Volume 11-1 Jan.-Feb., 2000 - University of Kentucky Center
Volume 11-1 Jan.-Feb., 2000 - University of Kentucky Center
Energeia Home Vol. 11, No. 1, 2000 THE WHOLE DAM STORY: A Review of the China Yangtze Three Gorges Dam Don Challman UK Center for Applied Energy Research PART I OF A II P ART SERIES PART The article that appears below is the first installment of a two-part article on the China Yangtze Three Gorges Dam. This first installment describes the principal arguments for and the benefits of constructing the dam. Part two, which will appear in the next edition of Energeia, describes the arguments against the project and its impact on the natural and social environment of the Yangtze River Basin. Three Gorges Dam. It promises substantial public benefit, but brings with it significant consequences or trade-offs. Neither the proponents nor detractors will tell you the “whole dam story.” My purpose in writing this article is to do just that: to review the arguments for and against - the benefits and the costs of - constructing this dam. You can make up your mind about the wisdom of the venture. Chinese people. Now, along with the Great Wall of China, space travelers will be able to see the dam etched on Planet Earth from deep in outer space. It may one day be counted among the Modern Wonders of the World, along with their ancient counterparts. But will it stand the test of time? Critics of the dam have described it as “the most environmentally and socially destructive project in the world.” INTRODUCTION “I’m going to tell you the whole dam story,” says the gentleman ranger of the Interior Department. How often have those who’ve had the opportunity to tour the nation’s large dams – Hoover, Grand Coulee, Glen Canyon - heard that expression? And, I suspect the expression is much overused at the world’s other large dams. Some marvel at these massive structures as engineering wonders that provide inestimable public benefit – things like flood control, water supply, hydroelectric power, improved navigation and water recreation. Yet others don’t share this appreciation and have doubts about the ability of humankind to effectively harness nature, particularly the power of the world’s mighty rivers. They decry the damming of any free-flowing stream because of the irretrievable changes that are caused – things like the loss of important fishery resources, the inundation of arable land, the destruction of antiquities and archeological sites, and of course, the displacement of indigenous peoples. Such is the case of China’s Yangtze Artists rendering of the Yangtze Three Gorges Dam Project* PROJECT DESCRIPTION Spanning the banks of the venerable Yangtze River in central China at the small fishing village of Sandouping of Yichang City, Hubei Province, you will find what has been often described as the largest dam project in the world – the China Yangtze Three Gorges Dam. The dam, now over half constructed, is nothing less than a monumental undertaking, a massive public works project which attests to the ingenuity and engineering prowess of the ‘Large’ is a relative term, and in this case the physical dimensions (height, width and fill volume) of the Three Gorges Dam are not the defining characteristics. Neither is its reservoir capacity or the size of the watershed drainage area. The dam, which will be of a conventional concrete gravity type, will stand approximately 575 feet high above the river channel (equivalent to a 60-story building), and will have a span of nearly 1.5 miles across the Yangtze the third largest river in the world behind the Nile and Amazon. However, (continued, page 2) 1 The Whole Dam Story (cont.) the Three Gorges Dam is not the tallest nor widest dam in the world. There are at least 60 taller dams, many twice the height of the Three Gorges Dam, and there are many others whose span and volume are larger. Canada’s Syncrude Tailings Dam has the largest fill volume (540 million cubic meters), many times larger than the Three Gorges. The Hoover Dam on the Nevada-California border is significantly taller (standing 726 feet above the Colorado River), but has a span of less than a quarter of a mile. Grand Coulee Dam in the State of Washington is perhaps the most comparable in size, standing 550 feet with a span across the Columbia River of nearly one mile. The Three Gorges Dam is not the largest dam ever constructed. However, it can be characterized as the largest hydroelectric project in the world [see Electric Power Generation below]. When complete in 2002, the Three Gorges Dam will create an immense deep water reservoir 373 miles long and inundating 244 square miles of rural land and population centers in the upper reaches of the Yangtze from the municipalityregion of Chongqing (population 35 million) to Yichang City. In this section of the river, the Yangtze will become more lake than river. By the official count, as many as 13 major cities, 140 towns, and 326 peasant villages will be submerged in whole or in part by the impoundment, necessitating the resettlement out of the floodplain and onto higher ground of from 1.0 to 1.3 million people. Thousands of