Leë swembad word ná twee jaar herstel - WWW0


Leë swembad word ná twee jaar herstel - WWW0
SR-koukus op
Tygerberg gekan3
15 AUGUSTUS 2012
Concerns raised
about SU staff
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studente die beste
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All for the love
of Stellenbosch
CHARISMA Maties het verlede week in lang rye voor die Endler gestaan in afwagting op die jaarlikse Standerdbank Ser-Kompetisie. Die semi-finaliste is Saterdagaand aangekondig.
Huis Francie, Nerina, Minerva, Heemstede, Venustia, Sonop, Hippo Dames en Lydia is deur na die vroue semi-finale wat op 20 Augustus sal plaasvind. Pieke, Huis Visser, Willows, Hippo
Mans, Eendrag, Dagbreek en Meta Mans sal teen mekaar meeding by die mans semi-finale op 21 Augustus. Hier is Sonop in aksie.
Plaaslike beleggingsvennoot bied US die nodige fondse om swembad op te gradeer
Leë swembad word ná twee jaar herstel
it het meer as twee jaar geneem, maar Coetzenburg sal
weer ’n swembad kry.
Dít is die goeie nuus wat verlede
week deur die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) bestuur aangekondig is,
nadat daar lank ongelukkigheid vanuit verskeie oorde geheers het oor die
universiteitswembad, wat sedert Mei
2010 sonder water staan.
Die bou van ’n nuwe buiteswembad
van olimpiese grootte (50m) sal die
eerste fase wees van ’n R95 miloenakwasentrumprojek wat deur die US
geloods word en behoort, volgens die
US-mediasentrum, teen April 2013
voltooi te wees. Die bouwerk sal in
Oktober vanjaar aanvang neem.
“Die projek is ’n institusionele
prioriteit en maak ook voorsiening
vir ander fasiliteite wat sal verseker
dat die ontwikkeling waarskynlik die
beste van sy soort in die land sal wees,”
meen prof Julian Smith, Viserektor:
Personeel en Gemeenskapsinteraksie,
wat ook aan die hoof staan van die
sport-portfeulje van die universiteit.
Martin Viljoen, US Senior
universiteit se volgehoue pogings om
finansiering te eko
ir die o an
’n 50m-swembad het vrugte afgewerp.
“’n Plaaslike beleggingsvennoot
gaan saam met die universiteit die
nodige befondsing vir hierdie projek
“Gesprekke in hierdie verband is
ver gevorder en die partye sal binnekort, sodra die formele ooreenkoms
gesluit is, meer detail oor die projek
bekend maak.”
Anina Botha, voorsitter van die
Studenteraad, is opgewonde oor dié
“As Studenteraad is ons verheug
dat die swembad ’n institusionele
prioriteit is en dat die huidige swembad met ’n volledige veeldoelige
swembad vervang word.
“Alhoewel dit ’n groot belegging
is, glo ons dat dit in die beste belang
van studente is.
“Ons is egter steeds teleurgesteld
dat hierdie proses so lank uitgerek is
– die swembad staan al vir 2 jaar net
Hierdie proses moes vinniger ver-
Poste beskikbaar (verkiesbaar):
Adjunkredakteur (Bedryf)
Adjunkredakteur (Inhoud)
Adjunkredakteur (Grafika)
Aktuele Sake-redakteur
Dag & Nag-redakteur
loop het en ons het heeltyd vanaf die
Studenteraad af druk op bestuur geplaas om ’n besluit te neem.”
Die olimpiese driekampatleet en
oud-Matie, Mari Rabie, het vanuit Oxford, Engeland, sê sy beplan nou om
ná haar Meestersgraad na Stellenbosch
terug te keer vir haar voorbereiding vir
die 2016 O limpiese Spele in Rio.
“Die gebrek aan ’n olimpiese
swembad (en beperkte toegangstyd tot
die swembad) het Australië vir my die
beste opsie gemaak vir die Suidelike
Halfrond se somer, maar nou sal ek
definitie ter gkeer na tellen os h
Die Matie Studentekoerant
beskikbaar (aanstelling):
4 x Rubriekskry wers
Kw ytraakskry wer
Poste beskikbaar (aanstelling):
Aansoeke sluit 20 Augustus.
Besoek www.diematie.com vir
aansoekvorms en meer inligting.
TEDx Stellenbosch kweek
TEN SPYTE van ’n paar ongemaklike oomblikke is TEDx Stellenbosch,
Vrydag, 10 Augustus, suksesvol by
Spier aangebied.
Onder die tema "What if Africa?",
het hierdie jaar se kitskonferensie met
’n hele aantal hoë-profiel sprekers
Melanie Scholtz, Suid-Afrika se
bekende jazz-sangeres en die spotprentkunstenaar Zapiro (Jonathan
Shapiro) het vir die meeste opwinding
gesorg. Die spiritualis en digter Mmatshilo Motsei het ook groot aftrek gekry
vir haar passievolle beroep op die
grootsheid en vryheid van Afrikane.
’n Totaal van 14 sprekers het ’n
wye verskeidenheid onderwerpe
aangeraak. Dié het gestrek van die
belang van anonimiteit vir die gebruikers van sosiale netwerke (Alan KnottCraig: hoofuitvoerende beampte van
Mxit), tot die pyn van ’n San-familie
wat hulle verbintenis met die Kalahari
verloor het (Patricia Glyn: Suid-Afrikaanse TV- en radio-aanbieder).
Ander hoogtepunte het ingesluit
’n reeks foto’s van Mikhael Subotzky,
wat hy met digkuns van sy eie en van
T.S. Eliot en Tom Waits toegelig het,
asook ’n ekonomiese geskiedenisles
van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US)
se eie prof. Stan du Plessis. Verder het
Nivi Mukherjee, ’n entrepreneur van
Kenia, heelwat aandag getrek met haar
tabletrekenaar-gebaseerde oplossing
vir basiese onderwys.
Studente het ’n noemenswaardige
deel van die konferensiegangers uitgemaak. Dit is grootliks te danke aan
die Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert Instituut
vir Leierskapsontwikkeling, wat 40
kaartjies teen ’n R150-afslag aan USstudente beskikbaar gestel het.
Wat is TEDx?
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) het begin as ’n jaarlikse konferensie wat sedert 1984
in Long Beach in die VSA aangebied word.
Sedertdien het dit ontwikkel in
’n nie-winsgewende organisasie
wat daaraan gewy is om idees te
Volgens Adriaan van der Merwe,
sewendejaarstudent, was dit “lekker
om te weet dat ’n mens as Matie by
prof. Stan [du Plessis] kan klasloop en
hom dan by so ’n forum hoor praat –
dit bevestig die uitnemendheid van die
BSc Bewaringsekologie-student
Anna-Marie Muller voel egter dat dit
nie die toegangsgeld werd was nie:
“In 2010, wat gratis was, was sprekers
beter en die trimmings soos kos ook
omstandighede het deur die loop van
die dag gedreig om sake te ontwrig.
Die N2-hoofweg tussen Kaapstad
en Stellenbosch is vroegoggend gesluit
weens onluste oor dienslewering, wat
beteken het dat van die sprekers laat
opgedaag het. En Nic Dawes, hoofredakteur van die Mail & Guardian,
kon weens gesondheidsredes nie sy
spreukbeurt vul nie.
Die musiekvertonings op die program het minder glad verloop. Scholtz
het gepoog om die gehoor by haar te
laat aansluit as ’n impromptu koor,
maar dit het slegs ’n halfhartige gemompel en lukrake ululering afgegee.
Haar aanmoedigings om braaf te wees
het op (toon)dowe ore geval.
Die laaste item was ’n vertoning
deur die instrumentele musiekgroep,
Bateleur. Uiteindelik was slegs die
laaste twee lettergrepe van hulle naam
nodig, nadat ’n oponthoud weens ’n
tegniese probleem veroorsaak het dat
die saal halfleeg was teen die tyd wat
hulle begin speel het.
Ten spyte hiervan voel Van der
Merwe “die organiseerders het gewys
dat TEDx iets is wat meer gereeld op
ander kampusse aangepak moet word.
“’n Mens moet onthou dat die idee van
TEDx is om self-organisering aan te
gebruik die formaat, handelsmerk
en riglyne van TED om ’n onafhanklike konferensie, wat deur
enigiemand gereël kan word, aan
te bied.
Hierdie jaar s’n is die derde
TEDx Stellenbosch.
GEE JOU SENTE Marnus Havenga, SR: Kritiese Interaksie en Aktuele Sake, het in Matie Week die Maties4Maties (M4M) Beursfonds bekendgestel. Behoeftige studente word aangemoedig om tot 24 Augustus vir dié
fonds aansoek te doen. Havenga wil Maties aanmoedig om by te dra tot dié fonds. Hy hoop Maties neem
“eienaarskap” van die fonds. Wins wat by SR-projekte gemaak word sal ook voortaan tot die beursfonds
bydra. Lees meer oor dié fonds op bladsy 6.
PSO’s en Verenigings moet van kantore verskuif
Neelsie RGA bykans hier
ase een van die Neelsie-Fharga
skop reeds 24 Augustus af. Dele
van die boonste vloer van die
Langenhoven Studentesentrum gaan
in Fharga rekenaarlokale en ’n nuwe
Learning Commons omskep word.
Dié ontwikkeling dwing verskeie
PSO’s en verenigings om van kantore
te verskuif.
Volgens Charin Gilbert, Senior
beplanner: Fasiliteitsbestuur, word
beoog om die eerste fase van die projek reeds teen 15 Oktober af te handel. Dit sluit in die inrig van die rekenaarlokale (380 sitplekke), ’n nuwe
bedienerkamer asook kantore vir
Fharga personeel.
Dié fase laat Aurora PSO, Universiteit Stellenbosch Wynvereniging
en Die Matie Studentekoerant sonder
kantore. Aurora sal voortaan kantore
met ander PSO’s in klusterverband
deel, met die hoop dat hulle binnekort
in ’n Hub kan intrek. Die Wynvereniging sal tydelik na oop kantore in Admin A verskuif word. Die Matie Studentekoerant sal permanent in Aristea
se kantore op die boonste vlak van die
Neelsie ingerig word. Aristea sal tydelik saam met Vesta kantore deel tot dié
PSO ook in ’n nuwe Hub kan intrek.
