Hardin County 4-H News - Texas AgriLife Extension Service


Hardin County 4-H News - Texas AgriLife Extension Service
Hardin County 4-H
March 2015
Minute with the Agent………Page 1
South Texas State Fair….…..Page 1
YPS……………………...……….Page 2
Horse Validations..…………...Page 2
4-H Youth Council….………...Page 3
District 9 Roundup…….…….Page 3
4-H Adult Leaders Association………………………….…....Page 4
County Photography Contest………………………..……...Page 5
Clubs Corner…….…………….Page 6
4-H Members & Projects…………………..………..Page 7-9
Upcoming Events……………..Page10
4-H Fishing Tournament….Page 11
T-Shirt Order………………...Page 12
Important dates to remember………………………………Page 13
Volume 3, Issue 3
Minute with the Agent
Hello again Hardin County 4-Hers, I hope y’all have some great plans for Texas Independence day, but if
not remember Spring Break is this month and St. Patrick’s day. So there are plenty of opportunities for you to have
some fun this month. I know after I’ve seen most of you at Houston, and the South Texas State Fair I will need to
have some fun myself. Every event I have gone to where one of you is competing I have seen you do it with the
greatest of integrity, and for this I am truly thankful I am your agent. Keep up the good, hard work you all put in
daily, and hopefully the coldest of the winter weather is behind us and we will get to see all the new growth for the
year soon. I know after this year’s dreary winter weather I am looking forward to seeing a little sun light. So get
ready to start making plans to go with me to Sr. Leadership Lab this summer. I know last year I had a great time
with Brody.
Remember: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams
Joseph W. Singletary
South Texas State Fair-YMBL
The South Texas State Fair will be held on March 26-April 5, 2015.
Here is a list of important dates, etc:
Photography entries due—YMBL Office March 12
Show Dates:
March 26
Poultry Show
March 27
Rabbit Show
March 28
Swine/F-1 Heifer March 29
Steer Show
March 31
Fair book with rules and guidelines are available on line at www.ymbl.org.
If you need more information, Please contact the Extension Office at 409-246-5128. We would
like to wish everyone participating, GOOD LUCK!!!! We know you will all do great!
Hardin County Youth Project Show
Mark your calendars!! The Hardin County Youth Project Show has set their 2015 Show dates for October
13-17, 2015. The Chart below shows the due dates for all of the events.
Poultry Orders Due
April 21, 2015
Steer Tag In
May 9, 2015
Tag Orders Due
June 1, 2015
Turkey Pick UP
June 10 or 11, 2015
Pig, Lamb, Goat Entries due
August 18, 2015
Roaster Pick Up
August 19, 2015
Rabbit Validation
September 19, 2015
Exhibit Hall Entries Due
October 1, 2015
Horse Validations
The 2015 Horse Validations are open on 4-H Connect March 1-May 1.
March 1-April 15-$10 per horse
April 16-May 1-$20 per horse
All horses must be validated or re-validated with payment each year, to be eligible to show
at District and State 4-H Horse Shows.
If you are planning on competing at the District or State Horse Show this year, please make
sure you get with the Extension office for instructions on validating your horses as soon as
possible. If you have any questions please contact the Extension office at 409-246-5128.
meeting about a bicycle project and camp she is
planning for July 15-18th. She requested help from
the council and the club’s of Hardin County’s, in putThe 4-H Council has voted and planned to do a
ting this project on. We will need help in teaching
Bake Sale Fundraiser to be held on April 25, 2015
the classes Wednesday-Friday and on Saturday, there
at the Kountze Trade Days from 10:00 a.m.—2:00 would be a bicycle rodeo for the youth and a bicycle
p.m. Clubs, friends and families wishing to help bake race for all ages interested. There will need to be lots
individually wrapped or whole items and donate
of volunteers for watering stations, teaching, registrathem or wish to come and help at the booth need to tion and much more. The council has voted to help
contact Mrs. Tammy to get more details.
Emily with her project. All proceeds from the race
will be returned to the Council for them to assist
We would like to encourage all clubs to participate
with registration and project fees, leadership labs and
in this fundraiser, as funds that are collected go to
other activities.
events, and activities provided to all clubs in the
If you would like to help or participate in either of
4-H Council Meeting
Emily Jimenez of the Hardin Homeschool 4-H
Club spoke to Council Members at the February
District 9 Roundup
these activities, please contact the Extension office at
do the County photo contest you are still eligible to participate.
