Changing Views


Changing Views
100 Years After the Exhibition
Masterpieces of Muhammedan Art
in Munich
September 2010 – February 2011
Dance Performances
Changing Views
100 Years After the Exhibition
Masterpieces of Muhammedan Art
in Munich
Munich, September 2010 – February 2011
Music | Poetry
Edition Notice
Interactions with the «Other» and the unknown have been a
continuous source of transformation and constitute occasions
for cultural self-reflection, providing impetus towards rethinking
former perspectives and prejudices, and uncovering new ways
of thinking – Changing Views.
The exhibition Masterpieces of Muhammedan Art, which took
place in Munich in 1910, marked a turning point in the historical
conception of the Islamic world. This monumental exhibition
displayed almost 3,600 artefacts from various Muslim regions.
It was intended to distinguish itself from the prevailing oriental
and exotic fantasies of the time and thus set a new benchmark
for the reception of Islamic arts in Europe.
In recognition of the 100th anniversary of this legendary exhibition, the Department of Arts and Culture and various affiliated
museums, galleries, and educational facilities have organised a
comprehensive series of exhibitions and related events. This
interdisciplinary programme, entitled Changing Views, explores
Islamic artistic and cultural traditions from multiple perspectives.
The events will be conducted in German unless indicated otherwise.
The Future of Tradition – The Tradition of Future:
100 Years after the Exhibition
Masterpieces of Muhammedan Art
in Munich
With the generous support of
the Schörghuber Corporate Group
and the Goethe Institute Egypt
In collaboration with the Kunsthistorisches
Institut in Florence – Max Planck Institute
Friday, 17 September 2010 – Sunday, 09 January 2011
Guided tours:
Haus der Kunst, Prinzregentenstraße 1, 80538 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-211 27-113,
Opening hours: Mon – Sun 10 -20 h, Thu 10 -22 h
Admission: 10 | 7 € [reduced]
In 1910, the largest exhibition of art from the Islamic cultural sphere took
place in Munich. With almost 3,600 exhibits in 80 rooms, Masterpieces
of Muhammedan Art set new standards for the research and reception
of art from Muslim countries. Exactly one hundred years later, the exhibition at the Haus der Kunst recalls this epoch-making show but with a
critical addition: it not only includes contemporary art, design, photog raphy, architecture and fashion, but also provides the opportunity for
contemporary artists and institutions from throughout the Islamic world
to participate in the exhibition and thus provide fresh perspectives on
a multitude of contemporary issues. The exhibition space, for instance,
is designed by Samir el Kordy, one of Egypt's most innovative young
architects, while collaboration with Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès and the
Khatt Foundation allows the presentation of new developments in
Arabic typography. The central space of the exhibition is devoted to the
reinstallation of approximately 30 of the most distinctive and well-known artefacts originally presented in the 1910 exhibition, while contributions
by invited artists and institutions fill the surrounding spaces.
Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation
Public tours, free of charge, German
every Mon 18 h, Fri 16 h, Sun 15.30 h
Public tours, free of charge, English
Fri 18.30 h on 17 | 24 Sep, 1 | 8 | 15 | 22 Oct
5 | 19 Nov, 3 | 17 Dec
Public tours of the MVHS, German
every Sat 15 h, 6 €
«art after work» or «tour, coffee and cake»
see to
Private tours may be arranged on request
Zukunft der Tradition – The Future of Tradition
edited by Chris Dercon and Avinoam Shalem, Prestel Verlag,
Munich 2010, German and English, 120 p. Price: 29.80 €
[exhibition], 39.95 € [book trade]
Framework programme: see p. 44
The Aura of Alif
The Art of Writing in Islam
Friday, 22 October 2010 – Sunday, 20 February 2011
Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde München
Maximilianstraße 42, 80538 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89 -21 01 36 -100
Opening hours: Tue –Sun 9.30 -17.30 h
Admission: 6 | 5 € [reduced]
The written world is a central component of Muslim culture and heritage. The exhibition aims to introduce viewers to the beauty of Arabic
writing and the depth of its meaning and metaphoric complexity. Beginning with the inherent aesthetic quality of calligraphy, visitors will be
acquainted with the historical, contextual, and symbolic dimensions of
writing with regards to religious, poetic and occult texts. Writing surfaces
include not only paper and animal hide, but also ceramic, metal, glass,
wood and textiles. The objects on display date from the early period of
Islam to the present and include examples fashioned for the ruling elite
and also pieces more representative of a «folk» or popular aesthetic
date. The dignity of Muslim cultures and their artistic forms of expression
are brought to life in the aura of the Alif, the first letter in the Arabic
alphabet, symbolic of divine beauty.
Guided tours:
may be arranged for groups
on request
Public tours of the museum
occur on Sundays, 14 h:
24 Oct | 21 Nov |12 Dec 2010 and
23 Jan | 20 Feb.2011
Public tours of the MVHS, 14.30 h:
14 Nov | 05 Dec 2010 and 09 Jan |
13 Feb 2011 6 €
Framework programme:
siehe S. 46, 47, 48, 50, 51
The Aura of Alif.
The Art of Writing in Islam
Edited by Jürgen Wasim Frembgen
Munich 2010, Prestel Verlag
Exhibition Oya
April 2011 until March 2012
see lecture on p. 43
The Wonders of Creation
Manuscripts of the Bavarian State Library
from the Islamic World
Thursday, 16 September 2010 – Sunday, 05 December 2010
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Ludwigstraße 16, 80539 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-286 38-24 29,
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 10 -17 h, Thu 10 -19 h
Sat | Sun 13 -17 h, closed on holidays
Free admission
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the exhibition Masterpieces
of Muhammedan Art, the library has organised a selection of its precious manuscripts.
As one of the world’s preeminent academic libraries, the Bayerische
Staatsbibliothek has been collecting an extensive archive of Islamic manuscripts for over 450 years. The repertoire encompasses over 4,000
manuscripts from throughout the Islamic world. Following the tradition
of 1910, valuable objects which were once displayed in the exhibition
Masterpieces of Muhammedan Art are now shown in the library’s Fürstensaal, whereas in the Schatzkammer important new acquisitions of
the past 100 years are introduced. The 80 artefacts on display include
superb Koran manuscripts and prayer books, illustrated Arabic manuscripts, Persian and Turkish miniature manuscripts, calligraphies and examples of particular book-binding and paper-making techniques.
An audioguide system in German is available free of charge.
Framework programme: see p. 34
The Wonders of Creation.
Manuscripts of the Bavarian State Library
from the Islamic World
Exhibition’s curator and editor of the catalogue:
Dr. Helga Rebhan. 20 €
Inner Landscapes
Israeli Contemporary Photography
Friday, 10 September 2010 – Saturday, 09 October 2010
Bernheimer Fine Art Photography, Brienner Straße 7, 80333 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-22 66 72,
Opening hours: Tue – Fri 10 -18 h, Sat 11-16 h
Free admission
This exhibition in the Bernheimer Gallery grants the audience insight
into the art of the Israeli post-war generation of photographers. Their
work considers the topography of Israel today, focusing both on the
actual geographic surface of the region and on the psychological state
of their generation. Political changes and the religious conflict between
the Jewish and Muslim populations form the framework of this exhibition.
Michal Rovner [*1955, Israel] uses photography, installation, and video
arts for delving into the main principles of a collective identity and a
sense of «togetherness». Simcha Shirman [*1947, Germany], Gilad Ophir
[*1957, Israel] and Roi Kuper [*1957, Israel] study the country's changing
borders and the population's point of view. The work of Sigalit Landau
[*1969, Israel], considered one of the foremost contemporary Israeli artists, addresses topics such as «foreignness» and migration, the individual
and society, and reality versus utopia.
