Kendall County 4-H Newsletter - University of Illinois Extension
Kendall County 4-H Newsletter - University of Illinois Extension
June-August 2015 Kendall County - 7775B IL Rt. 47, Yorkville IL 60560 Save the Date Pork Chop Dinner July 18 Top Ticket Sellers Receive Cash The Friends of Extension and the 4-H Foundation are holding their 10th Annual Pork Chop Dinner July 18, 57 pm at the Fairgrounds. 4-H family’s tickets are due back to the office by July 6. Cash prizes: $30 1st prize, $25 2nd Prize, $20 3rd Prize and more for selling more than 10 tickets. The 4-H Pleasure Horse Show is also July 18. So plan to eat a pork chop dinner after the show! Little Rockets and Seward Kids& Critters are helping with set up from 4-5:30 p.m. Barn and Beyond from 5:30 - 7 p.m. Millbrook Mighty Ones is doing drinks and helping carry from 4:30-6 p.m., and LaMenu Modelle is doing the same from 5:30-7 p.m. Outbacker Kids helping from 4:30-6 p.m. The drive through is being run by and Renegades, Rebels and Rogues from 5:30-7 p.m. We still need help at 6:45 p.m. with clean up. Tickets will be available at the door for $2 more. 4-H Fair Preparation Reminders for All All 4-H members get your exhibit tags and wristbands at your July 4-H club meeting, as these will be given out at the July Leader’s meeting. Everyone needs to help set up the fairgrounds on set-up day, July 26. 9 a.m. for Livestock and 10 a.m. for Smith 4-H Hall. 4-H Exchange will be cooking lunch; you can support that 4-H group by eating at their booth! Superintendent meetings are that day as well, 10 a.m. the beginning of General and Home Ec. and 10:30 a.m. for Livestock at the end of set up. There are new sections being added to Smith 4-H Hall, and some changes to me made. The times listed in the front of the Fairbook are NOT correct. Photo above: Livestock Judging Youth Excel at State Contest. The Kendall County 4-H Junior Livestock Judging Team placed 10th at the Illinois State Contest, and two 4-H members also were named with high individual honors on June 15. Pictured are (from left, from back): Coach Jeff Anderson coach, Emma Konicek of Plano; Trent Cooper of Yorkville, Jaiden Mahler of Earlville, Hailee Dannenberg of Newark and Kate Konicek of Plano. 2015 Fair Royalty Contestants Listed There are seven candidates representing six 4-H Clubs for this year’s Fair for the royalty spots of Kendall County Fair Queen and King this year. From Barn & Beyond 4-H Club: Ethan Heidrich, 16, Oswego,; from Lisbon Town & Country 4-H Club: Eli Williamson, 16, Newark,; from Martin Family 4-H Club: James Martin, 15, Newark; from Millbrook Mighty Ones 4-H Club: Molly Bernard, Newark, 19, and Ally Rott, Sheridan, 15,; from Outbacker Kids 4-H Club: Cydney Olah, 17, Oswego,; and from Rockin’ KC’s 4H Club: Thor Hester, 16, Yorkville. Face painting will be available for candidate support; call Karol Bundy to volunteer to help at the Fair. Voting will take place from ballots printed in the Kendall County Record , and you can vote at the fair up until Friday as candidates are crowned at 4:45 p.m. on the Family Stage at the fair. 4-H Horse Project Shows Gaming July 15-3pm, Pleasure July 18-9 am With many participants for the 4-H Horse Shows we have split the dates to Wednesday, 3 p.m. and Saturday at 9 a.m. Check-in will start at 2 p.m. on Wednesday and 8 a.m. on Saturday. The conference testing will be done both days, Trail activities are on Saturday and the new Exhibition class of Texas 8 will be run on Wednesday. Cancelling classes is to be done 2 classes ahead of time. July/August 2015 2 ml Records will be judged September 28 and 29. We need at least 2 adults from each club to come judge on September 28th. Tell Kim at the July 6th meeting who can attend. Many volunteers make the process fun. 4-H Fair Dates are: July 30-August 2 Tuesday, July 14 –Beef Rate of Gain weigh-in and conference judging 6:30 p.m. Wheeler Farm, Yorkville Wednesday, July 15 – Kendall County Gaming 4-H Horse Show 2-3 check-in, 3 p.m. start at Harris Forest Preserve. Rain date, Friday, July 17 Saturday, July 18 – 8-9 a.m. check-in, 9 a.m. start 4-H Horse Show- English, Western, Dressage and Trail, Rain date, Sunday, July 19. Saturday – July 18 – 5-7 p.m. Friends of Extension Pork Chop Dinner held at the Kendall County Fairgrounds. Cash prizes for winning ticket sales. Wednesday - July 22 –The Sewing and Textile Judging and Fashion Revue at Yorkville Congregational Church, 409 Center Pkwy, Yorkville. 