It`s Summer! 4-H is Heating Up! Upcoming Events


It`s Summer! 4-H is Heating Up! Upcoming Events
Scotts Bluff County 4-H Newsletter - June 2015.
We are excited for another fun-filled summer of 4-H! We
welcome all of our new members to the Scotts Bluff County 4-H
program. We are very thankful to have so many new members, but
also want to make sure that 4-H is a positive experience for
everyone involved. Here are a few ideas to help everyone with their
success in 4-H:
It is recommended that our new members join a 4-H Club. We
have over 20 clubs to choose from and our club leaders are
great at helping new members meet deadlines and complete
Please remember that our leaders are volunteers and many are
very busy outside of 4-H. We would appreciate your
understanding of this as we start a very full summer.
If any questions come up, please contact the Nebraska
Extension Office at 632-1480. There are no dumb
questions! It is your responsibility to make sure deadlines are
met, but we are here to assist you in the process.
We have many opportunities to help you make the most of your 4-H
experience. Check out our summer workshops! This is a great time
to make new friends and get connected with local clubs!
Upcoming Events
Last Day for Quality Assurance Training online - June 15
Last Day for State Fair Sheep/Swine/Goat Entries - June 15
Miniature Gardening and Using Herbs Workshop - June 18
Livestock and Sale Committee Meeting - 7pm - PREC - June 18
Scottsbluff FFA Progress Show - Mitchell - June 27
Mitchell Valley Progress Show - Mitchell - June 28
Fashion Fabric Workshop - June 30
Sew Savvy & Modeling Workshop - July 1
Weather/Meteorology and Robotics Workshops - July 7
Cake Decorating Workshop - July 8
Mad Scientist Workshop - July 9
Animal Science Workshop - July12
In this edition:
- Shooting Sports Info
- County Fair
- Upcoming Events
- Rabbit & Poultry Info
- Quality Assurance
- Fair Book Changes
- State Fair
- 2015 Calendar
Scotts Bluff Co 4-H Website
Scotts Bluff Co 4-H
Email Us
Scotts Bluff County 4-H Newsletter - June 2015.
Summer Workshops 2015
Mini Gardening & Herbs
Thursday, June 18
Ages 8 and up
Create your own miniature garden! Learn how to grow your own herbs and explore different uses of herbs.
Participants will leave with a mini garden ready for fair! Please bring a shallow container to plant your mini garden
in as well as fairy/gnome decorations if you like. Soil, plants, and lunch will be provided. Register by June 10th.
Fashion Fabric
Tuesday, June 30
$15 (includes lunch)
Ages 8 and up
Design your own fabric! Learn about design elements and the color wheel. Leave with your unique fabric ready to
be used in your next sewing project.
Register by June 25th.
Sew Savvy! and Modeling
Wednesday, July 1
$10 (includes lunch)
PREC plus tours of area businesses Ages 8 and up
~Take the fabric you designed in the Fashion Fabric workshop (or other fabric) to create your own pillow
case. Participants will learn the basics of sewing and leave with a project ready for fair.
~Do you want to brush up on your modeling before the county fashion show? Receive advice from the experts
and practice your techniques.
Register by June 26th.
Weather and Meteorology
Tuesday, July 7
Ages 8 and up
The weather in Western Nebraska is unpredictable! The meteorology workshop covers the different types of
weather and what causes it. We will also be making our own meteorology instruments to track storms, measure
rain, and predict severe weather.
Register by June 12th.
Tuesday, July 7
No cost
Ages 8 and up
Join us for a fun afternoon of exploring the world of robotics . Work with members of the Robotics Club to
program Rover Bots and learn about robotic competitions.
Register by July 1st.
Cake Decorating
Wednesday, July 8
$15 (includes lunch & snacks)
Ages 8 and up
Learn new skills and techniques, decorate sugar cookies using fondant and icing, and practice before the county
Register by July 2nd.
Mad Scientist
Thursday, July 9
$10 (includes snack)
Ages 8 and up
Explore the world of science through this workshop! Participants will experiment with chemical reactions,
electricity, and more.
Register by July 6th.
Animal Science
Sunday, July 12
No cost
Scotts Bluff County Fairgrounds
Ages 8 and up
~Learn about animal diseases, vaccinations, living conditions, and low-stress handling. Participants will also
learn about meat science, how to identify primal and retail cuts, and how to judge cuts of meat.
~Compete in the Livestock Skill-a-Thon to build your knowledge! Compete as an individual or as a team (2-4
people). Prizes will be awarded for each division (4-H team, 4-H individual, Old-timer team, Old-timer individual).