factories, businesses, temples, shrines and antiquities – some as old as 6000 years - will be moved or lost beneath the deep waters. Substantial agricultural acreage will be taken out of production in what can be considered China’s “breadbasket.” and the River (1988) author Lyman P. Van Slyke offers: “If one wishes to understand China, one must have some familiarity with the history of the Three Kingdoms [of Wei, Shu and Wu] and with the lore that surrounds it. Above all this is true on the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze where it seems that every bend in the river leads to another site associated with this epoch and to the stories that have grown around it like the layers of a pearl around its grain of historical fact. If the events seem complicated and the stage crowded with unfamiliar actors, that too is part of China’s reality. One might as well seek to know the Greeks without the Trojan War or the English without Shakespeare.” low-lying land dotted with numerous large lakes and eventually a flat delta plain on its 1,180-mile course from Yichang to the estuary at Shanghai where it dumps into the Yellow Sea. The area covers 48,649 square miles, nearly half consisting of rich agricultural land and the balance urban areas. The region supports a population of over 75 million, and because of its fertile agricultural land and abundant water resources is known as the “Land of Rice and Water.” The region is well known for its frequent and severe floods. Records indicate more than 200 devastating floods over 2000 years. In the 20th century, four severe floods (1931, 1935, 1949, 1954) led to huge property damage and loss of life, the latter exceeding 350,000. As recently as 1998 the region was subjected to major flooding when substantial rainfall led to record-breaking river heights at Wuhan and other downstream communities. Last summer the region was again visited by severe flooding. Four thousand people lost their lives and significant property damage occurred. Accompanying each flood, additional casualties and human suffering are associated with the spread of disease, including epidemic encephalitis B, leptospirosis and schistosomiasis carried by insect, rodent and shellfish hosts. By the official count, as many as 13 major cities, 140 towns, and 326 peasant villages will be submerged in whole or in part by the impoundment, necessitating the resettlement out of the floodplain and onto higher ground of from 1.0 to 1.3 million people. Moreover, the dam will partially inundate some of the most spectacular vistas found on the planet, the 120-mile stretch of the Yangtze River flowing through the majestic limestone canyons and peaks of the legendary Qutang, Wu and Xiling Gorges – some towering 4000-5000 feet. The beauty of the area has been the inspiration of Chinese poets and artists dating to the Xia Dynasty (2205-1766 BC), and it is this passionate and almost mythical attachment to the Yangtze down through the ages that adds fuel to the current debate about the Three Gorges Dam. Writing in Yangtze: Nature, History PUBLIC BENEFITS Irrespective of size, the question is why build a dam, any dam that will wreak such havoc on the inhabitants and environment of a river basin? According to the Chinese government, the primary and most compelling reason for the Three Gorges Dam is to control the frequent and devastating floods in the middle and lower reaches of one of the most treacherous rivers in the world. The dam will also provide secondary benefits associated with cheap and clean electric power and improved navigation and waterborne commerce. Each of these will be discussed, along with the principal concerns advanced by the opponents. FL OOD CONTROL AND DAM FLOOD SAFETY The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze widen and flow through flat, At present, the region’s safety and flood prevention relies entirely on miles of main dikes and back levees constructed to resist medium and minor floods of a 10-20 year frequency. The Three Gorges Dam will serve as the backbone of improved flood control. With a flood control storage capacity of nearly 18 million acre-feet, the Three Gorges Dam is intended to raise the flood control standard to that of a 100-year flood. Forty-five floodgates will comprise its spillway for regulating water levels in the reservoir for flood control purposes (and power and navigation). When all the gates are open, the spillway will have a discharge capacity of 102,500 cubic meters/second and will accommodate the discharge of the possible maximum flood. The performance of the dam in controlling floods has been the subject of lively debate among experts inside and outside of China. Moreover, concerns have been raised about the adequacy of the temporary coffer dams around the construction site, potentially unusable navigation facilities and the possible catastrophic failure of the main dam (continued, page 3) 2 The Whole Dam Story (cont.) after its completion. The concerns center on the adequacy of engineering studies of the river’s sediment load and rock strength properties of the underlying bedrock. Sedi-mentalogists have argued that the sediment