Financial Partners - Junior Achievement of the Heartland


Financial Partners - Junior Achievement of the Heartland
Junior Achievement
President and Board Chair
JA of the
Dear Friends:
Folwell Education
Center for Free
800 12th Avenue
Moline, IL 61265
Schmid Innovative
Center, Millwork
900 Jackson Street,
Dubuque, IA 52004
They are taught in America that they can be whatever they want to be.
They are instructed to utilize their education to attain their personal
goals. They understand their success in school has relevance to future
opportunity in our free enterprise system. They are shown the connection
between what they learn in the classroom and how it applies to the
real world. “They” are the students of Junior Achievement who are
empowered to reach their full potential.
We take great pride in the work we do to prepare our youth for future
success. And, we couldn’t be prouder of the real world learning
experiences we delivered to 55,835 students in kindergarten through
high school during the 2014-2015 school year.
To those partners, we sincerely thank you for investing in JA with
your time, talent, and treasure. And for those who are new to JA, we
invite you to join our effort to empower young people to own their
economic success.
James R. Anderson
President & CEO
Schebler Company
JA of the Heartland Board Chair
116 W. Second St.
Davenport, IA 52801
Junior Achievement prepares young people for the real world
2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T | J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d
Barbara VenHorst
James R. Anderson
by showing them how to generate wealth and effectively manage it, how to create jobs
which make their communities more robust, and how to apply entrepreneurial thinking to
the workplace. Students put these lessons into action and learn the value of contributing
to their communities.
04 Year in Review
07 JA Core – Mission Programs
10 JA Special Programs
JA of the Heartland
Our work could not be done without the tremendous support we receive
from the business and education communities. In this report, you will
see our many partners throughout our 24-county territory who make
JA’s mission a reality for our students. It is through their dedicated
support that we have the honor of successfully preparing our young
people for future success.
JA BizTown and
JA Finance Park
Barbara VenHorst
find us on:
11 Board of Directors and Trustees
12 Our Financial/Volunteer Partners
23 Financial Information
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Alcoa Foundation Teams Up with JA to Implement Global STEM
Initiative for Teens
A new partnership with Alcoa Foundation helps JA of the Heartland
enhance STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
education for middle and high school students. The JA Assembling
Your Career digital program encourages students to think how their
current skills and interests will serve them in future high-growth,
high-demand careers. Jorge Rodríguez, Human Resource Manager,
Alcoa, presented Barbara VenHorst, President, JA of the Heartland,
with a $25,000 investment to support the program.
Junior Achievement Celebrates Entrepreneurship
The Quad Cities Business Hall of Fame celebrated the entrepreneurial
spirit of the Quad Cities by sharing true success stories of local business
leaders. Caroline Ruhl, Ruhl&Ruhl REALTORS, and C. Dana Waterman III,
Lane & Waterman, LLP, were inducted into the Hall of Fame as the Class
of 2015 Laureates. They join more than 60 other laureates previously
inducted. The celebration included two new award categories recognizing
Sean Moeller, Daytrotter, as the 2015 Young Entrepreneur and Jeremiah
Houtekier, Illinois Department of Transportation, as the 2015 Outstanding
Junior Achievement Volunteer.
2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T | J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d
JA Volunteer
JA Students
Jo Daviess = 333
Whiteside = 1,450
Lee = 790
Rock Island = 13,282
Henry = 3,804
Bureau = 1,548
La Salle = 1,820
Mercer = 801
Henderson = 121
Warren = 348
Putnam = 0
Allamakee = 0
Clayton = 114
Dubuque = 3,396
Jackson = 99
Clinton = 3,157
Cedar = 491
Scott = 17,958
Muscatine = 2,868
Washington = 501
Louisa = 1,060
Des Moines = 1,534
Lee = 360
Junior Achievement Day is Declared in Twenty-one Cities
Thursday, April 2, 2015, marked the first-ever Junior Achievement Day
throughout JA of the Heartland’s 24-county territory. Twenty-one cities
declared this day to recognize and celebrate the communities’ support
in helping JA empower young people to own their economic success.
Jim Nepple and Brandy Olson, members of the Muscatine & Louisa
Counties Advisory Council, were presented with a Proclamation declaring
JA Day in the City of Muscatine by Mayor DeWayne Hopkins. Many
supporters demonstrated their spirit for JA’s mission throughout the day.
JA Worlds Celebrates 15 Years of Sharing the “Real World” with Kids
JA of the Heartland was one of the first JA Areas in the United States
to open JA World, an experiential learning lab. To date, more than
110,000 local students have participated in JA BizTown, JA Finance
Park, and other specialized programs at JA World. A ribbon-cutting
ceremony was held to celebrate the special milestone. Special guests
from the community joined in the celebration, including Davenport
Mayor Bill Gluba who swore in the JA BizTown Student Mayor for the day.
JA of the Heartland
students by county
Grant = 0
JA Classes
JA Pillars of Student Success
JA students possess knowledge, attitudes,
and skills required to demonstrate their
readiness to successfully engage in
meaningful and productive work.
The Impact: Seventy-six percent of
teachers and volunteers agree that JA better
prepares students for the world of work.
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Financial Literacy:
JA students have the financial knowledge
necessary to effectively meet personal
fiscal challenges and obligations, take
advantage of economic opportunities, and
plan courses of action to achieve goals.
The Impact: Eighty-eight percent of JA
alumni say they are confident in their
ability to manage their personal finances
effectively – compared with 71 percent of
students who did not have JA.
JA students recognize opportunities and
organize resources to maximize innovative
thought and creative activity.
The Impact: Twenty percent of JA alumni
reported they own their own business, as
opposed to 7 percent of students who did
not have JA.
J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d | 2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T
Mission Programs
financial literacy
Elementary School: Engaging, Age Appropriate, & Fun!
Junior Achievement’s elementary school programs are the foundation of its K-12 curricula. Six sequential
themes, each with five hands-on activities, as well as an after-school and capstone experience, work to
change students’ lives by helping them understand business and economics.
JA Ourselves® uses storybook characters in read-aloud and hands-on activities to
introduce the role people play in an economy. Through engaging, volunteer-led activities,
young students learn about individual choices, money, the importance of saving and
giving, and the value of work. (Kindergarten)
JA Our Families® explains how family members’ jobs and businesses contribute to the
well-being of the family and of the community. The program introduces the concept of needs
and wants and explores the ways families plan for and acquire goods and services. Students
analyze their own skills to determine ways they can support their families. (Grade 1)
JA Our Community® uses posters and games to offer practical information about
businesses and the many jobs those businesses offer in a community. Students explore
production methods through a simulation game, and they learn about taxes, decisionmaking, and how money flows in an economy. (Grade 2)
JA Our City® introduces students to the characteristics of cities and how cities are
shaped by zoning. Students also learn about the importance of money to a city; how
financial institutions help businesses and city residents; and how the media is an integral
part of a city’s life. Students learn the role of an entrepreneur by exploring what it takes
to open a restaurant. (Grade 3)
JA Our Region® introduces students to entrepreneurship and how entrepreneurs use
resources to produce goods and services in a region. Students operate a hypothetical
hot dog stand to understand the fundamental tasks performed by a business owner and
to see how money comes into and goes out of a business. (Grade 4)
The Impact:
Seventy-five percent of
JA volunteers believe
JA elementary school
programs have a positive
impact on improving
students’ 21st-century
workplace skills, including
decision-making, criticalthinking, and interpersonal
JA Our Nation® provides practical information about the need for employees who can meet
the demands of the 21st-century job market, particularly high-growth, high-demand jobs.
By program’s end, students will understand the skills, especially in science, technology,
engineering, and math, that will make their futures brighter. (Grade 5)
JA More than Money® teaches students about earning, spending, sharing, and saving
money. It also identifies businesses that students can start or jobs they can perform to
earn money. Students play a game to learn money-management skills and to better
understand the role and importance of money in their lives. (Grades 3-5)
JA BizTown® introduces students to economics and business starting with four weeks
of teacher-led classroom instruction, followed by a daylong, hands-on experience where
students apply the learned concepts in a lifelike community at JA World. Students run
various businesses, earn paychecks, open and manage bank accounts, and become fullfledged consumers making purchases at other student-run businesses. The program vividly
illustrates the connection between hard work and tangible success while allowing students
to gain firsthand understanding of their roles as citizens, consumers, and workers. (Grade 5)
“I learned needs are more important than wants.”
Sponsors: The Amy Helpenstell Foundation; The Bechtel Trusts; MidAmerican Energy Company;
Modern Woodmen of America; Quad-City Times; and SSAB Iowa, Inc.
- JA Elementary School Student
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J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d | 2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T
“In Junior Achievement we
learned about careers and
what we need to do to put
ourselves in a position to
be successful.”
Mission Programs
financial literacy
Middle Grade: Motivating Kids to Learn and Succeed
The middle grades programs build on concepts the students learned in Junior Achievement’s elementary
school programs and help teens make difficult decisions about how to best prepare for their educational and
professional future. The programs support 21st-century learning objectives that are essential to success in
the business world, including collaboration and critical-thinking.
The Impact:
Longitudinal studies
demonstrate JA students
are significantly more likely
than their peers to believe
that they would graduate
from high school and
pursue post-secondary
JA Economics for Success® gives students the information needed to build strong
personal finances, a cornerstone to a happy, secure life. Students learn the importance
of exploring career options based on their skills, interests, and values. They also learn
about spending money within a budget; saving and investing wisely; and using credit
cautiously. (Grades 6-8)
- JA High School Student
Junior Achievement’s high school programs help students make informed, intelligent decisions about their
future, and foster skills that will be highly useful in the business world. With a range of different programs,
JA teaches concepts relating to entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and work-readiness. The volunteer
brings real-life work experiences and guidance into the classroom at a time that represents an essential
crossroads for young people.
JA Global Marketplace® takes students on a spin around the world. Students learn the
products they use every day, like their backpacks and sneakers, might use raw material
from one country, be assembled in another, and sold from Peking to Chicago. The
program helps students understand how goods flow through various economies and
the effect globalization has on their lives. (Grades 6-8)
JA Be Entrepreneurial® challenges students, through interactive classroom activities,
to start their own entrepreneurial venture while still in high school. The program provides
useful, practical content to assist teens in the transition from being students to productive,
contributing members of society. (Grades 9-12)
JA It’s My Business!® encourages students to use critical-thinking to learn entrepreneurial
skills. Those skills include knowing customers’ wants and needs, launching effective
marketing, and creating detailed business plans. By examining the characteristics of
successful entrepreneurs, students learn that a belief in one’s self can make positive
things happen in life. (Grades 6-8)
JA Career Success™ equips students with the knowledge required to get and keep a
job in high-growth industries. Students will explore the crucial workplace skills employers
seek, but often find lacking in young employees. Students also will learn about valuable
tools to find that perfect job, including resumes, cover letters, and interviewing techniques.
(Grades 9-12)
JA It’s My Future™ provides practical information about preparing for the working world.