Register by July 3rd.
Sponsors Needed!
Hello all, there are a number of awards that need to be sponsored in numerous categories for Fair 2015.
Sponsorship is $25, please contact the Extension Office if you are interested!
Scotts Bluff County 4-H Newsletter - June 2015.
Attention Shooting Sports Members
If you have not passed the Hunter's Safety Education course, you will need to complete a 4-H Shooting
Sports Safety Certification class led by an official 4-H Shooting Leader. Contact your Shooting Sports Leader
for training dates. 4-H Shooting Sports members must pass a Hunter's Safety Education course OR
complete a yearly 4-H Safety certification to be eligible to compete at the county fair. All 4-H members who
are enrolled in a shooting sports project must belong to a 4-H club with a certified shooting sports leader. If
you have any questions, please contact your shooting sports leader or the Nebraska Extension Office
Citizenship Washington Focus
It is time to begin planning for CWF 2016. If you would like to spend 10 incredible days in
Washington DC and on the east coast, please let the Extension office know so that we can
help you raise money and plan for this exciting adventure!!! The trip is usually the first part
of June
County Fair Entry Forms
Part of competing in the Scotts Bluff County Fair is to complete your
Pre Fair Entry Forms by July 15. These forms can be found online
here:, they will be
available by June 15th, or you can come to the Extension Office to
complete them. These forms are very important to help our office
organize our large county fair! Fair entry forms MUST be submitted
to the Extension Office NO LATER than July 15. Dog and Cat
vaccination forms, Horse Advancement Level Testing and Shooting
Sports certifications are also due by this July 15 deadline. Thank you
for respecting the deadline
Online Entries
You will now have the opportunity to enter your fair entry forms online using ShoWorks for your
convenience. However, you can still fill out paper forms and drop them by the Extension office if that works
better for you. Keep an eye out for an email describing the process if you choose to fill them out online.
County Fair Book
Check out the 2015 County Fair Book (and all other information about the fair!) online at The printed fair books will be available early July. If you want a hard copy prior to then,
contact the UNL Extension Office for a printed computer copy.
Scotts Bluff County 4-H Newsletter - June 2015.
County Fair Schedule of Events
The 4-H & FFA Youth Activities and Schedule of Events is included in the newsletter. The schedule
includes dates and times for static exhibit and animal check ins, weigh-ins, judging, and shows. You can
also get the schedule from our website at
documents/135036/21854263/2015+schedule.pdf/96e3c26e-a3cd-4ff7-a3de-25adc1c4c1c0 .
Clover Kid Animals at Fair
Clover Kids (4-H members 5-7 years old) are able to experience showmanship with many different animals
at the County Fair. These include: Poultry, Rabbits, Cats, Dogs, Misc. Small Animals, Pigs, Sheep, Goats,
and Bucket Calves. These animals need to weigh less than 350 pounds and will not go through the sale.
Clover Kids can show another 4-Her's animal or they may bring their own to the fairgrounds just for the
show. We ask that you let us know by July 15 if your family is bringing additional animals in for the show so
that we have enough space that day. All Clover Kid Showmanship will be the first class of the respective
show, before FFA and/or regular 4-H classes.
Fair Book Changes
Livestock General Rules:
No shavings for bedding will be provided for the County Fair. Please make arrangements to bring your own.
Grooming rule states: 4-H members are encouraged to wash, groom and fit their project animals by themselves,
but other current Scotts Bluff Co. 4-H members, and leaders are permitted to help when needed along with the
exhibitor actively participating.
Large Animal Round Robin participants will include Grand FFA and Gran 4-H Showmanship winners for a total
of 8 exhibitors.
Dairy/Fiber Goat
Dairy Goat show has moved Monday, Show will start at 3pm or following the Swine show,
Fiber Animal Show will be on Tuesday, starting at 3pm or following the Swine Show.
Beef Showmanship will not include fitting.
A team fitting exhibition contest will be added to Friday.
Meat Goat:
Goats must have horns blunted. Dehorning is acceptable and preferred. Bracing is allowed.
Weight brackets will not be determined before fair. Light, Medium, and Heavy weight divisions will be
determined after fair weigh-in.
Coggins test is NOT required for this year.
Check-in will go from 5pm to 7pm on Tuesday
No poultry will be exhibited at the fair
Scotts Bluff County 4-H Newsletter - June 2015.
