RAI GROUP Reports and financial statements 2005
RAI GROUP Reports and financial statements 2005
RAI GROUP Reports and financial statements 2005 RAI GROUP Reports and financial statements at 31 December 2005 Contents Organisational structure 4 Directors, Auditors and General Management 5 Group Profile 6 Rai: Public Service Broadcasting 7 Directors’ Report 9 The reference context The radio and television audience Revenues Regulatory framework Rai and Europe 12 12 13 14 16 Rai in 2005 TV Division Radio Division New Media & DTT Division Commercial Division Broadcasting Division 17 21 32 34 36 38 Human resources 38 Research and development 41 Intercompany relations 42 Additional information Significant events after the balance sheet date Outlook Supplementary information 47 47 47 48 Proposed resolution to Shareholders 49 Parent Company Financial Statements at 31 December 2005 51 Shareholders’ Meeting Resolution 141 Consolidated Financial Statements at 31 December 2005 143 Corporate Directory 258 Rai Organisational structure Organisational structure Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance SIAE 99.56% 0.44% Board of Directors General Manager (*) Staff Area TV Division Networks - RaiUno - RaiDue - RaiTre - Rai Internazionale - Rai Notte News and information programmes - TG1 - TG2 - TG3 - TG R - Rai Sport - TSP - Rai Notizie 24 - Televideo - Foreign correspondents Radio Division Radio - Marketing - Programme and scheduling optimisation - Production - Radio resources - Radio 1 (**) - Radio programming - Public service channels New Media & DTT Division New Media - Digital Terrestrial TV - Support & planning for multimedia engineering - RaiNet - RaiSat - Rai Click Commercial Division Sipra Rai Trade Broadcasting Division Rai Way TV Support - Television resources - TV production - Archives - Rai Corporation Genres - Rai Cinema - 01 Distribution - Rai Fiction - Rai Educazione 4 (*) includes Rai-Vaticano and Rai Quirinale (**) includes the Giornale Radio radio news programme Incorporated entities in bold Rai Directors, Auditors and General Management Directors, Auditors and General Management Board of Directors Up to 31 May 2005 As from 1 June 2005 Claudio Petruccioli (2) Chairman Directors Francesco Alberoni (1) Angelo Maria Petroni Giorgio Rumi Marcello Veneziani Board Secretary Franco Di Loreto Giovanna Bianchi Clerici Sandro Curzi Gennaro Malgieri Angelo Maria Petroni Nino Rizzo Nervo Carlo Rognoni Marco Staderini Giuliano Urbani Board of Statutory Auditors Chairman Carlo Cesare Gatto Members in office Paolo Germani Salvatore Randazzo Alternate members Domenico Mastroianni Carlo Tixon General Manager As from 5 August 2005 Flavio Cattaneo Alfredo Meocci (3) Independent Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (4) (1) following the resignation of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Lucia Annunziata, Francesco Alberoni became the acting Chairman of the Board of Directors. (2) appointed on 30 July 2005 as member of the Board of Directors by the Shareholders' Meeting and appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors by the Board Meeting of 2 August 2005. As from 3 May 2006 the Board of Directors took over the powers of the General Manager accepting his request to be put on leave of absence (see Note 3), delegating such powers to the Chairman for the entire period of the leave of absence. (3) appointed during the Board Meeting of 5 August 2005. As from 3 May 2006 he requested to be put on leave of absence up to the issue of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court’s decision regarding the suspension of the AGCOM order relating to his alleged incompatability with the function of General Manager. (4) this firm has also been appointed to act as Auditors of the Accounts as defined by article 2409-bis of the Civil Code, pursuant to the resolution of the Shareholders' Meeting of 20/12/2004. 5 Rai Group profile Group Profile Television 3 television channels RaiUno, RaiDue, RaiTre - approx. 26,000 hours of nationwide broadcasting - 78.9% service programming (92.9% for RaiTre) - 9.2% for children and teens (7.00-22.30 time slot) Televideo teletext service Radio 5 radio stations Radio1, Radio2, Radio3, Isoradio, GR Parlamento - over 80,000 hours of broadcasting - 260 hours per day live Wired radio service Digital 2 thematic channels RaiDoc - RaiFutura, RaiUtile - Reaches 70% of the population (1 January 2005) - RaiDoc - RAI Futura: 6.5 hours of original programming per day including 4.5 hours live from the studio - RaiUtile: hours of original programming per day 3 general-topic channels, 3 free channels via satellite, 4 radio channels, V wire radio channel Satellite 7 free channels (2 worldwide) Rai Sport, Rai Edu 1, Rai Edu 2, Rai Notizie 24, Rai Med, Rai Internazionale 1 and 2 5 RaiSat pay channels (on the Sky platform) Extra, Premium, Cinema World, Gambero Rosso, Ragazzi 2 channels for third parties (on the Sky platform) Inter Channel Roma Channel Broadband Rai Click platform - 47,000 subscribers - 4 million videos downloaded Internet Rai.it Portal - 2.2 million individual visitors per month - 41 million page views per month Cinema Rai Cinema - 50 million Euros for the co-production and acquisition of Italian films 01 Distribution (3rd Italian distributor in terms of market share) - 17 films distributed in at least 150-200 cinemas 6 Rai Public Service Broadcasting Rai: Public Service Broadcasting Rai, the largest broadcasting company in Italy, has been reporting and depicting the evolution of Italy’s civic, social, religious and economic life for over 50 years. It has now renewed its mission within the communications industry. As described in greater detail below, the reform of the Italian communications system (Law 112 of 3 May 2004) envisages direct legislative authorisation for Rai to provide public service broadcasting. Before, the concession had been granted by administrative order. This service is provided through our overall programming, including that which is not of an informative nature. We pursue our mission in accordance with a national service contract with the Ministry of Communications (currently in force for the period 2003-2005 as signed on 23 January 2003), as well as contracts for the regions and the autonomous provinces, which define the rights and obligations of the public service provider. Article 17(2) of Law 112 specifies the public service broadcasting obligations (the minimum guaranteed content from which the service contracts may not deviate) that Rai is required to fulfil as part of its global programming package. The law establishes the license fee as a function of the need to cover the costs to fulfil the specific obligations of the general public broadcasting service. In that regard, the public service broadcaster, as was already done for 2004, must provide separate accounts for the revenues from licence fees and costs incurred in delivering public service broadcasting based on a format approved by the Communications Authority. The same law also confirms that the service provider is authorised to perform, either directly or through associated companies, commercial and publishing activities related to the transmission of images, audio, and information and other related activities. The following section summarises the main public service broadcasting obligations as defined under Article 17 of Law 112: • the broadcast of all public service television and radio transmissions throughout Italy; • a sufficient number of hours of television and radio broadcasts dedicated to education, information, and culture, with particular emphasis on promoting theatre, cinema, television (including foreign language), and music which is either of significant artistic value or particularly innovative; • access to programming, within the limits and in accordance with the methods established by law, in favour of the political parties and the groups represented in Parliament and in the regional assemblies and councils, of the local self-government associations, 7 Rai Public Service Broadcasting national labour unions, religious groups, political movements, political and cultural associations, legally recognised national associations of the cooperative movement, the associations of social promotion listed with regional and national registers, ethnic and linguistic groups, and other groups of social significance that should request it; • the establishment of a company for the production, distribution, and broadcast of programming abroad for the purpose of promoting the Italian language, culture and economy; • the broadcast of television and radio programming in German and Ladin for the autonomous province of Bolzano, in Ladin for the autonomous province of Trento, in French for the autonomous region of Valle d’Aosta, and in Slovenian for the autonomous region of Friuli Venezia Giulia; • the free broadcast of public service messages required by the Italian Prime Minister’s Office and the broadcast of adequate information regarding Italian roads and traffic; • the transmission, at appropriate times, of content designed for children; • the maintenance of radio and television archives and providing public access to such archives; • the allocation of no less than 15% of total annual revenues to the production of European programming, including programmes produced by independent providers; • the provision, within the terms specified by law, of the infrastructure for digital terrestrial television; • the provision of interactive digital public services; • the observance of time limits on advertising defined by Article 8(6) of Law 223 of 6 August 1990; • the structuring of the public service broadcasting company into one or more national headquarters and in main offices in each region and, for the region of Trentino-Alto Adige, in the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano; • the adoption of appropriate accessibility measures for the visually and hearing impaired; • the promotion and strengthening of decentralised production centres; • the provision of distance learning services. 8 Rai Directors' Report Directors' Report To our Shareholders, The broadcasting industry in 2005 posted an increase of slightly less than 3%, retreating in relation to the progress achieved in the preceding year. The television audience continues to show appreciation for the service provided, maintaining overall viewing at a fairly high level. The satellite sector, moreover, is continually drawing more viewers. In this environment, the parent company Rai SpA closed the year with a net profit of 16.4 million Euros, which is after charging an exceptional cost of 35.5 million Euros relating to the programme to provide incentives for staff to resign, decided on by the Board in December 2005. This programme is to be completed within the first half of 2006. The above result is appreciably less than that for 2004 (113 million Euros); the latter however had benefited significantly from non-recurring items connected with the effects of new legislation for the elimination of fiscal distortions in company accounts. Consolidated net profit amounts to 22.9 million Euros (82.2 million Euros in 2004), which is substantially in line with the parent company result. Financial position continues to be thoroughly positive with the parent company’s net position standing at 261 million Euros, as against 268 million Euros at the end of the preceding year, after having discounted the dividend distribution to Shareholders (79.1 million Euros). The Group’s financial position is also positive, for 94.1 million Euros (123.7 million Euros for the preceding year), with a positive cash flow from operating activities (after removing the effect of the said dividend distribution) for about 50 million Euros. The Group’s average financial position is positive for 137.6 million Euros, which is a significant improvement on 2004 (26 million Euros). There were two substantial determining factors behind the developments in the parent company’s financial position: • on the revenues side - these were affected by the licence fee for 2005 being kept at the same level as for the preceding year, and to the fact that advertising revenues were practically stable, although with an increase of over 4% if the 2004 result is shorn of the additional contribution coming in from the Athens Olympics and the European Soccer Tournament in Portugal (32 million Euros). Public revenues went up 0.6% (8.7 million Euros) only as a result of measures taken against licence fee evasion and, especially, the containment and recovery of arrears; • on the costs side - these were affected by the strategic decision taken by us to strengthen broadcasting programmes in order to consolidate the competitive edge of the networks and build up the distinctive functions of a content provider, 9 Rai Directors' Report also within the new media platforms which are appearing on the technological horizon, which in the near future will influence the patterns in which audiences will receive what is broadcast. The limited drop in resources to be used on television broadcasting - despite the fact that in 2005 there were no costs for major sports events, contrary to the preceding year - reflects our realisation that the outside environment is deeply and rapidly evolving and that competitive edge is tightly linked to the availability of content. The traditional single-platform market, dominated by analogue broadcasting, is gradually giving way to a complex multiplatform environment, closely linked and influenced by the development of new players, leading to growing competitive pressure which requires greater ability in the handling of change. In the meantime, consumers are becoming more and more sophisticated and aware of available alternatives, and with a mounting propensity to change. In this difficult and complex situation, Rai finds itself in a position of having an inadequate system of resources to support required growth: on the one hand, there is the veto imposed on raising the licence fee (in a landscape where the cost of regulated services shows significant rate increases), and on the other, the limited growth in advertising revenues, which is tied to the weakness in the European economies. This situation generates stronger commercial competition on the part of competitors, increases the requirements of investors in terms of commercial targets, and adds up, for our Company, with the negative effects connected with the restrictions existing on the amount of advertising allowed, which is far heavier than for private competitors. During the year, we continued with the Digital Terrestrial Television project in line with the objective - which was reached at the start of 2005 - of covering 70% of the population for both digital bouquets. Working with two temporary business groupings which Rai has been using to extend coverage to 70% of the population, the two new networks were consolidated during 2005, together with extensive work on regionalising the multiplex which was reserved by law to the public service. Still within the Digital Terrestrial project, operations were also launched for switching off the analogue on to the digital system in the regions of Sardinia and Valle d'Aosta, the first regions selected for the definitive change to the new transmission technology. This should be concluded within the first half of the current year. Within this context - in addition to the service provided by further strengthening the Rai Utile and Rai Doc-Futura channels and the insertion of the Sat 2000 channel into the B multiplex within the transmission band reserved to third parties - it should be remembered that dedicated interactive applications have been developed and planning has been concluded on an interactive platform which is necessary to the creation and operation of the services. 10 Rai Directors' Report In the early months of 2005, on the basis of the Law re-organising the radio and television system and the consequent resolution (102/05/CONS) adopted by the Communications Authority, Rai set up the separate accounting system, which was approved by the same regulatory authority on 9 June 2005 (resolution 186/05/CONS). The separation is intended to ensure: • that the correct cost is determined for providing the general Public Service radio and television broadcasting, covered by licence fees; • that the public contribution received by the Rai is used exclusively in the performance of Public Service functions. In addition, the legislator assigned to the separate accounting system the additional function of supporting the Minister of Communications in determining the annual amount of the ordinary licence fee. In accordance with the decisions of the Communications Authority, Rai prepared the separate accounts relating to its financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2004. The separate annual 2004 accounts were then subjected to an audit, resulting in a clean report, by an auditing firm selected by the Communications Authority with resolution 393/05/CONS of 13 October 2005. The separate 2004 accounts bear out that the public resources deriving, for the most part, from the licence fee do not entirely cover the costs of the public service in question - as envisaged under article 47(3) of the Consolidated Radio and Television Law - that is, the costs incurred on performing the functions delegated to Rai by the Law and the National Service Contract signed by Rai with the Ministry of Communications, to which the law in question refers. The separate accounts for 2004 show, in effect, a shortfall of slightly less than 300 million Euros. The Minister of Communications - with the decree of 30 November 2005 - has decided that the 2006 licence fee shall remain unchanged from 2005. Accordingly, for the second year running, the licence fee has not been adjusted. In February 2006, Rai appealed to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court for the cancellation of the ministerial decree in order to have the licence fee adjusted in line with inflation determined by ISTAT and also to obtain refund of the extraordinary costs incurred by Rai in operating the Public Service, such as those spent on setting up the digital network and the purchase of plant and the relative frequencies. In substance, contrary to the provisions of the said article 47 of the Consolidated Radio and Television Law and the above-mentioned resolutions of the regulatory Authority, there is no assurance that the costs of the Public Service expected for year 2006 (on the basis of the separate accounts for 2004) will correspond to the amount of the licence fees established on 30 November 2005. 11 Rai Directors' Report The reference context Year 2005 turned out to be, as was the case last year, a period of significant change in the sector, both as to technology and revenues. The implementation of digital terrestrial technology is going along at a rapid pace. In accordance with the relative regulations, Rai is speeding up towards the change-over to the new technology with a view to switching off analogue broadcasting and producing content and services which can be utilised in the digital era. In addition, the context is heavily influenced by the activities of satellite operators. In terms of the market, the growing number of operators, along with increasing competition in the sector, is tending to redistribute resources in accordance with audience preferences and the introduction of the new technologies. Below are a number of considerations regarding the radio and television audience, the allocation of broadcasting revenues, developments in the regulatory framework and the Group’s ranking both domestically and in Europe. The radio and television audience Again in 2005, television continued to be the medium of choice within the integrated system of communications which has been enriched in terms of operators, modes of access and available technologies. The average daily television audience reached nearly 9.2 million viewers, with an extremely slight drop (of about 70 thousand viewers) from 2004. The prime-time audience, on the other hand, suffered a decline of over half a million viewers, from over 25.1 million viewers in 2004 to 24.6 million in 2005. This situation is attributable to the absence in 2005 of major sports events which take place on a two-year basis. It was also affected by the ability of operators on platforms other than analogue television to capture the more technologicallyadvanced viewers. TV audience expressed in thousands (source: Auditel) Full day Radio remained essentially stable, with over 37 million listeners in an average day. 12 Rai Directors' Report Revenues The main sources of revenue for the Italian radio and television broadcasting system, which is part of the wider integrated communications system, are licence fees and advertising. With regard to the Integrated Communications System, it should be noted that the Communications Authority recently gathered the data relating to years 2004-2005 in order to determine the amount of revenues involved. Public revenues (by which is meant only licence fees) came to 1,482.5 million Euros in 2005 (up 8.7 million Euros) exclusively as the effect of the increase in the actual number of subscribers compared with the preceding year. As already mentioned, the licence fee remained unchanged at 99.6 Euros for the second year running, a fee which continues to be the lowest in Europe. Net investment Millions of Euros (source: Nielsen) Radio and television Press and other For the first time after years, press advertising revenues grew more than those for television. Investment, only for television, rose 2.7% reaching about 4.7 billion Euros, whereas for radio it remained stable at around 400 million Euros (+0.3%). In 2005 the advertising market registered: • an increase of 2.8% in overall advertising revenues, which was contrary to the most cautious estimates made by analysts, thanks substantially to the rise in the number of companies investing in advertising (+3%), while the average investment remained substantially stable; • with regard to the individual sectors, the positive trend is continuing in finance and insurance and telecommunications, and we are seeing a certain degree of growth for pharmaceuticals, personal objects, apparel, tourism and media and publishing. The durable goods sector has dropped (the automotive industry has risen, but there has been a drop for household appliances, computers and photography). There was a decrease also in the leisure and wide consumption components and supermarkets. 13 Rai Directors' Report Rai television substantially maintained the revenue level of 2004, which is a significant result given the absence of the major sports events which took place in the preceding year. Rai radio, on the other hand, declined by 4.4 million Euros. (source: Nielsen) Share of 2005 TV revenues Share of 2005 Radio revenues Other operators 3.33 billion (+3.7%) Other operators 315.8 million (+1.7%) Rai Group 1.35 billion (+0.2%) Rai Group 85.4 million (-4.8%) Regulatory framework Considering the particular characteristics and complexity of our industry, it is important to describe in detail the developments in the regulatory framework, which is influenced not only by changing legislation but also by the actions taken by the various market and competition regulators. Consolidated Broadcasting Law - Legislative Decree 177 of 31 July 2005 The Consolidated Broadcasting Law was approved with a specific legislative decree. The Law contains the general principles governing the radio and television broadcasting system, at national, regional and local level, and adapts its structures to the new digital technology and the current trend whereby the various sectors of interpersonal and mass communications are converging (radio, television, emails, publishing and the Internet in all their applications). The Law also contains the legislative measures relating to broadcasting with all the integrations, amendments and cancellations necessary for their coordination or to ensure the best activation possible with due regard to constitutional principles, and international regulations applying in the Italian system and under European Union obligations. The objects of the Consolidated Law are: • regulations relating to the broadcast of television and radio programmes, and data-programmes, even with conditional access; • supply of interactive services; • conditional access services to terrestrial, cable and satellite frequencies; • the provisions of Law 112/04 relating to Public Service broadcasting, among which the already-mentioned separate accounting is of particular importance. 14 Rai Directors' Report In addition, the following have been specifically treated and defined: • the procedures for appointing the General Manager and defining his functions, besides what is already covered in the Rai Statutes; • regulations guaranteeing users (in particular, for television and radio news broadcasts, the right to have errors corrected); • obligations and prohibitions for the protection of minors; • restrictions on advertising alcoholic drinks, tobacco and pharmaceutical products; • provisions regarding time limits on advertising, sponsorships, television selling, advertising by public administrations and entities; • sanctions which may be applied by the Communications Authority and the Ministry of Communications. Article 44 of the Consolidated Law: national and European productions The Consolidated Law envisages that, starting with the service contract for 2006-2008, Rai must allocate a share of not less than 15% of revenues to the production of European films, including those made by independent producers. Within this share, in the service contract, a production or purchase reserve must be set up for cartoons specifically produced for children by national or European independent producers. Article 45 of the Consolidated Law: service contract The Consolidated Law lays down that the Public Service is to be performed by Rai on the basis of a national service contract made with the Ministry and regional service contracts, all with a three-year duration. At present the relationship is governed by the agreement made for 2003-2005, pursuant to article 3 of the current Concession Agreement (Presidential Decree of 28 March 1994). As of today, completion must be reached on the guide-lines for the renewal of the national service contract which must be issued jointly by the Ministry of Communications and the Communications Authority. 15 Rai Directors' Report Rai and Europe Every European country has a public service broadcaster funded by a license fee - and therefore directly by the population - with the exception of Spain where its broadcaster, RTVE, is funded directly by the government. The license fee varies significantly from country to country, but, as mentioned above, the license fee paid to Rai is clearly the lowest in Europe, an especially significant fact when one considers that the quality and quantity of programming provided by the Italian public service broadcaster is in line with European best practices. This programming quantity and quality is confirmed by Rai’s average daily audience share, which topped the rankings for public service broadcasting in 2005 at 43.6%. BBC (United Kingdom) ARD/ZDF (Germany) France Television (France) RTVE (Spain) Rai Group (Italy) 2 3 2 3 26 5 analogue 50 digital 36.2%* 179 3 (one regional) 12 2 national (60 regional) 40.9% 204.4 11 - 8 6 16 5 37.2% 116 43.6% 99.6 5,651.2 4,688.7 0 962.5 17.0% 7,567.5 6,412.7 246.0 908.8 29.9% 2,667.4 1,715.4 784.3 167.8 35.7% 25.4% Government funding 849.5 81.7 727.4 40.4 90.4% 3,021.3 1,473.8 1,218.6 328.9 51.2% 27,264 24,411 9,287 9,369 11,554 General channels (2005) Thematic channels (2005) National radio stations (2005) Average daily share (2005) 2005 license fee (in Euros) Revenues (2004) Details of revenues (2004) (License fee/gov. funding; advertising; other) Ratio of revenues other than license fees to total revenues (2004) Workforce (2004) (source: e-media, Eurodata, Auditel, Nielsen) * data relating to the period November 2004 - March 2005 16 Rai Directors' Report Rai in 2005 Programming The Company’s programming activities are organised into the following thematic areas: Information: Rai’s information services confirmed their authority, frequency and timeliness. Pluralism and balance are also essential characteristics of the diverse product offering. During 2005 particular attention was placed on key current events, such as the Italian political debates, the war in the Middle East, the participation of the Italian contingent in the peace process and, above all, the death of Pope John Paul II followed by the succession to the papacy of Benedict XVI. Rai made the maximum effort to cover this event, with numerous live programmes and analytical presentations, sacrificing, as was appropriate, a large part of the advertising slots in token of its deep respect, in harmony with the sentiments of the Italian people and all humanity. Rai also fulfils its role as information provider through numerous programmes of news analysis and topic-based programming and on the company’s web site, Rai.it, an Internet portal that provides news and information, information on the weather and traffic, programme guides, and public discussion forums. Children and teens: Rai’s programming policies support the company’s commitment to in-house production dedicated to children. The flagship programme for this age group is Melevisione, which is produced by Rai. Education, as well as entertainment, is always a primary focus, and the success of programmes like Art Attack, Disney Club, and GT Ragazzi - a news programme specifically for children - is confirmation of the appreciation shown by all viewers, and by the younger audience in particular. The 48th edition of Zecchino d’Oro, a traditional feature of Rai’s programming for young people, was also a major success. Culture and public interest: in 2005, Rai continued its commitment to promoting topics of social, cultural and environmental interest. The main programming in this area begins in the morning with Uno Mattina, Cominciamo bene, Occhio alla spesa, and the series of Rai Educazione broadcasts, and continues throughout the day with programmes dedicated to the environment (Lineaverde, Geo Magazine). Cultural events are plentiful during prime time, as well, in the areas of medicine (Elisir), science, history and technology (Superquark, Ulisse il piacere della Scoperta, La grande Storia, etc), and public interest (Mi manda Raitre, Chi l’ha Visto?). Series and films: The success of TV series produced by Rai continued throughout the year, with numerous programmes recounting the “Italian tale” with breadth and masterful storytelling. In a multitude of languages, TV series produced by Rai dealt with sometimes challenging current events and social issues (Il cuore nel pozzo, Cefalonia), 17 Rai Directors' Report biographies of important figures in Italian history (Meucci, De Gasperi, Edda), and lesser stories (Don Matteo, etc), reaching a vast audience with their captivating storylines and artistic quality. Of considerable note was the series on the life of the late Pope John Paul II, the second part of which registered one of the highest audience levels for the whole year. Sports: Rai is the leading broadcaster of major sports events. Although in 2005 there were no major sports events which characterise the Rai networks programmes in even years, we dedicated considerable space to commentaries and coverage of the major events of the year. Formula 1, the Giro d’Italia and all commentaries on soccer results (90° minuto in the first half of the year, Quelli che il calcio etc) also met with great success. Rai programming also reserved a great deal of space for minor sports. The Company’s policy is aimed at ensuring that ever-increasing commitment is put into consolidating our good results in all the above programming areas, without ignoring the challenge of competitors in the area of entertainment. This kind of broadcasting has not only confirmed the previous positive results but has also improved on them. Alongside time-tested productions (the 55th edition of the Festival di Sanremo - the Italian Song Contest - and Miss Italia), and the success obtained on new explorations (Rock Politik, Ballando con le Stelle), we have also seen encouraging audience levels for the reality shows (L’isola dei Famosi, Music Farm). But perhaps the most striking is the continuing success of the time slot that leads into prime time: for RaiUno the programme Affari Tuoi has returned the channel to the top of the charts in this key time slot, despite the change in its hosting in the second part of the year. Television and radio broadcasting Rai’s television programming is broadcast over three networks (RaiUno, RaiDue, and RaiTre), the unencrypted satellite channels, including Rai Internazionale which is addressed to Italians abroad, and the theme-based channels Rai Sport Satellite, Rai Notizie 24, Rai Edu 1 and 2, and Rai Med. Rai’s well-received product offering fully complies with the obligations defined in the service contract made with the Ministry of Communications, comfortably surpassing the specified programming thresholds. From 6 a.m. to midnight, the genres specified under Article 3 of the agreement (news, information and analysis, culture, sport, public interest, European film and TV series, quality films, programming for children) reached 78.9% of total programming (compared with the minimum threshold of 65% required by the agreement) and 92.9% for RaiTre programming (for which the minimum threshold is 80%). 18 Rai Directors' Report This programming is also provided during the most popular time slot, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., where Rai dedicates 70% of all programming to these genres. Radio programming is broadcast over five national FM networks (RadioUno, RadioDue, RadioTre, Isoradio via isofrequency, and GR Parlamento); a national AM network (a unified medium-frequency broadcast) that broadcasts RadioUno with frequent opportunities for local broadcasts. RadioRai also broadcasts locally a wide range of special programming for minority language groups. Alongside this product offering, we also have the two wire radio channels, IV (easy listening) and V (classical music), as well as international Italian-language programming broadcast via shortwave radio by Rai Internazionale. Total Rai networks TV programming by genre time slot: 6 a.m. - 12 p.m. (excluding advertising) (source Auditel) 21.1% 78.9% 10.9% Entertainment 10.2% Non-European films/series 8.0% European films and series 1.6% Art films 6.7% Sports 5.1% Science & environment 3.7% Educational 9.2% Children & teens 13.8% Public interest 1.3% Institutions 9.0% Analysis 20.5% News & information RaiTre TV programming by genre time slot: 6 a.m. - 12 p.m. (excluding advertising) (source Auditel) 7.1% 92.9% 2.1% Entertainment 5.0% Non-European films/series 6.3% European films and series 3.1% Art films 8.0% Sports 9.9% Science & environment 8.9% Educational 9.0% Children & teens 13.0% Public interest 1.1% Institutions 10.6% Analysis 23.1% News & information 19 Rai Directors' Report 13% - 3,446 hours - Entertainment 31% - 8,032 hours - Music 9% - 2,476 hours - Society 14% - 3,739 hours - Culture 4% - 1,043 hours - Public interest 3% - 676 hours - Service 11% - 2,983 hours - News 15% - 3,886 hours - Information Television analogue broadcasting 2005 Nationwide (*) RaiUno RiaDue RaiTre Via satellite Rai Sport Rai Notizie 24 Rai Edu 1 Rai Edu 2 Rai Med (**) Local - in Italian - in German - in Ladin - in Slovene - in French International Total Radio broadcasting by genre (source: Audiradio) Radio analogue broadcasting % 2004 % 8,760 8,760 8,483 26,003 11.1 11.1 10.6 32.8 8,784 8,784 8,335 25,903 11.1 11.1 10.5 32.7 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 2,190 37,230 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 2.7 47.1 8,784 8,784 8,784 8,784 2,196 37,332 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 2.7 47.1 6,125 755 48 225 91 7,244 7.6 0.9 0.1 0.3 0.1 9.0 6,118 744 47 301 92 7,302 7.7 0.9 0.1 0.4 0.1 9.2 8,760 79,237 11.1 100.0 8,784 79,321 11.1 100.0 2005 % 2004 % 8,609 8,760 8,760 26,129 13.2 13.5 13.5 40.2 8,627 8,784 8,784 26,195 13.0 13.1 13.1 39.2 5,448 4,835 363 4,556 154 15,396 8.4 7.4 0.6 7.0 0.2 23.6 5,448 4,831 369 4,573 152 15,373 8.2 7.2 0.6 6.8 0.2 23.0 GR Parlamento (***) Isoradio (***) International Total 5,110 8,760 9,729 65,124 7.8 13.5 14.9 100.0 5,124 8,784 11,300 66,776 7.7 13.1 17.0 100.0 Other: Wire radio (IV + V) 13,140 Nationwide RadioUno (***) RadioDue (***) RadioTre (***) Local (***) - in Italian - in German - in Ladin - in Slovene - in French 13,176 (*) figures for nationwide broadcasts differ from those on page 19 in the chart “TV programming by genre” in that they include advertising, infomercials, and promotional content (**) hours of programming specifically translated or subtitled in Arabic (***) including via satellite 20 Rai Directors' Report TV Division Networks During 2005, RaiUno confirmed its role as a network leader on the Italian television landscape through its very detailed coverage of the event which captured the attention of the entire world: the death of Pope John Paul II followed by the succession to the papacy of Benedict XVI. The surveys made of the political and religious implications of this event, together with the other purely informative broadcasts, represented the peak of the network’s service to the public. The year also saw RaiUno developing innovative and stimulating content, offering the public a balanced mix of entertainment and information. Innovation, but also tradition and history through film series, such as Meucci, Il cuore nel pozzo, and Giovanni Paolo II, which were dedicated to personalities and historical events which have influenced history. Also in the field of entertainment, RaiUno offered programmes and reality shows aimed at the channel’s typical viewers: the family. Public interest Entertainment Uno mattina Occhio alla spesa Affari tuoi Rock Politik Ballando con le stelle Sabato italiano Ritorno al presente L’eredità Festa italiana Il Ristorante La prova del cuoco Information Porta a Porta Batti e ribatti La vita in diretta Events Festival di Sanremo Miss Italia La partita del cuore Telethon Culture/science/environment/society Sports Film/series Superquark Passaggio a Nord Ovest Linea verde Linea blu La seconda guerra mondiale Tutto benessere Formula 1 90° minuto Monday-night movies: Harry Potter La finestra di fronte Il diario di Bridget Jones Il pianista TV series: Sospetti 2 Il maresciallo Rocca 5 La famiglia in giallo Provaci ancora Prof. Gente di mare Orgoglio 2 Il commissario Montalbano Alongside the attention traditionally paid to young and active viewers, RaiDue in 2005 promoted a children’s audience, also to satisfy all those in general who consider that the Public Service should be particularly sensitive to themes and language. Starting from this angle, the Network redesigned important programme slots and made strategic agreements, such as the one linking programming for age groups younger than the Disney-age. Besides confirming the reality show (L’isola dei famosi) and the serial programmes (Desperate Housewives, Cold case, Friends), much effort was put into “restructuring” day-time broadcasts, through the adoption of new narrative techniques and experimental language. 21 Rai Directors' Report Public interest Information Entertainment Non solo soldi Medicina 33 Salute 10 minuti di Italia sul 2 Alice L’isola dei famosi Music Farm Il tornasole Se sbagli ti mollo CD Live Al posto tuo In famiglia TV series Children Sports Desperate Housewives E.R. Medici in prima linea Cold case Roswell Jag Avvocati in divisa Incantesimo 7 Disney Club L’albero azzurro Art Attack Random Quelli che il calcio La domenica sportiva Culture/science/environment/society Voyager Sereno Variabile Campionati mondiali di: atletica, nuoto, basket, pallavolo Tour de France RaiTre programming balances news and information, entertainment and analyses, responding to viewers wishing enrich their culture with the help of the media. The vast offering of historic and geographic documentaries, the presence of programmes of social utility (Mi manda Raitre, Chi l’ha visto?), programmes dealing with current affairs, customs and society (Ballarò, Report), specific programming addressed to children and the recounting of the Italian tale through serials - all these contribute to building up RaiTre’s identity as a service and quality TV close to the public. Entertainment programmes such as Che tempo che fa and Parla con me met with great success. Social utility Culture/science/environment/society Mi manda RaiTre Chi l’ha visto Cominciamo bene Racconti di vita Un giorno in pretura La Grande Storia Correva l’anno Elisir Per un pugno di libri Blob Doc3 Velisti per caso Information Children Ballarò Report Blu notte Telecamere La Melevisione Screensaver Treddi Il giornale del Fantabosco GT Ragazzi Sfide Geo Magazine Alle falde del Kilimangiaro Gaia Ulisse Passepartout Walter e Giada The main objectives of Rai Internazionale are: - to broadcast worldwide the best of Rai programmes, together with specific programmes for Italians abroad; - to develop the Public Service aspect in international radio and television broadcasting, under an agreement with the Prime Minister’s Office and respond to the requirements for news and information of the Italian community abroad. 22 Rai Directors' Report In the year, this network produced 700 hours of television programmes and 12,600 hours of radio programmes in which the prevailing aspect was the promotion of the Italian language and culture. The range of the offering on television also saw the development of interactive spaces with viewers, alongside time-tested broadcasting such as La grande giostra dei gol, Qui Roma, L’Italiana, Sportello Italia, Sport Italia, Il caffè. Finally, it should also be remembered that after lengthy litigation, the Rai Internazionale channel was launched in Canada, permitting full-day broadcasting covering the whole of Canada. Notte During 2005, Rai Notte continued its path following two thematic directions: the “memory lane” with high-quality programming taken from the Rai archives, such as films of important Italian and international authors, documentaries, entertainment, TV history anthologies and a social theme with surveys of a social and cultural nature (music, publishing, art, cinema and theatre). Total programming by Rai Notte amounted to about 2,400 hours, distributed between the three networks, of which 1,400 were based on the “memory lane”. News & Information Again in 2005, TG1 news confirmed its leadership in audience share for all editions, reaching a 31.9% share in the 8 p.m. edition during the last month of the year. TG1 News put much effort into reporting in great detail (over 14 hours of special editions) the most important news item of 2005: the death of Pope John Paul II. The live broadcast on 8 April from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. covering the Holy Father’s funeral was followed by an average of 8.5 million viewers with a 62% audience share. Growth in the TG1 News of 1.30 p.m. was notable and the success of Uno Mattina (which originated in 1986) was confirmed, continuing to represent the peak broadcast in the morning slot. We continued with the news offered in the 5 special segments transmitted from Monday to Fridays at the end of the 8 a.m. morning edition of TG1, with repeats in the night slot. During 2005, the 1 p.m. edition of TG2 reached an average audience of 3.3 million viewers, with a share of 21.2%. This edition is accompanied by good performance in the information programmes, in particular Costume e Società, Salute and Motori, the latter going on view on Sundays. Beside the two programmes of special segments (Dossier and Dossier Storie), TG2 produced numerous live broadcasts on events of general interest, such as the Calipari’s death and the Annual Report of the Governor of the Bank of Italy. Special editions were not lacking on the death of Pope John II and there was also a special edition on the Conclave, produced using virtual set designing. During 2005, TG3 produced 590 hours of news and 190 hours of special segments, up 28 hours on 2004. This increased programming was realised with a staff who had remained substantially unchanged, and were rewarded by the high level of listening time. 23 Rai Directors' Report The 7 p.m. news broadcast remains fixed in its ranking of the third news programme of the evening, after TG1 and TG5, both for audience share (15.6%) and average number of viewers (2.37 million). Attention is focused on national politics and the economy, accompanied by special segments such as Primo Piano, Prima Pagina, Cifre in chiaro, Scenari besides numerous other surveys on international politics, culture and society. In 2005, the TGR regional news desk increased production, with over 6,500 hours of televised regional news and 5,900 hours of radio-broadcast regional news. New “resident editors” have been installed in various regions, demonstrating Management’s wish to be closer to the public and their local areas. From the point of view of programming, alongside the usual daily programmes (3 television news and 2 radio news programmes) and the time-tested successful special national segments (11 in all, on scientific, multimedia, environmental, art, economic and international themes), the special programme Sopratutto has come into being, produced jointly with the Piedmont Region and entirely dedicated to life in the mountains. In 2005 the Rai Med satellite channel continued programming (with the confirmation of Riva Sud, an observation post on the economy and development of Mediterranean countries), creating ad hoc programmes for linguistic minorities and producing the regional Settimanale programme. This closeness to the public is evidenced by the coverage provided over the whole of Italy by a workforce of 918 persons, besides radio and TV productions and broadcasting on election debates and public service announcements. During 2005 Tribune Accesso e Servizi Parlamentari (TSP) over the three Rai networks with 262 hours of television broadcasts and 34 hours of radio programming, provided every day a description of Italian politics and government with detailed information on the workings of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. TSP provides a daily service (TG Parlamento), weekly reports (Settegiorni al Parlamento, Giorni d’Europa, TSP/Regioni, Speciale Europa presenta Euro Zone), and specific broadcasts on the request of the Chamber of Deputies or the Senate on the occasion of political events of particular relevance (Question-time, Speciale Parlamento). Its activities also include presenting public service announcements and political debates, which in 2005 included programmes on the Regional elections and the June referendum. Among the more important aspects of Rai Sport activities is broadcasting via the satellite thematic channel, Rai Sport Satellite, now also visible through digital terrestrial television, which transmitted an average of eight hours per day on sports (live and recorded). Alongside the traditional programmes with Domenica Sportiva, Dribbling and Domenica Sprint and those covering Serie B, international soccer and motor racing (90° minuto, Eurogol and Numero Uno speciale) TG Sport has opened a news bulletin. Attention was given to events such as the Formula 1, Giro d’Italia, Tour de France, the World Cycling Championship, the European Basketball 24 Rai Directors' Report Championship, the World Swimming Championships and the World Athletics Championships. Particular attention was also dedicated to minor sports, the activities of the disabled, amateur sports and the Serie B, which brought in a high audience. Rai Notizie 24 is Rai’s non-stop news channel that broadcasts digitally. It has a twofold objective: multimedia transmission: this is the first channel with multiscreen and multichannel technology, broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with a threefold news flow aimed at television (interactive and satellite DTT), Internet and mobile phones. The programming includes news updates every 30 minutes with analyses of the leading stories, weather and traffic information, and weekly topic-specific supplements; journalistic inquiry: through important inquiries made at domestic and international level, it ranks among the leaders in the global information network scene, having obtained international awards such as the Hot Bird TV Awards (2003, 2004 and 2005). In 2005 there was constant commitment on the part of Televideo to boost its mission in teletext services. The final results show that there has been a significant strengthening, especially in the regional service. In accordance with the Service Contract between the Government and Rai, Televideo has launched an initiative to benefit the fragile segment of the public represented by the blind and sight-impaired, including children, using Telesoftware methods. This in addition to the establishment of a subtitling service for hearingimpaired viewers of pre-recorded television programmes (which is live for the three news programmes). Significant events in 2005 include: • the issue of a new and advance version on the Internet site, which has shown itself to be at the top of Rai’s offering on the web; • the optimisation of teletext Televideo’s presence on the digital platform, consolidating the first release and designing the second, which went into service in the early days of January 2006; • the strengthening of content provider activities for mobile telephony; • the launching of technological designs to modernise information production processes on the platforms served by Televideo. Genres Rai Cinema operates in close contact with Rai (which is its primary customer) in the acquisition and utilisation of films, TV series and cartoons as well as their distribution through the company 01 Distribution. Alongside these activities are the development of Italian and European films. The company also operates following market objectives with a view to diversifying its areas of operation, widening the range of services offered, and enlarging clientele. The acquisition 25 Rai Directors' Report and production of films represent Rai Cinema’s main commitment within the share predetermined by the service contract made between Rai and the Ministry of Communications. The efforts in this direction, linked to capacities in the film industry, are aimed at setting off a constructive process whereby market-based decisions will have a positive influence on future projects. In its procurement policy, Rai Cinema, which has always strategically based itself on the programming requirements of the Rai networks, always has an eye on its reference market, that of the US, which is able to influence international television business with its own internal trends. The recent new arrangements affecting the important Majors, such as the new merger between CBS and Paramount, have sparked exploratory action which will lead Rai Cinema in 2006 to make assessments, in terms of programming, strategies, finance and diplomacy, regarding whether it might possibly move closer to the Hollywood giants. In any event, the good relations with Disney, Warner and the new CBS Corporation will ensure an excellent supply of quality productions again in 2006. In the home video sector, it has been interesting to note the consolidation of Rai Cinema’s activities through 01 Distribution, which also favours opening up to new “intermediate” productions, that is, those which are not suitable for cinema theatres, but which are appropriate for home video use or television programming. Finally, the acquisition of cartoons, attention being directed to the most technologically advanced productions, and of full rights in appropriately selected foreign titles. In 2005, the production and development activities of Rai Cinema proceeded energetically, as always, with the company constantly pursuing new talent and formulas to recount today’s story and re-presenting the masters who have kept the status of Italian films high in the world - Gianni Amelio, Marco Bellocchio, Ermanno Olmi and Pupi Avati; Cristina Comencini, Marco Tullio Giordana and Francesca Archibugi; Michele Soavi and Andrea Barzini. These are only a few of the directors who worked with Rai Cinema in 2005. Films which came out include: La Bestia nel Cuore of Cristina Comencini, designated to represent Italy at the Oscar, which was among the five Oscar finalists for the best foreign language film, and Pupi Avati’s La Seconda Notte di Nozze. The objective of giving new life-blood to the field of documentaries took shape with the identification of a strong partner, Eskimosa, a newly-formed production company of the Feltrinelli Group, and in a renewed spirit of research for this form of expression by Rai Cinema authors. Again in 2005, there was a rising tendency in the production of debut works and focus on experimental cinema: All the Invisible Children, Musikanten, Notte Prima degli Esami, above all. 01 Distribution, a subsidiary of Rai Cinema operating in the distribution of films and home videos, achieved in 2005 the most brilliant results in its still young history. This represents well-deserved recognition for the soundness of Rai Cinema’s procurement policies, which in the theatre segment reached its highest performance gaining the third position in the 2005 rankings (only following UIP and Warner Bros), whilst it ranked top in the Italian classification. Digital support (DVD) has practically ousted traditional videocassettes for home videos, where 26 Rai Directors' Report there is a downward tendency in selling prices. Despite this, 01 Distribution obtained excellent results, considering that it only just started operating directly in the sector in August 2004. The change from distribution through third parties to direct distribution and the related integration with cinema theatres, which is a single process in Italy, avoided inefficient duplication in organisation and resulted in a streamlined corporate structure. Year 2006 looks like being particularly brilliant for the home video business which will make a very attractive offering overall, allowing expectations of even better results than for 2005. For Rai Fiction, the TV series genre in 2005 continued to be strongly liked by the public, in particular Rai productions which clearly surpassed competitors in terms of quantity and audience. Growing requirements for broadcasting by the networks has, in addition, led to a constant increase in the production of TV series and cartoons, also with a view to the development of RaiUno’s day-time slot. The 01 Distribution numbers demonstrate the importance of the sector: • 135 evenings of TV series, equal to 37% of prime time on an annual basis; • 14 titles out of 15 in the top rankings of the first 15 TV series in 2005 (in terms of audience) were Rai productions; • 400 hours of previously unpublished TV series during prime time; • 300 hours of cartoons co-produced by Rai Fiction. The audience results for cartoons demonstrate the high quality level reached by Italian productions; the success of the Internet portal raifiction.rai.it shows that this genre has entered the new media field. Educational In 2005 Rai Educazione’s multimedia offering (terrestrial networks, satellite channels and the web) was effected through a series of programmes and projects, each with its own precise identity and recognisable within an overall TV broadcasting line placing emphasis on telling by images and the declarations of the characters. The service boosted time-tested programmes such as La Storia Siamo Noi, a unique production in the landscape of European public services, which will get on to the Internet in 2006, Un Mondo a Colori, on the theme of multi-ethnic integration, and Diario di Famiglia, on family problems. Two important projects took off: Economix, a talk show highlighting current economic issues, making them more comprehensible, and TV Talk, a real “observation post on television”. Broadcasting is continuing of Il Divertinglese and Explora on the thematic channels Edu 1 and Edu 2, to which has been added the new programme Medita, a project which was formed with the intention of providing teachers with audio-visual and multimedia didactic material supporting textbooks. 