End of the year newsletter - Cambridge International School


End of the year newsletter - Cambridge International School
Cambridge International School
Director’s Foreword
We hope you are all enjoying the summer.
As we look forward to the Cambridge results for this year’s graduating class (the first full class completing our school programme), I am very pleased to bring you some excellent news from the first individual A Level graduate of our school. Bin Yi Zhang finished here three years ago, completing A Levels in Business Studies, Mathematics and Further Mathematics. Bin has been studying at the University of East Anglia in the UK for a degree in Business Finance and Economics. He has achieved the
outstanding result of a first class honours degree – the highest award available at the first degree level. He has another piece of great news too; the university has awarded him a scholarship to undertake
a higher degree in Economics! So very well done Bin – I am sure many at the school will remember
you and wish to pass on their congratulations too.
Enjoy the rest of the summer and see you all back in September.
Peter Radoja
Upcoming events 2
What’s happening around CIS 3
Past events 6
Competitions 10
We had a fabulous end of the year full of many
activities you can read about in this newsletter. It
Your children in action 12
passed really fast though and we are halfway
through the summer holidays now getting a lot of
Secondary school 17
‘Explore with Cambridge’ photos you can check
on our FB page. Thank you!
Talent corner 22
Upcoming events
2.9.2016 | Introduction Day
28.9.2016 | International
All our new students and their parents are invit-
Award Meeting
ed to come to the school, see how it works and
An introductory meeting for new participants
meet their teachers before the official start. Par-
and their parents.
ents will have a chance to speak with the teachers of their children, find out more about the
school and its daily routines, and ask questions.
6.-8.10.2016 | International
Award Hike
5.9.2016 | First School Day
Autumn term 2016 starts at 8:30. We expect all
13.10.2016 | Welcoming party
the students to arrive by 8:15 at the latest.
We would like to invite you to our traditional
Welcoming party for all of our students and
parents. As usual, there will be workshops and
12.-14.9.2016 | Information
fun activities you can participate in together
Open Evenings
with your children. Pumpkin carving won’t be
Parents will have a chance to meet the class
missing this year either! However, it wouldn’t
teachers of their children in an open meeting.
be possible to organise the event without the
They will share all the important information
help of you, our parents.
about the new school year and how the class
will work.
20.-21.10.2016 | Book Fair
15.9.2016 | Public Holiday
28.10.2016 | Halloween
School will be closed.
31.10.-4.11.2016 | Autumn Hol-
22.-24.9.2016 | International
Award Hike
School will be closed.
What’s happening around CIS
Another school year ending
2015/16 has been another successful school year, but
as it goes at the end of the summer term, we have to
say goodbye to leaving students and staff and enjoy a
well-earned long rest over the summer.
We would like to wish the following staff the very best
on the next stage of their careers: Denisa Križanská,
Claire Smith, Veronika Darwell, Bronislav Novák, Eva
Bystričanová plus part-time teachers Cyril Babal, Eva
Fendeková, Michael Frontczak and Mercedes Ramos.
We would like to particularly thank Ms Denisa and
Ms Claire for putting their hearts, brains as well as so
much time and effort into the school to make it better
in every respect. You’ve done an amazing job!
Now we look forward to all the new students, parents,
staff and all the exciting adventures that await us .
Brány školy opúšťajú študenti Year 13P
Ako to už býva zvykom, všetko má svoj začiatok i svoj koniec. Posledné dni v priestoroch našej školy
trávia naši najstarší študenti z Y13P. Spomínam si, ako som niektorých z nich začala učiť ako malých
štvrtáčikov (Y5). Čas plynie ako voda, a tak po úspešnom absolvovaní štúdia, zloženia IGCSE, AS/A
Level skúšok i maturitnej skúšky zo slovenského jazyka sa mnohí z nich rozhodli pokračovať v štúdiu
na univerzitách po celom svete.
Milí študenti, stávate sa žiakmi jednej veľkej školy, ktorej sa hovorí život. Každý deň nám dáva
možnosť naučiť sa niečo nové. Buďte na seba nároční, nezatvárajte oči pred svojimi chybami, ale
pokúste sa ich napraviť. Robte veci preto, že sú správne a nie preto, že sa to nosí. A ako povedal
známy slovenský spisovateľ a textár Kamil Peteraj: ,, Život treba žiť, treba ho žiť aktívne. Každá
chvíľa, ktorá Vám ujde alebo ktorú ste prepásli, je ako keby ste niečo zo života stratili. Treba si nájsť
v živote také miesto, aby ste sa v ňom cítili nie komfortne, ale aby jeho obsah a forma spolu súviseli.