2015 County Fair Fashion Review/Talent Show
Do you have a musical talent you are willing to share? If so, we would invite you to sign up for our Talent
Show that will be in conjunction with the Fashion Review on July 25th. Please contact the Extension Office
@ 632-1480 for more information.
Avian Influenza Update
Source: Dr. Sheila E. Purdum, Extension Poultry Specialist
The Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus has now been positively confirmed in 3 Dixon County flocks as
of May 27, 2015. The depopulation and cleaning of these premises is being handled by qualified
authorities. Unfortunately, our State Veterinarian has had to limit auctions and movement of live poultry
east of Hwy 281 as a result of this outbreak. Chick sales at farm stores has not been limited and all
breeder flocks providing chicks to these stores and 4-H projects are still clean of AI. No restrictions on
County Fair exhibits have been declared as of this time either. We sincerely hope that the AI will be
contained to Dixon County and does not spread to other counties.
For your review, I would like to recommend the following video produced by a turkey breeder veterinarian,
which is an excellent overview of Avian Influenza in birds:
The take home message from the video includes the following facts (taken from http:// .
1. While all waterfowl can transmit the avian influenza virus, mallards and dabbling ducks are at
the top of the list for shedding and harboring the virus.
2. Small birds like sparrows can be pick up the virus from open bodies of water and carry it on the
3. High levels of avian influenza virus are shed in feces, which can contaminate water or ground
where it lands.
4. It only takes the amount of virus that would fit on the head of a pin to cause an outbreak in a
poultry house.
5. People and equipment are primary means for introducing the virus in poultry houses.
6. Avian influenza virus can be spread on dust and feathers contaminated with the virus, thus wind
can spread the virus, but only as far as the dust and feathers are carried. The “wind” can be
supplied by a truck that is moving infected birds or manure.
7. Avian influenza virus survives well at low temperatures. It can survive up to a month in feces
below 40 F and it survives very well in water, three to five months at 66 F.
We are no doubt clear of the possibility of this virus continuing to spread in Nebraska. Stringent biosecurity
is our best weapon against spread.
Scotts Bluff County 4-H Newsletter - June 2015.
2015 Photography Career Exhibit Print Themes
photographer. Editorial photographers take pictures that highlight the topics being written about in books,
magazines, and newspapers. Editorial photos should be creative, powerful images that tell an intriguing
story. Let's tell a story about why we love our Nebraska communities. Capture editorial photos that tell a
story about your Nebraska Community. SF86.98(2)
photographer. Commercial photographers take pictures that are used for promotional purposes.
Commercial photographs are often used in print and online communication materials (advertisements,
brochures, flyers, web sites, social media banners, direct email messages, etc.). Capture commercial
photos that tell the story of 4-H in your Nebraska community; photos should show the Nebraska 4-H
Program in action. Photos may be used to promote the UNL Extension 4-H Youth Development Program.
Quality Assurance Training is required for all 4-H members showing RABBITS, POULTRY, BEEF,
GOATS, SWINE OR SHEEP at County or State Fair. Members have three options for receiving training.
ONLINE: Complete three modules in the Livestock Quality Assurance Online Course. Course instructions
can be found at this website: To enroll in the self-directed online
course, Internet access and an email address are required. (Each 4-H youth will need their own unique
email address to register.) If you do not have access to the internet, you may complete the course at the
UNL Extension Office. Please call ahead to make sure the computers are available. The course can also
be completed on many mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets.
CLUB TRAINING: Attend a club training. If your club is not conducting any
trainings or you are an independent, you may attend another club’s training.
TEST: If you are an intermediate or senior (12 or older), you may be able to test
out. If you pass the test, you do not have to attend training. This is not difficult! Contact the UNL Extension
office to take the test.
Members must be Quality Assurance certified by June 15 to be eligible to compete at the County
Fair. No trainings will be held after June 15.
Scotts Bluff County 4-H Newsletter - June 2015.
2015 4-H Online Horticulture Judging Contest
The 2015 Nebraska 4-H Online Horticulture Judging contest is just around the corner. This year the contest
will be available from June 12th at 8:00 a.m. until June 22rd at 8:00 a.m. It is composed of three parts;
general knowledge questions, plant part and seed identification, as well as a judging portion. It is open to all
4-H youth, as well as adults, and even Extension individuals. The password is ‘Nebraska’ and the two links
listed below will take you directly to the contest.
