2013 Atascosa 4-H Clubs - Atascosa County Extension Office
2013 Atascosa 4-H Clubs - Atascosa County Extension Office
Atascosa 4-H Newsletter Texas AgriLife Extension Office 1003 Oak St, Jourdanton, Tx 78026 830.769.3066 / atascosa.agrilife.org 2013 Atascosa 4-H Clubs Atascosa Club of Equine Enthusiasts (A.C.E.E.) 4th Monday of the Month, 7pm Karen Harris - (830) 570-9222 First United Methodist Church, Pleasanton Black Hill 4-H 2nd Sunday of the Month, 6:00pm Kim Lutz - (830) 570 - 3320 Black Hill Comm. Bldg., Black Hill, TX Chaparral 4-H 2nd Sunday of the Month, 6pm Stephanie Peterson-(830) 399-0683 Verdi Community Center, Verdi, Tx Jourdanton4-H 3rd Monday of the Month, 6:30pm Laura Despain – 830-570-5927 Carole Horelka – 830-769-3765 Methodist Church, Jourdanton, Tx Leming/Verdi 4-H 2nd Monday of the Month 6:30pm Jennifer Cagle - (210) 865-4802 Verdi Community Center, Verdi, Tx Little Atascosa Homeschooler’s Clover kids 1st Wednesday of the month Elizabeth George (830)570-3990 Verdi Community Center, Verdi, TX Pleasanton, Tx. Lytle 4-H 2nd Monday of the Month, 6:30pm Rosemary Bonner - (830) 709-4938 Lytle Middle School Cafeteria, Lytle, Tx Mesquite 4-H 2nd Monday of the Month, 7pm Sue Ann Smith - (830) 281-3982 Debbie Ward - (830) 281-4159 First Baptist Church, Pleasanton, Tx Poteet 4-H 1st Tuesday of the Month, 7pm Monica Zepeda - 210-461-3125 Stephanie Scharmann - 210-365-9632 Poteet High School Cafeteria, Poteet, Tx Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. The Texas A & M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and County Commissioner’s Court of Texas. The information given herein is for educational purposes only. References to commercial products or trade names are made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Cooperative Extension Service is implied. Youth are eligible to participate in 4-H; if they are 8 years old and in the 3rd Grade or 9 years old by August 31, 2011 and have not reached their 19th birthday on or before August 31, 2011. Texas 4-H Age Categories: Junior Age: Intermediate Age: Senior Age: 8-10 years old 11-13 years old 14-18 years old All 4-H enrollments; plus district or state contest registration will be done online at: http://texas.4honline.com 4-H Participant Fee of $20 is going on now till October 31st; Fee will jump up to $25 after October 31st.. Also if you are not registered you will not receive a 4H newsletter. To continue to receive your monthly newsletter and eligibility to participate in all stockshows or contest youth must be registered online at 4-H Connect http://texas.4honline.com. Adults that want to volunteer, become an activity leader or project leader must first pay $10 fee to the extension office for a background check and register online at http://texas.4honline.com; background check must be cleared before volunteering in 4-H and is in effect for three 4-H years (Sept. 1-Aug. 31). It has come to our attention that e-mails generated from 4-H Connect are sometimes being sent to Junk E-Mail Folders. The 4-H Connect system will periodically generate important notices concerning enrollments and events. Please make sure to add them to your safe senders list and/or contacts. Youth Enrollment 4-H is for youth and 4-H is fun! Through 4-H and the opportunities it provides, 4-H members have the ability to participate in many events and activities, as well as apply for scholarships, travel the country, and meet new friends. It doesn’t matter where you live; 4-H has an opportunity for you! Do you like to take pictures – then photography is for you! Do you like to learn about the environment and how to save the resources of our world – then the natural resources project is made for you! Regardless of your interest, 4-H provides more than fifty different projects that youth of our state want to be part of! The Texas 4-H and Youth Development Program offers many opportunities for both youth and adults to experience 4-H at the local, county, district, state, national, and