work begins on academy - West Dunbartonshire Council
work begins on academy - West Dunbartonshire Council
Council launches dog fouling campaign P2 1 886 LAB R MILLA JOHN SSP FICES CIL OF COUN KE ROAD HA GARS RTON DUMBA U G82 3P 3003 T: 961 71 M: 07 FFICES E ROAD ON 6397 389 75 8766 803 66 IND FICES CIL OF COUN KE ROAD HA GARS RTON DUMBA U 49 G82 3P 9 7614 38 40 T: 01 9 8908 LAB IDE McBR DAVID URR IAN M FICES CIL OF COUN KE ROAD HA GARS RTON DUMBA U 767758 G82 3P 389 T: 01 961 711664 M: 07 B ISTER LA McALL LAW Lazer quest New administration session and & elected members designer sunglasses pull-out poster P8 P4 - 5 SUMMER 2012 COUNCIL ENDS Grubs up! Sharon in national cooking final P7 WORK BEGINS ON PARTIAL STOCK TRANSFER Housing staff will be upgrading to meet the 2015 deall Council homes adline Council staff are now working flat out to deliver improvements to Council homes after the dramatic Council decision to halt the partial stock transfer process. Councillors voted to retain all of the Council’s existing 10,500 homes. The commitment will see the Council invest £95 million in homes to ensure that properties meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standard by 2015. There will also beadditional funds to demolish surplus stock and promote regeneration and new build in collaboration with partners. Councillors decided that retaining the housing stock was the best option for tenants and would also be the best way of protecting Council jobs and services. The Council had previously planned to hold an independent ballot in September asking tenants to vote on transferring up to 5,000 homes Elaine Melrose, Executive Director, says ‘it’s now up to us to roll up our sleeves and make it happen’. to local housing associations. If the project had gone through around 17 staff would also have moved from the Council to the housing associations. “There is around £3.6 million for regeneration across West Dunbartonshire” Tenants will have to contribute towards the cost of improving their homes with rents estimated to increase annually by around seven percent for the next five years. While this will certainly have an impact on tenants it should be acknowledged that the Council’s current rents are amongst the lowest of all Scottish Councils. Elaine Melrose, Executive Director for Housing, Environmental and Economic Development, said: “The Councillors have set us the task of ensuring homes meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standard by 2015 and it now up to us to roll up our sleeves and make it happen. “We have been given the funds to set about the demolition of surplus stock at Bellsmyre, Glenside and North Mountblow, and there is also around £3.6 million for regeneration across West Dunbartonshire. We will also be trying to find a strategic partner that is financially able to take forward further housing regeneration if we can provide the development sites. “I’d like to thank all those staff who have contributed to the partial stock transfer process and reassure them that their input will still be important as we consider the how our housing services are run in the future. I’d also like to thank those staff from Housing Services and Corporate Services who worked extremely hard over a very short period of time to prepare detailed options in for Councillors to review and decide upon.” £15.5m DUMBARTON A C A D E M Y Joyce White, Chief Executive, pictured with ??? The new school campus will feature a 100m running track, theatre and modern library Pupils, teachers, parents, staff and Councillors are celebrating the official start of building work for the new £15.5 million Dumbarton Academy. Fourth-year pupils Katie Sutter and Cameron Raeside joined headteacher Jacqui Lynam and Councillor Patrick McGlinchey, Convener for Educational Services, in cutting the ceremonial first sod on the site. The first building phase lasts up to August 2013 and involves constructing the new school facility, a flood-lit all-weather pitch to the rear, a surrounding playground, and service road. Phase two will consist of demolishing the existing school structures, constructing the staff car park, a further flood-lit all-weather pitch, grass pitch and 100m running track. This is due for completion in December 2013. “This school has a very exciting future to look forward to” Once finished the school will provide stateof-the-art surroundings for up to 700 pupils, with classrooms designed to meet every requirement of modern teaching. The building will also include a dramatic theatre and modern library. Headteacher Jacqui Lynam, who joined the school earlier this year, said: “Cutting the sod at the construction site was a really powerful moment for all the staff and pupils at Dumbarton Academy. This school has a very exciting future to look forward to with fantastic new surroundings to help our teachers bring the very best out of our pupils. We are thrilled and can’t wait to get into the new buildademy Ac n rto ings in 2013.” ba m Du The new 2 DOG OWNERS TOLD Got any stories or news? Let Corporate Communications know at The number of who people currently ‘like’ the Council’s Facebook page.The page has only been running for a year and has proved to be a fantastic way of sharing information with a wide local audience and conducting surveys. We also have 1,280 followers on the Council’s Twitter site. 1,900 m 2 . 