pro-am championship
pro-am championship
22nd MICHIGAN PGA WOMEN’S OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP PRO-AM Friday - Sunday June 26-28, 2015 CHAMPIONSHIP Monday - Wednesday June 29 - July 1, 2015 HOSTED BY: DEFENDING CHAMPION: Becca Huffer CONDUCTED BY: Register on-line at 22nd MICHIGAN PGA WOMEN’S OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP DEFENDING CHAMPION: Becca Huffer (Please Print) [Please (PleasePrint] Print) I, hereby make formal Application as a I, hereby formal Application for Entryfor as aEntry contestant herebymake make formal Application for Entry as in a contestant in the 2012 Michigan PGA Women’s Open Championship to be conducted June 25-27, 2012. In contestant in thePGA 2012 Michigan PGA Women’stoOpen Championship to be conducted June 25-27, 2012. In the 2015 Michigan Women’s Open Championship be conducted June 26-28, 2015. In consideration of the acceptance consideration of the of application, as to participation in consideration ofand theasacceptance acceptance of tothis this application,in and and as further further condition condition to my my participation in this this of this application, further condition my participation this Championship, I further agree to abide by the Tournament Championship, I further agree to abide by the Tournament Rules, Conditions of Competition, Local Rules, and Championship, I further agree to abide by the Tournament Rules, Conditions of Competition, Local Rules, and Rules, Conditions of Competition, Local Rules, and Michigan Section PGA tournament regulations and requirements pertaining Michigan Section tournament regulations and requirements pertaining to Championship. It Michigan Section PGA PGA tournament regulations andEntry requirements pertaining to the the Championship. It is is my my to the Championship. It is my further understanding that my Fee of $200 shall be refunded inthat the event that this application further understanding that my Entry Fee of $200 shall be refunded in the event this application further understanding that my Entry Fee of $200 shall be refunded in the event that this application is is not not is not accepted. I further understandmy myentry entry fee fee shall refunded afterafter the entry deadline. accepted. I further understand shallnot notbebe refunded the entry deadline. accepted. I further understand my entry fee shall not be refunded after the entry deadline. NAME SOC. SEC. NO. NAME SOC. SOC.SEC. SEC.NO. NO. NAME HOME HOME ADDRESS ADDRESS NO. CITY ZIP HOME ADDRESS NO. & & STREET STREET CITY ZIP CODE CODE NO. & STREETCITYZIP CODE CLUB AFFILIATION (If CLUB AFFILIATION (If Any) Any) CLUB AFFILIATION (If Any) Phone ( Phone( ( Phone *AMATEUR *AMATEUR OR OR PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL ) ) ) HANDICAP HANDICAP INDEX INDEX (Maximum Index cannot *AMATEUR OR PROFESSIONAL HANDICAP INDEX (Maximum Index cannot exceed exceed 15.0 15.0)) (Maximum Index cannot exceed 15.0) PGA MEMBER # MICHIGAN DRIVERS LICENSE # PGA MEMBER # MICHIGAN DRIVERS LICENSE # PGA MEMBER # MICHIGAN DRIVERS LICENSE # NOTE: NOTE: II understand understand and and agree agree that that by by starting starting as as an an amateur, amateur, II shall shall remain remain as as such such throughout throughout the the duration duration of of this this Championship and will be entitled to receive a Merchandise Award Certificate as a prize. The amount of the Championship and will be entitled to receive a Merchandise Award Certificate as a prize. The amount of NOTE: I understand and agree that by starting as an amateur, I shall remain as such throughout the duration of this Championship and willthe be Award is not to exceed the current official prize limitations set forth by the United States Golf Association. Award isreceive not toa Merchandise exceed theAward current official prize limitations set forth isby the United States Golf prize Association. st entitled to Certificate as a prize. The amount of the Award not to exceed the current official limitations Certificates will be redeemable only the site. must by 1 of Certificates be States redeemable only at at Certificates the Championship Championship site. Certificates Certificates must be be redeemed redeemed by November November 1st of set forth by thewill United Golf Association. will be redeemable only at the Championship site. Certificates must be redeemed this year. this year. by November 1st of this year. * If Amateur II have High School eligibility remaining: (circle one) YES NO Amateur– – –I have have High School eligibility remaining: one) YES NO ** If If Amateur High School eligibility remaining: (circle(circle one)YESNO Email Email Address: Address: Signed Signed Signed Email Address: Enclosed Enclosed Check Check or or Money Money Order Order payable payable to to Michigan Michigan PGA PGA Corporation Corporation Enclosed Check or Money Order payable to Michigan PGA Corporation Credit Card – Only (may be faxed 517-641-7830) $ CreditCredit Card Card – AMEX/VISA/MC AMEX/VISA/MC Only faxedtoto to517-641-7830) 517-641-7830) Amount: Amount: Amount: $ – AMEX/VISA/MC Only (may (may be be faxed $ Card Card #: #: Exp. Exp. Date: Date: Card #: Exp. Date: Name as appears Credit Card: Name on on Credit Card: Nameas asit it itappears appears on Credit Card: Billing Street Billing Billing Street Street Address: Address: Address: City: City: City: State: State: State: Zip: Zip: Zip: Billing street address section must be completed if credit card is used, incomplete entry form will be returned REMIT TO: Michigan PGA Corporation, P.O. Box 4399, East Lansing, MI 48826-4399 Entry Deadline: by 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 17, 2015 Questions or concerns email Justin