We are here for you
We are here for you
We are here for you German and European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorneys Lawyers IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Contents Meissner Bolte: More than a Century of Legal Advice 2 Local Attorneys 4 International Services 6 Full Spectrum of IP Covered 8 Litigation and Legal Services 10 Teams of Competence 11 Linguistic Excellence as Standard 12 The MB Academy 13 Meet Meissner Bolte 14 Our Market Standings 19 Contact Details 21 IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Meissner Bolte: More than a Century of Legal Advice 2 | ,3/DZ¿UPHVWDEOLVKHGE\+DQV0HLVVQHU6HQLRULQ%UHPHQ +DQV0HLVVQHU-XQLRULVDGPLWWHGWRWKHEDU (ULFK%ROWHMRLQVIRUFHVZLWK+DQV0HLVVQHU-XQLRU 0HLVVQHU%ROWHRSHQVDVHFRQGRI¿FHLQ0XQLFK 2I¿FHLQ*HUDRSHQV 6XE2I¿FHLQ$OLFDQWHVHDWRI2+,0RSHQVIRU&RPPXQLW\'HVLJQV and Trademarks 2I¿FHLQ1XUHPEHUJRSHQV 2I¿FHLQ2VQDEUXHFNRSHQV 0HUJHUEHWZHHQ0HLVVQHU%ROWH0XQLFKDQG+DJHPDQQ%UDXQ+HOG (QODUJLQJWKH3DUWQHUVKLSZLWKSURYHQH[SHUWLVHLQWKH¿HOGVRI FKHPLVWU\DQGELRWHFKQRORJ\ 0HLVVQHU%ROWHRSHQVRI¿FHVLQ+DPEXUJDQG$XJVEXUJDVZHOODV D8.2I¿FH³0%8.´LQ+DOLID[8. 0HLVVQHU%ROWHFHOHEUDWHV\HDUVRIVHUYLFHLQWKH¿HOGRI,3ZLWK ODUJHUHFHSWLRQDW,17$LQ%HUOLQ 7KH¿UVWQDWLYH(QJOLVKVSHDNLQJ3DUWQHULVDSSRLQWHGDVKHDGRIWKH 1DWLYH(QJOLVK'HSDUWPHQWLQ0XQLFK 0HUJHUEHWZHHQ0HLVVQHU%ROWH+DPEXUJDQG6FKDHIHU(PPHO+DXVIHOG HQODUJLQJWKHSDUWQHUVKLSZLWKIXUWKHUH[SHUWLVHLQWKH¿HOGVRI PHFKDQLFDOHQJLQHHULQJDQGELRWHFKQRORJ\ 6SHFLDOLVW+LJKSUR¿OH,3OLWLJDWLRQH[SHUWLVHLQ0XQLFKDQG7UDGHPDUN DQWLFRXQWHUIHLWLQJDQGSRUWIROLRPDQDJHPHQWH[SHUWLVHLQ%UHPHQLV added to the Partnership. IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Meissner Bolte is very proud of its long tradition LQ,3VWHPPLQJIURPWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQWRIWKH RI¿FH LQ %UHPHQ LQ DQG WKH MRLQLQJ RI forces of the Firm’s founders in 1966. Since 1984 Meissner Bolte has had a presence LQ0XQLFKFORVHWRERWKWKH(XURSHDQ3DWHQW 2I¿FHDQGWKHPDLQVLWHRIWKH*HUPDQ3DWHQW DQG7UDGHPDUN2I¿FH )RURYHUDFHQWXU\0HLVVQHU%ROWHKDVIRFXVHG on providing the highest quality legal advice LQ WKH ¿HOG RI ,QWHOOHFWXDO 3URSHUW\ ZKLOVW ensuring that the needs of our Clients remain paramount. %\ FRQWLQXLQJ WR HPEUDFH WKHVH WZR JXLGLQJ SULQFLSOHV ZH DUH FRQ¿GHQW WKDW 0HLVVQHU Bolte will maintain its good reputation and will EHSURYLGLQJ/HJDO6HUYLFHVZHOOLQWRRXUQH[W 100 years. | 3 IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Local Attorneys The Partners of Meissner Bolte appreciate that the successful representation of our Clients centres on communication – if we DUHWRPHHWRXU&OLHQWV¶QHHGVLWLVYLWDOWKDW we know their requirements so that we may tailor our services accordingly. When drafting DQG SURVHFXWLQJ D SDWHQW RU GHVLJQ ULJKW LI we do not understand the invention as well DVRXU&OLHQWVGRZHFDQQRWKRSHWRFDSWXUH each aspect and nuance of their ideas in DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ 0RUHRYHU GH¿QLQJ D OLVW RI goods and services for Trademark protection necessitates that we have a complete picture RI RXU &OLHQWV¶ FXUUHQW EXVLQHVV SUDFWLFHV DV well as their future directions. 