les mills - Powerhouse Gym
les mills - Powerhouse Gym
LES MILLS GROUP EX AT ITS BEST... EVER!!! CHINA’S NEW SHOWCASE FACILITY RUSSIA CELEBRATES TEN YEARS 2014 POWERHOUSE OWNERS CONVENTION Y R O T C I V S T R STA E R E H competitive ers the most liv de s es itn F ore tion, Matrix ble. Not just m la ai av Born of innova lio fo rt po , your facility sive strength your program r fo and comprehen t en pm ui t the best eq equipment, bu es. and your athlet ©2014 Matrix Fitness | 866.693.4863 | matrixfitness.com TABLEOFCONTENTS 2015 Powerhouse Business Journal 11 20 16 Protect Your Gym...................................................................11 Powerhouse China’s New Showcase Facility ..............13 Powerhouse Russia Celebrates 10 Years......................16 Big Box Gyms Still Work ...................................................20 COVER STORY: Les Mills - Group-X At It’s Best ...........40 POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 2 Where Legends Are Built: The East Coast Mecca ......52 2014 Powerhouse Owners Convention ......................60 The Powerhouse FX Challenge......................................66 40 ® est. 1975 13 CO-FOUNDER: William Dabish CO-FOUNDER: Norman Dabish CEO: Henry Dabish POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL is a publication that is dedicated to the owners, and staff members of all Powerhouse Gym locations. POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL PRODUCTION PUBLISHED BY: Sesi Design Group CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Joseph G. Sesi GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Jeff Robinson EDITOR-IN-CHEIF: Jeff Robinson MANAGING EDITOR: Jeff Robinson 38 Locations ……………………………………………….4 Preferred Vendors ………………………………..6 Dabish Report ………………………………………8 Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved, Powerhouse Business Journal. Reproduction in part of whole is prohibited without the express written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed herein are the views of authors. We recommend those starting an exercise or sports regimen do so under the supervision of a medical professional. Powerhouse Business Journal welcomes submissions: By submitting material to us, you warrant that use of the submitted manuscripts, photos or drawings by us will not infringe the copyrights of any third party and that the material may be published in print or online without any further permission. For more information email preferredvendor@powerhousegym.com. PARTNER WITH POWERHOUSE: Powerhouse Gyms International offers a variety of options to best fit your business model and budget to reach our network of owners, staff and members. For more information email preferredvendor@PowerhouseGym.com International News ……………..……………….13 Tech ………………………………………………………19 Marketing ………………………………………………32 Collections………………………………………….36 Gym Upkeep ……………………………………….38 Pro-Shop..…………………………………………….54 POWERHOUSE GYMS INTERNATIONAL 44125 W. 12 MILE RD SUITE-118 NOVI, MI 48377 PHONE (248) 476-2888 FAX (248) 530-9816 INFO@POWERHOUSEGYM.COM WWW.POWERHOUSEGYM.COM W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M 3 LOCATIONS INTERNATIONAL LOCATIONS CHINA INDIA Prabhadevi Hughes Road Bandra East Muland West Ghatkopar Colaba Bangladesh Beijing Ginza Shop Beijing IFC Shop Beijing LG Shop Beijing Tianchen Shop Dalian New World Store Kunming Ego Shop Kunming New Southwest Shop Kunwing Wanda Shop Tianjin Binjiang Tianjin China Garden Shop Tianjin Joy City Store Tianjin Society Hill Shop Wei Jin Road, Nankai District Bhutan Cairo Grand Caymen Islands, BWI Grand Cayman Islands, BWI Express #1 Grand Cayman Islands, BWI Express #2 Lier, Belgium AUSTRALIA Queensland BAHRIAN Manama BANGLADESH BHUTAN BRITISH WEST INDIES POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 EUROPE GERMANY Aldergrove Pforzheim Stuttgart Wedel Barnechea Concepcion El Bosque Norte Huechuraba La Dehesa Mall Plaza Norte Mall Plaza Vespucio Penalolen Club Rancagua Santiago Vitacura Bombay Central, Mumbai Borivali, Mumbai Chembur Lower Parel, Mumbai Juhu, Mumbai Santacruz (West), Mumbai Vashi, Mumbai Vile Parle (East), Mumbai Malad West Shere Punjab Four Bungalows CANADA 4 EGYPT CHILE INDIA MALDIVES Maldives MAURITIUS Mauritius NEPAL Nepal PUERTO RICO Guaynabo, San Juan QATAR Doha UNITED ARAB EMERITES Dubai RUSSIA FEDERATION Ekaterinburg, Urals (Hohryakova Str.) Ekaterinburg, Urals (Serafimy Str.) Ekaterinburg, Urals (Serafimy Deryabinoy Str.) Ekaterinburg, Urals (Rodonitovaya Str.) Ekaterinburg, Urals (D Siberian Route 2 Str.) Ekaterinburg, Urals (Krasnoarmeyskaya Str.) SRI LANKA Sri Lanka THAILAND Chiang Mai UNITED KINGDOM Hyde, Cheshire ST. CROIX, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS Christiansted USA LOCATIONS ALABAMA ALBERTVILLE HUNTSVILLE CALIFORNIA CHATSWORTH EL CENTRO LANCASTER PLACERVILLE OXNARD REDWOOD CITY SAN JACINTO SANTA ROSA TORRANCE YUCAIPA COLORODO AURORA THORNTON CONNECTICUT NEW HAVEN DELAWARE SEAFORD FLORIDA GAINESVILLE JACKSONVILLE (ATLANTIC BEACH) JACKSONVILLE (BAYMEADOWS) JACKSONVILLE (BEACHES) JACKSONVILLE (MANDARIN) JACKSONVILLE (MERRILL ROAD) JACKSONVILLE (NORTH SIDE) JACKSONVILLE (ORANGE PARK) JACKSONVILLE (PARENTAL HOME RD) JACKSONVILLE (SAN JOSE) JACKSONVILLE (ST. JOHNS BLU! ) JACKSONVILLE (WESTSIDE) WEST PALM BEACH TAMPA TAMPA DOWNTOWN GEORGIA BRUNSWICK HAWAII AIEA MAUI INDIANA KOKOMO KENTUCKY LONDON LOUISVILLE MARYLAND CAMBRIDGE HANOVER OCEAN CITY SALISBURY MASSACHUSETTS PLYMOUTH MICHIGAN ADRIAN BIRMINGHAM CLARKSTON CLINTON TWP DEARBORN DETROIT GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING FENTON FRASIER GAYLORD GRAND HAVEN HIGHLAND PARK JACKSON LAKE ORION LINCOLN PARK MADISON HEIGHTS MACOMB MILFORD NOVI OWOSSO SALINE SOUTH LYON SOUTHFIELD ST. CLAIR SHORES TROY WEST BLOOMFIELD YPSILANTI MISSOURI JOPLIN NEVADA ELKO NEW JERSEY BLOOMFIELD HAMILTON HILLSBOROUGH LINDEN SOUTH HACKENSACK NEW YORK BAYSIDE BRONX CENTER MORICHES CORONA LONG ISLAND MILLER PLACE PLATSBURGH ROCHESTER SYOSSET UTICA YONKERS OHIO BEREA CANTON ELYRIA PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA SOUTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE HILTON HEAD TENNESSEE COLUMBIA DICKSON TEXAS LAKE JACKSON PORT NECHES WITCHITA FALLS VIRGINIA SHENANDOAH WOODBRIDGE W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M 5 PREFERRED VENDORS POWERHOUSE GYM PREFERRED VENDORS As a Powerhouse Gym Owner you get buying power! Powerhouse Gyms International has negotiated exclusive discounts and pricing structures with the leading companies in the industry…our Preferred Vendors. The following are companies that have gone through a stringent product approval process and have been invited to participate as Preferred Vendors and recommended suppliers for Powerhouse Gyms. Each company is committed to providing top quality products, superior customer service and special Powerhouse-only pricing. It is to your benefit to allow all Preferred Vendors a presentation opportunity in order to obtain a complete understanding of what the industry has to offer. 1. You get a great price (savings from 10 to 25% on equipment and prices below wholesale list on various supplements) with fast, efficient delivery. This alone can cover the cost of your first few years of license fees. 2. You get service. Tell them that you are a Powerhouse Gym Owner and they will know how to take care of you If there is ever a problem you know the manufacturer will get it taken care of fast because there is strength in numbers and as a Powerhouse Gym Owner, you are part of that strength. 3. You get quality. Since Powerhouse Gyms are known for being state-of-the-art training facilities, we are very particular about the equipment and products that are included in our gyms. POWERHOUSE GYMS INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE, EMAIL: NEWSLETTER & SOCIAL MEDIA Powerhouse Gym Website and Email: Sam Sheild Phone: 248-476-2888 phgemail@powerhousegym.com Powerhouse Gym Social Media Jeff Robinson Phone: 248-476-2888 socialmedia@powerhousegym.com POWERHOUSE GYM SPORTSWEAR, MERCHANDISING AND PROMOTIONAL ITEMS POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 6 Powerhouse Gym Licensed Apparel Mandy Clement Phone: 248-476-9570 Email: Mandy@identitysource.com WEIGHT AND CARDIOVASCULAR TRAINING EQUIPMENT Free Motion Fitness Chris McGill Phone: 262-369-0121 Email: chris.mcgill@fmfsales.com Hoist Ray Quivey Phone: 858-204-2547 Email: RQuivey@hoistfitness.com Life Fitness/Hammer Strength David Young Phone: 800-543-3880 Email: david.young@lifefitness.com Matrix Fitness Andy Richters Phone: 949-212-3322 Email: andy.richters@matrixfitness.com UMAX Strength Steve Gelbond Phone: 916-276-1840 Email: sgelbond@umaxstrength.com EXTERIOR & INTERIOR SIGNAGE AND BRANDING Sesi Design Group Joseph Sesi Phone: 248-594-7800 Email: joe@sesideisgn.com INSURANCE American Specialty Health Brett Hanson Phone: 619-557-2235 Korotkin Insurance Group Matt Warsh Phone: 248-352-5140 Email: mattw@korotkin.com JANITORIAL, CLEANING & MAINTENANCE Cintas Lisa Luttrell Phone: 513-701-2011 Email: luttrellL@cintas.com GYM MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE, BILLING, COLLECTIONS & MERCHANT SERVICES ABC Financial Nikki Layke Phone: 508-889-9845 Email: Nikki.Layke@abcfinancial.com Twin Oaks Software Carole Oat Phone: 860-829-6000 x 281 Email: coat@tosd.com NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS & SUPPLEMENTS Europa Justin Weeks Phone: 800-447-4795 Email: justinweeks@europasports.com SPORTS DRINKS & COOLER DRINKS Europa Justin Weeks Phone: 800-447-4795 Email: justinweeks@europasports.com Pepsi-Cola Company/Aquafina Melissa Hernandez Phone: 248-914-0733 Email: Melissa.Hernandez@pepsico.com EXTERNAL MARKETING & ADVERTISING; DIRECT MAIL / EMAIL: Valassis Thomas Storch Phone: 734-957-0336 Email: storcht@valassis.com Constant Contact Elliot Grossman Phone: 781-482-7090 Email: egrossman@constantcontact.com Muscle Up Marketing David Vail Phone: 770-837-9628 Email: david@muscleupmarketing.com LaMark Media Bryan Schetsky Phone: 561-826-7725 Email: Bryan@LaMarkMedia.com FLOORING Centaur John Donati Phone: 800-536-9007 Email: john@centaurfloors.com Thor Performance Products Albert Mandell Phone: 800-348-5815 Email: albert@thorpp.com ARCHITECTURE / DESIGNS Hubert Fixtures Betsy Henkel Phone: 800-543-7374 Email: bhenkel@hubert.com Optimal Design Systems International Bruce Carter Phone: 954-385-9963 Email: bruce@optimaldsi.com INTERNAL MARKETING PROMOTIONS & ADVERTISING EDUCATION/INFORMATION TAC On Hold Systems Vince Koegle Phone: 800-613-3197 Email: vince@taconhold.com Club Industry Mark Betz Phone: 203-358-3713 Web: www.clubindustryshow.com JUICE BAR City Blends Stephanie Suddarth Phone: 877-525-3637 x 201 Email: Stephanie@cityblends.com GROUP EXERCISE AND TRAINING ACCESORIES Biospace John Ross Phone: 562-653-4027 Email: johnr@inbodyusa.com Les Mills International Julie Riker Phone: 949-349-9168 Email: julie@lesmills.com Wellness Mats Katie Burlge Phone: 248-740-0713 Email: katie@wellnessmats.com Powerplate Tony Swain Phone: 949-491-8532 Email: tony.swain@powerplate.com PAYROLL PROCESSING & HUMAN RESOURCES ADP Brenda Baldner Phone: 313-845-6999 Email: Brenda_Baldner@adp.com AUDIO / VISUAL Supreme Audio, Inc. Bill Hymen Phone: 800-445-7398 Email: bill@supremeaudio.com IHRSA Merideth Poppler Phone: 800-228-4772 Web:: www.ihrsa.org National Academy of Sports Medicine(NASM) Angelique Collins Phone: 800-460-6276 Email: angelique@nasm.org MEAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Six Pack Bags Geoffrey Clausen Phone: 888-240-7009 x2 Email: gclausen@sixpackbags.com TANNING International Tanning Equipment - HEX Linda Bommarito Phone: 989-792-6119 Email: Info@itehex.com MEMBER FEEDBACK Listen360 Mindy Golde Phone: 678-352-3023 Email: mindy.golde@listen360.com PERSONAL ELECTRONICS 7 L2 Electronics Headphone Michael Paladino Phone: 516-567-6453 Email: mikey@l2electronics.com Movo Jaime McDonald Phone: 203-604-5635 Email: jaime@getmovo.com If you have any questions regarding the Preferred Vendor Program, please contact (248) 476-2888 ext. 114. To reach by email, preferredvendor@powerhousegym.com. W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M DABISHREPORT Founded in 1975 by William and Norman Dabish, the original Powerhouse Gym location in Highland Park is still going strong. At the time my dad and uncle didn’t realize at the time that their 4,000 sq. ft. gym was also the beginning of one of the largest and well respected health club organizations in the world. In the early days, weight lifting was reserved for competitive athletes and bodybuilders, but today everyone is squeezing in a workout between hectic travel schedules and corporate commitments. Fitness is one of the hottest categories among franchise chains and was named one of the top growing industries in Entrepreneur magazine last year. Powerhouse Gym continues to ride the wave with 300+ licensees in 39 states and 20 countries. As a brand we continue to adapt, change and grow in order to