9:00-10:30 a.m. check-in, judging starts at 9:15 a.m. Fashion Revue at 7 p.m. with a “6:30 p.m. be ready time” for participants photos. Friday, July 24 – TV interview promoting the fair, 8:30 a.m. Need 4-H project youth to interview! Sunday – July 26-Fair Set-Up 9 a.m. Livestock, Superintendent mandatory meeting 10:30 a.m. General and Home Ec Superintendent mandatory meeting at 10 a.m. and set up following meeting. Tuesday – July 28, 4-6 p.m. check-in and judging until complete of the following; Community & Personal Development, Engineering & Technology, Home & Family, Natural Resources, Photography. New date for Eng./Tech. Wednesday – July 29: 4-6 p.m. Check-in and judging for; 4-H Foods, Visual Arts, Plants & Soils (Crops, Horticulture, Floriculture). Check-in of all Open Class General and Home Economic Exhibits in Smith 4-H Hall. Check-in of all 4-H Clothing Projects (note: all clothing, clothing decisions and non-clothing items will be judged on July 22). Sunday – August 2- 6 pm End of Fair, pick up projects and clean up. *Check fair book for specific information on check- in dates & times. 2015 4-H Records & Award Apps Due 4-H records and special award applications are due to Leaders by September 15. Submission of records and award applications must be processed and approved by your 4-H club leader(s). Project and lifetime summary forms can be found on the Kendall Extension website: Club Award Applications Due August 4-H clubs that would like to compete for state recognition must complete an "Illinois 4-H Club/Group Report” and turn in to the Extension Office by August 7. Winning clubs receive $50. All clubs are encouraged to participate. Areas of competition are agriculture; community involvement & global awareness; environment & natural resources; food, nutrition & health; home & family; engineering & technology; and personal development. A club may enter more than one category but a separate application must be filled out for each category. The top 10 clubs or groups in each category are recognized at a special reception at the U of I in Urbana-Champaign. 4-H Treasurers - get books audited now! 4-H Club Secretaries and Treasurers, it is your responsibility to get your books finished and to the leaders by September 15. If you are going to college, or on vacation, finish them up now, before the you will get them done in time, plan ahead. All club treasury books need to be audited before being turned in to the Extension Office. Make a copy first, before it is audited (if submitting the Treasury book for competing for the Treasurer’s award). Books must be audited by three people: a parent, leader and a 4-H member, (not a signatory or relation to signatory). If your club does not have a treasury, the 4-H office needs a statement saying that. All audited Treasury books are due September. 15. 4-H Clubs will not be re-enrolled without an audited treasurer’s book turned in. We need a copy of the clubs attendance sheet showing six meetings. Table of Contents 4-H Calendar ........................................................................ 6 4-H Dog Show Results ...................................................... 4 Building Watchers ............................................................. 3 Clothing Judging/Fashion Revue ................................. 3 Cloverbuds ............................................................................ 3 Conference Judging ........................................................... 3 Fair Admission .................................................................... 4 Fair Maps ............................................................................... 9 Kendall County Fair Dates .............................................. 2 Master Showmanship Info., Auction Info. ................ 5 Parade of Champions (Trophy Winners) ................. 4 Poultry and Beef Info. ....................................................... 5 Workshops ........................................................................... 8 National Youth Science Day ........................................... 