October 2014 - Guru Nanak Multi Academy Trust


October 2014 - Guru Nanak Multi Academy Trust
Autumn 2014 - Issue 6
Guru Nanak Sikh Academy Newsletter
Students at Guru Nanak Sikh Academy deserve to be
congratulated on their achievements, in this
year’s GCSE and A Level examinations. Against a
well-publicised backdrop of reforms to
qualifications taken by 16 year olds, it is pleasing
to report that the school achieved a strong set of
results which will enable the students to progress
on to the next stage of their education with
It was wonderful to see so many happy faces on results day
and all of the students should be extremely proud of their
Despite a national fall in the percentage of students
achieving A*-C in English, 85% of our students
achieved a grade C or better. As you can see from
the photographs both Harleen Motizada and Lakshya
Sethi (our current head girl and boy) achieved 11
We are delighted that over seventy students have
decided to return to the Sixth form. We had an
increase in our average point score at A level this year,
with our Y13 students achieving an average point score of
785. Our two top performing students, Rajpal Soor
(13HN) and Amrik Sangha (13KL), achieved at
least A grades in all of their A and AS levels. Over
90% of our students have taken up University
places this year.
Every student contributed so much to the school
community in their time here and we wish them all
the very best for the future.
Please see back page for important dates.
My first impressions of being a Y7 student.
Excitement was in the air every time I thought about the fact that I
would be joining Guru Nanak Sikh Academy (GNSA). I was
really looking forward to starting as I had heard so much about the
school. I was extremely keen to see what the school was like in
reality. Furthermore, my four sisters had also studied at GNSA and they had told me that it is a
fabulous school. This is a short account of my first impression of GNSA.
There was one more day left and I couldn’t wait to start. Despite the fact I was
excited, I was also very anxious. This was because everybody around me was new to me. I
was just about to go to sleep, when I quickly tried on my uniform to see if it fitted and luckily it
fitted perfectly. So, I went to sleep at 8:30pm with a positive mood thinking
tomorrow will be a new chapter of my life and an amazing day.
It was the first day of secondary school! I was feeling a bit worried, but my parents cheered me
up. When we arrived I saw the building and was astonished as I did not realise the building
would be so big. In comparison to my primary school, GNSA is gigantic. I was interested to be
told by some pupils from the school that the school is not that big for a secondary school. On
the other hand, in my opinion I definitely thought it was massive.
Lastly, making new friends was a real challenge for me as everywhere I was looking I could see
all new faces. I have big expectations from the school and I am confident that the school has
expectations of me. Finally, I hope to make both the school and myself proud!
Article written by Amrit Mann Y7GM
My Experience: Visiting Garib Niwaj School, New Delhi.
During the summer holidays, I was privileged to visit the Garib
Niwaj School in Delhi, India. There we were welcomed by
Mrs. Komal, the Head Teacher, who has volunteered to do seva
at that school. She introduced us around the school. The school
has classes up to Y6 and also has other facilities such as
laboratories, computer rooms, etc. There was also
construction work happening there to extend the school up to
Y12. The children were very keen to study and well behaved.
They wished us good morning
and also appreciated our help
And support. We were lucky
enough to do langar seva for the
children. For most of the pupils, the
food they had there was the only meal of the day they
consumed, as their families could not afford it.
We went to one of the slums that these children came
from, it was upsetting to see the lifestyle they had. It
was an eye-opener, a family of nine people stayed in a
small store room. They also had their bath and kitchen
in this space. It was so upsetting to see that people had
a life like that. But, with Babaji’s help and our support
these families and children are getting a better life. As
the children can get free education and get better job for
the future. So, I hope all of us continue helping them as
those children would appreciated it lots.
Article written by Divjyot Grewal Y10SN
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
Library and Literacy News
The new term is always an exciting time in the Library. New
library cards are given out to the Y7 students and new
members of our VI form, and to our delight they are being well
This term there have been a few changes in school, such as
DEAR Friday (Drop Everything and Read) on a Friday during
registration. The Library has extended this to Friday lunchtimes
when we have reading groups. It is the one day in the busy
week where no computers, printing or photocopying is allowed
in the Library…..just reading. It is a lovely calm environment
to read for pleasure.
