Inventory of the Chaïm Perelman Collection (1934


Inventory of the Chaïm Perelman Collection (1934
Inventory of the Chaïm Perelman
Collection (1934-1984)
Archives of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2015
By Ingrid Mayeur;translated from the French by Catherine Hall
" Chaïm Perelman at his desk” [undated], Archive Photos, United States H olocaust Memorial Museum, Washington
D.C. United States, courtesy of Fela and Chaim Perelman Noemi Mattis, Photograph : #51901.
The present inventory details the structure and contents of the “Chaïm Perelman” collection preserved in
the Archives of the Université Libre de Bruxelles under the classification mark BE.ULB-ARCH/89PP. In
1984, following the death of her husband, Fela Liwer-Perelman gave the “Chaïm Perelman” collection to
the Archives of the ULB. For the most part the collection brings together evidence of the scientific
activity of its producer: items of correspondence (incoming and outgoing), preparatory notes (cards,
notebooks…) and articles in various forms, inventories of texts (handwritten, typescript…). This vast
documentary collection shows the major contribution Chaïm Perelman made to the intellectual life of his
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................8
General Note on the Chaïm Perelman Collection - Archives of the Université Libre de
Bruxelles ................................................................................................................................9
Identity Statement.................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Context ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Content and Structure...........................................................................................................................................................10
Conditions of Access and Use ............................................................................................................................................12
Allied Materials:......................................................................................................................................................................13
Description control ...............................................................................................................................................................13
Sub-collection 1: Academic activities - Université Libre de Bruxelles ............................... 14
Teaching Activities .......................................................................................................... 14
Faculty of social, political and economic sciences, 1957-1978 ...................................................................................... 14
School of Educational Sciences/School of Psychological and Educational Sciences, 1957-1965 .......................... 14
Faculty of Sciences, 1958-1972 ...........................................................................................................................................14
Faculty of Philosophy and Arts: Institute of Philosophy, 1958-1980 .......................................................................... 15
Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, 1968-1978 ...................................................................................................................... 15
Law Faculty, 1967-1982 ........................................................................................................................................................16
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, 1969-1970 ............................................................................................................... 16
Speech made when Perelman was awarded an Honorary Degree [undated] .............................................................. 16
Scientific Commissions, 1968-1978 .................................................................................. 16
General Academic Correspondence ................................................................................ 17
Chairmanship and Rectorship, 1969-1982 ........................................................................................................................ 17
Assistants and collaborators, 1962-1983 ........................................................................................................................... 17
Students, 1962-1983 ..............................................................................................................................................................18
Sub-collection 2: Extra-mural activities: Scientific Organisations..................................... 21
Centre National de Recherches de Logique (CNRL) [Belgian National Center for
Research in Logic] .......................................................................................................... 21
Office of the CNRL ..............................................................................................................................................................21
List of members of the CNRL, 1954-1971 .................................................................................................................. 21
Statutes of the CNRL, minutes of meetings, activity reports, correspondence, 1951-1983 ............................... 21
CNRL Colloquiums and conferences ................................................................................................................................21
CNRL speakers, invitation: correspondence, 1954-1980 .......................................................................................... 21
CNRL Colloquiums and conferences, organisation: correspondence, 1957-1958; 1968-1971 .......................... 22
CNRL Colloquiums and conferences, room reservations: correspondence, 1954-1975 ..................................... 23
Subsidies requested by the CNRL ......................................................................................................................................23
CNRL Collaborators, appointment: correspondence, 1954-1975 ........................................................................... 23
Fonds National pour la Recherche Scientifique [Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research] (FNRS),
research programme: conventions and correspondence, 1956-1983 ...................................................................... 24
CNRL Publications ...............................................................................................................................................................24
Logique et analyse review, publication: correspondence, invoices, 1972-1983 ..................................................... 24
Works by CNRL collaborators, publication: correspondence, 1972-1983 ............................................................ 24
Works of the CNRL, reviews, 1966-1982 .................................................................................................................... 25
Centre de Philosophie du Droit [Centre for Legal Philosophy] ..................................... 25
Centre de Philosophie du Droit, running: correspondence, activity reports, 1967-1983 .................................................. 25
Institut universitaire d’Études du Judaïsme Martin Buber [Institute for the Study of
Judaism - Martin Buber Institute] .................................................................................. 26
Institut universitaire d’Études du Judaïsme Martin Buber, running: course programmes, correspondence, 1972-1978 26
Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie – FISP [International Federation
of Philosophical Societies] .............................................................................................. 26
Meetings of the FISP: minutes, correspondence, 1965-1983 ........................................................................................ 26
Colloquiums of the FISP, organisation: correspondence, 1956-1983 .......................................................................... 27
Bank monitoring of the FISP: correspondence, 1955-1974 .......................................................................................... 27
Fédération des Associations Internationales établies en Belgique [Federation of European and International Associations
established in Belgium], registration: correspondence, 1957-1970 ............................................................................... 27
Correspondence with Richard McKeon, 1956-1976 ....................................................................................................... 28
Chaïm Perelman’s general correspondence relating to the FISP, 1956-1983 ............................................................. 28
Fondation universitaire [University Foundation] ........................................................... 28
Fondation universitaire, running: correspondence, 1957-1983 ........................................................................................... 28
Institut des Hautes Études de Belgique [Higher Education Institute of Belgium]...... 29
Institut des Hautes Études de Belgique [Higher Education Institute of Belgium], running: minutes of meetings,
correspondence, 1957-1983 .................................................................................................................................................29
Société belge de Philosophie [Belgian Philosophy Society]........................................... 29
Société belge de Philosophie, running: correspondence, 1956-1971; 1975........................................................................... 29
Société belge de Logique et de Philosophie des Sciences [Belgian Society for Logic
and Philosophy of Science] ............................................................................................. 30
Société belge de Logique et de Philosophie des Sciences, running: minutes of meetings, correspondence, 1958-1983 ... 30
Revue internationale de philosophie ............................................................................... 30
Revue internationale de philosophie, running, correspondence, 1965-1983 ......................................................................... 30
Association internationale de Philosophie du Droit et de Philosophie sociale
[International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy] .......................................... 31
Association internationale de Philosophie du Droit et de Philosophie sociale, running:
minutes of meetings, correspondence, 1973-1983 ........................................................... 31
Institut International de Philosophie .............................................................................. 32
Institut International de Philosophie, running: correspondence, 1974-1983 ....................................................................... 32
Institut International de Philosophie, running: miscellaneous documents ........................................................................... 32
Other (para-) university groups - miscellaneous ............................................................ 33
Sub-collection 3: scientific production ............................................................................... 34
Scientific Publications, preparation ................................................................................ 34
Chaïm Perelman’s reading matter .......................................................................................................................................34
Chaïm Perelman's notebooks, 1934-1948 .................................................................................................................... 34
Works, commissions: correspondence, 1957-1981 .................................................................................................... 35
Articles; reports; speeches, preparation ............................................................................................................................. 35
Articles – A ........................................................................................................................................................................35
Articles - B .........................................................................................................................................................................36
Articles - C .........................................................................................................................................................................36
Articles – D, part 1 ...........................................................................................................................................................36
Articles – D, part 2 ...........................................................................................................................................................37
Articles – E ........................................................................................................................................................................37
Articles – F.........................................................................................................................................................................37
Articles – G........................................................................................................................................................................38
Articles – H........................................................................................................................................................................38
Articles – I-J.......................................................................................................................................................................38
Articles – L, part 1 ............................................................................................................................................................38
Articles – L, part 2 ............................................................................................................................................................39
Articles – M .......................................................................................................................................................................39
Articles – N........................................................................................................................................................................40
Articles – O........................................................................................................................................................................40
Articles – P, part 1 ............................................................................................................................................................40
Articles – P, part 2 ............................................................................................................................................................40
Articles – P, part 3 ............................................................................................................................................................41
Articles [in French] – Q–Z [ ?], part 1 .......................................................................................................................... 41
Articles [in French] – Q–Z [?], part 2 ........................................................................................................................... 41
Articles [in foreign languages], Q-Z [?], part 3 ............................................................................................................ 42
Articles [speeches] ............................................................................................................................................................42
Individual items ......................................................................................................................................................................42
Individual items. Miscellaneous, 1 .................................................................................................................................42
Individual items. Miscellaneous, 2 .................................................................................................................................43
Individual items. Miscellaneous, 3 .................................................................................................................................43
Scientific Publications, publishing ................................................................................. 44
Books, personal publications ...............................................................................................................................................44
Personal publications: biographical and bibliographical reports .............................................................................. 44
Rhetoric and philosophy, publication: critical reviews ...................................................................................................... 44
The Idea of Justice and the Problem of Arguments, publication: correspondence, 1960-1964 ....................................... 44
De la Justice; Justice et raison, publication: correspondence, critical reviews, 1945-1979 ......................................... 45
Justice et raison, publication: constituent articles, undated ........................................................................................... 45
An Historical Introduction to Philosophical Thinking, publication: correspondence, 1963-1966 ................................. 45
Traité de l’argumentation, publication and translation..................................................................................................... 46
Cinq leçons sur la justice; Droit, morale et philosophie, publication: correspondence, critical reviews, constituent
articles, 1964-1980 ............................................................................................................................................................47
Logique juridique, publication: critical reviews, correspondence, 1976-1979 ............................................................ 47
Le champ de l’argumentation, publication: constituent articles, correspondence, critical reviews, 1968-1979....... 48
Rhetoric as persuasion, publication: correspondence, 1971-1975 ................................................................................. 48
L’empire rhétorique: Rhétorique et argumentation /The Realm of Rhetoric, publication: notes, critical reviews,
correspondence, 1977-1981 ............................................................................................................................................48
The New Rhetoric and the Humanities, publication: constituent articles, critical reviews, 1980 ................................ 49
Justice, Law and Argument, publication: correspondence, critical reviews, 1964-1982 ............................................ 49
Cours de logique, publication: correspondence, 1957-1966 .......................................................................................... 49
Books, publication management .........................................................................................................................................49
Doctoral thesis specialised in law (Hermann Petzold Pernìa, s. d.)......................................................................... 49
Études de logique juridique, publication management: correspondence, critical reviews, 1965-1968 ..................... 50
Les antinomies en droit, publication management: correspondence, critical reviews, 1965-1968 ........................... 50
Le problème des lacunes en droit, publication management: correspondence, critical reviews, 1965-1968.............. 50
Various Publications: correspondence, reviews .......................................................................................................... 50
Colloquiums and conferences ......................................................................................... 51
Universities, invitations to lecture: correspondence, 1966-1983 ................................................................................... 51
Colloquiums, participation: correspondence, 1971-1983 ............................................................................................... 52
Conferences, participation: correspondence, 1963; 1975-1983 ..................................................................................... 53
General Scientific correspondence, 1952-1984 [mainly 1962-1983] .................................. 54
Scientific Correspondence – A ............................................................................................................................................54
Scientific Correspondence – Leo Apostel, 1952-1983 .................................................................................................... 54
Scientific Correspondence – B ............................................................................................................................................55
Scientific Correspondence – Ottmar Ballweg, 1967-1983 ............................................................................................. 56
Scientific Correspondence – Jan M. Broekman, 1974-1982 .......................................................................................... 56
Scientific Correspondence – C ............................................................................................................................................56
Scientific Correspondence – Guido Calogero, 1966-1978 ............................................................................................. 57
Scientific Correspondence – A. Robert Caponigri, 1969-1983 ..................................................................................... 57
Scientific Correspondence – D ...........................................................................................................................................57
Scientific Correspondence – Eugène and Jean Dupréel, 1952-1981 [mainly 1974-1981] ........................................ 58
Scientific Correspondence – E ............................................................................................................................................58
Scientific Correspondence – Karl Engisch, 1967-1975 .................................................................................................. 58
Scientific Correspondence – Ralph T. Eubanks, 1977-1982 ......................................................................................... 59
Scientific Correspondence – F ............................................................................................................................................59
Scientific Correspondence – Vasile Florescu, 1966-1982............................................................................................... 59
Scientific Correspondence – Paul and Paul-Alain Foriers, 1967-1982 [mainly 1967-1970 and 1980-1982] ......... 59
Scientific Correspondence – Morris D. Forkosch, 1976-1983 ...................................................................................... 60
Scientific Correspondence – G ...........................................................................................................................................60
Scientific Correspondence – Ganshof van der Meersch, 1968-1983 ........................................................................... 60
Scientific Correspondence – Shalev Ginossar, 1969-1981 ............................................................................................. 61
Scientific Correspondence – Alessandro Giuliani, 1965-1983 ...................................................................................... 61
Scientific Correspondence – Henri Gouhier, 1953-1982 [mainly 1970-1982]............................................................ 61
Scientific Correspondence – Marcel Grosjean, 1971-1980 ............................................................................................ 61
Scientific Correspondence – H ...........................................................................................................................................61
Scientific Correspondence – Léon Husson, 1967-1983 ................................................................................................. 62
Scientific Correspondence – I .............................................................................................................................................62
Scientific Correspondence – Franciszek Indan, 1958-1981 [mainly 1966-1981]........................................................ 62
Scientific Correspondence – Octavian Ionescu, 1971-1984 .......................................................................................... 62
Scientific Correspondence – J .............................................................................................................................................62
Scientific Correspondence – Henri Janne, 1966-1983 .................................................................................................... 63
Scientific Correspondence – Henry W. Johnstone Jr, 1957-1983................................................................................. 63
Scientific Correspondence – K ...........................................................................................................................................63
Scientific Correspondence – Georges Kalinowski, 1965-1982 ..................................................................................... 64
Scientific Correspondence – William Kluback, 1970-1984 ............................................................................................ 64
Scientific Correspondence – Tadeusz Kwiatkowski, 1966-1981 .................................................................................. 64
Scientific Correspondence – L ............................................................................................................................................64
Scientific Correspondence – Luigi Lombardi Vallauri, 1969-1983 ............................................................................... 65
Scientific Correspondence – M ...........................................................................................................................................65
Scientific Correspondence – Neil MacCormick, 1974-1983 .......................................................................................... 66
Scientific Correspondence – Mieczyslaw Maneli, 1974-1984 ........................................................................................ 66
Scientific Correspondence – Masashi Miwa, 1969-1984 ................................................................................................ 66
Scientific Correspondence – Marion Mushkat, 1970-1982 ............................................................................................ 66
Scientific Correspondence – Ministries, 1957-1981 ........................................................................................................ 66
Scientific Correspondence – N ...........................................................................................................................................67
Scientific Correspondence – O ...........................................................................................................................................67
Scientific Correspondence – Kazimierz Opalek, 1968-1977 ......................................................................................... 67
Scientific Correspondence – Felix Oppenheim, 1965 .................................................................................................... 67
Scientific Correspondence – P ............................................................................................................................................67
Scientific Correspondence - Alexander Peczenik, 1969-1978 ....................................................................................... 68
Scientific Correspondence – Jerzy Pelc, 1973-1983 ........................................................................................................ 68
Scientific Correspondence – Hermann Petzold Pernía, 1968-1982 ............................................................................. 68
Scientific Correspondence – Lyndel V. Prott, 1966-1978 .............................................................................................. 69
Scientific Correspondence – R ............................................................................................................................................69
Scientific Correspondence – André Robinet, 1965-1982 ............................................................................................... 69
Scientific Correspondence – Donia Rosen, 1975-1977 .................................................................................................. 70
Scientific Correspondence – Nathan Rotenstreich, 1952-1983 [mainly 1965-1983] ................................................. 70
Scientific Correspondence – S.............................................................................................................................................70
Scientific Correspondence – Jan Srzednicki, 1970-1982 ................................................................................................ 71
Scientific Correspondence – T ............................................................................................................................................71
Scientific Correspondence – Ilmar Tammelo, 1965-1982 .............................................................................................. 72
Scientific Correspondence – U............................................................................................................................................72
Scientific Correspondence – V ............................................................................................................................................72
Scientific Correspondence – Marc Van Quickenborne, 1968-1982 ............................................................................. 73
Scientific Correspondence – Michel Villey, 1966-1983 .................................................................................................. 73
Scientific Correspondence – Georg Henrik von Wright, 1969-1975 [mainly 1973-1975] ....................................... 73
Scientific Correspondence – W ...........................................................................................................................................73
Scientific Correspondence – Ota Weinberger, 1970-1981 ............................................................................................. 73
Scientific Correspondence – Harvey Wheeler, 1969-1983 ............................................................................................. 74
Scientific Correspondence – John Wilkinson, 1968-1974 .............................................................................................. 74
Scientific Correspondence – Jerzy Wróblewski, 1966-1983 .......................................................................................... 74
Scientific Correspondence – Y ............................................................................................................................................74
Scientific Correspondence – Z ............................................................................................................................................74
Scientific Correspondence – Zygmunt Ziembinski, 1966-1983 .................................................................................... 74
Sub-collection 4: Jewish Organisations .............................................................................. 76
Amicale des Anciens du Comité de Défense des Juifs [Association of the Ancients from
the Committee for the Protection of Jews]...................................................................... 76
Amicale des Anciens du Comité de Défense des Juifs [Association of the Ancients from the Committee for the
Protection of Jews], participation: correspondence, 1963-1977.................................................................................... 76
Les Amis de la Jeunesse juive [Friends of Jewish Youth], ............................................. 77
Les Amis de la Jeunesse juive, participation: circulars, correspondence, 1963-1978........................................................ 77
Centrale d’Œuvres sociales juives [Centre for Jewish Social Works] ............................. 77
Centrale d’Œuvres sociales juives, participation: correspondence, 1957-1978 ................................................................... 77
Comité d’Hommage des Juifs de Belgique [Committee paying Homage to Belgian
Jews] ................................................................................................................................ 78
Comité d’Hommage des Juifs de Belgique, participation: 1942 ; 1963-1977 .......................................................................... 78
Conférence permanente des Services communautaires juifs d’Europe [Standing
Conference of European Jewish Community Services] .................................................. 78
Conférence permanente des Services communautaires juifs d’Europe, participation : correspondence, 19601967 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................78
Keren Hayessod – Fonds unifié pour Israël [United Israel Appeal] .............................. 79
Keren Hayessod – Fonds unifié pour Israël [United Israel Appeal], participation: correspondence, 1957-1975 ........... 79
Menorah........................................................................................................................... 79
Menorah, participation: correspondence, 1955-1967 ........................................................................................................ 79
Organisation sioniste mondiale [World Zionist Organisation] ...................................... 80
Organisation sioniste mondiale, participation : correspondence, 1957-1977 ...................................................................... 80
Université hébraïque de Jérusalem. Association Les Amis belges de l’Université
hébraïque de Jérusalem [The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Association of Belgian
Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem] ............................................................ 81
Les Amis belges de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, running: correspondence, minutes of sessions, information
bulletins, 1967-1983 ..............................................................................................................................................................81
Les Amis belges de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, organisation of conferences: correspondence, 1957-1978....... 81
Comité d’Action pour Israël [Action Committee for Israel] ........................................... 82
Comité d’Action pour Israël, participation, 1973-1978.......................................................................................................... 82
Chaïm Perelman's general correspondence relating to Jewish community life, 1957-1977
......................................................................................................................................... 82
Sub-collection 5: Prizes and distinctions ............................................................................ 84
Prix Francqui [Francqui Prize], awarded ....................................................................... 84
Prix Francqui, awarded: correspondence, 1962 ................................................................................................................. 84
Prix Francqui, awarded: press review, 1962 ........................................................................................................................ 85
Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique [Royal
Academy of Sciences, Arts and Fine-Arts of Belgium] ................................................... 85
Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, participation : correspondence .......................... 85
Prix décennal de Philosophie [Decennial Prize in Philosophy] ..................................... 86
Prix décennal de Philosophie , awarded: correspondence, 1975 ..................................... 86
Distinctions abroad, awarded: correspondence, 1972-1977............................................. 86
Sub-collection 6: Chaïm Perelman’s general correspondence ........................................... 87
General outgoing correspondence, carbon copies, 1960-1983 ........................................ 87
General outgoing correspondence, 1961 ........................................................................................................................... 88
General outgoing correspondence, 1962 ........................................................................................................................... 89
General outgoing correspondence, 1963 ........................................................................................................................... 90
General outgoing correspondence, 1964 ........................................................................................................................... 92
General outgoing correspondence, 1965 ........................................................................................................................... 93
General outgoing correspondence, 1966 ........................................................................................................................... 94
General outgoing correspondence, 1967 ........................................................................................................................... 96
General outgoing correspondence, 1968 ........................................................................................................................... 98
General outgoing correspondence, 1969 .........................................................................................................................100
General outgoing correspondence, 1970 .........................................................................................................................102
General outgoing correspondence, 1971 .........................................................................................................................104
General outgoing correspondence, 1972 .........................................................................................................................106
General outgoing correspondence, 1973 .........................................................................................................................108
General outgoing correspondence, 1974 .........................................................................................................................110
General outgoing correspondence, 1975 .........................................................................................................................112
General outgoing correspondence, 1976 .........................................................................................................................113
General outgoing correspondence, 1977 .........................................................................................................................115
General outgoing correspondence, 1978 .........................................................................................................................117
General outgoing correspondence, 1979 .........................................................................................................................118
General outgoing correspondence, 1980 .........................................................................................................................119
General outgoing correspondence, 1981 .........................................................................................................................121
General outgoing correspondence, 1983 .........................................................................................................................123
General correspondence, miscellaneous, 1952-1982 [mainly 1952-1953; 1969-1982] ...... 124
General correspondence, miscellaneous, part 1: A-D ...................................................................................................125
General correspondence, miscellaneous, part 2: E-M ..................................................................................................125
General correspondence, miscellaneous, part 3: N-Z ...................................................................................................126
Intercessions and recommendations ................................................................................................................................126
Index nominorum ............................................................................................................. 128
Index rerum....................................................................................................................... 164
Table of texts..................................................................................................................... 169
The present inventory details the structure and contents of the “Chaïm Perelman” collection
preserved in the Archives of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) under the classification
mark BE.ULB-ARCH/89PP (henceforth 89PP). In 1984, following the death of her
husband, Fela Liwer-Perelman gave the “Chaïm Perelman” collection to the Archives of the
ULB. For the most part the collection brings together evidence of the scientific activity of its
producer: items of correspondence (incoming and outgoing), preparatory notes (cards,
notebooks…) and articles in various forms, inventories of texts (handwritten, typescript…).
This vast documentary collection shows the major contribution Chaïm Perelman made to the
intellectual life of his time.
The description and development of the “Chaïm Perelman” collection are part of the
“Perelman Archives” research project, funded by the F.R.S.-FNRS and overseen by Prof
Emmanuelle Danblon at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. In scientific terms, this project aims
to make use of Chaïm Perelman’s archives to provide an original perspective on his thinking;
from a technical point of view it is about providing the researcher with appropriate research
instruments for the exploitation of the resources in the collection, while granting access to a
selection of items via a database, incorporated in a website which is entirely dedicated to
Chaïm Perelman 1.
The inventory consists of the following tools:
detailed explanations of the collection in its entirety, in accordance with the archival
standards of the ISAD(G);
an inventory of the sub-collection and files, including, for each file, information
relating to the title, volume, languages used (significantly), dates and content. If the
envisaged file contains items of correspondence, the names of authors or addressees –
aside from Chaïm Perelman – of the items it contains are also mentioned 2;
an index nominorum, listing all the authors and/or addressees of the items present in
the collection, and identifying Chaïm Perelman’s key correspondents 3;
a rerum index, listing the key words which characterise the items contained in the
collection in the “Perelman Archives” database;
a table of texts, listing works, articles, speeches… by Chaïm Perelman and contained
in the collection, as well as information relating to their form (manuscript,
typescript…), their volume and location.
This website can be accessed at the address
It is thus understood that these lists are not exclusively made up of the name of Chaïm Perelman’s correspondents. Due to the
fact that the majority of them were not well known, the standardisation of the names by means of the usual tracking tools could
not be foreseen. Only the main or notable correspondents were dealt with in this way. We respected the forms of names as they
appeared in the documents and as a consequence there are some variants. Approximations or duplicates in the lists of names are
still possible.
3 According to the detailed analysis of the “general scientific correspondence” section (89PP 20-27) of the collection.
General Note on the Chaïm Perelman Collection Archives of the Université Libre de Bruxelles
Identity Statement
Reference code: BE.ULB-ARCH/89PP (collection).
Title: Chaïm Perelman Collection.
Dates of production: 1934-1984; mainly 1962-1983.
Date of creation: 1984.
Level of description: collection.
Extent: 51 boxes, or 5.6 m.
Medium: paper (notebooks, cards, circulars, letters…).
Name of Creator: Perelman, Chaïm, Pinchus; Perelman, Fela
Biographical history: Born in Warsaw in 1912, arrived in Belgium during the 1920s, Chaïm
Perelman completed his education at the ULB, mainly under the aegis of Eugène Dupréel
(philosopher and sociologist) and Marcel Barzin (logician). He progressively abandoned the
study of formal logic for that of argumentation that he sees as a logic of value judgements
which is directly useful when implementing practical reasoning. During the occupation, he
was relieved of his responsibilities at the University and become an active member of the
Committee for the Defence of Jews, a secret body dedicated to protecting Belgium’s Israeli
Perelman was employed as a Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles immediately after
the Second World War and pursued all aspects of his work; teaching disciplines as diverse as
logic, metaphysics, argumentation or legal philosophy, he gave rhetoric classes to generations
of students from all the Faculties – Philosophy, Arts, Sociology, Medicine, Law,
Economics… He is the author, along with Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca, of the Traité de
l’argumentation (1958) and is considered to be the father of the New Rhetoric. Winner of the
Francqui Prize in 1962, awarded Honorary Degrees on numerous occasions, a member of the
Royal Academy of Belgium and the chairman of numerous scientific societies, HRH King
Baudouin appointed him to the baronage in 1983.
Chaïm Perelman died in Brussels on 22 January 1984.
Archival history: The collection was preserved after it was handed over (1984) to the Archives
of the ULB. It underwent an initial processing in 2010, under the supervision of this
department, then a second one was carried out by the staff of the “Perelman Archives”
(2012-2014) research project, which integrated new content (9 boxes, 1m) probably
erroneously separated from the collection when it was handed over. The principle followed
is, for each and every stage, one of respect for the integrity and structure of the collection at
the time it was handed over by Fela Perelman. The research instruments
(“Perelman Archives” Pallas database, inventory consisting of the index nominorum and
index rerum and a table of texts) were progressively compiled between 2012 and 2015, date
of their finalisation.
Immediate source of acquisition: In 1984 Fela Perelman donated the collection to the Archives of
the ULB. It was not subject to any donation agreement.
Content and Structure
Scope and content: The collection consists of an ensemble of documents linked, for the most
part, to Chaïm Perelman’s scientific activity. It includes, for example, around forty notebooks
with reading notes which bear witness to his intellectual interests since the 1930s, as well as a
large number of articles in a variety of different formats (manuscripts, typescripts…); minutes
of faculty meetings, course programmes... The majority of the items in the collection are
nonetheless items relating to the correspondence between Perelman and individuals from the
university world, and, more broadly, intellectual world – be it letters of an administrative or
scientific nature; or exchanges linked to his activities within Jewish organisations. To a lesser
extent, there are also letters which are more related to the extra-university or associative
sphere, but nonetheless linked to Perelman’s public life: loan of works of art, sociability etc.
The oldest items date back to 1934, while the most recent were produced just a few days
before Chaïm Perelman’s death on 22 January 1984. The majority of the documents are from
the period 1957-1983; moreover we can only presume that the collection is incomplete (as,
with one exception, there are no direct exchanges with his collaborator and friend Lucie
Olbrechts-Tyteca), just like the majority of correspondence preserved in the collection. This
vast documentary collection nonetheless bears witness to Chaïm Perelman’s intense
involvement in the intellectual life of the time.
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling information: The collection has not been sorted since it was
given to the ULB.
Accruals: No increase in volume is planned for the time being.
System of Arrangement: The principle followed during the successive reprocessing of the
collection, done before its description, is that of the respect of the integrity and the original
order of the items when they were handed over 4. The filing of the documents at the time, as
it was carried out by Perelman, his wife or his secretariat, follows a thematic logic: every
document is linked to a sector of his activity. In any case, due to the constant interpenetration
of these domains of activity, a same item could, in the absolute, validly find its place in
As far as is possible, and barring any major incoherences in the filing. See below.
different files 5. Due to the collection’s (relative) lack of structure, an intellectual unit was
recreated around the large collections.
The contents of the collection are thus divided into six organic sub-collections:
Sub-collection 1: Academic activities - Université Libre de Bruxelles: Contains letters and
documents linked to Perelman’s activities at the ULB: attribution of classes, faculty minutes,
programmes; exchanges with decision-making authorities (Rectorate for example), colleagues,
assistants, collaborators and students. Also contains a copy of the speech given in homage to
Perelman and made by his colleagues when he was awarded an honorary degree;
Sub-collection 2: Para-university activities: Contains the letters and documents linked to
Perelman’s activities within the various scientific organisations: the Belgian National Center
for Research in Logic, Centre for Legal Philosophy, International Federation of Philosophical
Societies… These are mainly letters relating to the organisation of these activities, and in
particular Perelman’s participation in colloquiums and conferences; minutes, the publication
of the Logique et analyse, review etc;
Sub-collection 3: Scientific production: Contains letters and documents linked to Perelman’s
scientific production. There are his logbooks, proofs of articles and correspondence relating
to the publication of his own works (Traité de l’argumentation, De la Justice, L’empire rhétorique…)
or of collectives he was responsible for. This correspondence consists of exchanges with
editors, collaborators for the collectives, and the translators (German, Italian, English) of
some of his works. There are also a large number of critical accounts of the works published.
There is also mention of Perelman’s participation in colloquiums and conferences, as well as
invitations to foreign universities. Finally, the sub-collection contains Perelman’s general
scientific correspondence, incoming and outgoing, touching on the different sectors of his
scientific activity;
Sub-collection 4: Activities within Jewish organisations: Contains letters and documents
linked to Perelman’s involvement in Jewish, Belgian or foreign organisations;
Sub-collection 5: Prizes and distinctions: Contains letters, cards and telegrams received when
Chaïm Perelman was awarded distinctions (Francqui Prize for the most part), as well as
documents relating to this (press clippings for example);
5For example: Perelman’s commitment to Israel and to the influence of Jewish culture has an incidence on certain aspects of his
scientific work (participation in colloquiums and conferences in Israel, academic activities in collaboration with the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem…); on the other hand, some professors from Israeli universities, who appear to belong to his nonprofessional social network, are approached within the context of scientific activities (hence, Shalev Ginossar for whom Perelman
manages an estate in Belgium; the two men even collaborated with a view to a Hebrew translation of the Logique juridique). We also
wondered about including the exchanges with D. Rosen, of Yad Vashem, in the general scientific correspondence. From a strictly
professional point of view, Perelman can, for example, be in contact with a professor for activities relating to the CNRL (Centre
National de Recherches de Logique – the Belgian National Center for Research in Logic) or the CPD (Centre de Philosophie du DroitCentre of Legal Philosophy, ULB); contact which is likely to go beyond these activities through the exchange of texts or the
organisation of events (there are also items by this person in the specific files at the CNRL or CPD, or in the general scientific
correspondence; if this person is a colleague from the ULB, it could also be that items relating to this are in files relating to this
Sub-collection 6: General correspondence: Contains Chaïm Perelman’s general outgoing
correspondence, between 1962 and 1983, that’s to say duplicates of his letters on carbon
paper, whatever the theme – scientific, administrative…-, most probably from his secretariat.
There are sometimes duplicates with carbon copies present in the other boxes (e.g.: General
scientific correspondence). There is also an unclassified box of correspondence, relating to
aspects of Perelman’s social life.
These Sub-collections are then subdivided into files, the characteristics of which are listed in
the present inventory. The items within these files are classified in alphabetical order 6 (if
appropriate) and/or reverse chronological order. The titles of the files and sections have
either been adopted by the producer himself, or else made up in a coherent manner with
regard to the content.
As a general rule, the governing principle pursued by the producer when filing is the
following: if the item is directly related to a single specific domain (Colloquium, publication
of a work, CNRL, ULB…), it can be found in the file concerned; if on the contrary Perelman
is in contact with a correspondent for general scientific questions (exchanges of texts and
references, development of ideas…) or for questions relating to various scientific domains,
the items can be found in the general scientific correspondence (sub-collection 3). The
outgoing correspondence in the form of carbon copies can be found in sub-collection 6;
some of these items have a duplicate in other sections (carbon copy in another colour), thus
accompanying the letters to which they respond 7.
Conditions of Access and Use
Conditions governing access: The collection is not subject to any particular donation agreement,
there is no restricted access. The documents are accessible in the University Archives
according to the usual methods (
Conditions governing reproduction: Any reproduction of items belonging to the Chaïm Perelman
collection should be requested in advance from the department of the Archives and Libraries
of the ULB ( and from Prof E. Danblon, scientific director of the
development project for this collection (
Languages: mainly French (the majority) and English. Also Polish, Italian, Spanish, German,
Dutch; and infrequently, Russian and Hebrew.
Physical characteristics and technical requirements: not applicable.
Finding aids: Inventory, including index nominorum, index rerum, table of texts; “Perelman
Archives” Pallas database.
For the general correspondence items, it is generally the alphabetical order of the names of the correspondents; however,
sometimes an item is filed according to the name of the institution it comes from, or the subject it relates to. Moreover, some of
the items are anonymous or wrongly filed.
7 We have estimated, at the last analysis, that a reclassification of the collection wouldn’t necessarily make it easier to consult, and
could even result in a loss of information. We have henceforth placed the emphasis on building up appropriate research
instruments (see below), which should make it easy to find resources in the collection.
Allied Materials:
Fela and Chaïm Perelman papers (1920-2001), United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Preserved in Washington DC (USA), this collection, donated by Noémi Mattis-Perelman and
Olivia Perelman (daughter and granddaughter of Chaïm Perelman) to the USHMM, contains
Fela (mainly) and Chaïm Perelman’s private archives. There are a lot of items which deal with
the activities of the Perelman couple during the occupation (Nos Petits school, Committee for
the Protection of Jews…) as well as activities relating to Fela Perelman’s Zionist
commitment. The collection still contains the private correspondence of Fela Perelman (with
Chaïm in the 1930s; with his friends and family…) and a series of administrative items
belonging to the couple (passports, driving licence and ID cards; Chaïm Perelman’s
Part of this collection was entrusted to the ULB between 1984 and 2006, before it was finally
donated to the USHMM. Its structure will be detailed on the “Perelman Archives” Pallas
database, and a selection of the items will be developed in accordance with the USHMM.
This institution plans to carry out a reclassification in the near future, a detailed inventory and
a complete digitisation of the “Fela and Chaïm Perelman Papers” collection.
Publication note:
NICOLAS Loïc, “Le projet rhétorique de Chaïm Perelman à la lumière de sa
correspondence”, sd.: Angenot, M., Bernier, M., Perelman aujourd'hui, Nota Bene,
Quebec [not yet published];
SCHREIBER Jean Philippe, Chaïm Perelman ou la double fidélité [in the pipeline];
ZAGARELLA Roberta Martina, “Vico e la retorica contemporanea: materiali degli
Archives ‘Chaïm Perelman’”, Bollettino del Centro di Studi Vichiani, 2015 [not yet
Description control
Inventory established by Ingrid Mayeur:, under the supervision of the
Archives of the ULB (dir. Didier Devriese:, in conformity with the
standard archival norms (Archival description standardised according to ISAD (G) 2000).
Methodology: respect for the integrity of the collection and restoration of the original order.
Scientific Leadership of the “Archives Perelman” project: Prof Emmanuelle Danblon:, based on an idea of Loïc Nicolas, FRS-FNRS researcher (“Chaïm
Perelman Archives” postdoctoral grant).
Established in 2014-2015.
Perelman collection
Sub-collection 1: Academic activities - Université Libre de Bruxelles
Teaching Activities
Faculty of social, political and economic sciences, 1957-1978
Contains Perelman’s correspondence relating to his teaching activities within the Faculty of
social, political and economic sciences: circulars, timetable organisation, holiday requests...
There are also programmes, proposals for reform, educational opinions, schedules, minutes,
committee reports, and exam marks. Language: French. Volume: 2 cm. Classification mark:
89PP 1.1.
Amy, René
Bartier, J.
Beauvois, R.
Dassel, E.
Deligne, Jean
Dero, Jacob A. C.
Dillien, R.
Dorsinfang-Smets, A.
Doucy, Arthur
Dubreucq, R.
Foriers, Paul
Gardedieu, Al.
Gevers, Madeleine
Glansdorff, M.
Harroy, Jean-Paul
Hatry, P.
Hirschberg, Lydia
Janne, Henri
Jaumotte, André
Kirschen, Étienne Sadi
Leclercq, R.
Leiser, Jacques
Marchand, S.
Maricq, R.
Nagels, Jean
Paumen, Jean
Quintin, M.
Steinberg, R.
Unger, S.
Vander Eycken, H.
Vauthier, M.
Waelbroeck, J.
Wauthoz, M.
Zehnder, Robert
School of Educational Sciences/School of Psychological and Educational Sciences,
Contains Perelman’s correspondence in relation to his teaching activities within the School of
Educational Sciences and the School of Psychological and Educational Sciences: circulars,
invitations to attend meetings, holiday requests... There are also reports, proposals for reform
and minutes. Language: French. Volume: 1.3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 1.2.
Bloch, C.
De Coster, Sylvain
Deheyn, Jean-Marie
Dispaux, Michel
Gillis, Paul
Grégoire, Paul-Égide
Servais, M.
Faculty of Sciences, 1958-1972
Contains Perelman’s correspondence relating to his teaching activities within the Faculty of
Sciences: organisation of timetables, development of programmes and lesson planning,
holiday requests. There are also reports of meetings, minutes, as well as the draft of a
manifesto entitled “Mouvement pour la rénovation et l’expansion de l’ULB”. Language:
French. Volume: 1.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 1.3.
Brouckère, Lucia de
Burniat, Pol
Cypres, R.
De Paepe, J.
Debever, Robert
Deheniau, J.
Gillis, P.
Gribaumont, A.
Hirsch, Guy
Laurent, A.
Leblanc, F.
Leclercq, R.
Mattis, Daniel
Monteyne, Roger
Papy, G.
Prigogine, Ilya
Rasmont, R.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Waelbroeck, Lucien
Faculty of Philosophy and Arts: Institute of Philosophy, 1958-1980
Contains Perelman’s correspondence relating to his teaching activities within the Institute of
Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy and Arts): invitations to attend meetings, programme
planning, requests for credit, staff management (applications, promotions, temporary supply
posts); as well as various administrative documents (reports and minutes for the most part).
There are also letters referring to the publication of the Annales de l’Institut de Philosophie
(publishing, subsidies, exchanges with other reviews…), as well as the typewritten text of a
speech made by Perelman on a day devoted to nondenominational morals. Language: French.
Volume: 2.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 1.4.
Alexander, Hubert G.
Apostel, Leo
Aron, Raymond
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Banerjee, N. V.
Bastide, Roger
Bordat, L.
Brun, Jean
Canneel, S.
Castelli Gattinara, Enrico
Chastaing, Maxime
Coopmans, G.
Darimont, P.
De Coster, Sylvain
De Smet, Nicaise
Defrenne, Madeleine
Delsemme, Paul
Delvoye, Charles
Doucy, Arthur
Dufourcq, Norbert
Durufle, Maurice
Faye, Jean-Pierre
Foriers, Paul
Gillet, J.-P.
Goedert-Croissant, J.
Grosjean, Marcel
Guéroult, Martial
Gurvitch, Georges
Gutwirth, Rudolf
Hirschberg, Lydia
Indan, Franciszek
Issman, Samuel
Jankélévitch, Vladimir
Janssens, Émile
Kruithof, J.
Kurtz, Paul
Lacroix, Jean
Lacroze, René
Lameere, Jean
Lion, S.
Masai, François
Miedzianagora, Joseph
Mitry, Jean
Moffat, Robert C. L.
Mortier, Roland
Nagels, Jean
Paumen, Jean
Polin, Raymond
Poncet, André-François
Poulaert, L.
Rheims, Maurice
Robert, Jean-Dominique
Ruyssen, Théodore
Ruytinx, Jacques
Sojcher, Jacques
Souriau, Étienne
Stengers, Jean
Unger, S.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Vuillemin, Jules
Weil, Éric
Westerveld, E. C.
Weyembergh, M.
Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, 1968-1978
Contains Perelman’s correspondence relating to his teaching activities within the Faculty of
Philosophy and Arts: invitations to attend meetings, circulars, staff management
(applications, holidays, attributing classes, promotions, supply posts); as well as various
administrative documents (reports and minutes for the most part). Language: French.
Volume: 1.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 1.5.
Bingen, Jean
Bordat, L.
Crahay, R.
Croissant, J.
Dejean, Christian
Duvosquel, J.-M.
Foriers, Paul
Hasquin, Hervé
Helin, F.
Hertens, R.
Hubien, Hubert
Issman, Samuel
Jaumotte, André
Legros, Robert
Michel, Jacques-Henri
Mortier, Roland
Préaux, Claire
Richir, Marc
Richir, Pierre
Van Compernolle, René
Viré, Ghislaine
Law Faculty, 1967-1982
Contains Perelman’s correspondence relating to his teaching activities within the Law Faculty:
invitations to attend meetings, circulars, attributing classes, programme planning, holiday
requests; various administrative documents (committee reports, programmes and minutes for
the most part). Language: French. Volume: 1.8 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 1.6.
Bekaert, Hermann
De Schutter, B.
Dejean, Christian
Dupréel, Jean
Foriers, Paul
Ganshof van der Meersch,
Walter J.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Haarscher, Guy
Heenen, Jacques
Henrion, Roger
Henrot, M.
Jaumotte, André
Lainé, Félix
Leclercq, R.
Legros, Robert
Leroy, Maurice
Messinne, Jules
Michot, Jean
Nijns, R.
Osterrieth, Paul Alexandre
Pirson, Robert
Rens, R.
Salmon, Jean
Serayen, Paul
Simonet, H.
Sylvan, Irwin S.
Trousson, Raymond
Van den Eynde, Alain
Vander Elst, Raymond
Vanderlinden, Jacques
Vanwelkenhuyzen, A.
Vauthier, M.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Warnotte, Nicole
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, 1969-1970
Contains Perelman’s correspondence relating to his teaching activities within the Faculties of
Medicine and Pharmacy: attribution of classes for the most part. Language: French. Volume:
0.2 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 1.7.
Dejean, Christian
Jaumotte, André
Lagrange, G.
Lequime, Jean
Molle, L.
Mulnard, J.
Simonet, H.
Speech made when Perelman was awarded an Honorary Degree [undated]
Contains the text of a speech paying homage to Chaïm Perelman that was prepared by his
colleagues at the Law Faculty when he was awarded an Honorary Degree. It looks back on
his professional career, his main intellectual contributions, as well as the honorary titles
bestowed upon him over that period. A painting by Yacob Agam, an Israeli artist, which
belonged to Perelman, is also mentioned as well as other works of art (by Magritte, Lanskoy,
Mesens). Finally Fela Perelman is thanked for managing to surround Chaïm in an atmosphere
which was conducive to intellectual work. Language: French. Volume: 22 pages, 37.5 x 23.5
cm. Classification mark: 89PP 3.
Scientific Commissions, 1968-1978
Contains minutes and reports from scientific commissions, as well as requests for subsidies
and research credits. Language: French. Volume: 2 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 1.8.
Bingen, Jean
Bonenfant, Pierre
De Smet, R. E.
Dierickx, J.
Galle-Dehennin, E.
Jaumotte, André
Kint, G.
Masai, François
Moureaux, Philippe
Paumen, Jean
Plard, Henri
Préaux, Jean
Renard, M.
Stengers, Jean
Stenmans, A.
Verdière, Raoul
Verstraeten, Pierre
General Academic Correspondence
Chairmanship and Rectorship, 1969-1982
Contains various exchanges between Perelman and the decision-making authorities of the
ULB: participation in events (tributes, start of term speeches, honorary status, circulars
(employment regulations, notices…), notification of attribution of classes… There is also a
series of paying in slips relating to Perelman’s wages as professor at the ULB. Language:
French. Volume: 2 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 2.1.
Berliner, C.
Bernard, Henri
Bordat, L.
Colicis, J.
Coopmans, G.
De Fre, G.
Dedye, E.
Dejean, Christian
Dethier, Fred
Doucy, Arthur
Foriers, Paul
Germain, Jean
Godart, A.
Jaumotte, André
Laurent, A.
Michot, Jean
Mirande, Anne
Mortier, Roland
Screvens, Raymond
Sojcher, Jacques
Van Geyt, E.
Vergote, J.
Warnotte, Nicole
Assistants and collaborators, 1962-1983
Contains various exchanges between Perelman and his collaborators, relating to their research
or the management of their career (renewing mandates, course vacancies, supply posts).
During his stays abroad Perelman is also informed by his assistants of what is going on at the
University. Language: French. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 2.2.
Apostel, Leo
Bastait's, M.
Baugniet, Jean
Bietlot, R.
Bingen, Jean
Borgers, Jean
Buch, Henri
Chome, Thierry
Coopmans, G.
De Corte, Marcel
Dejean, Christian
Deleu, P.
Delvoye, Charles
Devaux, Philippe
Downar, Richard W.
Durand-Auzias, R.
Foriers, Paul
Géhéniau, J.
Gilissen, John
Gochet, Paul
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Grosjean, Marcel
Grynpas, Jérôme
Haarscher, Guy
Homes, M.
Hottois, Gilbert
Ingber, Léon
Issman, Samuel
Jaumotte, André
Jaumotte, Christian
Kirschen, Étienne Sadi
Kruithof, J.
Laitat, Jean
Lallemand, Roger
Leblanc, F.
Leclercq, R.
Legros, Robert
Lemaire, Henri
Leroy, Maurice
Levaux, Paul
Loreau, Max
Meyer, Michel
Miedzianagora, G.
Miedzianagora, Joseph
Mirande, Anne
Niemegeers, Marcel
Orfinger-Karlin, Régine
Paumen, Jean
Picciotto, E.
Plard, Henri
Reuse, J.
Reusse, Jean
Royère, Charles de la
Ruytinx, Jacques
Simon, J.
Simonet, H.
Sojcher, Jacques
Tommissen, Piet
Trejbiez, J.
Van de Meulebroeke, Marthe
Van de Velde, Patrick
Van Geyt, E.
Van San, Herman
Vauthier, M.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Willems, Jean
Students, 1962-1983
Contains various exchanges between Perelman and his students, relating to sick leave,
requests for exemption... There are also letters from and to his collaborators and assistants,
filed in this way (or so it seems) by Perelman himself. Language: French. Volume: 7.5 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 2.3.
Anciaux, Jean-Claude
Andreux, Marie-Louise
Angelo, Thomas d’
Anselin, M.-G.
Araya, Domingo
Arsadi, Farideh
Baeyens-Auquit, Gisèle
Bal, Hélène
Bararengana, Séraphin
Barbier, Roger
Bastait's, M.
Baudry, Myriam
Bauduin, Jean-Claude
Bauwens, Michèle
Becq, Jean
Beem, André
Beer, Hélène
Ben Soltana, A.
Bergmann-Bingen, N.
Bernard, J.-P.
Biasio, Yvano de
Biasio-Dubreucq, Anne de
Blaze, Françoise
Bongolo, Bernard
Bonhome, Michel
Bordier, Jacques
Borgers, Jean
Borlon, Pol Jr
Botteman, Jacques
Boussard-Planard, Chantal
Brajbart, Sarah
Carbonnelle, Jean-Jacques
Casier, S.
Castermans, Jacques
Castillo-V., Thomas
Chif, Françoise
Coenraets, Hervé
Cohen, Joshua M.
Contreras, Michèle
Coosemans, J. Cl.
Cornet d'Elzius, Philippe
Crabbe, Georges
Cravatte, J. P.
Cuvelier, R.
Danis, Jean-Louis
Darimont, P.
Dastouri, Ali
De Becker, J.-P.
De Broe, Pierre
De Clerck, Benoît
De Coster, Sylvain
De Groodt, Francis
De Ro, Gisèle
De Vos, R.
De Waele, F.
Deka, J.-P.
Dekkers-D'Ieteren, J.
Delbovier, Ivan
Deleu, P.
Delvoye, Charles
Demarchi, Manuel Casanova
Demeuldre, Michel
Depauw, Edgard
Deschepper, Jean-Pierre
Devaux, Anne-Marie
Deveux, Paul
Devillers, Robert
D'Hainaut, Brigitte
D'Hondt, J.
Dieu, Germain
Dineur, Michel
Dolhen, Chantal
Dorsinfang-Smets, A.
Druppel, Étienne
Dubois, Marcel-Jacques
Dumonceaux, Denise
Duvivier, Yolande
Duwez, Bernard
Effenberger, Julius
Elie, Monique
Estiévenart, Claude
Evrard, Charles
Evrard, Cl.
Evrard, Jacques
Farber, Anne
Feray, Dogan
Fichefet, Marcel
Fife, Iline
Fontenoy, Serge
Foriers, Paul
Fourcault, Émile
Franeau, Jacques
Frappier, Georges
Ganty, Ch.
Garot, Jean-Claude
Genion, Roger
Georges, Robert
Gere, Denise
Gheza, Daniel
Ghys, C.
Gielen-Bourgeois, H.
Ginsberg, Mitchell D.
Gladstein, Steven
Gochet, Émile
Gochet, Paul
Godefroid, Catherine
Godefroid, Yvette
Goldfarb, S.
Goldman, Rachel
Gosselin-Havaux, AnneMarie
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Gruman, Massia
Grynpas, Jérôme
Gutmann, Barbara S.
Gysens-Gosselin, M.
Haarscher, Guy
Hanssens, Olivier
Harcourt, E. d’
Harroy, Jean-Paul
Havas, Péter
Havaux, A. M.
Hendrickx, Jean-Pierre
Herman, Guy
Herremans, M. P.
Herremans, P.
Hirschberg, Henry
Hoeppé, Nadia
Honoré, Solange
Hottois, Gilbert
Hövell tot Westerflier, [?] van
Hubien, Hubert
Innis, Robert
Issman, Samuel
Jacobs, Christian
Jooris-de Briey, Diane
Kabongo, Anselme
Kabundi, Joseph
Kalinde, Albert
Kaplan, Barbara
Kaufman, Nadine
Keiffer, Dominique
Kembukusua, S.
Kenward, Andrew S.
Kerszberg, Pierre
Kidwingira, Bonaventure
Komperman, Dany
Kwiatkowski, Tadeusz
La Roche, Humberto
Ladrière, Michèle
Lafontaine, Jean-Claude
Laitat, Jean
Lamant, Michel
Lambot, André
Larsimont, Claude
Laurent, André
Lecat, H.
Lecat, Henri
Lechien, Gérard
Legros, Robert
Lemaître, Madeleine
Lenelle, Michel
Léonard, J.
Lestelle, M. T.
Letot, José
Liebmann, T.
Limpens, J.
Loreau, Max
Louckx, Suzanne
Lowenthal, Francis
Lutumba-Buzangu, Z.
Mabusa, Dieudonné
Mahieu, Michel
Maingain, Olivier
Mangenga, Célestin
Maniquet, Louis
Manolesco, John
Massin, Robert
Masure, Jacques
Mathy, Marie
Mayrand, Remi
Mbingamala, Alphonse
Mbongo, Victor
Mboyo, Victor
Mechant, Robert G.
Megha, Maria Rosaria
Meyer, Michel
Mirande, Anne
Moder, Ulrike
Moleus, Alain
Mortier, Roland
Moutoy-Otlet, Suzanne
Mulumba, Tshiasuma
Musasa, Pontien
Mysko, W. K.
Nazroo Fulena, Ayesha
Negrotto, Claude
Nelson, Jack
Newman, Monica
Ngoie Kapenda, Robert
Nosratabadi, Samson
Nyamukeba, Daniel
O'Connor, Janet
Olsen, Leslie Ann
Ooms, Yves
Otlet-Moutoy, Suzanne
Ottevaere, Jean
Paradis, Ch.
Paradis, Michel
Peeters, Daniel
Périer, Marcel
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Philippart, L.
Pholien, Andrée
Pickard, Marc
Pierobon, Frank
Pirart, Éric
Pitraerens, Marc
Pladys, Jacques
Plechko, Nicolas N.
Plumat, Pierre
Ponchau, J. P.
Portella, Xavier
Portocarero-Hamie, C.
Probst, David Karl
Pype, Rosemie
Remy, Chantal
Rens, J. G.
Rescher, Nicholas
Ringelheim, Foulek
Ringer, B.
Rivera, Richard
Robinet, André
Rodrigues, A. J.
Rojo, Jesus Miguel
Roman, Michel
Royère, Charles de la
Ruiz Portella, Xavier
Ruquois, J.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Sand, E. A.
Sarezky, Michael
Sbille, Françoise
Schmidt, L.
Schnek, Georges
Schoordijk, H. C. F.
Schreiber, Marc
Serayen, Paul
Serra Madeira, I. A.
Servais, A.
Siala, Simon
Siebert, G.
Simon, S.
Sinclair, Jean
Sobel, Jane
Sojcher, Jacques
Stengers, Isabelle
Stevanovic, M.
Swinnen, A.
Szyper, Albert
Taels, J. H.
Teirlynck, Jean
Thibaut, Edouard
Toussaint, Claudine
Toussaint, Maurice
Trine, G.
Tripet, Christiane
Uyttebrock, François
Van Bogaert, E.
Van Copenol, C.
Van der Zwalmen, Georges
Van Keymeulen, Marc
Van Lysebeth, Willy
Van Nypelseer-Cox
Van Osta, Frans
Van Quickenborne
Van Sinoy, Alain
Vanderbeeken, Yves
Vanderhoeven, F.
Vanderhoeven, Francine
Vandevoorde, R.
Vanfleteren, Y.
Vanhove, R.
Vanwuytswinkel, Henri
Vardi, Shira
Verbeiren, Jacques
Verheyden, Georges
Verleysen, Luc
Vermeirre, Frans
Verstraeten, Pierre
Villafane, R. Fedor
Vincent, Jean-Louis
Waeles, Robert
Wakana, Gélase
Wankenne, Renaud
Waterlot, R.
Wautelet, C.
Weitman, J.
Wersengrün, Joseph
Wetlesen, Jon
Weyembergh, M.
Wladyslaw, Gabryl
Wolberg-Rabau, Catherine
Wolfs, Jacques
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Zahedi, M.
Zaid, L.
Zayat, Gabriel
Sub-collection 2: Extra-mural activities: Scientific Organisations
Centre National de Recherches de Logique (CNRL) [Belgian National Center
for Research in Logic]
The Centre National de Recherches de Logique (CNRL) was founded on 21 May 1955 by Philippe
Devaux, Joseph Dopp, Robert Feys, Maximilien Freson, Chaïm Perelman, Leo Apostel and
Franz Crahay. Its headquarters are located at the Fondation universitaire [University
Foundation]. The CNRL strives to coordinate research into philosophical and mathematical
logic in the different university institutions in Belgium. It publishes the review Logique et
analyse and the Cahiers du centre de logique, organises seminars and colloquiums and provides its
backing to the Société belge de Logique et de Philosophie des Sciences (Belgian Society for Logic and
Philosophy of Science).
Office of the CNRL
List of members of the CNRL, 1954-1971
Contains the lists of members, a few letters relating to CNRL publications, a typewritten
historical notice. Language: French. Volume: 1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 4.1.
Freson, M.
Iglehart, Louis T.
Pater, W. A. de
Statutes of the CNRL, minutes of meetings, activity reports, correspondence, 19511983
Contains the minutes of meetings of the CNRL, a few letters relating to the activities of the
CNRL (publications, expenses for participants; sometimes, more informal exchanges with
collaborators such as Paul Gochet – whose application to the IIP is supported by Perelman and Jacques Ruytinx…), accounting items relating to activity on the CNRL bank account,
activity reports, lists of manuscripts available to read. Language: French. Volume: 6.5 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 4.2.
Apostel, Leo
Devaux, Philippe
Dopp, Joseph
Gochet, Paul
Grosjean, Marcel
Hubien, Hubert
Ladrière, Jean
Larock, Victor
Levaux, Paul
Matilal, B. K.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Sarlet, Henri
Shaw, J. L.
CNRL Colloquiums and conferences
CNRL speakers, invitation: correspondence, 1954-1980
Contains correspondence relating to the invitation of speakers to CNRL seminars (mainly
contact with the speakers). There provide clues as to the themes of the seminars, as well as,
to a lesser extent, to the audience they are targeted at. Language: French. Volume: 3.5 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 5.1.
Agazzi, Evandro
Aron, Raymond
Bayart, Arnould
Bobbio, Norberto
Boland, Georges
Bolland, M.
Buch, Henri
Carbonnier, J.
Causin, Eric
Celtuyckers, J. [?]
Christie, George C.
Clémens, René
Cochaux, H.
Cohn, Haim Hermann
D’Othée, Janne
De Strycker, Émile
Dekkers, René
Delgado Ocando
Dhondt, J.
Dillens, A. M.
Dumon, F.
Dumont, Michel
Esser, Josef
Foriers, Paul
Francois, L.
Ghestin, Jacques
Ghysbrecht, P.
Gilbert, Jacques
Gilissen, J.
Ginossar, Shalev
Gochet, Paul
Godding, Philippe
Goossens, Charles
Goubeaux, Gilles
Gregoire, Marcel
Grosjean, Marcel
Grynpas, J.
Haag, H.
Halkin, Léon-E.
Halleman [?]
Harsin, P.
Helin, Etienne
Henrion, Roger
Hoftetter, J.
Huberlant, C.
Husson, Léon
Jacob, A. [?]
Janssens, Émile
Jodogne, Omer
Krings, J. E.
Lachs, Manfred
Lahaye, N.
Lallemand, R.
Lauener, Henri
Lazzaro, G.
Lebrun, P.
Legros, Robert
Levasseur, G.
Levy, J. Ph.
Limpens, J.
Lucas, Th.
MacCormick, Neil
Mahillon, Pierre
Marchal, A.
Marrou, H. I.
Martens, Mina
Messinne, J.
Minon, Paul
Moerens, Raymond
Morgenthal, L.
Moureaux, Philippe
Mushkat, M.
Philippart, A.
Pirson, Robert
Porto, S.
Préaux, Jean
Renard, Claude
Reszler, André
Rivero, Jean
Ronse, J.
Rutten, Christian
Salmon, Jean-Jacques A.
Silance, L.
Simont, Lucien
Somerhausen, Marc
Spanoghe, Eg.
Speyer, Paul
Spreutels, Jean P.
Szabo, I.
Szyfman, L.
Troper, Michel
Van Compernolle, Jacques
Van Goethem, Fernand
Van Houtte, J. A.
Vander Elst, Raymond
Vanwelkenhuyzen, A.
Verhaegen, Jacques
Villey, Michel
Visser’t Hooft, H. Ph.
Walbroeck, M. [?]
Weser, M.
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Zippelius, R.
CNRL Colloquiums and conferences, organisation: correspondence, 1957-1958; 19681971
Contains correspondence relating to the organisation of CNRL colloquiums and conferences:
arguments, exchanges with participants, a few letterpress reports of interventions made by
speakers. These are almost exclusively exchanges relating to the scientific organisation of an
“International Logic Colloquium” at the Catholic University of Leuven from 5 till 9
September 1958. Language: French. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 5.2.
Abbagnano, Nicola
Ajdukiewicz, K.
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Bagolini, Luigi
Bar-Hillel, Y.
Battaglia, F.
Behmann, Heinrich
Blanche, R.
Boasson, J. J.
Bobbio, Norberto
Boda, E.
Brusiin, Otto
Buch, E.
Calogero, Guido
Casari, E.
Castelli, E.
Ceccato, G.
Chalus, P.
Cohen, Herbert
Conte, Amadeo G.
Corsoni, E. [?]
Czezowski, Tadeusz
Daube, David
David, Aurel
Dekkers, René
Eisenmann, Charles
Entrèves, Alexandre d’
Feys, R.
Filiasi-Carcano, P.
Goldschmidt, Victor
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Grzegorczyk, Andrzej
Hirsch, G.
Ingarden, Roman
Issman, Samuel
Janne, Henri
Kelsen, Hans
Klibansky, Raymond
Klug, Ulrich
Kotarbinska, I.
Kotarbinski, Tadeusz
Lereau, Pablo Tilian [?]
Loreau, Max
Los, Jezzy
Mahillon, P.
Malgaud, Wa.
Maneli, L.
Maretti, E.
Maynez, Garcia
Mihai, G.
Mostowski, A.
Naess, Arne
Omelianovsky, M.
Popper, Karl R.
Ross, Alf
Ryle, Gilbert
Scarpelli, Uberto
Schaff, Adam
Seeldrayers, Ed.-P.
Sitkovski, E.
Treves, Renato
Van Praag, Marinus
Viehweg, Theodor
Wald, Henri
Weinberger, Ota
Ziemba, Z.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
CNRL Colloquiums and conferences, room reservations: correspondence, 1954-1975
Contains correspondence relating to room and auditorium reservations for activities of the
CNRL. These are for the most part letters from the Fondation universitaire [University
Foundation] relating to the reservation of rooms or bedrooms within the Foundation, or
reservation requests made by Perelman. Language: French. Volume: 1 cm. Classification
mark: 89PP 5.3.
Gouders, M.
Grosjean, Marcel
Ladrière, J.
Masure, Jean
Thys, L.
Vermeersch, E.
Subsidies requested by the CNRL
CNRL Collaborators, appointment: correspondence, 1954-1975
Contains correspondence relating to requests for grants and subsidies made by PhD students
or researchers at the CNRL – moreover there are certain elements of files (scientific project)
which were submitted by them; expenses of collaborators, as well as inviting speakers to lead
CNRL meetings, with, sometimes, the argument of papers put forward; finally, more general
letters relating to their organisation. There is also information on the presentations made
within the context of the activities of the CNRL. Language: French. Volume: 2 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 5.4.
Apostel, Leo
Aubert, Catherine
Beernaerts, Rolande
Buch, Henri
Caenegem, R. van
Conte, Amadeo G.
Craeybeckx, Jan
Crahay, F.
D’Hondt, J.
David, Aurel
Pater, W. A. de
Degreve, D.
Devaux, Philippe
Devaux, V.
Dumont, M.
Foriers, Paul
Gochet, Paul
Grosjean, P.
Haag, H.
Halkin, Léon
Helin, E.
Hubeelart [?]
Issman, S.
Joris, André
Kisch, Isaak
Klug, Ulrich
Kruithof, J.
Ladrière, J.
Lebrun, P.
Lefebve, M.
Legros, Robert
Leys, O.
Majewski, Edward
Marchal, Bruno
Martens, M.
Masai, François
Minon, Paul
Morgenthal, L.
Munillo [?]
Rand, Rose
Ruytinx, Jacques
Silance, L.
Stengers, J.
Vander Elst, Raymond
Vrancken, Irene
Fonds National pour la Recherche Scientifique [Belgian National Fund for Scientific
Research] (FNRS), research programme: conventions and correspondence, 1956-1983
Contains the correspondence between the CNRL (mainly represented by Chaïm Perelman)
and the FNRS: requests for grants, subsidies, renewals of mandates; monitoring of activities;
reports of meetings; research programmes; conventions. Language: French. Volume: 5 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 6.1.
Buch, Henri
Freson, M.
Haesaert, J.
Homes, M.
Levaux, Paul
Meyer, Michel
Richir, M.
Willems, Jean
CNRL Publications
Logique et analyse review, publication: correspondence, invoices, 1972-1983
Contains invoices relating to the publication of the Logic et analyse review by its editor
Nauwelaerts Printing, as well as correspondence relating to this. Languages: French; Dutch.
Volume: 7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 6.2.
Bailhache, P.
Castella, Paul
Conte, Amedeo G.
De Gelder
Dumoncel, Jean-Claude
Frommann, Friedrich
Gardies, Jean-Louis
Gochet, Paul
Grosjean, P. V.
Henrard, Paul
Hottois, Gilbert
Jeammaud, A.
Malhtermaeke, F. [ ?]
Mercier-Nelisse, F.
Onghena, G.
Peppinghaus, B.
Prott, Lyndel V.
Sarlet, Henri J.
Schreier, Fr.
Van Compernolle, Jacques
Van Fraassen, Bas C.
Van Tol, C.
Vandermeulen, W.
Vandeveld, Jean
Varga, Csaba
Works by CNRL collaborators, publication: correspondence, 1972-1983
Contains correspondence relating to publications by CNRL collaborators and group
publications, with Établissements Bruylant or Éditions Nauwelaerts. The letters relate to how
and when the publication will go ahead, proofreading, journals to which you can send works
for review… There are also copyright details and sales figures. Language: French. Volume:
4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 7.1.
Bauer-Bernet, Hélène
Bayart, A.
Boudahrain, Abdellah
Castella, Paul
Causin, Eric
Dalcq, R. O.
De Gelder
De Maeyer, J.
De Meester, A. M.
Delgado Ocando, José M.
Foriers, Paul
Foriers, Paul-Alain
Gardies, Jean-Louis
Gilissen, Jean
Haarscher, Guy
Henrard, Paul
Henri [ ?]
Henrion, Robert
Huberlant [ ?]
Janne, Henri
Keutgen, Guy
Kisch, I.
Krings, J.-E.
Lachs, Manfred
Lahaye, Nicole
Lamard, Francis [ ?]
Lambert, Pierre
Lévy, T. Ph.
MacCormick, Neil
Moureaux, Philippe
Perrin, Jean-François
Petzolo-Pernia, Hermann
Prott, Lyndel V.
Recaséns Siches, Luis
Salmon, J.
Silance, Luc
Starck, Christian
Unger, Stella
Van Tol, C.
Vandamme, F.
Vandeveld, Jean
Vanwelkenhuyzen, André
Weser, M.
Works of the CNRL, reviews, 1966-1982
Contains press clippings. These are reviews of works published by the CNRL in various
Belgian or foreign (France, Poland, Italy, United Kingdom…) periodicals. Languages: French,
English, Polish, Italian. Volume: 3.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 7.2.
Centre de Philosophie du Droit [Centre for Legal Philosophy]
The Centre de Philosophie du Droit of the Université Libre de Bruxelles was founded in 1967 by
Henri Buch, Paul Foriers and Chaïm Perelman. It was incorporated in the Law Faculty in
1982. It promotes group or individual research in the field of legal philosophy and organises,
alone or collectively, numerous local or international scientific activities.
Centre de Philosophie du Droit, running: correspondence, activity reports, 1967-1983
Contains letters and documents relating to the activities of the Centre de Philosophie du Droit:
exchanges between Perelman and his collaborators or speakers, research project proposals,
notes and work programmes, circulars, activity reports, copies of presentations, minutes of
meetings. Language: French. Volume: 5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 7.3.
Aron, Raymond
Ballweg, Ottmar
Batiffol, Henri
Beernaerts-Courtois, Rolande
Bird, Otto
Bordat, L.
Buch, Henri
Carbonnier, J.
Chome, T.
Collon, Michell
Coopmans, G.
David, Aurel
De Meester
De Meure, S.
De Pauw, F.
Decoster, S.
Devaux, Philippe
Devaux, R.
Forberger, S.
Foriers, Paul
Friedrich, Carl J.
Garcia Bacca, J. D.
Garcia Maynez, E.
Gerlo, A.
Goyard, P.
Guislain, G.
Haarscher, Guy
Hirschberg, Lydia
Hostettler, Godon F.
Hubien, Hubert
Ingber, Léon
Kirkpatrick, J.
