User Manual
User Manual
User Manual Ceting to know your touch ph lnstallinS rhe SIM cad.9.ltrery. and storaeecard Charging SeB!lrery Stding up the device....-...... Staius 1cons...................,...... thing phon. fe{itrres........................-.. I Tming thc phone funclion on and oS V"lrng a -all ................ tuswemgand Endingacall ln-"dl opilons............... Y'"Sun.rp, ,o oo*'".u1" )our phone. You alonc dc ,esponlbre ror nos )ou Be mu..hone tnd an! conreouencb ofits use sprchtbrred lu.icneratrute.ilwar"snilchofl\ourphonc$hc,.!erlheu\eolaphone Ur o-fJour phone rq eble.r ro saldy medu,s des,ped ro prctecr useR and rh<n h not ue your phone h dmp ded (bathroom, swimirg p@1...). Protect il iom hu,d\ and ofiermohrure Do nor erp.e 1ou phone ro e^rRm. remperdies lower rhdn l0'C ed l,rgher !E + 55.C. ft. Dhtriochemicsl proce,\e. croled or charAer( rmpot remncram hmrL uhen tuirns be banery. iour rhone auromar(dll) protecb the banenh o eltr(ne h i'or leave your phone $rtrn he !ea.h uf\mJ' chr:drcn lcenam remo\able pm hal h a.cidenhll! rnsestedl fl.ctdcrl $feN:'Ooh use fte rkeeA Lred tn Ihe manufacturcr\ crtslofre. Usins q orher chaq;r ma'-k dde(rois:il would aho tn\aldale )our smanri i ,ne vofbge hd k esfll\ lhe one indi@red on Oe chqer s seial phre aftraff ,.feii: Men ravehns b) pldne. )o: $,ll nedio iqrkh )our phone off shed s Ntructed b! fre cabin crewo. the {arninssisru U$ng a mobil; pho.e ma) be dangeroa Io Iieoieral'on ol the a'rcran dd ma) dftupr uc 6 illcsal Md \ou coLld be pron. ured o, bdncd fi om dhB celluldr nertrork in tu future itioudo not abidc b\ Ihese kEularions. al Ftrol {arron a\[ng you Lo f,rplolive nirledab: Pleae c6mpl! q ilh snn.ns Gdio equipmen, usase rerh.iron\ $1. h \our Dhone oR. You srll oeed ,o.omply qh ',gN h Dlrs,uc} a chen:. sr pld^, tuel depob ild d anJ locarion $here bL{.n8 oBEhom ee unJe. qr\. El(rionl. .qdpmetrr: ro avoid 6e nih or demdsflralron. do nor lel elecnonic devres close h vour ohone lor a lonstime. Ele(rrotric D€dicel .iuipsetrl: You; phone A a rudio rr&smine! shrch maqnledere ;i\';6;fii;;;,;-G[;ipmini or ,irptos, .u.n a neai,ng aio". pacemale^. in$hn Dmos. dc Ir r' recommendad fr ar a m'nrmum sepdalron of | 5 cm be mainDird [esern rhe phone Md d impl&r Your dodot o, 'he maluf,actueb ol"uLh equrPmenr kll h *hle i; pive tou d\ idrre \ou mav ned rn lhb ffid A.s,rchedofl in hoinrDLuhen qo EotpihLr Al$-a,, ;nale\uernaftuphone indruded e umine lis orb medical nau: Ro.dsrferi: turi6e'\ou E6une *hendnqnE lno,derroeiveyou tullanenrronro )ou md.{ compl) *rS an).Jrenr dn\rns,soimd ptuk"al-el) kfo,<md,n8rcall. 16 5flilXi:i,r"*-n-, ftb pho.e ooder has kn ,esrd dd mee,\ cd,or,qutrc) erms,rc fl,del,nes *hen d s fouos . riearn* ine er Place or rer<rre r phone cal' dd holo Se phone as )ou sould 5 hre In.]'ele.h6.e . Bod\ phone ,n d c4 ac'es.o4 ual conratni no ';r'om: Men msmrnrn& p.dce lhe mdal'"nd mrtroB 6e Dhon< a?nimum dr 2.5 cm lom iour M\.'l .c oro,het acce"sonei mav nor ensire compl&ce $ilh ad,ohequen(J .Yposure Sidelne: ll yol do nor use a bd! qom d(srcry and e nor holding he phone ar il'e eu. Frilion se .hone aminimum of 2.5 cd tom \o(Mv. i DataoFetron when u5rnc d &L featue' po'ilion tne phone a mtnrmum or ).5 cn Aom loitr bod) lo, de Sola dEnon otthe drD r,ar.mD$on Prcbsitrs: lo hc,lrtste k !(tchn! ol Fch8,18 mrre'kh. plqse obe) Se sonrng rules n$rfuld lGallv ior dis nE of $are B.neri6: sEnl hnin6 6K k d.@tld at Sedsr@red rollect;on Finb *6rel,n ma![ afrrxed I-o rhe Drcdul mee! rhrr il T[e oredtr.i: fte cffid{ur ed el<(on,c Nuipment. klds ro be tu,h ol el(md ol hbre <lacGcal ed <leclrcnic equ,pmenr To o,o_more the rco'cl.ns ed Kote[ Se enlioerent, EuroEar reslations requte IWEEE) dd at Se sanme ef@d lGai ) fo, frl Dne of *d{e rou ro obe! he sof,ine tur. rffis I G.nbg Sund d6.. l.l Gettinsto krm vNrrNd Dd 3rorrse SIM c.d bt.r. 1.2 lBhllitrsthe You need to remove fte bck @vr &forc vou can insbll fte SIM card od badee. Aho, otr$. p*a bfore insblling orreplacingthe SIM card dd h*e suebalwaFM To remove the brck.ors I Mak€ sure vour defre n rmd otr :. Fimlvholdfredevice $id h* h& dd$e iontDdelfacinsdom. i Push th. back covd q *ift ) ou d@b util it dhengages from the device 2 and then ir*rll the SIM clrd SIM card condrs loxr Dhone numkr. serice dehih- and Dhonehv meqe memor. Your device is suDDoded bih 1 .8v ed 3V SIM cdds. Note: l. The Dhone can be subed the double SII/ cddr. 2. Some,ee&v SIM erds mavnot tuclio. frth vourdevice. Youshould conslltSS vour sewie Drovider for a tDlaeneBt SIM erd. There may h fee for ftis sePie. L Remove the bdter if it h insblld. 2. bcale the SIM card dot. and lhs insen the SIM cdd with its Sold conkb facinE d6M and its cut{ffomertuinsoutthe card dot. 3- SlideSe SIM cardcomplelelyintot€ ilot. To fre Y;urde!,c..otoes silh are(hdseable I rfirum-ion baflen and k de.ised to u onl) manufa.tuer sDecrfled onErnrl b;nenes ad accesone" B.ilea rilomance detsds on mm\ hron, i{ludtns;so* ronfrSEIron. ciralsuen8h. md u(€e Panems wamini'T. reduce irk offire orburu: . Do;or dnemor ro oDen. dN6"en,ble. or 'enrce lhe bnery pacl . oo nor cruhl oun.iure. shon eflemal onracB, ordr@$ otin firc or Mrer. . Do nor exooser temp*arue\ abve 60 C (140'I-). . Reolace ohlv \ilh lhd hw Ddk des,s# for lhb nr.ducr . Reitcl. o, dr\ooseor 6ed bailen a rDulard bv lGal,eeuldions. l. Ahsirhe b"neD s erposd coppeicohraars trrh 6e baireD connecron ar he btum n.d nlthebaned comDtu.nt. !. tnsenrheconiacssideoirhehne4 fiNr md then genll) pu\h S.baneq intoPle l. Reolae the backcover T. re;nv. rh. hrtud I M,ke surc vouidevice k lumed ofl 2. Remole th6 b&k covoi I lhi hnom of Se phone hd a no(h. Tn inrhll. h.moN cfid LrR rhe bailery b! lhe nord b Rmove il io naiiaoruonat siomee toryou imases. ',deo'. mbrc. memo^ cddand Ntdl it inlo vourdevrce. r M,Ll stre rhar vou' device i tumd on dd Sen rmor i Loer r".."iory"u.lor 1 lnsefl Lht memon ced on the tnlo rhe {ot up*t pm ol ilIh ilr sold dd e Iles. ]ou co purcha a fre bac\ cd\ er exFrd rshr panel @nmcE k,ng doq u[l rhe il clrcK i$l?J'if;."," *"."*"" cdd, pr6s il io eject il ftom fte ilot 1.3 chrdtrp theB.ften rj"" l*'i*! om,d\ chau.d. Belorc \ou str uslns Jour device. il 's Mommendd "i hal'l'oo.d vdtj in.iall andchdaa rhe bafiery. Som. hrFde(Pedbm k( ann seleral tu!l charsdaschm cvcles. Ua;dri ih;,ia epi;,%d usB yc cabre trovded wirh )our d€\G mN & d ro chNe fie derice. seAc adaDter b Ihe sFc connector on loui derte.d F.i'ii'?$'r'iriliiii**re. rh6 Dlus h heAC ad@rer ro"r an elechcalouder Lo Janchdgin8se baRD. As r(e h"ftd is bene ihtoEd shrle lhe de\ rce F on, d chesing ion apFm rn k tr!€ bdotrhe Hdme scE-n. Aftir he baneD hd k.n tull) chdBed a tull bnery ron dEm,n be xtle bdof lhe Home scffin. fri.-,,i*:lii, *imo," ue bdery tum h. de\ rce qhile rou de chagrne il Bng # i x 1.4 a sferv rirecauoon, Se bdkD S.r6Dg rp th. dedce m."*eimrcuonore. orc$& sropq hold ckgrne belore rl ovefreats. POwtR Onreleae.lhePhoneoproN mflu oDe;s. SelectlPowk otr And confim Tb power on asain, press & hold POMR. To silene you phone quickl, PBs & the Home scrcen,touch S hold the - volme buton b rero volume mdserect s*ines>AudioProfiles. O. on the lock screen, slide lhe dng icon leftward to sfrtch lh€ silnt o""i,o or in""rrq rou, (ren qtll go lo {eeP rdkplav stll you, phbne uso'e.s banen po$er. You er (onlrol Lhb beh6\ior: Sel screen umsut Erid anJ, r. on he Home scren. rorh E -".",*,...,"... & on Selet'silent' mode. lm black)' h JeP' 2. Seled Dhplay option. l. I o,lheHom. 2. i. E-l Seled Screentimeout. S.lectatime fiom lhc menu. Prcvent sleep while ild Selftt Applicaliors, Selecl'Shy hck srsn & a/ chnging screen, ihen louch aw*e' aid E selecl Eg Sen selst Developmenr. check hx. put phone to dep Exeptwhen on aphone cau, ftom ay sceen. pre$ POWER (inrhediately). While not on a call, to lock your cortul butons md screh ftom .c.idmlal touch aclilatioD, pres POMR, ihcredeftesecurily ofyourphc,rcb\ s.fting. screen unlockpanern. Once se! scn, you'll hele to draw Lhe corecr u.lock padern. You cm $t your screen unlock paftem d follo$s: You can in oder b ulock you 2. Seled L@at'on & E-"**,*"," s&St),Md do*ntolhc then s.roll New SMS or MMS Setin$. Screen unlockpdern E plqi,g & The llome screen is your an custonia $en for using all the applications on you lhonc. You to display applicaions, shoncub, and widgeb as you 6 (p *t rou. nns"til to rev€l rhe appli.aiion ions 2. The Home scren eMlllenend hlond te screen widlh. Or Home sffffi. dide your fingedip left a.d neh along rhe sc.en to lei€al fre tuU width oflhe Home sffe$. l. Touch the appliBtion ftt additiond shortcuts, and i. rye grd ildget- t )ou more ruom ro custonizr Home frth applications, CEate Home soeen shoncus md s idgelt: . Frcm the Home screq prs IlNr io s.lecl Add', The Add to Home scEen nmu 9Bflii. pla! li(i,- a^,,,""." *4dsel .*..r a sbn , r ru .ohe or \our srved ,nromrr,on r\uch a* qollpapes or ]or Fionc ta chk o, r,du,c hn.e'. roldeB cr .ftepplicalbLshonc( foidd.or srdgercpFhon thescreen Il)oLselecred wallEFi you llk ald rosl..r a pirure @b b F!eal Jl rhe tip: To creare M applic/ion \hnJu quicll!, rruch De aoilicsrion tron\, Sen rouch E bld a @l,car'on (or "pplica.ion Ih.hon.ur rs dded ro Lhe Home screen; clo* fte appl'cdon 6 to *e it. qidger Fon r ou Home scrcen, loucjr & hold the item 1o enler 4. To remove a shoncu or ,.mo\ e mode . fte oDlidion d tum\ irLo a T6h budon Dr"e rhe ileh lo the Trash hudon rnd rel€ase yoir'll knoq she. rour ilem L in rhc Lr,h hJL"us. rhc lLcm a,'d rhe rab will tum rd. 5. Move obrechon 6. Home$rdn . To mo\e ;n i.on or o6ft ilm d Si Home *r.n \oJ musr l(d roJLh & hrld tr b ilLer m.