This exhibition is organised in cooperation with the Tel Aviv Museum of
Art and it furthers the Art Road to Peace project of the German Friends
and Patrons of the Tel Aviv Museum. In this project, Jewish and Muslim
children will have the opportunity to approach each other in joint art
Inner Landscapes. Israeli Contemporary Photography
Bernheimer Fine Art Photography. 15 €
«No Image»
Friday, 27 August – Sunday, 10 October 2010
Vernissage: Thursday, 26 August 2010, 19 h
whiteBOX, Grafinger Straße 6, 81671 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]170/658 26 15
Opening hours: Thu – Fri: 17 h - 21 h, Sat – Sun: 15 h - 20 h
Admission: 3 €
No Image displays contemporary art productions from different cultural
backgrounds, focusing on the implementation of religious bans on
images and image-making. Central topics include the blurry boundary
between symbols, icons and images; the handling of image worship or
its negation, the destruction of the Bamiyan statues, as well as ornamentation, script, and calligraphy. The discussions of such topics will foster dialogue about distinctions, parallels, intersections, and similarities
between distinct religious and
cultural communities. The exhibition will be accompanied
by a catalogue.
Idea: Gotlind Timmermanns
Organiser: whiteBOX e.V.
Framework programme:
19 September 2010 | 12 h
Images and Tattoos in Islam.
From the Middle Ages to
the Digital Age
Further events
[such as an Ebru workshop with Tülay Akcan
guided tours, readings
discussions and concerts]:
see to
Divine Poetry
Koran Suras on Beechwood Tablets
Saturday, 16 October 2010 –
Monday, 01 November 2010
St. Markus Church
Gabelsberger Straße 6, 80333 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-54 90 27-0
Opening hours:
Sat, 16 Oct. 2010: Munich Museum Night
Sun, 17 Oct. 2010, 19 h: Vernissage and Reading
Mon, 18 Oct. – Mon, 1 Nov. 2010: every day 12 -16 h
Free admission, donations welcome
This exhibition considers 14 large beechwood tablets lettered with Koranic suras by the artist and
calligrapher Shahid Alam. Shahid Alam was born
in Lahore/Pakistan and has been working as a
freelance artist in Aachen since 1994.
The suras calligraphed in ink onto the tablets render Koranic passages which display affinities with
passages from the Old and New Testaments. Shahid
Alam does not imitate an Arab style of writing but,
over the years, has developed a distinct personal
style based on his experience.
Organiser: Munich Protestant Academy, St. Markus
publishing company C.H. Beck, Eugen Biser Foundation
Framework programme: see p. 31-33
Tours with the artist:
Wed 20 | Fri 22 | Wed 27 | Fri 29 Oct
15 h, Admission: 5 €
Series of Lectures
Masterpieces of Islamic Architecture
Thursday, 07 October 2010 – Thursday, 03 February 2011
Gasteig, Lecture Hall 0.117
Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-44 47 80-50/-52
Admission: 6 €
Mosques, palaces, madrassas, bazaars, caravanseries – the splendor and
diversity of Islamic architecture is truly impressive. During ten evening
meetings, participants will be introduced to outstanding masterpieces
of Islamic architecture through an array of images, while learning the
significant facts about their construction and gaining insight into their
respective cultural histories.
Organisers: Munich Adult Education Centre [Münchner Volkshochschule]
in collaboration with the Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich
07 Oct 2010 | 20 h
The Courtyard Mosques:
Ibn-Tulun, Al-Azhar, Mezquita
and the Umayyad Mosque
14 Oct 2010 | 20 h
The Construction of Domed mosques
from the earliest examples to
the masterpieces of Mimar Sinan
21 Oct 2010 | 20 h
Iwan Mosques – Masterpieces
of Architecture in Iran, Turkestan
and India
18 Nov 2010 | 20 h
The Palaces of Alhambra,
Madinat al-Zahra and Mshatta.
25 Nov 2010 | 20 h
The Alcázar [Sevilla], Topkapi &
Azem Palaces
02 Dec 2010 | 20 h
The Palaces of the Rajas and
Maharajas in India
13 Jan 2011 | 20 h
Madrassas – Places of Study
in Damascus and Aleppo
20 Jan 2011 | 20 h
Madrassas – Places of Study
in Isfahan, Samarkand and Chiva
27 Jan 2011 | 20 h
Bazaars and Caravanserais
in Cairo, Damascus and Aleppo
03 Feb 2011 | 20 h
Bazaars and Caravanserais
from Istanbul to India
Debate on Architecture
«Something Entirely New and Unique»
Contemporary Mosque Architecture
in Germany
Architect of the Cologne
Islamic Cultural Centre
Architekturbüro Paul Böhm
Architect of the Penzberg
Islamic Forum
Jasarevic Architekten
Educational Trip
The Penzberg Mosque
Thursday, 07 October 2010, 19 h
GÖNÜL YERLI, Deputy Director of the Penzberg Islamic Forum
Evangelische Stadtakademie München, Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 24, 80331 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-54 90 27- 0,
Admission: 7 | 6 € [reduced], free admission for students
Saturday, 23 October 2010, 9:15 h – approx. 15:30 h
In 2005, one of the most architecturally innovative of Germany‘s mosques
was inaugurated in Penzberg. Alen Jasarevic, an architect of Bosnian origin, designed the plan of the structure.
Another distinctive structure, the Cologne Islamic Cultural Centre, designed by the Cologne-based architect Paul Böhm is currently under
construction. Featuring an open dome, this building blends traditional
and modern aesthetics.
How does contemporary mosque construction address both innovative
architectural design and its social implications? What new and unique
building characteristics should be considered upon the inception of
similar projects?
Organiser: Munich Protestant Academy
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-54 58 05-0,
Admission: 14 € incl. train ticket and snack
Since autumn 2005, the city of Penzberg has enjoyed an unusual new
mosque designed by Alen Jasarevic situated directly on the city’s main
thoroughfare. Although mosque construction continues to incite discussion, debate and even criticism in many urban centres, Penzberg’s mosque is widely celebrated.
Ms. Gönül Yerli will provide participants with a tour of the mosque focusing on the building’s modern architectural features. The tour will be
followed by refreshments and participants will engage in a discussion
regarding Muslim life in the Oberland region and general issues surrounding the process of cultural integration.
We will meet at platform 27 of Munich Central Station at 9:15 am, train to Penzberg.
Organiser: Munich Education Centre [Münchner Bildungswerk]
Series of Films
The Crescent and the Gods
Islamic Sites in India
Le grand voyage
Journey to Islamic Worlds
Tuesday, 14 December 2010, 20 h
Gasteig, Lecture Hall 0.117, Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-44 47 80 -10/51,
Admission: 6 €
Wednesday, 08 September 2010 – Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Filmmuseum im Münchner Stadtmuseum
St.-Jakobs-Platz 1, 80331 Munich
Ticket reservation: 0049-[0]89-233-964 50
Admission: 4 | 5 €
Muslim conquerors erected impressive monuments and religious sites
in Hindu India which continue to be a source of fascination. This lecture
uncovers the most important pilgrimage sites, tombs, and palaces of the
Islamic Indian subcontinent, considering both widely known structures
and those known only to insiders. At the same time, participants will
learn more about the history of Muslim India [home to 140 million Muslims and home to the world’s third largest Muslim
population] and the complex, continuing conflict between Islam and Hinduism.
Beginning in September 2010 and continuing until February 2011, the
Filmmuseum will feature a series of 20 films from various genres which
will take their audiences into the most remote regions of the Islamic
world. The films to be shown couldn’t be more diverse and together
form a cinematic kaleidoscope that addresses ongoing political tensions
and themes such as modernisation, globalisation, violence and perceived
departures from tradition, the power of reason, and life and poetry in
our contemporary global world.