La Roche, Humberto
Lachs, Manfred
Ladd, J.
Losano, Mario G.
Marchili, Luis Alberto
Meyer, W. R. [ ?]
Miedzianogora, Joseph
Mirande-Choprix, Anne
Monin, L.
Mugnier-Pollet, L.
Opalek, Kazimierz
Passerin d’Entrèves,
Petzold Pernìa, Hermann
Philippart, A.
Polin, Raymond
Rhodius, F. V. J.
Rigaux, Fr.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Salmon, Jean J.A.
Sojcher, Jacques
Somerhausen, Luc
Tay, Alice Erh-Soon
Unger, S.
Vanderhoeven, Francine
Vandeveld, Jean
Willemarck, Luc
Wilson, John
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Institut universitaire d’Études du Judaïsme Martin Buber [Institute for the
Study of Judaism - Martin Buber Institute]
The Institut d’Études du Judaïsme Martin Buber was founded by professors and researchers linked
to the Universities of Brussels, Ghent and Liège, on 17 December 1970. This university
institution provides education which is entirely devoted to the study of the multiple
dimensions of the Jewish world from Antiquity to the present day, as well as the study of its
different forms of artistic, linguistic and literary expression. The Institute organises, alone or
collectively, international colloquiums and numerous public conferences, as well as training
Institut universitaire d’Études du Judaïsme Martin Buber, running: course
programmes, correspondence, 1972-1978
Contains letters and documents relating to the activities of the Institute for the Study of
Judaism (Martin Buber Institute): course programmes, invitations to attend meetings,
organisation of conferences, plans for collaboration with other organisations or Jewish
institutions, activity reports. Language: French. Volume: 1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 8.1.
Abrahams, Raymond
Benizri, R.
Bok, Willy
Colinet, J.
Delsemme, Paul
Dequeker, L.
Frank, M.
Guigui, Albert
Laruelle, R.
Michman, Dan
Préaux, Claire
Préaux, Jean
Robaye-Geelen, Fr.
Salmon, P.
Van Bever, P.
Vanderlinden, J.
Vauthier, Fr.
Weinberg, Herbert
Zuidema, Willem H.
Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie – FISP [International
Federation of Philosophical Societies]
The Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie (FISP) [International Federation of
Philosophical Societies] founded in 1948, is the largest non-governmental organisation
worldwide in the domain of philosophy. It contributes to the development of professional
relationships between philosophers, collects documentation for the development of
philosophical studies and sponsors a world-wide congress every five years. The members of
the FISP are philosophical societies or similar institutions on a regional, national or
international level. Chaïm Perelman was its Secretary-General between 1953 and 1971.
Meetings of the FISP: minutes, correspondence, 1965-1983
Contains invitations to attend meetings and minutes, activity reports, circulars, work plans
and various administrative documents, as well as exchanges linked to the activities of the
International Federation of Philosophical Societies. Language: French. Volume: 4 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 8.2.
Agazzi, Evandro
Curiel Benfield, José Luis
Dockx, S.
Gagne, Jean
Gruender, David
Hinke, U.
Ndaw, A.
Ntumba, Tshiamalenga
Pesloüan, G. de
Van Breda, H. L.
Wojciechowski, Jerzy A.
Colloquiums of the FISP, organisation: correspondence, 1956-1983
Contains correspondence linked to the events organised by the International Federation of
Philosophical Societies (mainly worldwide philosophy congresses): with potential
contributors or members of the Federation. There are also, to a lesser extent, reports of
general assemblies and minutes. Also amongst the documents in this file there are some items
which are linked to the International Philosophy Institute, notably touching on the
organisation of Entretiens (see below). Language: French. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark:
89PP 8.3.
Aebi, M.
Agazzi, Evandro
Aguilar, Francisco
Anguelov, Stefan
Baczko, B.
Battaglia, Felice
Blackstone, William T.
Boyce Gibson, A.
Calogero, Guido
Cambien, R. G. M.
Caponigri, A. Robert
Cauchy, Venant
Cervera, Alejo de
Curiel Benfield, José Luis
De Meester, A. M.
Devaux, Philippe
Duméry, Henry
Farber, Marvin
Filipovic, V.
Freson, M.
Funke, Gerhard
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Ganovski, Sava
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Grifoni, G.
Gvishiani, D.
Hendriks, M. Th.
Hyppolite, J.
Körner, S.
Kuhn, Helmut
Leroy, M.
Levinas, Emmanuel
Lombardi, Franco
Maharaj, B. H. Bon
Mathieu, Vittorio
Matrai, Laszlo
Merzisen, Monique
Milburn, Myra M.
Novy, Lubomir
Ohe, Seizo
Oizerman, Th. I.
Olson, Barbara
Passmore, John
Pavlov, T.
Pesloüan, G. de
Pettit, Philip
Polanyi, Michael
Poznanski, Edward
Ressla, E. I. [?]
Ricœur, Paul
Rinteleu, F. [ ?]
Robinet, André
Roesle, P. Max A.
Rotenstreich, N.
Schaaf, Robert W.
Sellars, Wilfrid
Tassara, Andres Ollero
Tcholakov, An.
Théodoracopoulos, J. N.
Tsuji, N.
Van Breda, Herman Leo
Vana, Lalitananda
Verosta, Stephan
Von Rintelen, F. J.
Wilkinson, John
Zinoviev, A.
Bank monitoring of the FISP: correspondence, 1955-1974
Contains letters relating to the bank monitoring of the FISP: summary of the financial
situation, transfer orders, payment of contributions. Language: French. Volume: 0.5 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 8.4.
Cantillon, L.
Hodges, Donald C.
Somerville, John
Fédération des Associations Internationales établies en Belgique [Federation of
European and International Associations established in Belgium], registration:
correspondence, 1957-1970
Contains exchanges between Perelman and the governing bodies of the Fédération des
Associations Internationales établies en Belgique [Federation of European and International
Associations established in Belgium], activity reports, invitations to attend meetings and
reports of meetings. Language: French. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 8.5.
Speeckaert, G. P.
Wenin, Christian
Correspondence with Richard McKeon, 1956-1976
Contains exchanges between Perelman and Richard McKeon, Professor of Philosophy at the
University of Chicago. The letters are about the activities they have in common within the
FISP: management of subsidies, participation in events… Reference is also made to
Perelman’s collaboration on the Dictionary of Fundamental Terms of Philosophy and Political Thought.
Languages: French; English. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 8.6.
McKeon, Richard
Chaïm Perelman’s general correspondence relating to the FISP, 1956-1983
Contains letters relating to the general functioning of the FISP: organisation of meetings and
follow-up, examination of projects, proposed applications by people or philosophical
societies, account management… There are also minutes of meetings, reports and documents
summarising the financial situation of the FISP. There are also some items linked to the
International Institute of Philosophy (see below). Languages: French; English. Volume: 6 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 9.1.
Agazzi, Evandro
Albritton, James Stanley
Appel, Karl-Otto
Bacca, J. D. Garcia
Black, Max
Brunner, F.
Cauchy, Venant
Diemer, Alwin
Dockx, S.
Ewing, Alfred C.
Ganovski, Sava
Goheen, John D.
Grice, G. R.
Gruender, David
Hinke, Ulrike
Kluck, Th. M. D.
Majumder, S.
Marcus, Ruth Barcan
Martin, Gottfried
Mercier, André
Najman, D.
Nikam, N. A.
Ormesson, Jean d’
Pandeya, R. C.
Pavlov, Deyan
Ricœur, Paul
Sargent, Marion
Sullivan, Edward O.
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Fondation universitaire [University Foundation]
The Fondation universitaire was established by royal decree on 31 August 1920 at the initiative
of Herbert Hoover and Émile Francqui. It is intended as a meeting place, the goal of which is
to promote science, research and university education in Belgium, in addition to encouraging
links between the university community and civil society.
Fondation universitaire , running: correspondence, 1957-1983
Contains various exchanges between Perelman and the Fondation universitaire: reservation of
rooms and apartments for speakers invited, requests for subsidies. The file also contains
exchanges with the Circle of Alumni of the University Foundation, relating to the Alumni
Prize (regulations, awarding…). Language: French. Volume: 3.5 cm. Classification mark:
89PP 9.2.
Apostel, Leo
Caesens, A.
Coremans, Paul
Denayre, J.
Firket, G.
Foriers, Paul
Gerits, P.
Grosjean, Marcel
Leclercq, M.-J.
Levaux, Paul
Masure, Jean
Prott, Lyndel V.
Ralet, Marie-Thérèse
Sturler, Jean de
Thys, L.
Van Loey, A.
Willems, Jean
Institut des H autes Études de Belgique [Higher Education Institute of
The Institut des Hautes Études de Belgique, founded in 1894, was established as a non-profit
organisation on 29 December 1922. The Institute was set up in order to organise conferences
at university level, international colloquiums and round tables, in addition to classes which are
not part of the university programmes.
Institut des Hautes Études de Belgique [Higher Education Institute of Belgium],
running: minutes of meetings, correspondence, 1957-1983
Contains correspondence relating to Perelman’s participation in the activities of the Institut des
Hautes Études de Belgique [Higher Education Institute of Belgium]: invitations to general
assemblies, organisation of conferences and contacts with speakers invited. There are also a
few programmes and minutes of meetings. Language: French. Volume: 2 cm. Classification
mark: 89PP 9.3.
Agazzi, Evandro
Giulian, C. I.
Goffin, Pierre
Homes, M.
Jankélévitch, V.
Janson, Fernand
Janssens, E.
Misrahi, R.
Mortier, Roland
Tomas, C. L.
Van den Borren, Ch.
Weyenbergh, M.
Société belge de Philosophie [Belgian Philosophy Society]
The Société belge de Philosophie, founded in Brussels in 1920 by a group of 28 individuals
(including Eugène Dupréel and Marcel Barzin), aims to promote philosophical research in
Belgium. It organises scientific events (inviting speakers, study days, sessions to discuss work
in progress, etc.), and disseminates information relating to the scientific activities and
publications by researchers and Belgian philosophy research centres.
Société belge de Philosophie , running: correspondence, 1956-1971; 1975
Contains correspondence relating to Perelman’s participation in the activities of the Société
belge de Philosophie: invitations to attend meetings, minutes, organisation of conferences and
contacts with participants. Language: French. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 10.1.
Aubenque, Pierre
Axelos, Kostas
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Balliu, J.
Belaval, Yvon
Berger, G.
Brunner, Fernand
Calogero, C.
Cornil-Sand, P.
Cottier, Georges
Couloubaritsis, Lambros
Davy, G.
De Raeymaeker, L.
Delhomme, J.
Devaux, Philippe
Dreyfus, Ginette
Dupréel, Eugène
Foriers, Paul
Fresco, M. F.
Gandillac, M. de
Gochet, Paul
Grosjean, Marcel
Guéroult, Martial
Hanouille, P.
Janson, Fernand
Janssens, E.
Lacombe, O.
Lameere, Jean
Lombardi, F.
Masai, François
Meyer, François
Moreau, J.
Mouloud, Noël
Nicol, E.
Ohana, J.
Piaget, Jean
Polin, Raymond
Poullain, R.
Ramnoux, C.
Rummens, Jean
Ruytinx, Jacques
Schuhl, P. M.
Squilbeck, Alain
Terre, F.
Topitsch, Ernst
Weil, Éric
Weyembergh, M.
Société belge de Logique et de Philosophie des Sciences [Belgian Society for
Logic and Philosophy of Science]
The goal of the Société belge de Logique et de Philosophie des Sciences (SBLPS) is to promote
research into logic and philosophy of science in Belgium, notably by organising conferences.
It was founded by the Centre National de Recherches de Logique [Belgian National Center for
Research in Logic] (CNRL) and is a member of the International Federation of Philosophical
Societies (FISP).
Société belge de Logique et de Philosophie des Sciences, running: minutes of
meetings, correspondence, 1958-1983
Contains correspondence relating to Perelman’s participation in
belge de Logique et de Philosophie des Sciences [Belgian Society for
Science]: invitation to general assemblies, minutes of meetings,
organisation of conferences. Language: French. Volume: 2 cm.
the activities of the Société
Logic and Philosophy of
management of subsidies,
Classification mark: 89PP
Apostel, Leo
Brien, P.
David, Georges
Dorsinfang-Smets, A.
Duculot, J.
Godeaux, L.
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Leroy, M.
Leys, M.
Leys, O.
Lorenzen, P.
Maubeuge, P. L.
Nauwelaerts, E.
Squilbeck, Alain
Stengers, J.
Van Hove
Halkin, Léon E.
Hirsch, Guy
Isaye, [R. P.] G.
Issman, Samuel
Lavachery, Henry
Lebrun, P.
Legros, Robert
Revue internationale de philosophie
Revue internationale de philosophie , running, correspondence, 1965-1983
Contains correspondence linked to the publication of the Revue internationale de philosophie, of
which Perelman was the editor until his death in 1984. The letters deal with questions relating
to the preparation and publication of issues (by theme, inviting speakers, monitoring articles
received, calendar, budget…); there are also invitations to attend meetings, minutes, sales
figures, and two copies of articles (by L. Hirschberg and D. Andréa). Language: French.
Volume: 7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 10.3.
Allen, Reginald E.
Amselek, Paul
Armengaud, Fr.
Aron, R.
Barreau, Henri
Baruk, Henri
Baugniet, Jean
Belaval, Yvon
Bertholet, Edmond
Black, Max
Bobbio, Norberto
Bochenski, J. N.
Bunge, Mario
Couloubaritsis, Lambros
Couturier, Alain P.
D’Andrea, Antonio
Damska, Izydora
De Raeymaeker
De Visscher, P.
De Waelhens, A.
Devaux, Andréa
Devaux, Philippe
Dhondt, J. [?]
Donagan, Alan
Eisenmann, Charles
Farber, Marvin
Ferrater Mora
Fink, O.
Fleischmann, E.
Frank, M.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Gehlen, Arnold
Gilbert, Jacques
Giuliani, Alessandro
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Gouhier, Henri
Grandy, Richard E.
Gulian, C. I.
Habermas, Jürgen
Hart, H. L. A.
Heering, H. J.
Henrich, D.
Hersch, Jeanne
Ingarden, Roman
Jacob, A.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Kahn, Gilbert
Kaufmann, Walter
Kennard, Kenneth C.
Keuleers, S.
Klein, Ytshaq
Klenner, Hermann
Klibansky, Raymond
Kohlenberger, Helmut
Kohlhammer, W.
Kolakowski, Leszek
Korac, V.
Kosik, Karel
Krapiec, M. A.
Kruithof, J.
Kuczynski, Janusz
Kuipers, J. C.
Kuypers, K.
Lermusiaux, F. Becco
Leroy, M.
Lloyd, G. E. R.
Löwith, Karl
Melandri, E.
Meyer, Michel
Mouloud, Noël
Neher, André
Ohe, Seizo
Olivecrona, Karl
Paci, Enzo
Panikkar, R.
Papaligouras, Panayis A.
Petzold Pernìa, Hermann
Piaget, Jean
Polin, Claude
Raz, Joseph
Ricœur, P.
Ritter, J.
Robinet, André
Ross, Alf
Rotenstreich, Nathan
Rotter, Frank
Sadovsky, Vadim N.
Saner, H.
Sass, H. M.
Schaff, Adam
Schlanger, Judith
Servais, Max
Servais, Simone
Sivadon, P.
Spaemann, Robert
Stallknecht, Newton P.
Sternfeld, R.
Strasser, S.
Thies, E.
Troper, Michel
Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa
Van Steenberghen, F.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Viehweg, Theodor
Weil, Éric
Weinberger, Ota
Weyembergh, M.
Whalley, Michael [?]
Wolfowicz, Jacqueline
Wolfson, H. A.
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Association internationale de Philosophie du Droit et de Philosophie sociale
[International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy]
The Association internationale de Philosophie du Droit et de Philosophie sociale (IVR) was founded in
Berlin on 1 October 1909. Its goal is to develop and promote legal and social philosophy on a
national and international level. The Association and its national branches organise
congresses and colloquiums.
Association internationale de Philosophie du Droit et de Philosophie sociale,
running: minutes of meetings, correspondence, 1973-1983
Contains correspondence linked to Perelman’s participation in the activities of the Association
internationale de Philosophie du Droit et de Philosophie sociale [International Association of Legal and
Social Philosophy]: circulars, letters relating to the election of the members or to the
organisation of international meetings and congresses (mainly in Saint-Louis in 1975 and in
Sydney/Canberra in 1977). Language: English. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 11.1.
Aarnio, Aulis
Bayne, Peter
Becker, Verena N.
Caws, Peter
Curiel Benfield, José Luis
Dicker, G. E.
Dorsey, Gray
Gerwirth, Alan
Gould, Carol
Granville, W. C. M.
Haarscher, Guy
Holdcroft, David
Hubien, Hubert
Hutley, F. C.
Jackson, M. W.
Kamenka, Eugene
Kerimov, D.
Klami, Hannu Tapani
Klenner, H.
Lang, Wieslaw
Legaz y Lacambra, L.
Mirande, Anne
Philippart, André
Potts, Timothy
Rotter, Frank
Stoljar, S. J.
Tay, Alice Erh-Soon
Trappe, Paul
Tucker, John
Van Der Ven, J. J. M.
Van Twist, J. P.
Vickers, Brian
Weeramantry, C. G.
Wellman, Carl
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Institut International de Philosophie
The Institut International de Philosophie (IIP) [International Institute of Philosophy] was founded
in 1937 by the Sorbonne and the University of Lund (Sweden) at the time of the Descartes
congress, organised in Paris. Its members and collaborators are university professors or
university researchers. The IIP pursues the goal of stimulating the exchange of ideas,
improving information and documentation procedures, adding to the acquisition of positive
knowledge the exercise of critical reflection. Every year the IIP organises an international
congress, each time in a different country.
Institut International de Philosophie , running: correspondence, 1974-1983
Contains correspondence relating to Perelman’s participation in the activities of the
International Institute of Philosophy. The letters relate to the examination of the applications
of the members of the Institute, to the management of the collection, the preparation of
Interviews organised by the IIP (notably in Berne, Mashhad, Dubrovnik, Varna, Jerusalem,
Düsseldorf, Delhi, Montreal…; organisation, themes, etc.), as well as an action in favour of
Yugoslav professors, such as Prof Kosik and Markovitch, who are enduring repression by
their government (1974). There are also press clippings linked to the situation of Yugoslav
philosophers, circulars, minutes and a few typewritten copies of papers. Languages: French;
English. Volume: 7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 11.2.
Agazzi, Evandro
Appel, Karl-Otto
Aubert, Catherine
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Black, Max
Bunge, Mario
Caponigri, A. Robert
Caws, Peter
Ceyrat, Martine
Champniers, Catherine
Diemer, A.
Duméry, Henry
Ebbinghaus, J.
Ermolenko, Dimitri
Filipovic, Vladimir
Funke, G.
Gabriel, L.
Ganovski, Sava
Gortari, Eli de
Habachi, René
Hartgerink, H.
Hinke, Ulrike
Jerphagnon, Lucien
Klenner, H.
Korner, S.
Kosik, Karel
Kosing, A.
Mahmoud, M. A.
Marcus, Ruth Barcan
Marias, Julian
Markovic, M.
Marx, Werner
Matrai, L.
McLean, George F.
Narsky, I. S.
Nijhoff, Martinus
Nordbø, Einar Leer
Oizerman, Th. I.
Pandeya, R. C.
Panikkar, R.
Popovic, Srdja M.
Ricœur, Paul
Schaff, A.
Spassov, Dobrin
Stajner, R.
Strasser, Stephan
Swiezawski, Stefan
Westerveld, E. C.
Weyembergh, M.
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Wylleman, A.
Institut International de Philosophie, running: miscellaneous documents
Contains the former statutes of the Institut International de Collaboration philosophique
[International Institute of Philosophical Collaboration], the new statutes of the International
Institute of Philosophy (project n° 2), the accounts and budget for the years 1951 and 1952,
the list of members, two letters of an administrative nature addressed to Perelman by Mme
Delorme, the list of members and the report on the activities of the Institute of Philosophy
for 1951-1952. Languages: French; English. Volume: 0.1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 11.3.
Other (para-) university groups - miscellaneous
Contains correspondence relating to Chaïm Perelman’s (often occasional) contacts with other
university and para-university groups, such as the Centre belge de Recherche Phénoménologique de
Louvain [Belgian Centre for Phenomenological Research in Leuven], the American Council of
Learned Societies, the Société européenne de Culture [European Society of Culture], the
International Society for the History of Ideas, The Institut belge de Sciences politiques [Belgian
Institute of Political Sciences] … There are also several exchanges with the Fondation
universitaire [University Foundation] and the Fondation Franqui [Franqui Foundation].
Languages: French; English. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 11.4.
Bres, Yvon
Campagnolo, U.
Coppieters, Emmanuel
Delatte, J. P.
Dequeker, L.
Desmarez, J. J.
Desonay, Fernand
Deurinck, G.
Downar, Richard W.
Durdu, Robert
Freson, M.
Golding, M. P.
Goltdammer, Ingeborg
Grene, Marjorie
Grosjean, Marcel
Halkin, L. E.
Humblet, Benoît
Janne, Henri
Kazanjian, Reginald
Lallemand, Roger
Mardens, Léonce
Orgels-Stoumon, M.
Thys, L.
Vokaer, R.
Willems, Jean
Sub-collection 3: scientific production
Scientific Publications, preparation
Chaïm Perelman’s reading matter
Chaïm Perelman' s notebooks, 1934-1948
Contains forty notebooks filled with handwritten notes by Chaïm Perelman. The majority of
the notebooks are numbered and dated, the collection is clearly incomplete. These are mainly
notes taken whilst reading books or articles on the right-hand page; the left-hand page, which
is usually blank, contains several annotations and personal comments made by Perelman.
There are also preparatory notes for his thesis on G. Frege as well as notes from classes, and
the manuscript of De la Justice. The authors of works read by Perelman which are mentioned
in the notebooks are listed below. Language: French. Volume: 24 cm. Classification mark:
89PP 12; 89PP 43.
Also refer to the "Perelman Archives" Pallas database, where you can consult an electronic copy of these
Anshen, Ruth N.
Bachelard, Gaston
Bachmann, F.
Barzin, M.
Bashkirtseff, Marie
Behmann, H.
Belin, Jean
Belin-Millerond, J.
Bergson, H.
Bernard, C.
Bernays, Paul
Bernstein, F.
Beth, E. W.
Blanché, Robert
Bolzano, B.
Bonnecase, J.
Borchert, E.
Bouasse, H.
Bouglé, Célestin
Bouligaud, G.
Bovet, P.
Brouwer, L. E. J.
Brüll, Eckard
Brunschvicg, Léon
Burnet, J.
Calvin, Jean
Carnap, R.
Carp, J. H.
Carteron, H.
Causse, A.
Cavaillès, J.
Church, Alonzo
Comte, A.
Cournot, A. A.
Cros, Guy Charles
Darbon, A.
Decugis, H.
Del Vecchio, Georges
Delaisi, F.
Delbos, Victor
Descartes, R.
Deshayes, L. M.
Dewey, John
Dijol, Marcel
Dubislav, W.
Duhem, P.
Dupréel, Eugène
Durkheim, E.
Dürr K.
Einstein, Albert
Enriques, F.
Errera, A.
Essertier, D.
Ferrière, A.
Fleck, L.
Fonsegrive, G.
Fouillée, A.
Fraenkel, A.
Frege, Gottlob
Gardner, Williams
Gentzen, G.
Gény, F.
Gilson, E.
Gödel, K.
Grouber, Alexandre
Gurwitch, Georges
Hardy, G.H.
Hässen, H.
Hausdorff, F.
Hayek, F. A.
Hempel, C. G.
Herbrand, J.
Hilbert, D.
Höffding, Harald
Hölscher, G.
Hörlen, H.
Hueck, Walter
Hume, P.
Huxley, J.
Infeld, L.
Janet, Pierre
Jaskowski, Stanislaw
Kafka, G.
Kant, Emmanuel
Kaufmann, Félix
Kittel, R.
Kleene, Stephen Cole
Konczewska, H.
Koyré, Alexandre
Laertes, Diogenes
Lapie, Paul
Lasswitz, Kurd
Le Fur, Louis
Le Senne, R.
Lemaire, A.
Léon, Xavier
Lequier, Jules
Lesniewski, Stanislaw
Levi, Beppo
Lévy-Bruhl, L.
Lods, A.
Loisy, A.
Lukasiewicz, Jan
Luther, Martin
Mach, E.
Małinowski, Bronislaw
Martin, Th. Henri
McKinsey, J. C. C.
Meinhold, D. J.
Meslies [?]
Meyerson, E.
Milhaud, G.
Mirimanoff, D.
Mussolini, Benito
Neumann, J. V.
Nicod, J.
Nietzsche, F.
Pap, A.
Paulhan, F.
Perroux, F.
Perry, Ch.
Petrazycki, Leon
Piaget, Jean
Piron, G.
Poincaré, Henri
Polin, Raymond
Popper, Karl
Post, Emil L.
Ramsey, F. P.
Reves, E.
Revmond, A.
Ripert, G.
Rüstow, A.
Sabatier, P.
Saint Anselme
Saint Augustin
Saint Thomas d’Aquin
Sartre, J.-P.
Schlich M.
Schmidt, Karl
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Scot, Jean
Secrétan, Ch.
Sierpinski, Waclaw
Simmel, G.
Skolem, Th.
Sobocinski, B.
Souriau, Étienne
Spir, Afrikan
Stammler, G.
Stein, A.
Stirner, M.
Swientockowski, A.
Tannery, P.
Tarski, Alfred
Tisset, Pierre
Tourtoulon, P. de
Van Os
Veblen, O.
Von Hering, Rud.
Wawre, R.
Whewell, W.
Will, R.
Wittgenstein, L.
Wohlwill, Emil
Zaremba, Stanislaw
Works, commissions: correspondence, 1957-1981
Contains extracts or photocopies of periodicals, commissions for works and, for the vast
majority, newsletters from the Rhetoric Society of America. There is also a letter containing
information on the draft of a new review entitled Praxis international, a review by Perelman of
a book by E. Grassi, cards containing handwritten information, and a typewritten text by
Perelman entitled "Reply to Stanley H. Rosen". Languages: French; English. Volume: 2 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 13.2.
Bernstein, Richard J.
Danielli, James F.
De Backers, J.
Hertzberger, Menno
Spreutels, Jean P.
Van Campenhout, G.
Articles; reports; speeches, preparation
The following files mainly contain articles by Perelman in various conditions.
Also refer to the table of texts, which summarises all the articles, manuscripts or speeches made by Perelman
contained in the collection.
Articles – A
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Act and Person in
Argument”, “Acte et personne dans l’argumentation”, “Casimir Adjukiewicz”, “The
Alienation of Modern Man”, “Résumé des interventions de Chaïm Perelman (Bruxelles) à
Amersfoort”, “Analogie et métaphore en science, poésie et philosophie”, “Analogie (et
métaphore)”, “Analogy and Metaphor in Science, Poetry and Philosophy”, “Analogy und
Metapher”, “Analyse de la notion de justice”, “Avant-propos [Les Antinomies]”, “Les
antinomies en droit : essai de synthèse” “À propos de la règle de droit : Réflexions de
méthode”, “À propos de l’objectivité de l’information”, “Enquête des Archives”,
“Argumentation”, “Carroll C. Arnold – Criticism of Oral Rhetoric”, “Authority, Ideology and
Violence”, “Autorité, idéologie et violence”, “Avoir un sens et donner un sens”; la version
manuscrite des articles “Avant-propos [Les Antinomies]” and “Les antinomies en droit : essai
de synthèse”. Languages: English; German. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 47.2.
Articles - B
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Remarks on Professor
B. F. Skinner’s Beyond freedom and dignity”, “Behaviorism’s Enlightened Despotism”, and
“Betrachtungen über die praktische Vernunft”. Languages: English; German. Volume: 0.5
cm. Classification mark: 89PP 47.2.
Articles - C
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Les cadres sociaux de
l’argumentation”, “Catégories, classification et qualification”, “La catégorie historique,
instrument d’intelligibilité”, “Les centres communautaires et leur rôle dans la vie juive”, “Ce
qu’une réflexion sur le droit peut apporter au philosophe”, “Classicisme et romantisme dans
l’argumentation”, “Préface [to the Comique du discours by L. Olbrechts-Tyteca]”, “Arne Naess,
Communication and Argument. Elements of Applied Semantics”, “Rough draft of paper by Ch.
Perelman re a Roof Article on Communications”, “Comments on ‘The concept of Proof’” [by
Henry W. Johnstone, Jr.], “Les conceptions concrète et abstraite de la raison et de la justice
(À propos de la théorie de la justice de John Rawls )”, “Conditions préliminaires de
l’application de la logique déontique dans les raisonnements juridiques” [by Zygmunt
Ziembinski], “Congrès de Philosophie (1967) (Bande 2, piste 2) – Introduction Perelman,
Éthique et sociologie du langage”, “Comments on The Paper by Chisholm”, “Considérations
sur la raison pratique”, “Czezowski Thadée – Logika.” ; an untitled 5 pages manuscript, one
of which is in Hebrew; the handwritten version of the articles “La catégorie historique,
instrument d’intelligibilité”, “Préface [to the Comique du discours by L. Olbrechts-Tyteca]”,
“Considérations sur la raison pratique” ; handwritten cards bearing the title “Les catégories
en histoire : réflexions anthropologiques”. Languages: French; English. Volume: 3 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 47.3.
Articles – D, part 1
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of texts “Démonstration et
argumentation”, “Démonstration, vérification, justification. Synthèse finale”, “En hommage
au professeur Th. Kotarbinski. Désaccord et rationalité des décisions”, “Philippe Devaux (8
octobre 1902 – 19 avril 1979)”, “The Dialectical Method and the Part Played by the
Interlocutor in the Dialogue”, “René Dekkers – Le droit privé des peuples”, “Les deux problèmes
de la liberté humaine”, “Dialektik und Dialog”, “Dialectique et dialogue”, “Inaugurale Rede
gehouden door Prof. Chaïm Perelman op 1 april 1970 […]”, “Avant-propos [suivi de] La
distinction du fait et du droit. Le point de vue d’un logicien.”, “Driencourt (Jacques) – La
propagande, nouvelle force politique”, “Droit et logique”, “Droit et morale”, “Droit et rhétorique”,
“Droit, logique et épistémologie”, “Leçon inaugurale de Monsieur le Professeur Ch.
Perelman : [Droit,] logique et argumentation”; the handwritten version of the articles
“Démonstration et argumentation”, “Droit et rhétorique” ; handwritten cards bearing the
title “Droit, logique et épistémologie”. Languages: French; English; Dutch. Volume: 3 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 47.4.1.
Articles – D, part 2
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Droit, morale et
religion”, “Droit naturel et droits naturels”, “Droit, philosophie et argumentation”, “Droit
positif et droit naturel”, “Hommage à Eugène Dupréel”, “Notice sur Eugène Dupréel,
membre de l’Académie […]”, “Eugène Dupréel, A Philosophical Portrait”, “L’originalité de la
pensée d’Eugène Dupréel (à l’occasion du centenaire de sa naissance)”, “Fragments pour la
théorie de la connaissance de M. E. Dupréel, réunis par Ch. Perelman”, “Divers [Projet de
recueil d’articles]”, “Le droit et la morale devant l’euthanasie”, “À propos d’Eugène Dupréel :
contribution à un portrait philosophique”, “Notice sur la vie et les travaux de [sic] Eugène
Dupréel, Professeur Honoraire de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres (8 février 1879 – 14
février 1967)”, “Avant-Propos [sur Eugène Dupréel]” ; the handwritten version of the articles
“Droit naturel et droit positif” [incomplete – notes ?], and “Notice sur la vie et les travaux de
[sic] Eugène Dupréel, Professeur Honoraire de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres (8 février
1879 – 14 février 1967)”. Languages: French; English. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark:
89PP 47.4.2.
Articles – E
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of an untitled text, texts “O Filozofii
Społecznej : Rozmowa z Prof. Ch. Perelmanem”, “L’égalité”, “Égalité et intérêt général”,
“Égalités et valeurs”, “L’élément social dans la preuve”, “Ch. Perelman, L’empire rhétorique :
Rhétorique et argumentation” (by Paul Gochet), “Ch. Perelman, L’empire rhétorique [présentation]”,
“The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, publiée sous la direction de Paul Edwards”, “Entretiens
d’Oxford – Réponse à M. Topitsch ; Réponse à M. Jessop ; Réponse à M. Rottenstreich ;
Réponse à M. Ayer ; Réponse à M. Calogero ; Réponse à M. Barzin”, “Les équivoques du
principe d’égalité en droit”, “De l’évidence en métaphysique” ; the handwritten version of the
articles “The idea of Justice…” [incomplete], “Entretiens d’Oxford – Réponse à M.
Topitsch ; Réponse à M. Jessop ; Réponse à M. Rottenstreich ; Réponse à M. Ayer ; Réponse
à M. Calogero ; Réponse à M. Barzin” [incomplete], “Les équivoques du principe d’égalité en
droit”, “De l’évidence en métaphysique” and “Évidence et preuve”. Languages: French;
Polish; English. Volume: 3.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 48.1.
Articles – F
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Face à la jeunesse juive
de la diaspora”, “Maurice A. Finocchiaro, Galileo and the Art of Reasoning : Rhetorical fondations of
logic and scientific methods”, “Le fondement des droits de l’homme. Considérations
préliminaires”, “Fins et moyens”, “Fondement et limites de la tolérance”, “Fondement et
justification des normes”, “Paul Foriers (15 novembre 1914-18 mai 1980)”, “La pensée
juridique de Paul Foriers : choix de textes”, “Préface [from a book on Paul Foriers]”, “From
a Philosophical Rhetoric Towards a Rhetorical Philosophy”, “Book Review – Natural Law
Forum – 10 on 12 – 31135 – The Morality of Law. By Lon L. Fuller” ; the handwritten
version of the articles “Le fondement des droits de l’homme. Considérations préliminaires”,
“Fins et moyens”, “Fondement et limites de la tolérance”, “Book Review – Natural Law
Forum – 10 on 12 – 31135 – The Morality of Law. By Lon L. Fuller”. Languages: French;
English. Volume: 2.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 48.2.
Articles – G
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “The Gentleman and the
Philosopher” [incomplete], “Gesetz und Recht”, “Gleichheit und Gerechtigkeit”. Languages:
English; German. Volume: 1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 48.3.
Articles – H
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Mémoire de M. Roland
Hisette. Recherches sur la condamnation du 7 mars 1277. Rapport du 3e commissaire”, “How
do we apply reason to values ?”. Languages: French; English. Volume: 0.4 cm. Classification
mark: 89PP 48.4.
Articles – I-J
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Idéologie ou philosophie
des Lumières ?”, “Michel van de Kerchove (éd.) – L’interprétation en droit. Approche
pluridisciplinaire”, “L’interprétation juridique”, “La interpretación jurídica”, “Introduction”,
“Weiteres über Gerechtigkeit”, “Le juge, la règle de droit et la justice”, an incomplete text,
“Justice and Reasoning”, “Justice et raisonnement”, “Perelman (Ch.), The Idea of Justice and the
Problem of Argument (by A. C. Ewings), “Préface [to the Introduction à la logique juridique by G.
Kalinowski]”, “Judicial Reasoning”, “Jugement moral et principes moraux”, “Jugements de
valeur, justification et argumentation”, “Henry W. Johnstone Jr., Validity and Rhetoric in
Philosophical Argument”, “Henry W. Johnstone Jr., Philosophy and Argument”, “Discussion. Reply
to Henry W. Johnstone Jr.”, the transcription of an untitled interview with Perelman, “Le
juge, la règle de droit et la justice”, “Jugement, règles et logique juridique”, “Nomos VI –
Justice, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy”, “La justice”
[incomplete], “De la justice”, “Préface [Justice et Raison]”, “Table des matières [from a
volume]”, “Justicia y argumento. Nota sobre el pensamiento de Perelman” (by Juan-Ramòn
Capella), “Chaïm Perelman : Justice, Law and Argument : Essays on Moral and Legal Reasoning” (by
W. Kluback), “Justice et raisonnement”, “Justice Re-examined”, “La justification des
normes”, “La Justice réexaminée” ; the handwritten version of the texts “Michel van de
Kerchove (éd.) – L’interprétation en droit. Approche pluridisciplinaire”, “L’interprétation juridique”,
“Préface [to an Introduction à la logique juridique de G. Kalinowski]”, “Jugement moral et
principes moraux”, “Les trois aspects de la justice”, “Justice et raisonnement”, “La
justification des normes”. Languages: French; Spanish; German; English. Volume: 6 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 48.5.
Articles – L, part 1
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “La Bible et son
interprétation juridique par les Talmudistes”, “Commentaire du rapport de Mgr Ph.
Delhaye”, “La fraude fiscale et la moralité”, “La justification des normes”, “Liberté et
raisonnement”, “La logique juridique et le conflit judiciaire”, “Gesetz und Recht”, “Le
langage du droit et le pouvoir des juges”, “La Nouvelle Rhétorique – Bologne, le 7 mai
1974”, ”De nieuwe retorica als filosofische theorie der argumentatie”, “La Nouvelle
Rhétorique”, “La Nouvelle Rhétorique comme théorie philosophique de l’argumentation”,
“La réforme de l’enseignement du droit et ‘La Nouvelle Rhétorique’” , “L’argumentation”,
“Law and Philosophy, revue interdisciplinaire paraissant trois fois l’an”, “L. Olbrechts-Tyteca,
Le comique du discours”, “Le langage du droit et le pouvoir des juges”, “Legal Reasoning”, “Les
couples philosophiques (la dissociation des notions)” ; the handwritten version of the texts
“La fraude fiscale et la moralité”, “L’aliénation de l’homme moderne” ; an untitled
manuscript, “La Nouvelle Rhétorique”. Languages: French; German; Dutch; English.
Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 49.1.1.
Articles – L, part 2
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Le Libre Examen, hier
et aujourd’hui”, “El razonamiento juridico”, “Le raisonnement juridique”, “Les catégories en
histoire”, “Liberté, égalité et intérêt général”, “Liberty, Equality and Public Interest”,
“Réponse à Marcel Liebman”, “Libre examen et philosophie”, “Loenen, D., Dikè, een
historisch-semantische analyse van het griekse gerechtigheidsbegrip”, “Logique et argumentation”,
“Logique et dialectique”, “Logique formelle et logique informelle”, “Logique et rhétorique”,
“Logik and Rhetoric. Preliminary remarks”, “Logique formelle et argumentation”, “Logique
formelle et logique informelle”, “Logique formelle, logique juridique”, an untitled text
[speech by Perelman to the Rector], “Logique juridique”, “Logic, Language and
Communication”, “Leçon inaugurale de Monsieur le Professeur Ch. Perelman : Logique et
argumentation”, “Libre examen, fanatisme et violence”, “Lupasco, Stéphane – Le principe
d’antagonisme et la logique de l’énergie”, “Logique formelle et argumentation”, “La loi et le droit” ;
the handwritten version of the texts “Logique et rhétorique”, “Logique formelle, logique
juridique”, “Logique, langage et réalité”, “Libre Examen, fanatisme et violence” ; handwritten
cards bearing the title “Logical and Judicial Proof”. Languages: French; Spanish; English.
Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 49.1.2.
Articles – M
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Intervention of Ch.
Perelman”, “Métaphysique absolutiste ou métaphysique située”, “Métaphysique, éthique et
langage chez Spinoza”, “De la méthode analytique en philosophie”, “La méthode dialectique
et le rôle de l’interlocuteur dans le dialogue”, “The Dialectical Method and the Part Played by
the Interlocutor in the Dialogue”, “Méthodologie scientifique et philosophie ouverte”, “Al
musag ha tseddek”, “Leçon inaugurale du cours de philosophie morale faite par Monsieur
Perelman, le 5 janvier, en l’auditoire P.-E. Janson”, “Morale et Libre Examen”, “La
motivation des décisions de justice : essai de synthèse” ; the handwritten version of the text
“Morale et Libre Examen” [incomplete]. Languages: French; English; Hebrew. Volume: 2.5
cm. Classification mark: 89PP 49.2.
Articles – N
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Symposium on
Pragmatics of Natural Languages”, “La naissance de la nouvelle rhétorique”, “The New
Rhetoric and the Rhetoricians : Remembrances and Comments”, “De nieuwe retorica als
filosofische theorie der argumentatie”, “The New Rhetoric and the Rhetoricians. Souvenirs et
commentaires”, “Les notions à contenu variable en droit. Essai de synthèse”, “Les notions
juridiques à contenu variable”, “Notions with Changing Content in Law”, “La Nouvelle
Rhétorique”, “La Nouvelle Rhétorique comme théorie philosophique de l’argumentation”,
“Nouvelles vues sur l’argumentation”, “La ‘Nuova Retorica’ di Chaïm Perelman”, “Les
notions et l’argumentation”, “Ha Rhetorica” ; the handwritten version of the text “La
Nouvelle Rhétorique”. Languages: French; Dutch, English; Hebrew. Volume: 4 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 50.1.
Articles – O
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Avant-propos
[Objectivité et intelligibilité dans la connaissance historique]”, “Objectivité et intelligibilité
dans la connaissance historique”, “Observations sur le problème des lacunes en droit”, “J. R.
Lucas – On Justice”, “On legal systems”, “Ontologie juridique et sources du droit”, “Legal
Ontology and Legal Reasoning”, “Ontologie juridique et raisonnement juridique”, “Opinions
et vérité”, “Maria Ossowska – Podstawy Nauki o Moralnosci”, “Ordre juridique et consensus”,
“Intervention de Chaïm Perelman” ; the handwritten version of the texts “Objectivité et
intelligibilité dans la connaissance historique”, “Opinions et vérité”. Languages: French;
English. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 50.2.
Articles – P, part 1
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “La Palestine et les
Arabes palestiniens”, “Aussagenlogik für Juristen” (by F. Paredies), “Pareto et
l’argumentation”, “Perspectives rhétoriques sur les problèmes sémantiques”, “Persuasion”,
“Ce que le philosophe peut apprendre par l’étude du droit”, “Persuasion et violence”, “Peuton formaliser l’argumentation ?”, “Philosophie de la logique”, “The Philosophy of
Pluralism” ; the handwritten version of the texts “La Palestine et les Arabes palestiniens”,
“Perspectives rhétoriques sur les problèmes sémantiques”, “Persuasion et violence”, “La
philosophie du pluralisme”. Languages: French; German; English. Volume: 2.5 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 51.1.1.
Articles – P, part 2
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Philosophie et morale
laïque. Causerie du 6 juin 1951. ‘De la Justice’ ” , “The Philosophy of Pluralism and the New
Rhetoric”, “Philosophy and Rhetoric”, an untitled text [Philosophie et rhétorique],
“Philosophie et rhétorique – une réponse à Richard M. Zaner”, “Philosophie, rhétorique,
lieux communs”, “Philosophy, Rhetoric, Commonplaces”, and a collection of pages
containing replies to a colloquium, typewritten by Perelman, notably to Mortier and Robinet;
the handwritten version of the texts “La preuve en philosophie”, “Philosophie, rhétorique,
lieux communs”, “Philosophie ou idéologie des lumières”. Languages: French; English.
Volume: 2.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 51.1.2.
Articles – P, part 3
Contains the typewritten version (and often annotated) of the texts “Philosophies premières
et philosophies régressives” [reply from Perelman to M. Bernays in Dialectica ?], “Pierre de la
Ramée et le déclin de la rhétorique”, “Le point de vue rhétorique en éthique”, “Polanyi’s
interpretation of Scientific Inquiry”, “Présomptions et fictions en droit, essai de synthèse”,
“La preuve en droit. Essai de synthèse”, “Le problème du bon choix” [partial], “Les deux
problèmes de la liberté humaine”, “À propos du procès de Nuremberg. Le sentiment de
justice et le droit international”, “La propagande politique à l’époque contemporaine”,
“Propos sur la logique juridique”, “Reflection on Legal Logic”, “Propos sur la logique
juridique” ; the handwritten version [partial] of the text “Le problème du bon choix”.
Languages: French; English. Volume: 2.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 51.1.3.
Articles [in French] – Q–Z [ ?], part 1
Contains a handwritten version of the articles “Droit et science du droit”, “Le rationnel et le
raisonnable”, “Réflexion sur le droit, la justice et le recours à la force” ; handwritten notes on
a paper ( ?) by Wróblewski entitled “La règle de décision” ; the typewritten versions
(sometimes with a few annotations) of the articles “La nouvelle rhétorique”, “Le point de vue
rhétorique en éthique”, “Quelques réflexions à propos de l’idée morale”, “Raison et conduite
humaine chez Spinoza”, “Le raisonnable et le déraisonnable en droit”, “Raison pratique et
raisonnement pratique”, “Les rapports du droit avec la morale et la religion”, “Réflexions sur
l’assimilation”, “Le rationnel et le raisonnable”, “Recherches sur la construction de la pensée
philosophique dans la Grèce ancienne” [by M. Detienne], “Réflexions philosophiques sur la
classification”, “Réflexions sur la justice”, “Réflexions sur la logique juridique”, “La réforme
de l’enseignement du droit et ‘la nouvelle rhétorique’” , “Remarques sur la communication
judiciaire” ; index cards entitled “Rationalisme et assimilation”, another series entitled
“Réflexions sur la raison pratique” ; as well as the proof of the article “Le raisonnable et le
déraisonnable en droit”. Languages: French. Volume: 2.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 17.4.
Articles [in French] – Q–Z [?], part 2
Contains a handwritten version of the articles “Réponse au questionnaire sur la philosophie
du droit”, “Rhétorique (Loss and Recovery of a Humanistic Tradition)”, “Rhétorique,
dialectique et philosophie” and “Sciences formelles et expérience : Quelques problèmes de
philosophie mathématique”; the typewritten versions (which sometimes include a few
annotations) of the articles “Sciences formelles et expérience : Quelques problèmes de
philosophie mathématique”, “Réponse au questionnaire sur la philosophie du droit”, “La
rhétorique comme logique des sciences humaines”, “Rhétorique, dialectique et philosophie”,
“Rhétorique et politique”, “D’une rhétorique philosophique à une philosophie rhétorique”,
“La sauvegarde et le fondement des droits de l’homme”, “Sciences humaines et théorie de la
connaissance”, “Sémantique et pragmatique”, “Sens de l’histoire et Nouvelle Rhétorique”,
“Sociologie de la connaissance et philosophie de la connaissance”, “Pour une théorie de
l’argumentation”, [an incomplete article]; as well as a proof of the article “La sauvegarde et le
fondement des droits de l’homme”. There is an anonymous typewritten document entitled
“Truisme”, as well as a file containing a series of typewritten texts [which seem to make up a
collection, and don't appear to be by Perelman]: “Ontologie et principe d’identité”, “Le
principe d’identité : principe logique ou (et) ontologique ?”, “Esquisse pour une explication
des problèmes liés au concept du temps, sur fondement de l’axiome ontologique”, “Kant, le
temps, l’en soi, le monde intelligible”, “Droit positif et idéologie”. Languages: French.
Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 17.5.
Articles [in foreign languages], Q-Z [?], part 3
Contains the copy of an article by W. Kluback, “The New Rhetoric as a Philosophical
System”, as well as typewritten articles by Perelman (sometimes containing annotations):
“Recht und Rhetoric”, “Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtssprechung”, “The Rhetorical Point of
View in Ethics: A Program”, “Rhetorik und Philosophie”, “Rhetorische Perspektiven über
Semantische Probleme”, “Safeguard and Foundation of Human Rights”, “On Self-evidence
in Metaphysics”, “The Specific Quality of Juridical Proof”, “The Theoretical Relations of
Thought and Action”, “The University and Society”; as well as a proof of the articles “The
Safeguarding and Foundation of Human Rights” and “Value Judgments, Justifications &
Argumentation”. There are some pages of handwritten notes bearing the title “Reason and
Communication”. Languages: English; German. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP
Articles [speeches]
Contains typewritten copies of several speeches by Perelman: a text on the State of Israel, a
posthumous tribute by Pr F. Van Kalken, the summary of the colloquium “Démonstration,
vérification, justification”, as well as a discussion of the presentations by MM. McKeon, Joja
[ ?], Ayer, Juhos, Granger, Gonseth, Kotarbinski, Horovitz. There is also the transcript of
contributions by E. Fulcinelli and M. Byllowski [?] relating to the Traité de l’argumentation in the
programme “Le Pont des Arts” (France Culture, 15/01/1977). Languages: French. Volume:
0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 18.2.
Individual items
There are manuscripts, cards, reading notes or notes on conferences; several articles by
Perelman, articles by colleagues, or even received documentation.
Also refer to the table of texts, which summarises all the articles, manuscripts, speeches… made by Perelman
contained in the Collection.
Individual items. Miscellaneous, 1
Contains two manuscripts (probably incomplete) of the Logique juridique, another untitled
manuscript, handwritten notes on Maïmonide, a typewritten article, anonymous, incomplete
and untitled (“de Jouvenel” mentioned in the header; probably part of a group which
Perelman was part of); a typewritten leaflet bearing the title “Center for the Study of
Democratic Institutions – Memorandum”, with in annex comments by F. Castberg, Ch.
Morazé, and Lelio Basso on an article by H. Wheeler, “The Roof Article on Politics”. There
is also an anonymous text entitled “Logic and Complementary: Preliminary Report”, with, in
annex ( ?) an incomplete commentary by Apostel which seems to have something to do with
it. Languages: French; English. Volume: 11 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 44.
Individual items. Miscellaneous, 2
Contains a typewritten copy of the Logique juridique, a notebook of reading notes, in
Perelman's hand, beginning with “A. Coser – The Function of Social Compliet, 1956", a
typewritten version of the article “On Legal Systems”, other reading notes consisting, on the
one hand, of 29 loose leaves of paper and, on the other hand, a notebook which begins "J.
Gillis – The Style of Appellate Judicial Decision, a Case Study in Comparation Law, 1960"
(36 p.), a typewritten and annotated proof of the Logique juridique (éd. 1975), the copy of an
article “De l’évidence en métaphysique”, a handwritten and annotated proof of “Law and
Morality”, 24 loose typewritten pages (proofs which are sometimes annotated and seem to
belong to the articles “Law and Morality”, “Reflection on Legal Logic” and “Law and
Rhetoric”); a typewritten page on which there is the structure of a filing system for papers; a
typewritten proof of “Analogy and Metaphor in Science, Poetry and Philosophy”; dispersed
sheets; a typewritten copy of the articles “The Rational and the Reasonable”, “Law,
Philosophy and Argumentation”, of a communication text, of “The justification of norms”,
of “From a Philosophical Rhetoric Towards a Rhetorical Philosophy”; an A4 envelope
addressed to Lucie Olbrecht, bearing, on the back, a handwritten indication “Argumentation
basé s/ traité – Projet de Jamieson remis à Perelman” - inside: three typewritten and
annotated extracts ( ?): “I. The Classical Heritage” with handwritten annotation “Jamieson”,
“Chapter VI – Reasoning: Cognitive extensions of Argument” and “Chapter X – Errors in
Reasoning”; photocopies of the items of the ruling relating to the film “Ève et Amour”
(litigant: Roger Lallemand): conclusions, decision, report of session and appeal; an off-print
of “Les conceptions concrètes et abstraites de la raison et de la justice”; several extracts from
Belgian jurisprudence: “Bulletin des arrêts de la Cour de cassation 1969”, “Bulletin des arrêts
de la Cour de cassation 1972” and “Pasicrisie belge, Cassation 1963”; a decision made by the
Court of Appeal on 8 February 1973 relating to a lawsuit by the family Driscart against the
commune of Viane; the copy of a typewritten text by J. Gilissen entitled “La collaboration
avec l’ennemi, notion à contenu variable”; a typewritten, annotated proof of “Law, Logic and
Epistemology”; a typewritten and annotated proof of an untitled article; as well as an
extremely incomplete proof of “Legal Reasoning”. Languages: French; English. Volume: 11
cm. Classification mark: 89PP 45.
Individual items. Miscellaneous, 3
Contains a red file labelled “Monsieur le Professeur Perelman, Président de l’IIP” with the
typewritten copy of an anonymous work which seems to relate to the general history of
rhetoric; a bound booklet entitled “Ciro Colmayer, Informazione e semantica nei linguaggi non
formalizzati, Edizioni di ‘Ricerche metodologiche”, Napoli, 1971”; the typewritten text of a
work entitled “Erotetic Logic”; a typewritten text by Lon Fuller, entitled “The Forms and
Limits of Adjudication”; four supplements to the review Res publica: three from a rubric
“Chronique des bibliographies générales sur la vie and les questions politiques de Belgique”
(n° 1 and 3, 1964 and n° 2, 1965), as well as a “Répertoire des documents officiels relatifs à la
révision constitutionnelle 1830-1964” (n° 4, 1964); the typewritten text of the work by Ilmar
Tammelo, The Lawyer’s Logic: A Compendium of Logic in the Service of Law, addressed to Perelman;
a series of handwritten comments (24 pages – not written by Perelman) on Perelman’s
articles, often of a formal nature; a typewritten copy of the articles “Droit positif et droit
naturel”, “Ontologie juridique and raisonnement juridique”, “Droit et logique”, “The
Justification of Norms”, “Reflections on Legal Logic” [incomplete].
In addition, there are pages of notes (probably reading notes): 6 handwritten pages bearing
the title “Philon d’Alexandrie”; 5 handwritten pages entitled “Franz Rosenzweig” followed by
10 other handwritten pages with the same title; 3 handwritten pages entitled “Spinoza”, then
8 others entitled “Philosophie et religion chez Spinoza”; 15 handwritten pages with an
illegible title, in English; the typewritten copy of a text (incomplete) by Perelman (4 pages);
handwritten reading notes of “The Methods of Ethics”, by Henry Sidgwick; dispersed
reading notes (46 pages) and a copy of Sidgwick’s article “The Philosophy of Common
Sense” published in Mind (14 April 1895); a notebook beginning “Plato (427-348)” (54
The box contains yet more typewritten copies of the article “On Legal Systems”, including
one annotated by Perelman and Harvey Wheler, a brochure entitled “Symposium: Berne du
19 au 23 mars 1973: Connaissance de la pensée par le témoignage personnel – Philosophers
on their own work – Philosophie als Selbstdarstellung – vol. III (reports, texts, translations)”,
and the typewritten copy of articles “Ontologie juridique and sources du droit” and “Les
notions à contenu variable en droit, essai de synthèse”.
Languages: French; English. Volume: 11 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 46.
Scientific Publications, publishing
Books, personal publications
Also refer to the table of texts, which summarises all the articles, manuscripts, speeches… by Perelman
contained in the collection.
Personal publications: biographical and bibliographical reports
Contains a series of biographical reports by Chaïm Perelman, as well as various bibliographic
lists of his works. The documents are mainly letterpress, with sometimes handwritten
annotations by Perelman, and more marginally manuscripts. Languages: French; English.
Volume: 2.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 13.1.
Rhetoric and philosophy, publication: critical reviews
Contains reviews of Rhétorique et philosophie (1952) (press clippings and off-prints of reviews).
Languages: French; English; Spanish; Italian. Volume: 0.3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 13.3.
The Idea of Justice and the Problem of Arguments, publication: correspondence,
Contains exchanges relating to the publication of the book The Idea of Justice and the Problem of
Argument (1963): contact with the editors, proofreading, translation questions, dissemination
for review. The file also contains a review of the work in English, a proof of the introduction
by H.L.A. Hart as well as the “Memorandum of Agreement” proposed to Perelman by the
editor Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. Languages: French; English. Volume: 2 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 13.4.
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Bailey, Richard
Banitt, M.
Berlin, Isaiah
Chappell, V. C.
Dushkin, David A.
Franklin, Colin
Franklin, Norman
Friedrich, C. J.
Ginossar, Shalev
Hart, H. L. A.
Hewison, R. J. P.
Hotzman, Paul D.
Kalina, St.
Kegan, Paul
Lucas, Terence
Noonan, John T.
Olafson, F. A.
Pelseneer, J.
Perry, Charner
Pijnenborg, M. F. J.
Schuhl, Pierre-Maxime
Silverman, Simon
De la Justice; Justice et raison, publication: correspondence, critical reviews, 1945-
Contains bibliographical lists relating to studies on justice, a few accounts of De la Justice
(1945) as well as Justice et raison (1963) (press clippings and off-prints of periodicals). The file
also contains exchanges relating to the publication of the work and/or the translation of
constituent articles: contact with the Italian, English and Israeli translators, breakdown of
sales, thoughts on the articles to be included in the collections. Language: French. Volume: 3
cm. Classification mark: 89PP 13.5.
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Banitt, M.
Benseler, Frank
Berger, G.
Bobbio, Norberto
Carvoue, S. H. [?]
Charner, Marquis Perry
Duméry, Henry
Franklin, Colin
Gilissen, J.
Ginossar, Shalev
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Gurostab, Georges [?]
Keleve, I.
Kelsen, Hans
Kronska, Irena
Maynez, Eduardo Garcia
Negro, Paola
Olafson, Frederick A.
Pasquinelli, Alberto
Pesloüan, G. de
Rotenstreich, N.
Sachs, Emmy
Topitsch, E.
Wellens, R.
Wilder, Ernestine
Justice et raison, publication: constituent articles, undated
Contains typewritten articles annotated by Perelman (sometimes in several copies): “Raison
éternelle, raison historique”; “La vulgarisation scientifique, problème philosophique”, “Le
rôle de la décision dans la théorie de la connaissance”, “Rapports théoriques de la pensée et
de l’action”, “La spécificité de la preuve juridique”, “La règle de justice” (also in handwritten
version), “Ce qu’une réflexion sur le droit peut apporter au philosophe”. There are also
several index cards with handwritten notes entitled “La spécificité de la preuve juridique –
Doyen Bruhl”. Language: French. Volume: 2 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 13.6.
An Historical Introduction to Philosophical Thinking, publication: correspondence,
Contains exchanges relating to the publication of the work An Historical Introduction to
Philosophical Thinking: contacts with the editor and the translator, calendar of publication,
proofreading. Languages: French; English. Volume: 0.7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 13.7.
Brown, Kenneth A.
Chapman, J.
Chappell, V. C.
Dushkin, David A.
Fischbein, June
Gilbert, Susan
Hauck, Leonore C.
Moreno, R.
Recaséns-Siches, L.
Scarff, Susan G.
Springer, Martha
Weiss, Robert
Traité de l’argumentation, publication and translation
Traité de l'argumentation, publication: critical reviews, 1958-1977
Contains numerous reviews of Traité de l’argumentation (press clippings, photocopies and offprints), as well as a typewritten list listing all the reviews published on the work. Languages:
French [mainly]; English, Spanish, Italian, Polish. Volume: 3.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP
Traité de l'argumentation, publication: correspondence, 1957-1979
Contains exchanges linked to the publication of the Traité de l’argumentation by the Presses
universitaires de France (1958), and to its reprints by the Éditions de l’Université de
Bruxelles: contact with the editor, and potential or actual authors of reviews. There is also a
presentation note of The New Rhetoric, English translation of the work. Language: French.
Volume: 2 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 14.2.
Acton, H. B.
Aderaldo, Flavio G.
Angoulvent, P.
Argullos, Alejandro
Beggre, Gaston
Berger, G.
Blanché, R.
Bosco, Nynfa
Buis, P.
Czezowski, Tadeusz
De Coster, Sylvain
Devaux, Philippe
Doucy, A.
Drabs, José [ ?]
Duméry, Henry
Facchi, P.
Gilbert, Jacques
Goedert-Croissant, J.
Guillemain, Bernard
Heidsieck, F.
Helwig, Dom G.
Hoornaert, M.
Isaye, [R. P.] G.
Janne, Henri
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr
Kourim, Zdenek
Léviant, I.
Lugarini, Leo
Mayoux, Jean-Jacques
Nicol, Eduard
Ossowska, Marie
Peeters, F.
Pellegrino, Don Giuseppe
Reidel, A.
Schick, Carla
Schuhl, P. M.
Sebbane, Roland
Strawson, P.
Takeda, Hiromitchi
Unger, S.
Vauthier, M.
Weber, J. P.
Weil, Éric
Wellens, Robert
Wormann, C.
Traité de l'argumentation, German translation: correspondence, 1966-1976
Contains exchanges linked to the planned publication of the German edition of the Traité de
l’argumentation: contacts with the editors and the translator (Ottmar Ballweg), in particular
relating to questions of rights. Languages: French; German. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification
mark: 89PP 14.3.
Altenhoff, W.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Richert, Ulla
Richtscheid, Hans
Schönstedt, Eduard
Unger, S.
Varwig, F. R.
Viehweg, Th.
Traité de l'argumentation, English translation: correspondence, 1958-1972
Contains exchanges linked to the publication of the English edition of the Traité, which was
published in 1969 under the title The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation (University of
Notre Dame Press). The letters first and foremost report contacts with the translator (John
Wilkinson), the search for an editor, proofreading. They also mention the preparation of a
second edition. Languages: French; English. Volume: 2.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 14.4.
Arnold, Carroll C.
Betchov, Greti
Bitzer, Lloyd F.
Black, Edwin
Caponigri, A. Robert
Cavell, Stanley
Chappell, Vere
De Meester, René
Dushkin, David A.
Ehmann, John
Everett, John R.
Franklin, Colin
Friedrich, C. J.
Hendel, Charles W.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr
Lorenzo, Dominic
Manolesco, John
Mayer, M.
Noonan, John T. Jr.
Poteat, William H.
Price, Jane
Riedel, A.
Schossberger, Emily M.
Schwreck, Sandra
Weaver, Purcell
Wilkinson, John
Zachary, Robert Y.
Traité de l'argumentation, Italian translation: correspondence, 1957-1966
Contains exchanges linked to the publication of the Italian edition of the Traité, which was
published in 1966 with Einaudi under the title Trattato dell'argomentazione. The letters deal with
rights, as well as the details of the translation which took several years and underwent various
hitches (notably the illness and death of the first translator, C. Schick). N. Bobbio’s
translation of a book by Perelman on justice is also mentioned. The file also contains a 6
page typewritten text by N. Bobbio, “Dimostrazione e argomentazione”. Languages: French;
Italian. Volume: 0.7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 14.5.
Bobbio, Norberto
Bosco, Nynfa
Calogero, Guido
Einaudi, Giulio
Facchi, Paolo
Lerici, Roberto
Mayer, Maria
Pellegrino, [Don] Giuseppe
Rosselli, Aldo
Rossi-Landi, Ferruccio
Schick, Carla
Cinq leçons sur la justice; Droit, morale et philosophie, publication: correspondence,
critical reviews, constituent articles, 1964-1980
Contains a series of critical reviews of Droit, morale et philosophie (copies, press clippings or offprints); exchanges linked to the publication of Droit, morale et philosophie and Cinq leçons sur la
justice; the manuscript of the articles “Scepticisme moral et philosophie morale” and “Le
raisonnement juridique”, typewritten, annotated versions of “Le raisonnement juridique” as
well as “La théorie pure du droit et l’argumentation”. Language: French. Volume: 1 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 14.6.
Crabb, John H.
Giorgianni, V.
Recaséns-Siches, Luis
Sciacca, F. M.
Viehweg, Theodor
Villey, Michel
Logique juridique, publication: critical reviews, correspondence, 1976-1979
Contains numerous critical reviews of the Logique juridique (copies, press clippings or offprints). There are also letters referring to the Dutch and Italian editions of the book, as well
as to the planned Spanish, English and German translations. Languages: French; German.
Volume: 1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 14.7.
Aguilar, J.
Argullos, Alexandre
Broekman, Jan M.
Crabb, John H.
Crifo, G.
Dunes, A.
Foque, R.
Harlow, John
Ingber, Léon
Klenner, H.
MacCormick, Neil
Mitchell, Douglas C.
Skey, Malcolm
Van Roermund, Bert
Wewel, M.
Le champ de l’argumentation, publication: constituent articles, correspondence,
critical reviews, 1968-1979
Contains exchanges linked to the publication of Le champ de l’argumentation (terms of the
contract, statement of copyright, authorisation to reproduce articles…) as well as critical
reviews of the work. There are also letters relating to a planned Italian translation. The file
contains the copy of an article by L. Husson, “Réflexion sur la théorie de l’argumentation de
Ch. Perelman”, handwritten index cards on the theory of argumentation and its philosophical
implications, typewritten and annotated versions of the articles “Une théorie philosophique
de l’argumentation”, “De la temporalité comme caractère de l’argumentation”, “Recherches
interdisciplinaires sur l’argumentation”, “Raisonnement juridique et Logique juridique”,
“Science du droit et jurisprudence”, “Le raisonnement pratique”, “Rhétorique et
philosophie”, “Le réel commun et le réel philosophique”, “Sciences et philosophie”, “Sens et
catégories en histoire”; proofs of the articles “Une théorie philosophique de
l’argumentation”, “Recherches interdisciplinaires sur l’argumentation”, “Raisonnement
juridique et Logique juridique”; the manuscripts of the articles “Le réel commun et le réel
philosophique”, “Sciences et philosophie”. Language: French. Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification
mark: 89PP 15.1.
Bassand, M.
Delorme, S.
Giuliani, Alessandro
Grize, Jean-Blaise
Grunebaum, G. E. von
Haas, Richard
Jacob, A
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Kurgjues, K. [?]
Nowak J.
Pieretti, Antonio
Poteat, W. H.
Rapisarda, M.
Recaséns Siches, L.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Steiner, Franz
Unger, S.
Wellens, Robert
Rhetoric as persuasion, publication: correspondence, 1971-1975
Contains exchanges linked to the planned publication of a volume entitled Rhetoric as
persuasion, supervised by Perelman, who put together a counterpart volume entitled Rhetoric as
style. The letters are mainly about the research carried out by an editor and collaborators.
Languages: French; English. Volume: 1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 15.2.
Apostel, Leo
Arnold, Carroll C.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Barilli, R.
Brand-Maher, C. E.
Broekman, Jan M.
Caponigri, A. Robert
Giuliani, Alessandro
Horvath, Adam
Hostettler, Gordon F.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Matthews, John
Minguet, Philippe
Moerman, Michael
Sebeok, Thomas A.
Umiker-Sebeok, Donna Jean
Van Veen, P. A. F.
L’empire rhétorique: Rhétorique et argumentation / The Realm of Rhetoric,
publication: notes, critical reviews, correspondence, 1977-1981
Contains exchanges linked to the publication of translations of L’empire rhétorique: contact with
the editors, publishing methods, translation questions... The file also contains fifteen
handwritten index cards entitled “Techniques de l’argumentation”, critical reviews (off-prints,
copies, press clippings) French, English, Dutch, German editions of the work as well as a
typewritten copy of the introduction to the English edition by Carroll C. Arnold. Languages:
French; English. Volume: 2.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 15.3.
Aguilar, M.
Arnold, Carroll C.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Broekman, Jan M.
Caponigri, A. Robert
Carena, Carlo
Crifo, G.
Dridro, Vera
Ehmann, John
Foque, R.
Henket, M.
Hostettler, Gordon F.
Lavagetto, Mario
MacCormick, Neil
Mattioli, Emilio
Miwa, Masashi
Paulhac, G.
Plett, H. F.
Schiwy, Günther
Skey, Malcolm
Vickers, Brian
Visser’t Hooft, Ph.
Wittig, Ernst
The New Rhetoric and the Humanities, publication: constituent articles, critical
reviews, 1980
Contains critical reviews of the work, as well as a typewritten version of the Perelman’s article
“Rhetorical perspective on semantic problems” translated by E. Griffin-Collart. Language:
English. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 15.4.