\e mode fte obid( *illtusi^ \hen tr\ ;ad\ ro bc mo\cd . W,rhod linine ]ou 6nE<, to, \ou i dE;p ou olmo\e m 1.J, Jnr rhe obieo ,o Se n<s pos(ron. romove o itr'oaqrion olSe Hooe r'e Se edge of rhe sclm ad hld il htr h a momenl. Pe scren vie$ uill <hifr . no.i',oa rhe.hied,nd rlea€ l.s stilus Icou ConDectrotr sbtus i.oN Along the lop of )ou pbk s(En ts tu sBrus h. On Se lefi side, icons will apped, nonBhg !ou of a neq nqe. Wdine d.n& cvenr. or {merhrns ehe }o; ihnuld nolic( G rhe dshr si& of& ffi E, !ou Il rel,onrcri^. {drr icol: Nole: fte I or 2 numk sbsdon fie q ofthe icon is Sh{l c.rd or SiM2 crd. @ A 4 Call rl* {€ Bahery k charging il; 68 6n 8m sdinBpim your Hohe no*itg 6Gl section. like. &E GSM signal. roamin8. E!W i. Setorchegeyoumlockpateft by*l6tinseilh.rSellnlockpaltemoiChilge unlocl pailem, d applidle. 4. rolld$ Se prcmpB lo de6ne )our Fad:m. Nore: )ou mu{ drde )our frneer along rhe $reen to creat€ the paftcm, not seled individual dols. Comect al ledt four dois. Mer you dnlock you $.En- ifyou *al )our pafled to be hidden a you dmw it. cleal 'Use vtible patem' chft k b\ mm& &m No StM card in K EE GPS ? !E {oDrnotificrtiors When"you s.e a norljcation in fte sulu bat lorch rhe bar and slidc vour nnger dowd rh.,. .rn ro )oen tn I i .l nur'r. "r,on' dFpidled in rhe .idrng $indoq. toNirorIuo\.(Liienr(allrEtu aNndc,,'r,e''u.n"1crll Onsu.rrrrricarlil,. edtu €\en'\, aild Jm\.Yoil(a r"'-n...,i,*.,nLn.,n rrlul ileu tre-rc(..ri (l('on.l.nn!ie,((r'.'(lcar'not,firJrronsd''nelopoldrenulrfrcation' e'rem'. locio'e nril frcdron.\od.inro!.h''"ac,rcrnrJd,orotrli r,c ri"rtrrarruc u i il,q. {roe \uu, fi nPer up o.',en 2 Usins phore feltur€s functioi on md oft 2.1 Turrinstlephonc To rnauc or dbablcAirDlaflt Nlode l- rd\ coul', r\ \ou dr; ,(rr ro b! 'a$ r. 'm oil rhe pho E $hrle un hodd an ,'rm3 Modc. ^;\robnlollL^eDnlreld4crronrrru\\t1rch\outde\rueloArrlaE when you enable Anplane Mode, all wtrele$ radios oD you.device arc tumed orincllding $e pho.e tinction. Bbetoolh ad lvif i -> setinss -] wteless & neisorks -> Airylane mode l. rdd E :.Touch'Airihnemode toenablco.disabte. whenyou diableAiplane mode, the pho.e function istumed back onand thePrevious ftle of B luelooth ard WL Fi .re r.stored. Adjusdtrg lhr volunr l)ressVolude butononihe srdeofthePhonelo sho* ihe volme screen. lfdre phone ts in librating mode. thc voice will be muted auonlaiicallv and de device $ill libratclhen lherc t an incominscau 5 You can selecr to activate or deactivate the SIM ced vou want to 2.2 trhhngs crll & Home screen, touch K -, Phone to enter sc "vi,,-i diaL scree! fte oHcreen dial pad b enler a nutubet bu.h Delet.' buron to delete numbes you'lemte.ed. Touch &hold to delete allte numbeB infte freld. Todial anu,nbei louch CALLI' bBson(Cre! icon) bythe SIM1 card, rouch CALL2' buto! (Blue iconlbythe SlM2 card. To end arall, touch'END'bufton (Red icon). l. Call logtab: Selectan enlrylisled infte logto call the number 2. Co.bcs tab: Conads with phonenMbes are ihted. SelectacoDtact, ed ftenselect Se lhonc nmberlo dial6e cdl. i. l aloriles,ab l r\udreco ir,b {'h ohor nrmbeF /e ltr'co \(lect - taqodre. and &rn select rhe nu'nher r. J xl iha./l Touch cruos voice;dl \!].be. I bgeDerallyresend foryourvoicemail.Tap and holdihtsbuton on the tocall voice maii and retie"_e you.voice mail nc$ages. lnd Erdirya call 'Ihenyoureceiv. aphone oall, fre incomingvoice call screen qiU apFeai ailo*inglou ro eifter dswer or ipore the call. I To aN*rre inconingcall, sliCe ANSWI:R'(Green icon) bunonriehtward. 2. To rcjedacall, slid.'RUECI'huton (Red ico6) bullon leflward. oFn' box iflou prier to us. wi I I ror vour ddrs corytnion' lhe wFl I senrns s.'en: *lect il tum ile nflwork lrsl Prcrroe vou wmaiire oiprsword rt equrred. irl*,.J i,iin" *eck Loxro tum Blunmrh se:/ice' on orom ",i"r, wtn etueioofr senices on, vo! can open se Bluetooth sdngs si.;iiiili itnhsi i i""n:,liriiin,. **k trtsl smmb &en . Ren,me vourde!ice. . (.!*' ,"i. dhcoverable for uD to 120 seconds, or nor dF.u'erable . p,'i.i,*" Blueloos derc* in 'ilse - You frll be 6ked ro *il ore lo Se mmuiactuB\ docmenlarion lbr lhe PIN code' PIN belore pdtlne Refer "lrhe armiue moae odotr: Mo anlee mode i' sreles selecled. al' w connecrrvrq is a ofl Photre screenkelDad 2.3Answ€.itr9 W)ileon acall,rcveallh€ in-callopfions: Spqker Muie, Hold. End and Mo.e Nole that if Bluctoofr serlics ale on and you {e comected to a handefree device. the more menu indicalorwill sho$ Bludoolhon. L Spe*er To use the spe*ei 'Speakea so ir shows a geen bar ]b m ir or, relect it a8ain so fre bd h ufilled. The sratus bm will d;play tbN icon when fte sF*er 2 Muie: To mule your side of the conversalion, selecl Motc so it JroBs om it04 select itagain solhebd bu.filled. The *atus ba.vill dhplay gcen be. To tht icon {he. a i Hold: To put an active call on hold, selel 'Hold' so it shows a geen bm. To .eslnr Se call, ort*efte call ofhold, selecl itagainsolhebe h ufilled. Ifyou rske acall whileateadyon a call. frc fi6i call frll bc plac€d onhold aulomalicaliy. The satus bar will displaythh icon Bben a.all h on lrold 4.Add callr lfyou needio eoter.mbe6 *hile on a cal1. iouch'Mo.c'tab edselect lncominscdl: Ddnsali inprcs.$, illouec on a cau ("call inprosess') when motherqll 6mes in ( incomingcall ), you have afcwchoices: . Arswer fre incominS cdl and place the cal I in prcge$ on hold To $itch calh at any tme, touctr 'More' b!fto. to select 'Swap calh'. . Ifyou donf %nt to intempt your call in prcges, then slide END' lenwrd. . llyou haveo.ecall inprcgess and oneelleron endbofr calh. touch'More' huton lo select 'End ali'. 6. Mileona call. you cd onference upto six caller, countngyomeltNote thalyou ce ako have an additiond calleron hold dudng a conii.cnce call, rerydless ofhow mmy pdidpma ile or Se coDference. Nok: mdhe. rh. goup cal, FJ!fion co be 6ed delends on whethtr the network oFralor supports &d prcvids sEh tu.rion d *ell s whether you have applid for such fmdion. Plee contact ieuork ope.alor fo. detaih. 5. 2.5 Usitrs call tbtory ,., n".'*"0 *,,,"o" fl od shen )ou m.jleo d cdl "o*,".",,,n Use Call log' tS m chek lho the cd1er w6, o. view aU you dialed oubes, and Heived cdls. To oFn 'Cal! los'bb, iouch 'Call log buton in the phone scre.n to ent€r 2. i. Scroll b seler fte conEd or nm&r rou wanr ro dial, touch Call'bfron. fte selned conk you sel to call, dd thtr you can make to do fte following oplions ofell, edil nmkr kforc ca1l, send text message, add to contach or Emove tum call l.g phore o. the shoncu nenu. I SetliEg or your defrce r hr",""" s,tr d.\p,a) in he EE rab ba, shen atryrane node rs se'eLr'o' . Seleci data roamins capabiiity. . i"r"o n nmons to sate baneq po*er -nnecr oi,h io 2C islo*erl . selecr a wre es opeiaror nelnorl _ \cil lor dl.\dlable nesorks. or seltrl liiTSfilll'***u advhd to do so point Nmes "*"'frreless opeEtorl by yoxr 1.1Cillsettups Norerhrt$hen"vouoF fdched. shich cm t*e a Cdr senins few momenb. (rNs) ' Do nor chanse sh senins a nsorr 61as iorSlMl orSNz.)ourcundl senrnFm oJtsoingcdrs toa n^d set or i""ruii,lt."' ro, '.,"'tr' rlM PN2 cde lorvouPhone' Yo! ;mbeE. lo'eubleS,s lealurelou mu$ho$ the iil;a*;irere* ope*ror. ilsumiry ftr reature r\ suppnd :;;;;;i,i-il;; . . he rrM i;:;ii':#n;;;r;,; vorc:ma,l seBrce. selecr iu .fl a lorcemail nmber rhar l-nii roo aoine: Se lecr ho vou Mnr bus). un€ns" ered hnndld ft.re_rs also eoDtion toAlwavs foMd. 6nl a berng read Fom nd unreachable calL ro h o,t m -r .i."uon. You ned ro amrv b se foropcningfte intemar'oul long_duhce tunclron dd ger neso( i;iii];'il;i;;;i;;:;"i"iaL'ui" nesoA op"eElor rcqrrd'ne code for bamnq ',iiiii,iiii-'l-ti,iii setuPs. cM ss vour ( arrer rD Prererence dd rum ri",',rl slnrna 'ou i."rii,ili*ii',i-""o t' he ner*od, sd dd acuvare r(etre of rocar inbmdon tud6 ;;;;:;i;;; ilJlg;;klchoo* qirirr vou wr ro rcerv< inromarron ;;ii;;;;.:tG t.e*'r riam",paat, rcws, and tili seryie ffi ;;;;il;;il;;i pr",J loal nenork "."ao,our phdese6,gs 3.4 Blsic oeemior for moe detaib' Select6nc u'er ploEledo enter he iollo$inEoDlons: vio,.e- let* io n+e rou phone vibrde {or rncomrns calls' vnlxde: s€ldr b omn fre tolume coorcl, ed 6en dide your nnger alon8 he \orme t"rioHancomr;ccnt nns\olumeoralm Pladnsback muqrc vrde-o' bdvou Ph.nE i,ne tone. Sclir to d(ide on s nns tone rc 6e lbr rnomrng calrs' NoE iii,ii"i:iai u' ""nl* o, ,ndiqdsl coiracn rn rhe tdir srrfl (edeurhness(frru' mqer ir""i'i",i'.,i r'" io*, ta"r a ma rone ro 6e ror a noilfi cilion s rcn m ndrhc'rtoN' N.t€ tharvou; o\er,de Srs sfltins Ior ne$ Calcndeevenr c;to te alplications setings screens ro selfrr ;;il;;i;;;;;;;iii't6;6. soecrfic nne ronei lud,hle b;cn rones. Seld! ro have a lole coud qhen )ou u\e se on_q(rs D'dn on he *lffi Audrble.eled,on: \ele.( ro have d $und Pl4 Sen vou select il rlem 4. Tap and hold contul phone-frde Setings. 3.1 DualSIM *nins iom rhe Home stritrss screen: t-"1 ]fl ma *r*r ue bnghmes conrol. ud fren $'de rour finsraloiB he 6a'Iriii*:sii.;" t" "*"t"'el. ln iunlrgr inceae the le\el' u,il""'i r* Lo ui '.r {".?.ili,iJi,', s"ti.ii" a..ide how ionsvour phone mu$ k rnadNe kioese x*en s€cudto&l0cldor i;;;:Ltb;li;il letugs 6 " ...."" ror deteminins vour locaiion: wrerss netwo*t o' GPS snelries l!prcr.[.GPs q.rt n. rnurc accurrrc sn..en unloc\ odilon:. r.drecFlrm ilo qrrq te\il, ru tr (un.rrh moe \ou \.it hed\rrd r,drdq bct,{( \o.r\crLfr, sril \lV c&d lo. I rnrng\. mc\ )oL, irM cdd ror e!E s..c,,,rN. voJ rcn r[.,.hanpe ]ou \lV car! PIN non' lhr .crec;. tt ,ou oont tuo{ ),,ur \t\t pt\.1,.,,.an uordr, ; r;o; )or! wiclessonsJor rn ha,ern,il f,.,s".d,r,..Fr. \ a.. \. J.rp, .l )',j*l: q?sqmd screcr I. nh,osn .ourcc.. \e'eil rhr\ chrh bo\ ,r \ou $dil. rhe dr.rrt .rJ$nt4rd rDr,kdrun! ton rhe ueb $,rh rhr, hcci n". rcr **. ro. 1"u o; ), .;i. i;;:;;;iJ--"' dlplcalrons ,rorn trdrorJ Mdie, ,u crLurr r, L, p.