Please youth, fill in all of your information completely. The online contest should only be taken once by each
participant, if it is taken multiple times the first score entered will be the one used. No study materials are to
be used while taking the test. The contest will allow an opportunity for the participant to review the answers
prior to submitting. Once submitted, the participants will see their score, but they will not be able to see which
questions they missed. After the contest has ended, the participants can request to see their scores and their
Study Materials for the Online Horticulture Judging Contest and the State 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest
held during State Fair are the same and they can be found at:
New Entomology Curriculum
New 4-H Entomology curriculum available at:
Entomology (4H4120)—replaces Entomology (4H26) Age Range: 10-18
Entomology serves a dual role as a practical guide and instructional curriculum. The
manual is full of interesting content and facts about insects, instructions on how to
capture, kill, preserve, and store the insects youth collect, and the many career options
in the field of Entomology. Hands-on learning and skill application activities are included
to make learning the content engaging and fun! By using this manual to its full potential,
young entomologists will have the most important knowledge and skills to be an expert in the field.
Nebraska State Fair 2015
State Fair Livestock Information
State Fair Livestock information is available at Please refer to
this site for the general information, general rules, 4-H and FFA
rules, youth dairy rules, and health requirements. The 4-H
fairbook can be found at
Scotts Bluff County 4-H Newsletter - June 2015.
State Fair 4-H Culinary Challenge Contest
Demonstrate healthy decision making through nutrition, menu planning, food preparation, and food safety.
Who can enter:
What Can You Do?
4-H Youth 10-18 years
Choose a theme and a design a table setting
Enrolled in Foods & Nutrition Project
Create a menu
Teams of 2
Prepare and incorporate the challenge ingredient into
one food item and bring that food item to the contest
The Challenge Ingredient for 2015 is Apples
Participate in a live interview with judge
Incorporate technology into your table presentation interview
What About the Interview?
Talk about your table design (theme, nutrition, menu cost, food safety concerns)
Be knowledgeable about your challenge ingredient
Team interviews should be equal participation
INTERMEDIATE - Ages 10-13 years, 8-10 minute interview
SENIOR - Ages 10 and up, 12-15 minute interview
Technology may include using an iPad or laptop, Power Point, picture story, or video. Be Creative!
Scotts Bluff County 4-H Newsletter - June 2015.
2015 4-H Calendar
01 – Animal Id Sheets Due - Bucket Calf, Horse, Rabbit,
Breeding Sheep, Breeding Beef, Bull Calf
10 – District Horse Show, Bridgeport
8-9 – Tractor Safety Training
15 – Last Day for Quality Assurance Training online
18 – Weather/Meteorology & Robotics Workshop PREC
18 – Livestock and Sale Committee Meeting - 7pm PREC
30 – Fashion Fabric Workshop PREC
28-30 – PASE/Life Challenge, Lincoln
07 – Labor Day-Office Closed
07 – Last Day of State Fair, Grand Island
28 – 4-H Council, 7pm
1 – Record Books Due
1 – Council and Award Nominations Due
8 – Record Book Judging
10-11 – Shooting Sports Leader Training, Scottsbluff
8 – 4-H Achievement Event
9-Dec 18 – Pick up Premium Money
23 – 4-H Council, 7pm
2 – Thanksgiving Day-Office Closed
27 – Office Closed
01 – Sew Savvy Workshop PREC
03 – Independence Day Observed, Office Closed
07 – Mad Scientist Workshop
13-16 – State Horse Show, Grand Island
15 – PreFair Entry Forms Due
23 – Fair Livestock Exhibitor Meeting/Cleanup,
25 – Clothing Day, PREC
25 – BB Gun and Air Rifle Competition
27 – 4-H Council, 7pm
18 – Last Day to pick up Premium Money
25-Jan 1 – Holiday Closedown–Office closed
PREC = UNL Panhandle Research and Extension
Center home of the Extension Office in Scottsbluff
1-9 – Scotts Bluff County Fair
10 –State Fair Entries Due-online
28 – 1st Day of State Fair, Grand Island
4-H Council Members for 2015
Youth Rep
Youth Rep
Patty Pittman
Dean Pike
Jillane Pike
Becky Spencer
Alexis Souza
John Thomas
Scotts Bluff County 4-H
Panhandle Research & Extension Center
4502 Avenue I
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Return Service Requested
UNL Extension in Scotts Bluff County
4-H Extension Assistant: Jana Schwartz,
Extension Educators: Tom Holman-Unit Leader
Kelley Rice, Jackie Guzman, Jim Schild
Office Manager: Stacy Brown
Secretary/Receptionist: Jeanne Yeoman
Scotts Bluff County
Panhandle Research and Extension Center
4502 Avenue I
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Phone: 308-632-1480
Office Hours: M-F, 8am-5pm