We have also introduced ‘Mystery Book Wednesday.’ Books are wrapped in old newspaper so
students cannot read the “blurb” or look at the cover. Students do not know anything about
the book that they are given and just have to promise that they will read it. It has been
extremely popular and very exciting. In this first half-term
alone the Library has issued over 2000 books to students, the
vast majority being issued on a Mystery Wednesday.
Mrs. Williams would like to remind everyone to make use of the
Eclipse program and Britannica to help you search for
In the coming term the Library will be launching ‘Hillingdon
Book of the Year’ for our Y7 students. Some students have
already shown an interest in taking part and if you would like
to participate, pop along to see Mrs. Williams in the Library.
Next half term will see our first Literacy day across both phases
of the Academy (Primary and Secondary). This will take place
on the 5th December and will have a ‘Charles Dickens’ theme.
This will tie in with Y9 reading A Christmas Carol in their English
lessons but many different activities will take place in all subjects for different year groups.
Charles Dickens Day!
Did you know that Dickens
would have been 202 years old
this year? Celebrate all things
Dickens with the library and in
your lessons! Friday 5th
December 2014.
Y9 students, this will be your
next textbook!
Well done to 7JN who won the spelling
competition for Green House!!
Articles written by
Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Dhillon
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
English Department
Do you think you could be a journalist?
Investigating the nitty-gritty? Finding out
the truth and broadcasting it to the world?
Research and write a feature article for a
newspaper or magazine on an issue that you’re passionate about and you could win
book vouchers, a tablet computer and be published in First News, a newspaper for kids
with over a million readers!
What are we looking for?
A winning entry will…
 Be thoroughly researched.
 Consider the audience of the article (readers of First News).
 Demonstrate passion for and interest in the subject matter.
 Be structured effectively (easy to follow, good use of headings etc.).
 Effectively use language to put the main points across.
All you writers of the truth better get a move on and get your
submission into Mr. Venn before November 13th, 2014. After that
day the paper goes to print!
Maths Department - New Staff
I would like to introduce you to our newest employees Mrs. Bal, Ms. Jaswal
and Ms. Kurian who have recently joined the Mathematics teaching staff.
For the past three years, Mrs. Bal has been working within the maths
department at GNSA undertaking intervention. From this academic year,
Mrs. Bal has been appointed as a Mathematics Teacher, working with Key
Stage 3 and 4. Ms. Kurian and Ms. Jaswal have also joined the department and will be
teaching across all key stages. Ms. Jaswal studied a degree in Accounting and Finance, which
led on to Postgraduate degree in Education, this initiated her interest in teaching. Ms. Kurian
joined us from Liverpool, where she studied Mathematics and she is looking forward to sharing
her passion for the subject with the students at GNSA. In the short term, all three have made
a positive impact on the students’ learning and I hope to encourage this throughout the year.
Article written by Mr. Bridge-Madden (Head of Mathematics)
Year 10 trip to the Tate Modern
On 23rd September 2014 the Y10 GCSE Art students went on a trip to the famous
Tate Modern, which is an art gallery situated in London. I got the opportunity to
interview a Y10 GCSE student about the trip and how well it went.
What was the reason for the trip?
We went to the trip so we could gather some ideas for our art GCSE project. Also we to extend our
knowledge on art from the portraits in the Tate.
Did you have a good time and what did you do?
Yes, we did have an amazing time, we had a really fun trip and it was an enjoyable time because we
saw different types of artists and the city life of London, which we got to explore. We went to explore
London and visited the gallery, so that we could see the different types of paintings and find information
on certain artists that we found interesting.
How was the trip overall?
Overall, we gained a lot of knowledge and had a fun time we were exhausted by the end of the day as
we had left school at 12:15pm and arrived back at 7:00pm which was definitely worth it.
Interviewer: Simrandeep Kaur (9AC)/Interviewed: Ashmeet Bindra (10VL)
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
PE Department
We have enjoyed a very busy start to the academic year in the PE department. The
introduction of the new inter-house competition system means that two sporting events have
been taking place each week. Pupils from every year group have competed in Football,
Basketball and Badminton in order to win bragging rights and house points ahead of their
fierce rivals. With Dodgeball, Table Tennis, Hockey and other sports still to be played, there is
a long way to go before the champions are crowned.
