UniBwM International Student Guide


UniBwM International Student Guide
International Exchange Student Guide
1. President’s Foreword........................................................................................................ 1
2. The Bundeswehr University Munich (UniBwM) ...................................................... 2
3. The University Campus ................................................................................................... 3
3.1. Computer Center ................................................................................. 3
3.2. Meals ................................................................................................. 4
3.3. Library................................................................................................ 4
3.4. Language Training Center ..................................................................... 5
3.5. German Language Courses .................................................................... 5
3.6. Sports Center ...................................................................................... 5
3.7. Cars & Parking on Campus .................................................................... 5
4. Study Programs and Courses ....................................................................................... 6
5. Participating in Research at our University ............................................................. 7
6. Accompanying Studies .................................................................................................... 7
7. Buddy program .................................................................................................................. 8
Visit us on Facebook! .................................................................................. 8
9. How to apply? ................................................................................................................... 10
10. Getting there .................................................................................................................. 11
11. Accommodation ........................................................................................................... 13
11.1. Accommodation in our guest house in Munich City Center ......................13
11.2. Accommodation in Munich ..................................................................13
Short-Term Rentals (1-3 months) / Holiday Rentals in Student Dormitories ...13
Rooms in Shared Flats ............................................................................14
Websites ...............................................................................................15
Hostels ..................................................................................................15
12. Checklists ......................................................................................................................... 16
Preparing Your Stay: A Checklist .................................................................16
To Do Upon Arrival: A Checklist ...................................................................16
Preparing Your Departure: A Checklist .........................................................17
13. Registration at the Town Hall .................................................................................. 18
14. Radio and Television Broadcasting Fee ................................................................ 18
15. Emergency Contacts .................................................................................................... 19
1. President’s Foreword
Dear Visiting Students and Researchers,
Welcome to the Universität der Bundeswehr München. Whether you are carrying
out research or taking part in a student exchange program, I am pleased that you
have chosen our university.
The Universität der Bundeswehr München is a place where innovative research
leads to new-found knowledge; where modern teaching methods elicit new ideas;
and where research and teaching are complemented by creativity, sports, and
cultural activities. Living and learning, researching and teaching: on our campus
these concepts constitute an inseparable unity. I am pleased that you will have the
opportunity to experience all of this first-hand during your stay here, and I hope
you will also see that we have made internationalization of teaching and research
one of our top priorities at the University.
In addition, I encourage you to take advantage of the many cultural attractions in
Bavaria. Munich, the surrounding area, and the Alps have a lot to offer the whole
year round. Getting to know the country in which you are living, including its people
and its culture, should also be a part of your study time abroad.
I wish you all the best during your stay at our university!
Prof. Merith Niehuss
2. The Bundeswehr University Munich (UniBwM)
The Bundeswehr University Munich was founded in 1973 with the aim of providing officers
and officer candidates with a thorough university-level education that would also prepare
them for civilian careers. After all, most regular soldiers leave the Bundeswehr after 13
years. Since its founding, the number of students has been rising steadily: today there are
around 3,700 registered students, including 360 women, 50 civilians, and 150 international
students and officers.
In contrast to other universities, the standard period of study at the Bundeswehr University
Munich is only 3 years for a bachelor’s degree and one additional year of intensive study for
a master’s degree. Therefore each academic year is structured into the following trimesters,
not semesters:
Trimester system
At the Bundeswehr University Munich, each
academic year is made up of trimesters,
Fall Trimester: October 1st – December 31st
Winter Trimester: January 1st – March 31st
Spring Trimester: April 1st – June 30th
Lecture-free time: July 1st – September 30th
The Bundeswehr University Munich is made up of the University and a College of Applied
Sciences and offers a total of 13 programs of study in 7 departments of the University and 3
departments of the College. Our diplomas are fully recognized by the state and are
considered to be on equal standing with those awarded by other German universities.