7 Illinois Fast Facts…State Fair info .. end of newsletter 3 July/August 2015 Plan To Lend A Hand at the ’15 Fair It takes many hands to put on the Kendall County 4-H Show and Fair and we need to have every one of your family members help in one or more ways to make our 2015 4-H Fair a success again this year. Our Fair Superintendents or the Extension office will let you know what you can do. July 20, Bring your painted trash cans by 7 p.m. fairgrounds. Fairground Set-Up Sunday, July 26 starting at 9 a.m. Building Watching schedule on page 3 Daily Clean-up at Fair - pick up around the Events Arena and in the parking lot from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. Sunday, August 2, Fair take down and clean-up Monday, August 3, general fair clean up, put cabinets back, take down fences, gates, pens, etc. 4-H Building Office Fair Hours During fair week, the 4-H building will be open during the following hours. Please take note of these times, as State Fair paperwork will only be available when the 4-H office is open. If you find a staff person on the fair grounds, they might be able to help you in the times the building is closed. Tues/Wed July 28-29 2:30-7 pm Thu. July 30 8-5pm Fri. July 31 8-5pm Sat. Aug. 1 8-5pm Sun. Aug. 2 11-6pm 4-H Cloverbuds Show at the Fair Kendall County 4-H Cloverbud members, ages 5-7, may present ONE group activity they completed from a Cloverbuds curriculum. Exhibits must be checked in and “shared” Wednesday, July 29, from 3:30-4:30pm in the Smith 4-H Hall. Refer to 4-H page 31 of the fair book for more details. Cloverbud participants will receive a green participation ribbon, but don’t receive premiums. Cloverbud exhibits stay on display during the week and can be picked up between 6 and 7 p.m. on Sunday, August 2. New Location for 2015 4-H Clothing Judging & Fashion Revue Wednesday, July 22 the 4-H Clothing judging and Fashion Revue will take place at Yorkville Congregational Church, 409 Center Pkwy. (Turn off Rt. 34 next to Pizza Hut) All Sewing & Textile project items which have been completed by 4-H’ers in Clothing 1, 2, 3 classes will be judged for construction, appearance and fit starting at 9:15 a.m. Clothing Decisions will also be judged. The Knitted or crocheted items will be judged at the fair under Visual Arts. Check-in for Fashion Revue, “Fashion Bazaar” is 6-6:30 p.m. (dressed and ready for photo) with judging at 7 p.m. Fashion Revue participants can also model an international garment from another country if they want, during the time that the judges are making their decisions. Check with your club’s International Night committee to see if they have outfits to share. Call a member of the clothing committee for more details. During the waiting time, the morning of the clothing judging, we will practice the way the participants walk up the isle and stand on the staging area during the Fashion Revue. This is a new venue, so the routine will be different; there is no center aisle and not as many steps. Return Fashion Revue Information sheet by July 15. Please complete a separate form for each garment (constructed and/or purchased) that will be modeled during the Fashion Revue. Check-in is earlier this year: from 9 – 10:30 a.m. Building Watchers Schedule Set Thursday, July 30 9-11 a.m. Denim & Dust 4-H Club 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Renegades, Rebels and Rouges 4-H Club 1-3 p.m. Lutz Family 4-H club 3-5 p.m. Barnstormers 4-H Club 5-7 p.m. Seward Kids & Critters 4-H Club 7-9 p.m. Need Help Friday, July 31 9-11 a.m. Be-Wize Family 4-H Club 11a.m.-1 p.m. Nothin’ But Country 4-H Club 1-3 p.m. Millbrook Mighty Ones 4-H Club 3-5 p.m. LaMenu Modelle 4-H club 5-7 p.m. Outbacker Kids 4-H club 7-9 p.m. Need Help Saturday, August 1 9-11 a.m. Lisbon Town and Country 4-H Club 11a.m.-1 p.m. Spanglish 4-H Club 1-3 p.m. Stagecoach Trailblazers 4-H club 3-5 p.m. Morris Family 4-H Club 5-7 p.m. Kendall County Country Kids 4-H Club 7-9 p.m. Martin Family 4-H Club Sunday, August 3 9-11 a.m. Rockin’ KC’s 4-H Club 11a.m.