loads in this exceptionally muddy river, aggravated by intensive deforestation and cultivation along its steep banks, have been grossly underestimated. The fear is that greater sediment loads, along with the slower flow rates caused by the impoundment, will lead to a faster build-up of silt, especially against the structure, which could cause floods to over top the dam. Seismologists have argued that fractures and fissures in the underlying bedrock could lead to seepage beneath and around the dam, compromising its stability. Some fear that the weight of the impoundment could trigger a fault line that lies beneath the area, causing a massive earthquake and possibly rupturing the dam. (One resident opined that “The dam will take 17 years and $17 million to construct, but could be brought down in 17 minutes by an act of war.”) under conditions that are practically untested and never before tested in such a large structure.” The largest dam to operate like this is China’s Sanmenxia Dam, one-fifth the size of the Three Gorges. The sediment load at Sanmenxia is said to have been underestimated as well and silting is now considered serious. The operating energy needs for an economy and population that is growing rapidly, and which is presently highly dependent on burning fossil fuels, primarily coal. The dam will supplant the need for at least 15 large coal-burning power stations and three large-scale coal mines each with an annual coal production of 15 million tons. Compared with the output of conventional coal-fired thermal electric plants, the Three Gorges Dam will displace about 45-50 million tons of raw coal combustion annually. This is good news for the Chinese whose cities are choked with soot and smog; pulmonary disease is the number one cause of death in China and respiratory problems are chronic among urban Chinese. This is also good news for the globe. China is the world’s second highest producer of regional acid rain and transglobal greenhouse gases. The reduction in coal use associated with the Three Gorges Dam will translate into a corresponding annual reduction in emissions of acid-rain and greenhouse gases equal to 100 million tons of CO2, 2 million tons of SO2, 10 thousand tons of CO, 370 thousand tons of NOx, as well as a large amount of wastewater and solid wastes. The dam is viewed by China’s leaders as a partial means of meeting the country’s growing demand for electric power, critically needed to fuel economic growth and for improving living standards. Moreover, given the mandates of the 1992 Rio conference on the environment and the Kyoto Protocol on climate change, the dam helps to reduce China’s reliance on fossil fuels, move to a low-carbon economy, and live up to its obligations among nations to reduce harmful emissions. According to the Chinese government, the primary and most compelling reason for the Three Gorges Dam is to control the frequent and devastating floods in the middle and lower reaches of one of the most treacherous rivers in the world. The Chinese government counters that the dam was constructed with a useful life of 100 years and, based on its models and calculations of the sediment load, silting over the period is expected to consume only 8-14 percent of the reservoir’s capacity. Rock strength has been characterized as of ‘relatively high stability as the dam will sit on a completely rigid landmass of crystalline rock and no major active faults have been identified in the area.’ Ostensibly, sedimentation will be lessened and controlled through periodic dredging, and more so through the effective operation of the dam, which, as described by the Chinese, involves ‘discharging the turbid and impounding the clear.’ During the flood season when the river carries the largest portion of its annual sediment load and run-off, the reservoir will be drawn down to a level which facilitates sediment sluicing and a large discharge of sediment out of the bottom outlets. At the end of the flood season, the reservoir will be raised to enhance power production and navigation. Critics point out that there is little experience in operating dams like this; only 17 in the world operate similarly, none as large as the Three Gorges. Perhaps the most eminent US expert on reservoir sedimentology, Luna B. Leopold, Emeritus Professor of Geology at UCBerkeley, has stated that “The Three Gorges Dam is designed to operate scheme has also been deemed counter intuitive to the dam’s purposes – to control floods, generate electric power and improve navigation. The critics have noted that the project’s costs and disruption could be minimized by the fortification of existing dikes and with a series of smaller dams in less populated tributaries and in the headwaters of the Yangtze. The restoration of the region’s many lakes, lost to unchecked urban sprawl, could also provide the natural storage they once did for the Yangtze’s floodwaters. ELECTRIC POWER GENERA TION GENERATION A second purpose of the Three Gorges Dam is to produce much needed power for Central and East China and the area east of Sichuan Province – all relatively impoverished areas lacking in economic development. The