international level! Atascosa 4-H has excelled in many projects at all levels. Some of our most popular are Clothing and Textiles, Consumer Education, Food and Nutrition, Photography, Shooting Sports, Beef, Goat, Horse, Poultry, Rabbit, Sheep and Swine. We also have wonderful opportunities in Personal Development and Leadership. Members will have the chance to attend our County Club Officer Training Workshop, District Leadership Lab, and State 4-H Congress in the summer. They may even get to attend National 4-H Congress. Successful fundraising has given Atascosa 4-H the ability to assist with a portion of the fees associated with most contests. Individual clubs may also have funds available. Please check with your club manager(s). Additionally, the Atascosa 4-H Merit Scholarship has been set up to provide assistance to high school senior members who have excelled in their 4-H careers. On September 25th, 2013, eighteen 4-H members met with the Honorable Judge Diana Bautista for the signings of the National Food Safety Education Month Proclamation, which occurs during the month of September, and the National 4H Week Proclamation. National 4-H Week lasts from October 6th to the 12th. During the week, 4H members wear t-shirts, make posters at their schools, and do community service on “One Day 4-H” day in order to promote more kids to enroll and participate in local 4H clubs. Judge Bautista discussed with the 4Hers about the importance of Food Safety Awareness, how the courtroom works, and gave each member the opportunity to sit in the judge’s chair. In the picture includes: (front row) Justin Akers, Will Akers, David Garcia, Mattie Wright, Taylor Fojtik, Judge Bautista, Holden Hagen, Tess Underbrink, Stayton Hagen, (2nd row) Isabella Garcia, Marco Garcia, Luke Robertson, Seth Robertson, Christian Cumpian, Kendall Hagen, (back row) Travis Bonner, Alejandro Garcia, Ross Payne, Rehgan Payne More than 6 million young people across the country will be celebrating National 4-H Week, which takes place annually during the first full week of October this year it is scheduled for October 6-12, 2013 . Atascosa County 4-H leverages National 4-H Week to celebrate the great things that the 4-H and youth development program offers young people and highlights the incredible young people who work each day to a make a positive impact on their community through the 4-H program. 4-H, is the largest youth development organization in the world, it is a community of seven million young people across the globe learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. Please help us celebrate national 4-H week here locally by giving a big hearty congratulations and thank you to our nine 4-H clubs in the County for truly making a large impact here locally on the youth of Atascosa County. Thank you to Atascosa Club of Equine Enthusiast, Black Hill 4-H, Chaparral 4-H, Jourdanton 4-H, Leming/ Verdi 4-H, Little Atascosa Homeschooler’s Clover Kids, Lytle 4-H, Mesquite 4-H , and Poteet 4-H. Blackhill 4-H Club Dana Friesenhahn, Kenzie Lutz, Madison Lutz, Cullen Bauer, Brice Bauer, Brandon Bauer Atascosa Club of Equine Enthusiasts 4-H Club Charity Harris, Sahara Ellis, Shelby Henson, Club Manager Mrs. Karen Harris Lytle 4-H Club Leming/Verdi 4H Club Cash and Kadi Fretwell Poteet 4-H Club Mesquite 4-H Club (Front Row): Mattie Wright, Libby Kemp, Chloe Nieschwitz, Brooke Rankin, Stayton Hagen, Jaxon West, Lauren Trapp, Courtney Henson, Emalee David, Darcy MacManus, Brandon Morales, Montgomery Cain, Kenley Rae Everett, Conor Lopez, Caitlyn Nieschwitz, (Second Row): Emily Chesser, Hannah Reed, Molly Reed, Kenna Bendele, Emma Smith, Kinley Miller, McKinley West, Brylee Miller, David Garcia, Cade MacManus, Reed Foster, Westin Eisenhauer, Luke Thornton, (Third Row): Blake Moos, Rhetta Roberts, Jake Rankin, Nathan Ricks, Blaine MacManus, (Fourth Row): Cassie Lotas, Sarah Lotas, Garrett Lopez, Blair Rankin, Kendall Hagen, Hunter Rankin, Garner Kemp, (Fifth