-1 p.m. Barn & Beyond 4-H Club 1-3 p.m. Barn & Beyond Buddies 4-H Club 3-5:30 p.m. Little Rockets 4-H Club Conference Judging is Rule at Fair Remember, ALL Home Ec and General Projects will be conference judged at the fair. Please read the conference judging section in your fair book (4-H pg. 2) to find out more about that process. July/August 2015 Everyone Pays Fair Admission 4-H members and leaders will receive wristbands to wear during the Kendall County Fair and 4-H Show. The wristband entitles them to come and go from the fair as often as they wish without paying at the gate. 4-H members are required to wear the wristbands at all times during the fair as the gate entry volunteers will not necessarily allow them in the gate without the wristband on their wrist. Superintendents will receive a season pass if they are not a 4-H leader. Admission charges start Thursday, July 30 at 8 a.m. Since we moved the Engineering and Technology, Home and Family, Community & Personal Development, Natural Resources and the Photography project judging to Tuesday evening, no family members except the animal shows will have to pay to get in for judging. Since family members of 4-H’ers will have to pay for their admission to the fair, the most economical way to come and go from the fair is to buy an exhibitor pass for $14. This gives you all four days admission to the fair (best bargain in town)! Prices for fairgoers are listed on page 5 of the Fair book. 4 Novice Class, Maddy Gawne also advances to the State Fair with her trophy and Class Champion honors. In the Showmanship division, Kamryn Kellogg scored 93 out of 100, winning Novice 1 Class Champion and the rosette with her Chocolate Labrador, Cooper. Maddy Gawne earned another State Fair delegate, Class Champion and rosette with a score of 96 out of 100, in the Open Showmanship 1 class. In Open Showmanship 2, Olah won with 99 points to receive the rosette, Class Champion honors and the State Fair delegate. Olah showed Ulani, her West Highland Terrier. Emily Gawne, and her dog Rodeo, took the Reserve rosette and earned State Fair alternate for the class. Additional 4-H Dog Show participants included Jessica Carlson of Plano, Anna Green of Oswego, Emma Hill of Minooka, and Sarah Roberts of Plano. 4-H Dog Show Results 12 local 4-H youth demonstrated new skills with their dogs at the annual Kendall County 4-H Dog Show on June 11, in Smith 4-H Hall at the Yorkville Fairgrounds. The event was led by 4-H superintendent Lou Riemenschneider and judges Joy Ann Pool and Melissa Tanis, and assisted by Leanne Schilling. In Dog Care judging, the 4-H'ers shared knowledge about their dogs and showcased skills in caring for the animal. In Obedience and Showmanship classes, 4-H members demonstrated handling skills with their dogs, as well as commands, leash work, and off-leash work. Yorkville’s Maddy Gawne, of Barn and Beyond 4-H Club, won the Best Dog in Show overall with her dog, Spur, an Australian Shepherd. Evelyn Martin, Newark, of the Martin Family 4-H Club, earned the Reserve Best Dog in Show honors with her Labrador, Dexter. Renegades, Rebels and Rogues 4-H Club member Haley Tellez of Somonauk won Class Champion and the trophy for her Dog Care 1 project, and Sarah Grace Taylor of Plano won reserve in that category. In Dog Care 2, Outbacker Kids 4-H Club’s Cydney Olah continued her streak and took the Class Champion ribbon and trophy home for Dog Care 2. Aurora’s Cassandra Stasik, of the Stagecoach Trailblazers 4-H Club, won reserve, and Maddy Gawne placed third. In Obedience categories, Martin won Class Champion, the trophy and received the State Fair delegate ribbon in the Beginner Novice Obedience 2 class. In the Pre- Participants pictured back left to right: Emily Gawne, Maddy Gawne, Cydney Olah, Evie Martin, Jessica Carlson, and Cassie Stasik. Front: Anna Green, Grace Taylor, Haley Tellez, Kamryn Kellogg and Emma Hill. Not pictured Sarah Roberts. Fashion Revue Precedes Event Parade of Champions Set For 4:45 p.m. On Sunday, August 2 on Family Stage There will be presentation of trophies to all winners from the non-livestock projects (Smith 4-H Hall projects only) at 4:45 p.m. on Sunday, August 2 on the Family Stage. The trophy winners will receive a card next to their exhibit in Smith 4-H Hall if they have been selected. They should report for line-up at 4:30 p.m. on the east side of Smith 4-H Hall. You do not need to bring the card with you. National 4-H Congress winners, Poster winners, Office Works Contest winners, Livestock Judging team winners and 4-H Graduates will also be announced and honored at this 4:45 p.m. time. If this involves you, make plans to attend with someone to take photographs. Fashion Revue models will present their garment just before this event. 