs show the motion
pattern expected to be an indication of low risk for
Medial Forefoot Balance: the balance between M1
and M2 during stance phase. The medial forefoot
balance is calculated by comparing the metatarsal 2
(M2) with metatarsal 1 (M1), and the pressure under
these zones.
More pressure under M2 indicates risk of a metatarsal
injury. More pressure underneath M1 indicates risk of
shin splint.
The maximum and minimum graphs show the motion
pattern expected to be an indication of low risk for
Hallux Stiffness: the balance between T1 and M1
during stance phase. The Hallux stiffness is calculated
by comparing the Hallux (T1) with metatarsal (M1),
and the pressure under these zones. A positive value
indicates more loading of T1, a negative value
indicates more loading of M1.
The maximum and minimum graphs show the motion
pattern expected to be an indication of low risk for
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Forefoot Balance: the forefoot balance during stance
phase. The forefoot balance is calculated by
comparing the medial part (M1+M2) of the forefoot
with the lateral part (M3+M4+M5) of the forefoot, and
the pressure under these zones.
The forefoot is pronating when the pressure is higher
under the medial part, the forefoot is supinating when
the pressure is higher under the lateral part.
The maximum and minimum graphs show the motion
pattern expected to be an indication of low risk for
Meta Loading: the balance between the inner and
outer metatarsals. The Meta loading is calculated by
comparing the inner metatarsals (M2+M3) with the
outer metatarsals (M1+M4+M5) and the pressure
under these zones.
More pressure under M2 and M3 indicates risk of an
unstable forefoot and risk of metatarsalgia. More
pressure underneath M1 indicates risk of shin splint.
The maximum and minimum graphs show the motion
pattern expected to be an indication of low risk for
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Gait screen
Gait screen button. Click to access the gait
screen. Use the up and down arrows next to the
button to switch the x-axis between milliseconds
and percentage.
The gait screen shows kinematical information
calculated from the gait measurements. Click on
any of the graphs to zoom in.
Click the radio buttons to enable or disable the
graphs for the Left or Right foot (L1, R1, L2, R2),
or the Run / Walk graphs. When enabled, the run
and walk graphs show the pattern expected to be
an indication of low risk for injuries. The vertical
lines in the gait graphs represent the sub phases
of stance phase.
Graph combination button. Click to combine graphs.
Check the boxes for the graphs you want to
combine. When finished, click OK.
Export button. Click to export an Excel spreadsheet containing the graph values of the gait
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Select the folder where you want to save the
export file. Click OK to save or Cancel to cancel.
Print button. Click to print the kinematical information graphs of the gait screen.
COPx: the displacement of the centre of pressure in
medial-lateral direction with respect to the x-axis
perpendicular on the longitudinal foot axes.
Medial displacements (pronation) of the COPx are
expressed as positive values, lateral displacements
(supination) as negative values.
Inversion – Eversion: the motion of the rearfoot
during stance. The curves are based on the COP –
path of the heel . A positive value indicates inversion
of the rearfoot, a negative value indicates eversion of
the rearfoot.
Hallux activity: the Hallux activity during stance
phase. A positive value indicates activity of the Hallux,
a negative value indicates less activity of the Hallux.
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COPx rearfoot: the displacement of the centre of
pressure for the rearfoot in medial-lateral direction with
respect to the x-axis perpendicular on the longitudinal
foot axes.
Medial displacements (pronation) of the COPx are
expressed as positive values, lateral displacements
(supination) as negative values.
Flexion – Extension: the motion of the rearfoot during
stance phase. The curves are based on the COP –
path of the heel . A positive value indicates more
dorsal flexion of the rearfoot, a negative value
indicates more plantar flexion of the rearfoot.
Forefoot rotation: the balance between the inner and
outer metatarsal during stance phase. The forefoot
rotation is calculated by comparing M1 with M5 and
the pressure under these zones.
The foot is pronating when the pressure is higher
under M1, the foot is supinating when the pressure is
higher under M5.
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Two measurements of a patient can be compared, for example before and after an injury or treatment.
Refer to page 16 for the selection of measurements in the database screen and access to the
compare screen.
The name of the patient, the date and name of the
selected measurements.
The number of frames measured and total contact
time of the selected measurements.
Maximum pressure indicator. The blue bar
indicates the maximum pressure on the foot
relative to the full range. Click and drag to change
the color scaling of the images.
4 5
7 8
10 11
Pause button. Click this button to pause the roll-off
(only applicable in Synchro mode).