The school has also enjoyed success playing football against other schools in the borough. Y7
team defeated Barn Hill Community School in their opening game of the season, with captain
Manraj Plahe scoring a fantastic long range effort in the 1-0 win away from home.
Y9 students, led by our ‘Manager of the Month’, Mr. Culhane, have enjoyed back-back-wins
against both Abbotsfield and Barn Hill, scoring 8 goals along the way. The manager
highlighted the performances of the Chana twins, Onkar and Satnam, saying that their
performances deserved special praise.
In PE lessons, our pupils have, as always, been enjoying a variety of different activities to help
them learn. Y7s have experienced a newly designed ‘fundamental skills’ unit of work, which
has enabled them to develop several key sporting skills so that they are now in an excellent
position to engage with our exciting PE curriculum. Y9 students have been put through their
paces with an intense ‘Fitness’ unit, during which they have not only worked very hard to
develop their physical condition, but have also retained vital information as to how they can
lead a healthy and active lifestyle as well as educating those around them.
With plenty more sporting events to come and our packed lunchtime and afterschool club
timetable, we look forward to seeing all of our pupils getting involved and trying to get as fit
and healthy as possible!
Year 8 & 9 Netball Match
We welcomed Harefield Academy for the first Netball match of the season. The Y8 team were
unfortunately beaten by their very strong opponents. It was a good learning experience
especially as students were representing the school for the first team. The Y9 team won 10-3
which was an extremely pleasing result. The team is vastly experienced from competing over
the past two years. Priya and Harjeevan played a huge part in the win as they were excellent
throughout. We look forward to the future games coming up against other opponents within
the borough.
Year 13 BTEC Sport Science – Golf Lessons
Seven students who are studying BTEC Sport Science have been taking part in weekly Golf
lessons as part of their course. Students visit Stockley Pines Golf Club for lessons with a PGA
professional teacher. Each week they focus on a different component of Golf including Putting,
Chipping, Driving as well as learning about the rules and regulations of the game.
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
RE Department
In Y7 we wrote letters to God in order to ask all the questions and doubts we have in our
minds. We investigated why do people believe that God is superior like a super hero?
Humanities Faculty
Humanities has enjoyed a busy first half-term back
With multiple trips and special events. In Business
Studies, as you can see elsewhere in the newsletter
there has been the first big enterprise event and as
Mr. Gray has included the visit to Sky Studios.
History has been to Buckingham palace again with the
Art Department thanks to Mr. Langford and
Miss. Naeem. Once again, the staff at the gallery
praised the behaviour of the students and were
impressed with the way they worked.
The VIth form has also been busy with two students
going to Poland, for lessons from the Auschwitz project.
This project involves the students having to create
something in their own school environment to help others learn lessons from the horrific
events of WWII. In addition, the Y12s have been working with Domminic Rai who is a writer,
director and involved with the Man Mela theatre company. He is involved in the re-launch of a
book called ‘Across the Black Water’ by Maulk Raj Anand, who was an important writer during
the 1930’s and after in particular reference to his book ‘Untouchables’ which has never been
out of print. The re-launch is part of the centenary commemorations for those who fought in
WWI and to draw attention to the 1.5million Indian soldiers who were involved. Part of Mr.
Rai’s connection to the book is due to letters from Indian soldiers who served in the campaign
which Mr. Venn of the English department came across two years ago. These letters have
been used by the department to teach about WWI and the Y12 students are now involved in
passing these on through a podcast which will be available to hear shortly, which was recorded
at Desi Radio. More recently the students also read the letters which they found deeply
moving to a room of dignitaries at the House of Commons which was an amazing experience
for the students. Watch this space for more information and other events that are coming up.
Article written by Mr. Perkins (Head of Humanities)
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
Y8 Trip to Buckingham Palace
On the 8th of Wednesday October, some of the elected Y8 students went on a trip to The
Buckingham Palace Gallery. This was based on the Art and History Subjects. They went with
Miss. Sewoo and Mr. Langford. Here is an interview about the day. The person who
interviewed was Kavin Dharamarajah (KD) and person who was interviewing was Vashiny
Jeyakumar (VJ).
VJ: Hello, I am here to interview you about your experience on the trip to Buckingham
KD: Hi my name is Kavin, pleased to meet you.
VJ: How did you travel?
KD: I travelled by tube to go there.