3HUVRQDO FRQWDFW ZLWK ,QYHQWRUV 'HVLJQHUV DQG ,3 0DQDJHUV LV KLJKO\ EHQH¿FLDO IRU DOO parties – not only does this ensure that we JHW DOO RI WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ ZKLFK ZH UHTXLUH EXWLWDOVRDOORZVXVWRH[SODLQWRRXU&OLHQWV the key legal considerations guiding our work. ,QRUGHUWRHQVXUHWKDWDPHPEHURI0HLVVQHU Bolte is always within easy reach of each 'RPHVWLF&OLHQWZHKDYHRI¿FHVLQ+DPEXUJ 2VQDEUXHFN *HUD 1XUHPEHUJ 6FKRUQGRUI DQG$XJVEXUJLQDGGLWLRQWRWKHFHQWUDORI¿FHV of Bremen and Munich. 2XWVLGH RI *HUPDQ\ 0HLVVQHU %ROWH KDV DQ RI¿FHDWWKHVHDWRI2+,0LQ$OLFDQWH6SDLQ which specialises in Community Trademarks DQG(XURSHDQ5HJLVWHUHG'HVLJQV2XURI¿FH LQ+DOLID[8.SURYLGHVGLUHFWUHSUHVHQWDWLRQ EHIRUH WKH 8. 3DWHQW DQG 7UDGHPDUN 2I¿FH DV ZHOO DV 1DWLYH (QJOLVK VXSSRUW IRU RXU International Clients. 4 | IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth | 5 IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth International Services 6 | IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth DOORZV XV WR GLVFXVV ERWK VSHFL¿F FDVH LVVXHV as well as providing a platform to update our FROOHDJXHVRQFKDQJHVWR*HUPDQDQG(XURSHDQ IP regulations. Regular attendance of the numerous International IP conferences provides us with further opportunities to maintain our extensive QHWZRUN RI $VVRFLDWHV RXWVLGH RI *HUPDQ\ DV well as to stay on top of changes in legislation and technology trends which affect our Domestic Clients. 2XU,QWHUQDWLRQDOFRQQHFWLYLW\LVJUHDWO\DLGHGE\ *HUPDQ\O\LQJDWWKHHFRQRPLFDQGJHRJUDSKLF FHQWUH RI (XURSH WKXV DFWLQJ DV D KXE IRU International travel. In short: we are never more than 24 hours away from any of our Clients or Foreign Associates. $OWKRXJK WKH ZRUOG LV EHFRPLQJ LQFUHDVLQJO\ FRQQHFWHG 0HLVVQHU %ROWH LV FRQVFLRXV RI WKH fact that there are still many varied and rich cultures – often with differing expectations from their service providing partners. So that we can provide our Clients and Associates with WKHVWDQGDUGRIZRUNDQGVHUYLFHVWKH\H[SHFW our Partners and Attorneys work very closely with our Foreign Associates to ensure that we XQGHUVWDQG RXU &OLHQWV¶ QHHGV DQG GHPDQGV guaranteeing that we deliver our product exactly as our Client expects to receive it. Meissner Bolte offers state of the art Video &RQIHUHQFLQJ IDFLOLWLHV VXSSRUWLQJ ERWK GLUHFW DQG EURDGFDVW FRQQHFWLYLW\ $GGLWLRQDOO\ WKH Partners and Attorneys of Meissner Bolte undertake frequent International travel to liaise with our Foreign Associates and to meet new and existing Clients. This travel Meissner Bolte’s tailored International services DUH JUHDWO\ LPSURYHG E\ XV PDLQWDLQLQJ DQ LQ house staff of International Professionals and Support personnel. By channelling much of our International correspondence through our ,QWHUQDWLRQDO ([SHUWV ZKR PDLQWDLQ &OLHQW FRQWDFW ERWK IURP *HUPDQ\ DQG MRLQ XV ZKHQ ZHWUDYHOWRVHHRXU)RUHLJQ$VVRFLDWHVZHQRW only improve our understanding of our Clients’ EXVLQHVV SUDFWLFHV EXW FDQ DOVR HQVXUH WKDW misunderstandings never arise. | 7 IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Full Spectrum of IP Covered 0HLVVQHU %ROWH LV D IXOO VHUYLFH ,3 ODZ ¿UP ZLWK LQKRXVH FRPSHWHQFH DQG H[SHULHQFH LQ WKH SURVHFXWLRQ OLWLJDWLRQ DQG VXFFHVVIXO FRPPHUFLDO H[SORLWDWLRQ LQFOXGLQJ 5' DQG OLFHQVLQJDJUHHPHQWVRIDOO,35LJKWV *HUPDQKDVELIXUFDWHGSRVWJUDQWSURFHGXUHV this means that prosecution of IP rights and nullity proceedings against patents are an DGPLQLVWUDWLYH DIIDLU XQGHUWDNHQ E\ 4XDOL¿HG 3DWHQW DQG 7UDGHPDUN $WWRUQH\V ZKHUHDV enforcement and litigation of IP rights are SXUHO\FLYLODIIDLUVDQGDUHWKHUHPLWRI/DZ\HUV RIWHQ LQ FROODERUDWLRQV ZLWK 3DWHQW DQG 7UDGHPDUN$WWRUQH\V%\FRPELQLQJWHDPVRI 3DWHQWDQG7UDGHPDUN$WWRUQH\VVSHFLDOLVWVLQ providing technical and legal advice in drafting DQG SURVHFXWLRQ ZLWK /DZ\HUV UHSUHVHQWLQJ &OLHQWV LQ OHJDO SURFHHGLQJV EHIRUH DOO RI WKH FRXUWVLQ*HUPDQ\0HLVVQHU%ROWHSURYLGHVD ³RQHVWRSVKRS´IRUDOO,3OHJDOQHHGV 1RWRQO\GRHVWKHFRPELQDWLRQRI3DWHQWDQG 7UDGHPDUN $WWRUQH\V ZLWK LQKRXVH /DZ\HUV DOORZXVWRPHHWDOORIRXU&OLHQW¶VOHJDOQHHGV it also leads to a synergistic improvement in our legal services. When representing our Clients in legal cases involving technical VXEMHFWPDWWHURXU/DZ\HUVWHDPXSZLWKDW least one Patent Attorney who provides the specialised technical support. Regular court cases covering complex technical matters ensure that our Lawyers remain up to date RQ FXUUHQW WHFKQRORJ\ DQG VFLHQWL¿F WUHQGV greatly improving their representation of RXU &OLHQWV )XUWKHUPRUH WKLV SDUWQHULQJ RI 3DWHQW $WWRUQH\V ZLWK /DZ\HUV VLJQL¿FDQWO\ LPSURYHV RXU SURVHFXWLRQ VHUYLFHV DV RXU Patent Attorneys have regular opportunities to see how the litigation trial courts interpret the scope of protection of the IP rights which were SUHYLRXVO\SURVHFXWHGE\WKHPZKLFKIXUWKHU HQDEOHV WKHP WR SURVHFXWH ,3 ULJKWV ZLWK D FOHDUIRFXVRQVXEVHTXHQWHQIRUFHPHQW 8 | IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Prosecution - Technical The prosecution of technical IP rights is RQH RI 0HLVVQHU %ROWH¶V FRUH VHUYLFHV DQG LW LV KHUH WKDW ZH DUH DEOH WR VDIHJXDUG RXU &OLHQWV¶ LQWDQJLEOH DVVHWV LQ DQ LQFUHDVLQJO\ FRPSHWLWLYH EXVLQHVV HQYLURQPHQW 2XU IXOO\ TXDOL¿HG 3DWHQW DQG 7UDGHPDUN $WWRUQH\V EULQJWKHLUH[SHULHQFHWREHDURQDOODVSHFWV RI RXU &OLHQWV¶ ,QWHOOHFWXDO 3URSHUW\ SRUWIROLR and our teams of experts provide tailored advice and services ensuring that our Clients receive the correct information – whatever WKHLUWHFKQLFDODQGOHJDOUHTXLUHPHQWVPD\EH Each of Meissner Bolte’s Patent Attorneys holds D8QLYHUVLW\GHJUHHDQGLVWHFKQLFDOO\TXDOL¿HG LQ RQH RU PRUH VFLHQWL¿F RU HQJLQHHULQJ GLVFLSOLQH 0RUHRYHU PDQ\ RI RXU 3DWHQW Attorneys have also engaged in advanced WHFKQLFDOVWXGLHVXSWRD0DVWHUV¶GHJUHHOHYHO with many also holding a Doctorate. Further to WKH OHJDO TXDOL¿FDWLRQV REWDLQHG GXULQJ WKHLU 3DWHQW $WWRUQH\ VWXGLHV DQG WUDLQLQJ SHULRG around half of the Partners and Associate 3DUWQHUVKROGWKHDGYDQFHGOHJDOTXDOL¿FDWLRQ WKH//00DVWHURI/DZV Meissner Bolte is fully competent to represent WKHLU&OLHQWV¶SURVHFXWLRQQHHGVLQDOOVXEMHFW areas. With a complement of Patent Attorneys TXDOL¿HGLQHDFKRIWKHWHFKQLFDOGLVFLSOLQHV Electrical Engineering/IT/Computer Sciences Mechanical Engineering The Physical Sciences/Physics Chemistry/Biotechnology ZHDUHDEOHWRDVVLJQWKHDSSURSULDWHVSHFLDOLVWV to work on each Client’s portfolio. Within WKHVH EURDG WHFKQLFDO ¿HOGV 