Justice, Law and Argument, publication: correspondence, critical reviews, 1964-1982
Contains critical reviews of the work (copies, press clippings, off-prints), and exchanges
linked to its publication: contacts with the editor, proofreading... There are also several
versions of the index, including a handwritten version established by Perelman, and a
typewritten version of a text entitled “The Rule of Justice”. Language: English. Volume: 2
cm. Classification mark: 89PP 15.5.
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Chapman, John
Chappell, Vere
Dushkin, David A.
Eikema Hommes, H. J. van
Franklin, Colin
Gilbert, Susan
Hauck, Leonore C.
Meagher, Walter L.
Mitchell, Douglas C.
Nijhoff, M.
Scarff, Susan G.
Willink, Tjeenk
Cours de logique, publication: correspondence, 1957-1966
Contains exchanges linked to the publication of Cours de logique by Perelman: contact with the
editor, sales figures, republication. Translation of the work into English is also mentioned.
Language: French. Volume: 1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 15.6.
Bascour, Dom Hildebrand
Brown, Kenneth A.
Chappell, V. C.
Clersy, E.
De Strycker, [R. P.]
Dushkin, David A.
Gillet, J. P.
Grosjean, Marcel
Lieber, Charles D.
Lion, S.
Mardens, Léonce
Nijs, Georges
Rottenberg, V.
Van Steenhuyse, Nadine
Wellens, R.
Books, publication management
Doctoral thesis specialised in law (Hermann Petzold Pernìa, s. d.)
Typewritten copy of the thesis submitted by Hermann Petzold Pernìa to the Université Libre
de Bruxelles (Law Faculty), presented under the editorship of Prof Paul Foriers and Chaïm
Perelman, entitled “La notion d’égalité dans le droit de certains états d’Amérique latine
(Argentine, Brésil, Chili, Colombie, Mexique et Venezuela)”. Language: French. Volume: 6
cm. Classification mark: 89PP 16.
Études de logique juridique, publication management: correspondence, critical
reviews, 1965-1968
Contains for the most part critical reviews of the different volumes of Études de logique juridique
(copies, press clippings, off-prints). The file also consists of several letters relating to their
publication, and two typewritten, annotated versions of the article “L’usage et l’abus des
notions confuses”. Languages: French; English; German; Dutch. Volume: 3 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 17.1.
Blanc, Emmanuel
Farcy, Marie-Françoise [ ?]
Jerphagnon, Lucien
Tammelo, Ilmar
Les antinomies en droit, publication management: correspondence, critical reviews,
Contains exchanges linked to the publication of the volume Les antinomies en droit: contacts
with the editors and authors, distribution list and thanks from the people who were sent the
work. The file also contains critical reviews (copies, press clippings, off-prints). Language:
French. Volume: 2.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 17.2.
Battaglia, Felice
Blanc, Emmanuel
Buch, Henri
Conte, Amedeo G.
Dhondt, J.
Dumont, Michel
Foriers, Paul
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Huberlant, Charles
Joray, M.
Kalinowski, Georges
Klug, U.
Legendre, Gilbert
Limpens, J.
Magrish, James L.
Morgenthal, Léop.
Platteau, L. C.
Renauld, Jean G.
Savatier, R.
Silance, L.
Tune, A.
Valentin, J.
Van Campenhout, G.
Vander Elst, Raymond
Vandeveld, A.
Varet, Gilbert
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Le problème des lacunes en droit, publication management: correspondence, critical
reviews, 1965-1968
Contains exchanges linked to the publication of the volume Le problème des lacunes en droit:
contact with the authors, thanks from the people who were sent the work. The file also
contains a series of critical reviews (copies, press clippings, off-prints). Languages: French;
English. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 17.3.
Conte, Amedeo G.
Engisch, Karl
Refini, Luis [ ?]
Savatier, R.
Various Publications: correspondence, reviews
Tedeschi, Guido
Van Reepinghen, Bernard
Contains a few dispersed letters relating to Perelman’s publications (works, articles,
syllabus…) and reviews of works, articles or collaborative works edited by Perelman:
Philosophie morale; Dialectic/Dialectiques [Entretiens de Varna]; Rechtswissenschaft und
Rechtssprechung; La preuve en droit; La motivation des décisions de justice; Les présomptions et les fictions en
droit; Études de logique juridique; Éléments d’une théorie de l’argumentation; Raisonnement et démarches de
l’historien; “Perspectives rhétoriques sur les problèmes sémantiques”; L’Égalité, La Règle de droit;
“Über die Gerechtigkeit. Fünf Vorlesungen”; Volume in honour of Professor Julius Stone. There is
also an off-print of the preface by N. Bobbio in the Italian edition of De la Justice (La
Giustizia), a typewritten review by Perelman entitled “Remarks on Prof. B. F. Skinner’s
Beyond Freedom and Dignity”, as well as a typewritten text by W. R. Winterowd “I Resign
from Rhetoric: An Unsolicited Review of the Prospect of [Rhetoric]”. Languages: French;
English; German. Volume: 2 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 18.3.
Bacque, Jorge A.
Blanc, Emmanuel
Brouckmans, Aloys
Brouwers, A.
Brown, Kenneth A.
Dalsgard-Hansen, P.
Dorsinfang-Smets, A.
Doucy, A.
Foriers, Paul
Hoppen, Gregor
Jankowska, Aleksandra
Lineback, Richard H.
Lion, S.
Maynez, E. Garcia
Moreno, Raphael M.
Motte, Marie-Thérèse
Nowak, J.
Nuchelmans, N.
Paradies, F.
Severyns, A.
Spreutels, Jean P.
Straet, Gabrielle
Unger, S.
Van Steenhuyse, Nadine
Wellens, R.
Wheeler, Harvey
Winterowd, W. Ross
Colloquiums and conferences
Universities, invitations to lecture: correspondence, 1966-1983
Contains exchanges linked to invitations received by Perelman within foreign universities.
The letters refer to Perelman’s participation in the colloquiums, congresses and round tables
organised by these institutions (themes, organisation, practical arrangements for the trip…),
as well as invitations to lecture there. Languages: French; English. Volume: 4.5 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 18.4.
Aarnio, Aulis
Albright, A. D.
Amir, Rachel
Bacon, John
Barzel, Alexander
Beaujour, Michel
Benn, Stanley I.
Bennett, William J.
Campagnolo, Michelle
Candlish, Stewart
Cauchy, Venant
Cho, Kah Kyung
Condren, Conal
Côté, Pierre-André
Cox, J. Robert
D’Andrea, A.
Delvoye, Charles
Detmold, Michael
Dickey, Anthony
Diemer, Alwin
Duchesneau, François
Duffey, Frank M.
Ekkana, Yehuda
Ellsworth, Lucius F.
Etheredge, Sheila A.
Eubanks, Ralph T.
Fisher, John
Franklin, William G.
Gabison, Ruth
Gagné, Jean
Gelber, Sidney
Gray, Lyle A.
Haakonssen, Knud
Harris, Paul
Hennessy, Kim Hascher
Herburt, George K.
Hughes, Graham
Imhoff, Thomas
Johnson, George W.
Jones, William R.
Kasemsup, Preedee
Klibansky, Raymond
Knight, Kenneth W.
Krzywicki-Herburt, George
Lee, J. M.
Leonard, Rebecca
Lindgren, K. E.
Maning, Pamela D.
Margolis, Joseph
McGrath, James J.
Meier, Ronald B.
Metts, Susan H.
Murphy, Joseph S.
Pompa, Catharine L.
Rekhi, V. S.
Rice, Patricia K.
Rodgers, Raymond S.
Roger, Philippe
Roitman, Betty
Rotter, Frank
Schulte, R. Gregg
Shaw, J. L.
Siegel, Nathaniel H.
Silverman, Hugh J.
Singh, D. K.
Soyka, Alex U.
Splitter, Laurance
Srzednicki, Jan
Starck, Christian
Stephens, Henry L. Jr.
Sternfeld, Robert
Stoljar, Samuel
Stone, Julius
Street, Laurence
Studdert-Kennedy, Michael
Tay, Alice Erh-Soon
Thomas, Claire
Thomas, Joab L.
Thomson, Colin J. H.
Van Teslaar, A. P.
Walton, Douglas N.
Ward, John O.
Watton, Doug
Weeramantry, C. G.
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Zemach, Eddy M.
Colloquiums, participation: correspondence, 1971-1983
Contains exchanges linked to Perelman’s activities in different colloquiums and congresses
(Universities and/or scientific bodies): invitations, practical organisation, themes broached,
programmes… The letters also touch on questions of translation and/or publication of
Perelman’s communications. There is also the typewritten text of Perelman’s introductory
presentation at a colloquium on methods in the history of philosophy. Languages: French;
English. Volume: 6 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 19.1.
Aarnio, Aulis
Agazzi, Evandro
Alexander, Dennis C.
Alexander, Hubert G.
Alquié, F.
Armogathe, J. R.
Arnaiz Amigo, Aurora
Batiffol, Henri
Bauer, Yehuda
Baugniet, J.
Bell, Robert E.
Bendor, Shmuel
Benvenuti, Feliciano
Berrendonner, Alain
Bird, Graham
Bo, Carlo
Borbe, Tasso
Boullart, K. E.
Bragard, L.
Brouwer, P. W.
Cappelletti, Vincenzo
Coppens, Pierre
Cotta, Sergio
Crabb, John
Cranston, Maurice
Cronstrom, Ch.
Curiel Benfield, José Luis
Davis, Moshe
De Béthune, Agnès
De Jongh, D. H. J.
Defijn, Émile
Delbouille, P.
Della Corte, Francesco
Derouaux, P.
Diemer, A.
Dieter, Henrich
Dockx, S.
Dorsey, Gray
Ducret, Bernard
Farnham, Nicholas
Folena, Gianfranco
Frank, M.
Frankel, Charles
Franklin, Norman
Gabbay, D. M.
Gafner, Ariane
Galli, Giuseppe
George, Bill
Geraets, Theodore F.
Gobry, I.
Goldmann, Nahum
Gortari, Eli de
Grize, Jean-Blaise
Guéroult, Martial
Haarscher, Guy
Hashimoto, Noriko
Heering, H. J.
Heide, J. ter
Hijmans, B. L.
Hirsch, Alain
Hochbaum, Jerry
Hubien, Hubert
Imamichi, Tomonobu
Joly, Robert
Kamenka, Eugene
Kasher, Asa
Kaufman, Menahem
Kirscher, Gilbert
Konvitz, Milton R.
Lauener, Henri
Lavalleye, J.
Leeman, Anton D.
Levy, Mordechai M.
Linaras, L.
Lindgren, K. E.
Lowenthal, F.
Mabe, Alan
Makkonen, Kaarle
Massuh, Victor
Mayer-Maly, Dorothea
Mclean, George F.
Mesnard, J.
Michot, J.
Morand, Jean
Motte, André
Mouloud, Noël
Mugnier-Pollet, L.
Muralt, André de
Ohta, Tenrei
Oizerman, Th. I.
Pandeya, R. C.
Paradis, Ch.
Patzig, G.
Paulhac, G.
Perrin, Jean-Fr.
Philippart, André
Polin, Raymond
Prott, Lyndel V.
Recaséns Siches, Luis
Renard, C.
Reszler, André
Robinet, André
Sanchez Vazquez, Adolfo
Santschy, Françoise
Sarlet, Henri
Schanze, Phil
Schenker, Avraham
Semal, J.
Shimoni, Gideon
Shinan, Avigdor
Skryabin, G.
Soffer, Joseph
Stoljar, S. J.
Stone, Michael E.
Stork, P.
Storrer, Anne Marie
Szekely, D. L.
Tagliacozzo, Giorgio
Tammelo, Ilmar
Tarnoi, Laszlo
Tartakover, A.
Tay, Alice Ehr-Soon
Trappe, P.
Unger, S.
Van Benthem, J. F. A. K.
Van Parys, Philippe
Van Steenberghen, F.
Vance, B. E.
Vandamme, F. J.
Vazquez Alfaro, Guillermo
Velez, L.
Verosta, Stephan
Vickers, Brian
Vieillard-Baron, J. L.
Villani, Antonio
Viola, E. G.
Weinberger, Ota
Zygraleh, Nathan [ ?]
Conferences, participation: correspondence, 1963; 1975-1983
Contains exchanges linked to conferences delivered by Perelman in different institutions
(Universities, schools and/or scientific bodies), in particular on the occasion of his stays
abroad as a visiting professor: invitations, practical organisation, themes broached,
programmes… The letters also relate to translation questions and/or the publication of
Perelman’s papers. Languages: French; English; German. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark:
89PP 19.2.
Achterberg, Norbert
Agresto, John
Ahrens, Gary A.
Alexander, Dennis C.
Allen, Andrew
Arnold, Carroll C.
Atonda, Saitu
Bange, P.
Bar-On, A. Z.
Barker, Evelyn M.
Barker, Stephen
Birch, Eleanor M.
Bitzer, Lloyd F.
Bodenheimer, Edgar
Booth, Wayne C.
Breckner, Ken
Cappelletti, Mauro
Cappelletti, Vincenzo
Causin, M. E.
Christie, George C.
Classen, C. J.
Cranston, Maurice
Dalgarno, M. T.
Dequeker, Luc
De Smed, R.
Diemer, A.
Dorsey, Gray L.
Fisher, Walter R.
Foret, Françoise
Fransen, G.
Friedman, Robert P.
Ganovski, Sava
Gastaldo, Aldo Ceresa
Gavison, Ruth
Genicot, L.
Geraets, Theodore F.
Gilbert, Joseph
Golden, James L.
Grey, Thomas C.
Grezegorczyk, C.
Grollet, Philippe
Grosjean, P. V.
Haiman, Franklyn S.
Hartnack, Justus
Hollerbach, Alexander
Jackson, M. W.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Kamp, Norbert
Kevelson, Roberta
Krawietz, Werner
Krenz, Rosemarie
Kvart, Igal
Leff, Michael C.
Levy, J. Ph.
Lindgren, K. E.
MacCormick, Neil
Marx, Werner
McMahon, Fred R.
Merryman, John Henry
Metts, Susan H.
Murphy, James J.
Otto, Stephan
Patzig, G.
Popkin, Dick
Pruekpongsawalee, Malee
Raphael, D. D.
Rebe, Bernard
Richardson, Janette
Riebensahm, Hans
Rieke, Richard D.
Rilotta, Joseph [?]
Rothschild, Walter
Royer, J. P.
Sanz, Carlos Raul
Schanze, Helmut
Schnek, Georges
Schnitzler, Günter
Semal, J.
Sillars, Malcolm O.
Sinaceur, M. A.
Singer, Marcus G.
Scott, Robert L.
Somerhausen, M.
Stokkink, Denis
Struever, Nancy S.
Tagliacozzo, Giorgio
Talmon, Shemaryahu
Tay, Alice
Thiry, Jacques
Titchener, John M.
Truche, P.
Vaes, J.
Van Roermund, G.
Viola, E. G.
Weeremantry, C. G.
Wellman, Carl
Wieland, J. H.
Willefret, J. [ ?]
Winand-Jacquemin, MarieAnt.
Wright, Linda A.
Zarefsky, David
Zimmermann, Hans-Joachim
Zippelius, R.
General Scientific correspondence, 1952-1984 [mainly 1962-1983]
The following files contain Chaïm Perelman’s General Scientific correspondence, in other
words exchanges relating to Perelman’s professional activities which, either, are not related to
a specific sector, or else are linked to a single correspondent for whom Perelman chose to
gather together all the items, or even to put together a separate file (which doesn’t in any way
preclude the fact that certain items from or addressed to this correspondent can still be found
in other sections of the collection; this is the principle of respect for the integrity of the
collection which was followed - see above). Aside from a few exceptions this part does not
contain items from the period 1953-1962, nor does it contain items from pre-1952.
Also refer to the detailed description of these items in the “Perelman Archives” Pallas database; and the index
nominorum of the present inventory (below).
Scientific Correspondence – A
Languages: French; English. Volume: 2 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 20.1.
Aarnio, Aulis
Abrahams, Jacques
Abrahams, Raymond
Abramov, Zalman
Adut, Salomon
Agazzi, Evandro
Ahrens, Gary A.
Ajdukiewicrowa, Maria
Akzin, Benjamin
Alexander, Hubert G.
Alexandrova, Donka
Allen, Andrew
Alon, Moshé
Alquié, F.
Althusser, L.
Ambille, Paul
Amir, M.
Anceschi, Luciano
Andreotti, Giulio
Anguelov, Stefan
Ansart, Pierre
Antonelli, Maria Teresa
Apelbom, Arnold M.
Arandjelovic, Vladimir
Archi, Gian Gualberto
Argullós, Alexandre
Ariel, Joseph
Armengaud, Françoise
Armogathe, J. R.
Arnold, Carroll C.
Arnould, F.
Aron, Raymond
Aronstein, Claude Serge
Aronstein, G.
Ashman, J.
Ashmore, Harry S.
Aubenque, Pierre
Aubert, R.
Aubonnet, Jean
Auerbach, Elias
Auster, Daniel
Avraham, Avi-hai
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Deflandre-Moore, Andrée M.
Ehmann, John
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Lahlou, Abbes
Makkonen, Kaarle
Norbert, Achterberg
Oker-Blom, Nils
Perelman, Fela
Shikmoni, G. H.
Wangermée, Robert
Scientific Correspondence – Leo Apostel, 1952-1983
Contains exchanges, often of a professional nature but sometimes also more private, between
Chaïm Perelman and his friend Leo Apostel, Professor of Philosophy at the VUB. There are
also letters addressed to Perelman about Apostel. Languages: French; Dutch. Volume: 3 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 20.2.
Apostel, Francine
Apostel, Leo
Barosso, Giampaolo
Batens, Diderik
De Mey
Delvoye, Charles
Devaux, Philippe
Devreker, A.
Dopp, J.
Foleider, R.
Foriers, Paul
Gochet, Paul
Granger, G.
Grosjean, Marcel
Guéroult, Martial
Habachi, René
Habermas, Jürgen
Issman, Samuel
Leblanc, F.
Leclercq, R.
Leroy, Maurice
Levaux, Paul
Limpens, J.
Mirande, Anne
Moyaert, Pol
Perelman, Fela
Pinxten, R.
Ricœur, P.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Ryle, Gilbert
Van Quickenborne
Vandamme, F.
Vermeylen, Pierre
Scientific Correspondence – B
Languages: French; English. Volume: 6 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 20.3
Abrahams, Raymond
Adler, H.
Ahrens, Gary A.
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Bacca, J. D. G.
Backvis, Claude
Baczko, B.
Baes, J.
Bagolini, Luigi
Bahm, Archie J.
Bailiff, John D.
Balaes, G.
Balis, J.
Ballieu, Robert
Balty, J.
Bamberger, S. B.
Bambska, T.
Banerjee, N. V.
Bange, P.
Barbary, Georges F.
Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua
Barker, Evelyn M.
Barly, N.
Bar-Niv, Rina
Bar-On, A. Z.
Barosso, Giampaolo
Barsy, Eug. de
Baruk, Henri
Bar-Yehouda, Michael
Barzin, Marcel
Basave Fernandez Del Valle,
Bastide, Georges
Basyn, Jacques
Batens, Diderik
Batiffol, Henri
Battaglia, Felice
Battaglia, Luisella
Bauer, Yehuda
Baugniet, Jean
Baumgardt, Rose
Bauthier, Frédéric
Bawly, Dan
Bayart, Arnould
Bayer, R.
Bayer, Raymond
Bayer, Wolfgang
Bayne, Peter
Beam, Ruth
Beard, Robert W.
Beaulieu, Nina
Beck, Wolfgang
Becquet, Charles-François
Beer, Edgard
Beinart, H.
Bekaert, Hermann
Belaval, Yvon
Belin-Milleron, Jean
Belmans, Jacques
Belnap, Nuel D.
Benavente, Jaime Williams
Benedek, Ferenc
Benkoski, Hubert
Bennett, William J.
Bentini, Francesco
Berliner, C.
Bernard, Roland
Bernays, Martha
Berns, R.
Bertho, Y.
Bertoldi, Giorgio
Bessemans, A.
Beth-Pastoor, C.
Betz Joseph
Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
Beyer, William
Biard, Agnès
Biemel, W.
Bihain, E.
Bird, Otto
Bird, Thomas E.
Bitzer, Lloyd F.
Black, Max
Blackshield, A. R.
Blair, J. Anthony
Blanché, Robert
Blavier, André
Blum, Helen Esther
Boasson, J. J.
Bobbio, Norberto
Bockstaele, P.
Bodenheimer, Edgar
Boenders, Frans
Boey, Koen
Bogaert, P.
Boisot, H.
Bok, Willy
Bon, Maharaj Swami B. H.
Bonenfant, Paul
Bonetti, N.
Bonjean, Paul
Boonin, Leonard G.
Booth, Wayne C.
Borbé, Tasso
Bormann, Ernest G.
Bornet, Jean
Borremans, A.
Bosco, Nynfa
Bossche, Frank van den
Bosucka, Artowa Maria
Bouchard, Guy
Boudot, Maurice
Bourcier, Danièle
Bozic, L.
Brachet, Jean
Bradfer, J.
Braekman, Gustaaf
Brancart, Monique
Brandt, Richard
Brezicki, Margaret M.
Brkic', Jovan
Brock, J.
Brockriede, Wayne
Broquet, Axel
Brouwer, P. W.
Brouwers, A.
Brown, William R.
Brundo, Giorgio
Brunner, Fernand
Brunner, José
Brunschwig, Jacques
Brusiin, Otto
Brutian, G.
Buhr, Manfred
Buice, Lee
Buis, Paul
Bunge, Mario
Bursztein, Marguerite
Busino, Giovanni
Buyssens, Éric
Byrne, Edmund
De Becker, J.-P.
Einaudi, Giulio
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Kluxen, Wolfgang
Mickiewicza, Im. A.
Mirande, Anne
Nachez, Raoul
Perelman, Fela
Stahl, S.
Tapani, Klami Hannu
Tcholakov, An.
Vandeveld, Jean
Vermeylen, Pierre
Werner, Jakusch
Scientific Correspondence – Ottmar Ballweg, 1967-1983
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Ottmar Ballweg, Professor at the
University of Mayence, in particular relating to the German translations of Traité de
l'argumentation, the Empire rhétorique and the Logique juridique. Languages: French; German.
Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 20.4.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Scientific Correspondence – Jan M. Broekman, 1974-1982
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Jan Broekman, Professor at the
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, in relation to the publication of the Dutch and German
translations of the Logique juridique, in the series "Kolleg Rechtstheorie" (Alber-Verlag),
supervised by Broekman who edited it. Languages: French; English. Volume: 0.5 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 20.5.
Broekman, Jan M.
Wewel, Meinolf
Scientific Correspondence – C
Languages: French; English. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 21.1.
Ajdukiewicz, M.
Cacoullos, Ann R.
Caldeira Bastos, J.
Calera, Nicolas Maria Lopez
Calinescu, Matei
Campagnolo, Umberto
Campbell, K. K.
Campbell, William D.
Canaris, Claus-Wilhelm
Canneel, S.
Capelle, J.
Cappelletti, Mauro
Carbonnier, J.
Carcaterra, Gaetano
Carrelli, Antonio
Carrió, Genaro
Carrion Wam, Roque E.
Casalini, Mario
Castelli Gattinara, Enrico
Cathcart, Dolores
Cathcart, Robert S.
Cauchy, V.
Causin, Éric
Cauter, Jacques
Ceresa-Castaldo, A.
Cerexhe, E.
Cerfontaine, G.
Chadha, Vijay
Chagoll, Lydia
Chall, Leo P.
Chambault, J.-François
Champniers, Catherine
Chanteur, Janine
Chantrel-Riols, F.
Chappell, Vere
Charnay, Jean-Paul
Chas, Albert
Chenot, Bernard
Choprix, A.
Christie, George C.
Christoff, Daniel
Chrupek, Zbigniew
Cobaine, Michèle
Cochaux, Henri
Cohen, Herman
Cohen, R.
Cohen, Yaacov
Cohn, Haim Hermann
Coing, Helmut
Condren, Conal
Conley, Thomas
Conte, Amedeo G.
Conte, Maria Elisabeth
Coppieters de Gibson, Daniel
Coquelet, Jean
Cornet, C.
Cornil, Paul
Corradi, Gemma
Côté, Marcel
Cottier, Georges
Couloubaritsis, Lambros
Couturier, Alain
Couvreur, N.
Cox, J. Robert
Crabb, John H.
Crable, Richard E.
Crahay, F.
Cristofaro Sandrini, M. G. de
Croissant, J.
Curry, Haskell B.
Cutler, Preston S.
Czepita, Stanislaw
Dhont, U.
Doerig, Manuela
Goossens, Martine
Ijsseling, J.
Ladrière, Jean
Legros, Robert
Luening, J. D.
Perelman, Fela
Piérard Chase, Marcelle
Roy, Claude
Taylor, Cole R.
Van Camp, Henri
Wheatley-Curry, Virginia
Scientific Correspondence – Guido Calogero, 1966-1978
Mainly contains ongoing interactions between Guido Calogero, Professor at the University of
Rome, and Chaïm Perelman, relating to the publication in Italian or in French of their
respective texts. There are also letters from or addressed to Pierre Van Bever (who translated
Calogero into French) and Mrs Unger, director of the editions of the Institute of Sociology.
Languages: French; Italian. Volume: 1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 21.2.
Calogero, Guido
Grifoni, G.
Unger, S.
Van Bever, P.
Scientific Correspondence – A. Robert Caponigri, 1969-1983
Contains exchanges between Perelman and A. Robert Caponigri, Professor at the University
of Notre-Dame. Caponigri contributes to putting Perelman in contact with the editions of his
university. Perelman informs him about the activities of the International Institute of
Philosophy, and gets him an invitation for the The New Rhetoric colloquium in Santa Barbara.
Language: English. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 21.3.
Caponigri, A. Robert
Caponigri, Winifred
Langford, James R.
Scientific Correspondence – D
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 21.4.
Aarnio, Aulis
Aurel, David
Bersaques, André de
Brassine, Carlo de la
Brassine, Suzanne de la
Carvalho, Manoel Joaquim Jr
Cervera, Alejo de
Dalcq, Albert M.
Dalcq, Roger O.
Dambka, J.
D'Andrea, Antonio
Danielli, James F.
Dassel, E.
Daube, David
Daufresne de la Chevalerie,
David, Aurel
David, Suzanne
Davids, Arthur
Davidson, Hugh M.
Davin, Louis
Davis, John W.
Davis, Moshe
Day, J. P.
De Bièvre, Ghislaine
De Bock-Doehaerd, R.
De Coster, Sylvain
De Greve, M.
De Groodt, Koen
De Keyser, W.
De Ley, H.
De Meester, A. M.
De Petter, D. M.
De Raeymaeker, Omer
De Ryck, Raymond G.
De Ryck-Tasmowski, L.
De Schaepdryver, A.
De Strycker, Émile
De Visscher, Charles
De Visscher, Paul
De Vocht, G.
De Vos, Luc
De Vries
De Vries-Tolkowsky, Denise
De Waelhens, A.
De Wilder, R.
Dearin, Ray D.
Debons, Anthony
Decastiaux, Édouard
Deflandre-Moore, Andrée M.
Degreve, Daniel
Dekkers, René
Del Marmol, Charley
Delacampagne, Christian
Delattre, M.
Deleu, P.
Delgado Ocando, José
Delkeskamp, Corinna
Delorme, Suzanne
Delsemme, Paul
Delvoye, Charles
Denuit, Désiré
Dequeker, Luc
Dergansky, Alex
Descamps, Albert-Louis
Descamps, P.
Deschepper, Jean-Pierre
Desmarez, J.-J.
Despy, G.
Deswarte, W.
Dethier, H.
Devaux, Philippe
Devaux, V.
Devolder, E.
Dewael, Jacques
Diemer, Alwin
Dijon, Xavier
Dinowitz, Miri
Diop Seydi, Mouhammed
Döhmann, K.
Doms, Dina
Dori, Y.
Dorsay, B. W.
Dorsey, Gray L.
Dorsinfang-Smets, A.
Doucet, Jean-François
Dougherty, Jude
Downar, Richard W.
Draeger, Claude
Dreyfus, Ginette
Dreyfus, R.
Druet, Pierre-Philippe
Dubois, Marcel-Jacques
Dubois-El Fouly, Claudine
Dubois-Pelerin, J.
Ducasse, C. J.
Duméry, Henry
Dumetriu, Anton
Dumon, Frédéric
Dumont, G. H.
Dunes, A.
Dupont, A.
Dupont-Sommer, André
Dupriez, L.
Durance, Claude
Durance, Pierre
Dvoretzky, Aryeh
Dyck, Joachim
Dziemidok, B.
Gandillac, Maurice de
Gortari, Eli de
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Harcourt, G. d’
Helft, J. H.
Houtart, Edouard
Jessurun d'Oliveira, H. U.
Lainé, Félix
Lavalleye, J. de
Loye, Paul de
Mérode, [Princesse] Louise
Metsu de García, Liliane
Moureaux, Philippe
Muralt, André de
Ormesson, Jean d’
Passerin d'Entrèves,
Pater, W. A. de
Pauw, Frans de
Perelman, Fela
Pesloüan, G. de
Royère, Charles de la
Savignac, Jean de
Smedt, Marc de
Sturler, Jean de
Trazegnies Granda, Fernando
Unger, S.
Wheeler, Harvey
Scientific Correspondence – Eugène and Jean Dupréel, 1952-1981 [mainly 1974-1981]
Contains two letters from Eugène Dupréel, as well as exchanges between Perelman and Jean
Dupréel about Eugène Dupréel (dissemination, composing a bio-bibliographic record).
Language: French. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 21.5.
Dupréel, Eugène
Dupréel, Jean
Joray, M.
Scientific Correspondence – E
Languages: French; English. Volume: 1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 21.6.
Ebbinghaus, J.
Ectors, Léon
Edel, Abraham
Effenberger, Julius
Eguti, Sankaku
Ehninger, Douglas
Ehrenreich, Isaac
Ehrlich, Stanislaw
Eisenmann, Charles
Eisenstadt, S. N.
Elkana, Yehuda
Engelson, Suzanne
Englert, Fr.
Enoch, Paul
Enright, Joan
Erculisse, Paul
Erickson, Marcia E.
Ermolenko, Dimitri
Erskine, Susan
Esser, Josef
Ettlich, Ernest
Everts, Ph. P.
Eyskens, Gaston
Hess, I.
Mahinske, Lars
Mohrmann, Gerald
Olbrechts-Tyteca, Lucie
Sarow, Gerhard
Scientific Correspondence – Karl Engisch, 1967-1975
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Karl Engisch, Professor at the University
of Munich and member of the Academy of Heidelberg (he contributed to Perelman’s
appointment as a corresponding member). Languages: French; German. Volume: 0.5 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 21.7.
Engisch, Karl
Scientific Correspondence – Ralph T. Eubanks, 1977-1982
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Ralph T. Eubanks, Professor of Rhetoric
at the University of West Florida. Eubanks was interested in Perelman’s work on the New
Rhetoric. Language: English. Volume: 0.8 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 21.8.
Eubanks, Ralph T.
Scientific Correspondence – F
Languages: French; English. Volume: 2.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 22.1.
Barzin, Marcel
Châtelet, A.
Debons, Anthony
Delorme, Suzanne
Destouches, J. L.
Eisgy, M.
Facchi, Paolo
Falk, Z.
Farber, Marvin
Farmer, J. David
Farnham, Nicholas
Feingold, Jessica
Ferrajoli, Luigi
Ferrater Mora, J.
Feys, R.
Filipovic, Vladimir
Finocchiaro, Maurice A.
Fischer, M.
Fisher, John
Fisher, Michael
Fisher, Walter R.
Fishman, J. S.
Fishman, Seymour
Flagey, Eugène
Flam, Léopold
Flamme, Maurice-André
Fleiderman, Sara
Fontaine, André
Fontaine, P.
Foqué, René
Forberger, S.
Foret, Françoise
Foriers, Paul
Forkosch, Morris D.
Foulkes, T.
Fournier, Marie Hélène
Franck, Robert
Franco, Giacomo
François, Lucien
Frank, M.
Frankel, Charles
Franklin, David E.
Franklin, N.
Franklin, William G.
Frappier, Georges
Fréchets, Ch.
Fredericq, Louis
Fresco, M. F.
Freson, M.
Freund, Julien
Freyman, Jay M.
Friedman, Harvey
Friedrich, Carl J.
Fumaroli, Marc
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Jakob, Raimund
Konopnicki, M.
Meyer, Michel
Mock, Erhard
Moffat, Robert C. L.
Pomeranz, A.
Pos, H. J.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Sablier, Édouard
Schreiner, Helmut
Snedincki, J.
Van der Belen, J.
Scientific Correspondence – Vasile Florescu, 1966-1982
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Vasile Florescu [or Basil Floresco],
theoretician and Romanian literary critic. In particular we discover how Florescu, a great
admirer of Perelman’s ideas, managed to spread them in Romania and how he received help
from Perelman in order to get published abroad. Language: French. Volume: 0.8 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 22.2.
Florescu, Octavia
Florescu, Vasile
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Mirande, Anne
Perelman, Fela
Scientific Correspondence – Paul and Paul-Alain Foriers, 1967-1982 [mainly 1967-1970
and 1980-1982]
Contains a few letters exchanged between Chaïm Perelman and Paul Foriers, Professor of
Law at the ULB on the one hand, and on the other hand, Paul-Alain Foriers, son of the
former and lawyer. A bio-bibliographical report by Paul Foriers can also be found in the file.
Language: French. Volume: 0.7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 22.3.
Foriers, Paul
Foriers, Paul-Alain
Scientific Correspondence – Morris D. Forkosch, 1976-1983
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Morris D. Forkosch, Professor and New
York lawyer, mainly relating to planned meetings during Perelman’s stays in the United
States. Language: English. Volume: 0.4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 22.4.
Forkosch, Morris D.
Scientific Correspondence – G
Languages: French; English. Volume: 6.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 22.5.
Appel, Karl-Otto
Bayer, Raymond
Bertaudon, H.
Blumenberg, Hans
Braudel, F.
Bubner, Rüdiger
Calogero, Guido
Cerulli, Enrico
Cramer, Konrad
Füller, M.
Funke, Gerhard
Gabler, H. J.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Galimberti, Andrea
Galli, Giuseppe
Ganovski, Sava
Ganshof, F. L.
Gantman, André
Gardies, Jean-Louis
Gareau, Étienne
Garin, Eugenio
Gavison, Ruth
Gay, Alain
Géhéniau, J.
Georghe, M.
Geraets, Theodore F.
Gérard, Alain
Gérard, Jacques
Gerber, William
Gerulli, Enrico
Geschilder, A.
Gewirth, A.
Ghestin, Jacques
Gianformaggio Bastida,
Gijsel, J.
Gilbert, Jacques
Gilbert, Joseph
Gilissen, J.
Gilson, D. F. R.
Ginossar, Rivka
Ginossar, Shalev
Giovannangeli, Daniel
Glejser, H.
Glick, David
Gochet, Paul
Godding, Philippe
Godeaux, J.
Godeaux, Lucien
Goedert-Croissant, J.
Goffin, Pierre
Goldberger, Emanuel
Golden, James L.
Golding, Martin
Goldschmidt, V.
Goldstein, M.
Gómez, Adolfo León
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Goodman, John
Goren, Z.
Gottlieb, Gidon
Gottschalk, Max
Gouleaux, Gilles
Goulston, Michael
Goussinsky, B.
Govaerts, André
Goyard, P.
Goyard, S.
Graham, Myriam
Grandy, Richard E.
Granger, G.
Gray, Bennison
Graziani, Gianfranco
Gregoire, Marcel
Gregorowitz, M.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Grim, Patrick
Grize, Jean-Blaise
Gronbeck, Bruce E.
Grosjean, P. V.
Grosse, W. Jack
Grossvogel, S.
Grunenbaum, Kurt
Gruslin, Robert
Grynpas, Jérôme
Grzegorczyk, Andrezj
Grzegorczyk, Christophe
Grzegorski, Zdzislaw
Guépin, Jan Pieter
Guéroult, Martial
Guigui, A.
Guillet, J.
Guislain, G.
Gulian, C. I.
Gunzburg, Nico
Gutwirth, Rudolf
Guzik, Leo
Guzzo, Augusto
Guzzo, Cordelia
Gysens-Gosselin, M.
Gysens, Guy
Machline, Georges
Marx, Werner
Mirande, Anne
Perelman, Fela
Pos, H. J.
Servais, S.
Stabile, Giampiero
Van Beneden, L.
Vander Elst, Raymond
Wiehl, Reiner
Scientific Correspondence – Ganshof van der Meersch, 1968-1983
Contains correspondence between Chaïm Perelman and Walter J. Ganshof van der Meersch,
prosecutor at the Court of Appeal then judge at the European Court of Human Rights. The
two men exchange references, articles, notes or reports. Language: French. Volume: 1 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 22.6.
Ganshof van der Meersch,
Walter J.
Limpens, J.
Scientific Correspondence – Shalev Ginossar, 1969-1981
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Shalev Ginossar. They mainly concern the
Hebrew translation of the Logique juridique, the estate of Ginossar’s brother which was
managed by Perelman in Belgium and the foundation of a branch of “Amitiés IsraëlBelgique” in Jerusalem. Language: French. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 22.7.
Ginossar, Marcelle
Ginossar, Shalev
Perelman, Fela
Scientific Correspondence – Alessandro Giuliani, 1965-1983
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Alessandro Giuliani, Professor at the
University of Perugia. Part of them relate to the Italian translation of the Logique juridique.
Languages: French; Italian. Volume: 1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 22.8.
Giuliani, Alessandro
Parker, Douglas H.
Tammelo, Ilmar
Scientific Correspondence – Henri Gouhier, 1953-1982 [mainly 1970-1982]
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Henri Gouhier, historian of French
philosophy. The letters are mainly about the Revue internationale de philosophie. Language:
French. Volume: 0.3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 22.9.
Gouhier, Henri
Ruytinx, Jacques
Scientific Correspondence – Marcel Grosjean, 1971-1980
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Marcel Grosjean, secretary of the Francqui
Foundation. These are mainly interventions for researchers (with a view to obtaining a grant
or subsidy). Language: French. Volume: 0.8 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 22.10.
Grosjean, Marcel
Van de Meulebroeke, Marthe
Scientific Correspondence – H
Languages: French; English. Volume: 2.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 23.1.
Dille, Robert
Dopp, J.
Eikema Hommes, H. J. van
Freson, M.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Haarscher, Guy
Hahn, Karl
Halbrecht, I.
Halkin, Léon-E.
Haller, Rudolf
Hamburger, Esther
Handler, Milton
Hannay, Alastair
Hare, R. M.
Harman, Avraham
Harmel, Pierre
Harroy, Jean-Paul
Harsin, Paul
Hartman, David
Hartnack, Justus
Hausman, Carl R.
Hecq, Léon
Heenen, Jacques
Heering, H. J.
Heiber, M.
Heinemann, Ada
Helbo, André
Hella, André
Hendel, Charles W.
Henrion, Robert
Henry, A.
Herremans, Jacqueline
Herremans, M. P.
Herrick, James A.
Hersch, Jeanne
Herzog, Pnina
Hill, Patrick
Hintikka, Jaakko
Hintikka, Merrill
Hirsch, Guy
Hirschberg, Lydia
Hïz, Henryk
Holtzman, Paul
Holzboog, Günther
Horn, Hans-Rudolf
Horn, Jules A.
Horn, Norbert
Horovitz, Joseph
Hostettler, Gordon F.
Hottois, Gilbert
Huberlant, Charles
Hubien, Hubert
Hughes, Graham
Hunout, Patrick
Hutchins, Robert M.
Keynan, Alex
Ladrière, Jean
Milton, Handler
Mirande, Anne
Nowak, Leszek
Scientific Correspondence – Léon Husson, 1967-1983
Contains exchanges between Léon Husson and Chaïm Perelman; they mainly relate to
invitations by Husson to Brussels, publications and the development of a reflection by
Husson on Le champ de l'argumentation into the form of an article. Language: French. Volume:
0.7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 23.2.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Husson, [Mme]
Husson, Léon
Scientific Correspondence – I
Language: French. Volume: 0.7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 23.3.
Brunschwig, Jacques
Goitein, S. D.
Ibanez, Joaquin
Ijsseling, Samuel
Imbert, Claude
Ingarden, Roman
Ingber, N.
Innis, Robert
Isaye, [R. P.] G.
Roger, Alain
Scientific Correspondence – Franciszek Indan, 1958-1981 [mainly 1966-1981]
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Francisczek Indan, holder of the Chair of
Mathematics at the Pedagogical University of Slupsk (Poland). Indan is interested in the
philosophy of values, and reviews some of Perelman’s works in the review Studia Filozoficne.
Language: French. Volume: 0.8 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 23.4.
Indan, Franciszek
Scientific Correspondence – Octavian Ionescu, 1971-1984
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Octavian Ionescu, Professor at the
University of Iasi until 1950. The letters relate in particular to the help Perelman gave Ionescu
for the new edition of his thesis in Belgium and to the organisation of Global Congresses on
Legal and Social Philosophy. Language: French. Volume: 0.8 cm. Classification mark: 89PP
Ionescu, Octavian
Ionescu, Rica
Scientific Correspondence – J
Languages: French; English. Volume: 1.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 23.6.
Blair, J. Anthony
Golden, James L.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Jackson, Bernard S.
Jacob, André
Jacobs, Christian
Jacques, Francis
Jaffe, Benjamin
Jaffe, Samuel
Jamison, David L.
Jankélévitch, Vladimir
Janson, Émile
Janssens, Émile
Jaumotte, André
Jeammaud, Antoine
Jend, Nagy
Jenkins, Iredell
Jerphagnon, L.
Jeu, Bernard
Jeuniaux, E.
Jeuniaux, R.
Johannesen, Richard L.
Johnson, George W.
Johnson, Ralph H.
Johnstone, Koch Barbara
Jonas, Thomas
Jorgensen, Stig
Juhos, Bela von
Mirande, Anne
Scientific Correspondence – Henri Janne, 1966-1983
Contains correspondence between Chaïm Perelman and his friend, the sociologist Henri
Janne, also Professor at the ULB. There are exchanges of ideas, references, and several letters
bearing witness to the efforts Janne made to get Perelman elected to the Royal Academy of
Belgium. Language: French. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 23.7.
Janne, Henri
Vandersanden, G.
Scientific Correspondence – Henry W. Johnstone Jr, 1957-1983
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Henry W. Johnstone Jr. They relate to
articles and/or reports for the Philosophy and Rhetoric review edited by Johnstone, information
requested by Johnstone on certain figures of rhetoric, and Perelman’s visit to the Pennsylvania
State University, where Johnstone teaches. Language: French; English. Volume: 1 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 23.8.
Hattink, J. F.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr
Scientific Correspondence – K
Languages: French; English. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 23.9.
Aubert, Catherine
Ballweg, Ottmar
Biezunska-Malowist, Iza
De Kegel
Jadin, Jean
Jurewicz, Oktawiusz
Kabundi, Joseph
Kallen, Horace M.
Kambartel, F.
Kamenka, Eugene
Kampits, Peter
Kaplan, Abraham
Karpf, Jacqueline
Karpman, I. J. Carmin
Kattsoff, Louis O.
Kaufmann, Walter
Kelsen, Hans
Kerchove, Michel van de
Kerem, Moshe
Kerimov, A.
Kessler, Eckhard
Kirby, Michael Donald
Kirkpatrick, John
Kirschen, Étienne Sadi
Kisch, Isaak
Klein, Claude
Klenner, Hermann
Klibansky, Raymond
Klinkenberg, Jean-Marie
Kloss, Eduardo Soto
Klug, Ulrich
Kluxen, Wolfgang
Knecht, Richard J.
Knight, Kenneth W.
Kobrinsky, D.
Kohlenberger, Helmut
Köhler, Gustav
Kolakowski, L.
Konopnicki, M.
Kornberg, Jacques
Körner, S.
Kotarbinska, Janina
Kotarbinski, Tadeusz
Koyré, Alexandre
Krader, Lawrence
Krawietz, Werner
Kriele, Martin
Krings, J. E.
Krishna, Daya
Kruger, Arthur N.
Kruithof, J.
Krygier, Martin
Krystufek, Z.
Krzywicki, Georges
Kuczynski, Janusz
Kumaniecki, Casimir
Kuntz, Paul G.
Kurtz, Paul
Kusaka, Akio
Kuypers, K.
Kuypers, Th. A. F.
Pianko, Gabriela
Richelle, M.
Rosenne, Meir
Tell, T.
Thys, L.
Vanwelkenhuyzen, A.
Wieczorek, Zbigniew
Winniczuk, Lidia
Scientific Correspondence – Georges Kalinowski, 1965-1982
Contains correspondence between Chaïm Perelman and Georges Kalinowski, senior research
fellow at the CNRS. The letters bear witness to exchanges relating to certain theoretical
points of their thinking, but also to the communication of texts and references. Language:
French. Volume: 1.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 23.10.
Dumoncel, Jean-Claude
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Kalinowski, Georges
Scientific Correspondence – William Kluback, 1970-1984
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and his friend William Kluback, Professor at
Kingsborough Community College of the City University of New York. They relate to the influence of
the written works by Perelman on Kluback, who incorporates the New Rhetoric in his
classes; they also mention translation works into English done by Kluback for Perelman, in
addition to his professional activities. Languages: French; English. Volume: 3 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 23.11.
Kluback, William
Perelman, Fela
Scientific Correspondence – Tadeusz Kwiatkowski, 1966-1981
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Tadeusz Kwiatkowski, in particular in
relation to a planned Polish translation of Traité de l'argumentation and Cinq leçons sur la justice.
Languages: French; Polish. Volume: 0.4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 23.12.
Kwiatkowski, Tadeusz
Scientific Correspondence – L
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 24.1.
Amado Lévy Valensi, E.
Cohn, Haim Hermann
Ganshof van der Meersch,
Walter J.
Gay Levy, Darline
Ghins, Michel
Incardona, Nunzio
Katz, Aaron
Lacey, Michael J.
Lachs, Manfred
Lacombe, Olivier
Lacoque, André
Ladd, John
Ladrière, Jean
Lafontaine, I.
Lahaye, Nicole
Lainé, Félix
Laitat, Jean
Lal, A. B.
Lalande, André
Lallemand, Roger
Lamand, Francis
Lambert, Claudine
Lambert, P.
Lambrechts, Pierre
Langemeijer, G. E.
Langtved, Else
Larson, Richard L.
Lauener, Henri
Laufer, Romain
Lavagnini, Bruno
Layeux, Jean-Jacques
Lazzaro, G.
Le Pera, Sergio
Lebeer, L.
Lebrun, Y.
Leenaerts, J.
Legaz y Lacambra, Luis
Legros, Robert
Lehmann, Aviva
Lehouck, P.
Leibholz, G.
Leivant, Daniel
Lejeune, Claire
Lemoine, Guido
Lenoble, Jacques
Lenoble, Robert
Lentin, André
Leonard, Rebecca
Lepage, F.
Lepere, Georges
Lerner, Abba P.
Leroy, André-Louis
Letemendia, Miren A.
Levaux, Paul
Levi, Edward H.
Levi, Roger
Levisson, R. A.
Levy, Beryl H.
Levy, Haïm
Lévy, J. Ph.
Levy, Zéev
Lewkowicz, B.
Lewkowicz, Nesanel
Lilly, Robert
Limpens, J.
Lineback, Richard H.
Lins, Mario
Littauer, Rudolf M.
Loewe, Lewis
Lojacono, Ettore
Lombardi, Franco
Lopez, Robert S.
Loreau, Max
Losano, Mario G.
Louckx, Suzanne
Low, Judith A.
Lowenthal, Francis
Löwith, Ada
Löwith, Karl
Lubnicki, N.
Lucas, J. R.
Lucas, Joseph
Lucas, Valerie
Luderssen, Klaus
Lugarini, Leo
Malherbe, Jean-François
Mazy, Léon
Miller, Colin F.
Mirande, Anne
Namer, Émile
Perelman, Fela
Van Parys, Philippe
Warnotte, Nicole
Witt-Hansen, Johannes
Scientific Correspondence – Luigi Lombardi Vallauri, 1969-1983
Contains a few exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Luigi Lombardi Vallauri, Professor
at the University of Florence, in particular about the activities of Movimento per la Integrazione
universitaria europea. Languages: French; Italian. Volume: 0.3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP
Lombardi Vallauri, Luigi
Mirande, Anne
Scientific Correspondence – M
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 24.3.
Abe, Masso
Beer, Hélène
Buzzati-Traverso, Adriano
Carrió, Genaro
Christophe-Motte, M.-Th.
Goldberg, Ch.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr
Linares, Juan Francisco
Mabe, Alan
Mabe, Ali
Magel, Charles
Magrish, Conrad
Magrish, James L.
Mahillon, P.
Malan, Gustavo
Malgaud, W.
Malinin, B. A.
Mandelbrot, Benoit B.
Manolesco, John
Mansion, Suzanne
Many, M.
Manzanares, Juan C.
Marchal, A.
Marchili, L. A.
Marcic, R.
Marcil-Lacoste, Louise
Marcovic, Mihailo
Marcus, Marcel
Marcus, Ruth Barcan
Marc-Wogau, Konrad
Marghidanu, Dorin
Margolis, Joseph
Mariani, Luigi
Marinower, Marcel
Markovic, Mihailo
Markus, Roberta
Martin, Richard
Marty, Françoise
Marx, Werner
Massin, Robert
Mathieu, Joseph B.
Mathieu, Vittorio
Mattioli, Emilio
Mattis, Michael P.
Mayence, S.
Mayer, L. A.
Mayer-Maly, Dorothea
Maynes, Paula G.
Máynez, Eduardo Garcia
McKeon, Richard
McKeon, Zahava
McNally, J. R.
Méchoulan, Henry
Mephaon, J. K.
Mermin, S.
Merryman, John H.
Mesnard, Pierre
Messinne, Jules
Mesthene, Emmanuel G.
Metsu de Garcia, Liliane
Metts, Susan H.
Meyer, Alfred
Meyer, Hermann
Meyer, Michel
Meyer, Perry
Michel, Ch.
Michel, J.
Midgaard, Knut
Mihai, G.
Miller, D.
Miller, Daphne
Miller, N. Edd
Minguet, Philippe
Mirkine-Guetzévitch, B.
Misercque, D.
Misrahi, Robert
Misset, H. A. J. F.
Mock, Erhard
Moerman, Michael
Moisil, V.
Mokre, J.
Molitor, André
Monin, Luc
Moonman, Éric
Moos, Malcolm
Morabito, Raffaele
Morand, Jean
Moratt, Sh. H.
Moreau, P. F.
Moreau-Reibel, J.
Moritz, Manfred
Mortier, Roland
Motte, André
Moulin, Léo
Mouloud, Noël
Muller, Werner
Mullikin, Kent
Murphy, James J.
Osiatynski, Wiktor
Wenzel, H.
Scientific Correspondence – Neil MacCormick, 1974-1983
Contains exchanges between Neil MacCormick, Professor at the University of Edinburgh,
and Chaïm Perelman, mainly focusing on an article by MacCormick devoted to the
reasonable. There is also talk of a planned English translation of Logique juridique. Language:
English. Volume: 0.7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 24.4.
MacCormick, Neil
Scientific Correspondence – Mieczyslaw Maneli, 1974-1984
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Mieczyslaw Maneli, Professor at Queen's
College, New York. Languages: Polish; English. Volume: 0.8 cm. Classification mark: 89PP
Maneli, Mieczyslaw
Scientific Correspondence – Masashi Miwa, 1969-1984
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Masahi Miwa, Professor at the University
of Osaka and responsible for the Japanese translation of L’empire rhétorique. Language: French.
Volume: 0.4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 24.6.
Miwa, Masashi
Scientific Correspondence – Marion Mushkat, 1970-1982
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Marion Mushkat, Professor at the
University of Tel Aviv. The letters are mainly about the organisation of conferences.
Language: French. Volume: 0.6 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 24.7.
Berger, L.
Garfield, S. E.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Mushkat, Marion
Scientific Correspondence – Ministries, 1957-1981
This contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and representatives of the public
institutions, mainly to do with requests for subsidies and reimbursements. There is also talk
of the development of course programmes. Language: French. Volume: 4 cm. Classification
mark: 89PP 24.8.
Beer, Hélène
Beke, R.
Berckx, P.
Biscompte, H.
Bonjean, Paul
Collard, L.
De Coster, Sylvain
Debognies, R.
Debouverie, J. F.
Delot, J.
Deloz, M.
Denis, L.
Dethier, Fred
Foy, R. de
Gauthier, Blaise
Gistelinck, G.
Hichter, M.
Hubien, Hubert
Hurez, Léon
Janne, Henri
Janssens, J.
Larock, V.
Lemaître, D.
Levarlet, Henri
Malet, L.
Maniquet, Louis
Maniquet, M.
Molitor, André
Moureaux, Charles
Philippart, André
Piret, M.
Poulaert, L.
Poupko, Jean-Pierre
Roberts-Jones, Philippe
Rothberg, Samuel
Unger, S.
Van Cauwelaert, R.
Van Swieten, R.
Vanbergen, P.
Vandenborre, F.
Verecken, Gaspar
Voets, G.
Scientific Correspondence – N
Languages: French; English. Volume: 0.8 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 25.1.
Hannay, Alastair
Mirande, Anne
Motroshilova, Nelli V.
Naess, Arne
Nakamura, Y.
Namer, Émile
Nathan, Leonard E.
Nauwelaerts, E.
Nedeljkovic, Dusan
Neher, André
Nesher, Aryeh
Newburger, Robert
Nezer, Zvi
Nicol, Eduardo
Nicollier, Alain
Nijhoff, Martinus
Noulet de Carner, E.
Nowacki, J.
Nowak, Isabella
Nowak, Leszek
Nussac, Gérard de
Nussman, Charles
Nysenholc, Adolphe
Nyssen, R.
Perrin, Jean-François
Poland, William
Vanwelkenhuyzen, A.
Scientific Correspondence – O
Languages: French; English. Volume: 0.8 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 25.2.
Duguet, P.
Mirande, Anne
O'Connor, Janet
Oder, Evelyn
Offensooser, Zeev M.
Ohana, J.
Ohe, Seizo
Oizerman, Th. I.
Öktem, Niyazi
Olbricht, Thomas H.
Oliver, Robert T.
Olivetti, Marco M.
Oprisan, Constantin
Orgels-Stoumon, M.
Orian, Noah
Orsen, B.
Osiatynski, Wiktor
Ossowska, Marie
Ost, François
Osterrieth, Paul Alexandre
Otto, Stephan
Ottonello, Pier Paolo
Renard, Claude
Rothschild, Walter
Scientific Correspondence – Kazimierz Opalek, 1968-1977
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Kazimierz Opalek, Professor at the
University of Krakow. They mainly refer to a conference by Opalek in Belgium, and the
publication of his articles in Belgian reviews. Languages: Polish; French; English. Volume: 0.3
cm. Classification mark: 89PP 25.3.
Beaufays, J.
Opalek, Kazimierz
Scientific Correspondence – Felix Oppenheim, 1965
Contains a few letters and documents relating to a planned publication in French of the work
Dimensions of Freedom by Felix Oppenheim, friend of Perelman and Professor at the University
of Massachusetts Amherst. Languages: French; English. Volume: 0.3 cm. Classification mark:
89PP 25.4.
Doucy, Arthur
Oppenheim, Felix
Scientific Correspondence – P
Languages: French; English. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 25.5.
Barzin, Marcel
Basselier, Michel
Cambier, G.
Carmen Tapia, Maria del
Gabrovska, S.
Galland, Nadine
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Haarscher, Guy
Hacco, Esther
Lopez Calera, Nicolas Maria
Mirande, Anne
Page, Hervé
Pailloucq, R.
Pajor, Tomasz
Pande, G. C.
Pandeya, R. C.
Paquet, Marcel
Paradis, Michel
Parain Vial, J.
Pardo, Raymundo
Pareyson, Luigi
Parker, Douglas H.
Parret, Herman
Parry, William T.
Parten, J. R.
Parush, Adi
Passmore, John
Paulhac, G.
Paulson, Stanley F.
Paumen, Jean
Pavlov, Deyan
Pawlowski, Klaus
Pawlowski, Tadeusz
Pazner, Chaïm
Peden, Creighton
Pellegrino, Giuseppe
Pelseneer, J.
Pennock, J. Roland
Peppinghaus, Benedikt
Perelman, Fela
Perkins, David
Perrin, Jean-François
Perroux, François
Perry, Thomas D.
Pettit, Philip
Philippart, André
Philippart, L.
Phillips, Frank
Piaget, Jean
Piel, Jean
Piérard Chase, Marcelle
Pieretti, Antonio
Pieters, Jan
Piguet, J. Cl.
Pincoffs, Edmund L.
Pirone, Florindo
Piva, Michele
Plard, Henri
Podgirewski, Adam
Podlech, Adalbert
Pohl, J.
Polanyi, Michael
Polet, R.
Polikarov, Azarya
Polin, Claude
Polin, Raymond
Poltawski, Andrzej
Popkin, Dick
Popkin, Julie
Popoff, Peter N.
Popovic, S. M.
Popper, Karl
Postman, Neil
Potashnick, Al.
Poupard, Paul
Pozzi, G.
Prawer, J.
Prawer, Joshua
Préaux, Claire
Prevots, Claude
Prigogine, Ilya
Primoratz, Igor
Prini, Pietro
Probst, David Karl
Puy, Francisco
Ruyer, Raymond
Schreiber, Monique
Watson, Sam
Scientific Correspondence - Alexander Peczenik, 1969-1978
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Alexander Peczenik, Polish law
theoretician, dealing for the most part with Pecznenik’s search for employment in 1969 when
he was trying to escape Soviet Poland. Languages: Polish; English. Volume: 0.7 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 25.6.
Durnford, John W.
Hughes, Graham
Kirkpatrick, E. M.
Makkonen, Kaarle
Peczenik, Alexander
Simpson, Esther
Uusitalo, Jyrki
Scientific Correspondence – Jerzy Pelc, 1973-1983
Contains exchanges between Jerzy Pelc, Professor at the University of Warsaw, and Chaïm
Perelman. They are mainly about the recommendations Perelman made for Jerzy Pelc to
receive grants for stays abroad, Pelc’s Polish translation of an article by Perelman is also
included. Languages: Polish; English. Volume: 0.3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 25.7.
Garfield, S. E.
Lindzey, Gardner
Pelc, Jerzy
Sheffield, Ann C.
Scientific Correspondence – Hermann Petzold Pernía, 1968-1982
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Hermann Petzold Pernía, his former PhD
student who later became Professor at the University of Zulia (Venezuela). They mainly
speak of a Spanish adaptation of the Logique juridique by Perelman under the supervision of
Petzold Pernía, and steps taken with a view to the publication of Pernía’s thesis in French.
Language: French. Volume: 0.8 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 25.8.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Scientific Correspondence – Lyndel V. Prott, 1966-1978
This contains exchanges between Lyndel V. Prott, of the University of Sydney, and Chaïm
Perelman, who she met during a two year study period at the Université Libre de Bruxelles
between 1964 and 1966. The letters are mainly exchanges of articles and works. Languages:
French; English. Volume: 0.4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 25.9.
Prott, Lyndel V.
Scientific Correspondence – R
Languages: French; English. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 25.10.
Carrión-Wam Roque, E.
Gerber, William
Gillis, J.
Ginossar, Shalev
Gomez Robledo, Antonio
Ingleton, Dulcie
Larson, Dick
Raminiaux, Jacques
Ranulf, Svend
Raphael, David D.
Rapisarda, Michele
Raucent, L.
Rawls, John
Reale, Miguel
Recaséns Siches, Luis
Reichenberg, Georges
Reignier, Jean
Reinhold, Henri
Rémion, Féli-M.
Renard, Claude
Renauld, S. G.
Rescher, Nicholas
Reszler, André
Reul, Verena
Rials, Stéphane
Richards, David
Richardson, Jane
Richir, Marc
Ricœur, Paul
Riebensahm, Hans
Riegner, Gerhart M.
Rieke, Richard D.
Riemer, Lola
Riepe, Dale
Rifflet, Jacques
Rigaux, F.
Rijlant, P.
Rim, Y.
Riverso, Emanuele
Robberechts, Ludovic
Robinson, Jonathan
Rock, William Pennell
Rodiere, R.
Rodriguez, Fausto E.
Rodriguez-Arias Bustamante,
Roegholt, Richter
Rogowski, Andrzej
Rojtman, Betty
Romano, R.
Rosén, Haiim B.
Rosén, Hannah
Rosenbaum, Alan
Ross, Alf
Rothberg, Samuel
Rotheram, M.
Rousseau, Christian J.
Royer, J. P.
Ruben, David-Hillel
Ruelle, P.
Ruyer, Raymond
Ruyssen, R.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Ryckmans, J.-M.
Ryle, Gilbert
Warnotte, Nicole
Winterowd, Ross
Scientific Correspondence – André Robinet, 1965-1982
Contains correspondence between Chaïm Perelman and André Robinet, Research director at
the CNRS. There is mention of the activities they had in common relating to the Revue
internationale de philosophie, steps taken by Robinet in Parisian publishing circles in order to get
works by Perelman published (notably the second edition of the Traité de l'argumentation) and
his teaching activities at the Université Libre de Bruxelles as of 1970-1971. There is also mention
of exchanges of works and articles between the two. Language: French. Volume: 1.3 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 25.11.
Becco, Francine
Belaval, Yvon
Bingen, Jean
Courtine, J. F.
Foriers, Paul
Goedert-Croissant, J.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Mortier, Roland
Perelman, Fela
Piel, Jean
Robinet, André
Robinet, Martine
Stengers, Jean
Scientific Correspondence – Donia Rosen, 1975-1977
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Donia Rosen, head of The Righteous
Among the Nations Department at Yad Vashem (Jerusalem). The correspondence is mainly
about applications for the award of the Medal of the Righteous Among the Nations, or of
points made by Perelman on people who were involved in saving Jews in Belgium during the
Second World War. Languages: French; English. Volume: 0.7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP
Rosen, Donia
Scientific Correspondence – Nathan Rotenstreich, 1952-1983 [mainly 1965-1983]
Contains exchanges between Nathan Rotenstreich, Professor at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, and Chaïm Perelman. This mainly concerns their participation in various events,
sending contributions and a Hebrew translation of the Logique juridique. Language: English.
Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 25.13.
Rotenstreich, Nathan
Scientific Correspondence – S
Languages: French; English. Volume: 5.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 26.1.
Beck, Yoram
Bourgeois, P.
Buch, Henri
Courvasier, Arlette
Dupont-Sommer, André
Foleider, R.
Foy, R. de
Friedman, Robert P.
Galand, Fabienne
Gizbert-Studnicki, Tomasz
Goossens, Martine
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Hirsch, Guy
Lambert, Henri
Meurrens, Marc
Meyer, Michel
Miller, Sandra
Mirande, Anne
Nathan, Leonard E.
Phillips, Frank
Riemer, Lola
Saame, Otto
Sachs, Zena
Sadovsky, Vadim N.
Sadurski, Wojciech
Salladé, Jacqueline
Salmon, André
Salmon, Jean
Salmon, Pierre
Salmona, G.
Salmona, Michèle
Sánchez-Mazas, Miguel
Sand, Victor
Sanders, A.
Sanders, John T.
Sanders, Robert E.
Sanz, Carlos Raul
Sargent, Marion
Sass, Hans M.
Saunier, J.
Savatier, René
Scarpelli, Uberto
Schaff, Adam
Schell, J.
Scheltens, D.
Schima, Hans
Schlanger, Jacques
Schlanger, Judith
Schlesinger, Michael
Schmidt, Jochen W.
Schneider, Norma
Schneider, Peter
Schneider, Ulrich J.
Schnek, Georges
Scholem, Gershom
Schossberger, E.
Schottlaender, Rudolf
Schouls, Peter A.
Schreiber, Marc
Schreier, F.
Schuhl, Pierre-Maxime
Schulthers, Daniel
Schurmans, Herman J. A.
Schwob, Théodore
Sciacca, M. F.
Sebeok, Thomas A.
Segawa, Nobuhisa
Seibert, Thomas M.
Selçuk, Sami
Seldin, Harry M.
Semal, J.
Semerari, Furio
Senofonte, Ciro
Serper, Arié
Servais, J.-L.
Sesta, Mario Bernardo
Seuntjens, H.
Shapiro, Leon
Shaw, J. L.
Sheffer, E.
Shehaby, Nabil
Shikmoni, G. H.
Shils, Edward
Shorr, Hava
Shulewitz, Malka Hillel
Shuman, Samuel I.
Siebert, Thomas M.
Siegenthaler, Bruce M.
Siegert, Folker
Sigaudy, Richard
Silance, Luc
Silber, Gordon R.
Sillars, Malcolm O.
Silverman, Hugh J.
Simon, Marcel
Simpson, Esther
Sinaceur, M. A.
Sinai, Anne
Sinari, R.
Sinclair, David
Singer, Marcus G.
Singh, D. K.
Sirat, R.
Sivadon, P.
Sloane, Thomas O.
Smets, Georges
Soeteman, A.
Sojcher, Jacques
Soler, Jean
Somerhausen, Luc A.
Somerhausen, Marc
Somerville, John
Soto-Kloss, Eduardo
Soyka, Alex U.
Spaemann, Robert
Spanoghe, E.
Spassov, Dobrin
Speyer, Paul
Spiegelberg, Herbert
Spira, Andreas
Spire, G.
Spirito, Ugo
Spisani, Franco
Spitaels, Guy
Stabile, Giampiero
Stallknecht, Newton P.
Starchenko, St.
Starck, Christian
Stasser, Stephan
Stein, Robert
Stemmler, Elke
Stengers, Isabelle
Stengers, Jean
Sternfeld, Robert
Stern-Gillet, Suzanne
Stevenson, Charles
Stevo, Jean
Stipich, Nina
Stockhammer, M.
Stokkink, Denis
Stoljar, Samuel
Stone, Julius
Stone, Madolene
Stone, Michael E.
Storrer, Anne-Marie
Strasser, Stephan
Strauss, Morris
Stucki, Pierre-André
Studdert-Kennedy, Michael
Sturm, Ernest
Sullivan, Laurie
Summers, Robert S.
Surma, S. J.
Swartz, Norman
Szabó, Imre
Szekely, D. L.
Szyfman, Leon
Theertha, Swami Rama
Warnotte, Nicole
Wheeler, Harvey
Scientific Correspondence – Jan Srzednicki, 1970-1982
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Jan Srzednicki, Professor at the University
of Melbourne. These are mainly to do with activities of the editorial committee of the
“Melbourne International Philosophy Series” (MIPS), which later became “Nijhoff
International Philosophy Series” (NIPS) [collection?], led by Srzednicki. Languages: Polish;
English. Volume: 1.3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 26.2.
Srzednicki, Jan
Scientific Correspondence – T
Languages: French; Italian; Polish; Dutch; English. Volume: 2.5 cm. Classification mark:
89PP 26.3.
De Ryck-Tasmowski, L.
Gil, Fernando
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Heide, J. ter
Kamenka, Eugene
Kuchta, D. H.
Roger, Jacques
Tagliacozzo, Giorgio
Tagnon, Henri
Talmon, S.
Taminiaux, J.
Tarello, G.