Display mode selection, select the display mode from the dropdown menu:
2D: the default display mode.
Synchro: to view the dynamic measurements for both measurements simultaneously.
Impulse: to view the actual loadings under the feet instead of the maximum pressures.
Zone division button
. Click to access the
Zones screen. Select the measurement for
analysis. Refer to page 27 for the Zones screen.
D3D button
. Click to access the D3D screen.
D3D stands for Dynamic 3 Dimensional. Refer to
Appendix 1 on page 64 for the theory on the D3D
Two or more measurements are used to calculate
and propose an orthotic support.
a Select the orthotic type from the Orthotic type
dropdown menu. When orthotic type sport is
selected, select a sport from the Sport
dropdown menu. Select the top material from
the Top material dropdown list, select the basis
material from the Basis material dropdown list
and select the size of the material from the Size
dropdown lists.
b Add comment to D3D measurement button. Click to add extra information to the D3D
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Enter the comment and click OK when finished.
c Save D3D proposal to the database button. Click to save the D3D proposal to the database.
d Print button. Click to view and print the D3D proposal.
Review the proposal, click the Print button on
the proposal screen to print.
e History list, list of all the saved D3D proposals for this patient.
Select a saved
dropdown list.
f Proposal for the basic part type for the orthotic.
To change the selected basic part type, click the down
arrow button and select a basic part type from the
dropdown list.
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g Check the Flat checkbox to show the basic insole screen.
Uncheck the Curved checkbox to return.
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Force graphs button
. Click to access the Force-Time screen.
The Force-Time screen shows the force graphs for
the two measurements.
a The graph shows the use of rearfoot, midfoot
and forefoot during stance phase.
b Normalize button. Click to normalize the force-
time graphs. The measurements
displayed in the same time scale.
c The name of the patient, the date and name of
the selected measurements.
Balance screen button
. Click to access the balance screen. Use the up and down
arrows next to the button to switch the x-axis between milliseconds and percentage.
The balance screen shows balance graphs
calculated from both measurements.
Refer to page 38 for the functions of the balance
10 Gait screen button
. Click to access the gait screen. Use the up and down arrows next to
the button to switch the x-axis between milliseconds and percentage.
The gait screen shows kinematical information
calculated from both measurements.
Refer to page 41 for the functions of the gait
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11 CP screen button
. Click to access the Cerebral Palsy screen.
The Cerebral Palsy screen shows a comparison of
both measurements, based on the five segments
foot model .
a The image represents the internal or external
position of the foot during stance phase. The
medial factor (%) of the two selected
measurements represents the contribution of
the medial part of the foot.
b Graph combination button. Click to show the
force curves of both measurements.
The graphs show the force on the medial forefoot,
lateral forefoot, medial midfoot, lateral midfoot and
the heel during stance phase. The yellow curve
represents the average of the two measurements
in Newton. Percentages and standard deviation
parameters of the stance phase are given as
numerical values.
Click on any of the graphs to zoom in.
The zoomed graphs show the average and
standard deviation of the measurements in
c Export button. Click to export the medial factors
of both measurements.
Select the folder where you want to save the
export file. Click OK to save or Cancel to
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Two or more measurements of a patient can be averaged. Refer to page 16 for the
selection of measurements in the database screen and access to the average screen.
The average force graphs, for each zone, of the
selected measurements.
The combined force graphs for each zone. Click
on any of the graphs to zoom in.
The zoomed graphs show the combined force
graphs for the selected zone.
a Statistical analysis button. Click to show the
statistical analysis of the force graphs for the
selected zone.
b Export button. Click to export the averages.
Select the folder where you want to save the
export file. Click OK to save or Cancel to
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Pressures – forces button
. Click to access the Pressures/Forces screen.
The Pressures/Forces screen shows the average
force graphs, for each zone, of the selected
a Show force sum graph button. Click to show
the summarized force.
The summarized force (total ground reaction
force) is shown together with the average force
b Parameter table button. Click to show the
parameter table.
Forces zones can be compared based on these parameters:
Start time:
End time:
% Contact:
Max F:
Time Max F:
Load rate:
time of first contact in milliseconds.
time of last contact in milliseconds.
percentage of contact time compared to the complete stance phase.
maximum force measured.
time when the maximum force was recorded, in milliseconds.
the speed of loading to peak value.
total loading.
Click the Export button to export the table as a spreadsheet.
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Select the folder where you want to save the
export file. Click OK to save or Cancel to
c Load rate button. Click to access the Load rate
The load rate represents the speed of loading
under the anatomical zones, in N/cm .