0HLVVQHU %ROWH has Attorneys whose education and research VSHFLDOLVDWLRQV DV ZHOO DV WKHLU SURVHFXWLRQ H[SHULHQFH PDNHV WKHP SDUWLFXODUO\ VXLWDEOHDQGYDOXDEOHIRUFHUWDLQSURMHFWV%\ maintaining a dynamic approach to a Client’s prosecution needs and developing technical IRFXV0HLVVQHU%ROWHLVDEOHWRUDSLGO\DGDSW WRDQGIXOO\VXSSRUWRXU&OLHQWV¶LQGLYLGXDO,3 requirements. Prosecution – Non-technical 0DQ\ RI RXU &OLHQWV UHTXLUH DGYLFH RQ DQG DVVLVWDQFH ZLWK WKH UHJLVWUDWLRQ DQG SURVHFXWLRQRIERWKWHFKQLFDODQGQRQWHFKQLFDO IP rights. Trademark protection; design rights; domain name registration; copyright DQG GDWDEDVH ULJKWV DUH MXVW VRPH RI WKH ,3 ULJKWV ZKLFK FDQ DQG VKRXOG EH SURWHFWHG in order to maintain a company’s value and IXWXUHVHFXULW\7KHFDVHODZLQWKHVH¿HOGVLV UDSLGO\HYROYLQJZLWKHDFKQHZGHFLVLRQDQG WKLVHYHUFKDQJLQJODQGVFDSHUHTXLUHVWKDWZH VWD\DEUHDVWRIDOOGHYHORSPHQWV±ERWKDWD 1DWLRQDODQG(8OHYHO 0HLVVQHU %ROWH LV GHOLJKWHG WR RIIHU DQ LQ house team of Expert Lawyers who specialise LQ WKH UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ UHJLVWUDWLRQ DQG SURVHFXWLRQ RI QRQWHFKQLFDO ,3 ULJKWV 2XU Legal team of experienced IP Experts ensures WKDWRXU&OLHQWVFDQEHFHUWDLQWKDWWKHDGYLFH DQG JXLGDQFH WKH\ UHFHLYH UHÀHFWV WKH PRVW FXUUHQWVWDWHRIWKHODZDQGWKDWWKHUHDUHQR unpleasant surprises around the corner. | 9 IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Litigation and Legal Services 0HLVVQHU %ROWH LV SURXG WR RIIHU D PRGHUQ LQ house legal department with over a dozen KLJKO\TXDOL¿HGDQGH[SHULHQFHGODZ\HUVPDQ\ RIZKRPDUHFHUWL¿HG,36SHFLDOLVWV2XU/HJDO 7HDP¶VIRFXVLVVLPSOHDQG\HWHIIHFWLYHSURYLGH WLPHO\ ZRUOGFODVV OHJDO DGYLFH FRYHULQJ DOO aspects of our Clients’ IP needs. The Legal Team at Meissner Bolte offers the FRPSOHWHUDQJHRIOHJDOVHUYLFHVLQWKH¿HOGRI ,3VXFKVHUYLFHVFRYHULQJ 6WUDWHJLFOHJDODQGDQWLWUXVWDGYLFH Portfolio management Rights’ exploitation services Freedom to operate memoranda Inspection proceedings IP litigation Post litigation enforcement ,QRUGHUWRSURWHFWRXU&OLHQWV¶EXVLQHVVLQWHUHVWV our advice always focusses on avoiding legal GLVSXWHVEHIRUHWKH\DULVH&DUHIXOO\ZRUGLQJWKH SURYLVLRQVRIDEXVLQHVVFRQWUDFWRUSUHSDULQJD FRPSUHKHQVLYHQRQLQIULQJHPHQWPHPRUDQGXP DVVHVVLQJ SRVVLEOH OHJDO GLVSXWHV SULRU WR UHOHDVLQJDSURGXFWRQWKHPDUNHWDUHH[WUHPHO\ EHQH¿FLDO WR WKH VPRRWK UXQQLQJ RI D PRGHUQ G\QDPLF EXVLQHVV 6DGO\ LW LV DOO WRR WUXH WKDW the importance of ensuring this legal framework is in place prior to the start of each project is RIWHQXQGHUHVWLPDWHGDVDUHWKHEHQH¿WVRIRXU proper legal advice. %URDGO\VSHDNLQJRXU,3OHJDOVHUYLFHVIDOOLQWR WKH¿HOGVRI 10 | 6KRXOGDGLVSXWHHPHUJHZKLFKFDQQRWEHVROYHG LQ DQ DPLFDEOH PDQQHU ZH SDVVLRQDWHO\ ¿JKW WRPLWLJDWHWKHLPSDFWRQRXU&OLHQW¶VEXVLQHVV SUDFWLFHV :H FDQ SURFHHG LQ D QXPEHU RI ZD\VEXWRIWHQWKLVZLOOEHE\HLWKHUHQIRUFLQJ RXU&OLHQW¶VYDOXDEOH,3ULJKWVRUGHIHQGLQJRXU Client from unfounded third party allegations in court. Our experienced legal team litigates RYHU FDVHV SHU \HDU EHIRUH WKH FRPSHWHQW *HUPDQ,3FRXUWV$VDUHVXOWRIWKHLUH[WHQVLYH H[SHULHQFH RXU /LWLJDWRUV DUH FRQYHUVDQW ZLWK the house rules of all of the major IP courts in *HUPDQ\DQGNQRZKRZWRH[SORLWWKHVHUXOHV WRRXU&OLHQW¶VDGYDQWDJH)XUWKHUPRUHZHKDYH excellent and long standing relationships with HDFK RI WKH FRXUWV DV RXU /DZ\HUV IUHTXHQWO\ hold seminars with the top IP judges. 