Boone County 4-H Times - University of Illinois Extension


Boone County 4-H Times - University of Illinois Extension
Boone County 4-H Times
205 Cadillac Ct Suite #3  Belvidere, IL 61008
September/October 2015
Thanks to all involved with the Boone
County 4-H Shows!
The 2015 Boone
County 4-H Shows are
now behind us.
Melissa, Johnna and
Kelli would like to
send a huge thank you
to the following: 4-H’ers, parents & families, 4-H
leaders, 4-H superintendents and their assistants,
and 4-H Federation Food Stand Managers, for
making the Boone County 4-H shows a success.
Without your time and dedication, our 4-H Shows,
General Projects Day, Public Presentations, and Dog
and Cat Shows would not be as successful.
4-H Recognition Program
Date: Sunday, October 25
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Place: Boone County Community Building
111 W. 1st Street, Belvidere
This year’s awards program will begin at 2:00 p.m.
with light refreshments to follow. Doors open at
1:30 p.m. and the Federation will be holding a
Silent Auction before the Program begins.
Every 4-H member and family is invited, so mark it
on your calendars and plan to attend. Please RSVP
with the number of people attending by October
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(815) 544-3710
Thank-You Auction Volunteers!
Thank you to all the 4-H’ers who passed buyer
sheets and gifts during this year’s Livestock Auction!
I’d also like to thank the adults who sent 4-H’ers to
work and helped get people from each barn to help.
What a positive impact you had on the auction and
the buyers! You really helped the auction to run
smooth and you all were a positive image for the 4-H
program. Way to go!!! Thank you to volunteers
Robin Kindberg, Paul Zeien and Jane Zeien for
helping as well.
Leaders Meeting
Date: Tuesday, September 29
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Extension Office
All organizational leaders and leaders that take care of
your club’s enrollment should attend. We will discuss
the enrollment process, sign up for Host Club
responsibilities, and talk about upcoming events.
Please try to have at least one leader from your
club present. Communication is extremely important
to have a successful year for leaders and 4-H’ers as this
is where it all begins. Plan to attend the meeting to
get your club’s packet and get your club off to a great
Plaque Winners
If you were one of the winners
of a special plaque donated by a
business, company or
individual, please take time to
send a Thank You to them. An
address was supplied with each plaque as to where a
Thank You could be mailed. If you misplaced this,
please contact Kelli by email at The donation was very
generous of them so please help us show them our
appreciation with a thank you note.
September/October 2015
Fair Clean-up
Thank you to all 4-H'ers and their families who
helped with fair clean-up. Remember, we help with
fair clean-up because 4-H'ers do not pay pen or stall
Re-enrollment date for all
existing 4-H members is
December 15, 2015
Fair & Auction Results
The 2015 Boone County Fair Show and Auction
results can be viewed at:
 A special thank you to all the auctioneers who
volunteer their services. Without them, we
wouldn’t have an auction.
 Remember to send a Thank You to the buyer
who purchased your animal at Auction. Many
owners of businesses and individuals came to
the auction to bid on or purchase your animal,
giving you a sizable income. Therefore, it is only
courteous that you Thank them for their time
and for purchasing your animal.
 Thank you to everyone who put up signs after
the auctions acknowledging your buyers. It is
always great to see you publicly acknowledging
your buyers.
Save the Date to LIVE It Up!
November 6 & 7, 2015
will be the date for the
“LIVE It Up” conference
for youth in 8th grade to
18 years of age. This
conference (being
planned by youth from Boone, DeKalb and Ogle
Counties) will start on Friday evening, November 6 at
Northern Illinois University’s Holmes Student Center
and conclude on Saturday late afternoon at the
Center for Agriculture Building in Sycamore. This
conference is open to all youth and will include an
evening of bowling, billiards, arcade and pizza, a
variety of leadership and personal development
workshops, a community service project and a
keynote speaker. Tentative cost for this program
(which includes pizza, pop and housing on Friday,
breakfast, lunch and snack on Saturday and a t-shirt)
is only $95. Federation will provide $50
reimbursements to Boone County 4-H’ers who attend
the conference.
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Any person, regardless of race, color, religion,
gender, national origin, ancestry, marital status,
familial status, sexual orientation or disability, may
enroll as a 4-H member.
 Youth who are 5 through 7 years of age
on or before September 1, 2015, may
enroll in 4-H Cloverbud groups.