Clinton du Preez, voormalige
Primkomitee-voorsitter en huidige
SR-kandidaat, beklemtoon dié oplossing in terme van kantoorspasie is nie
’n langtermynoplossing “vir die groei
en daaglikse bestaan van PSO’s wat
70% van Matie studente moet dien
Hy noem egter dat die PSO prims
goeie samewerking van Fasiliteitsbestuur ontvang het. Fasiliteitsbestuur
bied nou opgeskerpte veiligheid en ekstra stoorspasie vir die PSO’s wat deur
die uitbreiding ontwrig word.
“Dit plaas dus net soveel meer
druk op die Universiteit om befondsing vir die volgende Hubs toe
te staan, aangesien ons nooit ’n punt
sal kan bereik waar PSO studente
werklik welkom voel op kampus, as
hulle nie behoorlike institusionele
ondersteuning kry in terme van befondsing en infrastruktuur nie,” aldus
du Preez.
Gilbert en haar span beoog om
die tweede fase van die projek teen
Maart 2013 te voltooi. Dié fase sluit
die nuwe Learning Commons en die
opgradering van die SR-kantoor in.
Die SR moet tydelik na die MAD2kantore op die boonste vloer van die
Neelsie verskuif.
Afgevaardiges stel visier op groenskrif
’N GROEP van sowat 20 studenteafgevaardigdes van die Universiteit
Stellenbosch (US) het die naweek van
4 en 5 Augustus die geleentheid gehad
om tot die regering se hoëronderwysbeleid by te dra.
Die Nuwe Hoop Beraad (NHB),
wat hierdie jaar by die Universiteit
van Kaapstad (UK) gehou is, bring
studente van al die hoëronderwysinstellings in die Wes-Kaap bymekaar
om te praat oor die uitdagings wat
naskoolse onderwys in die gesig staar.
Die beraad is in 2010 deur
studenteleiers van Universiteit Stellenbosch geïnisieer. 2012 is die eerste
jaar wat kolleges vir verdere onderwys
en opleiding (VOO-kolleges), soos
Boland Kollege en Valsbaai Kollege,
aan die beraad deelgeneem het.
Die program vir die naweek
het hoofsaaklik uit gassprekers en
paneelbesprekings bestaan. Die hoofgasspreker, Dr. Mamphela Ramphele, bekende besigheidsvrou en
het veral positiewe kommentaar ontlok met haar beroep op studente om
verantwoordelikheid vir die land se
toekoms te aanvaar.
Die afgevaardigdes het ook in
verskeie kommissies gewerk om ’n
lys resolusies op te stel. Die voltallige
vergadering het hierdie resolusies teen
die Sondagmiddag aanvaar.
Kwessies waarop gefokus is,
sluit in toegang tot tersiêre onderrig en studentesukses, befondsing,
werkservaring vir studente en
gegradueerdes, vennootskappe en
samewerking, werkloosheid onder die
jeug, transformasie en sosiale samehorigheid.
Daar word verwag dat die
studenterade van die onderskeie
instellings nou hierdie dokument
sal aanvaar, waarna dit aan ’n
verteenwoordiger van die Departement van Hoër Onderwys oorhandig
sal word.
Dié department het onlangs ’n
groenskrif vir hoër onderwys en
opleiding bekendgestel. Die doel
met die resolusiedokument is om die
behoeftes en visie van Wes-Kaapse
studente te laat geld in die proses om
die groenskrif uiteindelik in nasionale
wetgewing te omskep.
meeste van die reëlings van die US
se kant af hanteer. Sy meen die beraad was ’n sukses. Dít ten spyte van
die feit dat baie afgevaardigdes van
ander instellings partypolitieke agendas by die beraad gedryf het. Selfs
die nasionalisering van myne het ter
sprake gekom.
Volgens Nortmann het die US
hierdie probleme probeer vermy deur
die ander instellings aan te moedig om
hulle afgevaardigdes vroeg te kies en
seker te maak hulle is goed ingelig oor
die onderwerpe ter bespreking.
Sy voel ook dat daar meer tyd by
die beraad moet wees vir studente om
in groepe oor die kwessies te praat,
in plaas daarvan om na ellelange
toesprake van SR-voorsitters en
studentedekane te luister.
Tog het sy goeie terugvoer by die
Stellenbosch afgevaardigdes gekry en
sy glo hulle het goeie ervaring opgedoen.
– Innes Barnardt
Stellenbosch academic
satisfies Mars Curiosity
FOR DR Japie van Zyl, Matie alumnus and extraordinary professor
at the Department of Electric and
Electronic Engineering, being
involved in a Mars exploration
mission is a dream come true.
On 6 August, a team from
NASA (the United States’ National Aeronautics and Space
Administration) saw the Curiosity
robot land successfully on Mars.
It is equ ipped with cameras
and an advanced laboratory and
will look for signs of previous or
currently existing life on the red
Van Zyl is involved via NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
being the Co-director of Project
Formulation and Strategy. He visits Stellenbosch University (SU)
annually to lecture postgraduate
According to MyMaties.com,
Van Zyl has wanted to be involved
in space exploration since his childhood, which he spent in Namibia.
He also believes that the
Curiosity mission will stimulate interest with young people
in engineering and cutting edge
opportunities for nerds to become
heroes. Hopefully we have inspired
learners all across the world,” he
said in recent communication with
the university.
He is also proud of his Matie background: “I feel compelled
to advertise that I come from
Stellenbosch. Go Maties! ”
Chissano warns about
IF AFRICAN leaders do not
increasingly commit themselves
fighting po erty and e ita le
income distribution, they risk
facing revolutions like those of the
Arab Spring.
This was the warning of former
Mozambican President Joaqui m
Chissano at a public lecture at
Stellenbosch University (SU) on 6
August, under the theme “Africa’s
hope for security and development
in the 21st century”.
The event was an initiative
of Stellenbosch University’s Security Institute for Governance
and Leadership (SIGLA). SIGLA
is aimed at pursuing one of the
Millennium Development Goals
the ni ersity has identified nder
its Hope Project: promoting peace
and security.Despite the challenges
he identified
hissano elie es
Africa, especially sub-Saharan
Africa, shows much potential for
He drew this conclusion from
the opportunities provided by
having 60% of the world’s total
area of uncultivated arable land,
and 316 million new mobile phone
subscribers since 2000.
to make full use of the global
opportunities of the 21st century. These statistics provide
encouragement for Africa’s hope
for security and development.
However, it is imperative to
consolidate democracy and to
promote popular participation in
development,” he said.
Botman het groen visie
(US) neem noemenswaardige treë
in die rigting van volhoubaarheid.
Dít is die mening van prof.
Russel Botman, Rektor en
Visekanselier US, in ’n onlangse
skrywe in die C ape A rgus op 3 Augustus.
Volgens Botman is die US
se verbintenis tot volhoubaarheid duidelik sigbaar in inisiatiewe soos die nuwe eko-vriendelike
installering van nuwe stortkoppe
en sonkragopwekkers en die
verbetering van afvalbestuur op
Matie, the incorrect MFM Top 10 list
was printed. Die Matie apologises
for any confusion.
In the previous edition of Die
STEM VIR MY Die jaarlikse Studenteraadsverkiesing sluit vanaand. Koukusse is die afgelope week op kampus gehou om die kandidate aan studente voor te stel. Hier is Clinton du Preez (regs), voormalige Primkomitee-voorsitter.
Hy het homself vir voorsitter van die 2012/2013 Studenteraad beskikbaar gemaak.
Koukus op Tygerberg word afgestel weens swak bywoning
Verkiesing in volle swang
ie stembuskonvenors van die
SR-verkiesing is tevrede met
die verloop van die proses tot
dusver en beskryf die bywoning van
die koukusse as “redelik goed”.
Hulle is ook “tevrede” met die 16
kandidate, alhoewel dit minder is as
die 20-30 wat aanvanklik verwag is.
Die minder as verwagte aantal
kandidate “bied die geleentheid dat
kandidate meer tyd tydens koukusse
het om met die kiesers interaksie te
hê,” sê Tristan Jaftha, Neil de Kock
en Elizna Esterhuyse, vanjaar se stembuskonvenors.
Tygerberg-studente kan egter bevraagteken word nadat die koukus daar
afgestel moes word weens swak
bewoning. Studente van die Fakulteit
Gesondheidswetenskappe sal dus
stem sonder enige bekendstelling van
die kandidate.
Drie kandidate, Clinton du Preez,
Ziyanda Stuurman en Jean-Luc Koening het aangedui dat hulle tot voorsitter
verkiesbaar sal wees indien hulle tot
die SR verkies word.
Die Matie het die Nerina-koukus
op 8 Augustus tydens middagete
bygewoon. Die 90 sekondes wat aan
elke kandidaat toegestaan is tydens
die koukus, is aan verskillende temas bestee, waaronder verbeterde
kommunikasie, transformasie, die
taalbeleid, studentegelde en integrasie.
Ander kandidate het weer ’n
anderhalf-minuut se selfbemarking
aan die teenwoordiges gedoen.
Fritz Dausab, ’n eerstejaar in
Politieke Wetenskap, wat van Namibië
kom, meen hy kan ten spyte van sy
min ervaring op kampus ’n positiewe
bydra lewer, en sê dat hy “hoogs
tevrede” is met sy veldtog tot dusver.
Dausab wil graag ’n meer geïntegreerde kampus sien en wil op sosiale
media steun vir “meer kontakpunte vir
studente om mekaar te leer ken.”
“Uitdagend,” beskryf kandidaat
Hector Mutenda sy ervaring tot dusver, met spesiale verwysing na “die
verskillende gehore” wie se guns hy
moet wen. Hy sal ’n posisie op die
SR wil gebruik om stygings in studentegelde beveg.
Elektroniese stemming sal tot
15 Augustus op MyMaties geskied.
Weens tegniese probleme wat verlede
naweek met die elektroniese stemming
ervaar is, word die moontlikheid egter
bespreek dat die stemtydperk verleng
kan word.
Ex officio members of SRC elected
e o fi io e ers or the
2012/ 2013 Student Representative
Council have already been appointed.
Zandri le Grange has been elected for
her second term as Chairperson of the
Academic Affairs Council. Claudia
Rommelspacher (Minerva) and Philip
van der Merwe (Pieke) have been
elected Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson respectively to the Prim Committee and Henri de Wet as Chairperson of the Societies Council.
Le Grange wants to sharpen the
marketing of the ABR to ensure
greater prominence on campus.
De Wet wants to focus on
institutional support structures.