Row): Amanda Selby, Garrett Selby, Justin Smith, Ethan Ayala, Hannah Ward, Shelby Henson, Kyndall Bendelle, Blake Foster, Rori Roberts What is the Food & Nutrition Project? The Food & Nutrition project includes: a. Nutrition b. Food choices c. Menu planning d. Buying e. Food preparation f. Food safety g. Careers, and h. Cultural influences The Food & Nutrition Projects consists of 6 learning experiences: a. Project meetings b. Tours c. Workshops d. Exhibits e. Publications and websites f. Sharing knowledge g. Community service What is the Food Show Contest? The Food Show contest consists of: a. Preparing and presenting a dish b. Participating in an interview c. Recording project experiences Contestants for the Atascosa County Food Show should submit their entries on October 28th. Record Forms, Recipes, Personal Information and Certification Forms must be submitted to the extension office. Forms can be emailed, faxed, or dropped off. Recipes need be emailed in text-format. Both county and district food show entries will be collected at the office. This year’s theme is “Budget Wise Recipes.” Forms are available here in the office or at this website: http://fcs.tamu.edu/youth/index.php Club Managers should also have copies. It is strongly urged that 4-Hers choose recipes that are relatively simple (less than 7 ingredients, 1 dish meal, etc.) and select recipes that follow sound dietary practices. County Food Show Contest - Saturday, November 9th, 2pm at the St. John Lutheran Church. Arrive early and be prepared with serving utensils, platters, clear plastic gloves, your food dish and other items you may need for your presentation. Good Luck! Protein Category - All foods made from meat, poultry, seafood, beans and peas, eggs, processed soy products, nuts, and seeds are considered part of the Protein Foods Group. Beans and peas are also part of the Vegetable Group. Fruit & Vegetable Category– Any fruit or 100% fruit juice counts as part of the Fruit Group. Fruits may be fresh, canned, frozen, or dried, and may be whole, cut-up, or pureed. Any vegetable or 100% vegetable juice counts as a member of the Vegetable Group. Vegetables may be raw or cooked; fresh, frozen, canned, or dried/dehydrated; and may be whole, cut-up, or mashed. Vegetables are organized into 5 subgroups, based on their nutrient content. Grains Category - Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or another cereal grain is a grain product. Bread, pasta, oatmeal, breakfast cereals, tortillas, and grits are examples of grain products. Grains are divided into 2 subgroups, Whole Grains and Refined Grains. Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel ― the bran, germ, and endosperm. Dairy - All fluid milk products and many foods made from milk are considered part of this food group. Most Dairy Group choices should be fat-free or low-fat. Foods made from milk that retain their calcium content are part of the group. Foods made from milk that have little to no calcium, such as cream cheese, cream, and butter, are not. Calcium-fortified soymilk (soy beverage) is also part of the Dairy Group. Food Show Contestants should be familiar with the “MyPyramid” Food Guidance System, which can be found at http://www.mypyramid.gov or at the extension office. Food Safety http://www.fightbac.gov/ Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 http://www.cnpp.usda/gov/dgas2010policydocument.htm Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service: Nutrient Needs at a Glance http://fcs.tamu.edu/food_and_nutrition/pdf/nu trient-needs-at-a-glance-E-589.pdf Major Stock Show Broilers Broiler orders for the upcoming 2014 major stock show are due October 4, 2013. Each exhibitor for the shows must order 25, 50 or 75 birds per exhibitor. Families with multiple children who wish to enter the show cannot order one set of birds for multiple children. The price will be approximately $31.25 per standard order of 25 ($1.25 per chick) Indicate which stock show you are ordering for – San Antonio or Houston & Austin. Beef, Lamb & Goat Workshop October 16th 5:30 to 6:30pm Lambs & Goats (Practicing showmanship, weighing & trimming hooves) 6:30 to 7:30pm Steers & Heifers (Practicing showmanship & weighing) The workshop will be held at the Atascosa County Show barn. Lamb & Goat Validations Goat & Lamb Validation – October 22 & 23 4-5:30 pm @ Jourdanton High School Ag Barn. Validation forms require signatures from exhibitor(s) and parent(s). 