Život je na to, aby sa žil. Zo všetkých slabostí, zo všetkých síl.“
(Ms Lucia Pauková, Year 13P Class Teacher)
International Award
The final Bronze Award hike and Qualifying Journey will take place in September, but we are already
beginning to make plans and expect many of the participants to be ready then to move on to Silver.
We are also beginning to plan for the next Bronze team who will start in October. This group is open
to all CIS students over 14 not currently involved in the programme and we have already had a number of Year 7 students express an interest. Once the new school year begins we will be inviting parents
and students to attend an Award introduction meeting to explain the programme and the benefits to
participants. Enjoy the photographs from the Bronze Award hike—25 kms over 2 days in the Low Carpathians and camping in Kuchyna .
(Mr Andrew Melia, Award Leader)
Linda has been working at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, translating articles which will appear in their promotional magazine. She's pictured
here in the office, holding a previous publication. Natalia has enjoyed scan-
Year 11 work experience
ning and archiving contracts and official documents at Bratislava SelfRe-
Year 11S have exper ienced an extr em ely
gion. Alina, Jan and Fedor meeting the Deputy Prime Minister (Peter Pelle-
busy month... After completing their IGCSE ex-
grini) whilst working for the Slovak Office of Government. Michal tried how
it is to work at the British embassy in Bratislava.
aminations, they discovered more about their
AS level choices for next year by attending taster sessions for each of the subjects on offer
(including some which are completely new to
them). They then had the opportunity to experience the real world of work through an internship week organised by the school. Students
discovered more about what it's like to work in
organisations such as The British Embassy, The
Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Acaimania,
ESET, local political and educational institutions, a local haulage company and the Office of
Slovak Government. Throughout the week, they
were able to put into practice many of the skills
that they've developed at school and apply them
in a real working environment, many for the
first time. They're now looking forward to a well
-deserved restful summer break before they receive their IGCSE results and embark on their
chosen AS level courses in September.
(Ms Claire Smith, Year 11S Class Teacher)
Past events | Cambridge Factor & Talent Show
All the students had a chance to present their talents in front of the whole school at the end of the year,
and we have so many talented children! We enjoyed watching our musicians, singers, martial artists,
dancers and stand-up comedians profoundly. Primary children taking music instrument lessons also
showed us how much progress they've made since the beginning of the school year.
Sport Days
A day full of sport, games and fun for both our Primary and Secondary students at the very end of the
school year. We ran, jumped, laughed, tried our best to throw as far as possible, competed as teams,
and generally just had a fabulous time . Secondary students played a football match against our
teachers, and had absolutely no trouble defeating them!
Art and Music Afternoon
Our school garden was filled up with sunshine, laughter and good music during yet another of our Art
and Music Afternoons. This year's theme was 'The world around us', and students performed their
original versions of popular songs. We then took a look at the art children had created.
All of us enjoyed yummy Acaico ice creams afterwards—thank you to Mr Packa and Mrs Packová!! 
Adults could have some lovely coffee after the dessert, and we would like to thank ATC for bringing so
many various types of coffee including coffee tea and coffee in a cup made out of a biscuit .
Our special guest, Thomas Puskailer. Thank you for making this afternoon even more exceptional!
Shakespeare festival
We celebrated Shakespeare's 400th anniversary from his death. Students from Year 7P, 8F, 9T, 10F
and 10K led by Mrs Joceline Powter performed their original and incredibly entertaining versions of
Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and A Merchant of Venice. They were all
amazing - like professional actors! More photographs on our FB page.
We had a special visitor too—Mr Andrew Garth,
British ambassador to the Slovak Republic. He enjoyed the show so much that he was crying with
laughter .
Cambridge team emerge victorious in football finals
Our secondary football team won the Bratislava District I School Jednota Football Cup title and proceeded to the Region Finals. The Cambridge fighting spirit fuelled our team's desire to win. The Cambridge Team: Jason – Y11, Sam, Pablo, Laco, David – Y10, Matej, Danil, Egor – Y9 and Matej, Amir
–Y7. Well done to the football team for reaching the Regional Finals and coming 5th place. A fantastic
achievement for these young footballers. Well-done boys.