find success in a challenging economic climate. After 40 years, Powerhouse Gyms not only survive, but thrive in various markets all over the world. Powerhouse Gym is a strong brand that is utilized successfully in various models of clubs. Many owners are finding success by converting their existing facilities into a turnkey Powerhouse 24/7 model, while others are remodeling and repositioning their clubs as full service fitness centers. Many of the newer Powerhouse Gyms are featuring sports specific training areas, group exercise, full tanning salons, massage therapy, juice bars and more. Regardless of the model of club being operated, the Powerhouse brand consistently provides a motivating atmosphere that embodies the energy of our name and logo. Millions of dollars are spent every year marketing and advertising the Powerhouse Gym brand. Various forms of media are used from direct mail, television, radio and billboards to endorsements by professional athletes and celebrities. Recently, Powerhouse Gym has received national exposure on television shows such as WWE Divas, Showtime, HBO, and ESPN. National ad campaigns with Muscle & Fitness and Flex Magazines have tied in with additional opportunities for grand openings, such as month-end membership promotions designed to bring additional foot traffic to our facilities. Pepsi Cola Company will provide opportunities for Powerhouse Gyms to leverage their relationships with “Peel and Stick” and “Under the Cap” games. Other promotional opportunities include finalizing corporate relationships with Consumers Energy, Verizon Wireless, Wal-Mart and an agreement with Blue Cross/Blue Shield for a national membership campaign. The marketing, brand recognition, support and guidance from Powerhouse Gyms International are all important; however, the most important tool is the experience of others. One of the primary benefits of being associated with the Powerhouse Gym organization is the ability to network with your fellow owners as well as with our corporate office. We encourage you to reach out and share ideas and information with one another. Our Powerhouse Gym convention is one of the best events that we have to gather hundreds of owners from all walks of life to share ideas and their own personal experiences. In conclusion, I would like to welcome all of our new Powerhouse Gym owners and Preferred Vendors to the Powerhouse family and wish continued success to our existing locations. There have been many changes in the industry since the opening of the first Powerhouse Gym, yet we continue to adapt with the times and remain successful. As we continue to face challenges we are committed to overcoming them and remaining the most powerful brand in fitness. We look forward to strengthening our bonds with friends and business associates alike and look forward to celebrating our 40 year anniversary. POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2014 8 Henry W. Dabish CEO Powerhouse Gyms International 248-476-2888 x 108 Henry@Powerhousegym.com HENRY DABISH, CEO • POWERHOUSE GYM INTERNATIONAL SHOW YOUR MEMBERS HOW BIG OUR FAMILY IS! Order the PHG Location Poster and Travel Member Cards Today. print@powerhousegym.com ® BER TRAVEL MEM TO: YOU LOG ON T TION NEARES FOR THE LOCA W W W. P O W E RHOUSEGYM .CO M _____ ____________ ____________ ____________ NAME: _________ _______ ____________ ____________ ____________ MEMBER #: ___ _____ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___ ___ : ES PIR EX ____ ____________ ____________ GYM OF: ______ POWERHOUSE _____ ____________ ____________ : ____________ to permit , Licensee agrees AUTHORIZED BY Gym® membership Facility T pired Powerhouse of the state where the ROCITY AGREEMEN ce of a current, non-ex who resides outside to MEMBERSHIP RECIP card or other eviden . Licensee also agrees of a Powerhouse Gym® of a valid membership days, to any member same state as the Facility Upon presentation who resides within the . to seven (7) consecutive on privileges, for up accompanying guests a Powerhouse Gym® of any er to as memb well any as to complimentary visitati ee fee ate personnel of Licens a 50% discounted daily corpor all to n, duratio is located and extend of any visitation privileges, permit complimentary ® © 2011 Powerhouse Gyms International. All rights reserved. HOW MUCH DOES WORRY WEIGH? During a serious claim that weight could be unimaginable and certainly unmeasurable. If that’s the case, can one really measure the true cost of an insurance policy or the people that stand behind it’s promise? Korotkin Insurance Group’s strength comes from doing the heavy lifting of “worry” from our customers shoulders for over 100 years. As a result, we are always getting stronger. Your protection is our priority. PREFERRED INSURANCE VENDOR OF Matt Warsh, CLCS 248-350-5838 korotkin.com/kig-fitness By Matt Warsh I had the distinct honor of sharing some insurance wisdom at the Powerhouse Owners Convention in Las Vegas last September and felt the need to follow up with further information on your favorite topic. When it comes to running your health club or fitness center, at Korotkin Insurance Group, we know how much time you love spending on your insurance each year! All joking aside, it’s a subject that must be taken seriously and thoroughly understood by each individual gym owner. If handled properly and placed with the right company, you could wind up saving yourselves not only thousands of premium dollars but maybe even your business in the event of a large claim. Having the proper coverage in place and working with an agent that understands the particular risks that gym owner’s face is extremely vital towards the protection of your facility. Since insurance is not a tangible product, I realize it’s sometimes hard to justify the premium dollars for your current policy. Believe me, when it comes time to turn in that claim, you will be glad that you paid extra attention to the details and purchased great coverage. In my experience, most people don't know the true value of their insurance policy until they have that first claim. It’s my job to help you realize what you are buying before a claim ever occurs. In today’s ever-changing world, it’s important to understand some of the risks that gym owners are extremely vulnerable to. Not only is it inexpensive to include some of the following coverage’s but you must also know that in most cases, this coverage is specifically excluded from the standard commercial insurance policy: 1. “EPLI”, which stands for Employment Practices Liability Insurance, is a coverage that protects you as the “employer” from lawsuits brought by disgruntled or ex-employees. This covers you for lawsuits alleging harassment, discrimination, and wrongful termination. More and more employees are suing their bosses or corporations for these types of allegations. The premium is based on the number of employees and is absolutely worth the added cost. IMPORTANTINFORMATION Protecting Your Gym 2. “Hired and Non-Owned Auto” coverage is the second recommendation. Since the majority of you do not own vehicles in the business name…that means that you and your employees are using your personal vehicles to do company runs, which is perfectly normal. And, the good news is that your personal auto insurance policy will cover you personally from any auto related accident, but the bad news is it will not cover your business entity. If you get into an accident and injure somebody while handling a business matter, whether it’s to the bank or to see a vendor, a good attorney will find out and not only sue you personally, but your business as well. It’s a must-have coverage and if you look at your current policies, some of you are surely missing it. Cost for this coverage typically runs between $100 and $300 for the whole year! It’s a total no-brainer. 3. “Umbrella” is the final coverage topic. Some of you may know what this is or have it on your policy already, but in today’s world, when somebody gets seriously injured on your premises, medical bills and pain & suffering lawsuits can add up to enormous amounts. Sometimes more than the liability limit on your policy which is typically $1million dollars. An umbrella policy covers you for an extra $1million over top of your current policy bringing you to a total of $2million in liability coverage. It’s important for any gym owner with tanning beds, saunas, steam rooms, pools, or anything else that exposes you to increased amounts of liability. Typical cost for a $1million umbrella policy is about $1,000 per year. Umbrella policies are available in million dollar increments all the way up to $10million or sometimes more. At Korotkin insurance Group, we take special pride in our customer service and ability to advise you as a business owner on your insurance needs. Our agency turned 100 years old in 2013 and we are specialists in the fitness industry. We insure more Powerhouse Gyms than any other agency in the world. We understand your needs, we understand the specialized coverage’s, and most importantly we understand the insurance marketplace for your industry. Matt H. Warsh, Korotkin Insurance Group, is the preferred insurance vendor for Powerhouse Gyms International. He can be reached directly at 248-350-5838 or mattw@korotkin.com. W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M 11 INTERNATIONALNEWS POWERHOUSE GYM CHINA OPENS NEW SHOWCASE LOCATION A beautifully designed, high end facility with top of the line strength and cardio equipment made by Life Fitness among other high-end brands. Complete with every amenity a gym goer could want; massage room, group fitness studios and a beautifully designed pro shop that would most gym goers in awe. Powerhouse China continues to set trends in the industry in the largest fitness market in the world. Continuing with top notch service and facilities! 13 W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M FUEL WORKOUTS & BOOST PROFITS! WITH ® PREMIUM EARPHONES WITH MICROPHONE • Self Selling-Pre-Loaded 16 Unit Counter Top PDQ • Enhance Customers Workouts • Delivers Hi-Fidelity Audio With Comfort Fit www.shop.L2electronics.com Talk2Me is a registered trademark of L2 Electronics, LLC. FAT BURNING SCIENCE L-Carnitine is a potent fat burner because it is responsible for the transport of fats into the cells to be used for energy in the body. By raising the level of muscle carnitine, you support the fat burning process. Elevating carnitine levels can also help to increase physical performance. CLA is an essential fatty acid that allows for your body to reduce body fat naturally and also helps with the preservation of muscle while looking to lose belly fat. It works somewhat as a fat blocker within the fat cells. These additions along with LIPO-6 RX provide the ultimate weight loss environment while also preserving muscle so it is not lost in the dieting process. Your Drive. Our FUEL. Nutrex.com INTERNATIONALNEWS POWERHOUSE GYM RUSSIA CELEBRATES 10 YEARS! The Powerhouse Gym’s in Russia have set the standard for fitness now for a decade. As you can see by the decor of the clubs and the level of serious fitness competitors that they produce that the Powerhouse’s in Russia are a great representation of the brand and give a great example of what a strong fitness community can create! POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 16 INTERNATIONALNEWS 17 W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M MANAGING YOUR CLUB SHOULD NOT BE A WORKOUT. ABC Financial can help take the “work”... out of your day. Choose ABC as your software and payment processing provider! • With 200+ Customer Care Reps, 150+ employees in the Data Conversion and Training Departments and 35+ Help Desk employees, your ABC family is here to provide unparalleled support • DataTrak, our club management software, manages all aspects of your club from member check-in to report management • Sign up and enroll prospects online via mobile device or app • Your members can manage their accounts, make or schedule payments, as well as, reserve classes and other services online freeing up your front counter staff We invite you to learn how ABC can help improve and streamline your business. Call us today! 