^or,r, ",ir a,t,nd cnon. rm.,.rr securej il is recommcnCed y,,u nn setecr ftis'box. Vau8e 4 rr rar'un!. vre$ ar, rhe or. {o(d ulou ano !o\ .n,.. i "pntr.d rfi) rnu-re Juriltoar.{ I' s rpri"r,"r ro" c,rrrra vJre,r"u.r. :l':. 9.,q1 diltskil rt non .h,\ \ reen \fht J 'pff,'tr dpnil.ilroa ro r. ( rcJr \our usc.da.d (ir ..1 hr\e d,, rd kilh a n"iltrr,t.r "pfrrc"r Jnr. : Dla$Dc ilc rhc a0Dl,.aiion trtrh Jni "*..." ju,,-. 1. I n,,.ra,l . rr i; eusr .,J(J rn appt,u;jon ,.un, bdru.d Mor(r. \ou q tr he ark ru unmslltt '"il !om hh \.rce I b\ :elecr,nE L nrNhti De,!,9pmcr(.1,)ounco,Dpltrar,"nde\.otr,,luui"\hc,n{eiesrJd,,,Lhe,e..nn-. r.!\Bdftuggrnf: I.\ou\r&r kabler.,nmnunrca..,$rh\our ohoil-.ti,.dlv.i, Usa. \ele(r 1 Sa Jebusn! rhccL h\ j S,d. d@t(. t;pi";,; i;;;;1,";;'.,,:,; ye?rnB \!n're cnqrn! rr a pilsd.dapr.: or UsB,. \eh .Sh\ il dhre ( \c(i hor Accounts & sn. Re.dmo,ernlDara'Fcmnarirn.onDase 17. Tum oroflryictunnDrion for ail s.nrcc,.' , | : i . : \ setecr ro resd \uu thoR to \enrngs I r,. wrti c,ds! dil cI, tom Dr pnoi( and re!ere \ou ro {g i,, rid f! Smutsh Se \cruo sr..n, o'r*torr aq Lrq SD crrd& phonc storrse \isand ro.aee rh. du nonseon \our ohone M(moa cdd: Voniro.,nd mm,cc hr ue or vou Vemo+ cjo.ron rhN (.Lcn. I Ver nou mu, h space jou usme your niemor 1 rrd'. ..t(c,,u Lsc \ou, mcmon "e vou' on .am A u\B F^r {oEpJ shrn d,otu h run,,e.r..u .o !ou, (.1,,!u,e, aoectrd b\ ' oeD'.it I J Lnmounuerll \ou mcmory.rrd trom \our nho;c. \o\. lhdr qhtr you pnonc 6@nnectdroluur (ompur.!\id I SB.lou,"nrn, r,c$ I oedrd *ored trcru,....r ph\ rl) on the cdd liom \ou Dhor'e l tr lnEmal phoncsroqe: Repro nos muct inr.nrat, rrec F se ; I I I I I I f [ I I ' . , I I | I f sJ d&e. t,\ Auroma:rc utes )ou neeo .o ,he n..sork T,me lomrat Selfrr from l: Jrll hor jbmas Dde rormil Sel<t Eom a vans ,il rnril,^ Atuul phone vrcq )ou phon. s,dr6: ros {tH tbs a rancr! ot,innmcilun.,nciudin! rou. trmkr. rhc nso* you tr (:'ftnlh 6he. lhe qF ot.ner"orr,.rsar rrinO. qn(her \ou de rcan,np or noL r\ $ r.t r d6s \ou r. rnnne. i.d ro, v'es rhe mode] numh ed rcF,on B,om,run ror louph,,nc "n{ more a AcUrcsym {l D{ta swchrcnLrtuE $me uooale qDlcauons @ \od phnercnart. (.atenJtu dnd ( u,il"crs) €r\c tnL lrr* b Lhe $m. p(Mnil intomdron drl loJ cd rad. r.eq. and arL,,n rn,i ompulcr ujDf (i oele Sjeb rmi(ailon. ft h me,ns rhd $h.1 \(L ad( ciidn"e ., erele)orilddrnJron,nd\ ortfuappruuon\on S< $eb. ihe uMdred inriilmr,nn a.o "pped on \our phone. d rice trN. 4[o. I \o,r {ose \"ur olrira u rr .,_, "n".. B derroycd. )our tr6onrt htomJnon,. rcr,oj rid {,il T'ned J. betu,r, n a, r,nre. Ume /one. hs h,co.h8 ot hfomilon tlffi tuougn over rhrar odra sncnronr/i,r,n. or dan uild \Frrnp GLa rn h &rigoud Jnd \hu .tdn.. (!er err r, \our sd\ -)r'4S (rhhLe rou I rnos )our d.b D *E uhda rou .re fih ran rirtr r jrus o-r ffiJuse ..endrng lqc moub oi tu k.l ud ioar, ofcr rae d.r . dn td[e Un r qr,,e coi\'derable hdtridh. ddc de .om(.eri,,s" un rt,( phoie rhd.lL," and t;; ro syrc by appli.rdod Io.onrol sFchroniuiion tbr cnuii, Uendai ed Contrcls, lou cddo l. on Lhe Hone sc.een, rhen rouch and setecr Serines. 2 sclecr the follouinS: H A(,ou\& ryn- Men av ot rhe xbnt.ccr.on. m )hchroninng. )ou silt \e * *. -,,,i,"'..,h" r^;,,;" y,', da,a q6.\ hcbon,zed. ^"Gt "* .'nnnd,on r,Cmd,t (atcndr,,dd( unrr$\1,il\\n. '.U\ delr'ulr..l.cIe,.unaI r:.wn(n Jetecld. Auu- rc $ r| 1n. Gndit, r atcndd. ild aontdN uroq;rh? 0. or rou hJ( chln8c. , . ecer\< nc$ h.r{ee. Men uFF. rntomEnon u1 *,np ,1" inJi,iaJ' auro a w r. nor be r\n. eJ.dLrohsricdt;1. dlnoush \ou r1n ron c._" alnlcanon chccl hoxcs des.flhd hpr^; Gmail: C1*thN checkhx toexctudc Cmailfrom autojpc. Calendar: Clcar ihis chcck box to e\cludc Calcndxr Aom uto+trc Conhcisr Clearlhis check bxro crctuae Contacn rrm mo ryiac.' ryou see this icon Q! ,u rn. o, ,u," *," .heck box. rhen there was a remFEry p.oblenr with rhc data synchoniaton. Chect yoo.dara conneetion ed try a$in larer {.2 Blueloolh Your phone is.quipped with Bluetoolh{,wictcs rechnolog Spec'ncation:.0. }buco usc Blucl@.h ru send dnd Fce,\c cat[ ,FrnB a hadsil ur handsfice ca ftrtr on Blu(tooth !enic.\ tjr. i 3Jiii#* H: m,:il;:::'j:Ir:ilo *. .,* Bluetooth services. 1. S-hen on. rh( Br"er.o$ tron anpea. - . ,r he natu. b", Dhror(rebilt\ B) deftdr. rd; nlonc r nor -Jn, o\errrr<.. Thi mc"n\ orher B uil,lo$ deil6 iol se )our phonc.jn,hei r(dn, f^r Btue'mth devrc$. tilou mdLe !ulr Dhon( o rcoreEhrc. il urii b( vi.rhre tD other alueruorh de! i c. tor r,, b | 20 rc;nd( To makc you. lhone dhcovembtcl I . M*c snre you hava rurned Bluetooih on 2. Selecl hings > Wtreles & networh> Bhetooth siil serins. t Sejccr'bi!co\eo\tc che!{ ho\ rumdevour phone\ii;rterouscr Bruer@SderrG nr tlu \ecood:. you mld !r\ un rhe BlueroorF \cnrng{ scMn lo remi,r dr{o\dte. dgarn duijnS rhe 120 !snd\. or tcave rhe B,uetDolh Jenins screen. lo mdk. ro tr rrJne undisro\erfte fime Bluetooth dericc I M*e'orr \ure lou hlve rumud Btueroorh on 2 \c[c,sentrrS .Brrcle$& neruu,k. Btucroorh.dr,nB. .Dc\trenme. I lTe rhr nJme lo, lour de\ ic,r'he dr.,tD" hJ& and rhen se!,l .OK. c. y.ur ne$ dr\rce nJhe appcd. cn the Bluetftthrentnos slrEcn Prir & cotrn.rt silh m.::al oDmilniareuilh oiLcruo(h hc"d.erorhand..freecaruL rhc ?:l:l:\urnmu$ ,.pdr " ocvrces , rhen \onneri. I M*e \urc \ou ha\erumd Btue,.o,h nn 2. Srl@tSe(in6 > U/nelcss & nesorks> Bluelooft se{ings. ,cina,, Brreroorh de\ ic. urrhin'arrge. r. uey ae roud. j:1.111 u ue\rces {:!:.rTr appear rn he trst ur tstueloorh d<vices 4. To Elwith adevice in the tbt. setecr ir (. I \pe rhe de\ rcel Pl\. Jnd rhen serect .OK. rRe"d lhc mduhcturer.s docmenkuo. ptN.) iflou don r [no$ rhe 6. On e paied, sel@t the device nme to co.nect. you cd aho toxch & hold rhe Ime ro open the conlext henu, and lhe. select Connecr 7. PdInB dnd ronn(tron \Eru.rnFd dnde, Se de\i(( nrne 3 Once the olher Blucroorh Jer rce.h.q. a nni" rFd.. ststos. )ou can sd sing rt b mak( and relcr!e Dhuncaltr o To JBconnccroi MpaI w.,h J de\ic.. rouch & hotd 6e devrc( ro oDe. tu 6nr.r, renu \.rer Dr\(o,,rc] d unrd(. a\ dpprcpr ile il.)ou {tcc|undf.uhen connekd. !ou wrI bedi\rorDectcd s weil fte ohone suppoG only lhe hed.d od hildnAee Blueroorh prc6ls. so iflou San )ouwtll cceive noLa headsetol hee'eee ro connei b a d;r'ke rhar unable lo @mecf' messase. Ifyou pdr a second hedsd while connecled to the firsl lhe fist headset will E;ail@mected. To switch comection to fte seco.d headset you mBt mmually selet Sat headset apin after paidng Nore": q il i -dri. wit Rer.rtr for Blktooth deilces lf you wml lo update the lht of Bluetooth fte corteb o, ro view the your phone ne srced conucb devices, Fes MENU and select 'Scm for dth you ecounl on your phone, rouch K conucb and select $od on the Wet. Cont&b. srcific group (you cm ch@se which grcup) de lisled i, me Conbcb klonsng conucrsDb.o;lithoseionrac'',ousrda'ravodre5 de lkted inrhe Fa\orires bb up ed doqn on he Brore throud you conlacLs b, {tdrne you. frn8ent! _SFtrCH bufton t soon 'cren. 6 you PR'l tuo$er $a] b fi nd a conml qurckly r ro ue _stMCH''buflon, the qurck siech ub appeau on rhe lop olse scren. rnpu'he frKr len( offie nme lou're looking lor ed louch "earch icon. the malching conraLE de to a 4ped on &e screen. Conbcs 6b, you cm: action on a conlad: Touch & hold the cont&tt Ime io open fte cont€n menu Fmm ff€ menu vou cm sel61 10 view the Coniact delaik screen, 6ll the eotrhcfs nukr, send a iext message, add or remove a $4 edit the conbcr detdh, or delete the T*e 2- Go to Conb.t detaih: Selet fre cont&t's nme to open fte Conhct detaih fre infomation you've savd for St conkt i! dhplsvd- vhrc dl screeh l. on fre Home screen. then loucl p md selmr Conracts. You S screen, snbcl lhl aPPeils. MNU md sel€cl'New contact'. Add all fre infotmtion you wmt to store for 6is @nbct in fte Qprcpriale fields. You nu$ add some infomalioi to save a @n6c1. To chsse a dehult label, selecl te lakl name Lo oDen he label msu. \elqL a drtre,enr l6hl or.Ear. acurom label. Toadd 2. Pres l. n^n selel+ Morerdo. 4. Asuming you have menory cdd inseded wilh Pictum on it, you cu asip a Caller lD icon ro Gur conEl b' Iouihmecdler ID I@n. fre Picue\alPlielionopens. the crcppe, Sh your fingeniPs Men frnFhd. NaviEate 6 a oicureed seld r@n. a eteci sa,e fte prmm is ricrated )ojt onkL. llyou do nor d(i8n tqiir d dll k dsiSnd. "trh youconbct,PEssBACK, orbuch Done'. defrult mdroid icon 5. To save tscEavodr'aawayrodtsplar onl) 60$conkctsyou conl6ctmo{ conlad ro Favodl6: I !rcm ContrcE, touch & a 2 Setejt.Add 3. hold to iavodrej. Now you conbcl frll h te conkt lhd You cd alwsls m*e chege. ro From ConfuE.louch & hold *mi ftet kequenll). Ioadd to add to Favodtes The context debils scEen will also display fre he rnromriol lou \e \brcd fo' d.sntet I you in Favorits. who"e inlomanoa you a conkcr ro edtr. \trt lh. conbct'. fte Edil conhcl scren appem. 3 Mateyouedits, ft€n Prss hne' Communicrle with t colbcl From Conucls you tr qucH! call or len a conbcr's delau'r numbet. a di!pb)ed klos lheir na;e on de {Mn. qo*ere,, ro \ies dl rhe rnlomil,on you te $ord lorr conracr. ed b idliate o*er ryF of olmuication wifi that conbcl, oFn fte conhci dekih !cen.lo oFn a conkil sdehk.cEn, smply 'eied rheir lme Eom Conkfls. I eall, conhcr tiom ih. conun lht. rouch & hold rhe conE, I )ou uilt to call. Sele(r 'Call contet'lodial ftar conE t spnmq numkr(fi6tii the lhtonftetdedk 2. Select '&it nmbr for the conbc! selel 6e contact's nxmherohlhcirdebils scren od ften louch C{U icon. 2. To dial a different 10 nanre, and hm select memoNca,d.oncerhelinornMe,uJnumber.rnp(d.)ou.d. Impod allnmeJnumbeB in the list -pre$ MENU';d seiect.hmnall' Impor only cen,h aamer ru!k,s rn il.e t,{ -Ser(r rhe n,-. n,inu".,n, . impon.,\d rcpear lo, dh.ts a )o,, u kh,A" {b1 a you selecr rhe nd;e nunkr, ",* il,. 