5 July/August 2015 4-H Livestock and Horse Project Members Beef Efficiency Final Weigh-In Beef Efficiency Contest final weigh-in and interview for 4H’ers participating in the Beef Rate of Gain Contest will be Tuesday, July 14 at 6:30 p.m., David Wheeler’s, 5441 Wheeler Rd, Yorkville. The Beef Efficiency Contest is sponsored by the Kendall-Grundy Beef Association; they will be doing the interviewing. Bring your completed record books for the interview at this time. Kendall Master Showmanship Contest – August 2 at 10 in the Morning To participate in the Master Showmanship contest, you will need to receive Champion and/or Reserve Champion Showmanship at the 2015 Kendall County 4-H Show in Beef, Swine and Sheep. The ADM State Master Showmanship Contest will take place at the Illinois State Fair, check . Times for Poultry Project 4-H Members The 4-H youth poultry tags were given to the 4-H Club leaders. Bring the health papers to check in when you bring your animals to the fair on Wednesday between 2 and 7 p.m. If you are bringing eggs for egg production, don’t bring those until the actual show on Thursday, as there is no place to keep them. Livestock Auction Buyers Needed The 4-H Livestock Auction will be held at the Kendall County Fair & 4-H Show on Saturday evening, Aug. 1, at 6 p.m. in the livestock arena. The 4-H Livestock Auction allows buyers the opportunity to purchase quality animals that were raised and cared for by Kendall County 4-H'ers. Since you have worked long and hard on your livestock project, go out and personally invite some buyers. Take into account that it is a privilege to sell your animal and that just because you may have invited a certain buyer, it does not automatically mean they will buy your animal. Plan to thank purchasers who come to the auction to support 4-H and the Fair. Superintendent Meetings Reminder The Livestock Superintendent and Junior Superintendent Meetings will be held Sunday, July 26. The Livestock is meeting at 10:30 a.m. following set up and Smith 4-H Hall Superintendents meet at 10 a.m. before the setup, in Smith 4-H Hall. New cabinets and new areas this year. 4-H Tra sh Ca n Contest c o ntinues... For those of you who painted a trash can this year, it was decided that we will vote again during the fair. Please return them by Monday, July 20 Fair Board meeting day. Junior Superintendents Needed 4-H’ers who are 12 years old and older can serve as Jr. Superintendents at the fair. Duties include; project check-in, setup of displays, attach ribbons to projects, project check-out etc. All Jr. Supers will be expected to attend Fair Setup and a meeting on Sunday, July 26 at the fairgrounds. See the times in the above article. Superintendents need to be there to let you know what you will be responsible to help with during the fair. Here is the list of those working. Jr. Superintendents list: Beef: Need 2; Cats: Need Dairy: None Goats: Need 2; Sheep: Need Swine: Zach White, Taylor Thorsen, Zach Perkins, Lauryn Rayburn Poultry: Tanner Brummel Rabbits: Cassie Stasik, Lydia Oker Horse & Pony: Need Horse & Pony Speed Show: Need; Dogs: Emma Hill and Cassandra Stasik; Clothing: Emma Hill, Cydney Olah, Evie Martin, Madeline Cumbey; Home & Family: Cydney Olah; Comm. & Pers. Dev.: James Martin,; Eng. & Tech.: Charlie Hill, Austin Nakaerts Foods: Katelyn Long, Sarah Roberts, Kim Batdorf, Adelina Jimenez Home & Family: Cydney Olah Field Crops: Need Floriculture: Dayton LeClercq; Horticulture: Ethan Heidrich, Ally Rott; Nat. Res. & Environment.: Will Benson, Emma Hill, Patrick Black; Photography: Alexandria DeNeve, Taylor Wade, Michaela DeNeve, Jake Nelson, Kim Batdorf, Kassidy Collins, Visual Arts: Charlotte Benstine, Madeline Cumbey, Elin Keller, Greta Keller, Olivia Sanchez, Kristine Stewart, Karoline Stewart, Nicole Stiegart; Livia Way, Abigail Way Open Arts & Crafts Open: Sydney Gassmann Need three more. Call the office if you can fill an open spot. Please Send a Thank You If you receive a trophy or sell an animal in the auction, do not forget to send a thank you note