1 £ 0 1,90 0 0 0 , 0 2 £1.2m The Council saved more than £1.2m in the past year by improving the way it purchased goods and materials. Angela Wilson, Executive Director, Corporate Services, said: “This is just the start and we believe there are further efficiencies to be generated by improving our buying practices.” The overall procurement performance improved by 17% which was one of the biggest improvements in procurement amongst any Council in Scotland. 0 7 2 0 0 0 , 0 2 1,900 4 0 7 2 2 . £1 m ? ? ? ? 4 0 2 1,90,0 00 ? ? ? ? 0 m £21.72 The number of people who attended the 2012 Scottish Pipe Band Championships at Levengrove Park, Dumbarton. That was up by 25% on last year and included competitors from 134 pipe bands from across Europe. Ian Embelton, Chief Executive of the Royal Pipe Band Association, praised the Council saying: “From an organisational point of view this was easily the best year we’ve had.” 240,000 ? ? 0 ? 7 ? 2 0 0 1,9 The number of people who voted for their favourite image in the Council’s first ever student photography competition. The Council teamed up with Clydebank College to ask students to capture West Dunbartonshire at its best. The shortlist then went to a public vote and the winning shot (below) was taken by Lauren Millar, 21, from Clydebank. £14.2m 20?,?0?0?0 270 The number of times full Council will now meet a year after Councillors voted to move to a quarterly cycle rather than monthly. The decision was taken on June 20 and should help save £55,000 in administration costs. Committees will also meet less frequently. 4 ???? ‘DO THE RIGHT THING!’ Greenspace and Corporate Communications have teamed up to tackle dog fouling with a hard-hitting campaign that labels irresponsible owners as disgusting. Dog fouling is one of the most complained about issues locally, and in a survey of 450 staff and residents 91% thought it was a problem in West Dunbartonshire. In response the Council is running a ‘Do the Right Thing!’ campaign throughout the summer which aims to make local dog owners realise that leaving their dog’s mess is repulsive and socially unacceptable. The campaign has been rolled out across the area, but several problem sites, such as football pitches and children’s play areas, have been intensively targeted. One of the anti-fouling schemes involves Council officers taking the radical action of spray-painting dog mess bright pink to shock irresponsible owners into changing their bad habits. This will highlight the scale of the problem on streets and hopefully embarrass the offending owners into changing their habits. We are the first Council to attempt this in Scotland and the move has attracted significant media interest. Litter control officer, David Hay said: “We are determined to make West Dunbartonshire a cleaner, safer place. To do that, we need these irresponsible owners to understand that the local community finds their behaviour offensive and unacceptable. “Not only is it illegal to not pick up after your dog, dog mess can be harmful to humans, especially children. It can cause stomach upsets, headaches and sore throats, and in the worst cases, it can cause eye damage. “We are determined to make West Dunbartonshire a cleaner, safer place” EMPLOYEE SURVEY UPDATE The Council will develop a new employee recognition scheme, refresh the Core Brief framework and improve manager’s skills at managing change following suggestions received in the latest staff survey. The survey, answered by 1,500 staff, highlighted what people were most satisfied with and also where improvements needed to be made. Angela Terry, Organisational Development Manager said: “Employee satisfaction and engagement is crucial for ensuring the Council is delivering the best services possible for our residents. “We value employees feedback which gives us a better understanding of how the Council is viewed by our workforce. Our improvement plan looks at the areas highlighted by staff and by addressing these issues we can build on the future success of the Council.” Full details of the employee on the survey results and the Staff will be kept updated ement rov imp key se the of ss improvement plan gre pro issues. initiatives in future TALK have been published on the HR&OD intranet page. “One idea we’re trying is spray painting the dog poos and this will confront those dog owners who The campaign believe that if their dog does