4-H in B.C. Newsletter


4-H in B.C. Newsletter
A Publication of the B.C. 4-H Provincial Council
4-H in B.C.
In this issue:
Get Ready, Set, Celebrate page 3 | Fraser Valley 4-H to the Extreme page 4 |
Agriculture Trade Shows page 5 | Whitehorse 4-H Spirit Riders page 8 | Club News Page 9 |
B.C. 4-H 100th Celebrations page 10 | Field Of Clover page 12 | Provincial Club Week Page 14 |
2014 Ambassador Team Page 19 | Outstanding Ambassador Awards Page 20
Judging Jamboree Page 22
100 Years
4 -H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Spring has always been my favourite season a time of
renewal and an awakening from winter slumber.
As I look forward to this spring and summer of
celebrating our past 100 years I’m also mindful of the
future and renewal of our 4-H program. If the scope of
100th celebrations is any indication the ingenuity and
unique character of our leaders and members would
indicate we are well equipped to move into our second
century. No two celebrations across the province are the
same in nature which as a grassroots organization is to
be embraced and expected, from picnics to pancake
breakfasts we have a common thread and that is our 4-H
experience. It has changed lives and continues to
change lives for our youth and volunteers. An American
colleague described it at the 4-H leadership conference
in Ottawa as the only high quality youth development
program that focuses on the strengths of our young
people, not the deficits. Our recently completed
enrolment showed another increase in members, with a
trend toward more multi clubs and slightly larger clubs
with more project leaders, another general innovation to
share the load and keep clubs healthy.
At the provincial office we are busy preparing centennial
service supply items, planning our first ever golf
tournament, the national AGM in Abbotsford, working on
summer programs, the new 4-H hall of fame, a centennial
photo contest and trying to answer and respond to the
needs of our members and leaders.
Food for Thought applications are coming in steadily,
and as district and regional communication competitions
wrap up excitement is building for the Provincial
Communication Finals in Oyama, with increased prizing
and the speech winner off to the Royal Winter Fair to
compete in the Young Speakers for Agriculture. This fall
leaders will gather in Vernon for what
promises to be a fun and productive
leaders conference.
Stay tuned to Facebook and
www.bc4h.bc.ca for further updates
on all the exciting plans taking shape
in the regions and provincially.
Have fun out there!
Kevin Rothwell,
Manager, B.C. 4-H
4-H in B.C. Fall/Winter Newsletter
Submission deadline: September 15, 2014
Please send to communications@bc4h.bc.ca
In an effort to reduce paper,
the 4-H in B.C. Newsletter is
The 4-H in B.C. Newsletter is going
electronic. If you wish to receive the
Newsletter by email, please email
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Get ready, set, Celebrate:
Connect with B.C. 4-H!
British Columbia 4H
B.C. 4-H
To submit articles or for enquiries regarding this publication, please
4-H in B.C. Newsletter, 2743 30th Street, Vernon, B.C., V1T 5C6
TEL: 250.545.0336 TOLL FREE: 1.866.776.0373
FAX: 250.545.0399 EMAIL: communications@bc4h.bc.ca
The B.C. 4-H Provincial Council maintains editorial control of this
publication in order to uphold the integrity and philosophy of the 4-H
Program. This does not imply the endorsement or promotion of the use
of any product, goods or services mentioned in this publication.
Published by the B.C. 4-H Provincial Council 2 times per year. All
rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or
utilized in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or
otherwise, including, but not limited to photocopying, recording or by
any information storage and
retrieval system without the express
written permission of the B.C. 4-H
Provincial Council.
4 -H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Fraser Valley 4-H to the Extreme!
Over 250 4-H members, leaders, and families met on March 1st for “4-H to the Extreme” a regional conference
held at New Life Church in Abbotsford. The conference included over 45 sessions on various topics in the areas
of livestock care, leadership, safety, recreation, communication, and fun. The sessions were presented by 4-H
friends and alumni from around the province who have become experts in their subject areas through experience in the 4-H program and/or their professional careers.
Many sessions on livestock project skills such as feeding, training, grooming, and judging were offered for projects including: swine, horse, dairy, beef, sheep, rabbit, llama, poultry and dog. Other livestock related sessions
included pet 1st aid, large animal livestock care, record keeping, auction buyer relations and rope halter making. Non-livestock project sessions were also offered for crafts, outdoor living, clothing, and gardening projects.
4-H communication and leadership sessions were offered on topics including: demonstrations, educational displays, judging, senior 4-H opportunities and volunteer leader training.
Other fun and interesting sessions included: line dancing, let’s investigate, fantastic fair displays, and auctioneering. A special all-day session was offered for Cloverbud members and other young siblings of 4-Hers. The
Cloverbuds spent the day playing games and making crafts.