Tarnoi, Laszlo
Tatarkiewicz, L.
Tay, Alice
Tedeschi, G.
Teensma, E.
Tennessen, Herman
Terlinden, J.
Terrasse, J.
Thayer, Lee
Théodoridès, A.
Thiel, M.
Thomas, Claire
Thomson, M. A.
Tiemens, Robert K.
Tjeenk, W. E. J.
Tonelli, Giorgio
Topitsch, Ernst
Tordeur, Jean
Torfs, Jean-Claude
Toussaint, Y.
Tranchant, H.
Tranfaglia, Nicola
Trigeaud, J.-M.
Troisfontaines, Roger
Troper, Michel
Trousson, Raymond
Tunc, André
Turner, J. D. C.
Tyson, Ruel W.
Van Compernolle, René
Weyembergh, M.
Scientific Correspondence – Ilmar Tammelo, 1965-1982
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Ilmar Tammelo, Professor at the
University of Sydney. This mainly concerns articles (which haven’t been preserved) they sent
one another or information relating to ongoing publications. Languages: French; English.
Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 26.4.
Bondy, Otto
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Jakob, Raimund
Tammelo, Ilmar
Tammelo, L.
Scientific Correspondence – U
Language: French. Volume: 0.3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 26.5.
Barzin, Marcel
Frerichs, Ch.
Le Lionnais, F.
Leenaerts, J.
Morissens, A.
Unciti, Jesús
Unger, S.
Urán, Carlos
Uz, J.
Scientific Correspondence – V
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 27.1.
Brandhof, P. H. van den
Caenegem, R. van
Coene-Konings, D.
Danko, Kathy
Eikema Hommes, H. J. van
Gerven, W. van
Glastra van Loon, J. F.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Grunebaum, G. E. von
Hubien, Hubert
Kerkhove, Michel van de
Leeman, Anton
Leeuw, A. J. van der
Melsen, A. G. M. van
Mirande, Anne
Nieuwenhuyze, Henri van
Outryve d'Ydewalle, Charles
Patocka, Jan
Paulhac, G.
Perelman, Fela
Unger, S.
Van Bever, P.
Van Breda, Herman Leo
Van Calster, G.
Van Camp, Henri
Van Cauwelaert, Mia
Van Cauwelaert, R.
Van de Meulebroeke, Marthe
Van der Belen, J.
Van der Haegen, E.
Van Der Mensbrugghe, J.
Van Geyt, E.
Van Hoeylandt, J.
Van Hout, G.
Van Imper
Van Keymeulen, Marc
Van Lysebeth, A.
Van Parys, Philippe
Van Pee, Guy
Van Tol
Vandamme, F.
Vander Elst, Raymond
Vanderbeeken, U.
Vanderveken, Daniel
Vandeveld, Jean
Vandevelde, R.
Vanescote, D.
Vanwelkenhuyzen, A.
Vanwelkenhuyzen, J.
Vardi, Meïr
Varga, A. Kibédi
Varga, Csaba
Varwig, Freyr Roland
Vas, Tibor
Vasoli, Cesare
Vauthier, M.
Veit, Otto
Ven, J. J. van der
Verbruggen, Freddy
Verecken, J. P.
Verene, Donald Phillip
Verhaegen, Benoît
Verhaegen, Jacques
Vermeersch, E.
Vermeulen, Paul
Vermeylen, Paul
Vermeylen, Pierre
Verna, Paola
Vernengo, Mario A.
Vernengo, Roberto José
Versele, S. C.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Veto, Miklos
Vickers, Brian
Viehweg, Theodor
Vincent, Jean
Vinchent, Marguerite
Visser't Hooft, Hendrik
Vital, Zoltan
Vitanza, Victor J.
Volta, Franco
Vuillemin, Jules
Vullierme, Jean-Louis
Weiss, Paul
Willems, Jean
Ypersele, Jacques van
Scientific Correspondence – Marc Van Quickenborne, 1968-1982
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Marc Van Quickenborne, Professor at the
University of Antwerp. This mainly relates to scientific works they sent one another.
Languages: French; Dutch. Volume: 0.3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 27.2.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Mirande, Anne
Van Quickenborne, Marc
Scientific Correspondence – Michel Villey, 1966-1983
Contains correspondence between Chaïm Perelman and Michel Villey, Professor at the
University of Law, Economics and Social Sciences, Paris. It contains articles or works and
mutual invitations which were sent, as well as a few exchanges of ideas relating to Legal
Philosophy. Language: French. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 27.3.
Villey, Michel
Scientific Correspondence – Georg Henrik von Wright, 1969-1975 [mainly 1973-1975]
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Georg Henrik von Wright, mainly to do
with the activities of the International Institute of Philosophy of which Wright would take
over the Chairmanship after Perelman. It also concerns the putting together, under von
Wright’s leadership, of a support committee for Yugoslav intellectuals (and in particular for
the philosophers of the University of Belgrade) victims of political repression. Language:
English. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 27.4.
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Scientific Correspondence – W
Languages: French; English. Volume: 2 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 27.5.
Art, J.-Ph.
Beirnaerts, Louis
Mirande, Anne
Price, Jane
Schossberger, E.
Wach, M.
Wahl, François
Wakana, Gélase
Wallace, Karl E.
Walter, John
Walton, Craig
Wangermée, Robert
Warnotte, Nicole
Watson, Sam
Wauters, A.
Weeramantry, C. G.
Weil, Éric
Weinziehr, M.
Weisers, Henri
Weisgerber, Jean
Weiss, Paul
Weisstub, David N.
Wellman, C.
Werblowsky, Zwi
Wetlesen, Jon
Wewel, Meinolf
Weyembergh, M.
White, Eugene E.
Wiethoff, William E.
Wigny, Pierre
Wilkinson, P. F.
Willems, Paul
Williams, Bruce R.
Williams, J.
Winston, Kenneth I.
Witt-Hansen, Johannes
Woodland, Philippe
Woodward, C. Vann
Woog, Jean-Claude
Workman, Allen K.
Wunsch, J.
Wurtman, Stuart A.
Zyskind, Harold
Scientific Correspondence – Ota Weinberger, 1970-1981
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Ota Weinberger, logician and philosopher
of Czech Law. They report exchanges of works and references; Perelman supports
Weinberger’s application to the University of Graz. Languages: French; German. Volume: 0.7
cm. Classification mark: 89PP 27.6.
Weinberger, Ota
Scientific Correspondence – Harvey Wheeler, 1969-1983
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and Harvey Wheeler, of the Center for the Study
of Democratic Institutions (Santa Barbara, USA) which later became the Institute for Higher Studies.
Language: English. Volume: 0.8 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 27.7.
Ashmore, Harry S.
Wheeler, Harvey
Wormuth, Francis D.
Scientific Correspondence – John Wilkinson, 1968-1974
Contains exchanges between Chaïm Perelman and John Wilkinson, of the Center for the Study
of Democratic Institutions (Santa Barbara, USA). The correspondence mainly concerns a
colloquium based around The New Rhetoric that was organised in Santa Barbara. Language:
French; English. Volume: 0.3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 27.8.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Studdert-Kennedy, Michael
Wilkinson, John
Scientific Correspondence – Jerzy Wróblewski, 1966-1983
Contains correspondence between Chaïm Perelman and Jerzy Wróblewski, Professor at the
University of Lódz. It mainly concerns the Polish translation of the Logique juridique,
supervised by Wróblewski, and the organisation of presentations by Wróblewski at the CNRL
at Perelman’s invitation. Language: French; Polish. Volume: 1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP
Georis, Raymond
Mirande, Anne
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Scientific Correspondence – Y
Languages: French; English. Volume: 0.3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 27.10.
Alapetite, G.
Yadin, Uri
Yagod, Elliott
Yapou, Eliezer
Yaron, Reuven
Yehoshua, B.
Yoffey, Betty
Yoos, George E.
Yzenbaard, Caryl A.
Scientific Correspondence – Z
Languages: French; English. Volume: 0.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 27.11.
Brajbart, Sarah
Zabludowski, A.
Zachczynski, Andrzej
Zamir, Itzhak
Zelko, Harold
Ziman, J. M.
Zippelius, Reinhold
Znamierowski, C.
Zohori, M.
Zuber, Ryszard
Zucker, Thea
Zygmunt, Jan
Zyskind, Harold
Scientific Correspondence – Zygmunt Ziembinski, 1966-1983
Contains correspondence between Chaïm Perelman and Zygmunt Ziembinski, Professor at
the University of Poznan. These are mainly exchanges of news and documentation:
Ziembinski sent Perelman reviews such as Studia Filosoficzne or Etyca, and various works
published in Poland. Ziembinski also seems to have supervised the translation of articles by
Perelman into Polish. Languages: French, Polish. Volume: 2 cm. Classification mark: 89PP
Baugniet, Jean
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Sub-collection 4: Jewish Organisations
Amicale des Anciens du Comité de Défense des Juifs [Association of the
Ancients from the Committee for the Protection of Jews]
The Comité de Défense des Juifs [Committee for the Protection of Jews] (CDJ) is a resistance
body founded in 1942 by Chaïm Perelman and Hertz Jospa, active during the Second World
War and focused on the protection of the Jewish population of Belgium (housing and
supplies for the families in hiding).
Amicale des Anciens du Comité de Défense des Juifs [Association of the Ancients
from the Committee for the Protection of Jews], participation: correspondence, 19631977
Contains letters and documents touching on Perelman's activities within the Amicale des
Anciens du Comité de Défense des Juifs (CDJ). This file contains several accounting items, lists of
members, minutes of meetings, press clippings, the text of a speech; for the most part,
exchanges with members of the Association and various Jewish institutions (Israelite
Consistory of Belgium, Union of Deported Jews, Jewish Social Service, Yad Vashem…) linked
to the organisation of actions (information for schools, medal awarded for persons
recognised as Righteous Among the Nations,…) or of expressions of remembrance. A large
number of letters relating to the preparation and publication of the work by L. Steinberg on
the history of the CDJ. The file contains items linked to the association Hommage des Juifs de
Belgique à leurs Héros et Sauveurs. Language: French. Volume: 7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP
Ajzenberg-Karny, Minna
André, [abbé]
Ariel, Joseph
Arnould, F.
Asseo, L.
Balthazar, H.
Banitt, Irene
Baugniet, Jean
Bauthier, Frédéric
Bejski, M.
Bernard, Henri
Birowski, H.
Blanc, Pierre
Bloch, Jean
Brachfeld, Sylvain
Braem, Y.
Broder, P.
Cohn, Louis
Czertok, L.
De Kegel, W.
De Streel, [baron] E.
Doucy, A.
Feyerick-Nevejan, Y.
Flam, L.
Garfinkels, Betty
Ghijs, L.
Goldberg, M.
Gorski, David
Gottschalk, Max
Griner, Léon
Gutweter, Natan
Halkin, Léon
Halin, Hubert
Heiber, Maurice
Hochbaum, Jerry
Hoste, Ch.
Janne, Henri
Katz, Roger D.
Kermisch, I.
Knoblauch, M.
Liebman, Adeline
Liebman, Marcel
Lipski, A.
Manaster, A.
Meyers, F.
Molter, A.
Neujean, Nat
Orbach, Joseph
Pardes, Markus
Philippson, Paul
Pins, Arnulf M.
Pioro, Maurice
Platteau, Lucien
Reitema, C. D.
Reynders, Bruno
Roegholt, Richter
Rolin, H.
Schneersohn, I.
Shapiro, Leon
Steinberg, Lucien
Sterngold, J.
Susskind, D.
Swalus, J.
Unger, S.
Uveeler, M.
Van Halteren, Pierre
Van Hout, G.
Van Praag, Roger
Vanbergen, P.
Vanwelkenhuyzen, J.
Werber, A.
Werber, Shifra
Wéry, François
Wiesenthal, Simon
Wolf, Albert
Wolkowicz, I.
Zeilinger, K.
Les Amis de la Jeunesse juive [Friends of Jewish Youth]
Les Amis de la Jeunesse juive, participation: circulars, correspondence, 1963-1978
Contains items relating to Perelman's activities within the non-profit organisation Les Amis de
la Jeunesse Juive (that he presided over between 1959 and 1963; also known under the name of
Centre des Jeunes); as well as other Jewish Youth organisations (to a lesser extent, for example
the Union des Anciens Étudiants Juifs de Belgique [Union of Former Jewish Students of Belgium]):
minutes, reports, statutes, meeting invitations, preparation of activities. There are also a few
items linked to the activities of the Martin Buber Institute (ULB – see below), and to the
invitation of some professors from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Languages: French,
English. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 28.2.
Abrahams, Raymond
Aronis, Henri
Beer, Hélène
De Paux, Wilfried
De Raeymaeker, O.
Dreyfus, A.
Estenne, Louis
Grau, I. W.
Grinszpun, Olga
Grupper, Emmanuel
Harman, Avraham
Kidron, Yossi
Komkommer, J.
Komkommer-Maes, E.
Levi, R.
Pardes, M.
Pearson, Eric
Reichenberg, Georges
Rochman, Abraham
Rosen, Donia
Rosen, Haiim B.
Rosenman, Y. Jules
Schnek, G.
Scholem, G.
Shragai, A.
Sofer, Zvi
Unger, S.
Van Breda, H. L.
Vanescote, D.
Werner, Sally
Yadin, Yigael
Zeilinger, K.
Zuidema, Willem
Centrale d’Œuvres sociales juives [Centre for Jewish Social Works]
Centrale d’Œuvres sociales juives, participation: correspondence, 1957-1978
Contains exchanges between Perelman and the Centrale d’Œuvres sociales juives. They relate to
the donations made by Perelman, and participation in meetings of the board of directors.
There are also, to a lesser extent, exchanges with international Jewish fundraising
organisations, like the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds and the National Jewish
Welfare Board. Language: French. Volume: 2 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 28.3.
Abrahams, Raymond
Benezra, José
Bieber, S.
Bloch, Jean
Cassen, H.
Estenne, R.
Goldberg, A. S.
Goldberg, Marc
Goldschmidt, A.
Goldstein, M.
Goodman, Philip
Gottschalk, Max
Heller, J.
Levi, Roger
Lévy, Léo
Margaux, J.
Moos, R.
Philippson, P.
Pioro, M.
Schindler, Ph.
Schnek, G.
Solender, Sanford
Susskind, David
Tarnowski, B.
Wachsmann, Philippe
Wartowski, J.
Zeilinger, K.
Comité d’H ommage des Juifs de Belgique [Committee paying Homage to
Belgian Jews]
Comité d’Hommage des Juifs de Belgique , participation: 1942 ; 1963-1977
Contains items bearing witness to Perelman's exchanges with the Comité d’Hommage des Juifs de
Belgique (that he presides over), and, more generally, to his Zionist actions in Belgium, in the
context of which he maintains contacts with numerous European organisations. There are
letters relating to the organisation of demonstrations or actions, press clippings, notes,
minutes, a typewritten brochure entitled “Holocauste et résistance des Juifs de Belgique ”, by
M. Steinberg, a typewritten note on the activities of the CDJ, a text by J. Daman-Scaglione
entitled “Rapport sur certaines activités clandestines pendant les années 1941-1945 de
l’occupation allemande en Belgique”, accompanied by several items linked to the Nos Petits
(1942) institution, and letters linked to the publication of Steinberg’s work on the CDJ.
Language: French. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 29.1.
Avi-hai, A.
Benkoski, Henri
Bernard, H.
Bloch, Jean
Blumenkranz, Bernhard
Bok, Willy
Brassine, Carlo de la
Calberg, Eugene
Carette, Fernand
Chopineau, Jacques
Cocks, Valerie
Daman-Scaglione, Jeanne
Descamps, Pierre P.
Fauconnier, A.
Fleiderman, Sara
Franco, Jacques
Gantman, A.
Georgery, Robert
Gilbraut, Clément
Grosjean, P. V.
Guigui, A.
Handler, Milton
Herinckx, J.
Janne, Henri
Klopmann, D.
Konopnicki, M.
Kronfeld, J.
Liebermann, Dov
Lipszyc, Félix
Moonman, Eric
Moulin, Léo
Pardès, Markus
Pioro, Maurice
Prawidlo, Evelyn
Schneebalg, S.
Schnek, G. A.
Steinberg, Lucien
Steinberg, Maxime
Susskind, David
Tarnowski, B.
Toledo, Victor
Vermeylen, Pierre
Vinck, Pierre
Wachsmann, Philippe
Weinstadt, Pierre
Conférence permanente des Services communautaires juifs d’Europe [Standing
Conference of European Jewish Community Services]
Conférence permanente des Services communautaires juifs d’Europe, participation :
correspondence, 1960-1967
Contains exchanges linked to the Conférence permanente des Services communautaires juifs d’Europe
[Standing Conference of European Jewish Community Services], in which Perelman
participates as a representative of Belgian Judaism. These are newsletters, minutes of
meetings, reports, notes; exchanges with the member institutions, organisation of events and
projects. Languages: French, English. Volume: 7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 29.2.
Arnheim, Arthur
Bassin, Joseph
Bellaiche, Yvonne
Brunchvig, J. S.
Cohen, Gaby
Dobkin, E.
Elfen, Henri
Feldmann, Harry
Feldsberg, E.
Feuer, R.
Fischer, Leo
Garzon, Benito
Goetschel, Alfred
Goldstein, M.
Goodman, Philip
Grusd, Inger-Lise
Hackett, Lois
Harris, Michael
Hollander, Fritz
Jordan, Charles H.
Kadelbrug, Lavoslav
Katz, Israël
Katzeff, Michel
Katzki, Herbert
Kelman, Claude
Kidron, Yossi
Klein, Théodore
Komkommer, J.
Köpniwsky, D.
Krell, W.
Lazar, David
Lekfo, Josef
Levitan, Semmy
Löwenthal, Zutenko
Mayer, Astorre
Miller, Deborah
Mouzon, S.
Newman, Denise
Philippson, Paul
Philipson, Charles
Ramsey, Felicia
Ritt, Ann L.
Rock, Anna
Rosenberger, Yoël
Rosenman, Yehuda Jules
Schieber, E.
Seidenman, Leonard
Sharett, M.
Singer, Günter
Sklar, Murray M.
Thankus, Naima
Yahil, Haim
Yeheshua, A.
Zaudy, Bertil
Keren H ayessod – Fonds unifié pour Israël [United Israel Appeal]
The Keren Hayessod – Fonds unifié pour Israël [United Israel Appeal] is a body which gathers
funds to benefit the Israeli State.
Keren Hayessod – Fonds unifié pour Israël [United Israel Appeal], participation:
correspondence, 1957-1975
Contains exchanges and documents linked to Perelman's participation in the activities of
Keren Hayessod – Fonds unifié pour Israël [United Fund for Israel] (fundraising body), as the
President (as of 1959) and member of the Central Committee: minutes of meetings, reports,
projects, organisation chart; letters linked to the organisation of activities; exchanges with
members. Language: French. Volume: 3.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 30.1.
Baranès, S.
Benvenisti, Moshé
Dobkin, E.
Domb, M.
Dultzin, L.
Franco, Conrad
Goldschmidt, Alexis
Izgur, M.
Komkommer, J.
Leker, M.
Lewkowicz, N.
Lodner, A. H.
Marx, Edmond
Milbauer, J.
Reisenstadt, N.
Segal, Sam
Shazar, Zalman
Menorah is an association for the promotion of Jewish culture within the diaspora.
Menorah , participation: correspondence, 1955-1967
Contains exchanges and documents linked to Perelman's participation in the activities of the
Menorah association, of which he was the founder and president: reports, invitations, lists of
members, letters relating to the publication of a report and the organisation of conferences,
festivities and concerts (for the most part). Language: French. Volume: 7 cm. Classification
mark: 89PP 30.2.
Adler, H.
Alfandari, Arturo
Ariel, Joseph
Aron, Raymond
Askenazi, J.
Baruk, Henri
Baum, R.
Beeckmans, R. P. René
Benvenisti, M.
Berliner, R.
Bieber, Simon
Bloch, J.
Blumel, André
Brandes, Joseph
Brodsky, Alexandre
Brysz, David
Bulz, Emmanuel
Catarivas, David
Chanania, R.
Chouraqui, André
Citroen, J.
Declerck, R.
Domb, A.
Dossin, G.
Dreyfus, Robert
Eldar, Israël
Errera, Alfred
Feuerwerker, David
Friedlander, Saul
Garitte, Gérard
Glejser, Hubert [?]
Goldberg, A. S.
Goldberg, M.
Goossens, G.
Gorbitz, E.
Gottschalk, Max
Guttman, B.
Haklai, Zeev
Herman, Zwi
Hirsch, S. R.
Jankélévitch, Vl.
Janlet, P.
Jehouda, Josué
Jordan, Ch.
Kahlenberg, M.
Kajman, A.
Kalisky, René
Katz, R.
Knopf, E.
Kouperman, H.
Kouperman, R. J.
Krawiecki, B.
Levinas, E.
Levitte, Georges
Levy-Valensi, Amado
Liebman, Marcel
Liebmann, Lazare
Liebmann, Léon
Lodner, A.
Lunel, Armand
Mahillon, P.
Maiersdorf, L.
Mandel, A.
Mansbach, Anita
Marx, Edmond
Memmi, Albert
Neher, André
Neuman, Emmanuel
Noel, Sofia
Nordau, Maxa
Noudel, Léopold
Orbach, G.
Pels, A.
Philippson, Paul
Polak, Gaston
Pougatch, I.
Rabi, V.
Rafael, G.
Ratzersdorfer, S.
Reisenstadt, M.
Ricœur, Paul
Rosenbaum, Gerald
Rosenberg [?]
Rudner, B.
Sablier, Édouard
Safran, Alexandre
Sapira, S.
Schindler, Philippe
Seidenman, Leonard
Shapiro, L.
Simon, M.
Stern, M.
Stolz, I.
Themanlys, Pascal
Tornhajm, Joseph
Unger, O.
Uveleer, Mark
Van Praag-Chantraine, J.
Vardi, Meir
Weill, O.
Wellens, R.
Werner, Sally
Wiener, E. E.
Yapou, Eliezer
Zaoui, André
Zeilinger, K.
Organisation sioniste mondiale [World Zionist Organisation]
Organisation sioniste mondiale , participation : correspondence, 1957-1977
Contains exchanges linked to Perelman's participation in the activities of the Organisation
sioniste mondiale [World Zionist Organisation], in his capacity as president of the Action
Committee: organisation of conferences for the most part, invitation to ceremonies, contact
with partner institutions … There is also a 70 page typewritten brochure published by the
organisation department of the Zionist executive entitled “Résolutions du 25e congrès sioniste
avec un résumé des travaux et la composition du congrès” (Jerusalem, 1960-1961). Language:
French. Volume: 1.7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 30.3.
Anisfeld, Marc
Atlas, Z.
Bilicki, E.
Brandes, J.
Buchner, S.
Cukier, B.
Domb, A.
Eldar, Israël
Ferstenberg, P. N.
Frost, M.
Getz, Cwi
Goldmuntz, R.
Goldschmidt, Alexis
Goren, Z.
Hirsch, M.
Holzman, J.
Huysmans, C.
Kaplan, A.
Katz, Roger
Leblanc, F.
Levi, R.
Mastey, S.
Motz, R.
Philippson, Paul
Pholien, J.
Pioro, Maurice
Stern, M.
Strassberg, O.
Swarcz, S.
Warszawski, I.
Weinberg, H.
Université hébraïque de Jérusalem. Association Les Amis belges de l’Université
hébraïque de Jérusalem [The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Association of
Belgian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem]
Built on Mount Scopus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem opened its doors on 1st April
1925. It soon became a major educational and research institution and acquired international
renown, mainly in the domain of the study of sciences and religion. Chaïm Perelman was
interested in promoting a cultural and scientific dialogue between Belgium and the young
State of Israel and as a result he actively participated in the foundation of the association Les
Amis belges de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, of which he would become Secretary General.
Les Amis belges de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem , running: correspondence,
minutes of sessions, information bulletins, 1967-1983
Contains exchanges and documents linked to Chaïm (and to a certain extent Fela) Perelman’s
participation in the activities of the Association Les Amis belges de l’Université hébraïque de
Jérusalem: invitations to meetings, minutes, reports, press clippings, newsletters, programmes
of events, typewritten copy of a speech made by Perelman on the occasion of the
inauguration of the Queen Elisabeth of Belgium Archaeological Institute on Mount Scopus,
exchanges with The Hebrew University of Jerusalem as regards meetings of the management
committee (and the Perelmans’ journey to Jerusalem on this occasion), curriculums, teacher
assessments or the granting of subsidies. Languages: French; English. Volume: 5.5 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 31.1.
Amir, Rachel
Avineri, Shlomo
Barbason, Denise
Barbason, Maurice
Beer, Hélène
Ben Arieh, Y.
Bloom, Charles E.
Bornet, Jean
Bribohia, Michèle [ ?]
Cherrick, Bernard
Chevreuille, P.
Cochaux, H.
Dan, Joseph
Daniel, Sigi
De Raeymaeker, Omer
Druiff, P. D. J.
Dubois, [R. P.] Marcel
Dvoretzky, Aryeh
Fromont, P.
Gavison, Ruth
Ginossar, Rivka
Glaser, Anne
Gunzburg, Nico
Hadart, Y.
Harman, Avraham
Helft, J. H.
Honig, Eliyahu
Kirkpatrick, J.
Komkommer, J.
Lazere, Ruth B.
Lefevre, Théo
Lemaitre, A. L.
Lévi, Roger
Markus, Roberta
Mersky, Roy M.
Moulin, Léo
Nahmias, Marcel J.
Prywes, M.
Rosen, Haiim B.
Rothberg, Samuel
Schenker, Avraham
Sermoneta, G. J.
Shahar, Ruth
Shavitsky, Abner
Sion, Georges
Smith, Robert H.
Vaerewyck, Jacques
Van Geldere, Paul
Vandebosch, Jacques
Zagha, David
Les Amis belges de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem , organisation of conferences:
correspondence, 1957-1978
Contains exchanges and documents linked to the organisation of colloquiums and
conferences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which Perelman took part in, in his
capacity as member of the Executive Board: invitations to meetings, minutes, reports,
programmes; invitations to participants, programming classes and the organisation of
conferences. There is also the transcript of an interview by Perelman on the Yom Kippur
War (1973), several typewritten and annotated copies of the speech made by Perelman when
he was awarded his honorary degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1970), and
exchanges relating to this. Languages: French; English. Volume: 5.5 cm. Classification mark:
89PP 31.2.
Akzin, B.
Aron, R.
Bachi, R.
Barak, A.
Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua
Bauer, Yehuda
Baugniet, Jean
Bentwich, Norman
Berkman, Marc J.
Bloch, Jean
Cherrick, Bernard
Daniel, Zigi
Elath, Eliahu
Evenari, Michael
Fishman, Seymour
Gillet, J. P.
Ginossar, Shalev
Glikson, Paul
Golan, Gershon
Goldstein, I.
Guilead, R.
Gutweter, N.
Harman, Avraham
Heenen, Jacques
Honig, Eliyahu
Katz, Jacob
Kaufman, Menahem
Kedar, A.
Lebrun, Pierre
Lev, Hagai
Levinthal, Louis E.
Levy, Paul M. G.
Mazar, B.
Moulin, Léo
Neuberger, A.
Nir, Dov
Nussbaum, Maria E.
Pelseneer, Jean
Philippson, P.
Plard, H.
Poznanski, Edward
Rabin, C.
Rosen, Haiim B.
Rotenstreich, Nathan
Rothberg, Samuel
Seldin, Harry M.
Sermoneta, G. J.
Shmoral, H.
Shumary, Jonathan
Simon, A. E.
Spiegel, M.
Weinberg, Herbert
Werblowsky, R. J. Z.
Wigoder, Geoffrey
Wise, George S.
Zander, Walter
Zeilinger, K.
Comité d’Action pour Israël [Action Committee for Israel]
Comité d’Action pour Israël , participation, 1973-1978
Contains miscellaneous items (newsletters, reports, elements of correspondence, petitions,
photographs…) linked to the activities of the Action Committee for Israel (run by Chaïm and
Fela Perelman), relating to the following bodies or subjects: Jewish Students of Belgium;
Belgian Committee for negotiated peace; Statement by the Europe of the Nine; Meeting at
the “Madeleine” preceded by a street demonstration; general overview of the activities; Blood
collections; Action ambulance; Prisoners of War; Belgian Assembly for Israel. Language:
French. Volume: 5.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 31.3.
Begin, Menachem
Eyskens, Gaston
Goldschmidt, Alexis
Gutweter, N.
Klibansky, Raymond
Knops, Émile M.
Lallemand, Roger
Margaux, J.
Pardes, Markus
Persoons, François
Remacle, Jacques E.
Sussman, Maurice
Van Elslande, R.
Willems, Gerard F.
Willems, Honoré
Chaïm Perelman's general correspondence relating to Jewish community life,
Contains Perelman’s general correspondence relating to his various activities within Jewish
organisations (for example: Solidarité avec Israël [Solidarity with Israel], Centre national des Hautes
Études Juives [The National Centre of Higher Jewish Studies], Cercle culturel et sportif juif, [Jewish
Cultural and Sporting Circle], Union des Étudiants juifs de Belgique [Union of Jewish Students of
Belgium], Agence juive pour Israël, [Jewish Agency for Israel], Comité d’Action pour Israël, [Action
Committee for Israel], Rassemblement belge pour Israel [Belgian Assembly for Israel]…). The
letters are mainly about the setting up of projects, events, awareness-raising activities or
conferences and the management of subsidies. There are also invitations and minutes of
meetings. Language: French. Volume: 8 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 32.
Abrahams, Raymond
Atlas, Z.
Avital, Colette
Bamberger, S. B.
Basyn, Jacques
Baum, Rachel
Benvenisti, M.
Bloch, Jean
Blomhof, N.
Bok, Willy
Braem, Y.
Cassen, H.
Chaki, Elie
Czertok, L.
Doubinsky, Nadi
Dreyfus, R.
Egbert, Lawrence D.
Ehelberg, Jacques
Elbaum, S.
Ettenger, Sh.
Eyskens, Gaston
Fishel, Dora
Fleg, Edmond
Flusser, D.
Fraenkel, M.
Franco, C.
Garfinkels, Betty
Gatmon, O.
Getz, Z.
Gilead, J.
Goldberg, Berty
Goldberg, I.
Goldbeter, C.
Goldschmidt, Alexis
Gomberg, Irène
Goodman, Philip
Goren, Z.
Gottschalk, Max
Grau, I.
Griner, Léon
Grinszpun, Olga
Gros, L.
Grosjean, Pierre V.
Gruber, S. H.
Gutweter, N.
Heiber, M.
Helft, J.
Izgur, M.
Kahan, B.
Kaminski, S.
Kaplan, A.
Kauffmann, P.
Kaufman, Menahem
Kelman, Claude
Kidron, Yossi
Komkommer, J.
Kramkimel, J.
Kronfeld, J.
Kubovy, Aryeh Léon
Lacocque, André
Leblanc, F.
Levi, R.
Lipski, A.
Lipszyc, Félix
Maiersdorf, L.
Malfait, G.
Mansbach, Anita
Marks, Abraham J.
Marquet, A.
Mayer, Astorre
Miller, Deborah
Miller, Laurence N.
Noel, Sofia
Noudel, L.
Orbach, Joseph
Padeh, B.
Pardes, Markus
Paron, Ch.
Peeri, A.
Philippson, Paul
Pioro, M.
Ravid, M.
Roitman, Sabine
Rosen, Donia
Rosen, Haiim B.
Rosenman, Y. J.
Schindler, Philippe
Schneebalg-Perelman, S.
Schreiber, Régine
Shahar, Z.
Silberberg, N.
Steinberg, Lucien
Stracmans, M.
Strasunas, F.
Susskind, David
Szyper, Albert
Tari, Ephraim
Tarnowski, B.
Terache, R.
Torczyner, Harry
Unger, O.
Uveeler, Mark
Van Breda, Herman Leo
Van Elslande, R.
Van West
Vanstok, Henri
Vardi, A.
Vecht, Ph.
Vermeylen, Pierre
Volman, S.
Wachsmann, Philippe
Wachstock, D.
Weiner, Max
Wolfinger, H.
Wybranezyk, J.
Zandberg, O.
Zeilinger, K.
Zuckerman, H.
Sub-collection 5: Prizes and distinctions
Prix Francqui [Francqui Prize], awarded
Created in 1933, the Francqui Prize is a Belgian distinction annually awarded to a scientist
who has made a major contribution in his domain, to increase Belgium’s prestige. It is
successively attributed in the domain of exact sciences, human sciences and biological and
medical sciences.
Prix Francqui , awarded: correspondence, 1962
Mainly contains letters, telegrams and congratulations cards sent to Perelman on the occasion
of his being awarded the 1962 Francqui Prize. There are also exchanges relating to the
organisation of the prize giving ceremony, or other events in Perelman’s honour. Language:
French. Volume: 8 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 33.1.
Note relating to the transcription of the names: a large number of the handwritten names on the postcards are
Ackerman, Amiora Dano
Alexander, Marcel
Anspach, M.
Arnould, Maurice-A.
Askenazi, Joël
Assed, Léon
Baren, Hilda
Barzin, Betty
Barzin, Marcel
Baugniet, Jean
Baugniet, Marcel
Baum, Maurice
Baumann, Paul
Beeckmans, René
Bekaerts [?]
Benezra, Elie Jose
Bernaerts, Gustave
Bernaerts-De Beys
Bleeckx, Philippe
Bojman, Maurice
Bonnecompagnie, N.
Borgers, Alfons
Brabant, Zasia
Brawerman, A.
Bremilst, Ghislaine
Bronek, Irka
Broof, Tom [?]
Brouwers, Albert
Bruly, J. [?]
Cahen, Jean
Calogero, Guido
Campus, Ferdinand
Cassen, Henri
Cassen, Paula
Chanania, E.
Clausse, Roger
Cooremans, Lucien
Coremans, Paul
Cox, J. F.
Dargent, J.
Darimont-Fontenelle, H.
De Boeck, Nelly
De Coster, Sylvain
De Keyser, Walter
De Page, Henri
De Staercke
De Strycker, Émile
De Waelhens, Alphonse
Defay, Raymond
De Foy
Defrenne, M.
Del Marmol, Charley
Devroey, E.-J.
Dobruszkes, A.
Donner Katz, Golda
Dronsart, Edmond
Dupréel, Jean
Eckstein, Marc Madeleine
Edelberg, B.
Edelberg, Serge
Edgard, Faehrès
Erculisse, Paul
Erculisse, Sybille
Errera, Maurice
Flagey, Jean
Flam, Léopold
Forani, Anthony
Foriers, Paul
Frankfort, Thérèse
Galmache, José
Gerard, Pol
Gerlo, Aloïs
Gevers, Florent
Ghilain, Jean
Glaser, Stefan
Goldstein, Estelle
Goldstuck, Renée
Gonthier, André
Gottschalk, Max
Gottschalk, Stephanie
Grau, Gaby
Grau, Icchak
Guerisse, Victor
Haag, H.
Halkin, Léon-E.
Halpérin, Jean E.
Hannevart, Germaine
Henry, Albert
Henryk, Jadwiga
Hergershausen, Lore
Hildesheim, S.
Hoebanx, Jean-Jacques
Horowitz, Jacques
Hugo, Marie Thérèse F. A.
Jacob, Chaïm
Janne d’Othée, Xavier
Janson, Claire
Janson, Fernand
Jaumotte, A.
Kahlenberg, Marc
Kahlenberg, P.
Kaminski, B.
Kawan, Albert
Kentos, Paul
Kohn, Elisabeth
Laxer-Jacub, M.
Leroy-Molinghen, Maurice
Leuzière, Raymond
Levy, Paul
Lewkowicz, D.
Lewkowicz, N.
Liebman, Marcel
Litwinski, Léon
Lussan, Bernard
Mahillon, Pierre
Martens, Mina
Massart, L.
Mattalon, Felix
Matuzewitz, Apelbaum
Mertens, C.
Nutkewitz, Jacques
Orbach, Joseph
Osterrieth, Paul-A.
Ottevaere, Ganna
Ottevaere, Jean
Pankowski, Marian
Peeters, Félix
Pevtchin, Max
Platteau, Léon
Podolsky, Szafran
Poels, Georges
Polischuk, M.
Pomba, Albert
Pulman, Olga
Racine, Aimée
Raduciner, R.
Riga, Noël
Rosenzweig, Alfred
Rosshandler, Maurice
Rummens, Claire
Rummens, Jean
Ruquoy, Louis
Ruytinx, Jacques
Salmon, Jean J. A.
Sand, Victor Marianne
Schildknecht, E.
Schildknecht, M. Th.
Schindler, Philippe
Schussler, Antoinette
Schussler, Dolek
Schwartz, Maryem
Schwetz, Yvonne
Screvens, Raymond
Steinhaus, S. H.
Sterno, Ida
Szatan, Abram
Szatan, Stefa
Taich, I.
Tavernier-Lejeune, R.
Tenzer, Charles
Timmermans, Jean
Tourneur-Nicodème, Victor
Van Breda
Van Camp, [Chanoine]
Van Cauwelaert, R.
Van Compernolle-Tourneur,
Van Den Berg, S.
Van Der Hofstadt,
Van Der Meiren, L.
Van Deyck, Cam.
Van Praag, Herman
Van Praag-Chantraine,
Van Regemorter, Pierre
Van Ryn, Jean
Vander Kerken, L.
Vandevenne, André
Vankeer, Pierre-J.
Vauthier, Marcel
Verlinden, Charles
Wangermée, Robert
Werber, Abus Szyfra
Wiener, Dora
Wiener-Deley, Jean
Willems, Jean
Woïtchik, Maurice
Wolff, Georges
Wolfgang, Albert
Wolfgang, Rachel
Wylleman, André
Zombek, S.
Prix Francqui , awarded: press review, 1962
Contains press clippings reporting on Chaïm Perelman's awarding of the 1962 Francqui Prize.
Languages: French; Dutch. Volume: 1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 33.2.
Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique
[Royal Academy of Sciences, Arts and Fine-Arts of Belgium]
Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique ,
participation : correspondence
Contains correspondence relating to Chaïm Perelman’s appointment to the Royal Academy
of Sciences, Arts and Fine Arts of Belgium (announcement, congratulations), as well as his
involvement in their activities: participation in sessions, minutes, organisation of
conferences… Languages: French. Volume: 5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 33.3.
Abrahams, Raymond
Alon, Moshé
Aron, R.
Brabant, Hyacinthe
Carbonnier, J.
Carrelli, Antonio
Coppée, Louis
Craeybeckx, Jan
Czertok, L.
Davin, Louis
De Bodt, Cl.
Dejean, Christian
Del Marmol, Charley
De Paepe
De Strycker, Émile
Di Maggio, Gaetano
Duchesne, Jules
Dupriez, L. H.
Eyskens, Mark
Fenstad, Jean Erik
Frydland, Alexandre
Gillis, J.
Gochet, Paul
Gochet, Monique
Gouhier, Henri
Grosjean, Marcel
Grunebaum, Kurt
Guérisse, V.
Haag, Henri
Hirsch, G.
Katz, Max
Kaufmann, A.
Kawan, Albert
Komkommer, J.
Kurtz, P.
Ladrière, Jean
Lameere, William
Lavalleye, J.
Lebeer, L.
Leroy, Maurice
Levy, Paul M. G.
Liebmann, Léon
Lienard, Edmond
Mortier, Roland
Moulin, Léo
Nicolas, L.
Pöschl, Viktor
Reichenberg, Georges
Rosshandler, Maurice Ida
Rosenzweig, Alfred
Ruyssen, R.
Schnek, Georges
Semal, Jean
Spaemann, R.
Szatan, Stefa
Szatan, Abraham
Tindemans, L.
Van Steenberghen, F.
Zimmermann, Hans-Joachim
Prix décennal de Philosophie [Decennial Prize in Philosophy]
Prix décennal de Philosophie , awarded: correspondence, 1975
Contains four letters relating to Chaïm Perelman's awarding of the Decennial Prize in
Philosophy in 1975. Language: French. Volume: 0.1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 33.4.
Dethier, Fred
Foriers, Paul
Distinctions abroad, awarded: correspondence, 1972-1977
Contains exchanges linked to the distinctions Perelman was awarded by foreign institutions:
appointment as a corresponding member of the Institut de France [Institute of France], of the
Literature Class of the Akademie der Wissenschaft, of the Academy of Poland, of the Class of
Moral Sciences of the Accademia delle Scienze dell Istituto di Bologna; awarded an honorary degree
by McGill University (Canada). Languages: French; English; Italian. Volume: 0.4 cm.
Classification mark: 89PP 33.5.
Bell, Robert E.
Clarac, Pierre
D’Andrea, A.
Del Marmol, Charley
Fredericq, Louis
Goldberg, Marc
Grunenbaum, Alice
Grunenbaum, Kurt
Mekhitarian, Arpag
Mortier, R.
Poirier, René
Schuhl, P. M.
Spongano, Raffaele
Sturler, Jean de
Sub-collection 6: Chaïm Perelman’s general correspondence
General outgoing correspondence, carbon copies, 1960-1983
The files in this series contain duplicates, on carbon paper, of Perelman's outgoing
correspondence (probably from his secretariat). The collection is non-exhaustive (aside from
any gaps in the more comprehensive files, almost all of 1961 and the whole of 1982 are
Note relating to the transcription of names: Perelman’s secretaries sometimes made errors when writing down
the names of the addressees. These errors could be eliminated in the event of certitude as regards the identity of
the correspondent, but it is more than likely that there are still some errors.
See too the “Perelman Archives” Pallas database, where you can consult a digital copy of these files.
General outgoing correspondence, 1960
Language: French. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 34.1.
Acton, H. B.
Alvarez, José V.
Antonelli, M. T.
Apostel, Leo
Ariel, J.
Ascarelli, T.
Ashkinazi, J.
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Bagolini, L.
Banitt, M.
Baranes, S.
Barnes, E.
Battaglia, F.
Bayart, A.
Bayer, Raymond
Bekaert, Hermann
Benvenisti, Moshé
Berger, G.
Biscompte, H.
Bloch, Jean
Blumel, André
Bobbio, Norberto
Boda, E.
Boonin, L.
Bortier, A.
Bosch-Gimpera, P.
Bouligand, G.
Bovesse, P.
Boyer, Charles
Briot, Paul
Brodsky, A.
Buch, Henri
Burniat, P.
Caenegem, R. van
Cahen, J.
Calogero, Guido
Carner-Noulet, Émilie
Carny, Paul
Casanova, M.
Castelli Gattinara, E.
Conte, Amedeo G.
Cunneen, Joseph E.
Curiel Benfield, José Luis
D’Hondt, J.
Dalsace, R.
Dambska, I.
Dassel, E.
David, Aurel
De Brouckere, L.
De Coster, Sylvain
De Keyser, W.
De Robilant
Delorme, S.
Devaux, Philippe
Devyver, André
Dhondt, J.
Dobkin, E.
Domb, A.
Dopp, J.
Duméry, Henry
Ebbinghaus, J.
Errera, A.
Ewing, A. C.
Facchi, P.
Fejto, F.
Feys, R.
Flam, L.
Flores d’Arcais, G.
Foriers, Paul
Franklin, Colin
Frenkiel, J.
Friedrich, C. J.
Furstenberg, B.
Garin, E.
Gavazzi, G.
Gilissen, J.
Giuliani, Alessandro
Goldschmidt, A.
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Gorbitz, E.
Gottschalk, M.
Gregorowicz, J.
Grenier, Jean
Grojean, P.
Grunzweig, A.
Grynpas, J.
Grzegorczyk, A.
Guillemain, Bernard
Gutweter, N.
Haag, Henri
Hallemans, W.
Hauser, J.
Heidsieck, F.
Helft, Jean H.
Helin, E.
Hendel, Charles W.
Hewison, R. J. P.
Hirsch, G.
Holzman, J.
Husson, Léon
Indan, Franciszek
Ingarden, R.
Issman, Samuel
Janne, Henri
Jaspers, Karl
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Joray, M.
Jordan, Charles H.
Jorgensen, J.
Jurfest, H.
Kaneshige, Kankuro
Katsura, Juichi
Katz, Roger
Kawczak, A.
Kawziak, A.
Kisch, I.
Klibansky, Raymond
Kotarbinski, Tadeusz
Kouperman, H. R.
Kozlowska, E.
Kraft, J.
Krajewski, Janusz
Krapiec, M.
Krings, Hermann
Kronska, I.
Kuhn, H.
Lachner, Robert F.
Laitat, Jean
Lameere, Jean
Larroyo, F.
Leblanc, Hughes
Lebrun, P.
Lehrer, Joseph
Lehrmann, G.
Lenoir, R.
Leoni, Bruno
Levi, Roger
Levitte, Georges
Libois, P.
Liebman, M.
Lombard, Alex
Lombardi, F.
Maharaj, B. H. Bon
Maneli, Mieczyslaw
Margolin, L.
Marinower, M.
Martens, M.
Masai, François
Masure, Jean
Mazar, B.
McKeon, R. P.
Mehauden, M.
Mercier, A.
Mesnard, P.
Miller, Deborah
Minon, Paul
Moreau, J.
Motte, M. Th.
Moureaux, Ch.
Najar, Amial E.
Neher, André
Noland, Aaron
Nolfi, P.
Nussbaum, Maria E.
Oren, M.
Ormesson, J. d’
Paci, E.
Papy, G.
Pasquinelli, A.
Paumen, Jean
Pavlov, Todor
Pellegrino, [Don] Giuseppe
Pelseneer, J.
Perelman, J.
Perry, Charner Marquis
Pesloüan, G. de
Podgorecki, A.
Polin, Raymond
Pomba, A.
Reisenstadt, N.
Robinet, André
Rosenberg, Edith
Rosenberg, J.
Rosenzweig, A.
Rotenstreich, N.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Safran, Alexandre
Salomon, Michel
Schindler, Ph.
Schneebalg, S.
General outgoing correspondence, 1961
Language: French. Volume: 0.1 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 34.2.
Schneider, Herbert W.
Schoenfeld, I.
Schreiber, R.
Schuhl, P. M.
Segal, Sam
Seidenman, L.
Seldin, Harry M.
Servais, Olga
Shamir, Haïm
Simondon, G.
Stasse, Y. P.
Talmor, E.
Tammelo, I.
Themanlys, Pascal
Topitsch, E.
Tournay, L.
Trujillo Marin, F.
Unger, O.
Van Cauwelaert, R.
Van Den Borren, Ch.
Van Melsen, A. G. M.
Van Praag-Chantraine, J.
Van San, Herman
Vander Kerken, L.
Verecken, G.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Vinckenbosch, Marina
Vokaer, R.
Volman, M.
Vrancken, Irène
Vuillemin, J.
Weber, Jean-Paul
Weichselbaum, A.
Weil, Éric
Wiener, E. E.
Willems, Jean
Wise, George S.
Wissotsky, H.
Wyssotzky, M.
Zea, Leopoldo
Zeilinger, K.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Zweiling, Klaus
Ebbinghaus, J.
Hewison, R. J. P.
Ladislao Farnoi de Fharno
Ormesson, J. d’
General outgoing correspondence, 1962
Language: French. Volume: 2.7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 34.3.
Ajdukiewicz, K.
Allard, Jean Louis
Apostel, Leo
Ariel, J.
Aron, Raymond
Aron, Robert
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Bahm, A. J.
Bal, J.
Banitt, M.
Battaglia, F.
Baude, E.
Bauduin, R.
Baum, R.
Beeckmans, [R. P.] René
Bentwich, N.
Bernard, S.
Beth, E. W.
Beyns, P.
Bloc, Jean
Bobbio, Norberto
Boda, E.
Bolle, Pierre
Bonhome, M.
Botbol, D. Ch.
Bruch, J. L.
Buch, Henri
Bunge, Mario
Caenegem, R. van
Calogero, Guido
Carael, G.
Carny, Paul
Cavell, Stanley
Chapman, J.
Citroen, J.
Coppieter, E.
Craeybeckx, Jan
Curiel Benfield, José Luis
Da Fontoura Rangel, J.
Dargent, J.
Dassel, E.
De Brouckere, L.
De Chikoff, Juan J.
De Coster, Sylvain
De Lathouwer, R.
De Saeyer
De Villers, J.
Desonay, F.
Detienne, M.
Deurinck, Gaston
Dohmann, K.
Dopp, J.
Doucy, A.
Duméry, Henry
Duvivier, R.
Ewing, A. C.
Facchi, P.
Flam, L.
Foriers, Paul
Franklin, Colin
Fredericq, L.
Freeman, Eugene
Frenkiel, J.
Friedrich, C. J.
Garcia Maynez
Giele, M.
Ginossar, S.
Gioja, A. L.
Goldberg, S.
Goldschmidt, A.
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Gorbitz, E.
Goriely, G.
Gottschalk, M.
Gregorowicz, J.
Grynpas, J.
Guerisse, V.
Guéroult, Martial
Guzzo, Augusto
Haag, H.
Hackett, L.
Haran, Y.
Hewison, R. J.
Hirsch, Guy
Ishizu, Teruji
Jankélévitch, V.
Janne, Henri
Janson, F.
Janssens, E.
Jefroykin, J.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Jordan, Charles H.
Kadaner, M.
Kawczak, A.
Klein, Théodore
Komkommer, J.
Kooi, S.
Kouperman, R.
Kuypers, K.
Lameere, Jean
Larroyo, F.
Lebrun, P.
Lechner, Robert F.
Legros, Robert
Leloup, G.
Lemaitre, A.
Levysohn, D.
Leys, M.
Liebmann, Léon
Littmann-Lemaitre, A.
Litvin, Baruch
Lorenzen, P.
Martin, G.
Mayer, Astorre
Maynez, Garcia
Milbauer, J.
Miller, D.
Miller, Israël
Moreau, J.
Neher, A.
Newcomb, Charles E.
Nicol, E.
Nicol, I.
Nosratabadi, S.
Oliver, Robert T.
Orgels, M.
Ormesson, J. d’
Palmans, J.
Passerin d’Entreves, A.
Perelman, Joseph
Pesloüan, G. de
Pladys, J.
Platteau, L.
Polin, R.
Pomba, A.
Propes, A. Z.
Pulinckx, R.
Racah, G.
Raduciner, R.
Reisenstadt, M.
Robert, Y.
Ross, Daniel G.
Rubinfeld, H.
Samuel, J.
Savignac, Jean de
Schaff, A.
Schick, Carla
Schindler, Ph.
Schnarch, A.
Seidenmann, L.
Shirdan, J.
Simoni, Mordehay
Sklar, Murray M.
Stallaert, L.
Stone, Julius
Takeda, Hiromichi
Takeshita, Toshio
Tammelo, I.
Topitsch, E.
Van Bergen, P.
Van Camp
Van Praag, J.
Van Praag, Siegfried E.
Van San, Herman
Vander Elst, R.
Vauthier, M.
Verheyen, J.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Villey, Michel
Wager, T.
Wangermée, R.
Weil, Éric
Wery, F.
Willems, J.
Windey, Fl.
Zac, S.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
General outgoing correspondence, 1963
Language: French. Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 34.4.
Akzin, B.
Alexander, M.
Alfandari, A.
Amstutz, J.
Anderson, John M.
Apostel, Leo
Ariel, J.
Arnold, Carroll C.
Atonda, Saitu
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Bacque, Jorge A.
Bahm, Archie J.
Banitt, M.
Barzin, M.
Batiffol, Henri
Battaglia, F.
Bauduin, A.
Baum, Elias
Bergman, S. H.
Blanshard, B.
Blegvad, Mogens
Bobbio, Norberto
Boda, E.
Bok, Willy
Bokutenge, E.
Boland, G.
Bosco, Nynfa
Boyer, Charles
Bravo, Reuf
Brien, P.
Brodsky, A.
Brown, Kenneth A.
Bruch, J. L.
Brunsvick, Yves
Bruylant, Émile
Buch, Henri
Burton, John
Calogero, Guido
Casalini, Mario
Cassen, H.
Castelli Gattinara, E.
Chabanski, M.
Chappello, V. C.
Cherrick, B.
Cione, Edmondo
Citroen, J.
Cohn, Haim Hermann
Cointet, A.
Conte, Amedeo G.
Copi, Irving
Craeybeckx, Jan
Crahay, F.
Cristofaro Sandrini, M. G. de
Curiel Benfield, José Luis
Czertok, L.
D’Hoedt, Georges
Dainow, J.
David, G.
De Barsy, Pierre
De Coster, Sylvain
De Montezuma de Carvilho,
De Page, Henri
De Raeymaeker
De Vleeschouwer, Henri R.
De Vries, A.
Debever, R.
Debouverie, J. F.
Declerck, R.
Deflandre, A.
Deflandre, Dorothy
Defosse, M.
Delorme, S.
Deltenre, G.
Depauw, E.
Derolez, R.
Desonay, F.
Deswarte, W.
Devaux, Philippe
Devillers, R.
Dillemans, R.
Dohmann, K.
Dopp, J.
Dorsinfang-Smets, A.
Dossin, G.
Dotremont, Stanislas
Duculot, J.
Dumery, J.
Dumery, M.
Dyserinck, H.
Eckhoff, Torstein
Eldar, I.
Embo, Suzy
Evain, François
Ewing, A. C.
Fabisch, K. A.
Farber, M.
Fedosseev, P.
Foriers, Paul
Franklin, Colin
Freson, M.
Friedrich, Carl I.
Fuks, A.
Gabriel, L.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Garcia de Mendoza, A.
Garcia Maynez, E.
Garot, Jean Claude
Giannotti, J. A.
Gierulanka, D.
Gilissen, J.
Ginossar, S.
Ginsberg, M.
Giraud, Émile
Girvetz, Harry
Glaser, B.
Gochet, Paul
Goldberg, A. S.
Goldschmidt, Alice
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Gottschalk, Max
Grau, I.
Grosjean, Marcel
Grynpas, J.
Guevara Bazan, Rafael
Guzzo, Augusto
Halkin, Léon E.
Haller, R.
Halpern, A. L.
Hare, R. M.
Hay, Daniel
Heinemann, F. H.
Hennuy, G.
Hirsch, G.
Hirschberg, D.
Hirschberg, L.
Hoeffler, J.
Hollhuber, Ivo
Holtzman, Paul D.
Huillet, P.
Hyppolite, J.
Ingarden, R.
Isaye, S.
Ishizu, Teruji
Issman, Samuel
Jacobs, Christian
Jankélévitch, V.
Janne, Henri
Jaume, Jacques
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Kahn, Benjamin M.
Kalina, St.
Kalinowski, Georges
Kalisky, René
Kelsen, Hans
Kennedy, K.
Klug, Ulrich
Köhler, G.
Kouperman, H. R.
Kuhn, Helmut
Lacocque, André
Lallemand, Roger
Lameere, J.
Larroyo, F.
Lebrun, P.
Lejeune, Claire
Leroy, M.
Leventer, S.
Levinthal, Louis E.
Lewkowicz, N.
Liebman, M.
Liebmann, Léon
Lion, S.
Lombardi, F.
Lorenzen, P.
Lups, J. H. W.
Magrish, James L.
Malengreau, J.
Malgaud, W.
Mandel, A.
Martin, G.
Martinez, E.
Mayer, Astorre
Mayer, Maria
Mboyo, Victor
Meisse, D.
Mesnard, P.
Metall, Rudolf A.
Miller, D.
Miyamoto, Shoson
Moneera Beckelman, A.
Mortier, R.
Nicol, E.
Noonan, John T.
Nutkewitz, J.
Oliver, Robert T.
Orbach, J.
Orlando, L.
Ormesson, Jean d’
Paci, Enzo
Papy, Georges
Passmore, John
Perelman, Joseph
Perlberger, J.
Pesloüan, G. de
Philippson, Paul
Picavet, R.
Pincherie, A.
Piron, Jean
Polak, Gaston
Polanyi, M.
Préaux, Claire
Prini, P.
Pucelle, J.
Ralea, M.
Ramelot, D.
Reale, Miguel
Reidemeister, W.
Reisenstadt, N.
Rijlant, P.
Robinet, André
Rodriguez-Arias, Liono
Roeges, Jan
Roesle, M.
Rosenberg, E.
Rosner, Judith
Rotenstreich, N.
Rudhardt, Jean
Ruytinx, Jacques
Ryan, W.
Rysman, Pol
Sablier, Edouard
Saccasyn, V.
Salmon, J.
Santo Arcoleo
Scaglione, A.
Schaerer, René
Schaff, A.
Schnarch, A.
Schneeblag, M.
Schneersohn, I.
Seidenman, L.
Seloin, Harry M.
Sharif, M. M.
Silverman, Simon
Sojcher, Jacques
Somerville, John
Speyer, P.
Spieler, L.
Steinberg, R.
Stéphane-Clausse, Robert
Stone, Julius
Szabo, Imre
Talmor, Ezra
Tammelo, I.
Tatarkiewicz, L.
Tecoz, H. F.
Teensma, E.
Theertha, Rama
Tietz, John W.
Tilman-Timon, A.
Topitsch, E.
Van Breda, H. L.
Van Den Borren, Ch.
Van Hout
Van Melsen, A. G. M.
Van Praag, Roger
Vander Elst, R.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Vidal Munoz, Santiago
Vizel Buki, J.
Von Rintelen
Voordecker, L.
Wahl, J.
Weil, Éric
Weill, M. R.
Weiss, Jonathan
Weiss, Robert
Werner, Ch.
Wilkinson, John
Willems, Jean
Willems, P.
Wilson, John F.
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Zaragueta, J.
Zea, Leopoldo
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
General outgoing correspondence, 1964
Language: French. Volume: 1.7 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 34.5.
Ariel, J.
Ascarelli, T.
Atlas, Z.
Baton, Leslie
Beauvois, R.
Beer, Hélène
Bekaert, Hermann
Bonsack, F.
Borremans, René
Brown, K. A.
Brunner, Fernand
Burton, John
Caenegem, R. van
Calogero, Guido
Capella, Juan-Ramon
Carner, E.
Carrió, Genaro
Cassen, M.
Chaban, K.
Chappell, V. C.
Cherrick, B.
Czertok, L.
Dambska, I.
De Barsy, P.
De Coster, Sylvain
Deleu, P.
Deltenne, G.
Derolez, R.
Devaux, Philippe
Dohmann, K.
Dushkin, D. A.
Ewing, A. C.
Feldheim, P.
Ferrater Mora, J.
Feyerick-Nevejan, Y.
Fichefet, M.
Flam, L.
Foriers, Paul
Fraenkel, A. H.
Franco, C.
Franklin, Colin
Freeman, E.
Freson, M.
Friedlander, S.
Frondizi, R.
Frost, M.
Gandillac, M. de
Gierulanka, D.
Gilissen, John
Ginossar, Shalev
Giorgianni, V.
Girvetz, H.
Gochet, P.
Goldberg, A. S.
Goldschmidt, V.
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Gottschalk, M.
Grau, I.
Grinszpun, D.
Guéroult, Martial
Guzzo, Augusto
Hirsch, Guy
Hondermarcq, P.
Honore, S.
Horn, J. A.
Hyppolite, J.
Isaye, S.
Issman, Samuel
Jankélévitch, V.
Janssens, Ch.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Joly, R.
Joray, M.
Joris, André
Kattsoff, L. O.
Katzeff, Michel
Klug, U.
Larroyo, F.
Levinthal, Louis E.
Limpens, J.
Lismonde, H.
Lucas, T.
Lurie, Z.
Magrish, James L.
Majewski, E.
Martin, G.
Masai, François
Mattalon, F.
Mayer, A.
Mehauden, M.
Miller, D.
Molter, A.
Morris, S.
Muller, W.
Nichols, Marie H.
Nicol, E.
Niemegeers, M.
Nosratabadi, S.
Ohe, Seizo
Oppenheim, P.
Orbach, J.
Orgels-Stoumon, M.
Pelseneer, J.
Pesloüan, G. de
Polin, R.
Poznanski, E.
Prigogine, I.
Pseczolowski, I.
Ramnoux, C.
Recaséns-Siches, L.
Reynders, Bruno
Ripczynska Koperowa, M.
Rotenstreich, N.
Rummens, J.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Saint-Ghislain, M.
Sbille, F.
Schaerer, R.
Scheindlinger, F.
Sciacca, F. M.
Stone, Julius
Strasuna, F.
Summers, Robert S.
Szekely, D. L.
Tammelo, I.
Tommissen, P.
Uhr, H.
Unger, S.
Valdman, Albert
Van Breda, H. L.
Van Campenhout, G.
Van Goethem, F.
Vanbergen, P.
Walk, F.
Wiesenthal, S.
Wilkinson, J.
Wolfinger, H.
Wren, S. D.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
General outgoing correspondence, 1965
Language: French. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 35.1.
Adhemar, J.
Ajdukiewicz, M.
Apelbom, A.
Apostel, Leo
Arad, A.
Archi, Gian Gualberto
Aubenque, Pierre
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Bamberger, S. B.
Banitt, I.
Baruk, Henri
Baugniet, J.
Belaval, Y.
Bobbio, Norberto
Boehm, R.
Bojer, H.
Bortier, A.
Brabant, H.
Brockriede, Wayne E.
Brunner, F.
Buyssens, E.
Calogero, Guido
Campagnolo, U.
Casalini, M.
Castelli Gattinara, Enrico
Chapman, J.
Chappell, V. C.
Conte, A. G.
Coopmans, G.
Couturier, Alain P.
De Coster, Sylvain
De Meester, E.
De Nys, I.
De Pauw, F.
De Petter, D. M.
De Raeymaeker, L.
De Streel, E.
Delbovier, L.
Deleu, P.
Delsemme, Paul
Delvoye, Charles
Denayer, R.
Devaux, A.
Devaux, Philippe
Dopp, J.
Duchatelet, L.
Duméry, Henry
Dumitriu, A.
Dushkin, David A.
Dworkin, R. W.
Elie, M.
Ewing, A. C.
Feldmann, H.
Ferrater Mora, J.
Fink, O.
Fischbacher, H. E.
Foriers, Paul
Frankel, Charles
Franklin, C.
Freson, M.
Friedlander, S.
Friedrich, Carl J.
Fuller, Lon L.
Gabriel, L.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Garin, E.
Gatmon, O.
Geheniau, J.
Giele, M.
Gilbert, Susan
Gillet, J.-P.
Gillis, Paul
Gillot, C.
Giorgianni, V.
Giuliani, Alessandro
Gochet, P.
Goldberg, B.
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Govaerts, Fr.
Gran, Addie
Grosjean, Marcel
Haag, H.
Halvorsen, E. F.
Harman, S.
Hart, H. L. A.
Hauck, Leonore C.
Heiber, Maurice
Heibert, M.
Hendrickx, J. P.
Hingorani, R. U.
Horovitz, J.
Huberlant, Charles
Hyppolite, J.
Ingarden, R.
Issman, Samuel
Jaïs, M.
Jankélévitch, Vl.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Joray, M.
Joyce, J. M.
Kahan, B.
Kalinde, A.
Kalinowski, Georges
Kaminski, S.
Kaplan, A.
Katzki, H.
Kirschen, Étienne-Sadi
Klibansky, Raymond
Klug, U.
Kotarbinska, J.
Kubovy, A. L.
Kuypers, K.
Lacocque, A.
Larroyo, Francesco
Lecat, H.
Leiser, J.
Lejeune, Claire
Lemaitre, M. Misonne
Leroy, M.
Liebmann, L.
Lindsay, C.
Lion, S.
Löwith, K.
Malgaud, W.
Maneli, Mieczyslaw
Marias, J.
Masai, François
Mattalon, F.
Mayer, A.
Megha, M. R.
Meijer, J. W.
Mesnard, P.
Meyer, F.
Miller, D.
Miller, L. N.
Minerva, Albergo
Misonne, M.
Miyamoto, Shoson
Moffat, C. L.
Morain, Lloyd
Mouloud, Noël
Muller, A. J.
Naess, Arne
Nauwelaerts, E.
Neujean, N.
Noel, S.
Noonan, J. T.
Ohana, J.
Olbricht, Th. H.
Oliver, R. T.
Oppenheim, Félix
Ormesson, Jean d'
Pagliai, Morena
Peeri, A.
Peeters, G.
Pesloüan, G. de
Philippson, P.
Pluymers, I.
Polak, G.
Poteat, W. H.
Rand, R.
Robert, Jean-Dominique
Robinet, André
Roels, M.
Rojo, J. M.
Rolin, H.
Roseman, Y.
Rosenberger, Y.
Rotenstreich, Natan
Ruytinx, Jacques
Scarff, S. G.
Schaff, A.
Schnarch, A.
Schneebalg, S.
Schneersohn, I.
Sciacca, M. F.
Sellars, W.
Simon, M.
Simon, S.
Smith, Th. F.
Sojcher, Jacques
Solender, S.
Stasse, C. A.
Stone, Julius
Storm, Mr.
Tammelo, Ilmar
Tarnowski, B.
Tedeschi, Guido
Terre, F.
Thiago, Arnaldo S.
Thiel, M.
Tillman, F.
Topitsch, Ernst
Toussaint, M.
Van Copenol, C.
Van Lysebeth, Willy
Van Offelen, J.
Van Reepinghen, Ch.
Vander Linden, Albert
Vanstok, H.
Verleysen, L.
Viehweg, Th.
Villey, Michel
Von Rintelen, F.
Wachstock, D.
Wakana, G.
Weil, E.
Wilkinson, John
Witt-Hansen, Johannes
Wojciechowski, Jerzy A.
Wood, J.
Wren, S. D.
Zandberg, O.
Zieleniewski, J.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
General outgoing correspondence, 1966
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 35.2.
Angelo, Thomas d’
Apostel, Leo
Bailiff, John D.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Bamberger, S. B.
Banitt, Irène
Battaglia, F.
Baugniet, J.
Bauthier, Frédéric
Bayer, Wilhelm Raimund
Bekaert, Hermann
Blaustein, Peninah M.
Blüm, U.
Bobbio, Norberto
Boelens-Bouvier, P.
Bongolo, Bernard
Braun, Hermann
Bres, Yvon
Brockriede, W. E.
Broder, P.
Brunchvig, J. S.
Brunner, Fernand
Calogero, Guido
Cambien, R. G. M.
Canaris, K.
Canasis, Claus W.
Carrió, Genaro
Castillo-V., Thomas
Cathcart, R.
Chappell, Vere
Colcher, Henry
Conte, A. G.
Coopmans, G.
Corbett, J. P.
Cottier, Georges
Cravatte, J. P.
Currie, C.
Dargent, J.
De Bluts, André
De Broe, Pierre
De Wulf, M.
Dekkers-D'Ieteren, J.
Delatte, J. P.
Delorme, S.
Delvoye, Charles
Desmarets, José
Dierkens, Jean
Doigny, I.
Dopp, G.
Doucy, A.
Dubois-Pelerin, J.
Duchatelet, L.
Dumitriu, Anton
Dushkin, D. A.
Egbert, Lawrence D.
Egyed, Bela E.
Ehelberg, Jacques
Einaudi, Giulio
Engelson, Suzanne
Erval, François
Ettlich, Ernest
Ewing, A. C.
Farber, Marvin
Feldman, Shaul
Ferrater Mora
Fischbein, June
Floresco, Basil
Foriers, Paul
Franklin, Colin
Friedmann, Wolfgang
Gabriel, Léo
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Garin, E.
Garot, J.-C.
Garzon, Benito
Geheniau, J.
Gillet, J.-P.
Giuliani, Alessandro
Goffin, Pierre
Goldberg, M.
