Just make your spaces sublime using the magic of decoline
Just make your spaces sublime using the magic of decoline
The style takes its origin in the heart of imagination, creativity, culture and sensitivity The olfactory touch Design of atmospheres 3LFNXS'HOLYHU\DWWKH)DFWRU\ UNIVERSAL-EFFECTS MANUFACTURE URXWHGH0RQWFHQLV) /(&5(8627%285*2*1()5$1&( $520$'(6,*1LVDUHJLVWUHG7UDGHPDUNRIWKH8QLYHUVDO(IIHFWV*URXS www.aromadesign.fr Graphics design - Studio GIRE communication - 03 85 47 96 81 - www.studiogire.com Exclusive Worlwide Distribution : UNIVERSAL-EFFECTS EUROPE $OOpHG·(IÀDW3DUFGHO·(YpQHPHQW )/21*-80($83$5,6$5($)5$1&( Phone :Fax : Email :LQIR#XQLYHUVDOHIIHFWVFRPZZZXQLYHUVDOHIIHFWVFRP The olfactory touch Design of atmospheres Just make your spaces sublime using the magic of decoline This unique, professional, innovative and modular system that can be adapted to any place from 20 m2 to 20 000 m2 www.aromadesign.fr Power DecoAir 'HFR)ODPH/('ODUJHUDQJHRILQWHQVHFRORXUV 6SHFLÀFDWLRQV Boost your communication ! :HSURSRVH\RXDKLJKPDUNHWLQÁDWDEOHV\VWHPWKDWFDQEHXVHGGXULQJWKHGD\DQGDWQLJKWLQGRRURURXWGRRUDVDVXVSHQVLRQRURQWKHÁRRU:H ZLOOFUHDWHIRU\RXDVSHFLÀFSDWWHUQWREHSULQWHGRQcones, tubes and balls. &RPELQHFRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGVW\OHXVLQJGHÀQHGVKDSHVVXFKDVchampagne bottles, perfume bottles… Ideal for : Agents Banks Perfume shop Jewellery shop Town halls Institutions (PHUJHQF\DQGÀUHVWDWLRQV Decoline ball, cone, tune, tailored shape 500 . 800 . 1000 mm from 2 to 12 m white – yellow – green – blue - orange LED or LIGHT Lounge Seminars Presentation of products Shows and events Stands Event agencies 6WRUHÀWWHUV L51 cm x W33 cm x H37 cm 8 kg - 230V - 50Hz - 550W )LWWHGZLWKODPSV MR16 - 2 x 71W - 12V DQGÀUHOLNHGLFKURLFÀOWHUV \HDUJXDUDQWHH (except fabrics) )L)L Machine supplied with one 2m-pennant 'HFR)ODPH/,*+7 6HSDUDWHRU'0;PRGH HOHFWURQLFSURJUDPPLQJ Select: : your style your diameter your height your colour your lights your printing 'HFR)ODPH/,*+7 0DGHLQ)UDQFH L73 cm x W33 cm x H37 cm 12.8 kg - 230V - 50Hz - 1100W )LWWHGZLWKODPSV 05[:9 DQGÀUHOLNHGLFKURLFÀOWHUV 1RLVHOHVVYHQWLODWLRQ V\VWHP 3URIHVVLRQDOXVH KM Architects Restaurants Shop centers Museums Other shops … Machine supplied with one 2m-pennant 'HFR)ODPH/(' L51 cm x W33 cm x H37 cm 8.8 kg - 230V - 50Hz - 500W )LWWHGZLWKDWKUHHFRORXU5*% 18 x 6W system + DMX 512 Machine supplied with one 2m-pennant Study – Sales Renting - Installation SILENCE Company - Spain - CITROËN open days 'HFR)ODPH/,*+7+P 'HFR)ODPH/(' L73 cm x W33 cm x H37 cm 13.6 kg - 230V - 50Hz - 1000W )LWWHGZLWKDWKUHHFRORXU5*% 36 x 6W system + DMX 512 DecoFlame 200 ® DecoFlame 120 Machine supplied with one 3m-pennant Power DecoFlame The magic of an innovative deco 