Students learn about career clusters, high-growth jobs, career planning, and creating a
personal brand. And, through a scavenger hunt, they are introduced to the basic aspects
of job hunting. (Grades 6-8)
JA Company Program®, the latest evolution of Junior Achievement’s legacy program,
allows students to learn and experience business fundamentals and the art and hard
work of entrepreneurship as they operate a student-led company. Students will be able to
apply their newfound skills to their education and future careers. (Grades 9-12)
Sponsors: The Amy Helpenstell Foundation, The Bechtel Trusts, and Iowa American Water Company
The Impact:
Seventy-six percent of
educators agree that
JA high school programs
improve students’ ability
to analyze financial
information. Multiple
JA Economics® reinforces concepts of micro- and macro-economics by having students
explore the basic characteristics of the U.S. economic system and how economic principles
influence business decisions. It also introduces students to consumer issues, such as
saving, investing, and taxation. (Grades 11-12)
studies demonstrate JA
JA Exploring Economics® uses hands-on activities to explain complex economic
concepts such as supply and demand, inflation, and the production, distribution, and
consumption of goods. It gives insight into the effect governments and individuals have on
the global economy – and on the price of a loaf of bread. (Grades 9-12)
percent higher on financial
JA Personal Finance® explores the fundamental elements of personal finances: earnings,
saving and investing, budgeting, credit, risk management, and giving. Students apply
these elements to a personal financial plan that allows them to set specific goals for
their lifelong financial needs and desired quality of life. (Grades 9-12)
“I learned a lot more than I thought I
would. I now know how to be a responsible
adult when I’m older. Always budget,
no matter what the situation.”
- JA Middle Grade Student
High School: Connecting Education to the World of Work
JA Finance Park® demonstrates to students the importance of living within their financial
means. After completing four weeks of teacher-led classroom instructions, students visit JA
Finance Park in a realistic on-site community at JA World or online in a virtual community.
During their visit students receive a life scenario, including a job, salary, and family situation
to use as the basis of their simulation experience. With their real-life personas, they learn
how to construct and adhere to a personal budget. These eye-opening experiences give
students a solid foundation on which to build effective personal financial habits for life.
(Grade 8)
financial literacy
students score at least 10
literacy assessments than
students who have not
participated in JA.
JA Titan® allows students to operate a virtual company through a web-based simulation.
The students’ success depends on decisions about their product’s price and their
company’s marketing, research and development, and business practices. Win or lose,
students gain an understanding of how management decisions affect a company’s
bottom line. (Grades 9-12)
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J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d | 2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T
Special Programs
Junior Achievement High School Career Expos
JA of the Heartland has created career expos to help develop a pool of employees
ready to fullfill our communities’ needs.
Through these expos, students:
• Learn about career options in specific fields.
• Receive hands-on experience with equipment used on the job.
• Speak with professionals regarding education, training, and skills required for the jobs.
JA High School Advanced
Manufacturing Careers Expo
In partnership with the John T. Blong
Technology Center, a part of Eastern
Iowa Community Colleges
JA High School Advanced
Manufacturing & Agriculture
Careers Expo
In partnership with Muscatine
Community College
Areas of focus include:
• CNC/Machining
• Renewable Energy
• Electromechanical
• Truck Driving
• Mechanical Design/Pro-E
• Welding
• Logistics
Areas of focus include:
• Agriculture – Business & Production
• Engineering Technology
• Conservation (Horticulture)
• Manufacturing
• Veterinary Technology
• Mechanical Design
• Logistics
The Impact:
Of the students with little interest in Advanced Manufacturing before the Expo,
Directors and Trustees
Drs. David & Agnes Plamer
Junior Achievement
Titan Competition
Sponsored by Vickie Anne Palmer
JA Titan allows high school students to apply their
business knowledge by competing online in a
fictional industry. While simulating business quarters,
students make decisions on price, production,
marketing, capital investment, and R & D. These
decisions determine the success or failure of their
virtual company.
Junior Achievement of
the Heartland’s Board
of Directors is composed
of leaders from the
business and education
communities. Their wide
range of backgrounds and
professional expertise
yields a dynamic and
dedicated team with a
hands-on approach to
positioning JA as a leader
in economic education.
2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T | J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d
James R. Anderson
Schebler Company
Vice Chair
Students within JA of the Heartland’s territory get to
put their skills and knowledge gained from JA Titan
to the test by competing in the Drs. David & Agnes
Palmer JA Titan Competition. Top performing teams
are awarded scholarship money for post-secondary
Jennifer Rowe
Community Volunteer
Joshua Maxfield
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Derek Cockrell
Salzman International, Inc.
Jill DeKeyser
QCR Holdings Inc.
Darcy Callas
Modern Woodmen of
Chad Everitt
Deloitte LLP
John Mann
Michele BeckenbaughSimpson
Deloitte LLP
w w w.jahear
Andy Butler
Butler Insurance Service,
Inc./Benefit Service
Lance Heuer
U.S. Bank N.A.
John Archer
Deere & Company
business operates.
Cara Fuller
UnityPoint Health – Trinity
JA Titan is an exciting way to learn how a
John Riches
Alcoa Inc.
Robert Howard
CBI Bank & Trust
Dale Dollenbacher
Cape Kauri Partners
Management LLC
Ninety-two percent of the students agreed
Tom Bush
McCarthy-Bush Corporation
Adam Hass
Valley Construction
Past Chair
The Impact:
Denny Docherty
Deere & Company
Mike Vondran
TAG Communications
Ted Olt III
Lane & Waterman LLP
16% walked away saying they now plan to pursue a career in this field.
Mark Evers
A.D. Huesing Corporation
Mo Hyder
Rhythm City Casino
Caroline Ruhl
Jim Russell
Russell Construction
Company Inc.
Steve Sorensen
Strategy In Progress, LLC
Bonnie Sparks-Gray
Community Volunteer
Kelly Kreiter
Deere & Company
Jim Spelhaug
Pleasant Valley Community
School District
Marshall Porter
Kenneth Koupal
U.S. Bank N.A.
Tom Thoms
Community Volunteer
Jorge Rodríguez
Alcoa Inc.
Joel Lorentzen
Genesis Systems Group LLC
Jim Victor
Morgan Stanley
Arthur Tate
Davenport Community
School District
Bob Marriott
Group O Inc.
Jim Watson
Hanson Watson Associates
Glenn Medhus
Community Volunteer
Rich Wehrheim
McGladrey LLP
Terry Ousley
MidAmerican Energy
Cathie Whiteside
QCR Holdings Inc.
Jay Morrow
United Township High
School District #30
Mike Thoms
Community Volunteer
Ryan Weber
McGladrey LLP
Peter Benson
QCR Holdings Inc.
Vic Quinn
Quad City Bank & Trust
Bob Woodward
Woodward Communications
J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d | 2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T
Financial Partners
Free Enterprise
Mission: To build endowment to sustain
JA of the Heartland. Through this
foundation, today’s leaders can invest
in the future of the free market economy
that has allowed them to achieve personal
and professional success.
Jim & Carol Horstmann
Jim Victor
Heritage Society
A special thank you to the following
individuals for their long-term commitment
by including JA of the Heartland in their
estate planning.
James & Paula Anderson
Derek & Paula Cockrell
Jim & Carol Horstmann
Gary & Christy Kunz
John & Susan Lawson
Carter (deceased) & Kaye LeBeau
Glenn & Kathleen Medhus
Mike & Carol (deceased) Plunkett
Jim Victor
President’s Circle
($10,000 – $24,999)
Joyce Hank
Hunt & Diane Harris
Vickie Anne Palmer
Jim Victor
($5,000 – $9,999)
James Giese
Stu Thoms
($2,500 – $4,999)
John & Sue Lawson
Glenn & Kathleen Medhus
Tom Thoms
($1,000 – $2,499)
Michele Beckenbaugh-Simpson
Peter & Kim Benson
Richard Bittner
Derek & Paula Cockrell
Denny Docherty
Dale & Robin Dollenbacher
Robert A. & Patricia K. Hanson
Lance & Sharon Heuer
Kirk & Mary Ellen Johnson
Gary & Christy Kunz
H.J. Markley
Marshall Porter
Stan & Betty Reeg
Jorge Rodríguez
James & Michele Russell
Charlene Schuetz
Mike & Sara Thoms
C. Dana Waterman III
($500 – $999)
Barry Anderson
Jim & Susan Anderson
John & Andrea Archer
Edward Babka
Beverly Barber
Greg & Jill DeKeyser
John DuBois
Chad & Caroline Everitt
Charlie Glab
Charles Hanson
Adam & Kimberly Hass
Natalie Hoffmann
John & Virgina Mann
Tim Mohs
Ted & Rosemary Olt
Victor J. & Kathy Quinn
Tom & Jennifer Rowe
Jim & Julie Spelhaug
Nate Stoffregen
Art W. & Corinne Tate
Mark Tholl
Barbara VenHorst
Jim & Tia Watson
Ryan Weber
Ron & Judy Wolf
($100 – $499)
Paula Adams
Clint Allaman
Stan Askren
Kerry Azbell
Nancy Ballenger
Greg Barnes
Bob Bateman
Joy Boruff
Thomas Boxleiter
Holly Bratten
Tim Broos
Byron Bunge
John & Darcy Callas
Edwin & Mary Castaneda
Ronald “Chip”Chaon
Steve Chapman
Rick Colpitts
John Cooke
Chris Curran
Bill Dale
Dale Dalton
Michael Dalton
Cary David
Valerie Davis
Ray De Winkle
Wilma Deal
Joe DeGreve
Linda Denison
Bradford & Laura Donovan
Robert Eby
Kim Findlay
Daryl Fisher
Richard Fontenoy
Brad Fox
Gary Froeschle
Mary Froeschle
Robert Frommelt
Terry J. & Cara Fuller
Tom Giese
Patty Greteman
Mary Gronen
Sherman Hamel
Patrick Happe
Stephen Hardie
Dave Harker
Roger Harrington
John & Carolyn Haupert
Darcy Hepner
Craig Herther
Joyce Honkamp
Robert J. & Tanya M. Howard
Chang Huang
Pete Huch
Gary Ihlefeld
Ernest Jackson
Frannie Jacobs
John Jorgensen
Chad Kelley
Robert Klauer
Nelson Klavitter
Michael Knuth
Don Kotecki
Lance Leslie
Sal & Stephanie LoBianco
Benjamin Macumber
Mike Macumber
Chris Maifield
Jeff Manor
Mary Manor
Bob Marriott
Jim Marshall
Ronald Mathias
Stacey May
Rich McMurray
Glen & Kathy Moeller
Dan Molyneaux, Jr.
Larry Moore
John Moran
Jay Morrow & Wendy S. Hilton-Morrow
Brian Nikulski
Robert Noth
Merle Ocken
Brandy Olson
Terry Ousley
Thomas Parker
Rich Powell
Bob Pursley
Bruce Quijas
Todd Reeg
Mary Macumber Schmidt
Carol Schuster
Kristi Seago
Beth Shillington
Amanda Slavens
Kerry & Julie Smith
Bonnie Sparks-Gray
James Steiner
Chris Sullens
Stanley Summers
Tim Summers
Bruce Tinsman
Carol Townsend
Patti Waack
Beth Whisman
George White
James White
Craig Witte
F. Woodward
Tom Woodward
Marie Ziglar
Corporate Giving
($6,000 – $9,999)
John H. Witte Jr. Foundation
2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T | J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d
Granite City
Hall of Fame Pizza
Hansen Monuments
Happy Joe’s Pizza & Ice Cream
Holst Construction, LLC
The Home Depot, Inc.
I.H. Mississippi Valley Credit Union
Iowa Grape Vines & Winery
Jansen Electric, Inc.
JC Builders
Jorgie’s Bar & Grill
Klug Insurance Services, Inc.