Rommelspacher and Van der
Merwe aim to re-evaluate portfolio
assignments in the HK structure as
well as the internal leadership developments in the respective Houses.
–Margot van den Bergh
Management is “committed to responsible transformation”
Diversity disappointment?
he university has repeatedly expressed its commitment to transformation on campus this year.
A recent example is the RSG
broadcast during Mandela Week on
26 August, where senior Stellenbosch
ni ersity sta rea fir ed the ni ersity’s drive towards a diverse student
When it comes to senior staff
appointments and transformation,
however, the university seems to
vacillate. A case in point may be the
SU Council’s appointment of new
Vice-Rectors and Deans on June 25.
The appointments include Prof
Arnold Schoonwinkel (Vice-Rector:
Learning and Teaching) and Prof
Eugene Cloete (Vice-Rector: Research
and Innovation).
Prof Johan Hattingh (Arts and
Social Sciences), Prof Sonia Human
(Law) and Prof Hansie Knoetze (Engineering) were appointed as the new
n ter s o de ographi s all fi e
of the appointments are white and
include one woman. Prof Human’s
appointment brings the number of
female Deans to two out of eleven.
The Vice-Rectors form part of the
Rector’s Management Team, which
onsists o fi e ale e ers two o
DIE IDEE VERSPREI? Die Dead Parrots vereniging is op 13 Augustus volledig aan kampus bekendgestel op die Rooiplein. Dit volg op
weke van onderlangse bemarking deur dié vereniging en pogings
om hul op kampus te versprei. JJ van de Vyver, die groep se
selfaangewysde leier, het belangstellende studente aangespreek en
die wenner van hul iPad-kompetisie aangewys. Deelnemers moes
foto’s op Dead Parrots se Facebook-groep plaas om in aanmerking vir dié kompetisie te kom. Die foto’s moes die Dead Parrot logo
(soos op Van de Vyver se hemp) op kreatiewe wyse uitbeeld vir die
kans om ’n iPad3 los te slaan. Dit blyk dat die groep gestel is op die
mag van idees en die potensiaal om die wêreld te verander, soos hul
webblad toon. Van de Vyver het ook aangekondig dat Dead Parrots
gassprekers gaan aanbied in Augustus, insluitend Alan Knott-Craig,
Penny Heyns en Dave Pepler. Hierdie geleenthede gaan aangebied
word by Wilgenhof manskoshuis en word kripties beskryf as die
groep se derde fase.
On this occasion the Rector
admitted that the university’s attempts
to increase the number of black staff
and students were unsatisfactory.
According to the Rector a target was
set to increase black staff from 38% to
53% of SU staff in the next four years.
Diversifying the university staff
has been set out as a priority in both
the Strategic Framework and the
Institutional Plan of the university.
Learning and
Prof Arnold
Dean of
nalismWe breathe journalism
reathe journalism
The best job in the world?
The best job in the world?
Journalism, of course
Research and
Prof Eugene
Cloete (54)journalism
Dean of
2009 - 2012
The of
SU job in the
Water Institute
Journalism, of course
, of programme?
best journalism
Law: Prof Sonia Human (54)
Lecturer at SU since 1990
Director of the Centre for Child
Law 2002-2003
Won Rector’s Award for
Excellence in Teaching
The best journalism programme?
The best journalism programme?
Journalism, of course
Stellenbosch, of course!
Stellenbosch, of course!The
Stellenbosch, of course!
Both documents state that the need
for diversity among SU staff is selfevident.
“I feel that those in the university management circles want students to believe in their commitment
to promoting diversity but they are
simply not making tangible efforts
towards changing the university’s
institutional culture,” Stuurman said.
Regarding the recent appointments
Prof Russel Botman, Rector, said Management is committed to responsible
transformation of the university on
all levels. According to Botman the
appointments were subject to a comprehensive process including all the
requi red roleplayers.
Botman said the fact that all of
the appointments are white does not
imply that transformation has been
abandoned. Instead, Botman notes,
the challenge is precisely to use their
knowledge to accelerate transformation in the next years.
“As far as we can tell, the candidates were all suitable for the respective positions,” Deidré Baartman,
DASO Stellenbosch: Branch Leader
said and welcomed Prof Human’s
appointment for the advancement of
gender equa lity. “However we are
sceptical as to whether Stellenbosch University management is truly
committed to transformation with the
rest of the recent appointments.”
Arts and Social Sciences:
Prof Johan Hat tingh (57)
Teaching at SU since 1980.
C2-rated scientist by National
Research Foundation
Vice-Dean: Arts and Social Sciences
breathe journalism
The best job in the world?
which are black in the inclusive sense
of the term.
Ziyanda Stuurman, SRC: Transformation, says the new appointments
are of interest considering the Rector’s
speech during the Student Parliament
on 22 March.
Engineering: Prof Hansie Knoetze (59)
Lecturer at Department of Chemical
Engineering since 1983
Deputy Dean of Engineering
Vice-Dean since 2012
best journalism programme?
Stellenbosch, of course!
Die Departement Joernalistiek aan die Universiteit
van Stellenbosch is die enigste gespesialiseerde
Die Departement Joernalistiek aan die Universiteit
nagraadse opleidingsinstelling vir hierdie Die Departement Joernalistiek aan die Universiteit
voorstaan en wat besondere ervarvan
is dieDitenigste
Prof Die
Joernalistiek aan die Universiteit
in Suid-Afrika.
stel diegespesialiseerde
standaardvan Stellenbosch is die enigste gespesialiseerde
ing na die pos van Vise-Rektor sou
van Stellenbosch is die enigste gespesialiseerde
vir professionele joernalistiek-opleiding vir die
nagraadse opleidingsinstelling vir hierdie
bring? (As Vise-Dekaan was sy bv veberoep
in Suid-Afrika.
Dit steltussen
die standaard
nagraadse opleidingsinstelling vir hierdie
nuwe eeu,
en skep ‘n balans
rantwoordelik vir die verandering van
vir dievan
beroep in Suid-Afrika. Dit stel die standaard
en die blootstelling
st denteprofiel an die ediese
virenprofessionele joernalistiek-opleiding vir die vir professionele joernalistiek-opleiding virdie
en skep
balans tussen
bestuursSkool, sy het ’n program begin vir die
en dieAansoeke
vaneeu, en skep ‘n balans tussen praktiese
kulturele aspekte
van die media.
vir die
van handboeke in isiX hosa
beteken joernalistieke
dit dat ras sowel
as geslag
in vertaling
en die blootstelling
BPhil in Joernalistiek
etiese, tegnologiese,
en kurrikulumhervorming en onder
vaardighede en die blootstelling
sluit elkeaspekte
jaar op 31
Vir meer
die media.
vir die
haar leiding moet mediese studente
Vise-Restudente aan etiese, tegnologiese, bestuursen aanstelling
kulturele aspekte
die media.
Aansoeke vir die
gaan na www.sun.ac.za/journalism.
honneursvlak BPhil in Joernalistiek
rotasies in gemeenskapshospitale/
kulturele aspekte van die media. Aansoeke vir dienagraadse, honneursvlak BPhil in Joernalistiek
klinieke doen).
sluit elke jaar op 31 Augustus. Vir meer inligting,
met reg sluit
die vraag
elke jaarvra
op 31
meer inligting,
nagraadse, honneursvlak BPhil in Joernalistiek
’n Mens sou ook kon vra tot watgaan na www.sun.ac.za/journalism.
gaan na www.sun.ac.za/journalism.
Stellenbosch University’s Department of
ter mate die Raad die doelstelling van
Journalism is the only specialised postgraduate
derskleurige kandidate op die kortlys tranformasie dien as hulle so ’n gulde
gaan na www.sun.ac.za/journalism.
training institution for the profession in South
Stellenbosch University’s Department of
met wie Stellenbosch
gevoer is.
Department of geleentheid om ’n bekwame vroulike
Africa. It sets the standard for professional
kandidaat aan te stel oor die hoof sien.
journalism education and training into the new
Of word transformasie slegs in terme
wat die training
Sen-in South
institution for
the die
century, creating balance between practical
van ras gesien.? Of gaan dit oor die
Africa. It sets the standard for professional
It setsskills
the and
for students
to the
van kandidate)
in training
ag moet
education and
into thediep
new konserwatiewe agenda van somJournalism
ethical, technological, managerial and cultural
mige Raadslede?
of the media.
the posttraining institution for the profession in South
In die
geval skills
van and
die exposing
students to theEk dink werklik dat die US besig
skills and
to close
graduate, honours
BPhil instudents
is om grond te verloor met die kwesAfrica.
It sets the standard for professional
het die
and cultural
on August
31 every year.
For more information,
and culturalgo
van ras en geslag. Op die aanstelProf
postjournalism education and training into the new
to www.sun.ac.za/journalism.
of the media. Applications for the postvir die posisies van die
heid stemme
het lingskomitees
in Journalism
Vise-Rektore was daar net EEN vrou
graduate, honours level BPhil in Journalismcentury,
close creating balance between practical
verkies om
’n manlike
on August
31 every kandidaat
year. For more
information, go
skills and exposing students totethe
on August 31 every year. For more information,
stel. (My
kommentaar moet geen- en GEEN swart persoon nie (hierdie
to www.sun.ac.za/journalism.
to www.sun.ac.za/journalism.
sins gelees word as ’n kritiek op die
ethical, technological, managerial and cultural
van die manlike kandidate
aspects of the media. Applications for thevermoëns
postwat wel aangestel is nie, maar as ’n
graduate, honours level BPhil in Journalism
van transformasie).
vraag is tot hoe ’n mate is daar
on August 31 every year. For more information,
voor die stemming in die Raad ’n pleito www.sun.ac.za/journalism.
dooi gelewer vir die aanstelling van
Prof De Villiers in terme van diversiteit (en meriete), wat haarself bewys
het, as Vise-Dekaan van die Mediese
Skool, as iemand wat tranformasie
tekortkoming is in die Senaat uitgewys, maar daar is niks gedoen om vroue
of swart mense te ko-opteer nie).
Daar is slegs een vrou op die
Aanstellingskomitee van die Senaat
(ASK(S)), waar daar in die verlede tot
vier was.