'HFR)ODPHZLOOVXUSULVH\RXLWLVVRUHDOLVWLFLWZLOOFUHDWHHLWKHUDOLYHO\RUDFRFRRQLQJDWPRVSKHUHZKLOHSHUIHFWO\ÀWWLQJ\RXU space. Can be used indoor or outdoor (depending on weather conditions). Select : your DecoFlame your lighting your height model 120 or 200 LIGHT or LED from 2 m to 4 m Lively atmosphere Cocooning atmosphere Presentation of products Restaurants Live shows Lounges Events Seminars Fire simulation Reception halls ... Outdoor receptions Restaurant - Beaune - France DecoFlame 120 LIGHT - H 2 m … DecoFlame 200 Le Bilou’s bar - Le Creusot - France - DecoAir 800 LED - H 4 m Restaurant Le Bouche à Oreille (71) Fashion show « Madame fait des sacs » DecoAir 500 LED - H 3 m DecoAir 800 LED - H 4 m Exhibition stand - Frankfurt - Germany- DecoAir 500 LED - H 3 m 6XVSHQVLRQUHDOL]HGXVLQJDÀ[LQJ8FODPS 6,523%2,6 6W%pUDLQVRXV6DQYLJQHV)UDQFH 'HFR$LU/,*+7+P 3ULQWHG '8%$,([KLELWLRQ&HQWUH 'HFR$LU/,*+7+P 3ULQWHG 'HFR$LU/,*+7(DVWHUHJJV²PDQGP 6SHFLÀFDWLRQV 9LQH\DUG&KLURXEOHV )L[HGVKDSH²%RWWOH²+P 'HFR$LU/,*+7 'LDP[+FP NJ9+]: ODPSV05:9 'HFR$LU/,*+7%DOOGLDPHWHUP 'HFR$LU/,*+7 'LDP[+FP NJ9+]: ODPSV05:9 'HFR$LU/,*+7 'LDP[+FP NJ9+]: ODPSV05:9 'HFR$LU/(' 'LDP[+FP NJ9+]: V\VWqPHWULFKURPLTXH5*% [: 7HFKQLFDOVWXG\RI\RXUSURMHFW 'HFR$LU/(' 'LDP[+FP NJ9+]: 7KUHHFRORXU5*%[: V\VWHP 6',6- Le Creusot (71) 'HFR$LU/,*+7 +P,PSULPp 'HFR$LU/(' 'LDP[+FP NJ9+]: 7KUHHFRORXU5*%[: V\VWHP 5HFHSWLRQKDOORIDKRWHO 'HFR$LU/(')L[7XEH+P DecoAir 1000 DecoAir 800 Fixing U-clamp DecoAir 500 Raising feet 6,523%2,6 6W%pUDLQVRXV6DQYLJQHV)UDQFH 'HFR$LU/,*+7+P 3ULQWHG '8%$,([KLELWLRQ&HQWUH 'HFR$LU/,*+7+P 3ULQWHG 'HFR$LU/,*+7(DVWHUHJJV²PDQGP 6SHFLÀFDWLRQV 9LQH\DUG&KLURXEOHV )L[HGVKDSH²%RWWOH²+P 'HFR$LU/,*+7 'LDP[+FP NJ9+]: ODPSV05:9 'HFR$LU/,*+7%DOOGLDPHWHUP 'HFR$LU/,*+7 'LDP[+FP NJ9+]: ODPSV05:9 'HFR$LU/,*+7 'LDP[+FP NJ9+]: ODPSV05:9 'HFR$LU/(' 'LDP[+FP NJ9+]: V\VWqPHWULFKURPLTXH5*% [: 7HFKQLFDOVWXG\RI\RXUSURMHFW 'HFR$LU/(' 'LDP[+FP NJ9+]: 7KUHHFRORXU5*%[: V\VWHP 6',6- Le Creusot (71) 'HFR$LU/,*+7 +P,PSULPp 'HFR$LU/(' 'LDP[+FP NJ9+]: 7KUHHFRORXU5*%[: V\VWHP 5HFHSWLRQKDOORIDKRWHO 'HFR$LU/(')L[7XEH+P DecoAir 1000 DecoAir 800 Fixing U-clamp DecoAir 500 Raising feet Power DecoFlame The magic of an innovative deco 'HFR)ODPHZLOOVXUSULVH\RXLWLVVRUHDOLVWLFLWZLOOFUHDWHHLWKHUDOLYHO\RUDFRFRRQLQJDWPRVSKHUHZKLOHSHUIHFWO\ÀWWLQJ\RXU space. Can be used indoor or outdoor (depending on weather conditions). Select : your DecoFlame your lighting your height model 120 or 200 LIGHT or LED from 2 m to 4 m Lively atmosphere Cocooning atmosphere Presentation of products Restaurants Live shows Lounges Events Seminars Fire simulation Reception halls ... Outdoor receptions Restaurant - Beaune - France DecoFlame 120 LIGHT - H 2 m … DecoFlame 200 Le Bilou’s bar - Le Creusot - France - DecoAir 800 LED - H 4 m Restaurant Le Bouche à Oreille (71) Fashion show « Madame fait