4-H member/exhibitor must be present. Can bring goats and lambs either day. Turkeys Turkeys will be coming in early November. We will let everyone know when the turkeys will be picked up. Rabbit Projects Start contacting rabbit breeders to inform them -- rabbits should be bred in October; so they will be able to compete in our county show in January. Rabbits should be approximately 69 days old during the Atascosa County stock show. For a list of rabbit breeders contact the extension office. Rabbit Workshop – November 12th Introduction for exhibitors who have not raised show rabbits. The workshop will be going over the basics to raising and taking care of rabbits. 6:30pm at the Atascosa County Livestock Show barn Validations & Showmanship Clinic – December 14th 8am – 10am at the Atascosa County Livestock Show barn. The clinic will be conducted after validations. San Antonio Calf Scramble Forms- will be due at the extension office by October 14th. For those who’ve filled out the Calf Scramble Selection Forms, we will notify you by phone or email when the entry forms become available. You must bring an ID and have the participant’s Social security on the entry forms or it will not be accepted. Monica will be notarizing the forms. Atascosa County Jr. Livestock Show Entry Forms Entry forms for Atascosa County Jr. Livestock show are due November 8th to the extension office. Cost is $20.00 per animal per child in the market and breeding show. Skillathons will be $10 per child per event. The three divisions are beef, lamb, and swine. Validation fees paid earlier this year are not entry fees for Atascosa Co. Jr. Livestock show or any major livestock show. Stock Show entry fee and validations for rabbits will be done December 14th. Atascosa Co. Jr. Livestock Show Entry forms can be filled out a t the extension office. Please do not forget to mark your calendar, after November 8th no entries will be accepted. Mr. Rankin will be staying after hours until 6:30pm on November 6th and 7th for those so entry forms can be received. Exhibitors must be enrolled in 4-H and a member in good standing at the time if entry submission San Antonio, Houston, Austin, Ft. Worth, and San Angelo Livestock Show Entry Forms Entry forms for Fort Worth, San Antonio, San Angelo, Houston, and Austin Livestock Shows are due November 8th to the extension office. Some entry forms will be available at our office starting in mid-October. It’s important that you remember these dates, it takes time to process entries for 5 major stock shows and if you’ll work with us, we’ll do our best to make sure entries are taken care of properly. Forms will require Social Security numbers and you will need to bring an ID. Any incomplete forms will not be accepted. Exhibitors must be enrolled in 4-H and a member in good standing at the time if entry submission Quality Counts verification will be required for all youth exhibiting livestock (market and/or breeding) at major livestock shows in Texas (including the Ft. Worth Livestock Show, San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, Star of Texas Fair in Austin, San Angelo Livestock Show, Sandhills Stock Show in Odessa, State Fair of Texas in Dallas, and Heart O’ Texas Fair in Waco). The verification process will require 4-H exhibitors to pass an online test that measures their knowledge on quality assurance and character education content items. All 4-Hers must take this test before – November 8th. You take it your first year of showing and when you turn 14 years old. Quality Counts Test and more information available at http://qualitycounts.tamu.edu. November 21st – Thursday, Ambassador Officer Meeting at 6:30pm, Coastal Bend College, Pleasanton, TX November 21st – Thursday, Council Officer Meeting at 7:00pm, Coastal Bend College, Pleasanton, TX Atascosa 4-H Fundraiser (Double Trouble Steer & Heifer Prospect Show) Belt Buckle sponsors needed - $ 250, $125, $50 or $25. 