6 Exchsoging Messags 6.1 SMS ud MMS mssrghg Tryen Se \Vs & MVS Vr.jc8rnS Jprltailon. un rhe Hor( sreen, rhen rouch From Se I. I (sd a les or mrhmedra to qend r leil or mutt.iredra messAe,o d con&cl \ou muq ha.e a mLlatse ro d conE(r mohrte number nored for ffeDln conkr deuJs. f,om rhe r-onrdcr deu;[ \creen. selefl d phonc nunber dd tti.r .v6,age.ton, A commse \reen openi br \our n(q me\"se Cornlere \our ms(age cnd se'ecr .\end.. 4 send ff arl ro a lon,scr To.end u emiut missagc ro a conbd. )ou husl Mve d email addres {ured for them rn,.tdpr,ii. . Selecttheontactyou wdtto email. TheiConhclderails screen o.ens . In the Scnd eMil section. seletlheenail ddress. Ifyou ne fetchi;g popj ortW elMil ,kounL b ).u, phone. rhcn,etecr rhe accounr liru wAh ro use h-,.eqd A ( omlo\e screc r open\ ror vo . Comp,ete l our messase. \elec t 'Send SIM cotrbct imporler tr)oL tu\e sored nae. ed phone nmbe,s on )our \tM cdd. )ou crn add Sffi ro Se (-onra.h rored on tour phone h) .ctNilnC rh.",i:nrns, orrior. Iiom rhe (onbcr ti!L prcs VTNU ro,el(, Impodrpn .1ou ca .etmiLo rmpnn hom StV cao or fte -o *,*, *. ,**r'", """. About tett and multimedia mssages sMS De*dges ee al,o hor a\'1exr" her\age\ ano Le acn h archd to0 chrdcreR lr \ou conilnue ro npe dfler rhe Imtr F rea, hed. your me"eAe urU be detivercd a one. hur munr a\ mo,e rho one mesage. Thes. tue (iild -conc,rendred- mess6. MMsmes\aBesaeal.o lexl, piciure, audio, When you com?ose ud [,o\naj muilned;"o! -prcrur'' resagcsad video files. ia onorn n mssase, the Dhone will autonaricallv conve( a rext mssape inio qullimdra mesqe aq.oon a )oL add a.ubrecr .r dn di^Men.. o, ,t\ou addB lhe me$qe uring d emdil ddres Brher rhan a Dhone numher vies th. mssrse from thr he\srE. [st (elrd a me*a8e lhread rn rhe lir ro open il lor redng. Een or. de rndivdut he$4e. appeu sdctd on Se.crecn. much Ik. urn-rnsmr mi*.agng con'mar,oro a Nole fta1 m*sages you send re aho Ihid ir lhe Read view. l. Redihx multimedia mesues ll )ou hd!e (elfrl€d lo auro-,eine\e you nuIimedra me.ege\. rhen hrh rhe msqe hcaderdd Mr qill doMload li \ou de do$n'od,ng onl) rhe hcddes, Sen !ou mun tusr ret(r rhe DoMto"d bmon rD,rhe\c the rsete bod) li)ou tue concemed abu fre $/e ot you, da6 doqrtd, tou c8n chtrL Lbe me\ssee sve hlore \ou download Once rhe mes€e hN doMlodded..el;cr rh<..ptd)" builon ro vreq Se Es.aee. From a mesrage read !reu, you cm do the fottrjqrire: l. fo\re$ ddd,.sabout apdf,rculd mes.aae. In rhc-Read \req. louch& holdSe msage to open the context msu. SeledView message detaih. 2. Beph ro d message. s,mpl) qdn rn,ng )our mesvEe ,n rhe rexr b\ il he bonoh o, rhe screen ro rcpi) ro a mesage You ca. aruaF presr MF\U and \etecr ,o ddd a slbrfrr ' o, d cRdhqen' ro conven I ro a muhmedra tre:sdse. sel(' .send' $hen rd\ 1 Lrtu,n mesqge\ lJ a mesape ronrarn. a trnt lo; \eb pa8e. n kt j be selft bble to v ew fie web p4e ,n rhe Brc*ser iimoh selecr { 4 Ddere mssqs: Yilr mc,sa8e, Sli rie sared unrl rou e\ptrctrt) detfle rheE. DeleFone mer.age in a d,sd - uilh,he m.sdge Sread oFn ,q Redd vks, rolch & \old Lhe m.s€e ).r $anl ro detete 16opcn rhe;onrexr menu. Detel< dt mesages'nd,\idul in. tued - silh rhe me(sdFe,tued or in \reul pr$ Mru Dele,e rh,(dds. You 6 J.o deHe rn enrire tudd hm rhe me-age liq b) pres.rne d holdinglheilreadbopenth.conlextmenu,ihensetect.Detere. Delere all mesage rtuead( - rrcm rhe< trsr, Dre\s MF\U od setefl Detek $reads Compo$ te!t.nd mullimedi, DeesrEs l. Pres Mf N I md \clecr'Compce' I re comro.e,creen open,. 2. Add r.,,prenh by Dph! p\nnr rumbcr, or emd,t rdd,es jn " nd;e, t1 the .ro' reld. Vclctng corlac.\ u,ll apFsr \(lca .he rec nierr or collrnur nprne. Add a rnJn\ r.ipienb b )ou qsh. lr )ou sr rJ rh( mc$rge ro Jn e,hri. ddoi-i... Se ;rtl 'ne\"gc du,omducall\ con\cn norn !eil n,, n ulr.midE nr.,,!. 3. To add a subiect, press MENU and seled'Add $bjecf. Ilyou add a subjecr. lh. message will conven loamult'media messas.. 4. foadd an alh.hmeDt. pres MENU od sel&t Areh .Addingd alachmentlill rl$a!.con\enrhene*rBrruamuhrn,edm fre(a,e s(hr Eomddioo, D,crJk fte.. YoL (an.clrcl lo r*e d ne{ p.c u,e ,r J ou sd r, or,rro,o d auoro rrte. eni ,.t,drrs, Vu.rcJpr'ilslon.raptd l\ rdmrJ .t\ )ouma[(Li,lbe{o,edrnonJ,!al]J.rll'e recordinEJ To ,..r.\r ai drtd.henr. .elr.- rl'c .ilr.ilmeil\ 'Rea;.c ^unon 5. TWyourmessa8e.k you q!c. you'll be able b trackbowmany characbr/nessages youlecreaains R.meinber Lhar tcxtme$ases ir3vea limit ilound rs! (k"rJd b-r '00 (hildcreh. On.e\ou go o'e, rra . , r,. - , -. -..'"g. auromartally Joired rnto one whrn tucer!ed. 6 \Jecr Scnd $hcn read!. tr,u s- d..n iJ\e 3 ordn 7.As$agc sends, progres dlph-vs irfte tirie bar lfyouscc this icon lo rhe ri8h oflhe nesagq i means is *iil beingdelivered save mesrg€ ff drrft While o'm0\rDg. prc$ BA. L, r^ur nc*dse .' ilon,aricall\ .r\e, a c dr.n. Tc!r.od mtrllihieili, mescec *rrinq\ To settexland mullimedia mcsr8e preilrences, lion the mcssage listprcs MENU and sclocl'Setlings'.You can ser rhe lblloui.s fron this scrccn: toi les porub a(,.urh'. ro'lou,hrn,omnr.,o l)pe hrcmdrl \enrr n.ilro(ot.and uiltrrd-cor6rrnli'-"r1ir\our,ci Anrr\our1..uLnlfliln€.l.3rchern rr Fed *tecl 'Ncn to goh rour lnbx: 6 & idd moE account\ 0p to ilve), iom e Inbox orFuAccounls screen. press MENU and select'Add accounl'. Use yonr POPI aDd IlNenail nc.ornt ore )ou vr.e rp ' *ruui r. )ou ."n do,\. 6110..rng I Rrfte.h Inr^\ Lom' rhc lnbo\. Dre* Ml \r r'J ,hcn Jclec|Referl rc up&k ,ou Inbor Nrh any preUouJ)-!,,t(lch;d emr,l. : RcdJ (mdr'. \or cJn o Tl4 u' (ulLpr( rh! 1,e..age\'r ),,u, lihr b\ rlR rne tnbo\ Un,ead-c^Jee.dr.pL) i L Nolification seftiDgs cs.eccivc a nolificaiion erch tinrcvou eceive ane$ messase \elri'Nol'lrcuora c\e-lbo\,\cJnolticn,roil,1rh. {diushd.shendn.{ me$age drr\ l{ rou, cnr \o,tr phonr'o I n8 *hfl ne$ .(.-!( anr\e',,e1.. I rhd checl bo\ tr se l. \eler r R. E rone ru uper rha nq: rolc melu ardlele,r a.,ng rone specrnc'o neq re\l dd nuh,mcdia mes.ape s. No.e rhil unen ]ouih(t d i1 plays 3- Multinedia Lrn the delilcry status ofyourmessag., seledlhis Read repodsr To receile arcFron whethereach recipjcnr has read ordeleledihe messa8e without reading it, sel..r ihis check box. Auro rerie!e: To rerriere all \.u, VMS mesaBes dLk,ncr(dtt) fihe header tirs he mc.\6ee$rlldoMload,u\nurphoner..el.,,rhachectbo\ Ii\ru.tcdrrFrichectE{, onlylhemesage headeF will h rebieved and dtplay inyou.nessasc Iisr. yoncan (.led,1p ,ertsve rhe tull ne\ige b) rhe Do{nload hunon rhlr dr.lla)\ rn 6. header. Ohcc rhc mes@e 1,6 dotrrlodded aeltrl rhe "olav'huilo- b c\fdd rhe tre*orr Roarrng auro-,etrrcvc' lr \ou are Loncrmd Jhui daD r."hic dnil tu{ ran, rfe m(.,aee |eadr,. ro"d uh,l. rcdm nE., lrtu rhc Roamrne ruror..r e\c check .o\ Otheqhe. you ca. select thischeck bxro hdv.]our mesages do*nload elen shile then 6.2 POP3 and IMAPenail rc.outrt Add ar enail rccooni Yox can f€tch mesages froh u! to five POPS o. IM& accounts. Fottor rhese stepli I Press Home. hen seld the tuail aDnlcaiioi 2 Be Set up ne* aounr sceen appJ,'rs i. Type,ourscLounteha,l addrssed pa$wod. 4ll\ouwant.selecrlheSehdemlrlbomthir6untbrdetrutrr\...,box.t'h..elrrg onLv applies ifyou have morelhd on. POPI o.tMAPac.ounrselup. ilyou l6v€ d popula, emarl accoun|he dppl,calon $,tt ser cverqhinq un .u, \ou: Bet,e \ou so ro \ou, Inh\. rou, d nre rhe a..ounr (il )ou do1 r, ioi, a,;rr Jddre* {ill k used). You ee also Nked totypeyour naDeasyou want iiro dhpla} on outgoine messages. You must completethb field kfitre you car seler'Nexfandgoto your- - 12 lnM\ | yo! rut rw(J rnrdrns. P,cs. Vfll dnd selEcr '( .n'F,!j I Ado re-rpr3,.F F! rta,n: o have Note lhal lbe message is only deleled tom your phone. not from thc account sene. ?. RcnDve anen'lil a.count: You can ahays remove aPOPI or lNlAPemail accounr iiom your phone. Go 1o your lnbox, prcs MENU ed selecr 'Accounrs . You.Accours scr@n opens. Touch & hold lhe account you wanr b remove 10 oFn se context meru. Sel€cl'Rcmoye accounl'. YoD will be Nldto confirm beforethea.counl is reDord. f,dit .rcouDt settitrgs Toop$yourA@oustsetlin$ s$een, do lhe iollowlng: Irum )ou, &r1'dnr lnbo\. prcs Vl NU ind .elc.r 'Ac.uJnr \drtrrB.'. ' I hc A.counr .e'r.n6 \re(n dpoed. )ou can do r\e rollnqrre hotr Sh \,een. Ac, uLnr ndml: selc.t to chfige'he n"me.ryuur aL@u,{ rs il Jppem on )our A(LomE I',elagc..elec''vihrnc' Tex nesage sefiings D(lNeryrepn': L'ecerfed,. Dri',,hcdel\eD {ilu\,,t )ourmesJge.rtscrrhr. .he.k hor Mrnag€ SIM card nessaBes: Te{ nessages cin also bestored on your SIM card. The exact SIM ca.drumberdcFnd3on \r,ur.rrd- but jt is usually arcxnd 25-50.To view messageson,,oxr SIMcard. delekihcm- ind cop) rhem tovour phonemesory selecr 2. mesagc senin$ Dehrery rcpods: To receirc a epon I-om the FroD fte Inbo\r L E\pand thc Inhox1o dNplay thc nessases.2 Touch& hold 6e nessage you want to delele. l. seleci'Dcletc .4. Your mesage h novcd to iheTBh. 6 Enpty Trdh: Once you've noled a mes$ge to thc Trsh, to emply mesq6 in &e Trash)on nu$ delereeach mesaSe individrally. P.ess MINU aDd select _Fdldes-ro briefly. rf)o!ndntyourphone'ovrb%rqhenyourerre'r($ Reply Reply aU: You can forsrd, repl]., c.reply all to.n eDail nrBsqe fromthe Inbo{. Fron lh. hbox, touch & hold te oesage loopen ns contexr men! Selccl lh. aclionyou want b take. nd'reordd,c$in'\e l,jrl(ldVaLh,ngconELr,ui'l"nn(ilsetc(rrhe,<cip,cir..,, tqilig il,< xddres. AdJ a. o. rrJ q..n. 1. I pe i .rbreLr dd msjasE ] !rn'inu( 'rcnr Pr(..ints B \r h <elec'\enJ'. (Jre '. or'Dl..tud {rrl r[o {\< dsdEn des You ring lone. uirhd.1'ucJbdd.II achac(ounr.ouaddqill u*ade,cnr i. Fo$ard. I Your name: Selst to chmgcyourname s itappeas inoutgoingmail. Email check ftequemy: Selcctthis pop-upnenu to seth.w ftequertlyyouremail rcounl ic chec\d ldr ne{ a(*. !e, \orc Sar *l'e{e\e. yo,r..pen d t.lde'..mdrl rr reticshed. reg.rdless of rhis rrtlrnr Dcibuhrccouoi: Ifyou have Bore thanohe POPS orIMAPemail accounls.l upon ]our phoneand waDttousc tlhaccounr bydetaul when selectingCompose ftom the Account $reen, selectthis check box. Emil noiificatbnsr lfyou wot.n icon io appear itr rhe slatus bdwhen a nes msese dqrrs. 