4-H Clover Update 11/01/2014 - Extension
4-H Clover Update 11/01/2014 - Extension
MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE November 2014 Southeast Region / Steele County Steele County 4-H Calendar November 3 Charters Due to Extension Office 3 Deadline to Register for Ambie Retreat at Waterpark of America 4 St. Mary’s Afterschool 5 Owatonna Library Afterschool 6 Annual Ag Society Meeting – 7 PM, SCCC 11 Veterans’ Day - Office Closed 11 Ellendale Afterschool 15 Regional Ambassador Retreat, 10 AM-4 PM, Glenville 17 Joint Extension Committee Meeting – 5 PM, Rice County 18 Ambassador Meeting – 5:30 PM, SCCC 18 Leaders Training – 6 PM Meal, 6:30 PM Training, SCCC 24 4-H Club Council – 7 PM, SCCC 27 Thanksgiving - Office Closed 28 County Holiday - Office Closed CONTACT US Tracy Ignaszewski Melissa Koch 635 Florence Ave Owatonna MN 55060 507-444-7685 www.4-H.umn.edu www.extension.umn.ed u/county/steele https://www.facebook.c om/steelecounty4h December 2 St. Mary’s Afterschool 3 Owatonna Library Afterschool 5 Drop off gifts for Shop with Santa, 3-7 PM, St. John Lutheran Church 6 Shop with Santa, 8 AM – 12 Noon, St. John Lutheran Church 6-7 Ambassador Retreat, Waterpark of America (after Shop with Santa) 9 Ellendale Afterschool 9 Cloverbud Holiday Treats, 6-7 PM, Extension Office 15 Registration deadline for Movie Night 22 Movie Night, Northwoods Cinema 10, early evening movie 24 Christmas Eve – Office Closed 25 Christmas Day – Office Closed 29 Regional Winter Outing (watch for more details) © 2011, Regents of the University of Minnesota. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this publication/material is available in alternative formats upon request. Direct requests to 612-624-2116. MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE SOUTHEAST REGION/STEELE COUNTY November 2014 507-444-7685 | www.fourh.mn.edu Cloverbud Adventures Mark your calendar now for these Cloverbud Adventures for the year! December – Holiday Treats Tuesday, December 9, 6:00–7:00 PM Extension Office, Steele County Annex, 635 Florence Ave, Owatonna Watch for more details on these adventures in future newsletters: February – Family Activity – Sunday, February 8 April – What’s your Project – Tuesday, April 28 May – Cloverbud Kickball – Sunday, May 17 June – Cloverbud Day Camp – Thursday, June 23 Ambassadors Welcome to our 2014 Ambassadors! Lauren Arthur, Alex Arndt, Lucas Arndt, William Behne, Cameron Deml, Mikayla Dinse, Mitch Dinse, Molly Hawkins, Cole Ignaszewski, Lexie Ignaszewsi, Georgia Jirousek, David Keck, Emily Keck, Allie Keilen, Sarah Manderfeld, Katie Moon, Kalyn Naatz, Logan Nelson, Aly Noble, Jacob Pfeifer, McKenna Schroht, Katie Skalicky, Logan Stenzel, Katie Wolf, and Tim Wolf Ambassador Meeting – November 18th starting at 5:30 PM at the SCCC PAGE 2 Regional Ambassador Retreat – November 15th Join other ambassadors from our 18 county region for a fun filled day of skill development and personal growth. Training will be held in Glenville, MN (Freeborn County) and will go from 10 AM to 4 PM. The retreat will be filled with educational break-out sessions, group activities, speakers, and FUN! Contact the Extension Office ASAP if you are interested in going. 4-H Club Council 4-H Club Council Meetings Mondays at 7 PM at the SCCC – November 24 NO December Meeting We Need Someone from Every 4-H Club to Attend Club Council Meetings! This is the beginning of a new 4-H Year and we have lots of information to share! Please try to send representatives, youth and adults, from your club each month. Your Club Charter paperwork is DUE back to the Extension Office on or before November 3rd! Plan to attend and meet the new team! At 6:00 a meal will be provided and at 6:30 we‟ll join the leaders training – Making 4-H MORE Fun! Leader Training - Education Ambie Retreat will be ----- December 6 -7 at the Waterpark of America Fall Leader Training – Making 4-H MORE Fun! This retreat will focus on planning and setting goals for the 2015 4-H year. Please bring your thinking caps and calendars to help plan events. Call the office at 444-7685 by November 3rd to register. Contact Missy if you have any questions. Our Fall Leader Training is set for Tuesday, November 18, 6:00 PM with meal and 6:30 with training at the SCCC. This is the statewide training that every club must attend. If you cannot make this training date, you will need to make other arrangements! Young people stay in 4-H because it‟s fun! Find out how to create vibrant 4-H experiences that will make kids want to keep coming