The Benefits of Studying at the Bundeswehr University Munich:
01 Consecutive bachelor’s and master’s degree study programs
02 Trimester system enables intensive study such that students are able to earn a fully
accredited master’s degree within four years only
03 Teaching takes place in small groups, enabling students to receive individual support;
the approx. student-professor ratio is 20:1
04 A total of more than 300 faculty members ensures students’ ongoing supervision and
mentoring during the process of writing a bachelor’s or master’s thesis
05 Excellent and well-equipped libraries, computer center, media center, and scientific
laboratories for an effective learning environment
06 Practical experience through traineeships and/or involvement in research projects
07 Modern campus university with a beautiful green environment in the outskirts of
Bavaria’s capital city Munich
08 Lecture halls located within a maximum of 15-minute walking distance
09 Comprehensive recreational opportunities: numerous sports facilities, swimming pool,
sauna, golf course, sailing
10 International Buddy Program to help new international students adjust to their new
environment in the first weeks
3. The University Campus
The Bundeswehr University Munich is one of Germany’s few campus universities. It covers an
area of 140 hectares and contains all facilities that students and lecturers require for
successful learning, teaching and researching.
The university campus is surrounded by a fence and can be entered through four gates. In
order to enter the campus on the first day of your arrival, please show your passport or ID
card to the guards at the university’s main entrance. From there you can either proceed to
the International Office (building 38, room 0120, working hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) or
directly head to your department, in which case you will have to make sure in advance that
someone will await you there in order to welcome you at our university.
Once on campus you will receive a university access card which allows you to access the
campus through all four gates 24/7 without having to show your passport or ID card at the
university’s main entrance every single time. Please be prepared to pay a 20 EUR deposit on
your university access card. You will have to pay this deposit in cash at the Bursar’s Office
(building 40, room 0101). Also, make sure to keep the original receipt of your deposit
payment as proof to get it back at the end of your stay.
Zahlstelle | Payment Office
Mon-Fri 8-11am
Wed 1-2pm
building 40, room 0101
Please inform the International Office about your bank details (IBAN, BIC). Our university
administration needs your IBAN and BIC/SWIFT number and will transfer the 20 EUR deposit
back to your account at the end of your stay. It is also possible to receive a pay out of the 20
EUR deposit in cash at the Paymnet Office. Please tell the International Office about two
weeks prior to your departure, so our university administration will be able to process your
request in time.
After you paid the deposit, you can pick up your university access card as well as your
campus ID card at the Campus Cards & Housing Office (PAUS) (building 155, room
Pass- und Ausweisstelle (PAUS) | Campus Cards and Housing Office
Mon, Tue, Thur 8:00 – 11:00; 1-3pm
Wed 8:00 – 12:00
Fri 8:00 – 12:00pm
building 155, room 0108
When you are at the Campus Cards & Housing Office (PAUS) you have to show them your ID
card as well as the receipt that you have paid the deposit. Also, in case you do not speak
German, make sure to bring someone with you who can translate for you.
3.1. Computer Center
Apart from its four computer rooms, which are equipped
with a total of fifty computers and partly open 24/7, the
Computer Center also offers services such as scanning,
colour printing, and preparation of multimedia.
In order to manage your user account such as changing
your password, viewing printing costs, or extending your
username, please see: https://nutzer.unibw.de
and log in with your username and password.
3.2. Meals
There are several places to eat at the university. The least expensive option is the university
cafeteria (Mensa), which serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner from Monday through Friday.
The cafeteria is closed on weekends.
Mensa | Cafeteria
building 30
Mon-Fri 10.45am-1.30pm
Mon-Thu 4-6pm
The cafeteria card resembles a bank card and can be charged with a certain amount of credit
(from 5 EUR to 50 EUR), which you can then use to pay for your meals in the cafeteria
without cash. The cafeteria card is issued by the Meals Office.