4-Hers and Adults needed starting Friday, November 1st and Saturday November 2nd for early registration, ring man, setup, cleanup, and concession stand. Items needed for concession stand are drinks-(sodas, water, Gatorade), squeeze bottles of mayo and mustard, picante sauce, #10 cans of Chili & Nacho Cheese, candy, pickles (sliced & whole) cups, plates, paper towels or napkins, homemade baked good (cut & individually wrapped) chips (individual bags, fritos & nacho chips), and etc., items can be dropped at the extension office before or by November 1st. Atascosa County Fair – October 5 & 6, if you can help work at a booth, setting up and taking down pens, booths, and etc. A lot of work takes place before, during and after the county fair, please contact Larry or Kathy Wagner at (830)267-0889 or (830)4804114. Atascosa County Livestock Show Fundraiser The 28th annual ACLS fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday October 19th, 2013. Each 4H Club has been requested to donate $125.00 to the event. All funds raised go to support the 2013 Annual Livestock Show. Mr. Rankin also has some tickets left for purchase for anyone who wants to attend. Tickets are $125.00 each and allow 2 adults to attend the Fundraiser. There will be ribeye steak served, a huge snack bar, a silent auction and lots of fun auction items. For more information on the Atascosa 4H Shooting Sports Program, please contact the Extension Office, Boyd Grimshaw 830-570-0110, boydgrimshaw@hotmail.com or Jimmy Meyer 830-570-7071, jimmygunshop@hotmail.com Keep in mind you must register in a 4H club and meet their requirements (attendance & etc.) in order to participate in the shooting sports events. District and State Shooting Sports events, newsletters and calendar of events visit: http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/youth/shootingsports/index.php. Be sure to check out the Atascosa County Clay Poppers Websites at http://atascosaclaypoppers.shutterfly.com/?email=boydgrimshaw%40hotmail.com # (Upcoming whizbangs, contests and results are also posted on this site) Come and learn some of the basics of making jams and jellies for the Holidays on Friday, October 18, 2013 from 2:00 to 5:00pm at the Jourdanton Lutheran Church. A $15.00 registration fee will be charged to help purchase supplies for the educational program. For more information or to RSVP please call the Atascosa County Extension Office at (830)769-3066. An RSVP is requested by Monday October 14th, 2013. October 5-6, 2013 STEER-HEIFER-LAMB-GOAT Atascosa County Fair Prospect Show Poteet Strawberry Festival Grounds Contact: Atascosa County Fair Association 1003 Oak St., Jourdanton, TX 78026; 830-769-3066 October 12, 2013 Guadalupe County Fair Sheep & Goat Show Seguin Events Complex Contact: Duan Kuhl, 728 Midway, Seguin, TX 78155; 512-924-1348 October 26, 2013 Muy Grande Lamb/Goat & Steer Show Zane Mathis Show Barn Contact: 2350 E. Main St. Eagle Pass, TX; Tim Hardt (Steers), 830-513-0398 Scot Carcasi (Goats), 830-765-3032 Roy Molina (Lambs), 830-752-5943 October 26, 2013 LAMBS-MEAT GOATS-STEERS Kerr County Fair Jackpot Show Hill Country Youth Exhibition Center Contact: Laurinda Boyd, Kerr County Cooperative Extension Office, 5001 San Antonio HWY. Kerrville, TX 780285;(830) 257-6568 November 2, 2013 TCCA-STEER-HEIFER South Texas Double Trouble Prospect Show Atascosa County Livestock Show Barn Contact: 1003 Oak St., Jourdanton, TX 78026; 830769-3066 November 9-10, 2013 STEER-HEIFER-LAMB-GOAT Duval Classic Prospect Show Contact: Jennika Cantu P.O. Box 486, Benavides, TX 78341; 