27 Rai Directors' Report TV Support Year 2005 saw Rai Teche getting constantly closer to achieving its objective of completing the digital catalogue of the history of television on magnetic tape, which should occur in 2006. The following aspects were significant: the increased use of the multimedia catalogue, and Teche’s increased contribution to the satellite channels, sports and other outside events (+20%), Rai Trade’s activities, the home video sector and the start-up of collaboration with the DTT channels “Rai Doc” and “Rai Futura”. During the year, Teche provided the entire quantity monitoring service to the Social Secretariat and launched the “Teca aperta” project which led to the opening of 11 info points for the public in as many regional offices. There has been an increase in the number of agreements made with universities (235) for the use of the archives for didactic purposes and with schools of every grade (218), as well as numerous audio and video contributions put on the web site thanks to the strengthening of the Multimedia Catalogue and the “grabber” system set up by Teche. The Rai Teche archives in numbers: • 28,115 hours of historical material and 40,650 hours of daily TV material digitised and documented; • 35,405 hours of historical material and 33,552 hours of daily radio material digitised and documented; • a total of 1,085,000 hours of accessible audio-visual material; • 40,000 viewable photos; • 8,907 registered users of the Multimedia Catalogue; • 8,887,080 searches of the Multimedia Catalogue made in 2005. Audience As already mentioned, the television audience remained constantly above the nine million mark for the average day. Only in prime time was there a drop attributable mainly to the lack of major sports events and especially, considering the profound transformation in the media landscape, to the consolidation of the Sky satellite platform and the emergence of new platforms and digital technologies. The analogue medium, however, still remains the “location” of the universal Public Service. Rai, in 2005, confirmed its role as the Public Service which brings in the audience. This, as already mentioned, applies not only to domestic competition with private networks but above all to the world of European public services. Day time (7 a.m. - 2 p.m.) Against an increase in the satellite platform and the other private analogue networks, Rai maintains its leading position surpassing its major competitor by 1.65 percentage points over the whole day, arriving at a 43.55% audience share. This result is to be considered extremely positive if one considers the absence of major sports events which in the previous year had monopolised attention for a significant period; the European Soccer Championship and the Athens Olympics. 28 Teche Rai Directors' Report RaiUno is firmly holding on to its dominant role of having the most viewed television channel during the entire day, with a 23% audience share, outstripping the major competing channel by 1.16 percentage points. RaiDue reached an 11.37% share, only slightly surpassed by the competing channel (Italia1 with an 11.47% share), whereas RaiTre remained substantially at the 2004 level, with a 9.18% share. Full day audience share (Source: Auditel) Prime time (8.30 p.m. - 10.30 p.m.) Rai maintained its primacy over competitors with a 44.29% audience share, which however is down 2.09 percentage points on 2004. This figure, however, still keeps Rai ahead of its major competitor who has a 42.82% share. In addition, Rai also won with regard to prime time ranking, for 32 weeks over 52. RaiUno maintains the leadership over television channels with an audience share of 23.91% compared with the 22.50% of the competing channel. RaiDue dropped slightly (arriving at 10.63%, down 0.49 points) whereas RaiTre remained substantially stable with a 9.75% share. Prime time audience share (Source: Auditel) 29 Rai Directors' Report Although on one side results were positive throughout the entire course of the year, Rai proved that it could “bite” in the guaranteed audience periods during which is was under observation, not only by its own public, but also by advertisers. In the spring guaranteed period, with programming covering the events connected with the Pope’s death and the election of a successor, the Rai networks maintained their leadership over the competition, surpassing them by almost one percentage point for the full day and 1.13 points during prime time, winning 9 weeks out of 14. Finally, Rai triumphed in the autumn guaranteed period, surpassing the competition by a good 6.2 percentage points for the full day and 5.62 points during prime time, well winning 11 weeks out of 11. By looking at the best performances by broadcasting category, it can be seen that the Group is at the top of nearly all rankings: • the most watched programme was the final evening of the 55th Festival di Sanremo with over 13.6 million viewers and a 55.08% di share; • 7 Rai programmes among the 10 most watched shows: Rock Politik, the second part of the TV series John Paul II, Affari Tuoi and Affari Tuoi Sanremo, the Formula One Grand Prix of San Marino and Il Cuore nel pozzo; • leadership in news broadcasts with the funeral mass for the Pope, with an over 73% share on the three Rai networks and relative commentaries; • leadership in cultural programmes, public service broadcasts, scientific and environmental themes, programmes for children and cartoons.; • primacy in entertainment with Rock Politik (a 49.42% share in the 27 October episode); • continued success in Rai TV series productions. Alongside these programming successes, Rai’s continuing leadership in the main television news editions is worthy of mention. Afternoon time slots time edition share time edition share TG2 - day time TG5 TG1 TG4 21.1 25.2 29.2 7.5 7.00 p.m. TG3 TG4 15.6 7.7 7.30 p.m. TGR 17.1 2.00 p.m. TGR 17.6 8.00 p.m. 2.20 p.m. TG3 12.0 8.30 p.m. TG1 TG5 TG2 30.4 27.7 10.7 1.00 p.m. 1.30 p.m. 30 Evening time slots Rai Directors' Report Quality and satisfaction The IQS project (Indicatore di Qualità e Soddisfazione - Quality and Satisfaction Indicator) began in 2000 as an experiment to create a system of monitoring quality as perceived by viewers. The 2003-2005 service contract assigns strategic importance to the quality of programming and calls for the establishment of a joint commission (with two members from the Consiglio Nazionale degli Utenti - the national radio and TV users council - two from Rai, and one from the Ministry of Communications) to verify the levels reached in the quality of television and radio programming. The commission conducted a preliminary study to define the quality targets and verify the parameters for measuring perceived quality, which include parameters for television programming in general, as well as specific parameters for the various genres and for the Rai product offering. The process establishes: • the reference population: Italians 15 years and older; • the survey: 1,500 phone calls for a total of 800 valid interviews each day; • timeframe: 7 days a week, 250 days per year; (excluding periods in the year which are not significant as a result of the large number of Italians being on the move); • scope of the survey: Rai programming from 7 a.m. to midnight; • research institutes: Doxa for the survey; evaluation and certification by the Consorzio Interuniversitario per le Applicazioni di Supercalcolo e Ricerca (CASPUR); • IQS index: on a scale of 1 to 100. IQS index Rai/Rai networks (9 p.m. to 11 p.m. time slot) IQS Index by genre Culture TV series Films Entertainment Information Sports shows Public interest and social News Cartoons Programmes for children 7 a.m. to midnight time slot 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. time slot 87.8 79.2 69.8 79.3 76.5 76.1 82.9 77.3 88.7 93.2 87.5 79.3 69.7 78.1 79.5 75.8 84.4 31 Rai Directors' Report Radio Division Radio Rai again in 2005 fulfilled the objectives set in the service contract relating to completeness, timeliness and reliability of information, carefully following major domestic and international current events and representing all social, cultural and political components of the country. Extraordinary activities of strategic importance included the “Project for the Improvement of FM frequencies” designed in 2004, which went into the operating stage. Performance on the three objectives was constantly monitored by the Radio Division management: plant modernisation, improvement of the signal quality, extension of coverage in specific areas, achieved also through the acquisition of new frequencies. The Division also started a radio podcasting service through which the stations feed the web site with audio files which can be downloaded on to computers: this is an innovative function boosting Radio Rai’s image with the younger public in a market which is difficult because of keen competition on the part of private operators. Looking at the results of the individual stations in 2005, there were positive results for Radio1 - especially regarding the increased commitment to European Union matters and Third World problems; there were positive results also for Radio3 especially for the quality of its music programmes and the fidelity of its listeners. Radio2 continued to pursue a twofold objective of improving its competitive edge with the major commercial broadcasters and boosting fidelity with youth and adults. The top radio station in terms of audience. Station dedicated to news, current events, and analysis (politics, economy, society, science and technology). Station dedicated to entertainment, rock and pop music, and direct contact with listeners. Aimed at young audience. News and commentary on sporting events. Station dedicated to high-quality music, cultural events, the promotion of art, national and international musical events, theatre and high-quality cinema, and the major international issues in politics and the economy. Analysis in the fields of science and philosophy. Segments for regional information. 32 Radio news leader with more than 50 editions broadcast via radio and over the Internet. Station that provides information regarding the Italian Senate and Chamber of Deputies. GR1 for general news, GR2 for social and youth issues, GR3 for the economy and international news. Segments of analysis, debate, and press reviews. Information for people on the move, providing frequent updates on traffic, safety, weather, and transport. Segments of analysis (employment, health, free time, and the environment) and music. Rai Directors' Report These are a few of Radio Rai’s major broadcasts: • Radio1: Radio anch’io, Tutto il calcio minuto per minuto, Zapping, Baobab, Questione di soldi, Italia: istruzioni per l’uso, Con parole mie, Ho perso il trend, Il Baco del millennio, RadioEuropa, Pianeta dimenticato, Habitat, Zona Cesarini; • Radio2: Viva Radio2, Il ruggito del coniglio, Caterpillar, 610 - Sei uno zero, Fabio&Fiamma, Dispenser, 28 minuti, Condor, Hit Parade Live Show, Il Cammello di Radio2; • Radio3: Prima Pagina, Radio3 Mondo, Fahrenheit, Hollywood Party, Radio3 Scienza, La barcaccia, Radio3 Suite, Ad alta voce, Il terzo anello, I Concerti del Quirinale, Uomini e profeti. Audience Taken together, the strengthening of the major private networks, the entry of new operators and the persistent critical state of the broadcasting infrastructure have proved to be critical factors affecting Radio Rai’s performance in audience results: • RadioUno maintained its position of leadership with 6,399 thousand listeners, but dropped 11.3% on an annual basis; • RadioDue, with 4,213 thousand listeners, remained in fourth place in terms of average daily audience, with a decline from 2004 (-6.4%); • RadioTre, with 1,858 thousand listeners, held tenth place, with a decline on an annual basis from the previous year (-12.6%); • Isoradio, with an average of 1,086 thousand users per day held fourteenth place, but fell sharply on an annual basis from 2004 (-10.9%). These results obviously had a consequent fall-out on the trend for advertising revenues. Radio audience (figures in thousands; source: Audiradio) Year 2004 Year 2005 33 Rai Directors' Report New Media & DTT Division Rai Group in 2005 continued with the development of digital terrestrial television, particular attention being paid to interactivity. The interactive offering was in fact the driving force behind projects of great social value and the fulcrum of important experiments on personalised services to viewers, which were carried out with important entities such as the Revenue Office and Banca Sanpaolo IMI. Again, on the digital platform Rai was active also in the field of advertising, having set up the first edition of Premio I-Spot, which is intended to promote a new form of communication via interactive advertising. All this contributed to Rai’s re-assertion as an avant-garde company in development and creation of the sectors in which it operates. The Nuovi Media division also contributed, together with all of Rai’s technical departments, to the design and creation of the Rai interactive platform, so as to provide additional high-quality services and open out to working with external partners. Another fundamental activity in 2005, finally, was the completion and reinforcement of the New Media Interactive Factory which is responsible for all interactive products broadcast by Rai. Since 2003 the division has launched the transmission of 8 digital channels and 4 radio channels on 2 multiplexes, through implementing a digital network which today covers more than 70% of the population. Digital Terrestrial Television Rai’s digital terrestrial offering is one of the broadest in the European landscape. Taking radio and TV together, the situation is as follows: • Multiplex A: RaiUno, RaiDue, RaiTre (simulcast with their corresponding satellite channels), RaiUtile; • Multiplex B: RaiSport Sat, Rai Notizie 24, RaiEdu 1, (simulcast with their corresponding satellite channels), RaiDoc-Futura, RadioUno, RadioDue, RadioTre, and V canale, the wire radio station. As from June 2005, Multiplex B added to its offering with the Sat2000 channel, with which Rai - together with the subsequent agreement with Chinese public television - has fulfilled the legal obligation to reserve at least 40% of the multiplex band not destined for public service to experiments made by other companies. The year also saw expansion in the offering made on the two RaiDoc-Futura and RaiUtile channels. With 730 hours of broadcasting on the theatre, classical music, art, cinema, books, RaiDoc is the channel dedicated to cultural entertainment which provides every evening, in prime time, programmes which it would be difficult to place in the general networks. Besides the agreements signed with numerous Italian cultural associations and the production of documentaries, including Straulino, Trieste, 34 Rai Directors' Report Einstein, Fermi (presented at the Berlin Institute of Italian Culture), the channel worked with the Senate on the creation of two DVDs for a convention on Eduardo De Filippo. RaiUtile sets itself a twofold objective for the public: • to be a source of information and provide training opportunities in connection with services provided by the government; • to be a public forum for civil society, business, government, schools and universities. The channel’s interactive component has been boosted thanks to a series of initiatives realised with numerous public entities, among which stand out Italia Utile, which places on digital terrestrial television a portion of the content found on Italia.gov.it, the national portal for the Italian public, Borsa Lavoro and Cerca impiego, on the subject of employment and training. The interactive training service on digital is the first of its kind created in Europe. The Division has also promoted other projects together with local and other public authorities regarding: • Postelink: for making post office payments and applying for certificates; • Prodigit: in collaboration with the Rome Municipal and Provincial Administration and the Lazio Regional Administration, which offers the public a range of services covering the Region; • Casper: which promotes social services for users resident in Emilia Romagna; • T-sei: for the service of the population of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria. To complete the picture of the interactive offering, Rai committed itself to covering all types of products rendered possible through the incorporation of digital techniques, such as for example TV-portal-type applications which are always on air (Televideo Digitale, Guida, Rai Notizie 24, Rai Utile), on the occasion of particular events (Bormio 2005, Sanremo 2005, la Giornata della Memoria, the Local Elections) and for reality shows (Music Farm, L’Isola dei Famosi). The most popular Rai transmissions during prime time were also made interactive. Coming to the objectives for 2006, the new media area will be run consistently in a manner to qualify Rai as being the protagonist in the area of digital terrestrial technology and cross-media and multiplatform programming. Finally, digital terrestrial television will be developed at regional level as prescribed by regulations. 35 Rai Directors' Report Commercial Division The development of commercial activities in the field of advertising is entrusted to the subsidiary SIPRA, that manages Rai Group advertising on the television and radio networks, as well as on the teletext service, the free and pay-TV satellite channels (the theme-based RaiSat Extra channels and the channels managed by Rai Trade), the interactive Rai Click channels, the Rai.it portal, and the cinema segment. Trading results are to be considered positive in that having maintained the level of advertising revenues, despite the absence of major international sports events in the year, is a great achievement in itself, especially in a situation where there has been no noteworthy increases in revenues. The following chart shows advertising revenues for the year in the various segments. . 1,098.2 Television 72.4 Radio 9.0 Other Rai 33.1 Cinema 3.2 Other 1.0 Digital 1.1 Internet 1.0 Pay Rai Trade 0.1 Pay Rai Sat As part of the activities to sustain and develop commercial activities the following actions have been taken: • strengthening the presence of the Division in Lombardy (through setting up two distinct operational units); • creation of applications to manage the sale of interactive advertising in all forms used on national, topic-based and teletext channels using digital techniques; • specific applications for the Rai Futura and Rai Utile channels; • new applications for the historical analysis of customer investment, their positioning, seasonal trends and other key indicators. Flanking Sipra, the Commercial Development and Coordination department operates from within the parent company. Its aims are: • to identify global Group sales strategies; • to identify new revenue opportunities in the domestic and international markets and develop the relative business plans; • coordinate the Group’s sales revenues plan. 36 SIPRA advertising revenues (millions of Euros) Rai Directors' Report The main activities in 2005 were: • the sale of content to mobile telephony and broad band operators; • the project for a Rai channel to be used on third-generation terminals with UMTS technology; • processes connected with the interaction of viewers with Rai programmes (televoting, logos, ringer tones, participation in games etc); • agreements for the creation of communication plans for public administration; • agreements with local entities and institutions (the Un’idea per le Regioni project to promote local culture, history and arts); • research projects funded by the European Union. In terms of commercial distribution, Rai Trade has focused on consolidating activities connected with its agreement with the parent company (sale of rights to sporting events, TV series, merchandising etc) as well as developing the management of rights related to the mobile telephony market and, at the same time, seeking new operating methods to penetrate the domestic home video market. It is also worth highlighting the successes seen in the area of music sales. Of particular note in 2005 were: • the sale of rights to sports events: excellent results were obtained in selling cycling rights with the RCS package (Giro d’Italia, Milano-Sanremo, Giro di Lombardia etc), and the sale of soccer matches of the Italian National Team and Coppa Italia. Good results were also obtained through the co-distribution agreement with SPORT FIVE for the sale abroad of the Seria A soccer championship rights; • thematic channels: the consolidation of the two thematic channels (46,000 subscribers to the Inter Channel and 28,000 to the Roma Channel) and the distribution of the Inter Channel on the Telecom Internet platforms through the Rosso Alice portal and via UMTS through H3G; the production of the first TV web channel for local entities with Florence TV; • home videos: benefited from co-distribution and licensing agreements. Of particular note was the partnership with RCS regarding five sports history series distributed with the newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport; • music sales: good financial results deriving from arrangements with SIAE relating to the production of sound tracks for Rai TV series; the year was important for disc productions (the CDs for La Prova del Cuoco, Ballando con le Stelle); • films and TV series: increased turnover, mainly resulting from Rai TV series aimed at the European market and a first entry into the Chinese market. The film segment, on the other hand, showed a reduced number of new title entries. 37 Rai Directors' Report Broadcasting Division During 2005 this division produced good financial results, especially in relation to the commercial dealings with other customers and notwithstanding the difficulties which had characterised the business of telecommunications operators. The typical market situation for Rai Way, which manages the Rai Group’s broadcasting division, underwent profound changes during the year, both in the TLC segment and in that of the broadcast operators. The TIM-Telecom Italia merger, the transfer of Wind from Enel to the Egyptian company Orascom and the definitive introduction of digital terrestrial television prompted Rai Way to reassess its strategies, leading to two main guidelines relating to the business market: • the consolidation of its presence in the major business areas; • the launch of development activities in new markets and new business lines. With this in view, firstly all the commitment to its customer Rai was satisfied, the digital terrestrial broadcasting networks were extended, and work continued on the restructuring of the medium-wave radio network with the creation of a unified network. Secondly a start was made on new development initiatives thanks to the success of the new wireless technologies (DTT, DVB-H, TETRA, Wi-Max). Finally, it should be highlighted that commercial contacts were launched with Polish and Egyptian operators in the sector, in anticipation of entering into partnerships for technological development in the areas of East Europe and the Mediterranean basin. Human Resources During 2005 the human resources department worked on a number of tasks, which also stemmed from the recent re-organisation. Of these, the following are of particular note: the performance of all the monitoring and completion activities for the new corporate organisational model, the adaptation of the management and administration systems (accounting and EDP) to the new situation, resulting also from the new requirements for having to maintain separate accounting (personnel costs and reporting), as required by the competent authorities. With regard to compensation policies, skills analyses, relative to drawing up the budget for all corporate human resources, were prepared during the first part of the year, with the guide-lines being updated and brought into line with the new organisational structure. In addition, besides the constant analysis of the M.B.O. plan, aimed at assessing the experiences of past years with a view to continuing to improve and perfect this management and motivational tool, which, more than any other, is seen to be directly linked to corporate results, the related incentives system was launched in accordance with the Rai Group’s strategic objectives and the mission of the new organisational structure. 38 Rai Directors' Report Coming to training, about 150 persons participated in inter-company or in-house management or professional courses. With regard to digital terrestrial technology, Rai together with other consortium partners created a course series entitled “Interactive Digital Terrestrial Technology: Interactive TV and Mobile TV”, consisting of 9 thematic seminars, which about 400 persons attended. As for EDP and systems areas, over 1,000 persons attended the multimedia and classroom courses relating to the adoption of the new version of the SAP system. For the programming area, besides the usual editions of the standard training module on the Multimedia Catalogue (an evolved computerised filing system for Rai audio-visual material) there were courses on the “Progetto Teca Aperta” project which was aimed at the creation of access points to this catalogue for the public in a number of regional offices. Then, in order to arrive at a closer link between business and the Italian educational system, again this year around 400 trainees were taken on from the main Italian universities, schools and training centres, for a total of 20,000 days of training. On the subject of safety, among the various initiatives particular attention was given to the development and consolidation of the Prevention and Protection Services system, the new model for which was introduced towards the end of 2004; with regard to the protection of personal data, the Data Security Planning Document is being updated. With regard to training activities connected with safety, these substantially regarded the active presence of first aid and fire squads and specific training activities; coordinators of central and local prevention and protection services also underwent training. With regard to Industrial Relations, professional skills catch basins were set up to ensure that the staff most used by the Company (especially journalists, programming directors and office staff) with temporary employment contracts were provided with specific guarantees as to their future employment under similar contracts, and to institute at the same time a preferential recruitment source for fixed-contract employees required in the future. In addition, a start was made on the work of the Technical Commission which had been formed to examine the issues connected with the reclassification of employees under the collective labour contract regarding middle management, office employees and manual workers, in accordance with the commitments assumed under the contract which was renewed on 23 December 2004. It should also be underlined that following the commitments assumed under the December 2004 contract renewal, a specific negotiation forum has been opened with the unions to define the terms and method of application of the collective labour contract to Rai Trade, so as to complete the extension of the contract to all Group companies. On the litigation side, besides following judicial developments, the department has also had direct recourse to out-of-court settlements. 39 Rai Directors' Report The Medical Service, in its two sections, the Occupational Medicine Service and the Surgery Service, continued to integrate and harmonise its activities over the country. Specifically, the Occupational Medicine Service carried out 4,000 health inspections in Italy (+30% on 2004) in accordance with regulations governing health and safety in work places. The organisation and management of preventive vaccination covering the whole country was an important measure. The workforce at 31 December 2005 numbered 10,138 employees, compared with 10,064 at the beginning of the year. A total of 145 people left the company, while new hires numbered 219, as follows: 163 were reinstated following legal action; 19 were the result of previously defined trade union agreements and agreements on widows and orphans; 15 were due to intra-group transfers; 20 (mainly journalists on two-year contracts) were hired for the purposes of a targeted reconstitution of the work force or for particular requirements and, finally, 2 were taken on under three-year contracts as journalists at managerial level. Finally, 70 employees on trainee contracts and two-year journalist contracts made in 2003 were converted to permanent contracts. Staff (RAI SpA) by position Year 2005 Year 2004 301 335 636 1,360 1,110 2,669 1,607 549 841 145 1,064 132 9,477 10,113 25 10,138 279 335 614 1,328 1,093 2,708 1,593 526 794 150 1,048 132 9,372 9,986 78 10,064 Managers and equivalent Managers Journalists Journalists Middle management Office workers (including medical staff) Office workers (production) Camera crews Programme direction Technicians Workers Creative staff Staff on permanent contracts Staff on trainee contracts Total staff With regard to labour cost aspects, in addition to the typical activities of cost budgeting and monitoring, the Group monitoring system set up in 2004 was standardised. It is important to note the spur given in the last part of the year to the staff early resignation incentives plan which is to go into operation in 2006. In conclusion, although again in 2004 there was a large number of mandatory court-ordered reinstatements, results were lower than budget both in terms of numbers (-37 employees) and overall cost. 40 Rai Directors' Report Research and Development The current global context of the radio and television business is seeing the contrasting effects of increased competition on the one hand and, on the other, a limited expansion in revenues deriving from advertising. The success of new multimedia platforms (DTT, mobile telephony, the Internet, satellite and, increasingly, also television on ADSL), generated by recent developments in technology, has led to a process of change and development in the activities of the Rai Group. The new strategic vision contemplates: • integration and adaptation in the television and radio production area; • measures to perfect the infrastructure for the transmission and management of data and signals. All this is in line with the requirement for: • vigorous cost containment over current activities to concentrate adequate resources on emerging systems, in particular on digital terrestrial television and multimedia systems; • integration of both the production systems and the infrastructure and data management platforms, to search for synergies and eliminate duplications, thus generating economic benefits in terms of lower operating costs. Additional strategic measures were targeted at the rationalisation of systems and activities and putting into operation a firm policy to re-organise and adapt the real estate area and its components. Consistently with the experiences of the major European public services, Rai in addition is assessing the feasibility of entering into partnership with primary operators on other signal transmission platforms, with strong technological competence in broadcasting infrastructure. As part of the initiatives managed in 2005 by the Strategic Technologies Department, digital terrestrial television has consolidated and improved coverage for 70% of the population as envisaged by the law with two muliplexes and has allowed the regionalisation of one multiplex, reconfiguring the bouquet of programmes transmitted on a regional basis. With a view to managing and promoting multimedia technology, the results attained were in two main areas: • the creation and issue of interactive content and services. The more important initiatives included the Conditional Access system for the broadcast of Pay Per View services based on the use of rechargeable prepaid cards, the development of applications and management instruments for smart cards, an experimental system for the production and broadcasting of interactive advertising messages, and a first Services Centre unit to manage DTT content. • experimentation on advanced technologies and innovative services. The main projects regarded digital production and filing and high definition television (HDTV), which had its debut in the Turin area for the more significant Olympic events. The codification system used was the innovative MPEG-4 AVC (Advanced Video Coding) technology which, with a greater complexity in co-decodification, halves the band space occupied. Turin also saw the experiments 41 Rai Directors' Report on the Mobile TV (DVB-H) technology for the reception on personal computers and mobile phones of audio-visual content. On the occasion of the Olympic Games, in fact, five transmitters covered the game sites at Bardonecchia, Cesana, Pragelato and Sestriere. Intercompany relations During 2005, the Rai Group continued operations based on a decentralised organisation model for a number of activities managed by special-purpose companies. Relations with subsidiaries and associated companies are all conducted on an arm’s length basis on current market terms and conditions. Certain services, such as accounting and administration, personnel, real estate, legal affairs, research and development, warehouse management, and information systems, are centrally managed for some companies. Rai also has centralised treasury management for its subsidiaries in order to ensure the coverage of financing needs and to optimise the investment of available cash funds. These are the main subsidiaries within the Rai Group and their respective missions: • Rai Cinema: handles the acquisition of broadcasting rights for films, as well as the production and distribution of Italian and European films and the sale of related rights. • 01 Distribution: responsible for the acquisition and distribution to movie theatres and through the Italian home video network of films, TV shows, and advertising, as well as for the exploitation of related rights. • Rai Click: distribution and sale of audio-visual and multimedia products via broadband Internet connections. • Rai Corporation: provides technical and editorial support for Rai’s journalistic programming. • NewCo Rai International: responsible for the broadcast and distribution of radio and television programming abroad as part of its mission to promote the Italian language and culture throughout the world. This company is not yet operative. • RaiNet: handles the portfolio of Rai programmes and services on the Internet and manages the Rai.it portal. • RaiSat: handles the programming of thematic satellite channels for third parties, as well as the digital terrestrial channels for Rai. • Rai Trade: responsible for marketing and distributing Rai products, particularly rights to sports events, high-quality music and theatre. • Rai Way: handles the broadcasting for Rai radio and TV channels, contributes to the creation of programming, provides hosting services on its own systems for other broadcasters, assesses environmental impact, and provides other technical services. • Sipra: responsible for the sale of advertising for Rai. The following tables provide financial highlights for the Group’s subsidiaries. 42 Rai Directors' Report Rai Cinema (millions of Euros) 2005 2004 % Revenues Operating costs Depreciation, amortisation, provisions & other net items Net financial income (charges) Operating profit 385.1 54.8 260.4 -5.0 70.2 293.1 36.4 223.0 -9.1 33.7 31.4 50.5 16.8 -45.1 108.3 39.8 251.6 -203.9 287.7 31.8 241.6 -199.5 284.0 25.2 4.1 2.2 1.3 60 62 2005 2004 % 93.7 92.4 0.1 0.2 44.2 43.4 0.2 112.0 112.9 - Net profit Equity Net financial position Investment 0.6 3.4 - 0.6 3.1 - 9.7 Workforce (permanent + trainee contracts) 25 25 Rai Click (millions of Euros) 2005 2004 % Revenues Operating costs Net financial income (charges) Operating loss 2.8 4.4 0.1 -2.0 2.4 3.8 0.1 -1.7 16.7 15.8 17.6 Net loss Equity Net financial position Investment -1.3 5.2 4.3 0.3 -1.0 6.5 6.2 0.3 30.0 -20.0 -30.6 - 1 1 2005 2004 % Revenues Operating costs Net financial income (charges) Operating profit/loss 19.9 18.9 -0.1 0.1 17.8 18.3 -0.9 11.8 3.3 -111.1 Net profit/loss Equity Net financial position Investment 0.1 10.0 0.9 7.9 -1.1 -1.1 2.5 -109.1 -181.8 216.0 51 48 Net profit Equity Net financial position Investment Workforce (permanent + trainee contracts) 01 Distribution (millions of Euros) Revenues Operating costs Net financial income (charges) Operating profit Workforce (permanent + trainee contracts) Rai Corporation (millions of Euros) Workforce (permanent + trainee contracts) 43 Rai Directors' Report NewCo Rai International (millions of Euros) 2005 2004 Revenues Operating costs Net financial income (charges) Operating loss 0.3 -0.3 0.4 -0.4 Net loss Equity Net financial position Investment -0.2 0.2 - -0.3 0.5 0.4 - - - 2005 2004 % 12.6 11.2 0.9 5.9 11.1 0.1 -6.5 113.6 0.9 -100.0 -113.8 Net profit/loss Equity Net financial position Investment 0.7 4.5 1.7 0.5 -4.6 3.8 1.9 0.5 -115.2 18.4 -10.5 - Workforce (permanent + trainee contracts) 55 57 2005 2004 % 67.5 51.0 -0.1 6.2 59.0 38.2 -0.2 7.0 14.4 33.5 -50.0 -11.4 3.1 7.4 -11.5 9.0 3.4 7.3 -12.4 11.8 -8.8 1.4 -7.3 -23.7 69 71 2005 2004 % Revenues Operating costs Net financial income (charges) Operating profit 84.7 60.0 1.0 7.8 72.4 49.9 -1.6 8.1 17.0 20.2 -162.5 -3.7 Net profit Equity Net financial position Investment 6.4 22.0 12.9 15.5 4.3 19.6 11.0 16.6 48.8 12.2 17.3 -6.6 90 87 Workforce (permanent + trainee contracts) RaiNet (millions of Euros) Revenues Operating costs Net financial income (charges) Operating profit/loss RaiSat (millions of Euros) Revenues Operating costs Net financial income (charges) Operating profit Net profit Equity Net financial position Investment Workforce (permanent + trainee contracts) Rai Trade (millions of Euros) Workforce (permanent + trainee contracts) 44 % -25.0 -25.0 -33.3 -60.0 -100.0 Rai Directors' Report Rai Way (millions of Euros) 2005 2004 % Revenues Operating costs Net financial income (charges) Operating profit 193.4 136.9 -0.4 13.4 203.5 142.8 -0.8 16.7 -5.0 -4.1 -50.0 -19.8 Net profit Equity Net financial position Investment 5.6 91.3 -12.5 32.9 7.8 91.2 -21.8 30.0 -28.2 0.1 -42.7 9.7 706 711 2005 2004 % 1,225.7 1,204.4 1.7 16.5 1,226.5 1,193.8 1.7 28.0 -0.1 0.9 -41.1 Net profit Equity Net financial position Investment 11.6 35.6 37.6 3.6 18.5 42.5 67.5 2.9 -37.3 -16.2 -44.3 24.1 Workforce (permanent + trainee contracts) 422 428 Workforce (permanent + trainee contracts) Sipra (millions of Euros) Revenues Operating costs Net financial income (charges) Operating profit 45 Rai Directors' Report Balances and Transactions between Rai and related parties (thousands of Euros) Miscellaneous trading relationships Financial relationships Memorandum accounts Receivables Payables Costs (*) Revenues Receivables Payables Costs Revenues Guarantees Commitments Other Rai Corporation SIPRA Rai Way Rai Trade Rai Click RaiSat RaiNet NewCo Rai International Rai Cinema 01 Distribution San Marino RTV Auditel 193 366,283 9,045 14,807 158 10,122 2,107 35 33,307 233 106 - Audiradio Secemie Sacis 410 2,400 6 436,396 104,746 547,249 1,189,487 (*) including for capitalisation: - Rai Trade 46 3,937 15,710 287 9,160 548 1,125,508 56,598 156,375 16,828 9,006 17,110 20,431 1,055 446 6,913 15,636 13,842 4,733 8,705 2,633 226 58 11,549 325,376 9,170 38 1,563 3 246 4,976 - 620 12,513 11,205 203,857 - 162 2 37,387 1,298 13 13,047 267 4,261 110 11 1,703 22 45 5 844 16 - 98 18,514 5,886 4,000 2,923 2 35,755 - 3,391 31,086 1,735 13,724 1,369 7,706 7,091 2,582 93,871 - - 5,504 227,575 62,953 1,744 67,178 91 68,775 93,871 - Rai Directors' Report Additional information Significant events after the balance sheet date There have been no significant events after 31 December 2005. Outlook Coming to the outlook for the Company, 2006 will be a year of particular commitment for Rai. The Company in 2006 must engage in a series of important initiatives - some of which are on the point of finalisation - so as to avoid accumulating technological delays and missing opportunities for alliances which will otherwise be difficult to repair versus other operators in the market. In substance, 2006 represents a fundamental year to redesign the Group’s ranking in the communications market and the various broadcasting platforms, and therefore to prove that the Public Service can effectively take on a central role also in the new digital context, which is leading to rapid readjustment in the balance of power within the communications sector. The lack of continuity in strategy must however be addressed or at least a strategy must be formulated to meet the considerable difficulties affecting public revenue funding, which are putting a serious brake on the initiatives that Rai in any case is required to take in order to avoid failing in its mandatory Public Service functions, which also apply to the area of digital technology. Indeed, despite the fact that it has become absolutely clear the costs for the Public Service far exceed the revenues from licence fees, the Minister of Communications has decided - in the face of the above fact - to keep the 2006 licence fee unchanged, as was the case also for 2005. Accordingly, the revenues position for 2006 promises to be very critical, also because advertising - notwithstanding the expected billings for the World Soccer Championship in Germany and, to a much lesser extent, the Winter Olympic Games at Turin - should register a growth rate in line with that for 2005. It should also be noted that public administration revenues might be adversely affected by cuts brought in under the Finance Act. On the costs side, attention is drawn to the considerable cost of acquiring the rights for the World Soccer Championship (the 25 best matches - including all those of the Italian National Team - and the highlights for the remaining 39), and for the Turin Olympic Games, for an amount of over 120 million Euros, as well as for the part pertaining to the Champions League. 47 Rai Directors' Report In this situation - taking account of the rigidity distinguishing our industrial structure, which is also the result of regulatory or contractual restrictions governing the Public Service - Rai has launched various actions plans in the main business areas aimed at maintaining a state of financial equilibrium, in order to achieve higher efficiency and/or effectiveness, as well as to ensure the generation of new revenues to be spent on strengthening the core business and developing new strategic projects. In this connection, it is significant that the 2006 licence fee will at least be increased for programmed inflation. In a prospective situation which is not limited to 2006, Rai’s expected revenues performance is heavily dependent on an adjustment being made to the funding system, which is public, to enable the Company to fulfil the mission entrusted to it by law, which is to provide general Public Service radio and television broadcasting. This mission has been progressively broadened over the years, embracing the task of leading the communications system into the sphere of digital technology. This entails a consequently significant financial commitment. Supplementary information With regard to the technical requirements associated with the obligation of preparing consolidated financial statements, and pursuant to Article 16(4) of the Company’s bylaws, Rai may exercise the option envisaged under Article 2364 of the Civil Code whereby the Company may call an Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting to approve the financial statements within 180 days of the close of the financial year. With regard to regulations relating to data privacy and security, we report that measures of a general nature adopted by the Company are as follows: • the adoption of an organisational model on privacy (pursuant to the Managing Director’s Instruction on Organisation DG/0122 dated 2 December 2005); • the revision, as already reported, of the Data Security Planning Document. Finally, we report that the Company holds no treasury shares, either directly or through trust companies or other third parties, and that the Company did not purchase or dispose of such shares during the year. 48 Rai Directors' Report Proposed resolution to Shareholders The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2005 show, as already reported, a net profit for the year of Euro 16,379,837.86, which we propose should be allocated as follows: • Euro 818,991.89, or 5% of net profit for the year, to the legal reserve; • Euro 210,587.24 to the reserve for foreign currency exchange gains pursuant to Article 2426 (8 bis) of the Civil Code; • Euro 15,350,258.73, the remainder, to a reserve for investment in technological innovation. 49 Rai SpA Parent Company Financial Statements at 31 December 2005 Contents Highlights 52 Parent Company reclassified financial statements 54 Summary of Parent Company results and financial position 55 Parent Company Balance Sheet and Income Statement - in statutory form 69 Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements 77 Parent Company supplementary schedules 125 Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors 131 Report of the Independent Auditors 139 Shareholders’ Meeting Resolution 141 Rai SpA Highlights Highlights (millions of Euros) 2500 2500 2000 2000 1500 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 2004 2005 0 2004 2005 GOM - Operating Profit Profit before Tax - Net Profit 500 400 200 200 100 100 4.5 54.7 16.4 300 17.7 300 122.0 113.0 371.6 397.6 500 400 2,440.9 3000 2,434.7 2,799.6 3000 Operating Costs 2,832.5 Revenues 0 0 2004 52 2005 2004 2005 Rai SpA Highlights Equity Net Financial Position 300 400 200 200 100 0 2004 2005 0 2004 2005 Investment (in programmes and fixed assets) Workforce at 31 December (permanent and trainee contracts) 10,138 227.4 2004 2005 10000 91.8 200 10,064 11000 227.3 300 9000 58.0 100 261.3 600 268.5 400 697.3 800 500 760.0 1000 0 8000 2004 2005 Nota: I dati di Rai SpA relativi al 2003 e al 2002 sono stati elaborati come pro-forma per rendere omogeneo il confronto con i dati del 2004, che rappresentano i risultati economico-finanziari della società risultante dalla fusione per incorporazione, efficace dal 1 dicembre 2004, di Rai SpA in Rai Holding SpA. 53 Rai SpA Parent Company reclassified financial statements Parent Company reclassified financial statements Income Statements (millions of Euros) 31.12.2005 Revenues from sales and services Internal cost capitalisations Total revenues External goods and services Personnel costs Total operating costs Gross Operating Margin Amortisation of programmes Depreciation of fixed assets Other net income (charges) Operating Profit Net financial income Value adjustments to financial assets Profit before taxes and extraordinary items Net exceptional income (charges) Profit before taxes Income taxes for the year Net Profit for the year 2,832.5 6.0 2,838.5 (1,572.6) (868.3) (2,440.9) 397.6 (187.9) (125.5) (66.5) 17.7 70.4 0.8 88.9 (34.2) 54.7 (38.3) 16.4 31.12.2004 2,799.6 6.7 2,806.3 (1,612.1) (822.6) (2,434.7) 371.6 (192.3) (130.8) (44.1) 4.4 57.5 (4.5) 57.4 64.5 121.9 (8.9) 113.0 Change in amount Change % 32.9 (0.7) 32.2 39.5 (45.7) (6.2) 26.0 4.4 5.3 (22.4) 13.3 12.9 5.3 31.5 (98.7) (67.2) (29.4) (96.6) 1.2 -10.4 1.1 -2.5 5.6 0.3 7.0 -2.3 -4.1 50.8 302.3 22.4 -117.8 54.9 -153.0 -55.1 330.3 -85.5 Change in amount Change % Balance Sheet (millions of Euros) Non-current assets Working capital Staff severance pay provision Net Invested Capital Equity Net financial debt 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 1,102.4 (299.7) (366.7) 436.0 697.3 (261.3) 436.0 1,146.6 (309.3) (345.8) 491.5 760.0 (268.5) 491.5 (44.2) 9.6 (20.9) 55.5 (62.7) 7.2 (55.5) -3.9 -3.1 6.0 11.3 -8.3 -2.7 -11.3 Nota: I dati di Rai SpA relativi al 2003 sono stati elaborati come pro-forma per rendere omogeneo il confronto con i dati del 2004, che rappresentano i risultati economico-finanziari della società risultante dalla fusione per incorporazione, efficace dal 1 dicembre 2004, di Rai SpA in Rai Holding SpA. 54 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position Summary of Parent Company results and financial position Parent Company Income Statement The parent company income statement shows a net profit of 16,4 million Euros for 2005, which is down on 2004 (113 million Euros). The following section provides an overview of the main items of the income statement and the reasons behind the more significant changes with respect to 2004. Revenues from sales and services Revenues from sales and services consist of licence fees, advertising revenues and other commercial revenues. They totalled 2,832.5 million Euros, up 32.9 million Euros (1.2%) on 2004. Revenues from sales and services (millions of Euros) Licence fees Advertising revenues Other revenues Total Revenues from sales and services 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 1,482.5 1,121.2 228.8 2,832.5 1,473.8 1,108.0 217.8 2,799.6 8.7 13.2 11.0 32.9 0.6 1.2 5.1 1.2 Licence fees (1,482.5 million Euros). With the licence fee remaining unchanged, these revenues show a result which is consistent with the preceding year, with however a slight increase (8.7 million Euros or 0.6%) which is wholly attributable to an increase in the number of paying subscribers (+76,592 subscribers), this being a direct consequence of efforts to contain licence fee evasion. Such efforts included action taken by the fiscal police, home inspections made by agents and promotional campaigns involving prize schemes for subscribers. TV subscriptions – changes New Renewals Paying subscribers Delinquent subscribers Total registered subscribers Delinquent subscriber ratio Cancellations Cancellations + delinquent positions 2005 2004 2003 Change % 2005/2004 410,191 15,312,121 15,722,312 675,716 16,398,028 4.22 334,647 1,010,363 422,170 15,223,550 15,645,720 676,764 16,322,484 4.25 376,316 1,053,080 410,920 15,196,852 15,607,772 668,858 16,276,630 4.21 350,296 1,019,154 -2.8 0.6 0.5 -0.2 0.5 -11.1 -4,1 55 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position The licence fee in Italy, which will remain unchanged in 2006, is still the lowest in Western Europe. For comparative purposes, the table below shows the annual licence fee in Euros in selected European countries in 2005. Licence fees in Europe (Euros) Iceland Switzerland Denmark Norway Austria Sweden Germany 389.00 292.00 274.00 240.00 238.18 214.00 204.36 Finland United Kingdom Eire Belgium France Italy 193.95 179.00 155.00 145.49 116.00 99.60 Advertising revenues (1,121.2 million Euros) show an increase of 13.2 million Euros (+1.2%) on the previous year despite the fact that 2004 benefited from advertising connected with the major sports events that took place during that year (the Olympics and the European soccer championships) bringing in about 32 million Euros of additional advertising revenues. Advertising (millions of Euros) Television advertising Radio advertising Promotions and sponsorships Other advertising Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 973.9 58.7 79.9 8.7 1,121.2 950.5 61.5 87.3 8.7 1,108.0 23.4 (2.8) (7.4) 0.0 13.2 2.5 -4.6 -8.5 0.0 1.2 Other revenues. Despite a drop of 5.2 million Euros in Special Public Broadcasting Services, mainly as a result of lower refunds obtained for subscription handling, other revenues show an overall increase of 11 million Euros (+5.1%) arising from increased commercial activities in various sectors. In this connection, the following are worthy of mention: • services rendered by the production centres for services to third parties and Group companies (+3.6 million Euros); • the sale of content to mobile phone operators and the activities on the interaction of television viewers with programmes (+2.9 million Euros); • other services of different categories, including activities in favour of local authorities and institutions under various types of agreements (+5.6 million Euros). 