Knights of Columbus
Mezcal Mexican Bar & Grill
Necker’s Jewelers
Nestlé USA
The Oaks Golf and Dining
O’Donnell Hardware
P&K Midwest
Pizza Hut
Quality Inn and Suites
Republic Companies
Ronnoco Coffee/Mid-America
Coffee Service
Schuster & Company PC
Scott Thrifty White Drug
Shear Techniques
Snap Fitness
Springbrook Country Club
Steffens Chiropractic Clinic
Storybook Ending
TC’s Point After
Theisen Supply, Inc.
Total Realty Company
Touch of Bliss
VP Sheridan Insurance, Inc.
Wild Rose Casino
($3,000 – $5,999)
Durant Chamber of Commerce
Friends of Junior Achievement
($1 – $999)
Durant PTO
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
Gateway Area
($6,000 – $9,999)
Nestlé Purina PetCare
($1,000 – $2,999)
Carl A. Nelson & Company
Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust
Hawkeye Pedershaab
Gold Star FS, Inc.
Friends of Junior Achievement
($1 – $999)
Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.
J & S Electronic Business Systems, Inc.
Mediapolis Savings Bank
Ploeger Recruiting Services
PPG Industries, Inc.
U.S. Bank N.A.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
($1,000 – $2,999)
Friend of Junior Achievement
($1 – $999)
Cambridge Community School District
($3,000 – $5,999)
DeWitt Bank & Trust Company
Iowa Mutual Insurance Company
($1,000 – $2,999)
Central Community School District
Guardian Industries Corporation
ITW Fluids North America
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Friends of Junior Achievement
($1 – $999)
1st Gateway Credit Union
A Cut Above Styling Center
Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.
American Electric, Inc.
Art’s Barber Shop
Ascentra Credit Union
Barnes Foodland
Big Bear Insulation
Black Cat Blades, LLC
Blain’s Farm & Fleet
Boegel’s Men’s Wear
Candlelight Inn
Carpetland USA
Central Realty
Classic Hair Designs
Classy Creations
Clausen Companies
Clinton 8 Theatre
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Clinton County Agricultural Society
Clinton Floral Shop
Clinton Lumberkings
Clinton Symphony Orchestra
Condon & Condon Law Office
Cups & Cones
DeWitt Dental Associates
DeWitt Pet Hospital
DeWitt Police Department
DeWitt Travel Mart
Eldridge Body Shop
Farm Credit Services of America
Fifth Avenue Salon
First Central State Bank
First Trust & Savings Bank
Fleck Sales Co. Miller and Coors
Brewing Companies
Flowers on the Side
Garden Cafe
Golden Wok Chinese Restaurant
($3,000 – $5,999)
($1,000 – $2,999)
Colony Brands and SC Contact Center
Fulton Community Fund
Sethness Products Co.
Timkin Drives LLC
Friends of Junior Achievement
($1 – $999)
Abstract & Title Guaranty Company
The A.C. Root Agency
Aegis Credit Union
Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.
Ashford University
Bitler Marine Sales & Service, Inc.
Brinkman Building Center
Bushwacker Automotive Group LLC
Carpetland USA
Central Bank Illinois
CF Industries
Citizens First Bank
Clausen Companies
Clinton Dental Associates, P.C.
Clinton National Bank
Company One Fire Suppression
Economy Coating Systems
Employer’s Service Bureau, Inc.
First Trust and Savings Bank
Fulton Kiwanis Club
Hy-Vee Food Store
John Deere Classic – Birdies
for Charities
J.T. Cullen Company Inc.
Kohl’s Corporation
NelsonCorp Wealth Management
Pape Funeral Home, Inc.
Sedona Staffing Services
Snell Zornig Funeral Homes and
State Farm – Reed
Sterling Federal Bank
Windmill Realty
($10,000 – $14,999)
Geneseo Foundation
($6,000 – $9,999)
Bill and Susan Sherrard Foundation
($3,000 – $5,999)
Geneseo Communications Charitable
Miller Trucking & Excavating
($1,000 – $2,999)
Central Bank Illinois
Patriot Renewable Fuels, LLC
Remington Seeds, LLC
Friends of Junior Achievement
($1 – $999)
Birkey’s Farm Store, Inc.
Bridge City Mechanical, Inc.
C.D. Ford & Sons Inc.
COUNTRY Financial – Henderson
Creative Images Center
DuPont Pioneer
Emerick Pest Control, Inc.
Fareway Stores, Inc.
Farmers National Bank of Prophetstown
1st Farm Credit
First Federal Savings & Loan
Geneseo Chamber of Commerce
Geneseo Community Chest, Inc.
Hammond-Henry Hospital
Hanford Insurance Agency, Inc.
Hartco Cable Company
Hertz Farm Management
Hodgson Auto Body Shop Inc.
Innovative Machine, Inc.
J.F. Edwards Construction Company
Jo-Carroll Energy
John Deere Classic – Birdies for
Muselman Investments, Ltd.
River Valley Cooperative
Springfield Inc.
Stackhouse-Moore Funeral
Services, Inc.
State Farm
Step Ahead Foot Care, SC
Tennant Truck Lines, Inc.
Total Maintenance, Inc.
UnityPoint Clinic
Vandemore Funeral Home & Cremation
Vibrant Credit Union
Village Home Stores, Inc.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Werner Restoration Services, Inc.
Wisdom Financial Services, LLC
Wyffels Hybrids, Inc.
Illinois Valley Area
($3,000 – $5,999)
Ag View FS, Inc.
Carus Corporation
Heartland Bank & Trust Company
James Hardie Building Products, Inc.
On Site Repair Services, Inc.
Toedter Oil Company
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
($1,000 – $2,999)
Centrue Bank
Eureka Savings Bank
LCN Closers
Machinery Maintenance, Inc.
Marquis Energy
Pioneer Hi-Bred
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
Friends of Junior Achievement
($1 – $999)
Air Products & Chemicals
Beck Oil Co.
Black Bros. Company
Central Bank Illinois
CIMCO Recycling Ottawa, Inc.
City of Princeton
Dakota Street Insurance
Delaney’s Family Restaurant
DuPont Pioneer
Financial Plus Credit Union
1st Farm Credit Services
First Federal Savings & Loan
Gardner Denver Industrial
Products Group
Hoovers Mfg. Co.
Hueneburg Financial Group
Illinois Valley Community Hospital
John Pohar & Sons, Inc.
John’s Service & Sales Inc.
Key Builders Construction, Inc.
Kohl’s Corporation
Kuhl Insurance
Michlig Energy, LTD
Michlig Grain
Midland States Bank
Midwest Bus Sales Inc.
Moose Lodge
Peru Federal Savings &
Loan Association
Princeton Jaycees
Princeton Pharmacy
The Pro Body Shop, Inc.
SABIC Innovative Plastics
J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d | 2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T
Financial Partners
Senator Sue Rezin – Illinois State
State Bank of Cherry
State Farm – Hackman
W. H. Maze Company
($3,000 – $5,999)
Martin Engineering
($1,000 – $2,999)
A.D. Huesing Corporation
Great Dane Trailer Corp.
Kewanee Rotary
Peoples National Bank of Kewanee
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Friends of Junior Achievement
($1 – $999)
Black Hawk College – East Campus
Boss Manufacturing Company
Community State Bank
Edward Jones – Reeser
First Federal Savings & Loan Kewanee
1st Financial Investment Advisors
Kewanee Chamber of Commerce
Kiwanis Club of Kewanee
Muselman Investments, Ltd.
OSF Saint Luke Medical Center
State Bank of Toulon
Union Federal Savings & Loan
Muscatine & Louisa
($15,000 – $24,999)
HNI Corporation
($3,000 – $5,999)
Muscatine Charities, Inc.
Musco Lighting
SSAB Iowa, Inc.
($1,000 – $2,999)
CBI Bank & Trust
Community Foundation of Greater
First National Bank of Muscatine
John Deere Classic – Birdies
for Charities
KWPC – 860 AM and Vintage
Sound 93.1 FM
Monsanto Company
Friends of Junior Achievement
($1 – $999)
Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.
Bridgestone Commercial
Solutions Group
Carver Pump Company
Liberty Communications
MidWestOne Bank
Muscatine Power & Water Company
New Hope Foundation
Phelps Uniform Specialists
Stanley Lande & Hunter
U.S. Bank N.A.
Quad Cities
Alcoa/Alcoa Foundation
The Bechtel Trusts
Deere & Company/John Deere
($25,000 – $44,999)
SSAB Iowa, Inc.
($15,000 – $24,999)
The Amy Helpenstell Foundation
The Hubbell-Waterman Foundation
MidAmerican Energy Company
Scott County Regional Authority
TAG Communications, Inc.
($10,000 – $14,999)
Group O, Inc.
Modern Woodmen of America
U.S. Bank N.A.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
($6,000 – $9,999)
A.D. Huesing Corporation
Deloitte LLP
Group Services, Inc.
Iowa American Water Company
McGladrey LLP
Midland Information Resources/
Elanders America
The Moline Foundation
Quad-City Times
Royal Neighbors of America
Salzman International, Inc.
Silver Oaks Communications, Inc.
State Farm
Triumph Community Bank
Valley Construction Company
($3,000 – $5,999)
American Bank & Trust Company
BITCO Insurance Companies
Cobham Mission Systems
Continental Cement Company
The Dispatch & Rock Island Argus
Eastern Iowa Community College
Elliott Aviation
Exelon Nuclear
First Midwest Bank, N.A.
I.H. Mississippi Valley Credit Union
John Deere Classic – Birdies
for Charities
The Kraft Heinz Company
Lane & Waterman LLP
Lowell N. Johnson Charitable
Material Control Systems, Inc.
Miller Container
Nestlé Purina PetCare
Parr Instrument Company
Per Mar Security Services
Quad City Bank & Trust
RiverStone Group, Inc.
Russell Construction Company, Inc.
Sam’s Club
Schebler Company
3M Company
Tri-City Electric Company
UnityPoint Health – Trinity
Whitey’s Ice Cream
Wyman R. Coulter Trust Fund
($1,000 – $2,999)
Aleris International
American Rental Association
Bush Construction Company
Cape Kauri Partners Management LLC
Charles D. Wiman Memorial Trust
CNH Industrial
Courtesy Car City
The Family Credit Union
Galaxy 1 Marketing, Inc.
Genesis Health System
Genesis Systems Group
Harley’s Tavern, Inc.
Hoosier Roll Shop
Illinois Casualty Company
Iowa 80 Group
Kohl’s Corporation
LeClaire Manufacturing Company
Lee Enterprises
Lujack’s Northpark Auto Plaza
Mary Iva Gittens Knouse Trust
McCarthy Bush Foundation
McLaughlin Body Company
Melvin McKay Trust
Morgan Stanley
The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc.
Pleasant Valley Community School
QC Morning Optimist Club
Quad City Chamber of Commerce
Roy E. Murray Foundation
Ruhl & Ruhl Commercial
Ryan & Associates
Sears, Roebuck and Co.
The Sedona Group
T. Rowe Price
Tyson Foods, Inc.
University of Iowa Health Alliance
Vibrant Credit Union, Inc.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Friends of Junior Achievement
($1 – $999)
Act II Transportation, Inc.
Anchor Lumber Do-it Center
Anderson Commercial Concrete, Inc.
Arthur’s Garden Deli
Barkan’s, Inc.