Congrats Cambridge track athletes
The Cambridge track and field team finished a great tournament. Approximately 200 athletes took
part in the Bratislava Region I School's Track and Field Athletic Tournament on 25. May 2016. Anna
(Y10K) took the second place only with 0.58 seconds behind the first runner in the 800m run with
the time 3:07.84! Rebeca and Nina (Y10F) finished in the best 10 in the 300m, Bibi (Y9T), Rebeca
and Barča (Y10F) in the best 20 in the 60m Sprint. Arthur (Y8F) presented his best in cricket ball
throw and shot put. Our 4x60m girls relay team finished on the 8th place with 38.51 seconds. What
a great effort for participation! Congrats to everybody!
(Mr Peter Hodossy, Teacher of PE)
UNESCO Art competition
The last weeks of school students were creating work for submitting to the UNESCO and the Nineteenth Annual Peace Pals International Art Competition. The artwork of children and teenagers is
touring the world since many years as part of the International Peace Pals Art Exhibition, continuing
to inspire the globe hearts of youth and adults alike with the message of peace: "May Peace Prevail
On Earth". The 2016 theme is entitled Oness with Diversity and is inspired by the Fuji Declaration.
Our students of different age groups enjoyed the challenge and created fantastic work. Here is an example: artwork from Kajka (Y6S). Year 6 students also mastered techniques for using oil pastels,
whilest creating these beauitful close up animal portraits. Good job everyone!
(Mrs Csilla Conticello, Teacher of Art)
Your children in action
Year 2Ds have had a w onder fu l
Primary school
half term finding out all about Space. We researched many interesti
g information about the planets and
found out a lot about our Solar Sys-
tem as well as the Space travel. We
had a cosmic classroom with Tim Peake where we joined many other
children around the UK who interviewed this jolly astronaut.
The children have also written some
lovely poems about Space. They have
also shared stories about Space and
they wrote their own versions of the
Man on the Moon. We ended our
Science half term with our Assembly
where we celebrate and shared all the
(Mrs Veronika Darwell, Year 2D Class Teacher)
things we have learned.
There is no better time than spring to head out on a marvelous
mini beast „hunt”. In Year 2S, we do lots of inquiry-based learning which unfolds through meaningful conversations and actions
we have. We explored nature to collect scientific facts about mini
beasts and their habitats. The children had so much fun looking
for creepy crawlies under logs and stones, in the soil, or spotting
them in the air. Moreover, the children moved around like the
insects, flapped their arms like the wings of a butterfly, buzzed
like a bee, or moved slow like a snail. All of these activities were
used for creative writing activities which included lots of doing,
describing and naming words! Next time you go to the woods or
play in your garden, try and find some mini beasts. Where do
they like to hide? How many did you discover? 
(Mrs Katarína Múčková, Year 2S Class Teacher)
This term Year 3B have worked very hard to review all
the work that we have covered this year. Pupils have
been creative in their revision by making up games,
posters, quizzes and other challenges for partners or
the rest of the class. Pupils demonstrated their learning
most impressively when they prepared Science lessons
to teach to Year 2. The class worked in groups on a given area of Science: Living Things; Materials and Prop-
erties; Springs and magnets; and Forces. They created
well-structured and very informative lessons which including clear Learning outcomes, new facts, games and
challenges to test the students’ knowledge at the end of
the lesson. It was great to see the class demonstrate
their knowledge and the maturity that they have gained
as the year has progressed. Well done!
(Ms Sarah Bell, Year 3B Class Teacher)
Year 3W w er e ver y bu sy m aking su r e they r em em ber all o f inter esting things that they
learned and practising all the useful skills they have acquired in the final weeks.
We had a visitor from Wales. Mr Wells’ mother. She taught the class a PSHE / drama lesson about a
boy who wanted to be a football player. It was very enjoyable.
The children have been modelling junk to create wonders of the world.
During International day, the children did Indian themed activities which were lots of fun!
(Mr David Wells, Year 3W Class Teacher)
As you might know, in Year 4M,
we did some sponsored silence
through which we were able to collect enough money to buy and protect ONE ACRE of threatened wilderness habitat and all its wildlife
or in other words a piece of a rain
forest. This rain forest is located in
South America. We even have a
certificate for that. We are the
proud owners and savers of an
acre of a rainforest.