 Youth who are 8 years of age and have not
reached their 19th birthday on or before
September 1, 2015 may enroll in 4-H clubs and
Program Fee
The 4-H Program Fee of $20 per youth will apply to
all members of Community Clubs, Cloverbuds, and
Special Interest Groups. Thirteen dollars will stay
locally and be used by our program to help support
4-H costs. Seven dollars will be forwarded to the
State 4-H program to provide educational, technical,
and logistical support to maintain the 4-H program
on all levels.
Science Ambassadors Needed
Do you enjoy science? Do you like to teach others
new things? Then being a Science Ambassador is for
you! We are looking for 4-H’er age 12 and up as well
as some adult volunteers to go into Boone County
Classrooms and teach youth about Science. This
year, we will be offering both a lesson on rockets
and a physics lesson on motion. We will teach you
the science; all you need is a desire to teach others.
In addition to teaching science, we also introduce
others to 4-H. Please contact the office for more
September/October 2015
National 4-H Week – Oct. 4-10
The 2015 National 4-H Week theme will be
“Adventures Await! We would like for every 4-H
club in the county to have a promotional booth at a
school, library, business or even a yard display. Get
as creative as you would like. Please contact the
office with the location of your display by
September 30.
In addition, we will be distributing 4-H
promotional signs to each club to be put up in your
yards or driveways to promote 4-H. Please put the
signs on display through October and then return
them to your 4-H leader. We are also working to
get materials about 4-H in the hands of school
children in 3rd grade throughout the county.
We hope that every club will make an effort
to promote 4-H during National 4-H Week.
2016 International Night
This year’s International Night will be held Saturday,
March 19, 2016 at the Community Building. Be sure
to contact the office and let us know which country
your club will be featuring.
Beef Committee Meeting
Date: Thursday, October 1
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Extension Office Meeting Room
No meeting in November, December or January
Illinois State Fair Results
Congratulations to all Boone County 4-H members
that participated at the 2015 Illinois State Fair. We
had 27 members compete at state fair in the General
Superior Award Winners
Austin Brockmann
Jena Mogenis
Julianna Nordman
Abigail Rozanas
Reno Rudolph
Vet Science
Visual Arts
Child Care
Visual Arts
Public Presentations
Award of Excellence Winners
Matthew Adas
Brianna Brockmann
Amelia Cameron-Ufer
Emma Carlson
Megan Clarida
Madeline Dashney
Rhiannon Davids
Nadine Didier
Philip Didier
Megan Exner
Wyatt Exner
Michael Gill
Cody Hahn
Haley Harbison
Brock Irwin
Sam Knaup
Jill Paul
Wyatt Rudolph
Calvin Schnor
Meagan Waibel
Grace Wehrhan
Abigayle Wiseman
Animal Science
Animal Science
Public Presentations
Visual Arts
Model Rocketry
Public Presentations
Visual Arts
Heritage Arts
Visual Arts
Megan Exner, Ray Hildebrant, Justin Irwin and Brock
Irwin competed in the Illinois 4-H Dairy Judging
Contest. Megan, Ray and Brock all received Blue
Ratings and Justin a red rating. Brock Irwin topped
the contest. In addition Megan, Ray and Brock also
participated in the Superior Young Producer Dairy
Scholarship Contest. Congratulations to Brock Irwin
for receiving an award on the written test and for
receiving a $1,000 college scholarship.
We also had several 4-H’ers compete in animal areas
as well. Congratulations to all of you. For results,
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September/October 2015
Cloverbud Training
If there is an interest in adding
Cloverbuds to your club, please
contact Melissa and she will
schedule a training session. The Cloverbud program
is an opportunity for youth ages 5-7 to help build
confident kids. It is specially designed for this age
group and uses many hands-on learning activities.
The Cloverbud program is NOT a mini 4-H group.
Rather, it is a unique educational program with
specific learning goals that are appropriate for
children ages 5-7. A club has to have 5 members to
have a Cloverbud group. The Boone Buds is a
county- wide Cloverbud group that any youth 5-7
can join.
Boone Buds – September Meeting
Boone Buds Cloverbud group will meet at 5:45 p.m.
on Tuesday, September 15 at the Boone County
Extension Office Meeting Room, 205 Cadillac Court
Suite 5. Cloverbuds are for 5-7 year olds after
September 1, 2015. If you have any questions
contact Donna Manring at 815-218-9055 or
Join Federation
Federation provides county leadership and
community service which can be put on applications
for college, scholarship, or job applications.
Federation provides opportunities to make new
friends, decide how the food stand money is spent,
and offers two college scholarships for members
only. Any 4-H member may join. Federation meets
on the 4th Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at
the Extension Office.