Die hele topstruktuur van die US
is nou manlik en daar is een vroulike
dekaan. Kan ons dit transformasie
Conrad Basson
AfriForum Jeug Takvoorsitter: US
DIVERSITEIT word juis bevorder
deur vir elke persoon, ongeag velkleur, geslag, kultuur, ensovoorts ’n
gelyke kans te gee. Die bevordering
van diversiteit en verskeidenheid kan
hoegenaamd nie op ’n menslike wyse
geskied wanneer sekere individue nie
eers oorweeg word vir ’n pos bloot
omdat hulle wit is nie.
Kyk byvoorbeeld na die kleurblind
Olimpiese Spele wat die afgelope
twee weke plaasgevind het. Dit is ’n
uitstekende voorbeeld van wat meriete
doen. Geen individu is veronderstel
om van ’n geleentheid beroof te word
loot o dat sy ras ho diskwalifiseer
Aanstellings moet op grond van
meriete gedoen word – niks anders
nie. As die aanstellings dus nou bevraagteken word omdat almal wit is,
sou dit op rassisme neerkom.
As die mees geskikte persoon vir
die pos nie aangestel is nie, moet die
persoon se bekwaamheid om die werk
te doen eerder bevraagteken word en
nie sy/ haar ras nie.
As daar ’n swart persoon was
wat op meriete ’n beter kandidaat
vir een van die poste was, moes hy/
sy aangestel gewees het. Dis tog hoe
dit veronderstel is om te werk in die
nie-rassige samelewing wat ons almal
-Malherbe Nienaber
Romney picks VP
candidate, Mitt Romney has chosen
Paul Ryan as his Vice Presidential
running mate.
Ryan is a House Representative
for Wisonsin. He is currently
serving his seventh term.
According to the Mail and
Guardian the appointment was
announced in a brief email message
followed by a statement from the
The appointment has been
met with a mixed reaction. David
Axelrod, Democrat strategist, has
denounced Ryan’s appointment as
Vice Presidential candidate.
HEAR HEAR Minister in the Presidency and former Finance Minister Trevor Manuel speaks to students at the Academia Lifestyle Centre on 1 August. Manuel serves as the Chairperson of the National Planning Commission and
spoke in this capacity, explaining the commission’s objectives to the audience as well as the opportunities present
for students to contribute.
Universities have key role in “unleashing energy” in SA
Manuel explains NPC
uring a recent visit to
Trevor Manuel, Minister in
the Presidency, explained the objectives and schedule of the National
Development Plan (NDP) and the role
that students have to play therein.
Manuel is the Chairperson of
the National Planning Commission
(NPC) tasked with drafting of plan by
President Jacob Zuma.
The speech took place at the
Academia Lifestyle Centre on 1
August opened by Louis van der Riet,
SRC: Vice Chairperson. A video was
then screened that detailed the NDP
and explained how poverty affects the
President Jacob Zuma appointed the NPC in April 2010. At the
inaugural meeting of the NPC in May
2010, Zuma stated that the mandate
of the commission is to take a broad,
critical view of South Africa.
Zuma said the NPC should help
define the o th ri a we seek to
achieve in 20 year’s time and to map
out a path to achieve those objectives.”
The NDP was released on 11 November 2011 and charts a course with
the vision of halving poverty and inequa lity in South Africa by the year
In opposition, the Congress of
South African Trade Unions (Cosatu)
has insisted that it will not support
the NPD. The Democratic Alliance
(DA) in turn, has warned that Cosatu’s
stance could aggravate divisions within the ANC, as T he C itiz en reported.
The DA is also critical of the plan,
claiming that the ANC is too divided
to implement the NDP.
Before addressing the students, a
background to Manuel’s lecture was
sketched by Dr Llewellyn Macmaster,
Dean of Students. MacMaster outlined South Africa’s history and the
structural challenges that the NPC has
sought to address.
Manuel spoke of the importance
of eliminating poverty and attributed
many of the current socio-economic
problems facing the country to the
brain-drain of graduates abroad.
Universities play a key role, he
said, in “unleashing energy” in South
Africa and called on citizens to be
engaged within their communities.
The Minister also called the NDP a
“framework for engagement”.
At the conclusion of Manuel’s
spee h the floor was opened or estions. These included que stions regarding the controversial Protection of
State Information Bill, which Manuel
called a necessity as he knows of “no
government anywhere in the world
that operates without secrets”.
The Minister encouraged students
to “get out there” and hoped to instil
excitement through conduits such as
the NDP.
is final re ark was a hallenge
to the student populace: that he would
like to come back to Stellenbosch
University and be able to “sit in the
corner” and listen to students explain
how they are making a change and
fighting po erty in their o
15 students were selected to attend
an intimate meeting with the Minister
after his speech, providing them with
a chance to interact on a personal level
and engage in critical discussion.
The select students included
members of the SRc and the Listen,
Live and Learn Houses.
Speaking after the proceedings,
Marnus Havenga, SRc: Critical
Interaction and Current Affairs, who
organised the lecture, stated that he
felt the speech was “very effective”
and that intera tion is definitely
taking place on campus”.
AFP reports that Axelrod called
Ryan an ideologue “who would
insurance for the elderly”.
Ryan has proposed that the US
public insurance be turned into a
voucher system and aims to privatize the national pension program.
Axelrod said the latter plan
“was so out there that even George
Bush called it irresponsible.”
The comments accompany a
fier e o nter-atta k o
o ney’s choice by the Democrats.
This is based, in part, on Ryan’s
reputation as a leading advocate of
deep cuts in US spending.
ANC behind protests?
A RECENT report by the Centre for the Study of Violence and
Reconciliation suggests that ANC
factions are at the root of some
service delivery protests.
The report follows research
conducted by the centre and Wits
University analysing protest hotspots in Gauteng and Mpumalanga.
According to the report ANC
members played a leading role in
all protestors o ser ed he findings were reported in the C ity
P ress.
One case study described a
group of informants formed by
a local mayor in her fallout with
the council speaker. Another case
entailed the eruption of protests
linked to divisions within the town
Cape Town has recently witnessed a spate of violent service
delivery protests. Over the weekend this included burning tyres,
stone-throwing and petrol bombs,
according to the W eek end A rgus.
As a result the N2 had to be
losed and flights were delayed
from Cape Town International
Airport. Sixty people were arrested
in connection to the protests.
Apply for Rector’s Awards
for Succeeding against
the Odds
The Rector’s Awards will now be allocated to
students who have succeeded in overcoming
difficult circumstances. It offers them the opportunity to realise their full academic potential.
A maximum of three new awards will be considered
every year. Awards are made for one year, but may be
renewed twice – thus up to a maximum period of three
years per degree programme.
Only applicants who comply with the following criteria
will be considered:
candidateswhocomplywiththeadmission and progress requirements of Stellenbosch
SouthAfricancitizens,whoareenrolledat Stellenbosch University, or at another
university, and who would like to continue their
studies at Stellenbosch University;
tive to the opportunities they have had;
exceptional achievements despite physical,
educational or social challenges.
An amount of up to R60 000 may be allocated per year.
Closing date:
29 August 2011
Application forms for available at:
Postgraduate students: Wilcocks Building, Room 3015,
Undergraduate students: Admin Block A, UndergraduateBursariesOffice
- Malhe rbe N ienabe r
UCT students attacked
AFRIKA SE EEU Joaquim Chissano, oudpresident van Mosambiek, het gaste gespreek oor ontwikkeling en
sekuriteit in Afrika op 6 Augustus. Chissano is die beskermheer van die Sekerheidsinstituut vir Staatsbestuur en
Leierskap in Afrika (SIGLA), ’n HOOP-projek wat fokus op leierskapsontwikkeling.
First year policy guideline prohibits race-based placements
Roommate policy drafted
poli y g ideline or first year
roommate placements has been
put forward by the SRC. Spearheaded by Ziyanda Stuurman, SRC:
Transformation, the policy seeks to
prevent the placement of roommates
ased on ra e and ra ial lassifi ation
final dra t o this do
ent has
been forwarded for discussion to HKs
and Prims. Stuurman says she is satisfied that there has een eno gh inp t
from all the houses on the proposed
policy guideline.
If implemented the policy will be
applied to all SU residences that offer
shared roo s to first year st dents
According to the draft residences
still ha e the reedo to pair first year
roommates, “but this process must
have the clear goal of ensuring the
students’s success.”
It is also suggested that all
residences state in their welcoming
letters to first years that they ay e
placed with a roommate of different
race, culture or religion than themselves. “If they are unhappy with this,
it is suggested that they not take up
their place in residence.”
The draft must now be discussed
with Pieter Kloppers, Director: Centre
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for Student Communities (CSC). After
this consultation Kloppers will have to
table the document at the next forum
for residence wardens and visiting
heads for their approval.
t r an says the final la se regarding the welcoming letters should
be included when they are sent out
from October.
Angélique Mills, former Prim
Committee: Vice-Chair, says “the operation o the final do
ent was to e
2014”, when additional senior accoodation is s pposed to e finalised
First year roommate placements
raised concerns due to the unsatisfactory placements for black students.
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occupants asking for directions.
Once the conversation starts the
students are reque sted to enter the
The students were beaten, verbally abused and some were forced
to withdraw cash from an ATM,
threatened with a gun.
“I remember telling them that
I didn’t have any money on me –
that I was only carrying my Bible.
That’s when they punched me,”
one student remarked.
Lyon Campbell, a UCT spokeswoman, said Campus Protection
Services were assisting the police
in raising public awareness about
the recent attacks.
Clinton spreek UWK
DIE VSA Minister van Buitelandse sake, Hillary Clinton, het
die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland
(UWK) onlangs besoek. Sy het
gaste en studente aangespreek.
Clinton het ’n toespraak
gelewer by die UWK Hoofsaal
op 8 Augustus. Haar besoek het
ten doel gehad om die verhouding
tussen Suid-Afrika en die VSA te
Die UWK se bydrae tot die
stryd teen Apartheid is beklemtoon deur Clinton en studente is
aangehits om hierdie nalatenskap
te onthou.
Clinton het beroep op SuidAfrikaners om hul nalatenskap van
menseregte en demokrasie gestand
te doen.
Studentebeweging (PASMA) het
egter buite die saal betoog saam
met ander aktivis groepe.
Volgens A llA f ric a.c om
die betogers baniere met “shame
on UWC”, “down with imperialism” en “end the genocide of
Palestinians” getoon.
Die betogers het die kans
aangegryp om Clinton se buitelandse beleid aan te vat.
Maties 4 Maties to aid fellow students
A NEW CAMPAIGN has been introduced by the SRC to raise awareness
of its bursary fund. Maties 4 Maties
(M4M) was formally launched on 31
July 2012, as part of the recent Matie
The fund enables alumni and
aties to finan ially assist
their fellow students. The SRC notes
that it has found that many students
struggle to pay fees and thus the
primary criteria of Maties 4 Maties is
The SRC Bursary Fund was created
in 2010 as a result of the increase in
student and residence fees.
According to Marnus Havenga, SRC: Student Fees, the M4M
regulations were discussed and voted
on by the members of the SRC.
The campaign’s aim is for the SRC
to contribute to the success of students.
This is done by taking responsibility or the finan ial ir
stan es o
Stellenbosch University students.
Furthermore, the SRC has become
aware that many students are very
dependent on the ni ersity or financial assistance. Maties 4 Maties will
attempt to assist students in this regard
y pro iding finan ial aid to st dents
in need.
The funds for the campaign has
been raised through various campus
interaction activities like the Matie
Week that took place at the start of
August. Additionally, all funds from
Klein Ser will also go towards Maties4Maties. The SRC budget has allocated R5000 towards M4M, while
SRC members have pledged R4200
for the fund.
Anina Botha, SRC Chairperson
has emphasised the importance of the
campaign for all students. “We want
Maties to stand up for one another,
to take ownership and to go beyond,”
Botha said. Botha told students to
be on the lookout for the M4M-emle whi h signifies that an e ent
contributes to the fund.
Botha has also explained how
current students will contribute towards helping their fellow Maties, by
attending events like Klein Ser and
Matie Week.
“If you buy a ticket for any of
those events, you are in actual fact
contributing to the development and
future of your fellow Matie.”
t re
s will re ire spe ifi
initiatives aimed at raising money for
the fund. According to Botha the SRC
also called upon alumni, especially
former SRC members. to contribute
towards Maties 4 Maties. According
to Botha the SRC is passionate about
M4M and believes this initiative will
make a tangible difference in students’
Dean of Students, Dr Llewellyn
MacMaster, stated that Maties 4 Maties will ontri te to the great financial demand of Stellenbosch University’s students.
Havenga says Maties 4 Maties
will play an important role on campus
in the years to come. In accord with
the SRC, Havenga urges every Matie,
alumni or currently studying, to get involved in M4M and says one does not
have to reach out far to lend a hand to
struggling students.
In addition students are encouraged
to initiate their own fundraising campaigns, including residence events to
the enefit o aties
Media vervul kerk se rol in 21ste eeu
Dewald Fourie
THREE recent attacks have rocked
the University of Cape Town
(UCT). Students have been held at
gunpoint on UCT’s lower campus
on Main Road, reports the W eek end A rgus.
Students have been warned
about an armed gang targeting students. The attacks seem to follow
a pattern, where students are abducted and robbed.
Frederick van Wyk said the incidents took place in Claremont,
Rondebosch and Mowbray.
While walking along Main
Road, students are allegedly
approached by a vehicle with the
DIE MEDIA het die Christelike kerk
se rol in die moderne samelewing oorgeneem en daar is nie eintlik meer só
groot verskil tussen die twee nie.
Dít was die boodskap van die
Duitse teoloog, Professor Günt er
Thomas, tydens ’n lesing by die
Fakulteit Teologie op 1 Augustus.
Thomas, ’n dosent by die RuhrUniversiteit in Bochum, Duitsland het
studente en dosente aangespreek oor
die verhouding tussen die Christelike
kerk en die media.
In baie opsigte het die media van
die 21ste eeu nou die rol oorgeneem
van die Christelike kerk, het hy herhaaldelik gesê. Volgens hom bestaan
daar ’n komplekse verhouding tussen
die kerk en die media.
“Die media is vrot van religieuse
simbole,” het hy gesê en die media
daarvan beskuldig dat hulle die Christelike geloof uitbyt deur religieuse
simbole te gebruik in veral televisieprogra
e en flieks soos arry otter
Volgens Thomas gebruik die media
juis religieuse simbole en temas soos
liefde en haat vanweë die emosionele
verbintenis wat die mens daarmee het,
om daaruit munt te slaan.
“Die media het die Christelike
geloof aangepas om dit op ’n ander
manier aan te bied. Die Christelike
kerk en die media verskil daarom nie
juis van mekaar nie,” aldus Thomas.
Nuusuitsendings het ook deurgeloop. Thomas het gesê die
vasgestelde tye van nuusuitsendings
verteenwoordig die (religieuse) idee
van orde in die samelewing
Volgens hom raak die Kerk
toenemend meer bewus van die media se rol in die moderne samelewing.
“Ons lewe nou in ’n media-gedrewe
samelewing,” het hy gesê en bygevoeg
dat dit grotendeels te danke is aan die
feit dat die media deel geword het van
mense se alledaagse bestaan.
Dit is nou vir teoloë onmoontlik om te bepaal wat die gevolge van
dié media-samelewing sal wees en
daar word nou gedebatteer oor die
rol van religie in só moderne mediasamelewing, het hy gesê.
Thomas meen die uitdaging wat
die kerk nou in die gesig staar is hoe
om met die media om te gaan want die
mag daarvan kan nie langer geïgnoreer
word nie.
“Die Kerk sal moet leer hoe om
die media te gebruik sonder om deel
daarvan te word,” het hy gesê.
Hy het egter bygevoeg dat daar nog
nie ’n duidelike oplossing is oor hoe
die Kerk te werk kan gaan om die media suksesvol te gebruik “sonder om te
naby” daaraan te beweeg nie.
L eané
Meiring is ’ n B P hi l
J oe rnalistiek student.
Watter bank bied die beste studenterekeninge en studielenings?
Kies die beste bank vir jou sak en sake
gewoonlik goed met tjoppies en
hoenderst kkies in die rieskas en eindig et - in te oodles
tuna en geïrriteerde woonstelmaats.
y paar aar an st dies op
Stellenbosch, het dit duidelik geraak
dat daar een onderwerp is wat ko peteer et eksa ens en se inare ir
die hoogste staanplek op die podium
an hart-aan aende stres o geldsake.
Die wyse waarop studente hul
geldsake hanteer epaal nie net kortter yn finansiële sek riteit nie aar
ook toekomstige geldelike sekerheid.
Het jy al ooit gewonder of jou
bank die laagste bankkostes bied op
jou studenterekening en of jy die regte
tipe rekening het ir o finansiële
sit asie
dalk wil y weet watter
bank die beste rentekoers bied op ’n
Die Matie het gaan
it ind
erskillende anke ir
studente bied.
Die Design
St udent A c c oun t
ied opsies
oltydse st dente t ssen
aar en ereis
geen minimum balans in die rekening
rekening is die on eperkte elektroniese transaksies toegang tot erskillende dienste soos internet en
selfoonbankdienste, debietorders en
onttrekkings en deposito’s by ATM’s.
Al hierdie opsies word aangebied
ir die skrale aandelikse edrag an
ed ank
word aan dié rekening gekoppel. ’n
edeelte an o ankkostes word ir
’n goeie doel an o ke se geskenk
waaronder die opsies Green Affinity,
Sport Affinity, Arts Affinity en C hi ldren’s Affinity.
ed ank ied ook st dentelenings wat y die indi id se ehoe tes
pas en st dente eloon ir ’n goeie
akademiese rekord. Die lening dek
klasgelde oeke en enige kosh is- o
ni ersiteiteitsgelde
ente op die lening word ook aarliks er inder ie ri arentekoers
word slegs in die eersteaar an st die etaal ie rentekoers
word aarliks et
er inder
ed ank ied ’n aar en ’n hal
grasie et die ter g etaling an ’n
lening ir ’n drie aar k rsus.
E e r s t e
asionale ank
ied aan
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onttrek etaal
transaksies aan en daarom het hul
A pl ic ation ontwerp ir o
smart phone .
ereis nie dat o ers org
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soon kan org staan ir ’n oorgraadse
lening et ri a rente ’n agraadse
st dent wat salaris an
aand erdien kan sel ’n lening itneem.
help st dente o ’n nieke
plan ir die ter g etaling an lenings
te ontwerp.
ir st dente t ssen
St udent
A c hi ev er rekening met
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enerke an hierdie rekening sl it in
y gratis
elektroniese debiettransaksies waarna
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transaksies etaal
ier gratis
deposito’s een gratis
bankdeposito, onbeperkte elektroniese
alansna rae en gratis internet- en
Studentelenings dek klasgelde,
boeke, ander benodighede en
akkommodasie. Die rentekoers
hang a an die k rs s waaroor y geregistreer is en ter getaling word epaal olgens
hoe s kses ol y in o st dies
Die nadeel is egter dat jy elke
jaar moet heraansoek doen
ir diesel de lening
aangesien y nie ir
die olle d r an o
studies gedek word
ABSA bied aan
st dente ir
maand die St udent Si l-
ie n we toeoeging tot die ankgemeenskap, Capitec,
ied slegs een tipe rekening ir alle er r ikers, naamlik die Global
O ne ir
Dit behels gratis transaksiekostes,
kontantonttrekkings ir so in as
y kettingwinkels en
asook gratis internet- en sel oon ankdienste.
Hierdie rekening kan ook
gekoppel word aan ’n spaarrekening, wat jou toelaat om
oorsiening te aak ir daardie on erwagse
oensdagaand gesellighede in die dorp.
Dié spaarrekening laat jou
toe o tot
rente op ’n
daaglikse alans te erdien et
geen aste deposito edrag
apite ho dit een o dig de r
slegs een tipe lening uit te reik
wat aan die ehoe tes an st dente
sal oldoen
et ’n rentekoers en
terugbetalingstydperk wat pas by jou
finansiële er oëns
i lening ied o
’n tydperk an tot
aande et
’n rentekoers wat toeneem hoe langer
jy swot.
Algemene wenke
ens lees daagliks
swendelaars ingeloop word. Dit is
dalk nodig om net weer die basiese
eiligheids aatreëls in te skerp
enigiemand bekend maak nie – moet
dit ook nie iewers neerskryf of
selfs op jou selfoon bewaar
nie asop ir aklike kodes
Gaan jou staat gereeld na
en nie net na elke transaksie
nie. Onwettige transaksies uit
’n kaartrekening is eer algemeen as wat jy dink.
ees ook ew s an waar y
geld trek
s y enigsins er oed
dat daar et die
- as ien gepe ter is er y dit it ly die este
om in banke self te trek (as jou kaart
gesluk word, is hulp ook onmiddellik
byderhand). As daar gure karakters
naby die masjiene rondhang, bly weg.
oenie online- anking an openbare rekenaars gebruik nie en log uit
sodra jy klaar is.
it is d idelik anke ied erskillende oordele ir st dente ie
sle tel is o die ank te ind wat o
gaan help o tot aan die einde an die
maand tjoppies te geniet!