Golding, Martin
Goldschmidt, Alexis
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Goodman, Philip
Goriely, Georges
Gottschalk, M.
Goussinsky, B.
Grene, Marjorie
Griner, Léon
Grinszpun, Olga
Grootaers, J.
Grosjean, Marcel
Grynpas, Jérôme
Guéroult, Martial
Guilbert, Marcelle
Guilead, R.
Gussman, Lawrence
Gutweter, Jur. N.
Halkin, Léon-E.
Handy, Rollo
Heusch, Luc
Hodges, Donald C.
Homes, M.
Horovitz, J.
Hutchins, Robert M.
Indan, Franciszek
Ingarden, R.
Janne, Henri
Janson, Émile
Kattsoff, Louis O.
Kaufmann, Walter
Kazanjian, Reginald
Kierein, Manfred
Kirschen, E-Sadi
Klein, Théodore
Klibansky, Raymond
Klug, Ulrich
Koffer, J.
Komkommer, M. J.
Kopnin, P.
Kruithof, J.
Lacocque, André
Ladd, John
Lahlou, Abbes
Lallemand, Roger
Lamand, Francis
Lambotte, Henry
Larroyo, Francesco
Levi, R.
Levy-Valensi, Amado
Losano, Mario G.
Machline, Georges
Magrish, J. L.
Malgaud, W.
Manolesco, J.
Marty, G.
Masai, François
Mattis, Henri
Maynez, Eduardo Garcia
Maynez, G.
Miller, Deborah
Mogelonsky, A.
Naess, Arne
Newman, M.
Nical, E.
Noonan, John T.
Olbricht, Thomas H.
Onclin, W.
Orbach, J.
Orfinger-Karlin, R.
Ormesson, Jean d'
Osterrieth, P. A.
Pater, W. A. de
Perelman, Ch.
Pesloüan, G. de
Piaget, Jean
Pioro, M.
Piron, Jean O.
Podgoreck, A.
Poislay, Franz
Polin, R.
Porat, Lola
Poteat, William H.
Poznanski, E.
Préaux, Claire
Rabin, C.
Reidel, A.
Reuse, J.
Richtscheid, Hans
Robinet, André
Robinet, Martine
Rosenman, Yehuda J.
Rotenstreich, N.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Salmon, Jean
Schnarch, Adolphe
Schneersohn, I.
Schossberger, Emily M.
Sciacca, M. F.
Servais, Max
Shields, A. E.
Shumary, Jonathan
Silance, L.
Simon, A. E.
Smiths, John E.
Sofer, Z.
Somerville, John
Staal, J. F.
Sternberg, Vernon
Stevanovic, M.
Stigen, Anfinn
Stone, Julius
Tedeschi, G.
Terre, François
Thibaud, Paul
Thoveron, G.
Topitsch, Ernst
Tyson, Ruel W. Jr.
Tytgat, M.
Ulrich, Klug
Van Der Elst, R.
Van Hout, G.
Van Welkenhuyzen, A.
Van West
Vanbergen, P.
Vandeveld, J.
Veit, O.
Verbruggen, F.
Vercauteren, F.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Viehweg, Theodor
Vuillemin, J.
Wahl, J.
Waterlot, R.
Weiner, Max
Weiss, Paul
Weit, Otto
Wellens, R.
Werner, Sally
Wilkinson, John
Willems, Jean
Winniczuk, Lidia
Wojciechowski, Jerzy A.
Wolf, A.
Wolf, E.
Wolkowicz, I.
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Wylleman, A.
Zehnder, R.
Zelko, Harold
Zeman, Jiri
Zieleniewski, J.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Znamierowski, C.
General outgoing correspondence, 1967
Language: French. Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 35.3.
Abdel-Rahman, Hassan
Alquié, F.
Apelbom, Arnold M.
Aronstein, Claude Serge
Arsadi, Farideh
Ayguesparse, A.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Bamberger, S. B.
Banitt, I.
Bararengana, S.
Bar-Hillel, Y.
Bassand, M.
Bastide, C.
Bastide, Georges
Baugniet, Jean
Beck, C. H.
Beer, Hélène
Bekaert, Hermann
Belin-Milleron, Jean
Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
Bibrowski, H.
Blanché, R.
Blaustein, Peninah M.
Bobbio, Norberto
Bodenheimer, Edgar
Bonomati, L.
Bosco, Nynfa
Boyer, Charles
Braekman, G.
Brandt, Richard
Brigode, Gérard de
Buch, Henri
Calogero, Guido
Campagnolo, Umberto
Casalini, M.
Castelli, Enrico
Catzenstein, Jean
Cherrick, Bernard
Christoff, Daniel
Condurachi, Emil
Conte, A. G.
Corbett, J. P.
Cottier, Georges
Crippa, R.
Curry, Haskell B.
Daube, D.
De Pape
Debacker, A.
Defreyn-D'Or, Émile
Deleu, P.
Delsemme, Paul
Delvoye, Charles
Deube, David
Deurinck, G.
Deutsch, E.
Devaux, Philippe
Dopp, J.
Dragomir, Ion
Dreyfus, A.
Duméry, Henri
Duncan, A. R. C.
Dupréel, Jean
Duprez, C.
Edwards, Paul
Ehrenreich, Isaac
Elath, Eliahu
Elfen, Henri
Enneis, Frank B.
Ervalal, Fr.
Ewing, A. C.
Farber, M.
Farkas, George
Flo, Olav
Floresco, Basile
Foriers, Paul
Fortelle, Monique de la
Friedrich, Carl J.
Gabriel, Léo
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Galimberti, A.
Garcin, Philippe
Gehlen, A.
Gelber, Sidney
Georghe, M.
Gepts, G.
Gérard, Alain
Ghijs, L.
Gillet, J.-P.
Ginsberg, R.
Gligoric, Velibor
Gochet, Paul
Goedert-Croissant, J.
Goffin, Pierre
Goldberg, A. S.
Goldschmidt, A.
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Gorbitz, Ernest
Gorski, D.
Gottlieb, Gidon A. G.
Goussinsky, B.
Gregory, Claude
Grosjean, Marcel
Grosjean, P. V.
Guéroult, Martial
Gulian, C. I.
Guzzo, Augusto
Habermas, Jürgen
Halkin, Léon
Handy, Rollo
Hare, Peter H.
Hautermann, A.
Hearst, Ernest
Heaston, R. J.
Henrich, D.
Henry, A.
Herremans, M. P.
Hirsch, G.
Hirschberg, L.
Homes, M.
Horovitz, Joseph
Hubien, Hubert
Hughes, Graham
Humblet, Benoit
Husson, Léon
Hyppolite, J.
Indan, Franciszek
Ingarden, Roman
Jamil, Hj. Md.
Jankélévitch, V.
Janne, Henri
Jerphagnon, L.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Kalinowski, Georges
Kaplan, Abraham
Kaplan, Jeremiah
Kattsoff, Louis O.
Kelman, Claude
Kerchove, Nicholas de
Kidron, Yossi
Klein, Isaac
Klibansky, Raymond
Klug, Ulrich
Kopnin, P. V.
Kotarbinski, Tadeusz
Kotarbinski, Y.
Kriele, Marin
Kubowitzki, S.
Kuntz, Paul G.
Lacocque, André
Lamand, Francis
Lameere, W.
Lamont, Vivian
Landry, Albert M.
Lemelle, Michel
Levi, R.
Lew, J.
Lombardi Vallauri, Luigi
Lubnicki, N.
Lukic, Radomir D.
Macedo, Silvio de
Madden, Edward H.
Maes, L. Th.
Magrish, James L.
Magritte, René
Manolesco, John
Mansion, Suzanne
Mariani, Luigi
Masai, François
Massart, L.
Mérode, [Princesse] Louise
Merzisen, M.
Meskill, Jane
Mesnard, P.
Meyriat, J.
Michel, R. Ch.
Midgaard, Knut
Miedzianogora, Joseph
Miller, Deborah
Miller, R.
Moos, R.
Moutoy-Otlet, S.
Mugnier-Pollet, L.
Müller, Werner
Mysko, W. K.
Naess, Arne
Nakamura, Y.
Nandy, Santosh Kumar
Neuberger, A.
Noonan, J. Jr.
Ohe, Seizo
Olin, Anne
Olivecrona, Karl
Orgels-Stoumon, M.
Ormesson, Jean d'
Ossowska, M.
Paci, Enzo
Paradis, Michel
Parser, M.
Parsons, Howard L.
Passerin d'Entrèves, A.
Paumen, Jean
Périer, Simone
Pettee, Charles E.
Petzell, Sophie
Philippart, L.
Pigeau, Serge
Plumat, Pierre
Polanyi, Michael
Polin, R.
Popoff, Peter N.
Poznanski, Edward
Prott, L. V.
Raynaud, P.
Reidel, A.
Rens, R.
Rescher, Nicholas
Reuse, J.
Richtscheid, Hans
Rintelen, J. J. von
Ritter, J.
Robberechts, L.
Robinet, André
Rodriguez-Arias Bustamante,
Rosenman, Y. J.
Rosnerowa, Anna
Ross, Alf
Rotenstreich, N.
Royneau, C.
Ruy, Chaix
Ruytinx, Jacques
Salmon, Jean J. A.
Salmona, M.
Sauvy, Alfred
Schaaf, Robert W.
Schnarch, Adolphe
Schossberger, Emily M.
Schuhl, P.-M.
Sciacca, Michele
Shapiro, Léon
Shklarsky, E.
Slatin, Myles
Sojcher, Jacques
Sojka, A.
Somerville, John
Spaemann, R.
Springal, M.
Staal, J. F.
Steinberg, Lucien
Steinberg, Mark
Stone, Julius
Tagliapietra, Giuseppe
Tammelo, Ilmar
Tedeschi, G.
Terre, François
Tolkowsky, Denise
Troubetzkoi, N.
Tummers, J.
Umbgrove, M. C.
Van Breda, H. L.
Van Camp
Van Compernolle, René
Van Pee, G.
Vander Eycken, H.
Vanderborght, Émile
Vandeveld, Albert
Varet, G.
Verhaegen, Jacques
Vermeylen, P.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Viehweg, Theodor
Villey, Michel
Vuillemin, Jules
Walsham Mearwell, F.
Weil, E.
Wellens, R.
Wenin, Christian
Wetlesen, Jon
Weyembergh, M.
White, Barbara
Wiener, Philip P.
Wigny, Pierre
Wilde d'Estmael, X. de
Wilkinson, John
Willems, Jean
Wojciechowski, J. A.
Wolberg, Catherine
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Zander, Walter
Zeilinger, K.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Ziman, J. M.
Zweiling, Klaus
General outgoing correspondence, 1968
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 36.1.
Abdel-Rahman, Hassan
Akzin, B.
Ali, Dastouri
Alquié, F.
Angsüsser, Ulrike
Apostel, Leo
Aubenque, Pierre
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Bacca, Garcia
Ballweg, Ottmar
Bamberger, S. B.
Banerjee, N. V.
Barnes, Frank S.
Bartier, J.
Barzin, M.
Bassand, Michel
Bastide, Georges
Baugniet, Jean
Beam, C.
Beam, P. W.
Beek, [?] van der
Bekaert, Hermann
Belmans, J.
Benedek, F.
Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
Black, Max
Bobbio, Norberto
Bober, Juraj
Boda, E.
Bodson, A.
Borre Bergen, E.
Bosco, Nynfa
Bourgaux-Hirsch, W.
Boyce-Gibson, A.
Bozic, L.
Brachot, Isy
Braem, Y.
Breitenbach, Carol M.
Brounts, A.
Brunner, F.
Buch, Henri
Calogero, Guido
Canaris, Cl.
Castelli, E.
Charnay, J. P.
Christensen, D. E.
Christoff, D.
Clemens, R.
Coene-Konings, D.
Cohen, Joshua M.
Compain-Gouhier, B.
Coopmans, G.
Cooremans, L.
Coosemans, J. Cl.
Corradi, G.
Dalcq, Albert M.
Danblon, Paul
D'Andrea, A.
De Boeck, Henri
De Corte, M.
De Meester, R.
Delorme, S.
Desmarez, J. J.
Despy, G.
Devaux, Philippe
Diemer, A.
Dondeyne, A.
Doucy, A.
Dubuc, M.
Dudicq, A.
Dupréel, Jean
Durand-Auzias, R.
Durdu, R.
Dziemidok, B.
Ehrenreich, Isaac
Engel, Salo
Engisch, Karl
Ewing, A. C.
Farber, Marvin
Favresse, J.-M.
Ferrari, Jean
Fine, Morris
Flam, L.
Floresco, B.
Florescu, Vasile
Foriers, Paul
Fortelle, M. de la
Freson, M.
Gabriel, Léo
Gabryl, W.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Galimberti, A.
Ganshof van der Meersch,
Walter J.
Garcin, Ph.
Gareau, Etienne
Garin, E.
Génin, M. Th.
Gerard, Alain
Geron, Chaïm
Gillis, P.
Ginossar, Freddy
Ginossar, Shalev
Goriely, G.
Gortari, Eli de
Gottlieb, G.
Grant, Hilary E.
Grinszpun, O.
Halkin, Léon E.
Hare, Peter H.
Harnoy, J. P.
Heiber, M.
Hersch, Jeanne
Heuseux, M.
Hill, Carol
Hirsch, G.
Hirschberg, Lydia
Homes, M.
Hövell tot Wesperflier, R. H.
A. M. van
Huart, J.
Huberlant, Charles
Hughes, Graham
Huygelen-Boeykens, L.
Indan, Franciszek
Jacobs, J.
Jankélévitch, V.
Janne, Henri
Janssens, E.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Joly, R.
Joris, A.
Kalinowski, Georges
Kaplan, Abraham
Kermisch, I.
Kieft, C. van de
Klibansky, Raymond
Klug, U.
Kocka, J.
Kwiatkowski, Tadeusz
Lamand, Francis
Lamont, Vivian
Larroyo, F.
Leblanc, F.
Lebrun, P.
Levarlet, H.
Lherminier, P.
Lipetchi, E.
Lombardi Vallauri
Lorenzo, Dominic
Louckx, S.
Lutumba-Buzangu, Z.
Luyten, Norb. M.
MacDonald, R. St. J.
Madden, E. H.
Magrish, James L.
Manneback, M. Ch.
Manolesco, John
Marc-Wogau, Konrad
Massart, L.
Masure, Jean
Mathu, F.
Mays, M.
Mays, W.
Mercier, A.
Mesnard, P.
Meyer, Hermann J.
Meyers, F.
Miller, Deborah
Morrison, J. A.
Mouloud, N.
Naessens, M.
Nauwelaerts, E.
Opalek, Kazimierz
Ormesson, Jean d'
Pagello, Livio
Paradis, Michel
Parser, Stephan
Parsons, Howard L.
Patocka, J.
Paumen, Jean
Pawlowski, Tadeusz
Pelseneer, J.
Perraudin, Albert
Perry, Thomas D.
Pesloüan, Geneviève de
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Philippart, A.
Pieters, J.
Pioro, M.
Plard, H.
Polin, Claude
Polin, Raymond
Polinarov, A.
Poppey, Harry W.
Poteat, W. H.
Préaux, Claire
Ramakant, Sinari
Rens, J. G.
Reusse, Jean
Richtscheld, Hans
Ricœur, Paul
Riepe, Dale
Rijlant, P.
Riverso, Emanuele
Robberechts, E.
Robberechts, L.
Roberts-Jones, Philippe
Robinet, André
Rosetti, Moshe
Rothberg, Samuel
Saame, Otto
Sadovsky, Vadim N.
Schischkoff, G.
Schnarch, A.
Schossberger, Emily
Schuhl, P. M.
Sintzoff, A.
Steinberg, Lucien
Steiner, Franz
Stockhammer, M.
Stone, Julius
Sturler, J. de
Tcherniche, O.
Thone, G.
Totok, Wilhelm
Tummers, J. H.
Uveeler, Mark
Vaccarone, G.
Vallenilla, E. M.
Van Breda, Herman Leo
Van Cauwelaert, R.
Van Hout, G.
Van Nypelseer-Cox
Vander Elst, R.
Vandeveld, J.
Van Quickenborne, Marc
Vardi, R.
Vasoli, Cesare
Vauthier, François
Veit, Otto
Vercauteren, F.
Vermeirre, F.
Vermeirre, P.
Vermeylen, P.
Verryoke, J. P.
Versichelen-Terryn, M.
Viehweg, Th.
Villey, Michel
Vincent, Jean-Louis
Vuia, Octavian
Wellens, R.
Wilkinson, J.
Willems, J.
Wolf, E.
Wolkowitz, I.
Wren, Stephen D.
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Zea, Leopoldo
Zeilinger, K.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Zuidema, W. H.
Zylbergeld, L.
General outgoing correspondence, 1969
Languages: French; English. Volume: 6 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 36.2.
Abel, A.
Albada, H. van
Anceschi, L.
Anderson, A. R.
Anderson, R. O.
Andries, A.
Apostel, Leo
Aqvist, L.
Archambeau, R. d'
Bacca, J. D. Garcia
Bahm, Archie J.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Banerjee, N. V.
Bar-Hillel, Y.
Barly, N.
Barosso, G.
Bartlow, Bert
Batens, D.
Bauduin, J.-Cl.
Baugniet, Jean
Bauthier, F.
Beam, R.
Bela Juhos von
Ben-Dor, Avner
Berka, D.
Berka, K.
Bertholet, E.
Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
Bialek, S.
Binnemans, C. L.
Bird, Otto
Bitzer, Lloyd F.
Black, Max
Blackstone, W. T.
Bleeckx, Philippe
Bloch, J.
Bobbio, Norberto
Bochenski, J. N.
Bordat, L.
Borlon, Pol Jr.
Borremans, A.
Botezatu, P.
Boyer, R. P.
Brachot, Isy
Braem, Y.
Braun, H.
Broussard, Lester H.
Brutian, G. A.
Buch, E.
Buis, Paul
Bunge, M.
Calogero, Guido
Camerman, R.
Camu, G.
Caponigri, A. Robert
Carbonnier, J.
Casier, S.
Castillo Fernandes, Sergio
Luiz de
Caton, Hiram
Charnay, J. P.
Cherrick, Bernard
Cole, R. Taylor
Cols, B.
Cypres, R.
Czertok, L.
Dambska, T.
Damiens, S.
Dassel, E.
Daube, David
De Clerck, B.
De Keyser
De Raeymaeker
De Ryck-Tasmowski, L.
Dearin, Ray D.
Debever, Robert
Dejean, C.
Delorme, S.
Delsemme, Paul
Demeuldre, Michel
Desmarets, J.
Despy, G.
Deswarte, W.
Dethier, E.
Devaux, Philippe
Devaux, R.
Dewaele, Jacques
Dhondt, U.
Dillens, A. M.
Dorsinfang-Smets, A.
Doucy, A.
Dubois, G.
Duméry, Henry
Dupaquier, J.
Durand-Auzias, R.
Ehmann, John
Eisenberg, F. A.
Engisch, Karl
Esterhuyse, W.
Evrard, Cl.
Ewing, A. C.
Ferrari, J.
Ferrater Mora, J.
Fishman, Seymour
Flam, L.
Fleischmann, E.
Florescu, Vasile
Follesdal, D.
Foriers, Paul
Fourquin, Guy
Freson, M.
Frey, Gerhard
Friedmann, W.
Friedrich, C. J.
Gabriel, L.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Gallo, Severino
Ganovski, G.
Garcia Bacca, J. D.
Garcia Maynez, Eduardo
Garcin, Philippe
Garin, E.
Gerber, W.
Gere, D.
Germain, M.
Ghys, C.
Gianini, E.
Gillet, J. P.
Ginossar, Shalev
Giuliani, Alessandro
Gmurzynska, A.
Gochet, P.
Goheen, John D.
Goldstein, I.
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Gortari, Eli de
Gottlieb, G.
Gouhier, Henri
Graham-Marr, David R.
Grandy, Richard E.
Grau, I. W.
Gregory, Cl.
Grosjean, Marcel
Grynpas, J.
Guéroult, Martial
Gulian, C. I.
Guzzo, Augusto
Haiman, F. S.
Hallden, Sören
Hansen, Witt
Hansson, Bengt
Harman, Avraham
Harroy, Jean-Paul
Hausman, Carl R.
Heenen, Jacques
Heiber, M.
Hersch, Jeanne
Heuseux, M.
Hintikka, Jaakko
Hirsch, G.
Huberlant, Charles
Hughes, Graham
Husson, Léon
Hyppolite, J.
Ingber, L.
James, Joseph
Jaumotte, A.
Jenkins, Iredell
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Joscerbo, John
Kabongo, M.
Kalinowski, Georges
Kaplan, Abraham
Kennard, Kenneth C.
Kirkpatrick, E. M.
Klibansky, Raymond
Klug, U.
Kolakowski, L.
Korac, V.
Kotarbinski, Tadeusz
Krapiec, M. A.
Krapiec, Po.
Kriele, H.
Kriele, Martin
Kurtz, P.
Kwiatkowski, Tadeusz
La Roche, Humberto
Lacocque, A.
Lamand, F.
Lambert, Cl.
Laurent, P. J.
Leblanc, F.
Lebrun, P.
Legros, Robert
Lejeune, Cl.
Leonard, J.
Levi, R.
Levy, Paul M.
Lion, S.
Lloyd, G. E. R.
Lombardi Vallauri, F.
Loreau, M.
Losano, Mario G.
Louckx, S.
Lowenthal, F.
Lowenthal, J.
Löwith, K.
Lucas, M.-Cl.
Lyko, P.
Magritte, G.
Mann, N.
Marchant, E.
Marchesseau, D.
Martin, G.
Mattis, Henri
Mbingamala, Alphonse
McKeon, Richard
Melandri, E.
Mendlewicz, J.
Mercier, A.
Miedzianogora, Joseph
Mihai, G.
Minten, E.
Misrahi, R.
Miwa, Masashi
Moritz, M.
Motte, M. T.
Moulin, L.
Mouloud, N.
Mugnier-Pollet, L.
Müller, Werner
Mulnard, J.
Nagley, W. E.
Nicol, E.
Niflis, P.
Nowak, L.
Nuchelmans, G.
Opalek, Kazimierz
Ormesson, J. d'
Ortendahl, P.
Parrella, M.
Parry, W. T.
Passerin d'Entrèves, A.
Paulson, Stanley F.
Paumen, Jean
Pawlowski, T.
Peczenik, Alexander
Perry, Thomas D.
Pesendorfer, B.
Pesloüan, G. de
Pettee, Charles E.
Pettit, P.
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Philippart, A.
Pieretti, A.
Pioro, M.
Piron, Jean O.
Pitraerens, Marc
Plard, H.
Podlech, A.
Polin, C.
Polya, N.
Polya, P.
Pozzi, G.
Préaux, Cl.
Preece, W. E.
Prini, P.
Prins, H.
Pucelle, J.
Raphael, D. D.
Rescher, Nicholas
Reymond, Berthe
Riepe, Dale
Rijlant, P.
Riverso, E.
Roberts-Jones, Philippe
Robinet, André
Roever, James
Rogissart, J.
Rotenstreich, Nathan
Rumberg, Ursula
Ruwet, J.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Salomon-Bayet, C.
Saner, H.
Schnarch, A.
Schossberger, Emily
Segre, B.
Serra, A.
Servais, M.
Servais, S.
Sigaudy, R.
Silber, G.
Simpson, Esther
Smith, Nelson J.
Sojcher, Jacques
Soltana, Ben
Somerhausen, L.
Somerhausen, M.
Sosa, Ernest
Steinberg, Lucien
Sternfeld, R.
Steve, J.
Stevenson, Charles
Storhor, E.
Stracmans, M.
Stucki, P. A.
Susskind, D.
Tomas, C. L.
Totok, W.
Touss, P. M.
Trejbiez, J.
Trine, G.
Trubetzkoy, N.
Tymieniecka, A. T.
Unger, S.
Van Bever, P.
Van Breda, H. L.
Van den Neucker, Pierre
Van der Wée, H.
Vandamme, F.
Vandeveld, J.
Vanescote, D.
Varga, C.
Vauthier, François
Verbruggen, J.
Vermeylen, P.
Verrycke, J. P.
Versele, S.
Verzar, E.
Viehweg, T.
Villey, Michel
Waismann, A.
Wankenne, R.
Waterlot, R.
Weaver, P.
Weinberger, Ota
Wellens, R.
Wenin, Chr.
Wheeler, Harvey
Wiehl, R.
Wiener, P. P.
Wilkinson, John
Willemarck, L.
Wilson, John
Witt-Hansen, J.
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Zeilinger, K.
Zeist, J. van
Ziemba, Z.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
General outgoing correspondence, 1970
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 37.1.
Adut, S.
Akzin, B.
Alquié, F.
Anderson, Alan Ross
Apostel, Leo
Aqvist, L.
Arnold, Carroll C.
Aubonnet, J.
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Balaes, G.
Balty, J.
Barak, A.
Bar-Hillel, Y.
Barreau, H.
Bartier, J.
Bartlow, Bert
Baruk, Henri
Batiffol, Henri
Baudry, M.
Baugniet, J.
Bayart, A.
Bekaert, Hermann
Bernard, H.
Bertholet, E.
Bevans, Raymond C.
Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
Bird, Otto
Bitzer, Lloyd F.
Black, Edwin
Black, Max
Bobbio, Norberto
Boland, G.
Booth, Wayne
Borgers, A.
Borioni, F.
Borioni, M.
Boussard-Planard, Chantal
Boyer, Martine
Brunner, F.
Buis, P.
Bunge, M.
Calogero, Guido
Caponigri, A. Robert
Carlier, J.
Cerfontaine, G.
Chalus, P.
Chappell, V.
Charnay, J. P.
Cocriamont, J.
Cohen, Herbert
Collon, Michell
Conte, A. G.
Cristofaro Sandrini, M. G. de
David, A.
Davis, John W.
De Coster, Sylvain
De Schaepdryver, A.
De Vries
Dearin, R. D.
Debever, R.
Demarchi, M. C.
Depreter, T.
Devaux, Philippe
Dewitt, Ch.
D'Hondt, J.
Dockx, S.
Dopp, J.
Dorr, F.
Dreyfus, R.
Duguet, P.
Duméry, Henry
Dupaquier, J.
Durand-Auzias, R.
Ekelof, O.
Enoch, P.
Esterhuyze, W. P.
Ewing, A. C.
Farber, Marvin
Ferrajoli, L.
Flam, L.
Fleischmann, E.
Florescu, Vasile
Foriers, Paul
Fradin, L.
Friedmann, W.
Friedrich, Carl J.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Garcin, Ph.
Gardies, Jean-Louis
Garin, E.
Gelber, Sidney
Gerard, J.
Germain, P.
Ginossar, Shalev
Giulian, C. I.
Giuliani, Alessandro
Gochet, Paul
Godefroid, C.
Goheen, John D.
Golding, Martin P.
Goldstein, Israel
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Gouhier, Henri
Gouhier, J.
Goulston, Michael
Graziani, G.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne
Grosjean, Marcel
Gruber, S. H.
Guéroult, Martial
Guzik, Leo
Guzzo, Augusto
Haller, R.
Hansson, Bengt
Harman, A.
Hasquin, H.
Hauser, Gerard A.
Heenen, Jacques
Henricks, Robert G.
Herman, G.
Hirsch, G.
Hirschberg, L.
Husson, Léon
Hutchins, Robert
Huysentruyt, E.
Issman, Samuel
Jankélévitch, V.
Janssens, E.
Janssens, M.
Jaumotte, A.
Jenkins, I.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Jooris, Diane
Kalinowski, Georges
Kambartel, F.
Katz, Jacob
Kaufmann, Walter
Kennedy, Richard
Klibansky, Raymond
Klug, U.
Korac, V.
Kosic, L.
Kreutner, S. J.
Kriele, H.
Kriele, Martin
Kruithof, J.
Kurtz, Paul
Kuypers, K.
La Roche, Humberto
Lagrange, S.
Laszlo, M.
Lauter, E. A.
Lebrun, P.
Leeuwen, H. van
Leeuwen, J. K. W. van
Lejeune, Cl.
Lemoine, G.
Levaux, P.
Lewin, J.
Lidzki, M.
Lombardi Vallauri, Luigi
Lombardi, F.
Loreau, M.
Losano, Mario G.
Loye, Paul de
Magrish, James L.
Mahillon, P.
Majumder, S.
Marchand, S.
Martel, K.
Martin, M.
Mattis, Henri
McKeon, Richard
Mercier, A.
Messinne, J.
Meyers, Joan
Miedzianogora, Joseph
Mihai, G.
Misrahi, R.
Mokre, J.
Moritz, Manfred
Mortier, R.
Moutoy-Otlet, S.
Mulnard, J.
Mushkat, M.
Nagels, J.
Nauwelaerts, E.
Neuman, H.
Nikam, N. A.
Oliver, Robert T.
Ooms, Y.
Opalek, Kazimierz
Ormesson, J. d'
Ossowska, M.
Pardes, M.
Parsons, Charles D.
Parsons, H. L.
Passerin d'Entrèves, A.
Peczenik, Alexander
Peeters, A.
Peeters, D.
Peeters, L.
Pennock, J. Roland
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Philippart, A.
Philippart, L.
Pieretti, Antonio
Pincoffs, Edmund L.
Plard, H.
Polin, R.
Popoff, P.
Préaux, Cl.
Pucelle, J.
Quintin, M.
Raphael, D. D.
Rapisarda, M.
Rasmont, R.
Reidel, A.
Reignier, J.
Riepe, Dale
Riverso, E.
Robinet, André
Rotenstreich, Nathan
Rotter, Frank
Ryle, G.
Saner, H.
Schlanger, J.
Schnarch, A.
Schneider, P.
Schossberger, Emily M.
Schreiber, M.
Schreier, F.
Segers, Fr.
Seldin, Harry M.
Sellars, Wilfrid
Serayen, P. F.
Serra, A.
Shapiro, Leon
Silance, L.
Silber, Gordon R.
Sosa, Ernest
Spaimann, R.
Spanoghe, E.
Speeckaert, G. P.
Spire, G.
Spirito, U.
Stalens, R. F.
Steinberg, L.
Stengers, J.
Sternfeld, Robert
Sterngeld, J.
Susskind, D.
Tagliacozzo, G.
Terrasse, J.
Thayer, Lee
Tolkowsky, Anne
Totok, W.
Trotignon, P.
Troubetzkoi, N.
Unger, S.
Van Breda, H. L.
Van De Wiele, J.
Van Den Broeck, R.
Van Den Neucker, P.
Van Doren, John
Van Lysebeth, A.
Vanbergen, P.
Vandeveld, A.
Vandeveld, J.
Van Quickenborne, Marc
Vauthier, Fr.
Verdiere, R.
Vermeylen, P.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Villey, Michel
Volta, F.
Wahrig, Gerhard
Walter, John
Wangermée, R.
Weinberger, Ota
Weiss, Paul
Wellens, R.
Werber, A.
Weyenbergh, M.
Weynand, J.
Wheeler, Harvey
Whitman, M. Jay
Wilkinson, John
Willems, Jean
Wilson, John
Winston, Kenneth
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Wroblewsky, V.
Yoffey, Betty
Zayat, G.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
General outgoing correspondence, 1971
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 37.2.
Abe, Masso
Alquié, F.
Anceschi, L.
Apostel, Leo
Archambault, F.
Arnold, Carroll C.
Ashman, J.
Asquith, C. Q.
Balliu, J.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Bastait's, M.
Batiffol, Henri
Bauer, Yehuda
Bekaert, Hermann
Belin-Milleron, Jean
Bell, Robert E.
Bernard, H.
Beth-Pastoor, C.
Betz, Joseph
Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
Bitzer, Lloyd F.
Boffa, M.
Bonjean, P.
Bordat, L.
Bosco, Nynfa
Boyer, M.
Braem, Y.
Brajbart, Sarah
Brandhof, P. H. van den
Bronfman, Allan
Brouckmans, A.
Buhr, M.
Caenegem, R. van
Calogero, Guido
Chalus, P.
Charnay, J. P.
Chas, A.
Cherrick, B.
Christie, George C.
Christoff, D.
Coing, H. C.
Cornet, C.
Couloubaritsis, S.
Crahay, F.
Damascelli, N.
Damiens, S.
David, A.
De Coster, Sylvain
De Groodt, Francis
De Meester, A. M.
De Paepe, J.-L.
De Schaepdryver, A.
De Vries-Tolkowsky, D.
De Waelhens, A.
Debons, Anthony
Degreve, D.
Delsemme, Paul
Dhanis, Et.
Dhondt, J.
Dierieckx, J.
Dopp, J.
Doucy, A.
Duméry, Henry
Dupaquier, J.
Duwez, B.
Ellis, Eva
Engisch, Karl
Esser, J.
Estenne, J.
Evens, R.
Everts, Ph. P.
Fisher, John
Flam, L.
Florescu, Vasile
Flower, Elizabeth
Foriers, Paul
Fourquin, G.
François, L.
Friedrich, C. J.
Fuller, Lon L.
Gabriel, L.
Galimberti, A.
Ganshof van der Meersch,
W. J.
Gardies, J. L.
Geraets, Th. F.
Gilson, D.
Giuliani, Alessandro
Gochet, Paul
Goffin, P.
Goldfarb, S.
Gonseth, Ferdinand
Goodman, John
Gottschalk, M.
Gouhier, Henri
Grize, Jean-Blaise
Grosjean, Marcel
Grude, M.
Grunebaum, G. E. von
Gruslin, R.
Guéroult, Martial
Guillet, J.
Gutwirth, T.
Guzzo, Augusto
Haas, Richard
Halpérin, J.
Harman, A.
Harsin, Paul
Hatry, P.
Heenen, Jacques
Heiber, M.
Heide, J. ter
Hendriks, M. Th.
Hess, I.
Hill, Patrick
Hollander, H. d'
Horn, J. A.
Huberlant, Charles
Husson, Léon
Indan, Franciszek
Jacob, A.
Janne, Henri
Jaumotte, A.
Jeu, B.
Johnson, George W.
Joly, R.
Jorgensen, S.
Kallen, Horace M.
Kaplan, A.
Kelman, Cl.
Kelsen, Hans
Keuleers, S.
Kint, G.
Kirkpatrick, J.
Kirschen, E. S.
Klenner, H.
Klibansky, Raymond
Kluback, William
Kotarbinski, R.
Kotarbinsky, Y.
Kurgan van Hentenrijk
Kuypers, K.
La Roche, Humberto
Langemeijer, G. E.
Laurent, André
Lavalleye, J.
Lavalleye, J. de
Laye, Fr.
Lebrun, Pierre
Legros, Robert
Lemoine, G.
Levaux, P.
Levaux, R.
Levolay, S.
Levy, J.
Lieftinck, G.
Limpens, J.
Lombardi Vallauri, Luigi
Lombardi, F.
Losano, M. G.
Löwith, K.
Maes, H. H.
Magrish, James L.
Mangouni, Norman
Many, M.
Marcic, R.
Marty, Françoise
Marx, J.
Massin, R.
Masure, J.
Mattis, Monica
McLean, George F.
Mechelynck, A.
Mercier, A.
Miedzianogora, Joseph
Minet, P.
Minguet, Philippe
Miwa, Masashi
Moerman, Michael
Moffat, Robert C. L.
Monsallier, A.
Motte, M.-Th.
Moulin, R.
Negro, Paola
Nicol, E.
Noulet de Carner, E.
Nowak, L.
Oppenheim, Félix
Orgels-Stoumon, M.
Ormesson, Jean d'
Osterrieth, P. A.
Pareyson, L.
Parker, Douglas H.
Passerin d'Entrèves, A.
Pater, W. A. de
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Piaget, Jean
Pinto, José Delgado
Ponchau, J. P.
Poulaert, L.
Prawer, J.
Preece, Warren E.
Recaséns Siches, L.
Reitema, C. D.
Rhodius, Félix V. J.
Richert, Ulla
Richez, F.
Rijlant, P.
Robinet, André
Rock, W. P.
Roitman, S.
Rosen, Donia
Rosen, Haiim B.
Rotenstreich, Nathan
Rotter, F.
Salmon, J.
Saucet, J.
Schalk, Carol
Schnarch, A.
Schneider, P.
Schnek, A.
Schönstedt, E.
Schossberger, E.
Schreier, F.
Servais, A.
Shapiro, Leon
Shulewitz, M. H.
Silance, L.
Sojcher, Jacques
Spisani, Franco
Starkey, Lawrence H.
Steinberg, Lucien
Stengers, J.
Susskind, D.
Szawarski, Zbigniev
Tammelo, Ilmar
Tatarkiewicz, L.
Thomas, C. L.
Totok, W.
Unger, S.
Uyttebrock, François
Van Bever, P.
Van Breda, H. L.
Van Calster, G.
Van Der Donckt, A.
Van Der Haegen, E.
Van Der Tael
Van Imper
Van Oudenhove, M.-M.
Van Steenbergh
Van Steenberghen, F.
Vanbergen, P.
Vandamme, Fernand
Vandenbosch, Th.
Vanderlinden, J.
Vanderstichelen, D.
Vanescote, D.
Van Quickenborne, Marc
Vanwelkenhuyzen, A.
Varga, Csaba
Vauthier, Fr.
Verecken, J. P.
Verhaegen, B.
Vermeersch, E.
Vernengo, Mario A.
Villey, Michel
Waterlot, R.
Weinberger, Ota
Wellens, E.
Wellens, Robert
Werber, A.
Weyembergh, M.
Wheeler, Harvey
Wilkinson, John
Williams, Bruce R.
Winston, Kenneth I.
Wolgang, A.
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Yadin, Yigael
Yonescu, O.
Zajtman-Brajbart, S.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Zuidema, W.
Zyskind, Harold
General outgoing correspondence, 1972
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 38.1.
Allen, A.
Anguelov, Stefan
Apostel, Leo
Arandhelovic, V.
Armogathe, J. R.
Arnold, Carroll C.
Aron, R.
Aubert, C.
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Bagolini, L.
Balis, J.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Baruk, Henri
Bauer, Yehuda
Baugniet, J.
Bayer, R.
Becourt, D.
Beinart, H.
Belaval, Y.
Bell, Robert E.
Berchem, Ch.
Bertho, Y.
Betchov, Greti
Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
Bitzer, Lloyd F.
Blumenberg, H.
Bobbio, Norberto
Bolland, M.
Bordat, L.
Brajbart, Sarah
Brkic, Jovan
Brusiin, Otto
Buhr, M.
Bunge, M.
Calogero, Guido
Cambier, G.
Cappelletti, V.
Cartwright, J. C.
Castelli Gattinara, E.
Cherrick, Bernard
Crable, Richard E.
Cschnarch, A.
D'Andrea, A.
Danko, Kathy
Davids, Arthur
De Bersaques, A.
De Fre, G.
De Smedt, R. E.
Degreve, D.
Delattre, M.
Delgado Ocando, J. M.
Deschepper, J. P.
Devaux, Philippe
Dorsey, Gray L.
Dorsinfang-Smets, A.
Duméry, Henry
Dumont, J.
Dupréel, Jean
Ectors, L.
Eikema Hommes, H. J. van
Esser, J.
Evrard, J.
Ewing, A. C.
Ferrabino, A.
Fisher, John
Flam, L.
Florescu, Vasile
Fontenoy, S.
Foriers, Paul
Fuller, Lon L.
Gabriel, L.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Ganshof van der Meersch,
W. J.
Garcin, Ph.
Gardies, J. L.
Gelernter, R.
Genion, R.
Giampiero, S.
Gianformaggio Bastida,
Gijsel, J.
Gijsens, G.
Ginossar, Shalev
Gistelinck, G.
Giuliani, Alessandro
Gochet, Paul
Goldschmidt, V.
Gottlieb, Gidon
Gouhier, Henri
Grosjean, Marcel
Gruslin, Robert
Harman, Avraham
Harroy, J. P.
Harsin, P.
Heiber, M.
Heide, J. ter
Heriard-Dubreuil, J.
Hoftetter, J.
Hoppen, Gregor
Horn, Jules A.
Huberlant, C.
Hubien, H.
Husson, Léon
Indan, Franciszek
Ionescu, Octavian
Jacobs, O.
Jaumotte, A.
Javeau, Claude
Jeuniaux, R.
Jodogne, O.
Johnson, George W.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Kalinowski, Georges
Kallen, H. M.
Kampits, P.
Karasimeonov, G.
Kirschen, E. S.
Klenner, H.
Klibansky, Raymond
Kluback, William
Kuczynski, J.
Lal, A. B.
Langemeijer, G. E.
Lavalleye, J.
Layeux, J. J.
Le Pera, S.
Lebrun, P.
Legaz y Lacambra, L.
Lejeune, Cl.
Levarlet, H.
Levaux, Paul
Levaux, Ph.
Levi, R.
Levy-Valensi, Amado
Limpens, J.
Losano, Mario G.
Löwith, Karl
Magrish, James L.
Margittay, T.
Marrou, H. I.
Marx, J.
Mattis, H.
McDougall, C. M.
Mercier, A.
Michel, J.
Michman, Dan
Miedzianagora, Joseph
Mihai-Luceni, Gh.
Monsallier, A.
Motyl, E.
Mouloud, N.
Moureaux, Ph.
Munoz, S. V.
Najman, D.
Negro, Paola
Nicol, E.
Nicollier, A.
Norris, Barnard
Ohana, J.
Opalek, Kazimierz
Ormesson, J. d'
Parain Vial
Parret, H.
Passerin d'Entrèves, A.
Peden, W. Creighton
Philippart, A.
Piel, J.
Plechko, Nicolas N.
Polin, R.
Poltawski, A.
Pompa, Catherine L.
Poole, Jr.
Poulaert, L.
Préaux, J.
Prigogine, I.
Probst, David
Raphaël, D. D.
Reale, M.
Remy, Ch.
Rescher, Nicholas
Riepe, Dale
Rigaux, F.
Ritz, H.
Robinet, André
Roitman, S.
Rosdorff, W.
Rotenstreich, Nathan
Rotter, Frank
Rubenstein, C.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Saame, O.
Salmon, J.
Sanchez-Mazas, M.
Sass, H. M.
Schaff, A.
Schneider, P.
Schossberger, E.
Schottlaender, R.
Schuhl, P. M.
Schuhl, Y.
Schurmans, H. J. A.
Shapiro, Leon
Simpson, Margery E.
Sobel, Jane
Soetemans, A.
Spongano, R.
Srzednicki, Jan
Starkey, Lawrence H.
Steinberg, L.
Stengers, J.
Stenmans, A.
Studdert-Kennedy, Michael
Swartz, Norman
Szyfman, L.
Tagliacozzo, G.
Tarnoi, Laszlo
Terrier, Olivier
Theodorides, J.
Thies, E.
Thomas, E.
Thomson, M. A.
Topitsch, E.
Torfs, J.-Cl.
Unger, S.
Van Bever, P.
Van Breda, H. L.
Van Cauwelaert, Mia
Van De Velde, P.
Van De Wiele, J.
Van Der Donckt, A.
Van Der Ploeg, Ellen-C.
Van Der Zwalmen, Georges
Van Geyt, E.
Van Hove, E.
Van Osta, Frans
Vanbergen, P.
Van Quickenborne, Marc
Vanwelkenhuyzen, A.
Varga, Csaba
Vauthier, M.
Vermeulen, P.
Vernier, M.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Villey, Michel
Visser't Hooft, H. Ph.
Wakana, G.
Weinberger, Ota
Wellens, R.
Wheeler, Harvey
Wilkinson, John
Winterowd, W. Ross
Woitchik, M.
Wolfs, J.
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Yoos, George E.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Zuidema, W.
General outgoing correspondence, 1973
Languages: French; English. Volume: 5.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 38.2.
Abel, Armand
Abrahams, J.
Abrahams, Raymond
Aebi, M.
Agazzi, Evrando
Albritton, James S.
Alexander, Hubert G.
Allen, Andrew
Allen, Reginald
Alquié, F.
Alquié, M.
Altenhoff, W.
Amado Levy Valensi, E.
Angelov, D.
Anguelov, Stefan
Apostel, Leo
Armogathe, J. R.
Aron, R.
Aubert, Catherine
Baczko, B.
Baes, J.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Baruk, Henri
Bayart, A.
Beck, R. N.
Beinart, H.
Belaval, Y.
Belin-Milleron, Jean
Bendor, S.
Benizri, R.
Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
Bingen, Jean
Blackstone, William T.
Blum, Helen Esther
Bobbio, Norberto
Bok, Willy
Borbe, Tasso
Bordat, L.
Bosco, Nynfa
Brachfeld, S.
Brock, J.
Brusiin, Otto
Buice, Lee
Byrne, Edmund
Cacoullos, Ann R.
Calogero, Guido
Caponigri, A. Robert
Cappelletti, V.
Carvalho, Manoel Joaquim Jr.
Caws, Peter
Cervera, Alejo de
Christel, E.
Chrupek, Zbigniew
Cornet d'Elzius, [Comte]
Crahay, F.
Croissant, J.
Dambska, T.
Danblon, Paul
D'Andrea, Antonio
Daniel, Zigi
David, Aurel
Davies, Moshe
De Kegel, W.
De Meester, A. M.
De Raeymaeker, O.
De Sturber, J.
De Visscher, P.
Delgado Ocando
Delkeskamp, Corinna
Demeure, S.
Deswarte, W.
Dethier, H.
Devaux, Philippe
Devolder, E.
Dieter Muller, Hans
Dieu, G.
Donagan, Alan
Dorsey, Gray
Duméry, Henry
Dumon, Frédéric
Dumont, J. P.
Dumont, Michel
Dunes, A.
Engisch, Karl
Esser, Josef
Estenne, D.
Farber, M.
Filipovic, Vladimir
Fisher, John
Florescu, Vasile
Forberger, S.
Foriers, Paul
Forni, G.
Foulkes, T.
Fournier, Marie Hélène
Frankel, Charles
Freilich, F.
Fresco, M.
Friedrich, C. J.
Funke, Gerhard
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Gandillac, M. de
Ganovski, G.
Ganovski, Sava
Ganshof van der Meersch,
Gardiès, J. L.
Gaul, Hilde
Gerulli, Enrico
Gianformaggio Bastida,
Gibson, Kathleen
Giuliani, Alessandro
Gobry, I.
Gochet, Paul
Goffin, Pierre
Goldberg, A. S.
Goldman, Jean
Gouhier, Henri
Grice, G. R.
Grosjean, Marcel
Gruslin, Robert
Grynpas, J.
Guéroult, Martial
Gutwirth, Rudolf
Guzzo, Augusto
Haarscher, Guy
Hanssens, Olivier
Harroy, Jean-Paul
Hatry, P.
Havaux, A. M.
Heide, J. ter
Hermant, M.
Herremans, H. P.
Hochbaum, Jerry
Hollander, H. d'
Hommes, H. J. van
Hottois, Gilbert
Houtart, Edouard
Huberlant, Charles
Hubien, H.
Husson, Léon
Indan, Franciszek
Innis, I.
Innis, Robert
Ionescu, Octavian
Jankélévitch, V.
Janssens, E.
Jaumotte, A.
Joly, R.
Jonas, N.
Kalinowski, Georges
Klami, Hannu Tapani
Klibansky, Paul
Klibansky, Raymond
Kluback, B.
Kohlenberger, Helmut
Konvitz, Milton R.
Kosing, Alfred
Kozesnik, Jaromir
Kuczynski, Janusz
Kurtz, Paul
Kuypers, K.
Kuypers, N. V.
Laitat, Jean
Laitat, Jean
Langemeijer, G. E.
Lavalleye, J.
Laye, Fr.
Lebeer, L.
Lefebvre, H.
Legaz y Lacambra, Luis
Lehmann, Q.
Levaux, Paul
Levinas, E.
Liebmann-Frankfurt, Th.
Lojacono, E.
Lombardi Vallauri, Luigi
Lopez Calera, N. M.
Lowinger, Daniel
Löwith, Ada
Luhmann, N.
Magel, Charles
Magrish, Conrad
Magritte, Georgette
Marchal, A.
Margolis, Joseph
Marion, Jean-Luc
Marrone, Romualdo
Masai, François
Masure, J.
Mattarozzi, Mirella
Mercier, A.
Mickiewicza, Im. A.
Miedzianagora, Joseph
Misset, H. A. J. F.
Miwa, Masashi
Moeremans-Delferier, Carine
Moisil, G. C.
Monsallier, A.
Moulin, Léo
Mushkat, M.
Naert, Emilienne
Negro, P.
Nesher, Aryeh
Norris, B.
Ohana, J.
Ohe, Seizo
Olsen, Leslie Ann
Oprisan, C.
Ormesson, J. d'
Osa, Frias de la
Osterrieth, Paul
Pandeya, R. C.
Panikkar, Raymond
Parain Vial
Pardes, Markus
Paulhac, G.
Pavlov, T.
Pettit, Philip
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Philippart, A.
Pins, Arthur M.
Polena, Gianfrano
Polin, R.
Popoff, Peter N.
Preece, Warren E.
Raphael, David D.
Rappaport, Fr.
Reale, Miguel
Rescher, Nicholas
Rivero, I.
Robinet, André
Robinson, Jonathan
Roegholt, Richter
Rosen, Donia
Rotenstreich, Nathan
Rotter, Frank
Ruytinx, Jacques
Saame, Otto
Sallade, Jacqueline
Sargent, Marion
Schnarch, Adolphe
Schneider, Peter
Schoordijk, H. C. F.
Schreier, Fr.
Sebeok, Th. A.
Segre, Beniamino
Serres, Michel
Servais, M.
Servais, S.
Shuman, S. U.
Silberberg, N.
Sirat, R.
Smedt, Marc de
Soffer, Joseph
Sojcher, Jacques
Srzednicki, Jan
Stallknecht, Newton
Starchenko, St.
Steinberg, Lucien
Strasser, S.
Sullivan, Edward O.
Sullivan, Laurie
Svilar, Maja
Svilar, S.
Szabo, Imre
Tassara, Andres Ollero
Tennessen, H.
Thayer, Lee
Theodorides, A.
Topitsch, E.
Unger, S.
Van Breda, H.
Van Compernolle, Jacques
Van Compernolle, R.
Van Gerven, W.
Van Steenberghen, F.
Vandeveld, Jean
Van Quickenborne, Marc
Vansier, Boris
Ven, J. J. M. van der
Vermeulen, Marc
Vermeulen, P.
Verosta, Stephan
Verstraeten, Pierre
Wakana, Gélase
Wallace, Karl E.
Wauthoz, M.
Weil, E.
Weinberger, Ota
Wewel, M.
Willems, Paul
Wolfson, H. A.
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Yamasaki, Beatrice T.
Zabludowski, Andrzej
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Zinoviev, A.
General outgoing correspondence, 1974
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 39.1.
Abrahams, R.
Aguilar, M.
Alapetite, G.
Anceschi, L.
Apostel, Leo
Arnold, Carroll C.
Aronstein, Claude Serge
Aronstein, G.
Aubert, C
Baczko, B.
Bagolini, L.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Barilli, Renato
Basave Fernandez Del Valle,
Phil. A.
Batiffol, Henri
Bauer, Y.
Bayart, A.
Bedeschi, G.
Biemel, W.
Bingen, J.
Bock, W.
Boey, Koen
Booth, Wayne
Boullart, K. E.
Brachet, Jean
Brachfeld, S.
Brachot, Isy
Brand-Maher, C. E
Broekman, Jan M.
Buch, E.
Calogero, Guido
Campagnolo, U.
Caponigri, A. Robert
Cappelletti, V.
Castermans, J.
Cauman, Leigh S.
Chaki, E.
Chipman, J.
Cirkovic, Sima
Clément-Backès, Catherine
Coenraets, H.
Colinet, J.
Cukier, B.
D’Andrea, A.
Davis, Moshe
De Bock-Doehaerd, R.
De Mayer, J.
De Meester
De Ryck, R. G.
Delgado Ocando, José M.
Denis, P.
Dethier, F.
Dockx, S.
Dorsey, Gray L.
Dougherty, Jude
Duméry, Henry
Dumoncel, J. Cl.
Dunes, A.
Dupréel, Jean
Ehninger, Douglas
Engisch, Karl
Esser, J.
Farnham, Nicholas
Ferstenberg, P. N
Filipovic, Vladimir
Fischer, J.
Forberger, S.
Foriers, Paul
Forni, G.
Francois, L.
Franklin, C. E.
Freund, J.
Friedrich, C. J.
Funke, Gerhard
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Ganovski, S.
Ganovsky, S.
Gardies, J. L.
Gerber, William
Gianformaggio Bastida,
Gistelinck, G.
Giuliani, Alessandro
Gochet, Paul
Godeaux, L.
Goffin, Pierre
Goldberg, E.
Golden, James L.
Goren, Z.
Gortari, E. de
Gouhier, Henri
Grosjean, Marcel
Grzegorski, Zdzislaw
Guéroult, Martial
Gutwirth, R.
Halen, H.
Hartgerink, H.
Havas, Péter
Holdcroft, David
Hoppen, Gregor
Horn, J.
Horvath, Adam
Hostettler, Gordon F.
Hottois, Gilbert
Huberlant, C.
Hubien, H.
Husson, Léon
Huyberechts, S.
Huytinx, J.
Indan, Franciszek
Innis, Robert
Ionescu, Octavian
Jacob, A.
Jacob, M.
Jamison, D.
Jamison, David L.
Jeuniaux, Roger
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Kahlenberg, P.
Kamenkan, E.
Kaplan, Barbara
Kerchove, M. van de
Kerszberg, Pierre
Kint, G.
Klenner, H.
Klibansky, Raymond
Kluback, William
Kohlenberger, H.
Konvitz, R.
Krings, J. E.
Krzywicki-Herburt, G.
Kuczynski, J.
Laitat, J.
Lambrechts, M.
Larock, V.
Lavalleye, J.
Lazzaro, Giorgio
Lebrun, Y.
Leeuw, A. J. van der
Legaz y Lacambra, L.
Levaux, P.
Lombardi, F.
Lucas, Th.
Lukic, R.
Magritte, G.
Malen, Gustavo
Manfred, Ernest F.
Markovic, M.
Marrone, Romualdo
Marty, Françoise
Mathieu, V.
Matthews, John
Mattis, Henri
Mayence, S.
Mercier, André
Mesthene, E. G.
Miedzianagora, Joseph
Minguet, Philippe
Moerman, Michael
Narsky, I.
Negro, P.
Nesher, A.
Neuberger, A.
Newburger, Robert
Nicol, E.
Nussman, Charles
Ohe, S.
Oliveira, H. U. d’
Ormesson, Jean d’
Osiatynski, W.
Panikkar, R
Pardes, M.
Parret, H.
Paul, Kegan
Paulhac, G.
Peczenik, Alexander
Pelc, Jerzy
Perlberger, J.
Petsch, Danuta
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Philippart, A.
Pioro, M.
Polin, R.
Porto, S.
Potts, Timothy
Preece, Warren E.
Rabin, Y.
Ravid, M.
Reale, M.
Rescher, N.
Robaye-Geelen, Fr.
Robberechts, E.
Robilant, E.
Robinet, André
Rodriguez, Fausto E.
Roesle, P. Max A.
Roser, D.
Rotenstreich, Nathan
Rotter, Frank
Rousseau, Christian
Royère, [ ?] de la
Ruben, D. H.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Salmon, J.
Scarpelli, Y.
Schenker, A.
Schilpp, P. A.
Schnarch, A.
Schnarch, M.
Schneider, P.
Schouls, Peter A.
Sebeok, Thomas A.
Servais, Max
Servais, S.
Sesta, Mario Bernardo
Shehaby, N.
Shorr, Hava
Siegenthaler, B. M
Silance, L.
Silverman, Simon
Simon, M.
Sojcher, Jacques
Somerhausen, Marc
Stajner, R.
Starkey, L. H.
Sterken, J.
Stoffels, L. J. M.
Studdert-Kennedy, Michael
Sutton, S.
Tarello, G.
Tarnoi, Laszlo
Tranchant, H.
Umiker-Sebeok, Donna Jean
Unger, S.
Van Compernolle
Van de Meulebroeke, M.
Van Frassen, C.
Van Geyt, E.
Van Steenberghen, F.
Van Welkenhuyzen
Vandevelde, E.
Vannineuse, A.
Varga, X.
Vauthier, Fr.
Ve*, J. M. van der
Veen, [ ?] van
Verbeiren, J.
Vermeulen, P.
Villey, Michel
Visser’t Hooft, H. Ph.
Weinberger, Ota
Weisgerber, J.
Weiss, Paul
Weser, M.
Wewel, Meinolf
Weyembergh, M.
Wigoder, G.
Wijeratne, P. Brian
Wilkinson, J.
Willems, G.
Winston, Kenneth I.
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Wroblewsky, V.
Yoos, George E.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Zuidema, W.
General outgoing correspondence, 1975
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 39.2.
Abrahams, R.
Agazzi, Evandro
Alquié, F.
Andre-Vincent, J.
Apostel, Leo
Aubert, Catherine
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Baczko, B.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Banovsky, S.
Basyn, J.
Batiffol, Henri
Baumgardt, David
Bayart, A.
Becker, V. N.
Bertoldi, G.
Biltiau, Ph.
Bingen, J.
Bird, G. H.
Bo, C.
Boenders, Fr.
Bok, W.
Brand-Maher, *. E.
Broekman, Jan M.
Bunge, M.
Bursztein, M.
Buyssens, E.
Cameron, Robin
Capelle, J.
Caponigri, A. Robert
Carbonnier, J.
Carvalho, M. J. Junior de
Caws, Peter
Chagoll, L.
Chantrel-Riols, F.
Claessens, M.
Cohen, R.
Cohen, Yaacov
Davies, Moshe
De Kegel, W.
De Keyser, W.
De Meester, A. M.
De Raeymaeker, O.
De Smet, Nicaise
De Visscher, P.
Dequeker, L.
Dero Jacob, A. C.
Dethier, F.
Dorsey, Gray
Doucy, A.
Duméry, Henry
Dumon, F.
Dunes, A.
Dupriez, L.
Edel, A.
Eikema Hommes, H. J. van
Engisch, Karl
Esser, J.
Ferrater Mora, J.
Filipovic, Vladimir
Fishman, S.
Florescu, Vasile
Foriers, Paul
Franco, J.
Frappier, Georges
Funke, G.
Gabriel, L.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Ganovski, S.
Ganshof van der Meersch,
W. J.
Gardies, J. L.
Giovannangeli, D.
Gochet, Paul
Godeaux, J.
Goffin, P.
Golahny, F. R.
Goldberger, Emanuel
Gortari, E. de
Grosjean, Marcel
Guéroult, Martial
Guigui, A.
Guzzo, Augusto
Habachi, R.
Halkin, L.
Haller, R.
Hartzell, Stuart B.
Hauser, Gerard A.
Heenen, Jacques
Heiber, M.
Hermant, H.
Hermant, M.
Hirsch, G.
Hoflack, N.
Holdcroft, D.
Horn, J. A.
Hostettler, F.
Huberlant, Charles
Hubien, H.
Husson, Léon
Ijsseling, S.
Ionescu, Octavian
Isaye, [R. P.] G.
Jankélévitch, V.
Janne, Henri
Jeammaud, A.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Jorion, E.
Kahn, Sidney L. Jr
Keiffer, Dominique
Kessler, E.
Kisch, I.
Klein, Y.
Klenner, H.
Klibansky, Raymond
Kluback, B.
Kluback, William
Kohlenberger, Helmut
Korner, S.
Kosing, A.
Koslk, K.
Kotarbinski, Th.
Kronfeld, J.
Kruithof, J.
Kuczynski, Janusz
Ladd, J.
Ladrière, J.
Laine, F.
Laitat, J.
Lallemand, R.
Lamaraue, Peter
Lang, Herbert
Langemeijer, G. E.
Lazzaro, G.
Legaz y Lacambra, L.
Leroy, M.
Levaux, P.
Levy, L.
Loewe, L.
MacCormick, Neil
Madelbrot, B. B.
Maneli, Mieczyslaw
Marchili, L. A.
Marty, F.
Marty, Françoise
Marx, W.
Mast, L.
Matrai, L.
McKeon, Richard
McLean, G.
McNally, J. R.
Mechoulan, N.
Mercier, A.
Mercier-Nelisse, F.
Meyer, Michel
Minguet, Philipe
Modave, J. P.
Moder, Ulrike
Moreau, P. F.
Mortier, R.
Moulin, Léo
Mugnier-Pollet, L.
Mushkat, M.
Narsky, I. S.
Nijhoff, Ed.
Nijhoff, Martinus
Nowak, Leszek
O’Connor, David
Ohe, S.
Oktem, Niyazi
Oliveira, H. U. Jessurun d’
Opalek, Kazimierz
Orsen, B.
Otto, S.
Paradis, Ch.
Parten, J. R.
Pazner, Ch.
Pelc, Jerzy
Peppinghaus, B.
Peppinghaus, G.
Petzold Pernìa, Hermann
Philémon II
Philippson, P.
Pioro, M.
Pirson, R.
Pitte, Margaret M. van de
Pohl, J.
Polin, R.
Porto, S.
Potts, Timothy
Rambaudi, Danièle
Raphael, D. D.
Recaséns Siches, L.
Richir, M.
Robinet, André
Rochman, A.
Rodriguez, Fausto E.
Rosen, D.
Rotenstreich, Nathan
Ruytinx, Jacques
Salmeron, F.
Salmon, J.
Salmone, M.
Sarlet, H.
Sarlet, M.
Schnarch, A.
Schrimpf, G.
Schweitzer, J.
Screvens, R.
Servais, J. L.
Servais, M.
Shehaby, Nabil
Sinclair, David
Sloane, Thomas O.
Somerhausen, M.
Squilbeck, A.
Strasser, S.
Studdert-Kennedy, Michael
Summers, Robert S
Szabo, I.
Szrednicki, J.
Teirlynck, J.
Tjeenk, W. E. J.
Tol, G. van
Troper, M.
Tucker, John
Unger, S.
Van Cauwelaerts
Van de Meulebroeke, M.
Van den Eynde, A.
Vandamme, F.
Vandermeulen, W.
Vardi, M.
Ven, J. J. M. van der
Verecken, G.
Verhaegen, J.
Vermeersch, E.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Villey, Michel
Visser’t Hooft, H. Ph.
Wahl, François
Wakana, Gélase
Weisgerber, Jean
Westerveld, E. C.
White, E. E.
Willink, Tjeenk
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Wróblewski, V.
Yoos, George E.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Zuidema, W. H.
General outgoing correspondence, 1976
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 39.3.
Alapetite, G.
Allen, J.
Andreux, M. L.
Apostel, Leo
Arnould, F.
Aubert, Catherina
Bailhache, P.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Banderbeeken, U. L.
Barthouil, M.
Baruk, Henri
Bayer, Wolfgang.
Becquet, Ch. Fr.
Bedeschi, G.
Benavente, J. W.
Beran, W. B.
Beres, P.
Bertoldi, G.
Bijmant, B. L.
Bodenheimer, E.
Broekman, Jan M.
Brunschwig, Jacques
Burg, Ed.
Caponigri, A. Robert
Cappelletti, V.
Carbonnier, J.
Carmin Karpman, I. J.
Castella, Paul
Cerfontaine, M. J.
Coppens, P.
Coquelet, J.
Cornil, P.
Croissant, J.
Cullen, Jane
Davis, M.
De Biasio
De Grève, M.
De Ley, H.
De Smed, R.
Debognies, R.
Del Marmol, Ch.
Deloz, M.
Delvaille, B.
Dequeker, Luc
Descamps, A. L.
Devaux, A. M.
Devaux, Philippe
Diemer, A.
Dolhen, Ch.
Doms, D.
Dorsay, Gray
Dreyfus, G.
Dunes, A.
Dupréel, Jean
Erh-Soon Tay, Alice
Esser, Josef
Fishman, J. S.
Florescu, G.
Foriers, Paul
Forkosch, Morris D.
Franklin, Norman
Frappier, G.
Ganovski, S.
Gardies, J. L.
Geraets, Th.
Gewirth, Alan
Ginossar, Shalev
Giuliani, Alessandro
Gizbert-Studnicki, T.
Gochet, Paul
Godding, Ph.
Goffin, Pierre
Goldschmidt, A.
Goldstein, E. E.
Gorbitz, E.
Gouhier, Henri
Goyard, P.
Grosjean Doutrelepont, M.
Grosjean, Marcel
Grosjean, P.
Guigui, A.
Hahn, Lewis
Hijmans, B. L.
Hirsch, G.
Hirsch, J.
Hollander, H. d’
Horn, H. R.
Hottois, Gilbert
Huberlant, Charles
Hubien, H.
Husson, Léon
Ionescu, Octavian
Ivrit Olamit, Brit
Janne, Henri
Jorgensen, S.
Kahn, Gilbert
Kalinowski, Georges
Katz, R. D.
Kerchove, M. van de
Kerem, Moshe
Kirshna, Daya
Klein, Y.
Klibansky, Raymond
Kluback, B.
Kluback, William
Köhler, G.
Kruithof, J.
Kwiatkowski, Tadeusz
Ladd, J.
Ladrière, J.
Lahaye, N.
Laine, Fr.
Laruelle, R.
Lauener, H.
Legros, Robert
Leroy, M.
Levaux, P.
Levisson, R. A.
Levy, G. D.
Lindgren, K. E.
MacCormick, Neil
MacNally, J. C.
Mahmoud, M. A.
Marcus, Marcel
Mastey, S.
Mattis, Monica
Mercier, A.
Mesnard, J.
Minguet, Philippe
Mortier, R.
Moulin, L.
Namer, E.
Neal, D. G.
Nowak, L.
Ohta, Tenrei
Opalek, Kazimierz
Ormesson, J. d’
Ost, Fr.
Outryve d’Ydewalle, Ch. van
Pailloucq, R.
Paradis, M.
Parush, Adi
Patzig, G.
Pavlov, D.
Peppinghaus, B.
Perroux, François
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Philippart, A.
Philippson, P.
Phillips, Frank
Piguet, J. Cl.
Pioro, M.
Pirart, Eric
Platon, S.
Popkin, R. H.
Popovic, S. M.
Portella, X.
Prashar, K. D.
Préaux, Cl.
Prott, Lyndel V.
Rambaudi, D.
Raucent, L.
Renauld, S. G.
Rigaux, F.
Robinet, André
Romano, R.
Rosen, Donia
Rotenstreich, N.
Rothberg, S.
Ruelle, P.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Salmon, J.
Sand, E. A.
Schneelbalg, S.
Semal, J.
Serayen, Paul
Servais, M.
Siegert, F.
Sinai, Anne
Sivadon, P.
Skey, M.
Spassov, D.
Srzednicki, Jan
Stabile, G.
Steiner, Franz
Stengers, Isabelle
Stoljar, S. J.
Stork, P.
Swiezawski, St.
Szekely, D. L.
Tagliacozzo, G.
Talmon, S.
Tartakover, A.
Tay, Alice
Tennessen, Herman
Tordeur, J.
Troper, M.
Unger, S.
Van Doren, Ch.
Van Keymeulen, M.
Van Quickenborne, Marc
Van Tol, C.
Vance, B. E.
Vanderbeeken, U. L.
Vanderhoeven, Fr.
Vanderlinden, J.
Vandeveld, J.
Varwig, F. R.
Vazquez Alfaro, G.
Verbeke, J.
Verene, Donald P.
Vergé, P.
Verhaegen, J.
Vermeersch, E.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Villey, Michel
Visser’t hooft, H. Ph.
Vital, Z.
Wach, M.
Wellman, C.
Wheeler, H.
White, E. E.