back. The statewide fall volunteer training is for all 4-H youth & adult volunteers in Note: if you have not turned in your application to be an Ambie you still can; please contact the office right away for an application and to set up your interview. MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE SOUTHEAST REGION/STEELE COUNTY November 2014 507-444-7685 | www.fourh.mn.edu clubs and county-wide groups, including PDC‟s, Federations, Leaders‟ Council and others. At least one volunteer from each club needs to plan on attending, but you are encouraged to come as a team of youth and adults. Participants will dig into ideas and activities to get 4-H‟ers engaged and excited. Discover “grab and go” resources that are available in your county and region to add fun to your 4-H club, project, afterschool or group gatherings. Resource topics include 4-H club ideas, science, healthy living, animal science, and more. You will leave this training with: A toolkit of ready-to-use ideas to get kids involved in fun! Ideas from other volunteers on what works for them. A plan to increase the fun in your 4-H group. Project Information 2014-2015 4-H Enrollment Members and volunteers must re-enroll each year and YES, IT’S TIME to enroll/re-enroll for the 2014-2015 4-H year! Once again, enrollment will be an online process. 4-H Online is open and ready to take your enrollment for the year. The website at which to enroll/re-enroll is https://mn.4honline.com You‟ll find Quick Start and Detailed instructions there for how to enroll. Some things to remember: If you have trouble re-enrolling, check your browser. You will need to use Internet Explorer 10 or higher, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari Make sure you check if you are a boy or a girl Update your personal profile if needed including street and email addresses PAGE 3 We no longer need a signed hard copy of the Authorization form BUT you must check and accept all items on that screen Please be aware that this 4-H Membership Enrollment process and any updates that you make to it throughout the year are totally separate from the County Fair Exhibit Registration process that takes place in July. That process, which is NOT available online at this time, will be communicated to you in June. If you have any questions about enrolling or re-enrolling, please call the Extension Office at 507-444-7685. Year PDC Plan The PDC (Project Development Committee) meetings are planned for the new 4-H year! Remember these meetings are open to all who would like to share in the planning, education, and rules review of each livestock species area. All meetings, except the October meeting, will be held at the SCCC starting with food at 6:30 PM and lasting no later than 8:00 PM. The October meeting was held at the Extension Office in order to accommodate the State Webinar which was viewed. This year, some new EDUCATIONAL pieces will be part of each PDC meeting. Here is our PLAN . . . . . Thursday, January 22- SCCC – Italian with Fair Book Changes / Activity Boxes Thursday, March 26 -SCCC – Tacos with Finalization of Fair Book Changes / Project Trainings Thursday, May 21 - SCCC – BBQ Sandwiches with Writing Bonus Trips/ Activity to be determined Thursday, July 23 - SCCC – Subs with County Fair Planning / How to Pack your Show Box Update your project areas; the system will keep your old projects entered until you change them Project Bowl Practices to Begin in January Be sure to work through each screen and complete all information Project Bowl is the second largest attended event during the 4-H year. Patterned after the goldenoldie television show “College Bowl”, it challenges teams of three to six youth in their MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE SOUTHEAST REGION/STEELE COUNTY November 2014 507-444-7685 | www.fourh.mn.edu knowledge of certain 4-H project areas. Currently there are seven different bowls: Dairy, Dog, General Livestock, Horse, Poultry, Rabbit and Wildlife. Adults – are you interested in sharing your expertise by serving as a coach for one of these teams? Youth – are you interested in learning more about one of these project areas in a new and fun way? You do not have to be enrolled in the project to participate in project bowl activities. Watch for more information as bowl teams generally begin practicing after the first of the year. Call the Extension office at 444-7685 if you are interested in coaching or being part of a bowl team. Events and Activities 4-H Afterschool With the school year underway, 4-H