Beau Win Tours & Limousine Service
Bettendorf Heating & Air Conditioning
Sales & Service
Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano
Bling Bling Sisters
Bracke-Hayes-Miller-Mahon Architects
Burke Cleaners
Casey’s General Store
Celebration River Cruises
Chicago Architecture Foundation
Chicago White Sox
Chocolate Manor
Circa ’21 Dinner Playhouse
The Clubhouse
Community HealthCare, Inc.
Cookies by Design
2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T | J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d
Creekside Vineyards
Crow Valley Golf Course
Dairy Queen of Bettendorf
Darden Restaurants Inc.
Davenport Country Club
Davenport Parks & Recreation
Deere Employees Credit Union
Diamonds on the Avenue
Dimitri Wine & Spirits
Doland Jewelers
Dr. Philip Bayne
Eldridge Welding & Ornamental Iron, Inc.
Entertainment Cruises
Expressions Jewelers
Family Museum of Arts & Science
Farm & Fleet
Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust
FedEx – Kinkos
Figge Art Museum
Front Street Brewery
Frontier Hospitality
Fyre Lake National Golf Club
Gateway Arch Riverboats
The Gentry Shop
George’s Classic Cleaners
Gibson-Bode Funeral Homes &
Cremation Services, Ltd.
Grace Marine
Grand Harbor Resort and Waterpark
Grandview Farms
Green Bay Packers
Green Family Auto
Happy Joe’s Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor –
Happy Joe’s Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor –
Harbor Shores – Lake Geneva
Heritage Landscape Design
The Home Depot, Inc.
The Horse Lady
Horses of Courses Riding School
Hotel Blackhawk
Hungry Hobo
Hy-Vee Food Store
I-80 Equipment
Insurance Audit Services, Inc.
Isabel Bloom, LLC
iWireless Center
Jeremy Allen’s Grand Illusions
John G. Shedd Aquarium
Johnny’s Meat Market
Jos. A. Bank
Jumer’s Casino
Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa
K & K True Value Hardware
KJWW Engineering Consultants
Knee’s Florist
Lagomarcino’s Confectionary
Lavender Crest Winery, Inc.
Lost Island Waterpark
M.A. Ford Mfg. Co.
McCarthy Bush Corporation
McGivern’s Jewelry
Model Printers
Modern Woodmen Bank
Moline VFW Post 2153
Molyneaux Insurance, Inc.
Museum of Science and Industry
NAPM – Quad Cities
National Mississippi River Museum &
Necker’s Jewelers
Nelson Brothers Agency
Noodles & Company
Northwest Bank & Trust Company
The Outing Club
Pearson Decorating, Inc.
Pinnacle Country Club
Pizza & Subs
Port Byron State Bank
Precision Bend & Machine Company
Principal Financial Group
QC Realtors Association
QPS Employment Group
Quad Cities River Bandits
Quad City Air Show
Quad City Botanical Center
Quad City Evening Optimists
R & S Transportation, Inc.
R.A. Jones & Company
R.I.A. Federal Credit Union
Radisson on John Deere Commons
Raynor Door Company, Inc. of the
Quad Cities
Red Lobster
Redstone Content Solutions
Republic Companies
Rhythm Casino
River Gulf Grain, a division of AGREX, Inc.
River House Bar & Grill
River Music Experience Museum
Riverboat Twilight
Rock Island/Milan School District #41
Rock River Family Office LLC
Ross Medical Supply
Serenity Salon & Day Spa
7G Distributing
Sexton Ford
Short Hills Country Club
Southeast National Bank
Square One Brewery & Distillery
St. Ambrose University
Starved Rock Lodge & Conference Center
Stella’s Restaurant
Strategy In Progress, LLC/Steve &
Patti Sorensen
Syndicate Hub
Talbots Inc.
Tennant Truck Lines, Inc.
TPC Deere Run
Twin State Technical Services, Ltd.
United Parcel Service, Inc.
United Way Worldwide
Untouchable Tours
US Adventure RV
US Golf Mfg.
WaterPark Car Wash
Weibler’s Harley Davidson
Wheelan-Pressly Funeral Home, Inc.
Wide River Winery
Williams National Surety Corporation
Zach Johnson Foundation
Sauk Valley Area
($10,000 – $14,999)
Donaldson Company, Inc.
($3,000 – $5,999)
New Radio Group
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
w w w.jahear
Financial Partners
($1,000 – $2,999)
Dana Foundation
Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital
Sauk Valley Media
Wahl Clipper Corporation
Friends of Junior Achievement
($1 – $999)
CGH Medical Center
CIMCO Recycling Sterling, Inc.
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Community State Bank
Crop Production Services
Dixon Police Charitable Association
HALO Branded Solutions
Heartland Realty
Jacobs Builders LLC
John Deere Classic – Birdies for
Ken Nelson Auto Plaza
Kohl’s Corporation
LRB Distributors Inc.
Rock River Endodontics DDS PC
Sedona Staffing Services
Spectrum Brands
Sterling Federal Bank
UPM Raflatac, Inc.
Tri-State Area
($25,000 – $44,999)
John Deere Dubuque Works
($6,000 – $9,999)
Andersen Corporate Foundation/Eagle
Window & Door, Inc.
($3,000 – $5,999)
A. Y. McDonald Manufacturing
Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.
Lamar Advertising
North Family Foundation
Sedgwick Claims Management
Services, Inc.
Telegraph Herald
U.S. Bank N.A.
U.S. Cellular
($1,000 – $2,999)
American Trust & Savings Bank
Bellevue State Bank
Benchmark Capital Group LTD
Conlon Construction
Cottingham & Butler
Crescent Electric Supply Company
Darden Restaurants Inc.
Dupaco Community Credit Union
Falb Family Charitable Foundation
Heartland Financial USA, Inc.
Klauer Family Charitable Foundation
Kunkel and Associates
Ludovissy & Associates
McCoy Group, Inc.
McGladrey LLP
Premier Bank
Rentech Nitrogen
Spahn & Rose Lumber Company
Charitable Foundation
Volunteer Partners
Our Volunteer Partners
Thunder Hills Country Club
University of Wisconsin Platteville
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Friends of Junior Achievement
($1 – $999)
All Things Sweet Shop
Ameriprise Financial – Babler and
Amirage Salon & Day Spa
Artistic Cleaners
Bed Bath & Beyond
Believe Salon
Bell Tower Theatre
Big Apple Bagels
Birchwood Golf Course
Black Hills Energy
Bodine Electric Company
Body and Soul Wellness
Butt’s Floritst, Inc.
Camoplast Solideal
Carlos O’Kelly’s
Casey’s General Store
Cheryl Ann’s Bridal Ltd.
Citizens Finance
Clarke University
Collaborative Tooling Technologies
Community Foundation of Greater
Creative Touch Gallery, Inc.
D & R Foods
Design Work & Wellness Spa
Dubuque Bank and Trust
Dubuque Driving Range
Dubuque Museum of Art
Dubuque Stamping & Manufacturing, Inc.
Dubuque Symphony Orchestra
DuTrac Community Credit Union
Eagle Country Market
Eagle Tool Company
Edwards Cast Stone Company
Engraved Gift Collections
Fairfield Inn
Faley Enterprises
Family Beer & Liquor
Family Mart
Fidelity Bank and Trust
Firestone Auto Care
Floor Show Companies
Freddie’s Popcorn
Fuerste, Carew, Juergens & Sudmeier PC
Grand Harbor Resort and Waterpark
Grand Opera House
Green Industrial Supply, Inc.
Happy Joe’s Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor
Holiday Inn Express
Holy Family Catholic School
Honkamp Krueger & Company, P.C.
International Business Machines
ITC Midwest
The Jewelry Box
Jimmy John’s
Jumble Coffee Company
Kane, Norby & Reddick, P.C.
Kendall Hunt Publishing
Kwik Stop Food Marts
Lange Sign Group
Mainstay Suites
Mario’s Restaurant
(6–11 Volunteers)
Cambridge Community School District
(12–19 Volunteers)
Two Rivers Financial Group
(2–5 Volunteers)
Henry County State’s Attorney’s Office
(6–11 Volunteers)
Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust
Hawkeye Pedershaab
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
Bell Agency
CSI Homes
Linda Denison, Community Volunteer
Hair Etc.
Henry County Jail
Jayne Siemert, Community Volunteer
Brandy Swanson, Community Volunteer
Troy VanHyfte, Community Volunteer
(2–5 Volunteers)
Ameriprise Financial
City of Burlington
Des Moines County Conservation
Fort Madison Public Library
George’s Lawn Mower & Small
Engine Repair
Great River Health Systems
Greater Burlington Partnership
Hope Haven Area Development Center
John Hull, Community Volunteer
I.H. Mississippi Valley Credit Union
Diane Jennings, Community Volunteer
Klingner & Associates, P.C.
Mediapolis Savings Bank
MidWestOne Bank
Riley Paint Company
Shelter Insurance – Rienker
Siemens Energy Inc.
Angie Sodey, Community Volunteer
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Winegard Foundation
Medical Associates
Midwest Dental
Midwest Home Sellers
Mindframe Theaters
The Moracco
Mystique Casino
Mystique Ice Center
National Farm Toy Museum
Northeast Iowa Community College
Off Shore Bar & Grill
Olive Garden
Park Farm Winery
Pizza Ranch
Platinum Supplemental Insurance
Portzen Construction
Premier Linen & Drycleaning, Inc.
Prudential Financial
Rainbo Oil Company
2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T | J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d
Ramada Galena
Rhomberg Furs
Schwendinger Construction
Sedona Staffing Services
Steele Capital Management, Inc.
Steve’s Ace Hardware
Stone Cliff Winery
Sundown Mountain Resort
TAG Communications
Tandem Tire & Auto Service, Inc.
Taylor & Taylor Insurance
Texas Roadhouse
Theisen Supply, Inc.
Timberline Golf Course
TM Logistics, Inc.
TOMY International
Truck Country
Van’s Liquor Store
Victory Ford
Video Games, Etc.
Yo So Sweet
Zazous Bridal Boutique
Warren County
($3,000 – $5,999)
Twomey Foundation
($1,000 – $2,999)
Edward Arthur Mellinger Educational
Foundation, Inc.
w w w.jahear
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
Baker Pride
Bickford Assisted Living and
Memory Care
Dale Brooks-Ford, Community
Burlington Community School District
City of Fort Madison
City of West Burlington
Des Moines County Sherriff’s Office
Edward Jones – Sieren
Edward Jones – Sorensen
Federal Mogul Ignition Products
Fort Madison Bank & Trust
Fort Madison Community Hospital
General Electric Company
Hannum’s Plumbing Heating Inc.
Harmony Bible Church
Dianna Holmes, Community Volunteer
Kate Lamb, Community Volunteer
Lee County Bank & Trust
Lee County Health Department
Mediapolis Public Library
Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center
ONEMAIN Financial
PHI Air Medical
Sandra Schneider, Community
The Scotts Company
Southeastern Community College
U.S. Bank N.A.
Lisa Waste, Community Volunteer
w w w.jahear
(12–19 Volunteers)
Iowa Mutual Insurance Company
(6–11 Volunteers)
First Trust and Savings Bank
Guardian Industries Corporation
(2–5 Volunteers)
Calamus-Wheatland School District
Central Realty
City of DeWitt
DeWitt Bank & Trust Company
DeWitt Police Department
DeWitt United Methodist Church
Farm Credit Services of America
First Central State Bank
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
Barnes Foodland
Carpetland USA
Farm Bureau Insurance
Genesis Health System
Harry’s Farm Tire
Theresa Hofer, Community Volunteer
Illinois Tool Works Inc.