During the lunch hour 4-H members and leaders participated in an interactive games session delivered by 4-H
alumni. Participants learned four fun new 4-H games they can play with their clubs. Participants also had the opportunity to purchase 4-H supply items from the B.C. 4-H supply service table and visit an educational displays
hosted by: the University of the Fraser Valley, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, B.C. Young Farmers and the Fraser Valley 4-H Centennial Committee.
A huge thank you goes out to all the guest presenters who volunteered their time and knowledge to make this
event a success.
The Fraser Valley 4-H Regional Council would like to thank the many volunteers who made the day possible,
particularly the planning committee: Ellen Deglan, Gail Macadam, Kathy Tolmie, Heather Schmidt, Darlene Severinski, Deanna Laity, Michael Poon, Bea Collier-Pandya, Holly Longmuir and Kim Gerry.
4-H to the Extreme participants and organizers would like to recognize the following community minded businesses and organizations for their generous support:
 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
 The Gerry Family
 B.C. Ministry of Agriculture
 Hopcott Premium Meats
 B.C. 4-H
 North Fraser 4-H District Council
 Otter Co-op
 Chilliwack 4-H District Council
 Farm Credit Canada
 Langley 4-H District Council
 BC Hydro
 Surrey/Richmond/Delta 4-H District Council
 Aldor Acres
 Abbotsford 4-H District Council
 Bakerview Ecodairy
 Lepp Farm Market
 Garden Green Hothouses
Pacific Agriculture Show
The Island Agriculture Show was held on February 7 &
8th in Duncan on Vancouver Island.
B.C. 4-H kicked off the year at the Pacific Agricultural
Show in Abbotsford January 30th to February 1, 2014.
The show organizers chose the 100th Anniversary of 4-H
in BC as a feature to celebrate during the show. 4-H was
very visible and proud to be able to work with leaders in
the agriculture community.
B.C. 4-H unveiled a new tradeshow booth, Frisco the Fox
and celebrated with birthday cake and balloons! For
more pictures, check us out on Facebook/
4-H Members assisted the school tours by facilitating the
activities and answering questions from the students.
Frisco the Fox was present to entertain children and
stand for many photo ops!
Island Coastal Economic Trust, a sponsor of the show,
generously provided a booth for 4-H where we displayed the new B.C. 4-H display, were able to meet the
public face to face and promote our 100th Celebrations
coming in August.
In recognition for 4-H’s contribution to the show, Economic Development Cowichan and Vancouver Island
University, decided instead of presenting gifts to the
Presenters in the educational sessions the funds would
be donated to the VI 4-H Region! President Rhonda Belivaqua was presented with a cheque for $500.00. She, in
response, gave an excellent verbal presentation at the
reception which included The Honorable Judith
Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of BC, The Honourable
Don McRae, representing the Government of BC and
local government officials.
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Vancouver Island Agriculture Show
B.C. 4-H Centennial Photo Contest
Submitted by Marian Davis
Corresponding Secretary
VI 4-H Region
Contest ends October 1, 2014!
Contest details are available on the B.C. 4-H
website www.bc4h.bc.ca
B.C. 4-H Safety Pin Contest
Contest end June 20th, 2014
Contest details are available on the B.C. 4-H
website www.bc4h.bc.ca
4 -H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
You’re invited!
Provincial Communication Finals
June 27—29, 2014
Competition to be held Sunday June 29, starting at 10 am at Gatzke Orchards
Come out and watch the best of the best Speakers and Demonstration Teams from around
the province compete for prize money at Provincial Communication Finals, hosted at Gatzke
Orchards in Oyama, right in the middle of the gorgeous Okanagan!
Prizes to be won— Cash (1st to 4th place) and for the top speaker, a trip to Canadian Young
Speakers for Agriculture in Toronto, Ontario
Hosted at Gatzke Orchards and Farm Market— just off Highway 97 in Oyama,
on Pelmewash Parkway (corner of Oyama Road, Pelmewash Parkway). Only 20 minutes north of Kelowna and 20 minutes south of Vernon. www.gatzkefarmmarkets.com
Cabins, RV spots and Camping available at Gatzke Orchards (call: 250-548-3444 to reserve) and other
locations nearby. Delegate accommodation hosted at University of BC—Okanagan Campus where dormitory accommodation for guests is available (call: 1-888-318-8666 to reserve)
For more information , PLEASE contact Genevieve Dunbar at B.C. 4-H programcoordinator@bc4h.bc.ca or 250-545-0336
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Name: Hound’s Tongue
 Leaves are shaped like a dog’s tongue
 Leaves are rough, hairy, and wide
 Reddish-purple, five-petal flowers
 Each flower produces four rounded-triangular
nutlets covered in hooked prickles (burrs)
 Mature plants are 0.3 to 1.2 metres tall
Wanted For:
Decreasing forage on rangeland and pastures. The
plant also causes liver damage in grazing animals
usually through infested hay as standing plants are
seldom grazed. The barbed seeds easily cling to
the hair, wool, and fur of animals, resulting in
reduced sale value, stress on animals, and
increased veterinary costs.