'elecr rhh chc. \ hJ\ lncoming server setingsr S.lect lnconingsdtirgs iflouneed to editthe lsemn. paslword, sener pod, oroplion ro deleieemail ftom serler. Oulgoilgs.yve! scsings: SelectOuigoingsetrirgs !l you ne.d locdtthe SMP se^er. pofr, securiiy lypc, option 10 requtre si$ in, or usemahe/passlord. Add anotl€rPOP3 or IMAP ro ald anoue_ dccorn. O.u cal dd. up ro r\c,. Eo ro lour lnbo\ p,r$ VL \l Jnd \el(t Accounrs'.YodrArL.!n6rr.cnup(ns seled'Add accounf anolheraccolnt. Press MENU and 7.1 Weys ofComectitrg lo the Internet (ea neLsor.rne."pabilir,r\ drlo$ !.r lo dcce.. rhe Inremer r, !cu, r oprare rsnrt h,ou;h\rl.'.uPRs tL orTDi.l (ifd\arlable) Yo! can ako add ed set up a VPN or proxy connecrio.. liFi Wi Fi p.olides $ieles Internet ecessoverdisiances ofupto 100 meiers (lCD feq To Yo,tr d.r use Wi Fi on you delicc, you need acces to awtele$ a.cess ponil or"horspi. Nore: Theavailabilily and range ofyou.dcvicet Wi Fi sigal depends on the numEr l3 mftstrucruF. od dhrdr-L tuougl whr-h si$ rhe iouecamntrsrcuhome oagebypEs(ins VEW and :ete;,irfu Zoom r;d DAligrdon itr Web D{ses whrre vre$rng a web p€e.,ou cm pres MFW and setecr zooh Io sel the zoom conrrols rirccuon ro,hin your page,rew ihe I b Ruo fi 6r ilme \ou Vore .senins. VoF . serl $ Broqe screen )ou @n do Se folowins. a web page Vile sure rhe tocL k no, ;n d ren bor and Uen :.i*: i,B,HHL*:ffi5*",.Y:t . . Frcm Se Lonhm Bmhilk the pase vou are .Sel . Derai tl rhe .**,,* "","*;rff" -o bv Lsng mutrrpte q indo$. ro d6phy rhe oFn up ro eightwindows rew wmdo$ : Fron a Web pdpe. pre( MLW and sejecr .wndou j ft e Cusenr sreen open,. so*ins rhe web pqc vor \tred ro., pU, se,reclNe$ sindow yox, home pare ois'\ rir, ne" urnd." "n* "i"ai.i1:.,,. i" ,.;',;;;.;;;; orner w,ndows. press MEv ed s.relwindnu(. a wnoow vr., ,r pry i", i,li,ili J,"i) boohrrkr hu cmrrd€ 6 mny bmhills a you wel on \ourphone. MEVtrd sele(l.Bootuh . fte Boohtrks i(reen onens , moMdk dy Fg.: $hr.Add.. Tf a nme dnd lucauoriWL) in rhe diatog b\. P,ss 2. S€nd bmhtrked conlerr henu ors. paee,s URL: Touch Setecr.Shm r.ue me*ge aeh, & ti*..An hotd 6e emaiJ c hokmdk you wilt to open. fte y;u;;;G;-;';;;fr l*IjH::[.*l$ri.l,;! *", " , vreq bohdked prye rouch & hotd ue bkn;f yo,-";4,;;;;-i;" *",",, meru oFns Selecr Vre{ p4e or OFn rn neu qrndos I Fd il bmhar k: Touch & 6ota Ui UooU-t ,or-*, ro e open. I he conren menx ,Ld' bohrk. fte edil h@kh;,k d,;i;B t";;p;;,. il;,iil;fiid" ff:Xsrftrt 5 Delerc a hohdk:Touch A opms.,se,ecl'Delere tuhdk' hotd rhe bohilk you eril vou wer b oFn. haked'hconfim. lhe conre\r menu o,doohilk orent pB. Co ro a Web paee vou ddr ro bohark prc( *rd'Boohekl ne Bshrk $,;e;otstr. pre* Mrrr _t *r" VI\t ad ri".i.if *" r,* d,aros 60\ opn.. ;;;;iii;;i""i"ffii;". r**d lff"i',.",:".,..E"€i. Setyorrtome tou set your home pee tom SeSeilns ctr; scrcen: y:re'seiln-p' fte sd,i'+ {ren oFr I ij:::YlY^1!-:"1:1 il, uE r€e conrenl set ron, setet .sel home paee ,o open lhe dEtoA bo\. ;"g*:ff,!if ;,l;,1:#i.;i: ,trr g o rioiie aa r, *m .-oi ' do$ld&\ ^eroqoJ fita.orapptrcanonsusngUe Brouse,, norrrhe to[o$,n! calosbd web appr,@,iuns. rou;,r e\p,",ry 3,i'+:illlliil,"t ;t"T,{ii:m,r,.,;:;; :"J::t nri,i. i.iilii,i.i,"e .,hen f,,j,can.n\ oomodded tom.lhe Wcb de ro.ed on vol, memor\ cdrJ,.o be .ur( - . \ou" cro rnnJ,ted jn phone ktoretou downtod Jrom rhi grou*. ! r ne Bro$rer wrt onh.)our altou tou ro doMto,d,r"n{ tb, r" -".rr;;;;;} appxc.hon 6e wmrnClApplicilron: 'nqalldon dow;toaded boh rhe ueb.a be hom Ltuoq sources lo z Ar nare trems Nomd, co Note tut St but you Smdler o. Smallet. the Browser. wmt pop-up windos to k Set hone p4€: You curently-set home pqe is shoM on fte SeffiS scen. To chege you home, seld Set hom. page, t?€ the Uru for you hom€ p4q fren seld OK. Selsl one oftheprivacy setingsto cletrfte followi8g: Bmwse. qche: Bmwser p€e-vhited htbry stored cooke dab sved fom &h Accept oobes: Select thb check box if you wdl fte Browser to save @oh6. Some web sites might nol work properly Mft cmh* disilled. Remember fom dab: Select this chek box ifyou wmt Se Browser to remmkr bxr you have tlped in foms, so that you m select fre sme iext later ralher Sm rc!?ing it 3. Secudty setins Remenber rcswordsr Select thk check hx to srve usemMs ad ptrswor& to vdoE Cl@ pdswords: Selei Cl* psswods to cl@ dl your sav€d Ssords. Show seuity wmings: Select fth ch@k box if you wml a ffiing to k displayd you N gobg 10 m iNcure Web site. fren E tugle E.l tuilil ftosle To open webmail s"*"",.*n B -o *,ecl Cmail icon- With tuail, each ngsage you send is gouFd with all66 responses you receive. ftn "conveBation viet'' cortinues b gow d new rcpli€s dyq so you cm always se )ou nesages in conten. ConveBations re aho rckd to * "message frr€ads" o, simply 'trcadd'. A Dew message oi a chuge to fre ssbject of a cufll message iltl bgi. a Inbox conversatloD list tuail td you fetch to your phone is delivered 1o you inh& ed fte Inbx E your default Cmail view. fte tohl nmber ofutuead m$sages diplaF in the title k md i.dividual ured messas display in bold. lf you hve labld a message, iB l#l appe&s in a colored rechgle lo ft€ lefi ofthe &te. All fte Orgdize you email by labelinS your cohveBations. Yox cm filer fte conveMion list lo show only lhose with a specific label. You cu apply 6 many labels to a convMon . . Bebreyou press MENU md selecr More sefring h Iift ;i',",: b scpaBtr windoBi cillep_Dore lb qe kb pqr oFn - de Bro*sersc'een. Load images: Select 6is ch@k box ifyou wet iDages on Web to lod. For faler pase loading, cletr this ch6k box. Auto-fit pryes: Selsr ro size pages ro fre screo auiomric.lly Olen in b&kgoud: Select if you wmt 10 rew pa8s to open in a new *ndow in pa8cs. you cm upen To 5er Brcwrn preferen(es fiom Sefrings. L Page @ntmt s.ftings Texl s;e: Sel.ct to olen ffe Text size menu. Default j.crese the size to kge. or Lry$, or decrede 10 ter size sesing only affecb pages you view through Block pp-up window: Select thh check hx ifyou pry curer,lv viewins: hen setecr,OK. Opetr p.ges Y"u nr mrrF {reen, setecr.Add,. URLfid nffie, frd r:^'i"+fl1'fi,LT:,y","'ltrn"UHi"tt s$, such ilX""r.:H.XXfl[r" ","r Fm phone md F6onal dM, only domload Aplicatiom froD soues you il h&oid Maket. Uew you downlords To se which files or applislions you've domloded: l. Frcm the Brcse$!m. prc$ Vtru dd rlsl MoE. Viewdomlod 2. fte Doqlod hrsbry \ce, apre $ilh Se lRl oI doqlods. llyou have no dowlods, nothing dll be shom on fiis screen. prole! you ro orn se Brctrw. b(h Md ..te!, rhe B,ory.e, ,!on E I hr Brcss alq)s oEtr b Se lsr Web page r.,r trere vie$rnE. Ihe enre, he Broqse, aner pose,,ns io;e;r's. ilrt orsnhi Us; *a6 to mek inpotmt conleradons, or any way thal you wbh. Obs sysem la&h include: lnbox, Sent, Oulhx, Drans, dd AU Mail. Here de some specific inshctions on usin8 labeh, ftom a conversation lbl, touch & hold a conveMno! b opm fte conte* menu. l. kbela snveBation: Sel*I 'Cbge labeh . fre Labels menu appens. Selet d. label to eifrer apply it or remove tr iom rhe convesation, ihm select 'OK' ro reM ro a 14 Sid a convesation: Select Add stil'. If ihe convesa{lon already b s1]md &d }ou wanl to remoye il, seleci'Remove stil'. l. Filler conveBations by lakl: From a coDvesation list, prcs MENU dd sl@t 'Ue$ labels'. Seleclthelabel ofthe conveBationsyousantto vie{ includirgsyst€fr I#k 2. 15 I A r^r +p(d. snou ihg,Jn l",ll"l: llil,:T.. r:ti \n rhe v convesarion\ mdred *ii, rh( hbet lou jelccEd t. and f rcc, 8el r" r,,",r. ;, " ;;;:.. thfl Sc nnSFe msu. skcr' nnfn,,c lhi, v,t, DL) tr Ler emdil noxfi c"Uon, \ore rrr wren \ou \etA r a lnetone. rl p,a). bric,t\. It !ou doa.r *"1t a , lo otdr sh€n e.\r S:tclr. iltr,ironejrn(cdtlL;t,!nn;ne:( dcrtrrd 14 the rore, SeuiI8,. .l,.und A d.jft r\ NoilrLdr. rnnore nea,: 4h rr )du $dt \^,tr phune .\thqre. 'o \ r hcn \ou rcceae. ncq nF\.de..5et61 bl;i.,..,.", ::iJ;; :i:i*:l:1:j:it;.J::iJ;:l i,,,,,,, tniiy::: ,", rDih 4ped i:t, m a iiiiitli:;: tLr settrr ,he tabets )ou sdr',\".u_"r * ,',1",[ii]1,1 o- {cnsh: Frum a 5yncnmn /ed Rerd €mail oNtrq,on r,r. pL: vE\u.d; s;j;iir";i"".r.Vjii m.setln$ li,ii r, E.2 Goosle Wilo Ju open a,-onk^drm ror r€dr1& oc,uhrccr s r| drpcn rn a bo\ dr rne \creen jnd rhe Lr.\r'qr qr I dppiar s,e \onon,.i ;h" -r ncrene\lmed.1ior\,outun,atcon ;;d.,,dud he. \oL cd u\. bn., -,., :I l:11:^:-Tl-*--l':1 L"'. ore! Mf\r. drd \jecr \ ornpo.e. ru I *mo,"*_i,*n,".r *ro;;t;;J;;, ^ ,,,ir.". ii ntue r. :r;..'."::iliurI or.\r\c a d,atl-$h.,n rqrr. prcsriE BACK q,rt J[o.d.( daR o. KcpD.xeprr dr. FoBa,d uno"nn,",i,ro" "s n,gniahiJ;,"p"i i"ii")al"llL.rr ,. ro rhc sJ d rhr mn\e,rrbn setse Repr!. ReDr. air. J ru*;, iip. ,ii.1i1,..".,. doubtc{heck rbr )ou v. mJdc ft.;;l ,"*s -d serd o, (r,e - d..n \hcn rcd\. p,cs\ine B A( K ,Mlr dho Se.rch fornessaees cdn.etrch Jbr, :F.itrc ne\dgeb\,ender.uo,d rn.ubk.r.or taht ,r xom J(optu.cron thr. D,cs,NtE\r'dnd:crei,.ses;in. v",i,,i,li"iryil"., ;.?n;ffi i:if}i:llEJ iux .an apperd a srgEure o rhc ro bo\ bnr Ineh'ere', \.d!h e\ei\ me+aee )ou \end j I:?1,4.:9ny."r-n rN. p,.s ML\r dd serc.r .senin+ . i r\pr,)our {gature in dc bor you srfl ildre cai b.. muft rpts nKe when hrrshed. lourh ,ot.\ as Inlg d\ )ou Irbek tusrmnmniz. 1ou..,n."hos r; meq\!Cc. bsd on de Lheh )oL.\r ayAncd ro h..rr. lIrru rhcoamdil'\D.h'e;/c d ehail rhar h regutdl) sFrhronr/.0 ;,tr *, l"G r"""it "" l. from a (;nvddon I { p,(.( VL[ and rh{ .selnn8s.. 2 \ekcr't Seh lo open he Laets scrfr n. tn addnron ro inr tJbet\ -,eaH tlbelr', lnb\. shed. ChdN. senl sp.a. ana rr^nr a,i ri.rii. --*-. r,t ", lh: )y\Gm r. sctrd a kbet rm( ro c)cte rhroush se !)nc urjildn,j sv* ionr {nc op,ion disprar"). No,e-: yo, c;nd,,,,D;n ir;; I a"y., si""lrr. o, s,". ,;;i""i,ii,J.