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Yoos, G. E.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Zippelius, R.
General outgoing correspondence, 1977
Languages: French; English. Volume: 5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 40.1.
Aarnio, Aulis
Abrahams, R.
Agazzi, Evandro
Ahrens, Gary A.
Allen, Andrew
Anceschi, L.
Apostel, Leo
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Backaert, Danièle
Baczko, B.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Basile, J.
Battaglia, Luisella
Baum, Lorie
Baumgarten, C.
Bauthier, Frédéric
Bayne, P.
Beaufays, J.
Beck, W.
Bell, Robert E.
Belnap, Nuel D.
Beran, Wanda B.
Bernays, Martha
Bertoldi, F.
Bertoldi, G.
Bitzer, Lloyd F.
Bloch, Jean
Bluszteyn, S.
Bobbio, Norberto
Bockstaele, P.
Bodenheimer, E.
Bok, Willy
Bordat, L.
Bornet, Jean
Bourcier, Danièle
Brock, J.
Broekman, Jan M.
Bruyns, L.
Caponigri, A. Robert
Cappelletti, Vincenzo
Carbonnier, J.
Carrion Wam, Roque E.
Castella, Paul
Ceyrat, Martine
Cherrick, Bernard
Ciampi, Costantino
Claes, Lode
Clarac, P.
Conte, Amedeo G.
Croissant, J.
Cronstrom, Ch.
Cukier, B.
Cullen, J.
Dadda, G.
Dambrot, Michel
Davis, Moshe
De Gelder
De Meester
De Raeymaeker, O.
Del Marmol
Delcarte, P.
Delvaille, G.
Dicker, G. E.
Diemer, A.
Dineur, Michel
Dorsey, Gray L.
Draeger, Cl.
Dreyfus, G.
Duchesne, J.
Duméry, Henry
Dunes, A.
Dup**ez, L.
Ehmann, John
Ehninger, Douglas
Einaudi, Giulio
Esser, Josef
Eubanks, Ralph T.
Evens, F.
Farber, Ann
Fawcett, J. E. S.
Fenstad, J. E.
Florescu, Vasile
Foque, R.
Foriers, Paul
Forkosch, Morris D.
Fourvoyeur, R.
Frankel, Charles
Franklin, Norman
Fresco, M. F.
Froment, J. L.
Fumaroli, Marc
Ganshof van der Meersch,
W. J.
Gardies, J. L.
Gavison, R.
Geraets, Theodore F.
Gilbert, Joseph
Gillis, J.
Ginossar, Shalev
Giuliani, Alessandro
Gochet, Paul
Godding, Ph.
Godfrind, D.
Goedert-Croissant, J.
Goffin, Pierre
Gregoire, Marcel
Gronbeck, Bruce E.
Grosjean, Marcel
Guigui, A.
Hart, H. L. A.
Hartman, D.
Hartnack, Justus
Hecq, Léon
Heering, H. J.
Henrard, P.
Hirsch, Guy
Hottois, Gilbert
Houba, A.
Hupfeld, Elisabeth
Husson, Léon
Hutley, F. C.
Indan, Franciszek
Ionescu, Octavian
Jackson, M. W.
Jacob, André
Jerphagnon, L.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Kabundji, J.
Kalinowski, Georges
Kamenka, Eugene
Katz, R. D.
Keller, A. J.
Klein, E.
Kleinberg, G.
Klibansky, Raymond
Kluback, B.
Kluback, William
Konopnicki, M.
Krishna, Daya
Kruger, Arthur N.
Kvart, Igal
Ladrière, Jean
Laine, F.
Laitat, Jean
Lauener, H.
Leivant, D.
Lenoble, Jacques
Leroy, M.
Levaux, P.
Levi, Ricardo Franco
Lilienthal, Philip E.
Limpens, J.
Lindgren, K. E.
MacCormick, Neil
Maingain, Olivier
Maneli, Mieczyslaw
Marty, Françoise
Marx, W.
Mathieu, B.
Mercier, A.
Michel, A.
Mirande, A.
Monsallier, Arlette
Morcrette, M.
Mortier, R.
Myhill, J.
Namer, E.
Nathan, Leonard E.
Nazroo Fulena, Ayesta
Ohe, S.
Ost, Fr.
Otto, S.
Paulhac, G.
Paumen, Jean
Pavlov, Deyan
Peeters, L.
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Pinkerneil, Beate
Pirson, R.
Podgirewski, Adam
Poirier, René
Prigogine, Ilya
Prott, Lyndel V.
Richir, M.
Robinet, André
Roermund, G. van
Romano, R.
Ronse, J.
Rosen, H.
Rosenbaum, Alan S.
Rotenstreich, Nathan
Rothberg, Samuel
Ruyssen, R.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Saame, Otto
Salmon, J.-J.
Sanders, A.
Sanders, Robert E.
Savignac, J. de
Schiwy, Günther
Schnarch, Adolphe
Schneider, Norma
Schuhl, P. M.
Shimoni, Gideon
Silance, Luc
Skey, M.
Sloane, Thomas O.
Soler, Jean
Somerhausen, Marc
Spreutels, J. P.
Srzednicki, Jan
Steinberg, Lucien
Steinberg, M.
Stokkink, Denis
Stoljar, S. J.
Stordeur, Janine
Strasser, S.
Strauss, Morris
Surma, S. J.
Tagliacozzo, G.
Tol, C. van
Torczyner, Harry
Trejbiez, J.
Truche, P.
Unger, Stella
Van Compernolle, R.
Van der Cruysse, D.
Van Geyt, E.
Van Hove, E.
Van Quickenborne
Vance, B. E.
Vandeveld, Jean
Vanwelkenhuyzen, A.
Vanwelkenhuyzen, J.
Varwig, Freyr R.
Ver Eecke, W.
Vergé, P.
Verhaegen, Jacques
Vermeylen, P.
Verna, Paola
Vickers, Brian
Villey, Michel
Visser’t Hooft, H. Ph.
Weeremantry, C. G.
Wellman, Carl
Wheeler, Harvey
Wieland, J. H.
Woodbury, Ph.
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Wulliger, A.
Wylleman, A.
Yehoshua, B.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
General outgoing correspondence, 1978
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 40.2.
Achterberg, N.
Agazzi, Evandro
Agazzi, S.
Ahrens, Gary A.
Allen, A.
Ambille, Paul
Apostel, Leo
Argullos, A.
Arnold, Carroll C.
Aubert, Catherine
Ballweg, Ottmar
Benkoski, Henri
Berns, R.
Birch, Eleanor M.
Bitzer, Lloyd F.
Bobbio, Norberto
Bok, W.
Booth, W. C.
Borbe, Tasso
Bormann, Ernest G.
Bourcier, Danielle
Bozic, L.
Broekman, Jan M.
Buis, Paul
Burms, A.
Calogero, Guido
Caponigri, A. Robert
Carrelli, Antonio
Carrion Wam, Roque E.
Castella, Paul
Causin, Eric
Cauter, Jacques
Chall, Leo P.
Cherrick, B.
Cohen, Ch.
Cohn, Haim Hermann
Conte, Amadeo G.
Cranston, Maurice
Crifo, G.
Dalgarno, M. T.
Davidson, H. M.
De Bodt, Cl.
De Coster, Sylvain
De Raeymaeker
De Visscher, Charles
De Visscher, Paul
Dejean, Christian
Dequeker, Luc
Devolder, E.
Diemer, A.
Dorsey, Gray
Duméry, Henry
Dunes, A.
Dupont-Sommer, André
Dupriez, A.
Dupriez, L. H.
Ehmann, John
Eisenmann, Charles
Esser, J.
Eubanks, Ralph T.
Fischer, Walter R.
Folena, Gianfranco
Foque, R.
Foriers, Paul
Forkosch, Morris D.
Franco, Jacques
Franklin, Norman
Fuller, M.
Gabbay, D. M.
Ganshof van der Meersch,
Gantman, André
Gardies, J. L.
Geraets, Theodore F.
Geschilder, A.
Gilbert, Joseph
Ginossar, Rivka
Gochet, Paul
Goldschmidt, A.
Gouhier, Henri
Granville, W. C. M.
Grosjean, Marcel
Grosjean, P. V.
Guzik, Leo
Haiman, F. S.
Harlow, John
Heering, H. J.
Henket, M.
Henrard, Paul
Herremans, Jacqueline
Herrick, James A.
Hintikka, Merrill
Hirsch, G.
Hottois, Gilbert
Houba, A.
Hubien, H.
Ioan, Petru
Jacques, Francis
Jerphagnon, Lucien
Kalinowski, Georges
Kaufmann, Walter
Kessler, Eckhard
Klibansky, Raymond
Kluback, J.
Kluback, B.
Kluback, William
Kornberg, J.
Krawietz, Werner
Krings, E.
Kuipers, J. C.
Lacey, Michael J.
Lachs, Manfred
Laitat, Jean
Legros, Robert
Lemaire, Anika
Lenoble, Jacques
Levi, E.
Levi, Franco Ricardo
Levi, R. F.
Levy, J. Ph.
Limpens, J.
Lucas, Th.
Lugarini, Leo
Maneli, Mieczyslaw
Marchal, Bruno
Marghidanu, D.
Marias, J.
Marx, Werner
Mattioli, E.
Méchoulan, Henry
Mertens, P.
Michot, J.
Minguet, Philippe
Mirande, Anne
Miwa, Masashi
Moffat, Robert C. L.
Morabito, R.
Moulin, Léo
Muralt, André de
Mushkat, M.
Namer, Émile
Nuchelmans, N.
Ohe, S.
Ottonello, P. P.
Paulhac, G.
Paumen, Jean
Peczenik, Alexander
Pelc, Jerzy
Pelc, Y.
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Philippart, A.
Pierobon, Frank
Pioro, Maurice
Plett, E.
Plett, H. F.
Prigogine, I.
Prott, Lyndel V.
Rifflet, Jacques
Robinet, André
Rogowski, Andrzej
Roman, Michel
Rosenbaum, Alan S.
Rotenstreich, N.
Rothberg, S.
Ruyssen, R.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Salmon, J.
Sass, Hans-Martin
Saunier, J.
Schaff, A.
Schiwy, Günther
Schlanger, J.
Schmidt, Jochen W.
Schnarch, A.
Schnarch, M.
Scholem, G.
Schuermans, J.
Scott, Robert L.
Semal, Jean
Sermoneta, G. J.
Simon, J.
Sinaceur, A.
Skey, Malcolm
Sloane, Thomas O.
Soler, Jean
Spiegel, D.
Spilman, I. R.
Spreutels, Jean P.
Strasser, S.
Summers, Robert S.
Susskind, David
Tarnowski, B.
Tille, Luc
Tunc, A
Unger, S.
Van Compernolle
Van Gucht, G.
Van Keymeulen, Marc
Van Roermund, Bert
Van Roermund, G.
Van Tol
Vance, B. E.
Vandamme, F.
Vanderveken, Daniel
Vandeveld, Jean
Varwig, Freyr Roland
Vasoli, C.
Verbrugghe, DominiqueXavier
Verna, Paola
Verstraeten, Pierre
Veto, Miklos
Vickers, Brian
Visser’t Hooft, H. Ph.
Weinberger, Ota
Weinstadt, Pierre
Wellman, Carl
Wewel, M.
Wong York Woom
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Yadin, Igal
Yadin, Uri
Zamir, Itzhak
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Zyskind, Harold
General outgoing correspondence, 1979
Languages: French; English. Volume: 3.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 40.3.
Aarnio, Aulis
Achterberg, N.
Aderaldo, Flavio G.
Agazzi, Evando
Aguilar, J.
Alapetite, G.
Apostol, Pavel
Argullos, Alexandre
Arnold, Carroll C.
Ballweg, Ottmar
Barker, Evelyn M.
Bar-On, A. Z.
Batiffol, Henri
Beaujour, Michel
Beaulieu, Nina
Bennett, William J.
Berliner, C.
Bird, Thomas E.
Bloch, Jean
Bodenheimer, E.
Bongard, Waldemar
Brockhaus, F. A.
Broekman, Jan M.
Browning, John
Campbell, William D.
Causin, Eric
Ceyrat, Martine
Cohn, Ch.
Cohn, Haim Hermann
Couvreur, N.
Cranston, Maurice
Curiel Benfield, José Luis
Dalgarno, M. T.
Davin, Louis
Day, J. P.
De Kegel, W.
De Raeymaeker, O.
Deflandre, Andrée M.
Denis, Gaston
Diemer, A.
Dreyfus, Ginette
Duméry, Henry
Dunes, A.
Dupréel, Jean
Dyck, Joachim
Ehmann, John
Fisher, Walter R.
Fishman, J. S.
Foret, Françoise
Foriers, Paul
Forkosch, Morris D.
Frankel, Charles
Friedman, H.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Galli, Giuseppe
Ganshof Van der Meersch,
Walter J.
Gantman, A.
Garfield, S. E.
Gatt, Hanna
George, Bill
Geraets, Theodore. F.
Germain, Jean
Ginossar, Rivka
Ginossar, Shalev
Giuliani, Alessandro
Glejser, H.
Gochet, Paul
Godding, Philippe
Goffin, Pierre
Goubeaux, Gilles
Gould, Carol
Govaerts, André
Grosjean, Marcel
Guigui, A.
Guriel, José Luis
Hahn, K.
Halkin, L.
Hattink, J. F.
Heering, H. J.
Hinke, U.
Hirschberg, Lydia
Holzboog, Günther
Honderich, Ted
Honig, Eliyahy
Horn, Jules A.
Ijsseling, S.
Illin, Ephraïm
Imamichi, Tomonobu
Jackson, Bernard S.
Jacques, Francis
Janne, Henri
Jaumotte, A.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Klein, C.
Klein, Cl.
Klibansky, Raymond
Kluback, B.
Kluback, William
Kornberg, J.
Kuipers, J. C.
Kvart, Igal
Kwiatkowski, Tadeusz
Lamand, Francis
Lauener, H.
Leivant, Daniel
Leroy, M.
Levi, Edward H.
Lilienthal, Philip E.
Lopez Calera, Nicolas Maria
Low, Judith A.
MacCormick, Neil
Mahinske, Lars
Marchal, A.
Marcus, Ruth Barcan
Marx, Werner
Mattioli, E.
Mattis, Roland
Michot, J.
Miwa, Masashi
Mortellaro, I
Mullikin, Kent
Mulumba, T.
Mushkat, M.
Nordbø, Einar Leer
Ohe, S.
Oomen, G.
Pardes, Markus
Parmentier, Williot A.
Patzig, G.
Paulhac, G.
Perkins, David
Pioro, M.
Postman, Neil
Préaux, Claire
Prouteau, Y.
Raphael, D. D.
Rebe, B.
Renard, Cl.
Rieke, Richard D.
Robinet, André
Robledo, Antonio Gomez
Rotter, Frank
Royer, J. P.
Ruytinx, G.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Salmon, J.
Savignac, Jean de
Schiwy, Günther
Schlanger, J.
Schnarch, A.
Schnitzler, Günter
Scrivener, Martin
Semal, J.
Semerari, F.
Sloane, Thomas O.
Sojcher, Jacques
Stabile, G.
Stewart, J.
Stokkink, Denis
Taels, J. H.
Tammelo, Ilmar
Tay, Alice E. S.
Toledo, Victor
Toussaint, Y.
Trappe, Paul
Unger, S.
Unwin, F.
Van Bergen
Van Compernolle
Vanbergen, P.
Vandeveld, Jean
Vermeylen, P.
Villey, Michel
Viola, E. G.
Wachsmann, Philippe
Wangermée, Robert
Wewel, M.
Williams, Jean
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Zyskin, H. [?]
General outgoing correspondence, 1980
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 41.1.
Aarnio, Aulis
Agazzi, Evandro
Agresto, John
Alapetite, G.
Amir, Rachel
Amselek, P.
Apostel, Leo
Armengaud, F.
Bacon, John
Ballweg, Ottmar
Bange, P.
Barker, Evelyn M.
Batiffol, Henri
Beaujour, M.
Bekaert, Hermann
Benkoski, H.
Bennett, W.
Benvenuti, F.
Berrendonner, A.
Bloch, Jean
Blumenkranz, Bernhard
Bouchard, Guy
Boudahrain, Abdellah
Bradfer, J.
Bragard, L.
Brancart, Monique
Brassine, Carlo de la
Brutian, G.
Bruylant, E.
Burnham, B.
Calberg, E.
Campbell, K. K.
Carena, Carlo
Castella, P.
Causin, Eric
Ceyrat, Martine
Champniers, Catherine
Chenot, B.
Christie, George C.
Cohn, Haim Hermann
Côté, Marcel
Couloubaritsis, L.
Cox, J. Robert
Crabb, John H.
Crifo, G.
Dalcq, R.
Danielli, James F.
De Groodt, Koen
De Kegel, W.
De Meester, A. M.
De Visscher, P.
Descamps, Pierre
Dickey, Anthony
Diemer, A.
Dieter, Henrich
Dridro, Vera
Ducret, Bernard
Dumon, F.
Dumont, G. H.
Dupréel, Jean
Ellsworth, Lucius F.
Eubanks, Ralph T.
Finocchiaro, Maurice A.
Florescu, Vasile
Foriers, Paul-Alain
Franeau, Jacques
Franklin, Norman
Friedman, Robert P.
Frommann, Friedrich
Ganovski, Sava
George, Bill
George, William
Ghestin, J.
Gilbert, Joseph
Gilissen, J.
Ginossar, Shalev
Giuliani, Alessandro
Gochet, Paul
Godding, Philippe
Goldstein, M.
Goubeaux, Gilles
Gouhier, Henri
Graaf, T. de
Grosjean, Marcel
Grosjean, P.
Gutt, Etienne
Haakonssen, K.
Haarscher, Guy
Haegemans, F.
Haller, R.
Harman, Avraham
Harmel, Pierre
Harris, Paul
Hart, H. L. A.
Hartman, David
Hattink, J. F.
Henrard, P.
Henrich, Dieter
Henrion, Robert
Henrion, Roger
Hersch, J.
Hinke, Ulrike
Hirsch, Guy
Hirschberg, David
Horn, Norbert
Hubien, H.
Ibanez, Joaquin
Jackson, Bernard S.
Janne, Henri
Jenkins, I.
Johannesen, Richard L.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Jones, N.
Kamenka, Eugene
Karpf, Jacqueline
Kasemsup, Preedee
Kirscher, Gilbert
Klenner, H.
Kluback, William
Kluxen, W.
Knecht, Richard J.
Knoblauch, M.
Kosing, A.
Krawietz, Werner
Kronfeld, J.
Kuipers, Th. A. F.
Lachs, Manfred
Ladrière, Jean
Lahaye, Nicole
Lallemand, Roger
Leff, Michael C.
Leibholz, G.
Lerner, Abba P.
Leroy, Maurice
Letot, José
Levaux, Paul
Levi, Roger
Lowenthal, Francis
Lucas, Joseph
Lucki, Simone
Lugarini, Leo
Mabe, Alan
MacCormick, Neil
Maning, Pamela D.
Marcil-Lacoste, Louise
Marcus, Ruth Barcan
Markovic, Mihailo
Marty, Françoise
Massuh, Victor
Matuzewitz, Lucy
May, Reinhard
Mercier, André
Metsu de Garcia, Liliane
Metts, Susan
Michot, J.
Mitchell, Douglas C.
Miwa, Masashi
Moerens, Raymond
Morand, Jean
Motte, A.
Moulin, Léo
Moutsopoulos, A.
Mullikin, Kent
Muralt, André de
Mushkat, M.
Ngan, Guy
O’Connor, Janet E.
O’Keefe, Daniel J.
Oizerman, Th. I.
Oker-Blom, Nils
Ost, Fr.
Papalyyouras, Panayis
Parret, Herman
Parrot, Jim
Patzig, G.
Pauw, F. de
Pawlowski, Klaus
Pelc, Y.
Perlberger, J.
Perrin, Jean-François
Piaget, Jean
Polin, R.
Potashnick, Al
Pruekpongsawalee, Malee
Raz, Joseph
Rebe, Bernard
Rechtman, Sophie
Rekhi, V. S.
Renard, Cl.
Reszler, André
Rials, Stéphane
Richards, David
Ricœur, P.
Riebensahm, Hans
Robinet, André
Rosenbaum, Alan S.
Rothschild, Walter
Ruytinx, Jacques
Salmon, J. A.
Schiwy, Günther
Schnarch, Adolphe
Schnek, Arthur
Sebeok, Thomas A.
Seibert, Thomas M.
Servais, Max
Silance, Luc
Singh, D. K.
Sloane, Thomas O.
Soto Kloss, Eduardo
Srzednicki, Jan
Starck, Christian
Sternfeld, Robert
Stoljar, Samuel
Stone, Julius
Stone, Michael
Strackmans, Maurice
Taminiaux, Jacques
Tarello, G.
Tay, Alice
Terlinden, J.
Trappe, Paul
Trazegnies Granda, Peru de
Troper, Michel
Unger, S.
Vaes, J.
Van Bergen, P.
Van Steenberghen, F.
Van Tol
Van Welkenhuyzen
Vander Elst
Vanderheyden, J.
Vanwelkenhuyzen, A.
Varga, C.
Verhaegen, J.
Vermeylen, P.
Verna, Paola
Verstraeten, Pierre
Vickers, Brian
Vieillard-Baron, J. L.
Wachsmann, Ph.
Watson, Sam Jr
Weeramantry, C. G.
Wilkinson, P. F.
Wittig, Ernst
Wolfowicz, Jacqueline
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Yehoshua, B.
Yoos, George E.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Zippelius, R.
Zon, L. Th. J. van der
Zyskind, H.
General outgoing correspondence, 1981
Languages: French; English. Volume: 4.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 41.2.
Aarnio, Aulis
Agazzi, Evando
Ahrens, Gary A.
Amir, Rachel
Amselek, Paul
Apostel, Leo
Bange, P.
Barker, Evelyn M.
Batens, Diderik
Ben Tarbout, Chris
Bernard, H.
Berrendonner, A.
Black, Max
Blackshield, A. R.
Bloom, Charles E.
Bodenheimer, Edgar
Bogaert, P.
Bok, Willy
Bossier, Ch.
Bouchard, Guy
Brachot, Isy
Bragard, L.
Brenes, Norbert
Broekman, Jan M.
Brundo, Giorgio
Brutian, G.
Caldeira Bastos, J.
Carbonnier, J.
Carena, Carlo
Cauchy, Venant
Chanteur, Janine
Chenot, Bernard
Cho, Kah Kyung
Chopineau, Jacques
Christie, George C.
Cohen, Herman
Cohn, Haim Hermann
Coppieters de Gibson
Cortes, Maria
Cossio, Carlos
Couturier, Alain
Cox, J. Robert
Curiel Benfield, José Luis
Dalcq, Roger O.
De Béthune, Agnès
De Gelder
De Kegel, W.
De Paepe
De Pauw, F.
Defijn, Émile
Deflandre-Moore, Andrée M.
Delbouille, P.
Delsemme, Paul
Desmaret, J.
Dietsch, C.
Dockx, S.
Ducret, Bernard
Duméry, Henry
Dupréel, Jean
Durance, Pierre
Ehmann, John
Erdman-Visser, Elisabeth
Eubanks, Ralph T.
Farcy, M.-F.
Fauconnier, A.
Finocchiaro, Maurice A.
Fontaine, A.
Foque, René
Forkosch, Morris D.
Gavison, Ruth
Georis, Raymond
Ghestin, Jacques
Gilbert, Jacques
Ginossar, Shalev
Gochet, Paul
Goffin, Pierre
Gomes, A. L. G.
Graham, Myriam
Gray, Bennison
Gruender, David
Grzegorczyk, A.
Guepin, Jan Pieter
Guigui, A.
Gvishiani, D.
Harcourt, G. d’
Harkness, James
Hattink, J. F.
Hirsch, Alain
Horn, Norbert
Imbert, Claude
Indan, Franciszek
Jacob, André
Jaffe, Samuel
Jenkins, Iredell
Jeno, Naguy
Kerchove, Michel van de
Kerimov, A.
Kirscher, Gilbert
Klein, Claude
Klenner, H.
Kluback, Bill
Kluback, William
Kolakowski, L.
Krygier, Martin
Kwiatkowski, Tadeusz
Lachs, M.
Ladrière, Jean
Lallemand, Roger
Leff, Michaël C.
Legrain, Paul
Legros, Robert
Lepkifker, I.
Leroy, Maurice
Levaux, Paul
Lokker, Claude
Lucas, Th.
Lucas, Valerie
Mabe, Alan
MacCormick, Neil
Maneli, Mieczyslaw
Maning, Pamela
Maniquet, L.
Marcus, Ruth Barcan
Marty, Françoise
Matrai, Laszlo
Mattis, Michel
Mayer-Maly, Dorothea
Mayer-Maly, Theo
McKeon, Dick
McKeon, Zahava
Méchoulan, Henry
Mercier, A.
Michot, J.
Misercque, D.
Misset, H. A. J. F.
Morand, Jean
Mullikin, Kent
Muralt, André de
Nicolas, L.
Nussac, G. de
Nysenholc, Adolphe
Offensooser, Zeev
Oizerman, Th. I.
Pardes, Markus
Paulson, F.
Perlberger, J.
Perrin, Jean-Fr.
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Piel, Jean
Pierard Chase, Marcelle
Pioro, M.
Poliarov, A.
Potashnick, Al.
Poupard, Paul
Prevots, Claude
Raz, J.
Remond, Paul
Reszler, André
Ricœur, Paul
Rigaux, François
Rosenbaum, Alan
Rovigatti, Franca
Ruytinx, Jacques
Salmon, Jean J. A.
Salmon, Pierre
Sanders, John T.
Sanz, Carlos Raul
Sarlet, Henri
Schnarch, A.
Schnarch, M.
Schneider, Ulrich J.
Scrivener, Martin
Seibert, Thomas-Michel
Semerari, F.
Sermoneta, G. J.
Shaw, J. L.
Sighinolfi, G.
Srzednicki, Jan
Starck, Christian
Stein, R.
Stone, Madolene
Stone, Michaël
Svilar, Maja
Szekely, D. L.
Tammelo, Ilmar
Tammelo, O.
Tay, Alice
Tranfaglia, Nicola
Trappe, Paul
Trigeaud, J.-M.
Tunc, André
Van Benthem
Van Berthem, Jfak
Van Parys, Philippe
Van Quickenborne
Van Tol
Vanbergen, P.
Vandamme, F.
Vanderlinden, J.
Vanwelkenhuyzen, A.
Vardi, Shira
Varwig, Freyr Roland
Verene, Phillip
Verhaegen, J.
Verna, P.
Verstraeten, Pierre
Vickers, Brian
Viehweg, Theodor
Villey, Michel
Wakana, Gélase
Walton, Craig
Ward, John O.
Weinberger, Ota
Wewel, Meinolf
Wharton, P.
Wiethoff, William E.
Woog, Jean-Claude
Wright, Linda A.
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Zoeteman, H. E.
General outgoing correspondence, 1983
Languages: French; English. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 41.3.
Aarnio, Aulis
Agazzi, Evandro
Apostel, Leo
Armengaud, Françoise
Barzel, Alexander
Bauer-Bernet, Hélène
Ben Arieh, Y.
Biard, Agnès
Black, Max
Blair, J. Anthony
Boschi, Susanna
Bouchard, Guy
Boudot, Maurice
Brockriede, Wayne
Busino, Giovanni
Campagnolo, M.
Caponigri, W.
Carbonnier, J.
Carena, Carlo
Cauchy, Venant
Chambault, J.-Fr.
Champniers, Catherine
Chanteur, J.
Cohn, Haim Hermann
Coraine, Michèle
Coté, Marcel
Dalcq, R.
De Raeymaeker, O.
Dehouck, M.
Denuit, Désiré
Diemer, A.
Dorsey, Gray
Doucet, J. F.
Dubois, Claudine
Dubois, Marcel
Dupont-Sommer, André
Eguti, Sankaky
Elkana, Yehuda
Erskine, Susan
Fisher, Walter R.
Fleiderman, S.
Fontaine, P.
Forkosch, Morris D.
Fransen, G.
Fumaroli, Marc
Gabison, Ruth
Gabler, H.-J.
Garfield, Susan E.
Ghestin, Jacques
Gilbraut, Clément
Gilissen, J.
Ginossar, Rivka
Giuliani, Alessandro
Gochet, Paul
Goffin, Pierre
Golden, James L.
Grey, Thomas C.
Grize, Jean-Blaise
Grosse, W. Jack
Grzegorczyk, Chr.
Guislain, G.
Haarscher, Guy
Hamburger, Esther
Hella, A.
Henrion, Robert
Hintikka, Jaakko
Hirsch, G.
Hottois, Gilbert
Hughes, Gr.
Husson, Léon
Jadin, Jean
Janne, Henri
Johnson, Ralph
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.
Kerchove, Michel van de
Kevelson, Roberta
Kirkpatrick, J.
Klenner, H.
Klibansky, Raymond
Kluback, Bill
Kluback, William
Krawietz, Werner
Kriele, H.
Kusaka, Akio
Lachs, Manfred
Lahaye, Nicole
Lapidus, Jules B.
Laufer, Romain
Leeman, Anton D.
Legros, Robert
Levaux, Paul
Levy, Haïm
Lombardi Vallauri, Luigi
Mabe, A.
MacCormick, Neil
Manzanares, Juan C.
Marcil-Lacoste, Louise
Marty, Françoise
Marx, Werner
Massin, Robert
Mattis, M.
McKeon, Zahava K.
Messinne, J.
Miller, Ed.
Miwa, Masashi
Ndaw, A.
Ntumba, Tshiamalenga
Nussac, G. de
Olivetti, Marco M.
Pandeya, R. C.
Peden, Creighton
Pennock, J. Roland
Petzold Pernía, Hermann
Pioro, Maurice
Pohl, J.
Poland, William
Primoratz, Igor
Ranieri, Francesco
Rials, S.
Richardson, Jane
Richardson, L. K.
Roger, Jacques
Roitman, Betty
Rotenstreich, N.
Ruytinx, Jacques
Santschy, Françoise
Schanze, Helmut
Schanze, Phil.
Schlanger, Judith
Schnarch, M.
Schoeters, Henri
Schreidemandel, Maria Laura
Scult, Allen
Segawa, N.
Singer, Marcus G.
Soyka, Alex U.
Spaak, Antoinette
Spaemann, R.
Spassov, Dobrin
Spitaels, Guy
Starck, Christian
Sternfeld, R.
Stone, Julius
Sturm, E.
Tay, Alice
Tindemans, L.
Trappe, P.
Troper, Michel
Tylleman, Chr.
Unger, Stella
Van der Elst, R.
Van Spreugel
Van Tol
Vanwelkenhuyzen, André
Verene, Donald Phillip
Verhaegen, J.
Vermeylen, P.
Vickers, Brian
Villey, Michel
Vincent, Jean
Vink, Pierre
Visser’t Hooft, H. Ph.
Vullierme, Jean-Louis
Watton, D.
Wheeler, Harvey
Williams, J.
Woog, Jean-Claude
Wright, Georg Henrik von
Wróblewski, Jerzy
Wunsch, J.
Yapou, E.
Yehoshua, B.
Yzenbaard, Caryl A.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt
Zippelius, R.
General correspondence, miscellaneous, 1952-1982 [mainly 1952-1953; 19691982]
Contains Chaïm Perelman’s correspondence touching on miscellaneous subjects, mainly of
an administrative nature: organisation of trips, exchanges with mutual insurance companies,
contacts with banking organisations (loans, rankings), building companies (works in the
Perelman’s house), contacts with associations linked to the Perelmans’ public life and, to a
lesser extent, to the scientific world (participation in colloquiums, invitations…); letters
relating to the Perelmans’ interest in art (loans of paintings for exhibitions…). The
alphabetical classification of these items, which is not particularly rigorous, is as much based
on the name of the associations as it is on the names of private individuals, or sometimes on
the theme of the letter. Finally, there is a separate file which contains requests for
intercessions addressed to Perelman (help in finding work…) as well as, in the majority of
cases, the follow up that he provided them with.
General correspondence, miscellaneous, part 1: A-D
Languages: French; English. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 42.1.
Anisfeld, M.
Barnini, F.
Barsy, Eug. de
Beek, G. van der
Bessemans, A.
Bozic, L.
Brigode, Gérard de
Bruna, A. W.
Ceccato, S.
Crick, A.
Czertok, L.
Dal Pra, Mario
De Groote, P.
De Keyser
De Suray, J.
Dewit, Ch.
Döhmann, Karl
Feingold, Jessica
Feys, Robert
Finkelstein, Louis
Gallagher, Fr. Eugene
Gaspar, Camille
Gianini, E.
Goldschmidt-Clermont, Paul
Gottschalk, Max
Gusdorf, Georges
Hauchamps, C.
Herinckx, J.
Heuseux, Modeste
Houtart, Edouard
Hubert, René
Ketelaar, Henri
Kurtz, Paul
Liebaers, Herman
Lucas, J. R.
Naessens, M.
Orgel-St***, Marianne
Pardes, Mordechai
Périer, Simone
Philippson, Paul
Ricœur, Paul
Rothberg, Samuel
Schuhl, Pierre-Maxime
Stasse, Colette A.
Tead, Ordway
Van der Ploeg, Ellen-C.
Verwilst, Yvon
Willot, O.
General correspondence, miscellaneous, part 2: E-M
Languages: French. Volume: 3.5 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 42.2.
Brigode, Gérard de
Bruyeer, R.
Compain-Gouhier, B.
Coquelet, Jean
Cudell, Guy
Dewandel, J.
Dubois, Gustave
Dudicq, A.
Ellis, Eva
Enoch, P.
Estenne, Denise
Ferntenberg, P. N.
Feuerwerker, David
Fine, Morris
Fischer, Eva
Flam, L.
Fournier, Marie Hélène
Fradin, L.
Franklin, C.
Fredericq, Louis
Froment, Jean-Louis
Ganshof van der Meersch,
W. J.
Genty, J.
Gepts, G.
Geron, Chaïm
Gilmore, Dorothy
Ginossar, Marcelle
Ginossar, Shalev
Gmurzynska, Antonina
Goldberger, Emanuel
Goldman, Jean
Goldschmidt, Alexis
Gorbitz, Ernest
Goulston, Michael
Grootaers, J.
Grosjean, Marcel
Grudé, M.
Grynpas, Jérôme
Guttmann-Roselaar, Maggy
Guzik, Leo
Gvaham, Reggie
Halpérin, Jean
Harroy, Jean-Paul
Heiber, M.
Hériard-Dubreuil, J.
Hirschberg, Lydia
Houssa, P.
Huysentruyt, E.
Hyppolite, M. M.
Jacobs, Olivier
James, Joseph
Javeau, Claude
Jonas, N.
Kahlenberg, P.
Karlson, Ch.
Klein, Isaac
Kleinberg, Gustave
Koffer, J.
Komkommer, J.
Kriwin, Ch.
Lacocque, André
Lambilliotte, M.
Landsvreugd, Christiane
Laurent, P. J.
Lemaire, Anika
Lepage, C.
Levarlet, H.
Lew, J.
Liebmann, Léon
Lindsay, Cécile
Lipski, Abraham
Lipski, R.
Löwinger, Daniel
Lucki, Simone
MacGowan, Rae
Maeck, Ch.
Magrish, James L.
Magritte, G.
Manfred, Ernest F.
Marchant, Émile
Massart, L.
Mattart, C.
Mattis, Henri
Matuzewitz, Lucie
Mechelynck, André
Megha, M. R.
Mertens, Phil
Meyer, R.
Michel, George
Milles, Deborah
Minet, P.
Minet, Raymond
Muller, A. J.
Oni, R.
Osa, Frias de la
Pagello, Livio
Parrevée, L.
Roberts-Jones, Philippe
Rosetti, Moshe
Schwilli, V.
Thibaud, Paul
Van Elder, L.
Van Hove, E.
Zuidema, W. H.
General correspondence, miscellaneous, part 3: N-Z
Languages: French; English. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 42.3.
Albada, H. van
Cauwelaert, Emiel van
Danblon, Paul
De Meester, E.
De Nys, I.
Delsemme, Paul
Desonay, Fernand
Durand-Auzias, R.
Garga, R. S.
Garot, Jean-Claude
Gillot, C.
Hagon, A.
Hill, Carol
Kalina, St.
Lherminier, Pierre
Meyer, J. W.
Minten, E.
Miron, I.
Neuman, Emmanuel
Ngan, Guy
Niflis, P.
O’Gorman, W.
Ohana, Joseph
Olbrechts, L.
Orbach, Joseph
Pardes, Marcus
Peeters, A.
Perraudin, Albert
Petzell, Sophie
Philippart, A.
Philippart, L.
Philippson, Paul
Pichon, R.
Piel, Jean
Pieroth, Philipp Ferdinand
Piron, Jean O.
Popoes, Peter N.
Préaux, Claire
Preece, Warren E.
Reinhold, Henri
Renard, Raymond
Reymond, Berthe
Rhodius, F. V. J.
Rhodius, Félix
Richez, F.
Roberts-Jones, Philippe
Rolin, Henri
Rumberg, Ursula
Saucet, J.
Schuermans, J.
Schuhl, Yvonne
Segers, Fr.
Shaar, P.
Skovronek, Charles
Skovronek, Godefroid
Smith, Nelson J.
Soffer, Joseph
Sotal, Alex [?]
Tell, Trya
Theertha, Swami Rama
Tolkowsky, Denise
Tomas, C. L.
Torczyner, Harry
Troubetzkoi, Nina
Unger, S.
Van der Haegen, Émile
Van der Schoot-Groot
Van Heerswynghels, J.
Van Hout, G.
Van Nieuwenhuyse, H.
Van Oudenhove, MargueriteMarie
Van Zeist, J.
Vanbergen, P.
Vandeveld, Albert
Vansier, Boris
Vardi, R.
Verbrugghen, Joseph
Vermeulen, Marc
Vermeylen, P.
Verrycke, J. P.
Versele, S. C.
Vital, Zoltan
Woitchik, M.
Wolgang, A.
Wren, Stephen D.
Zuidema, Willem
Intercessions and recommendations
Languages : French; English. Volume: 3 cm. Classification mark: 89PP 42.4.
Adhemar, J.
Albada, Henri van
Bialek, Simon
Borremans, René
Buch, Edith
Burton, John
Camu, Guy
Catzenstein, Jean
Chabanski, Marcel
Cherrick, B.
Corbett, J.P.
Crahay, F.
Dargent, J.
De Coster, Sylvain
Deswarte, W.
Etcheverry, A.
Farkas, George
Flam, L.
Goodman, Philip
Grinszpun, Olga
Guilbert, Marcelle
Gutweter, N.
Helft, J. H.
Horovitz, J.
Janne, Henri
Janson, Lucien
Jaumotte, A.
Johnston, James B.
Kleiner, S.
Kunstler, M.
Lazarus, Richard K.
Leroy, M.
Lheureurx, André
Liebmann, Léon
Liebmann-Frankfurt, Thérèse
Lowenthal, Francis
Lowenthal, J.
Martel, K.
Mattalon, Félix
Mattis, Monica
Mendlewicz, Julien
Messinger, Jacques
Meulemans, Léonie M.-J.
Michel, Jacques-Henri
Morris, S.
Moulin, L.
Neuman, Emmanuel
Ponlot, D.
Pozzi, G.
Prott, Lyndel V.
Raulier, Ursmar E. C.
Reale, M.
Scheindlinger, F.
Shklarsky, E.
Stoffels, Ludwig J. M.
Stone, Julius
Teichler, Max
Thompson, Sally
Valdman, Albert
Van Deyck, C.
Van Praag-Chantraine,
Vanbergen, P.
Vander Linden, Albert
Verbeke, Johan
Vermeylen, P.
Walk, Félix
Weinberger, Ota
White, Barbara
Yee, Patricia
Young, Richard
Zabludowski, Andrzej
Index nominorum
This index includes all the names of authors or addressees of items contained in the ULB's
Perelman Collection. Due to the fact that the majority of them are not well known,
standardising the names by way of the usual tracking tools wasn’t feasible; only the main or
notable correspondents have been deal with in this way. We have respected the forms of the
names as they appear in the documents, where there are sometimes variants. Approximations
or duplicates are still possible in the list which follows.
The names in bold indicate the availability, in the “Perelman Archives” Pallas database, of a digital copy of
the exchanges between Perelman and the correspondent concerned, as regards the items in the boxes of general
scientific correspondence (89PP 20-27, sub-collection 3). The names of Perelman’s main correspondents, who
stand out due to their fame, their interest and/or the volume of the exchanges (on the basis of the detailed
analysis of the aforementioned section) are followed by an asterisk. There is a short biographical note relating
to these individuals in the “Perelman Archives” Pallas database.
Aarnio, Aulis
Abbagnano, Nicola
Abdel-Rahman, Hassan
Abe, Masso
Abel, A.
Abel, Armand
Abrahams, J.
Abrahams, Jacques
Abrahams, R.
Abrahams, Raymond
Abramov, Zalman
Achterberg, N.
Achterberg, Norbert
Ackerman, Amiora Dano
Acton, H. B.
Aderaldo, Flavio G.
Adhemar, J.
Adler, H.
Adut, S.
Adut, Salomon
Aebi, M.
Agazzi, Evrando*
Agazzi, S.
Agresto, John
Aguilar, Francisco
Aguilar, J.
Aguilar, M.
Ahrens, Gary A.
Ajdukiewicrowa, Maria
Ajdukiewicz, K.
Ajdukiewicz, M.
Ajzenberg-Karny, Minna
Akzin, Benjamin
Alapetite, G.
Albada, H. van
Albada, Henri van
Albright, A. D.
Albritton, James Stanley
Alexander, Dennis C.
Alexander, Hubert G.
Alexander, M.
Alexander, Marcel
Alexandrova, Donka
Alfandari, A.
Alfandari, Arturo
Ali, Dastouri
Allard, Jean Louis
Allen, A.
Allen, Andrew
Allen, J.
Allen, Reginald E.
Alon, Moshé
Alquié, F.
Alquié, M.
Altenhoff, W.
Althusser, L.
Alvarez, José V.
Amado Lévy Valensi, E.
Ambille, Paul
Amir, M.
Amir, Rachel
Amselek, P.
Amselek, Paul
Amstutz, J.
Amy, René
Anceschi, L.
Anceschi, Luciano
Anciaux, Jean-Claude
Anderson, Alan Ross
Anderson, John M.
Anderson, R. O.
André, [abbé] [ ?]
Andreotti, Giulio
Andreux, Marie-Louise
Andre-Vincent, J.
Andries, A.
Angelo, Thomas d'
Angelov, D.
Angoulvent, P.
Angsüsser, Ulrike
Anguelov, Stefan
Anisfeld, M.
Anisfeld, Marc
Ansart, Pierre
Anselin, M.-G.
Anspach, M.
Antonelli, Maria Teresa
Apelbom, A.
Apelbom, Arnold M.
Apostel, Francine
Apostel, Leo*
Apostol, Pavel
Appel, Karl-Otto
Aqvist, L.
Arad, A.
Arandhelovic, V.
Arandjelovic, Vladimir
Araya, Domingo
Archambault, F.
Archambeau, R. d'
Archi, Gian Gualberto
Argullos, A.
Argullos, Alejandro ou
Ariel, J.
Ariel, Joseph
Armengaud, F.
Armengaud, Françoise
Armogathe, J. R.
Arnaiz Amigo, Aurora
Arnheim, Arthur
Arnold, Carroll C.*
Arnould, F.
Arnould, Maurice-A.
Aron, R.
Aron, Raymond
Aron, Robert
Aronis, Henri
Aronstein, Claude Serge
Aronstein, G.
Arsadi, Farideh
Art, J.-Ph.
Ascarelli, T.
Ashkinazi, J.
Ashman, J.
Ashmore, Harry S.
Askenazi, J.
Askenazi, Joël
Asquith, C. Q.
Assed, Léon
Asseo, L.
Atlas, Z.
Atonda, Saitu
Aubenque, Pierre
Aubert, C.
Aubert, Catherine
Aubert, R.
Aubonnet, J.
Aubonnet, Jean
Auerbach, Elias
Aurel, David
Auster, Daniel
Avi-hai, Avraham
Avineri, Shlomo
Avital, Colette
Axelos, Kostas
Ayer, Alfred Jules*
Ayguesparse, A.
Balthazar, H.
Balty, J.
Bamberger, S. B.
Bambska, T.
Banderbeeken, U. L.
Banerjee, N. V.
Bange, P.
Banitt, I.
Banitt, Irene
Banitt, M.
Banovsky, S.
Barak, A.
Baranes, S.
Bararengana, S.
Bararengana, Séraphin
Barbary, Georges F.
Barbason, Denise
Barbason, Maurice
Barbier, Roger
Baren, Hilda
Bar-Hillel, Y.
Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua
Barilli, R.
Barilli, Renato
Barker, Evelyn M.
Barker, Stephen
Barly, N.
Barnes, E.
Barnes, Frank S.
Barnini, F.
Bar-Niv, Rina
Bar-On, A. Z.
Barosso, G.
Barosso, Giampaolo
Barreau, H.
Barreau, Henri
Barsy, Eug. de
Barthouil, M.
Bartier, J.
Bartlow, Bert
Baruk, Henri*
Bar-Yehouda, Michael
Barzel, Alexander
Barzin, Betty
Barzin, M.
Barzin, Marcel
Basave Fernandez Del Valle,
Basave Fernandez Del Valle,
Phil. A.
Bacca, Garcia
Bacca, J. D. Garcia
Bachi, R.
Backaert, Danièle
Backvis, Claude
Bacon, John
Bacque, Jorge A.
Baczko, B.
Baes, J.
Baeyens-Auquit, Gisèle
Bagolini, L.
Bagolini, Luigi
Bahm, Archie J.
Bailey, Richard
Bailhache, P.
Bailiff, John D.
Bal, Hélène
Bal, J.
Balaes, G.
Balis, J.
Ballieu, Robert
Balliu, J.
Ballweg, Ottmar*
Bascour, Dom Hildebrand
Basile, J.
Bassand, M.
Bassand, Michel
Basselier, Michel
Bassin, Joseph
Bastait's, M.
Bastide, C.
Bastide, Georges
Bastide, Roger
Basyn, J.
Basyn, Jacques
Batens, D.
Batens, Diderik
Batiffol, Henri
Baton, Leslie
Battaglia, F.
Battaglia, Felice
Battaglia, Luisella
Baude, E.
Baudry, M.
Baudry, Myriam
Bauduin, A.
Bauduin, J.-Cl.
Bauduin, Jean-Claude
Bauduin, R.
Bauer, Y.
Bauer, Yehuda
Bauer-Bernet, Hélène
Baugniet, J.
Baugniet, Jean
Baugniet, Marcel
Baum, Elias
Baum, Lorie
Baum, Maurice
Baum, R.
Baum, Rachel
Baumann, Paul
Baumgardt, David
Baumgardt, Rose
Baumgarten, C.
Bauthier, F.
Bauthier, Frédéric
Bauwens, Michèle
Bawly, Dan
Bayart, A.
Bayart, Arnould
Bayer, R.
Bayer, Raymond
Bayer, Wilhelm Raimund
Bayer, Wolfgang
Bayne, P.
Bayne, Peter
Beam, C.
Beam, P. W.
Beam, R.
Beam, Ruth
Beard, Robert W.
Beaufays, J.
Beaujour, M.
Beaujour, Michel
Beaulieu, Nina
Beauvois, R.
Becco, Francine
Beck, C. H.
Beck, R. N.
Beck, W.
Beck, Wolfgang
Beck, Yoram
Bekaert, Hermann
Becker, Verena N.
Becourt, D.
Becq, Jean
Becquet, Charles-François
Bedeschi, G.
Beeckmans, [R. P.] René
Beek, [?] van der
Beek, G. van der
Beem, André
Beer, Edgard
Beer, Hélène
Beernaerts, Rolande
Beernaerts-Courtois, Rolande
Beggre, Gaston
Begin, Menachem
Behmann, Heinrich
Beinart, H.
Beirnaerts, Louis
Bejski, M.
Bekaert, Hermann
Bekaerts [?]
Beke, R.
Bela, Juhos von
Belaval, Y.
Belaval, Yvon
Belin-Milleron, Jean
Bell, Robert E.
Bellaiche, Yvonne
Belmans, J.
Belmans, Jacques
Belnap, Nuel D.
Ben Arieh, Y.
Ben Soltana, A.
Ben Tarbout, Chris
Benavente, Jaime Williams
Ben-Dor, Avner
Bendor, S.
Bendor, Shmuel
Benedek, F.
Benedek, Ferenc
Benezra, Elie Jose
Benezra, José
Benizri, R.
Benkoski, H.
Benkoski, Henri
Benkoski, Hubert
Benn, Stanley I.
Bennett, W.
Bennett, William J.
Benseler, Frank
Bentini, Francesco
Bentwich, N.
Bentwich, Norman
Benvenisti, M.
Benvenisti, Moshé
Benvenuti, F.
Benvenuti, Feliciano
Beran, Wanda B.
Berchem, Ch.
Berckx, P.
Beres, P.
Berger, G.
Berger, L.
Bergman, S. H.
Bergmann-Bingen, N.
Berka, D.
Berka, K.
Berkman, Marc J.
Berlin, Isaiah
Berliner, C.
Berliner, R.
Bernaerts, Gustave
Bernaerts-De Beys
Bernard, H.
Bernard, Henri
Bernard, J.-P.
Bernard, Roland
Bernard, S.
Bernays, Martha
Berns, R.
Bernstein, Richard J.
Berrendonner, A.
Berrendonner, Alain
Bersaques, André de
Bertaudon, H.
Bertho, Y.
Bertholet, E.
Bertholet, Edmond
Bertoldi, F.
Bertoldi, G.
Bertoldi, Giorgio
Bessemans, A.
Betchov, Greti
Beth, E. W.
Beth-Pastoor, C.
Betz, Joseph
Bevans, Raymond C.
Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund*
Beyer, William
Beyns, P.
Bialek, S.
Bialek, Simon
Biard, Agnès
Biasio, Yvano de
Biasio-Dubreucq, Anne de
Bibrowski, H.
Bieber, S.
Bieber, Simon
Biemel, W.
Bietlot, R.
Biezunska-Malowist, Iza
Bihain, E.
Bijmant, B. L.
Bilicki, E.
Biltiau, Ph.
Bingen, J.
Bingen, Jean
Binnemans, C. L.
Birch, Eleanor M.
Bird, G. H.
Bird, Graham
Bird, Otto
Bird, Thomas E.
Birowski, H.
Biscompte, H.
Bitzer, Lloyd F.
Black, Edwin
Black, Max
Blackshield, A. R.
Blackstone, William T.
Blair, J. Anthony
Blanc, Emmanuel
Blanc, Pierre
Blanche, R.
Blanché, Robert
Blanshard, B.
Blaustein, Peninah M.
Blavier, André
Blaze, Françoise
Bleeckx, Philippe
Blegvad, Mogens
Bloc, Jean
Bloch, C.
Bloch, J.
Bloch, Jean
Blomhof, N.
Bloom, Charles E.
Blum, Helen Esther
Blüm, U.
Blumel, André
Blumenberg, H.
Blumenberg, Hans
Blumenkranz, Bernhard
Bluszteyn, S.
Bo, C.
Bo, Carlo
Boasson, J. J.
Bobbio, Norberto*
Bober, Juraj
Bochenski, J. N.
Bock, W.
Bockstaele, P.
Boda, E.
Bodenheimer, E.
Bodenheimer, Edgar
Bodson, A.
Boehm, R.
Boelens-Bouvier, P.
Boenders, Fr.
Boenders, Frans
Boey, Koen
Boffa, M.
Bogaert, P.
Boisot, H.
Bojer, H.
Bojman, Maurice
Bok, W.
Bok, Willy
Bokutenge, E.
Boland, G.
Boland, Georges
Bolland, M.
Bolle, Pierre
Bon, Maharaj Swami B. H.
Bondy, Otto
Bonenfant, Paul
Bonenfant, Pierre
Bonetti, N.
Bongard, Waldemar
Bongolo, Bernard
Bonhome, M.
Bonhome, Michel
Bonjean, P.
Bonjean, Paul
Bonnecompagnie, N.
Bonomati, L.
Bonsack, F.
Boonin, L.
Boonin, Leonard G.
Booth, Wayne C.
Borbe, Tasso
Bordat, L.
Bordier, Jacques
Borgers, A.
Borgers, Alfons
Borgers, Jean
Borioni, F.
Borioni, M.
Borlon, Pol Jr.
Bormann, Ernest G.
Bornet, Jean
Borre Bergen, E.
Borremans, A.
Borremans, René
Bortier, A.
Bosch-Gimpera, P.
Boschi, Susanna
Bosco, Nynfa
Bossche, Frank van den
Bossier, Ch.
Bosucka, Artowa Maria
Botbol, D. Ch.
Botezatu, P.
Botteman, Jacques
Bouchard, Guy
Boudahrain, Abdellah
Boudot, Maurice
Bouligand, G.
Boullart, K. E.
Bourcier, Danièle ou Danielle
Bourgaux-Hirsch, W.
Bourgeois, P.
Boussard-Planard, Chantal
Bovesse, P.
Boyce-Gibson, A.
Boyer, Charles
Boyer, M.
Boyer, Martine
Boyer, R. P.
Bozic, L.
Brabant, H.
Brabant, Hyacinthe
Brabant, Zasia
Brachet, Jean
Brachfeld, S.
Brachfeld, Sylvain
Brachot, Isy
Bradfer, J.
Braekman, G.
Braekman, Gustaaf
Braem, Y.
Bragard, L.
Brajbart, Sarah
Brancart, Monique
Brandes, J.
Brandes, Joseph
Brandhof, P. H. van den
Brand-Maher, C. E.
Brandt, Richard
Brassine, Carlo de la
Brassine, Suzanne de la
Braudel, F.
Braun, H.
Braun, Hermann
Bravo, Reuf
Brawerman, A.
Breckner, Ken
Breitenbach, Carol M.
Bremilst, Ghislaine
Brenes, Norbert
Bres, Yvon
Brezicki, Margaret M.
Bribohia, Michèle [ ?]
Brien, P.
Brigode, Gérard de
Briot, Paul
Brkic’, Jovan
Brock, J.
Brockhaus, F. A.
Brockriede, Wayne E.
Broder, P.
Brodsky, A.
Brodsky, Alexandre
Broekman, Jan M.*
Bronek, Irka
Bronfman, Allan
Broof, Tom [?]
Broquet, Axel
Brouckère, Lucia de
Brouckmans, A.
Brouckmans, Aloys
Brounts, A.
Broussard, Lester H.
Brouwer, P. W.
Brouwers, A.
Brouwers, Albert
Brown, Kenneth A.
Brown, William R.
Browning, John
Bruch, J. L.
Bruly, J. [ ?]
Brun, Jean
Bruna, A. W.
Brunchvig, J. S.
Brundo, Giorgio
Brunner, F.
Brunner, Fernand
Brunner, José
Brunschwig, Jacques
Brunsvick, Yves
Brusiin, Otto
Brutian, G.
Brutian, G. A.
Bruyeer, R.
Bruylant, E.
Bruylant, Émile
Bruyns, L.
Brysz, David
Bubner, Rüdiger
Buch, E.
Buch, Edith
Buch, Henri
Buchner, S.
Buhr, M.
Buhr, Manfred
Buice, Lee
Buis, P.
Buis, Paul
Bulz, Emmanuel
Bunge, M.
Bunge, Mario
Burg, Ed.
Burms, A.
Burnham, B.
Burniat, P.
Burniat, Pol
Bursztein, M.
Bursztein, Marguerite
Burton, John
Busino, Giovanni
Buyssens, E.
Buyssens, Éric
Buzzati-Traverso, Adriano
Byrne, Edmund
Calogero, C.
Calogero, Guido*
Cambien, R. G. M.
Cambier, G.
Camerman, R.
Cameron, Robin
Campagnolo, M.
Campagnolo, U.
Campagnolo, Umberto
Campagnolo (-Bouvier),
Michèle ou Michelle
Campbell, K. K.
Campbell, William D.
Campus, Ferdinand
Camu, G.
Camu, Guy
Canaris, Cl.
Canaris, Claus-Wilhelm
Canaris, K.
Cacoullos, Ann R.
Caenegem, R. van
Caesens, A.
Cahen, J.
Cahen, Jean
Calberg, E.
Calberg, Eugene
Caldeira Bastos, J.
Calera, Nicolas Maria Lopez
Calinescu, Matei
Canasis, Claus W.
Candlish, Stewart
Canneel, S.
Cantillon, L.
Capella, Juan-Ramon
Capelle, J.
Caponigri, A. Robert*
Caponigri, R.
Caponigri, W.
Caponigri, Winifred
Cappelletti, Mauro
Cappelletti, V.
Cappelletti, Vincenzo
Carael, G.
Carbonnelle, Jean-Jacques
Carbonnier, J.
Carcaterra, Gaetano
Carena, Carlo
Carette, Fernand
Carlier, J.
Carmen Tapia, Maria del
Carmin Karpman, I. J.
Carner, E.
Carner-Noulet, Émilie: see
Noulet, Émilie
Carny, Paul
Carrelli, Antonio
Carrió, Genaro
Carrión-Wam Roque, E.
Cartwright, J. C.
Carvalho, Manoel Joaquim Jr
Carvoue, S. H. [ ?]
Casalini, M.
Casalini, Mario
Casanova, M.
Casari, E.
Casier, S.
Cassen, H.
Cassen, Henri
Cassen, M.
Cassen, Paula
Castella, P.
Castella, Paul
Castelli Gattinara, Enrico
Castelli, E.
Castelli, Enrico
Castermans, J.
Castermans, Jacques
Castillo Fernandes, Sergio
Luiz de
Castillo-V., Thomas
Catarivas, David
Cathcart, Dolores
Cathcart, R.
Cathcart, Robert S.
Caton, Hiram
Catzenstein, Jean
Cauchy, V.
Cauchy, Venant
Cauman, Leigh S.
Causin, Eric
Causin, M. E.
Cauter, Jacques
Cauwelaert, Emiel van
Cavell, Stanley
Caws, Peter
Ceccato, G.
Ceccato, S.
Celtuyckers, J. [?]
Ceresa-Castaldo, A.
Cerexhe, E.
Cerfontaine, G.
Cerfontaine, M. J.
Cerulli, Enrico
Cervera, Alejo de
Ceyrat, Martine
Chaban, K.
Chabanski, M.
Chabanski, Marcel
Chadha, Vijay
Chagoll, L.
Chagoll, Lydia
Chaki, E.
Chaki, Elie
Chall, Leo P.
Chalus, P.
Chambault, J.-François
Champniers, Catherine
Chanania, E.
Chanania, R.
Chanteur, J.
Chanteur, Janine
Chantrel-Riols, F.
Chapman, J.
Chapman, John
Chappell, V. C.
Chappell, Vere
Chappello, V. C.
Charnay, J. P.
Charnay, Jean-Paul
Charner, Marquis Perry
Chas, A.
Chas, Albert
Chastaing, Maxime
Châtelet, A.
Chenot, B.
Chenot, Bernard
Cherrick, B.
Cherrick, Bernard
Chevreuille, P.
Chif, Françoise
Chipman, J.
Cho, Kah Kyung
Chome, T.
Chome, Thierry
Chopineau, Jacques
Choprix, A.
Chouraqui, André
Christel, E.
Christensen, D. E.
Christie, George C.
Christoff, D.
Christoff, Daniel
Christophe-Motte, M.-Th.
Chrupek, Zbigniew
Ciampi, Costantino
Cione, Edmondo
Cirkovic, Sima
Citroen, J.
Claes, Lode
Claessens, M.
Clarac, P.
Clarac, Pierre
Classen, C. J.
Clausse, Roger
Clemens, R.
Clémens, René
Clément-Backès, Catherine
Clersy, E.
Cobaine, Michèle
Cochaux, H.
Cochaux, Henri
Cocks, Valerie
Cocriamont, J.
Coene-Konings, D.
Coenraets, H.
Coenraets, Hervé
Cohen, Ch.
Cohen, Gaby
Cohen, Herbert
Cohen, Herman
Cohen, Joshua M.
Cohen, R.
Cohen, Yaacov
Cohn, Ch.
Cohn, Haim Hermann*
Cohn, Louis
Coing, H. C.
Coing, Helmut
Cointet, A.
Colcher, Henry
Cole, R. Taylor
Colicis, J.
Colinet, J.
Collard, L.
Collon, Michell
Cols, B.
Compain-Gouhier, B.
Condren, Conal
Condurachi, Emil
Conley, Thomas
Conte, Amadeo G.
Conte, Maria Elisabeth
Contreras, Michèle
Coopmans, G.
Cooremans, L.
Cooremans, Lucien
Coosemans, J. Cl.
Copi, Irving
Coppée, Louis
Coppens, P.
Coppens, Pierre
Coppieter, E.
Coppieters de Gibson
Coppieters de Gibson, Daniel
Coppieters, Emmanuel
Coquelet, J.
Coquelet, Jean
Coraine, Michèle
Corbett, J.P.
Coremans, Paul
Cornet d'Elzius, [Comte]
Cornet, C.
Cornil, P.
Cornil, Paul
Cornil-Sand, P.
Corradi, G.
Corradi, Gemma
Corsoni, E. [ ?]
Cortes, Maria
Cossio, Carlos
Côté, Marcel
Côté, Pierre-André
Cotta, Sergio
Cottier, Georges
Couloubaritsis, L.
Couloubaritsis, Lambros
Couloubaritsis, S.
Courtine, J. F.
Courvasier, Arlette
Couturier, Alain P.
Couvreur, N.
Cox, J. F.
Cox, J. Robert
Crabb, John H.
Crabbe, Georges
Crable, Richard E.
Craeybeckx, Jan
Crahay, F.
Crahay, R.
Cramer, Konrad
Cranston, Maurice
Cravatte, J. P.
Crick, A.
Crifo, G.
Crippa, R.
Cristofaro Sandrini, M. G. de
Croissant, J.
Cronstrom, Ch.
Cschnarch, A.
Cudell, Guy
Cukier, B.
Cullen, J.
Cullen, Jane
Cunneen, Joseph E.
Curiel Benfield, José Luis
Currie, C.
Curry, Haskell B.
Cutler, Preston S.
Cuvelier, R.
Cypres, R.
Czepita, Stanislaw
Czertok, L.
Czezowski, Tadeusz
Dalgarno, M. T.
Dalsace, R.
Dalsgard-Hansen, P.
Daman-Scaglione, Jeanne
Damascelli, N.
Dambka, J.
Dambrot, Michel
Dambska, I.
Dambska, T.
Damiens, S.
Damska, Izydora
Dan, Joseph
Danblon, Paul
Daniel, Sigi ou Zigi
Danielli, James F.
Danis, Jean-Louis
Danko, Kathy
Dargent, J.
Darimont, P.
Darimont-Fontenelle, H.
Dassel, E.
Dastouri, Ali
Daube, D.
Daube, David
Daufresne de la Chevalerie,
D’Andrea, A.
D’Andrea, Antonio
D’Hoedt, Georges
D’Hondt, J.
D’Othée, Janne
Da Fontoura Rangel, J.
Dadda, G.
Dainow, J.
Dal Pra, Mario
Dalcq, Albert M.
Dalcq, R.
Dalcq, Roger O.
David, A.
David, Aurel
David, G.
David, Georges
David, Suzanne
Davids, Arthur
Davidson, Hugh M.
Davies, Moshe
Davin, Louis
Davis, John W.
Davis, M.
Davis, Moshe
Davy, G.
Day, J. P.
De Backers, J.
De Barsy, P.
De Barsy, Pierre
De Becker, J.-P.
De Bersaques, A.
De Béthune, Agnès
De Biasio
De Bièvre, Ghislaine
De Bluts, André
De Bock-Doehaerd, R.
De Bodt, Cl.
De Boeck, Henri
De Boeck, Nelly
De Broe, Pierre
De Brouckere, L.
De Chikoff, Juan J.
De Clerck, B.
De Clerck, Benoît
De Corte, M.
De Corte, Marcel
De Coster, Sylvain
De Foy
De Fre, G.
De Gelder
De Greve, M.
De Groodt, Francis
De Groodt, Koen
De Groote, P.
De Jongh, D. H. J.
De Kegel
De Kegel, W.
De Keyser
De Keyser, W.
De Keyser, Walter
De Lathouwer, R.
De Ley, H.
De Maeyer, J.
De Mayer, J.
De Meester
De Meester, A. M.
De Meester, E.
De Meester, R.
De Meester, René
De Meure, S.
De Mey
De Montezuma de Carvilho,
De Nys, I.
De Paepe
De Paepe, J.
De Paepe, J.-L.
De Page, Henri
De Pape
De Pauw, F.
De Paux, Wilfried
De Petter, D. M.
De Raeymaeker
De Raeymaeker, L.
De Raeymaeker, O.
De Raeymaeker, Omer
De Ro, Gisèle
De Robilant
De Ryck, Raymond G.
De Ryck-Tasmowski, L.
De Saeyer
De Schaepdryver, A.
De Schutter, B.
De Smed, R.
De Smedt, R. E.
De Smet, Nicaise
De Smet, R. E.
De Staercke
De Streel, [baron] E.
De Strycker, [R. P.] Émile
De Sturber, J.
De Suray, J.
De Villers, J.
De Visscher, Charles
De Visscher, P.
De Visscher, Paul
De Vleeschouwer, Henri R.
De Vocht, G.
De Vos, Luc
De Vos, R.
De Vries
De Vries, A.
De Vries-Tolkowsky, Denise
De Waele, F.
De Waelhens, A.
De Waelhens, Alphonse
De Wilder, R.
De Wulf, M.
Dearin, Ray D.
Debacker, A.
Debever, R.
Debever, Robert
Debognies, R.
Debons, Anthony
Debouverie, J. F.
Decastiaux, Édouard
Declerck, R.
Decoster, S.
Dedye, E.
Defay, Raymond
Defijn, Émile
Deflandre, A.
Deflandre, Andrée M.
Deflandre, Dorothy
Deflandre-Moore, Andrée M.
Defosse, M.
Defrenne, M.
Defrenne, Madeleine
Defreyn-D'Or, Émile
Degreve, D.
Degreve, Daniel
Deheniau, J.
Deheyn, Jean-Marie
Dehouck, M.
Dejean, C.
Dejean, Christian
Deka, J.-P.
Dekkers, René
Dekkers-D'Ieteren, J.
Del Marmol, Charley
Delacampagne, Christian
Delatte, J. P.
Delattre, M.
Delbouille, P.
Delbovier, Ivan
Delbovier, L.
Delcarte, P.
Deleu, P.
Delgado Ocando, José
Delhomme, J.
Deligne, Jean
Delkeskamp, Corinna
Della Corte, Francesco
Delorme, S.
Delorme, Suzanne
Delot, J.
Deloz, M.
Delsemme, Paul
Deltenne, G.
Deltenre, G.
Delvaille, B.
Delvaille, G.
Delvoye, Charles
Demarchi, Manuel Casanova
Demeuldre, Michel
Demeure, S.
Denayer, R.
Denayre, J.
Denis, Gaston
Denis, L.
Denis, P.
Denuit, Désiré
Depauw, E.
Depauw, Edgard
Depreter, T.
Dequeker, L.
Dequeker, Luc
Dergansky, Alex
Dero Jacob, A. C.
Derolez, R.
Derouaux, P.
Descamps, Albert-Louis
Descamps, P.
Descamps, Pierre P.
Deschepper, Jean-Pierre
Desmaret, J.