361-256-4591 November 23, 2013 La Vernia Bluebonnet 4-H Goat Show La Vernia Chamber of Commerce Park Contact: Julie Skrzycki, US HWY87 S., La Vernia, TX 78121; 210-744-3093 December 7-8, 2013 STEER-HEIFER-SWINE-LAMB-GOAT 10th Annual Dimmit County Classic Dimmit County Show Barn Contact: Richie Griffin- Dimmit County Extension Agent- Ag/NR, Carrizo Springs, TX; 860-876-4216 October 2013 Sun Mon November 2013 Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 4 5-6 14 16 19 22, 23 21 31 31 Broilers Orders – Major Show Due County Fair Prospect Show Calf Scramble Forms Due Beef, Goat, Lamb Workshop 27th Annual ACLS Fund Raiser Lamb & Goat Validations Food Forum Last day for 4-H Enrollment Regular Registration $20 Halloween LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! 1 District Food Show& Challenge Registration Opens 2 Double Trouble Prospect Show 8 County & Major Livestock Show Entries Due 9 County Food Show 11 Veteran’s Day 12 Beginners Rabbit Workshop 21 Ambassador & County Council Meetings 28, 29 Holiday-Thanksgiving-Extension Office Closed Texas Agri-Life Extension Service Staff: Dale Rankin, CEA – Ag Agent dwrankin@ag.tamu.edu Kristan Jenschke, 4-H Program Assist. AND RECEIVE UPDATES, NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTS Kristan.Jenschke@ag.tamu.edu Monica Zepeda – Secretary mzepeda@ag.tamu.edu Atascosa Club of Equine Enthusiasts 4-H Club Charity Harris, Sahara Ellis, Shelby Henson, & Club Manager Mrs. Karen Harris Charity Harris- District Horse Judging Show, District Horse Show Sahara Ellis- District Horse Judging Show, District & State Horse Show Shelby Henson- District Horse Judging Show, District & State Horse Show, District Consumer Decision Making Blackhill 4-H Club Club Manager Kim Lutz, Madison Lutz, Brice Bauer, Cullen Bauer, Brandon Bauer Madison Lutz - Project Books (Poultry), County & District Recordbook Judging (Poultry) Brice Bauer - District Livestock Judging Cullen Bauer - District & State Livestock Judging, 4-H Leadership Lab, County Council Officer- District Council Delegate Brandon Bauer - District Livestock Judging Lytle 4-H Club Club Manager Rosemary Bonner, Travis Bonner Gregorio Alcorta, Marrina Hendrix, Jaclyn Bonner Gregorio Alcorta - County Recordbooks (Swine) Travis Bonner - District & State Livestock Judging, District & State Shooting Sports-Rifle, District Shooting Sports Postal LeagueSmallbore Rifle, County, District & State Recordbook Judging (State1st Place Shooting Sports), County Photography, Project Book (Beef), County Council Officer- Historian Marrina Hendrix - County & District Photography (Best of Class Details & Macro Intermediate Division) Jaclyn Bonner - County District & State Livestock Judging, County, District (Best of Class Elements of Design) & State Photography, County, District, & State Recordbook Judging (Clothing & Textiles), County, District, & State Food Show, County & District Fashion Show & Storyboard, District Consumer Decision Making Contest, Project book (Rabbits), County Council Officer-1st Vice President, Ambassador Officer- President Poteet 4-H Club (Back) Rehgan Payne, Jake Hamm, Ross Evan Payne, Alejandro Garcia (Front) Derek Scharmann, Isabella Garcia, Taylor Fojtik, Marco Garcia Rehgan Payne - State Trap & Skeet Postal League, Texas 4-H Shooting Sports State Games (Shotgun) Jake Hamm - Texas Shooting Sports State Games (Shotgun), Overall American Trap Sr. Division Ross Evan Payne - State Trap & Skeet Postal League, Texas 4-H Shooting Sports State Games (Shotgun) Alejandro Garcia - County Recordbook, District & State Shooting Sports (Rifle), Texas 4-H Shooting Sports State Games (Shotgun), District Trap & Skeet, District Shooting Sports Postal League – Smallbore Rifle, County Council Officer- Treasurer, Ambassador Officer- Reporter Derek Scharmann - District Livestock Judging, County & District Recordbook Judging (Beef) I.Aliana Garcia - District Shooting Sports Postal League- Smallbore Rifle, District Shooting Sports Rifle