1-800-551-9733 or visit us at abcfinancial.com Like us on http://www.facebook.com/abcfinancialservices REQUEST A FREE DEMO SOFTWARE • PAYMENT PROCESSING • MARKETING ©2015 ABC Financial Services, Inc. TECH Ready or Not… Here it comes! EMV (EuroPay, MasterCard and Visa) By: Doug Elkins, ABC Financial Chances are by now, you may have heard the term EMV as related to your credit card. EMV is an enhanced credit card security protocol developed in collaboration by EuroPay, Mastercard, and Visa which has been used outside the U.S. since 1999. EMV use a microchip embedded in your credit card to more accurately identify that the card being used is not fake. Here’s how EMV differs from a standard credit card… In a standard credit card transaction, the merchant or system calculates the amount of the transaction, you swipe the magnetic strip on your credit card across the card terminal, then scrawl your signature on a receipt. The main problem? That magnetic strip contains static data that can easily be stolen and passed around, increasing the likelihood that your gym-goers will be vulnerable to fraud during a point of sale (POS) transaction in your gym. With an EMV, or “chip card”, this process changes. Rather than swiping a strip, you will insert the chip-end of the card into the terminal, leave it inserted while the system securely validate your card, type your PIN code or sign your name, then remove the card when prompted. Like the magnetic strip, the chip contains data. However, the chip’s data isn’t static – it changes every time you use it. This makes it substantially more difficult for scammers to take advantage. Why Do We Need EMV? Despite being one of the most technologically advanced nations on the planet, the USA leads the world in credit card fraud. While other nations such as Canada and Australia have reduced credit card fraud by moving to EMV technology, the USA continues to see instances of credit card fraud rise. To put it bluntly: we are standing still while others have moved ahead, and EMV can change that. The Effect on Gym-Goers and Other Consumers When people come to your gym, they want to be focused on their workout. When they’re doing squats, they need to be thinking about the mechanics of the movement – not about whether or not they’re going to have to deal with their credit card company. Consumers expect businesses to take care of them, and by introducing EMV, another layer of protection will be added to the payment process. It’s estimated that roughly 70% of consumer credit cards will support EMV by the end of 2015 – your gym can’t afford to be left behind. The Effect on Your Business Naturally, you want your consumers to be as safe as possible – but switching to an EMV system has other benefits. First, you’re protecting yourself. With the change in how POS transactions operate, the liability of who’s responsible for credit card fraud will shift to the least compliant party. If you don’t have an EMV system, that’s going to be your business. To be compliant, you’ll need to change the POS hardware in your business. As a gym owner, your goal is to keep your customers safe. You want them to perform exercises using the correct posture, and you want them to keep their bank accounts safe as well. EMV helps you do that. Bio: Joining ABC in 2007 as the Chief Information Officer, Doug Elkins leads the timely development, accurate delivery and effective management of the world-class software, systems and networks that serve ABC Financial’s customers. He works within the executive team to develop and deliver business opportunities, promote product and industry diversity, and support ongoing corporate growth. W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M 19 CURRENTTRENDS Big Box Gyms Still Work By Jim Thomas I read it all the time and I’m sure you do as well, big box gyms are a thing of the past. Do you think this is true? Not based on what I see. Let me explain why. Yes, when you read the survey’s and talk to owners, you hear tales of struggle, but when you dig deeper, you see something completely different. The survey and the story of a struggle are, many times, just the end result of many things that have been missed. POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 20 We work with many big box gyms that flourish and the opportunity is available for any club owner to get the results they are seeking if they will integrate the following; 1. Overcome the issue of obscurity. This is the biggest problem faced by gyms, no one knows you’re out there and those that do aren’t thinking about you. Too many gym owners significantly underestimate what it will take to gain attention. It requires a massive, determined effort and not just doing a few things to accomplish this. 2. Get a club app and actually use it. You are literally in the palm of the hand of your club members and prospects. No club should be without one. 3. Become a digital media company. I don’t see many really taking advantage of this incredible opportunity. Blogs, Video, podcast, email, social media and salesperson resource center. This is significantly underutilized or even truly understood. 4. Turning cost centers into profit centers. The days are long past whereby the monthly dues can underwrite every area of your club. Your front desk, nursery and group x must product (at minimum) enough to cover their cost. In the end, this means training and development of staff. 5. Sales Process. These are the proven steps of the sales process. For example, every guest, no matter what the circumstances, must receive a membership presentation. 6. Sales fundamentals. The two biggest areas of improvement are being agreeable with the customer and asking for the sale. 7. Learn how to follow up on existing leads. So much time and effort is placed on getting the phone to ring and people to call and then the ball is dropped in follow up. Salespeople need training on how to properly do this. 8. Keeping the club as new and as trendy today as it was the day it opened. Much like the restaurant and nightclub business, your gym must stay on top of the recent trends in order to stay relative in the marketplace. 9. Install a strategy to grow and develop member loyalty. This is the foundation of your member retention success and it can’t be simply “we provide good service, it must be quantifiable. 10.Actually define a unique selling position. Most gyms we go into cannot answer this question. Quite simply; what makes you different, why should I join your gym? And you can’t say because you’re friendly, have great service and have the best equipment – everyone says that. Now, go make your big box gym a success! Jim Thomas is the founder and president of Fitness Management USA Inc., a management consulting and turnaround firm specializing in the fitness and health club industry. With more than 25 years of experience owning, operating and managing clubs of all sizes, Thomas lectures and delivers seminars and workshops across the country on the practical skills required to successfully build teamwork and market fitness programs and products. Visit his Web site at: www.fmconsulting.net or www. jimthomasondemand.com. T H E N E X T L E V E L O F I N N O VAT I O N .com/Cellucor .com/Cellucor @Cellucor *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Product to be used with a strict diet and training programme. TECH Most HealthBetter Club product. Better service. Owners & Managers Work IN Their Clubs not ON their Clubs By Eric Claman - Twin Oaks Software Most health club owners and managers work “in” their clubs not “on” their clubs. Their daily responsibilities resemble that of a fireman more than that of a health club executive. Their days are spent putting out fires, cooling off heated issues and dowsing smoldering problems. They get so caught up in the day to day minutia of running a club that all they can focus on is the symptoms and not the root problems. This type of management is called “reactive management”. It’s hectic, stressful and inefficient – but worse of all it can become routine. SOFTWARE - BILLINGevent By definition a reactive business responds to an unanticipated RETURNS MANAGEMENT after it occurs, while a proactive business put strategies in place that are designed to anticipate these possible challenges. Even though they both face similar challenges and issues; the proactive business tries to react to them ahead of time in an effort to manage their business more effectively and efficiently. POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 22 Low Usage: By using your software to detail your members who are not using the club regularly, you can identify the ones who are Working the areas most likely to drop on their membership. You should contact them in an effort to re-integrate them back into that matter most. the club. Yes, most clubs are scared of the dreaded, “oh yea, I am not using the club so I am going to cancel. Thanks for reminding me” call. But if you get creative and •People sendOutstanding your low usage members forTeam training and say that personal service abyfree our coupon dedicated Members. they won it in a random drawing, you will not only give them get •Product them a call to action that gets them back in to the club but you can Free, simple, secure state of the art Club Management Software. possibly up sell them on a training package. •Pricing Total lowest provider products services. Billing: Wouldcost you ratherwith findthe outbest that 10% ofand your credit card EFT’s were returned because some big block retailer got hacked or would you like to pre authorize your billing file to automatically update those credit cards. Clubs who use their software to send their Visa and Master Card EFT’s to get updated prior to the billing can see their credit card returns lowered by up to 40%. Not only making them more money but lessening the time and effort needed to follow up with the returns. Reactive vs. proactive management can come into play in many different areas of the club, none more important than client relations and even though you can’t anticipate every situation your results today. Why wait for your members to Training your Session Reminder: club can emphasize proactive strategies by better utilizing you clubStart improving Call 1-866-278-6750 purchase another package or when you can contact them and remind management software. Here are some creative ways to use your Provenleft.results. them that they only have a couple of sessions Even smarter, software to be more proactive and take control: visit us at HealthClubSoftware.com you can sell them on a better package that saves them money if they commit to more sessions. Instead of selling them 6 at a time and Member Retention: Communication is the key to retention and hoping they sign up again after the last training session, you can your club should have both a new member marketing plan as well set them up to get 6 sessions a month and have their payment auto as an expiring member contact strategy. With new members your drafted at the beginning of every month. software should help you set up a series of email and phone calls to insure that your new client knows everything about the club and is getting the most out of their new membership. Their first impression Because no club can always be proactive, it helps to include proactive elements in any reactive strategy. In other words your best defense should be that you care about their fitness and want them to get is offense. Take each reactive situation on its own merit and when acclimated to the club and comfortable with their lifestyle choice. you find yourself spending too much time reacting to the symptoms, You should also have a plan in place for contacting your paid in then you know it is time to take a “time out” and refocus on what full members prior to their expiration date. Sending them a simple you are doing and how you are doing it. reminder that thanks them for their patronage and details their future options, will go a long way to retaining someone. You would Eric Claman owned two Clubs in Torrington, Conn., Pinewoods be surprised how many clubs just let their members expire without Health and Racquet Club for 23 years and Energy Fitness for four even contacting them. years before selling both and accepting a consulting job at Twin Oaks Software Development in 2011. He can be reached at 866.278.6750 or at eclaman@tosd.com, or visit www.healthclubsoftware.com. THIS IS MY TWIN OAKS. OUR MEMBERS ARE OBSESSED WITH THE LATEST SMART PHONES & TECHNOLOGY. I MEAN WHO ISN’T? (REALLY THOUGH, I DARE YOU TO GO 10 MINUTES WITHOUT CHECKING YOURS) THAT’S WHY WE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS THE LATEST ONLINE FUNCTIONALITY, LIKE BEING ABLE TO SIGN UP FOR CLASS ON YOUR PHONE. IT DOESN’T GET ANY EASIER THAN THAT. THAT’S WHY I CHOOSE TWIN OAKS. WANT TO LEARN MORE? GIVE US A CALL TODAY! Ask about our FREE Software demo. 866.278.6750 or visit HealthClubSoftware.com SOFTWARE - BILLING - RETURNS MANAGEMENT LESMILLS What’s the secret to getting your members super fit, super fast? By Les Mills Staff It’s a secret that pro athletes and elite sports people have long had up their sleeves; high-intensity interval training (HIIT) gets results. Now, an increasing number of everyday fitness enthusiasts are looking to use HIIT to getting super fit, super fast. And all around the globe, savvy fitness facilities are satisfying this demand, adding HIIT workouts to their offering and reaping the rewards. HIIT-based workouts are hard work, but they’re over quickly. A typical HIIT workout is just 30 minutes, featuring short bursts of high-intensity activity interspersed with recovery periods. Studies have shown that this interval training is an ideal way to increase fitness, build