*i;, il.,J,lir 'no ueHume>senrnxs -A.counr&\m.,,nr,nn. Selecl sel trev emril trotific"doDr Yo! cdn receil( d nolificarion eah ilme you re, e^e a ne$ em,,r m...1op ,. rrom a mhervrron tar. Mt \r. rj il,etecr Seningr.. /. rerecr I mdil nourc iloi!.tre\, chtrL hor .u s(e an ron h rfi.e.Lr,, )ou $or j In\Gnr ne.\"ging"e^Le t" . a'11'dr' aad'"' re'(r uf ro'r' n cmer( e \ouj'd 16 pto) qhel " neu rr..J8(.r,\es.,(recr.sele, 16 r;h'iuuc\ t\, nJriDer or open . nJF dr\ota\\ oppojr(.ne dc(ounr d- m-nt onrq ch"t. rq \oil s rsl,. 'ro open cooqk MapsrM mappjns*.vicc, touch p am serect vaps ton. I. M*e surelouta!€enablcd a..tocation $urce.,in glohal Sellin$ bydcinsthe tbllowing: ro!.h p , ard uren seleo serings. Selcct Secority& locaridr. Selecr eifter Wtetes nclworks or cps sareths,orbth. 2 |ro1. rh( mdn M-o:rer nr$. VfNt dnd,ct(L .V\ I ocahon.. You' Iotu'Etr b rho$n un Se m"p a a o,k orr.t nts Jdr ' "uiroLrd(o. tou.h 6e ween or7005 tron conr'utr b /40n'n or /ooa ou. tte mdp. Fitrd,n! Ixed.n Fror "he marn Mar {Mnj pres\ MF\U a rd .Jed .).ech j. YoJ (an u,. . \"deD of\ed.h r.,rene ,n fe,eactr ho\ . Tt pe rnc or brsiaes dnc in rc.€..., Jil \ej,'L,! ..sertrr" ai, ddd,.* ) !,jki, tr|,,c ,iM;p: i;m rL( tup oorn menu,5,o,d llsbn) i. Sc,ecr '\erch ituil ,cad) \,,ur sex.,1, r$ ,t., d..f;). l. sJLcIb se rhehril,Lphtal resul"n, m,. ' luuch rh. resil, h,T uon ro onen,t,c to.dil;,, s d. ld.b. lnddJilun,o\ecrnidero;:.uh..,rh.'o(Jrrun.,,.,m,h.r\r e(n)uu.d,. I nnArone. ,n . Cel di.crions b addres b anofter loc.lion . Cddredions iom thisaddress h ooiher to.,rion . (ioto associatd Wlb sib. ilavaihble 'tuger detailcd drecrons ro a ioelioD. do the folowng: 1 lr-n ue d-n [Ep $r. .. pre* VLNU and .clecr rDrkcuoa.. . I nte' lh( shhS loiilr in rhc irr bo\. \ou cr Spr a add,es. Jr,elecr lo or k . M) cuJr<nr lo,3iloo - Renremhcr to dJ.e c tocar.on sete.led ..unrac,. - Ofen\ a llr ur tr< corucF !oJ'\c nored *iU _ Dn\rcr addrc* . Po,n on mp- rbeilr a melu ot ptucei)ou ve L jred. rnltr y,{r deJr.uiun r lhe.n.ond b{. you can tpc an dddn \s or set(r to jttar -.4. Selet Roule. t)u can choose to view your dhecfioDs in a li$, can setect Stue map, to rirs ilesmedEdro.s ovcrlard on anrn t,Wh.n in,\hed recdD€ or ,olto$rn€ rhc Jrreil.o;i. precr VfNt. ,nd .elcc. .Vor< . Lr.Jr mJp youdeqtmJtron6saved in Hi\ro^ mo mod€ Slencre''vou de \ ievinS x,r4 au cd r\,.ch \uu, \,.\. pre* ML\r dd yt<l -La)er t^.ete!t trnm \aretrirr Ltr!, tcna.n o, j alrruoe Vr{s. Sarellne ! il \dlell,re rnjrcs are n,il reat lnc CooAte V_Ds ac{ .ilcs the HL,mtu e^ .kret),rcrorf,..a1ed,htd\tol s\(rrr.poro. \ ll -.rilJbie n your arj. r:,{rme r"tr,c conoilron. je Jr.p',ryed.\e. Se ,1tfrr. 'c\: nrsra' Js Lorotscoded rrncs loopeillooCleCaleidar v.atenddD8..c^,.e. p,e... HnVr a1d5e.ecr frcCrlmde reon lltr("tsdx mlouphoneJ"r..n,\nr ;ilt,your Looltcrrt(ndarevenbdnhe bn shen, nei msdSeJqve5. .r ldhi" _ rec'prerh br r)prhg. ^uo \erer rhe re! , p,en. nd( o, addres" in rhe. lo rieu March,ns (onL.c u,il,, cppcar. or conunue ryp,ls I he adJ, esc ii,,ii i r. rype a tubisr and mes\,! to add a nifiure atra(hm;l, pess MENU and set Ykn a :fi':ii:1fi,, r :rnn. You cdn hrt 6.1 Goqle Maps ''r' ' -"" on ,he + '( N.. qri kh h u\n Mdl .onrer\ailon \Dm. from a co,,\ersilon Ljr. roucn & rhe corrc,sdion ro oF. Ihe ronrE\l nEnu^ Sete!t.Rcood \nih, r iom rhc read ! rk. Dr.: M.F\r 4rd sjtecr More Rcpon spm . vrdr con\d'ar.on J,,cJJ trad: rmm,.on, 1_riu. trli. rtuct, s hdd dc corNesarren io op- utrsd rhc conrexr bcnu. Selecr .Mdt .i A:/ti* ,""i,la: * 5 \,.hrv, mn.sdr.n: Iomdron\ner.01],{.roJcir& hotdrhecon\e^Juonb^pen rrrr',onter'nrenu.S.te(r..\r(hr(..t \,ev\nura^.nrvcoaes\dre.r,onrhej,srot rcber!. setiLr'Att'riit' Gooete )lii il.T:"1,1"-YJl;i' Ene rM 4sh r. *ren q.r.. ";l;;_r;;; ;n. r op(dcorLpse me\\dses Ari ,eid messpe\ il( me*,g*rarcnena . ep,andd. thfl r rili. Uud rradc^ dFptav -Tuu.h cnrhp-so o;" ai,,Jjj;i*,** Se rdd(r o open coilaf .e,^e- ^* 1;;1;1"ijig;;.'; i.ilm.:i':;1 :. trlk YoLcr \'.trnuil,pkra.enJ3r..,{.\,one.\u(rch.a[.idrrct(flr..oded*ihJ t'7 Nore lo creale ne* c.lendes. you m6l I::"11\i::'::fd;f"*'n go ro Coo8te Catendeon Se Seb. a \anery or $.vs PRs ro *recr tum MEv vonn Days de qhoM.n a month grd a6) lne sroE m shoMA vmi@tbffi rn Se conevondiq pd olrhe da. tu att{a} e\enl rs shoM a a nalt ven cat bil ar ff e top otfre dol (rr does nor fill Se mtire dot). v'es evenr dturh . Selecr a da) ro vreli all fte even6 rr tu, dav. fth willde \ou ro eiher he ASenda or Day vies.deFndryon trh[h you t6r \Lrred. Se.(r rheeGil ro Fdit an e'en, - tiEr sele"r a&yro erherSe Da, or Agenda \iew. trcm tnere. tl( heeventtov,es iEderails.Assumns\ouha\edtebirvilesesonan evenr nre( MF\U.nd :elecr 't dtr evenr'lo oFer he eienr tor edilms. \avEaii momh\ - std-J )ou fingenip up doffi. rtuou8} Uadalr dd F{ rhe begiMns/ind otlhe monrh ro move ro Se nreviouq/nerr m.n'h Creare new;ven! louch & hold a day ro or he 6nrm menu. Setecl .Ne$ e!enl. You can dso oresMENu and selEci N.JelFnr Jmp lo.une;r day - Pre$ Mt& and selecl 'to&v . 2. Aknda liew tveiE ,n lhe cunsl mond #shoM vmicsil) rn a t6r. one evmr de! rhe o$er. Dd). go Lo shno evenB dend dis.laved Repear,ngerens - Mdeil rcon tottowine be Ime or dare "i,hevml view elenL demih - Seled the lo \req rri deBits ftit an eveil - Fi$, seled fte event to view ia .tuil detdh. Asuming you have Mle pilvileges on m evenl prq. MENU ud \ets erenr'lo oD-oi rhe everl ror dinno Na\ igare wilhin Se, senr mon$ - Slide \ou frrEea.o uo/do;r. Implocnenrdsenda- Pr*sML\ ddlelefl iodi' . Da\s ile sho$n veniajl\ s hrn rhe Week \ res. I rme doh sre defi ned hod?onrdt) rn rows Evens tre shoM a blo.k! Yies e\enl detaih - Hrghhgtr an evml lo open a \matl @pup windos i 1 rhe toser Dn oihercRn lhat prc!idesmoreevenrinfomarion ftir {mdos frll' r.rih,.. sson& (Norefral hrghlrshrd e\enEdeourlird inomee.,Torres tiefule!enr dfld'ls, touch Se pop-uD srndow Site i s oEen. or ieie(lhe evmL rEetf you can atr. rouch & hold the evenr ro oFn fie conrex minu. rhen selefl .View erenf. Fdir an evenl - Assumrng )6u hJve qre pr\rleges on e\enq orch and hold he dm, "n ro oDen he @nte{ menu. Oen selecr 'Edit evdt' Navlgate wilhrn Se.urenr wek -Sl,de !our nnsenip up,doq. Na\ rsare lo a D6t or tuture weck . Slide vou finoenio letonphL Jmdrocureir &\ - Prc\ VF\L and sitecl.T;day'. fre c"urenr rime i, nrglrrghrea. 4 Drwvi€w DU (;,e dr\ id.d inro nou riic iob t\_enB de \hom Nlday e!en6 eedhola\edar he rooofrhe &v L*. l.led ilo s@ de rme rhq ;, Vie* e!enl derdls - Hrehlrehr an evein roopm a \mall DoouD qndou in rhe lo$er bd oithe scretr ttu, p,or idrs more erenr .nfomarion. ftii $',nilo{ $ilI suv oD6 for ihrce $onds. (Ide harh,ghlighrd eenu eeoulind h orese.rTo v,es rie 6tte\ml deuJ'-rouch fre pop-up wrndo$ whrle lhe pop.upwindori ii open. orseteo rhe evenr iEell You cm aho rou(h & hold 6e evenr ro open Ue conterr menu, Sen setefl vrs a Edil e\ent Aimins vou Mve wdre pn\,leger on elenr, rou(h ro oDen he conlert menu rhen seld Fn'i &.nr\cr rsdle $ilM oe c6ml oav - Shde \ou finsdin uo down \avrEste roa od or tutue dai - Shde iour finimi; Idtodahr lmtro d cmmr d,y- ed hotd he evenr Pr* MLru mdield.idai . fte-cweil dmeis h,shnshred d emp$ me dot roopei he nes Evenr deEls:c-ren-. (reare ne* evenr -Touch Irun an) of fie !rew:. pEs MLN ud seht Ne* d€tailc ccreen .TyF the infomation rn rhe frelds. . Selecr dale& ume. You ce qr d,rec,lv in rhe dare tuouah Eha Se +and - butrois. .N,mefraraprB e\enr' ro open rhe new Tvenl fretds rfyou don l wanrro,rep in Day view. . Descldioncante a lone as vox hke . SeleLr'a elendd rlvou disDlai more 6"n one - .serad.huhrcminderhme: Pre,\ WWro selecl Showw optutu b se( presence ddldvac] . Sdonline prcsence: available or busy. . Select calendd pd rac) tom kfauli is de fi nd when catende $ a , realedl. privare. or Public men finishd, selet 'Done'. P.essi.g BACK abo srves fr€ event. t8 rn he^ua, or utri vres oy sere( rns e empry rrme sror. A ,1:t, S::-,:,.I-!'"!l il,fd) seqr derails \creeq oppes lne Ircm' Feld conGins ue ;tefled ir;e Jor'' lls rhe r ieh etenl.c.ern h rhe Da) ed $eek \res.. when )ou hrshtrAhr an e\.nr a DoGuo whdoq w rh m6,e ueErropens{mewndotr ra)j oFn Ibrhe.econ&r. Toieee,enmoraa,r urc vre! cvenl .cres b! louchxrg 6e mD.uo qndoB I r.m,rhrACsd" qe$.iimplr seTecr aidreir roop<nueV,rwe!flr nen .*" troh ren rermrneerml{ASenda\,es)orpoo-upiindow@a} trcm se v,e$ evenrscreen, you qn do 6e follo*i v,.; ;;;;l:;it:;;;il:;;,#;,1i,:iliJlJffiffid. Lhe qei) evtr, r \.e* dhpra]ed on ue Rser,em.rde, se efl Ue Reminder ,cdr -minJe D^el<re ..h$ M.F pop. up menu ro setecr a nes Em,nder rimr. \L ild *re(i .\dd Em nde rb;-iii"i,.u'ii,iii.i,"iil r, *" remrndq: Cruer setefl de ;l,t';i'J n r tn 6e n8h ofa rem,nder, o, p,Bs VLru ud *td [TJ;i [';i:i:,*ltt:t"'"1;:ifrJ:,*,if i,fiff :Uff Ii:,i, Fdir e\enr: Pres Ml \r dd \eterr.t d r even. ro open he e\enr ior edtritre. lthN,s, rFanng evenr. \ou s ilt F 6red rr vou wafl ro chugeJUst hrs one imLe-ce.6b & tutue evenls. orall e!.nh ll )ou nare ler at lest one reminder for an erenl cil \el uD lo nver. Se ulhmho il enr icon u,ri €prea,,n sc ren roe or rhc *arutur\ou o i;m,;d.6 i ;i;;i;;i;:.", snooa se rcminder. do the iolrourno. I ToL. h ue rEru. bd md,jrde do\il \!ftn b oFn rhe non0@do.s t,\r rhe )ouifrnge! , . d,,ph)@. rr)ou hr\e onr) $en' nme lne,goronc "*,..iil;i.G;i;;r,-;; 2 lo reao rorc Jehl: rboul he e'enr..etecr he remrnde. t, you bveoser,mDd6 -_ Dend,n€. rhc) sin be l,:led on rha.creen a. trert you. an snoo/e or Drsmb\ 6;,cm,nde(J. or.Fes B AcK ro reep rre rcmrnoen s r penJiry a C;;ouh-,,ii-io,i-o_ m" Todrr sn,rvsr. y@ mu\i hrve the view e\(nr qcrel oFn ed )ou mGr have @rd, or nave m(e Dr!ileees. tdr rheevPni I Navrqate ro fte Viw evemscreen : Pes MF\U od sel(r .tdit erenl' ll Ldil evenr rsn.t a opron. then mor mile s_v chdges tofril padicularevenr. \oF. n \ou evenr rcpesra. you siil be ajtrd to chmse qh(h e\enB vou 'ou wdr cMpd j OnceyouhavefinBhed yuurdrE.selert,Done. 4 !