to the trophy donor or buyer. There is information on each trophy. A note helps to keep the donors or buyers coming back another year and shows that you are grateful for their contribution. We can’t host the 4-H events without their help. July/August 2015 2015 Kendall Co.4-H Calendar JULY 3 Independence Day Holiday, office closed 4 4-H Exchange pork burger sale, Yorkville Park 6 4-H Leader Meeting –Entry Tags, Wristbands passed out– 7 p.m., Extension Office 14 Rate of Gain Beef weigh in and judging, 6:30 p.m. 15 Horse Gaming Show 3:00 p.m. 18 Horse Show at Harris Forest Preserve 9 am 18 4-H Pork Chop Dinner at Fairgrounds, Stagecoach Pavilion 5-7 p.m. 21 WSPY TV 30 show promoting the Fair 8:15 a.m. 22 4-H Sewing & Textile Judging at Yorkville Congregational Church, 9:00-10:30 check-in. 9:15 judging starts 22 Fashion Revue –7:00 p.m. at Yorkville Congregational Church. Photos of youth at 6:30 p.m. 26 11 a.m. Livestock Auction Meeting first and second year auction participants meetings at Fair grounds 26 Fair Set-up, 9 a.m. Livestock set up starts. Livestock Superintendents Meetings 10:30 a.m. 26 Smith 4-H Hall 10 a.m. General & Home Ec. Supt meeting10:30 a.m. set up starts 21-26 Illinois State Jr. Horse Show 28 Tuesday Check-in and Judging for Engineering & Technology, Community & Personal Development, Home & Family, Natural Resources and Photography, at Smith Hall, Fairgrounds for the 4-H Show 4-6 p.m. 29 Wednesday Education Building Floriculture check-in 4-6 pm Cloverbuds judged at 3:30 p.m. Check-in and Judging Day for Food & Nutrition; Horticulture; Plants & Soils; and Visual Arts 4-6 p.m. check-in, Bicycle/Welding judged 5-6 pm - Knitting, Crocheting, judged 6-7pm., Livestock Weigh-in 4-8 pm 30 First Day of Fair: Sheep Show 8 am, Goat show 8:30 am Open Horse Show 11 am, Flag Raising noon, Poultry Show 4 pm, Swine Breeding show 5 pm 31 Swine Show 8:30 am, Rabbit Show 9 am, Dairy Show 9 am AUGUST 1 Beef Show, 8 am, Cat 10 am, Livestock Auction 6 pm 2 Master Showmanship 10 am, Fashion Revue on Stage 4:30 p.m., Parade of Champions line up 4:45 pm, begins at 5 pm, pick up projects at 6 pm and Fairgrounds clean-up. 3 Final Fair clean up, move pens, stage, cabinets 11 Badge Bonanza at Hoover Outdoor Education Center 13-25 Illinois State Fair 15 Kendall County Fair Day at State Fair 17 Fair Board meeting 6 24 Livestock Superintendent fair follow-up meeting 7 pm 25 General and Home Ec Superintendent fair follow-Up meeting. 7 pm 4-H Office 29 4-H State Dog Show Summer Consignment Auction The Kendall County Fair Association is having a summer consignment auction on Aug. 30 beginning at 9 a.m. Clean out your basements, garages and barns and sell all your good used items. Drop off equipment and items by appointment only. Contact Kent Bateman 630-918-2823. 4-H families will need to help with the kitchen, gates and runners will be needed for the auctioneers. Take advantage of new experiences; Join Speaking for Illinois 4-H! A fall Speaking for Illinois 4-H (SFI4-H) training, provided by the Illinois State 4-H Youth Leadership Team, is being planned for Saturday, Sept. 26 in Waterloo. If you are 14 or older and wanting to give back to the 4-H program, expand your public speaking skills AND opportunities, and learn how to tell your 4-H story, then THIS training is for you! Training lasts from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and members are required to attend the entire session in order to be included on the state roster for Legislative Connection invitations. The $10 registration fee includes lunch and all training materials. Generous support is also provided by the Illinois 4-H Foundation to help cover costs for the training. Registration will open by mid-July and can be found at the following site: adership_sfi4h.cfm. (Make sure you are registering for the September training!) Registration will close Wednesday, Sept. 16. For those 4-H members who have already taken part in Speaking for Illinois 4-H, we will be holding a second Speaking for Illinois 4-H Level II training in January focusing on Youth and Adult Partnerships. Dates are Friday and Saturday, Jan. 8-9, 2016 – be on the watch for a special invitation to that training this fall! 4-H Club Money Making Opportunity Serving help is needed at the HCE Victorian Tea at Cross Lutheran Church, Yorkville on Sunday, October 18 from 2-5 p.m. serving guests. The program is “Victorian Ladies Secrets”. 