4-H News - Refugio County Extension Office
4-H News - Refugio County Extension Office
Refugio Co. 4-H Family Newsletter November 2013 107 E. Roca St. 526-2825 phone 526-4340 fax Email: Refugio-tx@tamu.edu INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 4-H News 2 Scholarship News 3 4-H Meetings 4 Livestock News 5 November Calendar 6 We’re on the web! http://refugio.agrilife.org REFUGIO- During National 4-H Week, Refugio County 4-H’ers painted the county Green and White to show their 4H Spirit. Some wrote letters, others delivered baked goods to county supporters and school administration, hung posters in schools, and even helped beautify the county. Over the week there were 7,259 citizens who saw what 4-H was all about. These outstanding 4-H’ers have also recruited over 32 new 4-H’ers to join our program this year. What an awesome job Refugio Co. 4-H’ers are doing. Michael Donalson Michael Donalson, CEA AG/NR Monica Flores Monica Flores, Office Manager/ 4-H Program Assistant Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid, service or accommodation in order to participate in any of the mentioned activities, are encouraged to contact the County Extension Office eight days before all programs for assistance. Educational programs of Texas AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, sex, age or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. Page 2 4-H News September 10 - Lukas Meza 14 - Taylor Nixon Club News Brushpopper’s 4-H Club Submitted by : Trey Upton Brushpoppers 4-H Club met on September 15, 2013, club discussed club dues in place of fundraising $10 child or no more than $20 a family. We keep club meeting day as 2nd Sunday of the month at 2 p.m.; Club President will place donuts from Brushpoppers in Teacher's lounge for National 4-H week. We will put signs on student lockers and in hallway at schools; National One Day 4-H we will hold meeting at RC Museum and project will consist of cleaning the flowerbeds and picking up the trash around the museum. Code of Conduct forms, handbooks, officer manual, awards, and certificates were passed out to members. Club member want a new t-shirt need to talk with Denise Rosas , she will be securing new design and t-shirt bids; by laws were reviewed. adjourned meeting and ate hotdogs and socialized. On October 13, 2013, we met and conducted our Club One Day Project of cleaning up around the Refugio Co. Museum and Chamber of Commerce. We also discussed shirts, next meeting will be on November 17th at Mission Ridge, each member will bring a card and the club will present residents with Thanksgiving treats, voted on Bylaws, and voted to donate basket to The Go-Texan Fund Run. We had 2 new members present. Mr. Ressmann gave a report on the Shooting Sports Clinic. Club members took time to update their calendar journal, this will help with recordbooks in June. Blanconia 4-H Club Submitted by Kyra Klare Blanconia 4-H club met on September 10, 2013, installation of officers except for treasurer, Dalton Klare who was not present. Mr. Donaldson discussed project forms with the club members and 4H connect and enrollment. Mr. Donaldson also passed out membership cards to members present. Peyton and Mrs. Beall passed out project forms and members completed first part and Peyton will bring members project forms to each meeting. Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting October Oct. 8 Blanconia 4-H club met on September 10, 2013, instillation of officers was conducted, and also a reminder about upcoming 4-H week. On October 8, 2013, Monthly meeting was conducted by Courtney. Dalton Klare resigned as treasurer. Club members elected Joseph Montemayor as 13-14 treasurer. Members discussed club t-shirts and will bring their own created designs to vote on at next meeting. National 4-H week was discussed and members will deliver baked goods to people and businesses in the community. Motions passed to pay the adult screening bill and council dance bill. Members colored Halloween pictures for Mission Ridge Residents to be delivered by Peyton and National 4-H tags for their baked goods. Refreshments were provided by Heath Harkins and next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2013. 4-H Livestock Judging Team Club Discussed Club business, Club Community Service Project-- adopt Mission Ridge Nursing Home, One Day 4-H and National 4-H was discussed, Announcements were made. Met on October 20, discussed monthly business, financials, yearly fundraiser, National 4H week, County announcements, District announcements. Adjourned the meeting and began sports fishing project. Tom White project leader. Discussed types of lines and types of rods and reels commonly used in sports fishing in our area. Also, discussed safety guidelines when casting. Mr. White discussed importance of taking care of your equipment.. Anyone interested in participating in the this project please contact Mr. White at 877-2447. Next club meeting November 17, 2013 Refugio Mission 4-H Club Submitted by Ember Glocar Refugio Mission met September 4, 2013, appointed Ember Glocar as Reporter, Julianna as Secretary, discussed account balance, fundraisers, and discussed location and time of meeting. Next Meeting October 2,2013 On October 2, club