des sacs » DecoAir 500 LED - H 3 m DecoAir 800 LED - H 4 m Exhibition stand - Frankfurt - Germany- DecoAir 500 LED - H 3 m 6XVSHQVLRQUHDOL]HGXVLQJDÀ[LQJ8FODPS Power DecoAir 'HFR)ODPH/('ODUJHUDQJHRILQWHQVHFRORXUV 6SHFLÀFDWLRQV Boost your communication ! :HSURSRVH\RXDKLJKPDUNHWLQÁDWDEOHV\VWHPWKDWFDQEHXVHGGXULQJWKHGD\DQGDWQLJKWLQGRRURURXWGRRUDVDVXVSHQVLRQRURQWKHÁRRU:H ZLOOFUHDWHIRU\RXDVSHFLÀFSDWWHUQWREHSULQWHGRQcones, tubes and balls. &RPELQHFRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGVW\OHXVLQJGHÀQHGVKDSHVVXFKDVchampagne bottles, perfume bottles… Ideal for : Agents Banks Perfume shop Jewellery shop Town halls Institutions (PHUJHQF\DQGÀUHVWDWLRQV Decoline ball, cone, tune, tailored shape 500 . 800 . 1000 mm from 2 to 12 m white – yellow – green – blue - orange LED or LIGHT Lounge Seminars Presentation of products Shows and events Stands Event agencies 6WRUHÀWWHUV L51 cm x W33 cm x H37 cm 8 kg - 230V - 50Hz - 550W )LWWHGZLWKODPSV MR16 - 2 x 71W - 12V DQGÀUHOLNHGLFKURLFÀOWHUV \HDUJXDUDQWHH (except fabrics) )L)L Machine supplied with one 2m-pennant 'HFR)ODPH/,*+7 6HSDUDWHRU'0;PRGH HOHFWURQLFSURJUDPPLQJ Select: : your style your diameter your height your colour your lights your printing 'HFR)ODPH/,*+7 0DGHLQ)UDQFH L73 cm x W33 cm x H37 cm 12.8 kg - 230V - 50Hz - 1100W )LWWHGZLWKODPSV 05[:9 DQGÀUHOLNHGLFKURLFÀOWHUV 1RLVHOHVVYHQWLODWLRQ V\VWHP 3URIHVVLRQDOXVH KM Architects Restaurants Shop centers Museums Other shops … Machine supplied with one 2m-pennant 'HFR)ODPH/(' L51 cm x W33 cm x H37 cm 8.8 kg - 230V - 50Hz - 500W )LWWHGZLWKDWKUHHFRORXU5*% 18 x 6W system + DMX 512 Machine supplied with one 2m-pennant Study – Sales Renting - Installation SILENCE Company - Spain - CITROËN open days 'HFR)ODPH/,*+7+P 'HFR)ODPH/(' L73 cm x W33 cm x H37 cm 13.6 kg - 230V - 50Hz - 1000W )LWWHGZLWKDWKUHHFRORXU5*% 36 x 6W system + DMX 512 DecoFlame 200 ® DecoFlame 120 Machine supplied with one 3m-pennant The style takes its origin in the heart of imagination, creativity, culture and sensitivity The olfactory touch Design of atmospheres 3LFNXS'HOLYHU\DWWKH)DFWRU\ UNIVERSAL-EFFECTS MANUFACTURE URXWHGH0RQWFHQLV) /(&5(8627%285*2*1()5$1&( $520$'(6,*1LVDUHJLVWUHG7UDGHPDUNRIWKH8QLYHUVDO(IIHFWV*URXS www.aromadesign.fr Graphics design - Studio GIRE communication - 03 85 47 96 81 - www.studiogire.com Exclusive Worlwide Distribution : UNIVERSAL-EFFECTS EUROPE $OOpHG·(IÀDW3DUFGHO·(YpQHPHQW )/21*-80($83$5,6$5($)5$1&( Phone :Fax : Email :LQIR#XQLYHUVDOHIIHFWVFRPZZZXQLYHUVDOHIIHFWVFRP The olfactory touch Design of atmospheres Just make your spaces sublime using the magic of decoline This unique, professional, innovative and modular system that can be adapted to any place from 20 m2 to 20 000 m2 www.aromadesign.fr
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