muscle and help lose fat. How? By pushing the line between aerobic and anaerobic energy use. Your anaerobic energy threshold is the point at which your body reaches its maximum oxygen intake (VO2max). POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 24 Steady-state training ticks along at a comfortable rate below VO2max (VO2max is your maximum level of aerobic fitness), but the interval periods of HIIT push you closer to it, which has two effects: first, it triggers the “after burn,” where your body continues to burn oxygen, and therefore calories, hours after exercise. Second, it increases your VO2max. In other words, once you hit your anaerobic threshold, the body now relies on energy other than oxygen to keep going, giving you only about three minutes at that intensity. Every time that happens, your body adapts by enabling you to use oxygen at higher intensities. As your VO2max goes up, you can now work out at that intensity aerobically, continuing to burn oxygen. You can work out harder, for longer. A 2006 study divided middle distance runners into three groups training at different intensities and found that the group undergoing a HIIT workout had a stronger after burn, which lasted up to nine hours post-training. In addition, HIIT engages more muscle fiber in each workout: steady-state training works predominantly slow twitch muscle fiber, creating the lean “marathon runner” look. But a lot of our muscle is made up of fast twitch fiber, which operates anaerobically. HIIT is a great way of reaching these fibers. Think of a sprinter: Usain Bolt hits VO2max off the blocks. The difference between steady-state training and HIIT could be illustrated by thinking about different physiques: a lean marathoner versus a muscular sprinter. It might seem counter-intuitive that HIIT workouts lead to greater fat loss than steady-state training, as it’s commonly accepted that more fat is burned during moderate-intensity exercise, but fat loss through HIIT is aided by the after burn and hormonal responses. For instance, higher levels of human growth hormone – which promotes fat burning – are present due to higher intensity work for your large muscle groups. Recent research by Dr. Jinger Gottschall and Pennsylvania State University highlights how HIIT can get you fitter, faster while you spend no extra time working out. This research tested 84 fit adult exercisers split into two groups. Both groups engaged in five hours of quality, professionally-designed exercise per week. The point of difference was that one group substituted an hour of cardio for two 30 minute HIIT sessions. After six weeks all participants recorded increases in cardiovascular fitness and strength while decreasing triglycerides, decreasing body fat and reducing waist circumference. Those who did the HIIT workouts enjoyed these benefits at more than twice the rate across all measures. The fact that HIIT workouts are quicker and offer better results than other forms of exercise can only fuel the attractiveness of the HIIT trend. The workouts are hard, they’re not for everybody, and they’re not for every day. But given their increasing popularity, adding a HIIT offering is something that every club should consider. Les Mills is the world’s largest provider of group fitness and team training programs, including the popular LES MILLS GRIT™, a series of high-intensity interval training workouts. For more information, visit www. lesmills.com. LES MIL LS GRIT IS THE HI I T HIIT IS HOT HIIT is a hit because it works. Athletes know it, science proves it – and every day thousands of exercisers are living it. Keep members walking in the door by giving them what they want: results, fast. 1.844.LES.MILLS i n fo.usa@l esm i l l s.c om BODY COMPOSITION ANALYSIS & The fundamentals of good health begin with proper diet paired with a quality exercise program, both aiding in the management of lean body mass and body fat. The amount of lean body mass an individual has plays a significant role in every essential bodily function, including - but not limited to - the direct moderating of body metabolism and energy expenditure, maintaining of a bloodglucose balance, managing the risk of developing insulin resistance and or metabolic syndrome, increasing functional strength and fitness, and monitoring disease and mortality. To further emphasize the importance of body composition, maintaining and developing one’s lean body mass (the protein-rich compartment of the body) is integral in sustaining optimal health throughout an individual’s lifespan. For this reason, it is essential to monitor the amount of lean body mass and fat mass an individual has in order to create a more accurate picture of an individual’s health. As with many things, there are countless methods and tools available to assess an individual’s body composition. The variety of methods available can be both daunting and promising. On one hand, the variety gives us options; on the other hand, too many options can make it difficult to determine what we actually need. So, how do we decide? When determining the appropriate body composition method, it is important to keep a few key things in mind: what the setting this device will be used in, who the clientele being measured are, what their needs are, if the method is quick and convenient related to the setting it will be used in, and most importantly, the details that body composition method is able to provide. For example, some conventional methods used in a gym setting include waist measurements and skinfold calipers; however, many find these methods to be limited in their ability to provide detail of the body composition of their clients, particularly those outside the normal parameters of good health. This suggests the need to explore other body composition methods, methods that are able to provide a detailed and accurate assessment of an individual’s body composition that will allow trainers to design gym regimens tailored to the individual client. There has been a growing interest in body composition methods such as Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) because of its ability to provide trainers and clients with the amount of lean body mass and fat mass one has in a quick and convenient manner. Just like the variety of body composition methods, there are many different BIA devices available: some handheld, some resembling a weight scale, some that measure standing up, and some that measure laying down. The real difference between the BIA devices is in the technology. BIA devices with advanced technology are able to provide a full body analysis through a detailed breakdown of individual’s body composition, providing information you didn’t even realize you needed until it was provided. Therefore, it is the accurate wholebody measurement method recent BIA technology is able to provide that can allow trainers and gym members to design tailored workout routines to maximize results. TECH Body Composition: The New Weight Scale Advances in BIA technology allow for a convenient and accurate analysis of the individual, providing a deeper insight into his or hers overall body composition. For individuals at the start of their health improvement journey, understanding the distribution of lean body mass and body fat they have is critical. Accurate body composition assessment allows for a baseline to be established, changes to be monitored, current state of health to be identified, and people to be educated on the health risks of their current body composition. Then, working closely with their athletic trainers, individuals begin to design tailored diet and gym routines for their individual body compositions. With advanced BIA technology, trainers can help provide personalized training and track the progress of their clients as their clients work to achieve their own fitness goals. When equipped with individualized body composition measures, trainers can: • • • • • Identify and explain the difference between healthy leanness and unhealthy thinness Develop comprehensive physical fitness profiles for clients Provide baseline data for nutrition counseling and obesity treatment Monitor changes due to exercise, growth, maturation, and aging Maximize performance and training of clients Advances in BIA technology provide the necessary tools to accurately track body composition, benefiting both the individual clients and the trainers. Trainers are able to use the information to monitor health and track changes, providing a more robust analysis of the individual to allow trainers to design tailored diet and workout routines for each individual client. These bonus services and training programs provided by trainers add value to the current services offered and increase the likelihood of successful programs. Given the additional value provided to clients, trainers, and facilities through the use of body composition assessment, an accurate measurement device will support the growth and success of clubs and their training programs. For more information, contact us at info@inbodyusa.com W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M 27 Official Powerhouse Licensed Apparel For more information or to order PHG Licensed Apparel: www.PowerhouseGym.com and click on Gear! sales@powerhousegym.com Products and styles may vary without notice. ® The easiest way to get ongoing member feedback •Keep members happy •Gain new members through recommendations •Stream great reviews online •Compatible with ABC Financial •Prices starting at $50/month per location with no annual contract! •First 30 days FREE Start your FREE trial today! www.listen360.com/powerhouse TECH Promoting Online Joining By Carole Oat - Twin Oaks Software Are you & your website ready for Online Joining? Internet technology has evolved tremendously and successful clubs are implementing sales strategies to send people to their website and engage prospects and members throughout the buying cycle. Utilize this knowledge and extend beyond traditional means, with an easy link for non-members, former members, and prospects to easily join right from your website. Industry stats increase each year, now showing that many clubs, are doing 15-20% of their new memberships Online. By using their website as a business platform, all visitors can connect, learn, and perhaps purchase in ways not even imaginable a few years ago. Clubs need to see this as a sales tool and realize there’s a promise of significant sales productivity and revenue gains. Start by talking with your Club Management Software provider. They should be able to set up the functionality, the integration, and provide the components to put Online joining in place, linked from the club website, and integrated directly into the club management software. The recurring cost should be minimal, and will need to allow for an ecommerce account for credit cards to be accepted. Then create engaging presentation visuals on your website. Have simple examples of the membership plans, keeping it to three options or less. A virtual tour, member testimonials, and easy to understand membership rates will help in decision making for prospects. POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 30 Next, promote this easy to use capability. All marketing sources, Direct mail, billboards, ad’s, posters, should include the website and mention the ability to Join Online. Even promotional flyers and pieces used for local community events should include language to prompt action. There’s no confrontation, no dealing with a sales rep, prospects can do it all Online and then, come in and pick up their membership card and get started on their way. When a prospect joins a confirmation message is given on the screen welcoming them and they should also receive a follow up email. Make sure that the Online Joining program also allows the member to see and print their real contract, with their information filled it. This is very important as it serves as their official, legal agreement and their receipt of membership. The program should generate reports of # of visitors to the site, who & how many joined, what type of membership was purchased, monetary increase to the monthly dues line, and track the marketing source. This allows managers to see the effectiveness of promotional campaigns. Online Joining allows staff to focus more on members in house and the guests they tour versus on the immediate close, they can even say to the prospect, think about it, go home and Join Online, you’ll find the same rates there. This eliminates haggling and negotiating. It allows club staff to be honest and consistent along with being very upfront about fees. Ironically, most clubs, find that when they promote their website it leads to other Online sales as well. Items such as towel service, childcare, lockers, tanning, or activity registration. Refer a friend or add on a family member now and save $5 a month as long as they stay a member, a month free, a personal training session, the