The Slug & Lettuce
TOP 10
THE SLUG & Lettuce recently opened
in Stellenbosch. After success in Cape
Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria, The
l g
ett e finally arri ed in yne eld treet
Enjoying a long lunch on Women’s
ay he l g
ett e was already o erflowing with people o all
ages. Described as an “upscale pub
and so ial a in the fla o r o an
aesthetic London pub”, this place truly
li es p to its rep tation
Located where Beads Coffee Shop
sed to e the en e is o pletely
re a ped and a war and in iting
atmosphere greets you once you step
through the door. The inside area is
small, but the courtyard out in the back
is lly o ered and will keep the rain
out in winter.
The staff is friendly and the
anagers keep things r nning s oothly. The crowd consists of families with
young kids, couples enjoying the sun
and students stopping for a draft and
a burger.
The Slug & Lettuce is open for
breakfast, lunch and dinner and the
en o ers a good ariety o lassi
comfort food with a twist.
or reak ast they ha e reshly
o en- aked reads and roissants
ser ed with resh o ee
n h and
dinner hosts a ast sele tion o pi a
v er C urrent A c c ount
ierdie rekening bied onbeperkte toegang tot
internet- en ankdienste ’n aste
edrag an
word yge oeg y
kontantonttrekkings by ATM’s, plus
’n addisionele
ir elke
Alle sw ipe s by winkels sal jou ’n
it die sak aag
t dentelenings word de r
o er oog o org itgenee
en dek alle klasgelde, boeke
en ander rele ante rekeninge
Grasie word toegeken met
die ter g etaling an o lening wat o toelaat o onderinding op te o de r internskappe of gemeenskapsdiens sonder
om bekommerd te wees oor
die ter g etaling an die
burgers, sosaties and salads. The wine
list is s all
t relati ely well pri ed
he pi as are aked in a real
wood fired pi a o en and will set yo
a k etween
he s al
sele tion o toppings is a aila le and
the portions will ost ertainly dri e
your hunger pangs away.
rgers are already ery
pop lar ser ed on a rego roll with
a interesting selection of toppings.
The Slug’s Best Mushroom Burger is
a a o rite a ong sto ers ser ed
with (of course) mushroom sauce,
tomato and greens. Chips or frites (as
re erred to here is ser ed with ost
eals and is a o panied with ho emade mayonnaise.
alads are also ser ed or the notso-h ngry or health- ons io s n h
o ps and fish are on the en with
the so p pri ed at a ere
lso or the not-so-h ngry is the
tapas en with dishes s h as oli es
jalapeño poppers, spring rolls, a
cheeseboard and a charcuterie board. A
fascinating addition to the tapas menu
is the tin of prawns or tin of frites.
ho wo ld ha e tho ght a resta rant
wo ld e ser ing tinned ood
ine is ser ed y the ottle or
glass. Ordering a glass will cost you
on a erage
t the glasses are
colossal and would, without a doubt,
result in a long nap after lunch.
hey also ser e the s al eer
ciders and mixers. Furthermore, this
place also introduces the Stellenbosch
scene to Jack Black beer, being one
of the few places selling this locally
brewed beer on tap.
onta t he l g
ett e on
to ake reser ations or ollow them on twitter @ theslugsa for
pdates on e ents and spe ials o
an also find the on a e ook or on
their website at www.slugandlettuce.
o a
BY 20TH SEPT 2012.
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Martmarie Knoetze
Pop some colour!
ON THE coldest of cold winters days,
with snow on the mountains and a
chilly breeze whispering in your ear,
anyone would agree that a pop of colour every now and then is a pleasant
surprise to all the dull greys of the
I swooped the streets of Stellenbosch in search of a few daring
indi id als who de ided to fight the
crowds with special distinct pieces to
cheer up a dreary winter day.
With Spring waiting excitedly
around the corner, who can blame the
odd boy or girl to forego the wait and
jump right ahead to the most beautiful
Simplistic, yet powerful, is
Nina’s heart shaped peacenecklace. Sometimes all a
look needs is a great, statement accessory to say “look
at me”.
Franciska’s colour-coded
look attracted my attention as
she strolled casually between
classes. She sports maroon hair and
a necklace to match, with a delicately
ra ted la k la e sweater to finish
o her ea ti l o tfit
love how she combined
just the right amount of
colour to spice up an allla k o tfit
What an alternative
character Mfezeko is
with his Cape Town-cool
look. Rocking the colour-popping circle scarf
with dangling red beads
and super chic sunnies,
this is one trendy fellow
who won’t let winter get
the better of him. What
I love most about this
look is the fantastic confiden e worn with it
Anja looks demure
and different with her
cute as a button Russian
doll brooch. You cannot
get enough of brooches these days –
they an hange any o tfit ro ordinary to extraordinary. Brooches like
Anja’s almost always have a special
story behind them and pose for an
interesting account from the wearer.
They are also subtle statement makers
and are little manifestations of one’s
I could not believe it when
Ashleigh told me she had purchased
her colourful pastel orange jeans at
Pick ’n Pay clothing. What a great
local buy! She looked neat and sleek
in her jeans and tailored blazer (which
is oh-so-trendy at the moment).
look gaudy or overpowering.
My dear friend Imke wears her
bursting red coat with pride and
onfiden e hank goodness or the
odd individual who dares to push the
barriers with something bold. Her look
is pleasant to look at in a season where
everything else seems so routine.
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The other side of Town
Ashleigh proves that colour popping with unusual colours needn’t
Chunk in my trunk: Chunky knits with details such as bobbles, patterns and tassels.
Fur-real: Ever tried on a faux fur coat or waist coat? You will be pleasantly
surprised with how warm it is!
Die goeie ou Vellie: Boys or girls, rich or poor, old or young, the Veldskoen has
taken over the streets of South Africa and the world.
Blazing by: Tailored blazers, old school blazers, inside-out blazers, any blazers…
it’s trending.
STELLENBOSCH students all have
somewhat of a routine regarding a
night out. Typically, students start at
Bohemia or Mystics, after which, a
qui ck visit would be paid to a place
for your dancing shoes. The night then
generally moves to the B ok .
This can, however, become rather
monotonous, especially for those who
have been around for some time.
In my attempt to search for and
find those who hide away ro
I dared to step over into another part of
Stellenbosch nightlife, one very different from what we know.
Walking through Stellenbosch on a
Wednesday night, it is easy to witness
a routine night out. In front of Springboks there is an intoxicated student
who imagines himself viable to take
on the Senegalese bouncer.
Across the road, three young
students attempt to “drive” an
imaginary Ferrari through the
McDonalds drive-through while the
BP petrol-attendant can only giggle to
If you stroll past Bohemia you
would typically be bombarded with
be rgies asking for a little change. In
the bars, it is clear that students are
merrily getting tipsy after a long day
at class.
Two young men might argue over
something trivial – not to be remembered in the morning. The argument
ight lead to a fistfight and oksie
might go entirely unnoticed as she
steals someone’s boxed wine from
their table.
Further along the road you may
witness a man sleeping under cardboard boxes while a drunken student
finds a se ent in dan ing aro nd
him with no regard for the man. Having passed this district off buzz, some
calm seems to be restored.
A neutral zone is often found
just away from the town’s buzz. You
will witness a happy young couple
enjoying a pizza at Celebrate while
a group of young girls hang around
outside – dressed to impress. By now
students know that high heels and collared shirts mean one of two things:
either they are underage or they are
straight off to Cubaña ...
People often complain that there
are not enough places for the older student. Little do they know, a bit further
into town, there are gems of little places just waiting to be discovered. Take
a step off the Plein Street curb and you
will realise that a night out could be
held somewhere else.
Venture out to Church Street, and
discover several small, qua int cocktail
and champagne lounges and cafés.
It is refreshing to sip a cocktail and
to realize that there are no drunken
fights no one st
ling their way
home, no cigarettes threatening you in
an overfull bar.
Although the traditional buzzing region of town is familiar and
comfortable to most, I urge those
who haven’t already done so, to walk
further and explore more.
While there is nothing wrong with
the traditional night out, it should
be realized that a qui et night out can
be just as rewarding as the average
Wednesday night.
There seems to be an entire side
of town out there, waiting to be
discovered and enjoyed.
Step out of your bubble and routines and you might be surprised at the
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supplement | zanie maree | roann louw
QI (Quite Interesting) is a British quiz show that centres on
weird and wonderful facts and trivia. Each season deals
with a letter of the alphabet, with season one starting
with everything A-related.
All-round boffin and extremely charming, quiz master, Stephen Fry, asks the questions to a panel of four
celebrities. The type of questions asked tends to be unanswerable but points are awarded according to how
close or interesting the answers are.
The obvious answer unfortunately
gets a big forfeit, and the scoring
system is questionable and impossible to understand. Interesting people, a lot of laughs and a great array
of trivia is what this show offers.
This quiz is held annually at the end of the year, and covers
the events and news of the year. Comedian Jimmy Carr,
famous for his off-beat humour, is the quiz master.
The panel constitutes of three teams of two, and the
participants are celebrities.
The show is divided into 12 rounds, one for each month
of the year, with 5 questions about that month. With a lot
of the participants being comedians some of the answers
tend to be extremely funny, at the same
time as providing a great overcast of
the years events.
Regular comedians include Russel
Brand, Noel Fielding, Jonathan Ross,
David Mitchell and it often features celebrities to ask some of the questions.
Everybody knows the show, Who
Wants To Be A Millionaire, but this is
the quintessential trivia game show.
The British version of this show has
been around since 1998, and still
functions on just about the same way it originally did,
even though there are multiple variations according to
the 100 plus countries that air the show. Multiple contestants get a question and whoever answers the fastest
gets to play Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
This one contestant faces multiple questions, rising
in difficulty along with the possible prize money. The first
question gets £100 and this increases to a final £1 million.
The contestant is given four possible answers and if need
be, has three lifelines to use, if they are stuck, in the form
of a 50:50, Call a Friend and Ask the Audience. This is
a great show to watch if you want to test your general
knowledge and see how you might have fared.