Verpflegungsstelle | Meals Office
building 40, room 0114
There is also a restaurant on campus. At “Brandl” you can choose from a selection of entrées
at lunch and dinner time; also snacks and drinks are served all day.
In addition, there is a small shop near the cafeteria, where you can buy groceries and
household supplies.
3.3. Library
Any book that you might need for your studies and/or your research at the Bundeswehr
University Munich can be obtained from the university library (Universitätsbibliothek, building
The university library is responsible for supplying books and media – both in print and in
digital format – from its own stock as well as from other libraries. You can use the material
directly in the library, borrow it and take it home with you by using your library card, or use
the interlibrary loan option. In addition, the university library provides information online as
well as through the university’s intranet.
The library of the Bundeswehr University Munich is a member of the Bavarian Library
Network as well as other national library associations.
3.4. Language Training Center
The Language Training Center is a central training
facility of the Bundeswehr Unversity Munich. Its task
is to conduct practical language training for all
students during their study program so that they can
attain and maintain the standard language proficiency
level (SLP) required in the Bundeswehr, and also to
provide functional language training. The acquisition
of good general language skills is intended to enable
military students to understand functional literature,
to follow presentations, and to participate in
discussions. Currently courses are offered in ten
foreign languages.
3.5. German Language Courses
If you are interested in attending a German language
course, you can do so at the language school
“Deutschkurse bei der Universität München e.V.”
They offer various (intensive) German language
courses on all levels for academic as well as for
professional purposes. This language school offers
discounts to our international students, if you register
for courses via the International Office.
3.6. Sports Center
Sports play a particularly important role at the Bundeswehr University Munich.
You will find numerous facilities for various kinds and types of sports on the university’s
campus: a 400m track (for track and field athletics), a large fitness center for working out, a
pool for swimming and diving, as well as a sauna. Also volleyball, horseback-riding, golf and
many other activities are offered.
Anyone interested can gain access to these facilities and take advantage of what is offered.
You can apply for a free sports membership card via the International Office. All
you need to bring is a passport photograph.
3.7. Cars & Parking on Campus
If you want to drive and park your car on campus, you will have to apply for a permit
through the International Office. Such a permit is free of charge and will be issued according
to your license plate number. You will receive a permit sticker that has to be stuck onto your
windshield. If you do not have a permit, you will not be allowed to pass through the barriers
at the main entrance with your car. Please park your car off-campus on the first day of your
4. Study Programs and Courses
The Bundeswehr University Munich is made up of the University and a College of Applied
Sciences and offers a total of 13 programs of study in 7 departments of the University and 3
departments of the College. Our diplomas are fully recognized by the state and are
considered to be on equal standing with those awarded by other German universities.
Civil Engineering and Environmental Studies (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
Computer Sciences (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
Aerospace Engineering (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
Mathematical Engineering (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
Political and Social Sciences (B.A. and M.A.)
Business Information Systems (B.Sc.)
Technology Management and Business Information Systems (M.Sc.)
Economics and Organizational Sciences (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
Educational Sciences, in particular Intercultural,Media and Adult Education (B.A. and
Sports Sciences – Sports Teaching (B.Sc.)
Sports Scienes – Sports Leadership and Management (M.Sc.)
Psychology (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
Applied Sciences
Computer Engineering and Communications Technology (B.Eng.)
Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.)
Computer Aided Engineering (M.Eng.)
Defence Technology (B.Eng.)
Management and Media (B.A. and M.A.)
Every study program comes with a specific module handbook that contains an overview of
the overall composition and module structure of a specific study program, including detailed
descriptions of every module to be completed during the study program as well as
information on the contents of lectures, seminars and trainings, assessment, and the amount
of ECTS points awarded for each module. You can download these module handbooks on the
following website:
The electronic course catalogue contains detailed information and timetables for all
courses (German) offered by all departments during the forthcoming/running trimesters.