&hc ihe $m,. fim rhe VR$ evenr,creen. pres VLN and settrt .&jere lroh an) \les. to Jump ro Se \.,een rhsr shoqs.roda\', nrrs MnU and setd r.ooay I I jou rre rnre Dr\ or weet \ ies. rhe cun(ar rfi e sti h hrghtrpd ,vre, mu{tpte crterd{B lrJoJ ve.Riled moE Sd onecoosh CJendaon fre wcbct,enr. )ou cao cbse wn(n catends. re d\pluled dnd sFced to !oJr ohuil( L l rcm a) ofrhe.dleld& v,eu.. fres VL(r r;d *tco Morc Mv calends mkndm dre shoM in a r,r fte ch.cked catendai ffi dBprayd i;fr;I:unesFcd I lo h,d. a mknJd 6om di,pta) on \our phone. ctetu Sd catmdd\ ch(t { ro remove a cderGr Md ail 6 e\enrs tum )our phone. prcs VLru ed h\ *rel lfll),i,i,lji;!'slf., ,..o\rscdenddq on )oL, phone does no, ariec. on d.o$pra, or r'm,il) oirhe caiende qew,. prA. Mr ru and .etecr Vorc Sening\. r LalendarvEwsetrns Urde de(hned evcnr.: Se,efl Sts ch(k buy rf !ou $er a'i rhc ermE )ou hrdden kom ali calenda.!re* \er d_ec & nonl.;mn.: sleLl he ryr or ernr reminderyou \ffi: '^cren -A dratoSbo\ wril dppw lo remrnd you ol se evFrr . Jatu: Er nolrttrslron. & icon app(aa on the ten side otSe suus btu. . urr - iou wr recerve no remmde. 19 dectrne ro k Selectrirqlone: SelectRinelone toopen lhe rinSlone menu and 5eledanng lone jDe..frcr;neqe,cn'4,,:rfi(ri'on. Nordr\dr\her'\ourhcLl,'rnsrnnc,rtpld)5bnefl! Vr.mre \c,$r 6s ch(r oo\,. hirc. nd, f . .re t b€re shcn.ou d'.,.m nd.J,,r"n lhrlrmeJUU.ricJl l,elaullrcm'ndc'rim.:s<e.rroopenScdelaJlremrrderneru qrll dpFdr ot delJui' rn rhc RLn riler :.J,o \Icr )oL . I 9 ErDariencins Muhimrdra 9-l iam€.i & Picto.e Ar, rhe prcture. 1., . .dn . JrrJe o. \ rrr oir !our p1.r. dr. \.ored on mernor \ cdrd. sh(1,6Lr he rn\r.led n \orr nhilne Belore\ou lan u\ lhc( dme',or...'$ nL u'e.' tn Prctures. makc \urc )^d ha\e a !ird in{dkJ I md Dicturrs unlo rour memon clrd Re"d rhi .irru.nun. bclo" ,o add rrcru,e- ro )our Mcmo,r ' ard r. Vounl luu, mcn.4 .ard ro )oui (,{rrnut., h\ dornE onc o. ,hL I.llui,1,'. l{em.!e I inro a rild r(adcr ?nach.d 1,. \.ur \,r.nLh. o. xn.rh \cj L'.n". l sB cabl(il'a .dnr rn lh. our lr lo'...( l'x rcr\' d. !h!ne r. \odrcornnJrfl 'senrtP. \D rard& ohone sroms. L'.' l'r I r(B norJ/e ch'il bor male Home "uri Ii h selcct.d tYdcfault. * ielecled. I rh \nL, romolter. frnd rhe mounr.d L \F or !( Jno oDcn il : (1(ar(r loldir!ilhc,or-le\elrrlled"Prcrurc.".',apori Jrd *derrpu\(,,Jm( ,,.cr ,'il^ nN rorder ro o.drri,r fic,,.k. ,n.o arhuna ha, lnil"Xi ir*. .n*,..r" qrlldta'avilUePl-,tr.\.ntrcdlon.(r-.ucolold."rilJr'P)prtur..'lh1.l.'rr.h !.u $anr b dLsola! "lh'rn t. S n.jn t.,.hed. . lo,. rli( I \B dn!. {rndo$ .od unmo-ni or el<r t1c d, \c a\ \.fi:rS SD reouireob\ \olr (.mDUrers@erxrrnp,tr'(4. \. -c"n rLo!o r.,lon.' ."ita pnoni stooee and ('eai Lh( | i( ror I sB .rorr8e Lhecl bo\ RFr ore rhe USB cable from !our p''onc and cumru,er carru'cl oicue" ae u,cd r, the D.ill" ro'dc, ' i, ur nemnr' c. 'd tro Bclcie tou l"le a f rcrure, \rpe lre rcntur $ I dox'on'.'e I'4, I s\.n lo remo.e xni \mill ,;oun( o! oil ana serectlrecamcraion. l. mopen theCamera, on rle llomes.reen, touch ffi l. The Cameraopensin caplure inode. Frme yourpicturewjtinflre scred and hold lhe ne.d) LrJ hurror'o.'prilrc ('!'r iL. rohold iltr,"nri. oho.cic"J. l' .-Lhco( in.i !ou hrd. the shu[e. niund 'etrmd i. lmmediadly aitercaplure,youcan lo Savc, Ser as {.onract icono.wallPaF4, Share (!ia a conparblelpFljcalion), or Delcl. yourpicture. 4. Ifyou selectiii save, sei as.or share,rour piclure is saved to th. Picrues application To vi&fi;pictures :';: ffi lou've captured. as sell as aDy ,Jl,::'.li}""l","","...".,"."h you ve $ored on your memory card. m -d se ec, cai,ery i..n ' Deoerdrns,'n how md) prc' Jrr\ !ou'\. 5lot. J. fr e) md) ld( r Ic\ nrn"tc.'o load. : tI\oL\..iro(ed\oil,',loldcrsu,,!o.r\lemorlrr'J.rhenrhc['lCe\hill rhe p(rur$ rn all he .rp h'q d bum rl"a)' conr.ii..ll iJhihi.'l displ'.) d ,epr,k 4. The individual picxrcs displa] ina Eid inthmbnail fama{. You can selecllo displav $naueror lilce thumbnaik in Seftines. r to ooen r n" rue nr rutr.c,e.n !,e$. ou.h the r,. ure. once rn tuLL.- re'n. \elefl rhe arov - rntl rlro:rl rne ptr'rB srlhrr rh"l aroilm. ll lh( "no$ ' dispDeai. rou(n rhc ptrru,."1" dparn ro ,c\r- rhe am$. and /@r cor,rol. You ("n d; rhe fol own! trhile rn P,ctu'r. Nore. l1 3ll h' ,','rru,1'ur. heloil. )ou can louch & hold a piclure to opn the conlexl meno 10 access all aclions, €lherlh3n o&rr lhe nicturc ir fllLrcrcen !ren- I v[r rul' :,(el srle. apLru,cr-ntr 1{rntull \rcci \'.'$. I \h"r-dDrcrurc: rr LiL,cr.rn tieq. na'.. V1 \l rrd..le.' \hilc. sclccr L,'hd c or'anurlrrr .ml..arton L'l )ou l r\e a".rher nrcr.i. t'a M.s,c'neruMs,, 'our Inrdl,ed un !our phonc rhar :dppon .hJn, sr 'nfli;ri.r a)d.(le.'Serd. trom,herncnu i -\erds{.Xodner.lnlull*rc(n\icil.rrcs'\ll\l lnlJh & hoid an edEc !r,i..aorT<r ro re'erl rhe n/ n! rha. oren. *io'i corlparr aror". ilren drae rhc ili.,n oruilt .o './e. louch & dmC rhe.cnrcr ol r\e {,opF, ro sirh $trn ndff) rhe crnDrd Tea. \el(r 'SJ.e . Iilhrn Inn\c 'r lhc n,flure. )uu'1 4.Serasconedpictu.: lnfulLscreen v,e*presNIENU.ndselecl F.omthc )i Denu ftat opens, select Contact icon. Your conbct list opeN Select the cohbcl you wot ro ssociale wiftthepicture. Touch & hold o dgcofthccopperb eveallhesizing mo*i then dmg the dgc in or out to size. Toucb & dmg 6e cenrer ofte c.opFr to mole il *ithin thcpidure. menyotrlehappywilhthecioppeddea,sel@t'Save'.ThepicMwillno*ap@in lbeContactdetails screen, as sell N on any incomin8call notiflcaliotr. 7. Crcp picture: In frllscr@n vie\r pre$ MDNU md *l€cl Morc > Crcp. Tcuch & hold an edge ofthecropperto leveal the sizingaros, fren dhg&edgeinoroub size. Touch & daA th. center of lhe dopper to move i *nbin he pick. 3 men vou &e happy with lhe cropped area, selsl Save'. Select Dieald lo encel &e .mp fte cropped pictue h saved to Pictrres 6 a copl Your original is oot touhed. 8. Rohte piclure: in tull screen view- !rcs MENU ild wlect Roale. Selet ftom Robte left (.outerclock$ isc) or Robte ight (clockwse). You picturc rcbt6 ed t svd 9. Deletepiciure: I. tulls*een vies! pres MENU md slect Delete. The picture wili be removed trom the MeDory card afler you confim. 10. Viewpictu.edeib: In fullscreenvjc* pr€s MENU mdseld Morc>DeEib. fte picture debih windowolss. Youcan seethe iitle. resolutiof,. file size. md&leoflhe ro open vou, muir( L,btd. nn rhe r rome \,een. rod.h -"-."'*' r. .*,. E isn. You hu(i. h oGrni/cd ,nro toJ, .aregorie,: Mhffims. Son$. dd Playlirs SelectacateAodto viewthe hc {ithlneach. Once inacareAory! kep selslingmlil you reach the music )ou wa.1 10 play lor eunrple, ifyou selecl lheAnist calegory! you will see a lbt ofanis hA Z Ifyouseleclandist,ftelistopenstodiplaythatantttalbums S.lectanalbum,ud lhe dbum's song lh1 displaysLord mlsic onto you.Memory card All the music you can listen to on yon. phone t (ored on memory card. Red lhe in$ructions klow 1o add nusic to your memory card. l. Mouni your menory cnd io you computer by dohg one offte followiB: Reoove the nemory ctud aod inset ir into a ced reader atuched to your compuleE or aft&hyour phonero yourcompubrusing aUSB cable ftaleme in the bx. Ifyouue this melhod, nake surc fte Home > Settings > Data > SD ced & phone $omge > Use for USB sror€e chcck box is selected. lt h by default2. On your conpulei frnd the mounled USB d.ive ed open t. I AllhouChlou, phonesill lindallmu$c frl.son)ourmemoD cdd. ilsd\,$leb keep rhe number olfile. or Iold.r" d rhe,oo le,el o a milimum. so, ilyou qstr c@re a folder at the toplevol called husic" (or whalever you vant) to $ore yolr files. 4. oFn rhs fol&r and copy music files ihto n. Ifyou wut, cr€te foldeB 'Dusic"to oBniayournosic tudher.lf you wdtlo use cetuinmuic fil66phone. notifr catior, or iones. Note: I f you do not want a ringlone to apped in your music Librry bu1 you do $er il 10 & available as a rinSton€. and th€n cMte the "nngb.ei', nolifications", or dtrn "dms" iblder odsidefour "music" iblder 5. meD finishedcopyins, closelhe USB ddvewindowand u.mount orejetfrednve as rquird by )our compulefs operaihg qstem. Renove lhe USB cable from you. phone At my lerel in yoxr l-ibrary! touch & hold a listing (a son8, dbt, albu\ or phylhl) lo open the conlext nou. Selet Play to begin play md go b fte Playback screen. vou can do ibe follosing using 6e l'laybrck scree!: l. Shufle son$: Shufle llays sdngs random ordei Touch to tosle shufle on md off men fie con t ge} shufle h ofi: 'n 2. RePal mod.: Touch to sep fr.ough repeat modes: repeat dl songs, repeat curent song, don'l repeat (grey icon). l. Go lo any point in songr Slide fin8edip h proges bar 1o dested point in a song. 4. llaybek contol: trom left to right icons: Go 1o begioning song, Pad rsme play a.d Co lo next ofsong. Ifa song is playjngwhil€you ile on the Librry screen,you can swichlo ftePlaltack scrcen guickly by selecthg the lowersong bar can cEale as mmy playttsis d you wth. Note that the 'Recenlly addd'playlit t a systen playlistand cilnotbe delcledorrenaned. Ako. ilyou nakedy voiceEordings s padofaMMS nessge, rhey dll be stored autonatically i, aplaylhlcalld'Vy Yoi 2l Creale. . phyht or yoilrDhotre I-.Fron lhe Lrbq. \e1.,I a caF8ory. r,om +e tFr Sd apperr. nar r&,e Lo fre mr\t album, or song thatyox qanl or' a DIay|sr r. Touch & hold rhe fltsr. dlbLT. orsonF roopen Se conre( menu. I SeledAdd 1o playlist {. In rhe Add b playlh meDu rhar or:. setecr \er lo credre r ne$pLyt{. orone of 5. fte sons(s) MaDage your de dded. playlish Co b,he Lrbrry screen od setd .Pt6rh$s . Ail )ou ptaytFs dpp@. Iouch & iold fre playlisr ro open be mnren qenJ yoJ c; do rddtoltofr .cEm Pla). ldil rreffige sons), D.lere and Renmc. ig ftom rhtr Cre.l. frcm iorys You@nsetn! otyour$ntssaDhonedndone: I Frcn\rpr(roasongyou,imtto uexaphonerinsone. 