(Mr Masoud Motlagh, Year 4M Class Teacher)
Year 4F w or ked extr em ely har d befor e and du r ing their Cam br idge tests an d they gained results they should be very proud of. Due to this hard work, not only during their exams but
throughout the whole school year, they were rewarded with a plethora of trips and activities.
We went to The Haus der Musik where they learnt how to be composers, experienced what it was
like being in their mother’s womb, saw sound vibrations in action and completed other interesting,
interactive activities.
In Horsky Park we had a wonderful picnic and they learnt a new game where they had to dodge, hide, sprint, use tactical ploys to ‘Capture the Flag’ from the other team’s base. Although ‘danger’ and
excitement made tensions grow high, in other team building activities they took part in the classroom and gym, I’ve never seen a class support and encourage each other as much. Well done and
thank you Year 4F for an excellent year! Have great summer!
(Mrs Amy Funnell, Year 4F Class Teacher)
The children in Year 5J class learned about light and shadows this month in Science. They had an
opportunity to conduct quite a few experiments where they tested how light behaves with different
materials, how we can change the direction of light, which materials make the darkest shadows, how
to change the size of the shadow and a few others.
(Mr Jason Harrison, Year 5J Class Teacher)
In Year 5E the children have been learning about WWII in Topic lessons. They learned out about
The Blitz and evacuation and compared different ways how people tried to protect themselves during this awful time. After discussing the pros and cons of different types of shelters, the children
agreed that Anderson shelters were the safest and most comfortable. In the photos below you can
see the children making their own models of these shelters. Even though this project was not easy to
manage, it was a great chance for the children to improve their ability to work with others, to increase their tactile skills; it challenged them to communicate, plan and prepare, and to think creatively.
(Mrs Edita Harrison, Year 5E Class Teacher)
Thirty intrepid adventurers from Year 6 have returned fitter than ever after an action-packed four
days at Nature School. The children had a wonderful time, enjoying a wide range of activities including archery, swimming, a ceramics workshop, volleyball, scooter racing, disc golf and, of course,
football. Hiking was a key part of the week, with
one steep, hearty hike up to Velka Homola where
most children were brave enough to climb the giddyingly high observation tower. Our second hike
was shorter and flatter but much hotter, although
luckily it ended at an ice-cream shop, so flagging
spirits were quickly restored.
Camp night may not have involved much sleep,
but everyone enjoyed sitting round the fire grilling
sausages and making ‘smores’. Learning survival
skills included making fire, purifying water and
eating wild plants. With some trepidation, we tested a method for eating nettles without being
stung, before adopting this delicious treat as our
favourite snack of the day. Paddle-boarding on the
lake was a hugely popular activity, with everyone
mastering the skill during a circuit of the lake before the graceful, peaceful scene became a mass of
splashes and squeals as pirates scrambled aboard.
Ms Lucia and Ms Iva organised a fantastic disco
party that was a great end to the week and the students used their creativity to make their own fancy
-dress costumes. Most importantly, nearly all of
the children demonstrated a truly positive attitude
and made the most of every opportunity by participating fully, trying new things and taking on challenges. The teamwork, responsibility and cooperation shown by almost everyone was outstanding,
definitely making the staff feel that an exhausting
week had been very worthwhile!
(Ms Zoe Higginbotham, Year 6H Class Teacher)
Secondary school
The most exciting and successful outcome in English during this final term was definitely the celebration of Shakespeare's 400th anniversary from his death in 1616 to 2016. After a term of studying a
variety of Shakespeare's plays; 7P: A Midsummer Night's Dream, 8F: Macbeth, 9T: Romeo and Juliet
and 10F/K: The Merchant of Venice, the students were able to master the language and bring the
page to stage. Not only did the students act out some of Shakespeare's most famous characters, but
also had the opportunity to adapt and interpret scenes in their own words.
Year 7P tr anspor ted u s to the m agical w oods w ith m ischievo u s fair ies, jealou s lover s
and passionate comical actors where the course of true love never did run smooth.
Year 8F tr anspor ted u s to the m yster iou s w or ld of w itches, battlefields of soldier s,
bloody beheadings of traitors and manipulative motives for Macbeth. This was further outlined by
Shakira (Han Gyu) manipulating Pique (Tomas Beddowes) to become the no.1 footballer.