dam has a nameplate electricity generating capacity of 18,200 MW, making it the largest hydroelectric facility in the world. The dam will employ twenty-six hydro turbine generators, each with a capacity of 700 MW, and each equivalent to a mediumsized nuclear reactor in output. General Electric Canada, ABB and Siemans turbines will be employed for the first 16 units, with the make and manufacture of the remaining to be decided later (presumably of Chinese manufacture). The companies will provide construction, initial start-up and operational assistance, after which the facilities will be turned over to the electric utility managing the dam. The dam is intended to provide approximately 10 percent of China’s 3 Critics counter that, like flood control, they don’t believe the dam will meet performance expectations relative to its electricity output; the dam has a guaranteed capacity of just over 4000 MW. They have raised concerns that the sediment load may clog drainage outlets and foul key components of the hydroelectric stations. The dam’s electricity output will also be dependent on the mode of operation of the reservoir, again suggesting that the operational needs for flood control, navigation and power generation may be incongruous. Those closest to the situation - Chinese journalists, scientists and activists - have again suggested that a series of smaller dams in the headwaters or along less populated tributaries of the Yangtze could provide both (continued, page 4) The Whole Dam Story (cont.) needed power and flood control benefits, without the disruption associated with a large dam on the main stem of the river. Flood control benefits aside, environmentalists have been quick to point to energy conservation, cogeneration, biomass and other renewable energy sources (excepting hydro) to meet China’s energy needs. However, while modest gains can and should be expected here, these are unlikely to meet China’s future energy requirements. At current growth rates, China will need an additional 17,000 MW per year for the next decade. And, while China’s economy will continue to be driven by a mix of energy resources, it will be principally dependant on its abundant coal resources. This has led some to suggest that China’s energy requirements might be better served by building (at a fraction of the dam’s cost) the additional coal-fired electric power stations that are needed. In addition, they point to the employment of new advanced coal technologies; for example, Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle which involves coal gasification to generate electricity more efficiently through gas and steam turbines and to permit more effective gas clean up. The advantages include greater flexibility in fuel selection, higher thermal efficiencies and superior environmental performance. China’s energy needs and mandates to reduce greenhouse gas emissions could be achieved by other means. Map of the Three Gorges Dam Project* the Yellow Sea to Chongqing, potentially making the city the largest inland port in the world. The ship lift is being constructed to speed river traffic through the dam for smaller 3000-ton cargo ships and passenger boats since the estimated time through the stairstep lock could be as long as 2 hours, 20 minutes. With the regulation of the water level in the reservoir, river flows below the dam will be considerably deeper permitting improved navigation NA VIGA TION AND WA TER NAVIGA VIGATION WATER COMMERCE Another important purpose of the Three Gorges Dam is to improve navigation along the river’s 1500-mile course inland to the interior of China from Shanghai to Chongqing. The permanent navigation structures at the dam will consist of a double-way fivestep ship lock and a single one-stage vertical hoisting shiplift. The facilities will permit a five-fold increase in shipping from the present 10 million tons up to an annual one-way passing capacity of 50 million tons, bringing with it much needed economic development and prosperity. Shipping costs will also be reduced dramatically, by as much as 35 percent. The dimensions of the ship lock are intended to accommodate 10,000-ton ocean-faring ships traveling from the mouth of the river at in the middle reach of the Yangtze during the dry season. The dam is also expected to lead to the development of reservoir fisheries and a robust tourism industry, improve water quality and protect lake areas downstream, and be employed in a south-to-north water diversion plan to irrigate arid cropland in Northern China. The critics counter that the problem of sediment loads may create shifting sandbars and channels, which could impede ship traffic. The dam may also obstruct, rather than improve, navigation by making shipping vulnerable to an untested lock system, which would hold up traffic every time there was a mechanical failure. The mode of reservoir operation has also been judged inconsistent with navigation needs. The need to draw down the reservoir during the flood season will allow more water to pass through the dam, raising the water level in the middle and lower reaches. There are serious concerns about whether