Organiser: Munich Adult Education Centre
[Münchner Volkshochschule]
Organisers: Munich Museum of Film [Münchner Filmmuseum]
Munich Adult Education Centre [Münchner Volkshochschule]
Programme of the Series of Films
Le grand voyage –
Journey to Islamic Worlds
see p. 17
08 Sep 2010 | 21 h
Le grand voyage
The Great Journey
Morocco/France 2004
D: Ismaël Ferroukhi, 108 min
OV with German subtitles
15 Sep 2010 | 21 h
The Dance of the Wind
Tunisia/Iran/CH/D/F/UK/H 2005
D: Nacer Khemir, 98 min
OV with German subtitles
22 Sep 2010 | 21 h
Senegal/France/Burkina Faso/
Cameroon/Morocco/Tunisia 2004
D: Ousmane Sembene, 124 min
OV with German subtitles
29 Sep 2010 | 21 h
Al Massir
France/Egypt 1997
D: Youssef Chahine,135 min
OV with German subtitles
6 Oct 2010
Ea’adat khalq
Jordan/NL/D/CH/USA 2007
D: Mahmoud al Massad, 80 min
OV with German subtitles
13 Oct 2010 | 21 h
Âshûrâ: This Blood
Spilled in My Veins
Lebanon 2002
D: Jalal Toufic, 80 min
OV with English subtitles
20 Oct 2010 | 21 h
The Fear of God
Turkey 2006
D: Özer Kiziltan, 96 min
OV with German subtitles
27 Oct 2010 | 21 h
Iraq: The Song of
the Missing Men
15 Dec 2010 | 21 h
Lakar Pelangi
The Rainbow Troops
Iraq 2005
D: Layth Abdulami, 54 min
OV with English subtitles
Indonesia 2008
D: Riri Riza, 124 min
OV with English subtitles
22 Dec 2010 | 19 h
the Messenger of God
Germany/Iraq 2005
D: Oday Rasheed, 74 min
OV with German subtitles
03 Nov 2010 | 21 h
The Lizard
Iran 2004
D: Karmal Tabrisi Kamal, 115 min
OV with English subtitles
10 Nov 2010 | 21 h
Im Bazar der Geschlechter
In the Bazaar of the Sexes
Austria 2009
D: Sudabeh Mortezai, 90 min
OV with English subtitles
24 Nov 2010 | 21 h
Afghanistan 2003
D: Siddiq Barmak, 83 min
OV with German subtitles
01 Dec 2010 | 21 h
Mr. and Mrs. Iyer
India 2002
D: Aparna Sen, 120 min
OV with English subtitles
08 Dec 2010 | 21 h
Koran Children
Germany 2009
D: Shaheen Dill-Riaz, 86 min
OV with German subtitles
Morocco/Pakistan/UK 1976
D: Moustapha Akkad, 177 min
OV with English subtitles
19 Jan 2011 | 21 h
Der Weg nach Mekka:
Die Reise des Muhammed Asad
Way to Mecca:
The Journey of Muhammed Asad
Austria/France 2008
D: Georg Misch, 92 min
OV with German subtitles
26 Jan 2011 | 21 h
Kyrgyzstan 2005
D: Ernest Abdyjaparov, 84 min
OV with German subtitles
02 Feb 2011 | 21 h
A Jihad for Love
D: Parvez Sharma, 81 min
OV with English subtitles
09 Feb 2011 | 21 h
Na Putu
On the Path
Bosnia-Herzegovina/Germany 2009
D: Jasmila Zbanic,100 min
OV with German subtitles
16 Feb 2011 | 21 h
France 2007
D: Marjane Satrapi,
Vincent Paronnaud, 96min
OV with German subtitles
Panel Discussion
Cinema and the Koran
Modern Cinema Set in and about
Islamic Societies
IRIT NEIDHARDT, Film Producer and Head of
the film distribution company mec film
AMIN FARZANEFAR, Islamic Studies Scholar and Film Journalist
VIOLA SHAFIK, Film Studies Scholar from Cairo
Host: FATIMA ABDOLLAHYAN, Filmmaker and Journalist
Lecture with Film Clips
Arab Shorts
Independent Arab Cinema
Breaking New Ground
Sunday, 24 October 2010, 18 h
Gasteig, Black Box, Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-480 06-62 20,
Admission: 6 €
MARCEL SCHWIERIN, Curator and Filmmaker, Berlin
Tuesday, 05 October 2010, 20 h
Gasteig, Lecture Hall of the Library
Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-480 06- 62 20
Admission: 5 €
Independent Arab cinema is alive! Last year, eleven curators from the
Arab world accepted an invitation by the Goethe Institute in Cairo to
compile short film programmes. During the Festival in
Cairo in December 2009 more than 50 short-feature, documentary, animated, and experimental films were screened, reflecting the rich and
dynamic cinematic culture of the Arab world.
Marcel Schwierin, Project Director of Arabshorts 2009, will discuss current
developments in Arab cinema and present highlights from the project.
Organisers: Goethe Institute in Cairo, Munich Adult Education Centre
[Münchner Volkshochschule] and the Munich Museum of Film
Many Muslim countries have recently seen a rise in a new cinematic
genre which crosses conventional borders and unites various cinematic
currents, including experimental film. What's new is a heightened striving
for personal expression of content and aesthetics.
The panel, Cinema and the Koran, will deal with the directors and the
distinct cinematic culture of these regions, in addition to the resistance
against the reception of such films in Germany.
Organisers: Munich Adult Education Centre [Münchner Volkshochschule]
and the Munich Museum of Film
Series of Events
Series of Events
Characteristics and Views
of European Islam
Characteristics and Views
of European Islam
Panel discussion
Muslim Life in Germany –
Perspectives for Munich
Religious Law and Human Rights –
Muslims in Democratic Constitutional States
DR. SONJA HAUG, Professor for Empirical
Social Studies at the University of Regensburg
Chair in Human Rights and Human Rights Policy
at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
GÖNÜL YERLI, Vice President of
the Penzberg Islamic Forum
Wednesday, 06 October 2010, 19 h
Gasteig, Lecture Hall of the library
Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-480 06-62 20
Admission: 6 €
«The Munich Muslims’ strong desire for a mosque in a central location
in Munich ... is understandable,» is a statement found in the unanimous
motion carried by all party groups in the Munich City Council regarding
the planned Munich Centre for Islam in Europe. Who are the Muslims
living in Munich and in Germany and what motivates and moves them?
Sonja Haug will provide a nuanced overview of Muslim life in Germany,
while Gönül Yerli will present the plans for the Munich Centre for Islam
in Europe.
Organiser: Munich Adult Education Centre [Münchner Volkshochschule]
Monday, 18 October 2010, 19 h
Gasteig, Lecture Hall of the library
Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-480 06-62 20
Admission: 6 €
«I think of enlightenment – and human rights – as an unfinished
learning process.» Heiner Bielefeldt deals with the highly controversial
question of whether or not Islamic law is compatible with western,
democratic legal systems. Can Muslims accept the claim that the German constitution is applicable in relation to religious law? What do
human rights mean in a society dependent upon immigration?
Organiser: Munich Adult Education Centre [Münchner Volkshochschule]
Series of Events
Series of Events
Characteristics and Views
of European Islam
Characteristics and Views
of European Islam
Panel discussion
Progressive, Revolutionary, Interpreted Literally?