Afterschool will be starting up soon! We are looking for volunteers who would be willing to help out with this program! We will be providing lessons to the teachers at four Owatonna SACC sites and conducting afterschool programs at the following sites ourselves: * Ellendale Elementary School * St. Mary‟s School * Owatonna Library Please - call the office at 444-7685 if you are interested in helping out! 4-H ‘Awards and Recognition Event’ The Steele County 4-H recognition celebration will be “Happening” again this year on Sunday, January 4, 2015 at the VFW. Mark the Date on your calendars NOW!!! Numerous awards and recognition will be given at this annual event, including the I Dare You Awards, Outstanding Leaders, Friend of 4-H, Graduation, Gold Key, Record Judging, Retiring Officers and 4-H Ambassadors. Watch your mail for more details. PAGE 4 Shop with Santa Shop with Santa will be held on Saturday, December 6 from 8 AM until Noon at St. John Lutheran Church. Be sure to mark your calendars and start thinking about ideas for gifts that you can make. Remember, it should be something YOU would like to give or receive! Each 4-H’er needs to bring 10 items to the church on Friday, December 5, from 3-7 PM. Craft items should be good quality and homemade. We are unable to accept items with loose material, plants, or soups/cookie mixes. Candy must be individually wrapped. Top Needed Items: pillows, frames for males, blankets, marshmallow shooters, wood items, fishing lures, ice fishing poles, or similar items. Items Not Needed: scarves, notebooks, ornaments, magnet boards, candles We also need Santa supplies – boxes, packing material and wrapping paper. Wrapped boxes are truly appreciated! Also, clubs can pick up bags at the Extension office to be decorated at your club meetings. Please pick up posters as well to hang up at local businesses. 4-H Night at the Movies The date has been set! Monday, December 22 will be our “4-H Movie Night”! This year, the 4-H movie is ‟NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM: SECRET OF THE TOMB!‟ We will attend the early evening show (exact time yet to be announced.) This activity is open to all 4-Hers and their families. Youth in 5th grade or under must be accompanied by an adult. The cost per person for the movie and popcorn is $10 each BUT only $5 per family member if you sold all of your Pasta Dinner Tickets in 2014. Guests may be invited at the rate of $10 per person. Call the Extension Office at 444-7685 with the names, number of adults, and grades of all youth attending. Registrations and payments will be accepted until December 15 when we will be purchasing the tickets. Checks should be made out to „Steele County 4-H‟. MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE SOUTHEAST REGION/STEELE COUNTY November 2014 507-444-7685 | www.fourh.mn.edu Regional Winter Outing – December 29, 2014 This event will include a morning production of „Charlie Brown‟ at the Old Log Theatre. Other details are yet to be worked out, but it promises to be fun for all. Watch for more information in the December newsletter. Cash Your Checks !!! The Steele County Fair would like you to cash your County Fair premium checks immediately! This helps them finalize their accounting each year. Also, please cash any outstanding 4-H checks immediately! The 4-H audit and budget committees will be working soon to review the 2013-2014 books and set the budget for the 2014-2015 year. It really helps their work when all checks have been cashed! If you have any questions, call the office at 444-7685. Recognition Thanks for Your Work at the 4-H Grill THANK YOU SO MUCH! I wanted to tell everyone „thanks‟ for a great year at the 4-H Grill. The clubs all provided a great supply of helpers for the shifts they were given - this makes it so much easier on everyone and helps our shifts run smoothly. Thanks to my adult club shift helpers-couldn‟t do it without you! And last but not least, my shift managers-Kim Busho, Cindy Johnson, Deb Willert and Tammy Wolf-you guys were great! The 4-H Grill continues to supply a good meal at a reasonable price during the fair. Our profits help to support the entire 4-H program during the rest of the year. So thanks again for a successful and fun year. Angie Jensen, Food Stand Operations Manager PAGE 5 4-H Volunteer Corner 4-H Club Planning Retreat 4-H Clubs that make the most of the 4-H year develop a 4-H Club Annual Plan. The beginning of the 4-H year is the ideal time to schedule a 4-H club planning retreat with the goal of developing a 4-H Club Annual Plan http://www.