Every Thursday evening at 20:00 Aandklas hosts
a pub quiz, open to anyone to attend. Teams can
just show up and enter the four round quiz with the
sections being Entertainment, Sport and General
Knowledge, Movies and Other, and Music.
After every round the scores are tallied and by
round three teams can see the final scores before
the final Music round. Prizes are R400 for first place,
R200 for second and R100 for third place. Often times
there are bonus rounds where drinks can be won.
There is also a running tournament where the
teams that have won the most during the year can
win a grand prize in the form of a massive bar tab.
This show originally started in Britain in
2000 but like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire spread across the globe. The
British version of this show is notorious
for its super strict and mean host, Anne
Even though the British version is no longer being made,
it is still being aired all over the world.The format of the show
works like a chain, where each contestant is a link. They all
answer a question in an attempt to build up a big communal prize before the time runs out. When a question is answered wrong though, all the money is lost and they have
to start all over again.
Contestants can bank the money at any time and then
start collecting again. At the end of each round, the contestants vote out the contestant who performed the most
poorly, until there is only two left and a five question round
is held, with the contestant with the most correct answers
Brazen Head
If you prefer an alternative pub quiz to test
your knowledge, Brazen Head hosts one every
Tuesday night at 20:30. Teams of no more than
six can enter the quiz that consists of six rounds,
each with a theme.
After every round the scores are added up
and the winning team of the round wins some
shooters. After all six rounds the final winners win
R300, second place R200 and R100 for third place.
Every now and then there are special edition
quizzes where sponsors give extra prizes.
This quiz tends to be a bit more difficult than
the Aandklas quiz so if you think you’ve got what
it takes, give it a try.
Re-fraze is a board game where two teams
compete against each other in an attempt to figure out what the original title of the song, movie
or book is, after being given the Re-Frazed version.
For example: “The above average, the evil, and the
unattractive” might be the phrase, with “Clint Eastwood” being the hint and “The Good, The Bad, The
Ugly” being the answer.
One member of the team says the phrase and
whichever team answers correctly first gets 10
If nobody knows they can ask for a hint and the
team that answers correctly then gets 5 points. If
none of the teams can answer correctly before
the 30 seconds run out, the team asking the question wins 10 points.
The game can either be won by whoever
reaches a 100 points first, or it could be said that
the game will be played for a certain duration of
time and whoever has the most points win.
30 Seconds is a well-known home grown board
game that has entertained us over many family
This game has to be played in teams of two or
more, with the help of a board and index cards.
The one team rolls the dice, lands on either a blue
or yellow square and must then, like charades, try
and explain to the rest of his/her team what the
words, people, places or phenomena on the appropriate side of the card is.
This all needs to happen within 30 Seconds. If
the team answered more questions right than
the number on the dice, they can move on the
amount they have more.
Extremely high-paced and interesting this game
brings out the competitive side in anybody and results in a lot of fun.
Good Job Brain
This weekly podcast started as a Kickstarter project where people from all over the world donated money to get the podcast going.
It is run by quizmaster Karen Chu, and her three
friends, and every podcast is centred on certain
Every episode starts with a random Trivial Pursuit
card and is followed by an hour long discussion
of anything related to the theme of the week. A
lot of laughs and interesting trivia results in some
good aural entertainment.
Trivial Pursuit is one of the oldest and biggest
trivia board games on the market today, and it
all started in 1982.
Today there are a lot of different sets of Trivial
Pursuit games, including Star Wars, Book Lovers
and Beatles editions.
The concept stays mostly the same though:
there are six categories which are (traditionally)
Geography, Entertainment, History, Arts and Literature, Science and Nature, and Sports and
Leisure, with each category assigned a colour.
The objective is to move across the board
by answering questions correctly. Some of the
questions are quite tricky and may prove difficult, so this is why different versions are so convenient in choosing the one which suits your
lifestyle and interests.
Trivial Trivia
This 30 minute podcast is hosted by a couple
living in Illinois, with the podcasts being divided
into three sections.
The first is general knowledge about a certain topic, such as famous babies, or food. The
second round is music clips centred on music
clips related to a certain theme. The third section is a movie section with questions about a
specific film.
Every now and then there is also the Wikipedia Listener Challenge where listeners have to
try and link two Wikipedia articles by using only
the links.
The Thursday Trivia Podcast
The Thursday Trivia podcast is a shorter (about
10 minute long) podcast constituting off 5
general knowledge questions as well as discussion on these questions.
Along with this are music clips that fit in with
the theme of the week, which vary from Looney
Tunes to nepotism to milk.
It gets released every second week and
makes for some light hearted easy listening.
Want to test your all-round knowledge of people, phenomena, and
places? Then try this quiz, and see how informed you are.
What three European countries begin with the letter A?
What’s the most commonly-spoken language in Belgium?
What U.S. president’s middle initial “S” did not stand for a name?
What are the three colours on the German flag?
In what country was President Obama’s father born?
Culture & Entertainment
1. What do the characters of Ocean’s Eleven plan to do?
2. What profession is Amélie in the film of the same name ?
Where is Bill Murray’s washed-up movie star character shooting a TV commercial in,
in Lost in Translation?
4. What did Kurt Cobain infamously wear at the Headbanger’s Ball?
5. Who gets married in Addams Family Values?
What two-word term describes the period between the fall of the Roman
Empire and the beginning of the Renaissance?
What famous Swiss citizen said of nuclear bombs: “If I had known, I
would have become a watchmaker”?
As Prince of Walachia, Vlad II called himself Son of the Dragon. What
does this translate to in Romanian?
The quote “alea iacta est” (the die has been cast) is credited to whom?
She is a British politician and the longest-serving British prime minister of
the 20th century as well as the only woman ever to have held the job.
Arts & Literature
Science & Nature
Where does March of the Penguins take place?
Which is stronger: a category 1 or a category 5 hurricane?
What’s the fastest swimming marine mammal?
What is the world’s fastest growing woody plant?
What colour is a giraffe’s tongue?
1. In golf, what is meant by the term ‘birdie’?
2. What is the official name of the Rugby World Cup trophy?
3. What is a Pluto Platter now known as?
4. In which Olympic sport is the wearing of a beard prohibited?
5. What is the name given to a jockey’s uniform?
1. Albania, Andorra,
2. French
3. Harry S Truman
4. Black, red and gold
5. Kenya
Culture & Entertainment
1. Rob casinos
2. Waitress
3. Tokyo, Japan
4. Dress
5. Uncle Fester
1. Middle Ages
2. Albert Einstein
3. Dracula
4. Julius Caesar
5. Margaret Thatcher
Arts & Literature
1. Oliver Twist
2. 6
3. Sports Illustrated
Swimwear edition
4. The Lost Symbol
5. Stieg Larson
Science & Nature
1. Antarctica
2. 5
3. Killer whale
4. Bamboo
5. Blue
1. One under par
2. William Webb Ellis
3. Frisbee
4. Boxing
5. Silks
1. What Dickens character said: “Please, sir, I want some more”?
How many nose jobs has Michael Jackson had, as of 1991, according to the book Michael
Jackson: The Magic and the Madness?
3. What annual publishing phenomenon started in 1964 as a feature on skin diving?
4. What is the title of Dan Brown’s follow up of The Da Vinci Code?
5. Who began a trilogy with “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”?
The inside scoop on getting inked; what you need to know before you go
Risk and reward – taking the tattoo tumble
attoos tend to be a hot topic
for debate. People are often
polarized at this convention as
many cannot comprehend the practice,
others are addicted and some merely
sit on the fence. Hate them or love
them, one thing is for sure: tattoos are
(literally) here to stay.
Getting a tattoo might be an
impulsive or even a drunken decision.
However, most tattoos are carefully
thought out and planned for months
(if not years) in advance. Unlike what
many people might think, tattoos are
no new phenomenon.
Tattoos have been discovered
on ancient mummies and in China
tattooing was initially used to label
status such as “a prisoner”. Egypt and
India along with other Middle Eastern
nations all used tattoos in the B.C.
period to symbolize caste, cultural
a filiations and a o plish ents
In many regions today, particularly
in the a ifi sland region s h as
Maori of New Zealand, tattoos form
an important part of cultural heritage.
The “sleeve tattoo” (as many New
Zealand and Samoan rugby players
sport) is still commonly completed in
a traditional manner: bone and chisel
(instead of a needle) and takes several
hours before completion.
Nowadays needle tattooing is the
most customary practice, however depending on the size, it may still take
hours to complete. It is also not a cheap
procedure (as most of the impulsively
tattooed folk will inform you).
Regardless of the price, it is
certainly a long-term investment
(although if boredom or dislike for
the tattoo sets in, it is an even more
costly and more painful procedure to
It is estimated that approximately
1.6 billion US dollars are annually
spent on tattoos in the USA, although
some states in America have an age
restriction of 21 years for tattoos. On
average, 17-19 year olds worldwide
think that 19 is an appropriate age
to get a tattoo. It is not surprising
that tattoo popularity has shown no
Recent television shows, such as
Discovery Channel’s “Miami ink”
and “LA ink”, have sparked a renewed
interest in this art form. These shows
transform tattoos from appearing as
close to her.
Esté is another student who chose
a tattoo ased on a ily a filiation
According to Esté, getting a tattoo
mere impulse decisions to artful constructs. The show also reveals that tattoos commonly hold great sentimental
One need not look far to spot a
tattoo on campus – although many are
well hidden on the body! Considering
several student tattoos, it is clear that
sentiment is a prevailing factor.
s a final year
d st dent
revealed, family was an important factor when choosing her tattoo. In fact,
she decided to match her sister’s tattoo, who had her family’s names in Arabic tattooed when she worked overseas for over four years. Accordingly,
a matching tattoo was chosen and it is
positioned strategically not to expose
it to the world but to hold their names
was something that she wanted since
high school. She confesses that art and
watching Miami Ink further encouraged her tattoo adventure. Although
her parents weren’t too happy with
the idea initially, they were eventually
Admittedly, Esté said that showing a tattoo to your parents the day
you had it done is not the best idea, as
fresh tattoos do not look as they later
would. Also, she said that choosing
the right place for a tattoo is essential. Other important advice is to ensure you see that a new needle is used
(gruesome stories about used needles
are in abundance! ).