Federation News – Jake Ryan Reporter
The Boone County Federation meeting began on
August 24, 2015 at 6:35 p.m. A lot of discussion
about the 4-H food stand took place. It is very
important to take your shift seriously while working
in the food stand. A window display was also talked
about. A change in the name to promotional display
was also talked about since not all displays are in a
window. All elections were completed. The following
were elected: Emma Knaup-President, Austin
Brockmann-Vice President, Brock IrwinSecretary/Treasurer, and Jake Ryan- Reporter.
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Business and community service were completed
and the meeting was adjourned.
Fall Food Shower
Federation is sponsoring our annual
Fall Food Shower. Clubs and individual
4-H members are encouraged to
collect nonperishable food or cash
donations and deliver it to the Extension Office on
Nov. 21 from 9-11:00 a.m. Federation will sort and
deliver the food to the Salvation Army. If your club
delivers food to another pantry, please contact the
Extension Office with your total number of items and
pounds so we can recognize your effort. Forms to
report how much your club collected are available
online. These forms are to be turned in with your
Some of the food items needed include: pancake
mix, saltine crackers, peanut butter, canned
vegetables, macaroni & cheese, maple syrup,
pudding mix, pork & beans, canned fruits, instant
potatoes, instant gravy mix, cereal, Jello mix, tuna,
salad dressing, soups, and jelly.
LCP Awards
We all know them – outstanding teens who are
there when we ask for help, believe in the leadership
roles they play, and serve as role models to others.
Why not recognize them and thank them for what
they have accomplished? How about encouraging
them to apply for the 4-H Premier LCP Award? Get
your teens into LCP – Leadership, Citizenship, and
Professionalism! The Illinois Farm Bureau and their
Affiliate Companies offer a wonderful recognition
opportunity for 4-H members. The 4-H LCP Award
provides several levels of recognition to applicants –
two recipients per county; ten 4-H members with
the highest cumulative point totals for state
recognition at the Illini Summer Academies; and ten
4-H members who may attend the IFB Premier 20
Leadership Conference in April. Applications are
available through your local Extension office or via
the web:
Applicants must be 4-H members who are at least 17
years of age by December 1, 2015. Applications are
due to the Boone County Extension office by
December 1st.
September/October 2015
Military Mail
4-H’ers and their families are asked to sign Christmas
cards that will be distributed to soldiers by the
Friends of the Troops. 4-H’ers are also asked to put
their name and address on the back of the cards.
You may use return address labels on the back. If
you don’t want to use your address, you may put the
Extension Office address on the back. It would be
great if 4-H’ers would write 2-3 sentences about
themselves or what they like about 4-H. Do not turn
in cards in envelopes. Cards are due to the
Extension Office by November 20.
Pop Tabs – Community Service
Don’t forget to keep turning in your pop tabs. We
will continue to donate to the Ronald McDonald
House any money received from recycling pop tabs.
Please turn in your tabs at the Extension Office.
Thanks for helping support the Ronald McDonald
Fall Diddley Craft Show Food Stand
Dates: Saturday, October 10 &
Sunday, October 11
Place: Boone County Fairgrounds
Below is a food stand schedule for October 10-11
during Fall Diddley at the fairgrounds. We will have
wrist bands to give club members and parents who
are working at the event. Please remember those
youth who are 10 years of age and under won’t need
entrance bands to get in. Please note we have shifts
available, please contact the office to reserve a shift.
Wednesday, October 7 – Set Up
5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Flaming Monkeys
Saturday, October 10
6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. to 2:0 0 p.m.
1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
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What’s On Your Plate? 1 – 4
Experiment with food science and learn how it
affects food quality.
Put It UP! Food Preservation for Youth
Learn safe ways to preserve foods and keep
food quality. Each project has beginner and
advanced learning activities.
Can My Tomatoes
Make My Strawberry Jam
Make My Pickles
Freeze My Fruits and Veggies
Dry My Fruits
Can My Vegetables
My Financial Future 1 – 2
My Financial Future: Beginner
My Financial Future: Advanced
Learn to plan for future careers, set goals,
manage your finances and credit, and create
spending plans.
Shopping in Style
Shopping in Style Levels 1 – 6
Learn how to create your own style, select
clothing that suits your body, recycle garments,
and make smart clothing purchases.