2. l. Touch & hold,n fie lisl looFn,heconre\r menu Selecl I se 6 phone nDBone. The hBone F rr e \ou delsuh rncomhg cail 4 Now. trhen vou go ro Hoh€ . SenrnB\ .Audro profit... and seter a prone rmBbne. your sons will E lkted d o odion. klete Drsic frcm memory c;rd All the m6rc )ou plar on );u phone 6 sbred un 6e hseded hemoD c&d. r,om )our lhone, you can delete frusic $ored on rbe wdi l. fmm the Lrbrq screer', rclecl the AdrsL, Albuhs, or sons( -aleco^. ?. Co lo rhe (reen fidr ,hows rhe adin. alhun. or sonB lha' 1ou wi r,i Oetete. I Touch & hold the il.m ro oom th€ conre\r hen,, 4. S€let 'Delete'. You will ba asked ro @Dfirm thd you wdt to delete the iten from )ou memoq cad. 93 rM kdio idio tondion. shrelded en!rrcnhenL rhe reLetrins enetotradromav be atr€ded You cm rmprcve rhe eflffi in se lollofrns qd)s \ea, r-rndo". adj6r rhe 6siion of qhone cable oradopt hmual drusrment Tbis device prcvides \ore: Wrfiin dooF or l0 &droid Mrrk.r Andrcid MukerB pro\ rdes yod il'il,'i;J'd; qrh d,Ecr a(es ro sonwk dseloFts rh,oqhut 6e f,: ttri li,s",f J[l l': ff*ill'"',i:',iBB]:"-Xffi .TjtrEi f# sel.f,rhe kker kon Ityou ever ned help or tuve qunrions abour And,od Milker. Dre$ MENU and *tecL Help fte Broser wll de loD ro rhe Android Milket -hetp & rnto web psee. Brms. it.m to inrrxll men you fic1 enier Android Mtrke, you frll see fearured items, a lisl ofiien oegorieq alinkto search, mda linkio'hwnloads,. scrcil hodenblly Srougn the fturured ilems or ,ettrr a cdteeory ro brcw.e nr conlenB. dd Sen ielecr.a subc#BoD. Wrihin each sub€regoD )ou c-a ierd b \reu n*, $ftd by ppuld$ o' b) dar. Nol< rhar att Eh.ln;;ub@reAoD ae t6d in edch ub: those in hc b) ppulery rabde aned mo$ popute ro rea$ Fdte. md rhose in S€ b) date tabar. sofred ne$est to oldeqr r NavrgaF ro d iten you war to rnsrall do \etecl il 2. fte ltem dturh screen apFm. Read more ahur rhe ,rem on Sh \creen. rncludinE ils over.ll mtrnSand comenrs br use^. Iiyou flott doE lo he dbour rhe oeretoDer _ sq0on.yuu co v'e{ moF r'pplicdions b) hk devetoF o, send ee derrtoperan eha,t I'i'3,ti'". , \ercommens abour ilem, scrcil doq b vew horc orsis "u-,,*,, or bemail the de\eloDer developer s arplrcatrons Pres Mru td qelftr 'SecurD OemissroE) ro Ues Se tuncnon. md dau lhr, trem a@ess on your phone. 4. To inshll fie irem. rld erhr IBtsrlrilem i\ fifr, or Buv wh,che\er aEB lmponda I I u applica ion ) ou ile doM todrng Equres eriler *cns ro irir o I r ou co data ormrhor ol any tu.lionson )ou pbone, betoE vou Drcced. vou.ll !e; a{rcen lhar rerla \ou whd rhe 6ppltrauon co acia..o ror cair erie you, Dimrss on. Be sue lead rhtr cmtull) | Be esp(rall) caurious appti.dioin hai rcas lo mev tunctons or a s'rrhcdl mounr ol tour dala. &c< \ou selecl oK or rhrr \creen v.i h. rcsPnsible for Se resulr(ol usng rhk reni on your ohon . Atur sereding'lnsdl'. Se ilem sill sEn dolimtoaAilg rmmedrarety ifil 22 b ilil After rele(unB AJ)'. lou {a! h iltcd ro ns rn b m addilionai Lmde accounr In ind rltrr Purchase nou ifyou $dr ro p,oceed. SreprhtouCn S; puchase s,S t You cu ree lhe downlodd proge$ ol ue trem b) oFnine lhe notificatrons window. uoqroad prcSs. appesh rn il'e,.ongoing,ecr,onof thenor.rtrduons $rndos.Once doMloaded and anorificatio. rDbe,rq 'nstslted ill{mse }ourdostrlordr Lom theAn&ord Ma*er Home rcren, \c.ecr .Doffiroads'ro r,e$ \oudomtoaded -kms. I rom?ny olSe Andrord Mtukei nrcens. )ou cil pres VL\( ed :.t(r 'DoMloaG to eo ro hescren You can rde lhe-lollnwilSa.trotu from lhe DoMtoads \cren vicw do@loads s prose;s l. frem rhetudroid Markfl honre \creen. pres VtW dnd serecr .hMtod.. 2. tf )oJ are rn rhe trcce.s ot doMloadine ond DsEil,nc a ilem. rhe p,oges $iI d6ptd) dr fte 1oD ofrh. +rPen Rdcw . dordoded item YoJ cd 6E and posr comrenE on any rem ) dusnrodded hom tudrcrd Meter. Nole hal )oL musl lir{ .are o ilem to nor a comm<nl Uninstdl a doMloaded nem l. Ircm Ue And,ord Veker I tome rreen, Fes. Mt \t dnd sel(r.hMloads.. 2 selecl 6e ,tm )ou wanr lo urNall. Ihe trcrn dflr [ - r*n dppe6. l. Select Lninsall hno. dr Ue oonom or r^e.-ren Orn doMloaded item l. f rcm the A,drorJ Majler Home sceen. pre.q Vl \L dnd setecr.Dododi. ) seled he ilem you uanr'o open The ftem dekrL screel cppem. I Seled Om' btronar he'htum of sescieen Read secdrt pemrrqroh l^r rh.j ilem Itm" )ou doqbd md ,tuEll on )ou phone ry?rcrtty hav< acces ro tun,omlily you cm lrew Mal e km hil aftess h on lour Dhone: I Frcmrhetudrord Villfl Homescrein, pri* VrrUondselecr.hMloadr..2 lelerr Ihe ilcm you sd, ro rqJ dhur I he ltem deta,I f ree. Jpry\ l. Press MFNIi and qele.r 'SP."r'N' 4. Arl dl6 ollour phone SaL m.slrem hu acces, ro uc l*ed 5. Dismiss 6e screen b\ sclecnns ()K' flrr contetrl lfyou hcve a corcem abour an ilem. )^r cil..fldg",, tor tunher rnveqrigatron. Yiure toder neaee )od tudrora Vdrler dpplic.rioli fr om ue Horie senrns Applications . Moase aDpli Revietr yourdoqloaded trer. Rare a doMto"ded irem ll )ou'd lile rd cre one olLhe irems \ou ve doqtoroed fror Andrurd Muter, touow rhes.{enq' l. rrcm ihe tudroid Mdkd Hore..,een, pre\s Vr Nr and.ehr .Doqroads . 2. Selecl he irm ),{ sa( lo riletooDen trs itea oflab,..een. 1. Selee M) ra,ing sedron ro oFn fre ture il, d rtog bo\. touch rhe number oflh you sant to qr!e lhe iem...more 5tils is berterl ffien resd!, selecr'OK ro submt vourrannc. Wdle a conmetrt &ce)ou'verdred a doMloadeo iem, )ou can rcs d commenr l. F,om rhe tudrcrd M&[et Hoae scFen, p,e.i Vtru md seter, .Doqtoadj. S<lecr he ilem )ou wanr ro commenl on to oDen rE detarls,{en. 2. Sele(r Se Posr J commenl'eoron 16 oFn po{ comf, enr' dictoS h\ tf }ou donl,ee he Post a comdenr sfttion fiKr mre rh. iem .I TyF lou comment..hd Uen seted O( lo Dosr tr. Remov. rrtitrs !trdor comment &.e you te rred or commnred on an ilem. ).u can arqdy!emore rhu e\ ie$. l. rrom rhe tudroid Md kd Home .cre<n pd\q V I N U 4i setecr .Doqlod.. Setef, theileh rooDen itqder,ili r..eer 2. Prcss MEiIU ad seled'Clea.nv review. 3 . Your Etine and comfrens de re;oled rr frherrpplicltioni Arm at;ck, on rhe Home rcrcs, ihen toNh and select clock icon. M fteAldm clo.l ofte6 as many aidm5 N you *anr Sel.n rl,rm fue alsds ile rd Jp lor !oL, ready ro cu5lorr/e. Atl three danns are lumed otrn\ detaull. Sere, r he checl bo\ ro rrm on rhe atam trno Jrv "ro"s under he \er ume: rh. dldm wrll 8o otronre qlen rr se r,me B .eacheJ To open z-t fti alam wiu go orat 9:00 am every Tuesday md Friday lo kgn. *l(t one orrhe delJull al.rm ro opnl Atafr 'fl.nS thi rbllourng opnotu: Alm: S€ledfte chcckbox lo turn alrmon(chsked) oroff(clceed). This hlhe same chsk b\ rhal amea,( on rhe main ALm Clo(l screen. Time. The rime rhe alam nrlr so ofl.. \hoM. ru, hange rhs rhe.5.tecr I rme ro open he rBe selector Tap Se - or : b-non, and rhe AM P!i bunon ro € rhe ',fre \ou ilnL. and ftensel(L ser Tip: Iouch 8 hold S( or buron\ ru mo\e LtuouBn rhe numbnr. qutrt y. Ser runs,one:The.d.d,rnsroneseecr,on.,\hu$n.-setecrRinshilrnr;."anorhe,,ns will piay when the dam rin$- (When you selecl a.inglone, ia ptaF briefly.) rut when )our alm soes ofl, Se nnq 'one s,l. pld! c ma\, nJm .,i Lic rilrnuies. vib,ilc' \eled h, cne.l bo^ ro hdve )our phone v,brdre shcn il soe. oF Repelr'1 he curenr rcpeil \iecrion B sho$n. To chanAe,h. rel.n-s,.elccr R(ncar a1d ma\. " *lecuon fiom Se mcn". lo have )our alam rrlr o1l, Ao oH once ar h. .il I mc. don r seler an) ol rhe opilons. A onenima aLm b sho$n oi fie ALm ctoct .cFen wthour any days under the set time. DeL'e To delere rhe dam, press Vl Nl anJ,clecr De,tr d'r m. "lam: Once )ou daan goes ofl. \ou sili recer\e an rle,r { rh rhe opbons ro sruo/( 1.o, .0 tone thal Nore To dd more lhan thr€e alms, ftom the main Alarm Clock scren, pres MENU and Cn.nge clock display Youcanchmsfre rypeeance ofrhe clock dhplayed onfte nainAlam Clock screol 1. Go lo te main Alarm Cbck screen2- Touchrte clGk frth you tingefrip to opm tbe Clock seleclion screen. 3. SlideyourfinSediphorizonblly alonsthe bollom.lock facerowandtouch the hce Change tuae & dDe displty You can change ihe fomat of the dme dhphyed in your al:ms fron fie stobal Settrss Ndm cloc( \ ren otr he Hume Jcreen. rhen ro(h EI and rh.n rnd sciecr sen.n8\. \t,oll oos. "nd'eic.( Oar< a rroe FIGre t rrme sefiin$ screen apBars. 2. Use the nNork p.ovided values by selectin8'Auromalic' check hi. l. Solect'Use 24hou.fomat'chcckbox ifyou wthro useftafuarherfta 12 hour l. uo pre$ ru rhe marn Ml \L 4. Selectl'Selst date format' option roopen thenenuof variousdate fomah. It.2 Crlcuhtor To openCalcularoion The Cdcularo, lrc H.mercreqi,thmbeh ofle,r,so pdeh. b6r. prmrls b) presinA ME\l K and selectfte Catcutator dd,dccd sstrch brr[ dnd lonn bcseetr o, Ba.. panel . tu \ou urt. dnd *l(un8"nd Ad\Jnced p"nel I eo ca[uh'or \ DdeL de rva, ahl.' b6rc and cd\dnced Use hr Ba',c.anel,. enr.' nmbea and nerfom bayc adorrDn. \ubrzcrioi. muhrou(duon. dnd div,iron l^e Lhe Ad\aned paiel b rn\en rurar(cd uoerato6 or del,mrr,\. such 6 !ne. .o\inc. Engenl, sqwe root, pdnlheses, erc. Swnch back and lonh beseer cdl.ulJo, pdneis br p,cjsilrs Vl N ard 5elenrns 'Ad\dtrd panel or'Ba:c prel 6 ]ou s bh A.oon as !ou .ile(1 an "d\ancet oFrdrol Se pdcl s*iche! back ro Basic. qhere \ou ooeri(or aDmaB. WhEn tou Lolch ale) on rhe acren. s( le' fiashes d ld iou (now ihe.etecr]6n r^ mdde.-V*e 'u rou ne\r nunrbe, or compieunS rhe op<,dl.on suR \ou *c Se red fiah hio,c enrenns 1o delee nJmbeh, one d d rme. rouch al I Aa oh rhe rcrecx To cletuyouroperation history pres MENU and select'Cletuhkiory'. 24