56 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position Other revenues (millions of Euros) Special public broadcasting services Sale of rights Services to investee companies Services to public and private entities Production services Telephony services Refund of production costs Recovery of emoluments and cost of seconded staff Other Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 77.7 45.4 31.5 16.7 15.1 11.5 10.0 7.6 13.3 228.8 82.9 44.1 31.4 11.1 11.5 8.6 10.2 6.5 11.5 217.8 (5.2) 1.3 0.1 5.6 3.6 2.9 (0.2) 1.1 1.8 11.0 -6.3 2.9 0.3 50.5 31.3 33.7 -2.0 16.9 15.7 5.1 As shown in the following table, the relative weights of the three components in total revenues from sales and services show no significant differences from the actual figures for the preceding year. % of revenues Licence fees Advertising Other revenues Total 2005 2004 52.3 39.6 8.1 100.0 52.6 39.6 7.8 100.0 Internal cost capitalisations These relate to the capitalisation of costs using internal resources for the production of plant or programmes carried under non-current assets. They total 6 million Euros, mostly regarding investment in fixed assets. Internal cost capitalisations (millions of Euros) Capitalisation of costs for programmes Capitalisation of costs for plant Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 0.4 5.6 6.0 0.8 5.9 6.7 (0.4) (0.3) (0.7) -50.0 -5.1 -10.4 Operating costs Operating costs total 2,440.9 million Euros, a decrease of 6.2 million Euros, or about 0.3%, on 2004. They include internal costs (personnel) and external costs involved in the Company’s ordinary operations, with the exception of those associated with financial operations. A breakdown follows. 57 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position Cost of goods and external services. This caption includes external costs in respect of the production of immediate-use programmes (purchases of consumables, external services, etc), filming rights, especially for sports events, copyright, services from subsidiaries, other operating costs (lease of computers, freelance services and consulting, rental of studios, telephone, postage, etc) and the public broadcasting concession fee. As shown in the table, the caption shows a decrease of 39.5 million Euros (-2.5%) from the previous year as a result of savings on not having to acquire rights to major sports events, which were partly offset by the additional cost of acquiring film viewing rights from Rai Cinema. Cost of goods and external services (millions of Euros) Materials purchased External services: Freelance services Services for acquisition and production of programmes Signal broadcasting and transport - Rai Way General services (postage, transport, maintenance, cleaning, plant operation, archive services, etc) Allowances, travel and transfers Other Use of third-party assets: Acquisition of viewing rights from Rai Cinema Filming rights Usage rights Leases and rentals Other Change in inventories Concession fee Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 23.3 21.9 1.4 6.4 131.8 240.6 156.2 126.2 233.5 165.0 5.6 7.1 (8.8) 4.4 3.0 -5.3 149.4 33.1 86.9 798.0 153.4 34.7 76.0 788.8 (4.0) (1.6) 10.9 9.2 -2.6 -4.6 14.3 1.2 325.2 203.5 116.2 67.2 10.2 722.3 0.7 28.3 1,572.6 264.9 317.9 113.7 65.5 11.8 773.8 0.4 27.2 1,612.1 60.3 (114.4) 2.5 1.7 (1.6) (51.5) 0.3 1.1 (39.5) 22.8 -36.0 2.2 2.6 -13.6 -6.7 75.0 4.0 -2.5 Personnel costs . These come to 868.3 million Euros compared with 822.6 million Euros at 31 December 2004. Personnel costs (millions of Euros) Wages and salaries Social security contributions Staff severance pay Pension and similar costs Other Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 627.4 164.0 44.9 13.5 18.5 868.3 592.0 163.0 42.2 11.6 13.8 822.6 35.4 1.0 2.7 1.9 4.7 45.7 6.0 0.6 6.4 16.4 34.1 5.6 The increase of 45.7 million Euros in personnel costs in 2005 over 2004 is partly attributable to the impact of changes in the previous year (+8.4 million Euros for movements in personnel, contract renewals, automatic increases and payroll 58 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position policy) and partly to changes in the year (+29.5 million Euros) mainly deriving from contract renewals for 16.3 million Euros and partly from the cost of increasing provisions for labour disputes (up 4.6 million Euros on the preceding year), the remainder relating to minor items. Staff at 31 December 2005 (permanent contracts, trainees and two-year journalist contracts) totalled 10,138, an increase of 74 on end-2004. Number of personnel at year-end (in units) Permanent employees Trainees and under two-year journalist contracts Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 10,113 25 10,138 9,986 78 10,064 127 (53) 74 1.3 -67.9 0.7 The average number of employees, including those on fixed-term contracts, came to 11,732, an increase of 65 on the previous year. A total of 601 employees took advantage of the benefits indicated under Law 243/2004, postponing their retirement and seniority pension rights. Gross Operating Margin The gross operating margin, as a consequence of the above, is positive for 397.6 million Euros, up 26 million Euros or about 7% on the preceding year. Investment and amortisation of programmes Investment in programming, which is in line with the preceding year’s figure, amounts to 227.3 million Euros. In its makeup, the TV series segment has been strengthened, with investment rising by about 4.3 million Euros (+2.13%), to the detriment of investment in the Documentaries segment which shows a drop of 4.4 million Euros (-30.3%). Investment in other segments remains stable. 59 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position Investment in programmes (millions of Euros) TV series Documentaries Other programmes Total 2005 2004 206.1 10.1 11.1 227.3 201.8 14.5 11.1 227.4 Change in amount 4.3 (4.4) 0.0 (0.1) Change % 2.1 -30.3 0.0 0.0 Amortisation for the period, which is calculated on the basis of the criteria described in accounting policies section of the notes to the parent company financial statements, was charged for completed programmes with rights available by the end of 2005. The fall in amortisation of Documentaries, which are amortised in a single year, is a direct consequence of the decrease in investment in this programming. Amortisation of programmes (millions of Euros) TV series Documentaries Other programmes Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 168.4 10.5 9.0 187.9 170.3 15.2 6.7 192.2 (1.9) (4.7) 2.3 (4.3) -1.1 -30.9 34.3 -2.2 Fixed asset investment and depreciation Compared with the preceding year, 2005 shows an overall slowdown in fixed asset investment due mostly to the suspension, at least for the time being, in the acquisition of frequencies required to launch and widen the digital terrestrial network. Fixed asset investment (millions of Euros) Property, plant and equipment Other assets - improvements etc Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 56.2 1.8 58.0 54.4 37.4 91.8 1.8 (35.6) (33.8) 3.3 -95.2 -36.8 Depreciation for the year, calculated on assets in service at 31 December using the rates indicated in the notes to the parent company financial statements, is substantially in line with the preceding year. Depreciation on fixed assets (millions of Euros) Property, plant and equipment Other assets - improvements etc Total 60 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 119.9 5.6 125.5 125.4 5.4 130.8 (5.5) 0.2 (5.3) -4.4 3.7 -4.1 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position Other net charges Other net charges amount to 66.5 million Euros (44.1 million Euros at 31 December 2004). The caption represents the balance of income and charges not directly related to the company’s core business. More specifically, they consist of prior-year income and expense items, provisions for write-downs and risks, indirect taxes, municipal property tax, the cost of prize competitions and other charges. As in previous years, in order to take account of risks connected with not being able to transmit or re-broadcast repeat-use programmes, capitalised programmes have been written down by 22 million Euros, compared with a write-down of 39 million Euros in 2004. Operating Profit The results described above for operating revenues and costs led to a rise in operating profit, from 4.5 million Euros in 2004 to 17.7 million Euros in 2005, increasing 13.2 million Euros. Net financial income Net financial income shows a gain of 70.4 million Euros (57.5 million Euros in 2004) as a result of the improvement in the results of Group companies (+4 million Euros) and net income from financial transactions (+8.9 million Euros). Income from equity investments. This comprises dividends received in the year in respect of profits for the previous year. Despite the drop in Rai Cinema’s results, the caption has increased by 4 million Euros on 2004 due mostly to higher dividends from Sipra and Rai Way. 61 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position Income from equity investments (millions of Euros) 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 29.8 18.5 5.6 4.0 2.8 60.7 44.5 8.2 0 2.3 1.7 56.7 (14.7) 10.3 5.6 1.7 1.1 4.0 -33.0 125.6 == 73.9 64.7 7.1 Dividends - Rai Cinema - Sipra - Rai Way - Rai Trade - Rai Sat Total Net financial charges on financial transactions amount to 9.7 million Euros. They comprise net interest income or expense with banks and Group companies and net foreign exchange losses. Net financial income (millions of Euros) 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 2.7 (1.7) 4.4 -258.8 4.7 2.3 9.7 3.7 (1.2) 0.8 1.0 3.5 8.9 27.0 -291.7 1,112.5 Net interest income (expense) with third parties Net interest income from subsidiaries and associated companies Net exchange gains (losses) Total Net financial income has improved thanks to an improved financial situation, the average position increasing steeply (+153 million Euros), as well as to the positive effects of the handling of exchange rate risks and the hedges taken out in preceding years on sports events contracts. Bank debt was limited to brief overdraft periods, during which use was made of hot cash credit lines at an average rate of 2.4%. Deposits earned rates close on 2%. This was achieved by employing temporary excess cash in risk-free operations with leading banks. The deposit and borrowing rates obtained were among the most competitive applied by banks to prime customers. Value adjustments to financial assets This caption reflects value adjustments and re-adjustments on holdings in subsidiaries and associated companies deriving from their results for the year. Value adjustments to financial assets (millions of Euros) Newco Rai International Rai Corporation RaiNet Other companies Total 62 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % (0.2) 0.0 0.7 0.3 0.8 (0.5) (0.4) (4.6) 1.0 (4.5) 0.3 0.4 5.3 (0.7) 5.3 -60.0 -100.0 -115.2 -70.0 -117.8 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position Exceptional income and (charges) - net Net exceptional income and charges amount to 34.2 million Euros, mainly (for 35.5 million Euros) as a result of the costs incurred on the development of an incentive plan for the early resignation of staff that will be applied in the first six months of 2006, with the aim of containing future years’ personnel costs. Exceptional income and charges (millions of Euros) Exceptional income Gains on the elimination of fiscal distortions in the accounts Prior year taxes Other Exceptional charges Prior year taxes Restructuring charges Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 0.0 1.3 0.0 1.3 63.4 1.3 0.4 65.1 (63.4) 0.0 (0.4) (63.8) -100.0 0.0 -100.0 -98.0 0.0 (35.5) (35.5) (34.2) (0.6) 0.0 (0.6) 64.5 0.6 (35.5) (34.9) (98.7) -100.0 == 5816.7 -153.0 Income taxes These total 38.3 million Euros. They comprise the balance between current taxes and deferred tax charges and credits as detailed in the table below. Deferred tax credits relate for the most part to an assessment made of the future tax-deductibility of provisions so far disallowed for tax purposes in the current and past years. Income taxes (millions of Euros) IRPEG/IRES IRAP Deferred tax charges Deferred tax credits Total 2005 2004 11.0 43.0 0.1 (15.8) 38.3 0.0 40.0 29.3 (60.4) 8.9 63 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position Parent Company Balance Sheet Non-current assets Non-current assets (millions of Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 Change in amount Change % 469.5 272.6 304.1 56.2 1,102.4 533.9 255.1 295.0 62.6 1,146.6 (64.4) 17.5 9.1 (6.4) (44.2) -12.1 6.9 3.1 -10.2 -3.9 Fixed assets Programmes Equity investments Other non-current assets Total Fixed assets amount to 469.5 million Euros, of which 55.3% relates to industrial land and buildings. Fixed assets (millions of Euros) 31.12.2005 Land and buildings Plant and machinery Industrial and sales equipment Other assets Assets under construction and payments on account Total 259.5 129.7 5.1 29.6 45.6 469.5 31.12.2004 Change in amount Change % 303.8 152.2 5.4 29.4 43.1 533.9 (44.3) (22.5) (0.3) 0.2 2.5 (64.4) -14.6 -14.8 -5.6 0.7 5.8 -12.1 The decrease of 64.4 million Euros with respect to 2004 is the balance of new investment (56.2 million Euros), eliminations (0.7 million Euros) and depreciation (119.9 million Euros). The investment in Programmes is mainly represented by programming for the TV series (250 million Euros) which accounted for most investment during the year (206.1 million Euros). The change with respect to the previous year (+17.5 million Euros) is the net result of the following factors: • Investment for 227.3 million Euros; • Depreciation for 187.9 million Euros; • Write-down of programmes for 22 million Euros, for the above reasons. Programmes (millions of Euros) TV series Documentaries Other Total 64 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 Change in amount Change % 250.0 0.5 22.1 272.6 234.2 0.9 20.0 255.1 15.8 (0.4) 2.1 17.5 6.7 -44.4 10.5 6.9 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position The increase of 9.1 million Euros in Equity investments is mainly the result of the share capital increase in Rai Corporation (+8.3 million Euros), the remainder relating to revaluations and minor items. Other non-current assets show a decrease of 6.4 million Euros for depreciation charged in the year on the digital terrestrial network (3.2 million Euros) and the refund of tax advances on the provision for staff severance pay (3 million Euros), the remainder relating to minor items. Working capital The change from 2004 (+9.6 million Euros) is mostly due to normal developments in the business. Working capital (millions of Euros) Inventories Trade receivables Other assets Trade payables Provisions for risks and charges Other liabilities Total 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 Change in amount Change % 1.7 635.8 320.0 (622.5) (474.5) (160.2) (299.7) 2.5 581.5 232.3 (553.0) (426.6) (146.0) (309.3) (0.8) 54.3 87.7 (69.5) (47.9) (14.2) 9.6 -32.0 9.3 37.8 12.6 11.2 9.7 -3.1 The major changes include: The increase in Trade receivables (+54.3 million Euros) mainly due to growth in the volume of revenues for services rendered to third parties and, above all, to greater advertising revenues in the last quarter. Other assets show an increase of 87.7 million Euros resulting from advance payments made to acquire rights for the 2006 and 2010 World Cup and other sports events, as well as higher Group VAT credits. The rise in Trade payables (+69.5 million Euros) is due for the most part to normal developments in the payments cycle and to recording invoices still to be received relating to 2005. The Provisions for risks and charges, which show an increase of about 48 million Euros, relate entirely to personnel matters. They relate to the costs on the development of a project for giving staff incentives to resign (35.5 million Euros) and the possible payment of premiums on the year’s results (24.5 million Euros), partly compensated by minor charges to the provisions. 65 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position The overall risk situation to which the Company is exposed has not undergone any significant change in the year. We therefore confirm that the coverage level represented by the provisions made continues to be sufficient to meet future risks and charges. It should be noted that Trade receivables comprise, net of the relative write-downs, accounts receivable from subsidiaries, mainly Sipra for 366.3 million Euros (345.6 million Euros in 2004) and receivables under agreements with Ministries for 135.4 million Euros (139.1 in 2004). Net financial position The year-end net financial position is positive even though it has fallen slightly from the previous year (261.3 million Euros, compared with 268.6 million Euros in 2004). An analysis follows: Net financial position (millions of Euros) Net amounts due to banks and other lenders medium/long-term short-term cash and cash equivalents Net financial position with investee companies payables receivables Current securities Net financial position 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 Change (1.2) (0.3) 98.2 96.7 (3.5) (13.2) 143.3 126.6 2.3 12.9 (45.1) (29.9) (63.0) 227.6 164.6 0.0 261.3 (92.7) 234.7 142.0 0.0 268.6 29.7 (7.1) 22.6 0.0 (7.3) Overall cash flow, which was practically nil, was impacted by the payment to the Shareholder of a dividend of 79 million Euros, which in fact was the equivalent of resources generated by operations, net of investments made. Cash movements were substantially regular for collections, with on-account payments on licence fees being made regularly by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance which, taken together with the positive balance at the beginning of the year, led to an improvement of over 150 million Euros in the net average financial position (323 million Euros as against 170 million Euros for 2004). Group companies present an increase in funding requirements, which is entirely covered by intercompany indebtedness, thanks to the workings of cash-pooling arrangements. 66 Rai SpA Summary of Parent Company results and financial position The Company uses appropriate computerised and statistical instruments to check financial risks and the efficacy of hedges set up. In addition, a financial policy is being set up to regulate control over financial risks in accordance with best international practice and new accounting principles. Specifically: • The exchange risk, which is significant as regards currency exposure generated by the acquisition of sports events rights as well as for financing the American associate Rai Corporation, is primarily connected with the requirement for US currency, estimated at about 100 million dollars per year. The importance of this matter makes it necessary for the parent company to exercise constant monitoring, within the sphere of its administrative service, also on behalf of Group companies as well as, on the basis of a specific mandate, for Rai Cinema. Within the objective of observing the exchange rate used in drawing up budgets and economic plans, hedging strategies are created gradually, using financial derivative instruments - such as forward purchases, swaps, and options structures - addressed exclusively to hedge requirements arising from commercial agreements, some of which cover several years that have already been signed. Such operations, therefore, are never in the nature of a financial speculation. • To cover the short and medium/long-term rate risk, appropriate hedging transactions have been entered into to ensure equilibrium in the income statement, even if, at the moment, there are only two hedging operations in place covering the short-term infra-annual requirement. In effect, the Group’s financial position does not contain significant long-term exposures, but sees short periods of operational liquidity alternating with limited overdraft positions, especially over the collection time for licence fee instalments. • The credit risk on cash deployment is extremely limited in that use is made only of deposits and investment instruments with leading banks. • Coming to the liquidity risk it should be noted that short-term credit lines, in the range of 500 million Euros, ensure elasticity in cash requirements on the basis of current management policies throughout the course of the year. 67 Rai SpA Stato Patrimoniale e Conto Economico Rai SpA Parent Company Balance Sheet and Income Statement in statutory form 69 Rai SpA Parent Company Balance Sheet and Income Statement Balance Sheet - Assets A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 3.- Industrial patents and intellectual property rights 4.- Concessions, licences, trademarks and similar rights 6.- Intangible assets under development and payments on account 7.- Other intangible assets TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS 1.- Land and buildings 2.- Plant and machinery 3.- Industrial and sales equipment 4.- Other fixed assets 5.- Fixed assets under construction and payments on account TOTAL FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS 1.- Equity investments in a)subsidiaries b)associated companies d)other companies 2.- Receivables d)other due within 1 year due after 1 year 3.- Other securities TOTAL NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 70 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 - 31.12.2004 - 182,340,061 29,232,638 91,147,048 7,362,442 310,082,189 153,739,572 32,475,125 102,452,721 7,688,643 296,356,061 259,508,234 129,698,295 5,070,871 29,658,718 45,596,169 469,532,287 303,734,700 152,223,716 5,417,611 29,410,215 43,119,562 533,905,804 302,320,399 1,129,162 668,045 304,117,606 293,511,025 824,486 670,187 295,005,698 2,918,107 12,190,728 15,108,835 3,554,751 322,781,192 1,102,395,668 2,944,849 14,852,864 17,797,713 3,561,805 316,365,216 1,146,627,081 Rai SpA Parent Company Balance Sheet and Income Statement (in Euros) C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES 1.- Raw materials, supplies and consumables 4.- Finished goods and merchandise TOTAL INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES 1.- customers 2.- subsidiaries 3.- associated companies 4.bis - tax receivables 4.ter - deferred tax assets 5.- other TOTAL RECEIVABLES III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS 6.- other securities TOTAL CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 1.- Bank and post office deposits 2.- Cheques 3.- Cash and cash equivalents on hand TOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES b) accrued income and other prepaid expenses TOTAL ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 1,414,941 293,581 1,708,522 2,076,427 396,226 2,472,653 199,635,496 663,052,501 106,168 43,690,505 73,687,123 186,371,232 1,166,543,025 190,137,101 625,429,409 127,703 29,430,522 62,831,699 122,882,375 1,030,838,809 - - 97,905,265 6,072 257,975 98,169,312 1,266,420,859 143,015,163 800 255,292 143,271,255 1,176,582,717 16,908,868 17,720,617 16,908,868 2,385,725,395 17,720,617 2,340,930,415 71 Rai SpA Parent Company Balance Sheet and Income Statement Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL IV. LEGAL RESERVE VII. OTHER RESERVES VIII.PROFITS BROUGHT FORWARD IX. NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR TOTAL EQUITY 242,518,100 6,158,066 394,997,443 37,266,353 16,379,838 697,319,800 242,518,100 509,578 394,519,904 9,501,456 112,969,764 760,018,802 B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 1.- pension and similar liabilities 2.- current and deferred taxes 3.- other TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 150,731,711 31,784,839 292,013,742 474,530,292 154,458,507 31,698,296 240,439,203 426,596,006 C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY 366,663,395 345,783,970 1,392,183 - 15,376,323 1,204,720 23,338,753 494,538,964 165,255,272 2,406,887 65,155,871 17,179,909 445,569,777 180,742,419 2,464,694 30,932,165 35,519,710 55,787,355 843,394,995 39,633,396 74,164,690 807,268,093 3,816,913 3,816,913 2,385,725,395 1,263,544 1,263,544 2,340,930,415 D) PAYABLES 4.- Due to banks due within one year due after one year 5.- Due to other lenders due within one year due after one year 6.- Advances 7.- Suppliers 9.- Subsidiaries 10.- Associated companies 11.- Parent companies 12.- Taxes payable 13.- Social security institutions due within one year due after one year 14.- Other payables TOTAL PAYABLES E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME b) accrued expenses and deferred income TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 72 (in Euros) Rai SpA Parent Company Balance Sheet and Income Statement Memorandum Accounts (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 63,275,715 2,582,285 269,000 66,127,000 72,017,302 2,582,285 269,000 74,868,587 Total unsecured guarentees granted 3,390,693 3,390,693 69,517,693 3,303,722 3,303,722 78,172,309 2.- Secured guarantees granted b) for own commitments other than payables c) for debt recorded in the balance sheet Total secured guarantees granted 3,536,000 50,561,130 54,097,130 3,536,000 50,561,130 54,097,130 93,871,124 93,518,356 236,598,705 454,084,652 161,011,731 386,799,526 1.- Unsecured guarantees granted a) Sureties: - in favour of subsidiaries - in favour of associated companies - in favour of others c) Other: - in favour of subsidiaries - in favour of associated companies 3.- Purchase and sales commitments 4.- Other 73 Rai SpA Parent Company Balance Sheet and Income Statement Income Statement A) PRODUCTION VALUE 1.- Revenues from sales and services 2.- Changes in inventories of work in progress, semifinished and finished goods 4.- Internal cost capitalisations 5.- Other production-related income a) operating grants b) gains on disposal of assets c) other TOTAL PRODUCTION VALUE B) PRODUCTION COSTS 6.- Purchases of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 9.- Personnel costs a) wages and salaries b) social security contributions c) staff severance pay d) pensions and similar costs e) other costs 10.- Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns a) amortisation of intangible assets b) depreciation of fixed assets c) other non-current asset writedowns d) writedowns of current receivables and cash and cash equivalents Changes in inventories of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise Provisions for risks Other provisions Miscellaneous operating costs a) asset disposal losses b) concession fee c) other TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS Operating profit 74 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 2,776,008,888 (102,644) 6,077,272 2,744,262,667 (19,975) 6,735,579 840,760 124,431 91,723,354 92,688,545 2,874,672,061 685,848 1,631,097 129,281,850 131,598,795 2,882,577,066 (23,266,406) (798,077,399) (722,265,540) (21,917,568) (788,831,088) (773,761,346) (627,392,723) (163,959,754) (44,891,282) (13,514,647) (18,522,639) (868,281,045) (592,012,167) (162,975,206) (42,173,325) (11,640,137) (13,817,382) (822,618,217) (193,494,306) (119,885,798) (22,020,701) (1,982,941) (337,383,746) (211,624,418) (125,373,802) (40,932,023) (377,930,243) (661,486) (15,712,396) (8,339,832) (387,921) (6,007,394) (8,863,451) (599,503) (28,312,725) (54,079,271) (82,991,499) (2,856,979,349) (1,446,221) (27,166,841) (49,220,072) (77,833,134) (2,878,150,362) 17,692,712 4,426,704 Rai SpA Parent Company Balance Sheet and Income Statement Income Statement cont. C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 15.- Income from equity investments a) dividends from subsidiaries c) dividends from other companies d) other income from equity investments 16.- Other financial income a) from non-current receivables . other b) from non-current securities other than equity investments c) from current securities other than equity investments d) financial income other than the above . interest and commissions from subsidiaries . interest and commissions from others and miscellaneous income 17.- Interest and other financial charges a) interest and commissions payable to subsidiaries b) interest and commission payable to associated companies d) interest and commission payable to others and miscellaneous charges 17 bis.- Foreign exchange gains and losses - net TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS 18.- Revaluations a) of equity investments 19.- Write-downs a) of equity investments TOTAL VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS - NET E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES 20.- Exceptional income a) asset disposal gains b) out-of-period gains and reversal of non-existent liabilities c) other 21.- Exceptional charges a) asset disposal losses b) prior-year taxes c) other TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET Profit before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Net profit for the year (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 60,738,338 27,642 60,765,980 56,752,137 56,752,137 414,996 414,996 460,644 460,644 85,233 - 492,414 - 6,440,290 3,998,490 10,438,780 10,939,009 5,152,738 2,365,569 7,518,307 8,471,365 (1,728,438) (15,639) (1,778,766) (3,522,843) 2,205,181 70,387,327 1,039,373 1,039,373 (234,195) (234,195) 805,178 1,325,424 1,325,424 (35,500,000) (35,500,000) (34,174,576) (1,472,202) (21,405) (4,999,155) (6,492,762) (1,198,801) 57,531,939 1,198,051 1,198,051 (5,713,852) (5,713,852) (4,515,801) 435,000 1,318,492 63,353,351 65,106,843 (605,920) (17,892) (623,812) 64,483,031 54,710,641 121,925,873 (38,330,803) 16,379,838 (8,956,109) 112,969,764 75 Rai SpA Nota integrativa Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements 77 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements 1) Activity of the company Following the entry into force of Law 112 of 3 May 2004 (“Regulations establishing principles for the organization of the radio and television system and Rai Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.A., as well as granting enabling authority to the Government to issue a consolidated radio and television law”), 17 November of the same year saw the completion of the merger of Rai - Radiotelevisione Italiana SpA into Rai Holding SpA. The latter had been established in January 2001 to hold an equity stake of 99.55% in the share capital of Rai - Radiotelevisione italiana SpA. As a result of the merger, Rai Holding SpA changed its name to Rai Radiotelevisione italiana SpA, and the Board of Directors of the absorbed company became the Board of Directors of the surviving company. The company is the exclusive provider of the public broadcasting service for radio and television programmes via any technical means. Subject to authorisation by the Ministry of Communications, the Company may act through subsidiaries to carry out activities related to the performance of the services it is charged with delivering. Rai Radiotelevisione italiana’s operations must be conducted in compliance with the applicable regulations in force contained in Law 103 of 14 April 1975 (“New regulations governing radio and television broadcasting”), Law 223 of 6 August 1990 (“Regulation of the public and private radio and television system”), the “Measures governing the concession holder for the public radio and television broadcasting service” enacted with Law 206 of 25 June 1993 and subsequent amendments, Law 249 of 31 July 1997 on the “Establishment of the Communications Authority and regulations governing telecommunications and the radio and television system” and Law 112 of 3 May 2004 (“Regulations establishing principles for the organization of the radio and television system and Rai Radiotelevisione italiana SpA, as well as granting enabling authority to the Government to issue a consolidated radio and television law”). With Law 177 of 31 July 2005 approval was given to the Consolidated Law governing Radio and Television, incorporating additional clauses, amendments and cancellations necessary for the co-ordination of the services or their proper functioning. In the Consolidated Law the provisions of Law 112/04 were incorporated, relating to the radio and television general public service and, in consequence, articles 3 and 5 of Law 206/93 which had not been repealed by Law 112/04. The public radio and television service concession is governed by the concession agreement between Rai and the Ministry of Communications of 15 March 1994, approved with Presidential Decree of 28 March 1994 and published, after registration with the State Audit Court on 5 August 1994, in the Gazzetta Ufficiale of 12 August 1994. Pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph 1, of Law 112 of 3 May 2004, the concession agreement has a duration of twelve years as from the date the law entered into force. 78 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements The Gazzetta Ufficiale no. 59 of 12 March 2003 published the Presidential Decree of 14 February 2003 approving the service contract between the Ministry of Communications and Rai envisaged in Article 3 of the concession agreement. The contract became valid the day following its publication and expired on 31 December 2005. The rationale underlying the above regulatory framework lies in the public interest functions entrusted to the concession holder. Under the regulations, Rai has special institutional characteristics and operating constraints, in addition to the specific obligations undertaken with the service contract. 2) Introduction The parent company financial statements at 31 December 2005 are prepared in conformity with the relevant provisions of the Italian Civil Code. They are supplemented with reclassified statements showing the balance sheet and income statement in vertical form, and cash flows. The financial statements are expressed in Euros, without decimals; rounding was carried out in compliance with the instructions in the Revenue Agency circular no. 106/e of 21 December 2001. The notes to the financial statements and the related detailed Schedules are stated in thousands of Euros. In order to ensure the full comparability of the figures in the 2005 financial statements with those of the previous year, a number of items in the balance sheet and income statement for 2004 have been reclassified. Rai’s financial statements have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers, which has also been engaged to conduct the audit procedures under Article 2409 bis of the Civil Code, in accordance with the resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting of 20 December 2004. 79 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements 3) Accounting policies Before examining the individual items, we first provide an overview of the main accounting policies used in drafting the financial statements, which were adopted from the perspective of the Company as a going concern and comply with the provisions of Articles 2423 et seq. of the Civil Code. Such policies are substantially unchanged from those applied in the preceding year. a) Industrial patents and intellectual property rights: the acquisition and production costs of programmes, composed of external costs that can be allocated directly to each project and the cost of internal resources used to create programmes, are recorded on the following bases: 1) costs for repeat-use television productions are capitalised under intangible assets and, if such productions are usable at year-end, are carried under industrial patents and intellectual property rights and amortised on a straight-line basis over the period of their estimated useful life. If such programmes are not yet usable at year-end, the costs are carried under intangible assets under development and payments on account. The objective difficulty of establishing an appropriate correlation between advertising revenues and licence fees and the amortisation of the rights, which is further complicated by the many ways in which they can been used, has prompted Rai to designate three years as the useful life of repeat-use programmes, the same as the previous year. Accordingly, all capitalised costs regarding repeat-use rights owned by the company or held under licence for a period of at least three years are amortised over three years. Costs in respect of rights held under licence for less than three years are amortized on a straight-line basis over the period in which they are available. In addition, an impairment provision has been established for programmes for which transmission or re-broadcasting is at risk. 2) Costs in respect of immediate-use television programmes are expensed in a single year, which is normally that in which they are used. More specifically: - News, light entertainment and all radio programming. Costs are expensed in the year in which they are incurred, which is normally the year in which the programmes are broadcast. - Sports events. Costs are held in suspense up to the year in which the event takes place. - Documentaries. Costs are charged against income in a single amount at the time the programmes are ready for broadcasting or the rights are usable. b) Software licences are carried with industrial patents and intellectual property rights and are amortized over three yeas as from the year they enter service. 80 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements c) Costs incurred for the construction of the digital terrestrial network are capitalised under intangible assets and amortized on a straight-line basis over the forecast period of use as from the date the service is activated. d) Trademarks are amortized over ten years as from the year they enter service. e) Deferred charges are carried under other intangible assets net of accumulated amortisation. They regard improvements to leased or licensed property. Amortisation for leasehold improvements is determined on the basis of the shorter of the residual duration of the related contracts and the estimated period of benefit of the costs, calculated using amortisation rates which reflect the rate of economic or physical deterioration of the relative assets. f) Fixed assets - which are shown net of accumulated depreciation - are recorded at cost, increased by internal personnel costs incurred in preparing them to enter service, and revalued pursuant to laws. The costs of fixed assets as determined above are depreciated in accordance with Article 2426 (2) of the Civil Code Ordinary maintenance costs are expensed in the year in which they are incurred. g) Equity investments are carried at purchase cost written down in the event of permanent impairment in value. The value of companies with negative shareholders’ equity is set at zero and Rai’s share of the deficit is provided for under the provisions for risks and charges. h) Fixed-income securities carried as non-current financial assets are valued at purchase cost. Positive or negative differences between purchase cost and redemption value are taken to the income statement in the amount accruing for the year. i) Non-current assets which, at the balance sheet date, have suffered a permanent impairment in value, are carried at the lower value. Should the reasons for the writedown made in previous years no longer apply, the assets are revalued within the limits of the amount of the writedown. j) Other securities carried under current financial assets are valued at the lower of purchase cost - determined as the weighted average cost - and estimated realisable value, which is given by market value. k) Inventories of raw materials, supplies and consumables are valued at cost, which is determined on the basis of weighted average cost, written down taking account of market trends and estimated non-use due to obsolescence and slow turnover. Inventories of merchandise for resale (relating to periodicals and book publishing) are carried at the lower of purchase cost, which is determined on the basis of weighted average cost, and estimated realisable value as determined by market prices. l) Accrued income and prepaid expenses, and accrued expenses and deferred income, are recorded on an accruals basis. 81 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements m) Provisions for pension and similar liabilities, which comprise the provision for supplementary staff severance pay, the social security benefits provision and the company supplementary pension fund, are made in accordance with collective bargaining agreements. The Company supplementary pension fund is valued on the basis of an actuarial appraisal. n) The provision for taxes includes probable tax liabilities arising out of the settlement of tax disputes and includes deferred tax liabilities calculated on timing differences which have resulted in lower current taxes. Deferred tax assets arising from charges which are tax-deductible on a deferred basis are taken up under Current Assets caption 4 ter – Deferred tax assets if there is reasonable certainty that they will be recovered in the future (the basis underlying their being recognised as assets). o) Other provisions for risks and charges include provisions to cover losses or liabilities whose existence is certain or probable but whose amount or date of occurrence is uncertain at the balance-sheet date. They are set up on a case-by-case basis in relation to specific risk positions and their amount is determined on the basis of reasonable estimates of the liability that such positions could generate. p) The provision for staff severance pay is determined in conformity with applicable law and labour contracts. It reflects the accrued entitlement of all employees at the balance-sheet date net of advances already paid. q) Payables are shown at nominal value; receivables are carried at estimated realisable value, i.e. net of the bad debts provision as determined on the basis of a case-by-case assessment of the solvency of the individual debtors. r) Payables and receivables denominated in currencies other than the euro - with the exception of hedged positions, which are valued at the rate applying to the financial instrument - are recorded at the exchange rates applying at the balance-sheet date. Gains and losses on the translation of individual positions at the balance-sheet date are taken to the income statement as components of financial income or expense. Any net gain is taken to a specific non-distributable reserve until the gain is realised. s) Payments on account include advances made by customers for services that have not yet been performed. t) Costs and revenues are taken to the income statement on a consistently applied accruals basis. u) Dividends are taken to income in the year in which they are received. v) Income taxes are recorded on the basis of an estimate of taxable income in conformity with applicable regulations, taking account of deferred tax positions. The tax liability to be settled on making the tax declaration is carried under taxes payable, together with liabilities in respect of taxes already assessed and due that are not involved in a dispute with the tax authorities. 82 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements w)In order to hedge interest rate and exchange rate risk, the Company uses derivative contracts to hedge net exposures arising from specific transactions. Interest differences to be collected or paid on interest rate swaps are taken to the income statement on an accruals basis over the duration of the contract. Accrued interest differences that have not been settled at the end of the year or which have been settled before they actually accrue are taken to accrued income and prepaid expenses, or accrued expenses and deferred income, as the case may be. Derivative contracts hedging exchange rate risks are used to cover contractual commitments in foreign currencies and entail adjusting the value of the underlying item. The premium or discount arising from the difference between the spot and future exchange rates for hedging transactions is taken to the income statement loss over the duration of the contract. If the market value of derivatives contracts that do not fully qualify for hedge accounting is lower than the value of the underlying financial instrument, a specific risk provision is set up for the difference. x) Collections are recorded by bank transaction date; for payments account is likewise taken of the instruction date. 83 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements 4) Parent Company Balance Sheet Assets Non-current Assets Intangible assets This caption includes the cost of non-physical factors of production with lasting utility, net of amortisation. In short, they include ownership or concession rights, or deferred costs whose utility extends to future years. Industrial patents and intellectual property rights. This caption records the costs of television programmes available for use. As indicated in schedule 1, they amount to 182,340 thousand Euros, which has risen by 28,600 thousand Euros during the year. The increase if the difference between new assets for 238,491 thousand Euros (of which 81,113 thousand Euros was transferred from intangible assets under development and payments on account in respect of rights that became available during the year), a writedown against the risk of non-transmission and/or repeatability of certain programmes amounting to 22,021 thousand Euros and the amortisation charge for the year of 187,870 thousand Euros. 84 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Intangible assets (thousands of Euros) Schedule 1 31.12.2004 (a) Changes during the year Cost Amortis. Book value Increases and capitalisat. Reclassificat. (b) 452,694 (43,142) 409,552 (255,812) (255,812) 196,882 (43,142) 153,740 157,378 157,378 81,113 81,113 Concessions, licences, trademarks and similar rights Digital terrestrial Concessions, licences, trademarks and similar rights 117 35,637 35,754 (39) (3,240) (3,279) 78 32,397 32,475 11 11 - Int. assets under development and payments on account: programmes (c) 101,339 capitalisation of leasehold improvements 1,114 102,453 - 101,339 1,114 102,453 69,985 1,742 71,727 (81,113) (1,943) (83,056) (26,306) (285,397) 7,688 296,356 229,116 1,943 - Industrial patents and intellectual property rights: programmes provision for programmes being amortised Other intangible assets (a) (b) (c) (d) (d) (22,021) (22,021) 23 23 (e) 31.12.2005 Amortis. Cost Amortis. Book value (217,459) 29,589 (187,870) 691,185 (65,163) 626,022 (473,271) 29,589 (443,682) 217,914 (35,574) 182,340 (13) (3,240) (3,253) 128 35,637 35,765 (52) (6,480) (6,532) 76 29,157 29,233 - 90,211 936 91,147 - 90,211 936 91,147 36,062 788,996 (28,700) (478,914) 7,362 310,082 102 (e) (2,371) (21,896) (193,494) Includes only amounts not fully amortised at 31 December 2004, with the exception of “Other”, which includes fully amortised leasehold improvement costs relating to unexpired lease contracts (see note (d)) Book values: . not fully amortised 452,694 (255,812) 196,882 496,494 (278,580) . fully amortised 221,736 (221,736) 194,691 (194,691) 674,430 (477,548) 196,882 691,185 (473,271) 217,914 217,914 Costs for intellectual property rights under development at 31 December 2004 that are not reclassified under intangible assets beign amortised by end-2005. They relate to rights accruing subsequent 31 December 2005 or still to be defined, as well as to internally produced programmes not yet completed at that date. They relate in any event to the cost of programmes expected to be used in the future. Book values: . not fully amortised leasehold improvements 31,038 (23,350) 7,688 32,083 (24,721) 7,362 31,038 (23,350) 7,688 32,083 (24,721) 7,362 . fully amortised leasehold improvements relating to unexpired lease contracts leasehold improvements relating to expired lease contracts (e) 33,994 581,753 Writedowns, eliminations and disposals Changes in respect of reclassifications from fixed assets, including the followings costs: under development being amortised . amortisation 2,956 33,994 (2,956) (26,306) 7,688 1,895 33,978 (1,895) (26,616) 7,362 8 34,002 (8) (26,314) 7,688 2,084 36,062 (2,084) (28,700) 7,362 23 125 (23) 125 The total value of these items at 31 December 2005, before the writedown, comprises the following: • rights to television programmes owned or held under unlimited-term licences amounting to 152,968 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 156,656 thousand Euros). • rights to third-party television programmes held under fixed-term licences totalling 64,946 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 40,226 thousand Euros). Investment in television programmes in 2005 totalled 227,363 thousand Euros, including 69,985 thousand Euros for investment in television programmes that were not yet available at 31 December 2005, which are carried under intangible assets under development and payments on account. 85 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Analysing investments by type, at 31 December 2005, 206,112 thousand Euros has been invested in fiction programmes (series, miniseries, TV movies, soap operas, etc), 10,118 thousand Euros in documentaries, 11,081 thousand Euros in cartoons and comedy programmes and about 52 thousand Euros in other categories. Concessions, licences, trademarks and similar rights. These items, which are stated net of accumulated amortisation, include costs incurred for the acquisition of licences for digital terrestrial frequencies, and own trademarks (for example, the Rai logo). They total 29,233 thousand Euros, of which 29,157 thousand Euros relate to digital terrestrial frequencies. Intangible assets under development and payments on account. These amount to 91,147 thousand Euros, including: • 90,211 thousand Euros for the cost of television programmes which are not yet available, and therefore not subject to amortisation; compared with the figure at 31 December 2004, this has shown a net decrease of 11,128 thousand Euros, as shown in schedule 1. Specifically, the said decrease is equal to the balance between increases for new assets (69,985 thousand Euros), and decreases for items transferred to Industrial patents and intellectual property rights in that they relate to productions and/or acquisitions which have become usable during 2005 (81,113 thousand Euros); • 936 thousand Euros in respect of improvements under way on property under leasehold or concession. For televisions programmes that have not yet become available, the total of 90,211 thousand Euros includes: • 79,755 thousand Euros in respect of television programmes owned by the Company that were not ready at 31 December 2005 or for which usage rights began after 31 December 2005 (at 31 December 2004: 76,262 thousand Euros). • 10,456 thousand Euros regarding third-party television programmes held on fixed-term licence beginning after 31 December 2005 (at 31 December 2004: 25,077 thousand Euros). Other intangible assets. The amount of 7,362 thousand Euros regards costs - net of amortisation - incurred for improvements on property held leasehold or under concession. 86 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Fixed assets These comprise the cost and related revaluations of tangible fixed assets with an economic life of two or more years that are owned by the company and used in operations. They are carried net of standard depreciation and writedowns for lasting value impairments if any. Standard depreciation rates are listed below: • Buildings and light structures - offices in industrial buildings - other industrial buildings and roads - light structures • Plant and machinery - General and radio plant - Transmission and television plant - Recording plant and fitted vehicles • Industrial and sales equipment • Other assets: - Fittings - Office furniture and equipment - Electronic office equipment - Transport vehicles - Motor cars, motor vehicles and the like 3% 6% 10% 12.5% 19% 25% 19% 19% 12% 20% 20% 25% Fixed assets at 31 December 2005 amount to 469,532 thousand Euros, an overall net decrease of 64,374 thousand Euros on 31 December 2004 comprising: additions of 56,211 thousand Euros and decreases of 120,585 thousand Euros, as detailed in schedule 2. Fixed assets and accumulated depreciation (thousands of Euros) Schedule 2 31.12.2004 Changes during the year Cost Revaluations Writedowns Accumulated depreciat. Book value Land and buildings 415,336 Plant and machinery 1,093,171 Industrial and sales equipment 91,617 Other fixed assets 137,709 Fixed assets under constructions and payments on account 43,119 1,780,952 613,102 26,325 (36,529) - (688,174) (967,272) 303,735 152,224 5,002 3,087 - (91,201) (111,386) 5,418 29,410 1,675 6,039 346 921 43,119 647,516 (36,529) (1,858,033) 533,906 23,051 56,211 (20,479) - (a) including . Costs - fixed assets . Revaluations - fixed assets . Depreciation - fixed assets 31.12.2005 Additions ReclassifiNet Standard Cost Revaluand cations eliminations depreciat. ations capitalisaand transfers tions (a) 4,580 2,756 (13) (51,549) 422,492 613,070 20,866 16,456 (311) (59,537) 1,115,510 26,107 (58) (223) (2,311) (6,489) 93,249 141,050 4,984 3,082 Writedowns Accumulated depreciat. Book value (36,529) (739,525) 259,508 - (1,011,919) 129,698 - (93,162) (114,473) 5,071 29,659 (94) 45,596 - 45,596 (699) (119,886) 1,817,897 647,243 (36,529) (1,959,079) 469,532 19,266 273 (18,840) 699 It should be noted that new assets recorded, which reflect investment made in the year, comprise 5,473 thousand Euros for the capitalisation of the cost of internal personnel engaged on the construction of buildings, plant and machinery. 87 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements As regards disclosure of finance lease transactions it should be noted that since 2004 only the building located in Aosta was acquired under this type of contract, to serve as the regional headquarters for the Valle d’Aosta. We present hereunder the statements required under article 2427 (22) of the Civil Code, referred to in Document 1 of the Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (Italian Accounting Board), showing the effects on the balance sheet and the income statement of the treatment of financial leases using the accounting method generally followed in Italy, whereby lease instalments are expensed as incurred. Balance sheet effect (thousands of Euros) a) Outstanding contracts Assets held under financial leases at end of previous year Income statement effect (thousands of Euros) 5,901 + Assets acquired under financial leases during the year - Assets under financial leases acquired through end-lease purchase option during the year - Depreciation for the year - + Implicit debt arising during the year - Repayment of principal and exercise of purchase option during the year Implicit debt in respect of financial leases at the end of the year d) Total gross effect at end of the year (a+b+c) e) Tax effect f) Effect on equity -141 Depreciation charge on outstanding contracts -360 Value adjustments/re-adjustments to assets held under financial leases Effect on profit before taxes 198 5,541 b) Assets acquired through end-lease purchase option c) Liabilities: Implicit debt in respect of financial leases at end of previous year 699 Financial charges on financial lease transactions - -360 +/- Value adjustments / re-adjustments Assets held under financial leases at the end of the year - Instalment payments in respect of financial leases charged against income - Tax effect -82 Effect on net profit for the year of accounting for financial leases using the international accounting method 116 -5,856 558 -5,298 243 -101 142 The gross value of revaluations recorded with fixed assets is reported below, listed according to the applicable by regulations: • 63,945 thousand Euros in implementation of Law 576 of 2 December 1975 and Law 72 of 19 March 1983, whose purchase cost was 82,762 thousand Euros. This comprises property acquired by 31 December 1946, whose gross value of 430 thousand Euros includes the revaluation made pursuant to Law 74 of 11 February 1952; • 58,025 thousand Euros gross in implementation of Law 413 of 30 December 1991; • 525,273 thousand Euros in implementation of Decree Law 263 of 29 April 1994, whose effects were ratified by Law 650 of 23 December 1996. 