What to do if you see it:
Treat first-year plants with herbicides, or hand-pull
plants. Mow plants with flowering stems as soon as
possible to eliminate seed production. Repeat this
process to weaken the seed bank.
Prevention is key in stopping Hound’s Tongue
infestation. Ensure that areas where livestock
congregate (such as corrals and gates) are weedfree, especially when the weed is in seed-set.
Manage livestock to maintain a vigorous population
of perennial plants to provide ground cover. Check
people, vehicles, and dogs for seeds before you
leave an infested area.
Find the weed hidden in this newsletter and win a
small prize. Email sarah.vanheeswijk@gov.bc.ca
with your mailing address and your answer.
4 -H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Whitehorse 4-H
Spirit Riders are
Busy in the Yukon
Submitted by: Malorie H.
4-H Spirit Riders Club Reporter
2013 was a busy year for the Whitehorse 4-H Spirit Riders Horse club. Along with our regular meetings and
club activities that included a: Spring Show Clinic with
Ellen Smailes, 4-H Games camp in Watson Lake, Fall
clinic with Doug Holland and a fun 4-H horse demonstration at the Fall Farm Fair at Midnight Sun Alpacas; we
got busy with celebrating 100 years of 4-H in Canada.
school credits from being part of a 4-H club. To become
seniors they had to study and write an exam provided
by 4-H Canada.
This year we have entered a competition called “Shout
out for Ag”. This included making a video describing
and explaining why we liked 4-H and why we were involved in 4-H. We had a few technical glitches but it was
fun to participate in and we learned a lot.
In honour of 100 years of 4-H, as a club, we decided to
log our horse activities. It was entitled 100 Happy Horse
Hours. We kept a monthly tally of how many hours each The first event on our schedule is the annual Ellen
member spent with their horse and it quickly exceeded Smailles clinic. This will take place at the indoor arena
during the May long weekend. This is one of the events
100 hours.
that we look forward to the most during our club year
and we always learn lots about riding and and overall
We also celebrated by performing an evening horse
show following our week long horse camp that was host- horsemanship. This year our theme for the clinic will be
Team Building. Ellen is going to walk us through showed by the Watson Lake club. There were a couple of
manship using some creative ideas, we love Ellen. AnSenior Educational Displays for the public to see and
then we began our performance. We gave a brief histo- other thing that we hope and plan to start at the spring
ry of 4-H and what it is all about then and now. Then we clinic is a drill team exercise that will include all of our
4-H members and their horses. We are all very excited
demonstrated a vaulting routine, we did a games
for this opportunity and hope to make our community
demonstration and finally we performed a drill ride.
There was a community supper and of course a wonder- become more involved with our club by showing them a
small proportion of what we can do and also expand our
ful cake to share. It was awesome and the community
knowledge and experience with our horses.
loved it.
In the fall we attended the 26th Annual North of 60° Agriculture Banquet. We put up a display on Everything
Spirit Riders 4-H club and then 2 of our members, Erin
McBryan and Jeff Diment presented the history of 4-H
Canada and the Yukon. We finished off the banquet by
hosting a silent auction, of course we had our favourite
auctioneer Russ Tait live auction off a few things that included local donations from various community members. It was so fun.
Spirit Riders 4-H horse club had a very fun and eventful
year, which makes us even more excited for what is yet
to come. We plan to have various events and this should
be the most busy, educational, and exciting year so far.
This year, 2014, we have four new seniors in our club,
Jordyn C., Erin M., Maggie O. and Tyrel B. Becoming a
senior allows these members to have more opportunities such as travelling and they can also now get high
As a club we like to keep things fresh and exciting. This
year a new idea for fundraising was brought forward by
one of our own members. One of our members who has
raised pigs in the past year said she would raise a pig
with the help of all of the club. We will auction off this
pig at our local Whitehorse Fireweed market once the
pig is ready to be re-homed. Since this will be a very
big responsibility and it will take all of our commitment
to make this idea work, we will have some sort of schedule and certain chores for everyone of our members to
do that will contribute to this pig project. We think that
this is a great idea and we will learn about how to take
care of another animal, we will also have more money
for more opportunities.
Keep you posted, have a great year!!
Golden Ears Community Club
This year looks like it’s going to be amazing for the
Golden Ears Community Club! 22 members make up
our club, with 7 new members. The club elections are
finished and we have picked our executives:
President: Lauren K.