4-H Club members helping will get a donation for their 4-H club for their service. Contact Kim Eisnaugle or Joan McEachern. 7 July/August 2015 A 4-H members’ display at the 4-H show might give you clues that they are well suited for a specific office. A potential Secretary might exhibit a well written story as a 4-H project exhibit. A member who is good at photography might be your next Reporter. A potential Treasurer might be a member who shows evidence of managing money or keeping track of project expenses. Everyone needs a new bucket! Rural King, in partnership with the Illinois 4-H Foundation is launching a fun fundraising campaign for 4-H. Buy a super cool 4-H green bucket for $2.99 (or any color bucket) from July 12 to July 25, and $1 from every bucket will go to the Illinois 4-H Foundation. PLUS, bucket-buyers will receive 10% off anything they can fit inside the bucket! (There are some exceptions, so read the fine print carefully.) So far, 10 states are participating! Rural King hopes to raise $50,000 from the campaign. So, go get a bucket soon! All Invited to the 2015 Illinois 4-H Family Event at the Illinois State Fair Registration is open for the 2015 4-H Family Event at the Illinois State Fair! Saturday, August 15 4-6PM on the Director of Agriculture’s Lawn on the Illinois State Fairgrounds. Mike Drendel, Fairboard president is being inducted. You may register at: The Illinois 4-H Foundation Board of Directors hopes to see you on August 15! Thanks for all that YOU do for Illinois 4-H throughout the year! Watch for Future Talent Now that summer is in full swing, it’s a great time to watch your members and parents plan for and participate in club and county 4-H events. An efficient and proactive leader is constantly looking for raw talent in future youth and adult helpers for their club. Make good use of your time by making mental matches for the new 4-H year. To start identifying potential officers and leaders watch for members having fun and showing enthusiasm at 4-H events, you want officers who are excited about 4-H. Their willingness to lend a hand is an early indication that they are officer material. Watch for adults: parents, relatives, friends of 4-H family members, who are present regularly at 4-H events, as their availability and support is a good sign they might be great help with your 4-H club. Your goal is to match things they say or do with help your club needs throughout the year. If you can find one logical thing those adults can do for you and your club, then that’s one thing you can mark off your list of responsibilities. Remember…work smarter, not harder! National Youth Science Day Set in Oct. On October 7, 2015, millions of young people will become scientists for the day during the sixth annual 4H National Youth Science Day (NYSD). Watch for local activities with Oswegoland Park District and Kendall County Schools. This event, which takes place in urban, suburban and rural communities all across the nation, seeks to spark an early youth interest and leadership in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers in an effort keep America competitive in those fields. This year, the National Science Experiment will be – Motion Commotion to learn about physics, speed and safety. is the link for more information. Contact Jo Ann Britton with questions at 630-553-5823. 4-H Recruiting Science Ambassadors Come and join our 4-H Science Ambassador Program. 4-H Science Ambassadors are a group of 4-H members that want to share their leadership skills with other youth. The 4-H Science Ambassador Program allows students from 6th through 12th grade to build knowledge in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) earning volunteer hours for community service. They also develop presentation, leadership, communication and teamwork skills. As a 4-H Science Ambassador you can attend trainings to lead lessons that you can teach younger children at various workshops, science fairs, after school programs and community events. For more information contact Jo Ann Britton at or call 630-553-5823. 