88 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Non-current financial assets These represent the cost of durable financial investments and related revaluations, net of any writedowns described in the comments on the individual items. Equity investments: these are recorded using the criteria described at point g) in the section “Accounting policies”. They amount to 304,118 thousand Euros and include investments in shares or other forms of equity in companies, including consortiums. They are reported in the balance sheet under separate headings arranged as to decreasing levels of ownership. The components of the value of equity investments, their distribution among the individual investee companies and transactions during the period are detailed in schedules 3 and 4. Non-current Financial Assets - Equity Investments (thousands of Euros) Schedule 3 31.12.2004 Cost Revaluat. Subsidiaries Rai NewCo Rai International SpA Rai Cinema SpA Rai Click SpA Rai Corporation RaiNet SpA RaiSat SpA Rai Trade SpA Rai Way SpA Sacis SpA in liquidation Sipra SpA Total 999 200,098 105 391 47,893 2,451 5,165 70,238 103 11,114 338,557 Associated companies Audiradio Srl 10 Auditel Srl 10 San Marino RTV SpA 258 Secemie 851 Total 1,129 (a) net of reconstitution of share capital Book value Acquisitions Subscriptions (548) 451 - 200,098 105 (391) - (44,107) 3,786 2,451 5,165 70,238 103 11,114 - (45,046) 293,511 - - Writedowns (a) Changes during the year (305) (305) 31.12.2005 Disposals Reclassificat. Writedowns Lost coverage (-) and share Writebacks capital (+) reconstitution Cost Revaluat. 8,321 8,321 - - (222) 710 488 999 - 200,098 105 8,712 47,893 2,451 5,165 70,238 103 11,114 - 346,878 - - - 305 305 - 10 10 258 546 824 10 10 258 851 1,129 Non-current Financial Assets - Equity Investments (thousands of Euros) Book value (770) (391) - (43,397) - (44,558) 229 200,098 105 8,321 4,496 2,451 5,165 70,238 103 11,114 302,320 - - 10 10 258 851 1,129 Schedule 4 31.12.2004 Other companies CFI Consorzio Nettuno Finsiel SpA Int. Multimedia University Umbria SpA Ist. Enciclopedia Treccani SpA Italia Cinema Srl in liquidation since 30/01/2004 Total Writedowns (a) Changes in the year Cost Writedowns (a) Book value Acquisitions Subscriptions 10 21 324 52 478 (10) (21) (50) (149) 324 2 329 - - 26 911 (11) (241) 15 670 - - 31.12.2005 Disposals Writedowns (-) Writeback (+) Cost Writedowns (a) Book value (1) 10 10 21 324 52 478 (10) (21) (51) (139) 324 1 339 (11) (2) 26 911 (22) (243) 4 668 (a) net of reconstitution of share capital 89 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Schedule 5 shows the list of subsidiaries and associated companies pursuant to article 2427 point 5 of the Civil Code. List of holdings in subsidiaries and associated companies (thousands of Euros) Name Registered office Share capital (1) Subsidiaries NewCo Rai International SpA Rai Cinema SpA Rai Click SpA Rai Corporation RaiNet SpA RaiSat SpA Rai Trade SpA Rai Way SpA Sacis SpA in liquidation Sipra SpA Rome Rome Milan New York (USA) Milan Rome Rome Rome Rome Turin Associated companies Audiradio Srl Auditel Srl San Marino RTV SpA Secemie Milan Milan S. Marino (Republic of San Marino) Ecully (France) Schedule 5 Equity of investee (1) 1,000 200,000 177 424 (2) 5,160 2,585 8,000 70,176 102 10,000 230 251,587 5,242 8,518 (3) 4,500 7,414 21,960 91,280 1,984 35,564 234 300 516 3,829 834 946 5,559 5,530 Net profit (loss) % holding (%) Pertinent share in equity of investee Book value 11,596 99.900% 99.997678% 59.940% 100.000% 99.900% 94.900% 100.000% 99.99926% 100.000% 100.000% 229 251,581 3,142 8,518 4,496 7,036 21,960 91,279 1,984 35,564 229 200,098 105 8,321 4,496 2,451 5,165 70,238 103 11,114 302,320 79 238 168 3,009 33.330% 33.000% 50.000% 21.650% 227 218 2,780 1,197 10 10 258 851 1,129 (222) 39,847 (1,284) 59 (4) 710 3,072 6,399 5,635 (1) appearing in the 31.12.2005 balance sheet (2) USD 500,000 at the 31.12.2005 exchange rate of Euro 0.84767 (3) USD 10,048,994 at the 31.12.2005 exchange rate of Euro 0.84767 (4) USD 69,112 at the 31.12.2005 exchange rate of Euro 0.84767 The following section discusses the more significant developments in investee companies and the consequent impact on the Rai parent company financial statements. Equity investments in subsidiaries • NewCo Rai International SpA (99.9% Rai): the share capital of 1,000 thousand Euros is represented by 200,000 shares with a par value of Euro 5 each. At 31 December 2005 the value of the holding, 451 thousand Euros, which was already net of a writedown of 548 thousand Euros made at 31 December 2004, was further reduced by 222 thousand Euros to cover the loss incurred by the company in 2005. The company is not operational. • Rai Cinema SpA (99.997678% Rai): the share capital, which amounts to 200,000 thousand Euros, is composed of 38,759,690 shares with a par value of Euro 5.16 each. During 2005, the company paid a dividend of 29,845 thousand Euros, which Rai recorded under income from equity investments in the amount pertaining to it, 29,844 thousand Euros. Year 2005 closed with a net profit of 39,847 thousand Euros. • Rai Click SpA (59.94% Rai): share capital is 177 thousand Euros, represented by 340,000 shares with a par value of Euro 0.52 each. The company closed the year with a loss of 1,284 thousand Euros, which was fully covered by the Share premium account. 90 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements • Rai Corporation (100% Rai): the investment, represented by 50,000 shares of par value of $10 each, has a gross carrying value of 391 thousand Euros, equal to $500,000 at the exchange rate at which share capital was reconstituted following coverage of the loss for 1996 in 1997. In 2005, Rai paid in 8,321 thousand Euros on account of share capital. Year 2005 closed with a profit of $69,112 (equal to 59 thousand Euros at the US$/Euro exchange rate at 31 December 2005). As a result of the above the Company’s equity, which was negative for $20 thousand at 31 December 2004, passed to $10,049 thousand. Accordingly, the provision for risks and charges set up in the preceding year was therefore absorbed against the Company’s capital deficit. • RaiNet SpA (99.9% Rai): the share capital amounts to 5,160 thousand Euros represented by 1,000,000 shares of par value of Euro 5.16 each. At 31 December 2005 the value of the holding, 3,786 thousand Euros which had already been written down at 31 December 2004 by 44,107 thousand Euros, was revalued by 710 thousand Euros in view of the profit earned by the company in 2005. • RaiSat SpA (94.9% Rai): the share capital amounts to 2,585 thousand Euros represented by 500,000 shares of par value of Euro 5.17 each. The company closed the year with a net profit of 3,072 thousand Euros. In 2005 it paid a dividend of 2,970 thousand Euros, of which 2,818 thousand Euros pertained to Rai, which was taken to income from equity investments. • Rai Trade SpA (100% Rai): the share capital amounts to 8,000 thousand Euros represented by 100,000 shares of par value of Euro 80 each. The company closed the year with a net profit of 6,399 thousand Euros. During 2005 it paid a dividend 5,576 thousand Euros of 2005 from the net profit for 2004, which was taken to income from equity investments. • Rai Way SpA (99.99926% Rai): the share capital amounts to 70,176 thousand Euros represented by 13,600,000 shares of par value Euro 5.16 each. The company closed 2005 with a net profit of 5,635 thousand Euros. During 2005 it paid a dividend of 5,576 thousand Euros from the net profit for 2004, which was taken to income from equity investments. • Sacis SpA in liquidation (100% Rai): the share capital amounts to 102 thousand Euros represented by 200,000 shares of par value of Euro 0.51 each. The company, which has been in liquidation since 23 January 1998, reported a net profit of immaterial amount. • Sipra SpA (100% Rai): the share capital amounts to 10,000 thousand Euros represented by 10,000 shares of par value Euro 100 each. The company closed 2005 with a net profit of 11,596 thousand Euros. During 2005 it paid a dividend of 18,500 thousand Euros from the net profit for 2004, which was taken to income from equity investments. 91 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Equity investments in associated companies • Audiradio Srl (33.33% Rai): the company closed the year with a net profit of 79 thousand Euros. Share capital amounts to 234,000 Euros consisting of 234,000 equity shares of nominal value Euro 1 each. • Auditel Srl (33% Rai): the company closed the year with a net profit of 238 thousand Euros. Share capital amounts to 300,000 Euros, consisting of 300,000 equity shares of nominal value Euro 1 each. • San Marino Rtv SpA (50% Rai): this company was established in 1991 by Rai and E.RA.S. - Ente di Radiodiffusione Sammarinese, each with an equal holding in the company. It was set up pursuant to Law 99 of 9 April 1990 ratifying the collaboration treaty between the Republic of Italy and the Republic of San Marino concerning radio and television. It closed 2005 with a net profit of 168 thousand Euros. Share capital is 516 thousand Euros represented by 1,000 shares of par value Euro 516.46 each. • Secemie Société Anonyme (21.65% Rai): year 2005 closed with a net profit of 3,009 thousand Euros, which led to the holding being revalued. Share capital is represented by 255,293 shares of par value Euro 15 each. Equity investments in other companies • C.F.I – Consorzio per la Formazione Internazionale: the investment, which was carried at the value of the share in the consortium paid in upon joining, 10 thousand Euros, has been fully written down since, under the bylaws of the consortium, withdrawal does not entitle members to reimbursement of their contribution. • Consorzio Nettuno – Consorzio per la realizzazione di università a distanza: the investment of 21 thousand Euros was fully written down since, under the bylaws of the consortium, withdrawal does not entitle members to reimbursement of their contribution. • Finsiel – Consulenza e applicazioni informatiche SpA (0.916% Rai): the value of the investment has remained unchanged with respect to the previous year, at 324 thousand Euros. Share capital is represented by 1,161,324 shares of par value Euro 51.65 each. • International Multimedia University Umbria SpA (1.533% Rai): carried at 52 thousand Euros, it has been written down by a total of 50 thousand Euros as a result of prior-year losses in proportion to Rai’s interest. Share capital is represented by 12,000 shares of par value Euro 11.00 each. • Istituto Enciclopedia Treccani SpA (0.83% Rai): the investment is carried at 339 thousand Euros; it has been revalued by 10 thousand Euros as a results of the profit 92 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements earned by the company. Share capital is represented by 750,000 shares of par value Euro 51.65 each. • Italia Cinema Srl in liquidation (5% Rai): the company was placed in liquidation with the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 30 January 2004, with immediate effect. The investment, which was carried at 15 thousand Euros at 31 December 2004, already written down by 11 thousand Euros, has been written down for a further 11 thousand Euros as a consequence of its losses. Receivables: these amount to 15,109 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 17,798 thousand Euros). Of the total, 13,714 thousand Euros is for prepaid tax on the provision for staff severance pay disbursed pursuant to Law 140/97 (of which 393 thousand Euros is in respect of the revaluation of the provision for the period), 106 thousand Euros for loans to employees, 1,153 thousand Euros for guarantee deposits and 136 thousand Euros for other receivables. Schedule 12 details their distribution by maturity. As to the geographic distribution of receivables, they relate almost exclusively to Italian residents. Non-current Financial Assets - Receivables (thousands of Euros) Schedule 6 31.12.2004 Changes during the year 31.12.2005 Nominal value Bad debts provisions (a) Book value Disbursements Reclassifications Refunds Writedowns (-) Value readjustments (+)(a) 362 1,079 249 (179) (249) 183 1,079 - 49 89 - - (126) (15) - - 16,309 227 18,226 (428) 16,309 227 17,798 138 - (2,988) (91) (3,220) Due from others: - employees - guarantee deposits - Ponteco - tax prepayments on provision for severance pay - Law 140/97 - other (a) including default interest (b) interest income accrued during the year 393 (b) 393 - Nominal Bad debts value provisions (a) Book value 285 1,153 249 (179) (249) 106 1,153 - 13,714 136 15,537 (428) 13,714 136 15,109 - - Other securities: these are carried at 3,555 thousand Euros and relate entirely to securities pledged as collateral; details thereof are given in schedule 7. Non-current Financial Assets - Other Securities (thousands of Euros) Schedule 7 31.12.2004 Cost Fixed-Income securities: - B.T.P. - C.C.T. (a) issue and trading discounts 32 3,560 3,592 Revaluations (a) Writedowns (a) .. 4 4 .. (34) (34) 4 (34) Changes during the year Book Acquisit. Redempt. value 32 3,530 3,562 - - 31.12.2005 Revalu- Writedowns ations (-) (a) Writebacks (+) (a) Cost Revaluations Writedowns (a) (a) - .. 32 (7) 3,560 (7) 3,592 .. 4 4 .. (41) (41 - (7) 4 (41) Book value 32 3,523 3,555 93 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Current Assets Inventories Inventories amount to 1,709 thousand Euros net of writedowns (at 31 December 2004: 2,472 thousand Euros). As shown in schedule 8, they comprise: • Raw materials, supplies and consumables: these amount to 1,415 thousand Euros net of the inventory provision totalling 15,385 thousand Euros. They consist of supplies and spare parts for maintenance and the operation of equipment, considered as consumables since they are not directly incorporated into products. • Finished goods and merchandise: these consist entirely of inventories associated with the book and periodicals publishing business, amounting to 294 thousand Euros net of writedowns of 913 thousand Euros to bring them into line with estimated realisable value. Inventories (thousands of Euros) Schedule 8 31.12.2004 Raw materials, supplies and consumables Inventory provision Finished products Changes during the year 31.12.2005 Increases (+) Decreases (-) Balance of provisions made (-) and released (+) 17,461 (15,385) 2,076 (661) (661) - 16,800 (15,385) 1,415 396 2,472 (102) (763) - 294 1,709 Receivables Receivables total 1,166,543 thousand Euros, an increase of 135,704 thousand Euros on 31 December 2004 as can be seen in schedule 9 which gives a breakdown of receivables, and schedules 12 and 13 which show their distribution by maturity, type and by currency. 94 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Current Assets - Receivables (thousands of Euros) Schedule 9 31.12.2004 Changes during the year Balance of new positions (+) repayments (-) 31.12.2005 Balance of provisions made (-) and released/used (+) Customers . government and other public entities for public broadcasting services . license fee receivables . other receivables 144,733 (2,290) - 142,443 5,035 961 - 5,996 51,790 11,818 - 63,608 less . bad debts provision (11,421) - (991) (12,412) 190,137 10,489 (991) 199,635 Subsidiaries . NewCo Rai International SpA 29 6 - 35 . 01 Distribution 44 189 - 233 215,019 22,145 - 237,164 131 27 - 158 . Rai Cinema SpA . Rai Click SpA . Rai Corporation 1,133 (940) - 193 . RaiNet SpA 1,236 871 - 2,107 . RaiSat SpA 18,886 2,441 - 21,327 . Rai Trade 15,829 (1,034) - 14,795 . Rai Way SpA 27,498 (6,735) - 20,763 . Sipra SpA 345,624 20,654 - 366,278 625,429 37,624 - 663,053 Associated companies . San Marino RTV 128 (22) - 106 128 (22) - 106 Tax credits 29,431 14,260 - 43,691 Deferred tax assets 62,832 10,855 - 73,687 6,421 Others . personnel 6,870 (449) - 42 10 - 52 . European Union for subsidies and grants 533 88 - 621 . agencies, companies, entities and others 117,208 63,619 - 180,827 . correspondents less . bad debts provision Total (1,771) - 221 (1,550) 122,882 63,268 221 186,371 1,030,839 136,474 (770) 1,166,543 Their geographical distribution is summarized in the following table: (thousands of Euros) customers subsidiaries associated companies tax credits deferred tax assets advances for sports events other receivables Total Italy 195,529 662,860 43,691 73,687 292 17,559 993,618 EU countries Other countries 2,314 9,390 1,181 12,885 1,792 193 106 157,564 385 160,040 Total 199,635 663,053 106 43,691 73,687 167,246 19,125 1,166,543 Receivables from customers: these relate to trade receivables, excluding those from subsidiaries and associated companies, which are carried under separate headings. They total 199,635 thousand Euros, with a nominal value of 212,047 thousand Euros which has been written down by 12,412 thousand Euros to bring them to estimated realisable value. Compared with 31 December 2004, there has been a decrease of 9,498 thousand Euros. 95 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Details of the caption are provided hereunder: - receivables for public broadcasting services to central government and other public entities: as shown in the following table, these amount to a nominal 142,443 thousand Euros, down 2,290 thousand Euros on 31 December 2004 resulting from new invoices issued or amounts accrued for 2005 less collections. (thousands of Euros) Prime Minister’s Office: - Operating grant to be transferred to San Marino RTV - International short-wave broadcasting - Radio and television programmes for foreign stations for the worldwide promotion of the Italian language and culture - Broadcasting from Trieste in Slovenian - Radio and television broadcasts in French for the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta - Radio and television broadcasts in German for the Province of Bolzano and radio broadcasts in Ladin for the Val Badia, Val Gardena and Val di Fassa - Extension of the RaiUno signal to Tunisia and subsequent maintenance Total Prime Minister’s Office Ministries: - Economy and Finance: reimbursement of expenses for management of television licence fee collection Regions: - Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta: management of equipment for reception of programmes from the French-speaking area Total 2005 2004 1,549 35,412 1,549 35,432 18,466 6,365 1,910 19,301 6,365 1,953 14,962 1,754 80,418 14,962 1,710 81,272 55,921 57,874 6,104 142,443 5,587 144,733 The following should be noted in connection with the above receivables: • Prime Minister’s Office: receivables for short-wave broadcasting, programmes for the worldwide promotion of the Italian language and culture, and broadcasts in Slovenian, French, German and Ladin. These relate to services rendered in 2005 for 59,040 thousand Euros and in 2004 for 18,075 thousand Euros; • Ministry for the Economy and Finance: the receivable of 55,921 thousand Euros, which is in respect of the management of ordinary licence fee operations, relates to 2005 for 18,168 thousand Euros, 2004 for 22,463 thousand Euros, 2003 for 6,602 thousand Euros and 2000 for 8,688 thousand Euros; • Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta: the receivable of 6,104 thousand relates to the reimbursement of costs incurred for the operation of equipment for reception of French-language programmes for the years from 1994 to 2005. - Receivables for licence fees: these amount to 5,996 thousand Euros, in respect of licence fees already paid by subscribers but not yet transferred to Rai. - Other receivables: these amount to nominal value 63,608 thousand Euros, up 11,818 thousand Euros on 31 December 2004. They relate to the sale of rights, technical assistance to third parties, etc. • Receivables from subsidiaries: these are shown at 663,053 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004, 625,429 thousand Euros). They represent the year-end balance of transactions with subsidiaries, as shown in schedule 9. They include financial receivables of 227,575 thousand Euros (234,768 thousand Euros at 31 December 2004) and other receivables of 435,478 thousand Euros (390,661 thousand Euros at 31 December 2004). 96 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements • Receivables from associated companies: these total 106 thousand Euros (128 thousand Euros at 31 December 2004). They represent the balance of receivables from associated companies, as detailed in schedule 9. • Tax receivables: these are carried at nominal value of 43,691 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 29,431 thousand Euros). They comprise 33,963 thousand Euros for the balance of Group VAT credits, 5,476 thousand Euros for tax refunds requested, 4,231 thousand Euros for the credit balance on direct taxes, with the remainder relating to minor items. • Deferred tax assets: these amount to 73,687 thousand Euros, comprising a credit of 72,500 thousand Euros arising on items deducible for tax purposes on a deferred basis, as explained in the section on “Income taxes”, in addition to which there are items transferred from Group companies participating in the consolidated taxation arrangement. Details of deferred tax assets, including the movements in 2005, are provided in the following table: (thousand Euros) Situation at 31 December 2004: Estimated recovery of taxed provisions Statutory accounts/fiscal difference on amortisation of programmes Negative amount taxable Deferred tax assets coming from Group companies Deferred tax assets at start of year Movements in the year: Estimated recovery of taxed provisions Statutory accounts/fiscal difference on amortisation of programmes Negative amount taxable Deferred tax assets coming from Group companies Total movements in the year Situation at 31 December 2005: Estimated recovery of taxed provisions Statutory accounts/fiscal difference on amortisation of programmes Negative amount taxable Deferred tax assets coming from Group companies Deferred tax assets at year-end Amount of IRES timing differences IRES 33% (*) Amount of IRAP timing differences IRAP 4.885% (average) (*) Total 134,689 44,448 99,040 4,836 49,284 16,955 14,222 5,595 4,693 16,955 = 828 = 6,423 4,693 = 165,866 2,432 57,168 = 115,995 = 5,664 2,432 62,832 59,375 19,592 (11,124) (541) 19,051 (5,963) (14,222) (1,968) (4,692) (5,963) = (291) = (2,259) (4,692) = 39,190 (1,245) 11,687 = (17,087) = (832) (1,245) 10,855 194,064 64,041 87,916 4,295 68,336 10,992 = 3,627 = 10,992 = 537 = 4,164 = = 205,056 1,187 68,855 = 98,908 = 4,832 1,187 73,687 (*) Deferred tax assets on timing differences have been considered only in the case and to the extent where there is reasonable certainty that, at the time such differences will reverse, there will be sufficient taxable income to ensure their recovery. • Receivables from others: these, net of writedowns of 1,550 thousand Euros, amount to 186,371 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 122,882 thousand Euros), reflect other types of receivables as described below: - suppliers debit balances for advances on sports events filming rights, carried at nominal value of 167,246 thousand Euros; - suppliers debit balances for miscellaneous advances carried at nominal value of 6,512 thousand Euros; 97 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements - receivables from social security institutions for advances made on contributions due for collaboration on art projects, carried at nominal value of 2,873 thousand Euros; - receivables from personnel carried at nominal 6,421 thousand Euros. They are entirely composed of advances of various types, mainly for travel expenses (3,784 thousand Euros) and production expenses (1,141 thousand Euros). - receivables from correspondents, which amount to nominal 52 thousand Euros, comprising advances paid to correspondents abroad for operations at foreign bureaus. - receivables from the European Union for subsidies and grants for nominal 621 thousand Euros, consisting entirely of receivables for research projects. - Other receivables, carried at nominal 4,196 thousand Euros. Cash and cash equivalents These are listed in schedule 10. They comprise: • Bank and post office deposits: these amount to 97,905 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 143,015 thousand Euros). They represent sight or short-term balances on deposit or current account with banks, financial institutions and the Post Office. • Cheques: these amount to 6 thousand Euros. • Cash and cash equivalents on hand: these amount to 258 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 255 thousand Euros) and include liquid funds in the form of cash and equivalent instruments (duty stamps, cashier’s cheques or bank-guaranteed cheques, etc) held by the company at 31 December 2005. Cash and cash equivalents (thousands of Euros) Schedule 10 Changes during the year Bank and post office deposits Cheques Cash and cash equivalents on hand 31.12.2004 Net movements 31.12.2005 143,015 1 255 143,271 (45,110) 5 3 (45,102) 97.905 6 258 98.169 Schedule 13 gives a breakdown of the caption by currency. Accrued income and prepaid expenses Accrued income and prepaid expenses total 16,909 thousand Euros. They are detailed in schedule 11. 98 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Accrued income and prepaid expenses (thousands of Euros) Schedule 11 Changes during the year 31.12.2004 Other prepaid expenses: . sports event filming rights . Rai Way services costs . other Rai Way costs . hire costs . association dues . rent . commissions on guarantee policies . insurance and accident prevention . maintenance and repairs . software licenses . programme production exclusives . various production services . EDP . other 11,906 491 2,953 44 246 15 260 70 539 860 137 31 128 17,680 Accrued income: . interest income Total 31.12.2005 Net movements (3,073 ) 66 238 585 19 767 161 82 (9 ) (240 ) 491 103 11 (799) 8,833 557 238 3,538 63 1,013 176 260 152 530 620 628 134 139 16,881 41 (13 ) 28 17,721 (812) 16,909 Receivables and accrued income by maturity and type (thousands of Euros) due within 1 year 31.12.2005 due within from 2 to 5 years Schedule 12 due after 5 years Total due within 1 year 31.12.2004 due within due from 2 to after 5 years 5 years Total FINANCIAL RECEIVABLES Non-current financial receivables due from: subsidiaries - - - - - - - - associated companies - - - - - - - - parent companies - - - - - - - - 2,918 11,614 577 15,109 2,945 11,584 3,269 17,798 2,918 11,614 577 15,109 2,945 11,584 3,269 17,798 others Current receivables Other financial receivables due from: subsidiaries 227,575 - - 227,575 234,768 - - 234,768 associated companies - - - - - - - - parent companies - - - - - - - - 227,575 - - 227,575 234,768 - - 234,768 customers 199,635 - - 199,635 190,137 - - 190,137 subsidiaries 435,478 - - 435,478 390,661 - - 390,661 106 - - 106 128 - - 128 others NON-FINANCIAL RECEIVABLES Trade receivables due from: associated companies others: - government and other public entities for subsidies and grants 621 - - 621 533 - - 533 635,840 - - 635,840 581,459 - - 581,459 Tax receivables 43,691 43,691 - - 43,691 43,691 29,431 29,431 - - 29,431 29,431 Deferred tax assets 73,687 73,687 - - 73,687 73,687 62,832 62,832 - - 62,832 62,832 Miscellaneous receivables other Accrued income Total 185,750 - - 185,750 122,349 - - 122,349 185,750 - - 185,750 122,349 - - 122,349 28 - - 28 41 - - 41 1,169,489 11.614 577 1,181,680 1,033,825 11,584 3,269 1,048,678 99 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Receivables, cash and equivalents and accrued income in foreign currency or exposed to exchange rate risk (thousands of Euros) 31.12.2005 In foreign currency or In Euros 31.12.2004 In foreign currency or In Euros Total 15,536 15,536 1 1 (428) (428) 15,109 15,109 18,225 18,225 1 1 (428) (428) 17,798 17,798 211,660 662,860 106 43,691 73,687 387 193 - (12,412) - 199,635 663,053 106 43,691 73,687 200,796 625,402 128 29,431 62,832 762 27 - (11,421) - 190,137 625,429 128 29,431 62,832 621 187,195 1,179,820 105 685 621 (1,550) 185,750 (13,962) 1,166,543 533 124,073 1,043,195 47 836 533 (1,771) 122,349 (13,192) 1,030,839 97,705 6 258 97,969 200 200 142,565 1 255 142,821 450 450 Accrued income 28 - 1,293,353 886 exposed to exchange rate risk Bad debts provision Cash and cash equivalents Bank and post office deposits Cheques Cash and cash equivalents on hand Total Total exposed to exchange rate risk Non-current financial receivables due from: subsidiaries associated companies parent companies others Current receivables due from: customers subsidiaries associated companies parent companies tax receivables deferred tax assets others: - government and other public entities for subsidies and grants - miscellaneous Bad debts Schedule 13 - 97,905 6 258 98,169 - 28 41 - (14,390) 1,279,849 1,204,282 1,287 provision - 143,015 1 255 143,271 - 41 (13,620) 1,191,949 Liabilities and Equity Shareholders’ Equity Shareholders’ equity totals 697,320 thousand Euros. The components of Shareholders’ equity and the effects of operations carried out in 2005 and previous years are shown in schedule 14. Shareholders’ Equity (thousands of Euros) Schedule 14 Changes during the year 31.12.2003 Share capital (a) 241,447 Legal reserve 510 Other reserves: . reserve for capital grants . reserve for taxed capital grants . reserve for capital grants reserve under Art. 55 Presidential Decree 917/86 . other extraordinary reserves . merger surplus . non-distributable reserve arising from exchange valuation gains Profits brought forward 9,669 Dividend distribution resolved at Shareholders’ Meeting of 31/5/2005 Net profit (loss) for the year (168) 251,458 (a) number of ordinary shares par value 100 Rai Reclassific. contribution on merger Changes during the year Net profit for the year - (500,000) (14,082) 1,071 - 242,518 510 - 2,527 8,389 (1,265) 1,265 - - (9,654) - 1,262 - (1,262) 1,262 - - - 1,262 9,364 74,025 - - 23,487 - - (97,512) 384,965 (1,071) 9,364 383,894 - - - - 9,364 383,894 - - (168) - - - 9,501 - 478 27,765 - - 478 37,266 24,723 631,874 - (24,555) - 112,970 112,970 (236,283) - 112,970 760,019 - 79,079 (79,079) (112,970) - (79,079) 16,380 16,380 16,380 697,320 242,518,100 1 Euro Profit allocation Profit distribut. - 5,648 - Net 31.12.2005 profit for the year 242,518 6,158 500,000 12,846 241,447,000 100,000,000 1 Euro 5 Euro Merger eliminat. Share 31.12.2004 Reclassific. capital increase Profits allocation/ loss coverage 1,236 242,518,100 1 Euro Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements The Group consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2005 show equity, including minority interests, of 794,9 million Euros, which comprises the consolidated net profit for the year of 22.9 million Euros. The reconciliation between the two amounts of shareholders’ equity is presented on page 190 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements. The following notes provide additional detail on the individual components of equity. Share capital At 31 December 2005 share capital was represented by 242,518,100 ordinary shares of par value Euro 1 each owned by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance (241,447,000 shares, equal to 99.5583% of the share capital) and SIAE, the Italian Association of Authors and Publishers (1,071,100 shares, equal to 0.4417% of share capital). Legal Reserve The legal reserve amounts to 6,158 thousand Euros. Other reserves Other reserves total 394,998 thousand Euros, comprising: • 383,894 thousand Euros, in respect of the merger surplus; • 9,364 thousand Euros, in respect of the remainder of the reserve for capital grants under Article 55 of Presidential Decree 917 of 22 December 1986 (point 3); • 1,262 thousand Euros in respect of the taxable reserve for capital contributions; • 478 thousand Euros, in respect of the exchange valuation gains reserve. Profits brought forward These amount to 37,266 thousand Euros representing the balance of unallocated profits. 101 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements The following table presents the components of shareholders’ equity showing their origin, possible uses and availability for distribution, as well as uses made in the previous three years: Details Amount (thousands of Euros) Possible uses Amount available Summary of uses in previous three years - Share capital 242,518 - Reserves: - Legal reserve 6,158 - Reserve for capital grant 1,262 - Reserve under Art. 55 of Presidential Decree 17/86 9,364 - Merger surplus 383,894 - Exchange valuation gains reserve 478 - Profits brought forward 37,266 - Net profit for the year 16,380 Total Non-distributable portion: - 5% of 2005 profits transferred to legal reserve - increase in 2005 in the exchange valuation gains reserve Distributable portion - - - 2 1-2-3 1,262 - 9,364 383,894 37,266 16,380 448,166 - 1-2-3 1-2 1 1-2 1-2 - 4 3 2 3 3 -819 -210 447,137 Key 1: for share capital increases - 2: for loss coverage - 3: for distribution to shareholders - 4: subject to IRES tax if used for purpose other than loss coverage Net profit for the year Net profit for the year amounts to 16,379,837.86 Euros. Provisions for risks and charges These amount to 474,531 thousand Euros, up 47,935 thousand Euros on 31 December 2004. The composition of these items and details of the increase are shown in schedule 15. 102 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Provisions for risks and charges (thousands of Euros) Provision for pension and similar liabilities: - supplementary seniority benefits - social security benefits - supplementary company pension fund Provision for taxes Other: - litigation Schedule 15 31.12.2004 Provisions made Charges to Released to provision income statement Reclassifications 31.12.2005 4,827 4,940 132 (189) (57) 1 1,095 23 (71) - (68) 979 148,424 7,728 (11,294) - 68 144,926 154,459 7,883 (11,554) (57) 1 150,732 31,698 87 - - 31,785 - 111,370 29,782 (a) (29,782) - - 111,370 - 35,500 (b) - - - 35,500 4,214 27,070 (c) - - - 31,284 - litigation with social security institutions 31,000 - - - - 31,000 - renovation and restructuring of properties 26,516 - (940) - - 25,576 - recourse risks from associated companies 22,450 695 (d) (4,145) - - 19,000 - lease disputes 5,920 456 (e) (133) - - 6,243 - charges for assets under development construction 5,500 - - (250) - 5,250 - Education Ministry agreement 5,579 - - (3,399) - 2,180 19,626 8,340 (f) (6,999) (1,685) - 19,282 8,264 193 (g) (20) (3,108) - 5,329 - corporate restructuring - staff resignation incentives - accrued costs - miscellaneous: . for liabilities . for risks Totale (a) contra-account: item B9 e) Other personnel costs - 15,413 item B12 Provision for risks - 14,368 (b) contra-account: item E 21 c) Exceptional charges (c) contra-account: item B9 Personnel costs (d) contra-account: item B 12 Provisions for risks (e) contra-account: item B 12 Provisions for risks (f) contra-account: item B 13 Other provisions 240,439 102,036 (42,019) (8,442) - 292,014 426,596 110,006 (53,573) (8,499) (h) 1 474,531 (g) contra-account: item B 12 Provisions for risks (h) contra-accounts: item A 5 c) Other production-related income - 8,386 item D 18 a) Revaluations of equity investments - 15 item C 16 d) interest and commission from others - 98 The following notes provide additional information on the individual provisions. Provision for pension and similar liabilities: this amounts to 150,732 thousand Euros and comprises the supplementary seniority benefits provision, the social security benefits provision and the company supplementary pension fund. • the provision for supplementary seniority benefits amounts to 4,827 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 4,940 thousand Euros). It represents the liability in respect of indemnities in lieu of notice towards employees hired before 1978 who have reached the compulsory retirement age. The amount is revalued each year for consumer price inflation. In the event of early termination of employment, or changes in category, the amounts accrued are released. • the provision for social security benefits amounts to 979 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 1,095 thousand Euros). It includes amounts accrued until 31 December 1988 and supplementary amounts allocated in subsequent periods in order to protect the real value of the provision for eligible employees in accordance with the terms of the national collective bargaining agreement. Since 1 January 1989 social security contributions by Rai and withholdings from employees have been paid into the CRAIPI (supplementary retirement fund for Rai employees) and the FIPDRAI (supplementary retirement fund for Rai managers)), associations that are responsible for managing retirement funds 103 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements under the agreements between Rai and labour unions. Upon retirement, the funds accumulated by Rai, CRAIPI and FIPDRAI are paid out unless employees opt, at the time they obtain the pension rights, to obtain equivalent life annuities. In this case, the Rai, FIPDRAI and CRAIPI funds remain with the associations to finance the said life annuities. • the supplementary company pension fund amounts to 144,926 thousand Euros (31 December 2004: 148,424 thousand Euros). It includes: - 135,024 thousand Euros in respect of supplementary pension benefits currently being paid (at 31 December 2004: 138,415 thousand Euros), consisting of funds accrued for employees who have opted for the supplementary pension plan under the union agreements, which are kept at an adequate level to ensure the said benefits, with respect to actuarial reserves. - 9,902 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 10,009 thousand Euros) in respect of pensions that will be paid to eligible managerial staff still in service in the event that some of these opt for the supplementary pension plan. Benefits are calculated on the basis of pay earned, seniority and financial and demographic parameters normally used in similar cases. Provision for taxes: this amounts to 31,785 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 31,698 thousand Euros) comprising: - 30,415 thousand Euros for deferred tax liabilities in respect of year-end fiscal amortisation and depreciation which will reverse in the future; - 984 thousand Euros for deferred tax liabilities on capital gains recorded in 2005; - 89 thousand Euros for deferred tax liabilities in respect of the “neutralisation” for tax purposes of foreign exchange valuation gains; - 297 thousand Euros in respect of disputed taxes assessed in an audit of the 1975 financial year and related penalties. The present provision will be used in future years on an accruals basis. Other provisions: 292,014 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 240,439 thousand Euros). They include provisions for costs or losses whose existence is certain but whose amount cannot be exactly determined or which are probable and whose amount can be reasonably estimated. The main items are detailed in schedule 15. As regards pending litigation with employees and third parties, the amount carried in the provisions for liabilities and risks is the best estimate of the likely liability based on the most up-to-date information available. 104 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Provision for staff severance pay The provision totals 366,663 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 345,784 thousand Euros). The provision is calculated on a case-by-case basis level in accordance with the provisions of Article 2120 of the Civil Code - and is shown net of advances paid pursuant to paragraph 6 of the same article - and takes account of all non-occasional pay components. The composition of the provision and changes during the year are shown in schedule 16. Provision for staff severance pay (thousands of Euros) Schedule 16 Balance at 31.12.2004 345,784 Changes during the year: . new provisions charged to income statement 44,891 . charges for severance pay disbursed (18,299) . personnel transfers . other changes 160 (5,873) 20,879 Balance at 31.12.2005 366,663 Payables Payables amount to 843,394 thousand Euros, up 36,126 thousand Euros on 31 December 2004. More specifically, financial debt to banks and other lenders totals 1,392 thousand Euros, with a net decrease of 15,189 thousand Euros on 31 December 2004. A breakdown of the caption is given in schedule 17. Schedule 19 shows secured and unsecured debt, while schedules 21 and 22 show the composition of payables by maturity, type and currency. The greater part of payables (about 92%) relates to Italian residents, for an amount of about 776 million Euros on a total of 843 million Euros. 105 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Payables (thousands of Euros) Schedule 17 31.12.2004 Changes during the year Balance of new positions (+) and repayments (-) Due to banks 16,581 (15,189) 1,392 Advances 17,180 6,159 23,339 Suppliers 445,570 48,968 494,538 Due to other lenders Subsidiaries (a) Associated companies (b) - - - 180,742 (15,487) 165,255 2,465 (58) 2,407 Taxes payable 30,932 34,224 65,156 Social security institutions 39,633 (4,113) 35,520 Other payables 74,165 (18,378) 55,787 807,268 36,126 843,394 (a) including: - Newco Rai International 480 (209) 271 - Rai Cinema 4,737 6,812 - Rai Click 6,845 (1,529) 5,316 - Rai Corporation 1,425 2,673 4,098 11,549 - Rai Trade 19,665 2,351 22,016 - Rai Way 59,585 (2,986) 56,599 - RaiNet 5,021 1,415 6,436 - RaiSat 4,444 2,469 6,913 - Sacis in liquidation 5,579 (69) 5,510 72,961 (26,414) 46,547 180,742 (15,487) 165,255 - Sipra (b) including: - Audiradio - San Marino RTV 1 (1) - 2,464 (57) 2,407 2,465 (58) 2,407 The following notes provide additional information on the individual items. Due to banks: these amount to 1,392 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 16,581 thousand Euros) comprising: • 1,205 thousand Euros in respect of secured debt bearing a concessionary interest rate, of which Euro 1,205 thousand falls due within one following year. The funds are to finance the construction of the Cosenza headquarters and expand the Bari headquarters. The loans are secured by mortgages, liens and guarantees amounting to 25,281 thousand Euros, 25,281 thousand Euros and 6,064 thousand Euros respectively; • 187 thousand Euros in respect of current account overdrafts with a number of banks. Advances: these amount to 23,339 thousand Euros (17,180 thousand Euros at 31 December 2004). Details follow: • 20,881 thousand Euros for licence fees received from the Ministry of the Economy and Finance in excess of the amount pertaining to the year; • 538 thousand Euros for payments in respect of licences to use programmes; the costs associated with the programmes are still carried under intangible assets under development; 106 31.12.2005 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements • 1,272 thousand Euros (US$ 1,500 thousand) for an advance from the company Dallah Al Baraka regarding pre-emption rights valid for 3 years as from August 2003, in the event of: - the sale of shares in NewCo Rai International; - a search for commercial partners for the transmission of the Rai International TV channel; • other advances amounting to 648 thousand Euros. Accounts payable to suppliers: these reflect trade payables excluding those with subsidiaries and associated companies, which are carried under separate balance sheet headings. They total 494,538 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 445,570 thousand Euros), up 48,968 thousand Euros on the previous year. Accounts payable to subsidiaries: these amount to 165,255 thousand Euros (180,742 thousand Euros at 31 December 2004), as detailed in schedule 17. They include financial debt for 62,109 thousand Euros (91,837 thousand Euros at 31 December 2004) and other payables of 103,146 thousand Euros (88,905 thousand Euros at 31 December 2004). Accounts payable to associated companies: these amount to 2,407 thousand Euros (2,465 thousand Euros at 31 December 2004), as detailed in schedule 17. They include financial debt for 844 thousand Euros (896 thousand Euros at 31 December 2004) and other payables of 1,563 thousand Euros (1,569 thousand Euros at 31 December 2004). Taxes payable: these amount to 65,156 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 30,932 thousand Euros), up 34,224 thousand Euros on the preceding year. Details follow: (thousands of Euros) - IRAP - IRES from taxation arrangements on consolidated basis - Suspended VAT - Tax withholdings on earnings of employees and free-lance workers to be paid over - Other withholdings and “substitute” taxes Total 2005 2004 4,549 - 27,857 3,131 881 1,811 28,865 754 65,156 27,966 274 30,932 107 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Accounts payable to social security institutions: these amount to 35,520 thousand Euros (at 31 December 2004: 39,633 thousand Euros). They reflect contributions due on remuneration paid to employees and consultants, to be paid over to the institutions at the scheduled dates. Details follow: (thousands of Euros) - INPGI - ENPALS - INPS - Contributions on assessed remuneration - Other Total 2005 2004 10,547 12,661 3,177 6,787 2,348 35,520 10,234 11,728 3,309 11,918 2,444 39,633 Other payables: these amount to 55,787 thousand Euros, (at 31 December 2004: 74,165 thousand Euros), down 18,378 thousand Euros on the preceding year. Details follow: (thousands of Euros) - Employees in respect of assessed remuneration - Others for assessed pertinent remuneration - CRAIPI - FCPGI - Other Total 108 2005 2004 34,445 8,186 5,798 2,457 4,901 55,787 58,442 7,170 2,098 2,390 4,065 74,165 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Accrued expenses and deferred income This caption totals 3,817 thousand Euros. Details and a comparison with the previous year are provided in schedule 18. Accrued expenses and deferred income (thousands of Euros) Schedule 18 Changes during the year Accrued expenses . transmission and related rights on own productions . special subscriptions . Rete Blu, terrestrial digital services . Agreement to upgrade the Auditorium of the Naples production department . teletext . SanpaoloImi for the T-banking service . real estate investments . other Deferred income: . commitment fees on credit lines . interest on interest rate collars Total 31.12.2004 Net movements 31.12.2005 402 470 157 36 158 1,223 183 403 816 806 25 117 40 82 2,472 585 873 816 806 182 117 76 240 3,695 39 2 41 1,264 81 81 2,553 39 83 122 3,817 Payables and accrued liabilities secured against company assets, or unsecured (thousands of Euros) 31.12.2005 Payables Bonds, other than convertible Convertible bonds Due to banks Advances Suppliers Debt securities Subsidiaries Associated companies Parent companies Taxes payable Social security institutions Other payables Total payables Accrued expenses Total (a) Schedule 19 31.12.2004 Secured against company assets Unsecured Total Secured against company assets Unsecured Total 1,205 1,205 - 187 23,339 494,538 165,255 2,407 65,156 35,520 55,787 842,189 122 1,392 23,339 494,538 165,255 2,407 65,156 35,520 55,787 843,394 122 3,526 3,526 - 13,055 17,180 445,570 180,742 2,465 30,932 39,633 74,165 803,742 41 16,581 17,180 445,570 180,742 2,465 30,932 39,633 74,165 807,268 41 1,205 842,311 843,516 3,526 803,783 807,309 (a) mortgages on the buildings of the Cosenza regional headquarters; special lien on plant and machinery of the Cosenza regional headquarters. 109 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Payables and accrued expenses by maturity and type (thousands of Euros) within 1 year Schedule 20 31.12.2005 Amounts due within after from 2 to 5 years 5 years Total within 1 year 31.12.2004 Amounts due within after from 2 to 5 years 5 years Total FINANCIAL DEBT Medium/long-term debt Bonds, other than convertible Convertible bonds Due to banks Due to other lenders Suppliers Bills payable Subsidiaries Associated companies Parent companies Taxes payable Social security institutions Other payables Current payables Other financial debt Due to banks Due to other lenders Suppliers Bills payable Subsidiaries Associated companies Parent companies Other payables 1,205 1,205 - - 1,205 1,205 2,321 2,321 1,205 1,205 - 3,526 3,526 187 123 62,109 844 63,263 - - 187 123 62,109 844 63,263 13,055 174 91,837 896 105,962 - - 13,055 174 91,837 896 105,962 494,415 103,146 1,563 599,124 - - 494,415 103,146 1,563 599,124 445,396 88,905 1,569 535,870 - - 445,396 88,905 1,569 535,870 65,156 35,520 - - 65,156 35,520 30,932 39,633 - 30,932 39,633 55,787 156,463 - - 55,787 156,463 74,165 144,730 - - 74,165 144,730 790,088 NON-FINANCIAL DEBT Trade payables Suppliers Bills payable Subsidiaries Associated companies Parent companies Miscellaneous payables Taxes payable Social security institutions Other payables: - concession fee - miscellaneous Total payables (a) Accrued expenses Total (a) does not include Advances 820,055 - - 820,055 788,883 1,205 - 122 - - 122 41 - - 41 820,177 - - 820,177 788,924 1,205 - 790,129 Payables and accrued expenses in foreign currency or exposed to exchange rate risk (thousands of Euros) 31.12.2005 In foreign currency In Euros or exposed to exchange rate risk Payables Bonds, other than convertible Convertible bonds Due to banks Due to other lenders Suppliers Bills payable Subsidiaries Associated companies Parent companies Taxes payable Social security institutions Other payables Total payables (a) Accrued expenses Total (a) does not include Advances 110 11,643 4,098 10 15,751 15,751 1,392 482,895 161,157 2,407 65,156 35,520 55,777 804,304 122 804,426 Schedule 21 31.12.2004 Total In foreign currency In Euros or exposed to exchange rate risk 1,392 494,538 165,255 2,407 65,156 35,520 55,787 820,055 122 820,177 10,458 1,425 21 11,904 11,904 16,581 435,112 179,317 2,465 30,932 39,633 74,144 778,184 41 778,225 Total 16,581 445,570 180,742 2,465 30,932 39,633 74,165 790,088 41 790,129 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements 5) Memorandum accounts Memorandum accounts are recorded at 454,085 thousand Euros. A breakdown by type is provided in the table included in the parent company balance sheet and they are analysed in detail in schedules 22, 23 and 24. Secured guarantees granted (thousands of Euros) Schedule 22 Secured guarantees on behalf of others Secured guarantees granted for own commitments other than payables Assets pledged as collateral: - fixed-income securities Mortgages Other secured guarantees Secured guarantees for debt recorded in the balance sheet Mortgages on: - land and buildings: . industrial Other secured guarantees Total 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - 3,536 3,536 3,536 3,536 25,281 25,281 50,562 25,281 25,281 50,562 54,098 54,098 Purchase and sales commitments (thousands of Euros) Schedule 23 Purchase commitments Sales commitments Derivative financial contracts on behalf of Rai Cinema: - future currency purchases - swaps acquired in foreign currency - options strategies acquired in foreign currencies (collars) - call options Total 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - 13,452 31,169 48,498 752 93,871 16,567 34,377 42,574 93,518 93,871 93,518 Other memorandum accounts (thousands of Euros) Secured guarantees received Assets pledged as collateral: - passbook savings accounts Unsecured guarantees received Sureties: - Banca di Credito di Trieste covering loan granted to Ponteco - Miscellaneous banks and insurance companies covering advances to suppliers for the purchase of goods and services - Banca Intesa covering agreement to provide the signal for the transmission and broadcast of the terrestrial digital signal made with the company Rete Blu - Banco di Brescia covering agreement with the City of San Remo for filming the Italian Song Festival - Banca Antonveneta covering Fondazione Nord-Est lease agreement - Sundry banks and insurance companies covering full performance of contracts for the production of radio/television programmes Other: - E.RAS. comfort letters issued on behalf of San Marino RTV in respect of loan granted by Cassa Risparmio di Parma e Piacenza and for credit line agreed by us Leased assets (a) covering obligations of others (b) covering receivables Schedule 24 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 2 2 2 2 (b) 249 249 (a) 14,803 14,235 (a) 4,038 - (a) (b) 100 5 203 5 (a) 115,776 95,736 (a)(b) 516 135,487 753 111,181 6,501 7,375 (a) 111 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Other memorandum accounts (thousands of Euros) Schedule 24 (cont.) 31.12.2005 Third party assets under development Third party assets held under free loan for use, custody, leased or for similar reasons Assets with third parties under development awaiting assignment Assets with third parties under free loan for use, custody, leased or for similar reasons Guarantees granted by other parties for obligations of the company: Against debt: - Various entities for guaranteeing advance paid by Ministry of Foreign Affairs for agreement to extend Rai Uno TV to Tunisia - BANCA DI ROMA for guarantee issued to Lega Nazionale Professionist for radio and television rights relating to sports events - Cofiri SpA for guaranteeing loan received from SANPAOLO IMI for the construction of the Cosenza headquarters and expansion of the Bari headquarters - SANPAOLO IMI for guarantee granted to Registry Office of Tax Authorities to covering pending disputes - Banca Popolare di Novara for guarantee granted for purchase of the Saxa Rubra property complex Against other obligations: - Various banks for guarantee granted to the Republic of Egypt covering temporary exports of technical equipment - Banca di Roma for guarantee granted to tax authorities covering VAT credit refund - Banca Intesa - Ambroveneto for guarantee granted to port authorities of Venice covering land lease - Various banks for guarantees granted to tax authorities covering prize competitions - Various entities for sureties granted to Ferrovie dello Stato and the regional governments of Lazio and Piedmont covering the teletext agreement - SANPAOLO IMI for guarantee granted to Valeco SpA covering obligations in respect of waste disposal agreement with the Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta - Zurigo Assicurazioni for guarantee granted to the City of San Remo covering obligations assumed under the agreement relating to the Italian Song Festival - SANPAOLO IMI Turin for guarantee granted to the Ministry for Finance covering radio and television advertising and promotion of the National Lotteries - SANPAOLO IMI for guarantee granted to Customs and Excise Department - SANPAOLO IMI for guarantee granted to the mountain community of Triangolo Lariano covering construction of television repeater station - SANPAOLO IMI for guarantee granted to Fiorentina Gas SpA covering payment of gas supplies - SANPAOLO IMI for guarantee granted to Eliodoro Stradella covering lease contract - SANPAOLO IMI for guarantee granted to Eurowatt Commerce SA covering payment of electricity supplies to CPTV Saxa Rubra - Banca Popolare di Novara for guarantee granted to Fondazione Ugo Bordoni covering creation of the T-Government project - Banca Popolare di Novara for guarantee granted to the Collector in Chief of the Roma II Customs Office covering temporary imports by RAI - Banca Popolare di Novara for guarantee granted to Enipower Trading SpA - Banca Intesa - Cariplo for guarantee granted to the City of Turin - Banca Intesa - Cariplo for guarantee granted to Enel Trade covering electricity supplies - Banca Intesa - Cariplo for guarantee granted to Five Energy s.r.l. covering electricity supplies - SANPAOLO IMI for guarantee granted to FIFA covering payments of rights relating to 2010 world soccer championship - Various banks for guarantee granted to the City of Milan covering use of sites for signal transmission Other: - Attachment of bank deposits by third parties - Bankruptcy proceedings for cancelled receivables - Bank deposits with Banca di Roma e Banca Intesa - Comit in favour of third parties - Tied amounts with various banks resulting from attachments - Tied amounts with various post office resulting from attachments - Cashier's cheques in favour of employees with Banca di Roma to avoid attachment of works of art at Viale Mazzini Total 112 31.12.2004 - - .. 