possibilities are endless. Even sell Gift cards. Costs Expect to pay a reasonable set up fee to cover initial contract customization, $100-300. And approximately 2.5% for credit card merchant fees. The return on investment is great and easily offsets the upfront and recurring monthly hosting fee. Today’s smarter and far better informed prospects demand more of clubs and facilities. The ability to join Online is just the first step in a collaborative and repeatable sales process. The result: dramatic improvements in revenue generation and better retention as members become more involved in their facility. The big question is not why should a club offer Online joining, but why not? Carole Oat National Sales Manager Twin Oaks Software 860-829-6000 coat@tosd.com New Products. New Look. New Nutrex! Your Drive. Our FUEL. Nutrex.com MARKETING Don’t Let Your Club Become Extinct By: David Vail Marketing Consultant A ton of new health clubs open each year. Unfortunately, there are also tons of clubs that close each year. The competition in the industry continues to get stiffer, so how can you avoid attending a funeral for your club in the near future? There are many factors in the success or failure of a club, but one major factor for those that succeed is having the right marketing. You can have the best gym, equipment, price points and amenities, but if people do not know what you have to offer your memberships will not grow to their full potential. POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 32 What are you doing to ensure you are maximizing your growth potential? Have you set up a marketing plan or budgeted funds, or are you flying by the seat of your pants on a month-by-month basis? If you are like many, you are probably thinking, “we are too small and don’t have the money to market on a regular basis”, or even worse, “we don’t market at all”. With the increased competitive landscape in the fitness industry, this mindset is one that will lead to extinction. It is imperative that your club makes the right impression within your target market. About 85% of people are not members of a gym, so there is a huge market out there, ripe for the picking. Your goal should be for Powerhouse Gym to be the first gym that comes to their mind when they think of fitness. You ask, “How do I make sure that Powerhouse Gym is the first gym they think of?” No matter how large or small your club is a marketing plan and marketing budget is a necessity. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. When you are developing your marketing plan it is important not to put all your eggs in one basket. The most successful clubs we work with spread their budget through different channels and throughout the year. By increasing the frequency and avenues in which you reach potential members, you increase the stickiness of your brand and stay top of mind. At any given time, you should have 7+ marketing tools going to drive in new members. Direct mail is the core of the best campaigns and still by far the best way to drive in new members. Other avenues you should be utilizing to get to the 7+ number include: Referral program, guest passes, website, active social media pages, email marketing, former member campaign, lead boxes and text messaging (amongst others). Lucky for you, Muscle Up Marketing offers ALL of these things and is here to help get your club back on track. We work with over 500 clubs across the United States whose budgets range from $500 a month to $50,000 a month. Our specialty is maximizing the bang for your marketing buck. No matter what size budget you have to work with, we can customize something specifically for you to help you get a strong ROI and the results you want. You don’t have to spend $50,000 a month in marketing to be successful. However, you do have to have a proven plan of attack. Don’t let your club become extinct – give us a call today and let us help formulate a strong marketing plan for you. David Vail is a Marketing Consultant at Muscle Up Marketing, specializing in lead generation for health clubs. He can be contacted at 800-516-4480 or at David@MUSCLEUPMARKETING.com KNOCK OUT THE COMPETITION Your One Stop Shop For All Your Club’s Marketing Needs! Door Hangers Lead Boxes Plastic Gift Cards T-Shirts Drawstring Bags Water Bottles • • • • • • Key Tags Posters Landing Pages Call Tracking Brand Development And Much More! 800.516.4480 www.muscleupmarketing.com MA RK UP SCLE G • • • • • • E TI N Direct Mail Postcards Email Marketing Social Media Management Text Messaging Guest Passes Take Ones MU • • • • • • LESS Hassle. More members. Tm EQUIPMENT Mounting Scientific Evidence Supports Role of Power Plate® Whole Body Vibration in Lowering Blood Pressure At least six independent studies published within the past 10 years have documented the link between whole body vibration and lowered blood pressure. The most recent, published by Florida State University researchers in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, involved stroke survivors with paralyzed lower limbs using Power Plate® advanced whole body vibration equipment. Although paralysis prohibited the study subjects from doing anything more than a standard squat on the Power Plate®, they still received the benefit of lower blood pressure. “This latest study dramatically reinforces what researchers have believed for a decade,” says John Jaquish, Ph.D., chief science and technology officer for Performance Health Systems, maker of Power Plate. “Whole body vibration has blood pressure lowering benefits that transcend those of conventional exercise. “Cardiovascular exercise strengthens the heart, allowing it to pump more blood through the arteries. But that’s only a partial solution,” Jaquish asserts. “The true culprit in hypertension, and increased risk of heart attack and stroke, is atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). And conventional exercise has never been shown to affect arterial stiffness to a significant degree.” POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 34 Whole body vibration, conversely, has been demonstrated to reduce hardening of the arteries in study after study, among populations ranging from men in their mid-twenties to postmenopausal women. And in each study, the subjects’ blood pressure was lowered significantly. High blood pressure, or hypertension, afflicts 68 million Americans age 18 and older, nearly 30 percent of the population. By age 60, that percentage increases to 65 percent. Hypertension is a direct consequence of atherosclerosis, and the primary risk factor for heart attack and stroke, the two leading causes of death in the developed world. As arteries lose their flexibility, they do not move as they should to accommodate blood flow. This raises blood pressure and makes the heart work harder, increasing the likelihood an individual will have a life-threatening cardiac incident. Until a decade ago, most research revolved around pharmaceutical interventions for decreasing stiffness of arteries and lowering blood pressure. In 2005, however, researchers in Japan found that reflexive muscular engagement through whole body vibration exercise significantly increased blood flow and oxygenation. Three years later, a different group of Japanese researchers found using Power Plate® acutely decreased arterial stiffness among males in their mid-twenties. And in 2011, Arturo Figueroa, M.D., Ph.D., an associate professor at Florida State University, showed a decrease in arterial stiffness in young obese/overweight females using Power Plate®, a group that differed from previous study groups in that they are often not able to engage in conventional exercise. Dr. Figueroa demonstrated similar results among postmenopausal women in a study published earlier this year in the Journal of Human Hypertension. Long recognized as the world leader in whole body vibration platforms, Power Plate® uses a patented tri-planar vibrating motion to maximize reflexive muscle engagement and increase safety. The vibrating Power Plate® platform triggers 30 to 50 reflexive muscle contractions per second throughout the user’s body. As the body works to regain stability, multiple muscle fibers become engaged in any single movement, significantly amplifying the effectiveness of any movement performed on the plate. A body’s natural response to vibration and destabilization has been scientifically linked not only to lowered blood pressure, but also improved circulation, enhanced flexibility, pain reduction and balance. Research also shows whole body vibration stimulates the body’s natural production of the regenerative growth hormone that maintains tissue repair, muscle growth, energy and metabolism throughout life. For additional information, visit powerplate.com. COLLECTIONS Compliance Standards and How They Effect The Health & Fitness Industry By Bill Jackson - First Credit Services What does it really mean to be “COMPLIANT” within the collection industry, and why it really matters to YOU as the original credit grantor to your members? It is very easy for any company to claim that they do things in a thoroughly compliant manner, or claim to be doing things the “right” way. But, when it comes down to comparing the top collection agencies to the ones who are secretly cutting corners, you will always find a very W I D E gap. Every health & fitness business operator should prepare a list of questions, and simply demand real concrete answers and evidence supporting an agency’s claims. Later in this White Paper, I will supply you with the most important questions to ask a prospective collection agency partner, and believe it or not, the last question you should be worrying about is “How much do you charge”. You always get what you pay for! And, the whole purpose of this White Paper is to introduce you to what pitfalls to watch out for and how one small mistake can ultimately cost you dearly. POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 36 CFPB and FCRA Believe it or not you are ultimately responsible for the actions (good or bad) taken by all of your suppliers (especially your partners that are in touch with your membership base). According to the FCRA, if your collection partner is not delivering a federally compliant and secure business process you (the original credit grantor) can be held responsible and possibly fined. Your Agency should be registered with the CFPB and have an ACTION PLAN in place to quickly respond to EVERY SINGLE consumer request that is made. Even one failure to respond in a timely manner can ultimately lead to a logged complaint with the CFPB and open you and all of your suppliers up to an investigation. Trust me… you don’t want that to happen! So, it is imperative that your agency has a fully audited and documented CFPB ACTION PLAN in place, along with a Compliance Staff 100% dedicated to monitoring and responding to all Consumer Requests and Complaints. Data Security The way your collection partner manages and protects consumer financial data is one of the most common breaches in the collection world today. Think back to last year, when one of the largest creditors in the United States, (A Major US Retailer) was dealing with a horrific data-breach which affected millions of consumers across the nation (including literally tens of thousands of gym members). I am sure this Fortune 500 Company possesses a very stringent system to protect consumer data, but even that failed. Just think about how open a small collection agency must be to data breaches if they are not even close to building a secure infrastructure. The best way for a collection agency to PROVE they are worthy of protecting your members’ data is to only partner with an agency who maintains a PCI-DSS Level 1 Compliance Certificate. PCI Compliant agencies go through a vigorous audit performed by an outside auditing firm who reviews a company’s overall infrastructure including Technology, Training, Background Checks, Documentation of Strict Processes, and an agency’s overall ability to protect consumer financial data. PCI-DSS Level 1 Compliance is an absolute must if you are sharing member data with a partner and allowing them to process member payments. So many people are involved in the collection process from sales, operations, client services, technology, and if one pillar of this process breaks, consumer data can and will leak. Again, it is also your responsibility if your partner makes a mistake…, so make sure you have your agency sign a “MUTUAL INDEMNIFICATION CLAUSE” within your contract which adds some protection for you. TCPA TCPA - The Telephone Consumer Protection Act is one of the largest obstacles facing the collection industry today (That’s if the agency does not have an effective process in place to manage extremely high volumes of outbound calls). Did you know that it is against the law to contact a consumer’s cell phone by using an automated dialing system “robo-dialer”? This is no joke! TCPA Compliance