Vice –President: Jeremy L.
Secretary: Aimee T.
Treasurer: Hannah C.
Reporters: Connor B., Dara G., Nadine L. and Julia P.
Safety Officer: Lauren K.
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Club News
from around the province!
Whitehorse 4-H Spirit Riders Horse club.
Rushing Rivers 4-H Club
Rushing Rivers 4-H club has just held awards night. We
had a potluck dinner and we handed out lots of awards.
But the awards aren't the most important part of the 4-H
"Names on a trophy will become just that, a name", Jessica Meir -Chilliwack Junior Council President
4-H is a youth development program, and the main aspect is to shape responsible, caring citizens. And to
shape caring citizens we have to introduce them to
charitable works. Chalice is a charity that helps children in third world countries. Our 4-H club handed out
Chalice cans to our members to put spare change in at
the start of the year. At our awards night we added the
money together and counted it. There was a total of
about $80.00. We put that money in our bank account,
and then wrote a cheque for $100.00 to a child named
Albert in Mombasa, Kenya.
Our projects this year are going well. The Dairy group
members have picked their cows and started training
them for shows. The cooking group has learned about
kitchen safety and has done some baking projects.
Our Cloverbuds have started off the year by making
bird houses out of milk cartons. This year we have two
self-determined projects by Christian R. and Lauren K.
Christian is doing rocketry and has learned about some
of the history of rocketry, and Lauren is doing hers on
Albert is 14 years old and he has a little sister who is
sick. He has a single mother because his father was vio- raising a calf from birth to when it is bred.
lent. Albert is a child sponsored by our family through Club speeches were given March 6 and March 13. Jerethe Chalice program. We thought collecting money to
my L. made it to Regionals and Aidan K. and Julia P. also
donate to charity would help the kids to think and care made it to Regionals. We have all started to work on
about other people, especially those less fortunate than demonstrations and speak and shows. Everyone in
ourselves. The kids in our club were very excited about Golden Ears Community Club is looking forward to the
giving this money to Albert. Our club will probably be rest of the 4-H year!
active in donating to charity in the future. Helping othConnor B.
ers gives you a feeling of joy, especially during the
Golden Ears 4-H Community Club
Christmas season. Think about how nice the world
would be if everyone knew the joy of giving to others
To submit your club news, please send to
less fortunate.
communications@bc4h.bc.ca. Next deadline will be
Jacinta M.
April 15, 2014 for the Spring/Summer Edition.
Rushing Rivers 4-H club Reporter
4 -H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Join Us!
Register now at www.bc4h.bc.ca
for the 1st B.C. 4-H Charity
Golf Tournament
All proceeds go to B.C. 4-H youth development programs.
June 16, 2014
Spallumcheen Golf & Country Club
Vernon, BC
Thanks to our dinner sponsor:
B.C. 4-H 100th
June 8, 2014 - Kelowna, Open House at
Ellison Hall, 2-4pm.
Support B.C. Agriculture’s
next generation!
Enjoy 18 holes of Texas Scramble golf, cart, dinner and
chances to win $5000 cash & a Gator™ RSX850i Sport!
Prizes for all and a live auction with a Grey Cup package,
a PNE package, a ski package for Silver Star, a signed
Canucks jersey, an Okanagan wine tour and more!
July 1, 2014 - Salmon Arm Canada Day
Celebrations at the Fairgrounds, 4-H
Anniversary celebration 9:30am – 12noon
July 7 – 12, 2014 - Okanagan Stock Show
4-H in the opening ceremony celebration
July 26th, 2014 - Fraser Valley 4-H 100th
Celebration, Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows
Country Fest
August 9, 2014 - Vancouver Island 4-H
100th Celebration, Coombs Fairgrounds
August 27 - September 1, 2014 - PNE 4-H
booth at the fair
Plan to p
rt to Fun utting
a Passpo
3 mulliga
t putt
tries, 1 sh
contest en
string and
For more information contact
Karen Fenske at 1.866.776.0373 or
Registration Deadline:
May 26, 2014
September 13-14, 2014 - Rock Creek Fall
Fair – 4-H 100th Anniversary theme,
Members are raising heritage variety
chickens for exhibiting at the fair.
September 25 – 29 - Provincial Winter Fair
– Barrier – 4-H banner ceremony and 100th
Anniversary celebration
For more information on 100th
Celebrations, please visit the B.C. 4-H
website www.bc4h.bc.ca.
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
4 -H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Thank you for joining ‘The Jones’ in supporting the British Columbia 4-H
Foundation’s Field of Clover! To view the full Field of Clover visit
www.bc4h.bc.ca. Each clover on these pages is representative of all those that
have contributed, or have had donations made in their name, from April 16,
2013 up to and including April 15, 2014. To plant a clover of your own, go to
www.bc4h.bc.ca, and select the Donate Now button or mail your donation to
the B.C. 4-H Foundation, 2743 30th Street, Vernon, BC, V1T 5C6. For each $25
donation a clover will be ‘planted’ in your name.