Junior Achievement USA
Cathy Kellenberg, Community Volunteer
LincolnWay Community Foundation
Necker’s Jewelers
The Observer
Elizabeth Phillips, Community Volunteer
Rock Valley Physical Therapy
Scheckel & Co. Dance
Thrivent Financial – Walker
U.S. Bank N.A.
(12–19 Volunteers)
Durant Community School District
(2–5 Volunteers)
Liberty Insurance Agency
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
Central City Electric
Kristy Hansen, Community Volunteer
Hein Manor
Heinsite Fitness
Taci Lilienthal, Community Volunteer
Midwest Pressure Washers
Amanda Perezmeza, Community
Schumacher Company, LC
Steris Corp
Brooke Thoma, Community Volunteer
Tri-County Builders
United States Postal Service
Gateway Area
(12–19 Volunteers)
Ashford University
(6–11 Volunteers)
Camanche School District
Citizens First Bank
Clinton Community School District
Clinton National Bank
River Bend School District
Nestlé Purina PetCare
U.S. Bank N.A.
(2–5 Volunteers)
Aegis Credit Union
Agri-King Inc.
Company One Fire Suppression, Inc.
1st Gateway Credit Union
Gateway State Bank
Maquoketa State Bank
Mercy Medical Center
Sisters of St. Francis
Timken Drives LLC
Vibrant Credit Union
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
Air Control, Inc.
AV Transportation Inc.
Bickford Assisted Living and
Memory Care
Buddy Gourmet
City of Clinton
Clausen Supply Company
Clinton County Conservation
Clinton County Sheriff’s Office
Jim Collins, Community Volunteer
Chad Delzell, Community Volunteer
DM Services Inc.
D.P. Construction
Farmers Insurance
Tara Ferris, Community Volunteer
First Wealth Financial Group
Fulton Family Dental
David Hines, Community Volunteer
Hop & Shop
Toni Howes, Community Volunteer
Doreen Hughes, Community Volunteer
Mark Hughes, Community Volunteer
Hy-Vee Food Store
Stacy Kinkaid, Community Volunteer
Kohl’s Corporation
Shelly Kyarsgaard, Community
Kevin Leonhardt, Community Volunteer
Mississippi Bend Area Education
Agency – Clinton Service Center
Kathy Peasley, Community Volunteer
Denise Quick, Community Volunteer
Heather Rettkowski, Community
Curtis Rosebeck, Community Volunteer
Sedona Staffing Services
Skyline Center
Joanie Taylor, Community Volunteer
TEMP Associates
Thancia Trucking
TMK Ipsco
Trademarks Hair Company
Jill Underwood, Community Volunteer
United States Postal Service
Windmill Realty
Women’s Health Services
YWCA Children’s Center
(6–11 Volunteers)
Central Bank Illinois
Farmers National Bank of Prophetstown
(2–5 Volunteers)
Hammond-Henry Hospital
Shawn McGee, Community Volunteer
Nash Nash Bean & Ford, LLP
Tyson Fresh Meats, Joslin Complex
Teresa VanDeWoestyne, Community
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
Black Box Consulting
Blackhawk Bank & Trust
Carroll Chiropractic Center
Chicago Street Decorating
City of Geneseo
Amy Cooper, Community Volunteer
COUNTRY Financial – Geuns
COUNTRY Financial – Henderson
Edward Jones – Rapps
Emerick Pest Control, Inc.
George Farley, Community Volunteer
Penny Ford, Community Volunteer
Geneseo Community Park District
Geneseo Community Unit School
Geneseo Telephone Company
Hartco Cable Company
Hertz Farm Management
Amy Howard, Community Volunteer
Sue Killelea, Community Volunteer
Lifetime Eyecare
Donnie Ogle, Community Volunteer
Diane Olson, Community Volunteer
Robert O’Rourke, Community Volunteer
Pabco, Inc. of Geneseo
Patriot Renewable Fuels, LLC
Remington Seeds, LLC
Timberlyn Lighting Management, Inc.
Vibrant Credit Union
Wyffels Hybrids, Inc.
Illinois Valley Area
(12–19 Volunteers)
Heartland Bank & Trust Company
(6–11 Volunteers)
Carus Corporation
Financial Plus Credit Union
First State Bank
Midland States Bank
Perry Memorial Hospital
SABIC Innovative Plastics
Wal-Mart Distribution Center
(2–5 Volunteers)
ACE Hardware Retail Support Center
Advanced Drainage Systems
Ag View FS, Inc.
Central Bank Illinois
Chamlin & Associates
815 Media
Eureka Savings Bank
The First National Bank of Ottawa
Gardner Denver Industrial Products
Kathy Gregorich, Community Volunteer
Hy-Vee Food Store
Illini State Bank
James Hardie Building Products, Inc.
La Salle State Bank
Amy Luth, Community Volunteer
Curt Mooney, Community Volunteer
North Central Bank
Princeton Elementary School District
Rivershores Care Center
Ann Rodriguez, Community Volunteer
Selby Township District Library
State Farm
Summit Heating & Air Conditioning LLC
Twin Oaks Savings Bank
W. H. Maze Company
Wal-Mart Transportation
Bonnie Washkowiak, Community
Rebecca Wilson, Community Volunteer
Woodforest National Bank
Your Financial & Investment Advisors
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
Jennifer Alter, Community Volunteer
Julie Baima, Community Volunteer
Capital Agricultural Property
Services, Inc.
City of Princeton
City of Spring Valley
COUNTRY Financial – Taylor
Austin Cullinan, Community Volunteer
Dakota Street Insurance
Eastern Illinois University
Empire Acoustical Systems
1st Farm Credit Services
Kathy Geiger, Community Volunteer
Carol Gugerty, Community Volunteer
Habitat For Humanity for LaSalle,
Bureau & Putnam Counties
Hueneburg Financial Group
Illinois Valley YMCA
Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies –
LCN Closures
Joseph T. Ryerson & Son
Jill Klein, Community Volunteer
Linda Leone, Community Volunteer
J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d | 2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T
O ur
Volunteer Partners
LPL Financial Services
ManpowerGroup Inc.
Misty’s Tax Matters
MPS Services, Inc.
Oglesby Police Department
Nancy Otto, Community Volunteer
Peru Federal Savings & Loan
Jannifer Powelson, Community
Princeton High School
Jackie Sapienza, Community Volunteer
Cyndy Schoof, Community Volunteer
Schott’s Pharmacy
Spring Valley City Bank
State Farm – Harrison
Streator Engine Parts Co./NAPA Auto
John Toraason, Community Volunteer
Jan Trumbo, Community Volunteer
U.S. Food Service
U.S. Silica
(6–11 Volunteers)
Henry & Stark County Health
State Bank of Toulon
(2–5 Volunteers)
Wayne Becker, Community Volunteer
City of Galva
Sharon Deahl, Community Volunteer
Marshall Jones, Community Volunteer
Kewanee Community School District
Kewanee Physical Therapy & Rehab
Kewanee Real Estate
Kewanee YMCA
Roger Luft, Community Volunteer
Lyle R. Jager Agency, Inc.
Martin Engineering
Peoples National Bank of Kewanee
Union Federal Savings & Loan
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
Black Hawk College
Breedlove Sporting Goods Inc.
Maria Britt, Community Volunteer
City of Kewanee
Community State Bank
John Currier, Community Volunteer
Drew DeSutter, Community Volunteer
Madelyn Forbis, Community Volunteer
Vanessa Hall, Community Volunteer
Happy Joe’s Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor
Doug Hilgendorf, Community Volunteer
Housing Authority of Henry County
Illinois Youth Center
Jackson & Peck Financial Group, LLC
Laticia Maher, Community Volunteer
OSF Saint Luke Medical Center
Partners in Job Training & Placement
Amanda Powe, Community Volunteer
Heather Register, Community Volunteer
Royal Oaks Care Center
Laurie Schafer, Community Volunteer
Karen Sumner, Community Volunteer
Peggy Tallent, Community Volunteer
Cristina Triana, Community Volunteer
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
w w w.jahear
Teri Warner, Community Volunteer
Terry Wickey, Community Volunteer
Muscatine & Louisa
(50–89 Volunteers)
HNI Corporation
(20–29 Volunteers)
Muscatine Community School District
(12–19 Volunteers)
Monsanto Company
(6–11 Volunteers)
Bridgestone Commercial Solutions
Community Bank
First National Bank of Muscatine
Louisa-Muscatine Community School
MidWestOne Bank
Musco Lighting
SSAB Iowa, Inc.
Wapello Community School District
Washington State Bank
(2–5 Volunteers)
Active Health Chiropractic
Cafe Dodici
CBI Bank & Trust
Colonial Manor
Gerdau Ameristeel
Priscilla Haessig, Community Volunteer
Horak Insurance
Iowa State Bank
JP’s 207
Kalona Cooperative Telephone
Mediapolis Savings Bank
Members Community Credit Union
Morning Sun Elementary School
Muscatine Community College
Tammy Paetz, Community Volunteer
Peoples Trust and Savings Bank
Roger Robeson, Community Volunteer
Lilas Ross, Community Volunteer
Stanley Consultants
TriOaK Foods
Wathan Chiropractic
We Lead
West Liberty State Bank
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
A New U Salon & Spa
Brian Birkhofer, Community Volunteer
Michelle Bovenkamp, Community
Browning Construction
Paula Buckman, Community Volunteer
Carver Pump Company
City of Fruitland
Community Foundation of Greater
Connie Davey, Community Volunteer
Department of Human Services
Eastern Iowa Light and Power
Eastern Iowa Physical Therapy
Edward Jones – Birkhofer
Edward Jones – Roberts
Nancy Ekwall, Community Volunteer
Jennifer Ewart, Community Volunteer
The Family Credit Union
Farm Bureau Financial – Williams
Grain Processing Corporation
Grimm Brothers
Henderson-Barker Funeral Home
Hershberger Enterprises
Hillcrest Family Services
Hintermeister & Kundel
Hy-Vee Food Store
ISB Insurance Group, LLC
Joseph Pack N Ship
Kay L. Chapman CPA
Kent Corporation
Lanz Brothers
Dave Lanz, Community Volunteer
Tami Lanz, Community Volunteer
Liberty Communications
Mary Kay – Boysen
Mellinger Memorial Library
Mills-Thompson Insurance
Moore Plumbing & HVAC
Moose Ridge Properties
Muscatine Family Restaurant
Muscatine Power & Water Company
Oak Tree Homes
Kara O’Donnell, Community Volunteer
R.I.A. Federal Credit Union
Ruan Logistics
Saints Mary & Mathias Catholic School
Cliff Skidmore, Community Volunteer
State Farm – Vineyard
Nicole Steele, Community Volunteer
Sunshine Dental
Tony’s Tropical Pets
U.S. Bank N.A.
United Way of Muscatine
Wapello Nursing & Rehab
Washington Chamber of Commerce
Washington County Public Health &
Home Care
Robert Wehrle, Community Volunteer
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Wentwood Capital Advisors
West Liberty Foods
West Liberty High School
Wester Drug
White Pigeon Mutual Insurance
Cris Williams, Community Volunteer
Angie Woodsmall, Community
Workforce Insight
(20–29 Volunteers)
Bettendorf Community School District
UnityPoint Health – Trinity
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Michael Zeitler, Community Volunteer
Quad Cities
(2–5 Volunteers)
AAA Insurance
Allstate Insurance
Melinda Alsheikha, Community
American Rental Association
Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
James Anderson, Community Volunteer
Dottie Anselmino, Community Volunteer
APAC Customer Services Inc.