Unfortunately, you will not be able to gain access to this information until after you have
arrived at our university, as you will need an activated log-in account to do so, which can
only be set up upon your arrival. Please find a current list of courses offered in English on our
website (http://www.unibw.de/praes/internationales-en/incoming-en/courseinformation) or
contact Susanna Nofal (M.A.) for further information on courses offered in German and/or
assistance in composing your learning agreement.
5. Participating in Research at our University
The Bundeswehr University Munich is an educational and research
university according to Humboldt's ideal and is well-established in the
national and international research landscape.
The ideal framework conditions of a campus university with an outstanding infrastructure
offer a broad range of working and cooperation facilities notably in research. Due to the
excellent trans-faculty cooperation in automobile, security and aerospace research, the
Bundeswehr University Munich is recognized and plays a leading role in these fields also in
international research.
Over the past years, the Bundeswehr University Munich has constantly expanded its main
field of research “Security in Technology and Society”. We encounter current aspects of
security research in a variety of different areas: political conflicts, unpredictable natural
disasters, security gaps in IT systems, and the global financial crisis. Against this backdrop,
the University’s scientists analyze and study the topic of security in its full complexity in
various fields of research and application. Security requirements in technology and society
are changing at a dazzling pace, and it is up to scientists to devlop proceduires and methods
to adequately deal with these challenges.
The Bundeswehr University Munich has also enriched its research activities by entering into
new cooperations in the past years, which include important cooperation agreements with
extra-university research facilities and industrial enterprises.
You are welcome to conduct research in one of our many technical laboratories in the fields
of engineering and IT on campus to gain practical experience through a traineeship and/or
your full-time involvement in research projects.
Furthermore, it is possible to write your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis under the supervision
of one of our professors. If interested, please contact the International Office at least three
months prior to your arrival and we will advise you about the matter.
For more information, please visit:
6. Accompanying Studies
studium plus studium plus offers mandatory general knowledge courses that go beyond the
college curriculum at the Bundeswehr University Munich, allowing students to explore new
fields outside their major and gain skills that can be applied later in their careers.
management skills, intercultural training, social media competence, leadership skills).
The many trainings and seminars offered by stadium plus are free of charge for our
exchange students and are held regularly every trimester by qualified trainers and teaching
Please find more information here: https://www.unibw.de/sp/zentralinstitut_studium_plus
7. Buddy program
The Study-Buddy Program was launched by the International Office in 2009 to provide
information to international newcomers before their arrival and to help them adjust to the
new environment in their first weeks. If available, every new international student gets a so
called “Buddy”, i.e. a German student who is familiar with the university's structures,
German culture, language and bureaucracy and who will give a helping hand during the first
weeks of your stay.
Our buddies also organize events, excursions and activities – an excellent opportunity to
meet people from all over the world, to exchange experiences and to explore Munich and
surroundings with like-minded people!
Participating in the program will provide you with valuable advice on everyday life at our
university and in Munich and will help you to come in contact with German students more
In the past, we witnessed that the program really helped to foster friendship and mutual
understanding and broadened the cultural horizon of all participants.
See our website: https://www.unibw.de/praes/internationales-en/Buddy%20Program
Once you arrive at our university, please join our Facebook group:
“UniBwM International Exchange”
Visit us on Facebook!
In April 2014 the International Office relaunched its presence
on Facebook, where we provide you with current information
relating to all international matters.
Latest and upcoming events, everything on Incoming
and Outgoing, life on campus and much more – follow
us! Get in touch. Get connected.
Find us at “International Office Bundeswehr University
Munich”: www.facebook.com/InternationalOfficeUniBw
8. The International Office
The International Office of the Bundeswehr University Munich provides counseling to all
exchange students and visiting scholars from abroad, who would like to study or participate
in research at our university.