Match, County & District Recordbook Judging- Shooting Sports Taylor Fojtik - County & District Photography (Best of Class Plant/Flora Junior Division) Marco Garcia - District Shooting Sports Postal League- Smallbore Rifle, District Shooting Sports Rifle Match, County & District Recordbook Judging- Shooting Sports Mesquite 4-H Club (Back) Hannah Ward, Autumn Hagen, Ethan Ayala, Kate McNeill, (Middle) Kendall Hagen, (Front) Stayton Hagen, Trey Hagen, Nathan Ricks, David Garcia Hannah Ward - District & State Consumer Decision Making, County, District, & State Photography, South Region Golf Challenge, County Roundup-Musical, County Council Officer, Corresponding Secretary Autumn Hagen - District Consumer Decision Making, County & District Recordbook Judging (Consumer Education), County & District Food Show Ethan Ayala - District & State Livestock Judging, District 4-H Leadership Lab Kate McNeill - District & State Horse Show, District Consumer Decision Making Kendall Hagen - District Consumer Decision Making, County & District Food Show, County & District Fashion Show & Storyboard Stayton Hagen - County & District Food Show, County & District Fashion Show & Storyboard, County Recordbook (Swine) Trey Hagen - County & District Food Show, District Consumer Decision Making, County & District Recordbook Judging (Swine) Nathan Ricks - District Shooting Sports – Shotgun, Texas 4-H Shooting Sports State Games – Shotgun David Garcia - County & District Photography Leming/Verdi 4-H Club Cash Fretwell - State Horse Show Kadi Fretwell - District & State Horse Show Bronze Star Award Winners I. Aliana Garcia (Poteet) & Trey Hagen (Mesquite) Jaclyn Bonner received the Atascosa 4-H Merit Scholarship Silver Star Award Winners Marco Garcia (Poteet) & Autumn Hagen (Mesquite) Gold Star Award Winners Travis Bonner (Lytle) & Alejandro Garcia (Poteet) Monday, October 21, 2013 at the Jourdanton United Methodist Church from 7:00-8:30pm. The Food Forum is a fun and educational program consisting of 4-H members presenting different topics on food including healthy choices and safety. We are asking for a $1 donation per child to help with the drink expenses. We are asking that if anyone would like to bring baked goods to be served for snacks please do. We will be donating some of the goods to the sheriff’s office, emergency response, and etc. We are also going to be collecting cans (preferably #10 size) for the Mainstreet Outreach Program. They put on a yearly Thanksgiving Dinner to those less fortunate. They are asking for these can items: green beans, cranberry sauce, evaporated milk, pumpkin pie (used to put into recipe not already made), corn, cream of mushroom and cream of chicken. **If you would like to do a demonstration at this year’s Food Forum, please contact the Extension Office ASAP and let us know your topic of discussion.** Atascosa 4-H Fund Raiser – South Texas Double Trouble Prospect Show Belt Buckle Donation Yes, I would like to support Atascosa 4-H, I would like to be a: ($100 per buckle) _____ Platinum Award Sponsor – $250 or more _____ Silver Award Sponsor – $50.00 donation _____ Gold Award Sponsor – 1- $125.00 Buckle _____ Bronze Award Sponsor – $25.00 donation Name:____________________________ Address:_______________________________ Make check out to: Phone:________________________________ Atascosa 4-H, 1003 Oak St., Jourdanton, Tx 78026 Major Stock Show Broiler Order Form--Deadline October 4th, 2013 Minimum 25 birds(1box)-Maximum 75 per child per show Name of child: _____________________________________________________ Social Security#: ______________________________ Parents Name-__________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ _______ San Antonio Boxes _______ Houston & Austin Boxes --------- Total Boxes X (app.) $31.25=_______ TEXAS A&M AGRI-LIFE EXTENSION ATASCOSA 4-H 1003 OAK ST. JOURDANTON, TX 78026 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE 4-H NEWSLETTER
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