Big Time in D9 will be held May 1-2, 2015, on Quiz Bowls:
the Alvin Community College Campus locat- Entry Deadline: April 12
ed at 3110 Mustang Rd, Alvin Texas.
Entry Fee: $15.00
If you didn’t get to participate in the County
There is a Nutrition Quiz bowl and a Beef &
Roundup, don’t worry you can still particiHorse Quiz bowl. For guidelines on competpate in the District Roundup. We already
ing please see the district 9 website.
have a team participating in the Food Challenge project at district lets see what else we Swine Quiz Bowl
can do to show the District how great Hardin Entry/Registration Deadline: April 12, 2015
County 4-H is!
Entry Fee: $15.00
Available Contests:
For guidelines or study resources please see
the district 9 website at d94-htamu.edu or
Entry/Registration Deadline: Online entry us- contact the extension office.
ing 4-H Connect closes March 29.
If you are interested in any of the above
events and would like assistance please feel
free to contact the Extension office at 409You may obtain a copy of the rules from the
District Website at d94-h.tamu.edu or con- 246-5128. Please make not of all deadlines
tact the Extension office. Even if you did not for each contest.
Entry Fee: $5.00 for each photo uploaded.
4-H Adult Leaders Association
The Hardin County Extension Office is trying to bring back the 4-H Adult Leaders Association to Hardin County. There will be a meeting on March 2, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. here at the
Extension Office. Any 4-H Adult Volunteer or Parent interested in joining the Adult Leaders Association may do so.
The purpose of the Adult Leaders Association is for the County 4-H Parents & Leaders to
meet and work together to improve and enhance opportunities available to 4-H members.
Leaders exchange ideas, discuss mutual concerns and help each other. Association meetings
provide leaders with information about 4-H and working with youth. It is a time of learning,
sharing and fellowship. Members of the Association :
Are dedicated to the well-being and development of youth.
Assume direct responsibilities in working with youth.
Believe in a helping relationship between youth and adults.
Seek to improve their own abilities in working with youth.
The Extension office would like for the Adult Leaders Association to eventually be able to
help with camps, workshops, leadership labs and contests for the 4-H youth. The first
fundraiser planned for April 18th, 2015 is a Ragball Tournament. Anyone interested assisting with the fundraiser or knowing about a Ragball tournament can contact Mr. Singletary or Mrs. Tammy at the Extension office.
Hardin County Photography Contest
The youth of Hardin County 4-H participated in a County 4-H photography contest on February
6, 2015 at the Hardin County Extension office. We had several entries that were all from very talented 4-H members of all ages.
From the Clover Division, Abigail Alberson of the Hardin Homeschool 4-H club received a participation award for her beautiful photo titled “Chicks Arriving”
From the Junior Division, Esther Cartwright of the Kountze 4-H Club, won Grand Champion
with her photo “Golden Voices of Times Gone Past”. Clair Alberson, of the Hardin Homeschool
4-H Club, received Honorable Mention in the Junior Division with her photo “Farm Friend”.
From the Intermediate Division, Emily Jimenez of the Hardin Homeschool 4-H Club, won
Grand Champion with her photo “My Alto Sax” and also received Honorable Mentions for her
photo “Monarch Butterfly”. Emily also received 1st place in the Intermediate Division, Elements
of Design with her photo “Windmill in Disney”, 1st place Nature & Landscape with her photo
“Ocean.” Nathanael Cartwright of the Kountze 4-H club was the proud winner of the Hardin
County Category and will have his picture placed on the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s Website for one year. You can see his picture at hardin.agrilife.org. Natanael also received 1st place Intermediate Division in the category of People with his photo “Dreaming”, and 2nd place in the
Category Plant/Flora with his photo “Waiting for Spring.” Also in the Intermediate division, Hailey Alberson of the Hardin Homeschool 4-H club placed 1st in the category of Plant/Flora with
her photo “ Morning Dew.”
In the Senior Division, Brooke Jerdee of the Kountze 4-H Club won Grand Champion with her
photo “Peek a Boo” and also received Honorable Mention with her photo “Beach Bubbles”.
Brooke also received 1st place in the category of Plant/ Flora with her photo “Hello Sunshine.”