Year 9T tr anspor ted u s to the str eets of New Y or k, bu sker s, basketball player s and the
political rivalry of Donald Trump (Jakub G.), Clinton (Kornel) and Obama (Laura). All with Shakespeare's bawdy humour and banter to contrast the high romance between Romeo and Juliet played
sensitively by Nela, Barbara, Ella, Jakub U. and a most passionate Juliet by Max.
Year 10 tr anspor ted u s to Venice w h er e Por tia (Antonia) descr ibed h er su itor s to her
maid (Barbara) with the likes of Juaraj's muscles, Sam's football skills, Dominik's shy tactics, Robbie's drunk tactics and Ramon's buffoonery. This was followed by a selection of Students' own monologues (when Shylock was not given his final speech) and emotionally expressed by Anna Maria,
Petrana, Matej and David. Last but not least, Antonia concluded the scene with Shylock's most famous monologue which questions prejudices and demonstrate how Shakespeare is timeless.
The festival took place in the CIS garden with its slide and balcony as the main set. I hope we can
transport you again next year for another selection of plays. Have a great summer.
(Mrs Joceline Powter, Teacher of English Language and Literature)
The end of the year was a very busy time for all year groups; with A – levels, iGCSEs and the Cambridge Tests. I wish all the Year 13s and Year 11s the best of luck in their results, as they have all
worked incredibly hard this year and should do themselves proud.
Before their Cambridge Tests, the Year 7 and 8s created and presented several fantastic presentations on analysing the impact of changes that have most affected us as a civilisation since the end of
the Second World War. We had presentations on a few incredibly interesting topics, including; energy and climate change, social technology, the transformation of music, the rise of terrorism, the
internet and the changes in how we fight wars. The standard of these pieces of work was excellent
and it just shows how far these students have come during this year at Cambridge.
(Mr Kim Fendley, Teacher of History)
Now he has completed his first year here, Mr Funnell would like to thank all of the students for making him feel so welcome in school, and for getting stuck into (what he believes!) is the best subject
ever. He has been highly impressed with the amount & quality of the work completed in secondary
geography lessons, and he hopes the students feel that they each have at least learnt something interesting.
Mr Funnell would like to say a special thank you to his year 13 Geography class – Ari, Chris, Dori,
Katka, Linda, Palo & Timmy… it has been an absolute pleasure for him to teach the seven of you and
he would like to wish you all the very best for the future. They have been nothing short of excellent
this year.
In Geography, students have been encouraged to use Edmodo this year as a way of taking their geographical learning beyond the classroom. Below are his two favourite (and unexpected!) uses for Edmodo by students this year…
1. Yoon Sung (Year 8F) took great pleasure in sending the group geography jokes from time to
time. Take a look at some of his best and see for yourselves…
2. Geography students at CIS
seem to have gone cloud crazy by taking pictures of
clouds on their travels and
then naming them...
(Mr Andrew Funnell, Teacher of Geography)
As you know atoms are the basis for everything in
the Universe. During your study you only need to
remember the three basic parts of an at-
om: electrons, protons, and neutrons. But did you
know that physicists have already found many super-tiny atomic particles? For example, protons
and neutrons are made from quarks, which can
have interesting names: e.g. up, down, charm or
Students from Year 11S started to learn about
these sub-atomic particles during one of their AS
Physics pilot lessons. They created models of different sub-atomic particles using tiny spheres
(quarks) made out of plasticine and also their
brains so that everything doesn’t get mixed up. If
they wanted they could eventually create some
parallel universe with different structure than our
Universe has. And who knows what would happen
(Ms Simona Stesňáková, Teacher of Physics)
Students from Year 10K were measuring the speed
of chemical reaction by a special method. The colour of the solution was changing during the reaction from colourless to bright yellow. Sulphur was
formed during the reaction and caused this colour
(Mr Bronislav Novák, Teacher of Chemistry)
A trip to Berlin
This year classes Year 9T, Year 8F and some students from Year 7P have chosen a trip to the entertainment park called Heidepark Soltau and Berlin. Ever since we have chosen this trip, all the students were very excited about it. We were hoping for a nice weather to make sure we can make the most of it.