Reform Trends among Muslim Thinkers
Freedom of Religion and Tolerance: The Legacy of
the Enlightenment and the Debate about Islam in Germany
LUDWIG AMMANN, Journalist and Scholar of Islamic Studies, Freiburg
LAMYA KADDOR, Scholar of Islamic Studies, Religious Education
PROF. DR. ARMIN NASSEHI, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
Wednesday, 24 November 2010, 19 h
Moderator: DR. MATTHIAS DROBINSKI, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich
Gasteig, Lecture Hall of the library
Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-480 06-62 20
Admission: 6 €
Does Islam lack enlightenment and rationality? Is it generally opposed
to democracy and modernity? Muslim reformers throughout the world
are currently discussing the present and future situation of Islam, as well
as its correct interpretation and place in modern societies. Ludwig Ammann will lecture on diversity and the broadness of this intra-Islamic
debate which ranges from the modernisation of Islam to the islamisation of the modern age.
Organiser: Munich Adult Education Centre [Münchner Volkshochschule]
Thursday, 02 December 2010, 19 h
Gasteig, Lecture Hall of the library
Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-480 06-62 20
Admission: 6 €
Critics of Islam, and critics of these critics, argue with powerful eloquence
about the role of Islam in modern societies. What does this discussion
tell us about German society? Why is a minority such a source of concern
for the majority? Is Salomon Korn right when he asserts that Germans
are too weak to accept «the foreign»? What do the basic principles of
the Enlightenment – such as freedom of religion and tolerance – really
mean, and what do these values imply regarding our relationship with
Organiser: Munich Adult Education Centre [Münchner Volkshochschule]
Cabaret, Lecture & Discussion
Panel Discussion
Falling in Love
with Turkish Language and Culture
Deutschstunde: Utopias of Peaceful Coexistence
SINASI DIKMEN, Turkish-German Cabaret Artist,
Director of the renowned Frankfurt Cabaret Theater Die KäS
DR. ÖZGÜR SAVASCI, Research assistant in the Turkish
and Ottoman Department at the LMU Munich
Tuesday, 12 October 2010, 19:30 h
Gasteig, Black Box
Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-480 06-62 20
Admission: 12 | 9 € [reduced]
After providing fascinating insight into the Turkish language by Özgür
Savasci, Sinasi Dikmen will present scenes from his cabaret programme
entitled Islam für Anfänger [Islam for Beginners]. Dikmen was born in
a small Turkish village and has founded the first German-language
Turkish cabaret, where he confronts prejudice, misunderstanding and
integration in a «literary, philosophical and anecdotal way» [German
newspaper FAZ]. He has been awarded the Deutsche Kleinkunstpreis [German cabaret award].
Organiser: Munich Adult Education Centre [Münchner Volkshochschule]
in collaboration with the Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich
[in English with simultaneous translation into German]
AVI PRIMOR, Diplomat, University of Herzliya
Allianz Visiting Professor at the LMU Munich
SUSSAN BABAIE [Ph.D.] History of Islamic Art, Allianz Visiting
Professor at the LMU Munich
Thursday, 11 November 2010, 20 h
Literaturhaus München
Salvatorplatz 1, 3rd floor, auditorium
Tickets: 0049-[0]89-29 19 34-27
Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian students study together in the Trilateral
Centre for European Studies at the private University of Herzliya near
Tel Aviv. Such «lived utopias» do not only exist in the Middle East. Are
they ambassadors for a world without weapons and without mental
and psychological obstacles?
The event is thematically connected with the symposium of the Allianz
Visiting Professors for Jewish and Islamic studies, The Other in Near
Eastern and Jewish Studies. [11/12 Nov 2010]. All proceeds will go to
IDIZEM e.V. Interkulturelles Dialogzentrum München.
Organisers: Lichterkette e.V. and the Stiftung Literaturhaus München.
This particular Deutschstunde is supported by the Allianz Cultural Foundation
and the Allianz Direct Help Foundation.
27 Aug
09 -11 Sep
08 Sep
10 Sep
15 Sep
16 Sep
17 Sep
19 Sep
22 Sep
29 Sep
29 Sep
05 Oct
06 Oct
06 Oct
07 Oct
07 Oct
12 Oct
13 Oct
13 Oct
14 Oct
16 Oct
16 Oct
17 Oct 2010
18 Oct 2010
19 Oct 2010
19 Oct 2010
20 Oct 2010
20 Oct 2010
21 Oct 2010
22 Oct 2010
23 Oct 2010
24 Oct 2010
25 Oct 2010
27 Oct 2010
27 Oct 2010
28/29 Oct 2010
29 Oct 2010
30 Oct 2010
02 Nov 2010
03 Nov 2010
No Image Beginning of the Exhibition
Sense of Self Dance Performance
Le grand voyage Film
Inner Landscapes Beginning of the Exhibition
Bab’Aziz: The Dance of the Wind Film
Miracles of Creation Beginning of the Exhibition
Future of Tradition Beginning of the Exhibition
Images and Tattoos in Islam Lecture
Moolaadé: Protection Film
Al Massir: Destiny Film
The Aura of Alif Lecture
Arab Shorts – Arab Cinema Lecture
Ea’adat khalq: Recycle Film
Muslim Life in Germany Panel Discussion
Islamic Architecture Series of Lectures
«Something Entirely New …» Architectural Debate
Falling in Love with the Turkish … Cabaret, lecture
Crossing Musical Borders Concert
Âshûrâ: This Blood Spilled in My Veins Film
Islamic Architecture Series of Lectures
Divine Poetry Beginning of the Exhibition
Munich Museum Night
see to
Strict and Poetical Reading, Concert
Religious Law and Human Rights Lecture
The Concept of the Masterpiece Lecture
Prohibition of Images in Islam? Lecture
Takva: The Fear of God Film
In Search of an Arab Modernity Lecture
Islamic Architecture Series of Lectures
The Aura of Alif Beginning of the Exhibition
The Penzberg Mosque Educational Trip
Cinema and the Koran Panel Discussion
Comparing the Bible to the Koran Dialog Lecture
Song of the Missing Men | Underexposure Films
Arabic Script and Calligraphy Lecture
Luna Park Interdisciplinary Production
Koran Reception during the Reformation Lecture
Al Gromer Khan, Indian Music Concert
The Object and Modernity Lecture
Marmoulak: The Lizard Film
Guided tours: see Exhibitions, p. 2 -11
06 Nov 2010
10 Nov 2010
11 Nov 2010
14/15 Nov 2010
16 Nov 2010
18 Nov 2010
18 Nov 2010
18 Nov 2010
23/25/27 Nov 2010
24 Nov 2010
24 Nov 2010
25 Nov 2010
27 Nov 2010
30 Nov 2010
01 Dec 2010
02 Dec 2010
02 Dec 2010
04 Dec 2010
08 Dec 2010
09 –12 Dec 2010
14 Dec 2010
14 Dec 2010
15 Dec 2010
15 Dec 2010
22 Dec 2010
11 Jan 2011
13 Jan 2011
19 Jan 2011
20 Jan 2011
22 Jan 2011
25 Jan 2011
26 Jan 2011
26 Jan 2011
27 Jan 2011
02 Feb 2011
03 Feb 2011
05 Feb 2011
08 Feb 2011
09 Feb 2011
10 Feb 2011
16 Feb 2011
Remembering the Future Dance Project
Im Bazar der Geschlechter Film
«Deutschstunde» Panel Discussion
Walid Raad Exhibition Walk-Through
The Friday Mosque of Ishafan Lecture
Islamic Architecture Series of Lectures
The Turkish-Islamic Society Guided Tour
Corpus Coranicum Lecture
The Many Shades of the Koran Reading
Osama Film
Reform Trends Among Muslim Thinkers Lecture
Islamic Architecture Series of Lectures
Ahura, Sufi Poetry and Mystical Songs Concert
Masterpieces and Mass Production Lecture
Mr. and Mrs. Iyer Film
Islamic Architecture Series of Lectures
Freedom of Religion … Panel Discussion
Modernity in Translation Symposium
Korankinder: Koran Children Film
Sexy Zuppel Puppe Dance Solo
Colours of a Foreign World Lecture
Islamic sites in India Lecture
Lakar Pelangi: The Rainbow Troops Film
Arabic Calligraphy in European Dress Lecture
Mohammed, the Messenger of God Film
The Grand Duke of Tuscany’s Gift Lecture
Islamic Architecture Series of Lectures
Der Weg nach Mekka: Way to Mecca Film
Islamic Architecture Series of Lectures
Gold on Lapis Lazuli Musical Reading
The Bahram Čubina Cycle Lecture
Saratan Film
Text and Aesthetics of the Koran Lecture
Islamic Architecture Series of Lectures
A Jihad for Love Film
Islamic Architecture Series of Lectures
Falling in Love with Arab … Lecture, Reading
Islamic Book Ornamentation Lecture
Na putu: On the Path Film
Oya Lecture
Persepolis Film
Guided Tour and Discussion
Reading Concert Vernissage
The Turkish-Islamic Society
of München Pasing [Pasing Mosque]
Strict and Poetical
The Koran –
The New Translation
by Hartmut Bobzin
Thursday, 18 November 2010, 19 h
Pasinger Moschee
Planegger Straße 18 a, 81241 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-82 00 05 12
Admission: 5 €
Since May 1999, the mosque and cultural centre on Planegger Straße
has been home to the Muslim community. The building consists of
prayer rooms, two centres [one for women and one for youths], assembly rooms, and rooms for Islamic rituals for the dead. The prayer hall
features a luminous dome and is ornamented with precious mosaics.