We assist with all of the necessary administrative preparation and we also help finding
German language courses (at various levels) and offer a comprehensive cultural program
and excursions to all international students. Visit us online:
Your Contact:
Dr. Alexandra Bettag
Director of the International Office
supports scholars of the Bundeswehr University Munich to carry out research abroad
manages the the SOKRATES/ERASMUS program for staff of the Bundeswehr
University Munich, DAAD programs and scholarships and grants
responsible for initiating partnerships and cooperation agreements with the
Bundeswehr University Munich
summons the International Advisory Council
E-mail: alexandra.bettag@unibw.de
Phone: +49 89 6004 4683
Working hours: Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-2pm
Susanna Nofal, M.A.
Inbound Mobility Coordinator
provides counseling to international exchange students and visting researchers
concerning their application and admission to the Bundeswehr University Munich
provides counseling regarding the administrative preparation for study and research
periods at the Bundeswehr University Munich
offers support regarding visa procedures
develops and organizes cultural and integrative programs for international students
develops and coordinates the international buddy program at the university
E-mail: susanna.nofal@unibw.de
Phone: +49 89 6004 4682
Working hours: Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-2pm
Building 38, room 0120
Melina Saur, M.A.
Outbound mobility coordinator
organizes opportunities for students of the Bundeswehr University Munich to study
manages the administration of ERASMUS funding for students of the Bundeswehr
University Munich
E-mail: melina.saur@unibw.de
Phone: +49 89 6004 2524
Working hours: Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-2pm
9. How to apply?
Contact the International Office at least three months prior to the beginning of your stay and
meet the following nomination and application deadlines:
Application Deadlines
Fall trimester (October – December): June 30th
Winter trimester (January – March): September 30th
Spring trimester (April – June): January 15th
Send us your application including
completed registration form (download from our website)
CV + individual cover letter (letter of motivation)
Up-to-date transcript of records
a valid university enrolment certificate from your home university
a copy of your passport
proof of scholarship or sufficient funds during your stay
Learning Agreement of Studies or Learing Agreement for Traineeships (if you
are an ERASMUS exchange student)
certificate of international health insurance valid throughout the entire time of
your stay (no travel insurance!)
 If you plan to study at one of our departments, the minimum Requirement for your
German language skills is B1 level
Please include a valid certificate of German language skills in your application.
The majority of classes offered at our university are held in German only. A good
knowledge of German is indispensable to follow courses and to pass exams.
 If you are planning on completing an internship or traineeship at the Bundeswehr
University Munich, it is mandatory to get liability and accident insurance prior
to your arrival. For more information please see:
If you are an exchange student from a non-European country, please contact the
International Office of your home institution for more information about visa regulations
and/or your German residence permit. If needed, the International Office of the Bundeswehr
University Munich will issue a letter of invitation.
Please see our website for an updated list of all courses currently offered in English:
Please note: If you want to conduct research in one of our departments, e.g. while
writing your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis or persuing a PHD, or if you want to
complete an internship in one of our many laboratories, you do not need German
skills. In this case, a good command of the English language is sufficient and will be
taken for granted, if you apply to participate in research at our university.
10. Getting there
Tickets for Public Transportation
If you will be arriving at the University by public transportation, purchase a day ticket
(“Tageskarte”) for your first day in Munich. Use one of the blue “MVV” or red “DB”
ticket machines found at every station. Choose from the following options:
If you are coming from Munich’s central station (“Hauptbahnhof”), select “Tageskarte
Innenraum” (daily ticket for Munich City Center)
If you are coming from the Munich Airport or bus station, select “Tageskarte
If you are not travelling alone, a single “Partner-Tageskarte”, which is valid for up to
5 adults, will be less expensive than buying individual tickets for each person
Once you are settled in for daily use of public transport a monthly ticket for students is
recommended. If you need the ticket only to move between the campus and more
central places in Munich, the ticket will cost around 50 Euro per month (Ringe 1 bis 3).
Make sure to validate your ticket before getting on any train. Some tickets are validated
upon purchase and will not fit in the slot of the blue ticket validators.