its includes spray painting dog m ess to hi business somewhere discreet or the problem ghlight out of sight then it is ok to leave the mess behind. It’s not, it is still disgusting.” ELECTION RUNS SMOOTHLY Chief Executive Joyce White has praised the 200 Council staff who worked tirelessly to make sure the Council Elections in May were a success. Election staff oversee The Election team took less than results at the Count in the six hours to verify more than 27,000 Play Drome votes and announce all 22 successful candidates at the Count in the Play the national average. This is a particularly Drome Clydebank. good result given the The Count was the culmination of six “I would like to thank high levels of deprivamonths of planning all the staff who helped tion in the area. Joyce White, Chief with staff responsible to make this election Executive and Returnfor the design and ing Officer for West printing of polling cards process a success” Dunbartonshire, said: and ballot papers, location of polling stations, delivery of election “I would like thank all the staff who material across the authority, recruiting helped to make this election process a and training election staff and generating success. This was my first Count as Returning Officer but the professionalism interest amongst the public in voting. In total more than 66,000 ballot pa- of everyone involved made it a very smooth pers were issued and over 8,000 postal process. The Councillors also passed on ballot packs sent out. On the day voter their appreciation to the election team at the first Council meeting in May.” turnout was 41% which was better than THE FUTURE New administration and elected members wall chart P4-5 IS BRIGHT After four months as Executive Director of Corporate Services, Angela Wilson, says she is confident the Council has a bright future. Angela, who started with us in March after joining from South Ayrshire Council, has been getting out and about meeting as many of her new colleagues as possible. She said: “It’s been a fantastic time for me to join the Council and it has been great meeting my team and all the new councillors. I’ve found everyone to be supportive, welcoming and enthusiastic.” Her target for the next year is to agree a new corporate plan, and to work with fellow Executive Directors and the new administration to achieve better services for the people of West Dunbartonshire. Moving with the times is important to Angela. She said: “If I had a spare £10m to spend at the Council, I’d use it to make major investments in ICT, such as our website, and Executive Director Angela Wilson is committed to improving ICT infrastructure in innovative ways of communicating, such as mobile technology. I’d like to see solutions that will continue the improvement and modernisation journey across the Council, including new ways of working through mobile technology. All this would improve the way we deliver services to our community.” Asked what she would most like to change about the Council, Angela said: “I’d like the culture here to be positive, and for it to be a place where we recognise and celebrate our achievements.We are an improving council, and I’d like our staff to be proud of working here and being part of us becoming even better. I’d like this Council to have a reputation as somewhere that people really want to work.” “I’d like our staff to be proud of working here and being part of us becoming even better” GOLF PRO-AM IS HUGE SUCCESS The 2012 West Dunbartonshire Council Pro-Am has been hailed by organisers as the most successful event in its history after a thrilling shoot-out in the baking May sun. This was the 26th year the prestigious tournament has been held on the Council’s Dalmuir Municipal Golf Course in partnership with the Scottish Professional Golf Association. Nearly 150 professionals and amateurs competed from across Scotland to win the individual Scottish Tartan Tour title and team prize. The eventual winner at two-under-par was Hayston Golf Club's Stephen Gray. His 66 secured a two-shot victory from Greg McBain (Gamola Golf). Local pro Stewart Savage, who finished joint third on 69, led the amateur trio of Peter Verrecchia (handicap 12), Fraser McGlashan (18) and John Semple (18) to victory in the pro-am r hands the Provost McAllisteeir drivers winning team th 37 teams competed in the Pro Am team event with a net score of 15-under-par 53. The amateur’s each won a Wilson dxi driver. Provost Douglas McAllister played in the event for the first time and said: “I’d like to thank all the staff involved in preparing the course in such fantastic condition and putting on a great tournament like this. “There was a brilliant atmosphere around the course all day and the glorious sunshine made it a really perfect day. I had a great time and everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves too.” WEBSITE GOES LIVE The