Click and rotate the resolution knob to adjust
the resolution. The resolution setting determines
the number of frames used to calculate the
slope of the pressure curve. If the resolution is
set to one, the current frame, previous frame
and next frame are used. When the resolution is
set to ten, the current frame, ten previous and
ten next frames are used.
The table shows the maximum slope rates for each zone and the time they occurred. Note that
both parameters are calculated and influenced by the resolution setting.
D3D button
D3D screen.
. Click to access the D3D screen. Refer to page 44 for the features of the
Balance screen button
. Click to access the
balance screen.
The balance screen shows balance graphs
calculated from the averaged measurements.
Refer to page 38 for the functions of the balance
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Footwear Adviser button
. Click to access the Footwear Adviser screen.
a Conclusion tab. The last type and mid-sole
correction options will be proposed based on
the measurements.
proposal. The classification of
pronation (underpronation, neutral, moderate
pronation or excessive pronation), based on the
b Left/right
classification. The classification of
pronation, in standard values, based on the
measurements (40, 60 or 80).
c Shoe
j n
d The standard classification values.
e Maximum pressure image of the selected measurement. Select another measurement from the
dropdown list.
f Mid-sole correction proposal, based on the foot which requires the most correction.
Neutral shoe: (cushion) no additional support required, for an underpronated or neutral
roll- off.
Neutral stability shoe: a stable shoe is required, mainly used for slower (and heavier)
runners requiring lateral and medial motion control.
Rearfoot motion control shoe: anti pronation wedge under the rearfoot to prevent over
pronation during initial contact. For low rearfoot pronation, problems with the Achilles
tendon and/or M. tibialis posterior and medial knee problems.
Rearfoot anti pronation shoe: anti pronation wedge under the rearfoot and midfoot to
prevent over pronation during initial contact and foot flat phase. For rearfoot or midfoot
over pronation, problems with the Achilles tendon and/or M. tibialis posterior and medial
knee problems.
Rear- and forefoot motion control shoe: anti pronation wedge under the rearfoot and
forefoot to prevent over pronation during initial foot contact and to prevent excessive
pronation during push off. For pronation peaks in rearfoot and forefoot, problems with the
Achilles tendon and/or M. tibialis posterior and medial knee problems.
Forefoot motion control shoe: anti pronation wedge under the forefoot to prevent
excessive pronation during push off. For pronation peaks in the forefoot and/or for Shin –
Splints problems.
Full length anti pronation shoe: anti pronation wedge over the full medial area. For
excessive pronation during stance.
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g Select the shoe size from the dropdown list, enter the weight of the patient, select the running
S: slow running speed
N: normal running speed
F: fast running speed
h Type of Last:
Curved last: for well trained (light weight) runners, higher pace, competitions shoes.
Normal last: for trained runners.
Straight last: for slower pace running, for extra stability and motion control.
i Print button. Click to view and print the proposal of the footwear adviser.
Review the proposal, click the Print button on
the proposal screen to print.
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j Calculations tab. Click to access the calculations screen.
Foot balance graph. Total foot balance
during stance phase.
Synchro view of the selected measurement.
Click the Pause button to pause the roll-off. The
blue bar indicates the position of the current
frame of the dynamic image relative to the total
stance phase. When paused, click and drag the
blue bar to scroll through the frames.
Classification of pronation of the forefoot,
midfoot and rearfoot.
n Roll-off tab. Click to access the roll-off screen.
The roll-off screen shows the synchro view of
the selected measurement.
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Export button
. Click to access the Export average graphs screen.
The average values for the left and right foot are
calculated (Newton). Click the Export button to
export the calculated values.
Select the folder where you want to save the
export file. Click OK to save or Cancel to cancel.
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Refer to page 13 for the selection of measurements in the database screen and access to the Print
menu screen.
Click the radio buttons to select the printouts.
Options buttons. Click to set the options for each
printout. Not all options are available for every
printout type.
a Selection. Click the radio buttons to select the
left and/or right foot.
b Scale. Click the radio buttons to select the scale
of the printout.
c Check the checkbox to select the printout by
default when entering the Print menu screen.
d Check the checkbox to preview the printout
before printing.
e Check the checkbox to print the personalized
footer on the printout. Refer to page 8 for the
f Set as default button. Click to save the settings.
g Cancel button. Click to cancel the changes to the printout options settings.
Print button. Click to print the selected printouts.