VJ: When did you go?
KD: I went on 8th of Wednesday October.
VJ: What did you do?
KD: We studied the art works and took down information about history of the Buckingham
VJ: Why did you go?
KD: I went to learn about the Buckingham Palace also I was elected by the Art and History
department to go there.
VJ: Is there anything else you would like to say?
KD: Yeah, I had an AWESOME TIME! Also I would like to thank all the staff who prepared this
amazing trip for us.
VJ: Thank you for taking your time to tell the school about this truly amazing trip our
fantastic staff of GNSA arranged for you.
Humanities Faculty
Welcome to our new staff in the Humanities department: Humanities has welcomed two new
teachers of Geography, Mr. Gray and Miss. McMullan both of whom are from the Emerald Isle
and in Business Studies, we have Mr. Innes who comes from a land down under.
Meet Mr. Gray, our new Geography Teacher!
What’s your favourite colour?
Who is your favourite celebrity?
‘Don’t have one, I think they are silly’.
What football team do you support?
What were you like at school?
A good boy but once in primary school a teacher
asked me what 6 times 4 was and I got it wrong so I
got hit on the hand three times.
Who was your favourite teacher at school?
Mr. Russell my Geography Teacher.
Textiles - Old Unwanted Jeans
Please do not throw them away, but bring them into school and donate them to the
Textiles Technology department. In the spirit of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ we are
using old cut up jeans as the base for the Y8 Pencil Case project. We are also
grateful for any other unwanted and left over fabric donations.
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
Design and Technology Department
There has been a lot happening in the Design and
Technology Department at GNSA.
On the 4th of July the Y10 GCSE Textiles Technology group
visited the Jean Paul Gautier exhibition. Jean Paul Gautier
is a famous French fashion designer and his career spans
forty years. The trip was a lot of fun and the exhibition
was like a maze. We went there by local transport and we
returned to school by 3:15pm. The garments were on the
dummies that had faces on them and were talking to us.
They told us about the garments and how they were made. The garments were fantastic and
we got a chance to take photos of them. The weather was fantastic and we all had lunch
sitting outside the Barbican Centre.
Article written by Damanjit Kaur (10JM)
Textiles Technology - GCSE
Last academic year, a group of Textiles students undertook the new GCSE in the subject, the
results were fantastic. Well done to Mrs. Botros and her class! This academic year we have a
class of students who are going to complete a GCSE in Engineering and again, we are looking
at achieving a great set of results.
Product Design - GCSE
GCSE Product Design is a very popular subject within the Design
and Technology specialisms that are offered at Y10. The
coursework produced last academic year has been the best so far,
so we thought we would share it with you.
Students had to design an item of storage, mirror, lighting or a
clock, but it had to be in the style of an art movement.
Article written by Mr. Lad (Head of Technology)
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
Meet our new staff
We are delighted to welcome new members of staff to our already successful team. We have
two new teachers; Mrs. Patter (NKP) and Miss. Davis (5MDv temp). We also have Ms. Fyson
(5PR); Mrs. Bansal (3PT) and Ms. Farrell (4AKS) providing maternity cover. Our very talented
team of Learning Support Assistants has had additions from Mrs. Ahmed in 1MD; Mrs. Bharat
across year 2; Mrs. Bains in 3PT; Mrs. Heer in 4AKB and Miss. Girdhare in 6A0. We warmly
welcome all new staff to the GNSA team.
Primary School Council
We are the new School Council 2014-2015 and we have been chosen by the children in our
classes to represent their views. As school councillors, we have many skills such as listening,
sharing ideas, problem solving, attending meetings and holding discussions. We have regular
meetings to discuss any issues about the school and have lots of exciting things planned for
this year. We are also asked to welcome visitors to our school.
This year we are very pleased to have elected our first Primary Head girl- Puneet Grewal
and Primary Head boy- Abhisaran Singh Sohal (pictured below with the secondary head
boy and head girl). Puneet and Abhisaran will take a more active role in leading the school
council this year.