new Council website will go live to the public in July after months of preparation by teams across the Council. The new site looks modern and easy-on-the-eye and offers mapping technology, makes popular content more prominent, helps residents find information more easily and has an enhanced use of social media. More than 50 web editors across Council departments have also been trained in how to use the new website and write content for websites. Web Manager Jonathan Muir said: “We’re really pleased with the new site and can’t wait to launch it to the public. This is a really important development for the Council that should offer up some great benefits to staff and residents. “Please remember though that a website never stops needing updating so even after the launch we still need to priortise getting accurate information online.” VIEWPOINT 3 Chief Executive Joyce White It’s a great job Hello, I’d like to begin by asking a question - do you enjoy your job? You might think it a strange way to start my column however given that you spend almost a third of your life at work I think it is important that you get some satisfaction from it. It is also vital to our success as an organisation that we have happy and motivated staff who are passionate about providing the best service possible. In the past few months I have lost count of the number of times I have seen first-hand our staff performing brilliantly. At the recent Council elections 200 of you came together to ensure the polling stations were open, that ballot papers were safely transported to the Play Drome, and the votes were accurately counted and cast. I was also blown away - literally - by the fabulous Scottish Pipe Band Championship at Levengrove Park, Dumbarton.To stage an event that attracts around 20,000 people to the area so smoothly and with great feedback from the Pipe Band Association is a fantastic achievement. “I have lost count of the number of times I have seen our staff performing brilliantly” And most recently the eyes of the UK were upon West Dunbartonshire when the Olympic Torch Relay travelled through the area last month. Again staff from across the Council came together brilliantly to ensure that our area was looking clean and tidy, that the relay could proceed unhindered and that thousands of local people of all ages were motivated to come out and support the event. And let’s not forget the fantastic frontline and support services we provide day by day across our Council area. From services to the very young to those at later stages in life, we are a key part to their everyday living. These successes are only possible because we have staff who enjoy their jobs. I believe that the Council offers our staff stable employment with diverse opportunities and in a supportive environment that helps us keep a good work/life balance. There will always be temporary frustrations and problems to tackle, but in general public service offers us all a great career and it is up to us all to make the most of it. I have an old saying I believe in “It’s up to me if it’s going to be”. Enjoy your job - I do - and thanks for all your efforts. Best wishes 4 Got any stories or news? Let Corporate Communications know at NEW ADMINISTRATION AND ELECTED MEMBERS 2012 - 2017 PROVOST DOUGLAS McALLISTER DEPUTE PROVOST JOHN MILLAR LEADER of the COUNCIL MARTIN ROONEY DEPUTE LEADER of the COUNCIL PATRICK McGLINCHEY COMMUNITY HEALTH & CARE PARTNERSHIP CORPORATE SERVICES HOUSING, ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES LICENSING BOARD PLANNING AND LICENSING COMMITTEES COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION COMMITTEE JOINT CONSULTATIVE FORUM APPEALS COMMITTEE AUDIT AND PERFORMANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE 1 LOMOND 2 LEVEN CONVENER DEPUTE GAIL CASEY KATH RYALL DAVID McBRIDE PATRICK McGLINCHEY JOHN MOONEY MARTIN ROONEY PATRICK McGLINCHEY LAWRENCE O’NEILL MICHELLE STEWART JOHN MILLAR CHAIR DEPUTE LAWRENCE O’NEILL JOHN MILLAR MICHELLE STEWART THOMAS RAINEY DOUGLAS McALLISTER HAZEL SORRELL KATH RYALL CHAIR and LEADER of the OPPOSITION JONATHAN McCOLL 3 DUMBARTON 4 KILPATRICK 5 CLYDEBANK CENTRAL 6 CLYDEBANK WATERFRONT Find out who would like to be stuck in a lift with Billy Connolly P6 LAB JONATHAN McCOLL SNP MARTIN ROONEY SSP COUNCIL OFFICES GARSHAKE ROAD DUMBARTON G82 3PU COUNCIL OFFICES GARSHAKE ROAD DUMBARTON G82 3PU T: 01389 737511 M: 07939 002886 T: 01389 602562 M: 07909 890846 SNP JIM BOLLAN SSP JOHN MILLAR IND 4 ENDRICK WAY ALEXANDRIA G83 0UR GEORGE BLACK LAB JIM FINN IND DAVID McBRIDE COUNCIL OFFICES GARSHAKE ROAD DUMBARTON G82 3PU T: 01389 761449 M: 07909 890840 T: 01389 767758 M: 07961 711664 DOUGLAS McALLISTER LAB SSP IND LAB LAB GAIL ROBERTSON SNP LAB SNP COUNCIL OFFICES GARSHAKE ROAD DUMBARTON G82 3PU LAB IAN MURRAY SNP SNP LAWRENCE O’NEILL SNP LAB COUNCIL OFFICES ROSEBERY PLACE CLYDEBANK G81 1TG T: 01389 