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Static printout
The static printout shows a static picture of the pressure distribution under
the patient’s feet, while the patient is standing on the plate. The
measurement is divided into four quadrants, the relative pressure-load is
displayed in each corner.
Normal printout
The normal printout shows the maximum pressure measured under the
foot during stance phase. The dotted line marks the centre of pressure
Numerical printout
The numerical printout is a scale 1:1 printout of the left/right foot with the
maximum force (N) for each sensor. Left and right foot will be printed
Roll-off printout
The roll off printout shows a sequence of images from the roll-off of the
foot, the timing for each image is indicated in milliseconds. Each foot will
be printed separately.
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Multi image printout
The multi image printout combines the static, normal and roll-off printout.
Zone pressures screen printout
The zone pressures screen printout shows the graphs of the pressure
(N/cm ) for each zone during foot contact.
Zone forces screen printout
The zone forces screen printout shows the graphs of the force (N) for
each zone during foot contact.
Cursor pressures screen printout
The cursor pressures screen printout shows a graph of the maximum
pressure (N/cm ) for each cursor in the pressures/forces screen. Refer to
page 29 to change the size and position of the cursors.
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Cursor forces screen printout
The cursor forces screen printout shows a graph of the maximum force
(N) for each cursor in the pressures/forces screen. Refer to page 29 to
change the size and position of the cursors.
Foot size printout
The foot size printout shows the foot dimensions. Refer to page 32 for the
determination of the foot dimensions.
Contact percentages & Foot axis printout
The contact percentages & foot axis printout shows the contact
percentages under the foot, direct information over the exo and endo
rotation from the foot and an indication on the rearfoot pronation.
Timing printout
The timing printout shows the timing parameters of significant events
during the stance phase in milliseconds.
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Timing values printout
The timing values printout shows the timing values according to the zones
and the significant events during gait, compared to reference timing
values .
Three colors are used to indicate the relation between the measured
values and reference values:
Blue: the timing parameter is early in time compared to the reference
timing value.
Green: the timing parameter is within the range of the reference
timing value.
Red: the timing parameter is late in time compared to the reference
Real size printout
The real size printout shows the maximum pressure measured under the
foot scaled 1:1. The left and the right foot will be printed separately.
1/414 printout
The 1/414 printout shows the maximum
pressure measured on both feet scaled 1:1. The
printout will be cover four pages.
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Refer to page 13 for the selection of measurements in the database screen and access to the Export
menu screen.
Click the radio buttons to select the exports.
Options buttons. Click to set the options for each
export. Not all options are available for every
export type. Some export types are only available
for multi-step measurements.
a Selection. Click the radio buttons to select the
left and/or right foot.
b Check the checkbox to select the export by
default when entering the Export menu screen.
c Check
the checkbox to
information in the export file.
d Check the checkbox to add an .xls (Excel)
extension to the export filename automatically.
e Check the checkbox to use the default folder to
store the export file.
f Browse button. Click to browse and select the default folder for the exports.
g Set as default button. Click to save the settings.
h Cancel button. Click to cancel the changes to the export options settings.
Export button. Click to export the selected measurements.
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Static image export
The pressure from the static measurement. The header information includes the name of the patient,
the date and name of the measurement.
Dynamic roll off export
The pressure of both feet, frame by frame during roll-off. The header information includes the name of
the patient, the date and name of the measurement, the scanning speed and the coordinates of the
feet on the footscan® plate.
Dynamic maximum image export
The maximum pressure from the dynamic measurement. The header information includes the name
of the patient, the date and name of the measurement, the scanning speed and the coordinates of the
feet on the footscan® plate.
Dynamic centre of force line export
The displacement of the centre of force (COF) line in medial – lateral direction (X) with respect to the
X – axis perpendicular on the longitudinal foot axis, the displacement of the COF line in posterior anterior direction (Y) with respect to the Y – axis coinciding to the foot axis and with the according
time (ms) and force (N). The values are exported frame by frame. The header information includes the
name of the patient, the date and name of the measurement, the scanning speed and the coordinates
of the feet on the footscan® plate.
Force plate data export
The force plate data (N), the footscan® summarized force data (N) and the timing (ms). The header
information includes the name of the patient, the date and name of the measurement, the scanning
speed and the coordinates of the feet on the footscan® plate.
Zone division export
The zones division of the measurement. Each zone has an assigned reference number. The header
information includes the name of the patient, the date and name of the measurement, the scanning
speed and the coordinates of the feet on the footscan® plate.