First day at the entertainment park was absolutely fabulous. In the morning it was a bit cloudy but
then the weather has changed and as you can see from these pictures, water attractions were lots of
fun for many of our students. I guess the best was when they were aiming the water cannon at their
teachers. All of the attractions were exciting and scary and fun to try out.
The next day in Berlin was also very interesting. We have visited some of interesting places you can
find in this lively and interesting town. Although our students were a bit tired from the previous day,
they were holding up really well and enjoyed the sunny day. Visiting this town for one day definitely is
not enough but we have completed our main objective: to widen the horizon of interesting places and
culture for our students with another beautiful town and its sights.
We came home tired but happy we could spend some time together outside the school premises what
connects our students and teachers on a different level a bit more. I am very proud of all our students
that participated on this trip because we, teachers, could rely on their good character and they were
doing their best to follow our instructions and safety rules.
I also would like to thank, Ms Lucia Paukova, Ms Dominika Bozoova and Mr Kim Fendley for their
amazing patience and work during this trip. It is a real pleasure to have such great colleagues. They
made the trip and enjoyable experience for all of us.
Thank you very much to all students and teachers for this unforgettable trip.
(Ms Elena Turoňová, Year 9T Class Teacher)
Physical Education
Secondary students had a busy and exciting term at
school learning the basics of badminton. Students had
training sessions for 6 weeks and our aim was to revive
their interest in the sport. I have seen a lot enthusiasm
among the students during the sessions. I’ve had a
good response from all of the children, really, and
quite a lot of questions. I am trying to get them to enjoy it and not see it as just hitting a birdie, as they call
it, over the net. When I was with the kids they asked at
what age they should start training, obviously thinking
at what point it would be too late, but it is never too
late. It’s the ability you have and the willingness to
learn that will affect whether you make it or not.
(Mr Peter Hodossy, Teacher of PE)
Talent corner
Barbara Lechnická, o u r Y ear 11 stu den t is an o ther pr o o f o f ho w talen ted o u r pu pils
are. She manages school, daily trainings and frequent competitions with a constant massive smile on
her face, and is a pleasure to have in the class! Thank you to Mrs Lechnická for sharing how their life
looks like with us:
Barbi started horse riding when she was 9 years old when a friend from the neighbourhood invited
her to go riding. We decided to buy her own horse after a year of riding various horses. La Grander
turned this hobby into a passion. He brought her a lot of victories in the very first season as well as a
bad injury, when she fell off him and broke her spine. However, despite this incident Barbi managed
to win the 2nd place in Slovak championship in teams’ category. She finished second in international
competition CSI in Pezinok and became a part of the Slovak national team. It was time to set up a
new goal after all these successful achievements, and Barbi decided to qualify for the European
championship in 2014.
In order to make the training more intense we bought her another horse; Calvin, and started to cooperate with MVDr. Juraj Hanulay, a trainer and a legend in horse riding. They qualified for international competition abroad and for European championship in Arezza after a year of intense trainings.
Unfortunately Barbara couldn’t take part in the competition as she broke her spine again only a
month before the championship during a training. It was harder to come back to the saddle after
that. This is why we decided to ask for help from Mr Boris Boor, another legend, who won a silver
medal in the Olympic games in Barcelona and represented Austria on multiple occasions. Under his
leadership Barbi managed to qualify for European championship again, this time with both horses.
She was very happy about her victory in the international races CSI in Ebreichsdorf. As her horse got
sick, she couldn’t fulfil her dream of being a part of the top 30 riders at European championship in
Wiener Neustadt, but we are hoping she qualifies for the European championship 2017 in Šamorín
Barbi trains in Obersiebenbrunn, Austria every day. She rides up to four different horses a day – hers
and her trainer’s. She comes back home at 20:30 in the evening and then gets a chance to rest and
prepare for school. She takes part in competitions during two weekends in a month. It is very important for the horses to race and learn to get used to unfamiliar environment quickly in order to be
successful. She needs to take proper care of her horses too. They are top sport horses and need to
have appropriate nutrition, exercise and rest. They are also our family pets and taking care of them is
relaxing for us. All in all, the hardest part of what Barbi does were the severe injuries. It wasn’t easy
to overcome the fear after the second one. She can’t imagine her life without the horses, whom she
loves and the rush of adrenaline when jumping.
Connect with us here:
P: +421 2 207 206 79
M: +421 918 121 892
E: school@cambridgeschool.eu