Desmarets, J.
Desmarets, José
Desmarez, J. J.
Desonay, F.
Desonay, Fernand
Despy, G.
Destouches, J. L.
Deswarte, W.
Dethier, E.
Dethier, F.
Dethier, Fred
Dethier, H.
Detienne, M.
Detmold, Michael
Deube, David
Deurinck, G.
Deurinck, Gaston
Deutsch, E.
Devaux, A.
Devaux, Andréa
Devaux, Anne-Marie
Devaux, Philippe
Devaux, R.
Devaux, V.
Deveux, Paul
Devillers, R.
Devillers, Robert
Devolder, E.
Devreker, A.
Devroey, E.-J.
Devyver, André
Dewael, Jacques
Dewaele, Jacques
Dewandel, J.
Dewit, Ch.
Dewitt, Ch.
D'Hainaut, Brigitte
Dhanis, Et.
Dhondt, J.
D'Hondt, J.
Dhondt, U.
Dhont, U.
Di Maggio, Gaetano
Dicker, G. E.
Dickey, Anthony
Diemer, A.
Diemer, Alwin
Dierickx, J.
Dierieckx, J.
Dierkens, Jean
Dieter Muller, Hans
Dieter, Henrich
Dietsch, C.
Dieu, G.
Dieu, Germain
Dijon, Xavier
Dille, Robert
Dillemans, R.
Dillens, A. M.
Dillien, R.
Dineur, Michel
Dinowitz, Miri
Diop Seydi, Mouhammed
Dispaux, Michel
Dobkin, E.
Dobruszkes, A.
Dockx, S.
Doerig, Manuela
Dohmann, K.
Döhmann, Karl
Doigny, I.
Dolhen, Ch.
Dolhen, Chantal
Domb, A.
Domb, M.
Doms, D.
Doms, Dina
Donagan, Alan
Dondeyne, A.
Donner Katz, Golda
Dopp, G.
Dopp, J.
Dopp, Joseph
Dori, Y.
Dorr, F.
Dorsay, B. W.
Dorsey, Gray L.
Dorsinfang-Smets, A.
Dossin, G.
Dotremont, Stanislas
Doubinsky, Nadi
Doucet, J. F.
Doucet, Jean-François
Doucy, A.
Doucy, Arthur
Dougherty, Jude
Downar, Richard W.
Drabs, José [?]
Draeger, Claude
Dragomir, Ion
Dreyfus, A.
Dreyfus, G.
Dreyfus, Ginette
Dreyfus, R.
Dreyfus, Robert
Dridro, Vera
Dronsart, Edmond
Druet, Pierre-Philippe
Druiff, P. D. J.
Druppel, Étienne
Dubois, [R. P.] Marcel
Dubois, Claudine
Dubois, G.
Dubois, Gustave
Dubois, Marcel
Dubois, Marcel-Jacques
Dubois-El Fouly, Claudine
Dubois-Pelerin, J.
Dubreucq, R.
Dubuc, M.
Ducasse, C. J.
Duchatelet, L.
Duchesne, J.
Duchesne, Jules
Duchesneau, François
Ducret, Bernard
Duculot, J.
Dudicq, A.
Duffey, Frank M.
Dufourcq, Norbert
Duguet, P.
Dultzin, L.
Duméry, Henri
Dumery, J.
Dumery, M.
Dumetriu, Anton
Dumitriu, A.
Dumitriu, Anton
Dumon, F.
Dumon, Frédéric
Dumonceaux, Denise
Dumoncel, Jean-Claude
Dumont, G. H.
Dumont, J.
Dumont, J. P.
Dumont, M.
Dumont, Michel
Duncan, A. R. C.
Dunes, A.
Dup**ez, L.
Dupaquier, J.
Dupont, A.
Dupont-Sommer, André
Dupréel, Eugène*
Dupréel, Jean*
Duprez, C.
Dupriez, A.
Dupriez, L.
Dupriez, L. H.
Durance, Claude
Durance, Pierre
Durand-Auzias, R.
Durdu, R.
Durdu, Robert
Durnford, John W.
Durufle, Maurice
Dushkin, David A.
Duvivier, R.
Duvivier, Yolande
Duvosquel, J.-M.
Duwez, B.
Duwez, Bernard
Dvoretzky, Aryeh
Dworkin, R. W.
Dyck, Joachim
Dyserinck, H.
Dziemidok, B.
Elath, Eliahu
Elbaum, S.
Eldar, I.
Eldar, Israël
Elfen, Henri
Elie, M.
Elie, Monique
Elkana, Yehuda
Ellis, Eva
Ellsworth, Lucius F.
Embo, Suzy
Engel, Salo
Engelson, Suzanne
Engisch, Karl*
Englert, Fr.
Enneis, Frank B.
Enoch, P.
Enoch, Paul
Enright, Joan
Entrèves, Alexandre d’: see too
Passerin d’Entrèves, Alexandre
Erculisse, Paul
Erculisse, Sybille
Erdman-Visser, Elisabeth
Erh-Soon Tay, Alice
Erickson, Marcia E.
Ermolenko, Dimitri
Errera, A.
Errera, Alfred
Errera, Maurice
Erskine, Susan
Erval, François
Ervalal, Fr.
Esser, J.
Esser, Josef
Estenne, D.
Estenne, Denise
Estenne, J.
Estenne, Louis
Estenne, R.
Esterhuyse, W.
Esterhuyze, W. P.
Estiévenart, Claude
Etcheverry, A.
Etheredge, Sheila A.
Ettenger, Sh.
Ettlich, Ernest
Eubanks, Ralph T.*
Evain, François
Evenari, Michael
Evens, F.
Evens, R.
Everett, John R.
Everts, Ph. P.
Evrard, Charles
Evrard, Cl.
Evrard, J.
Evrard, Jacques
Ewing, Alfred C.
Eyskens, Gaston
Eyskens, Mark
Ebbinghaus, J.
Eckhoff, Torstein
Eckstein, Marc Madeleine
Ectors, L.
Ectors, Léon
Edel, A.
Edel, Abraham
Edelberg, B.
Edelberg, Serge
Edgard, Faehrès
Edwards, Paul
Effenberger, Julius
Egbert, Lawrence D.
Eguti, Sankaku ou Sankaky
Egyed, Bela E.
Ehelberg, Jacques
Ehmann, John
Ehninger, Douglas
Ehrenreich, Isaac
Ehrlich, Stanislaw
Eikema Hommes, H. J. van
Einaudi, Giulio
Eisenberg, F. A.
Eisenmann, Charles
Eisenstadt, S. N.
Eisgy, M.
Ekelof, O.
Ekkana, Yehuda
Fabisch, K. A.
Facchi, P.
Facchi, Paolo
Falk, Z.
Farber, Ann(e)
Farber, M.
Farber, Marvin
Farcy, M.-F.
Farcy, Marie-Françoise [?]
Farkas, George
Farmer, J. David
Farnham, Nicholas
Fauconnier, A.
Favresse, J.-M.
Fawcett, J. E. S.
Faye, Jean-Pierre
Fedosseev, P.
Feingold, Jessica
Fejto, F.
Feldheim, P.
Feldman, Shaul
Feldmann, H.
Feldmann, Harry
Feldsberg, E.
Fenstad, J. E.
Fenstad, Jean Erik
Feray, Dogan
Ferntenberg, P. N.
Ferrabino, A.
Ferrajoli, L.
Ferrajoli, Luigi
Ferrari, J.
Ferrari, Jean
Ferrater Mora, J.
Ferstenberg, P. N.
Feuer, R.
Feuerwerker, David
Feyerick-Nevejan, Y.
Feys, R.
Feys, Robert
Fichefet, M.
Fichefet, Marcel
Fife, Iline
Filiasi-Carcano, P.
Filipovic, Vladimir
Fine, Morris
Fink, O.
Finkelstein, Louis
Finocchiaro, Maurice A.
Firket, G.
Fischbacher, H. E.
Fischbein, June
Fischer, Eva
Fischer, J.
Fischer, Leo
Fischer, M.
Fischer, Walter R.
Fishel, Dora
Fisher, John
Fisher, Michael
Fisher, Walter R.
Fishman, J. S.
Fishman, S.
Fishman, Seymour
Flagey, Eugène
Flagey, Jean
Flam, L.
Flam, Léopold
Flamme, Maurice-André
Fleg, Edmond
Fleiderman, S.
Fleiderman, Sara
Fleischmann, E.
Flo, Olav
Flores d’Arcais, G.
Floresco, Basile: see too
Florescu, Vasile
Florescu, Vasile*
Florescu, G.
Florescu, Octavia
Florescu, V.
Flower, Elizabeth
Flusser, D.
Foleider, R.
Folena, Gianfranco
Follesdal, D.
Fontaine, A.
Fontaine, André
Fontaine, P.
Fontenoy, S.
Fontenoy, Serge
Foque, R.
Foque, René
Forani, Anthony
Forberger, S.
Foret, Françoise
Foriers, Paul*
Foriers, Paul-Alain
Forkosch, Morris D.*
Forni, G.
Forni, G.
Fortelle, M. de la
Fortelle, Monique de la
Foulkes, T.
Fourcault, Émile
Fournier, Marie Hélène
Fourquin, G.
Fourquin, Guy
Fourvoyeur, R.
Foy, R. de
Fradin, L.
Fraenkel, A. H.
Fraenkel, M.
Franck, Robert
Franco, C.
Franco, Conrad
Franco, Giacomo
Franco, J.
Franco, Jacques
Francois, L.
François, Lucien
Franeau, Jacques
Frank, M.
Frankel, Charles
Frankfort, Thérèse
Franklin, C.
Franklin, C. E.
Franklin, Colin
Franklin, David E.
Franklin, N.
Franklin, Norman
Franklin, William G.
Fransen, G.
Frappier, G.
Frappier, Georges
Fréchets, Ch.
Fredericq, L.
Fredericq, Louis
Freeman, E.
Freeman, Eugene
Freilich, F.
Frenkiel, J.
Frerichs, Ch.
Fresco, M.
Fresco, M. F.
Freson, M.
Freund, J.
Freund, Julien
Frey, Gerhard
Freyman, Jay M.
Friedlander, S.
Friedlander, Saul
Friedman, H.
Friedman, Harvey
Friedman, Robert P.
Friedmann, W.
Friedmann, Wolfgang
Friedrich, Carl I.
Froment, J. L.
Froment, Jean-Louis
Frommann, Friedrich
Fromont, P.
Frondizi, R.
Frost, M.
Frydland, Alexandre
Fuks, A.
Fuller, Lon L.
Fuller, M.
Füller, M.
Fumaroli, Marc
Funke, G.
Funke, Gerhard
Furstenberg, B.
Gardedieu, Al.
Gardies, J. L.
Gardies, Jean-Louis
Gareau, Etienne
Garfield, S. E.
Garfield, Susan E.
Garfinkels, Betty
Garga, R. S.
Garin, E.
Garin, Eugenio
Garitte, Gérard
Garot, Jean Claude
Garzon, Benito
Gaspar, Camille
Gastaldo, Aldo Ceresa
Gatmon, O.
Gatt, Hanna
Gaul, Hilde
Gauthier, Blaise
Gavazzi, G.
Gavison, R.
Gavison, Ruth
Gay Levy, Darline
Gay, Alain
Geheniau, J.
Gehlen, A.
Gehlen, Arnold
Gelber, Sidney
Gelernter, R.
Genicot, L.
Génin, M. Th.
Genion, R.
Genion, Roger
Genty, J.
George, Bill
George, William
Georgery, Robert
Georges, Robert
Georghe, M.
Georis, Raymond
Gepts, G.
Geraets, Theodore F.
Gerard, Alain
Gerard, J.
Gérard, Jacques
Gerard, Pol
Gerber, W.
Gerber, William
Gere, D.
Gere, Denise
Gerits, P.
Gerlo, A.
Gerlo, Aloïs
Germain, Jean
Germain, M.
Germain, P.
Geron, Chaïm
Gerulli, Enrico
Gerven, W. van
Gerwirth, Alan
Geschilder, A.
Getz, Cwi
Getz, Z.
Gevers, Florent
Gevers, Madeleine
Gewirth, A.
Gewirth, Alan
Ghestin, J.
Ghestin, Jacques
Gheza, Daniel
Ghijs, L.
Ghilain, Jean
Ghins, Michel
Ghys, C.
Ghysbrecht, P.
Gabbay, D. M.
Gabison, Ruth
Gabler, H. J.
Gabriel, L.
Gabriel, Léo
Gabrovska, S.
Gabryl, W.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg*
Gafner, Ariane
Gagne, Jean
Gagné, Jean
Galand, Fabienne
Galimberti, A.
Galimberti, Andrea
Gallagher, Fr. Eugene
Galland, Nadine
Galle-Dehennin, E.
Galli, Giuseppe
Gallo, Severino
Galmache, José
Gandillac, [ ?] de
Gandillac, Maurice de
Ganovski, G.
Ganovski, S.
Ganovski, Sava
Ganovsky, S.
Ganshof van der Meersch,
Walter J.*
Ganshof, F. L.
Gantman, A.
Gantman, André
Ganty, Ch.
Garcia Bacca, J. D.
Garcia de Mendoza, A.
Garcia Maynez
Garcia Maynez, E.
Garcia Maynez, Eduardo
Garcin, Ph.
Garcin, Philippe
Giampiero, S.
Gianformaggio Bastida,
Gianini, E.
Giannotti, J. A.
Gibson, Kathleen
Giele, M.
Gielen-Bourgeois, H.
Gierulanka, D.
Gijsel, J.
Gijsens, G.
Gil, Fernando
Gilbert, Jacques
Gilbert, Joseph
Gilbert, Susan
Gilbraut, Clément
Gilead, J.
Gilissen, J.
Gilissen, Jean
Gilissen, John
Gillet, J.-P.
Gillis, J.
Gillis, P.
Gillis, Paul
Gillot, C.
Gilmore, Dorothy
Gilson, D.
Gilson, D. F. R.
Ginossar, Freddy
Ginossar, Marcelle
Ginossar, Rivka
Ginossar, Shalev*
Ginsberg, M.
Ginsberg, Mitchell D.
Ginsberg, R.
Gioja, A. L.
Giorgianni, V.
Giovannangeli, D.
Giovannangeli, Daniel
Giraud, Émile
Girvetz, H.
Girvetz, Harry
Gistelinck, G.
Giulian, C. I.
Giuliani, Alessandro*
Gizbert-Studnicki, Tomasz
Gladstein, Steven
Glansdorff, M.
Glaser, Anne
Glaser, B.
Glaser, Stefan
Glastra van Loon, J. F.
Glejser, H.
Glejser, Hubert [?]
Glick, David
Gligoric, Velibor
Glikson, Paul
Gmurzynska, A.
Gmurzynska, Antonina
Gobry, I.
Gochet, Émile
Gochet, Monique
Gochet, Paul
Godart, A.
Godding, Philippe
Godeaux, L.
Godeaux, Lucien
Godefroid, C.
Godefroid, Catherine
Godefroid, Yvette
Godfrind, D.
Goedert-Croissant, J.: see
Croissant, J.
Goetschel, Alfred
Goffin, P.
Goffin, Pierre
Goheen, John D.
Goitein, S. D.
Golahny, F. R.
Golan, Gershon
Goldberg, A. S.
Goldberg, B.
Goldberg, Berty
Goldberg, Ch.
Goldberg, E.
Goldberg, I.
Goldberg, M.
Goldberg, Marc
Goldberg, S.
Goldberger, Emanuel
Goldbeter, C.
Golden, James L.
Goldfarb, S.
Golding, Martin P.
Goldman, Jean
Goldman, Rachel
Goldmann, Nahum
Goldmuntz, R.
Goldschmidt, A.
Goldschmidt, Alexis
Goldschmidt, Alice
Goldschmidt, V.
Goldschmidt, Victor
Goldschmidt-Clermont, Paul
Goldstein, E. E.
Goldstein, Estelle
Goldstein, I.
Goldstein, Israel
Goldstein, M.
Goldstuck, Renée
Goltdammer, Ingeborg
Gomberg, Irène
Gomes, A. L. G.
Gomez Robledo, Antonio
Gómez, Adolfo León
Gonseth, Ferdinand*
Gonthier, André
Goodman, John
Goodman, Philip
Goossens, Charles
Goossens, G.
Goossens, Martine
Gorbitz, E.
Gorbitz, Ernest
Goren, Z.
Goriely, G.
Goriely, Georges
Gorski, D.
Gorski, David
Gortari, E. de
Gortari, Eli de
Gosselin-Havaux, AnneMarie
Gottlieb, G.
Gottlieb, Gidon A. G.
Gottschalk, M.
Gottschalk, Max
Gottschalk, Stephanie
Goubeaux, Gilles
Gouders, M.
Gouhier, Henri*
Gouhier, J.
Gould, Carol
Gouleaux, Gilles
Goulston, Michael
Goussinsky, B.
Govaerts, André
Govaerts, Fr.
Goyard, P.
Goyard, S.
Graaf, T. de
Graham, Myriam
Graham-Marr, David R.
Gran, Addie
Grandy, Richard E.
Granger, G.
Grant, Hilary E.
Granville, W. C. M.
Grau, Gaby
Grau, I.
Grau, I. W.
Grau, Icchak
Gray, Bennison
Gray, Lyle A.
Graziani, G.
Graziani, Gianfranco
Gregoire, Marcel
Grégoire, Paul-Égide
Gregorowicz, J.
Gregorowitz, M.
Gregory, Claude
Grene, Marjorie
Grenier, Jean
Grey, Thomas C.
Grezegorczyk, C.
Gribaumont, A.
Grice, G. R.
Griffin-Collart, Evelyne*
Grifoni, G.
Grim, Patrick
Griner, Léon
Grinszpun, D.
Grinszpun, O.
Grinszpun, Olga
Grize, Jean-Blaise
Grojean, P.
Grollet, Philippe
Gronbeck, Bruce E.
Grootaers, J.
Gros, L.
Grosjean Doutrelepont, M.
Grosjean, Marcel
Grosjean, P.
Grosjean, P. V.
Grosjean, Pierre V.
Grosse, W. Jack
Grossvogel, S.
Gruber, S. H.
Grude, M.
Gruender, David
Gruman, Massia
Grunebaum, G. E. von
Grunenbaum, Alice
Grunenbaum, Kurt
Grunzweig, A.
Grupper, Emmanuel
Grusd, Inger-Lise
Gruslin, R.
Gruslin, Robert
Grynpas, Jérôme
Grzegorczyk, A.
Grzegorczyk, Andrzej
Grzegorczyk, Christophe
Grzegorski, Zdzislaw
Guépin, Jan Pieter
Guérisse, V.
Guerisse, Victor
Guéroult, Martial*
Guevara Bazan, Rafael
Guigui, A.
Guigui, Albert
Guilbert, Marcelle
Guilead, R.
Guillemain, Bernard
Guillet, J.
Guislain, G.
Gulian, C. I.
Gunzburg, Nico
Guriel, José Luis
Gurostab, Georges [?]
Gurvitch, Georges
Gusdorf, Georges
Gussman, Lawrence
Gutmann, Barbara S.
Gutt, Etienne
Guttman, B.
Guttmann-Roselaar, Maggy
Gutweter, Jur. N.
Gutweter, N.
Gutweter, Natan
Gutwirth, R.
Gutwirth, Rudolf
Gutwirth, T.
Guzik, Leo
Guzzo, Augusto*
Guzzo, Cordelia
Gvaham, Reggie
Gvishiani, D.
Gysens, Guy
Gysens-Gosselin, M.
Haegemans, F.
Haesaert, J.
Hagon, A.
Hahn, K.
Hahn, Karl
Hahn, Lewis
Haiman, F. S.
Haiman, Franklyn S.
Haklai, Zeev
Halbrecht, I.
Halen, H.
Halin, Hubert
Halkin, L.
Halkin, Léon-E.
Hallden, Sören
Halleman [?]
Hallemans, W.
Haller, R.
Haller, Rudolf
Halpérin, Jean E.
Halpern, A. L.
Halvorsen, E. F.
Hamburger, Esther
Handler, Milton
Handy, Rollo
Hannay, Alastair
Hannevart, Germaine
Haag, H.
Haag, Henri
Haakonssen, K.
Haakonssen, Knud
Haarscher, Guy
Haas, Richard
Habachi, R.
Habachi, René
Habermas, Jürgen
Hacco, Esther
Hackett, L.
Hackett, Lois
Hadart, Y.
Hanouille, P.
Hansen, Witt
Hanssens, Olivier
Hansson, Bengt
Haran, Y.
Harcourt, E. d'
Harcourt, G. d'
Hare, Peter H.
Hare, R. M.
Harkness, James
Harlow, John
Harman, A.
Harman, Avraham
Harman, S.
Harmel, Pierre
Harnoy, J. P.
Harris, Michael
Harris, Paul
Harroy, Jean-Paul
Harsin, P.
Harsin, Paul
Hart, H. L. A.
Hartgerink, H.
Hartman, D.
Hartman, David
Hartnack, Justus
Hartzell, Stuart B.
Hashimoto, Noriko
Hasquin, H.
Hasquin, Hervé
Hatry, P.
Hattink, J. F.
Hauchamps, C.
Hauck, Leonore C.
Hauser, Gerard A.
Hauser, J.
Hausman, Carl R.
Hautermann, A.
Havas, Péter
Havaux, A. M.
Hay, Daniel
Hearst, Ernest
Heaston, R. J.
Hecq, Léon
Heenen, Jacques
Heering, H. J.
Heiber, M.
Heiber, Maurice
Heibert, M.
Heide, J. ter
Heidsieck, F.
Heinemann, Ada
Heinemann, F. H.
Helbo, André
Helft, J.
Helft, Jean H.
Helin, E.
Helin, Etienne
Helin, F.
Hella, A.
Hella, André
Heller, J.
Helwig, Dom G.
Hendel, Charles W.
Hendrickx, Jean-Pierre
Hendriks, M. Th.
Henket, M.
Hennessy, Kim Hascher
Hennuy, G.
Henrard, P.
Henrard, Paul
Henri [?]
Henrich, D.
Henrich, Dieter
Henricks, Robert G.
Henrion, Robert
Henrion, Roger
Henrot, M.
Henry, A.
Henry, Albert
Henryk, Jadwiga
Herburt, George K.
Hergershausen, Lore
Hériard-Dubreuil, J.
Herinckx, J.
Herman, G.
Herman, Guy
Herman, Zwi
Hermant, H.
Hermant, M.
Herremans, H. P.
Herremans, Jacqueline
Herremans, M. P.
Herremans, P.
Herrick, James A.
Hersch, J.
Hersch, Jeanne
Hertens, R.
Hertzberger, Menno
Herzog, Pnina
Hess, I.
Heusch, Luc
Heuseux, M.
Heuseux, Modeste
Hewison, R. J. P.
Hichter, M.
Hijmans, B. L.
Hildesheim, S.
Hill, Carol
Hill, Patrick
Hingorani, R. U.
Hinke, U.
Hinke, Ulrike
Hintikka, Jaakko
Hintikka, Merrill
Hirsch, Alain
Hirsch, G.
Hirsch, Guy
Hirsch, J.
Hirsch, M.
Hirsch, S. R.
Hirschberg, D.
Hirschberg, David
Hirschberg, Henry
Hirschberg, Lydia
Hïz, Henryk
Hochbaum, Jerry
Hodges, Donald C.
Hoebanx, Jean-Jacques
Hoeffler, J.
Hoeppé, Nadia
Hoflack, N.
Hoftetter, J.
Holdcroft, D.
Holdcroft, David
Hollander, Fritz
Hollander, H. d'
Hollerbach, Alexander
Hollhuber, Ivo
Holtzman, Paul D.
Holzboog, Günther
Holzman, J.
Homes, M.
Hommes, H. J. van: see
Eikema Hommes, H. J. van
Honderich, Ted
Hondermarcq, P.
Honig, Eliyahu ou Eliyahy
Honore, S.
Honoré, Solange
Hoornaert, M.
Hoppen, Gregor
Horn, Hans-Rudolf
Horn, J.
Horn, J. A.
Horn, Jules A.
Horn, Norbert
Horovitz, J.
Horovitz, Joseph
Horowitz, Jacques
Horvath, Adam
Hoste, Ch.
Hostettler, F.
Hostettler, Gordon F.
Hottois, Gilbert*
Hotzman, Paul D.
Houba, A.
Houssa, P.
Houtart, Edouard
Hövell tot Wesperflier, R. H.
A. M. van
Hövell tot Westerflier, [?] van
Huart, J.
Hubeelart [ ?]
Huberlant [ ?]
Huberlant, C.
Huberlant, Charles
Hubert, René
Hubien, Hubert
Hughes, Graham
Hugo, Marie Thérèse F. A.
Huillet, P.
Humblet, Benoît
Hunout, Patrick
Hupfeld, Elisabeth
Hurez, Léon
Husson, Léon*
Husson, [Mme]
Hutchins, Robert M.
Hutley, F. C.
Huyberechts, S.
Huygelen-Boeykens, L.
Huysentruyt, E.
Huysmans, C.
Huytinx, J.
Hyppolite, J.
Hyppolite, M. M.
Ingarden, R.
Ingarden, Roman
Ingber, L.
Ingber, Léon
Ingber, N.
Ingleton, Dulcie
Innis, I.
Innis, Robert
Ioan, Petru
Ionescu, Octavian*
Ionescu, Rica
Isaye, [R. P.] G.
Isaye, S.
Ishizu, Teruji
Issman, Samuel*
Ivrit Olamit, Brit
Izgur, M.
Jankélévitch, Vladimir
Jankowska, Aleksandra
Janlet, P.
Janne d’Othée, Xavier
Janne, Henri*
Janson, Claire
Janson, Émile
Janson, F.
Janson, Fernand
Janson, Lucien
Janssens, Ch.
Janssens, E.
Janssens, Émile
Janssens, J.
Janssens, M.
Jaspers, Karl
Jaume, Jacques
Jaumotte, A.
Jaumotte, André*
Jaumotte, Christian
Javeau, Claude
Jeammaud, A.
Jeammaud, Antoine
Jefroykin, J.
Jehouda, Josué
Jend, Nagy
Jenkins, I.
Jenkins, Iredell
Jeno, Naguy
Jerphagnon, L.
Jerphagnon, Lucien
Jessurun d'Oliveira, H. U.
Jeu, B.
Jeu, Bernard
Jeuniaux, E.
Jeuniaux, R.
Ibanez, Joaquin
Ijsseling, J.
Ijsseling, S.
Ijsseling, Samuel
Illin, Ephraïm
Imamichi, Tomonobu
Imbert, Claude
Imhoff, Thomas
Incardona, Nunzio
Indan, Franciszek*
Jackson, Bernard S.
Jackson, M. W.
Jacob, A.
Jacob, André
Jacob, Chaïm
Jacob, M.
Jacobs, Christian
Jacobs, J.
Jacobs, O.
Jacobs, Olivier
Jacques, Francis
Jadin, Jean
Jaffe, Benjamin
Jaffe, Samuel
Jaïs, M.
Jakob, Raimund
James, Joseph
Jamil, Hj. Md.
Jamison, David L.
Jeuniaux, Roger
Jodogne, O.
Jodogne, Omer
Johannesen, Richard L.
Johnson, George W.
Johnson, Ralph H.
Johnston, James B.
Johnstone, Henry W. Jr.*
Johnstone, Koch Barbara
Joly, R.
Joly, Robert
Jonas, N.
Jonas, Thomas
Jones, William R.
Jooris-de Briey, Diane
Joray, M.
Jordan, Charles H.
Jorgensen, J.
Jorgensen, S.
Jorgensen, Stig
Jorion, E.
Joris, A.
Joris, André
Joscerbo, John
Joyce, J. M.
Juhos, Bela von
Jurewicz, Oktawiusz
Jurfest, H.
Kattsoff, Louis O.
Katz, Aaron
Katz, Israël
Katz, Jacob
Katz, Max
Katz, R.
Katz, Roger D.
Katzeff, Michel
Katzki, H.
Katzki, Herbert
Kauffmann, P.
Kaufman, Menahem
Kaufman, Nadine
Kaufmann, A.
Kaufmann, Walter
Kawan, Albert
Kawczak, A.
Kawziak, A.
Kazanjian, Reginald
Kedar, A.
Kegan, Paul
Keiffer, Dominique
Keleve, I.
Keller, A. J.
Kelman, Claude
Kelsen, Hans
Kembukusua, S.
Kennard, Kenneth C.
Kennedy, K.
Kennedy, Richard
Kentos, Paul
Kenward, Andrew S.
Kerchove, M. van de
Kerchove, Michel van de
Kerchove, Nicholas de
Kerem, Moshe
Kerimov, A.
Kerimov, D.
Kermisch, I.
Kerszberg, Pierre
Kessler, E.
Kessler, Eckhard
Ketelaar, Henri
Keuleers, S.
Keutgen, Guy
Kevelson, Roberta
Keynan, Alex
Kidron, Yossi
Kidwingira, Bonaventure
Kieft, C. van de
Kierein, Manfred
Kint, G.
Kirby, Michael Donald
Kirkpatrick, E. M.
Kirkpatrick, J.
Kirkpatrick, John
Kirschen, Étienne Sadi
Kirscher, Gilbert
Kirshna, Daya
Kisch, I.
Kisch, Isaak
Klami, Hannu Tapani
Klein, C.
Klein, Claude
Klein, E.
Klein, Isaac
Klein, Théodore
Klein, Y.
Klein, Ytshaq
Kleinberg, G.
Kleinberg, Gustave
Kleiner, S.
Klenner, H.
Klenner, Hermann
Klibansky, Paul
Kabongo, Anselme
Kabongo, M.
Kabundi, Joseph
Kabundji, J.
Kadaner, M.
Kadelbrug, Lavoslav
Kahan, B.
Kahlenberg, M.
Kahlenberg, Marc
Kahlenberg, P.
Kahn, Benjamin M.
Kahn, Gilbert
Kahn, Sidney L. Jr
Kajman, A.
Kalina, St.
Kalinde, A.
Kalinde, Albert
Kalinowski, Georges*
Kalisky, René
Kallen, Horace M.
Kambartel, F.
Kamenka, Eugene
Kamenkan, E.
Kaminski, B.
Kaminski, S.
Kamp, Norbert
Kampits, P.
Kampits, Peter
Kaneshige, Kankuro
Kaplan, A.
Kaplan, Abraham
Kaplan, Barbara
Kaplan, Jeremiah
Karasimeonov, G.
Karlson, Ch.
Karpf, Jacqueline
Karpman, I. J. Carmin
Kasemsup, Preedee
Kasher, Asa
Katsura, Juichi
Kattsoff, L. O.
Klibansky, Raymond
Klinkenberg, Jean-Marie
Klopmann, D.
Kloss, Eduardo Soto
Kluback, B[ill]: see Kluback,
Kluback, William*
Kluck, Th. M. D.
Klug, U.
Klug, Ulrich
Kluxen, W.
Kluxen, Wolfgang
Knecht, Richard J.
Knight, Kenneth W.
Knoblauch, M.
Knopf, E.
Knops, Émile M.
Kobrinsky, D.
Kocka, J.
Koffer, J.
Kohlenberger, Helmut
Köhler, G.
Köhler, Gustav
Kohlhammer, W.
Kohn, Elisabeth
Kolakowski, L.
Kolakowski, Leszek
Komkommer, J.
Komkommer, M. J.
Komkommer-Maes, E.
Komperman, Dany
Konopnicki, M.
Konvitz, Milton R.
Konvitz, R.
Kooi, S.
Kopnin, P.
Kopnin, P. V.
Köpniwsky, D.
Korac, V.
Kornberg, J.
Kornberg, Jacques
Korner ou Körner, S.
Kosic, L.
Kosik, Karel
Kosing, A.
Kosing, Alfred
Koslk, K.
Kotarbinska, Janina
Kotarbinski, R.
Kotarbinski, T.
Kotarbinski, Tadeusz*
Kotarbinski, Th.
Kotarbinsky, Y.
Kouperman, H.
Kouperman, H. R.
Kouperman, R.
Kouperman, R. J.
Kourim, Zdenek
Koyré, Alexandre
Kozesnik, Jaromir
Kozlowska, E.
Krader, Lawrence
Kraft, J.
Krajewski, Janusz
Kramkimel, J.
Krapiec, M.
Krapiec, M. A.
Krapiec, Po.
Krawiecki, B.
Krawietz, Werner
Krell, W.
Krenz, Rosemarie
Kreutner, S. J.
Kriele, H.
Kriele, Marin
Krings, E.
Krings, Hermann
Krings, J. E.
Krishna, Daya
Kriwin, Ch.
Kronfeld, J.
Kronska, I.
Kronska, Irena
Kruger, Arthur N.
Kruithof, J.
Krygier, Martin
Krystufek, Z.
Krzywicki, Georges
Krzywicki-Herburt, G.
Krzywicki-Herburt, George
Kubovy, Aryeh Léon
Kubowitzki, S.
Kuchta, D. H.
Kuczynski, J.
Kuczynski, Janusz
Kuhn, H.
Kuhn, Helmut
Kuipers, J. C.
Kuipers, Th. A. F.
Kumaniecki, Casimir
Kunstler, M.
Kuntz, Paul G.
Kurgan van Hentenrijk
Kurgjues, K. [?]
Kurtz, P.
Kurtz, Paul
Kusaka, Akio
Kuypers, K.
Kuypers, N. V.
Kuypers, Th. A. F.
Kvart, Igal
Kwiatkowski, Tadeusz*
Lacombe, Olivier
Lacoque, André
Lacroix, Jean
Lacroze, René
Ladd, J.
Ladd, John
Ladislao Farnoi de Fharno
Ladrière, J.
Ladrière, Jean
Ladrière, Michèle
Lafontaine, I.
Lafontaine, Jean-Claude
Lagrange, G.
Lagrange, S.
Lahaye, N.
La Roche, Humberto
Lacey, Michael J.
Lachner, Robert F.
Lachs, M.
Lachs, Manfred
Lacocque, A.
Lacocque, André
Lacombe, O.
Lahaye, Nicole
Lahlou, Abbes
Laine, F.
Lainé, Félix
Laine, Fr.
Laitat, Jean
Lal, A. B.
Lalande, André
Lallemand, R.
Lallemand, Roger
Lamand, F.
Lamand, Francis
Lamant, Michel
Lamaraue, Peter
Lamard, Francis [ ?]
Lambert, Cl.
Lambert, Claudine
Lambert, Henri
Lambert, P.
Lambert, Pierre
Lambilliotte, M.
Lambot, André
Lambotte, Henry
Lambrechts, M.
Lambrechts, Pierre
Lameere, J.
Lameere, W.
Lameere, William
Lamont, Vivian
Landry, Albert M.
Landsvreugd, Christiane
Lang, Herbert
Lang, Wieslaw
Langemeijer, G. E.
Langford, James R.
Langtved, Else
Lapidus, Jules B.
Larock, V.
Larock, Victor
Larroyo, F.
Larroyo, Francesco
Larsimont, Claude
Larson, Dick
Larson, Richard L.
Laruelle, R.
Laszlo, M.
Lauener, H.
Lauener, Henri
Laufer, Romain
Laurent, A.
Laurent, André
Laurent, P. J.
Lauter, E. A.
Lavachery, Henry
Lavagetto, Mario
Lavagnini, Bruno
Lavalleye, J.
Lavalleye, J. de
Laxer-Jacub, M.
Laye, Fr.
Layeux, Jean-Jacques
Lazar, David
Lazarus, Richard K.
Lazere, Ruth B.
Lazzaro, G.
Lazzaro, Giorgio
Le Lionnais, F.
Le Pera, S.
Le Pera, Sergio
Lebeer, L.
Leblanc, F.
Leblanc, Hughes
Lebrun, P.
Lebrun, Pierre
Lebrun, Y.
Lecat, H.
Lecat, Henri
Lechien, Gérard
Lechner, Robert F.
Leclercq, M.-J.
Leclercq, R.
Lee, J. M.
Leeman, Anton D.
Leenaerts, J.
Leeuw, A. J. van der
Leeuwen, H. van
Leeuwen, J. K. W. van
Lefebve, M.
Lefebvre, H.
Lefevre, Théo
Leff, Michaël C.
Legaz y Lacambra, Luis
Legendre, Gilbert
Legrain, Paul
Legros, Robert*
Lehmann, Aviva
Lehmann, Q.
Lehouck, P.
Lehrer, Joseph
Lehrmann, G.
Leibholz, G.
Leiser, J.
Leiser, Jacques
Leivant, D.
Leivant, Daniel
Lejeune, Claire
Leker, M.
Lekfo, Josef
Leloup, G.
Lemaire, Anika
Lemaire, Henri
Lemaitre, A.
Lemaitre, A. L.
Lemaître, D.
Lemaitre, M. Misonne
Lemaître, Madeleine
Lemelle, Michel
Lemoine, G.
Lemoine, Guido
Lenelle, Michel
Lenoble, Jacques
Lenoble, Robert
Lenoir, R.
Lentin, André
Leonard, J.
Leonard, Rebecca
Leoni, Bruno
Lepage, C.
Lepage, F.
Lepere, Georges
Lepkifker, I.
Lequime, Jean
Lereau, Pablo Tilian [ ?]
Lerici, Roberto
Lermusiaux, F. Becco
Lerner, Abba P.
Leroy(-Molinghen), Maurice
Leroy, André-Louis
Leroy, M.
Lestelle, M. T.
Letemendia, Miren A.
Letot, José
Leuzière, Raymond
Lev, Hagai
Levarlet, H.
Levarlet, Henri
Levasseur, G.
Levaux, P.
Levaux, Paul
Levaux, Ph.
Levaux, R.
Leventer, S.
Levi, E.
Levi, Edward H.
Levi, Franco Ricardo
Levi, R.
Levi, R. F.
Levi, Ricardo Franco
Levi, Roger
Léviant, I.
Levinas, Emmanuel
Levinthal, Louis E.
Levisson, R. A.
Levitan, Semmy
Levitte, Georges
Levolay, S.
Levy, Beryl H.
Levy, G. D.
Levy, Haïm
Levy, J.
Levy, J. Ph.
Levy, L.
Lévy, Léo
Levy, Mordechai M.
Levy, Paul
Levy, Paul M. G.
Lévy, T. Ph.
Levy, Zéev
Levysohn, D.
Levy-Valensi, Amado
Lew, J.
Lewin, J.
Lewkowicz, B.
Lewkowicz, D.
Lewkowicz, N.
Lewkowicz, Nesanel
Leys, M.
Leys, O.
Lherminier, P.
Lherminier, Pierre
Lheureurx, André
Libois, P.
Lidzki, M.
Liebaers, Herman
Lieber, Charles D.
Liebermann, Dov
Liebman, Adeline
Liebman, Léon
Liebman, M.
Liebman, Marcel
Liebmann, L.
Liebmann, Lazare
Liebmann, T.
Liebmann-Frankfurt, Th.
Liebmann-Frankfurt, Thérèse
Lieftinck, G.
Lienard, Edmond
Lilienthal, Philip E.
Lilly, Robert
Limpens, J.
Linaras, L.
Linares, Juan Francisco
Lindgren, K. E.
Lindsay, C.
Lindsay, Cécile
Lindzey, Gardner
Lineback, Richard H.
Lins, Mario
Lion, S.
Lipetchi, E.
Lipski, A.
Lipski, Abraham
Lipski, R.
Lipszyc, Félix
Lismonde, H.
Littauer, Rudolf M.
Littmann-Lemaitre, A.
Litvin, Baruch
Litwinski, Léon
Lloyd, G. E. R.
Lodner, A.
Lodner, A. H.
Loewe, L.
Loewe, Lewis
Lojacono, E.
Lojacono, Ettore
Lokker, Claude
Lombard, Alex
Lombardi Vallauri
Lombardi Vallauri, F.
Lombardi Vallauri, Luigi*
Lombardi, F.
Lombardi, Franco
Lopez Calera, Nicolas Maria
Lopez, Robert S.
Loreau, Max
Lorenzen, P.
Lorenzo, Dominic
Los, Jezzy
Losano, Mario G.
Louckx, S.
Louckx, Suzanne
Low, Judith A.
Lowenthal, F.
Lowenthal, Francis
Lowenthal, J.
Löwenthal, Zutenko
Löwinger ou Lowinger,
Löwith, Ada
Löwith, K.
Löwith, Karl
Loye, Paul de
Lubnicki, N.
Lucas, J. R.
Lucas, Joseph
Lucas, M.-Cl.
Lucas, T.
Lucas, Terence
Lucas, Th.
Lucas, Valerie
Lucki, Simone
Luderssen, Klaus
Luening, J. D.
Lugarini, Leo
Luhmann, N.
Lukic, R.
Lukic, Radomir D.
Lunel, Armand
Lups, J. H. W.
Lurie, Z.
Lussan, Bernard
Lutumba-Buzangu, Z.
Luyten, Norb. M.
Lyko, P.
Mabusa, Dieudonné
MacCormick, Neil (ou D.
MacDonald, R. St. J.
Macedo, Silvio de
MacGowan, Rae
Mabe, A.
Mabe, Alan
Mabe, Ali
Machline, Georges
MacNally, J. C.
Madden, Edward H.
Madelbrot, B. B.
Maeck, Ch.
Maes, H. H.
Maes, L. Th.
Magel, Charles
Magrish, Conrad
Magrish, J. L.
Magrish, James L.
Magritte, Georgette
Magritte, René
Maharaj, B. H. Bon
Mahieu, Michel
Mahillon, P.
Mahillon, Pierre
Mahinske, Lars
Mahmoud, M. A.
Maiersdorf, L.
Maingain, Olivier
Majewski, E.
Majewski, Edward
Majumder, S.
Makkonen, Kaarle
Malan, Gustavo
Malengreau, J.
Malet, L.
Malfait, G.
Malgaud, W.
Malherbe, Jean-François
Malhtermaeke, F. [ ?]
Malinin, B. A.
Manaster, A.
Mandel, A.
Mandelbrot, Benoit B.
Maneli, L.
Maneli, Mieczyslaw*
Manfred, Ernest F.
Mangenga, Célestin
Mangouni, Norman
Maning, Pamela D.
Maniquet, L.
Maniquet, Louis
Maniquet, M.
Mann, N.
Manneback, M. Ch.
Manolesco, John
Mansbach, Anita
Mansion, Suzanne
Many, M.
Manzanares, Juan C.
Marchal, A.
Marchal, Bruno
Marchand, S.
Marchant, E.
Marchant, Émile
Marchesseau, D.
Marchili, L. A.
Marchili, Luis Alberto
Marcic, R.
Marcil-Lacoste, Louise
Marcovic, Mihailo
Marcus, Marcel
Marcus, Ruth Barcan
Marc-Wogau, Konrad
Mardens, Léonce
Maretti, E.
Margaux, J.
Marghidanu, D.
Marghidanu, Dorin
Margittay, T.
Margolin, L.
Margolis, Joseph
Mariani, Luigi
Marias, J.
Marias, Julian
Maricq, R.
Marinower, M.
Marinower, Marcel
Marion, Jean-Luc
Markovic, M.
Markovic, Mihailo
Marks, Abraham J.
Markus, Roberta
Marquet, A.
Marrone, Romualdo
Marrou, H. I.
Martel, K.
Martens, M.
Martens, Mina
Martin, G.
Martin, Gottfried
Martin, M.
Martin, Richard
Martinez, E.
Marty, F.
Marty, Françoise
Marty, G.
Marx, Edmond
Marx, J.
Marx, W.
Marx, Werner
Masai, François
Massart, L.
Massin, R.
Massin, Robert
Massuh, Victor
Mast, L.
Mastey, S.
Masure, J.
Masure, Jacques
Masure, Jean
Mathieu, B.
Mathieu, Joseph B.
Mathieu, V.
Mathieu, Vittorio
Mathu, F.
Mathy, Marie
Matilal, B. K.
Matrai, L.
Matrai, Laszlo
Mattalon, F.
Mattalon, Felix
Mattarozzi, Mirella
Mattart, C.
Matthews, John
Mattioli, E.
Mattioli, Emilio
Mattis, Daniel
Mattis, Henri
Mattis, M.
Mattis, Michael P.
Mattis, Michel
Mattis, Monica
Mattis, Roland
Matuzewitz, Apelbaum
Matuzewitz, Lucie ou Lucy
Maubeuge, P. L.
May, Reinhard
Mayence, S.
Mayer, A.
Mayer, Astorre
Mayer, L. A.
Mayer, M.
Mayer, Maria
Mayer-Maly, Dorothea
Mayer-Maly, Theo
Maynes, Paula G.
Maynez, Eduardo Garcia
Maynez, G.
Maynez, Garcia
Mayoux, Jean-Jacques
Mayrand, Remi
Mays, M.
Mays, W.
Mazar, B.
Mazy, Léon
Mbingamala, Alphonse
Mbongo, Victor
Mboyo, Victor
McDougall, C. M.
McGrath, James J.
McKeon, Dick
McKeon, R. P.
McKeon, Richard*
McKeon, Zahava K.
McLean, G.
McLean, George F.
McMahon, Fred R.
McNally, J. R.
Meagher, Walter L.
Mechant, Robert G.
Mechelynck, A.
Mechelynck, André
Méchoulan, Henry
Mechoulan, N.
Megha, Maria Rosaria
Mehauden, M.
Meier, Ronald B.
Meijer, J. W.
Meisse, D.
Mekhitarian, Arpag
Melandri, E.
Melsen, A. G. M. van
Memmi, Albert
Mendlewicz, J.
Mendlewicz, Julien
Mephaon, J. K.
Mercier, A.
Mercier, André
Mercier-Nelisse, F.
Mermin, S.
Mérode, [Princesse] Louise
Merryman, John Henry
Mersky, Roy M.
Mertens, C.
Mertens, P.
Mertens, Phil
Merzisen, M.
Merzisen, Monique
Meskill, Jane
Mesnard, J.
Mesnard, P.
Mesnard, Pierre
Messinger, Jacques
Messinne, J.
Messinne, Jules
Mesthene, E. G.
Mesthene, Emmanuel G.
Metall, Rudolf A.
Metsu de Garcia, Liliane
Metts, Susan H.
Meulemans, Léonie M.-J.
Meurrens, Marc
Meyer, Alfred
Meyer, F.
Meyer, François
Meyer, Hermann J.
Meyer, J. W.
Meyer, Michel
Meyer, Perry
Meyer, R.
Meyer, W. R. [?]
Meyers, F.
Meyers, Joan
Meyriat, J.
Michel, A.
Michel, Ch.
Michel, George
Michel, J.
Michel, Jacques-Henri
Michel, R. Ch.
Michman, Dan
Michot, J.
Michot, Jean
Mickiewicza, Im. A.
Midgaard, Knut
Miedzianagora, G.
Miedzianagora, Joseph*
Mihai, G.
Mihai-Luceni, Gh.
Milbauer, J.
Milburn, Myra M.
Miller, Colin F.
Miller, D.
Miller, Daphne
Miller, Deborah
Miller, Ed.
Miller, Israël
Miller, Laurence N.
Miller, N. Edd
Miller, R.
Miller, Sandra
Milles, Deborah
Milton, Handler
Minerva, Albergo
Minet, P.
Minet, Raymond
Minguet, Philippe
Minon, Paul
Minten, E.
Mirande(-Choprix), Anne
Mirkine-Guetzévitch, B.
Miron, I.
Misercque, D.
Misonne, M.
Misrahi, R.
Misrahi, Robert
Misset, H. A. J. F.
Mitchell, Douglas C.
Mitry, Jean
Miwa, Masashi*
Miyamoto, Shoson
Mock, Erhard
Modave, J. P.
Moder, Ulrike
Moeremans-Delferier, Carine
Moerens, Raymond
Moerman, Michael
Moffat, Robert C. L.
Mogelonsky, A.
Mohrmann, Gerald
Moisil, G. C.
Moisil, V.
Mokre, J.
Moleus, Alain
Molitor, André
Molle, L.
Molter, A.
Moneera Beckelman, A.
Monin, L.
Monin, Luc
Monsallier, A.
Monsallier, Arlette
Monteyne, Roger
Moonman, Éric
Moos, Malcolm
Moos, R.
Morabito, R.
Morabito, Raffaele
Morain, Lloyd
Morand, Jean
Moratt, Sh. H.
Morcrette, M.
Moreau, J.
Moreau, P. F.
Moreau-Reibel, J.
Moreno, R.
Moreno, Raphael M.
Morgenthal, L.
Morgenthal, Léop.
Morissens, A.
Moritz, M.
Moritz, Manfred
Morris, S.
Morrison, J. A.
Mortellaro, I
Mortier, Roland*
Mostowski, A.
Motroshilova, Nelli V.
Motte, A.
Motte, André
Motte, Marie-Thérèse
Motyl, E.
Motz, R.
Moulin, L.
Moulin, Léo
Moulin, R.
Mouloud, N.
Mouloud, Noël
Moureaux, Ch.
Moureaux, Charles
Moureaux, Ph.
Moureaux, Philippe
Moutoy-Otlet, S.
Moutoy-Otlet, Suzanne
Moutsopoulos, A.
Mouzon, S.
Moyaert, Pol
Mugnier-Pollet, L.
Muller, A. J.
Muller, W.
Müller, Werner
Mullikin, Kent
Mulnard, J.
Mulumba, T.
Mulumba, Tshiasuma
Munillo [ ?]
Munoz, S. V.
Muralt, André de
Murphy, James J.
Murphy, Joseph S.
Musasa, Pontien
Mushkat, Marion*
Myhill, J.
Mysko, W. K.
Nesher, A.
Nesher, Aryeh
Neuberger, A.
Neujean, N.
Neujean, Nat
Neuman, Emmanuel
Neuman, H.
Newburger, Robert
Newcomb, Charles E.
Newman, Denise
Newman, M.
Newman, Monica
Nezer, Zvi
Ngan, Guy
Ngoie Kapenda, Robert
Nical, E.
Nicholas, Rescher
Nichols, Marie H.
Nicol, E.
Nicol, Eduardo
Nicol, I.
Nicolas, L.
Nicollier, A.
Nicollier, Alain
Niemegeers, M.
Niemegeers, Marcel
Nieuwenhuyze, Henri van
Niflis, P.
Nijhoff, Ed.
Nijhoff, M.
Nijhoff, Martinus
Nijns, R.
Nijs, Georges
Nikam, N. A.
Nir, Dov
Noel, S.
Noel, Sofia
Noland, Aaron
Nolfi, P.
Noonan, John T., Jr.
Norbert, Achterberg
Nordau, Maxa
Nordbø, Einar Leer
Norris, B.
Norris, Barnard
Nosratabadi, S.
Nosratabadi, Samson
Noudel, L.
Noudel, Léopold
Noulet (de Carner), Émilie
Novy, Lubomir
Nowacki, J.
Nowak J.
Nowak, Isabella
Nowak, J.
Nowak, L.
Nowak, Leszek
Nachez, Raoul
Naert, Emilienne
Naess, Arne
Naessens, M.
Nagels, J.
Nagels, Jean
Nagley, W. E.
Nahmias, Marcel J.
Najar, Amial E.
Najman, D.
Nakamura, Y.
Namer, E.
Namer, Émile
Nandy, Santosh Kumar
Narsky, I. S.
Nathan, Leonard E.
Nauwelaerts, E.
Nazroo Fulena, Ayesha
Ndaw, A.
Neal, D. G.
Nedeljkovic, Dusan
Negro, P.
Negro, Paola
Negrotto, Claude
Neher, A.
Neher, André
Nelson, Jack
Ntumba, Tshiamalenga
Nuchelmans, G.
Nuchelmans, N.
Nussac, G. de
Nussac, Gérard de
Nussbaum, Maria E.
Nussman, Charles
Nutkewitz, J.
Nutkewitz, Jacques
Nyamukeba, Daniel
Nysenholc, Adolphe
Nyssen, R.
Onghena, G.
Oni, R.
Oomen, G.
Ooms, Y.
Ooms, Yves
Opalek, Kazimierz*
Oppenheim, Félix*
Oppenheim, P.
Oprisan, C.
Oprisan, Constantin
Orbach, G.
Orbach, J.
Orbach, Joseph
Oren, M.
Orfinger-Karlin, R.
Orfinger-Karlin, Régine
Orgels, M.
Orgels-Stoumon, M.
Orgel-St***, Marianne
Orian, Noah
Orlando, L.
Ormesson, Jean d'
Orsen, B.
Ortendahl, P.
Osa, Frias de la
Osiatynski, W.
Osiatynski, Wiktor
Ossowska, M.
Ossowska, Marie
Ost, Fr.
Ost, François
Osterrieth, P. A.
Osterrieth, Paul
Osterrieth, Paul Alexandre
Otlet-Moutoy (ou MoutoyOtlet), Suzanne
Ottevaere, Ganna
Ottevaere, Jean
Otto, S.
Otto, Stephan
Ottonello, Pier Paolo
Outryve d'Ydewalle, Charles
Papy, G.
Papy, Georges
Paquet, Marcel
Paradies, F.
Paradis, Ch.
Paradis, M.
Paradis, Michel
Parain Vial
Parain Vial, J.
Pardes, M.
Pardes, Marcus
Pardes, Mordechai
Pardo, Raymundo
Pareyson, L.
Pareyson, Luigi
Parker, Douglas H.
Parmentier, Williot A.
Paron, Ch.
Parrella, M.
Parret, H.
Parret, Herman
Parrevée, L.
Parrot, Jim
Parry, William T.
Parser, M.
Parser, Stephan
Parsons, Charles D.
Parsons, Howard L.
Parten, J. R.
Parush, Adi
Pasquinelli, A.
O’Connor, David
O’Connor, Janet E.
O’Gorman, W.
O’Keefe, Daniel J.
Oder, Evelyn
Offensooser, Zeev M.
Ohana, J.
Ohana, Joseph
Ohe, Seizo
Ohta, Tenrei
Oizerman, Th. I.
Oker-Blom, Nils
Oktem ou Öktem, Niyazi
Olafson, Frederick A.
Olbrechts(-Tyteca), Lucie
Olbricht, Thomas H.
Olin, Anne
Olivecrona, Karl
Oliveira, H. U. Jessurun d’
Oliver, Robert T.
Olivetti, Marco M.
Olsen, Leslie Ann
Olson, Barbara
Omelianovsky, M.
Onclin, W.
Paci, E.
Paci, Enzo
Padeh, B.
Page, Hervé
Pagello, Livio
Pagliai, Morena
Pailloucq, R.
Pajor, Tomasz
Palmans, J.
Pande, G. C.
Pandeya, R. C.
Panikkar, R.
Panikkar, Raymond
Pankowski, Marian
Papaligouras, Panayis A.
Pasquinelli, Alberto
Passerin d'Entrèves,
Passmore, John
Pater, W. de
Patocka, J.
Patocka, Jan
Patzig, G.
Paul, Kegan
Paulhac, G.
Paulson, F.
Paulson, Stanley F.
Paumen, Jean
Pauw, F. de
Pauw, Frans de
Pavlov, D.
Pavlov, Deyan
Pavlov, T.
Pavlov, Todor
Pawlowski, Klaus
Pawlowski, T.
Pawlowski, Tadeusz
Pazner, Ch.
Pazner, Chaïm
Pearson, Eric
Peczenik, Alexander*
Peden, W. Creighton
Peeri, A.
Peeters, A.
Peeters, D.
Peeters, Daniel
Peeters, F.
Peeters, Félix
Peeters, G.
Peeters, L.
Pelc, Jerzy*
Pelc, Y.
Pellegrino, [Don] Giuseppe
Pels, A.
Pelseneer, J.
Pelseneer, Jean
Pennock, J. Roland
Peppinghaus, B.
Peppinghaus, Benedikt
Peppinghaus, G.
Perelman, Fela
Perelman, J.
Perelman, Joseph
Périer, Marcel
Périer, Simone
Perkins, David
Perlberger, J.
Perraudin, Albert
Perrin, Jean-François
Perroux, François
Perry, Charner
Perry, Thomas D.
Persoons, François
Pesendorfer, B.
Pesloüan, G. de
Pesloüan, Geneviève de
Petsch, Danuta
Pettee, Charles E.
Pettit, P.
Pettit, Philip
Petzell, Sophie
Petzold Pernía, Hermann*
Pevtchin, Max
Philémon II
Philippart, A.
Philippart, André
Philippart, L.
Philippson, P.
Philippson, Paul
Philipson, Charles
Phillips, Frank
Pholien, Andrée
Pholien, J.
Piaget, Jean*
Pianko, Gabriela
Picavet, R.
Picciotto, E.
Pichon, R.
Pickard, Marc
Piel, J.
Piel, Jean
Piérard Chase, Marcelle
Pieretti, A.
Pieretti, Antonio
Pierobon, Frank
Pieroth, Philipp Ferdinand
Pieters, J.
Pieters, Jan
Pigeau, Serge
Piguet, J. Cl.
Pijnenborg, M. F. J.
Pincherie, A.
Pincoffs, Edmund L.
Pinkerneil, Beate
Pins, Arthur M.
Pinto, José Delgado
Pinxten, R.
Pioro, M.
Pioro, Maurice
Pirart, Éric
Piret, M.
Piron, Jean O.
Pirone, Florindo
Pirson, R.
Pirson, Robert
Pitraerens, Marc
Pitte, Margaret M. van de
Piva, Michele
Pladys, J.
Pladys, Jacques
Plard, H.
Plard, Henri
Platon, S.
Platteau, L.
Platteau, L. C.
Platteau, Léon
Platteau, Lucien
Plechko, Nicolas N.
Plett, E.
Plett, H. F.
Plumat, Pierre
Pluymers, I.
Podgirewski, Adam
Podgoreck, A.
Podlech, A.
Podlech, Adalbert
Podolsky, Szafran
Poels, Georges
Pohl, J.
Poirier, René
Poislay, Franz
Polak, G.
Polak, Gaston
Poland, William
Polanyi, M.
Polanyi, Michael
Polena, Gianfrano
Polet, R.
Poliarov, A.
Polikarov, Azarya
Polin, C.
Polin, Claude
Polin, R.
Polin, Raymond
Polinarov, A.
Polischuk, M.
Poltawski, A.
Poltawski, Andrzej
Polya, N.
Polya, P.
Pomba, A.
Pomba, Albert
Pomeranz, A.
Pompa, Catherine L.
Poncet, André-François
Ponchau, J. P.
Ponlot, D.
Poole, Jr.
Popkin, Dick
Popkin, Julie
Popkin, R. H.
Popoes, Peter N.
Popoff, P.
Popoff, Peter N.
Popovic, S. M.
Popovic, Srdja M.
Popper, Karl R.
Poppey, Harry W.
Porat, Lola
Portella, X.
Portella, Xavier
Porto, S.
Portocarero-Hamie, C.
Pos, H. J.
Pöschl, Viktor
Postman, Neil
Potashnick, Al
Poteat, William H.
Potts, Timothy
Pougatch, I.
Poulaert, L.
Poullain, R.
Poupard, Paul
Poupko, Jean-Pierre
Poznanski, E.
Poznanski, Edward
Pozzi, G.
Prashar, K. D.
Prawer, J.
Prawer, Joshua
Prawidlo, Evelyn
Préaux, Claire
Préaux, J.
Préaux, Jean
Preece, Warren E.
Prevots, Claude
Price, Jane
Prigogine, Ilya
Primoratz, Igor
Prini, P.
Prini, Pietro
Prins, H.
Probst, David Karl
Propes, A. Z.
Prott, L. V.
Prott(-O’Keefe), Lyndel V.
Prouteau, Y.
Pruekpongsawalee, Malee
Prywes, M.
Pseczolowski, I.
Pucelle, J.
Pulinckx, R.
Pulman, Olga
Puy, Francisco
Pype, Rosemie
Raphael, David D.
Rapisarda, M.
Rapisarda, Michele
Rappaport, Fr.
Rasmont, R.
Ratzersdorfer, S.
Raucent, L.
Raulier, Ursmar E. C.
Ravid, M.
Rawls, John
Raynaud, P.
Raz, J.
Raz, Joseph
Reale, M.
Reale, Miguel
Rebe, B.
Rebe, Bernard
Recaséns Siches, Luis
Rechtman, Sophie
Refini, Luis [ ?]
Reichenberg, Georges
Reidel, A.
Reidemeister, W.
Reignier, J.
Reignier, Jean
Reinhold, Henri
Reisenstadt, M.
Reisenstadt, N.
Reitema, C. D.
Rekhi, V. S.
Remacle, Jacques E.
Rémion, Féli-M.
Remond, Paul
Remy, Ch.
Remy, Chantal
Renard, C.
Renard, Claude
Renard, M.
Renard, Raymond
Renauld, Jean G.
Renauld, S. G.
Quintin, M.
Rabi, V.
Rabin, C.
Rabin, Y.
Racah, G.
Racine, Aimée
Raduciner, R.
Rafael, G.
Ralea, M.
Ralet, Marie-Thérèse
Ramakant, Sinari
Rambaudi, D.
Rambaudi, Danièle
Ramelot, D.
Raminiaux, Jacques
Ramnoux, C.
Ramsey, Felicia
Rand, R.
Rand, Rose
Ranieri, Francesco
Ranulf, Svend
Rens, J. G.
Rens, J. G.
Rens, R.
Rens, R.
Rescher, N.
Rescher, Nicholas
Ressla, E. I. [ ?]
Reszler, André
Reul, Verena
Reuse, J.
Reusse, Jean
Reymond, Berthe
Reynders, Bruno
Rheims, Maurice
Rhodius, F. V. J.
Rhodius, Félix V. J.
Rials, S.
Rials, Stéphane
Rice, Patricia K.
Richards, David
Richardson, Jane
Richardson, Janette
Richardson, L. K.
Richelle, M.
Richert, Ulla
Richez, F.
Richir, M.
Richir, Marc
Richir, Pierre
Richtscheid, Hans
Ricœur, P.
Ricoeur, Paul
Riebensahm, Hans
Riegner, Gerhart M.
Rieke, Richard D.
Riemer, Lola
Riepe, Dale
Rifflet, Jacques
Riga, Noël
Rigaux, F.
Rigaux, François
Rijlant, P.
Rilotta, Joseph [ ?]
Rim, Y.
Ringelheim, Foulek
Ringer, B.
Rintelen, J. J. von
Rinteleu, F. [?]
Ripczynska Koperowa, M.
Ritt, Ann L.
Ritter, J.
Ritz, H.
Rivera, Richard
Rivero, I.
Rivero, Jean
Riverso, E.
Riverso, Emanuele
Robaye-Geelen, Fr.
Robberechts, E.
Robberechts, L.
Robberechts, Ludovic
Robert, Jean-Dominique
Robert, Y.
Roberts-Jones, Philippe
Robilant, E.
Robinet, André*
Robinet, Martine
Robinson, Jonathan
Robledo, Antonio Gomez
Rochman, A.
Rochman, Abraham
Rock, Anna
Rock, William Pennell
Rodgers, Raymond S.
Rodiere, R.
Rodrigues, A. J.
Rodriguez, Fausto E.
(Bustamante), Lino
Roeges, Jan
Roegholt, Richter
Roels, M.
Roermund, G. van
Roesle, M.
Roesle, P. Max A.
Roever, James
Roger, Alain
Roger, Jacques
Roger, Philippe
Rogissart, J.
Rogowski, Andrzej
Roitman, Betty
Roitman, S.
Roitman, Sabine
Rojo, Jesus Miguel
Rojtman, Betty
Rolin, H.
Rolin, Henri
Roman, Michel
Romano, R.
Ronse, J.
Rosdorff, W.
Roseman, Y.
Rosen, D.
Rosen, Donia
Rosen, H.
Rosen, Haiim B.
Rosén, Hannah
Rosenbaum, Alan S.
Rosenbaum, Gerald
Rosenberg [?]
Rosenberg, E.
Rosenberg, Edith
Rosenberg, J.
Rosenberger, Y.
Rosenberger, Yoël
Rosenman, Yehuda Jules
Rosenne, Meir
Rosenzweig, A.
Rosenzweig, Alfred
Roser, D.
Rosetti, Moshe
Rosner, Judith
Rosnerowa, Anna
Ross, Alf
Ross, Daniel G.
Rosselli, Aldo
Rosshandler, Maurice Ida
Rossi-Landi, Ferruccio
Rotenstereich, Natan*
Rotenstreich, Nathan
Rothberg, S.
Rothberg, Samuel
Rotheram, M.
Rothschild, Walter
Rottenberg, V.
Rotter, F.
Rotter, Frank
Rousseau, Christian J.
Rovigatti, Franca
Roy, Claude
Royer, J. P.
Royère, Charles de la
Royneau, C.
Ruben, David-Hillel
Rubenstein, C.
Rubinfeld, H.
Rudhardt, Jean
Rudner, B.
Ruelle, P.
Ruiz Portella, Xavier
Rumberg, Ursula
Rummens, Claire
Rummens, J.
Rummens, Jean
Ruquois, J.
Ruquoy, Louis
Rutten, Christian
Ruwet, J.
Ruy, Chaix
Ruyer, Raymond
Ruyssen, R.
Ruyssen, Théodore
Ruytinx, G.
Ruytinx, Jacques*
Ryan, W.
Ryckmans, J.-M.
Ryle, G.
Ryle, Gilbert
Rysman, Pol
Sargent, Marion
Sarlet, H.
Sarlet, Henri J.
Sarlet, M.
Sarow, Gerhard
Sass, H. M.
Sass, Hans M.
Sass, Hans-Martin
Saucet, J.
Saunier, J.
Sauvy, Alfred
Savatier, R.
Savatier, René
Savignac, J. de
Savignac, Jean de
Sbille, F.
Sbille, Françoise
Scaglione, A.
Scarff, S. G.
Scarff, Susan G.
Scarpelli, Uberto
Scarpelli, Y.
Schaaf, Robert W.
Schaerer, R.
Schaerer, René
Schaff, A.
Schaff, Adam
Schalk, Carol
Schanze, Helmut
Schanze, Phil
Scheindlinger, F.
Schell, J.
Scheltens, D.
Schenker, A.
Schenker, Avraham
Schick, Carla
Schieber, E.
Schildknecht, E.
Schildknecht, M. Th.
Schilpp, P. A.
Schima, Hans
Schindler, Philippe
Schischkoff, G.
Schiwy, Günther
Schlanger, J.
Schlanger, Jacques
Schlanger, Judith
Schlesinger, Michael
Schmidt, Jochen W.
Schmidt, L.
Schnarch, A.
Schnarch, Adolphe
Schnarch, M.
Schneebalg, S.
Schneebalg-Perelman, S.
Schneeblag, M.
Schneelbalg, S.
Schneersohn, I.
Schneider, Herbert W.
Schneider, Norma
Schneider, P.
Schneider, Peter
Schneider, Ulrich J.
Schnek, A.
Schnek, Arthur
Schnek, G.
Schnek, G. A.
Schnek, Georges
Schnitzler, Günter
Schoenfeld, I.
Schoeters, Henri
Scholem, G.
Scholem, Gershom
Saame, O.
Saame, Otto
Sablier, Édouard
Saccasyn, V.
Sachs, Emmy
Sachs, Zena
Sadovsky, Vadim N.
Sadurski, Wojciech
Safran, Alexandre
Saint-Ghislain, M.
Salladé, Jacqueline
Salmeron, F.
Salmon, André
Salmon, J.
Salmon, Jean-Jacques A.
Salmon, P.
Salmon, Pierre
Salmona, G.
Salmona, M.
Salmona, Michèle
Salmone, M.
Salomon, Michel
Salomon-Bayet, C.
Samuel, J.