Pressure/Force graphs export
The pressure (N/cm ) and force (N) information based on the calculated zones. The pressure/force
graphs zones values represent the overall pressure/force on the zones together with the summarized
force and the calibration factor. The pressure/force graph cursor values represent the pressure/force
of the selected pinpoints together with the summarized force and the calibration factor. The header
information includes the name of the patient, the date and name of the measurement, the scanning
speed and the coordinates of the feet on the footscan® plate.
Contact percentages export
The loaded contact surface (%) under the rearfoot, midfoot and forefoot according to the zone
calculation and the actual loading (impulse (%)) under these zones. The header information includes
the name of the patient, the date and name of the measurement, the scanning speed and the
coordinates of the feet on the footscan® plate.
Axis Angles export
The foot axis angle and the subtalar joint angle of the measurement. The header information includes
the name of the patient, the date and name of the measurement, the scanning speed and the
coordinates of the feet on the footscan® plate.
Foot dimensions export
The foot dimensions based on the measurement. The header information includes the name of the
patient, the date and name of the measurement, the scanning speed and the coordinates of the feet
on the footscan® plate.
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Timing information export
The timing parameters in milliseconds (absolute and relative) and percents during stance phase. The
header information includes the name of the patient, the date and name of the measurement, the
scanning speed and the coordinates of the feet on the footscan® plate.
Dynamic report export
Dynamic report with timing values and reference values according to the zones and the significant
events during gait. The header information includes the name of the patient, the date and name of the
measurement, the scanning speed and the coordinates of the feet on the footscan® plate.
BMP export
The bitmap picture is exported to the BMP EXPORT folder in your Program Files (C:\Program
Files\footscan 7 USB2\BMP EXPORT).
Entire plate roll off export
The pressure (N/cm ) on the entire plate during roll-off. The header information includes the name of
the patient, the date and name of the measurement and the scanning speed. This export is only
available for multi step measurements.
Entire plate maximum image export
The maximum pressure from the dynamic measurement, on the entire plate. The header information
includes the name of the patient, the date and name of the measurement and the scanning speed.
This export is only available for multi step measurements.
Entire centre of force export
The coordinates (X and Y) of the centre of force line. The header information includes the name of the
patient, the date and name of the measurement and the scanning speed. This export is only available
for multi step measurements.
Temporal and Spatial parameters export
The temporal (ms) and spatial (cm) parameters of the measurement. The header information includes
the name of the patient, the date and name of the measurement and the scanning speed. This export
is only available for multi step measurements.
Impulse export
The maximum impulse (Ns) from the dynamic measurement. The header information includes the
name of the patient, the date and name of the measurement, the scanning speed and the coordinates
of the feet on the footscan® plate.
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D3D stands for Dynamic 3 Dimensional.
Extensive research has been done by RSscan International on how to analyze pressure
measurements to decide the best possible support of the feet. The D3D feature in the software uses
two or more pressure measurements to calculate a proposal for an orthotic support.
The D3D analysis method in the footscan® software combined with a modular orthotic support
system is used worldwide for optimum foot support.
An assembled D3D orthotic support consists of a base part, correction elements and a top cover.
The parameters used for the calculation and creation of the individual D3D orthosis are:
1. Foot type:
2. Foot motion:
Arch Index, AI
a) Forefoot motion A+ or DFb) Midfoot motion B+
c) Rearfoot motion C+ or C-
Foot type
The Foot type is determined by the arch index, measured using the method described by Cavanagh
and Rodgers .
The foot axis line is drawn from between metatarsal zones 2 and 3, and the middle of the heel.
Perpendicular to this foot axis, the foot excluding the toes is divided in three equal lengths: A (rearfoot
area), B (midfoot area) and C (forefoot area).
The arch index (AI) is defined as the ratio of midfoot area divided by the total footprint area (excluding
the toes).
Arch Index AI (%) =
* 100
A +B+C
Based on the arch index, three basic foot types can be
High arch foot:
AI =< 21%
Normal arch foot:
21% < AI < 28%
Flat or low arch foot:
AI >= 28%
A higher resolution is required to determine the best possible orthotic support, the D3D analysis
method determines foot types based on this table:
Heavy High Arch foot:
High Arch foot:
Light High Arch foot:
Normal foot:
Light Flat foot:
Flat foot:
Heavy Flat foot:
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High arched foot
OS Ortho sole: base part
MC Motion Control sole
PF Performance sole
OS Ortho sole: base part
MC Motion Control sole
PF Performance sole
OS Ortho sole: base part
MC Motion Control sole
PF Performance sole
Normal foot
Flat foot
Foot motion
The Foot motion is determined based on the
• Forefoot motion A+ or DF• Midfoot motion B+
• Rearfoot motion C+ or C-
Forefoot correction, A+
Forefoot anti-pronation wedge.