2I FRXUVH WKH LQIULQJHPHQW RI ,3 ULJKWV DQG associated disputes is rarely constrained to WKHWHUULWRU\RI*HUPDQ\2XU/HJDO7HDPWKXV VSHFLDOLVHV LQ HVWDEOLVKLQJ HIIHFWLYH FXVWRPV VHL]XUHSURJUDPPHVZKLFKZHFRRUGLQDWHZLWK FXVWRPV DXWKRULWLHV )XUWKHUPRUH ZLWK WKH support of our extensive worldwide network RI FDUHIXOO\ VHOHFWHG KLJKO\ VSHFLDOLVHG DQG H[SHULHQFHGODZ\HUVZHKDYHJUHDWVXFFHVVLQ litigating and solving International disputes for our Clients. ,QSDUWLFXODUERWK'U7RELDV:XWWNHLQWKH0XQLFK 2I¿FHDQG'U$QGUHDV(EHUW:HLGHQIHOOHULQWKH %UHPHQ 2I¿FH DUH UHJXODUO\ UHFRPPHQGHG DV OHDGLQJ,3ODZ\HUVLQ*HUPDQ\ IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Teams of Competence 7KH PRGHUQ ZRUOG LV EHFRPLQJ LQFUHDVLQJO\ LQWHUUHODWHG PHDQLQJ WKDW PDQ\ WUDGLWLRQDO EXVLQHVVHV DUH GLYHUVLI\LQJ LQWR PXOWL GLVFLSOLQDU\ ¿HOGV DQG QHZ G\QDPLF EXVLQHVVHV DUH VSULQJLQJ XS DQG RFFXS\LQJ several connected technology sectors. To this HQGLWLVQRORQJHUDSSURSULDWHWRFDWHJRULVH RXU&OLHQWVLQWRRQO\DVLQJOHWHFKQRORJ\DUHD and in order to fully meet our Clients’ IP needs we routinely assign individual Teams of Competence to each matter. ,Q DGGLWLRQ RXU 7HDP RI &RPSHWHQFH FDQ EH H[WHQGHG DV UHTXLUHG WR FRPSULVH ERWK Patent Attorneys and Lawyers from our specialist Legal department. It is a simple fact that in many cases a Client’s portfolio should EH EURDGHQHG WR FRYHU ERWK WHFKQLFDO DQG QRQWHFKQLFDO,3ULJKWVDQGZLWKWKHVHPXOWL GLVFLSOLQDU\WHDPV0HLVVQHU%ROWHFDQHQVXUH that all of our Client’s needs are met. Meissner Bolte is in the rare position of RIIHULQJ WKH FRPELQHG H[SHUWLVH RI ERWK LQ house lawyers and patent attorneys forming FRPELQHG³7HDPVRI&RPSHWHQFH´7KLVRQH stop approach is extremely advantageous DQGFRQYHQLHQWIRURXU&OLHQWVDVLWEHFRPHV XQQHFHVVDU\WRLQVWUXFWPXOWLSOH¿UPVHDFKRI which dealing exclusively with either technical or legal matters. 2XU&OLHQWVDUHDEOHWRGLUHFWDOO,3PDWWHUVWR D VLQJOH DGGUHVV DQG FDQ EH FRQ¿GHQW WKDW WKHLU TXHU\ LV KDQGOHG E\ WKH FRUUHFW H[SHUW HYHU\ WLPH %\ IRUPLQJ FRPELQHG 7HDPV RI &RPSHWHQFH FRYHULQJ ERWK SURVHFXWLRQ DQG HQIRUFHPHQW RXU &OLHQWV FDQ EH DVVXUHG that the enforcement perspective is always FRQVLGHUHGZKHQZHSURVHFXWH,3ULJKWVDQG that the commercial exploitation of the IP Rights takes centre stage. Prosecution & Litigation - Complete Protection! It is all too common that specialist prosecution DWWRUQH\VLQERWKWHFKQLFDODQGQRQWHFKQLFDO GLVFLSOLQHV DUH IRFXVVHG RQ RQO\ EULQJLQJ a Client’s ideas as far as a granted IP right. 6DGO\WKHHQIRUFHPHQWSHUVSHFWLYH±DUJXDEO\ WKH UHDVRQ IRU REWDLQLQJ DQ ,3 ULJKW LQ WKH ¿UVWSODFH±LVIRUJRWWHQ,QDVLPLODUPDQQHU VSHFLDOLVWHQIRUFHPHQWODZ\HUVPXVWEHOHJDOO\ TXDOL¿HG WR UHSUHVHQW &OLHQWV LQ IURQW RI WKH &LYLO&RXUWV$VXFFHVVIXODFWLRQRIWHQKLQJHV KRZHYHU RQ WHFKQLFDO DUJXPHQWV ± PHDQLQJ that lawyers are not always fully equipped to handle the case alone. | 11 IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Linguistic Excellence as Standard It is a simple fact that English has for many years EHHQ WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO ODQJXDJH RI VFLHQFH DQG WHFKQRORJ\ DQG LW LV UDSLGO\ EHFRPLQJ WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO ODQJXDJH RI EXVLQHVV 7KLV LVERUQHRXWE\WKHIDFWWKDWDURXQGRI DOO(XURSHDQ3DWHQW$SSOLFDWLRQVDUH¿OHGDQG prosecuted in English. $VLGHIURPDIHZVSHFL¿FH[FHSWLRQV0HLVVQHU Bolte represents International Clients in front RI WKH (XURSHDQ 3DWHQW 2I¿FH LQ (QJOLVK ,Q VXSSRUWRIWKLV0HLVVQHU%ROWHKDVDFRPSOHWH 1DWLYH(QJOLVKVSHDNLQJJURXSEDVHGLQ0XQLFK and within easy reach of the European Patent 2I¿FHLQDGGLWLRQWRRXURI¿FHLQWKH8QLWHG Kingdom. 12 | /HGE\RQHRIRXU3DUWQHUV'U$QGUHZ3DUNHU ZKRUHORFDWHGWR0XQLFKIURPWKH8.LQ DQGVXSSRUWHGE\DWHDPRI3DWHQW(QJLQHHUVDQG 3DUDOHJDOV ± 0HLVVQHU %ROWH¶V 1DWLYH (QJOLVK speaking group directly represents many of RXU ,QWHUQDWLRQDO &OLHQWV EHIRUH WKH (32 DV well as providing English language expertise across the whole range of our Legal Services. With IP cases often hinging on the correct LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ RI D FRPSOH[ OHJDO WH[W 0HLVVQHU %ROWH¶V 1DWLYH (QJOLVK VSHDNLQJ Patent Attorneys ensure that we can provide WKH EHVW DGYLFH WR RXU &OLHQWV IRU FDVHV LQ (QJOLVKDVZHOODVRIFRXUVH*HUPDQ IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth The MB Academy 7KH0%$FDGHP\LQDVVRFLDWLRQZLWK0HLVVQHU %ROWH SURYLGHV D ZLGH UDQJH RI WUDLQLQJ DQG HYHQWV LQ DOO ¿HOGV RI ,QWHOOHFWXDO 3URSHUW\ aimed at all IP Professionals and Practitioners ZRUNLQJ QRW RQO\ LQ (XURSH EXW DOVR Worldwide. &DSLWDOLVLQJ RQ WKH NQRZOHGJH DQG NQRZ KRZRIWKH0HPEHUVRI0HLVVQHU%ROWHEXLOW XS RYHU PDQ\ \HDUV RI SUDFWLFDO H[SHULHQFH WKH0%$FDGHP\SUHVHQWVDQXPEHURI\HDUO\ seminars and events covering a range of topics: China Seminar: Discussion of GHYHORSPHQWVLQ&KLQD¶VJURZLQJ,3DUHQD HDFK6SULQJWLPHLQ0XQLFK IP-Days: 1HZ GHYHORSPHQWV LQ ,3 UHJXODWLRQV DV ZHOO DV SUDFWLFDO ZRUNLQJ DGYLFH DUH SURYLGHG LQ DGGLWLRQ WR DQ H[FLWLQJ VRFLDO SURJUDPPH HDFK 6HSWHPEHULQ0XQLFK Newsletter: (YHU\TXDUWHUDNH\GHFLVLRQ LQ WKH *HUPDQ RU (XURSHDQ ,3 ¿HOG LV discussed in depth with guidance on how this impacts on actual working practices. In addition to events for practicing IP 3URIHVVLRQDOV WKH 0% $FDGHP\ SURYLGHV ,Q+RXVH 6HPLQDUV DQG 7UDLQLQJ DLPHG DW 5HVHDUFKHUVDQG0DQDJHUVDOLNHKLJKOLJKWLQJ the importance and relevance of Intellectual 3URSHUW\5LJKWVIRUSURWHFWLQJD¿UP¶VIXWXUH EXVLQHVVSUDFWLFHV 7KHVH6HPLQDUVFDQEHLQGLYLGXDOO\WDLORUHGWR DFRPSDQ\¶VQHHGVDQGFRYHUDZLGHUDQJHRI topics including: Explanation of different IP protection rights. $SSURSULDWH¿OLQJVWUDWHJLHVDQGDSSOLFDWLRQ requirements. 7KH5ROHRI,3LQPRGHUQEXVLQHVV Integrating IP into a company’s future. ,3DQG6WDUWXSV Patent portfolio management integrated with Research and Development planning. | 13 IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Meet Meissner Bolte Electrical Engineering/IT/Computer Sciences Dr. Johannes Bohnenberger Munich Volkmar Kruspig Munich Kay Rupprecht, LL.M. Munich Martin Aulich %UHPHQ+DPEXUJ2VQDEUXHFN Specialist in Electrical Engineering and Medical Engeneering Specialist in Optoelectronic &RPSRQHQWV'HYLFHVDQG/LJKWLQJ ,OOXPLQDWLQJ(QJLQHHULQJ Specialist in Medical Devices and Computer Implemented Inventions 