is a hot topic and Class Action Lawsuits are popping up all over the place. Just one error by your partner can lead to a very large fine. come up with a new plan when selecting a partner who will have access to your most trusted commodity…, your members! The difficult part when it comes to the Health & Fitness Industry is that approximately 85% of all phone numbers that members give are Cell Phones. This is a simple math equation: If the agency you decide to partner with does not have adequate staff to manually manage a high call volume, it is safe to assume that your members won’t be called very often, which will ultimately hurt the collection effort and your bottom-line. It takes hundreds of skilled representatives to do an effective job of calling. #1. How do you protect Consumer Financial Data? Good Answer: We are PCI-DSS Level 1 Compliant, and I will send you a copy of our Certificate from our outside Auditing Firm to prove it. Plus, we have fully documented CFPB and Data Security Policies in place to protect you. We will supply you with copies to substantiate our claims. Your agency is acting as a service provider for your brand and your agency must take every precaution to protect you and your future success. All of these Federal Regulatory Agencies have built standards that they feel will protect consumers and provide a better and more open way of conducting business. These standards will continue to evolve in a way that will further protect consumers and the way they are treated. Strict processes are in place to deliver substantial fines to the businesses that fail to follow the right path. Again, don’t be fooled by an agency that “CLAIMS” to be compliant. Look for facts and backup documentation to paint a very clear picture of how they conduct their business and protect you and your brand. National Licensing Only work with an agency that is registered in all 50 states and legally licensed in every state where required. There are approximately 40 different jurisdictions within the United States that require a Collection Agency License and/or Bond. Your agency may be licensed in your state, but we live in a time when people pick up and move out-of-state regularly. So, you must go one step further by making sure the agency is licensed nationally. This is not an easy task for a new agency to achieve, but you won’t have too much control over their ability to collect effectively if they can’t even communicate with your members. The above items are just a few extremely important examples of what an agency must have in place in order to remain compliant and ultimately protect you from a compliance breach. Whether it is CFPB, National Licensing or Data Security, it is time to change the way you review partners and Here are the questions you should ask going forward, and the type of response you should receive from a reputable business partner. Bad Answers: I developed policies and standards at my previous company, and I plan to put these same processes in place here. Or…, don’t worry about those standards they have no impact on you. #2. Are you licensed to collect nationally? Good Answer: yes, we have been in business for over 20 years and we have maintained our licenses and bonds in each jurisdiction for a very ling time. I have enclosed a copy of every single state license and Bond Number for your review. Bad Answer: We are licensed in your state, and we continue to apply for licenses in other states around the country. But, we are only licensed to collect in 35 States. (Note: Demand Proof) #3. How do you manage the Cell Phone Calling Process? Good Answer: We have a process in place that has been audited by our Collection Attorney to be fully compliant with all TCPA statutes. We employ close to 300 Representatives who MANUALLY DIAL all cell phones (the key here is “manually dial”) as it is illegal to place any cell phones on an automated dialer. We also run a nightly scrub against the federal “Do not Call List” to ensure all phone numbers that we place on our dialer are landline phones only. I will supply you with our fully audited TCPA Compliant Cell Phone Process Documentation for your review. Bad Answer: We have not had any issues with Cell Phone calling. We place accounts on a dialer. Note: A good followup question to this is how many representatives do you have calling on your behalf? Because dialing manually takes an immense amount of manpower. You will want to know your accounts are being called more than just a few times before going dormant. W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M 37 GYMUPKEEP A Clean Gym Is a Profitable Gym Don’t Be Penny Wise and Pound Foolish By Staff As we know, members can be very picky and it is hard to make everyone happy all the time. One item always on the Top 10 things members have issues about is broken equipment. Preventative maintenance is the key to keeping your gym’s equipment from breaking down. You will find with a regular schedule of simple tasks to perform that you might end up saving thousands of dollars a year in equipment repair costs! Where Do I Start? Think of it as your personal training department. Your members can train seven days a week, but if they are not maintaining a healthy lifestyle outside the gym, they will not achieve the desired results. And just because someone may be toned and tanned does not necessarily mean the “insides” are in great shape. The first thing to do is to create a journal that lists all pieces of equipment in your gym. Make notes of not only issues that come up for repair, but also track your performed maintenance -- changed plug, took off and cleaned belt on treadmill, etc. The majority of preventative maintenance can be done by a member of your staff who you select and have trained. Start with a call to your Preferred Vendor representative(s) who handles your account. This is important when training your cleaning staff. Detail to equipment cleaning must be taught just as certain training must be done with your sales staff. Treadmills As the saying goes, we have saved the best for last. Treadmills remain the most popular – and expensive – pieces of equipment, according to stats from Powerhouse Gym locations. This is perhaps the area of your gym that needs the most attention throughout your hours of operation and afterwards. It’s one thing to have an “Out of Order” sign on your hack-squat but you’re going to get a lot of questions and complaints if your treadmills aren’t working. It is also a very big turn-off to prospective members touring your gym to see “Out of Order” signs on your treadmills. Be sure to always completely vacuum the machines to remove all dust and dirt; once they make their way deep into the moving parts and become layered in, it might require taking the entire machine apart to clean out those parts. This is especially the case when dealing with cardio units. Dust and dirt easily make their way behind the moving belts on treadmills and also into the electronics of the unit. This is a recipe for “Out Of Order” cardio signs. There are many areas of daily cleaning important for treadmills. Be sure to brush off the belts and both vacuum and wipe down all the surrounding areas around the belt. Raise the treadmill as high as it will go to vacuum underneath, as this is a favorite place for dust and dirt to accumulate. Your treadmills have more electrical parts and wires than any other piece of equipment so be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Ellipticals and Steppers These should be wiped down multiple times per day and vacuumed at least once each day. Miss no part including electronic displays, moving arms and legs, and handrails. Areas where handles are located should also be checked for cracks. Using the soft brush attachment on your vacuum is the safest way to vacuum the treadmills to make sure you can loosen dirt but also not bang up delicate electrical parts. Keep It Clean Not only do your members like a clean gym, but your checkbook will be thankful as well. Most people are surprised to learn that a simple thing like wiping off the dust from your equipment will help prevent more serious damage down the road. POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 38 Pin-loaded and Plate-loaded Equipment Just because these timeless gym favorites seem to look and function much the same as they did years ago, don’t be so quick to assume that is the case. These units are in need of regular upkeep just as much as your cardio units. Be sure to keep all moving arms and cables well lubricated as some cleaning agents can dry these out. These units need multiple daily wipe-downs and a good end-of-the-day thorough cleaning not only to ensure a clean and healthy workout for your members, but a long and healthy life for the units. Be sure to have the upholstered areas checked for stability each time they are wiped down to make sure nothing is loose or coming loose. Bikes With upright, recumbent and spinning bikes, make sure your cleaning staff checks the basics each time as they wipe them down to clean off sweat and dirt. It’s amazing how peddles and seats can be fine one minute and loose the next. If you hear a squeak or a clanking noise, check it out immediately! Owner and Manager Follow Up Be sure that you schedule a quarterly review of all your equipment. This should include: checking seats, backrests, cables and moving arms on your plate-loaded and pin-stacked machines; seats and peddles on bikes; all moving arms and legs on ellipticals; and the tread on the belts on treadmills. Also run a complete check on all electronic parts to machines including but not limited to: calorie counters, distance tracking, channel changer, volume control, and USB ports. This is also a great time to check all the fabric for small cracks that can soon turn into larger tears. Do not cut corners by using a low-budget cleaning solution when cleaning upholstery. This may save you a couple pennies now, but it just may end up costing you thousands in new upholstery much sooner than you should need it. Deploy geo-targeted email marketing campaigns to Lamark Media’s proprietary, opt-in database comprised of over 100 million active online consumers. Franchisees will be able to select from a number of corporate approved, high quality email marketing ads and deliver to consumers with interests and demographic filters specifically relevant to Powerhouse Gyms, cross referencing a tight geographical radius around each participating gym location. MONTHLY VISITS ON TOP SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES Targeted digital programs designed to both grow Social Media account following with quality, interested and active local consumers who are prime prospects for gym memberships with Powerhouse, as well as drive trac to stores and events. We have the ability to utilize geographic and demographic filters to ensure our campaigns reach the right prospects. LESMILLS Increase Member Referrals, Reduce Cancellations and Improve Retention By Erin Myers, Marketing Manager, Les Mills United States Over fifteen million people joined a fitness facility last year and nearly 86% percent of them canceled. POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 40 We know that growing membership and profit is about providing people with what they want to get them through your doors more often. We’re offering many great solutions in our facilities, yet we still face the same retention and acquisition issues. So why do people exercise? Nielsen research shows us that members exercise because it’s good for them, provides a pickme up, and helps them reach their fitness goals. What opportunities are you providing for members to stay motivated and get results? You may be thinking of your small group and personal training programs, new cardio equipment, or the investments you’ve made on the weight room floor. But if you could engage more members for less and have them stay longer, would you do it? Understanding what drives people into your facility is necessary in order to optimize resources and invest wisely. Over 90% of exercisers prefer to workout in groups. And research shows that great fitness classes are the number one controllable factor for why people choose a gym, followed by selection and maintenance of equipment. Members who attend group fitness classes use their facility an average of 3 times per week compared to IHSRA’s figure of 1.9 visits per week for the overall member population. We know that the more a member visits, the less likely they are to cancel. This is especially true for group exercise participants. They’re 26% less likely to cancel than members who don’t participate in group exercise programs. Providing a quality, inspirational group exercise experience improves retention and reduces cancellations. But is it effective in increasing new members referrals? Over 84% of group fitness attendees recommend their current facility to friends and family. This figure jumps to 93% for members