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4H/volunteer/4-H-club-annual-plan-worksheet.pdf An effective club planning retreat is scheduled once-a-year outside of the regular club meeting. The planning retreat involves the club leaders and the club officers. Items to bring to the retreat are the following; the 4-H Club Annual Plan, the previous year‟s club secretary‟s book, the club treasurer‟s book, note paper, individuals‟ calendars, community or school calendars and nutritious snacks. Once the annual plan is developed, share it at the next club meeting to gather feedback. Provide this information to the club membership and involve youth and 4-H volunteers in carrying out the annual plan to help ensure a successful 4-H year. Patrick Jirik is an Extension Educator working with Volunteer Systems based out of the Rochester Regional Extension Office. In This Issue Message from Dorothy Online enrollment for 4-H families Plan to attend a 4-H BLU near You! Science of Agriculture Response Challenge National 4-H Conference 2015 Summer 2015 Citizenship Washington Focus 2014 youth livestock committee application Calendar MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE SOUTHEAST REGION/STEELE COUNTY November 2014 507-444-7685 | www.fourh.mn.edu Message from Dorothy Dear 4-H families and volunteers, November is a time when we reflect and give thanks for everything that brings joy, meaning and purpose to our lives. It is also a time when many people think about how they can make a difference in the lives of people in their communities who may be in need in different ways. Teaching youth to be active citizens and leaders in their communities is a priority in 4-H, and community service projects are one way 4H'ers lead. Research indicates that civic engagement and “connection” to community and those around us play an important role in the healthy development of young people. I encourage you to think about how you can support our civic-minded 4-H'ers in their efforts to make a difference in the lives of the people in your communities this holiday season. Finally, I would be remiss if I did not thank each of you for your contributions to Minnesota 4-H. It would not be the valuable program it is without the service and contributions of each of you. Minnesota 4-H is better because you care enough to give your time, talents and skills. Sincerely, Dorothy M. Freeman Associate Dean and State 4-H Director Online enrollment for 4-H Families Enrollment for the new 4-H year is now open and Minnesota 4-H families are reminded and encouraged to go to 4HOnline to enroll/re-enroll both youth members and adult volunteers. Active enrollment in the current year is required for participation in 4-H events and activities. The enrollment/re-enrollment process is quick and easy; even families with multiple youth should be done in ten minutes or less. Also, active PAGE 6 enrollment ensures that critical communications will be received, especially as it relates to deadlines and project specific information. Detailed information about online enrollment and re-enrollment is available at: http://www.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4H/4honline/. Youth, their parents and adult volunteers, as part of enrolling or re-enrolling, will all be agreeing to the Minnesota 4-H Code of Conduct, which is available for review in its entirety, along with other policy and authorization statements at www.4-H.umn.edu/policy or by contacting your local Extension office: www.4H.umn.edu/county. Plan to attend a 4-H BLU near You! The Minnesota 4-H State Ambassadors invite all youth in grades six through one year past high school to plan to attend a Building Leadership and Understanding (BLU) overnight leadership retreat near you! Volunteer chaperones will also be needed. Five BLUs will be held this year in the following locations: Feb. 7-8: Central - Elk River Feb. 21-22: Northwest - Moorhead Feb. 21-22: Southeast - Rochester Feb. 28 - March 1: Northeast - Duluth Feb. 28 - March 1: Southwest - Marshall Additional details will be available online at: www.4-H.umn.edu/events/blu/ by Nov. 10, or connect with your county 4-H office for more information! MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE SOUTHEAST REGION/STEELE COUNTY November 2014 507-444-7685 | www.fourh.mn.edu New 4-H Youth Development program: The Science of Agriculture Response Challenge 4-H knows that today‟s youth are tomorrow‟s agriculture leaders. The new 4-H Science of Agriculture