4-H Members Needed for TV Show Four 4-H project youth needed to interview on TV 30 to promote the fair, Friday, July 24 at 8 a.m. Any project considered. Contact Kim Eisnaugle, first come first served. July/August 2015 8 4-H June Workshop Fun & Learning Thanks to the 4-H Jr. leaders and 4-H Federation for hosting the project workshops this June. There were 10 youth attending the welding workshops on three Mondays in June at East High School, Aurora; 12 youth attended the 2-day clay vessel workshop taught by Lauren Campbell YIS art instructor; Five youth brought rabbits to our rabbit workshop taught by Amber DeLancy, Rabbit Superintendent and six local youth attended the glass night light workshop taught by Jeanne Dennis our open show Crafts Superintendent. We had five youth get their poultry tested by Poultry Superintendent Dave Gemmer, five youth attend and complete their own personalized letter at the decoupage workshop taught by Evie and James Martin; five youth attended the Horticulture and cooking workshop and learned how to bake (and eat) four kinds of bread and demonstrated how to prepare their vegetables for the fair with Lynn Rott, Anne Sears, Ally Rott, Haley Morris, Livia Way and Sarah Roberts. We had seven youth attend the Swine Workshop on June 28 at the Hufendick’s, Marseilles and learned cleaning, caring and swine showmanship. Five youth attended the Public Service announcement recording in Plano at WSPY studios, with Melinda Collins. All the youth attending enjoyed a great learning experience and fun thanks to our volunteers. At left, Lydia Oker, MMO shaves the pigs back, after helping to wash it at Hufendick’s farm, June 28. Above two Kendall youth learn about how to adjust the flame on the welding torch, readying it to weld, June 8. Above: at Center, Ally Rott, MMO records her Public Service announcement advertising the fair, while Sophie Heidrich, B&B, left and Molly Bernard, MMO, right, wait their turn at WSPY studio, Plano, June 10. Chance Ness, D&D, listens intently to instructions while his bunny rests, June 4. 9 July/August 2015 Below is a map of the Kendall County Fairgrounds and the check-in areas for Smith 4-H Hall For those new to 4-H and the Kendall County Fair: Please download a copy of the Fair Orientation Handbook for 4-H Please feel free to call us at 630-553-5823 for any questions you may have. #2) 4-H Visual Arts #3) Open: All Departments Except Floriculture University of Illinois U.S. Department of Agriculture Local Extension Councils Cooperating University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. If you need reasonable accommodation to participate in the program, please contact your local Extension Office July/August 2015 10 University of Illinois Extension DuPage-Kane-Kendall Counties Branch Office—Kendall County 7775B IL RT 47 Yorkville IL 60560 ph: 630-553-5823 fax: 630-553-5871 web: e-mail: Sandra Davis, County Extension Director Laura Barr, Extension Educator, Nutrition and Wellness Jessica Gadomski, Extension Educator, SNAP-Ed Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator, Horticulture Donna Nuger, 4-H Youth Metro Educator Deanna Roby, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development JoAnn Britton, Program Coordinator, School Enrichment Kim Eisnaugle, Program Coordinator 4-H/Youth Development Sarah Fellerer, Program Coordinator Master Gardener/Naturalist Program Kim Olson, Office Support Associate OFFICE HOURS The Extension Office is open 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Kendall County Extension Website If you have not checked out our website recently, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with it. You will find information such as: generic enrollment forms, livestock record forms, project summary forms, lifetime summary forms, project planning forms, project/publication changes, scholarships and requirement to exhibit forms. Auction Meeting July 26 11 a.m. DuPage-Kane-Kendall County Unit now has a facebook page. Please visit us at If there is something you would like to see posted, please let us know. Call 630-553-5823 or e-mail or ***** Look for the 4-H Youth Development Impact Survey during check-in at the fair. We are seeking input from our 4-H members and will be asking you to complete a short survey. We want to hear from you how 4-H has impacted your life! *****