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Libbie Babka, Community Volunteer
Michelle Barber, Community Volunteer
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
(90+ Volunteers)
Davenport Community School District
Deere & Company
(30–49 Volunteers)
Deloitte LLP
Genesis Health System
MidAmerican Energy Company
Moline School District
Pleasant Valley Community School
Quad City Bank & Trust Company
Rock Island Arsenal
St. Ambrose University
U.S. Bank N.A.
(12–19 Volunteers)
Alcoa Inc.
Blackhawk Bank & Trust
Group O, Inc.
Mary Maland, Community Volunteer
McGladrey LLP
North Scott Community School District
James Slavens, Community Volunteer
United Healthcare Services Company of
the River Valley, Inc.
(6–11 Volunteers)
Aleris International
All Saints Catholic School
American Bank & Trust Company
Ascentra Credit Union
Augustana College
BITCO Insurance Companies
Black Hawk College
Center for Alcohol and Drug
Services, Inc.
City of Davenport
COUNTRY Financial – Bigham
The Family Credit Union
Genesis Systems Group, LLC
Allen Hale, Community Volunteer
Hy-Vee Food Store
I.H. Mississippi Valley Credit Union
Illinois Department of Transportation
Lee Enterprises, Inc.
Lydia Home Association
Mel Foster Company
Midland Information Resources/
Elanders Americas
Nestlé Purina PetCare
Orion Community Unit School District
Dean Parker, Community Volunteer
Quad Cities River Bandits
R.I.A. Federal Credit Union
ROWVA Central Elementary School
Russell Construction Company, Inc.
Schebler Company
Scott County Family Y
Silvis School District
Triumph Community Bank
United Township High School District
Michael Beale, Community Volunteer
Debi Becht, Community Volunteer
Cinda Beert, Community Volunteer
Bettendorf Public Library
Ellie Betzle, Community Volunteer
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the
Mississippi Valley
Big River Equipment Company, Inc.
Black Hawk Area Special Education
Boy Scouts of America, Illowa Council
Brown Mackie College
Bush Construction Company
Butler Insurance Service, Inc./Benefit
Camp Shalom
Jan Carpenter, Community Volunteer
Cara Carter, Community Volunteer
The Catholic Messenger
Chelsea Chandler, Community
Neena Chaudhry-Willis, Community
Karen Chenoweth, Community
City of Moline
City of Rock Island
Cobham Mission Systems
Colona School District
Community Action of Eastern Iowa
Continental Cement Company
COUNTRY Financial – Gorman
Curb Appeal QC, Inc.
Shana Dahlhauser, Community
Deere Employees Credit Union
DHL Global Forwarding
Jackie Diekmann, Community Volunteer
Teresa Doak, Community Volunteer
Doyle & Kennan, P.C.
DuTrac Community Credit Union
East Moline School District
Eastern Iowa Community College
Eastern Iowa Grain Inspection
Edward Jones – Smolenski
Eric Ekstam, Community Volunteer
Estes Construction
Exelon Nuclear
Familia Dental
Family Resources
Farm Bureau Financial Services
Farmer’s State Bank
First Midwest Bank, N.A.
Paul Fitzgerrel, Community Volunteer
Five Star Salon and Spa
Friendly House
General Mills, Inc.
Cindy Gilbert, Community Volunteer
Eloise Graham, Community Volunteer
Jason Hamilton, Community Volunteer
Stephanie Hammes, Community
Hancock Fabrics
Handicapped Development Center
Jennifer Hanson, Community Volunteer
Happy Joe’s Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor –
Brandy Harlan, Community Volunteer
Heart of America Group
Dale Hendricks, Community Volunteer
Chery Heriford, Community Volunteer
Hiland Toyota
Carrie Hummel, Community Volunteer
Iowa 80 Group
J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d | 2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T
Volunteer Partners
Johnson Contracting Company
Johnson Manufacturing
Subha Kalathur, Community Volunteer
George Kalemkarian, Community
Kaplan University
Amy Kayser, Community Volunteer
Keller Williams Realty
Sheila Kelly, Community Volunteer
Katie King, Community Volunteer
Knilans’ Furniture
Celia Kool, Community Volunteer
Jeanne Lamphier, Community
Lane & Waterman LLP
Mandi Lemke, Community Volunteer
Jenny Leslie, Community Volunteer
Lourdes Catholic School
Jessie Madden, Community Volunteer
Mike Maloney, Community Volunteer
Susan Marty, Community Volunteer
Susan Matos, Community Volunteer
Liz McCredie, Community Volunteer
Mercer County School District
Merrill Lynch & Company
MidWestOne Bank
Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center
Modern Woodmen of America
Robin Moralez, Community Volunteer
Morgan Stanley
Julie Mosher, Community Volunteer
Nagovan & Stieger Consultants
New Choices Inc.
Northeast National Bank
Northwest Bank & Trust Company
Olive Garden
ORA Orthopedics
Orion Gazette
OSF Medical Group
Our Savior Lutheran Church & Preschool
Palmer College of Chiropractic
PB Leiner USA
Pekin Insurance
Per Mar Security Services
Paula Phipps, Community Volunteer
Platinum Information Services, Inc.
Point Builders, Inc.
Principal Financial Group
PS3 Enterprises
QC Counselor, PLC
QC Family Focus
Quad City Powder Coating Company
Renew Moline
Jason Riesenbieter, Community
Kari Ripple, Community Volunteer
River Music Experience Museum
Riverdale School District
Rivermont Collegiate School
Richard Robertson, Community
Rock Island County Area Project
Rock Island County Court
Rock Island Lubricants & Chemicals
Rock Island/Milan School District
Jolene Roete, Community Volunteer
Ryan & Associates
Salzman International, Inc.
Sam’s Club
Sauk Valley Bank
Scott Community College
Scott County Courthouse
Scott County Health Department
Scott County Secondary Roads
Paul Seelau, Community Volunteer
Select Specialty Hospital
Senator Roby Smith – Iowa State Senate
Sentry Insurance Company
Seton Catholic School
Shawna Shields, Community Volunteer
Shive-Hattery, Inc.
South Rock Island Township
St. Paul Lutheran Church
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School
Gail Starkweather, Community
State Farm – Froeschle
State of Illinois, Appellate Court
Mike Steffen, Community Volunteer
Sunbelt Business Brokers
Larry Swemline, Community Volunteer
Jennifer Szymbroski, Community
Tennant Truck Lines, Inc.
3M Company
Townsend Engineering, Inc.
Tri-State Automatic Sprinkler
Two Rivers YMCA
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock
Island District
United States Postal Service
University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
USI Insurance
Van Meter Inc.
Myra Very, Community Volunteer
Vibrant Credit Union
Von Maur, Inc.
Melissa Von Maur, Community Volunteer
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Wells Fargo Insurance Services
Western Illinois University
Todd White, Community Volunteer
Wren Appraisal, L.C.
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
Mark Ables, Community Volunteer
Aceno Granite
Tara Acosta, Community Volunteer
Advance Imaging Center
Aerospace Control Products
Aflac Regional Office
Janet Aguilar, Community Volunteer
Aledo Police Department
Alexander Open Systems Inc.
Carrie Allison, Community Volunteer
Alwood Chiropractic Clinic
American Eagle Outfitters
American Finishing Resources
Andalusia Community Bank
Katherine Andersen, Community
Apria Healthcare
ARC Industries
Sarah Arnold, Community Volunteer
Michelle Aukes, Community Volunteer
Azer Clinic
Kelly Bachman, Community Volunteer
Back to Health Chiropractic
Jessica Bacon, Community Volunteer
Laura Bahns, Community Volunteer
Jamie Baker, Community Volunteer
Shari Baker, Community Volunteer
Chad Baltazor, Community Volunteer
Wendy Bartels, Community Volunteer
Shelley Bastian, Community Volunteer
Batteries Plus Bulbs
Marie Bauer, Community Volunteer
David N. Beebe, Community Volunteer
Amy Belken, Community Volunteer
Bellota Agrisolutions and Tools USA
Chris Benson, Community Volunteer
Bent River Brewing Company
Biddle Farms
Big Mart
Bi-State Regional Commission
Black and Gold Store
Melinda Blake, Community Volunteer
Blevins Brothers
Blink Children’s Art Studio
Blue Cat
Blue Grass Savings Bank
Blue Iquana
Body Dynamics
Richard Bohan, Community Volunteer
Rita Bohan, Community Volunteer
Bohnsack & Frommelt, LLP
Aleicia Boomer, Community Volunteer
Bowe Machine Company
Taylor Boydston, Community Volunteer
Darlene Boyles, Community Volunteer
Angela Brand, Community Volunteer
Catherine Briggs, Community Volunteer
Nancy Briggs, Community Volunteer
Mary Broderick, Community Volunteer
Dawn Brooks, Community Volunteer
Brookstone of Aledo
Barbara Brown, Community Volunteer
Kelly Brown, Community Volunteer
Laura Brown, Community Volunteer
Mary Brown, Community Volunteer
Nikki Brown, Community Volunteer
Buffalo Police Department
Buffalo Wild Wings
Doug Burke, Community Volunteer
Brandon Burkhart, Community
Debbie Burrus, Community Volunteer
Burt Clinic
Cardiovascular Medicine, P.C.
Caregiver – Homecare
Carl Sandburg College
Josh Carlson, Community Volunteer
Carquest/Advance Auto Parts
Casa QC
Brianna Casarotto, Community
Celebration River Cruises
Cell Phone City
Becky Chaffee, Community Volunteer
Karen Chambers, Community Volunteer
Sally Chapman, Community Volunteer
Rachel Chase, Community Volunteer
Children’s Therapy Center
Choice Automotive
CHR Solutions
Greta Christensen, Community
Churchill & Churchill
City of East Moline
City of East Moline Fire Department
Nichole Clark, Community Volunteer
CNH Industrial
Jim Collins, Community Volunteer
Colona District Public Library
2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T | J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d
Billie Colton, Community Volunteer
The Communication Solution
Community Health Care
Composite Armor Solutions
Jen Costello, Community Volunteer
Cottingham & Butler
Courtesy Car City
CR Cabinetry
Crop Production Services
Demetrius Cuevas, Community
Ken Curtis, Community Volunteer
Kim Curtis, Community Volunteer
Marcia Curtis, Community Volunteer
CVS Pharmacy
Dale Carnegie Training
Vanessa Dameron, Community
Data Source Appraisal
Davenport Police Department
Davenport Surgical Group
Dead Man’s Repo Company
Kim DeBlock, Community Volunteer
Rebecca DeBusschere, Community
Annabelle DeCook, Community
Melissa DelCorso, Community
Jacob Dellitt, Community Volunteer
Delphia Consulting, LLC
Design Group
Design Write Studio
Detailed Elegance
Jill Deutmeyer, Community Volunteer
Amy DeWulf, Community Volunteer
Dial Senior Living Community
Stephanie Diekema, Community
Dillender Financial
The Dispatch and Rock Island Argus
District Drugs
Dawn Dittmer, Community Volunteer
Angie Dobbels, Community Volunteer
Dollar General
Lesley Doran, Community Volunteer
Downing Architects
Heidi Doyle, Community Volunteer
Dr. Philip Bayne
Drs. Ade & Castro
Niki Duin, Community Volunteer
Tiffany Dzekunskas, Community
E & H Restoration, LLC
E.A. Lenger Designs
Earl M. Jorgensen Co.