Sanchez Vazquez, Adolfo
Sanchez-Mazas, M.
Sánchez-Mazas, Miguel
Sand, E. A.
Sand, Victor
Sand, Victor Marianne
Sanders, A.
Sanders, John T.
Sanders, Robert E.
Saner, H.
Santo Arcoleo
Santschy, Françoise
Sanz, Carlos Raul
Sapira, S.
Sarezky, Michael
Schönstedt, E.
Schönstedt, Eduard
Schoordijk, H. C. F.
Schossberger, E.
Schossberger, Emily M.
Schottlaender, R.
Schottlaender, Rudolf
Schouls, Peter A.
Schreiber, M.
Schreiber, Marc
Schreiber, Monique
Schreiber, R.
Schreiber, Régine
Schreidemandel, Maria Laura
Schreier, F.
Schreier, Fr.
Schreiner, Helmut
Schrimpf, G.
Schuermans, J.
Schuhl, Pierre-Maxime
Schuhl, Y.
Schuhl, Yvonne
Schulte, R. Gregg
Schulthers, Daniel
Schurmans, Herman J. A.
Schussler, Antoinette
Schussler, Dolek
Schwartz, Maryem
Schweitzer, J.
Schwetz, Yvonne
Schwilli, V.
Schwob, Théodore
Schwreck, Sandra
Sciacca, F. M.
Sciacca, M. F.
Sciacca, Michele
Scott, Robert L.
Screvens, R.
Screvens, Raymond
Scrivener, Martin
Scult, Allen
Sebbane, Roland
Sebeok, Thomas A.
Seeldrayers, Ed.-P.
Segal, Sam
Segawa, N.
Segawa, Nobuhisa
Segers, Fr.
Segre, B.
Segre, Beniamino
Seibert, Thomas-Michel
Seidenman, L.
Seidenman, Leonard
Seidenmann, L.
Selçuk, Sami
Seldin, Harry M.
Sellars, W.
Sellars, Wilfrid
Seloin, Harry M.
Semal, J.
Semal, Jean
Semerari, F.
Semerari, Furio
Senofonte, Ciro
Serayen, P. F.
Serayen, Paul
Sermoneta, G. J.
Serper, Arié
Serra Madeira, I. A.
Serra, A.
Serres, Michel
Servais, A.
Servais, J.-L.
Servais, M.
Servais, Max
Servais, Olga
Servais, S.
Servais, Simone
Sesta, Mario Bernardo
Seuntjens, H.
Severyns, A.
Shaar, P.
Shahar, Ruth
Shahar, Z.
Shamir, Haïm
Shapiro, L.
Shapiro, Leon
Sharett, M.
Sharif, M. M.
Shavitsky, Abner
Shaw, J. L.
Shazar, Zalman
Sheffer, E.
Sheffield, Ann C.
Shehaby, N.
Shehaby, Nabil
Shields, A. E.
Shikmoni, G. H.
Shils, Edward
Shimoni, Gideon
Shinan, Avigdor
Shirdan, J.
Shklarsky, E.
Shmoral, H.
Shorr, Hava
Shragai, A.
Shulewitz, Malka Hillel
Shuman, S. U.
Shuman, Samuel I.
Shumary, Jonathan
Siala, Simon
Siebert, G.
Siebert, Thomas M.
Siegel, Nathaniel H.
Siegenthaler, Bruce M.
Siegert, F.
Siegert, Folker
Sigaudy, R.
Sigaudy, Richard
Sighinolfi, G.
Silance, L.
Silance, Luc
Silber, G.
Silber, Gordon R.
Silberberg, N.
Sillars, Malcolm O.
Silverman, Hugh J.
Silverman, Simon
Simon, A. E.
Simon, J.
Simon, M.
Simon, Marcel
Simon, S.
Simondon, G.
Simonet, H.
Simoni, Mordehay
Simont, Lucien
Simpson, Esther
Simpson, Margery E.
Sinaceur, A.
Sinaceur, M. A.
Sinai, Anne
Sinari, R.
Sinclair, David
Sinclair, Jean
Singer, Günter
Singer, Marcus G.
Singh, D. K.
Sintzoff, A.
Sion, Georges
Sirat, R.
Sitkovski, E.
Sivadon, P.
Skey, M.
Skey, Malcolm
Sklar, Murray M.
Skovronek, Charles
Skovronek, Godefroid
Skryabin, G.
Slatin, Myles
Sloane, Thomas O.
Smedt, Marc de
Smets, Georges
Smith, Nelson J.
Smith, Robert H.
Smith, Th. F.
Smiths, John E.
Snedincki, J.
Sobel, Jane
Soeteman, A.
Sofer, Z.
Sofer, Zvi
Soffer, Joseph
Sojcher, Jacques*
Sojka, A.
Solender, S.
Solender, Sanford
Soler, Jean
Soltana, Ben
Somerhausen, L.
Somerhausen, Luc
Somerhausen, M.
Somerhausen, Marc
Somerville, John
Sosa, Ernest
Sotal, Alex [?]
Soto Kloss, Eduardo
Souriau, Étienne
Soyka, Alex U.
Spaak, Antoinette
Spaemann, R.
Spaemann, Robert
Spaimann, R.
Spanoghe, E.
Spanoghe, Eg.
Spassov, D.
Spassov, Dobrin
Speeckaert, G. P.
Speyer, P.
Speyer, Paul
Spiegel, D.
Spiegel, M.
Spiegelberg, Herbert
Spieler, L.
Spilman, I. R.
Spira, Andreas
Spire, G.
Spire, G.
Spirito, U.
Spirito, Ugo
Spisani, Franco
Spitaels, Guy
Splitter, Laurance
Spongano, R.
Spongano, Raffaele
Spreutels, Jean P.
Spreutels, Jean P.
Springal, M.
Springer, Martha
Squilbeck, A.
Squilbeck, Alain
Srzednicki, Jan*
Staal, J. F.
Stabile, G.
Stabile, Giampiero
Stahl, S.
Stajner, R.
Stalens, R. F.
Stallaert, L.
Stallknecht, Newton P.
Starchenko, St.
Starck, Christian
Starkey, L. H.
Starkey, Lawrence H.
Stasse, C. A.
Stasse, Colette A.
Stasse, Y. P.
Stasser, Stephan
Stein, R.
Stein, Robert
Steinberg, L.
Steinberg, Lucien
Steinberg, M.
Steinberg, Mark
Steinberg, Maxime
Steinberg, R.
Steiner, Franz
Steinhaus, S. H.
Stemmler, Elke
Stengers, Isabelle
Stengers, J.
Stengers, Jean
Stenmans, A.
Stéphane-Clausse, Robert
Stephens, Henry L. Jr.
Sterken, J.
Stern, M.
Sternberg, Vernon
Sternfeld, R.
Sternfeld, Robert
Sterngeld, J.
Stern-Gillet, Suzanne
Sterngold, J.
Sterno, Ida
Stevanovic, M.
Steve, J.
Stevenson, Charles
Stevo, Jean
Stewart, J.
Stigen, Anfinn
Stipich, Nina
Stockhammer, M.
Stoffels, L. J. M.
Stoffels, Ludwig J. M.
Stokking, Denis
Stoljar, S. J.
Stoljar, Samuel
Stolz, I.
Stone, Julius*
Stone, Madolene
Stone, Michael E.
Stordeur, Janine
Storhor, E.
Stork, P.
Storm, Mr.
Storrer, Anne-Marie
Strackmans, Maurice
Stracmans, M.
Straet, Gabrielle
Strassberg, O.
Strasser, S.
Strasser, Stephan
Strasuna, F.
Strasunas, F.
Strauss, Morris
Strawson, P.
Street, Laurence
Struever, Nancy S.
Stucki, Pierre-André
Studdert-Kennedy, Michael
Sturler, J. de
Sturler, Jean de
Sturm, E.
Sturm, Ernest
Sullivan, Edward O.
Sullivan, Laurie
Summers, Robert S
Surma, S. J.
Susskind, D.
Susskind, David
Sussman, Maurice
Sutton, S.
Svilar, Maja
Svilar, S.
Swalus, J.
Swarcz, S.
Swartz, Norman
Swiezawski, Stefan
Swinnen, A.
Sylvan, Irwin S.
Szabo, I.
Szabó, Imre
Szatan, Abraham ou Abram
Szatan, Stefa
Szawarski, Zbigniev
Szekely, D. L.
Szyfman, L.
Szyfman, Leon
Szyper, Albert
Tedeschi, Guido
Teensma, E.
Teichler, Max
Teirlynck, J.
Teirlynck, Jean
Tell, T.
Tell, Trya
Tennessen, H.
Tennessen, Herman
Tenzer, Charles
Ter Heide, J. : see Heide, J. ter
Terache, R.
Terlinden, J.
Terrasse, J.
Terre, F.
Terre, François
Terrier, Olivier
Thankus, Naima
Thayer, Lee
Theertha, Swami Rama
Themanlys, Pascal
Théodoracopoulos, J. N.
Theodorides, A.
Theodorides, J.
Thiago, Arnaldo S.
Thibaud, Paul
Thibaut, Edouard
Thiel, M.
Thies, E.
Thiry, Jacques
Thomas, C. L.
Thomas, Claire
Thomas, E.
Thomas, Joab L.
Thompson, Sally
Thomson, Colin J. H.
Thomson, M. A.
Thone, G.
Thoveron, G.
Thys, L.
Tiemens, Robert K.
Tietz, John W.
Tille, Luc
Tillman, F.
Tilman-Timon, A.
Timmermans, Jean
Tindemans, L.
Tindemans, L.
Titchener, John M.
Tjeenk, W. E. J.
Tol, C. van
Tol, G. van
Toledo, Victor
Tolkowsky, Anne
Tolkowsky, Denise
Tomas, C. L.
Tommissen, P.
Tommissen, Piet
Tonelli, Giorgio
Topitsch, E.
Topitsch, Ernst
Torczyner, Harry
Tordeur, J.
Tordeur, Jean
Torfs, J.-Cl.
Torfs, Jean-Claude
Tornhajm, Joseph
Totok, W.
Totok, Wilhelm
Tournay, L.
Tourneur-Nicodème, Victor
Taels, J. H.
Tagliacozzo, G.
Tagliacozzo, Giorgio
Tagliapietra, Giuseppe
Tagnon, Henri
Taich, I.
Takeda, Hiromichi
Takeshita, Toshio
Talmon, S.
Talmon, Shemaryahu
Talmor, E.
Talmor, Ezra
Taminiaux, J.
Taminiaux, Jacques
Tammelo, Ilmar*
Tammelo, L.
Tammelo, O.
Tapani, Klami Hannu
Tarello, G.
Tari, Ephraim
Tarnoi, Laszlo
Tarnowski, B.
Tartakover, A.
Tassara, Andres Ollero
Tatarkiewicz, L.
Tavernier-Lejeune, R.
Tay, Alice Ehr-Soon
Taylor, Cole R.
Tcherniche, O.
Tcholakov, An.
Tead, Ordway
Tecoz, H. F.
Tedeschi, G.
Touss, P. M.
Toussaint, Claudine
Toussaint, M.
Toussaint, Maurice
Toussaint, Y.
Tranchant, H.
Tranfaglia, Nicola
Trappe, P.
Trappe, Paul
Trazegnies Granda, Fernando
Trazegnies Granda, Peru de
Trejbiez, J.
Treves, Renato
Trigeaud, J.-M.
Trine, G.
Tripet, Christiane
Troisfontaines, Roger
Troper, M.
Troper, Michel
Trotignon, P.
Troubetzkoi, N.
Troubetzkoi, Nina
Trousson, Raymond
Trubetzkoy, N.
Truche, P.
Trujillo Marin, F.
Tsuji, N.
Tucker, John
Tummers, J.
Tummers, J. H.
Tunc, A
Tunc, André
Tune, A.
Turner, J. D. C.
Tylleman, Chr.
Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa
Tyson, Ruel W.
Tyson, Ruel W. Jr.
Tytgat, M.
Unciti, Jesús
Unger, O.
Unger, S.
Unger, Stella
Unwin, F.
Urán, Carlos
Uusitalo, Jyrki
Uveeler, M.
Uveeler, Mark
Uyttebrock, François
Uz, J.
Van Compernolle
Van Compernolle, Jacques
Van Compernolle, R.
Van Compernolle, René
Van Compernolle-Tourneur,
Van Copenol, C.
Van de Meulebroeke, M.
Van de Meulebroeke, Marthe
Van De Velde, P.
Van de Velde, Patrick
Van De Wiele, J.
Van Den Berg, S.
Van den Borren, Ch.
Van Den Borren, Ch.
Van Den Broeck, R.
Van den Eynde, A.
Van den Eynde, Alain
Van Den Neucker, P.
Van den Neucker, Pierre
Van Der (ou der) Ploeg,
Van Der (ou der) Ven, J. J.
Van der (ou Der) Zwalmen,
Van der Belen, J.
Van der Cruysse, D.
Van Der Donckt, A.
Van Der Elst, R.
Van der Elst, R.
Van der Haegen, E.
Van Der Haegen, E.
Van der Haegen, Émile
Van Der Hofstadt,
Van Der Meiren, L.
Van Der Mensbrugghe, J.
Van der Schoot-Groot
Van Der Tael
Van der Wée, H.
Van Deyck, C.
Van Deyck, Cam.
Van Doren, Ch.
Van Doren, John
Van Elder, L.
Van Elslande, R.
Van Fraassen, Bas C.
Van Frassen, C.
Van Geldere, Paul
Van Gerven, W.: see too
Gerven, W. van
Uhr, H.
Ulrich, Klug
Umbgrove, M. C.
Umiker-Sebeok, Donna Jean
Vaccarone, G.
Vaerewyck, Jacques
Vaes, J.
Valdman, Albert
Valentin, J.
Vallenilla, E. M.
Van Beneden, L.
Van Benthem
Van Benthem, J. F. A. K.
Van Bergen
Van Bergen, P.
Van Berthem, Jfak
Van Bever, P.
Van Bogaert, E.
Van Breda
Van Breda, H.
Van Breda, Herman Leo
Van Calster, G.
Van Camp
Van Camp, [Chanoine]
Van Camp, Henri
Van Campenhout, G.
Van Cauwelaert, Mia
Van Cauwelaert, R.
Van Cauwelaerts
Van Geyt, E.
Van Goethem, F.
Van Goethem, Fernand
Van Gucht, G.
Van Halteren, Pierre
Van Heerswynghels, J.
Van Hoeylandt, J.
Van Hout
Van Hout, G.
Van Houtte, J. A.
Van Hove
Van Hove, E.
Van Imper
Van Keymeulen, M.
Van Keymeulen, Marc
Van Loey, A.
Van Lysebeth, A.
Van Lysebeth, Willy
Van Melsen, A. G. M. : see too
Melsen, A. G. M. van
Van Nieuwenhuyse, H.
Van Nypelseer-Cox
Van Offelen, J.
Van Osta, Frans
Van Oudenhove, MargueriteMarie
Van Parys, Philippe
Van Pee, G.
Van Pee, Guy
Van Praag, Herman
Van Praag, J.
Van Praag, Marinus
Van Praag, Roger
Van Praag, Siegfried E.
Van Praag-Chantraine, J.
Van Praag-Chantraine,
Van Quickenborne
Van Quickenborne, Marc*
Van Reepinghen, Bernard
Van Reepinghen, Ch.
Van Regemorter, Pierre
Van Roermund, Bert
Van Roermund, G.: see too
Roermund, G. van
Van Ryn, Jean
Van San, Herman
Van Sinoy, Alain
Van Spreugel
Van Steenbergh
Van Steenberghen, F.
Van Steenhuyse, Nadine
Van Swieten, R.
Van Teslaar, A. P.
Van Tol
Van Tol, C.: see too Tol, C. van
Van Twist, J. P.
Van Veen, P. A. F.
Van Welkenhuyzen
Van Welkenhuyzen, A.
Van West
Van Zeist, J.: see too Zeist, J.
Vana, Lalitananda
Vanbergen, P.
Vance, B. E.
Vandamme, F.
Vandamme, F. J.
Vandamme, Fernand
Vandebosch, Jacques
Vandenborre, F.
Vandenbosch, Th.
Vander Elst
Vander Elst, R.
Vander Elst, Raymond
Vander Eycken, H.
Vander Kerken, L.
Vander Linden, Albert
Vanderbeeken, U.
Vanderbeeken, U. L.
Vanderbeeken, Yves
Vanderborght, Émile
Vanderheyden, J.
Vanderhoeven, F.
Vanderhoeven, Francine
Vanderlinden, J.
Vanderlinden, Jacques
Vandermeulen, W.
Vanderstichelen, D.
Vanderveken, Daniel
Vandeveld, A.
Vandeveld, Albert
Vandeveld, J.
Vandeveld, Jean
Vandevelde, E.
Vandevelde, R.
Vandevenne, André
Vandevoorde, R.
Vanescote, D.
Vanfleteren, Y.
Vanhove, R.
Vankeer, Pierre-J.
Vannineuse, A.
Vansier, Boris
Vanstok, H.
Vanstok, Henri
Vanwelkenhuyzen, A.
Vanwelkenhuyzen, André
Vanwelkenhuyzen, J.
Vanwuytswinkel, Henri
Vardi, A.
Vardi, M.
Vardi, Meir
Vardi, R.
Vardi, Shira
Varet, G.
Varet, Gilbert
Varga, A. Kibédi
Varga, C.
Varga, Csaba
Varga, X.
Varwig, F. R.
Varwig, Freyr Roland
Vas, Tibor
Vasoli, C.
Vasoli, Cesare
Vauthier, Fr.
Vauthier, François
Vauthier, M.
Vauthier, Marcel
Vazquez Alfaro, G.
Vazquez Alfaro, Guillermo
Ve*, J. M. van der
Vecht, Ph.
Veen, [?] van
Veit, O.
Veit, Otto
Velez, L.
Ven, J. J. van der
Ver Eecke, W.
Verbeiren, J.
Verbeiren, Jacques
Verbeke, J.
Verbeke, Johan
Verbruggen, F.
Verbruggen, Freddy
Verbruggen, J.
Verbrugghe, DominiqueXavier
Verbrugghen, Joseph
Vercauteren, F.
Verdiere, R.
Verdière, Raoul
Verecken, G.
Verecken, Gaspar
Verecken, J. P.
Verene, Donald Phillip
Verene, Phillip
Vergé, P.
Vergote, J.
Verhaegen, B.
Verhaegen, Benoît
Verhaegen, J.
Verhaegen, Jacques
Verheyden, Georges
Verheyen, J.
Verleysen, L.
Verleysen, Luc .
Verlinden, Charles
Vermeersch, E.
Vermeirre, F.
Vermeirre, Frans
Vermeirre, P.
Vermeulen, Marc
Vermeulen, P.
Vermeulen, Paul
Vermeylen, P.
Vermeylen, Paul
Vermeylen, Pierre
Verna, P.
Verna, Paola*
Vernengo, Mario A.
Vernengo, Roberto José
Vernier, M.
Verosta, Stephan
Verrycke, J. P.
Versele, S.
Versele, S. C.
Versichelen-Terryn, M.
Verstraeten, Pierre*
Verwilst, Yvon
Verzar, E.
Veto, Miklos
Vickers, Brian
Vidal Munoz, Santiago
Viehweg, T.
Viehweg, Theodor
Vieillard-Baron, J. L.
Villafane, R. Fedor
Villani, Antonio
Villey, Michel*
Vincent, Jean
Vincent, Jean-Louis
Vinchent, Marguerite
Vinck, Pierre
Vinckenbosch, Marina
Vink, Pierre
Viola, E. G.
Viré, Ghislaine
Visser't Hooft, Hendrik
Vital, Z.
Vital, Zoltan
Vitanza, Victor J.
Vizel Buki, J.
Voets, G.
Vokaer, R.
Volman, M.
Volman, S.
Volta, F.
Volta, Franco
Von Rintelen
Von Rintelen, F.
Von Rintelen, F. J.
Voordecker, L.
Vrancken, Irène
Vuia, Octavian
Vuillemin, J.
Vuillemin, Jules
Vullierme, Jean-Louis
Wangermée, Robert
Wankenne, R.
Wankenne, Renaud
Ward, John O.
Warnotte, Nicole
Warszawski, I.
Wartowski, J.
Waterlot, R.
Watson, Sam
Watson, Sam Jr
Watton, D.
Watton, Doug
Wautelet, C.
Wauters, A.
Wauthoz, M.
Weaver, P.
Weaver, Purcell
Weber, J. P.
Weber, Jean-Paul
Weeramantry, C. G.
Weichselbaum, A.
Weil, Éric
Weill, M. R.
Weill, O.
Weinberg, H.
Weinberg, Herbert
Weinberger, Ota*
Weiner, Max
Weinstadt, Pierre
Weinziehr, M.
Weisers, Henri
Weisgerber, J.
Weisgerber, Jean
Weiss, Jonathan
Weiss, Paul
Weiss, Robert
Weisstub, David N.
Weit, Otto
Weitman, J.
Wellens, E.
Wellens, R.
Wellens, Robert
Wach, M.
Wachsmann, Philippe
Wachstock, D.
Waelbroeck, J.
Waelbroeck, Lucien
Waeles, Robert
Wager, T.
Wahl, François
Wahl, J.
Wahrig, Gerhard
Waismann, A.
Wakana, G.
Wakana, Gélase
Walbroeck, M. [?]
Wald, Henri
Walk, F.
Walk, Félix
Wallace, Karl E.
Walsham Mearwell, F.
Walter, John
Walton, Craig
Walton, Douglas N.
Wellman, C.
Wellman, Carl
Wenin, Chr.
Wenin, Christian
Wenzel, H.
Werber, A.
Werber, Abus Szyfra
Werber, Shifra
Werblowsky, R. J. Z.
Werblowsky, Zwi
Werner, Ch.
Werner, Jakusch
Werner, Sally
Wersengrün, Joseph
Wery, F.
Wéry, François
Weser, M.
Westerveld, E. C.
Wetlesen, Jon
Wewel, M.
Wewel, Meinolf
Weyembergh, M.
Weyenbergh, M.
Weynand, J.
Whalley, Michael [?]
Wharton, P.
Wheatley-Curry, Virginia
Wheeler, H.
Wheeler, Harvey*
White, Barbara
White, E. E.
White, Eugene E.
Whitman, M. Jay
Wieczorek, Zbigniew
Wiehl, R.
Wiehl, Reiner
Wieland, J. H.
Wiener, Dora
Wiener, E. E.
Wiener, Philip P.
Wiener-Deley, Jean
Wiesenthal, S.
Wiesenthal, Simon
Wiethoff, William E.
Wigny, Pierre
Wigoder, G.
Wigoder, Geoffrey
Wijeratne, P. Brian
Wilde d'Estmael, X. de
Wilder, Ernestine
Wilkinson, J.
Wilkinson, John
Wilkinson, P. F.*
Willefret, J. [?]
Willemarck, L.
Willemarck, Luc
Willems, G.
Willems, Gerard F.
Willems, Honoré
Willems, J.
Willems, Jean
Willems, P.
Willems, Paul
Williams, Bruce R.
Williams, J.
Williams, Jean
Willink, Tjeenk
Willot, O.
Wilson, John F.
Winand-Jacquemin, MarieAnt.
Windey, Fl.
Winniczuk, Lidia
Winston, Kenneth I.
Winterowd, Ross
Winterowd, W. Ross
Wise, George S.
Wissotsky, H.
Witt-Hansen, J.
Witt-Hansen, Johannes
Wittig, Ernst
Wladyslaw, Gabryl
Woitchik, M.
Woïtchik, Maurice
Wojciechowski, Jerzy A.
Wolberg, Catherine
Wolberg-Rabau, Catherine
Wolf, A.
Wolf, Albert
Wolf, E.
Wolff, Georges
Wolfgang, Albert
Wolfgang, Rachel
Wolfinger, H.
Wolfowicz, Jacqueline
Wolfs, J.
Wolfs, Jacques
Wolfson, H. A.
Wolgang, A.
Wolkowicz, I.
Wong York Woom
Wood, J.
Woodbury, Ph.
Woodland, Philippe
Woodward, C. Vann
Woog, Jean-Claude
Workman, Allen K.
Wormann, C.
Wormuth, Francis D.
Wren, S. D.
Wren, Stephen D.
Wright, Georg Henrik
Wright, Linda A.
Wróblewski, Jerzy*
Wroblewsky, V.
Wulliger, A.
Wunsch, J.
Wurtman, Stuart A.
Wybranezyk, J.
Wylleman, A.
Wylleman, André
Wyssotzky, M.
Yamasaki, Beatrice T.
Yapou, E.
Yapou, Eliezer
Yaron, Reuven
Yee, Patricia
Yeheshua, A.
Yehoshua, B.
Yoffey, Betty
Yonescu, O.
Yoos, George E.
Yadin, Igal
Yadin, Uri
Yadin, Yigael
Yagod, Elliott
Yahil, Haim
Young, Richard
Ypersele, Jacques van
Yzenbaard, Caryl A.
Zabludowski, Andrzej
Zac, S.
Zachary, Robert Y.
Zachczynski, Andrzej
Zagha, David
Zahedi, M.
Zaid, L.
Zajtman-Brajbart, Sarah: see
Brajbart, Sarah
Zamir, Itzhak
Zandberg, O.
Zander, Walter
Zaoui, André
Zaragueta, J.
Zarefsky, David
Zaudy, Bertil
Zayat, G.
Zayat, Gabriel
Zea, Leopoldo
Zehnder, R.
Zehnder, Robert
Zeilinger, K.
Zeist, J. van
Zelko, Harold
Zemach, Eddy M.
Zeman, Jiri
Zieleniewski, J.
Ziemba, Z.
Ziembinski, Zygmunt*
Ziman, J. M.
Zimmermann, Hans-Joachim
Zinoviev, A.
Zippelius, R.
Zippelius, Reinhold
Znamierowski, C.
Zoeteman, H. E.
Zohori, M.
Zombek, S.
Zon, L. Th. J. van der
Zabludowski, A.
Zuber, Ryszard
Zucker, Thea
Zuckerman, H.
Zuidema, W.
Zuidema, Willem H.
Zweiling, Klaus
Zygmunt, Jan
Zygraleh, Nathan [?]
Zylbergeld, L.
Zyskin, H. [?]
Zyskind, H.
Zyskind, Harold
Index rerum
This index rerum is a recapitulation of the key words which characterise the elements of the collection (mainly files, more
marginally items) in the “Perelman Archives” database. The list, put together in an empirical manner when the collection was
being processed, contains the names of bodies or institutions, themes, but also philosophical or rhetorical concepts referred to by
Perelman in his articles or correspondence.
Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique [Royal Academy of
Sciences, Arts and Fine Arts of Belgium]
Amicale des Anciens du Comité de Défense des Juifs [Association of the Committee for the
Protection of Jews]
Amis belges de l'Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem (Les) [Belgian Friends of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem (The)]
Amis de la Jeunesse Juive (Les) [Friends of Jewish Youth (The)]
Annales de l'Institut de Philosophie
Antinomies en droit (Les)
Argumentation Theory
Association internationale de Philosophie du Droit et de Philosophie sociale [International
Association of Legal and Social Philosophy]
Awards and distinctions
Belgian Philosophy Society [Société belge de Philosophie]
Centrale d’Œuvres sociales juives [Centre for Jewish Social Works]
Centre de Philosophie du Droit [Centre for Legal Philosophy]
Centre National de Recherches de Logique [Belgian National Center for Research in Logic]
Champ de l'argumentation (Le)
Cinq leçons sur la Justice
Class for the in-depth study of questions of logic
Class in “The major trends in philosophy”
Class in basic logic
Class in basic philosophy (logic and morals)
Class in morals
Class in in-depth logic
Class in logic
Class in logic and argumentation
Class in logic and morals
Class in logic and moral philosophy
Class in metaphysics
Class in methodology and philosophy of science
Class in morals
Class in philosophy
Class in philosophy of science
Class in theory of knowledge
Class on encyclopaedia of philosophy
Class on the history of contemporary philosophy
Class on the history of medieval philosophy
Class on the history of modern philosophy
Comité d’Hommage des Juifs de Belgique [Committee paying Homage to Belgian Jews]
Comité d'Action pour Israël [Action Committee for Israel]
Comité de Défense des Juifs [Committee for the Protection of Jews]
Common sense
Common places
Conférence permanente des Services communautaires juifs d’Europe [Standing Conference of
European Jewish Community Services]
Confused notions
De la justice
Dissociation of notions
Divine law
Droit, morale et philosophie
École de Bruxelles [School of Brussels]
Empire rhétorique (L')
Études de logique juridique
Explanatory class on philosophical texts from the contemporary era
Fédération des Associations Internationales établies en Belgique [Federation of European and
International Associations established in Belgium]
Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie [International Federation of Philosophical
Fondation universitaire [University Foundation]
Fonds National pour la Recherche Scientifique [National Fund for Scientific Research]
Free Exam
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Historical introduction to philosophy
Institut des Hautes Études de Belgique [Higher Education Institute of Belgium]
Institut International de Philosophie [International Institute of Philosophy]
Institut Martin Buber [Martin Buber Institute]
Introduction historique à la philosophie morale
Introduction to philosophy and logic
Introduction to the philosophy of science
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Jewish community life
Justice et raison
Justice, Law and Argument
Keren Hayessod – Fonds Unifié pour Israël [United Israel Appeal]
Legal argumentation
Legal interpretation
Legal logic
Liège group
Logique et analyse
Logique juridique : Nouvelle Rhétorique
Masonic activities
Menorah (association)
Moral philosophy
Motivation des décisions de justice (La)
Natural law
Neufchâtel group
New Rhetoric
New Rhetoric (The)
New Rhetoric and the Humanities (The)
Norms (incompatibility)
Organisation Sioniste Mondiale [World Zionist Organisation]
Perelman’s Influence
Perelman’s intellectual education
Perelman’s intellectual evolution
Philosophical couples
Philosophy and society
Philosophy of language
Philosophy of law
Practical class on questions of moral
Practical class on questions of philosophy
Practical reason
Prix décennal de Philosophie [Decennial Prize for Philosophy]
Prix Francqui [Francqui Prize]
Problème des lacunes en droit (Le)
Realm of Rhetoric (The)
Règle de droit (La)
Règle de justice (La)
Revue internationale de philosophie
Rhetoric and philosophy
Rhetoric as persuasion
Rhetorical figures
Rule of Justice
Second World War
Secondary education
Société belge de Logique et de Philosophie des Sciences [Belgian Society for Logic and Philosophy
of Science]
Substantive law
Teaching of morals
Teaching of philosophy
Teaching of rhetoric and argumentation
The Idea of Justice and the Problem of Arguments
Traité de l'argumentation : la Nouvelle Rhétorique
Universal audience
Université Libre de Bruxelles - Assistants and collaborators
Université Libre de Bruxelles – Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
Université Libre de Bruxelles – Faculty of Philosophy and Arts
Université Libre de Bruxelles – Faculty of Science
Université Libre de Bruxelles – Faculty of Social, Political and Economic Sciences
Université Libre de Bruxelles – Institute of Philosophy
Université Libre de Bruxelles – Law Faculty
Université Libre de Bruxelles – School of Educational Sciences / Psychological and
Educational Sciences
Université Libre de Bruxelles – Scientific Policy
Université Libre de Bruxelles - Students
Université Libre de Bruxelles – Vice-Chancellorship and Rectorate
Vietnam War
Table of texts
Below you can find a summary of texts by Chaïm Perelman contained in the collection BE
ULB 89PP. They are mainly articles, but also works, reports or speeches. For each of them
the following is specified:
The title;
The form of the text:
Handwritten (hw.): document handwritten by Perelman;
Typescript (ts.), with or without handwritten annotations (an.);
Carbon copy (cc.), with or without handwritten annotations (an.);
Copy of the typewritten text (cop.), with or without handwritten
annotations (an.);
Proof (pr.): pre-print of Perelman’s article, with handwritten annotations;
Off-print (op.): extract from an article published for the author’s use,
without annotations;
The language (if other than that of the title of the article);
The number of pages;
The location (classification mark of the file).
The handwritten annotations aren’t always made by Perelman; moreover,
annotations by a second individual, most probably from his secretariat, can
sometimes be found on his manuscripts;
These handwritten annotations are mainly straightforward formal corrections;
The texts are sometimes available in several copies, in various formats: only the
different forms of the text will be mentioned here;
Handwritten reading notes made by Perelman, on pads of paper, in notebooks or
on index cards (which are nonetheless mentioned in the detail of the inventory)
will not be taken into consideration here.
Untitled Documents
[About the State of Israel], cop., 2 p. (89PP 18.2)
[Speech made by Perelman on a day devoted to nondenominational Ethics], Fr and Nl, ts. an., 2 p. (89PP
[Untitled Article], En, cop. an. [incomplete], 9 p. (89PP 45)
[Untitled Article], ts. [incomplete], 8 p. (89PP 48.1)
[Speech to the Rector], ts. an., 4 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
[Discussion of the presentations by MM. McKeon, Joja [ ?], Ayer, Juhos, Granger, Gonseth, Kotarbinski,
Horovitz], cc. an., 8 p. (89PP 18.2)
[Posthumous tribute by Pr Frans Van Kalken], ts. an., 3 p. and cc., 2 p. (89PP 18.2)
[Justice/La contestation – Speech made in the Rotary Club of Antwerp], ts. an., 18 p. (89PP 48.5)
[Modern logic…], hw., 15 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
[Untitled Manuscript], hw. [incomplete], 119 p. (89PP 44)
[Philosophy and rhetoric], ts. an., 17 p. (89PP 51.1.2)
[Reply from Perelman to M. Bernays in Dialectica ], ts., 5 p. (89PP 51.1.3)
[Replies from Perelman during a colloquium, notably to Mortier and Robinet], ts. an., 9 p. (89PP 51.1.2)
[Transcription of an interview with Perelman, concerning his identity as a Jewish non-believer], cop., 8 p.
(89PP 48.5)
À propos d’Eugène Dupréel : contribution à un portrait philosophique, ts. an., 9 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
À propos de l’objectivité de l’information, cc. an., 9 p. (89PP 47.1)
À propos de la règle de droit : Réflexions de méthode, cc. an., 10 p. (89PP 47.1)
À propos du procès de Nuremberg. Le sentiment de justice et le droit international, ts., 4 p. (89PP 51.1.3)
Act and Person and Argument, cc. an. [incomplete], 34 p. (89PP 47.1)
Acte et personne dans l’argumentation, cc. an., 35 p. (89PP 47.1)
Al musag ha tseddek, Hebrew, ts. an., 16 p. (89PP 49.2)
Aliénation de l’homme moderne (L’), hw., 8 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Alienation of Modern Man (The), cc., 5 p. (89PP 47.1)
Analogie (et métaphore), cc. an., 15 p. (89PP 47.1)
Analogie et métaphore en science, poésie et philosophie, cc., 14 p. (89PP 47.1)
Analogy and Metaphor in Science, Poetry and Philosophy, cop. an., 16 p. (89PP 45); cop., 16 p. (89PP
Analogy und Metapher, cop. an., 17 p. (89PP 47.1)
Analyse de la notion de justice, cc. an., 25 p. (89PP 47.1)
Antinomies en droit : Avant-propos (Les), hw., 2 p. and cop. an., 1 p. (89PP 47.1)
Antinomies en droit : Essai de synthèse (Les), hw., 17 p., cop. an., 10 p., dc. an., 10 p. and tàp.,
10 p. (89PP 47.1)
Argumentation (L’), ts. an., 44 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Argumentation en histoire (L’), cop. an., 8 p. (89PP 47.1)
Argumentation, cc. an., 6 p. and hw., 8 p. (89PP 47.1)
Arne Naess, Communication and Argument. Elements of Applied Semantics. Translated from
the Norwegian by Alastair Hannay. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo; Allen & Unwin, London, 1966, 175
pp. NKr. 25 [review], op., 2 p. and ts. an., 2 p. (89PP 47.3)
Authority, Ideology and Violence, cop. an., 13 p. (89PP 47.1)
Autorité, idéologie et violence, cc. an., 10 p. (89PP 47.1)
Avant-propos [Objectivity and intelligibility in historical knowledge], hw., 1 p. and cc. an., 1 p. (89PP
Avant-propos [followed by] La distinction du fait et du droit. Le point de vue d’un logicien, ts. an., 10 p.
(89PP 47.4.1)
Avant-Propos [on Eugène Dupréel], ts. an., 1 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
Avoir un sens et donner un sens, cop. an., 11 p. (89PP 47.1)
Behaviorism’s Enlightened Despotism, pr., 6 p. and op., 3 p. (89PP 47.2)
Betrachtungen über die praktische Vernunft, ts. an., 13 p. (89PP 47.2)
Bible et son interprétation juridique par les Talmudistes (La), ts., 5 p. and cc. an., 8 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Book Review – Natural Law Forum – 10 on 12 – 31135 – The Morality of Law. By Lon L. Fuller.
New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1964. Pp. viii, 202 dollars. [review], hw., 7 p., ts., 5 p. and
pr., 2 p. (89PP 48.2)
Cadres sociaux de l’argumentation (Les), ts. an., 8 p. (89PP 47.3)
Carroll C. Arnold – Criticism of Oral Rhetoric, Charles E. Merrill Publ., by Colombus (Ohio), 1974,
XI + 401 pages [review], ts. an., 4 p. (89PP 47.1)
Casimir Adjukiewicz (1890-1963), op., 1 p. (89PP 47.1)
Catégorie historique, instrument d’intelligibilité (La), hw., 8 p., cc., 4 p. and tàp., 4 p. (89PP 47.3)
Catégories en histoire (Les), ts. an., 14 p. and 13 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Catégories, classification et qualification, ts. an., 12 p. and cc. an., 12 p. (89PP 47.3)
Ce qu’une réflexion sur le droit peut apporter au philosophe, pr., 13 p. and ts. an. (89PP 13.6) ; pr., 9 p.
(89PP 47.3)
Ce que le philosophe peut apprendre par l’étude du droit, ts. an., 22 p. (89PP 51.1.1)
Centre des jeunes et la Centrale d’œuvres sociales juives (Le), ts., 1 p. (89PP 47.3)
Centres communautaires et leur rôle dans la vie juive (Les), ts. an., 2 p. (89PP 47.3)
Ch. Perelman, L’empire rhétorique, Paris, Vrin, 1977, 196 p. [presentation by the author], cc.
an., 2 p. (89PP 48.1)
Classicisme et romantisme dans l’argumentation, ts. an., 15 p. and cop. an., 15 p. (89PP 47.3)
Commentaire du rapport de Mgr Ph. Delhaye [former title: "La fraude fiscale et la moralité"], hw., 2 p. +
4 p. and ts. an., 3 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Comments on The Paper by Chisholm, cc. an., 4 p. (89PP 47.3)
Conceptions concrète et abstraite de la raison et de la justice (About John Rawls’ theory of justice) (Les), cop.
an., 11 p. (89PP 47.3)
Conceptions concrètes et abstraites de la raison et de la justice (Les), pr., 14 p. (89PP 45)
Considérations sur la raison pratique, cc. an., 11 p. and hw., 16 p. (89PP 47.3)
Couples philosophiques (la dissociation des notions) (Les), ts. an., 12 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Czezowski Thadée – Logika. Éditions scolaires de l’État, Warsaw, 1949, 273 pages (600 zlotys)
[review], ts., 1 p. (89PP 47.3)
D’une rhétorique philosophique à une philosophie rhétorique, ts., 6 p. and cop., 6 p. (89PP 17.5)
De l’évidence en métaphysique, cop., 13 p. (89PP 45) ; hw., 17 p. and ts. an., 12 p. (89PP 48.1)
De la Justice, hw., 109 p. (89PP 43) ; ts. an., 3 p. (89PP 48.5)
De la méthode analytique en philosophie, cc., 16 p. (89PP 49.2)
De la temporalité comme caractère de l’argumentation, ts. an., 33 p. (89PP 15.1)
Démonstration et argumentation, hw., 12 p., hw., 6 p. and pr., 10 p. (89PP 47.4.1)
Démonstration, vérification, justification. Synthèse finale, ts. an., 16 p. (89PP 47.4.1)
Désaccord et rationalité des décisions (In homage to Professor Th. Kotarbinski), cc. an., 10 p. (89PP
Deux problèmes de la liberté humaine (Les), pr., 3 p. (89PP 47.4.1); ts., 4 p. (89PP 51.3)
Dialectical Method and the Part Played by the Interlocutor in the Dialogue (The), cc. an., 9 p. (89PP
47.4.1); ts. an., 9 p. (89PP 49.2)
Dialectique et dialogue, ts. an., 8 p., cop. an., 8 p., cc., 14 p., and pr., 5 p. (89PP 47.4.1)
Dialektik und Dialog, ts., 15 p., cop. an., 15 p., and cc. an., 8 p. (89PP 47.4.1)
Discours prononcé par le Professeur Chaïm Perelman [on the occasion of the awarding of the honour of
Doctorat honoris causa at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, on 1 April 1970], ts. an., 6 p. (89PP
Discours prononcé par le Professeur Chaïm Perelman, vice-président des A.B.U.H.J., lors de l’inauguration
du nouvel Institut d’Archéologie Reine Élisabeth de Belgique sur le campus du mont Scopus (1975), dc.,
3 p. (89PP 31.1).
Discussion. Reply to Henry W. Johnstone Jr., ts. an., 4 p. (89PP 48.5)
Divers [Draft of a collection of articles], ts. an. [incomplete], 30 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
Driencourt (Jacques) – La propagande, nouvelle force politique, Paris, Librairie Armand Colin,
1950. 1 vol. 8 de 288 pages. Coll. "Sciences politiques" [review], ts., 2 p. (89PP 47.4.1)
[Droit,] logique et argumentation (Leçon inaugurale de Monsieur le Professeur Ch. Perelman) ts.,
8 p. and ts. an., 13 p. (89PP 47.4.1)
Droit et la morale devant l’euthanasie (Le), hw., 8 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
Droit et logique, cop., 6 p. (89PP 46)
Droit et logique, Nl, ts. an., 7 p. (89PP 47.4.1)
Droit et morale, ts. an., 6 p. (89PP 47.4.1)
Droit et rhétorique, ts. an., 6 p. and hw., 14 p. (89PP 47.4.1)
Droit et science du droit, hw., 4 p. (89PP 17.4)
Droit naturel et droits naturels, cc., 37 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
Droit positif et droit naturel, pr., 8 p. (89PP 46); ts. an., 6 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
Droit, logique et épistémologie, ts. an., 39 p. (89PP 47.4.1)
Droit, morale et religion, cop., 5 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
Droit, philosophie et argumentation, ts. an., 24 p. + 9 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
Égalité (L’), cc. an., 11 p., (89PP 48.1)
Égalité et intérêt général, cop. an., 9 p. (89PP 48.1)
Égalités et valeurs, cc. an., 9 p. (89PP 48.1)
Élément social dans la preuve, ts. an., 10 p. (89PP 48.1)
Encyclopedia of Philosophy (The), publiée sous la direction de Paul Edwards, 8 vol. deLI plus 4208
pages in 8°, The Macmillan Company, Londres et New York, 200 dollars US [review], ts., 5 p. and ts.
an., 5 p. (89PP 48.1)
Entretiens d’Oxford – Réponse à M. Topitsch ; Réponse à M. Jessop ; Réponse à M. Rottenstreich ; Réponse
à M. Ayer ; Réponse à M. Calogero ; Réponse à M. Barzin, ts., 7 p. and hw., 4 p. (89PP 48.1)
Équivoques du principe d’égalité en droit, ts. an., 6 p. and hw., 14 p. (89PP 48.1)
Eugène Dupréel, A Philosophical Portrait, cop. an., 13 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
Évidence et preuve, hw., 18 p. (89PP 48.1)
Exposé introductif [to a colloquium on methods in history of philosophy], ts. an., 8 p. (89PP 19.1)
Face à la jeunesse juive de la diaspora, ts., 1 p. (89PP 48.2)
Fins et moyens, ts., 6 p. and hw., 14 p. (89PP 48.2)
Fondement des droits de l’homme. Considérations préliminaires (Le), hw., 11 p. and ts., 7 p. (89PP 48.2)
Fondement et justification des normes, cc. an., 8 p. (89PP 48.2)
Fondement et limites de la tolérance, hw., 7 p. and cop. an., 5 p. (89PP 48.2)
Fragments pour la théorie de la connaissance de M. E. Dupréel, ts., 73 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
From a Philosophical Rhetoric Towards a Rhetorical Philosophy, ts. an., 6 p. (89PP 45); cop. an., 7 p.
(89PP 48.2)
Grassi, Ernesto, Rhetoric as Philosophy: The Humanist Tradition, University Park and London,
The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1980, 122 p. [review], fr, ts. an., 3p. (89PP 13.1)
Gesetz und Recht, ts. an., 10 p. and cop. an., 10 p. (89PP 48.3); cop. an., 10 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Gleichheit und Gerechtigkeit, cop., 8 p. (89PP 48.3)
Ha Rhetorica, hébreu, ts. an., 14 p. (89PP 50.1)
Henry W. Johnstone, Jr., Philosophy and Argument, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1959,
141 p. [review], fr, ts., 6 p. (89PP 48.5)
Henry W. Johnstone, Jr., Validity and Rhetoric in Philosophical Argument, The Dialogue Press of
Man & World, University Park (Pa), 1978, 155 p. [review], fr, cc., 5 p. (89PP 48.5)
Hommage à Eugène Dupréel, ts., 3 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
How Do We Apply Reason to Values?, ts. an., 6 p. and cop. an., 6 p. (89PP 48.4)
Idéologie ou philosophie des Lumières ?, ts. an., 6 p. and pr., 6 p. (89PP 48.5)
Inaugurale Rede gehouden door Prof. Chaïm Perelman op 1 April 1970 nadat hem door de Rector van de
Hebreeuwse Universiteit de bull van Doctor honoris causa in de Wijsbegeerte werd overhandigd, fr, pr., 5 p.
(89PP 47.4.1)
Interpretación jurídica (La), cop. an., 12 p. (89PP 48.5)
Interprétation juridique (L’), pr., 8 p., hw., 20 p., ts. an., 13 p. (89PP 48.5)
Intervention de Chaïm Perelman [Oyster Bay], cc., 3 p. (89PP 50.2)
Intervention of Ch. Perelman, ts. an., 6 p. and 4 p., cc. an., 9 p. (89PP 49.2)
Introduction [au Congrès de Philosophie (1967), "Éthique et sociologie du langage" - transcription], ts. an.,
9 p. (89PP 47.3)
Introduction, en, ts. an., 2 p. (89PP 48.5)
Introduction, fr, cop., 2 p., cc., 2 p. (89PP 48.5)
J. R. Lucas – On Justice, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1980 [review], ts., 1 p. (89PP 50.2)
Judicial Reasoning, cc., 13 p. (89PP 48.5)
Juge, la règle de droit et la justice (Le), ts. an., 9 p. and cc. an., 9 p. (89PP 48.5)
Jugement moral et principes moraux, hw., 9 p., ts. an., 5 p., cc. an., 5 p. (89PP 48.5)
Jugement, règles et logique juridique, ts., 9 p. (89PP 48.5)
Jugements de valeur, justification et argumentation, ts. an., 10 p. and cc. an., 14 p. (89PP 48.5)
Justice (La), cc. an., 23 p. (89PP 48.5)
Justice and Reasoning, cop. an., 11 p. (89PP 48.5)
Justice et raisonnement [summary], cc. an., 2 p. (89PP 48.5)
Justice et raisonnement, hw., 11 p. and ts. an., 7 p. (89PP 48.5)
Justice Re-examined, cop., 9 p. (89PP 48.5)
Justice réexaminée (La), ts. an., 8 p. (89PP 48.5)
Justification des normes (La), hw., 12 p., ts. an., 8 p., cop. an., 6 p., cc. an., 6 p., pr., 8 p. (89PP
48.5); cop. an., 6 p. and pr., 8 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Justifications of Norms (The), ts., 12 p. (89PP 45); cop. an., 19 p. (89PP 46)
L. Olbrechts-Tyteca, Le comique du discours, éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 1974, 433 p.
[review], ts. an., 2 p. and cc., 2 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Langage du droit et le pouvoir des juges (Le), ts. an., 7 p., cc. an., 7 p. and cc. an., 8 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Law and Morality, cop. an., 9 p. (89PP 45)
Law and Philosophy, revue interdisciplinaire paraissant trois fois l’an, Reidel, Dordrecht,
Abonnement : Institutions – 153 florins, Individus – 55 florins [review], ts. an., 2 p. and cc., 2 p.
(89PP 49.1.1)
Law, Logic and Epistemology, cop. an., 18 p. (89PP 45)
Law, Philosophy and Argumentation, ts., 22 p. and cop. an., 7 p. (89PP 45)
Leçon inaugurale de Monsieur le Professeur Ch. Perelman : Logique et argumentation, ts. an., 8 p. (89PP
Leçon inaugurale du cours de Philosophie morale faite par Monsieur Perelman, le 5 janvier, en l’auditoire P.E. Janson, ts. an., 15 p. (89PP 49.2)
Legal Ontology and Legal Reasoning, cop. an., 15 p. and 14 p. (89PP 50.2)
Legal Reasoning, cop. an., 18 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Liberté et raisonnement, op., 5 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Liberté, égalité et intérêt général, ts. an., 8 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Liberty, Equality and Public Interest, ts. an., 9 p. and 10 p., and pr., 7 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Libre examen et philosophie, ts. an., 6 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Libre examen, fanatisme et violence, ts., 3 p. and hw., 5 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Libre examen, hier et aujourd’hui (Le), ts. an., 21 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Loenen, D., Dikè, een historisch-semantische analyse van het griekse gerechtigheid begrip,
Amsterdam, N. V. Noord-Hollandse Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1948, 1 vol. 8 de 102 p. – Mededelingen
der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afd. Letterkunde (Nieuwe Reeks, deel 11,
n° 6), f. 3. 30 [review], ts. an., 1 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Logic, Language and Communication, ts. an., 15 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Logic and Rhetoric. Preliminary remarks, cop. an., 3 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Logique et argumentation, cc., 3 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Logique et dialectique, ts. an., 7 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Logique et rhétorique, ts. an., 6 p. and hw., 11 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Logique formelle et argumentation, ts. an., 7 p., cop. 7 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Logique formelle et logique informelle, ts. an., 6 p., ts., 7 p., cop., 7 p and cc. an., 7 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Logique formelle, logique juridique, hw., 9 p. and ts. an., 5 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Logique juridique et le conflit judiciaire (La), ts. an., 8 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Logique juridique, hw. [incomplete?], 193 p. and hw. [incomplete], 218 p. (89PP 44); cc. an.,
212 p. and cc. an., 211 p. (89PP 45)
Logique juridique, ts. an., 7 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Logique, langage et réalité, hw., 7 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Loi et le droit (La), ts. an., 8 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Lupasco, Stéphane – Le principe d’antagonisme et la logique de l’énergie. Paris, Hermann, Act. Sc.
Et ind. 1133, (1951), 137 p. [review], ts., 2 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Maria Ossowska – Podstawy Nauki o Moralnosci (Les fondements d’une science de la morale),
Warszawa, Czytelnik, 1947, IX + 380 pages [review], ts. an., 11 p. (89PP 50.2)
Maurice A. Finocchiaro, Galileo and the Art of Reasoning: Rhetorical fondations of logic and
scientific methods, Boston Studies in the philosophy of science, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1980, XX, 478 pages.
[review], cc., 2 p. (89PP 48.2)
Mémoire de M. Roland Hisette. Recherches sur la condamnation du 7 mars 1277. Rapport du 3e
commissaire, cc., 1 p. (89PP 48.4)
Métaphysique absolutiste ou métaphysique située, ts. an., 4 p. (89PP 49.2)
Métaphysique, éthique et langage chez Spinoza, ts. an., 3 p. (89PP 49.2)
Méthode dialectique et le rôle de l’interlocuteur dans le dialogue (La), ts. an., 9 p. (89PP 49.2)
Méthodologie scientifique et philosophie ouverte, ts. an., 7 p. (89PP 49.2)
Michel van de Kerchove (éd.) – L’interprétation en droit. Approche pluridisciplinaire, Publications
des Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis, Bruxelles, 1978, 588 pages [review], cc., 3 p. and hw, 6 p.
(89PP 48.5)
Morale et Libre Examen, hw. [incomplete], 15 p., ts. an., 6 p. and 15 p. (89PP 49.2)
Motivation des décisions de justice : essai de synthèse (La), pr., 11 p. (89PP 49.2)
Naissance de la nouvelle rhétorique (La), ts. an., 11 p. (89PP 50.1)
New Rhetoric and the Rhetoricians. Souvenirs et commentaires (The), cop. an., 12 p. (89PP 50.1)
New Rhetoric and the Rhetoricians: Remembrances and Comments (The), cop. an., 18 p. (89PP 50.1)
Nieuwe retorica als filosofische theorie der argumentatie (De), pr., 7 p. (89PP 49.1.1); ts. an., 12 p.
(89PP 50.1)
Nomos VI – Justice, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy,
edited by Carl J. Friedrich and John W. Champan, Atherton Press, New York, 1963, X + 325 [review],
ts., 17 p. (89PP 48.5)
Notice sur Eugène Dupréel, membre de l’Académie, né à Malines le 8 février 1979, décédé à Ixelles le 14
février 1967, ts. an., 14 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
Notice sur la vie et les travaux de [sic] Eugène Dupréel, Professeur Honoraire de la Faculté de Philosophie et
Lettres (8 février 1879 – 14 février 1967), cc., 3 p. and hw., 4 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
Notions à contenu variable en droit. Essai de synthèse (Les), ts. an., 11 p. (89PP 46); cop. an., 7 p. and
11 p., pr., 21 p. (89PP 50.1)
Notions et l’argumentation, ts. an., 25 p. (89PP 50.1)
Notions juridiques à contenu variable (Les), ts. an., 7 p. (89PP 50.1)
Notions with changing content in law, ts. an., 1 p. (89PP 50.1)
Nouvelle Rhétorique (La) [discours], ts., 9 p. an. (89PP 49.1.1)
Nouvelle Rhétorique (La), cc. an., 9 p. (89PP 17.4) ; hw., 16 p. and ts. an., 10 p (89PP 50.1)
Nouvelle Rhétorique (La), hw., 6 p. and ts. an., 3 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Nouvelle Rhétorique comme théorie philosophique de l’argumentation (La), cc. an., 10 p. (89PP 49.1.1) ;
cc. an., 10 p. (89PP 50.1)
Nouvelles vues sur l’argumentation, ts. an., 8 p. (89PP 50.1)
O Filozofii Społecznej : Rozmowa z Prof. Ch. Perelmanem, cop., 2 p. (89PP 48.1)
Objectivité et intelligibilité dans la connaissance historique, hw., 16 p., ts. an., 11 p. (89PP 50.2)
Observations sur le problème des lacunes en droit, ts. an., 21 p. (89PP 50.2)
On legal systems, cop., 8 p. (89PP 45); cop., 8p., cc., 8 p. and cop. an., 10 p. (89 PP 46)
On legal systems, fr, hw., 3 p., cop. an., 7 p. (89PP 50.2)
On Self-Evidence in Metaphysics, ts. an., 20 p. (89PP 18.1)
Ontologie juridique et raisonnement juridique, ts. an., 14 p. (89PP 46) ; cc. an., 14 p. (89PP 50.2)
Ontologie juridique et sources du droit, pr., 9 p. (89PP 46) ; cop. an., 11 p. and cc. an., 11 p., (89PP
Opinions et vérité, ts. an., 9 p., cop. an., 9 p. and hw., 11 p. (89PP 50.2)
Ordre juridique et consensus, cop., 9 p. (89PP 50.2)
Originalité de la pensée d’Eugène Dupréel (à l’occasion du centenaire de sa naissance) (L’), cc. an., 11 p.,
cop. an., 11 p. and op., 16 p. (89PP 47.4.2)
Palestine et les Arabes palestiniens (La), hw., 7 p. and ts., 5 p. (89PP 51.1.1)
Pareto et l’argumentation, ts., 3 p. (89PP 51.1.1)
Paul Foriers (15 novembre 1914-18 mai 1980), cc. an., 4 p., cop. an., 4 p. and pr., 5 p. (89PP 48.2)
Pensée juridique de Paul Foriers : choix de textes (La), cop. an., 2 p. (89PP 48.2)
Perspectives rhétoriques sur les problèmes sémantiques, hw., 18 p., ts. an., 13 and 14 p. (89PP 51.1.1)
Persuasion et violence, hw., 4 p. and 6 p., ts., 5 p. (89PP 51.1.1)
Persuasion, en, ts. 6 p. and 7 p. and cc., 7 p. (89PP 51.1.1)
Peut-on formaliser l’argumentation ?, cop. an., 7 p. (89PP 51.1.1)
Philippe Devaux (8 octobre 1902 – 19 avril 1979), cop. an., 3 p. (89PP 47.4.1)
Philosophie de la logique, ts. an., 23 p. (89PP 51.1.1)
Philosophie du pluralisme (La), hw., 25 p. (89PP 51.1.1)
Philosophie et morale laïque. Causerie du 6 juin 1951. De la Justice, ts. an., 27 p. (89PP 51.1.2)
Philosophie et rhétorique – une réponse à Richard M. Zaner, ts., 3 p. (89PP 51.1.2)
Philosophie ou idéologie des lumières, hw., 8 p. (89PP 51.1.2)
Philosophie, rhétorique, lieux communs, hw., 19 p., ts. an., 12 p., cc., 12 p. and pr., 16 p. (89PP
Philosophies premières et philosophies régressives, ts. an., 26 p. (89PP 51.1.3)
Philosophy and Rhetoric, cc. an., 11 p. (89PP 51.1.2)
Philosophy of Pluralism (The), cop., 30 p. (89PP 51.1.1)
Philosophy of Pluralism and the New Rhetoric (The), ts. an., 13 p. (89PP 51.1.2)
Philosophy, Rhetoric, Commonplaces, cop. an., 15 p. (89PP 51.1.2)
Pierre de la Ramée et le déclin de la rhétorique, cop. an., 11 p. (89PP 51.1.3)
Point de vue rhétorique en éthique (Le), cc. an., 7 p. (89PP 17.4)
Point de vue rhétorique en éthique : un programme (Le), cop. an., 7 p. (89PP 51.1.3)
Polanyi’s interpretation of Scientific Inquiry, ts. an., 10 p. (89PP 51.1.3)
Pour une théorie de l’argumentation, cc. an., 25 p. (89PP 17.5)
Préface [to the Introduction à la logique juridique by G. Kalinowski], ts., 2 p. and hw., 4 p. (89PP 48.5)
Préface [to Comique du discours by L. Olbrechts-Tyteca], hw., 3 p. and ts. an., 2 p. (89PP 47.3)
Préface [from a volume on Paul Foriers], ts. an., 10 p. (89PP 48.2)
Préface [from Justice et Raison], ts. an., 4 p. and cc., 5 p. (89PP 48.5)
Présomptions et fictions en droit, essai de synthèse, ts. an., 11 p. (89PP 51.1.3)
Preuve en droit. Essai de synthèse, cc., 10 p. and pr., 7 p. (89PP 51.1.3)
Preuve en philosophie (La), hw., 13 p. (89PP 51.1.2)
Problème du bon choix (Le), hw. and ts., 26 p. (13 p. + 13 p.) (89PP 51.1.3)
Propagande politique à l’époque contemporaine (La) [review of a work by J. Driencourt], op., 2 p.
(89PP 51.1.3)
Propos sur la logique juridique, op., 7 p. (89PP 51.1.3)
Propos sur la logique juridique, ts. an., 12 p. (89PP 51.1.3)
Quelques réflexions à propos de l’idée morale, cop., 15 p. (89PP 17.4)
Quête du rationnel (La), pr., 8 p. (89PP 13.3)
Raison et conduite humaine chez Spinoza, cc. an., 4 p. (89PP 17.4)
Raison éternelle, raison historique : cc. an., 9p. (89PP 13.6)
Raison pratique et raisonnement pratique, ts. an., 11 p. (89PP 17.4)
Raisonnable et le déraisonnable en droit (Le), cc. an., 11 p. and pr., 8 p. (89PP 17.4)
Raisonnement juridique (Le), hw., 6 p. and cc. an., 9 p. (89PP 14.6)
Raisonnement juridique et Logique juridique, cc. an., 11 p. and pr., 6 p. (89PP 15.1)
Raisonnement juridique (Le), pr., 15 p., ts. an., 12 p. and 16 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Raisonnement pratique (Le), ts. an., 8 p. (89PP 15.1)
Rapports du droit avec la morale et la religion (Les), cc. [incomplete], 1 p. (89PP 17.4)
Rapports théoriques de la pensée et de l’action, cc. an., 11 p. (89PP 13.6)
Rational and the Reasonable (The), cc. an. [incomplete], 1 p. (89PP 15.4); cop., 8 p. (89PP 45)
Rationnel et le raisonnable (Le), hw., 10 p. and cc. an., 8 p. (89PP 17.4)
Razonamiento juridico (El), cop., 20 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Réactions à la guerre de Yom Kippur [transcription of an interview with Perelman by J.S. Fishman, 1973],
cc., 12 p. (89PP 31.2)
Reason and communication, hw. 8 p. (89PP 18.1)
Recherches interdisciplinaires sur l’argumentation, pr., 10 p. and cop., 9 p. (89PP 15.1)
Recht und Rhetoric, cop., 8 p. (89PP 18.1)
Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtssprechung, cop. an., 14 p. (89PP 18.1)
Réel commun et le réel philosophique (Le), hw., 16 p. and cc. an., 13 p. (89PP 15.1)
Reflection on Legal Logic, cop. an. [incomplete], 15 p. (89PP 46); cop., 10 p. (89PP 51.1.3)
Réflexions philosophiques sur la classification, hw., 8 p. and ts., 7 p. (89PP 17.4)
Réflexions sur l’assimilation, cc. an., 4 p. (89PP 17.4)
Réflexions sur la justice, ts., an., 27 p. (89PP 17.4)
Réflexions sur la logique juridique, cc. an., 15 p., and cop. an., 15 p. (89PP 17.4)
Réflexions sur le droit, la justice et le recours à la force, hw., 3 p. (89PP 17.4)
Réforme de l’enseignement du droit et "La Nouvelle Rhétorique" (La), cc. an., 12 p., (89PP 17.4) ; ts.
an., 12 p. and 10 p., cop. an., 10 p. and pr., 9 p. (89PP 49.1.1)
Règle de justice (La), hw., 13 p. and ts., 9 p. (89PP 13.6)
Remarks on Professor B. F. Skinner’s Beyond freedom and dignity, cop., 5 p. (89PP 47.2)
Remarques sur la communication judiciaire, cc., 2 p. (89PP 17.4)
René Dekkers – Le droit privé des peuples, Bruxelles, Éditions de la Librairie Encyclopédique, 1953,
505 pages [review], cc., 1 p. (89PP 47.4.1)
Reply to Stanley H. Rosen, ts. an., 4 p. (89PP 13.1)
Réponse à l’enquête des "Archives", op., 1 p. (89PP 47.1)
Réponse à Marcel Liebman, cc., 3 p. (89PP 49.1.2)
Réponse au questionnaire sur la philosophie du droit, hw., 2 p., ts. an., 2 p. (89PP 17.4)
Résumé des interventions de Chaïm Perelman (Bruxelles) à Amersfoort, ts. an., 7 p. (89PP 47.1)
Rhetorical perspective on semantic problems, cop. an., 14 p. (89PP 15.4)
Rhetorical Point of View in Ethics: A Program (The), cop., 5 p. (89PP 18.1)
Rhetorik und Philosophie, cop. an., 14 p. and cc. an., 14 p. (89PP 18.1)
Rhétorique (Loss and recovery of a humanistic tradition), Fr, hw., 62 p. (89PP 17.5)
Rhétorique comme logique des sciences humaines (La), cc. an., 15 p. (89PP 17.5)
Rhétorique et philosophie, ts. an., 11 p and cop. an., 11 p. (89PP 15.1)
Rhétorique et politique, cc. an., 6 p. and cop. an., 6 p. (89PP 17.5)
Rhétorique, dialectique et philosophie, hw., 8 p., cop. an., 5 p. and cc. an., 5 p. (89PP 17.5)
Rhetorische Perspektiven über Semantische Probleme, cop. an, 17 p. (89PP 18.1)
Rôle de la décision dans la théorie de la connaissance (Le) : cc. an., 9 p. (89PP 13.6)
Rough draft of paper by Ch. Perelman re a Roof Article on Communications, cc., 7 p. (89PP 47.3)
Rule of Justice (The), cc. an., 15 p. (89PP 15.5)
Safeguarding and Foundation of Human Rights, pr., 11 p., cop. an., 13 p. and cop., 9 p. (89PP 18.1)
Sauvegarde et le fondement des droits de l’homme (La), cop. an., 9 p. and pr., 5 p. (89PP 17.5)
Scepticisme moral et philosophie morale, hw., 12 p. (89PP 14.6)
Schreckenberger (Waldemar) - Rhetorische Semiotik, Analyse von Texten des Grundgesetzes und
von rhetorischen Grundstrukturen der Argumentation des Bundes Verfassungsgerichts –
Alber, Freiburg, 1978, 467 pages [review], ts. an., 3 p. and pr. 2 p. ; De., cop. an., 4 p. (89PP
Science du droit et jurisprudence, ts. an., 12 p. (89PP 15.1)
Sciences et philosophie, hw., 10 p., ts. an., 7 p. and cc. an., 7 p. (89PP 15.1)
Sciences formelles et expérience (Quelques problèmes de philosophie mathématique), hw., 8 p. and cop., 5 p.
(89PP 17.5)
Sciences humaines et théorie de la connaissance, cop. an., 8 p. (89PP 17.5)
Sémantique et pragmatique, cc. an., 3 p. (89PP 17.5)
Sens de l’histoire et Nouvelle Rhétorique, cc., 5 p. (89PP 17.5)
Sens et catégorie en histoire, cc. an., 19 p. (89PP 15.1)
Sociologie de la connaissance et philosophie de la connaissance, ts. an., 10 p. (89PP 17.5)
Specific Quality of Juridical Proof (The), cc. an., 22 p. (89PP 18.1)
Spécificité de la preuve juridique (La), ts., 10 p. (89PP 13.6)
Symposium on Pragmatics of Natural Languages (Jerusalem, June, 1970). Fourth session: The New
Rhetoric […] Perelman’s presentation, cop., 7 p. (89PP 50.1)
Synthèse finale [from the colloquium "Démonstration, Vérification, Justification"], cop. an., 16 p. and
cop. an., 19 p. (89PP 18.2)
Theoretical Relations of Thought and Action (The), ts. an., 11 p. and cc. an., 7 p. (89PP 18.1)
Théorie philosophique de l’argumentation (Une), cc., 11 p. and pr., 9 p. (89PP 15.1)
Théorie pure du droit et l’argumentation (La), cc. an., 7 p. and cop. an., 6 p. (89PP 14.6)
Trois aspects de la justice (Les), hw. [incomplete], 1 p. (89PP 48.5)
University and Society (The), cop. an., 17 p. and cc., 12 p. (89PP 18.1)
Usage et l’abus des notions confuses (L’), ts. an., 15 p. and cc. an., 15 p. (89PP 17.1)
Value Judgments, Justifications & Argumentation, pr., 6 p. (89PP 18.1)
Vulgarisation scientifique, problème philosophique (La), ts., 3 p. (89PP 13.6)
Weiteres über Gerechtigkeit, ts. an., 13 p. (89PP 48.5)