The council’s first task this year will be to discuss with our classes solutions to the growing
problem of ‘Litter in our playground’. Your class school councillors are;
5MDv Esha Bhatti/Karendeep Jalf, 5PR Amneet Sandhar/Randeep Sidhu, 4AKB Jeevanjot
Sidhu/Sehaj roop Singh, 4AS Gurjeevan Kalha/Rhea Madhas, 3PT Attar Hanspal/Manchit
Grover, 3HS Amreet Gill/Gurjot Sidhu, 2MM Mahaan Virdee/Sukhmani Gill, 2KV Jasmin Rai/
Maahn Malhi, 1MD Jai Mavi/Aarian Purewal, 1AK Saheba Motizada/Simran Singh, RKJ Trikha
Madhan and RSD Harleen Singh.
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
Welcome to our new foundation stage students.
We would like to welcome the new students who have started Nursery and Reception this year.
All students are settling into their new environment really well and are getting used to their
AM Nursery
PM Nursery
Active Kids
Every year the school encourages the children to
collect Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers. Thanks
to the fantastic support from parents we were
able to collect an amazing 11,861 points. These
vouchers have been put to good use and enabled
the school to order equipment to support the
children in their PE lessons. This includes
equipment such as: cricket sets, footballs, hockey
balls, tennis balls, basketball hoops, an athletics
kit and a target throwing set. We would like to
thank all of the parents for their support in
collecting the Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers
and we are sure the children will enjoy using the
equipment within their lessons.
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
Gurjeevan from 1AK in ‘The Singh Project’
We are really proud to announce that our very own
Gurjeevan from 1AK is being featured in
“The Singh Project”- an art exhibition being held at
The Framers Gallery in Central London. The project is a
celebration of Sikh identity and features numerous
photographs showcasing the symbols that make the Sikh
identity so striking– namely the turban and the beard.
Speaking about his experience Gurjeevan proudly said:
“My dad did my turban for me so that I would look really
nice and smart. I enjoyed the day so much. They (the
photographers) took my photographs and I saw them
afterwards on the computer screen. I felt really happy
when I saw them. It was fun being there.” Well done
Gurjeevan! The exhibition will be running from the 3rd of
November to the 15th of November - go and see it!
After School Clubs
Once again we are pleased to announce the launch of our
very popular Autumn After Schools Club programme. This
year we are running over 25 different clubs for students
across both KS1 and KS2. The start of the club year sees the return of many of our most
popular clubs. We are also pleased that we are once again able to run two different
Gymnastics clubs across KS2. In addition, we are very excited about joining the local Y6
Football League and we have organised specialised coaching for Y5 and Y6.
To meet many of our students’ Literacy needs we are running a number of additional specific
Literacy groups; Fun Phonics, Super Writers in Y3, Digi smart in Y5 and targeted Y6 Literacy
booster clubs, Storytime in KS1 as well as starting a new English speaking and listening Drama
club. Other new clubs this year include Ready Steady Move club and the launch of a singing
club; Guru Nanak Young Voices.
All our clubs will run until the end of half-term three - February 13th 2015 when for most clubs,
pupils will then have the opportunity to choose new clubs. We do hold waiting lists for these
clubs in the main office. Thank you as always to all parents for supporting your child’s after
school enjoyment and learning by collecting pupils after the clubs.
Important Dates
Wed 5th to Fri 7th November:
Thurs 6th November:
Thurs 6th November:
Fri 7th November:
Thurs 13th November:
Thurs 13th November:
Thurs 13th November:
Fri 14th November:
Fri 14th November:
Thurs 20th November:
Fri 21st November:
Fri 21st November:
Sat 22nd November:
Mon 24th November:
Thurs 27th November:
Fri 28th November:
Thurs 4th December:
Fri 5th December:
Fri 5th December:
Fri 12th December:
Fri 18th December:
Mon 5th January 2015:
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
Book fair.
Guru Nanak Devji’s Birthday. School closes at 2:00pm.
Parent Zumba class.
Parent Literacy Course.
Parent Zumba Class.
School Council meeting 12pm.
2015 Reception admissions meeting for parents. 3:304:30pm.
Children in Need day.
Parent Literacy Course.
Parent Zumba Class.
4AKB Class Assembly.
Parent Literacy Course.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Birthday Celebrations.
Parent Surgery 6:00 -7:00pm in the MPH (Secondary).
Parent Zumba Class.
Parent Literacy Course.
Parent Zumba Class.
6JP class assembly.
Parent Literacy Course.
Parent Literacy Course.