• Medial arch support with extension under the 1st shaft.
• Decrease excessive pressure loads under the joints from metatarsal 1 to
correct excessive and/or sustained pronation, measured during 50 to 80% of
the stance phase.
• Decrease the internal tibia rotation during 50 to 80% of the total stance phase.
The A+ correction is recommended when A+ >= 100% of the critical value.
A+ = (M1+M2) / (M1+M2+M3+M4+M5)
Critical values: walking:
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Anti inversion element, lateral stabilizer, DF• Restrict the inversion during motion, measured during 50 to 80% of the total
stance phase.
The DF- correction is recommended when DF- <100% of the critical value.
DF- = (M3+M4+M5) / (M1+M2+M3+M4+M5)
Critical Values: walking:
Midfoot correction, B+
Midfoot anti pronation wedge.
• Prevent dropdown of a hyper mobile medial foot arch.
• Restrict and accompany an excessive medial mobility of the mid-tarsal joint.
• Support the sustentaculum tali, to aim for a neutral position in the subtalar
joint during motion, measured from 25 to 40% of the total stance phase.
• The B+ correction element can be placed below or on top of the base part.
The B+ correction is recommended when B+ >= 100% of the critical value.
B+ = (M1+M2+HM) / (M1+M2+M3+M4+M5+HM+HL)
Critical Values: walking:
B+ correction for full orthotics:
Ortho sole:
Base part
Slim, Krist
Base part
Motion Control sole
Performance Sole
F => F+B+
F => F+B+
F => FN
FN => N
F => FN
FN => N
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Rearfoot Correction, C, C+ or CAnti valgus correction element, C+
• Prevent fast rearfoot eversion, to aim for a neutral position in the subtalar joint
during motion, measured at 0 to 15% of the total stance phase.
• A C correction with a slope of 2° is recommended when C = 100% of the
critical value.
• A C correction with a slope of 4° is recommended when C = 120% of the
critical value.
C = (HM) / (HM+HL)
Critical Values: walking:
Place the correction element on the base part with the slope supporting the foot against fast rearfoot
eversion. In the left foot example, placed with the thicker side to the right. This means that the support
sole will be thicker on the medial side under the foot.
Anti varus correction element, C• Prevent the rearfoot inversion or enhance the rearfoot eversion, to aim for a
neutral position in the subtalar joint during motion, measured at 0 to 15% of
the total stance phase.
• A C correction with a slope of 2° is recommended when C < 58% of the critical
• A C correction with a slope of 4° is recommended when C < 48% of the critical
C = (HM) / (HM+HL)
Critical Values: walking:
Place the correction element on the base part with the slope supporting the foot against fast rearfoot
inversion. In the left foot example, placed with the thicker side to the left. This means that the support
sole will be thicker on the lateral side under the foot.
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D3D material is selected automatically according to the weight of the patient and selections on the
D3D screen:
Orthotic type
Orthotic type subgroup
Base ball
Weight class
> 65 kg
< 65 kg
> 80 kg
< 80 kg
< 50 kg
50 kg <…< 85 kg
> 85 kg
> 60 kg
< 60 kg
< 50 kg
50 kg <…< 85 kg
> 85 kg
< 50 kg
50 kg <…< 85 kg
> 85 kg
> 80 kg
< 80 kg
Classic shoe
< 60 kg
> 60 kg
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
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Top layer
Navy Blue
Navy Blue
Navy Blue
Navy Blue
D3D leather slim
Basic layer
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1. Cavanagh P.R., Rodgers M.M., The Arch index: a useful measure from footprints, J.
Biomechanics Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 547-551, 1987.
2. Hagman F., Can Plantar Pressure Predict Foot Motion? Proefschrift Technische Universiteit
Eindhoven, second edition, 2005.
3. Chang W., Tsirikos A., Miller F., Schuyler J., Glutting J., Impact of changing foot progression
angle on foot pressure measurement in children with neuromuscular diseases, Gait & Posture,
Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 14-19, August 2004.
4. De Cock A., De Clercq D., Willems T., Witvrouw E., Normative data for temporal parameters
and patterns of foot during barefoot running, Gait and posture Vol. 16, suppl. 1, September
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