From the Munich Airport / Central Station to the University
If you will be arriving at the Franz-JosefStrauß Airport (MUC) in Munich, we
recommend you to use the suburban
trains S1 or S8 to get from the airport to
“Hauptbahnhof“ (Central Station) or
“Ostbahnhof” (green lines).
Once you arrive at “Hauptbahnhof” (Central Station) or “Ostbahnhof”, you will
have to change trains.
There are two options:
► Take the suburban railway (“S-Bahn”) S7 (green line) in the direction of
“Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn”, “Aying”, or “Kreuzstraße”. At Central Station
the S-Bahn leaves at an underground platform. Get out at the stop called
“Neuperlach Süd”.
► Take the underground (“U-Bahn”) U5 (blue lines) in the direction of
Neuperlach Süd. Get out at the stop called “Neuperlach Süd” (end of the line).
Once you arrive at “Neuperlach Süd” you will have to take a bus to get to the
university. Please follow the signs down to the busses and take bus no. 217 in the
direction of “Unterhaching” or bus no. 199 in the direction of “Campeon
West”. These buses run every 10 to 20 minutes (on weekends and after 6 p.m.
less often). Get off at the third stop: “Universitätsstraße”. At the bend in the
road, you will see the main entrance (University Main Gate) of the Bundeswehr
University Munich.
In case busses are not running, please take a taxi. If none are waiting at the
station, you can order a taxi by calling via the taxi call box below the railway
When you are the University Main Gate, please display some form of ID (ID
card, passport) to the guards.
By Car
From the Autobahn A8 München-Salzburg you should take the exit marked Neubiberg. From
there it is less than 0.5 km through a residential area to the main entrance to the University.
11. Accommodation
11.1. Accommodation in our guest house in Munich City Center
The International Office disposes of the fifth floor (6 rooms) in a housing facility that belongs
to the Bundeswehr Career Center Munich. The building is located in Munich City Center very
close to the Olympic Park and is easy to reach by public transportation. Accommodations are
freshly renovated and furnished. The kitchen, bathroom and showers are shared for the
whole floor. All rooms are furnishes as shared double bedrooms. Depending upon availability,
we can either offer you a single room or a place in a double room. For more detailed
information, please contact the International Office well in advance of your stay.
11.2. Accommodation in Munich
There is a shortage of affordable housing in Munich, which means that
accommodation is generally very expensive. Please be prepared that you will have to
pay between 350-500 EUR per month for a room in a privately owned shared flat in Munich
and its surroundings. Supply and demand vary throughout the year: at the beginning of each
academic year in September/October the demand for accommodation is particularly high. We
therefore recommend you to start looking for accommodation well in advance of your stay at
the Bundeswehr University Munich.
Short-Term Rentals (1-3 months) / Holiday Rentals in Student Dormitories
The Munich Student Union runs an agency for holiday rentals in cooperation with the student
self-administration in the “Studentenstadt” Freimann (student village). This agency gets
potential short-term tenants in contact with the residents of rooms in student dormitories,
who wish to temporarily sub-let their room for a certain amount of time (e.g. between
semesters or whilst they are completing an exchange semester abroad).
Apartmentbörse Studentenstadt | Student Village Appartment Agency
Studentenstadt Freimann
Christoph-Probst-Str. 12/029
80805 München
E-Mail: aboerse@gmx.de
Phone: +49 89 324 32 88
Opening hours:
Rooms in Shared Flats
Another option is to find accommodation by contacting the Housing Referral Service of the
Studentenwerk Munich (student union). The Housing Referral Service passes on the details
of several hundred private rooms to students who have not been able to find a room in one
of Munich’s student dormitories.
Private rooms on offer are updated online on a daily basis. In order to be able to view all of
these offers and request specific contact details of potential landlords you will have to
register online. You can then contact the landlords directly and usually visit the apartment in
person. If you are searching for an apartment from abroad, try to arrange for individual
agreements with potential future landlords.
Please note that the Studentenwerk Munich only holds the position of an intermediary and
accordingly does not verify the landlord or any of the offers they make!