Last day of term. School closes at 11:30am. No after
school clubs will run.
Staff INSET day.
We are
delighted to
introduce you
to our Y6 football team; they will
be playing in several fixtures
against other local teams and we
would like to wish them the best
of luck in all their future games.
Pictured from left to right:
Jasveen, Gursewak,
Sohan, Prempreet, Rajen, Hanvir,
Sachveer, Gurpreet, Arjan and the
football coach Mr. Austin.
Ready Steady Move
This September we launched our new Ready Steady Move club for parents. Every Thursday
parents have been coming to the school to participate in Zumba. This has been a huge
success and we would like to thank all of the parents for their support. Look out for future
offers from our RSM club!
Last half term children in Y6 were fortunate enough to
be offered the opportunity to participate in ‘Bikeability’
training, a course run by Hillingdon Council to teach
children how to be safe on the roads when riding their
bike. The course began on Saturday 4th October 2014
and ran for four consecutive Saturdays. The practical
nature of the course allowed children to ride their bikes on
local roads. It was such a huge success that we ran both morning
and afternoon sessions. A big well done to all the children who took part!
Articles Written by Students
If you see the
to encourage
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
sign next a title then a student has written this themselves. This is
students in our Academy to write articles in the newsletter.
GNSA students presented with award from Tesco.
On Monday 6th October 2014, six lucky pupils were given the opportunity to represent the
school at Tesco’s opening of their community room. As we walked in a brass band started
playing their instruments. Tesco was very different to the last time I went and because we
were early we wandered around the shop. It was so big I could get lost! We made our way to
the new community room and saw some people posing for a photograph and cutting a shiny
red ribbon. Moments later a lady invited us into a new room. This room will be used for clubs
and classes. We were presented with different board games and a hamper full of different
books for being the first school to attend the ‘Farm to Fork’ initiative. We all really enjoyed the
Article written by Surkhab (4AKS)
Friendship/Wear White for Whiteboard
Friday 17th October 2014 was a very special day at
GNSA Primary It was Friendship Day and Wear White
for Whiteboard Day! Students spent the day discussing
and thinking about how they can be a good friend and
contribute to the positive and kind ethos of the school.
The latter initiative sought to raise money for the Garib
Niwaj to enable our sister school in India to purchase
whiteboards for their pupils. The initiative was a huge
success and a total of £503.68 was raised. A very big thank you to all those who contributed!
Teacher’s Award
Congratulations to pupils who achieved the Teacher Award at the end of the first Autumn
half term. The following pupils were given recognition for their outstanding effort in their work
and behaviour over the half term.
Autumn Term (1st Half):
Tirath Sandhar (RSD)
Prableen Kaur (RKJ)
Saanvi Rajput (1AK)
Aarian Purewal (1MD)
Harkamal Singh (2MM)
Karan Virk (2KV)
Manchit Grover (3PT)
Tia Mann (3HS)
Rimneet Motizada (4AKS)
Arjan Sandhu (4AKB)
Amneet Sandhar (5PR)
Simran Johal (5MDv)
Sohan Dulai (6AO)
Gurleen Bains (6JP)
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
Congratulations to all the recipients!
VIth Form Team Building Exercise; A day of fun.
On Wednesday 8th September 2014, all the Sixth Form students, those in Y13 amongst those
in Y12 gathered in school for a unique team building exercise. This exercise had not been
done before and seemed quite unusual for the first day back at school. The day consisted of
various activities to help new students converse with others and make friends, the main
purpose of the day was to enjoy yourself whilst socialising with new people.
Key moments of the day included building a tower using jelly babies and spaghetti; something
which was not as easy as you think! Teams were made and the task was challenging but also
a memorable experience. Towers were made of various sizes and designs; expressing each
groups thinking process and personality but most of all everyone's effort. Other events
included a question answer session but also entertaining activities in the sports hall. These
activities seemed simple but were much harder for example using numbers to order a group
through a pathway was not something we get taught in class! Also physical activities were
incorporated as teams had to work with one another to move from one station to the other
with some unthinkable twists.
Overall the day was enjoyable and truly meaningful; it was something fresh and unexpected
from your first day at school. An opportunity to make friends, have a fresh start, break the ice
and begin Sixth Form with a positive outlook. However this could have not happened without
the input of the teachers who handle the Sixth Form including Mrs. Kaur and Mr. Soneji and
many more; we would like to thank them for their efforts and hard work.