6SHFLDOLVWLQ&RQWURO0HDVXUHPHQW 7HFKQRORJ\DQG,76RIWZDUH Julian Würmser, LL.M. Munich Thomas Kregelin +DPEXUJ Dr. Alexander Graßmann 1XUHPEHUJ André Balibey Munich 6SHFLDOLVWLQ6RIWZDUH Medical Imaging and Signal Processing Specialist in Medical Engineering and Microelectronics Specialist in Communications Engineering and Computer Aided Circuit Design Specialist in Semiconductors and Computer Implemented Inventions Helge Jordan Munich Specialist in Semiconductors and Communication Systems 14 | IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Mechanical Engineering Erich Bolte Bremen Dr. Eugen Popp, LL.M. Munich Friedrich Möller Bremen Nils Ellberg %UHPHQ2VQDEUFN Specialist in Packaging Technology and Civil Engineering Specialist in Automotive Engineering and Tooling Machines Specialist in Mechanical &RQYH\LQJ+DQGOLQJDQG +\GUDXOLF3QHXPDWLF'ULYHV Specialist in Packaging Technology and Civil Engineering and Information Technology Jochen Kilchert Munich Rolf W. Einsele Munich Karsten Heiland Bremen Brigitte Kaminsky *HUD Specialist in Medical Devices and Automotive Engineering Specialist in Motor Vehicle 7HFKQRORJ\$XWR&KDVVLVDQG Drive Systems Specialist in Automotive Engineering and Power Plant Engineering Specialist in Mechanization of $JULFXOWXUH)RUHVWU\)RRG Industry and Agricultural Vehicles Philipp Wetzel +DPEXUJ Gottfried D. Müller Schorndorf Manuel Soria Parra Munich Susanne Köhler Munich 6SHFLDOLVWLQ0LQLQJ Separation of Raw Materials and Waste Disposal Specialist in Control Engineering and Vehicle Technology Specialist in Medical Engineering and Mechatronics Specialist in Automotive Technology and Aircraft Technology L. Janet Bray, B. Sc. +DOLID[*% Specialist in Textile Technology and Automotive Technology | 15 IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Physical Sciences/Physics Wolf E. Sajda Munich Dr. Stefan M. Zech, LL.M. Munich Dr. Ekkehard Heinze, LL.M. Munich Gernot H. Schröer, LL.M. 1XUHPEHUJ Specialist in Semiconductors and Vehicle Technology Specialist in Production Technology Systems and Material Sciences 6SHFLDOLVWLQ1HZ(QHUJ\DQG 0RELOH1HWZRUN6ROXWLRQV Specialist in Material 3URFHVVLQJDQG6HQVRUV Control Electronics Markus Schlögl 1XUHPEHUJ Dr. Norbert Hausfeld +DPEXUJ Dr. Ole Trinks $XJVEXUJ0XQLFK Dr. Andrew Parker Munich Specialist in Building Technology 0DFKLQHVDQG)XUQLWXUH Industry Specialist in Medical and /DERUDWRU\'HYLFHV3K\VLFDO Engineering Specialist in Medical Devices FDUGLRORJ\DQG2/(' 6SHFLDOLVWLQ1DQRWHFKQRORJ\ and Process Control Systems Konrad Schaefer (of counsel) +DPEXUJ Jörg Hauwede *HUD Dr. Denis Träger 2VQDEUXHFN%UHPHQ Dr. Gernot Krobath Munich 6SHFLDOLVWLQ0HGLFDO'HYLFHV Physics and Physical Engineering 6SHFLDOLVWLQ3URFHVV0HDVXULQJ Control Technology and Optical 'HYLFHV,QVWUXPHQWV Specialist in Optical Engineering and Material Sciences Specialist in Semiconductor 7HFKQRORJ\DQG1XFOHDU3K\VLFV Tilman Pfrang, LL.M. Munich Matthias Heid 1XUHPEHUJ Dr. Hubert Riepl 1XUHPEHUJ C. van Lookeren Campagne 1XUHPEHUJ Specialist in Solid State Physics and Coating Technology Specialist in Applied Physics and Medical Engineering Specialist in Applied Physics and Computer Implemented