large ships will be able to clear some bridges with the elevated river heights caused by operation of the reservoir. Don Challman, CAER Associate Director for Administration, visited China and the Three Gorges Dam last fall as part of an invited delegation co-sponsored by People to People International and the American Society of Public Administration. Passing thru the Three Gorges on the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze 4 * Environmental Impact Statement for the Yantze Three Gorges Project, Science Press, Beijing. by Scott Beveridge Of all humankind’s inventions, none offers greater power to people like you and me than the internet. It’s a tool all of us should be using whether we are young or old, male or female, rich or poor. Why? Simply because it is within our reach and because its potential to help us progress as individuals can’t be duplicated by any other means. Here are some examples: PROFES SIONAL DEVEL OPMENT DEVELOPMENT On the net, you can easily find information about schools, seminars, conferences and trade associations. Find companies that are doing your kind of work and learn what’s new in your field. A great deal of training is available online. Some of it is very inexpensive or free. Find exactly what you are looking for and the links that refer you to other sources. Many state government web sites can help employers with training programs and links to other sources. standing before long rows of computers sending and receiving email messages. Over five million messages were sent to their homes and offices in countries around the world during that four-day event. NETWORKING AND MEETINGS EDUCA TION EDUCATION The internet is a great place to network, to check up on who is doing what with which company and where it is all happening. Most conference sites now provide hotel and conference registration online. It doesn’t get much easier than this. With internet technology, individuals rapidly gather, evaluate, use and communicate information. If your student can gather information on the internet in sixty minutes — when it takes another student six to ten times longer to gather information conventionally — who is more likely to succeed at school? PUBLICA TIONS PUBLICATIONS Many journals now offer abstracts or complete articles online. Some upstart journalists even began their journals online — without any paper copies in circulation. The many advantages this offers both publishers and readers are: quickness (no printing or mailing delays); no paper trail (to take up valuable drawer space); and the potential to be interactive. INTERESTS COMMUNICA TION COMMUNICATION THE FUTURE During recent congressional hearings, one hightech executive testified that over one trillion email messages were sent last year. It has become as basic a part of the work day as getting the morning cup of coffee. The internet is in its infancy. Its potential to help us progress as individuals can’t be duplicated by any other means. It’s there for all of us to step up to and use in good and productive ways. Don’t delay! One indelible sight at a recent Comdex computer show in Las Vegas was that of show attendees, A shorter version of this article first appeared in Coal People, September, 1999. In addition to the obvious professional aides provided by cyberspace, it is also the hobbyist’s delight. Whether it be genealogy, current events, health news, or shopping ‘til the mouse drops, the internet offers an overwhelming array of sites to peruse. 5 October 7-10, 2001, Lexington, KY USA This symposium will focus on the scientific study and process engineering of deactivating catalysts, as well as their regeneration. Preliminary Topics include: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Carbon Deposition and Coking Sintering and Thermal Degradation Modeling and Kinetic Studies Characterization of the Working Catalyst Deactivation/Regeneration in Industrial Processes Deactivation in Environmental Applications Poisoning For more information contact: Burt Davis UK Center for Applied Energy Research 2540 Research Park Drive Lexington, KY 40511-8410 tel (606) 257-0251 fax (606) 257-0302 http://crtc.caer.uky.edu/iscd/formregs.htm Energeia is published six times a year by the University of Kentucky's Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER). The publication features aspects of energy resource development and environmentally related topics. Subscriptions are free and may be requested as follows: Marybeth McAlister, Editor of Energeia, CAER, 2540 Research Park Drive, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40511-8410, (606) 257-0224, FAX: (606)-257-0220, e-mail: mcalister@caer.uky.edu. Current and recent past issues of Energeia may be viewed on the CAER Web Page at www.caer.uky.edu. Copyright © 2000, University of Kentucky. Non-Profit Organization UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY U.S.Postage PAID Lexington, Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research 2540 Research Park Drive University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40511-8410 Permit No. 51 6
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