discussed Fundraising ideas, Club T-Shirts, National 4-H week community Service project. They will also be selling Durham mixes in November. Next meeting November 6, 2013 Rough Riders 4-H Club Our club met on September 8, 2013,we discussed Re enrollment, this years projects, upcoming important dates. All in all we did a meet and greet with new members and their parents, as well as perspective members. we also discussed our Pizza Fundraiser. On October 6, 2013, we met and discussed National 4-H Week, One Day 4-H, and decorated posters. Voted to host a Halloween activity. There will be a Livestock meeting on October 27, 4p.m. at the Ruddock Barn. Next meeting will be November 3, 2013 4-H News Page 3 2014 TEXAS 4-H OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION • Ensure you have taken the SAT or ACT. Minimum requirements on scores are 1350 on SAT and 19 on ACT (scores must be from one test date) Begin working on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is a free application and can be found at fafsa.gov. Please do not use one of the websites that charge, hence the word FREE!!! http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/scholarships SALE School Tours As Rodeo 2014 approaches, the School Tours committee is looking for enthusiastic tour guides in grades 9 th through 12 to take part in this special leadership opportunity. We would like to invite you 4-H members to serve as tour guides in 2013. This is a truly wonderful experience for students to develop and practice their leadership skills that 4-H strives to build in youth. Our motto “Helping Youth Today so that Agriculture Can Grow Tomorrow,” clearly defines what the school tours program is all about. Tour Guides have the opportunity to educate these school children about agriculture and its importance to society. th This is a great opportunity and I recommend taking advantage of it. Call the Extension Office by Nov. 22nd if you are interested in being a school tour guide. 4-H Meetings Page 4 We want to remind all members that your presence at 4-H meetings is an important part of your 4-H experience. You can keep updated on when your club has activities, you can learn how meetings are conducted, and you can participate in them. The program and recreation activities are learning opportunities also. Leadership is a vital part of 4-H record book. County Council Meeting Sunday, November 17, 2013 7:30 pm Extension Office 4-H Booster Club Meeting November 5, 2013 6:00 pm City Hall Page 5 Livestock Show Information County Fair Validation December 14, 2013 County Fairgrounds 6:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. County validation will include: hogs, lambs, pre 4-H and market goats. Animals must be present, and there will be NO LATE VALIDATION! You can call the Extension office for more details. Do not forget! Mark your calendars! If you are not going to be able to be present, you need to make arrangements for someone to take your animals to be validated. Animals Validated for Major Show will count for the 2014 Livestock Show. You will not have to bring them to Validation on the 14th. ALL ANIMALS MUST BE VALIDATED IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO SHOW AT THE 2014 LIVESTOCK SHOW. General Rule: Rule 3: States each exhibitor must be a member of a 4-H Club or FFA program prior to Validation of animals.— Please be sure if you are active in 4-H Connect by December 1st to ensure active status. If you have not taken your Quality Counts Verification test please do so by December 14, 2013. http://refugio.agrilife.org/videos/4-h-videos/quality-counts/ Breeding Heifers If you are planning to exhibit a beef heifer at this year’s livestock show, you must contact the County Extension Office to let us know that you have the heifer in your possession and on feed by November 1, 2013. We will then make a visit to verify that the project is on feed. Lamb & Goat Feeders One of the major health problems we face each year in our lamb and goat projects is water belly or urinary calculi, which is the formation of stones or crystals in the urinary tract. Once the animals show symptoms of the problem, it is often too late. Prevention may be difficult, but it’s our best tool. Things you can do to help prevent this problem: 1) Keep cool, clean water available at all times 2) Feed a small amount (a double handful) of alfalfa hay 3 or 4 times a week 3) Provide a free choice, loose mineral that is high in calcium. Look for a mineral that is at least 2 to 1 calcium to phosphorous ratio. There are some available that are 6 to 1. 4) Do not add extra corn to your ration, because you off set the mineral balance in your feed. Page 6 November 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 Breeding Heifers must be on Feed 3 Roughriders mtg 3 pm 10 Brushpoppers mtg. 2 pm Bonnie View mtg. 5 pm 17 4 5 Turkey Day!! Booster Meeting 7 8 9 6 p.m. City Hall Mission 4-H mtg. 7:30 pm 12 MAJOR 13 14 15 16 Ext. Office closed-Veterans Day SHOW SIGN UP Blanconia mtg. 7 pm 18 19 20 21 22 23 11 7 pm Padilla Clover Kids Meeting 4 p.m. County Council 7:30 p.m. Hall 24 25 26 Livestock Judging Club 5:00 p.m. 6 Fair Board mtg Major Show Swine Validation TBA District Crossroads 27 28 Extension Office 29 Closed 30