3,126 1,396 .. 6,191 914 108 2,533 50,400 - 6,064 104 - 8,385 104 10,800 20 21 21 4,581 21 21 3,942 190 190 1 1 500 500 181 19 181 19 2 77 8 2 77 8 50 - 150 - 55 320 6 697 - 292 6 697 43 17,500 5 81,080 5 27,827 20 7,048 2 1,380 55 502 9,007 236,599 20 6,276 2 1,169 55 7,522 161,012 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements The terms of the hedge contract covering the specific own commitments or those taken on by the subsidiary Rai Cinema relating to fair value are summarised in schedule 25. At 31 December 2005 there were no commitments of particular significance for the purchase or sale of goods and services in addition to those taken on in the normal course of business that would require specific information to be given for a better understanding of the Company’s financial position. With resolution no. 297/04/CONS of 15 September 2004, the Communications Authority launched an investigation aimed at determining whether Rai, R.T.I., and Publitalia ’80 have failed to comply with the provisions of resolution no. 226/03/CONS of 27 June 2003 (conclusion of the process of ascertaining the existence of dominant positions in the television industry for the period 1998-2000) for the purpose of the possible application of sanctions as defined by Article 1(31) of Law 249/97. The preliminary investigation, related to the period following the notification of resolution no. 226 on 7 July 2003, was declared closed in January 2005, and Rai presented its defence at the hearing held in February. At the same time, Rai also filed an appeal with the Administrative Court of the Region of Lazio requesting the voidance of resolution no. 297/04/CONS, as well as resolution 226/03/CONS and all other related and consequential documents. On 9 March 2005, upon conclusion of the proceedings pursuant to resolution no. 297, the Authority declared that Rai had failed to comply with the formal reprimand established by resolution no. 226 and levied the sanctions specified under Article 1(31) of Law 249/1997 in the amount of about 20 million Euros. Given that Rai feels that the Authority’s decision is unfounded both in procedure and in substance, we have appealed the decision at the Administrative Court of the Region of Lazio, requesting that the decision be suspended pending the appeal and that the resolution be struck down. The Court, with its judgment handed down on 23 November 2005 accepted the appeal and, as a result, annulled the sanctions levied by the Authority. The Authority has appealed against this decision at the Council of State, requesting it be suspended. The hearing to discuss the matter has been set for October 2006. As already indicated in the Directors' Report at 31 December 2004, given the merits of Rai’s appeal, which is also supported by the opinion of qualified external counsel, we believe that it is highly probable that Court will allow our appeal and accordingly, consistently with the approach followed at 31 December 2004, we have made no provision in the financial statements as the prerequisites for such a provision have not been met. The Communications Authority, with resolution no. 221/06/CONS of 27 April 2006 served on Rai on 3 May 2006, applied administrative sanctions on the Company for about 14.4 million Euros, equal to 0.5% of its turnover, for the alleged infringement of article 2(9) of Law 481 of 14 November 1995 (alleged incompatibility of Mr Alfredo Meocci with the office of Rai General Manager), ordering the Company to pay said amount within 30 days of the date of the notice being served. 113 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements On 12 May 2006 Rai lodged an appeal at the Lazio Regional Administrative Court against this decision, petitioning its annulment on grounds of infringement of the law and excess use of powers, and suspension of its effects. At the present state of proceedings, the chance of a favourable decision being issued is at least equal to an unfavourable one being issued and accordingly, on these premises and in accordance with correct accounting principles, no provision has been made in the 31 December 2005 financial statements. Fair value of derivatives Schedule 25 Derivative financial instruments for hedges on exchange rates (1): - futures purchased and swaps - options structures (zero cost) - call options purchased on interest rates (2) - interest rate swaps - swaptions structures Hedges for the account of Rai Cinema on exchange rates: - futures purchased and swaps - options structures (zero cost) - call options purchased Notional 31.12.2005 thousands of US$ Fair value at 31.12.2005 thousands of Euros 6,400 84,980 13,500 104,880 499 3,490 244 4,233 see note (3) -397 -654 -1,051 56,501 60,150 990 117,641 1,860 1,493 80 3,433 (4) (1) All transactions are entered into to hedge signed commercial contracts denominated in US dollars (2) The transactions relate to hedging medium and short-term debt envisaged in the plan; in relation to the variability of the underlying items they are valued at fair value, and covered by a specific provision for risks (3) The annual average notional for the transactions is as follows: - Interest Rate Swaps: 30,000 Euros for year 2006, 15,000 Euros for years 2007-2008 - Swaptions with expiry date: 30,000 Euros at 28.12.2006 (4) The transactions are entered into for the account of Rai Cinema, exercising the service mandate, to cover underlying commercial contracts of this company denominated in US dollars 6) Parent Company income statement Production value Revenues from sales and services: revenues amount to 2,766,009 thousand Euros. They basically include revenues pertaining to the year from licence fees and advertising. A breakdown into major components is given in schedule 26. As can be seen from the distribution of revenues by geographic area, they almost all originate in Italy. 114 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Revenues from sales and services (thousands of Euros) Revenues from sales Revenues from services: - License fees - private subscriptions - special subscriptions - Advertising - television - radio - other - Promotion - television - radio - Sponsorships - television - radio - Special services under agreements - Other services - sale of transmission rights and distribution of programmes - teletext services - production services - telephone services - television broadcasting services through digital terrestrial techniques - miscellaneous Total Schedule 26 Year 2005 Year 2004 1,443 1,743 1,435,235 47,298 1,482,533 1,428,061 45,763 1,473,824 973,867 58,744 8,698 1,041,309 950,455 61,504 8,710 1,020,669 37,734 6,510 44,244 47,598 6,264 53,862 35,624 53 35,677 77,725 33,304 126 33,430 82,940 45,168 2,251 15,094 11,444 2,212 16,909 93,078 43,674 2,440 11,529 8,610 11,542 77,795 2,774,566 2,742,520 2,776,009 2,744,263 Changes in inventories of work in progress, semifinished and finished goods: the change of 103 thousand Euros is entirely attributable to the decrease in the value of inventories associated with the book publishing and periodicals business. Internal cost capitalisations: the amount of 6,077 thousand Euros represents internal costs associated with non-current assets, which were capitalised under the specific asset captions. Details are shown in schedule 27. Internal cost capitalisations (thousands of Euros) Intangible assets Fixed assets Schedule 27 Year 2005 Year 2004 604 5,473 6,077 1,135 5,601 6,736 Other production-related income: this amounts to 92,688 thousand Euros, as detailed in schedule 28. Other production-related income (thousands of Euros) Schedule 28 Year 2005 Year 2004 Operating grants 841 686 Gains on disposals 124 1,631 26,216 6,674 21,028 8,386 25,029 4,153 31,599 38,905 15,236 8,820 4,310 1,053 91,723 15,205 8,756 4,617 1,018 129,282 92,688 131,599 Other Recovery and reimbursement of expenses Prior-year license fees Other out-of period etc gains Provisions released Other income from equity investments: - Rai Way service contract - Rai Cinema service contract - other Miscellaneous Total 115 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Production costs This caption comprises costs and shortfalls related to ordinary activities, excluding financial operations. The costs shown here are do not include those relating to fixed and intangible assets, which are recorded under the respective asset accounts. Purchases of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise: these total 23,266 thousand Euros, which includes purchases of technical materials for inventory - excluding items used in the construction of plant, which are allocated directly to fixed assets - production materials (sets, costumes, etc) and miscellaneous operating materials (fuel, office supplies, printed documents, etc), net of discounts and allowances, as shown in schedule 29. Purchases of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise (thousands of Euros) Schedule 29 Year 2005 Technical materials for inventory Miscellaneous production materials Miscellaneous non-production materials Other materials Discounts, allowances and premiums on purchases of goods Total 5,309 4,861 11,018 2,091 (13) 23,266 Year 2004 5,484 4,853 9,884 1,708 (11) 21,918 Cost of services: this amounts to 798,077 thousand Euros. It comprises costs for freelance workers and other external services, net of discounts and allowances, as shown in schedule 30. Among other things, it includes emoluments, remuneration for special functions, attendance fees and reimbursement of expenses paid to Directors for 1,293 thousand Euros and to Statutory Auditors for 198 thousand Euros. Cost of services (thousands of Euros) Schedule 30 Year 2005 Year 2004 Freelance services 131,765 126,249 Services for the acquisition and production of programmes 170,895 161,495 Ancillary services for the acquisition and production of programmes 69,692 72,023 Allowances, travel expenses and transfer of personnel 23,686 26,179 Ancillary personnel service costs 19,819 18,931 Maintenance and repairs 16,075 16,294 Documentation and information services 46,812 51,001 Insurance and accident prevention 18,077 17,382 9,497 10,536 General services 86,608 85,778 Supply services 15,385 14,706 156,185 165,018 Advertising and promotion Signal broadcasting and transport under service contract and other Rai Way costs Other Total 33,581 23,239 798,077 788,831 Use of third-party assets: this amounts to 722,266 thousand Euros. It comprises costs for rents, leases, usage rights and filming rights, as detailed in schedule 31. 116 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Use of third party assets (thousands of Euros) Schedule 31 Year 2005 Year 2004 699 66,540 110,009 203,526 403 325,244 9,648 6,197 722,266 172 65,338 106,239 319,336 408 264,930 9,829 7,510 773,762 Lease instalments Rent and hire costs Usage rights Filming rights Acquisition of viewing rights from Rai Sat Acquisition of viewing rights from Rai Cinema Acquisition of viewing rights to serious music and theatrical events from Rai Trade Other rights Total Personnel costs: these amount to 868,282 thousand Euros. The breakdown is shown directly on the face of the income statement. The average number of employees on the payroll in 2005 was 11,732, including employees on fixed-term contracts and trainees, as detailed in schedule 32. Average number of employees Schedule 32 at 31.12.2005 Staff on permanent contracts (average) Staff on fixed-term contracts (average) - Managers at 31.12.2004 Total Staff on permanent contracts (average) Staff on fixed-term contracts (average) Total 279 - 279 284 - 284 - Junior management and supervisors 1,106 - 1,106 1,074 - 1,074 - Journalists 1,682 312 1,994 1,667 313 1,980 - Office staff, production employees, camera staff, film directors' staff, technical staff and workers - Conductors, musical directors and choir staff 6,875 1,326 8,201 6,823 1,347 8,170 132 7 139 134 12 146 13 - 13 13 - 13 10,087 1,645 11,732 9,995 1,672 11,667 - Medical staff Total Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns: these amount 337,384 thousand Euros. The breakdown is shown directly on the face of the income statement, with further details being provided in schedules 33, 34, 35 and 36. They include a writedown of capitalised programmes amounting to 22,021 thousand Euros, which was made to take account of the risk that certain programmes may not be transmitted or re-broadcast. Amortisation of intangible assets (thousands of Euros) Industrial patents and intellectual property rights Concessions, licences, trademarks and similar rights Capitalised loan costs Amortisation of digital terrestrial Other Total Schedule 33 Year 2005 Year 2004 187,870 13 3,240 2,371 193,494 206,227 11 3,240 2,146 211,624 Depreciation of fixed assets (thousands of Euros) Schedule 34 Year 2005 Year 2004 Land and buildings 51,549 52,595 Plant and machinery 59,537 62,948 Industrial and sales equipment 2,311 3,037 Other assets 6,489 6,794 119,886 125,374 Total 117 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Other non-current assets writedowns (thousands of Euros) Intangible assets under development Programmes being amortised Total Schedule 35 Year 2005 Year 2004 22,021 22,021 1,932 39,000 40,932 Writedowns of current receivables and cash and cash equivalents (thousands of Euros) Receivables - trade - non-trade Total Schedule 36 Year 2005 Year 2004 1,983 1,983 - Changes in inventories of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise: these amount to 661 thousand Euros, representing the decrease in net inventories carried under current assets at 31 December 2005 with respect to the previous year. Provisions for risks: risk provisions amount to 15,712 thousand Euros. The most significant items are detailed in schedule 15. Other provisions: amount to 8,340 thousand Euros. The main items are shown in schedule 15. Miscellaneous operating costs: these amount to 82,991 thousand Euros. There composition is shown directly on the face of the income statement. Further information is provided in schedule 37. Miscellaneous operating costs (thousands of Euros) Asset disposal losses: Fixed assets - land and buildings - plant and machinery - industrial and sales equipment - other assets - fixed assets under construction 118 Schedule 37 Year 2005 Year 2004 59 288 21 163 69 239 153 27 174 853 600 1,446 Concession fee 28,313 27,167 Other costs: - gifts, prize contests and entertainment expenses - association dues - indirect taxes, duties and similar for the year - indirect taxes, duties and similar for previous years - contribution to the Authority - Min. Decr. 16/07/99 - payment of uninsured damages, fines and penalties - newspapers, books, periodicals, specific documentation and publications - prior-year charges and reversal of non-existent assets - revaluation charges for pension fund liabilities - other 13,401 2,983 8,828 24 1,784 370 2,746 13,955 6,599 3,388 11,726 3,077 8,433 144 1,297 297 2,534 11,695 8,423 1,594 54,078 49,220 Total 82,991 77,833 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Financial income and charges Income from equity investments: this amounts to 60,766 thousand Euros, representing dividends distributed in 2005 by investee companies, as shown in schedule 38. Financial income from equity investments (thousands of Euros) Dividends from subsidiaries: - Rai Cinema - Sipra - Rai Way - Rai Trade - RaiSat Dividends from other companies: - FINSIEL Total Schedule 38 Year 2005 Year 2004 29,844 18,500 5,576 4,000 2,818 60,738 44,548 8,200 2,300 1,704 56,752 28 - 60,766 56,752 Other financial income: comprises the following: • from non-current receivables: this amounts to 415 thousand Euros, as shown in schedule 39. Other financial income on non-current receivables (thousands of Euros) Schedule 39 Year 2005 Year 2004 Other: - Tax advanced on staff severance pay (Law 140/97) - Miscellaneous 393 22 443 18 Total 415 461 • From non-current securities other than equity investments: this amounts to 85 thousand Euros and relates to interest receivable on securities. • Financial income other than the above: this amounts to 10,439 thousand Euros and mainly relates to interest on current receivables as shown directly on the face of the income statement and detailed even further in schedule 40. Other financial income on current receivables other than the above (thousands of Euros) Interest and commission from subsidiaries Interest and commission from others and miscellaneous income: - interest from banks, Post Office current accounts and other financial institutions - income from repurchase agreements - default interest on customer receivables - use of provisions for risks on foreign currency hedging transactions - interest from others Total Schedule 40 Year 2005 Year 2004 6,440 5,153 3,698 38 98 165 3,999 2,093 73 199 2,365 10,439 7,518 119 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Interest and other financial charges: these amount to 3,523 thousand Euros. They relate to interest expense, commissions expense for financial services received and other charges in respect of financial operations, as shown directly on the face of the income statement and in further detail in schedule 41. Interest and other financial charges (thousands of Euros) Interest and commissions payable to subsidiaries Interest and commissions payable to associated companies Interest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous charges - interest and commission payable to banks and other financial institutions - interest payable to other lenders - interest to suppliers - interest expense on interest rate hedges - provision made for risks on interest rate hedges - other interest expense and miscellaneous charges Total Schedule 41 Year 2005 Year 2004 1,728 1,472 16 22 1,228 326 207 18 1,779 2,692 71 63 918 1,150 105 4,999 3,523 6,493 Foreign exchange gains and losses: these show a net gain of 2,205 thousand Euros, representing the balance of foreign exchange charges and premiums on foreign currency hedge transactions as well as the effect of translating the value of payables and receivables in foreign currencies at year-end exchange rates. Greater detail is provided in schedule 42. Foreign exchange gains and losses (thousands of Euros) Schedule 42 Year 2005 Year 2004 Realised foreign exchange gains (losses) Unrealised foreign exchange gains (losses) 1,517 688 (1,677) 478 Total 2,205 (1,199) Value adjustments to financial assets Revaluations: these amount to 1,039 thousand Euros. They reflect the recovery of losses incurred by associated companies in previous years. Writedowns: these total 234 thousand Euros. They comprise writedowns of non-current financial assets following losses incurred for the year. 120 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements Exceptional income and charges Exceptional items comprise income of 1,325 thousand Euros and exceptional charges of 35,500 thousand Euros. A breakdown is given in schedule 43. The most significant component, of 35,500 thousand Euros, relates to the costs connected with the staff voluntary resignation incentives project approved by the Board of Directors on 6 December 2005. Exceptional income (thousands of Euros) Schedule 43 Year 2005 Gain on sale of ENEL bonds Out-of-period gains and reversal of non-existent liabilities Gain on elimination of fiscal distortions in the accounts Total Year 2004 - 435 1,325 1,319 - 63,353 1,325 65,107 Year 2005 Year 2004 - 606 Exceptional charges (thousands of Euros) Prior year taxes Restructuring costs 35,500 - Other - 18 Total 35,500 624 Current income taxes for the year, and deferred tax charges and credits These amount to 38,331 thousand Euros. They represent the total tax charge for the year, made up as follows: (thousands of Euros) - IRES tax - IRAP tax Total Current Deferred tax charges (11,000) (43,000) (54,000) (84) (3) (87) Deferred tax credits Total 16,588 5,504 (832) (43,835) 15,756 (38,331) 121 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements The following table shows the origin and effects of deferred tax items during the year. (thousands of Euros) Deferred tax assets Changes in the year: Taxed provisions recovered Difference between statutory and fiscal amortisation for programmes Negative taxable income Definition of tax regularisation arrangement for 2004 Effect on 2005 income Deferred tax liabilities Changes in the year: Capital gains Gains on equity investments Neutralisation of exchange rate valuations Accelerated depreciation for tax purposes Effect on 2005 income Timing differences for IRES tax IRES rate 33% (*) Timing differences for IRAP tax 59,375 19,593 (11,124) (541) 19,052 (5,963) (1,968) (14,222) (4,693) 39,190 12,932 (5,963) = (17,087) (291) (2,259) = (4,693) (832) 12,100 = 3,656 39,190 16,588 = (17,087) = 3,656 (832) 15,756 1,367 71 (268) (1,424) (254) 451 23 (88) (470) (84) 1,367 = = (1,424) (57) IRAP rate 4.885% (average) (*) 67 = = (70) (3) Total 518 23 (88) (540) (87) (*) Deferred tax assets arising from timing differences are recognised only if, and to the extent, that it is reasonably certain that at the time the timing differences reverse the Company will have sufficient taxable income to ensure the related tax benefit. The following table gives the reconciliation between the statutory profit for the year and taxable income for IRES and IRAP purposes. (thousands of Euros) Profit before taxes - Movement in taxed provisions - Difference between statutory and taxpurpose amortisation and depreciation: - programmes - fixed assets - Deductible portion of dividends - Writedown of equity investments - Group portion of investee companies’ prior year losses - Reversal of previous writedowns of equity investments - Municipal property tax - Prior years losses - Other changes - increase - Other changes - decrease Taxable amount IRES IRAP 54,711 Operating profit 17,693 50,609 - Movement in taxed provisions - Difference between statutory and taxpurpose amortisation and depreciation: - programmes - fixed assets - Non-current asset writedowns - Writedown of receivables - Personnel costs - Other changes - increase - Other changes - decrease (40,539) (5,963) (2,562) 22,021 1,983 868,281 32,227 (13,141) - Altre variazioni in diminuzione Taxable amount -3.109 880,000 (5,963) (2,562) (60,565) 234 (2,701) (1,024) 3,360 (9,670) 12,897 (6,326) 33,000 On the taxable amount, current taxes of 11,000 thousand Euros have been calculated for IRES purposes; and for IRAP, 43,000 thousand Euros. 122 Rai SpA Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements 7) Net profit for the year The year closed with a net profit of Euro 16,379,837.86. 8) Other information For significant events subsequent to the year-end and related-party transactions, reference should be made to the information given in the Directors' Report. 123 Rai SpA Parent Company supplementary schedules 125 Rai SpA Parent Company supplementary schedules Parent Company balance sheet reclassified in vertical form A. NON-CURRENT ASSETS Intangible assets Fixed assets Financial assets B. WORKING CAPITAL Inventories Trade receivables Other assets Trade payables Provisions for risks and charges Other liabilities C. INVESTED CAPITAL net of current liabilities (A+B) D. PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY E. INVESTED CAPITAL net of current liabilities and provision for staff severance pay (C-D) (thousands of Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 310,082 469,532 322,782 1,102,396 296,356 533,906 316,365 1,146,627 1,709 635,840 320,037 (622,464 ) (474,531 ) (160,280 ) (299,689) 2,473 581,459 232,332 (553,049) (426,596) (145,994) (309,375) 802,707 837,252 366,663 345,784 436,044 491,468 242,518 438,422 16,380 697,320 242,518 404,531 112,970 760,019 1,205 3,526 financed by: F. EQUITY Share capital paid up Reserves and profits brought forward Net profit for the year G. NET MEDIUM/LONG-TERM FINANCIAL DEBT H. NET SHORT-TERM DEBT (NET CASH FUNDS) . net short-term debt . cash and short-term financial receivables I. TOTAL NET FINANCIAL DEBT L. TOTAL, AS IN E 126 (G+H) (F+I) 63,263 (325,744 ) (262,481) 105,962 (378,039) (272,077) (261,276) (268,551) 436,044 491,468 Rai SpA Parent Company supplementary schedules Parent Company income statement reclassified in vertical form (thousands of Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 A. REVENUES Changes in inventories of work in progress, semifinished and finished goods Internal cost capitalisations 2,832,485 2,799,573 (103) 6,077 (20) 6,735 B. VALUE OF “TYPICAL” PRODUCTION Cost of materials and external services 2,838,459 (1,572,583) 2,806,288 (1,612,065) C. VALUE ADDED Personnel costs 1,265,876 (868,281) 1,194,223 (822,618) 397,595 (187,870) (125,510) (24,004) (24,052) (18,465) 371,605 (192,252) (130,771) (40,932) (14,871) 11,648 D. GROSS OPERATING MARGIN Amortisation of programmes Depreciation fixed assets Other value adjustments Provisions for risks and charges Miscellaneous income and charges - net E. OPERATING PROFIT Financial income and charges Value adjustments to financial assets 17,694 70,387 805 4,427 57,532 (4,516) F. PROFIT BEFORE EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS AND TAXES Exceptional income and charges - net 88,886 (34,175) 57,443 64,483 G. PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Income taxes for the year 54,711 (38,331) 121,926 (8,956) H. NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 16,380 112,970 127 Rai SpA Parent Company supplementary schedules Parent Company cash flow statement (thousands of Euros) A. NET OPENING CASH FUNDS (NET OPENING SHORT-TERM FINANCIAL DEBT) B. CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net profit for the year Amortisation and depreciation (Gains) losses on disposal of non-current assets (Revaluations) writedowns of non-current assets Change in working capital Net change in staff severance pay provision C. CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Investment in non-current assets: . intangible assets . fixed assets . financial assets Sale proceeds, or reimbursement value, of non-current assets D. CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES New loans Contributions by Shareholders Capital grants Loan repayments Equity repayments E. PROFITS DISTRIBUTIONS F. CASH FLOW FOR THE YEAR G. NET CLOSING CASH FUNDS (NET CLOSING SHORT-TERM FINANCIAL DEBT) 128 (B+C+D+E) (A+F) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 272,077 256,012 16,380 313,380 476 20,829 (9,671) 20,879 362,273 112,970 323,023 (620) 21,420 (7,217) 19,881 469,457 (229,116) (56,211) (8,459) (264,867) (54,442) (88,064) 3,317 (290,469) 15,583 (391,790) (2,321) (2,321) (61,602) (61,602) (79,079) - (9,596) 16,065 262,481 272,077 Rai SpA Parent Company supplementary schedules Parent Company statement of changes in Shareholders’ Equity in the years ended 31 December 2004 and 31 December 2005 Balance at 31.12.2003 Share capital Legal reserve Restricted reserve for gains on foreign currency valuations 241,447 510 Changes in 2004 Allocation of loss for 2003 (2) Rai 500,000 14,082 Elimination (3) (500,000) (14,082) Share capital increase (3) 1,071 Net profit for 2004 Balance at 31.12.2004 242,518 510 Changes in 2005 Allocation of profit (4) Net profit for 2005 Balance at 31.12.2005 242,518 (1) Breakdown: Capital grants pursuant to Art. 55/917 Reserve for capital grants (2) (3) (4) (5) 5,648 6,158 - (thousands of Euros) Other reserves (1) Profits (losses) brought forward Net profit for the year Merger surplus Total - 9,669 (168) - 251,458 0 117,792 (107,166) (168) - 168 - 10,626 9,501 112,970 112,970 478 478 10,626 27,765 37,266 384,965 (1,071) 383,894 (112,970) 16,380 16,380 383,894 631,874 (236,283) 0 112,970 760,019 (79,079) (5) 16,380 697,320 9,364 1,262 10,626 Pursuant to resolution of Shareholders' Annual General Meeting of 16/6/2004 As indicated in merger instrument deposited on 1/12/2004 Pursuant to resolution of Shareholders' Annual General Meeting of 31/5/2005 Dividend resolved by Shareholders' Annual General Meeting of 31/5/2005 and distributed in July 2005 129 Rai SpA Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors on the Parent Company Financial Statements 131 Rai SpA Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors on the Parent Company Financial Statements To the Shareholders As a first point, we wish to remind you that - in order to implement the provisions of article 21 of Law 112/04 of 1 December 2004 regarding the merger of RAI SpA into RAI Holding - the Board of Directors of the absorbed company RAI SpA which had been appointed on 18 March 2003 pursuant to Law 206/93 and was composed of four members after the resignation of the Chairman, Mrs Annunziata, took on the same position in the company resulting from the merger. This Board remained in office up to 31 May 2005, when pursuant to the said Law 112/04 a new Board of Directors was appointed with eight members which as from 30 July was increased to nine with the appointment of Mr Petruccioli who in the ensuing Board Meeting of 2 August was elected Chairman. On 5 August following, also the new General Manager Mr Meocci was appointed, to replace Mr Cattaneo. The parent company financial statements of RAI SpA at 31.12.2005, which were delivered to us within the term specified by article 2429 (1) of the Civil Code and are submitted for your approval, are expressed in Euro units, without cents; the figures therein have been rounded off pursuant to the instructions contained in Circular no. 106/e issued by the Revenue Office on 21 December 2001. These financial statements consist of the parent company balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements and are accompanied by the Directors' Report. A summary of the parent company balance sheet showing the main aggregates is presented hereunder: (millions of Euros) ASSETS Non-current assets 1,102.4 Current assets 1,266.4 Accrued income and prepaid expenses 16.9 2,385.7 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Equity 697.3 Provisions for risks and charges 474.5 Provision for staff severance pay 366.7 Payables 843.4 Accrued expenses and deferred income 3.8 2,385.7 132 Rai SpA Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS Guarantee given: unsecured 69.5 secured 54.1 Purchase and sales commitments Other 93.9 236.6 454.1 The parent company income statement is summarised hereunder: (millions of Euros) Production value 2,874.7 Production costs 2,857.0 Operating profit Financial income and charges Value adjustments to financial assets 17.7 70.4 0.8 Exceptional income and charges -34.2 Income taxes -38.3 Net profit for the year 16.4 We confirm, also on the basis of meetings held with the Independent Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A. (hereinafter “PwC”), that the parent company financial statements in question have been drawn up, in all their components (balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements), in accordance with the provisions of law. The parent company balance sheet and income statement, summarised above, present comparative figures for 2004, pursuant to article 2423 ter (5) of the Civil Code. The notes to the parent company financial statements contain a description of the accounting policies adopted and provide, with the supplementary schedules presented, the other disclosures required under article 2427 of the Civil Code; in accordance with the various regulations, information is given, inter alia, on revaluations made to fixed assets still carried in the balance sheet. It should be noted amounts are shown in thousands of Euros in the notes to the financial statements and detailed schedules; the only exception being for the results for the year, which are shown with cents. Pursuant to article 2429 (3) of the Civil Code, complete copies of the latest financial statements of subsidiaries have been deposited at the Company’s registered office together with the reports of the relative Boards of Statutory 133 Rai SpA Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors Auditors and Independent Auditors, as well as a summary statement of the key data of the latest financial statements of associated companies. The reports of the Boards of Statutory Auditors and Independent Auditors are positive, each in their own right. We also report that in the notes to the financial statements, the Board of Directors has described how the Lazio Regional Administrative Court with its decision handed down on 23 November 2005 accepted the reasons put forward by the Company for the cancellation of the Communications Authority’s ruling whereby the Authority, after having ascertained and declared that RAI had not complied with the formal reprimand established by resolution n° 226/03/CONS of 27 June 2003 (existence of dominant positions in the television sector), levied on 9 March 2005 a sanction of 20.6 million Euros on RAI. The Authority has lodged an appeal with the Council of State which will be heard in coming October. In this connection, as was the case also last year, no provision for possible risks has been made in the financial statements. This approach is shared also by the Independent Auditors. In addition, the Communications Authority, with resolution no. 221/06/CONS of 27 April 2006 served on RAI on 3 May 2006, applied a sanction on the Company for 14.4 million Euros, for the alleged infringement of article 2 (9) of Law 481/95 regarding the alleged incompatibility of Mr Alfredo Meocci with the office of RAI General Manager. The Board of Directors decided to make an appeal against this decision to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court, which was lodged on 12 May 2006, petitioning its annulment on grounds of infringement of the law and excess use of powers, and suspension of its effects. With regard to the assessment of the risks connected with these issues, it should be noted that at the present state of proceedings, the chance of a favourable decision being issued is at least equal to an unfavourable one being issued and accordingly, on these premises and in accordance with correct accounting principles, the Board of Directors has made no provision in the 31 December 2005 financial statements; this is because, in situations of the kind, the requirement is for adequate disclosure to be made in the notes to the financial statements. Also PwC is in agreement with the decision taken. Mr Meocci, following the said resolution of the Communications Authority, has taken leave of absence as from 3 May and up to the time of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court’s ruling; his powers have in the meantime been delegated by the Board to the Chairman. The Directors, in accordance with article 2428 of the Civil Code, have described in the Directors’ Report the Company’s situation and activities, which are performed also through subsidiaries. The Directors' Report also gives information on research and development activities and the outlook for the Company. Finally, three tables showing the balance sheet and income statement in vertical form and the cash flow statement have been presented to provide an effective tool for a better understanding of the financial statements. In addition, the Board of Directors has reported that, in the early months of 2005, RAI in accordance with the provisions of Law 112/04 (the Gasparri Law) 134 Rai SpA Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors and the consequent resolution no. 102/05/CONS passed by the Communications Authority, has prepared the Separate Accounting Model, which was approved by the Authority on 9 June 2005. This model is intended, inter alia, to identify the cost of providing the radio and television Public Service which must be covered by the licence fee, and to assist the Minister of Communications in determining the amount of the ordinary licence fee. As established by the Authority, RAI has applied the Separate Accounting Model to the 31 December 2004 financial statements and has had it audited by the auditing firm Deloitte & Touche which was chosen by the Authority. From this exercise it has emerged that the public revenues deriving from the licence fee do not cover, as established by article 47 of the Consolidated Broadcasting Law which incorporated Law 112/04, the costs of the Public Service as established by Law and the Service Contract, and that there is a deficit of slightly under 300 million Euros. The licence fee, under the Minister of Communications Decree of 30 November 2005 was nevertheless left unchanged from that for 2005, which in turn was the same as for 2004. RAI has appealed to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court for the cancellation of the ministerial decree in order to have the licence fee adjusted in line with inflation determined by ISTAT, as well as to obtain refund of the costs borne by RAI in the performance of the Public Service, thus seeking, as established in the Consolidated Broadcasting Law, to have such costs correspond to the licence fee revenues. With regard to matters falling within the sphere of the Board of Statutory Auditors, we report that, in connection with valuation and accounting aspects, there have been no “exceptional cases” during the year which would entail making derogations from standard accounting principles as permitted under article 2423 (4) of the Civil Code. We concur on the valuation methods reported for the individual financial statement components, which have remained substantially unchanged from 2004, and are in accordance with the general principles indicated in article 2423 bis of the Civil Code and with the more specific provisions contained in the following article 2426. In addition, we report that: • there are no formation, start-up and similar costs nor research, development and advertising deferred costs carried with intangible assets in the balance sheet; • results for 2005, in accordance with the provisions of the new company law, have suffered no charges for accelerated depreciation and amortisation; such charges are made off-books only for fiscal purposes; • deferred tax assets have been recorded on taxed provisions made in preceding years in accordance with a reliable detailed plan for their recovery; • deferred tax liabilities have been recorded on depreciation and amortisation charges for the year made off-books, as referred to above, only for fiscal purposes. RAI already as from tax year 2004 has opted to be taxed on a Group consolidated accounts basis, pursuant to article 117 of the Consolidated Income Tax Law as amended by Legislative Decree no. 344/2003. 135 Rai SpA Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors With regard to the activities of this Board of Statutory Auditors during 2005, we inform you that we carried out 41 audit visits, some of which were at Regional and foreign Correspondent Offices. Specifically, considering that the function of the Audit of the Accounts was assigned for 2004-2006 to the auditing firm PwC by the Shareholders' Meeting held on 20.12.2004, this Board , in view of the duties brought in by the new regulations, also programmed, in addition to the normal already existing contacts, specific meetings with PwC and the various Company department managers to obtain information on the Company’s organisational structure, internal control system and the administrative and accounting system. During our meetings with the auditing firm PwC, no “censurable actions” were reported to us pursuant to article 2408 of the Civil Code. In 2005 the Board of Statutory Auditors attended all the meetings of the Board of Directors (43 in number) during which we obtained information from them on the general performance of the business and its outlook, as well as on operations of greater significance, in terms of size and characteristics. We can reasonably consider that the actions taken by the Company were not in contrast with the Law or the Company Bylaws and do not appear to be manifestly imprudent, rash or in contrast with resolutions passed by Shareholders' Meetings or such as to compromise the Company’s assets or financial position. We report in addition that the Board of Directors, in its meeting of 25 October 2005, delegated powers of enquiry to its members, pursuant to article 26 of the Company Bylaws. For this purpose, two Committees of Enquiry were set up within the Board of Directors for Administration and Organisation respectively to which “particular functions” were assigned aimed especially at enquiry into problems regarding the strategies obtaining in the two areas mentioned and the preservation of the powers accorded to the General Manager under the Law. The Board of Statutory Auditors, for its part, issued during the year the opinions pursuant to article 2389 (3) of the Civil Code relating to the so-called “special assignments” conferred by the Board of Directors on its members. We also report that in 2005 six Shareholders' Meetings were held, which were attended by the Board of Statutory Auditors. In the light of all the matters described and considered above, we express our favour for the approval of the parent company financial statements at 31 December 2005 as drawn up by the Board of Directors. We also agree with the proposal made by the Board of Directors to allocate the net profit for the year of Euro 16,379,837.86 as follows: Euro 818,991.89 (equal to one twentieth of the net profit) to the legal reserve; Euro 210,587.24 to the reserve for foreign currency exchange gains pursuant to Article 2426 (8 bis) of the Civil Code; and Euro 15,350,258.73, the remainder, to a reserve for investment in technological innovation. We consider it useful, for information purposes, to supplement the report with information on the following aspects. The above-mentioned audit visits of the Board of Statutory Auditors were made also at the Correspondent Offices at New York and Madrid, as well as at Palermo at the Sicilian regional office; no critical matters of substance emerged from these visits. 136 Rai SpA Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors Specifically, using as is our custom information obtained from the Internal Audit Department and from contacts with the Independent Auditors PwC, we directed our attention to the status of corporate procedures and internal control, both within RAI S.p.A. and the Group. As for RAI S.p.A., we have no observations to make on the administrative and accounting procedures for drawing up the parent company and consolidated financial statements, whereas procedures for updating and completing the overall system of procedures have not yet been completed, even though we have taken note of the commitment put into this area by the Company. A number of important objectives have been fulfilled in the area, such as: - the new procedure for the procurement of goods and services was formalised in early 2006; - completion was reached on mapping risk areas in RAI and subsidiaries both in general terms and in respect of the specific area relating to Law 231/2001; - work has continued on the introduction of the provisions of Law 231/2001 leading up in October last to the formulation of the Organisational Model and the appointment of the members of the Oversight Committee, which is composed of one Director, the Manager of the Legal Office and an outside expert. The Board of Statutory Auditors has not failed to draw the Company’s attention to the necessity of completing the project stage indicated in the said law so as to allow the Oversight Committee to commence activities systematically and also to allow the same measures to be extended on a timely basis to all Group companies. The general situation of procedures continues, however, to be marked by: the inadequacy of a number of procedures which do no meet present requirements • (protection of personal data, control over programming, etc); • the persistence, in certain departments, of practices which are not entirely compatible with the new organisational structure and at the same time are divergent amongst one other, despite having being set up for the same purposes (use of transport vehicles, procedures for incurring production expenses, etc). Accordingly, the Board of Statutory Auditors has made repeated recommendations for the procedures manual to be completed and updated, in that the necessity to have an internal controls system covering all aspects has become more stringent given the lapse of time from the introduction of the new organisational structure. Finally, we wish to comment briefly on the Internal Auditing Department which in the latter part of 2004 was shorn of the Inspections segment which was passed on to the Human Resources Department in accordance with the reorganisation made in the year. In 2005, therefore, the Department was engaged particularly in activities peculiar to its own specific function, in the systematic audit of the various corporate areas. In order to attain this objective definitively, we consider that it would be opportune to assess the necessity of introducing possible new measures to re-establish a balance in favour of the typical activities of the Department being applied throughout the whole Group; the adequacy of the number of its staff should also be examined. 137 Rai SpA Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors With regard to relations between RAI and its subsidiaries, there still remains the necessity in non-accounting procedures areas of rendering common reference points more effective, so that subsidiaries can draw up their operational regulations using a uniform base. This situation leads us to stress that guide-lines should be drawn up to be followed by each Group company in the preparation of its major operational procedures, so as to develop a more effective internal control system at Group level. THE BOARD OF STATUTORY AUDITORS Dr. Carlo Cesare GATTO Prof. Paolo GERMANI Prof. Salvatore RANDAZZO Rome, 31 May 2006 138 Rai SpA Report of the Independent Auditors Report of the Independent Auditors on the Parent Company Financial Statements 139 Rai SpA Shareholders’ Meeting Resolution Shareholders’ Meeting Resolution RAI – Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 28 June 2006 RAI Parent Company Financial Statements – Year 2005 The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of RAI: - having examined the proposal presented by the Board of Directors in connection with the RAI parent company financial statements for 2005, comprising the parent company balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements, accompanied by the Directors' Report; - having taken note of the Report of the Statutory Auditors, in which they express their favour for the approval of the financial statements; - having also taken note of the Audit Report of PricewaterhouseCoopers, which contains no exceptions; resolved that - the parent company Financial Statements at 31 December 2005, showing a net profit for the year of Euro 16,379,837.86, be approved; - the net profit for the year of Euro 16,379,837.86 be allocated as follows: - Euro 818,991.89 (or 5% of net profit for the year) to the legal reserve; - Euro 210,587.24 to the reserve for foreign currency exchange gains pursuant to Article 2426 (8 bis) of the Civil Code; with the remainder, Euro 15,350,258.73, being transferred to a reserve for investment in technological innovation. 141 Rai SpA Consolidated Financial Statements at 31 December 2005 Contents Highlights 144 Reclassified consolidated financial statements 146 Summary of consolidated results and financial position 147 Consolidated Balance Sheet and Income Statement - in statutory form 157 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 165 Consolidated supplementary schedules 191 Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors 197 Report of the Independent Auditors 201 Appendices Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Financial Statements of Associated Companies (summary schedules) 203 203 253 Rai Group Highlights Highlights (millions of Euros)) 3000 3000 2500 2500 2000 2000 1500 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 2004 2005 0 2004 2005 GOM - Operating Profit Profit before Tax - Net Profit 150 835.7 1000 100 600 82.2 700 105.7 125 85.1 745.7 900 800 2,263.6 3500 2,284.3 3,021.3 3500 Operating Costs 3,091.0 Revenues 75 500 400 100 132.2 89.5 200 25 0 0 2004 144 22.9 50 300 2005 2004 2005 Rai Group Highlights Net Financial Position 1000 300 794.9 851.1 Equity 800 250 200 150 123.7 600 94.1 400 100 200 50 0 2005 2004 Investment (in programmes and fixed assets) 800 12000 11000 525.8 525.6 600 2005 Workforce at 31 December (permanent and trainee contracts) 11,554 2004 11,617 0 10000 400 103.8 200 134.4 9000 8000 7000 0 2004 2005 2004 2005 145 Rai Group Reclassified consolidated financial statements Reclassified consolidated financial statements Consolidated Income Statement (millions of Euros) Revenues from sales and services Changes in inventories of work in progress, semifinished and finished goods Internal cost capitalisations Total revenues External goods and services Personnel costs Total operating costs Gross Operating Margin Amortisation of programmes Depreciation of fixed assets Other net income (charges) Operating Profit Net financial income Value adjustments to financial assets Profit before taxes and exceptional items Net exceptional income (expense) Profit before taxes Income taxes for the year Net profit for the year including: portion pertaining to minority interests 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 Change in amount Change % 3,091.0 3,021.3 69.7 2.3 0.3 8.0 3,099.3 (1,291.9) (971.7) (2,263.6) 835.7 (454.6) (168.0) (80.9) 132.2 7.4 0.0 139.6 (33.9) 105.7 (82.8) 22.9 (0.3) 0.3 8.4 3,030.0 (1,362.1) (922.2) (2.284,3) 745.7 (417.3) (176.1) (62.8) 89.5 (7.5) 1.0 83.0 2.1 85.1 (2.9) 82.2 (0.2) 0.0 (0.4) 69.3 70.2 (49.5) 20.7 90.0 (37.3) 8.1 (18.1) 42.7 14.9 (1.0) 56.6 (36.0) 20.6 (79.9) (59.3) (0.1) 0.0 -4.8 2.3 -5.2 5.4 -0.9 12.1 8.9 -4.6 28.8 47.7 -198.7 -100.0 68.2 -1714.3 24.2 2755.2 -72.1 Consolidated company Balance Sheet (millions of Euros) 31.12.2005 Non-current assets Working capital Staff severance pay provision Net Invested Capital Equity Net financial debt 146 1,560.9 (452.0) (408.1) 700.8 794.9 (94.1) 700.8 31.12.2004 1,585.6 (473.4) (384.8) 727.4 851.1 (123.7) 727.4 Change in amount (24.7) 21.4 (23.3) (26.6) (56.2) 29.6 (26.6) Change % -1.6 -4.5 6.1 -3.7 -6.6 -23.9 -3.7 Rai Group Summary of consolidated results and financial position Summary of consolidated results and financial position Consolidated Income Statement The Rai Group closed year 2005 with a consolidated net profit of 22.9 million Euros, down 59.3 million Euros on the preceding year. The following section provides an overview of the main items of the income statement and the reasons behind the more significant changes with respect to 2004. Revenues sales and services Revenues sales and services (millions of Euros) Licence fees Advertising revenues Other revenues Total revenues from sales and services 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 1,482.5 1,217.6 390.9 3,091.0 1,473.8 1,218.6 328.9 3,021.3 8.7 (1.0) 62.0 69.7 0.6 -0.1 18.9 2.3 Revenues from sales and services comprise licence fees, advertising revenues and other items of a commercial nature, totalling 3,091 million Euros, up 69.7 million Euros on 2004 (+2.3%). As indicated in the following table, the incidence of the three components on total revenues from sales and services is substantially in line with 2004. % incidence on total revenues Licence fees Advertising revenues Other revenues Total 2005 2004 48.0% 39.4% 12.6% 100.0 48.8 40.3 10.9 100.0 Licence fees amount to 1,482.5 million Euros. With the amount of the licence fee remaining unchanged, they show a result which is consistent with 2004, compared with which there is a slight increase (8.7 million Euros or 0.6%) which is wholly attributable to an increase in the number of paying subscribers, this being a direct consequence of efforts expended to contain licence fee evasion. Advertising revenues (1,217.6 million Euros) are substantially in line with the preceding year, despite the fact that the latter benefited from the business brought in by major sports events (European Soccer Championship and the Olympics). 