Gordon Bryant
Kevin Rothwell
Thank you for supporting the British Columbia 4-H Foundation’s
Field of Clover & Golden Field of Cover!
Francis McKay in
memory of Alice McKay
Sharon Follett in Memory
of Tom & Greg Follett
100 Years
Saanich Lamb 4-H Club
Gordon Bryant
Gordon Bryant
Barry Remus
Barry Remus
Fred Stafford
Fred Stafford
Fred Stafford
Fred Stafford
Gordon Bryant
Gordon Bryant
Aubrey Searle
Aubrey Searle
Barry Remus
Barry Remus
In Memory of J. Patrick
In Memory of Esther
In Memory of Esther
In Memory of Wilbert
& Victoria Schenk
Alberni Valley 4-H
District Council
In Memory of Pat Hibbert
Boundary C 4-H Club
In Memory of Ray Reimer
In Memory of Ray Reimer
In Honour of Lincoln &
Pat Blaine
In Honour of Don & Jean
In Memory of Pat Hibbert
Boundary C 4-H Club
Boundary C 4-H Club
Boundary C 4-H Club
Saanich Peninsula 4-H
Beef & Swine Club
Gordon Bryant
Gordon Bryant
Gordon Bryant
Brian Baehr
Brian Baehr
Judy Wallace
Sallie Atkinson
Jean Gregson
As B.C. 4-H celebrates 100 years of 4-H in British Columbia, a special field of
clover will be planted. To celebrate B.C. 4-H centennial year, for every $100
you donate to the B.C. 4-H Foundation's Field of Clover campaign, between
now and April 15, 2015, a special golden clover will be planted with your
name on it.
‘The Jones’
Vancouver Island 4-H
Regional Council
Nancy Loreth
Jake DeWitt
Boundary C 4-H Club
Gordon Bryant
Tony Degroot
Jake DeWitt
Aubrey Searle
Debbie & Karl
Chris DeWitt
The Chung-Smith
Joanne Burnell
Chris DeWitt
Brian Baehr
Mabel Shykora
Rene & Jessica
Rene & Jessica Miedema
Rene & Jessica Miedema
Kish Farm Ltd.
Bill & Karen Werner
In Memory of Whitney
In Memory of Whitney
David & Ann Smith
David & Ann Smith
Brandy Farms Inc.
Patricia & Stanley
Van Keulen
Patricia & Stanley
Van Keulen
Patricia & Stanley
Van Keulen
Patricia & Stanley
Van Keulen
Michael Poon
Michael Poon
Michael Poon
Michael Poon
Michael Poon
Michael Poon
Michael Poon
Michael Poon
Michael Poon
In Memory of Whitney
Marv & Trish Loewen
In Memory of Whitney
In Memory of Whitney
In Memory of Whitney
In Memory of Whitney
In Memory of John &
Freda Mertler
In Memory of Ronnie
In Honour of Doris
In Memory of Whitney
In Memory of
Whitney Moutray
Good Way Farms Inc.
In Memory of George
In Memory of Dan
In Memory of Dan
In Memory of Rod
In Memory of Ken
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
Michael Poon
In Memory of Whitney
In Memory of Whitney
Darlene Collins MacLeodHay
In Memory of Whitney
In Memory of Whitney
Katy Michelle
In Memory of Whitney
Eric McQueen
In Memory of Whitney
In Memory of Whitney
In Memory of Whitney
In Memory of
Whitney Moutray
In Memory of Whitney
Margaret & Jim
In Memory of Whitney
Good Way Farms Inc.
In Memory of
Whitney Moutray
Sallie Atkinson
Sallie Atkinson
In Memory of George
In Memory of Dan
In Memory of Dan
In Memory of Rod
In Memory of Rod
In Memory of Rod
In Memory of Ken
John & Margaret Eek
John & Margaret Eek
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Ken
In Memory of Ken
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Rene & Jessica
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
4 -H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
In Memory of Ken
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Barry Remus
Barry Remus
Barry Remus
Barry Remus
Barry Remus
Terry Remus
Terry Remus
Terry Remus
Terry Remus
Terry Remus
Gina Flukiger
Gina Flukiger
Kevin Rothwell
Kevin Rothwell
Westerra Equipment
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Ken
In Memory of Ken
In Memory of Ken
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
In Memory of Garde
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Vanderhoof & District
4-H Clubs
Westerra Equipment
Westerra Equipment
Westerra Equipment
Tolsons Enterprises Ltd.