Technology Specialist in Applied Physics DQG&RPSXWHU,PSOHPHQWHG Inventions 16 | IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Frank Harner $XJVEXUJ0XQLFK Dr. Matthias Hoener Bremen Specialist in Medical Devices FDUGLRORJ\DQG6HPLFRQGXFWRUV 6SHFLDOLVWLQ1DQRWHFKQRORJ\ and Optical Engineering Chemistry/Biotechnology Dr. Heinrich Hagemann Munich Dr. Stephan Held Munich Dr. Felix Letzelter, LL.M. Munich Dr. Klaus Linn Munich Specialist in Polymers and &DUERQ)LEUHV Specialist in Pharmaceuticals and Polymer Chemistry Specialist in Life Science and Organic Chemistry Specialist in Inorganic Chemistry and Polymers Manfred Lunz Munich Dr. Christoph Behrens, LL.M. Munich 6SHFLDOLVWLQ0HGLFDO,PSODQW Technology and Packaging Technology Specialist in Applied Organic Chemistry and Food Technology | 17 IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Lawyers Dr. Tobias Wuttke Munich Dr. Claus D. Opatz Bremen Dr. Henrik Bolte %UHPHQ+DPEXUJ 6SHFLDOLVWLQ+LJK3UR¿OH,3 Litigation Specialist in Trademark and Design Law 6SHFLDOLVWLQ7UDGHPDUN'HVLJQ and Unfair Competition Law Axel Kockläuner Munich Katrin Albert Munich Oliver Nilgen Munich Andreas Kabisch Munich Specialist in Trademark and Domain Disputes Specialist in Trademark Disputes and Licences 6SHFLDOLVWLQ7UDGHPDUN 'HVLJQDQG+HDOWK&DUH/DZ Specialist in Patent Law and Licences Markus Mainx 1XUHPEHUJ Korbinian Rombach Munich Kilian Lorenz Munich Christian Hess, LL.M. Munich Specialist in Trademark Disputes and Licences Specialist in Trademark and Contract Law Specialist in Unfair Competition Law Specialist in Patent and Antitrust Law Marija Lunuskina 1XUHPEHUJ Yasuhiko Irinoda, LL.M. Munich Dr. Araceli Blanco Jiménez $OLFDQWH(6 6SHFLDOLVWLQ7UDGHPDUN/DZ Licences and Competition Law -DSDQHVH/DZ\HU%HQJRVKL 6SHFLDOLVWLQ3URVHFXWLRQEHIRUH WKH2+,0 6SDQLVK/DZ\HU$ERJDGDDQG 6SDQLVK3DWHQW$JHQW$JHQWHGH la Propiedad Industrial 18 | Dr. Andreas EbertWeidenfeller Bremen 6SHFLDOLVWLQ7UDGHPDUN'HVLJQ and Unfair Competition Law IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Our Market Standings | 19 IP Protection for next Season‘s Growth Our Market Standings 20 | is represented at several locations in Europe AUGSBURG OSNABRUECK Depotstraße 5 ½ '$XJVEXUJ_*HUPDQ\ 3KRQH )D[ (0DLODXJVEXUJ#PESGH Rolandsmauer 9 '2VQDEUXHFN_*HUPDQ\ 3KRQH )D[ (0DLOPDLO#PHLERGH BREMEN SCHORNDORF (near Stuttgart) +ROOHUDOOHH '%UHPHQ_*HUPDQ\ 3KRQH )D[ (0DLOPDLO#PHLERGH 2FKVHQEHUJ '6FKRUQGRUI_*HUPDQ\ 3KRQH )D[ (0DLOPDLO#UHPVSDWHQWGH GERA *HVFKZLVWHU6FKROO6WU '*HUD_*HUPDQ\ 3KRQH )D[ (0DLOPDLO#JPESGH HAMBURG Beselerstraße 6 '+DPEXUJ_*HUPDQ\ 3KRQH )D[ (0DLOPDLO#PHLERGH MUNICH Widenmayerstraße 47 '0XQLFK_*HUPDQ\ 3KRQH )D[ (0DLOPDLO#PESGH NUREMBERG Bankgasse 3 '1XUHPEHUJ_*HUPDQ\ 3KRQH )D[ (0DLOPDLO#QXHUQEHUJPESGH ALICANTE Paseo Explanada de (VSDxD1R,]GD ($OLFDQWH_6SDLQ 3KRQH )D[ (0DLOPDLO#PESGH ,QFRRSHUDWLRQ ZLWK0%38./WG HALIFAX 5DZ+ROPH0LGJHKROH5RDG +HEGHQ%ULGJH West Yorkshire +;$)_8QLWHG.LQJGRP 3KRQH )D[ (0DLOPDLO#XNPESGH "VHTCVSHt#SFNFOt(FSBt)BNCVSHt.VOJDIt/VSFNCFSHt0TOBCSVFDLt4DIPSOEPSGt"MJDBOUF&4 t)BMJGBY6, *11SPUFDUJPOGPS /FYU4FBTPOAT(SPXUI
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