147 Rai Group Summary of consolidated results and financial position Advertising (millions of Euros) Television advertising Radio advertising Promotions and sponsorships Other advertising Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 1,015.7 65.0 89.9 47.0 1,217.6 1,003.6 68.8 99.9 46.3 1,218.6 12.1 (3.8) (10.0) 0.7 (1.0) 1.2 -5.5 -10.0 1.5 -0.1 Other revenues amount to 390.9 million Euros, up 62 million Euros (+18.9%) due mainly to higher revenues from film distribution and home video sales made by 01 Distribution (+35.8 million Euros) and the sale of rights by Rai Trade (+12.4 million Euros). They comprise revenues from: • special services under the service agreement (77.7 million Euros), sales and other services (84 million Euros) performed by the parent company; • sales and services performed by Rai Trade (64.5 million Euros), RaiSat (48.6 million Euros) and Rai Way (34.9 million Euros); • film distribution and home video sales performed by 01 Distribution (58.1 million Euros); • other kinds of sales and services amounting to 23.1 million Euros. A breakdown by individual company of revenues from sales and services, net of intercompany transactions, is given in the following table. Revenues - by company (millions of Euros) 2005 % 2004 % Rai Rai Cinema RaiNet RaiSat Rai Trade Rai Way SIPRA 01 Distribution Other companies 1,644.4 9.8 1.1 51.8 65.2 34.9 1,222.9 58.1 2.8 53.2 0.3 0.0 1.7 2.1 1.1 39.6 1.9 0.1 1,628.0 6.8 0.1 47.8 52.4 37.6 1,223.9 22.3 2.4 53.9 0.2 0.0 1.6 1.7 1.2 40.5 0.7 0.1 Total 3,091.0 100.0 3,021.3 100.0 Operating costs These comprise costs for materials and external services and personnel costs. They total 2,263.6 million Euros, down 20.7 million Euros, or 0.9%, on 2004. Operating costs (millions of Euros) Cost of goods and services Personnel costs Total 148 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 1,291.9 971.7 2,263.6 1,362.1 922.2 2,284.3 (70.2) 49.5 (20.7) -5.2 5.4 -0.9 Rai Group Summary of consolidated results and financial position Cost of goods and services. This caption includes external costs (purchase and production of immediate-use programmes, general services, freelances, consultants, etc), costs for the use of third-party assets (filming rights, particularly for sports events, copyright, leases and rentals, etc), purchases of materials and, finally, the concession fee. The cost of goods and services totals 1,291.9 million Euros, down 70.2 million Euros on the preceding year, or 5.2%, due mostly to there being no filming rights costs for major sports events as was the case in 2004. Cost of goods and external services (millions of Euros) 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 32.2 30.3 1.9 6.3 150.3 258.3 140.2 233.0 10.1 25.3 7.2 10.9 215.7 50.2 105.4 779.9 207.2 51.4 104.6 736.4 8.5 (1.2) 0.8 43.5 4.1 -2.3 0.8 5.9 203.8 128.0 119.1 450.9 28.3 0.6 1,291.9 328.3 115.6 124.2 568.1 27.2 0.1 1,362.1 (124.5) 12.4 (5.1) (117.2) 1.1 0.5 (70.2) -37.9 10.7 -4.1 -20.6 4.0 500.0 -5.2 Materials purchased External services Freelance services Services for acquisition and production of programmes General services (postage, transport, maintenance, cleaning, plant operation, archive services, etc) Allowances, travel and transfers Other Use of third-party assets Filming rights Usage rights Leases and rentals Concession fee Other Total A breakdown by individual group company of the cost of goods and services, net of intercompany transactions, is given in the following table. Cost of goods and services by group company (millions of Euros) 2005 % 2004 % Rai Rai Way Sipra Rai Trade 01 Distribution RaiSat Rai Cinema RaiNet 1,034.5 73.3 48.6 37.5 39.2 29.3 11.8 4.6 80.1 5.7 3.8 2.9 3.0 2.3 0.9 0.4 1,141.8 80.1 49.8 27.5 19.4 19.9 8.4 4.0 83.8 5.9 3.7 2.0 1.4 1.5 0.6 0.3 Other companies Total 13.1 1,291.9 1.0 100.0 11.2 1,362.1 0.8 100.0 149 Rai Group Summary of consolidated results and financial position Personnel costs. These come to 971.7 million Euros compared with 922.2 million Euros at 31 December 2004. The increase over the preceding year (+49.5 million Euros, or 5.4%) is due to normal growth and changes from the preceding year (career development and two-year adjustments) and from the effects of the renewal of the collective labour contract for office employees and manual workers, on which agreement was reached in December last year, as well as to the necessity of making provision for possible charges under labour disputes. A breakdown by individual group company of personnel costs is given in the following table. Personnel costs by group company (millions of Euros) 2005 % 2004 % Rai Rai Way Sipra RaiSat Rai Trade Rai Cinema RaiNet 868.1 47.1 26.7 7.3 6.2 5.1 4.0 89.3 4.8 2.7 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 822.5 45.3 27.6 6.3 5.8 4.8 4.3 89.2 4.9 3.0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 Other companies Total 7.2 971.7 0.7 100.0 5.6 922.2 0.6 100.0 The average number of employees, including those on fixed-term contracts who numbered 1,762, came to 13,326, an increase of 77 on the previous year. Staff at 31 December 2005 numbered 11,617, including 49 engagements under trainee or two-year journalist contracts. Gross Operating Margin The difference between Revenues and Operating Costs is positive for 835.7 million Euros, an improvement of 90 million Euros on the preceding year. Capital investment and amortisation and depreciation An analysis by type and company of capital investment made by group companies during 2005 is shown in the following table: Capital investment (millions of Euros) Fixed assets Rai Rai Cinema RaiSat Rai Trade Rai Way Sipra Other companies Total 150 Programmes Other Total 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 56.2 0.0 0.1 0.7 32.2 2.1 3.4 94.7 60.5 0.0 0.1 0.3 29.6 1.4 1.2 93.1 226.8 281.4 8.2 9.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 525.8 227.5 277.3 11.1 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 525.6 1.7 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.7 1.6 4.6 9.1 37.4 0.5 0.0 0.3 0.2 1.5 1.4 41.3 284.7 281.6 8.3 10.4 32.9 3.7 8.0 629.6 325.4 277.8 11.2 10.3 29.8 2.9 2.6 660.0 Rai Group Summary of consolidated results and financial position Overall, there has been a decline of 30.4 million Euros in the volume of investment, which is due for the most part to the suspension, at least for the time being, in the acquisition of frequencies, which were being acquired in the preceding year, for the launching of the digital terrestrial network, whereas other types of investment have remained substantially in line with the past. Amortisation and depreciation have increased over the past year by 29.2 million Euros, due for the most part to the amortisation of Rai Cinema rights relating to investment for the year and to prior years’ investment. Amortisation and depreciation (millions of Euros) Fixed assets Programmes Other non-current assets Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 159.0 454.6 9.0 622.6 167.4 417.3 8.7 593.4 (8.4) 37.3 0.3 29.2 -5.0 8.9 3.4 4.9 Other net charges These amount to 80.9 million Euros (62.8 million Euros in 2004), comprising provisions for writedowns and risks and cost/income items not directly related to typical activities. Specifically, the caption includes out-of-period and miscellaneous income and charges, provisions for writedowns and risks, indirect taxes, local property tax and other miscellaneous charges. As in previous years, in order to take account of risks connected with being the possibility of not being able to use, transmit or re-broadcast repeat-use programmes, such programmes have been written down by 28.3 million Euros in the financial statements of the parent company and Rai Cinema (57.3 million in 2004). 151 Rai Group Summary of consolidated results and financial position Operating Profit The performance in operating revenues and costs described above led to a rise of 132.2 million Euros in operating profit, up 47.7% on the preceding year. Financial income and (charges) - net Financial income and (charges) - net (millions of Euros) 2005 Income from equity investments Interest income (expense) - net Exchange losses - net Other financial income - net Total 0.6 2.9 4.0 (0.1) 7.4 2004 Change in amount Change % 0.2 (0.7) (7.0) 0.0 (7.5) 0.4 3.6 11.0 (0.1) 14.9 200.0 -514.3 -157.1 == -198.7 In 2005 there was a turn-around in the net result for interest income and charges, which in 2004 was a net loss for 7.5 million Euros, whereas 2005 showed a net gain of 7.4 million Euros. This result is due to the improvement in the Group’s average financial position (+137.6 million Euros) and to exchange differences, which reflect the effects of exchange risk hedging transactions entered into in preceding years on broadcasting rights denominated in US dollars. Bank debt was limited to brief overdraft periods, during which use was made of hot cash credit lines at an average rate of 2.4%. Deposits earned rates close on 2%. This was achieved by employing temporary excess cash in risk-free operations with leading banks. The deposit and borrowing rates obtained were among the most competitive applied by banks to prime customers. Direct taxes These amount to 82.8 million Euros, up 79.9 million Euros on the preceding year. They comprise: • Current taxes for 92.6 million Euros, the greater part of which are charged in the financial statements of the parent company (54 million Euros), Rai Cinema (22.5 million Euros) and Sipra (7.8 million Euros); • Deferred tax charges for 4.7 million Euros, recorded mainly in the financial statements of Rai Way in connection with accelerated depreciation; • Deferred tax credits for 14.5 million Euros; these have been valued prudently and are deemed to be recoverable with reasonable certainty. They relate mainly to provisions disallowed for tax purposes in the financial statements of the parent company and Rai Cinema. 152 Rai Group Summary of consolidated results and financial position Consolidated Balance Sheet Non-current assets These total 1,560.9 million Euros, down 24.7 million Euros on 31 December 2004. Non-current assets (millions of Euros) Fixed assets Programmes Non-current financial assets: - Equity investments - Receivables - Other Other non-current assets Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 643.3 841.7 708.7 799.1 (65.4) 42.6 -9.2 5.3 7.2 17.2 3.6 28.0 47.9 1,560.9 6.4 20.1 3.5 30.0 47.8 1,585.6 0.8 (2.9) 0.1 (2.0) 0.1 (24.7) 12.5 -14.4 2.9 -6.7 0.2 -1.6 Fixed assets amount to 643.3 million Euros, down 65.4 million Euros which is the balance between new assets for 93.6 million Euros (net of eliminations for 1.1 million Euros) and depreciation for 159 million Euros. Programmes amount to 841.7 million Euros, up di 42.6 million Euros on the preceding year due to the combined effect of new investment for 525.5 million Euros (net of eliminations for 0.3 million Euros), depreciation for 454.6 million Euros and writedowns for 28.3 million Euros, the reasons for which have already been given. Programmes (millions of Euros) TV series Film rights Other rights Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 356.3 436.6 48.8 841.7 330.7 419.3 49.1 799.1 25.6 17.3 (0.3) 42.6 7.7 4.1 -0.6 5.3 Working capital There has been an increase of 21.4 million Euros on the preceding year, due mostly to normal developments in the business. 153 Rai Group Summary of consolidated results and financial position Working capital (millions of Euros) Inventories Trade receivables Other assets Trade payables Provisions for risks and charges Other liabilities Total 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % 5.1 639.6 368.6 (780.7) (499.7) (184.9) (452.0) 6.1 577.2 286.8 (716.3) (448.0) (179.2) (473.4) (1.0) 62.4 81.8 (64.4) (51.7) (5.7) 21.4 -16.4 10.8 28.5 9.0 11.5 3.2 -4.5 The major changes include: • Trade receivables (+62.4 million Euros) due to the increase in the volume of trading and advertising revenues in the last two months of the year. • Other assets (+81.8 million Euros) largely due to the payment of advances for the acquisition of rights in the 2006 and 2010 World Championships and other sports events. • Trade payables (+64.4 million Euros) due to normal developments in the payments cycle and the recording of costs for which the relative invoices have not yet been received. • Provisions for risks and charges (+51.7 million Euros) mainly for provisions made for staff bonuses on the year’s results and the recording, in the parent company financial statements, of the cost of a voluntary staff resignation incentives plan. There having been no significant changes in the risk situation, the coverage level represented by provisions already booked continues to be sufficient to meet future risks and charges. Net financial position The year-end net financial position is positive for 94.1 million Euros, even though it has dropped from the previous year (123.7 million Euros). An analysis follows: Net financial position (millions of Euros) Net amounts due to banks and other lenders - medium/long-term - short-term - cash and cash equivalents Other financial (debt) receivables Total 154 2005 2004 Change in amount Change % (1.2) (0.5) 102.4 100.7 (6.6) 94.1 (3.9) (13.1) 147.3 130.3 (6.6) 123.7 2.7 12.6 (44.9) (29.6) 0.0 (29.6) -69.2 -96.2 -30.5 -22.7 0.0 -23.9 Rai Group Summary of consolidated results and financial position Overall cash flow, which was negative for about 30 million Euros, was impacted by the payment to the Shareholder of a dividend of 79.1 million Euros, whereas cash flow from operating actives was positive and could cover the year’s requirements. Cash movements were substantially regular for collections by the parent company and group companies, with on-account payments on licence fees being made regularly by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance which, taken together with the positive balance at the beginning of the year, led to an improvement in the net average financial position of over 137.6 million Euros (163.6 million Euros as against 26 million Euros for 2004). Available cash at 31 December was employed in the banking system in short-term transactions, with maturity dates being related to cash cycles, which in the first quarter of the year saw greater used being made of credit lines. The Rai Group uses appropriate computerised and statistical instruments to check financial risks and the efficacy of hedges set up. In addition, a financial policy is being set up to regulate control over financial risks in accordance with best international practice and the new accounting principles. The exchange rate risk is important, in the Rai Group’s financial statements, in relation to exposure in foreign currency generated by purchases from foreign suppliers (Rai Cinema for film and television rights and Rai SpA for sports events rights) denominated in dollars or Swiss francs, besides the activities of Rai Corporation. The situation is important mainly for the US currency, which has a requirement in the order of 230 million Euros. The exchange rate risk is therefore continually monitored at the parent company. Within the objective of respecting the exchange rate used in budgets and economic plans for the valuation of foreign currency commitments, hedging strategies are created gradually, using financial derivative instruments - such as the forward purchases, swaps, and options structures - addressed exclusively to hedge requirements arising from commercial agreements, some of which cover several years and have already been signed. Such operations, therefore, are never in the nature of a financial speculation. The parent company constantly monitors the short-term and medium/long-term rate risk, entering into hedge transactions to ensure equilibrium in the income statement. In this connection, there are at the moment only two hedging operations in place covering the short-term infra-annual requirement. In effect, the Group’s financial position does not contain significant long-term exposures, but sees short periods of operational liquidity alternating with limited overdraft positions, especially over the collection time for the four licence fee instalments. 155 Rai Group Summary of consolidated results and financial position The credit risk on cash deployment is extremely limited in that use is made only of deposits and investment instruments with leading banks. Short-term credit lines, in the range of 500 million Euros, ensure elasticity in cash requirements throughout the course of the year, on the basis of current management policies. Reconciliation between Parent Company and Consolidated Financial Statements The difference between the results in the parent company financial statements, which show a net profit for the year of 16.4 million Euros and those in the consolidated financial statements which show a net profit of 22.9 million Euros is due mostly to the elimination from 2005 results of dividends paid by Group companies out of profits for the prior year. Similarly, Group consolidated equity is 97.6 million Euros higher than that appearing in the parent company financial statements owing to the difference arising on the elimination of the book value of equity investments carried in the parent company financial statements and the incorporation of the values of the subsidiary’s equities, which is partly compensated by the effects of other minor consolidation adjustments. Reconciliation between parent company and consolidated financial statements (in milioni di Euro) Net profit for the year In parent company financial statements Elimination of the book value of equity investments against the respective equities of subsidiaries, and of profits against dividends distributed Adjusting book value of associated companies on to equity method Elimination of fiscal distortions (entries recorded for purely fiscal purposes) Deferred taxes Other consolidation adjustments In consolidated financial statements 156 Equity 2005 2004 2005 2004 16.4 113.0 697.3 760.0 4.6 7.8 124.1 119.6 0.5 0.1 5.3 4.7 0.0 0.0 1.4 22.9 (61.2) 23.9 (1.4) 82.2 0.0 6.7 (38.5) 794.9 0.0 6.7 (39.9) 851.1 Rai Group Consolidated Balance Sheet and Income Statement in statutory form 157 Rai Group Consolidated Balance Sheet and Income Statement Consolidated Balance Sheet - Assets A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 1.- Formation, start-up and similar costs 3.- Industrial patents and intellectual property rights 4.- Concessions, licences, trademarks and similar rights 6.- Intangible assets under development and payments on account 7.- Other intangible assets TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS 1.- Land and buildings 2.- Plant and machinery 3.- Industrial and sales equipment 4.- Other fixed assets 5.- Fixed assets under construction and payments on account TOTAL FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS 1.- Equity investments in a) non-consolidated subsidiaries b) associated companies d) other companies 2.- Receivables d) other due within one year due after one year 3.- Other securities TOTAL NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 158 (millions of Euros) 31.12.2005 - 31.12.2004 - .. 649.2 29.4 196.4 14.6 889.6 .. 577.0 32.7 225.9 11.3 846.9 314.0 218.9 7.7 33.9 68.8 643.3 359.6 245.1 8.4 32.9 62.7 708.7 2.0 4.5 0.7 7.2 2.0 3.7 0.7 6.4 3.0 14.2 17.2 3.0 17.1 20.1 3.6 28.0 1,560.9 3.5 30.0 1,585.6 Rai Group Consolidated Balance Sheet ande Income Statement Rai SpA Stato Patrimoniale Conto Economico (millions of Euros) C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES 1.- Raw materials, supplies and consumables 3.- Contract work in process 4.- Finished goods and merchandise a) finished goods b) merchandise TOTAL INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES 1.- Customers due within one year due after one year 3.- Associated companies 4.bis - Tax receivables 4.ter - Deferred tax assets recoverable within one year recoverable after one year 5.- Other due within one year due after one year TOTAL RECEIVABLES III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 1.- Bank and post office deposits 2.- Cheques 3.- Cash and cash equivalents on hand TOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES b) accrued income and other prepaid expenses TOTAL ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 3.7 0.1 4.2 0.8 1.3 .. 5.1 1.0 0.1 6.1 638.8 .. 0.1 44.3 576.5 .. 0.1 37.7 93.4 1.2 84.6 1.3 208.4 1.0 987.2 143.9 844.1 - - 102.1 .. 0.3 102.4 1,094.7 147.0 .. 0.3 147.3 997.5 21.0 19.9 21.0 2,676.6 19.9 2,603.0 159 Rai Group Consolidated Balance Sheet and Income Statement Consolidated Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 242.5 526.7 23.2 792.4 242.5 523.2 82.4 848.1 2.8 (0.3 ) 794.9 3.2 (0.2) 851.1 B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 1.- Pension and similar liabilities 2.- Current and deferred taxes 3.- Other TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 152.4 44.6 302.7 499.7 156.0 39.9 252.1 448.0 C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY 408,1 384.8 1.7 - 15.6 1.3 31.7 2.1 27.2 1.2 740.7 4.7 5.5 2.4 72.2 39.7 681.1 5.3 5.6 2.5 42.4 44.8 67.4 0.3 968.4 87.7 0.1 914.8 5.5 5.5 2,676.6 4.3 4.3 2,603.0 A) EQUITY I. PARENT COMPANY 1.- Share capital 3.- Reserves and profits brought forward 4.- Net profit for the year II. MINORITY INTERESTS 1.- Share capital, reserves and profits brought forward 2.- Loss for the year TOTAL EQUITY D) PAYABLES 4.- Due to banks due within one year due after one year 6.- Advances due within one year due after one year 7.- Suppliers due within one year due after one year 9.- Unconsolidated subsidiaries 10.- Associated companies 12.- Taxes payable 13.- Social security institutions 14.- Other payables due within one year due after one year TOTAL PAYABLES E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME b) accrued expenses and other deferred income TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 160 (millions of Euros) Rai Group Consolidated Balance Sheet and Income Statement Memorandum Accounts (millions of Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 2.6 63.5 66.1 2.6 72.3 74.9 c) Other: - in favour of others Total unsecured guarantees granted 3.4 69.5 3.3 78.2 2.- Secured guarantees granted b) for own commitments other than payables c) for debt recorded in the balance sheet Total secured guarantees granted 3.5 50.6 54.1 3.5 50.6 54.1 93.3 26.1 119.4 73.2 4.9 78.1 1.0 220.1 88.6 6.6 0.1 6.2 9.0 331.6 574.6 1.3 172.5 36.0 7.4 0.1 8.6 7.5 233.4 443.8 1.- Unsecured guarantees granted a) Sureties: - in favour of associated companies - in favour of others 3.- Purchase and sales commitments a) purchase commitments b) sales commitments Total purchase and sales commitments 4.- Other memorandum accounts a) Secured guarantees received b) Unsecured guarantees received c) Guarantees granted by others for Group obligations d) Leased assets e) Third-party asses held by us f) Corporate assets held by third parties g) Other Total other Memorandum Accounts 161 Rai Group Consolidated Balance Sheet and Income Statement Consolidated Income Statement (millions of Euros) 31.12.2005 A) PRODUCTION VALUE 1.- Revenues from sales and services 2.- Changes in inventories of work in progress, semifinished and finished goods 3.- Changes in contract work in process 4.- Internal cost capitalisations 5.- Other production-related income a) operating grants b) gains on disposal of assets c) miscellaneous TOTAL PRODUCTION VALUE B) PRODUCTION COSTS 6.- Cost of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 9.- Personnel costs a) wages and salaries b) social security contributions c) staff severance pay d) pension and similar liabilities e) other costs 10.- Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns a) amortisation of intangible assets b) depreciation of fixed assets c) other non-current asset writedowns d) writedowns of current receivables and cash and cash equivalents 11.- Changes in inventories of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 12.- Provisions for risks 13.- Other provisions 14.- Miscellaneous operating costs TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS Operating profit 162 31.12.2004 3,061.6 0.3 (0.7) 8.0 2,991.9 0.3 .. 8.4 2.7 0.1 80.9 83.7 3,152.9 3.6 3.1 113.4 120.1 3,120.7 (32.2) (779.9) (450.9) (30.3) (736.4) (568.1) (700.6) (185.9) (50.3) (14.9) (20.0) (971.7) (662.2) (184.6) (47.2) (12.8) (15.4) (922.2) (463.6) (159.0) (28.3) (4.2) (655.1) (441.9) (167.4) (57.3) (1.8) (668.4) (0.6) (16.2) (10.1) (104.0) (3,020.7) (0.2) (7.5) (10.8) (87.3) (3,031.2) 132.2 89.5 Rai Group Consolidated Balance Sheet and Income Statement Consolidated Income Statement cont. (millions of Euros) 31.12.2005 C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 15.- Income from equity investments c) dividends from other companies d) other income from equity investments 16.- Other financial income a) from non-current receivables . other b) from non-current securities other than equity investments d) financial income other than the above . interest and commission income from unconsolidated subsidiaries . interest and commission income from others and miscellaneous income 17.- Interest and other financial charges b) interest and commissions payable to associated companies d) interest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous charges 17 bis.-Foreign exchange gains and losses - net TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS 18.- Revaluations a) of equity investments 19.- Writedowns a) of equity investments b) of current financial assets TOTAL VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS - NET E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES 20.- Exceptional income a) asset disposal gains b) out-of-period gains and reversal of non-existent liabilities c) other 21.- Exceptional charges b) prior-year taxes c) out-of-period losses and reversal of non-existent assets d) other TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET Profit before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Net profit for the year including: - pertaining to parent company - pertaining to minority interests (loss) 31.12.2004 .. 0.6 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.5 .. 4.8 5.3 4.3 5.3 .. (2.5) (2.5) 4.0 7.4 .. (6.0) (6.0) (7.0) (7.5) 0.3 1.2 .. (0.3) (0.3) .. (0.2) .. (0.2) 1.0 1.8 1.8 0.4 3.3 .. 3.7 (0.2) (35.5) (35.7) (33.9) 105.7 (0.8) .. (0.8) (1.6) 2.1 85.1 (82.8) 22.9 (2.9) 82.2 23.2 (0.3) 82.4 (0.2) 163 Rai SpA Nota integrativa Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 165 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements The Rai Group consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Italian Civil Code. The following documents are annexed to the consolidated financial statements: reclassified consolidated balance sheet in vertical form; reclassified consolidated profit and loss account in vertical form; the consolidated cash flow statement; the consolidated statement of Shareholders’ equity. In order to render the 2005 consolidated financial statements fully comparable with those of the preceding year, certain minor items in the 2004 consolidated balance sheet and income statement have been reclassified. The consolidated balance sheet, income statement, notes and related appendices are expressed in millions of Euros. The consolidated financial statements reporting date is 31 December 2005, which is the year-end date for all consolidated companies. The financial statements of consolidated companies are those approved by the relevant boards of directors. They have been changed, where necessary, to apply accounting standards consistently. The consolidated financial statements and the accounts of the individual consolidated companies, except for those of Rai Corporation Canada due to its small relevance, have been audited by: • Pricewaterhouse Coopers S.p.A. as main auditors, who have audited the financial statements of Rai, Sipra, RaiNet, Rai Way, Rai Click, Rai Cinema, Rai Corporation, Rai Trade, 01 Distribution, NewCo Rai International S.p.A. and the consolidated financial statements; • Deloitte & Touche S.p.A. who have audited the financial statements of RaiSat. The reconciliation between the parent company and Group net profit and equity for the years 2005 and 2004 presented on page 190. 1) Scope of consolidation Rai and all Italian and foreign companies (excluding companies in liquidation) in which Rai holds directly or indirectly the majority of voting rights at ordinary Shareholders’ meetings are included in the scope of consolidation. The following companies are consolidated on a line-by-line basis (figures for share capital are at 31 December 2005): • Rai Cinema SpA; registered office in Rome, Piazza Adriana 12, share capital Euro 200,000,000.40; shareholders: Rai 99.997678%, Rai Trade 0.002322%. 166 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements • Rai Click SpA; registered office in Milan, Corso Sempione 27, share capital Euro 176,800; shareholders: Rai 59.94%, Rai Trade 0.06%, e-Bismedia 40%. • Rai Corporation - Italian Radio TV System; registered office in New York, 32 Avenue of the Americas; share capital US$ 500,000; shareholder: Rai 100%. • Rai Corporation Canada - Italian Radio TV System; registered office in Toronto (Ontario) M5 3K4 - 1235 Bay Street - Suite 4000, share capital Can$ 1,394; shareholder: Rai Corporation 100%. • NewCo Rai International SpA; registered office in Rome, Viale Mazzini 14, share capital Euro 1,000,000; shareholders: Rai 99.9%, Rai Trade 0.1%. • RaiNet SpA; registered office in Milan, Corso Sempione 27, share capital Euro 5,160,000; shareholders: Rai 99.9%, Rai Trade 0.1%. • RaiSat SpA; registered office in Rome, Viale Mazzini 14, share capital Euro 2,585,000; shareholders: Rai 94.9%, Rai Trade 0.1%, R.C.S. Mediagroup 5%. • Rai Trade SpA; registered office in Rome, Via Umberto Novaro 18, share capital Euro 8,000,000; shareholder: Rai 100%. • Rai Way SpA; registered office in Rome, Via Teulada 66, share capital Euro 70,176,000; shareholders: Rai 99.99926%, Rai Trade 0.00074%. • Sipra SpA; registered office in Turin, Corso Unione Sovietica 612/3D, share capital Euro 10,000,000; shareholder: Rai 100%. • 01 Distribution Srl; registered office in Rome, Piazza Adriana 12; share capital Euro 516,456; shareholder: Rai Cinema 100%. The following companies are recorded on the equity method: • Audiradio Srl; registered office in Milan, Largo Toscanini 1, share capital Euro 234,000; shareholders: Rai 33.33%, third parties 66.67%. • Auditel Srl; registered office in Milan, Largo Toscanini 1; share capital Euro 300,000; shareholders: Rai 33%, third parties 67%. • Sacis SpA - in liquidation; registered office in Rome, Via Umberto Novaro 18; share capital Euro 102,000; shareholder: Rai 100%. • San Marino RTV SpA; registered office in Republic of San Marino, Via Kennedy 13; share capital Euro 516,460; shareholders: Rai 50%, E.Ra.S. 50%. • Secemie - Societé Anonyme; registered office in Lyon Ecully (France), 58 Chemin des Mouilles; share capital Euro 3,829,395; shareholders: Rai 21.65%, third parties 78.35%. 167 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 2) Consolidation principles and foreign currency translation methods These can be summarised as follows: a) The book values of equity investments in consolidated companies and the corresponding portion of their net equities have been eliminated against the total incorporation of the assets, liabilities, costs and revenues of such companies (regardless of percentage of ownership); minority interests’ share in equity (including in the results for the year) are shown in specific accounts carried under equity. Any differences emerging have been taken directly to consolidated equity. b) Payables and receivables, expense and income, dividends and other transactions made between consolidated companies have been eliminated. c) Financial statements denominated in foreign currency have been translated into Euros using the current exchange rate method, i.e. applying to individual items of the balance sheet and income statement the exchange rates in force at 31 December 2005 (Euro/US$: 1.17970; Euro/Can$: 1.37250), whereas equity items have been valued at the historical rate; differences arising from the change from the preceding year in the exchange rate used are taken to consolidated equity reserves. d) For consolidation purposes, the financial statements of consolidated companies have been brought into line with the accounting principles and methods described hereunder. 168 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 3) Accounting principles Before commenting on the individual components of the consolidated financial statements, a description is given hereunder of the main accounting principles and valuation methods adopted, which are those applying to a going concern and are in accordance with the provisions of article 2423 et seq. of the Civil Code. They are substantially unchanged from the preceding year. There are no exceptional cases requiring departure from the provisions of article 2423-bis et seq. of the Civil Code. a) Industrial patent and intellectual property rights: The acquisition and production costs of programmes, composed of external costs that can be allocated directly to each project and the cost of internal resources used to create programmes, are recorded on the following bases: 1) costs for repeat-use television productions are capitalised under intangible assets and, if such productions are usable at year-end, are carried under industrial patents and intellectual property rights and amortised on a straight-line basis over the period of their estimated useful life. If such programmes are not yet usable at year-end, the costs are carried under intangible assets under development and payments on account. The objective difficulty of establishing an appropriate correlation between advertising revenues and licence fees and the amortisation of the rights, which is further complicated by the many ways in which they can been used, has led to the useful life of repeat-use programmes being estimated as follows: - three years for TV series productions or in general for all non-film productions; - five years for TV free rights relating to films acquired by Rai Cinema, except for products for which the whole range of rights have been acquired (film, television, home video etc) whose useful life is estimated at seven years. These costs for these programmes is amortised on the straight-line method. Costs for licences lasting less than three/five/seven years are amortised over the period of the licence. In addition, a provision is set up to write down programmes which are affected by risks relating to their exploitation, transmission or repeat-use. 169 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 2) Costs in respect of immediate-use television programmes are expensed in a single year, which is normally that in which they are used. More specifically: - news, light entertainment and all radio programming. Costs are expensed in the year in which they are incurred, which is normally the year in which the programmes are broadcast; - sports events. Costs are held in suspense up to the year in which the event takes place; - documentaries, serious music and theatre. Costs are charged against income in a single amount at the time the programmes are ready for broadcasting or the rights are usable; b) Software licences are carried with industrial patents and intellectual property rights and are amortized over three years as from the year they enter service. c) Costs incurred for the construction of the digital terrestrial network are capitalised under intangible assets and amortized on a straight-line basis over the forecast period of use as from the date the service is activated. d) Trademarks are amortized over ten years as from the year they enter service. e) Deferred costs are carried under other intangible assets net of accumulated amortisation. They regard improvements to leased or licensed property. Amortisation for leasehold improvements is determined on the basis of the shorter of the residual duration of the related contracts and the estimated period of benefit of the costs, calculated using amortisation rates which reflect the rate of economic or physical deterioration of the relative assets. f) Fixed assets - which are shown net of accumulated depreciation - are recorded at cost, increased by internal personnel costs incurred in preparing them to enter service, and revalued pursuant to laws. The costs of fixed assets as determined above are depreciated in accordance with Article 2426 (2) of the Civil Code. Ordinary maintenance costs are expensed in the year in which they are incurred. Accumulated depreciation, which is offset against the value of the relative fixed assets, is recorded in the consolidated financial statements on the straight-line method over the years, consistently applying standard rates; such rates, which take account of the estimated useful lives of the assets, are summarised hereunder: 170 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements buildings and light constructions from 3% to 10% plant and machinery from 12% to 25% industrial and sales equipment from 10% to 19% other fixed assets from 10% to 33% Fixed assets whose value at the balance sheet date is permanently under the value as determined above are written down to such lower value. g) Equity investments in non-consolidated companies and associated companies are carried at equity; equity interests below 20% and interests in consortia are shown at cost adjusted for any permanent impairment in value. In the event of investee companies with negative equity (deficit), the investments are written down in full and an additional amount is set up in the provisions for liabilities and charges for the portion of the deficit pertaining to the Group. Adjustments made for impairment losses are subsequently reversed if the losses are later retrieved through profits earned by the relative companies. h) Fixed-income securities carried as non-current financial assets are valued at purchase cost. Positive or negative differences between purchase cost and redemption value are taken to profit and loss in the amount accruing for the year. i) Other securities carried under current financial assets are valued at the lower of purchase cost - determined as the weighted average cost - and estimated realisable value, which is given by market value. j) Inventories of raw materials, supplies and consumables are valued at cost, which is determined on the basis of weighted average cost, written down taking account of estimated non-use due to obsolescence and slow turnover. Inventories of merchandise for resale (books, DVDs etc) are carried at the lower of purchase cost, which is determined on the basis of weighted average cost, and estimated realisable value as determined by market prices. k) Accrued income and prepaid expenses and accrued expenses and deferred income are recorded on an accruals basis. l) Provisions for pension and similar liabilities, which comprise the supplementary staff severance pay, the social security benefits provision and the company supplementary pension fund, are made in accordance with collective bargaining agreements. The corporate supplementary pension fund is valued on the basis of an actuarial appraisal. 171 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements m)The provision for taxes includes probable tax liabilities arising out of the settlement of tax disputes and deferred tax liabilities calculated on timing differences which have resulted in lower current taxes. Deferred tax assets arising from charges which are tax-deductible on a deferred basis and from losses for tax purposes are taken up under Current Assets caption 4 ter Deferred tax assets if there is reasonable certainty that they will be recovered in the future (the basis underlying their being recognised as assets). n) Other provisions for risks and charges include provisions to cover losses or liabilities whose existence is certain or probable but whose amount or date of occurrence is uncertain at the balance-sheet date. They are set up on a case-by-case basis in relation to specific risk positions and their amount is determined on the basis of reasonable estimates of the liability that such positions could generate. o) The provision for staff severance pay is determined in conformity with applicable law and labour contracts. It reflects the accrued entitlement of all employees at the balance-sheet date net of advances already paid. p) Payables are shown at nominal value; receivables are carried at estimated realisable value, i.e. net of the bad debts provision as determined on the basis of a case-by-case assessment of the solvency of the individual debtors. q) Payables and receivables denominated in currencies other than the Euro - with the exception of hedged positions - are recorded at the exchange rates applying at the balance-sheet date. Gains and losses on the translation of individual positions at the balance-sheet date are taken to the income statement as components of financial income or expense. Any net gain is taken to a specific non-distributable reserve until such gain is realised. r) Payments on account include advances made by customers for services that have not yet been performed. s) Costs and revenues are taken to the consolidated income statement on a consistent accruals basis. t) Dividends are taken to income in the year in which they are received. u) Income taxes for the year are recorded on the basis of estimated taxable income, pursuant to regulations, taking account also of deferred taxation. The liability for taxes to be paid at the time of lodging the tax return is carried with taxes payable, together with tax bills on the tax roll which are not subject to dispute. The tax charge in the consolidated financial statements reflects the tax charges in the individual financial statements of consolidated companies, which have been aligned on the basis of uniform accounting policies and prepared on a prudent basis using the accruals method of accounting. All tax effects on consolidation adjustments resulting in timing differences on Group profits have been recorded as deferred tax assets or liabilities. 172 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements v) In order to hedge interest rate and exchange rate risk, derivative contracts have been used to hedge net exposures arising from specific transactions. Interest differences to be collected or paid on interest rate swaps are taken to the consolidated income statement on an accruals basis over the duration of the contract. Accrued interest differences that have not been settled at the end of the year or which have been settled before they actually accrue are taken to accrued income and prepaid expenses, or accrued expenses and deferred income, as the case may be. Derivative contracts hedging exchange rate risks are used to cover contractual commitments in foreign currencies and entail adjusting the value of the underlying item. The premium or discount arising from the difference between the spot and future exchange rates for hedging transactions is taken to the consolidated income statement over the duration of the contract. If the market value of derivatives contracts that do not fully qualify for hedge accounting is lower than the value of the underlying financial instrument, a specific risk provision is set up for the difference. w) Collections are recorded by bank transaction date; for payments account is taken of the instruction date. 4) Consolidated Balance Sheet Assets Non-current assets Intangible assets These total 889.6 million Euros, with a net increase of 42.7 million Euros on the preceding year representing the net effect of new investment (534.9 million Euros), the amortisation charge for the year (463.6 million Euros), and writedowns and eliminations for 28.6 million Euros. • Formation, start-up and similar costs. This caption is not material (see schedule 1). 173 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements • Industrial patents and intellectual property rights. These are carried mainly in the financial statements of the parent company and Rai Cinema. For the most part the comprise the cost of television programmes and films which are ready for use, net of accumulated amortisation and writedowns and eliminating any value increases deriving from intercompany services. As is shown in more detail in schedule 1, the balance of 649.2 million Euros shows a net increase on 2004 of 72.2 million Euros. This increase is the difference between new assets for 556.1 million Euros (of which 160.2 million Euros was transferred from intangible assets under development), a writedown of 28.2 million Euros made to take account of the risk that certain programmes might not turn out to be usable and for the risk of non-transmission and/or repeatability, and the amortisation charge for the year of 455.7 million Euros. • Concessions, licences, trademarks and similar rights. Amounting to 29.4 milion Euros, these items include costs for 29.1 million Euros incurred by Rai on the acquisition of licences for digital terrestrial frequencies, the remainder relating to miscellaneous costs incurred by other Group companies. • Intangible assets under development and payments on account. This caption totals 196.4 million Euros, consisting mainly of the cost of programmes (194.1 million Euros) which at year-end were not yet available for transmission or were under future transmission rights. Also included are: - software and other costs which are not yet available for exploitation (1.4 million Euros). - property leasehold improvements (0.9 million Euros). A breakdown of the caption, with details of the decrease from the preceding year, is given in schedule 1. Intangible assets (millions of Euros) Schedule 1 31.12.2004 Formation, start-up and similar costs Industrial patents and intellectual property rights: programmes other Concessions, licences, trademarks and similar rights Intangible assets under development and payments on account: programmes other Other intangible assets Total 174 Changes in the year 31.12.2005 Book value Additions and capitalisations Reclassifications Writedowns Eliminations Amortisation Book value ·· 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·· 576.2 0.8 577.0 395.2 0.7 395.9 159.0 1.2 160.2 -28.2 0.0 -28.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 -454.6 -1.1 -455.7 647.6 1.6 649.2 32.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3.3 29.4 222.9 3.0 225.9 130.6 2.4 133.0 -159.0 -3.1 -162.1 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.3 0.0 -0.3 - 194.1 2.3 196.4 11.3 846.9 6.0 534.9 1.9 0.0 0.0 -28.3 0.0 -0.3 -4.6 -463.6 14.6 889.6 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements • Other intangible assets. The amount of 14.6 million Euros, which is net of accumulated amortisation, relates mainly to costs incurred on adapting and improving leased properties (12.9 million Euros) and capital outlays in software analyses and programmes (1.6 million Euros). Fixed assets These represent the cost, less accumulated depreciation and writedowns, plus revaluations, of tangible fixed assets lasting for several years. The balance of 643.3 million Euros shows a decrease of 65.4 million Euros on 2004, which is the net effect of new assets for 94.7 million Euros (including 6.1 million Euros for internal cost capitalisations), depreciation for 159.0 million Euros, and disposals and other decreases for 1.1 million Euros. A breakdown of the caption is given in schedule 2. Fixed assets and accumulated depreciation (millions of Euros) Schedule 2 31.12.2004 Cost Land and buildings Plant and machinery Industrial and sales equipment Other fixed assets Fixed assets under construction and payments on account Total Revaluat. Writedowns Changes in the year Accumulated depreciation Book value 480.7 1,327.7 634.2 26.3 -36.5 - -718.8 -1,108.9 359.6 245.1 Additions and reclassifications 10.3 66.3 98.9 156.4 5.0 3.1 - -95.5 -126.6 8.4 32.9 62.7 2,126.4 668.6 -36.5 -2,049.8 62.7 708.7 31.12.2005 Net Standard Writedowns eliminat. depreciat. Cost Revaluat. Writedowns Accumulated Book depreciation value 0.0 -0.7 -55.9 -91.8 - 490.7 1,377.3 634.1 26.1 -36.5 - 2.9 9.0 -0.1 -0.2 -3.5 -7.8 - 101.3 159.5 5.0 3.1 - 6.2 94.7 -0.1 -1.1 -159.0 68.8 - 2,197.6 668.3 -36.5 -774.3 314.0 -1,184.5 218.9 -98.6 -128.7 7.7 33.9 - 68.8 -2,186.1 643.3 Non-current financial assets These total 28.0 million Euros, comprising: • Equity investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries. This caption shows the value of equity in Sacis in liquidation (2.0 million Euros). • Equity investments in associated companies. These relate to non-consolidated companies in which interests of over 20% are held. Details follow: 175 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (millions of Euros) Audiradio Auditel San Marino Secemie Gross amount Writedowns Secemie Net amount Percentage holding Book value 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 33.33% 33 % 50 % 21.65% 33.33% 33 % 50 % 21.65% 0.3 0.3 2.7 1.2 4.5 0.3 0.2 2.7 0.8 4.0 (0.0) 4.5 (0.3) 3.7 Equity investments in associated companies are all held by Rai. • Equity investments in other companies. These amount to 0.7 million Euros, as follows: (millions of Euros) Finsiel International Multimedia University Istituto Treccani Other Gross amount Writedown provisions Net amount 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 0.3 0.1 0.5 .. 0.9 (0.2) 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.5 .. 0.9 (0.2) 0.7 • Receivables from others. These amount to 17.2 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 20.1 million Euros), comprising: - tax advanced on staff severance pay (14.9 million Euros) paid in accordance with Law 140/97 and inclusive of year-end revaluation. - Guarantee deposits of 2.0 million Euros. - Loans given to employees of 0.2 million Euros. • Other securities. These amount to di 3.6 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 3.5 million Euros), entirely relating to collateral securities. 176 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Current Assets Inventories Taken together, inventories, net of adjustments, fell by 1.0 million Euros from 6.1 million Euros at 31 December 2004 to 5.1 million Euros. Raw materials, supplies and consumables, amounting to 3.7 million Euros net of writedowns of 15.4 million Euros relate almost entirely to supplies and spare parts to maintain and operate fixed assets used in the business. Contract work in process amounts to 0.1 million Euros, most of which is carried in Rai Way’s financial statements, relating to costs incurred on developing the Isoradio network. Finished goods and merchandise amounts to 1.3 million Euros, mostly relating to inventories of books, home video distribution equipment and inventories of merchandise acquired in exchange for advertising. Receivables • Customers. These amount to 638.8 million Euros, net of the bad debts provision of 58.5 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 576.5 million Euros and 64.6 million Euros respectively). They include the following main items, at nominal value: - 352.2 million Euros due from Sipra customers for advertising services sold; - 142.4 million Euros for services rendered by Rai to the Government and other public entities under specific agreements; - 57.2 million Euros due from Rai Trade customers for the sale of rights; - 25.9 million Euros due from RaiSat customers for the sale of channels;. - 22.5 million Euros due from cinemas and direct home video customers carried in the financial statements of 01 Distribution. • Associated companies. These are carried at 0.1 million Euros, which is unchanged from the prior year. They represent accounts receivable from the company San Marino which are carried in the parent company financial statements. • Tax receivables. These are carried at 44.3 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 37.7 million Euros), relating for the most part to receivables recorded in the parent company financial statements (43.7 million Euros). • Deferred tax assets. These total 94.6 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 85.9 million Euros), comprising deferred tax assets recorded by the individual consolidated companies (87.8 million Euros) and deferred tax assets from consolidation adjustments (6.8 million Euros). They relate mainly to: 177 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - 73.7 million Euros taken up by the parent company in connection with items which are allowable on a deferred basis for tax purposes (72.5 million Euros) and items transferred from consolidated companies under the consolidated taxation mechanism; - 7.9 million Euros for deferred tax assets taken up by Rai Cinema. • Other receivables. These total 209.4 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 143.9 million Euros). They include the following more significant items (at nominal value): - advances on sports event filming rights (167.2 million Euros). - Receivables from personnel (7.0 million Euros), mainly in respect of advances on travel expenses and advances on production expenses. - Receivables from social security institutions (2.9 million Euros). The bad debts provision totals 1.6 million Euros. Details by maturity and type are given in schedule 3. Receivables and accrued income by maturity and type (millions of Euros) Schedule 3 31.12.2005 due within 1 year 31.12.2004 Amounts due due within due from 2 to after 5 years 5 years Total due within 1 year Amounts due due within due from 2 to after 5 years 5 years Total Non-current financial receivables due from non-consolidated subsidiaries - - - - - - - - associated companies - - - - - - - - parent companies - - - - - - - - 3.0 12.8 1.4 17.2 3.0 12.6 4.5 20.1 3.0 12.8 1.4 17.2 3.0 12.6 4.5 20.1 others Current receivables Other financial receivables due from non-consolidated subsidiaries - - - - - - - - associated companies - - - - - - - - parent companies - - - - - - - - others - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 638.8 .. - 638.8 576.5 .. - 576.5 - - - - - - - - 0.1 - - 0.1 0.1 - - 0.1 - - - - - - - - 0.6 639.5 - - 0.6 639.5 0.5 577.1 - - 0.5 577.1 37.7 Trade receivables due from customers non-consolidated subsidiaries associated companies parent companies others: - government and other public entities for subsidies and grants Miscellaneous receivables Tax receivables 44.3 - - 44.3 37.7 - - Deferred tax assets 93.4 1.2 - 94.6 84.6 1.3 - 85.9 207.8 345.5 1.0 2.2 - 208.8 347.7 143.4 265.7 1.3 - 143.4 267.0 Other Accrued income Total 178 0.2 - - 0.2 .. - - .. 988.2 15.0 1.4 1,004.6 845.8 13.9 4.5 864.2 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Non-current financial assets This caption has no balance. Cash and cash equivalents These amount to 102.4 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 147.3 million Euros) relating mostly to the parent company which manages central treasury services. Accrued income and prepaid expenses These total 21.0 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 19.9 million Euros), relating almost exclusively to prepaid expenses recorded (i) by the parent company Rai, mostly in respect of portions of costs of sports event filming rights common to two or more years; (ii) by Sipra for costs incurred on distributing advertising to theatres which do not pertain to the year; (iii) and by Rai Cinema to defer costs incurred on film and home video distribution pertaining to the subsequent year. Liabilities and Equity Equity Equity amounts to 794.9 million Euros, down 56.2 million Euros mainly due to the difference between the consolidated net profit for the year (22.9 million Euros) and the dividend declared by the parent company (79.1 million Euros). The share capital of Rai, fully paid-up and subscribed, consists of 242,518,100 ordinary shares of par value Euro 1 each, owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (241,447,000 shares, amounting to 99.5583% of share capital) and SIAE, Società Italiana Autori Editori (1,071,100 shares, amounting to 0.4417% of share capital). Equity attributable to minority interests is shown separately on specific lines in the consolidated financial statements; it mainly relates to Rai Click and, to a lesser extent, to RaiSat. Changes in individual items from 31 December 2004 shown in the schedule presented on page 195. 