We would like to extend a huge thank you to our Judges Mr. Mason, Mr. Lewis
and Mr. Reneau for assisting us with the Judging of the Photography Show.
Partners like you are what help make a difference in 4H member’s lives.
Also, Mr. Singletary and Mrs. Goodman, would like to congratulate all of the entrants to the Contest, we love to see
how your hard work and dedication in your 4-H projects
and clubs are paying off for you. Congrats and Great Job!!!
Clubs Corner
Lumberton 4-H Club
The Lumberton 4-H club is gearing up for the
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Horticulture Competition on March 1st, and the Rabbit
show on March 6-8th. Members of the club will
Horse & Rider 4-H Club
also be participating in the South Texas State
Fair showing poultry and Rabbits at the end of The Horse & Rider 4-H Club will be working
on a community service project on February 28,
March. Good luck everyone!
to help clean up and re-build a 4-H member’s
families house. Keep up the great job everyone!
Sour Lake 4-H Club
Sour Lake 4-H has a busy month in March as well. With members competing at
the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in Horticulture and Landscaping, along
with swine, heifers and steers...to the South Texas State Fair with members
showing swine, lambs, goats, poultry, heifers and steers OH MY! Due to the crazy busy time the March meeting will be cancelled. On top of all of their showing,
they are planning a fundraiser in April. Good Luck & Great Job everyone!
Big Thicket 4-H Club
Members of the Big Thicket 4-H Club
will be participating in the South Texas
Members of the Silsbee 4-H Club will be showing Poultry
State Fair in March, showing rabbits
at the South Texas State Fair! They are also planning to
and poultry. Good Luck!
do a community service project on March 21, to clean up
trash in Downtown Silsbee. They will also try and recycle
as much trash as possible. Good luck and Great Job!
Silsbee 4-H Club
Kountze 4-H Club
The Kountze 4-H Club is gearing up for the Houston
Livestock Show and Rodeo Horticulture CompetiThe Hardin Homeschool –H club has began
tion on March 1st, and the Rabbit show on March 6practices for the District 9 Food Challenge
8th. Members of the club will also be participating in
in May at the Big Time in D9 Event! Memthe South Texas State Fair showing poultry and Rabbers also participate in the County Photogbits at the end of March. Good luck everyone!
raphy show and plan to participate in the
South Texas State Fair Photography Contest.
Hardin Homeschool 4-H Club
Hardin County 4-H Ragball
April 18th
Lumberton Little League Park
We will need help from 4-H
members and parents. 4-H Kids
we are hoping to have some of
you be runners for “rent-a-kid”. If
you are interested in helping
please contact the Extension office at 409-246-5128.
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Hardin County Office
PO Box 610 | 440 West Monroe St
Kountze, TX 77625
Phone: 409-246-5128
Fax: 409-246-5201
E-mail: hardin-tx@tamu.edu
“To Make the Best Better”
Extension Office Closed……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……...March 2, 2015
Dog Project …………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....March 2, 2015
4-H Adult Leaders Association Meeting………………………………………………………………………………………………………...March 2, 2015
Bay City Archery Registration & Fees Due…………………………………………………………………………………………………...March 5, 2015
Dog Project…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...March 9, 2015
Arts & Crafts Project Meeting………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...March 10, 2015
Dog Project…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..March 16, 2015
Fishing Tournament………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….March 21, 2015
D9 4-H Horse Judging Entries Due……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….March 22, 2015
YMBL Eligibility Forms Due to Extension Office……………………………………………………………………………………….March 23, 2015
Dog Project…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..March 23, 2015
South Texas State Fair………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..March 26-April 15
District 9 4-H Photography Entries Due……………………………………………………………………………………………………...March 29, 2015
Extension Office Closed…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....April 3, 2015
District 9 Roundup Entries Due………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...April 12, 2015
4-H Ragball Tournament……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..April 18, 2015
District 9 4-H Rifle Contest Entries Due……………………………………………………………………………………………………..….April 20, 2015
Hardin County Youth Project Show Poultry Entries Due…………………………………………………………………………....April 21, 2015
Persons with disabilities who plan to attend any event and who may need auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact Tammy Goodman, at 409-246-5128 ten working
days prior to the meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Educational Programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic
information or veteran status.
The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas cooperating.