873186 M: 07961 713361 T: 0141 951 4595 M: 07909 891242 T: 01389 738650 M: 07943 813111 SSP LAB SSP MARIE McNAIR SSP IND T: 01389 738743 M: 07909 891237 SNP JOHN MOONEY IND SNP IND LAB COUNCIL OFFICES ROSEBERY PLACE CLYDEBANK G81 1TG M: 07538 842583 IND COUNCIL OFFICES ROSEBERY PLACE CLYDEBANK G81 1TG t u o l l u p ! p e e k and SSP SSP SSP THOMAS RAINEY M: 07538 846410 T: 01389 876449 M: 07961 713010 COUNCIL OFFICES ROSEBERY PLACE CLYDEBANK G81 1TG IND M: 07538 842624 COUNCIL OFFICES ROSEBERY PLACE CLYDEBANK G81 1TG COUNCIL OFFICES ROSEBERY PLACE CLYDEBANK G81 1TG COUNCIL OFFICES GARSHAKE ROAD DUMBARTON G82 3PU COUNCIL OFFICES GARSHAKE ROAD DUMBARTON G82 3PU COUNCIL OFFICES ROSEBERY PLACE CLYDEBANK G81 1TG SNP LAB COUNCIL OFFICES GARSHAKE ROAD DUMBARTON G82 3PU PATRICK McGLINCHEY LAB SNP IND T: M: 07538 842622 SSP SNP WILLIAM HENDRIE SSP T: M: 07538 846212 IND SNP SNP MICHELLE STEWART SSP M: 07909 890842 O: 01389 738704 JIM BROWN T: 0141 952 8954 GAIL CASEY M: 07538 842600 LAB 2012 2017 SSP T: 01389 890623 LAB COUNCIL OFFICES ROSEBERY PLACE CLYDEBANK G81 1TG SNP LAB COUNCIL OFFICES GARSHAKE ROAD DUMBARTON G82 3PU COUNCIL OFFICES ROSEBERY PLACE CLYDEBANK G81 1TG M: 07961 713007 O: 01389 738520 SSP LAB COUNCIL OFFICES GARSHAKE ROAD DUMBARTON G82 3PU SNP IND M: 07961 713003 COUNCIL OFFICES ROSEBERY PLACE CLYDEBANK G81 1TG DENIS AGNEW LAB HAZEL SORRELL COUNCIL OFFICES GARSHAKE ROAD DUMBARTON G82 3PU T: 01389 756397 M: 07803 668766 SSP LAB 5 IND KATH RYALL IND LAB COUNCIL OFFICES ROSEBERY PLACE CLYDEBANK G81 1TG T: 01389 738782 M: 07538 842579 60 6 STAFF GO THE EXTRA MILE FOR CHARITY Win a pair of designer sunglasses worth £75 P8 SECONDS WITH... BOBBY KERR Service Development Co-ordinator Four super-fit Council staff ran, cycled and swam their way to fundraising success after organising their very own triathlon. What is your favourite hobby? Anyone who knows me will be able to tell you it is tennis. I just love it. I play and coach all ages and am a member of Helensburgh Tennis Club. I’ve represented Scotland at club level and played on the historic grass courts of Queen’s Club in London. Describe your perfect day? I love getting up early to make the most of a day. I’d read the papers and then go and have a morning game of tennis with friends. I’d then come home and start preparing a huge meal for the extended family and then we’d all tuck in that evening. What did you want to be when you were growing up? When I was really young I wanted to be a policeman but that changed for some reason! What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? While I was running a snooker club I was told that if you look after the business the business will look after itself. Also that business comes first. They are both very true. What’s your favourite holiday destination? It has to be Mauritius. I got married there and it is simply paradise. The people are so friendly, the beaches are amazing and the water is so beautiful. Just paradise. If you could only take two things to a desert island with you what would they be? I love music so I’d have to take my music collection. I’d also need something to stimulate my brain so I’d probably take an encyclopedia that I could spend hours poring over. If you could be invisible for the day what would you do? I’d like to stay at the house and find out what my children get up to! I’ve got a 20-year-old boy and twins - a girl and a boy aged 15 - so there is plenty of mayhem usually! If you were stuck in a lift with someone who would you like it to be? It would have to be Billy Connolly. I’ve watched him most of my life and just think he is hilarious. I love the way he tells stories rather than jokes. Jason Keating and Fiona Roxburgh from the Housing team, Public Reassurance Officer Scott McLelland and Early Intervention Officer Ronnie Harper completed the challenge in aid of Erskine Hospital. The event started with a 200m swim at the Vale of Leven Swimming Pool, followed by a 20km cycle and finally a 5km run around Alexandria. Chief organiser Jason said: “I’d always really wanted to do a triathlon but the ones I tried to enter were never at a suitable time, so with help from Scott, Fiona and Ronnie, we agreed to arrange our own. We raised £1000 in sponsorship for Erskine Hospital, so it went better than we could have hoped. It was a first for all of us and amazingly, we all finished in a draw although I think Scott might disagree with that result! “We could not have done it without help from the staff at the Vale of Leven Pool, and without our colleagues putting up with us moaning about our sore legs. We’re hoping to organise another triathlon next year and d an on Scott, Ronnie, Jaspool have more competitors -so Fiona at the watch this space!” The team had to cycle 20km each, swim 200m at the Vale of Leven pool, and run 5km STAFF BID FAREWELL TO CHIEF SOCIAL WORK OFFICER Chamber to wish Staff