Tolsons Enterprises Ltd.
Tolsons Enterprises Ltd.
Saanich Lamb 4-H Club
Mabel Shykora
Thank you for supporting the British Columbia 4-H Foundation’s Field of
Clover & Golden Field of Cover!
To see the full Field of Clover , please visit the B.C. 4-H website
Kevin Rothwell
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Tolsons Enterprises Ltd.
4 -H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Other sessions included trust and sensory exercises.
The trust exercises included our small group creating a
“hammock” or safe net for one member of the group.
We took turns laying in the “safety hammock “, and
many people felt different. The majority of the group felt
very safe and supported in the arms of the others where
other members of the group felt very useful and confident when they were the ones supporting the individual.
Our different opinions and feelings on being supported
and supporting each other, taught us more about who
we are and our morals. The sensory sessions included us
becoming very relaxed and imagining our biggest fears
and the most important things in our lives. Many of us
sensed the future being our fear and majority believed
The entire week was organized and lead by an amazing
family was the most important thing in life. Other activigroup of people, the “Crazy S”, who have been leading
ties helped us find our personal physical boundaries and
PCW for a number of years. PCW is aimed towards helpincrease our verbal skills by practicing explaining what
ing youth between the ages of 16-19 to become better
PCW is! This exercise has been very helpful because so
leaders, connect with other 4-Her’s, and better yourself.
many people have asked us what PCW is and “how my
PCW 2014’s theme was “Peaks and Prairies”, which rethe trip went “. We always have a hard time explaining
fers to how in life we experience highs, and lows. I
other 4H trips to friends and family and now we know
learned a lot about myself and how others see me during
exactly what to say!
my week in Naramata.
“PCW is a very hard thing to explain to someone who hasThe Crazy S group had twelve sessions for us during the n’t yet been to it. Before I went all anyone was able to tell
me was that “it will be the best week of your life,” and this
six day conference. We also had free time to explore
was so unbelievably true. Starting from the trip there, a 20
beautiful Naramata, BC, and we had great recreational
plus hour bus ride for us northern travelers, I made so
activities almost every evening.
many amazing friends and became so close with them in
The sessions usually started off with all 40 4-Hers in one such a short period of time. It’s truly great to connect with
big group and we would break into our “small groups”, other 4-Hers that are from different parts of the province,
which is a group of about 9-10 youth and a facilitator. My and to learn about the different projects that they are dosmall group became like my family while I was at PCW. ing. I have been to other youth conferences before but
never one for 4-H and I can honestly say they were the
“My favourite activity during the week was a small workmost caring and accepting people I had ever met, and I’m
sheet we did. It would have a few words such as “My
not just talking about the participants, all of the facilitators
dream is” or “My family” and then we had to write down
were so involved and it felt like they were just one of us.” –
what came to mind. The topics were so broad, but by
Chelsea F., Smithers
choosing something that came to mind right away it allowed me to reflect on what is important to me”. – MakenWe are all extremely grateful that to have had the opna C., Port Alberni
portunity to experience PCW, all the amazing people
and the learning experiences it held. We recommend
One of the sessions was called “Yodeling from the
PCW to all of our 4-H friends, and wish that non 4-Hers
mountain tops” which was surrounded around expanding and increasing communication skills. One of the ac- could experience this week of growth and development.
PCW not an agricultural based conference, but it helps
tivities was to communicate to your partner a specific
to develop 4-Hers into leaders and these youth will most
word on the screen while they looked the other way
likely be involved in agriculture in some way. PCW is an
without saying the exact word. It was harder than you
amazing journey through yourself and others; it opens
think! We used charades and other creative ways to try
up the possibilities for the future.
to communicate and then we made the game a little
harder by limiting the rules! Now no words !! We had to
Co-written by Chelsea F., Makenna C. and Mackenzie K., who all
use body language and we found we had to act overdrahappen to be B.C. 4-H Ambassadors and contributed wonderfulmatic to get our point across. It was a real lesson on selfly to conveying the intense “once in a lifetime” experience of
control because we weren’t allowed to speak.
On March 15th 2014, we left home nervous unsure as to
what to expect from the week ahead of us. We were all
headed to Naramata, BC for Provincial Club Week. Provincial Club Week (PCW) is a week full of new faces,
new concepts and self-enlightenment. “When I started to
fill out my application form for Provincial Club Week, I
didn’t expect it to be a life altering, eye opening experience. I expected it to maybe be an opportunity to meet
new people and increase leadership skills but it was so
much more. PCW taught me more about myself than I
thought possible. My week experience taught me independence, confidence and self-worth and well as many
other things” – Mackensie K., Prince George.