179 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Provisions for risks and charges Details of provisions for risks and charges are given in schedule 4. Provisions for risks and charges (millions of Euros) Schedule 4 31.12.2004 Provision for pension and similar liabilities Provisions made Charges to provision Released to income statement Reclassifications 31.12.2005 156.0 8.1 -11.6 -0.1 - 152.4 39.9 15.5 -10.3 -0.5 - 44.6 117.7 31.2 -30.6 -0.1 - 118.2 - 35.5 - - - 35.5 5.3 29.4 - - - 34.7 - litigation with social security institutions 31.0 - - - - 31.0 - renovation and restructuring of properties 26.5 - -0.9 - - 25.6 7.6 0.5 -0.6 - - 7.5 . programmes 3.7 - - - - 3.7 . fixed assets 1.8 - - -0.2 - 1.6 5.6 - - -3.4 - 2.2 . for risks 27.3 2.1 -9.6 -3.2 - 16.6 . for liabilities 25.6 9.3 -7.1 -1.7 - 26.1 252.1 108.0 -48.8 -8.6 0.0 302.7 448.0 131.6 -70.7 -9.2 0.0 499.7 Provision for taxes Other: - litigation - corporate restructuring - staff resignation incentives - accrued costs - lease disputes - charges for assets under development/construction which may not be usable - Education Ministry agreement - miscellaneous: Total • Provision for pension and similar liabilities. This amounts to 152.4 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 156.0 million Euros) and comprises the supplementary seniority benefits provision, the social security benefits provision and the corporate supplementary pension fund. - The provision for supplementary seniority benefits amounts to 5.2 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 5.4 million Euros). It represents the liability in respect of indemnities in lieu of notice towards Rai and Rai Way employees hired before 1978 who have reached the compulsory retirement age. The amount is revalued each year for consumer price inflation. In the event of early termination of employment, or changes in category, the amounts accrued are released. - The provision for social security benefits amounts to 1.0 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 1.1 million Euros). It includes amounts accrued until 31 December 1988 and supplementary amounts allocated in subsequent periods in order to protect the real value of the fund for Rai eligible employees in accordance with the provisions of the national collective bargaining agreement. - The corporate supplementary pension fund, amounting to 146.2 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 149.5 million Euros) includes the additional sums accrued to Rai and Rai Way retired employees who had opted for the company supplementary pension fund envisaged under the union agreements, which are kept at an adequate level to ensure the said benefits, with respect to actuarial reserves. It also includes the provision for Rai and Rai Cinema eligible managerial staff still in service in the event that some of these opt for the supplementary pension plan. Benefits are calculated on the basis of pay earned, seniority and financial and demographic parameters normally used in similar cases. 180 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements • Provision for taxes. This amounts to 44.6 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 39.9 million Euros) relating to provisions set up in the financial statements of the individual companies, particularly the parent company Rai (31.8 million Euros) and Rai Way (11.9 million Euros). • Other provisions. These amount to 302.7 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 252.1 million Euros). They include provisions for costs or losses whose existence is certain but whose amount cannot be exactly determined or which are probable and whose amount can be reasonably estimated. They have risen by 50.6 million Euros, as detailed in schedule 4. As regards pending litigation with employees and third parties, the amount carried in the provisions for liabilities and risks is the best estimate of the likely liability based on the most up-to-date information available. Provision for staff severance pay This rose by 23.3 million Euros (from 384.8 million Euros at 31 December 2004 to 408.1 million Euros at 31 December 2005) due to the difference between payments of 20.0 million Euros, accruals of 50.3 million Euros and other decreases of 7.0 million Euros. Payables Payables have increased by a total of 53.6 million Euros (from 914.8 million Euros to 968.4 million Euros). Details by maturity and type are given in schedule 5. The following should be noted in connection with the more important items: • Due to banks. Amounts due to banks equal 1.7 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 16.9 million Euros), comprising: - short-term debt carried by RaiSat (0.3 million Euros) and Rai (0.2 million Euros) for current accounts overdrafts with various banks. - Medium/long-term debt carried by Rai for 1.2 million Euros representing a concessionary rate loan obtained to finance the construction of the Cosenza headquarters and expand the Bari headquarters, which is secured by mortgages, special liens and guarantees. 181 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements • Advances. These total 33.8 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 28.4 million Euros). They relate to the following advances: - Rai: 20.9 million Euros for portions of TV licence fees collected from the Ministry of Economy and Finance in excess of the amounts due for the year; 0.5 million Euros for advances on the sale of usage rights for programmes; 1.3 million Euros for an advance paid by Dallah Al Baraka in connection with a right of pre-emption in the event of sale of the shares in NewCo Rai International or in the event that a business partner is sought to broadcast the Rai International TV channel; and 0.6 million Euros for miscellaneous advances; - Rai Trade: 4.6 million Euros for advances on sale contracts; - Sipra: 3.4 million Euros for advertising services already invoiced but not yet performed; - Rai Corporation: 2.2 million Euros relating to an advance received as partial repayment of the expense incurred on upgrading and improving the new offices and notional rent for premises in New York, due to putting the rent payments on to a fixed-amount basis over the entire duration of the contract regardless of the actual timing of the outlays. - Rai Cinema: 0.3 million Euros for portions of payments under licence contracts for usage rights relating to programmes running after the year-end. • Suppliers. These amount to 745.4 million Euros. There was an overall increase of 59.0 million Euros over 31 December 2004. • Non-consolidated subsidiaries. The amount of 5.5 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 5.6 million Euros) is in respect of balances of the parent company with Sacis relating almost entirely to the financial current account. • Associated companies. The amount of 2.4 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 2.5 million Euros) is in respect of balances of the parent company with San Marino RTV. • Taxes payable. These amount to 72.2 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 42.4 million Euros). They relate mainly to direct taxes for the year, net of any advances made, and withholdings from the remuneration of employees on the payroll and consultants. • Social security institutions. These amount to 39.7 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 44.8 million Euros). They reflect contributions due on remuneration paid to employees and consultants, to be paid over to the institutions at the scheduled dates. • Other payables. Totalling 67.7 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 87.8 million Euros), these comprise 40.9 million Euros due to employees and 26.8 million Euros due to various entities, companies and organisations. 182 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Payables and accrued expenses by maturity and type (millions of Euros) Schedule 5 31.12.2005 due within 1 year Medium/long term financial debt Bonds Convertible bonds Shareholder loans Due to banks Due to other lenders Suppliers Debt securities Non-consolidated subsidiaries Associated companies Parent companies Taxes payable Social security institutions Other payables Current payables Other financial debt Shareholder loans Due to banks Due to other lenders Suppliers Debt securities Non-consolidated subsidiaries Associated companies Parent companies Other payables Trade payables Advances Suppliers Debt securities Non-consolidated subsidiaries Associated companies Parent companies Miscellaneous payables Taxes payable Social security institutions Other payables: - concession fee - miscellaneous Total payables Accrued expenses Total 31.12.2004 Amounts due due within due from 2 to after 5 years 5 years Total due within 1 year Amounts due due within due from 2 to after 5 years 5 years Total 1.2 1.2 - - 1.2 1.2 2.6 2.6 1.3 1.3 - 3.9 3.9 0.5 0.1 5.5 0.8 0.2 7.1 - - 0.5 0.1 5.5 0.8 0.2 7.1 13.0 0.2 5.6 0.9 19.7 - - 13.0 0.2 5.6 0.9 19.7 31.7 740.6 .. 1.6 773.9 0.3 4.7 5.0 1.8 1.8 33.8 745.3 .. 1.6 780.7 27.2 680.9 .. 1.6 709.7 0.2 5.3 5.5 1.0 1.0 28.4 686.2 .. 1.6 716.2 72.2 39.7 - - 72.2 39.7 42.4 44.8 - - 42.4 44.8 - 67.2 179.1 0.3 0.3 - 67.5 179.4 87.7 174.9 0.1 0.1 - 87.8 175.0 961.3 5.3 1.8 968.4 906.9 6.9 1.0 914.8 0.1 - - 0.1 .. - - - 961.4 5.3 1.8 968.5 906.9 6.9 1.0 914.8 Accrued expenses and deferred income These relate almost entirely to deferred income of 5.4 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 4.3 million Euros). 183 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 5) Memorandum accounts Memorandum accounts are recorded at 574.6 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 443.8 million Euros). A breakdown is given directly on the face of the consolidated balance sheet. At 31 December 2005 there were no commitments of particular significance for the purchase or sale of goods and services in addition to those taken on in the normal course of business that would require specific information to be given for a better understanding of the Group’s financial position. With resolution no. 297/04/CONS of 15 September 2004, the Communications Authority launched an investigation aimed at determining whether Rai, R.T.I., and Publitalia ’80 have failed to comply with the provisions of resolution no. 226/03/CONS of 27 June 2003 (conclusion of the process of ascertaining the existence of dominant positions in the television industry for the period 19982000) for the purpose of the possible application of sanctions as defined by Article 1(31) of Law 249/97. The preliminary investigation, related to the period following the notification of resolution no. 226 on 7 July 2003, was declared closed in January 2005, and Rai presented its defence at the hearing held in February. At the same time, Rai also filed an appeal with the Administrative Court of the Region of Lazio requesting the voidance of resolution no. 297/04/CONS, as well as resolution 226/03/CONS and all other related and consequential documents. On 9 March 2005, upon conclusion of the proceedings pursuant to resolution no. 297, the Authority declared that Rai had failed to comply with the formal reprimand established by resolution no. 226 and levied the sanctions specified under Article 1(31) of Law 249/1997 in the amount of about 20 million Euros. Given that Rai feels that the Authority’s decision is unfounded both in procedure and in substance, we have appealed the decision at the Administrative Court of the Region of Lazio, requesting that the decision be suspended pending the appeal and that the resolution be struck down. The Court, with its judgment handed down on 23 November 2005 accepted the appeal and, as a result, annulled the sanctions levied by the Authority. The Authority has appealed against this decision at the Council of State, requesting it be suspended. The hearing to discuss the matter has been set for October 2006. As already indicated in the Directors' Report at 31 December 2004, given the merits of Rai’s appeal, which is also supported by the opinion of qualified external counsel, we believe that it is highly probable that Court will allow our appeal and accordingly, consistently with the approach followed at 31 December 2004, we have made no provision in the financial statements as the prerequisites for such a provision have not been met. The Communications Authority, with resolution no. 221/06/CONS of 27 April 2006 served on Rai on 3 May 2006, applied administrative sanctions on the Company for about 14.4 million Euros, equal to 0.5% of its turnover, for the alleged infringement of article 2 (9) of Law 481 of 14 November 1995 (alleged incompatibility of Mr Alfredo Meocci with the office of Rai General Manager), 184 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements ordering the Company to pay said amount within 30 days of the date of the notice being served. On 12 May 2006 Rai lodged an appeal at the Lazio Regional Administrative Court against this decision, petitioning its annulment on grounds of infringement of the law and excess use of powers, and suspension of its effects. At the present state of proceedings, the chance of a favourable decision being issued is at least equal to an unfavourable one being issued and accordingly, on these premises and in accordance with correct accounting principles, no provision has been made in the 31 December 2005 financial statements. 6) Consolidated income statement Production value • Revenues from sales and services. These amount to 3,061.6 million Euros, up 69.7 million Euros on 31 December 2004, mainly represented by: - Revenues from TV licence fees (1,482.5 million Euros). - Gross revenues from advertising (1,217.6 million Euros). - Revenues from special services under agreements with the Government (77.7 million Euros). - Revenues from the sale of audio-visual rights, music events and theme channel offerings (64.3 million Euros). - Revenues from theatre and home video distribution (64.2 million Euros). - Revenues from the sale of satellite channels to SKY (48.2 million Euros). - Revenues from the hosting of systems and equipment (23.9 million Euros). - Revenues from signal broadcasting, lease of circuits, radio links and connections (10.8 million Euros). • Changes in inventories of work in progress, semifinished and finished goods. These amount to 0,3 million Euros and relate mainly to the increase in Rai Cinema inventories of videotapes and DVDs for sale. • Increase in contract work in process. This amounts to 0.7 million Euros and relates almost entirely to the amount carried in the financial statements of Rai Way in connection with the construction of the Isoradio network. • Internal cost capitalisations. The amount of 8.0 million Euros relates to internal cost capitalisations for plant construction (6.1 million Euros) and the production of programmes (1.9 million Euros). • Other revenues and income. These amount to 83.7 million Euros, comprising: - Operating grants: amounting to 2.7 million Euros in respect of: - 2.3 million Euros for grants issued by the European Union to Rai for 0.8 million Euros and to 01 Distribution for 1.5 million Euros; - 0.3 million Euros for operating grants issued to Rai Cinema by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage under Law 1213 of 4 November 1965; - 0.1 million Euros issued to Rai Way under Law 488/92. 185 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - Gains on disposal of assets: for 0.1 million Euros relating to the sale of fixed assets, mainly of the parent company. - Miscellaneous: These amount to 80.9 million Euros. They relate to out-of-period gains (35.6 million Euros), expense recoveries (22.8 million Euros), the reversal of provisions set up in preceding years (17.9 million Euros) and real estate and other revenues (4.6 million Euros). Production costs These total 3,020.7 million Euros, down 10.5 million Euros on the preceding year. Details follow: • Cost of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise. These amount to 32.2 million Euros and include, net of discounts and rebates, purchases of operating materials (20.5 million Euros). technical materials (6.5 million Euros) and production materials (5.2 million Euros). • Cost of services. These total 779.9 million Euros (736.4 million Euros at 31 December 2004), as follows: - Services for the purchase and production of programmes (258.3 million Euros). - General services for postage, copying and translation, cleaning, plant operation, archive services etc (215.7 million Euros). - Consultants (150.3 million Euros). - Travel, transfer and related allowances to employees (50.2 million Euros). - Other external services (105.4 million Euros). They also include fees and reimbursement of expenses paid by the parent company to directors (Euro 1.3 million) and statutory auditors (Euro 0.2 million). Three statutory auditors of the parent company were statutory auditors of other subsidiaries for a number of months, receiving compensation which is not deemed to be significant. • Use of third-party assets. These amount to 450.9 million Euros (568.1 million Euros at 31 December 2004) relating to the following costs: - filming rights (203.8 million Euros). - usage rights (128.0 million Euros). - rent expense and hiring costs (119.1 million Euros). • Personnel costs. These total 971.7 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 922.2 million Euros), comprising 0.9 million Euros for incentives for staff to resign (at 31 December 2004: 0.7 million Euros). Average employees on permanent and fixed-term contracts, including trainee contracts, numbered 13,326, up 77 on 31 December 2004. Schedule 6 provides a break-down of average employees by category and company. 186 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Average workforce (persons) Schedule 6 On permanent contracts By Company Rai 2005 On fixed-term contracts Total 2004 On permanent On fixed-term contracts contracts Total 10,087 1,645 11,732 9,995 1,672 11,667 60 2 62 63 1 64 1 0 1 1 0 1 Rai Corporation 49 0 49 46 0 46 RaiNet 55 14 69 60 15 75 RaiSat 70 50 120 68 46 114 Rai Cinema Rai Click Rai Trade 89 7 96 86 5 91 Rai Way 707 22 729 718 13 731 Sipra 419 20 439 424 15 439 27 2 29 19 2 21 11,564 1,762 13,326 11,480 1,769 13,249 01 Distribution Total By category Managers 354 1 355 362 0 362 Journalists 1,691 313 2,004 1,676 315 1,991 1,321 Middle managers 1,356 0 1,356 1,321 0 Office staff 6,862 1,307 8,169 6,838 1,308 8,146 Workers 1,156 134 1,290 1,136 134 1,270 132 7 139 134 12 146 13 11,564 0 1,762 13 13,326 13 11,480 0 1,769 13 13,249 Musical directors and choir staff Medical staff Total • Amortisation, depreciation and write-downs. These total 655.1 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 668.4 million Euros) of which 463.6 million Euros is for amortisation of intangible assets and 159.0 million Euros for depreciation of fixed assets, as shown in schedules 1 and 2. They also include programmes written down for 28.3 million Euros to reflect the risks that some productions might not be used, broadcast or repeated. • Changes in inventories of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise. The amount of 0.6 million Euros reflects the decrease from 31 December 2004 to 31 December 2005 in the value of inventories carried with working assets. • Provisions for risks. These are carried at 16.2 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 7.5 million Euros). They relate to provisions made by the parent company 15.0 million Euros), Rai Trade (0.4 million Euros), Sipra (0.3 million Euros) and Rai Way (0.3 million Euros), and to a lesser extent by other Group companies. • Other provisions. These amount to 10.1 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 10.8 million Euros). They relate to provisions set up by Rai (8.3 million Euros), Rai Way (1.7 million Euros) and Sipra (0.1 million Euros). • Miscellaneous operating costs. These amount to 104,0 million Euros (at 31 December 2004: 87,3 million Euros). Details thereof are shown in schedule 7. They relate mostly to costs incurred by the parent company (81.7 million Euros). 187 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Miscellaneous operating costs (millions of Euros) Schedule 7 Year 2005 Year 2004 0.9 - 1.7 0.4 28.3 27.2 16.8 14.7 4.1 9.5 6.6 23.1 104.0 12.9 13.2 4.1 9.0 8.5 10.3 87.3 Asset disposal losses: - on fixed assets - on intangible assets Concession fee Other costs: - prior-year charges - gifts, prize contests and entertainment expenses - local property tax - miscellaneous indirect taxes - former employees' pension fund - other Total Financial income and charges A breakdown of this caption is given directly on the face of the consolidated income statement. More specifically: - Income from equity investments amounting to 0.6 million Euros (0.2 million Euros at 31 December 2004) relates to the gain on valuation on the equity method of holdings in associated companies. - Other financial income, amounting to 5.3 million Euros (5.3 million Euros at 31 December 2004), is detailed in schedule 8. - Interest and other financial expense, amounting to 2.5 million Euros (6.0 million Euros at 31 December 2004) is detailed in schedule 9. - Net exchange gains and losses amount to 4.0 million Euros (-7.0 million Euros at 31 December 2004). Other financial income (millions of Euros) Schedule 8 Year 2005 Year 2004 From non-current receivables 0.4 0.5 From non-current securities other than equity investments 0.1 0.5 Income other than the above: - interest and commissions from non-consolidated subsidiaries - bank interest 188 .. - 3.8 2.1 - interest earned on customer accounts receivable 0.6 0.7 - other 0.4 1.5 Total 5.3 5.3 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Interest and other financial charges (millions of Euros) Schedule 9 Interest and commissions payable to associated companies Bank interest: - on short-term accounts - on medium/long-term accounts Interest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous expense: - interest on suppliers accounts payable - interest expense, premiums and amounts set up in the provision for risks on interest rate hedging transactions Year 2005 Year 2004 .. .. 0.6 0.8 0.2 1.8 0.5 0.1 0.2 2.4 - interest payable on amounts due to other lenders 0.1 0.2 - other charges 0.9 0.7 2.5 6.0 Total Value adjustments to financial assets Revaluations. These amount to 0.3 million Euros and relate to the recovery of prior years’ losses of associated companies charged in the financial statements of the parent company. Writedowns. These total 0.3 million Euros, relating mainly to the provision for minimum guarantees set up in respect of non-recovery of advances paid to acquire rights. Exception income and charges These show a net charge of 33.9 million Euros, consisting mainly of: - Charges recorded in the financial statements of the parent company connected with the staff voluntary resignation incentives project approved by the Board of Directors on 6 December 2005 (35.5 million Euros); - The gain on the reversal of an excessive tax provision made in the preceding year (1.4 million Euros); - The recovery of VAT on the bankruptcy of Sipra customers (0.4 million Euros); - Prior-year taxes (0.2 million Euros). Income taxes for the year These amount to 82.8 million Euros, comprising current taxes for the year charged in the financial statements of the individual companies and deferred taxes on consolidation adjustments. Details are given in the following table: Current taxes Deferred tax credits Deferred tax charges Total Charged in the financial statements of the individual companies Deriving from consolidation adjustments Total 92.6 -14.3 4.6 82.9 -0.2 0.1 -0.1 92.6 -14.5 4.7 82.8 189 Rai Group Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 7) Net profit for the year Consolidated net profit for the year amounts to 22.9 million Euros, comprising a net profit of 23.2 million Euros pertaining to the Group and a loss of 0.3 million Euros pertaining to minority interests. 8) Reconciliation between Parent Company and Consolidated Financial Statements at 31 December 2005 and 31 December 2004 The following table shows the reconciliation between the net profit for the year and Shareholders’ equity as appearing in the parent company and consolidated financial statements, including the portion pertaining to minority interests: Reconciliation between parent company and consolidated financial statements (millions of Euros) Net profit for the year In parent company financial statements 2004 2005 2004 16.4 113.0 697.3 760.0 Elimination of the book value of equity investments against the equities of the respective subsidiaries, and of profits against dividends distributed 4.6 7.8 124.1 119.6 Adjusting book value of associated companies on to equity method 0.5 0.1 5.3 4.7 Elimination of fiscal distortions (entries recorded for purely fiscal purposes) 0.0 (61.2) 0.0 0.0 Deferred taxes 0.0 23.9 6.7 6.7 Other consolidation adjustments 1.4 (1.4) (38.5) (39.9) 22.9 82.2 794.9 851.1 In consolidated financial statements 190 Equity 2005 Rai Group Consolidated supplementary schedules 191 Rai Group Consolidated supplementary schedules Consolidated balance sheet reclassified in vertical form A. NON-CURRENT ASSETS - NET Intangible assets Fixed assets Financial assets B. WORKING CAPITAL Inventories Trade receivables Other assets Trade payables Provisions for risks and charges Other liabilities C. INVESTED CAPITAL net of current liabilities 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 889.6 643.3 28.0 1,560.9 846.9 708.7 30.0 1,585.6 5.1 639.6 368.6 (780.7 ) (499.7 ) (184.9 ) (452.0) (A+B) D. PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY E. INVESTED CAPITAL net of current liabilities and provision for staff severance pay (millions of Euros) (C-D) 6.1 577.2 286.8 (716.3) (448.0) (179.2) ( 473.4) 1,108.9 1,112.2 408.1 384.8 700.8 727.4 792.4 2.5 794.9 848.1 3.0 851.1 1.2 3.9 financed by: F. EQUITY Pertaining to parent company Pertaining to minority interests G. NET MEDIUM/LONG-TERM FINANCIAL DEBT H. NET SHORT-TERM DEBT (NET CASH FUNDS) . net short-term debt . cash and short-term financial receivables I. TOTAL, AS IN E 192 (G+H) (F+G+H) 7.1 (102.4 ) (95.3) (94.1) 700.8 19.7 ( 147.3) ( 127.6) ( 123.7) 727.4 Rai Group Consolidated supplementary schedules Consolidated income statement reclassified in vertical form A. REVENUES Changes in inventories of work in progress, semifinished and finished goods Internal cost capitalisations B. VALUE OF “TYPICAL” PRODUCTION Cost of materials and external services C. VALUE ADDED Personnel costs D. GROSS OPERATING MARGIN Amortisation of programmes Depreciation fixed assets Other value adjustments Provisions for risks and charges Miscellaneous income and charges - net E. OPERATING PROFIT Financial income and charges Value adjustments to financial assets F. PROFIT BEFORE EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS AND TAXES Exceptional income and charges - net G. PROFIT BEFORE TAXES Income taxes for the year H. NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR - pertaining to parent company - pertaining to minority interests (millions of Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 3,091.0 3,021.3 0.3 8.0 0.3 8.4 3,099.3 3,030.0 (1,291.9 ) (1,362.1) 1,807.4 1,667.9 (971.7 ) (922.2) 835.7 745.7 (454.6 ) (168.0 ) (32.5 ) (26.3 ) (22.1 ) (417.3) (176.1) (59.1) (18.3) 14.6 132.2 89.5 7.4 .. 139.6 (33.9 ) 105.7 (7.5) 1.0 83.0 2.1 85.1 (82.8 ) (2.9) 22.9 23.2 (0.3 ) 82.2 82.4 (0.2) 193 Rai Group Consolidated supplementary schedules Consolidated cash flow statement (millions of Euros) A. NET OPENING CASH FUNDS (NET OPENING SHORT-TERM FINANCIAL DEBT) B. CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net profit for the year Amortisation and depreciation (Gains) losses on disposal of non-current assets (Revaluations) writedowns of non-current assets Change in working capital Net change in staff severance pay provision C. CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Investment in non-current assets: . intangible assets . fixed assets . financial assets Sale proceeds, or reimbursement value, of non-current assets Other changes D. CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES New loans Contributions by shareholders Capital grants Loan repayments Equity repayments E. PROFIT DISTRIBUTIONS F. CASH FLOW FOR THE YEAR G. NET CLOSING CASH FUNDS (NET CLOSING SHORT-TERM FINANCIAL DEBT) 194 (B+C+D+E) (A+F) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 127.6 117.3 22.9 622.6 0.8 27.4 (21.4 ) 23.3 675.6 82.2 593.4 (1.4) 76.3 (44.2) 22.0 728.3 (534.9 ) (94.7 ) (0.6 ) 4.1 0.0 (626.1) (566.9) (93.1) (1.9) 23.7 (0.1) (638.3) 0.0 0.0 0.0 (2.6 ) 0.0 (2.6) 0.1 0.0 0.0 (79.7) 0.0 (79.6) (79.2) (0.1) (32.3) 95.3 10.3 127.6 Rai Group Consolidated supplementary schedules Consolidated statement of changes in Shareholders’ Equity (for 2004 and 2005) (millions of Euros) Balance 31.12.2004 Transfer of results Dividends Equity: Pertaining to Group: Share capital Legal reserve Profits brought forward Capital grants provision Capital grants reserve Unrealised exchange gains reserve Merger surplus Other reserves Net profit for the year 242.5 0.5 9.5 1.3 9.4 0.0 383.9 118.6 82.4 -30.5 -3.3 -79.1 Total equity pertaining to Group 848.1 0.0 -79.1 3.2 -0.2 -0.3 0.3 -0.1 3.0 0.0 -0.1 851.1 0.0 -79.2 Pertaining to minority interests Share capital and reserves Net profit (loss) for the year Total equity pertaining to minority interests Total Equity Translation differences and other movements Net profit Balance for 31.12.2005 the year 23.2 242.5 6.1 37.2 1.3 9.4 0.5 383.9 88.3 23.2 23.2 792.4 -0.3 2.8 -0.3 -0.1 -0.3 2.5 0.1 22.9 794.9 5.6 27.7 0.5 0.2 0.2 -0.1 195 Rai Group Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors on the Consolidated Financial Statements 197 Rai Group Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors on the Consolidated Financial Statements To the Shareholders The consolidated financial statements of the Rai Group at 31 December 2005, which has been made available for your inspection, are expressed in millions of Euros and consist of consolidated balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements; they are also accompanied by a Directors' Report. A summary of the consolidated balance sheet showing the main aggregates is presented hereunder: (millions of Euros) ASSETS Non-current assets 1,560.9 Current assets 1,094.7 Accrued income and prepaid expenses 21.0 2,676.6 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Equity 794.9 Provisions for risks and charges 499.7 Provision for staff severance pay 408.1 Payables 968.4 Accrued expenses and deferred income 5.5 2,676.6 MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS Guarantee given: unsecured secured 69.5 54.1 Purchase and sales commitments 119.4 Other 331.6 574.6 198 Rai Group Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors The consolidated income statement is summarised hereunder: (millions of Euros) Production value 3,152.9 Production costs 3,020.7 Operating profit 132.2 Financial income and charges 7.4 Value adjustments to financial assets …. Exceptional income and charges -33.9 Income taxes -82.8 Net profit for the year 22.9 The consolidated balance sheet and income statement, summarised above, present comparative figures for 2004. The notes to the consolidated financial statements describe the scope of the consolidation and the valuation methods applied and provide, with the supplementary schedules presented, the other disclosures required under article 38 of Legislative Decree no. 127/1991. The scope of the consolidation has remained unchanged from 2004. The company San Marino TV (Equity: 5,559 thousand Euros) which is held 50% continues to be recorded on the equity method, as was the case in 2004. With regard to the Directors' Report, considering the significant “weight” of the parent company as compared with that of all consolidated subsidiaries taken together, the Directors' Report on the parent company, which is supplemented by specific information, also covers the Group as well. In such Report, the Directors describe, as already mentioned, the overall situation of the companies included in the consolidated financial statements, as well as the overall business performance and developments and those in the various sectors. Information is provided on research and development activities and the outlook for the Group. Finally, three tables showing the consolidated balance sheet and income statement in vertical form and the consolidated cash flow statement have been presented to provide an effective tool for a better understanding of the consolidated financial statements. With regard to matters falling within the sphere of the Board of Statutory Auditors, we report that, also on the basis of contacts with the Independent Auditors PwC, the consolidated financial statements have been drawn up, in all three of their components, in compliance with statutory requirements and correspond to the accounting records of the parent company and the information transmitted by the various companies included in the scope of consolidation. 199 Rai Group Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors With regard to accounting matters, we draw your attention to the following: there have been no “exceptional cases” during the year which would entail • making derogations from standard accounting principles as permitted under article 29 (4) of Legislative Decree no. 127/1991; • assets and liabilities, and revenues and costs, have been valued on a uniform basis, which is substantially unchanged from the preceding year; • deferred tax assets have been recorded for fiscal benefits obtainable in future years on provisions set up in preceding years which were disallowed for tax purposes; • deferred tax liabilities have been recorded on accelerated depreciation and amortisation which has been taken off-books only in the tax return. With respect to the effects of the resolution passed by the Communications Authority regarding the incompatibility of Mr Meocci with the function of General Manager, reference should be made to the information contained in the report on the parent company financial statements. In conclusion, as a result of all the matters described above, in our opinion the consolidated financial statements of the Rai Group at 31 December 2005 and the accompanying Directors' Report have been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 127/1991 to which reference on several occasions has been made in this report. THE BOARD OF STATUTORY AUDITORS Dr. Carlo Cesare GATTO Prof. Paolo GERMANI Prof. Salvatore RANDAZZO Rome, 31 May 2006 200 Rai Group Report of the Independent Auditors Report of the Independent Auditors on the Consolidated Financial Statements 201 Rai Group Appendices Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Contents Rai Cinema S.p.A. 205 01 Distribution S.r.l. 209 Rai Click S.p.A. 213 Rai Corporation S.p.A. - Italian Radio TV System 217 Rai Corporation Canada - Italian Radio TV System 221 NewCo Rai International S.p.A. 225 RaiNet S.p.A. 229 RaiSat S.p.A. 233 Rai Trade S.p.A. 237 Rai Way S.p.A. 241 Sipra S.p.A. - Società Italiana Pubblicità per Azioni 245 Sacis S.p.A. - Commerciale Iniziative Spettacolo 249 203 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Cinema S.p.A. Name: Rai Cinema S.p.A. Date of incorporation: 1 December 1999 Objects: The company’s objects are the purchase, in Italy and abroad, of usage rights on audiovisual, cinema TV and multimedia products, depending on the production requirements of Rai and its associated companies; the provision to Rai and its associated companies of the above said rights and the organisation, administration and management of rights according to Rai’s information, research and broadcasting requirements; distribution, marketing and sale of rights in Italy and abroad; the production of audiovisual works for the cinema, TV and video communication markets; the construction, organisation and management of distribution circuits, cinemas and multiplex cinemas. Share capital: Euro 200,000,000.40 38,759,690 shares of par value Euro 5.16 each Rai 99.99767%, Rai Trade 0.002322%. Ownership: Employees: 01 Distribution S.r.l. 100% 60 on permanent contracts 1 on a fixed-term contract Board of Directors: Chairman: Vice Chairman: Managing Director: General Manager: Directors: Board of Statutory Auditors: Chairman: Statutory Auditors in office: Alternate Statutory Auditors: Franco Scaglia Roberto De Anna Giancarlo Leone Carlo Macchitella Fabio Belli Claudio Cappon Alessio Gorla Guido Paglia Marco Tani Giuseppe De Rosa Giuseppe Maria Liberto Lanfranco Duò Fabio Piccoli 205 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Cinema S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Assets A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 3.- Industrial patents and intellectual property rights 6.- Intangible assets under development and payments on account 7.- Other intangible assets TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS 2.- Plant and machinery 4.- Other fixed assets TOTAL FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS 1.- Equity investments in a) subsidiaries 2.- Receivables d) other due after one year TOTAL NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES 4.- Finished goods and merchandise a) finished goods TOTAL INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES 1.Customers 2.Subsidiaries 4.Parent company 4.bis - Tax receivables 4.ter - Deferred tax assets 5.Other TOTAL RECEIVABLES III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES b) accrued income and other prepaid expenses TOTAL ASSETS 206 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - 466,907,577 103,492,934 592,172 570,992,683 422,018,742 120,410,046 872,717 543,301,505 12,215 192,360 204,575 17,301 239,965 257,266 516,456 516,456 516,456 516,456 261,421 261,421 777,877 571,975,135 280,148 280,148 796,604 544,355,375 928,980 928,980 625,298 625,298 9,693,899 22,511,353 11,548,725 11,083 7,896,084 2,232,212 53,893,356 4,514,283 16,608,704 4,736,913 7,344,654 10,671,829 1,053,276 44,929,659 - - 54,822,336 45,554,957 3,197,069 3,197,069 629,994,540 1,974,109 1,974,109 591,884,441 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Cinema S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 200,000,000 4,871,443 6,868,518 39,846,933 251,586,894 200,000,000 3,282,571 2 6,524,913 31,777,438 241,584,924 B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 1.- Pension and similar liabilities 2.- Current and deferred taxes 3.- Other TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 708,626 5,903 2,447,382 3,161,911 521,928 6,778 917,656 1,446,362 C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY 1,488,895 1,498,798 D) PAYABLES 6.- Advances 7.- Suppliers 9.- Subsidiaries 11.- Parent company 12.- Taxes payable 13.- Social security institutions 14.- Other payables TOTAL PAYABLES 281,000 121,581,196 10,817,354 237,164,045 3,333,961 156,309 278,949 373,612,814 356,475 115,793,409 14,060,281 215,018,630 1,263,530 255,408 549,726 347,297,459 E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME b) accrued expenses and other deferred income TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 144,026 144,026 629,994,540 56,898 56,898 591,884,441 A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL IV. LEGAL RESERVE VII. OTHER RESERVES VIII.PROFITS BROUGHT FORWARD IX. NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR TOTAL EQUITY Memorandum Accounts (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 1,008,000 1,008,000 Unsecured guarantees received . Guarantees on film productions 65,050,440 51,764,582 Our assets held by third parties . On rent or similar . Other items TOTAL MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS 935,846 25,823 67,020,109 635,408 25,823 53,433,813 4.- Other memorandum accounts Secured guarantees received . Third parties for collateral securities and other assets 207 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Cinema S.p.A. Income Statement (in Euros) 31.12.2005 A) PRODUCTION VALUE 1.- Revenues from sales and services 2.- Changes in inventories of work in progress, semifinished and finished goods 5.- Other production-related income a) operating grants b) gains on disposal of assets c) miscellaneous TOTAL PRODUCTION VALUE B) PRODUCTION COSTS 6.- Cost of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 9.- Personnel costs a) wages and salaries b) social security contributions c) staff severance pay d) pension and similar liabilities e) other costs 10.- Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns a) amortisation of intangible assets b) depreciation of fixed assets c) other non-current asset writedowns d) writedowns of current receivables and cash and cash equivalents 12.- Provisions for risks 14.- Miscellaneous operating costs a) disposal losses c) other TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS Operating profit C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 16.- Other financial income a) from non-current receivables . other d) income other than the above . interest and commissions from others and miscellaneous income 17.- Interest and other financial charges c) interest and commissions payable to parent company d) interest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous charges 17 bis.-Foreign exchange gains and losses - net TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES 20.- Exceptional income c) other 21.- Exceptional charges b) prior-year taxes c) other - roundings-off TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET Profit before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Net profit for the year 208 31.12.2004 383,067,997 303,683 289,702,726 349,308 265,453 3,156,742 3,422,195 386,793,875 1,606,255 1,383,787 5,503,615 8,493,657 298,545,691 (3,811,906) (44,589,070) (1,250,128) (1,514,073) (28,966,107) (1,216,779) (3,500,208) (1,016,946) (256,751) (310,678) (37,808) (5,122,391) (3,385,550) (993,119) (245,947) (98,239) (27,985) (4,750,840) (253,991,693) (67,573) (6,032,417) (260,091,683) (210,150,017) (66,649) (16,084,689) (379,048) (226,680,403) (186,288) (155,520) (1,586,252) (1,586,252) (316,637,718) (390,039) (1,130,605) (1,520,644) (264,804,366) 70,156,157 33,741,325 11,773 11,773 6,761 6,761 78,432 78,432 78,849 78,849 (5,911,046) (44,396) (5,955,442) 892,664 (4,972,573) - 2 2 (61,784) (61,784) (61,782) 65,121,802 (25,274,869) 39,846,933 (4,706,281) (35,219) (4,741,500) (4,473,286) (9,129,176) - 22,954 22,954 (19,541) (97) (19,638) 3,316 24,615,465 7,161,973 31,777,438 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries 01 Distribution S.r.l. Name: 01 Distribution S.r.l. Date of incorporation: 27 June 2001 Objects: The company’s objects are the purchase and the distribution in cinemas and through home videos in Italy of TV and/or cinema movies and/or advertising films; the exploitation of any rights arising out of TV and/or cinema and/or advertising productions in which the company has an interest and/or operating role; the purchase and exploitation of licensing, merchandising and music rights. Share capital: Euro 516,456.00 Rai Cinema S.p.A. 100% Employees: 25 on permanent contracts 1 on a fixed-term contract Board of Directors: Chairman: Managing Director: General Manager: Directors: Carlo Macchitella (position vacant) Filippo Roviglioni Adriano Coni Filippo Roviglioni Board Secretary: (position vacant) Board of Statutory Auditors: Chairman: Statutory Auditors in office: Antonio Falsetti Alternate Statutory Auditors: Marco Buttarelli Enrico Laghi Mario De Gennaro Mauro Japino 209 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries 01 Distribution S.r.l. Balance Sheet - Assets A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 1.- Formation, start-up and similar costs 4.- Concessions, licences, trademarks and similar rights TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS 2.- Plant and machinery 3.- Industrial and sales equipment 4.- Other fixed assets TOTAL FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS 2.- Receivables d) other TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS C) CURRENT ASSETS II. RECEIVABLES 1.Customers 4.Parent company 4.ter - Deferred tax assets - recoverable within one year - recoverable after one year 5.Other TOTAL RECEIVABLES III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 1.- Bank and post office deposits 3.- Cash and cash equivalents on hand TOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES b) accrued income and other prepaid expenses TOTAL ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 210 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - 27,123 27,123 816 31,628 32,444 5,452 14,151 4,018 23,621 701 1,036 1,737 18,849 18,849 69,593 9,828 9,828 44,009 22,464,670 10,817,354 11,787,066 14,060,281 8,083 14,684 1,656,657 34,961,448 19,572 885,759 26,752,678 - - 3,447,633 1,744 3,449,377 38,410,825 3,083,353 1,143 3,084,496 29,837,174 38,480,418 188,878 188,878 30,070,061 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries 01 Distribution S.r.l. Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 516,456 2,169 41,193 9,612 569,430 516,456 1,366 25,941 16,054 559,817 17,865 17,865 - 190,211 130,500 D) PAYABLES 7.- Suppliers 11.- Parent company 12.- Taxes payable 13.- Social security institutions 14.- Other payables TOTAL PAYABLES 14,535,632 22,744,193 105,949 108,700 208,438 37,702,912 11,565,320 16,652,902 882,565 101,280 177,677 29,379,744 E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 38,480,418 A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL IV. LEGAL RESERVE VII. OTHER RESERVES - extraordinary reserve IX. NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR TOTAL EQUITY B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 2.- Current and deferred taxes TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY - Memorandum Accounts 4.- Other Others' guarantees covering our obligations TOTAL MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS 30,070,061 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 175,000 175,000 - 211 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries 01 Distribution S.r.l. Income Statement A) PRODUCTION VALUE 1.- Revenues from sales and services 5.- Other production-related income a) operating grants c) miscellaneous TOTAL PRODUCTION VALUE B) PRODUCTION COSTS 6.- Cost of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 9.- Personnel costs a) wages and salaries b) social security contributions c) staff severance pay e) other costs 10.- Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns a) amortisation of intangible assets b) depreciation of fixed assets d) writedowns of current receivables and cash and cash equivalents 14.- Miscellaneous operating costs TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS Operating profit C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 16.- Other financial income d) income other than the above . other 17.- Interest and other financial charges d) nterest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous charges 17 bis.- Foreign exchange gains and losses - net TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES 20.- Exceptional income c) other 21.- Exceptional charges b) prior-year taxes c) other TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET Profit before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Net profit for the year 212 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 61,579,123 26,263,369 1,481,741 30,606,348 32,088,089 93,667,212 309,316 17,658,822 17,968,138 44,231,507 (77,511) (89,336,252) (1,036,561) (61,982) (41,107,692) (769,947) (1,449,632) (461,494) (72,647) (15,694) (1,999,467) (1,084,842) (327,790) (55,370) (5,311) (1,473,313) (5,321) (2,472) (112,275) (120,068) (5,321) (7,567) (12,888) (888,858) (93,458,717) (614,316) (44,040,138) 208,495 191,369 75,406 75,406 37,694 37,694 (20,152) (20,152) (2,861) 52,393 (13,575) (13,575) 2,563 26,682 - - 41,792 41,792 1 1 (2,370) (2,370) 39,422 (9,222) (9,222) (9,221) 300,310 (290,698) 9,612 208,830 (192,776) 16,054 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Click S.p.A. Name: Rai Click S.p.A. Date of incorporation: 11 September 2000 Objects: The company’s objects are the creation, distribution, broadcasting and sale of audiovisual and multimedia products, both interactive and non-interactive, through broadband Internet protocol networks. Share capital: Euro 176,800 340,000 shares of par value Euro 0.52 each Rai 59.94%, Rai Trade 0.06%, e-Biscom 40%. Employees: 1 on permanent contract Board of Directors: Chairman: Managing Director: General Manager: Directors: Board of Statutory Auditors: Chairman: Statutory Auditors in office: Alternate Statutory Auditors: Franco Iseppi Franco Iseppi (position vacant) Paolo Agostinelli Stanislao Argenti Mario Rossetti Roberto Sergio Vittorio Terrenghi Alessandro Bolognesi Antonio D’Urso Tullio Piccolini 213 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Click S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Assets 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - 288,368 7,516 13,357 309,241 230,752 18,250 12,672 261,674 - - 7,064,133 479 7,064,612 8,255,733 394 8,256,127 - - IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 7,064,612 8,256,127 D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 64,519 7,438,372 66,571 8,584,372 A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES . due within one year . due after one year TOTAL RECEIVABLES III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS 214 (in Euros) Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Click S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity (in Euros) 31.12.2005 A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL II. SHARE PREMIUM ACCOUNT IX. LOSS FOR THE YEAR TOTAL EQUITY 176,800 6,349,646 (1,284,099 ) 5,242,347 31.12.2004 176,800 7,374,452 (1,024,806) 6,526,446 B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 12,000 18,850 C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY 5,316 5,193 D) PAYABLES 1,979,405 1,728,334 E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 199,304 7,438,372 305,549 8,584,372 Memorandum Accounts 4.- Other . Unsecured guarantees received TOTAL MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 1,368,645 1,368,645 1,092,132 1,092,132 215 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Click S.p.A. Income Statement 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 2,810,653 24,869 2,835,522 2,381,986 33,896 2,415,882 (8,697) (4,324,628) (4,113) (8,877) (3,732,021) (6,521) (54,686) (15,206) (3,557) (1,630) (75,079) (49,833) (13,659) (3,336) (814) (67,642) (244,267) (10,734) (77,242) (332,243) (252,958) (10,733) (7,334) (271,025) 12.- Provisions for risks 14.- Miscellaneous operating costs TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS (3,150) (57,764) (4,805,674) (22,057) (4,108,143) Operating loss (1,970,152) (1,692,261) A) PRODUCTION VALUE 1.- Revenues from sales and services 5.- Other production-related income TOTAL PRODUCTION VALUE B) PRODUCTION COSTS 6.- Cost of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 9.- Personnel costs a) wages and salaries b) social security contributions c) staff severance pay e) other costs 10.- Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns a) amortisation of intangible assets b) depreciation of fixed assets c) other non-current asset writedowns d) writedowns of current receivables and cash and cash equivalents C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 16.- Other financial income d) income other than the above . interest and commissions from parent company . interest and commissions from others and miscellaneous income 17.- Interest and other financial charges d) interest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous charges TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET 110,457 5,303 115,760 129,791 11,969 141,760 (274) (274) 115,486 (3) (3) 141,757 D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS - - E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - - Profit before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Loss for the year 216 (in Euros) (1,854,666) 570,567 (1,284,099) (1,550,504) 525,698 (1,024,806) Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Corporation S.p.A. - Italian Radio TV System Name: Rai Corporation – Italian Radio TV System Date of incorporation: 20 January 1960 Objects: The company operates in North America in the production, distribution and sale of radio and TV programmes. It is engaged in the development of international co-productions and provides support to Group companies. Share capital: US$ 500,000 50,000 shares of par value US$ 10 each Rai 100% Ownership: Rai Corporation Canada 100% Employees: 51 on permanent contracts Board of Directors: Chairman: General Manager: Directors: Mario Bona Guido Corso Filippo Bertolino Rubens Esposito 217 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Corporation S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Assets A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 7.- Other intangible assets TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS 2.- Plant and machinery 4.- Other fixed assets 5.- Assets under construction and payments on account TOTAL FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS 1.- Equity investments in a) subsidiaries 2.- Receivables d) other . due within one year . due after one year TOTAL NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES 1.- Raw materials, supplies and consumables TOTAL INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES 1.Customers 4.Parent company 4.bis - Tax receivables 5.Other TOTAL RECEIVABLES III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 1.- Bank and post office deposits TOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 218 (in US dollars) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - 5,525,112 5,525,112 1,187,016 1,187,016 3,055,800 979,622 4,035,422 106,589 191,589 1,019,996 1,318,174 1,000 1,000 34,663 387,121 421,784 422,784 9,983,318 27,985 359,133 387,118 388,118 2,893,308 - 9,925 9,925 136,656 4,834,945 48,465 574,641 5,594,707 154,242 1,940,769 18,685 1,500,597 3,614,293 - - 690,005 690,005 6,284,712 372,546 372,546 3,996,764 16,268,030 6,890,072 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Corporation S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL VII. OTHER RESERVES VIII. PROFITS (LOSSES) BROUGHT FORWARD IX. NET PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR TOTAL EQUITY B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 3.