filled the Council her retirement for t Anne all the bes Hundreds of staff turned up to say goodbye to one of the most popular officers when Head of Children’s Health, Care and Criminal Justice Anne Ritchie retired after 39 years in Local Government. Anne started her career in 1973 as a Social Worker with Glasgow Corporation, followed by 20 years with Strathclyde Region before joining the newly created West Dunbartonshire Council in 1996. Anne said, “Over the course of my working life I have worked with some of the best colleagues anyone could ever have hoped for. Within Social Work, more widely across the Council, and in our partner agencies, there is such commitment it makes me proud to have been part of Public Service. I will miss that very much. I would like to thank everyone for their generous gifts and kind words on my retiral which are much appreciated. In addition, the amazing amount of over £500 was raised for the Dumbarton and Lennox Children's Trust, which is wonderful and I am extremely grateful.” me a nd T E P Y M Lyn Hughes Human Resources Advisor This is me and my dog Freya, a five year old Springer Spaniel. She was given to me and my husband as a wedding present which is a bit more exciting than a set of towels. Like all Springer Spaniels she is full of energy, with a tail that never stops wagging, and loves nothing more than going to the park and chasing her ball. She’s a very friendly dog and tries to sit on your lap with a paw on either shoulder while trying to lick your face. This isn’t something reserved for people she knows - she once did it to a random stranger on a park bench in Balloch. Thankfully he thought it was funny! Freya loves swimming and as soon as she spots water she off for a soak, although I only wish I could get her as excited about a bath! She’s great company and can be well behaved, although she does enjoy chasing our cat Beryl. at: Let us know ? s it b to e v k a pet you lo Do you haviceations@west-dunba commun “I have worked with some of the best colleagues anyone could ever have hoped for” Te ll us ab o u t yoeut !r p In her retirement Anne plans to spend more time with her husband travelling on their Honda Pan European motorbike, and she also plans to paint her front door - a task she’s been trying to find the time to do for about 10 years. Keith Redpath, Director of CHCP, said: “Anne was a very well respected colleague not only within West Dunbartonshire but across Social Work in Scotland. She’ll be greatly missed and we all wish her a long and happy retirement.” COUNCIL SCHOOL COOK IN NATIONAL FOOD FINAL Want to keep up-to-date with the London 2012 Olympics? Check out Web Watch on P8 A Council school cook is in the running to win the prestigious title of Scottish School Cook of the Year. Sharon Lockhart of Bonhill Primary School made it to the final stage after a hotly contested semi-final in which she tantalised the taste buds of the judges with Mediterranean Meatballs served with Cous Cous, followed by Summer Bonhill school cook Breeze Cheescake. Throughout the competition the cooks have to produce a two-course meal consisting of a main dish and dessert for a maximum cost of £1.50 and which meets specific nutritional guidelines. The national challenge offers school cooks the opportunity to demonstrate that they have the talent and skills to produce tasty, healthy and nutritious food within a tight budget. Sharon Lockhart, 44, from Bonhill, has worked for the Council for 20 years and said: “I am absolutely thrilled to have made it through to the final and am pleased to be representing West Dunbartonshire Council in Scottish School Cook of the Year 2012. The Grand Final of the competition, which is organised by ASSIST - the Facilities Management Organisation, Wiseman Dairies and the Braehead Cook School, will take place on 20 August. STAFF GET DOWN TO OLYMPIC GOLD THE KNITTY GRITTY FOR WEST DUN However, within a few weeks of the knitting pattern going online, social worker Margaret was inundated with offers of help from various departments. Soon the jumpers began to pile in, as staff members not only got knitting themselves but recruited their aunties, grannies and pals to help. At last count, there were 259 jumpers donated by 22 members of staff, their families and friends. Some of those jumpers have already winged their way to Kenya. Margaret decided to get involved with the appeal by the charitable knitting group Loving Hands when she read about the plight of babies affected by HIV and AIDS in her church magazine. She said: “I read that many of these babies were being sent home from hospital wrapped in newspaper - and this is also what has tugged at the heartstrings of our knitters. I enjoy knitting, it is one of my hobbies and it takes only a night sitting in front of the TV to knit one of these wee jumpers.” She added: “I was amazed by the response to the