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Provincial Club
Week 2014
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
2014 4-H Leaders’ and Key Leaders’ Conference
The 2014 4-H Leaders’ and Key Leaders’ Conference will be one you don’t want to miss! Plans are in
the works for a great celebration of 100 years of 4-H in B.C. and a salute to the 4-H Leaders who
make it all possible!
Mark your calendars: October 17-19 at the Prestige Hotel in Vernon. Conference fee of $230
includes accommodation, meals and conference events, from 4pm Friday to 2pm Sunday.
The theme “Old Time Country Fair” will set the scene for heritage costumes, historical photos, and a
silent auction of homemade goods and antique items. We invite you to walk down memory lane with
all those old time country fair events from sack races to pie eating contests, and a cake walk too!
We are confirming speakers now to ensure a memorable program! The conference will include basic
4-H Leader training courses as well as new topics with guest speakers and dynamic titles. The
application will be out in the 4-H Leader Update soon. Plan to attend; it will be an extra special
weekend in B.C. 4-H history!
We are pleased to announce that the Leader Training workshop on the B.C. 4-H Awards
Program is now available online.
Visit the link below and log on using your B.C. 4-H secured site username and password.
A registration screen will open and you will be asked to enter some specific details.
Once the registration screen is complete you can start the course immediately.
The course will take 1-1.5 hours. When you reach the end of the course you will be
asked to click FINISH. This will submit your answers and registration information to the
Youth Development Staff who will issue your official certificate or seal of completion.
Get started by visiting http://learning.bc4h.bc.ca
We are pleased to welcome six new B.C. 4-H Ambassadors to the team for 2014
Vancouver Island
Cherish C.
Fraser Valley
Morgan M.
Yellowhead West
Chelsea F.
Peace River
Marissa C.
Macgregor T.
Central Interior
Mackenzie K.
These new ambassadors are keen to get started on their two-year commitment and are eagerly looking forward to
the annual Ambassador Training Weekend in May. The new ambassadors will join six second-year ambassadors.
Vancouver Island
Makenna C.
Sabrina M.
Devon S.
Central Interior
Chay K.
Amanda W.
Peace River
Marie W.
For more information or to contact a B.C. 4-H Ambassador in your region, please contact Sarah Van Heeswijk at
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Announcing the 2014 Ambassador Team
Thank you!
B.C. 4-H wants to thank all the
volunteers who donate their time
and talents, and the
Field of Clover donors. Loyal Donor
It takes people to make
a difference & you do!
Sponsors and supporters make
programs & initiatives possible! All
our provincial partners can be seen
on our website:
The 1st Annual Golf Classic
partners can be found at
June 16, 2014
On behalf of the following organizations B.C. 4-H looks forward to
awarding 17 scholarships in 2014:
 B.C. 4-H Foundation
 BC Agriculture in the Classroom
 B.C. Youth in Agriculture Foundation
 BC Young Farmers
 Chernoff Family Foundation
 Mutual Fire Insurance Company of
 Western Producer
 Wym Zylman Agriculture Memorial
Fund - Vancouver Foundation
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Each year retiring members of the B.C. 4-H Ambassador
team are honored for outstanding participation. This
year two members are being recognized with this
esteemed award: Anika M. from Vancouver Island and
Jennifer H. from the Fraser Valley. Anika and Jennifer
will be receiving B.C. 4-H Ambassador belt buckles and
certificates to recognize their hard work and
commitment to the B.C. 4-H Program!
Anika and Jennifer were members of the Ambassador
team in 2012 and 2013. During their ambassadorship
their accomplishments went far above and beyond what
was required. They each completed an amazing 62
ambassador activities over their 2 year term!
Anika is a member of the South Island Goat Club. During
her ambassadorship she was very active in teaching
members’ project skills, and acting as an official judge
for various 4-H events. Anika was also elected by the
Ambassador team to represent B.C 4-H members’
province wide as a member of the B.C. 4-H Provincial
Council. Anika is about to graduate from university and
will be getting married this spring.
Jennifer is a member of the Chilliwack Rabbit Club.
During her ambassadorship Jennifer did a wonderful job
of thanking 4-H sponsors and hosting or leading
activities at many 4-H special events. Jennifer was also
selected to sit on Future Leaders Committee to help set
new directions for B.C. 4-H. Jennifer is currently
attending Simon Fraser University.
Anika and Jennifer follow an outstanding list of award of
excellence recipients, they are:
2000-2001 Sarah V.
2001-2002 Jeanette T.
2002-2003 Connie-Lyn S. and Nikki K.
2003-2004 Kim B.
2004-2005 Dustin G.
2005-2006 Kristy L.
2006-2007 Matt M. and Breena K.
2007-2008 Jo W.
2008-2009 Kirsten B. and Kelsi W.
2009-2010 Alana K.
2010-2011 Jennifer Z.