East Moline Correctional Center
East Moline Metal Products Co.
East Moline Police Department
John Eastland, Community Volunteer
Tim Eastman, Community Volunteer
Edgerton Women’s Health Center
Edward Jones – Crocket
Edward Jones – Holtschlag
Edward Jones – Johnson
Elliott Aviation
The Employment Group
Engelbrecht Brothers Tilling
Melissa Ernat, Community Volunteer
Establishment Theatre
Percy Euring, Community Volunteer
Eye Surgeons Associates PC
Meki Falborg, Community Volunteer
Family Eye Care
Family Museum of Arts & Science
George Farley, Community Volunteer
Natalie Farwell, Community Volunteer
FCA, Inc.
Jennifer Fernandez, Community
Fidlar Technologies
First Army
First National Bank
First Trust & Savings Bank
Julie Fischer, Community Volunteer
Floral Connection
Lori Foley, Community Volunteer
Ford & Maynard Agency
Melinda Foreman, Community
Franchise Management Systems, Inc.
Freedom Home Ministries
James Frick, Community Volunteer
Rachel Fuller, Community Volunteer
Bill Gallin, Community Volunteer
Nikki Gartner, Community Volunteer
General Dynamic Info Technology
Generations Salon
Jazmyn Gentry, Community Volunteer
Geometric Americas
Chasity George, Community Volunteer
Christina George, Community Volunteer
Gerard Electric
GI Consultants
Gierke-Robinson Company
Kathleen Ginter, Community Volunteer
Josh Gipson, Community Volunteer
Kathy Gisel, Community Volunteer
Amanda Glaus, Community Volunteer
Tellina Good, Community Volunteer
Goodwill Industries
Adriana Graham, Community Volunteer
Granite City
Mary Gravert, Community Volunteer
Myrtle Graves, Community Volunteer
Great River Brewery
Holly M. Green, Community Volunteer
Janet Griffin, Community Volunteer
Group Services, Inc.
Kristie Guardia, Community Volunteer
Lisbeth Gugelmeyer, Community
Sheila Guse, Community Volunteer
H & R Block
Alisa Haedt, Community Volunteer
Casey Hamp, Community Volunteer
Hampton School District
Hand In Hand
Happy Joe’s Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor –
Harbor Light Hospice
Carol Hauser, Community Volunteer
The Hawkeye Group
Hawkeye Sports Bar
Heartland Clinic
Heartland Health Care Center
Hematology-Oncology Associate
Shawn Hensley, Community Volunteer
Mike Henson, Community Volunteer
Heritage Church
Tracy Herr, Community Volunteer
Carl Heuer, Community Volunteer
Timothy Heuer, Community Volunteer
Dawn Hickenbottom, Community
Michelle Highberger, Community
w w w.jahear
Christine Hink, Community Volunteer
William Hitchings, Community Volunteer
Lara Hodge, Community Volunteer
Nikki Holmes, Community Volunteer
Hometown Plumbing & Heating
Mindy Hoon, Community Volunteer
Horan & Barker
Hotel Blackhawk
Sara Hougland, Community Volunteer
Gma Howze, Community Volunteer
Caroline Hughes, Community Volunteer
Hungry Hobo
Kelly Hunt, Community Volunteer
Brandy Hurst, Community Volunteer
Kelsey Hutton, Community Volunteer
Illini Restorative Care/GMC Silvis
Illinois Department of Corrections
Image Corps
Immanuel Lutheran School
IMT Insurance – Chandler
Infinity Insurance Solutions
Iowa American Water Company
Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation
Iowa Illinois Office Solutions, Inc.
Iowa Machine Shed
Iowa National Guard
Isle of Capri Casino and Hotel
iWireless Center
Jack O’s Grill
Amanda Jacobs, Community Volunteer
JC Penney Salon
JD Byrider
Bob Jecks, Community Volunteer
Marcy Jecks, Community Volunteer
JMF Company
Christine Johnson, Community
Doddie Johnson, Community Volunteer
Kate Johnson, Community Volunteer
Marcia Johnson, Community Volunteer
Ryan Johnson, Community Volunteer
Barbara Johnston, Community
Jorgensen Opticians
Tricia Judge, Community Volunteer
Jump On It
Jumpin’ Joey’s
Junior Achievement USA
Just Kids Inc.
Kalb Corporation
Gopal Kasichainula, Community
Kellizio Salon
Kelly Services
KJWW Engineering Consultants
Carl Kiefer, Community Volunteer
Mary Kiefer, Community Volunteer
Libna King, Community Volunteer
Tonya Knutsen, Community Volunteer
Beth Konecne, Community Volunteer
Jennifer Kowing, Community Volunteer
The Kraft Heinz Company
Sharon Kroeger, Community Volunteer
Jessica Kuelper, Community Volunteer
Dan Kueter, Community Volunteer
Kulig Accounting, Inc.
Greta Kundel, Community Volunteer
Roxann LaBarge, Community Volunteer
Bev Lamarque, Community Volunteer
Landmark Properties
Simone Lawton, Community Volunteer
LeClaire Manufacturing Company
w w w.jahear
Melanie Ledbetter, Community
David Legler, Community Volunteer
Deedie Legler, Community Volunteer
Michelle LeMoine, Community
Lewis Machine Tool
Angela Lewis, Community Volunteer
Anita Lewis, Community Volunteer
Anne Liebbe, Community Volunteer
Lifetouch Portrait Studios
Anne Lilius, Community Volunteer
Lilly USA
Linco Refractory
Kellie Lindley, Community Volunteer
Dalton Line, Community Volunteer
Paul Lingard, Community Volunteer
Twyla Lingard, Community Volunteer
Christie Liske, Community Volunteer
Lloyd’s Plan, Inc.
Christine Loeffler, Community Volunteer
Corey Loeffler, Community Volunteer
Karen Lonergan, Community Volunteer
Conner Long, Community Volunteer
Christopher Lopez, Community
Ben Lorentzen, Community Volunteer
Staci Lovell, Community Volunteer
Jon Ludtke, Community Volunteer
Derek Luna, Community Volunteer
Lutheran Services Iowa
Lyle School
M.A. Ford Mfg. Co.
Verda MacGlahn, Community Volunteer
Shawn Mack, Community Volunteer
Joyce Madsen, Community Volunteer
Tracy Mahler, Community Volunteer
Todd Mahoney, Community Volunteer
Michelle Mahrt, Community Volunteer
Mama Bosso Pizza
Autumn Manning, Community Volunteer
Manor Care
ManpowerGroup Inc.
Sudhir Marahatta, Community
Maria Pauly Law Firm
Madelynn Markezich, Community
Julie Marley, Community Volunteer
Mary Davis Home
Massage for Spirit
Travis Matlick, Community Volunteer
Alison McCrary, Community Volunteer
Heath McCullough, Community
McDermott Construction
Nichole McDonald, Community
McDonald’s Corporation
Hope McDonnell, Community Volunteer
McGivern’s Jewelry
Jen McIntosh, Community Volunteer
Elizabeth McKee, Community Volunteer
McLaughlin Body Company
Mead Johnson Nutrition
Medical Arts Associates
Gina Mekus, Community Volunteer
Melissa Uzzell Elder Law
Treva Menke, Community Volunteer
Men’s Wearhouse
Menting Masonry
Mercer County Farm Bureau
Mercer County Health Department
Merry Sunshine Preschool
Alice Metcalf, Community Volunteer
Metropolitan Medical Laboratories
Meyer Landscape & Design, Inc.
Belinda Mielenhausen, Community
Miller Container Corporation
Kay Miller, Community Volunteer
Stephanie Miller, Community Volunteer
Kasi Miller-Dirks, Community Volunteer
Mitch Millhollin, Community Volunteer
Robin Miloch, Community Volunteer
MindFire Communications
Nancy Mingin, Community Volunteer
Ursula Miniter, Community Volunteer
Miracle Tools
Mississippi Bend Area Education
Mobile Tax Preparation
Modern Woodmen – Greiner
Ellen Mohr, Community Volunteer
Moline Kids Campus
Moline Public Library
Molyneaux Insurance, Inc.
Kevin Moninski, Community Volunteer
Christi Monson, Community Volunteer
Clare Montgomery, Community
Daryl Ann Moore, Community Volunteer
Mirela Morris, Community Volunteer
James Murphy, Community Volunteer
Maggi Myers, Community Volunteer
Gladys Navarro, Community Volunteer
Necker’s Jewelers
Nelson Brothers Agency
Nelson Chiropractic Systems, P.C.
Amy Nelson, Community Volunteer
Laura Nelson, Community Volunteer
Monica Nelson, Community Volunteer
Rhonda Nelson, Community Volunteer
New Life Fellowship
Chris Newberry, Community Volunteer
Sylvia Newcomb, Community Volunteer
Vanessa Newkirk, Community Volunteer
Taylor Newswander, Community
Bailey Niemeier, Community Volunteer
Nikulski Financial Inc.
Noah’s Ark Preschool
Northland Securities, Inc.
Northwest Mechanical
Elisabeth Norwood, Community
Edward Nunn-Swenson, Community
Oakwood Country Club
Oelerich & Associates
Gerald Offerdahl, Community Volunteer
Old Navy
Carol Oros, Community Volunteer
Osco Drug Store
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Robert Owens, Community Volunteer
Sang Park, Community Volunteer
Parr Instrument Company
Carrie Parrott, Community Volunteer
Kristy Partee, Community Volunteer
Shandy Partee, Community Volunteer
Passport Health
Jennifer Patterson, Community
Paul A. Boehle ’N Associates
Amy Paustian, Community Volunteer
Margarita Payne, Community Volunteer
Pearson Building Pursuits
Bridget Pendrak, Community Volunteer
Petersen Plumbing
Marilyn Phelan, Community Volunteer
Pier 1 Imports
Craig Piggott, Community Volunteer
Steve Ping, Community Volunteer
Terri Ping, Community Volunteer
Port Byron State Bank
Porter Services
Dan Portz, Community Volunteer
Nathan Pracht, Community Volunteer
Precision Anesthesia
Premiere Plaster & Drywall
Pulmonary Associates
Linda Pyell, Community Volunteer
QC Dentistry
QC Mart
Kelly Quayle-Piggott, Community
Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce
Quad Cities Christian School
Quad City Area Realtor Association
Quad City International Airport
Quad-City Times
Radisson Quad City Plaza Hotel
Ragan Mechanical
Christine Ragan, Community Volunteer
Philip Ramirez, Community Volunteer
Jennifer Randazzo, Community
Eric Raverty, Community Volunteer
Dejah Ray, Community Volunteer
Red Rover Day Care
Darci Redman, Community Volunteer
Dennis Reece, Community Volunteer
Larry Reese, Community Volunteer
Marissa Reese, Community Volunteer
Regis Salon
The REM Center
Katie Resig, Community Volunteer
Results Marketing Company
Hope Reynolds, Community Volunteer
Jenny Rice, Community Volunteer
Elizabeth Richards, Community
Ridgecrest Village
Keith Riewerts, Community Volunteer
Lisa Rillie, Community Volunteer
Tracy Rininger, Community Volunteer
Chuck Ripley, Community Volunteer
Risen Christ Little Blessing
Risius & Associates
River Cities Engineering, Inc.
River House Bar & Grill
River View Dental Specialists
Riverbend Food Bank
Riverside Dentistry
RiverStone Group, Inc.