that take LES MILLS group fitness programs. Compare this to the average of 76% of all gym attendees and we’re on to something. It’s not rocket science – when exercise is fun, affordable, and delivers results, people want to be part of it. In fact, those that are new to exercise, find group fitness activities almost twice as popular as other equipment related options. Group fitness provides solutions for everyone. But you need to nail the programming! Member engagement will flourish when the right group fitness programs are available, your schedule is optimized and inspiring instructors are leading your classes. Stay up to date with industry trends, like high-intensity interval training, and know what members want. Your optimal group schedule will include a combination of strength training, mind and body, martial arts and dance programming. It’s important to note, however, that not all group fitness programming is created equal. Quality programming, such as LES MILLS BODYPUMP, builds strength and tone and pushes members to their limit in every class – virtually ensuring results and therefore, happy members. A well executed group fitness offering will engage more members more often, reduce cancellation rates and generate more new member referrals. It is one of the best ways you can ensure your business is setup for success for years to come. COMPANY BIO: Les Mills is the creator of 13 global group fitness and team training programs for adults, including BODYPUMP® (weights), BODYCOMBAT® (martial arts), RPM® (cycling) and LES MILLS GRIT® Series (high intensity interval training). Les Mills recently launched, BORN TO MOVE™, a series of age appropriate classes designed to inspire a love of movement in young people. Another new program is LES MILLS™ Virtual, a video-based offering that enables facilities to deliver group fitness workouts whenever there’s demand. Les Mills offers an award-winning range of SMART TECH™ exercise equipment, including the SMARTBAR™ and SMARTSTEP™. For more information, 2wwwvisit www.lesmills.com or call 844-LES-MILLS. W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M 41 POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 42 LESMILLS 43 W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M LESMILLS HIIT Results For Your Members and Your Business By Les Mills Staff So you’ve been hearing a lot about this HIIT thing… a few of your hard-core members do it and get amazing results. But it sounds intimidating – High Intensity Interval Training. What is it? How does it lead to results for your members and your business? POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 44 We know in order to stay relevant to our members; we have to keep our offerings current and engaging. Short, sharp workouts that drive fast results are in. They appeal to the millennial market, those around 18 – 25, and those will a “millennial mindset.” If you haven’t heard, millennials grab massive market share. According to AC Nelsen, they represent 50% of the world’s population. And 81% of those age 18 – 34 want to exercise or already do. Only 61% of baby boomers fall in this category. And guess what? They like challenging, short, effective workouts. But who wouldn’t want to workout in half the time and get results twice as big? There are many styles of HIIT programming and many ways to run it in your facility. However, programming, like LES MILLS GRIT, provides a solution that’s right for your business and members. WHAT IS HIIT? Let’s break it down. HIIT involves short, intense bursts of exercise followed by periods of recovery. The basic recipe is to go as hard as you can for a short period of time, rest, and then repeat. This proven training method, particularly the use of the recoveries, allows you to keep reaching your maximum training zone again and again, shocking your body each and every workout. Research shows us that this type of training helps burn calories for hours after your workout*, but it also results in 9% more fat loss,** and is overall 17% more effective than your standard aerobic or “steady state” training***. So what’s not to love? The thing is, HIIT is well… intense! It’s best served on top of a base level of fitness and other moderate exercise to really get the benefits. References: *20 minutes of HIIT leaves you burning fat for 9 hours after the workout. Laforgia J, Withers RT, Gore CJ. Effects of exercise intensity and duration on the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2006;24(12):1247-1264. **HIIT is 9 times more effective for fat loss than steady state training. Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C. Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental. 1994;43(7):814-818. ***HIIT is 17% more effective than steady state training. Schjerve IE, Tyldum GA, Tjonna AE, et al. Both aerobic endurance and strength training programmes improve cardiovascular health in obese adults. Clinical science. 2008;115(9):283-293. W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M 45 LESMILLS ARE YOUR MEMBERS READY TO HIIT IT? To answer that question – it’s important to know where your members are in their fitness journey. They might fall into one of roughly three categories: 1. Totally new to fitness In this case, jumping head-first into HIIT is not the best starting point. In order to get their bodies used to exercise and their fitness up, we recommend 12 weeks of consistent, moderate intensity exercise including strength, cardio and core/flexibility training. Check out our Les Mills SMART START guide for everything you need to know on building your members journey to fitness. When they’re just starting out, frequency is more important than intensity, so take it slow and help them form habits that will stick. The more a member comes through your door, the better results they’ll have, and the more loyal they’ll be to your facility. 2. Intermediate exercisers Once they have a base level of fitness the secret to ultimate fitness and results is not in adding volume, but intensity. Now is the perfect time to introduce HIIT to their existing exercise schedule. Suggest replacing an hour a week of their normal training routine with 1-2 HIIT sessions, and watch their results soar! Check out the results of a group who did exactly this when compared to a group who carried on their normal training at lesmills.com/knowledge. 3. Experienced exercisers or athletes POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 46 The great thing about HIIT is that it pushes you to hit your own maximum training zones every workout – there’s no cruising. So even if you members are super fit, HIIT will still give their fitness a serious edge. Check out the results an elite womens’ soccer teams saw from adding just 2x HIIT sessions a week to their pre-season training. Are you ready to offer a HIIT solution to your members? Provide safe, motivating, and results driven workouts. Stay on top of industry trends and keep members coming through your doors with programming solutions like LES MILLS GRIT. Contact us at 844-LES MILLS or info.usa@lesmills.com to learn more. IS MOBILE RECOVERY 5G 5G ADDED BCAAs PROTEIN FROM WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE ©2015 CytoSport, Inc. plan pr e p pack Manage your supplements & meals WITH THE Innovator 300 bags // luggage // meal management travel gear sixpackbags.com | CALL 888-240-7009 X2 TO PLACE YOUR ORDER. Reach more prospects for pennies per household • RedPlum ® Shared Mail Insert as low as 6 ¢ per household • Solo Mail Postcard as low as 15.5 ¢ per household • Digital Display $4 per thousand impressions Target precisely, down to the sub-ZIP Code level with shared mail and digital display, or at the carrier route with solo mail. Reduce waste and drive response. Valassis is your only preferred vendor that offers shared mail. See how we can help you acquire new members, cost effectively. CALL 734.957.0336 FREE Trade Area Analysis Build club memberships quickly with our intelligent media delivery PHGCOMMUNITY POWERHOUSE PHOTO OF SBEV FRANCIS, JUAN MOREL, STEVEN WEINBERGER, VICTOR MARTINEZ Where Legends Are Built -‘East Coast Mecca’ Since 1986, “Bev’s Gym” has been one of the leading gyms in the country for serious bodybuilders. At least three former “Mr. Olympia” title holders train there. Magazines and athletes alike say the facility is the East Coast go-to bodybuilding gym, comparable to the widely heralded national “Mecca of bodybuilding gyms,” Gold’s Gym in Venice, California. POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 52 It’s something Bev knows well. A retired power lifter and bodybuilder from Australia, married to bodybuilding guru, power lifter and highly regarded contest judge Steve Weinberger, Bev Francis was a successful competitive bodybuilder and power lifter for many years, and was featured in the movie Pumping Iron II: The Women. From 1981 to the early 1990s, Francis was acknowledged as “the strongest woman in the world,” having bench-pressed an unheard-of 331 pounds, something no female had done. “The appeal of Bev Francis’s Powerhouse Gym is that bodybuilders can do serious training here because we have the specialized equipment that most gyms can’t afford to carry, or don’t have the need to carry,” Weinberger says, “We also feature enough of a variety of equipment so that an athlete never gets bored by having to work out on the same machine or with a limited range of equipment.” The national significance of the gym stands in sharp contrast to its unassuming location—at the end of a nondescript road off Robbins Lane, amidst a signage shop, an eyewear distributor, an automotive repair shop, and assorted small businesses. However, in the vast space it occupies, which has been expanded over the years to its current 30,000 sq. ft., the gym houses hundreds of machines and weights. Among the equipment is a classic strength-training machine, an original 1972 Nautilus, the first single-joint rotary movement exercise machine that made fitness equipment effective, safe and easyto- use, and essentially launched the health club movement in the U.S. “One of the things that distinguishes us from other gyms,” says Francis, “is that we order equipment piece by piece, and only after Steve and I test it out. We’re not just gym owners; we train as well, so we understand how equipment should ‘feel.’ And we don’t order an array of equipment from a single manufacturer just to get a discount or a better deal.” World class bodybuilders and weight lifters train at Bev’s Gym, among them, Weinberger notes, Phil Heath, a fivetime Mr. Olympia winner, Victor Martinez, a seven-time Mr. Olympia, and—when he’s in town—Jay Cutler, who has placed either first or second in ten Mr. Olympia competitions. Kai Green, a two-time Arnold Classic winner and a 2nd and 3rd place winner in Mr. Olympia competitions, also trains at Bev’s Gym. But Weinberger is quick to point out that not everybody who works out at the gym needs to be a world-class bodybuilder or even into the sport at all. “Many of our clients are ordinary people who want to stay fit—business people, retirees, mothers, college students. There’s no ‘looking down’ on anyone because they’re not into competitive bodybuilding or weight lifting. If anyone, whether it’s a staff member or gym member, shows disrespect toward another person, they’re asked to leave.” Adds Francis: “We create a welcoming atmosphere here. Anyone interested in getting stronger and staying fit feels comfortable. The serious bodybuilders don’t intimidate ‘regular’ people. On the contrary, they help give them motivation. Many members like to train alongside the professional athletes.” Four-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler, who visits Bev Francis’s Powerhouse Gym when he’s in town, says the gym meets the needs of everyone, regardless of experience or goals. “The gym floor is spacious and full of free weights and many machines for working every body part from every angle. There are also at least 70 pieces of cardio equipment.” “Over the past decade, gyms have been springing up like mushrooms,” observes Weinberger. “Some last, some don’t. Bev’s Powerhouse Gym is entering its 28th year because we keep a sharp focus on our goal to be a world-class gym with the equipment, personnel and commitment to serious training. This goes for a top athlete or a ‘regular’ person just looking to stay fit and stay strong.” This past year Bev Francis’s Powerhouse Gym was named; “The #1 hardcore gym in the USA” by Flex Magazine, as well as “Team MD’s top gym in America” by Muscle Development. You can’t open a fitness magazine today and not see an image featuring the gym. Almost every fitness publication gravitates their photo shoots to that gym because it provides the perfect atmosphere for intense imagery. W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M 53 PROSHOP Europa Sports Products: Your Preferred Powerhouse Gym Partner With an integrated network of seven stocking locations across the