Build Your Future
Build Your Future Youth Notebook
Explore potential careers, plan your own
business, create a career portfolio, and analyze
case studies
County Clovers
County Progressors
The following projects will no longer be offered:
Consumer Savvy, Financial Champions
Walk in My Shoes, Microwave Magic &
Clothing Decisions
Monday, October 12 Clean Up
5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Food Science Levels 1 – 4
Flora Producers
Beaver Valley Clippers
Sunday, October 11
6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
New 4-H Projects
Available for 2015-16
County Clovers
September/October 2015
Thank You Auction Committee!
A big thank you goes out to the Boone County
Auction Committee for making the 2015 Livestock
Auction so successful. Also, thanks to the committee
for the improvements they did at the fair which
included lighting in the beef, sheep and dairy barns
and for replacing the electrical breakers in the beef
The Auction Committee pays for all the
advertising and postage sending information to all
the past buyers. In addition, they print the posters
and flyers that promote the auction.
Citizenship Washington Focus
CWF provides opportunities for youth from across
the country to strengthen their communication,
leadership, and citizenship skills; understand the
importance of civic and social responsibilities as they
relate to the development of better citizens and
leaders; exchange ideas, practice respect, and form
friendships with youth from diverse backgrounds;
and experience hands-on learning using the
historical backdrop of Washington, D.C. Information
about this summer’s trip will be available soon. For
more information check out the website:
Saddles & Spurs
news for horse project members. If you have any
questions or concerns, please let the office know.
Drill Team –Equipment Turn In
Please make sure Drill pads, leg wraps, banners,
ribbons, etc. are cleaned, put in a bag with your
name on it and returned it to the Extension Office or
a coach before October 30, 2015 so we can take
inventory as soon as possible.
County Line & LeRoy Grange Dinner
Date: Saturday, September 19
Time: 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Place: VFW Post #1461
Join the County Line and LeRoy Granges at their
Grilled Chicken Dinner. The cost is $10 for adults
and $6 for children(under 6). There will also be
raffles. Drive Up & Take Out available.
American Cancer Society – Bark for
Date: Sunday, October 4
Time: 10:00 a.m. Registration
11:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Event
Place: Spencer Park
$25/dog pre-event & $35/dog at event
The American Cancer Society’s Bark for Life is a Relay
For Life fundraising event that honors the care-giving
qualities of canine companions. For more
Horse Committee Meeting
Date: Monday, September 21, 2015
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Pizza Hut, Belvidere
Everyone is Welcome to Come!
Horse Project Info Change in
You may notice a slight change in the amount of
information that is in the newsletter concerning the
4-H horse project. We have decided to print the
highlights here. However, we plan to send
important EMAIL BLASTS with current up-to-date
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2015-2016 Club Reports
Reporters: Please have your reports to the Extension Office by the
20th of each month. Please send reports to
Editor's Note: Club reports and letters submitted are not
edited for spelling, punctuation, or grammar. They are simply
printed as submitted.
Attention new club reporters: Please send your
club reports so they can be included in the next 4-H
September/October 2015
September 2015
Schedule of Events
 9/3—6:30 pm Beef Committee Meeting @
Extension Office
 9/7—Labor Day Extension Office Closed
 9/12—9 am 4-H Horse Fun Show @
Beef Comm.
Labor Day
 9/14—Award Applications Deadline turned in
& Records
Book w/Audit,
Secretary &
Books Due
Horse Comm.
4-H Horse
Fun Show
@ Extension Office — Records Due to 4-H
9/25—Treasurer Book/Audit, Secretary, &
Historian Books due @ Extension Office
9/21- 6:30 pm Horse Committee Meeting @
Boone County Family Restaurant
9/28— 6:30 pm Federation Meeting @
Extension Office
29—6:30 pm Leaders Meeting @ Extension
Office Conference Room, Suite #5
October 2015
Beef Comm.
Farm Stroll
National 4-H Week - October 4-10
Fall Diddley
Food stand
Food stand
RSVP for
Auction items
Horse Comm.
Fall Diddley
Schedule of Events
Drill Team
10/1—6:30 pm Beef Committee Meeting @
Extension Office
Oct. 4-10 —National 4-H Week- “Adventures
Oct. 4 — Boone County Farm Stroll—11:00-5:00
p.m. For more information
10/10 & 10/11— Fall Diddley—4-H Food
Stand Open @ the fairgrounds.
10/19—6:30 pm Horse Committee Meeting
@ Pizza Hut
10/23—Silent Auction items due to the office
10/25— 4-H Recognition Program @
Community Building—Doors open at 1:30 pm
Program starting at 2:00 pm Silent Auction during
the program.
November Dates to Remember:
Live It Up Conference — November 6 & 7
Military Mail Due — November 20
Fall Food Drive — November 21