RK Dixon
Robert Young Center
Toni Robertson, Community Volunteer
Rock Island County Circuit Clerk’s
Rock Island County Coroner’s Office
Rock Island Industrial
Rock Island Rehab
Rock Valley Physical Therapy
Rodan & Fields Dermatologists
Roeder Brothers Inc.
Rosalia Rojas, Community Volunteer
Royal Neighbors of America
Edith Rubalcava, Community Volunteer
Ally Ruffner, Community Volunteer
Cody Ruggles, Community Volunteer
Ruhl & Ruhl Commercial Company
Ryan Companies
Rymak Holdings Co.
Cindy Sackfield, Community Volunteer
Sadler Power Train
Salt Palace
Mike Salter, Community Volunteer
Willo Salter, Community Volunteer
Sanders Chiropractic
Donna Scalf, Community Volunteer
Laurie Schadler, Community Volunteer
Cathy Schlichting, Community
Schoenthaler Restorations
Scholtz Gowey Gere Marolf Architects
Katie Schultz, Community Volunteer
Scott County Sheriff
Beatrice Sears, Community Volunteer
The Sedona Group
Seminary Manor
7G Distributing
7th Judicial District Department of
Shack Shop
Shared IT, Inc.
Shaw Electric
Shelter Mortgage Company
Amy Sheridan, Community Volunteer
Darci Sherman, Community Volunteer
Sherrard Community School District
Sherwin Williams
Michael Shields, Community Volunteer
Barbara Shinbori, Community Volunteer
Shine Yoga & Bodyworks
Silas Willard Elementary School
Silvis Main Street
Gloria Sindt, Community Volunteer
Ski Snowstar
Skiles Driving School
Amanda Slavens, Community Volunteer
Barney Smith, Community Volunteer
Lorrie Smith, Community Volunteer
Shawna Smith, Community Volunteer
Jacob Smithers, Community Volunteer
Christine Soncarty, Community
Kim Souhrada, Community Volunteer
Southeast National Bank
Bonnie Sparks-Gray, Community
Patricia Spence, Community Volunteer
St. Ann’s Catholic Church
Laura Stahler, Community Volunteer
Standard Forwarding Company, Inc.
Diane Stanger, Community Volunteer
Christy Stansbury, Community
Gina Starr, Community Volunteer
State Farm – Gerardy
State of Iowa DHS
State Street Interiors
Erica Steiner, Community Volunteer
Jean Stephan, Community Volunteer
Krista Stevenson, Community Volunteer
Mary Stewart, Community Volunteer
Rikka Stewart, Community Volunteer
Wayne Stewart, Community Volunteer
Kim Stickell, Community Volunteer
Janelle Stieger, Community Volunteer
Tami Stineman, Community Volunteer
Kimberly Stumpf, Community Volunteer
Subway – Bettendorf
Summit Training Center
Sunshine Tours
Carilyn Swartout, Community Volunteer
J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d | 2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T
Junior Achievement of the Heartland, INC.
Volunteer Partners
Diane Swemline, Community Volunteer
Tom Swenson, Community Volunteer
Swiss Valley Farms
Amber Talbot, Community Volunteer
Linda Tank, Community Volunteer
Target Corporation
TDS Automation
Tempo Dance Studio
Tempo Marine
Terri’s Dog Styling School
Traci Thiele, Community Volunteer
Karen Thode, Community Volunteer
Erina Thomas, Community Volunteer
Leslie Thomas, Community Volunteer
Thompson’s Family RV
Julie Thompson, Community Volunteer
Joel Thompson, Community Volunteer
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Kelly Tiesman, Community Volunteer
Tiff’s Tax & More
Timmer & Associates, CPA, PC
Andrea Tollefson, Community Volunteer
Total Detailing Auto Spa
Total Maintenance, Inc.
Townsquare Media
Bob Travis, Community Volunteer
Joni Travis, Community Volunteer
Veronica Tremaine, Community
Tri-City Electric Company
Molly Truesdell, Community Volunteer
UBS Financial Services Inc.
Clare Ullrich, Community Volunteer
John Ullrich, Community Volunteer
Uncommon Ground
United Postal Service
United Way of the Quad Cities Area
Urological Associates
U.S. Cellular
U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services
Valley Bank
Valley Construction Company
Valley Meats LLC
Vander Vending
Crystal Vandernat, Community
Kim VanDuyne, Community Volunteer
Becky VanNice, Community Volunteer
Kurt VanNice, Community Volunteer
Heather VanSeveren, Community
Jane VanVooren Rogers, Community
Denise Vastine, Community Volunteer
Himabindu Velma, Community
Maria Vera, Community Volunteer
Veteran Affairs
Tanya Vick, Community Volunteer
Villa Montessori
Village of Milan
VIM Today
Melissa Vincel, Community Volunteer
Vino Van Gogh
Statements of Activities
Years Ended June 30, 2015 and 2014
Vintage Home & Family
Vizient, LLC
Katie Voelliger, Community Volunteer
Melissa Voorhis, Community Volunteer
Walcott Trust & Savings Bank
Joyce Walker, Community Volunteer
Wendy Walker, Community Volunteer
Wallace’s Garden Center
Nicole Walz, Community Volunteer
Tiffany Warner, Community Volunteer
Way Insurance Services
Valerie Waydeman, Community
Kari Weber, Community Volunteer
Emily Weeks, Community Volunteer
Jenny L. Weimer, Community Volunteer
Anita Wells-Sickler, Community
Sarah Wenck, Community Volunteer
John Westmorland, Community
W. F. Scott Decorating, Inc.
Eldon White, Community Volunteer
Hope White, Community Volunteer
Kaye White, Community Volunteer
Kermevia White, Community Volunteer
Deb Whitten, Community Volunteer
Jane Wiggins, Community Volunteer
Tami Wilcox, Community Volunteer
Williams, White & Company
Jenna Winthurst, Community Volunteer
Joni Wolf, Community Volunteer
2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T | J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d
Melissa Worley, Community Volunteer
Wesley Wright, Community Volunteer
John Wyrwas, Community Volunteer
Y & J Properties LLC
Chanie Yingst, Community Volunteer
Zaney Janie Entertainment
Lori Zillmer, Community Volunteer
Sauk Valley Area
(12–19 Volunteers)
Farmers National Bank of Prophetstown
Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital
(6–11 Volunteers)
Donaldson Company, Inc.
Wal-Mart Distribution Center
(2–5 Volunteers)
City of Morrison
Alan Clemens, Community Volunteer
Community State Bank
Dixon School District
Edward Jones – Meier
Heartland Realty
Jacobs Builders LLC
Michelle Meinsma, Community
Sauk Valley Bank
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Wipfli LLP
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
Abiding Word Christian Center
Maria Bettner, Community Volunteer
CGH Medical Center
City of Rock Falls
COUNTRY Financial – Reed
COUNTRY Financial – Repass
Dana Corporation
HALO Branded Solutions
Illinois Bank & Trust
Morrison Community Hospital
Raynor Manufacturing Company
Security Plus Wireless US Cellular
St. John’s Lutheran Church
UPM Raflatac, Inc.
U.S. Bank N.A.
Verizon Communications Inc.
Wahl Clipper Corporation
Tri-State Area
(30–49 Volunteers)
John Deere Dubuque Works
(12–19 Volunteers)
U.S. Bank N.A.
w w w.jahear
(6–11 Volunteers)
Diane Bieber, Community Volunteer
Dubuque Bank and Trust
East Dubuque Savings Bank
John & Jacquie Etienne, Community
Keith Govier, Community Volunteer
Sue Steinbach-Johannsen, Community
Superior Welding and Supply Company
TM Logistics, Inc.
Travel Headquarters
United Country Heartland
Hollie Werner, Community Volunteer
Woodward Communications
(2–5 Volunteers)
American Trust & Savings Bank
Bellevue State Bank
Benchmark Capital Group LTD
Community Foundation of Greater
Conlon Construction
Cottingham & Butler
Dubuque Community School District
Dupaco Community Credit Union
DuTrac Community Credit Union
Eagle Window & Door, Inc.
East Central Intergovernmental
Edward Jones – Curran
Grand Harbor Resort and Waterpark
Great River Learning
Heartland Financial USA, Inc.
Honkamp Krueger & Company, P.C.
IIW Engineers & Surveyors, P.C.
LabStrong Corporation
McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Office Supplies 2U
Pinnacle Cellular and Satellite
Prudential Financial
Rainbo Oil Company
Rentech Nitrogen
Sedgwick Claims Management
Services, Inc.
Stonehill Care Facility
Dian Wilson, Community Volunteer
Warren County
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
A. Y. McDonald Manufacturing
B-1 Yoga
Berry Plastics
Buchheit Tax Services
Cheryl Ann’s Bridal Ltd.
City of Cascade
City of Dubuque
Clarke University
Dakota News
Diamond Jo Casino LLC
Eagle Point Software
Eide Bailly LLP
EXIT Realty Dubuque
Fairfield Inn
Fidelity Bank and Trust
Finley Hospital
Healthy Living Chiropractic
Hy-Vee Food Store
IntegrUS Credit Union
ITC Midwest
Kurtz Communication
Meineke Car Care
Midwest Business Products
Northeast Iowa Community College
Novelty Iron Works
RA Enterprises, LLC
Schultz Family Dentistry
w w w.jahear
(2–5 Volunteers)
Citizens Bank – a Division of Morton
Community Banks
I.H. Mississippi Valley Credit Union
Al Kulczewski, Community Volunteer
Midwest Bank of Western Illinois
Security Savings Bank
State Farm – Ferguson
West Central Elementary
Friends of Junior Achievement
(1 Volunteer)
Brandy Adams, Community Volunteer
Linda Brownlee, Community Volunteer
Henderson County Court House
Henderson County Sheriff’s Office
Patricia Howe, Community Volunteer
Bob Onion, Community Volunteer
OSF Holy Family Medical Center
Ronald Shaw, Community Volunteer
The Village Hub
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
2014 Revenues and other support
Contributions Corporate $ 621,415$
Individual 86,536
Foundation 429,688
Total contributions
Special events
Gross revenue
$ 397,394$
Expenses (140,454)
Special events net $ 256,940$
Contributions – in kind
$ 134,795$
Interest income
Realized gains on sale of investments
Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments
Loss on disposal of property and equipment
Net assets released from restrictions –
satisfaction of program restrictions
Total revenues and other support$
Program expenses
High schools $ 106,970$
Middle grades 109,752
Elementary schools 393,719
JA World 207,062
Total program services expenses $ 917,570
$ 954,292
Supporting services:
$ 401,228$
Management and general 337,512
Total supporting services expenses
$ 738,740$
Total functional expenses $1,656,310$
Other expense – depreciation
Total expenses 86,212$
Increase (decrease) in net assets
Net assets at beginning of year 1,595,150
Net assets at end of year$ 1,551,703$ 1,411,474
J u n i o r A c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e H e a r t l a n d | 2 0 14 -2 0 15 A N N U A L R E P O R T
Thank You!
Junior Achievement of the
Heartland gratefully acknowledges
these 2014-2015 Anuual Report
production partners:
Design and Layout
Junior Achievement of the
Heartland has made every effort to
make the 2014-2015 Annual Report
accurate – it is one small way in which
we can recognize our many valued
contributors. If your name has been
omitted, misspelled, or misplaced, we
apologize. Please contact the JA office
with questions or corrections.