If you intend to begin your studies in October, you should be aware of the fact that a great
number of new students will be looking for a place to stay in Munich at this time of year. We
therefore recommend you to start searching for accommodation well in advance. You will
probably have the best chances to find something relatively soon, if you search between July
and September.
In order to get the telephone number of a landlord, you must be in possession of a valid
username, provide your certificate of enrolment and pay the student union membership fee,
which currently amounts to 26 EUR.
Privatzimmervermittlung | Housing Referral Service
The Housing Referral Service is located in the Olympic Village:
Helene-Mayer-Ring 9
Entrance a, room a2
80809 München
E-Mail: wrv@stwm.de
Phone: +49 89 357135-20/-26
Fax: +49 89 357135-61
Opening hours of the Housing Referral Service Advice Center:
Public transport: Take the U3 train and get off at “Olympiazentrum”.
For further information, please see:
Jugendherberge München-City
Wendl-Dietrich-Str. 20
80634 München
Phone: +49 89 2024449-0
Fax: +49 89 2024449-13
Director: Peter Krausnick
Jugendherberge München-Park
Miesingstr. 4
81379 München
Phone: +49 89 7857677-0
Fax: +49 89 7857677-66
Director: Herr Andres Mayer
Jugendherberge und
Burg Schwaneck
Burgweg 4-6
82049 Pullach im Isartal
Phone:+49 89 744866-70
Fax: +49 089 744866-80
Haus International
Elisabethstr. 87
80797 München
Phone: +49 89 12006-0
Fax: +49 89 12006-630
CVJM Jugendgästehaus (YMCA)
Landwehrstr. 13
80336 München
Phone: +49 89 5521410
Fax: +49 89 5504282
Kolpingwerk München
Am Herrgottseck 5
81669 München
Phone: +49 89 48 90 62-10
Fax: +49 89 48 90 62-72
12. Checklists
Preparing Your Stay: A Checklist
Contact the International Office at least three months prior to the beginning of your stay
and meet the following nomination and application deadlines:
Fall trimester (October – December):
Winter trimester (January – March):
Spring trimester (April – June):
June 30th
September 30th
January 15th
Send us your application including
completed registration form
CV + individual cover letter (letter of motivation)
Transcript of Records
a valid university enrolment certificate
a copy of your passport
proof of scholarship or sufficient funds during your stay
Learning Agreement of Studies or Learning Agreement for Traineeships
(if you are an ERASMUS exchange student)
 Certificate of international health insurance valid throughout the entire time
of your stay (no travel insurance!)
 Certificate of German language skills (at least B1), if you are planning to
study at one of our department
The majority of classes at our university is held in German only. Therefore, a good
level of German is indispensable to successfully complete exams
If you are an exchange student from a non-European country, please contact the
International Office of your home institution for more information about visa
regulations and/or your German residence permit. If needed, the International Office of
the Bundeswehr University Munich can issue a letter of invitation.
If you are planning on completing an internship or traineeship at the Bundeswehr
University Munich, it is mandatory to get liability and accident insurance prior to
your arrival. For more information please see:
Please see our website for an updated list of all courses currently offered in English:
Please note: If you want to conduct research in one of our departments, e.g. while
writing your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis, or if you want to complete an internship in one
of our many laboratories, you do not need German skills. In this case, a good command
of the English language is sufficient and will be taken for granted, if you apply to
participate in research at our university.