The tour will commence with a short introduction to Islam. Afterwards,
participants will have the opportunity to discuss with members of the
Muslim community over Turkish black tea, which will be served in the
community's tearoom.
Organisers: Munich Adult Education Centre
[Münchner Volkshochschule, western city districts]
The Turkish-Islamic society of München Pasing
[Türkisch-Islamische-Gemeinde zu München-Pasing e.V.]
Professor for Islamic Studies, University of Erlangen
BENJAMIN IDRIZ, Imam, Penzberg Islamic Forum
SHAHID ALAM, Artist and Calligrapher, Aachen
DR. CLAUDIA OTT, Orientalist, Translator and
Musician [nay/reed-pipe]
ROMAN BUNKA, Musician [oud/lute]
Sunday, 17 October 2010, 19 h
St. Markus Church
Gabelsberger Straße 6, 80333 München
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-54 90 27-0
Admission: 10 | 8 € [reduced]
The aesthetics and the poetics of the Koran are discussed following
readings of Koranic texts in both German and Arabic. Hartmut Bobzin’s
new translation strives for philological accuracy while maintaining the
beauty and uniqueness of the original. The readings are accompanied
by traditional Arab music and an exposition on Divine Poetry. The presentation is accompanied by the exhibition of 14 beechwood tablets
bearing suras linking Judaism, Christianity and Islam lettered by the calligrapher Shahid Alam.
Organisers: Munich Protestant Academy, St. Markus
publishing company C.H. Beck, Eugen Biser Foundation
Framework programme for the exhibition Divine Poetry, see p. 11
Dialogue Lecture
Same Topic – Different Messages?
Comparing the Bible to the Koran
Koran Reception during the Reformation Period
PD DR. STEFAN WIMMER, LMU, Friends of Abraham Society
JUTTA HÖCHT-STÖHR, Director of the Munich Protestant Academy
Monday, 25 October 2010, 19:30 h
St. Markus Church, Gabelsberger Straße 6, 80333 München
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-54 90 27- 0,
Admission: 7 | 6 € [reduced]
The Bible and the Koran often address the same issues or tell stories
about the same people. Do they do so with the same or with different
What is their intention when describing the creation of the earth? What
roles did Abraham, Moses, and Joseph, the most important characters
in the Torah, play? And what does the Koran say about Mary and Jesus
versus the Christian Bible? We will pay special attention to the various
dividing and uniting aspects between the traditions of the three religions
with reference to the examples of Koranic passages calligraphed onto
the beechwood tablets displayed in the Divine Poetry exhibition, and
their biblical counterparts.
Organisers: Munich Protestant Academy, St. Markus
Framework programme for the exhibition Divine Poetry, see p. 11
Professor for Islamic Studies, University of Erlangen
Friday, 29 October 2010, 19:30 h
St Markus Church, Gabelsberger Straße 6, 80333 München
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-54 90 27-0,
Admission: 7| 6 € [reduced]
The Ottoman Wars in Europe and the first occupation of Vienna in 1529
brought about the first climax in early modern discourses about Islam.
This lecture considers how Luther, Melanchthon, and other reformers
interacted intensively and critically with the Koran. However, their critiques were based on a much older Latin translation published in Basel
in 1543 at Luther’s request. Indeed, Luther himself intervened when the
City Council initially disallowed the publication of this «unchristian», and
so-called heretical book.
Organisers: Munich Protestant Academy, St. Markus
Framework programme for the exhibition Divine Poetry, see p. 11
Corpus Coranicum
On the Way to a
Critical Reappraisal of the Koran
The Many Shades of the Koran
STEFAN WEIDNER, Author and Scholar of Islamic Studies
accompanied by an actor
Freie Universität Berlin
Tuesday, 23 November 2010, 19 h
Thursday, 18 November 2010, 19 h
Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde München, Lecture Hall, 1st floor,
Maximilianstraße 42, 80538 Munich
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Friedrich-von-Gärtner-Saal
Ludwigstraße 16, 80539 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-286 38-24 29
Free admission
The lecture presents the project Corpus Coranicum
of the Academy of Sciences of Berlin-Brandenburg,
initiated in 2007.
Among other initiatives, the project includes the
digitalisation of the Gotthelf-Bergsträßer photog raphic archive of early Koran manuscripts, which
was compiled before the Second World War in Munich. The endeavour defines itself as the successor
of the Koran commission of the Bavarian Academy
of Sciences active before the war.
Organiser: Bavarian State Library
Framework programme for the exhibition
The Wonders of Creation
see p. 6
Thursday, 25 November 2010, 19 h
Haus der Kunst
in the exhibition The Future of Tradition – Tradition of the Future
Prinzregentenstraße 1, 80538 Munich
Saturday, 27. November 2010, 19 h
The venue will be announced
To celebrate the publication of three new German Koran translations, a
selection of suras will be recited in order to illustrate and reflect upon
the variety of poetic and devotional modes of experiencing the Koran. This
reading is part of the forum:autoren, an author's forum directed by Ilija
Trojanow within the Munich Literature Festival [Literaturfest München].
Organiser: Munich Literature Festival [Literaturfest München forum:autoren]
Lecture and Discussion
Text and Aesthetics of the Koran
Is there a Prohibition of Images in Islam?
DR. HABIL. NAVID KERMANI, Orientalist and Author, Cologne
PROF. DR. ANGELIKA NEUWIRTH, Arabic Studies, FU Berlin
PROF. DR. SILVIA NAEF, Art Historian and Scholar of
Islamic Studies, Arabic Studies, University of Geneva
Wednesday, 26 January 2011, 19 h
Tuesday, 19 October 2010, 20 h
Evangelische Stadtakademie München
Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 24, 80331 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049 -[0]89-54 90 27- 0,
Admission: 7 | 6 € [reduced], admission free for students
Gasteig, Lecture Hall of the library
Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049 -[0]89 - 44 47 80 - 50/-52
Admission: 6 €
In his book Gott ist schön. Das ästhetische Erleben des Koran [God is
beautiful. The Aesthetic Experience of the Koran], Navid Kermani explains how musical recitations of the Koran serve as a primary aesthetic
experience and how they often function as a starting point for a fascinating intellectual journey.