- Other TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES (in US dollars) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 500,000 10,000,000 (520,118 ) 69,112 10,048,994 500,000 558,230 (1,078,348) (20,118) - 40,000 40,000 C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY 1,910,794 1,868,309 D) PAYABLES 6.- Advances . due within one year . due after one year 7.- Suppliers 9.- Subsidiaries 11.- Parent companies 12.- Taxes payable 14. Other payables TOTAL PAYABLES 51,409 2,512,801 902,776 1,000 233,387 39,376 567,493 4,308,242 88,725 1,669,049 1,273,562 1,000 1,543,044 24,498 402,003 5,001,881 16,268,030 6,890,072 E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Memorandum Accounts 3.- Purchase and sales commitments 4.- Other . patronage letter . letter of credit . leasing of photocopy and fax machines . leasing of motor vehicles . assets on a free-on-loan basis (*) TOTAL MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS (in US dollars) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 18,598,367 17,070,347 2,000,000 2,000,000 76,681 18,513 26 22,693,587 2,500,000 2,000,000 6,359 26 21,576,732 (*) 26 paintings of notional unit value of $1, owned by Rai and held at the Montevideo office 219 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Corporation S.p.A. Income Statement (in US dollars) 31.12.2005 A) PRODUCTION VALUE 1.- Revenues from sales and services 5.- Other production-related income TOTAL PRODUCTION VALUE B) PRODUCTION COSTS 6.- Cost of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 9.- Personnel costs a) wages and salaries b) social security contributions c) staff severance pay 10.- Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns a) amortisation of intangible assets b) depreciation of fixed assets c) writedowns of current receivables 11.- Changes in inventories of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 12.- Provisions for risks 14.- Miscellaneous operating costs TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS Operating profit (loss) C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 16.- Other financial income d) income other than the above . interest and commissions from parent company . interest and commissions from others and miscellaneous income 17.- Interest and other financial charges c) interest and commissions payable to parent company d) interest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous charges 17bis.- Foreign exchange gains and losses - net TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS 220 19,893,390 308,995 20,202,385 31.12.2004 17,675,239 86,982 17,762,221 (291,275) (9,359,274) (3,221,958) (255,666) (9,056,296) (3,430,186) (4,656,919) (1,306,638) (102,661) (6,066,218) (4,239,557) (1,228,986) (54,744) (5,523,287) (195,586) (524,298) (36,878) (756,762) (28,040) (112,407) (801) (141,248) (9,925) (349,477) (20,054,889) (4,264) (40,000) (199,785) (18,650,732) 147,496 (888,511) 2,668 30,911 33,579 30,230 5,930 36,160 (115,292) (16,920) (132,212) 282 (98,351) (2,213) (17,413) (19,626) (765) 15,769 - - 38,772 - E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES 20.- Exceptional income b) out-of-period gains etc 21.- Exceptional charges b) prior-year taxes TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET 38,772 Profit (loss) before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Net profit (loss) for the year 87,917 (18,805) 69,112 (833) (833) (873,575) (204,773) (1,078,348) Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Corporation Canada - Italian Radio TV System Name: Rai Corporation Canada – Italian Radio TV System Date of incorporation: 18 February 1987 Objects: The company is wholly owned by Rai Corporation and its objects are the distribution in Canada of programmes produced by Rai for foreign viewing; it performs representation functions for Rai Corporation and assists this company in the production of radio and TV programmes in Canada. Share capital: Can$ 1,394 1,000 shares of par value Can$ 1.394 each Rai Corporation 100% Employees: None Board of Directors: Chairman: Directors: General Manager: Mario Bona Arnalda Bartoli Gino Bucchino Guido Corso Anthony Maniaci Guido Corso 221 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Corporation Canada Balance Sheet - Assets A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 222 (in Canadian dollars) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 1,394 1,394 - - - - 1,394 1,394 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Corporation Canada Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity (in Canadian dollars) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 1,394 1,394 1,394 1,394 B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES - - C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY - - D) PAYABLES - - 1,394 1,394 A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL TOTAL EQUITY E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 223 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Corporation Canada Income Statement (in Canadian dollars) 31.12.2005 224 31.12.2004 A) PRODUCTION VALUE - - B) PRODUCTION COSTS - - Operating profit - - C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - - D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS - - E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - - Profit before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Net profit for the year - - Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries NewCo Rai International S.p.A. Name: NewCo Rai International S.p.A. Date of incorporation: 28 February 2003 Objects: The company’s objects are the production, co-production, total or partial purchase in any form or manner of radio and TV programmes, and the broadcasting and distribution abroad of these programmes, with any means, standard mode and system permitted by present-day or future technology, directly or through other Italian or foreign enterprises, for this purpose preparing and signing all necessary and appropriate deeds, negotiations, contracts and agreements with Italian and foreign legal and natural persons, public and private entities, in particular with Rai - Radiotelevisione Italiana S.p.A. which is the concession-holder of the public service TV broadcasting, or its subsidiaries. Share capital: Euro 1,000,000 200,000 shares of par value Euro 5.00 each Rai 99.9%, Rai Trade 0.1%. Employees: None Board of Directors: Chairman: Vice Chairman: Managing Director: General Manager: Directors: Board of Statutory Auditors: Chairman: Statutory Auditors in office: Alternate Statutory Auditors: (position vacant) Roberto Chionne Massimo Magliaro (position vacant) Deborah Bergamini Pierluigi Malesani Pietro Pilello Demetrio Arena Domenico De Leo Antonio Falsetti Enrico Laghi 225 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries NewCo Rai International S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Assets A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 226 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - 7,828 7,828 7,828 7,828 C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES . due within one year . due after one year TOTAL RECEIVABLES - - 296,768 304 297,072 496,064 12,378 508,442 III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 297,072 508,442 D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 304,900 516,270 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries NewCo Rai International S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity (in Euros) 31.12.2005 A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL VIII. LOSSES BROUGHT FORWARD IX. LOSS FOR THE YEAR TOTAL EQUITY 1,000,000 (548,040 ) (221,933 ) 230,027 31.12.2004 1,000,000 (291,833) (256,207) 451,960 B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES - - C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY - - 74,873 64,310 304,900 516,270 D) PAYABLES E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 227 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries NewCo Rai International S.p.A. Income Statement (in Euros) 31.12.2005 A) PRODUCTION VALUE - B) PRODUCTION COSTS 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 14.- Miscellaneous operating costs TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS (304,182) (23,399) (4,422) (332,003) (369,407) (19,668) (7,939) (397,014) Operating loss (332,003) (397,014) C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 16.- Other financial income d) income other than the above . interest and commissions from parent company 17.- Interest and other financial charges c) interest and commissions payable to parent company TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES Loss before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Loss for the year 228 - 31.12.2004 5,210 6,530 5,210 (48) 6,482 (326,793) 104,860 (221,933) (390,532) 134,325 (256,207) Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries RaiNet S.p.A. Name: RaiNet S.p.A. Date of incorporation: 23 June 1999 Objects: The company’s objects are the production, distribution and sale of interactive and multimedia products and services for any media platform, making no distinction as to the distribution means, directed to private customers, business customers, the public administration and other authorities; the organisation and sale of third parties’ products and services of the kind stated above; the organisation, production and distribution of any kind of product and service that is economically relevant to the development of the Internet and of other interactive services. Share capital: Euro 5,160,000 1,000,000 shares of par value Euro 5.16 each Rai 99.9%, Rai Trade 0.1%. Employees: 55 on permanent contracts 11 on fixed-term contracts Board of Directors: Chairman: Vice Chairman Managing Director: Directors: Board of Statutory Auditors: Chairman: Statutory Auditors in office: Alternate Statutory Auditors: Giampaolo Rossi Luca Balestrieri Alberto Contri Fabio Belli Michele Lo Foco Roberto Nepote Roberto Sergio Roberto Chionne Antonio Falsetti Enrico Laghi Francesco Mariani Maria Eugenia Palombo 229 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries RaiNet S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Assets A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 3.- Industrial patents and intellectual property rights TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS 2.- Plant and machinery 3.- Industrial and sales equipment 4.- Other fixed assets TOTAL FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS 2.- Receivables d) other . due after one year TOTAL NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES 1.- Customers 4.- Parent company 5.- Other TOTAL RECEIVABLES III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES d) accrued income and other prepaid expenses TOTAL ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 230 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - 133,340 133,340 143,858 143,858 67,685 14,943 790,433 873,061 30,374 13,966 953,274 997,614 413 413 1,006,814 413 413 1,141,885 - - 3,151,968 6,435,702 13,915 9,601,585 3,995,624 5,020,922 15,035 9,031,581 - - 9,601,585 9,031,581 102,765 102,765 10,711,164 188,354 188,354 10,361,820 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries RaiNet S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 5,160,000 4,569 5,160,000 4,569 1 (1,374,610 ) 710,296 4,500,256 4,000,000 2 (773,026) (4,601,584) 3,789,961 B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 3.- Other TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 693,725 693,725 1,640,966 1,640,966 C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY 613,772 684,151 1,988,918 2,106,955 384,682 149,658 211,181 4,841,394 1,954,902 1,236,375 124,109 240,428 625,161 4,180,975 62,017 62,017 10,711,164 65,767 65,767 10,361,820 A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL IV. LEGAL RESERVE VII. OTHER RESERVES . Shareholders' payments on account of share capital . Euro rounding-off reserve VIII.LOSSES BROUGHT FORWARD IX. NET PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR TOTAL EQUITY D) PAYABLES 7.- Suppliers 11.- Parent company 12.- Taxes payable 13.- Social security institutions 14.- Other payables TOTAL PAYABLES E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME b) accrued expenses and other deferred income TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Memorandum Accounts 4.- Other (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 7,706,070 7,260,883 231 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries RaiNet S.p.A. Income Statement (in Euros) 31.12.2005 A) PRODUCTION VALUE 1.- Revenues from sales and services 5.- Other production-related income TOTAL PRODUCTION VALUE B) PRODUCTION COSTS 6.- Cost of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 9.- Personnel costs a) wages and salaries b) social security contributions c) staff severance pay d) pension and similar liabilities e) other costs 10.- Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns a) amortisation of intangible assets b) depreciation of fixed assets d) writedowns of current receivables and cash and cash equivalents 12.- Provisions for risks 14.- Miscellaneous operating costs TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS Operating profit (loss) C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 16.- Other financial income d) income other than the aboveinterest and commissions from parent companies 17.- Interest and other financial charges d) interest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous charges 17 bis.-Foreign exchange gains and losses - net TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES 20.- Exceptional income c) other 21.- Exceptional charges c) other TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET Profit (loss) before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Net profit (loss) for the year 232 12,445,931 638,787 13,084,718 31.12.2004 5,740,444 213,837 5,954,281 (60,036) (7,166,463) (36,047) (48,555) (6.680,182) (30,475) (2,822,453) (810,464) (200,892) (36,473) (113,149) (3,983,431) (3,226,286) (847,629) (207,165) (36,205) (13,382) (4,330,667) (131,781) (532,303) (200,000) (864,084) (93,396) (481,146) (574,542) (8,000) (90,806) (12,208,867) (717,000) (49,544) (12,430,965) 875,851 (6,476,684) 21,832 75,678 (2,488) (2,488) (12) 19,332 (286) (286) 6 75,398 - - - 2 2 895,183 (184,887) 710,296 (300) (298) (6,401,584) 1,800,000 (4,601,584) Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries RaiSat S.p.A. Name: RaiSat S.p.A. Date of incorporation: 29 July 1998 Objects: The company’s objects are the creation of TV and audio theme channels, events, on-line multimedia products, also by means of purchase from third parties production services and rights on audiovisual products (movies, cartoons, entertainment, documentaries, news, sports events, cultural events, music events, etc) and their inclusion in programmes to be distributed on free and pay channels. Share capital: Euro 2,585,000 500,000 shares of par value Euro 5.17 each Rai 94.9%, Rai Trade 0.1%, minority interests 5.0% Employees: 69 on permanent contracts 49 on fixed-term contracts Board of Directors: Chairman: Vice Chairman: Managing Director: General Manager: Directors: Carlo Sartori Marco Conti Gianluca Veronesi (position vacant) Pasquale D’Alessandro Carlo Nardello Barbara Poggiali Roberto Sergio Board Secretary: Giuseppe De Palma Board of Statutory Auditors: Chairman: Statutory Auditors in office: Paolo Germani Alternate Statutory Auditors: Maurizio De Crescenzo Rocco Nostro Paolo Ugo Tramontozzi Fabio Diozzi 233 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries RaiSat S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Assets 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - 7,663,353 116,131 26,321 7,805,805 8,656,306 141,714 118,155 8,916,175 134,406 46,184 81,946 262,536 130,186 62,523 192,709 11,505 11,505 8,079,846 15,043 15,043 9,123,927 - - 31,430,003 6,913,182 77,820 29,238,236 4,444,232 - 401,036 45,355 1,490,026 40,357,422 688,767 81,207 765,573 35,218,015 - - IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 3.- Cash and cash equivalents on hand TOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,075 1,075 40,358,497 1,440 1,440 35,219,455 D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES b) accrued income and other prepaid expenses TOTAL ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 557,357 557,357 48,995,700 281,576 281,576 44,624,958 A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 1.- Formation, start-up and similar costs 3.- Industrial patents and intellectual property rights 4.- Concessions, licences, trademarks and similar rights 7.- Other intangible assets TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS 2.- Plant and machinery 3.- Industrial and sales equipment 4.- Other fixed assets TOTAL FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS 2.- Receivables d) other . due after one year TOTAL NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES 1.Customers 4.Parent company 4.bis - Tax receivables 4.ter - Deferred tax assets . recoverable within one year . recoverable after one year 5.Other TOTAL RECEIVABLES III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS 234 (in Euros) Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries RaiSat S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 2,585,000 639,187 1,117,607 3,072,480 7,414,274 2,585,000 469,904 870,795 3,385,655 7,311,354 B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 1.- Pension and similar liabilities 3.- Other PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 7,022 956,093 963,115 7,022 1,770,469 1,777,491 C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY 1,117,451 1,109,657 D) PAYABLES 4.- Due to banks 7.- Suppliers 11.- Parent company 12.- Taxes payable 13.- Social security institutions 14.- Other payables TOTAL PAYABLES 267,747 16,854,906 21,332,756 303,476 274,952 467,023 39,500,860 1,953 14,201,141 18,893,247 492,682 353,853 452,495 34,395,371 E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME b) accrued expenses and other deferred income TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 48,995,700 31,085 31,085 44,624,958 A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL IV. LEGAL RESERVE VII. OTHER RESERVES IX. NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR TOTAL EQUITY Memorandum Accounts 3.- Purchase and sales commitments 4.- Other TOTAL MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 3,787,579 1,460,768 5,248,347 3,893,315 1,460,768 5,354,083 235 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries RaiSat S.p.A. Income Statement A) PRODUCTION VALUE 1.- Revenues from sales and services 5.- Other production-related income c) miscellaneous TOTAL PRODUCTION VALUE B) PRODUCTION COSTS 6.- Cost of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 9.- Personnel costs a) wages and salaries b) social security contributions c) staff severance pay d) pension and similar liabilities e) other costs 10.- Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns a) amortisation of intangible assets b) depreciation of fixed assets d) writedowns of current receivables and cash and cash equivalents 12.- Provisions for risks 14.- Miscellaneous operating costs TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS Operating profit C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 16.- Other financial income d) income other than the above . interest and commissions from parent companies 17.- Interest and other financial charges c) interest and commissions payable to parent companies d) interest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous charges 17 bis.-Foreign exchange gains and losses - net TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES 20.- Exceptional income b) out-of-period gains etc 21.- Exceptional charges b) prior-year taxes TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET Profit before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Net profit for the year 236 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 67,075,399 57,850,142 1,006,317 1,006,317 68,081,716 1,265,254 1,265,254 59,115,396 (319,535) (31,300,465) (12,167,415) (314,991) (23,143,024) (8,388,373) (4,909,779) (1,955,735) (317,002) (56,164) (22,504) (7,261,184) (4,172,470) (1,813,851) (280,091) (38,505) (25,000) (6,329,917) (9,927,655) (77,639) (60,351) (10,065,645) (12,432,899) (72,775) (147,211) (12,652,885) (799,548) (61,913,792) (500,000) (773,284) (52,102,474) 6,167,924 7,012,922 10,973 - (105,031) (6,313) (111,344) (15,195) (115,566) (196,529) (8,377) (204,906) (5,494) (210,400) - - 27,094 27,094 - 27,094 6,079,452 (3,006,972) 3,072,480 (129,605) (129,605) (129,605) 6,672,917 (3,287,262) 3,385,655 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Trade S.p.A. Name: Rai Trade S.p.A. Date of incorporation: 27 June 1997 formerly NUOVA ERI - Edizioni Rai - Radiotelevisione Italiana S.p.A. incorporated on 23 July 1987 Objects: The company’s objects are the production and exchange, in Italy and abroad, of goods and services in connection with radio and TV programmes and their recording on any support material, audiovisual products with any content (e.g.: sports, movies, TV series, etc) and relevant usage rights; setting up and operation, in Italy and abroad, of publishing, printing, journalist industries (with the exception of newspapers in compliance with the provisions of Articles 18 and 19 of Law 416 of 6 August 1981 as subsequently amended), book, music, audiovisual, record industries and industries producing goods and services with any other technology as the media development may bring; the sale (wholesale, retail sale and by mail) of the relative products and the relative resultant and merchandising rights; the control and supervision of advertising on Rai networks. Share capital: Euro 8,000,000 100,000 shares of par value Euro 80 each Rai 100% Ownership: Immobiliare Editori Giornali S.r.l. 1.75% Rai Cinema S.p.A. 0.002322%. RaiNet S.p.A. 0.1% Rai Way S.p.A. 0.00074% RaiSat S.p.A. 0.1% Rai Click S.p.A. 0.06% NewCo Rai International S.p.A. 0.1% Employees: 90 on permanent contracts 8 on fixed-term contracts Board of Directors: Chairman: Vice Chairman: Managing Director: General Manager: Directors: Roberto Di Russo Alba Calia Nicola Cona (position vacant) Paolo Francia Claudio Imbriani Antonio Marano Renato Parascandolo Board Secretary: Monica Monti Board of Statutory Auditors: Chairman: Statutory Auditors in office: Carlo Cesare Gatto Alternate Statutory Auditors: Francesco Poddighe Giovanni Battista Provenzano Giancarlo Consani Alberto Morelli 237 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Trade S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Assets A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 3.- Industrial patents and intellectual property rights 4.- Concessions, licences, trademarks and similar rights 5.- Goodwill 6.- Intangible assets under development and payments on account 7.- Other intangible assets TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS 2.- Plant and machinery 4.- Other fixed assets TOTAL FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS 1.- Equity investments in d) other companies 2.- Receivables c) parent company . due within one year . due after one year d) Other . due within one year . due after one year TOTAL NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES 3.- Contract work in process 4.- Finished goods and merchandise a) finished goods b) merchandise TOTAL INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES 1.Customers . due within one year . due after one year 4.Parent company 4.bis - Tax receivables 4.ter - Deferred tax assets . recoverable within one year . recoverable after one year 5.Other . due within one year . due after one year TOTAL RECEIVABLES 238 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - 1,068,729 15,162 12,405 358,320 218,126 1,672,742 741,365 79,887 27,566 1,425,150 181,987 2,455,955 682,218 466,567 1,148,785 1,026,220 314,464 1,340,684 31,946 31,173 40,000 73,333 - 26,781 26,781 172,060 2,993,587 4,200 43,782 47,982 79,155 3.875,794 48,019 18,928 71,505 516 120,040 516 19,444 45,800,128 49,710 22,016,197 268,667 52,584,540 32,000 19,664,983 - 1,765,275 1,148,378 2,255,370 1,152,452 2,510,280 950,000 74,508,635 2,496,338 78,185,683 III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 2.- Cheques 3.- Cash and cash equivalents on hand TOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS - - 8,520 8,520 74,637,195 480 5,428 5,908 78,211,035 D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES b) accrued income and other prepaid expenses TOTAL ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 113,426 113,426 77,744,208 86,209 86,209 82.173,038 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Trade S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 8,000,000 1,600,000 5,960,981 (1) 6,399,041 21,960,021 8,000,000 1,407,814 5,892,061 1 4,261,106 19,560,982 B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 1.- Pension and similar liabilities 2.- Current and deferred taxes 3.- Other TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 147,684 2,717,899 2,865,583 193 11,075,090 11,075,283 C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY 1,802,312 1,676,782 A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL IV. LEGAL RESERVE VII. OTHER RESERVES - Roundings-off reserve IX. NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR TOTAL EQUITY D) PAYABLES 4.- Due to banks . due within one year . due after one year 6.- Advances 7.- Suppliers 11.- Parent company 12.- Taxes payable 13.- Social security institutions 14.- Other payables . due within one year . due after one year TOTAL PAYABLES 3,869 4,648,788 27,277,207 14,794,788 324,097 265,653 229,119 95,566 5,836,058 24,038,744 15,767,176 667,303 246,020 3,527,326 274,564 51,116,292 2,903,678 76,327 49,859,991 E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 77,744,208 82,173,038 Memorandum Accounts 3.- Purchases and sales commitments 4.- Other TOTAL MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 55,885,705 14,033,593 69,919,298 17,439,788 19,436,295 36,876,083 239 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Trade S.p.A. Income Statement A) PRODUCTION VALUE 1.- Revenues from sales and services 2.- Changes in inventories of work in progress, semifinished and finished goods 3.- Changes in inventory of contract work in process 5.- Other production-related income c) miscellaneous TOTAL PRODUCTION VALUE B) PRODUCTION COSTS 6.- Cost of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 9.- Personnel costs a) wages and salaries b) social security contributions c) staff severance pay d) pension and similar liabilities e) other costs 10.- Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns a) amortisation of intangible assets b) depreciation of fixed assets c) other non-current asset writedowns d) writedowns of current receivables and cash and cash equivalents 12.- Provisions for risks 14.- Miscellaneous operating costs TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS Operating profit C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 15.- Income from equity investments c) dividends from other companies 16.- Other financial income a) from non-current receivables . other d) financial income other than the above . interest and commissions from parent company . interest and commissions from others and miscellaneous income 17.- Interest and other financial charges c) interest and commissions payable to parent company d) interest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous charges 17 bis.-Foreign exchange gains and losses - net TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS 18.- Revaluations a) of equity investments 19.- Write-downs b) of current financial assets TOTAL VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS - NET E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES 20.- Exceptional income b) out-of-period gains etc 21.- Exceptional charges b) prior-year taxes d) other . roundings-off 240 TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET Profit before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Net profit for the year (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 84,506,849 71,505 29,091 71,610,821 7,049 12,573,584 97,181,029 3,934,858 75,552,728 (232,442) (42,290,975) (11,290,815) (114,325) (33,194,963) (10,831,745) (4,380,411) (1,402,041) (316,735) (101,025) (13,116) (6,213,328) (4,061,795) (1,279,156) (284,766) (131,690) (18,755) (5,776,162) (14,680,680) (461,879) (465,006) (856,881) (16,464,446) (14,031,628) (740,140) (462,907) (434,210) (15,668,885) (356,953) (12,553,785) (89,402,744) (1,883,548) (67,469,628) 7,778,285 8,083,100 3,704 3,704 3,577 3,577 733 1,127 266,625 47,126 314,484 77,955 88,249 167,331 (48,650) (323,973) (372,623) 1,006,437 952,002 773 (382,723) (381,950) 4,772 4,772 (1) (1) 4,771 8,353,108 (1,954,067) 6,399,041 (102,454) (44,079) (146,533) (1,592,494) (1,568,119) (30,906) (30,906) 62,594 62,594 (18,621) (744,820) (1) (763,442) (700,848) 5,783,227 (1,522,121) 4,261,106 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Way S.p.A. Name: Rai Way S.p.A. Date of incorporation: 29 July 1999 Objects: The company’s objects are the design, development and maintenance of software and telecommunications networks, and the installation, implementation and management of these networks; the development and management of a business, distribution and assistance network aiming at the transmission, distribution and broadcasting of any kind of telecommunications services in the territory of the Republic of Italy, of San Marino and the Vatican City of signals, sound and video programmes of Rai and its subsidiaries. The company’s purpose also includes the provision of wireless equipment and relevant services to wireless operators, including the leasing of sites/antennas and co-leases, built-to-suit services, network programming and design, site research and purchase, site design and construction, network optimisation, infrastructure maintenance, network management and maintenance and relevant microwave or fibre transmission services. Share capital: Euro 70,176,000 13,600,000 shares of par value Euro 5.16 each Rai 99.9992%, Rai Trade 0.00074%. Employees: 706 on permanent contracts 27 on fixed-term contracts Board of Directors: Chairman: Vice Chairman: Managing Director: General Manager: Directors: Board of Statutory Auditors: Chairman: Statutory Auditors in office: Alternate Statutory Auditors: Pietro Gaffuri Roberto Caravaggi Stefano Ciccotti (position vacant) Marcello Di Tondo Cesare Bossetti Benito Benassi Giulio Andreani Lanfranco Duò Paolo Ugo Tramontozzi Giuseppe Maria Altadonna Fabio Piccoli 241 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Way S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Assets A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 1.- Formation, start-up and similar costs 3.- Industrial patents and intellectual property rights 6.- Intangible assets under development and payments on account 7.- Other intangible assets TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS 1.- Land and buildings 2.- Plant and machinery 3.- Industrial and sales equipment 4.- Other fixed assets 5.- Fixed assets under construction and payments on account TOTAL FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS 2.- Receivables d) other . due after one year TOTAL NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES 1.- Raw materials, supplies and consumables 3.- Contract work in process TOTAL INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES 1.Customers 4.Parent companies 4.bis - Tax receivables 4.ter - Deferred tax assets 5.Other TOTAL RECEIVABLES III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES b) accrued income and other prepaid expenses TOTAL ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 242 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - 1,042,322 1,426,156 111,379 2,579,857 6,031 129,040 2,157,211 127,776 2,420,058 46,141,581 85,733,926 2,493,871 83,179 23,228,146 157,680,703 48,832,092 91,533,256 3,001,915 79,055 18,797,780 162,244,098 1,096,313 1,096,313 161,356,873 1,182,651 1,182,651 165,846,807 2,262,276 75,012 2,337,288 2,115,815 776,956 2,892,771 7,427,683 56,598,453 122,426 1,980,135 1,520,748 67,649.445 8,048,538 59,584,617 14,189 535,839 1,548,302 69,731,485 - - 69,986,733 72,624,256 508,385 508,385 231,851,991 794,982 794,982 239,266,045 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Way S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL IV. LEGAL RESERVE VII. OTHER RESERVES including the Reserve for Accelerated Depreciation IX. NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR TOTAL EQUITY 70,176,000 1,636,612 13,832,409 9,360,000 5,635,197 91,280,218 70,176,000 1,247,612 12,017,566 9,360,000 7,779,843 91,221,021 B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 1.- Pension and similar liabilities 2.- Current and deferred taxes 3.- Other TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 995,336 11,896,794 17,866,942 30,759,072 999,113 7,024,100 15,207,587 23,230,800 C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY 24,967,474 23,073,088 D) PAYABLES 6.- Advances 7.- Suppliers 11.- Parent company 12.- Taxes payable 13.- Social security institutions 14.- Other payables TOTAL PAYABLES 55,473,141 20,762,543 1,625,863 1,651,043 3,492,913 83,005,503 773,607 61,834,651 27,498,091 1,973,166 2,024,295 4,934,473 99,038,283 1,839,724 1,839,724 231,851,991 2,702,853 2,702,853 239,266,045 E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME b) accrued expenses and other deferred income TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL EQUITY Memorandum Accounts 3.- Purchase and sales commitments 4.- Other TOTAL MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 43,300,000 34,837,092 78,137,092 43,300,000 24,284,924 67,584,924 243 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Rai Way S.p.A. Income Statement (in Euros) 31.12.2005 A) PRODUCTION VALUE 1.- Revenues from sales and services 3.- Changes in contract work in process 4.- Internal cost capitalisations 5.- Other production-related income a) operating grants b) gains on disposal of assets c) miscellaneous TOTAL PRODUCTION VALUE B) PRODUCTION COSTS 6.- Cost of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 9.- Personnel costs a) wages and salaries b) social security contributions c) staff severance pay d) pension and similar liabilities e) other costs 10.- Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns a) amortisation of intangible assets b) depreciation of fixed assets d) writedowns of current receivables and cash and cash equivalents 11.- Changes in inventories of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 12.- Provisions for risks 13.- Other provisions 14.- Miscellaneous operating costs TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS Operating profit C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 16.- Other financial income a) from non-current receivables . other d) income other than the above 17.- Interest and other financial charges c) interest and commissions payable to parent company d) interest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous charges 17 bis.-Foreign exchange gains and losses - net TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES 20.- Exceptional income b) out-of-period gains and reversal of non-existent liabilities 21.- Exceptional charges b) prior-year taxes TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET Profit before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Net profit for the year 244 31.12.2004 192,955,391 (701,944) 528,826 202,336,724 10,291 579,269 140,078 34 2,756,917 195,679,302 989,623 17,406 3,145,540 207,078,853 (3,701,891) (44,030,436) (42,209,650) (3,317,520) (42,910,986) (51,514,377) (34,123,827) (9,227,942) (2,633,115) (911,920) (231,100) (47,127,904) (32,394,082) (9,172,454) (2,445,063) (847,219) (430,641) (45,289,459) (592,093) (36,737,183) (184,000) (37,513,276) (1,225,950) (39,006,875) (186,000) (40,418,825) 146,460 (302,743) (1,693,695) (5,845,314) (182,278,449) 275,381 (315,000) (1,799,000) (5,131,456) (190,421,242) 13,400,853 16,657,611 25,225 12,660 37,885 43,469 18,954 62,423 (310,108) (28,893) (339,001) (85,200) (386,316) - (135,942) (135,942) (135,942) 12,878,595 (7,243,398) 5,635,197 (199,249) (745,020) (944,269) 120,799 (761,047) - 886,181 (4,454) (4,454) 881,727 16,778,291 (8,998,448) 7,779,843 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Sipra - Società Italiana Pubblicità per Azioni Name: Sipra - Società Italiana Pubblicità per Azioni Date of incorporation: 9 April 1926 Objects: The company’s objects are the acquisition and exploitation of any kind of advertising, specifically advertising through radio broadcasting stations; the acquisition of control or a share, both directly or indirectly, in the exploitation of any radio electric application. The company may also acquire, grant and sell equity investments in similar companies, in accordance with Article 2361 of the Italian Civil Code and the limitations imposed by Law 103 of 14 April 1975, in any company provided that the Board of Directors believes it is in the interest of the Company. It may perform any commercial, industrial, financial, securities or real estate transactions, in order to pursue the company’s objects. Share capital: Euro 10,000,000 100,000 shares of par value Euro 100 each Rai 100% Employees: 422 on permanent contracts 22 on fixed-term contracts Board of Directors: Chairman: Managing Director: General Manager: Directors: Raffaele Ranucci Mario Antonio Bianchi Maurizio Braccialarghe Fabio Belli Giuliana Del Bufalo Ugo Zanello Board Secretary: Laura Paschetto Board of Statutory Auditors: Chairman: Statutory Auditors in office: Salvatore Randazzo Alternate Statutory Auditors: Carlo Dominici Giuseppe Ferrazza Augusto Giovannelli Giuseppe Peri 245 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Sipra S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Assets A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 7.- Other intangible assets TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS 1.- Plant and machinery 4.- Other fixed assets TOTAL FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS 2.- Receivables d) other . due after one year TOTAL NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES 4.- Finished goods and merchandise b) merchandise TOTAL INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES 1.Customers 4.Parent companies 4.bis - Tax receivables 4.ter - Deferred tax assets 5.Other TOTAL RECEIVABLES 246 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - 1.595,212 1,595,212 1,487,115 1,487,115 29,730,781 1,754,515 31,485,296 29,881,919 1,707,945 31,589,864 341,519 341,519 33,422,027 445,667 445,667 33,522,646 44,067 44,067 89,093 89,093 341,863,143 46,547,229 32,804 841,709 12,483,283 401,768,168 306,282,804 72,960,651 886,912 876,545 13,558,738 394,565,650 III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 1.- Bank and post office deposits 3.- Cash and cash equivalents on hand TOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS - - 144,762 54,031 198,793 402,011,028 597,930 100,185 698,115 395,352,858 D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES b) accrued income and other prepaid expenses TOTAL ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 2,001,736 2,001,736 437,434,791 1,047,997 1,047,997 429,923,501 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Sipra S.p.A. Balance Sheet- Liabilities and Equity (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 10,000,000 1,113,870 2,000,000 10,853,296 11,596,381 35,563,547 10,000,000 1,113,870 2,000,000 10,815,690 18,537,606 42,467,166 B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 2.- Current and deferred taxes 3.- Other TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 568,130 4,980,579 5,548,709 1,153,169 4,590,408 5,743,577 C) PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY 9,623,487 9,498,321 D) PAYABLES 6.- Advances 7.- Suppliers 11.- Parent company 12.- Taxes payable 13.- Social security institutions 14.- Other payables TOTAL PAYABLES 3,413,528 11,174,755 366,277,886 894,750 1,578,854 2,903,282 386,243,055 3,067,152 11,519,573 345,623,530 6,042,177 1,925,578 3,592,948 371,770,958 E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME b) accrued expenses and other deferred income TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 455,993 455,993 437,434,791 443,479 443,479 429,923,501 A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL II. SHARE PREMIUM ACCOUNT IV. LEGAL RESERVE VII. OTHER RESERVES IX. NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR TOTAL EQUITY Memorandum Accounts 3.- Purchase and sales commitments 4.- Other - Guarantees received in favour of third parties - Guarantees received in our favour - Mortgage guarantee received from third parties TOTAL MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 660,171 997,068 31,315,226 1,074,856 32,390,082 33,050,253 33,590,705 2,542,422 268,969 36,402,096 37,399,164 247 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Sipra S.p.A. Income Statement (in Euros) 31.12.2005 A) PRODUCTION VALUE 1.- Revenues from sales and services 5.- Other production-related income b) realisation gains and reversal of excess liabilities c) other TOTAL PRODUCTION VALUE B) PRODUCTION COSTS 6.- Cost of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 9.- Personnel costs a) wages and salaries b) social security contributions c) staff severance pay e) other costs 10.- Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns a) amortisation of intangible assets b) depreciation of fixed assets 11.- Changes in inventories of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 12.- Provisions for risks 13.- Other provisions 14.- Miscellaneous operating costs TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS Operating profit C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 16.- Other financial income a) from non-current receivables . other d) financial income other than the above . interest and commissions from parent company . interest and commissions from others and miscellaneous income 17.- Interest and other financial charges c) interest and commissions payable to parent company d) interest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous charges 17 bis.-Foreign exchange gains and losses - net TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES 20.- Exceptional income b) out-of-period gains etc c) other 21.- Exceptional charges b) prior-year taxes c) out-of-period losses etc TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET Profit before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Net profit for the year 248 31.12.2004 1,219,922,607 1,220,054,141 7,337 7,101,102 1,227,031,046 9,560 8,200,332 1,228,264,033 (4,617,523) (1,170,957,927) (2,160,515) (4,579,694) (1,159,580,187) (1,966,655) (18,057,424) (5,931,648) (1,464,541) (1,203,207) (26,656,820) (18,735,424) (6,284,870) (1,481,442) (1,086,061) (27,587,797) (1,511,154) (2,220,417) (3,731,571) (1,484,619) (2,002,826) (3,487,445) (45,026) (311,321) (127,217) (1,888,595) (1,210,496,515) (42,424) (547,931) (101,893) (2,406,537) (1,200,300,563) 16,534,531 27,963,470 9,017 11,597 1,298,427 538,258 1,845,702 1,141,100 713,508 1,866,205 (14,131) (112,720) (126,851) (539) 1,718,312 - (19,014) (118,904) (137,918) (306) 1,727,981 - 595,493 595,493 (4,143) (4,143) 591,350 18,844,193 (7,247.812) 11,596,381 1,113,670 1,036,027 2,149,697 (1,500) (8,527) (10,027) 2,139,670 31,831,121 (13,293,515) 18,537,606 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Sacis S.p.A. - Commerciale Iniziative Spettacolo (in liquidation – resolution of 23 January 1998) Name: Sacis S.p.A. Commerciale Iniziative Spettacolo Date of incorporation: 4 June 1955 Objects: The company’s objects are to engage in activities pertinent to show business. Share capital: Euro 102,000 200,000 shares of par value Euro 0.51 each Rai 100% Employees: None Liquidator: Eugenio Quaglia Board of Statutory Auditors: Chairman: Statutory Auditors in office: Roberto Ascoli Alternate Statutory Auditors: Michele Giura Francesco Mariani Paolo Saraceno Pier Giorgio Tomassetti 249 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Sacis S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Assets A) SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID B) NON-CURRENT ASSETS I. INTANGIBLE ASSETS II. FIXED ASSETS III. FINANCIAL ASSETS 2.- Receivables d) other . due after one year TOTAL NON-CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS C) CURRENT ASSETS I. INVENTORIES II. RECEIVABLES 1.Customers 4.Parent company 4.bis - Tax receivables 5.Other TOTAL RECEIVABLES 250 (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 - - - - 36,152 36,152 36,152 36,152 36,152 36,152 - - 13,252 5,510,262 43,591 1,446 5,568,551 19,742 5,579,183 51,654 2,119 5,652,698 III. CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS IV. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 1.- Bank and post office deposits 3.- Cash and cash equivalents on hand TOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS - - 226 226 5,568,777 554 248 802 5,653,500 D) ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES TOTAL ASSETS 5,604,929 5,689,652 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Sacis S.p.A. Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Equity (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 A) EQUITY I. SHARE CAPITAL IV. LEGAL RESERVE VII. OTHER RESERVES IX. NET PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR TOTAL EQUITY 102,000 20,400 1,861,225 77 1,983,702 102,000 20,400 1,914,146 (52,921) 1,983,625 B) PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 1.- Pension and similar liabilities 3.- Other TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 1,115 3,350,611 3,351,726 1,115 3,398,111 3,399,226 C) TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES - - 267,713 888 900 269,501 103 305,794 904 306,801 5,604,929 5,689,652 D) PAYABLES 4.- Due to banks 7.- Suppliers 12.- Taxes payable 14.- Other payables TOTAL PAYABLES E) ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Memorandum Accounts 4.- Other TOTAL MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS (in Euros) 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 1,529 1,529 2,496 2,496 251 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Sacis S.p.A. Income Statement (in Euros) 31.12.2005 A) PRODUCTION VALUE 1.- Revenues from sales and services 5.- Other production-related income c) miscellaneous TOTAL PRODUCTION VALUE 25,532 42,103 47,505 73,037 151,578 193,681 B) PRODUCTION COSTS 6.- Cost of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise 7.- Cost of services 8.- Use of third-party assets 14.- Miscellaneous operating costs TOTAL PRODUCTION COSTS (4) (123,329) (32,401) (22,865) (178,599) (6) (197,745) (31,709) (22,270) (251,730) Operating profit (105,562) (58,049) C) FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES 16.- Other financial income d) income other than the above . interest and commissions from others and miscellaneous income 17.- Interest and other financial charges d) interest and commissions payable to others and miscellaneous charges 17 bis.-Foreign exchange gains and losses - net TOTAL FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET D) VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS E) EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES 20.- Exceptional income b) out-of-period gains etc 21.- Exceptional charges c) other TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES - NET Profit before taxes 22.- Current taxes for the year and deferred tax charges and credits 23.- Net profit (loss) for the year 252 31.12.2004 1 1 (526) (526) 65 (460) - 111,241 111,241 (5,142) (5,142) 106,099 77 77 7 7 (787) (787) (663) (1,443) - 7,156 7,156 (585) (585) 6,571 (52,921) (52,921) Rai Group Appendices Financial Statements of Associated Companies (summary schedules) 253 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Associated Companies Audiradio S.r.l. Date of incorporation: 22 March 1996 Objects: Objective and impartial surveys using the most suitable and modern means, and systematic diffusion of national, regional and sub-regional data regarding radio audiences in Italy for advertising purposes. Share capital: Euro 234,000 Owned by: Rai 33.33%; third parties 66.67% Auditel S.r.l. 254 Date of incorporation: 3 July 1984 Objects: Objective and impartial surveys using the most suitable and modern means, and systematic diffusion of national, regional and sub-regional data regarding radio audiences in Italy for advertising purposes. Share capital: Euro 300,000 Owned by: Rai 33%; third parties 67% Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Associated Companies Secemie - Societé Anonyme Date of incorporation: 30 June 1992 Objects: Satellite broadcasting of multi-language news bulletins. Share capital: Euro 3,829,395 (255,293 shares of par value Euro 15 each) Owned by: Rai 21.65%; third parties 78.35% San Marino RTV - S.p.A. Date of incorporation: 8 August 1991 Objects: The company objects are the concession for the radio and TV broadcasting of the Republic of San Marino, specifically: the installation and technical operation of radio and TV broadcasting facilities; the exclusive operation of the radio broadcasting services in the Republic of San Marino, considering the public interest of the same; the performance of activities in the production and marketing of radio and TV programmes, organisation of shows and sports events, cultural events and activities, including the development of relationships with the State, with other entities and companies operating in these sectors; any other activity that is considered useful to ensure that the radio and TV broadcasting company is managed in a cost-efficient manner, provided that any such activity is connected or related to the business. Share capital: Euro 516,460 1,000 shares of par value Euro 516.46 each Rai 50%; ERAS 50% Ownership: Servizi Contabili e Fiscali - S.C.F. S.r.l. 95% 255 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Associated Companies Associated companies 2005 summary financial statements Balance Sheets at 31.12.2005 ASSETS SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL UNPAID AUDIRADIO AUDITEL SAN MARINO RTV SECEMIE - - - - - NON-CURRENT ASSETS Intangible assets 10,688 360 54,140 Fixed assets 6,976 11,222 310,607 - Financial assets 7,443 7,727 12,139 3,670,123 CURRENT ASSETS Inventories Receivables Current financial assets Cash and cash equivalents ACCRUED INCOME AND PREPAID EXPENSES - - 9,909 90,427 1,058,073 4,785,104 - - - 922,791 2,740,114 2,994,889 1,532,993 162,104 1,152,072 7,609 5,650 46,819 - 2,863,257 4,077,921 6,751,711 5,907,090 AUDIRADIO AUDITEL SAN MARINO RTV SECEMIE 755,543 78,528 708,859 237,552 5,390,805 167,796 2,520,567 3,009,372 PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGES - - 220,000 17,050 PROVISION FOR STAFF SEVERANCE PAY 35,421 347,555 115,501 - 1,985,133 2,761,483 855,738 360,101 8,632 22,472 1,871 - 2,863,257 4,077,921 6,751,711 5,907,090 TOTAL Balance Sheets at 31.12.2005 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY SHARE CAPITAL Share capital, reserves and shareholders' contributions on account of share capital Net profit for the year PAYABLES ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED INCOME TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 256 Rai Group Appendices - Financial Statements of Associated Companies INCOME STATEMENTS 2005 AUDIRADIO AUDITEL SAN MARINO RTV SECEMIE PRODUCTION VALUE 2,569,166 13,199,393 4,620,252 17,163,932 PRODUCTION COSTS (2,454,513) (12,821,615) (4,521,610) (11,537,316) 38,478 56,456 69,154 (3,711,514) - - - - FINANCIAL INCOME AND CHARGES VALUE ADJUSTMENTS TO FINANCIAL ASSETS EXCEPTIONAL INCOME AND CHARGES Income taxes for the year NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (1) 1 - (215,481) (74,602) (196,683) - (83,600) 78,528 237,552 167,796 1,616,021 257 Rai Corporate Directory Corporate Directory Management headquarters Viale Mazzini, 14 Via Cernaia, 33 00195 Rome 10121 Turin Research Corso Giambone, 68 10135 Turin Radio Production Via Asiago, 10 00195 Rome TV Production Largo Willy De Luca, 4 00188 Rome Production Corso Sempione, 27 20145 Milan Production Via Verdi, 16 10124 Turin Production Via Marconi, 9 80125 Naples Valle d’Aosta Loc. Grande Charriere, 70 11020 Saint Christophe (AO) Veneto Palazzo Labia Campo San Geremia, 275 30131 Venice Bolzano Piazza Mazzini, 23 39100 Bolzano Emilia Romagna Viale della Fiera, 13 40127 Bologna Marche Piazza della Repubblica, 1 60131 Ancona Abruzzo Via de Amicis, 29 65123 Pescara Calabria Via G. Marconi 87100 Cosenza Puglia Via Dalmazia, 104 70121 Bari Sardinia Viale Bonaria, 124 09100 Cagliari 258 Liguria Corso Europa, 125 16132 Genoa Trento Via F.lli Perini, 141 38100 Trento Friuli Venezia Giulia Via Fabio Severo, 7 34133 Trieste Tuscany Largo Alcide De Gasperi, 1 50136 Florence Umbria Via Masi, 2 06121 Perugia Molise Viale Principe di Piemonte, 59 86100 Campobasso Basilicata Via dell’Edilizia, 2 85100 Potenza Sicily Viale Strasburgo, 19 90146 Palermo Rai Corporate Directory Profilo di Gruppo Rai SpA Viale Mazzini, 14 00195 Rome Tel. 06.38781 Rai Cinema SpA Piazza Adriana, 12 00193 - Rome Tel. 06.684701 info@raicinema.it Rai Click SpA Viale Mazzini, 14 00195 - Rome Tel. 06.3202969 Rai Corporation 1350 Avenue of the Americas 21st Floor New York - NY 10019 USA Tel. 001.212.468.2500 Rai International SpA Largo Willy De Luca, 5 - Saxa Rubra 00188 - Rome Tel. 06.331711 RaiNet SpA Corso Sempione, 27 20145 - Milan Tel. 06.38781 rai-net@rai.it RaiSat SpA Viale Mazzini, 14 00195 - Rome Tel. 06.68889068 Rai Trade SpA Via Umberto Novaro, 18 00195 - Rome Tel. 06.374981 info@raitrade.it Rai Way SpA Via Teulada, 66 00195 - Rome Tel. 800.111.555 raiway@rai.it Sipra SpA Corso Unione Sovietica, 612/3D 10135 - Turin Tel. 011.3915111 info@sipra.it 01 Distribution srl Piazza Adriana, 12 00193 - Rome Tel. 06.684701 259 Rai Radiotelevisione italiana SpA Parent Company: Company name: Share capital: Registered office: Rai - Radiotelevisione italiana SpA 242,518,100.00 Euros fully paid Viale Giuseppe Mazzini, 14 - 00195 Rome Produced by Rai SpA Administration Department Consulting and Editing Ergon Comunicazione Finito di stampare nel mese di giugno 2005