United States, we can maintain an immense inventory to meet shipping needs. Our national distribution footprint allows us to develop multi-site fulfillment solutions that deliver the hottest products and brands to most customers in one or two business days, using both standard shipping and route delivery. Working closely with Powerhouse, we can create specials to be customized specifically for owners. Plus, you can even check your pricing program as well as product information and news alerts online through a dedicated Powerhouse Gym Portal. POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 54 Europa Sports is the leading distributor of sports supplements, beverages and accessories to the sports nutrition industry. As a Powerhouse Gym Preferred Partner, we offer dedicated owner support to your gym. Our Franchise Department knows how to cater to the specialized needs of a Powerhouse Gym. We provide the following: • • • • • • SAMPLING SUPPORT SPORTS NUTRITION TRENDS EXTENSIVE INVENTORY NEW PRODUCTS STANDARD OPENING ORDER DEDICATED ONLINE PORTAL Other market-specialized services that can boost your gym business include drink cooler programs, cold pack nutrition bars (for those hot months), web-fulfillment, and much more. CONTACT YOUR EUROPA FRANCHISE COORDINATOR OR SALES CONSULTANT AT (800) 447-4795 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON HOW EUROPA CAN HELP YOUR GYM SUCCEED. COREY HANCOCK SCAN for further info and promotions © 2012 Optimum Nutrition Inc. NPC BODYBUILDER USA (800) 705-5226 INTL (630) 236-0097 AMINOS DELIVERED YOUR WAY Amino acids are the building blocks of muscle. Regardless of how you train or what goal you’re chasing, all active adults need amino acids for muscle maintenance and rebuilding. ON’s extensive product line features amino acid supplements in a full range of forms. Essential Amino Energy mixes up effortlessly in water to provide enhanced alertness, the full spectrum of essential amino acids plus beta-Alanine, citrulline and arginine. When it isn’t practical to mix anything up, go with new Essential Amino Energy Chewables. Convenient and amazingly fast-acting, each 3-piece serving delivers a strong cup of coffee’s worth of energy to help you push past plateaus. For the preferred 2:1:1 ratio of Leucine to Isoleucine and Valine in stimulant-free capsules, BCAA 1000 Caps are always ready for action. These and other amino acid products are available now from the brand you trust for quality. NEW! These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Solutions Delivered. Powerhouse Gyms now partners with Cintas to promote image, safety and compliance. Benefit from national program pricing on Clean Restroom, Safe Floor and First Aid and Safety programs. For more information, contact the Cintas National Service Team: 1-800-795-7368 A M E R I C A’ S L E A D E R I N T H E S E R V I C E I N D U S T R Y Clean Restroom Services | Safe Floor Services | First Aid & Safety LIMITLESS TRAINING The SYNRGY360 system adds an inviting, dynamic and customizable small group training option to your gym. SYNRGY360 training redefines the small group workout. The groundbreaking fitness solution appeals to exercisers of all abilities and offers unlimited options to improve strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. LEARN MoRE: lifefitness.com/synrgy 866-638-9301 ©2013 Life Fitness a division of Brunswick Corporation. All rights reserved. Life Fitness is a registered trademark of Brunswick Corporation. SYNRGY360 is a trademark of Brunswick Corporation. USC-045-13 (08.13) POWERHOUSECONVENTION FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: WILLIAM DABISH, MATT MIDYETT, VICTOR DABISH, EDDY MIDYETT, HENRY DABISH, JOHN SAGINETTI 2014 Powerhouse Gym Annual Convention By: Jaime Hockin POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 60 was Arnold Classic Champion, Shawn Ray. Mr. Ray was gracious enough to talk about Powerhouse Gyms and the enormous impact it has been and still is on the world of bodybuilding. Another amenity for our owners were small group break off sessions set up for owners to learn about new technology for gym marketing. Digital and social media are truly the future of advertising. We wanted to teach our owners about all the tools that will keep them up to date in this arena. There were also seminars focused on building up personal training programs which is another large profit builder for any gym. Steven Todd, who runs multiple, successful training programs in the company spoke to our owners about Our Co-founder, William Dabish addressed boosting profits through personal training. Another seminar that was key was Building up your pro the owners with an inspiring speech about Shops. Supplement sales can be the bread and butter Powerhouse retaking the gym industry along with to any gym owner. Powerhouse is very lucky to have our CEO, Henry Dabish giving the state of the such great relationships with all of our supplement company address. The keynote speaker this year The 2014 Powerhouse Owners Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, was once again a fantastic reflection of the Powerhouse Company and all of its owners, staff members, and supporters. The purpose of the convention is to bring our owners together in order to thank them for all of their hard work in making the Powerhouse name such a gold standard in the gym industry today. We like to thank our owners by surrounding them with vendors who offer the most cutting edge products for the fitness industry today. Our owners are able to get first hand access to these vendors such as Cellucor and Matrix, to gain access to their latest products. After all the business was attended to there was a feast worthy of bodybuilders served and then followed by a fantastic night out on the beautiful Las Vegas Strip. Powerhouse could not be where it is today without all of the hard work from our tremendous owners. We thank you for always going the distance. GEORGE & GEORGE JR - PROSHOP OF THE YEAR 2014 POWERHOUSE GYM AWARD WINNERS OUTSTANDING PRO SHOP POWERHOUSE GYM TROY, MI GEORGE SHAOUNI POWERHOUSECONVENTION vendors. They have been key in our gym profits. Building up your pro shop is a huge factor in gym revenues as well as keeping membership attrition low. When your members get a great workout followed up by great supplement selection and information, they will remain loyal members. JEFF WILLET - OUTSTANDING EXTERIOR OUTSTANDING EXTERIOR 2014 POWERHOUSE GYM ADRIAN, MI JEFF WILLET OUTSTANDING INTERIOR POWERHOUSE GYM OWOSSO, MI ROBERTO LARRIVEY COMEBACK GYM OF THE YEAR POWERHOUSE GYM OF EAST LANSING, MI TIM MUMFORD ROBERTO LARRIVEY - OUTSTANDING INTERIOR 61 OUTSTANDING OVERALL BRANDING POWERHOUSE GYM NEW HAVEN, CT MONTANARI BROTHERS GYM OF THE YEAR POWERHOUSE GYM OF ALBERTVILLE, AL JEFF BEAVER TIM MUMFORD - COMEBACK GYM OF THE YEAR W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M 2013OLYMPIAEXPO ABOVE: THE 40 FOOT WIDE BANNERS HANGING OVER THE POWERHOUSE GYMS INTERNATIONAL BOOTH The Powerhouse FX Challenge By: Jamie Hockin - Powerhouse Gym Novi, MI POWERHOUSE BUSINESS JOURNAL 2015 62 The 2014 Powerhouse FX Challenge at the Mr. Olympia Expo, far exceeded all expectations. To say that it was successful would be a gross understatement. The Powerhouse Company set out to show the fitness world that Powerhouse FX is a force to be reckoned with in the functionally based training industry. Powerhouse FX is “smart” functional training. It is a training style that is based on quality of movement and not just the quantity of the movement. We also set out to show that functional training is for everyone. It is a necessity and not a luxury. Powerhouse FX teaches its members how to truly use every aspect of their body within exercise movements. Powerhouse FX offers workouts for someone who needs to lose 25 lbs. and suffers from lower back and knee pain, as well as for the individual who is competing in the next Ninja Warrior Games. This gym is as versatile a it gets. This year our FX Challenge handed out $10,000 in cash prizes. We held a competition on the expo floor that drew one of the largest crowds in the convention center. With 8 time Ms. Olympia Champion, Lenda Murray on the megaphone and the signature colors of FX (red and black) raining down from the ceiling, it was an awesome spectacle. For two days we ran hundreds of competitors through our course filled with weighted sleds, power boxes, and kettlebells. We had competitors from all walks. Middle aged gentlemen in loafers to division one athlete all stars. Everyone gave it their all and had a great time. The course left some humbled and turned others into Powerhouse FX champions. Our third place finisher was Kenneth Roesch with a time of 3 minutes flat. 2 nd place was Darian Yahyavi with a time of 2 minutes and 45 seconds. The champion of the course was Michael Cazayoux with a jaw dropping time of 2 minutes and 44 seconds. This finish was incredible, to say the least. We had Darian holding strong with his 2:45 finish, the crowd was electric when Michael Cazayoux stepped into his starting position. He tore through the course with amazing strength and agility and when he sprinted through the finish line and 2:44 was announced the huge crowd went nuts. The Powerhouse FX challenge was heard throughout the 2 million square foot facility. Our challenge drew all kinds of attention from vendors as well as competitors and visitors. The exposure was priceless. Michael Cazayoux walked away that day with a huge cash prize but Powerhouse FX walked away with the biggest trophy. The attention that our challenge drew also caught the eye of Rhino Crossfit. They came to watch our challenge as well as put their competitors through our challenge. Their competitors were not able to be leaders over on our challenge. They just couldn’t hang. Powerhouse is now merging business and marketing strategies with a great name in fitness equipment; Rhino Crossfit. We are very excited to see where this mutually beneficial relationship will take us. The Powerhouse FX challenge set out to show the world of fitness just how versatile and intense an FX workout can be. With a track set up for 7 functional training stations we drew a crowd that could not even fit around 2013OLYMPIAEXPO our track. There is a powerful market for this style of gym. There is a reason why we had bystanders pouring out of the crowd and asking to run our course. This style of training speaks to people in a very powerful way. It challenges them but it does it at their level. The secret of training is making a goal that is challenging yet attainable and that is what powerhouse FX has been able to tap into. Powerhouse FX style workouts are able to reach out and meet anyone right where they are in their current fitness level. It speaks to everyone and challenges everyone at an appropriate and individual level and that is the key to a functional training gym. Powerhouse gyms are very excited and encouraged by the interest and momentum building behind Powerhouse FX. The outpouring of interest that we are getting from those that want to be FX members to those who want to be FX owners has been extremely positive. The traditional gym will always have its place and will remain relevant but functional training is gaining in popularity every year and when it is taught correctly it has endless benefits for the members as well as the owners. We are and will always be Powerhouse Gym but we are now Powerhouse FX, the future of functional training. 63 W W W. P O W E R H O U S E G Y M . C O M 20 COUNTRIES, 40 STATES, 300 LICENSEES 1.2 MILLION MEMBERS 1 GREAT NAME ® EST. 1975 COME AND SEE WHY WE ARE THE MOST POWERFUL NAME IN FITNESS ® ONE DA Y PASS FOR TH E LOCATI W W W. VISIT WWW.POWERHOUSEGYM.COM/ONEDAYPASS TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE PASS AND VISIT A GYM NEAR YOU VISIT/FOLLOW US ON: ON NEA P OW E REST TO RHOUS YOU, LO G EGYM. ONTO: COM NAME: __ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ EMAIL A DDRESS : ______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ADDRESS ___ :_______ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ CITY,STA TE,ZIP:_ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ PHONE (O _ PTIONA L): ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ AUTHORI __ ZED BY: Willi ® am K. Da bish, Co -Founde This guest r pass is valid to independentl y owned an first time customers on d operated ly and some . restrictions © 2013 Po may apply werhouse Gy as each loc ation is ms Internati onal. All rig hts reserved . /POWERHOUSEGYM • @POWERHOUSEGYM CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS POWERHOUSE GYMS INTERNATIONAL 44125 WEST 12 MILE ROAD, SUITE 118 NOVI, MICHIGAN 48377 (248) 476-2888 INFO@POWERHOUSEGYM.COM LICENSING LICENSING@POWERHOUSEGYM.COM APPAREL/MECHANDISING GEAR@POWERHOUSEGYM.COM MARKETING/ADVERTISING MARKETING@POWERHOUSEGYM.COM EVENTS/TRADESHOWS SHOWS@POWERHOUSEGYM.COM
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