He will be joined by Angelika Neuwirth, a scholar of Arab Studies who
is the head of a large-scale research project called Corpus Coranicum.
This project aims at documenting the text of the Koran in its complex
traditional form supplemented by a comprehensive commentary to
facilitate its interpretation against the background
of its historic evolution.
Organiser: Munich Protestant Academy
«The Islamic religion, as well as cultures in the
Muslim world, are often wrongfully accused of
being opposed to images,» Silvia Naef explains in
her book on images and the prohibition of images
in Islam. Starting with the Koran and the teaching
of the Sunnah, she will briefly focus on Islamic arts
in previous centuries before turning to an explanation of the current perspectives of Islamic scholars
and social developments in recent years, providing
an intriguing perspective on a prejudiced and highly
misunderstood subject.
Organisers: Munich Adult Education Centre
[Münchner Volkshochschule], Munich Protestant Academy
Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich
Lecture Series
New Perspectives on Masterpieces of Art
on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary
of the Exhibition Masterpieces of Muhammedan Art
in Munich
Tuesday, 19 October 2010 – Tuesday, 08 February 2011
In Search of an Arab Modernity
The Evolution of the Fine Arts in Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq
PROF. DR. SILVIA NAEF, Art Historian and Scholar
of Islamic Studies, Arabic Studies, University of Geneva
Wednesday, 20 October 2010, 20 h
Evangelische Stadtakademie München
Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 24, 80331 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049 -[0]89-54 90 27-0,
Admission: 7 | 6 € [reduced], free admission for students
The modernisation of the 19th century that took place throughout «the
Orient», witnessed the introduction of European art forms that gradually
replaced the traditional arts predominant in these regions. This lecture
will elucidate how, during this initial phase of intersection, the question
of modernity was rarely addressed in the Arab world. It was only in the
1940s when the ramifications of modernisation became a public issue
strongly characterised by national or nationalistic overtones.
Organiser: Munich Protestant Academy, Open Academy of
the Munich Adult Education Centre [Münchner Volkshochschule]
Ludwig Maximilians University, Main building, Lecture Hall M 014
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-21 80-24 33,
Free admission
The lecture series entitled The Cultures of Islam – Forming a Mosaic
will be offered during the winter semester 2010/2011 and will consist
of eight lectures by art historians from museums and universities about
select masterpieces of Islamic art. The lecturers will present works of
their choice – some of them were already exhibited in 1910 – from a
monographic, innovative perspective and will seek to introduce the
audience to the fascinating aesthetic variety that constitutes the arts of
the Islamic world.
Organiser: Munich Centre for Islamic Studies [MZIS]
19 Oct 2010 | 19.15 h
«The Best Things»
The Concept of the Masterpiece in the 1910 Exhibition
on Masterpieces of Muhammedan Art in Munich
DR. EVA TROELENBERG, Museum of Islamic Art, Berlin / KHI Florence
02 Nov 2010 | 19.15 h
The Object and Modernity
Continuation of the programme
New Perspectives on
Masterpieces of Art
see p. 39
Munich / KHI Florence
16 Nov 2010 | 19.15 h
The Friday Mosque of Isfahan
A Masterpiece Across Generations
Universitiy of Bamberg
30 Nov 2010 | 19.15 h
Masterpieces and Mass Production
Questions and Concepts
Concerning the Reorganisation of
the Berlin Museum of Islamic Arts
DR. STEFAN WEBER, Director of
the Berlin Museum of Islamic Arts
14 Dec 2010 | 19.15 h
Colours of a Foreign World
Gayumars Holds Court.
Shanameh of Shah Tahmasp
[around 1500]
University of Bamberg
11 Jan 2011 | 19.15 h
The Grand Duke of Tuscany’s Gift
from 1587 in the Turkish Chamber
Curator of the Türckische Cammer
[Turkish Chamber] in Dresden
25 Jan 2011 | 19.15 h
The Bahram Cˇubina Cycle in
a Safavid Shahnameh Manuscript
Saarland University Saarbrücken
08 Feb 2011 | 19.15 h
The «Uninteresting» Element
of Islamic Book Ornamentation
Calligraphy and Gilding as Art
Historical Instruments for Dating
Manuscripts and Miniatures
Former Director of the Museum
of Islamic Art Berlin
Modernity in Translation?
GLENN PENNY [PH.D.], University of Iowa
KIRSTEN SCHEID [PH.D.], American University of Beirut
DR. WENDY SHAW, University of Bern
Saturday, 04 December 2010, 9.30 -16 h
Centre of Advanced Studies, Seestraße 13, 80802 München
Info: Tel. 0049 -[0]89-21 80 -32 43
Free admission. Mainly in English
The investigation of artistic and cultural diversity has been undertaken
within discrete frames and disciplines towards the understanding of the
semantic specificity of works, writers, artists and genres or schools, and,
more importantly, within a nationally oriented paradigm. What art studies
have not yet attempted to do is to explain how the global phenomenon
of Modernism came to be. What were the factors that led to a particular
set of mainly Western, artistic practices being exported to and established
in entirely diverse and distinct cultural environments? How did these
processes of transposition affect the new host cultures and how did
they in turn transform the practices being exported? This conference
aims to provide several corrective insights into existing historiographical
principles and research agendas by re-thinking modernism as an artistic
practice and modernisation as a political, economic and institutional
Programme of the Symposium
Modernity in Translation? See p. 41
10:00 h
10:15 h
Unbounded Landscapes:
Secular Modernism and Subversive Nationalism?
11:00 h
The Cairo Opera House and
the Beginnings of Global Theatre
11:45 h
An Oriental as Orientalist?
The Painter Osman Hamdi Bey
from Istanbul [lecture in German]
12:30 h
14:00 h
Cubism on the Bosporus
14:45 h
Surrealism on the Nile
15:30 h
Concluding Remarks
Afterwards visit to the exhibition
The Future of Tradition – The Tradition of Future
in the House of Art [Haus der Kunst], see p. 2
Organiser: LMU Munich [Faculty of History and the Arts]
Concept and organisation: Prof. Dr. Christoph Balme
and Prof. Dr. Avinoam Shalem
From Ottoman Fashion to Turkish Folk Art
GÉRARD J. MAIZOU, Journalist and Photographer, Eichenau
DR. KATHRIN MÜLLER, Orientalist, Eichenau
Thursday, 10 February 2011, 19 h
Ludwig Maximilians University, Main Building, Lecture Hall M 014
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]861/696 56,
Free admission
A hundred years ago, wearing oya [needle lace] was highly fashionable
throughout the Ottoman Empire. Today, making oya remains a popular
folk art in Turkey.
Oya arose in the early 19th century, displaying colourful blossoms in fine
needle lace. This technique quickly spread across the whole Ottoman
Empire and served as ornamentation for different textiles. Today, oya is
associated with folk religion and ancient myths. Oya is worn everywhere
and can be bought in bazaars and even on the internet. This lecture is
an introduction to the Oya exhibition in the State Museum of Ethnology
Munich [April 2011 until March 2012].