Phillips at CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT: 54 holes. Stroke Play. Starting field will consist of 144 maximum contestants. If more than 90 players tee off in round 1: Field will be cut to low 70 & ties after 36 holes. ENTRY FEE: $200/PLAYER, ($100/MI PGA Junior Tour Member) Fee includes automotive golf car, range balls and continental breakfast for the Championship rounds. Payment may be made by mail with check, money order or credit card (VISA/MC Only). ENTRY DEADLINE: Entry form and fee must be received in the Michigan PGA Office by 5:00 PM, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 2015. NO EXCEPTIONS. ELIGIBILITY: Open to all FEMALE golfers who were females at birth. The application for entry will be accepted on a priority basis as follows: Michigan Residents - March 3 to April 23; Michigan and Ohio Residents – April 24 to May 20; Nationwide – May 21 to June 13. Maximum Index cannot exceed 15.0. The application for Entry which is included on the previous page is subject to acceptance and, if accepted, may be revoked at any time thereafter (including during the Championship) by the Committee or Committees in charge of the Championship, acting on behalf of The Michigan Section of The Professional Golfers’ Association of America and The Michigan PGA Corporation, for any reason deemed good cause by the said Committee or Committees in their discretion, without liability to the said Committee or Committees, Association or Corporation of the Sponsors of the Championship. The reason for rejection may include unbecoming conduct. It is understood that the said Application and its acceptance are further subject to compliance by the Applicant with all provisions of the Constitution, ByLaws, Rules and Regulations of the Professional Golfers’ Association of America and The Michigan Section with respect to the said Championship, with all the terms and conditions of the Contract for the said Championship which has been entered into between The Michigan Section PGA and the Sponsor thereof, with any and all Rules and/or Regulations concerning the said Championship which are or may be established by the Committee or Committees in charge of same and to all information disclosed by the records of the said Association with respect to Applicant’s eligibility to participate in the said Championship. In consideration of the acceptance of the said Application, the Applicant consents to the recording and transmission of her voice and to being publicized, filmed, photographed, or televised in connection with her participation in the said Championship, and waives, releases and assigns to the Michigan Section of The Professional Golfers’ Association of America and/ or its assigns any and all of her private rights to the production, reproduction, publication and dissemination of any publicity, recordings, transmissions, motion pictures, photographs or images which depict her as a participant in the said Championship or any phase or portion thereof. By execution of this application form, each applicant acknowledges that she is not entitled to remuneration of any kind for participation in the competition other than the prizes set forth. RULES OF PLAY: USGA Rules of Golf will govern play with the exception of such Local Rules as are established by the Rules Committee. The Rules Committee’s decision will be final. Copies of the rules will be available to all contestants. NON-METAL SPIKE POLICY: As a condition of this competition, it is required that all professional and amateur participants wear non-metal spikes. Metal spikes of any kind, including the non-metal spikes with a metal insert, will not be allowed. In consideration of participation, participant hereby releases Section and holds Section harmless from any and all claims for loss or damage whether or not caused by participant’s use of non-metal spike golf shoes. Penalty for nonconformance is Disqualification. PRACTICE: Starting times for practice rounds at Crystal Mountain MUST be reserved by calling the golf shop (231) 378-2000. The PGA Host Professional is Greg Babinec. AUTOMOTIVE GOLF CARS: All contestants use an automotive golf car during the Championship rounds. STARTING TIMES: Pairings and Starting times will be posted on the official website of the Michigan PGA. Also, pairings and starting times will be posted at Crystal Mountain. Any participant who fails to report to the starter at her assigned time will be subject to penalty or disqualification. DRESS CODE: Proper dress code is required at all Michigan PGA co-sponsored events. Jeans, of any style, cut-offs and tank tops are not permitted. Contestants not wearing proper attire shall not be permitted to compete. PLEASE RETAIN THIS PAGE FOR YOUR RECORDS 22nd MICHIGAN PGA WOMEN’S OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP PRO-AM Friday - Sunday I June 26-28, 2015 Pro Am Includes: • Friday night reception • Saturday and Sunday continental breakfast • Special lodging rates for Pro Am participants For more information and to sign up a team for the Pro Am please contact: Greg Babinec at or call 1-800-968-7686 ext. 4006. $329 Doug White, President Ron Osborne, Vice President Kevin McKinley, Secretary Kevin Muir, Tournament Chairman Kevin Helm, Executive Director • Saturday night reception and dinner All professionals that participate in the Pro-Am will receive $125 each day. The receptions/food mentioned above as well as lodging for 2 nights will be provided. To sign up to play in the Pro Am please email Justin Phillips at • 36 holes of golf per Amateur (lodging not included) Phone (517) 641-7421 Fax (517) 641-7830 P.O. Box 4399, East Lansing, MI 48826-4399
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