Intranet article. One of my clients, who is registered as partially sighted, has also been knitting jumpers. She said it had encouraged her to return to her knitting hobby which she used to enjoy.” “I’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped, particularly to Maris Connolly, Helen Faye, Jean Powell and Marion Major who have recruited lots of knitters - if anyone wants to knit some more, there is still time!” If you would like a copy of the pattern, contact Margaret on 737905 or email: margaret.willoughby@ Seamus Monaghan Unpaid Work Officer from the Community Payback Team Managing offenders who carry out unpaid work in the community is a responsible role which Seamus Monaghan finds challenging but ultimately very rewarding. “It was certainly a challenge to design and produce and nutritionally analyse a two-course meal that was cost effective, modern, and suitable for children. “I was slightly nervous at the semi-final as I was working outside my normal environment, however I did enjoy the experience and I’m over the moon at getting through to the final stage. Now I’ll go and give it my best shot.” When Margaret Willoughby put an appeal on the staff intranet, asking for volunteers to knit “wee jumpers” for African babies affected by HIV and AIDS, she had no idea what response to expect. TALK TALKS TO... Sharon Lockhart is looking forward to the final in August “I’m over the moon at getting through to the final stage” Staff from across the Council have knitted hundreds of jumpers for charity MY DAY 7 T h e Olympic To r c h R e l a y visit to W e s t Dunbartonshire has been hailed as 4,500 people watched the flame one of in West Dunbartonshire the best community events in years. Thousands of people crammed the streets of Hardgate, Clydebank and Dumbarton in June to welcome the Olympic flame to the area and cheer on the torchbearers. The event was streamed live to a national audience on the internet as part of the comprehensive coverage of the Torch Relay tour of the UK, and showed off West Dunbartonshire at its best. “I think it was one of the best events for bringing everyone of all ages together” Ronnie Dinnie, Head of Neighbourhood Services, said: “We had high hopes that the Torch Relay visit would capture the imagination of local residents and that certainly turned out to be the case. I think it was one of the best events for bringing everyone of all ages together in years. “I’d also like to thank all Council staff involved who helped make sure everything went smoothly on the day.” Unpaid Work Officer Seamus and his colleagues in the Community Payback Team arrange worthwhile work for offenders when they have been given an unpaid work order by the courts. This work could be anything from painting, gardening and snow clearing to litter picking. Offenders recently built a new section of the Clyde Coastal Path in Duntocher. Seamus began his career with the Council 12 years ago as a supervisor, who monitored offenders as they worked. His job is now based in the office and his first task of the day is recording the hours the offenders worked on the previous day, and contacting any offenders who did not turn up for their shift. He said: “It’s hard trying to understand why the clients sometimes find it so hard to comply with the order. I know it is due to their chaotic lifestyles, but when they fail to attend and I have to return an order back to court, it is very frustrating. I think, “Why did you not just turn up?” “It’s hard trying to understand why clients don’t comply with court orders” Seamus spends a lot of time writing reports to the court, and although some might find the paperwork boring, Seamus finds it very satisfying. He said: “Doing a completion report for a client who has successfully finished their unpaid work order is very rewarding. One of the best memories of my job so far is finding out that one of my clients, who was placed in a charity shop to do her unpaid work, is now managing her own branch. It just proves that unpaid work orders can be very beneficial as well as being a form of punishment.” 8 ROSIE WANTS Don’t miss the next edition of Talk due out in Autumn DESERT REVENGE After taking on the most gruelling race in the world and being defeated at the final stage, most people would probably decide to hang up their running shoes. and now Talk First Mount Everest,hara Desert! Sa the to it s ke ma toenails. I was absolutely gutted as I was mentally fit. I cried my eyes out at the time and I still get upset about it even now. The front runner was also forced out with injury at the same stage, so that’s running for you! My first words to the organisers after I had to pull out of the race were “I’m coming back!” But for Rosie Kerr, coming so tantalisingly close Rosie’s place for the 2013 event has just been to the finish line has made her determined to give confirmed, but she will need to