Organisers: Society of Friends of Islamic Art
and Culture, German-Turkish Society of Bavaria
Haus der Kunst, Prinzregentenstraße 1, 80538 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049 -[0]89-211 27-113,
To attend, please register ahead of time [as of 10 September 2010]
Concert and Panel Discussion with Musicians
Saturday, 14 and Sunday, 15 November 2010, 20 h
Wednesday, 13 October 2010, 19 h
Exhibition Walk-Through with the Artist
Gasteig, Small Concert Hall, Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 München
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-54 58 05-0,
Admission: 6 €
WALID RAAD, Artist and Performer
The Lebanese artist Walid Raad [*1967] is represented by several works
in this exhibition. He became famous through the «Atlas Group» project,
with which he took part in the Documenta 11. The project focuses on
contemporary Lebanese history from 1975 to 1991. At the Haus der
Kunst exhibition, Walid Raad will be showing photos, installations and
sculptures that belong to the body of work called A History of Modern
and Contemporary Arab Art, which the artist is currently working on.
The date will be announced
Music Performance
by TAREK ATOUI, Musician and Artist
The abstract sound performances by the experimental musician from
Lebanon, Tarek Atoui, refer mostly to a specific location and are embedded in a political and social context. Besides his work as a musician,
Tarek Atoui is also a curator and cultural manager – for the moment he
is artist in residence at the Sharjah Art Foundation.
Organiser: Haus der Kunst
Framework programme for the exhibition
The Tradition of Future – The Future of Tradition, see p. 2
Changing Views –
by Crossing Musical Borders
Music expresses emotions, hopes and attitudes towards life. This session will deal with crossing musical borders, diving into other cultures,
religions, and genres. Musicians from distinct cultural backgrounds will
play pieces fusing different traditions, thus standing for the real implementation of true integration. The music groups performing during this
session will include a gospel singer, a Sufi singer, a klezmer group, and
many others. After the concert, the musicians will discuss their experiences and their artistic aims.
Organiser: Munich Education Centre [Münchner Bildungswerk]
Music Lyric
Music Lyric
Al Gromer Khan, Munich
The Cosmos of Islam in Writing and in Sounds: India
Rumi’s Garden Beyond Paradise
Ahura presents Sufi Poetry and Mystical Songs
AL GROMER KHAN, Sitar & Surbahar
Saturday, 27 November 2010, 20 h
Saturday, 30 October 2010, 20 h
Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde München, Lecture Hall, 1st floor
Maximilianstraße 42, 80538 München
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-21 01 36 -100
Admission: 17 | 15 € [reduced]
Al Gromer Khan plays classical Indian music on the sitar and the surbahar, and has enjoyed a 40-year relationship with the renowned VilayatKhani-Gharana house of music. This music originated in the early Vedic
period and has been passed down from generation to generation. The
experience of this rich musical tradition transcends the differences between cultures and people.
Organisers: Rasa Music and
State Museum of Ethnology, Munich
Framework programme for the exhibition
The Aura of Alif, see p. 4
Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde München, Lecture Hall, 1st floor
Maximilianstraße 42, 80538 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049 -[0]89 -21 01 36 -100
Admission: 18 €
The music group Ahura presents Sufi music inspired by the works of
Persian mystics and poets, especially by Mevlana Dschellaledin Rumi
[13th century], whose unifying spiritual message is conveyed by Ahura
through both traditional sound structures and new sound elements.
Music serves as an instrument of universal communication, unifying otherwise distinct cultures.
Organisers: Stephanie Erkens, Klang der Stille
and the State Museum of Ethnology, Munich
Framework programme for the exhibition
The Aura of Alif, see p. 4
Music Lyric
Music Lyric
Musical Reading
Lecture and Reading
Gold on Lapis Lazuli
Falling in Love with
Arabic Language and Culture
Saturday, 22 January 2011, 20 h
Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde München, Lecture Hall, 1st floor
Maximilianstraße 42, 80538 München
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89 -21 01 36 -100
Lyric poetry and music have been inseparably coupled in numerous traditions for thousands of years. This performance reunites this coupling
once again.
In the musical reading Gold on Lapis Lazuli we bring you the most beautiful love poems of «the Orient», accompanied by oriental music on original instruments. The speaker is the editor and scholar Dr. Claudia Ott
who will present many of the poems in their original language.
Organisers: Musikagentur tradutrad and State Museum of Ethnology, Munich
Framework programme for the exhibition The Aura of Alif, see p. 4
Saturday, 05 February 2011, 18 - 21 h
Gasteig, Black Box
Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049 -[0]89 - 480 06-62 20
Admission: 12 | 9 € [reduced]
Arabic as a Global Language
Associate Professor of the Arabic language
at LMU Munich and Lecturer of Arabic
at the Munich Business School
The highly renowned global language Arabic is incredibly systematic
with logical linguistic rules. Furthermore, Arabic script is second to none
in elegance and beauty. Dr. Wilfried Baumgarten will introduce participants
to the structure of the Arabic language and the characteristics of its
written form.
West-Eastern Divan
ADEL KARASHOLI, Lyricist, Essayist and Translator
Adel Karasholi, a bilingual lyricist who was raised in Damascus and now
lives in Leipzig, is considered a special talent in both the German and
Arab literary scene. Among other honours, he has received the distinguished Adelbert-von-Chamisso award. He will read from his work in
German and in Arabic and will give insight into the challenges of his life
between two worlds and two cultures.
Organiser: Munich Adult Education Centre [Münchner Volkshochschule]
in collaboration with the Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich
Music Lyric
The Aura of Alif
Calligraphy in Islam
PD DR. JÜRGEN WASIM FREMBGEN, Head of the Oriental Department
at the State Museum of Ethnology in Munich
Wednesday, 29 September 2010, 18 h
Gasteig, Lecture Hall 0.117, Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 Munich
Info: Tel. 0049 -[0]89 - 44 47 80-50/-52,
Admission: 6 €
In Islam, Arabic script, the written vehicle of the revelations of God, is of
central religious and cultural importance. Consequently, Arabic calligraphy
became the preeminent art form. The Alif, the first letter of the Arabic
alphabet, has a special mystic quality and is symbolic of God’s wisdom.
This lecture takes place before the Museum of Ethnology’s exhibition
on The Aura of Alif, see p. 4.
Organisers: Munich Adult Education Centre [Münchner Volkshochschule]
State Museum of Ethnology, Munich, Department of Arts and Culture of
the City of Munich
Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde München
Lecture Hall, 1st floor
Maximilianstraße 42, 80538 München
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-21 01 36 -100
Admission: 5 €
Wednesday, 27 October 2010, 19 h
Arabic Script and Calligraphy
Steps from Functionality to Art
PROF. DR. CLAUS-PETER HAASE, Islamic Art History
Former Director of the Museum of Islamic Art, Berlin
Wednesday, 15 December 2010, 19 h
Arabic Calligraphy in European Dress
Professor for Islamic Studies, Erlangen University
Organiser: State Museum of Ethnology, Munich
Framework programme for the exhibition
The Aura of Alif, see p. 4
Interdisciplinary Production
Luna Park
Dance Performance
«Sense of Self II»
Thursday, 09 – Saturday, 11 September 2010, 20:30 h
Muffatwerk, Studio, Zellstraße 4, 81667 München
Info: Tel.: 0049-[0]89-18 94 60 66, Advance Booking: München Ticket
Dali Touiti was born in Tunis and educated in France. He worked for the
National Ballet of Tunisia and for the Cairo Opera Dance Theatre. After
having had several engagements in Europe and beyond, he moved
to Germany and has been living and working here permanently as a
choreographer and dancer since 1999. He has already successfully completed numerous projects in Munich.
In Sense of Self II, Dali Touiti adopts a new choreographic approach by
utilizing the intersecting elements between dance and the fine arts in a
productive way. In this performance, staged in cooperation with students
of the Munich Academy of Fine Arts, he makes his own body the object
of vivid procedures normally used only when working with stone or
metal. Dali Touiti incorporates his cultural origins by raising the questions
of self-perception and means of expression, interaction and intercultural
A discussion with the artist after the performance will address his experiences regarding the reception of his works in both Europe and the
Arab world.