2011-2012 Ruth H. and Vicki K.
2012-2013 Anika M. and Jennifer H.
The 2014 B.C. 4-H Ambassador team is gearing up for a
very busy and exciting year. B.C. 4-H Ambassadors
function within their Region in a variety of ways such as
helping with club, district or regional events or
promoting the 4-H program to the general public. Get to
know the B.C. 4-H Ambassadors in your region and if
possible invite them to participate in an event with your
Congratulations again to Anika and Jennifer for their
excellent work. They will certainly be missed on the
Ambassador team but no doubt their commitment to 4-H
will be ongoing in the future.
303-2520 53rd Ave
Vernon, B.C. V1T 9W8
Largest Carhartt retailer in the Valley, other services include
embroidery and screen printing to promote business or events,
as well as a huge selection of promotional products.
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Judging Jamboree Helps Celebrate 100 years of 4-H in B.C.!
Judging has been an important part of B.C. 4-H since its first year in 1914, and
4-H in the Kamloops Okanagan Region continued the tradition with hosting
Judging Jamboree! Judging Jamboree offered a weekend of fun and learning
for 50 senior 4-H members who judged a variety of livestock and nonlivestock classes. The weekend was filled with sunshine, smiles and community support from sponsors and volunteers. A great way to start the 100th
year of 4-H in B.C.!
The Judging Jamboree program focused on helping senior 4-H members gain
confidence in their 4-H judging, decision making and communication skills,
as well as giving them opportunities to relax and build friendships with each
other. Participants judged dairy heifers, dogs, swine, poultry, sewing, survival packs, baking and gift wrapping.
Oral reasons were given on two classes and individual feedback was given to each member to encourage them,
build on their strengths and educate them on techniques of effective communication. After judging, participants
relaxed with a trip to the pool and a 4-H dance.
The weekend wrapped up with participants taking part in a team judging event. A team of members took on the
roles of an official judge and ringman of an Angus heifer class. Their management of the class and presentation to
the audience was evaluated and the top team received trophy buckles. It is hoped that this experience builds
confidence in our members to continue involvement in the 4-H program as active alumni helping at fairs and judging events. It was well received by the participants and enjoyed by the audience. The champion team was SaraKate Smith and Colin Gizas. Awards were also given to recognize the participant’s successes in each judging
class and oral class. The top ten aggregate scores were presented to participants. These awards were presented
to the following members: 10th Indigo J., 9th Lauren T., 8th Danica Z., 7th Mackenna F., 6th Jordyn B., 5th Alana H.,
4th Matthew M., 3rd Sara-Kate S., 2nd Ally C., 1st Madison K..
The event was a great success, and the smiles and laughter of the participants was a great reward to the organizing committee. Support given to the 4-H community is crucial to our ability to provide learning opportunities and
youth development for our members. Colleen Meyer of Kamloops generously donated the use of her beautiful
facility, Circle Creek Equestrian Center which was an ideal location for the livestock judging events.
Thank You to all our sponsors:
Platinum Sponsors: Westgen Endowment Fund, KXA, Kinder Morgan, BC Youth in Agriculture Foundation, Sears
Canada, Growing Forward 2 Business Program
Gold Sponsors: Kamloops Large Animal Veterinary Clinic
Silver Sponsors: Feistmann Wealth Management, KGHM, Blackwell Dairy Farm, Doug Haughton, Murphy’s Chop
‘n Block, B.C. Livestock Co-op, Ownership Identification, Kamloops District Calf Insurance Fund
Bronze Sponsors: Southgate Electric, Katy Michell, Overlander Women’s Institute, Campbell Creek Plumbing &
Heating, Aqua Pure, Costco, Walmart
Submitted by Meghan M.
4-H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
I would like to donate:
 $25 for Green Clover
 $100 for Gold Clover
 Other: ___________
100 Years
Donate online at www.bc4h.bc.ca/
fieldofclover.php or make cheques payable
to B.C. 4-H Foundation and mail cheques to:
B.C. 4-H Provincial Council
2743 30th Street
Vernon, BC V1T 5C6
Help us grow the B.C. 4-H Golden Field of Clover
As B.C. 4-H celebrates 100 years of 4-H in British
Columbia, a special field of clover will be planted. To
celebrate B.C. 4-H centennial year, for every $100 you
donate to the B.C. 4-H Foundation's Field of Clover
campaign, between now and April 15, 2015, a special
golden clover will be planted with your name on it.
Field of Clover donors will be displayed in the Spring/
Summer edition of the 4-H in B.C. Newsletter and in the
2013 B.C. 4-H Annual Report.
Thank you!
4 -H in B.C. NEWSLETTER Spring/Summer 2014
Developing Leaders and Strengthening Communities - Since 1914

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