start the task of her dream challenge one more try. fundraising all over again. This time she has decided In April, Rosie took part in the Marathon des to raise money for Solidarite, the charity started by Sables, which is dubbed “the hardest foot race on the founder of the Marathon des Sables to help earth”. Competitors run the equivalent of five and a the most underprivileged children in the South of half marathons over six days in the baking heat of Morocco. the Sahara Desert, while carrying all When asked how she their own food, water and equip- “It was still the best will do things differently next ment. experience I have time, Rosie said: “I’ll make sure I Heartbreakingly, after following soak my feet in surgical spirit to ever had” a punishing training regime and raising harden the skin, and I’ll take £3,500 for charity, Rosie completed four of the different types of food to try to lighten my backpack marathons before a painful foot infection meant she a bit.At least I’ll be prepared for what’s ahead of me.” was forced to pull out of the fifth. She added: “Even though it was so upsetting not She said: “My heels got infected, and if your feet to complete the race, it was still the best experience are not in good shape, you can’t go on. I lost all the I have ever had. But I do feel like I have some unfinished skin round my heels and toes and also lost six business with the Marathon des Sables!” WIN! 2 LAZER GAMES, FOOD & DRINK PLE! FOR 6 PEO B U Z T H T G TW J F F S J ZD S K N D H G C M G L WA D I N G G T Z J TWZ Y V U L S T E L O I A I P W F Z I N R F B U Q U O U M P L Y P V T H X L G B Y U A T E A P X F N I K H N H X A B S G C C E B OQ H O V B M F E T B V I U K E U Q V R J O L KWA Y C S X L I Z Z OW L A Z E V A R T L U Y Q C O C A E S T J P P C F E O I H H G N Z R A Q X B AWZ V MMO U E E P D N P R S T T I C B OPEN 7 DAYS! TEL: 0141 641 0222 E Q D B E M I C Z N RW E S K T E H S G U I S L B L T E G X FUTURISTIC LAZER LIGHTS MISSION PHAZER PLANET QUEST RAMPS ULTRAVIOLET WALKWAY WEAPON WEB WATCH WITH JONATHAN MUIR Olympic and Paralympic Games coverage; news, sport, video, tickets, Festival 2012, torch relay, schedules and venues Vicky-Jane Hastings, European Programme Finance Officer, won the chimenea and two beautiful hanging baskets courtesy of Loch Lomond Homes and Gardens Centre £75 THE SPEX STORE in Victoria Street,Dumbarton, is a dispensing opticians where you can save up to 70% on frames and lenses. Looking good in glasses doesn’t have to be expensive, with complete price frames and lenses from £20. Once you’ve had your eyes tested, take your prescription down to The Spex Store and choose from their extensive range of traditional and designer glasses. The Spex Store accepts NHS vouchers and can provide glasses for children, teenagers and adults. So pop in to the store and see the saving. For your chance to win this great prize, send your answer to the following question to us at: Corporate Communications, Garshake, or email: communications@ by August 31st 2012 Q. How much can you save on frames and lenses at The Spex Store? 3 Victoria Street, Dumbarton, G82 1HU t: 01389 726935 or 07720 680958 The London 2012 Olympics and Paralympic Games are the biggest events to hit the country for decades! Here are some websites and Twitter accounts that will allow you to keep up-to-date with everything. Information on venues, travel, accommodation, events and much more Linda Shaw, Area Manager, won the Munch and Bowl package, for six people to enjoy two free games of bowling and a meal from their grill. WORTH KEEP UP-TO-DATE WITH THE LONDON 2012 OLYMPICS to Congratulationtistion our Talk comp!e winners ANIMAL DESIGNER SUNGLASSES We’ve teamed up with Lazer Planet, Glasgow’s largest and most advanced laser tag game at Scotkart Indoor Karting in Clydebank, to offer our lucky winner 2 games each for six people, relaxing and enjoying half a pizza and soft drink after the games. To be in with a chance of winning, fill in the wordsearch below. There is one word that does not appear in the grid. If you can find the missing word, send it to us at Corporate Communications, Garshake or email: by Friday 31st August 2012 COMPETITION WINNERS Follow all the Olympic action on: @OlympicNews2012 (unofficial)!/OlympicNews2012 @LO2012 (run by enthusiasts)!/LO2012 @Lon2012don (run by enthusiasts)!/lon2012don @London2012 - the official Olympic account!/London2012 THE TEAM The editorial content of Talk is produced by the Corporate Communications Team: Malcolm, Anna, Moira, Lesley Anne,Trish and Jonathan. Photography is undertaken by David Norwood. Email: communications Talk is printed on 115gsm Revive silk paper. Manufactured from 75% recycled content, the paper is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified. Furthermore, Revive 75 is about to be declared Carbon Neutral®.
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