For further information, see to
Organisers: Dali Touiti in cooperation with the Department of Arts and Culture of
the City of Munich and Muffatwerk.
Video, Sound and Dance: BIS [Body Process Arts Association, Istanbul]
and artscenico performing arts [Dortmund] in cooperation with
Anna Konjetzky [Munich]
Thursday, 28 and Friday, 29 October 2010, 22 h
Gasteig, Black Box, Rosenheimer Straße 5, 81667 München
Info: Tel. 0049-[0]89-28 00 56 07
Advance booking: München Ticket
Mysterious turning – Oriental Occident – Occidental Orient – Rumbtata –
fried potatoes and kebab – white sausage and Sufi – cars and trains –
microcosm and macro world – H&M and coiffeur: Luna Park is an interdisciplinary project engaging in a dialogue between two different worlds
at a time when distinctions are fading away and traditions are in danger
of disappearing.
The accompanying discussion forum will focus on the cultural framework
of the conditions of images being produced, presented, interpreted and
translated today. It will also take into account self and public images.
For further information, see
Organisers: Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich, Dance 2010
Syrian-German Dance Project
Dance Solo
Remembering the Future
Sexy Zuppel Puppe [Sexy Zuppel Doll] –
The Assembled Woman
Saturday, 06 November 2010, 21 h
Muffathalle, Zellstraße 4, 81667 München
Info: Tel. 0049 -[0]89-280 05 607
Advance booking: München Ticket
The performance Remembering the Future deals with the process of
coping with memories and with their influence on our lives. Stories,
myths, fairy tales and legends from Damascus, passed on and adapted
for centuries, form the basis of this project. The performance is the result
of artistic cooperation between the Munich-based choreographer Philip
Bergmann and the Syrian choreographer Mey Sefan, in order to tell
these stories anew.
A discussion forum will consider the possibility of transcultural ways of
remembering. Artists and scholars involved in the project, will discuss
the meaning of cultural and physical memory regarding the perception
of self identity. They will also discuss the implications of the concept of
«diversity» for their work.
For further information, see
Organisers: Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich, Dance 2010
Thursday, 09 – Sunday, 12 December 2010, 20:30 h
i-camp / neues theater münchen
Entenbachstraße 37, 81541 München
Info: Tel. 0049 -[0]89 - 65 00 00
Tickets: electronic reservations at «Spielplan»
and at the box office
In her dance solo, Sexy Zuppel Puppe [Sexy Zuppel Doll ] – The Assembled Woman, Yvonne Pouget, a choreographer from Munich, deals with
notions of femininity in Christian versus Muslim societies.
Islam requires women to veil and their lives are governed by strict regulations. In contrast, women in the West are supposedly free of constriction in that they are not obliged to wear any sort of veil and can show
their bodies, although they are still pressured to conform to certain societal perceptions of beauty. The question of what constitutes real freedom for women in Islam and Christianity will be examined.
The accompanying discussion forum will deal with the issue of cultural
constructions of body image in the Arab World and Europe, and their
implications for the social roles of both sexes.
For further information, see
Organisers: Yvonne Pouget in cooperation with the Department of
Arts and Culture of the City of Munich and i-camp/Neues Theater
Edition Notice
Bavarian State Library [Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, BSB]
Bernheimer Fine Old Masters e.K.
City of Munich, Department of Arts and Culture [Kulturreferat der LH München]
Haus der Kunst
Lichterkette Society [Lichterkette e.V.]
Ludwig Maximilians University [Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, LMU]
Munich Adult Education Centre [Münchner Volkshochschule]
Munich Centre for Islamic Studies [Münchner Zentrum für Islamstudien, MZIS]
Munich Education Centre [Münchner Bildungswerk e.V.]
Munich Literature Festival [Literaturfest München]
Munich Museum of Film [Filmmuseum München]
Munich Protestant Academy [Evangelische Stadtakademie München]
State Museum of Ethnology, Munich [Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, SMV]
whiteBOX Society [whiteBox e.V.]
Academic Consulting
Prof. Dr. Avinoam Shalem
Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich [LMU] /
Kunsthistorisches Institut [KHI] in Florence – Max-Planck-Institut
Division 1 / Performing Arts
Dr. Daniela Rippl
Coordination, Editing
Grafik Design
Printed by
LumiSilk, Papier Union
List of Images
[Selection, top down and from left to right]
p. 3 Engraved bronze statuette in the shape of a horse, © The State Hermitage Museum,
St. Petersburg | Nassar Mansour: Kun II, London, British Museum, © The Trustees of
the British Museum | Saloua Raouda Choucair: Painting, Paris 1951, © Saloua Raouda
Choucair | Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian: Untitled [Sculpture 1], 2008, image: courtesy of the Artist and The Third Line, Dubai p. 5 Gilded helmet of an Ottoman post runner, Turkey; 2nd half 16th century, State Museum of Ethnology, Munich [SMV] | Star
inscribed with the word Allah, Iran; 19th century, SMV | Plate with inscription in Samanid
Kufi, Northeast Iran; 2nd half 10th century, SMV | Calligraphic decoration in a dervish
lodge, Sehwan Sharif/Pakistan, photo: J.W. Frembgen p. 6 Nizami: Five Epics [Khamsa],
Shiraz: 1550-1600, Bavarian State Library [BSB] Cod.per. p. 21 Al-Kazwini: The Wonders
of Creation, Irak: 1280, BSB 464 | Kalila wa-Dimna, Syria: approx. 1310, BSB
Cod. arab. 616 p. 9 Boaz Tal | Michal Rovner | Gilad Ophir | Ori Gersht p. 10 «Buddha
Wandbild», photo: Bert Praxenthaler | Youssef Titou: «Murale 4 Mahmoud Darwich»,
photo: Youssef Titou | Mitra Wakil: «gul», photo: Mitra Wakil p. 11, 32 Koran Suras on
Beechwood Tablets by Shahid Alam, photo: Horst Nogaijski p. 14 Cologne Islamic Cultural
Centre, image: Licht Kunst Licht AG p. 15 Penzberg Mosque, photo: Ralf Gerard. p. 16
photos: Christian Krug p. 17 Way to Mecca p. 18 Le grand voyage p. 20 photos: Arab
Shorts p. 26 photos: Die Käs, Kabarett in der City e.V. p. 31, 33 Hartmut Bobzin | Cover
«Der Koran», Verlag C.H.Beck p. 34 Manuscript of the Koran [approx. AD 700], Bibliothèque
Nationale de France [No. 328a] being photographed in the Gotthelf-Bergsträßer-Photoarchiv | Michael Marx p. 36 Angelika Neuwirth, photo: Uwe Arens | Navid Kermani,
photo: Villa Massimo p. 37 Silvia Naef, photo: Federico Naef | Cover «Bilder und Bilderverbot im Islam», Verlag C.H.Beck p. 38 Silvia Naef, p.o. | Hussein Madi, Erschrockene
Vögel, 1995 p. 41 The Egyptian Surrealist Group, circa 1940 p. 43 Photos: Gérard J.
Maizou p. 46 Photo: RASA Music p. 47 Photo: Ahuraproject p. 49 Cover «Also sprach
Abdulla», A1 Verlag p. 51 Tile with the beginning of the basmala [detail], Syria, 16th-17th
cent., SMV | Gilded helmet of an Ottoman post runner [detail], see p. 5 Koran sheet,
Kufi ductus [detail], North Africa; 9 th/10 th cent., SMV p. 52 Dali Touiti, Sense of Self II
p. 53 Photo: artscenico p. 55 Yvonne Pouget | The respective organisers are responsible
for supplying complete information and acquiring image rights.