Article written by Lakshya Sethi and Harleen Motizada (VIFS)
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
Meet Mr. Sylvester, our new Music Teacher!
Mr. Sylvester is a percussion specialist who has been working as a teacher
and Steel Pan Player for many years. He is active in the music industry
and has also worked as a DJ. As well as his class teaching, he will be
running a World Drumming Lunchtime Club and two composition clubs
each week.
Meet Miss. Crossland, our new PE Teacher!
A big welcome to Miss. Crossland who joined us in September. Those who have
already had the pleasure of being taught by her will know her enthusiasm and
knowledge makes her classes a great place to be. She is inspiring and innovative
and is always looking for new ideas to make her lessons greater than before. She
runs many clubs and gets involved wherever she can. A real breath of fresh air in
the PE department. Thank you Miss. Crossland!
Business and Enterprise 2014
During the last few weeks, leading up to the Half-Term Holidays, the Design and Technology
Department and Business Studies Department, got together to run a Business and Enterprise
Challenge for Y9. The challenge was to design and make a product, for example, cookies,
pizza, etc. and then sell the product at break time to raise money for charity.
The skills that students had to demonstrate were to work in a team, creativity, innovation,
show a business side to their ability and most importantly have respect for one another.
As the two departments have been undertaking this activity for many years now, we decided
to do this differently this year, by allowing the VIth form students to run the activity. It was
great to see some students who I had taught from Y9, take the challenge and introduce the
activity, as well as assist throughout the manufacturing. Credit has to be given to
Mrs. Purewal (Second in Department for Design and Technology) and Mr. Perkins (Head of
Humanities) for organising the event.
Article written by Mr. Lad (Head of Technology)
Autumn 2014/Issue 6
Meet Ms. Weaving, our new Head of Music!
When were you happiest?
My second year of university whilst living in Southampton.
What is the trait you most deplore in others?
What is your guilty pleasure?
85% cocoa chocolate.
What is your favourite word?
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Chatting too much!
What is your pet hate?
What makes you unhappy?
What is your favourite movie?
Shawshank Redemption.
What is your favourite book?
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Who is your favourite artist?
Aretha Franklin (The Queen of Soul!)
How do you relax?
Swimming and using the sauna.
Favourite Book:
The Kite Runner
Favourite Film:
Shawshank Redemption
W/B Tues 4th November:
Thurs 6th November:
W/B Mon 10th November:
Thurs 13th November:
Y13 Student Voice
Guru Nanak Devji’s Birthday. School closes at 2:30pm.
Y12 Student Voice
Y7 Settling-In Evening (All Y7 students to attend).
Y8, Y9 & Y10 Settling-In Evening (By Invitation Only).
Sat 22nd November:
Guru Nanak Devji’s Birthday Celebrations 4:00pm - 7:00pm.
W/B Mon 24th November: Y10 Student Voice
Mon 24th November:
Parent Surgery 6:00pm - 7:00pm.
W/B Mon 1st December:
Y9 Student Voice
Thurs 4th December:
KS5 Post 16 Open Evening 5:00pm - 7:00pm
W/B Mon 8th December:
Y11 Mock Examinations Begin
Y8 Student Voice
Wednes 17th December:
VIth Form Christmas Dinner and Dance
Thurs 18th December:
Christmas Concert
Fri 19th December:
Y10 Work Shadowing Day
Fri 19th December:
Christmas Holidays. School closes at 12:00pm.
Mon 5th January:
Inset Day
W/B Tues 6th January:
Y12 & Y13 Mock Exams Begin
Thurs 8th January:
Y11 Parents Evening 5:00pm - 8:00pm.
Fri 16th January:
VIth Form Application Deadline
Mon 19th January:
Parent Surgery 6:00pm - 7:00pm.
Thurs 29th January:
Y9 Parents Evening 5:00pm - 8:00pm.
Thurs 12th February:
Y10 Parents Evening 5:00pm - 8:00pm.
Rajinder Sandhu BSc (Hons)
Springfield Road, Hayes, Middlesex, UB4 0LT
Tel: 020 8573 6085
Fax: 020 8561 6772
Email: info@gnsa.co.uk