To Do Upon Arrival: A Checklist
Inform the International Office about the exact date and time of your arrival at least
two weeks in advance
Arrange an appointment with the International Office to receive a welcome
package, to go on a campus tour and to attend to the several administrative tasks that
need to be completed after you have arrived at the Bundeswehr University Munich (e.g.
get room keys for pre-reserved accomodation; hand in your certificate of health
insurance; complete the enrolment; get internet access and set up a log-in account; get
a university access card, a cafeteria card, a library card, and a sports membership card)
Please bring two passport photographs with you – you will need one for your
enrolment and the other one for your free-of-charge university sports membership card
Should you arrive outside the opening hours of the International Office, it is possible that
we leave your room keys with the guards at the university’s main entrance, where
you will be able to pick them up as soon as you arrive
Register as a resident at the Town Hall within two weeks of your arrival
Preparing Your Departure: A Checklist
Inform the International Office about when you are planning on leaving and keep us
updated about all changes concerning your departure date
If you are staying in our student guest house, our Campus Cards & Housing Office will
want to arrange an official appointment for your check-out with them. Therefore,
keep us informed about yur expected departure day and time and help us arrange your
Please contact us well enough in advance, if your Learning Agreement and
Confirmation of Stay need to be signed by the International Office and your
institutional ERASMUS professor
Take your cafeteria card back to the Meals Office
Take your magnetic card back to the Computer Center and, if applicable, make sure
you pay any open bill for using our printing and scanning services
Bring your university access card to the International Office and make sure that you get
paid back the 20 EUR deposit that you paid for the card at the Bursar’s Office (both
money transfer and cash payment are possible)
De-register as a resident at the Town Hall by filling out the de-registration form
handed out to you by the International Office (you do not have to de-register in
13. Registration at the Town Hall
Since you are coming to Germany not as a visitor/tourist but as an exchange student, you
will have to register as a resident at a town hall within two weeks of your arrival.
In order to register with your new address, bring your passport and invitation letter with
In case you stay on campus, please register at the town hall (Rathaus-Bürgerbüro) in
Rathaus Neubiberg | Neubiberg Town Hall
Rathausplatz 12
85579 Neubiberg
Phone: +49 89 600 12 151
E-Mail: buergerservice@neubiberg.de
Opening hours:
Public transport: Take the 211 regional bus to Neubiberg and get off at “Rathaus”.
If you have accommodation in Munich, you need to register at the town hall in Munich.
Kreisverwaltungsreferat (KVR) München | Munich Town Hall
Ruppertstraße 19
80337 Munich
Phone: +49 233 96000
E-Mail: buergerbuero.kvr@muenchen.de
Opening hours:
Mon, Wed, Fri 7:30am-12pm
8:30am-3pm and 2-6pm
Public transport: Take the U3 or U6 train and get off at “Poccistraße”.
Public transport: Take the 211 regional bus to Neubiberg and get off at “Rathaus”.
14. Radio and Television Broadcasting Fee
After registering at town hall you will receive mail from the public broadcasting service with a
request to register with them and to pay your contribution fee.
What does that mean?
Like in other European countries, also in Germany the state charges a fee for the use of
radios and televisions in order to finance the public broadcasting stations. Every household is
charged with a flat rate of 17,98 EUR per month for all technical devices that are able to
receive the programs provided by the public broadcasting service (ARD/ZDF mainly). This
contribution fee equals the current maximum fee. It needs to be paid quarterly by every adult
occupant of a flat/house.
According to the new regulations of 2013 it is no longer decisive whether a household
possesses technical devices or whether these devices are actively used to receive the public
broadcasting programs.
In case of shared flats with multiple tenants, as of 2013 only one occupant is obliged to pay
the contribution of 17,98 EUR per month whereas the others are asked to de-register or
exempt themselves from paying (contact: Beitragsservice von ARD, ZDF und
Deutschlandradio, 50656 Köln). All fellow flat mates are, however, legally bound to
compensate this payment.
For more information, please see:
15. Emergency Contacts
0551 / 19240
0551 / 383180
If you need to go to the hospital, the nearest hospital to the university is located in
Klinikum Neuperlach | Hospital Neuperlach
Oskar-Maria-Graf-Ring 51
81737 Munich
Phone: +49 89 67940
Please remember that if you are facing difficulties of any sort, you can always contact the
International Office or your buddy.
Last update: August 2016
© Auslandsbüro, Universität
der Bundeswehr München