Response Challenge asks youth to explore and develop science-based solutions to agriculture-related issues they have identified in their communities. Youth teams will work with local partners to explore issues and find solutions to challenges in agronomy, animal husbandry, soil science, ag business, rural finance, food science and engineering. Participants will then attend a statewide event (June 18-19, 2015) at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus to present their 4-H Science of Agriculture Challenge projects, and connect with representatives from the University and agribusiness community who are eager to meet the next generation of leaders in agriculture and STEM. Teams can be crosscounty. Each member of the top three teams will receive a scholarship of $500 - $1,000. More information about the Science of Agriculture Response Challenge, including a quick start guide, volunteer webinars and sample presentations can be found at: www.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4H/events/science-of-ag-response/. If you have any questions please contact your county program coordinator or Joshua Rice, Extension specialist, science of agriculture at jerice@umn.edu or 612-624-8415. National 4-H Conference 2015 Are you recognized as a leader in your county programs and have you experienced leadership opportunities outside of your county? Minnesota will send four youth delegates to Washington D.C. in the spring with selection based on qualifications, contents of delegate nomination/recommendation forms and interview. All information is outlined on the 4-H PAGE 7 events website under National 4-H Conference at www.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4H/events/national-conference/index.html. Application postmark deadline is Nov. 18. Go to the website to find out requirements and steps to the application process. Talk with your program coordinator today! Summer 2015 Citizenship Washington Focus Minnesota youth delegates will be heading to Washington D.C. for Citizenship Washington Focus leaving on June 20, 2015 and returning to Minnesota on June 27, 2015. Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) is a week-long 4-H citizenship program that takes place at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center in Washington, D.C. Participants will learn from and meet with young people from across the nation, strengthen their civic engagement understanding and skills, experience Washington D.C., and develop and implement a CWF: Call to Action plan back home. Full information about this great experience can be found on the 4-H events website under Citizenship Washington Focus at www.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4-h/events/. On the website, you will find a flyer for distribution to those who might be interested and also the full explanation of the CWF: Call to Action document. Pre-registration material will be found on this website beginning Jan. 15 with full application material available Feb. 17. This is a first-come first-served application process. Check with your county program coordinator if there are additional county requirements for this experience. MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE SOUTHEAST REGION/STEELE COUNTY November 2014 507-444-7685 | www.fourh.mn.edu 2014 Youth Livestock Committee Application Attention 4-H sheep members, We are looking for 4-H sheep members 9th grade and up to be part of the state fair sheep show committee. We will select three members for one year terms each to help plan and organize the state fair 4-H sheep project experience. We are looking for members with extensive sheep project and leadership experience. 4-H members selected will work with adult volunteers and staff members to enhance the competitive and educational opportunities with the sheep project at future state fairs. To apply, please complete the Minnesota 4-H youth livestock committee application listed on the sheep project page under “Other learning opportunities” at www.4H.umn.edu/projects/animal-science/sheep/ and return to Karen Nelson by Nov. 15, 2014. Calendar NOVEMBER 15 2014 youth livestock sheep Committee applications due 18 National 4-H Conference Application deadline FEBRUARY 7-8 Central BLU, Elk River, MN 21-22 Northwest BLU, Moorhead, MN 21-22 Southeast BLU, Rochester, MN 28-Mar. 1 Northeast BLU, Duluth, MN 28-Mar. 1 Southwest BLU, Marshall, MN APRIL 6-11 National 4-H Conference JUNE 18-19 Science of Agriculture Response Challenge 20-27 Citizenship Washington Focus PAGE 8