Although many people claim
getting inked is not painful, Esté
believes the contrary – after all how
can a needle piercing your skin not be
painful? Her little teacup on her ribs
was chosen not only symbolizes the
ritual of calming down with a cup of
tea (which always makes things seem
better) but it is also a tattoo to commemorate her relationship with her
mother. On the other hand, Bianca reveals the playful side of tattoos. Her
“gun in a garter” tattoo is certainly
original and art l ian a first de id-
ed on the location of her tattoo before
deciding the actual design. She didn’t
want anything visible – particularly as
she might enter the corporate world
after her studies. The tattoo is also her
own design. Regardless of the choice
or reason, most tattooed people will
agree that a good tattoo-artist is key to
a successful tattoo!
Another student decided to get
the word “Ubuntu” tattooed on his
shoulder. He also said he had wanted
a tattoo for a long time but believed
that something so permanent had to
carry some meaning.
Although tattoos are fashionable
and can be severely sentimental, it
is vital to remember that they are
permanent. Accordingly, the classic
“get your lover’s name tattooed”
should be avoided at all costs. Celebrities Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp
are amongst those who fell victim to
this costly (and painful) mistake.
Whatever your stance on tattoos, when getting a tattoo it is key
to remember the cliché: think before
you ink.
Explicit sex scenes shock
Not for the
sensitive reader
VOËLVRY Koos Kombuis het by die gala-aand van die Student Arts Festival op 1 Augustus in die Endler
opgetree. Dit is die derde jaar wat dié studentekunstefees poog om ’n verskeidenheid jong kunstenaars op
kampus die platform te gee om hul talent aan die publiek ten toon te stel.
Maties in nuwe KykNET-reeks te sien
TWEE Maties gaan vroeg volgende
jaar in ’n plaaslike moordreeks op
KykNet te sien wees.
Die B ol and Moor de is in die wintervakansie in Stellenbosch geskiet.
Die reeks bestaan uit ses 90-minute
episodes en elke episode sal oor ’n
nuwe moord handel.
Dramadosent Rufus Swart en
finale aar-dra ast dent i on
ortmann gaan in die reeks verskyn.
Die vervaardiger en mede-skrywer,
Louis Pretorius, verseker die publiek
die stories is heelte al fiktie
voeg ook by dat die moorde nie baie
grafies in die reeks oorgestel word
"Dit is meer van ’n raaisel wat ons
wil skep. Ons wil vir die kykers sê hulle
moet engage," sê Albert Snyman, wat
ook agter die skerms werk. Die reeks
[...] die Dramadepartement is genader om deel van
die produksie te wees
sal ook wegskram van die klassieke
aard van CSI-moorde wat opgelos
moet word.
Aangesien die meeste van die
tonele in tellen os h erfil is is die
Dramadepartement genader om deel
van die produksie te wees. Oudisies is
gehou en talle Maties is as byspelers in
die reeks gebruik.
Swart is ’n groter rol aangebied en
sal te sien wees as een van die antagoniste
ort ann een dat di reeks
’n gulde geleentheid vir die dramastudente is aangesien fil opleiding nie
’n deel van hul kursus uitmaak nie.
“Ek glo dat hierdie reeks as goeie
leerskool vir ons as dramastudente
kan dien. Dit is werklik lekker om
ook daardie kant van toneelspel, asook
teater, te beleef.”
Maties gaan die televisieskerm met
Vicky Davis, Martelize Kolverdeel en
Stian Bam deel.
Die B ol and Mo or de sal vanaf
Januarie 2013 op die kassie te sien
ne of the most talked-about
books of the year, F if ty Shade s
of Grey is the first instal ent o
a series of three books.
The trilogy chronicles the intense, often disturbing
relationship that develops
between innocent young
student Anastasia Steele
and enigmatic businessman Christian Grey.
After meeting Grey
while conducting an
interview for her student newspaper, Ana
immediately falls for
Grey’s charm and good
However, from the
beginning it is clear that
his polished exterior is
which puts Ana on her
guard and, as she later
discovers, his personal
predilections are anything but charming.
Grey introduces Ana
to a world she had never
imagined for herself –
the underground world
of BDSM (Bondage and
Discipline, Dominance
and Submission, Sadism
and Masochism).
shocked by these new encounters, but as the story
develops, their relationship deepens and she realises that she cannot live
without him.
Author E.L James
holds nothing back, describing the most intimate details of the
protagonists’ sexual relationship in a way which
is guaranteed to offend
sensitive readers.
The explicit nature of
the narrative has led to the books being described as “mommy porn”, but
the combination of raunchy scenes
and romantic prose have led to the
vanaf R85 tot R110 en is beskikbaar
by Computicket.
Die voormalige
wenner van Idols,
Elvis Blue, tree
25 Augustus by
Dorpstraat Teater
op as deel van ’n
toer om sy nuwe album
J uo r ney te bemark.
Popular Cape Town rockers Zebra & Giraffe, known for
hits like “Arm Yourself”, will be
launching their latest album, T he
W isest O nes, at the Klein Libertas
Theatre on 24 August. Contact the
theatre at 021 883 8164 for further
details and to reserve your spot.
Die Stellenbosch Universiteit
Simfonie-orkes tree Saterdag 18
Augustus by die Endler op. Die program sluit komposisies deur Ravel
en Debussy in. Kaartjies wissel
Tulbagh will be hosting their
annual Spring Arts Festival from
24 to 26 August. People who attend
the festival can look forward to the
unveiling of a new land art installation by local artist Stijdom van der
Merwe. There will also be several
classical instrumental and choral
performances by some of South
Africa’s best artists. Tickets for the
festival events can be acqui red by
contacting Jayson Clark at 023 230
11 71 or jayson@ cdq.c o.za.
winner of literature, J.M. Coetzee’s classic work
Waiting for the
Barbarians has recently been adapted
for the stage. The play
tells the story of a magistrate
living in a small African town
trilogy topping bestseller lists around
the world.
The books have received rave
reviews, especially on talk shows
spe ifi ally geared towards wo en
The extreme candour used by
James when describing scenes
of BDSM have provoked much
women’s sexuality and the
ways in which it is traditionally expressed.
The story has even taken Hollywood by storm,
with actors and actresses
such as Ian Somerhalder,
Channing Tatum, Kristen Stewart and Emmy
Rossum said to be vying
for the lead roles.
This being said, by
the time I made it through
the series o nd it di ficult to see how James had
managed to stretch the
story over three volumes.
Many of the sex scenes
ser e as filler propping
up a plot that could easily
have unfolded within one
unnecessary to be so
candid, although it is clear
that the shock value has
done much to promote
While reading it, I was
struck by the similarities
in character description
and plot situations between F if ty Shade s and
the T w ilight saga.
It therefore came as
no surprise to discover
that F if ty Shade s of Grey
started its life as T w ilight
an fi tion
If this in itself does not
deter you and you are still
eager to see what the hype
is all about, then by all
means, rush out and buy a
copy (if you dare).
But be warned: this is not for
sensitive readers, nor for those who
enjoy something a bit more substantial
than a whirlwind “romance”.
under the British Empire’s jurisdiction. The play will be running
from 16 August to 1 September at
the Baxter Theatre and prices range
from R80 to R100.
Tickets for this year’s Rocking
the Daisies festival at Darling
are still available. The festival
runs from 4 to 7 October. So
if you are a fan of Bloc
Party, Arno Carstens
or Desmond and the
Tutus, you should
best go and secure
your ticket at www.
Die Boer Restaurant en Teater bied op Vrydag
17 Augustus ’n dubbelle dosis van
blues aan wanneer die Natasha
Meister Band saam met Mothercity Mojo gaan optree. Toegang tot
die optrede kos R70 en kaartjies kan
bespreek word deur 021 979 1911 te
Stefan Dixon –
For no apparent reason
A DASH of melodic, a spoonful of
acoustic, a bit of folk, a hint of pop,
a pinch of rock and a splash of Afro
pop amounts to Cape Town-born
artist Stefan Dixon’s new debut album, F or N o A par ent R eason .
The sound is reminiscent of
artists such as Johnny Clegg, Vusi
Mahlasela, Miriam Makeba, Klopjag and Jack Johnson – yet it also
has its own unique style.
An interesting twist to this album is that it features Mahlasela
in “Your are mine” and Bed on
Bricks’ Schalk van der Merwe on
There is no recurrent theme,
each song is its own and thus the
album avoids the common trap of
most debut albums –“same song,
different lyrics”.
According to Dixon there is
no spe ial signifi an e ehind the
lyrics. “When a good song gets
delivered passionately you’ll feel
what it’s about,” he claims.
F or no appar ent reason is
perhaps not the type of music to
listen to while getting ready for
a night out, but rather for easy,
everyday listening.
For those who are not yet acqua inted with this local musician’s
work, now is the time, since much
can be expected from Dixon in the
future if he continues to follow this
winning recipe.
MAGIC FINGERS Matie Dean Bailie (middle) currently performs in the re-run of David Kramer and Taliep Petersen’s
Kat and the Kings at the Fugard Theatre in District Six.
Former Matie Dean Balie performs in Kramer production
Kat is king of the stage
Sixgun Gospel –
Original Sin
SIX GUN Gospel is a roots-rock
band from Cape Town and recently
la n hed their first
O riginal
Si n. It consists of four awkward
and gimmicky tracks that do little
to instill any hope that they might
develop into a band you would
want to follow.
he first tra k
pple i ker
starts off well enough with a slow,
but thumping, drum beat. Yet the
tra k i
ediately alls flat with
gimmicky lyrics, like “tell me w hat
y our sw eet mom ma c an do ”.
It is a rookie error that far too
many roots rockers fall into – they
think because they have adopted
the sound of the American South,
they have to pretend that they are
from there as well.
The only shimmer of hope is
’s final tra k
ll the way
gone”. The song still feels rootsy,
but has a fun sing-a-long chorus.
en so the tra k still la ks a
spine to give it structure and the
song tends to drift off into minutes
full of bland nothingness.
If you’re into bluesy roots-rock,
is perhaps worth a listen
but the rest of us can ignore it.
or the first ti e a dien es an
experience David Kramer and
musical K at and the K ings in the place
it is set – at the Fugard Theatre in District Six.
his is the first prod tion o K at
and the K ings since Taliep’s untimely
death in 2006. I know that he would
have been proud and thrilled that this
musical has returned to his birthplace,
District Six,” notes Kramer, who dire ts the
r n
The only South African musical
to e per or ed on oth est nd
and Broadway stages, K at and the
K ings tells the story of Kat Diamond,
a young, unemployed singer and
resident of District Six dreaming of
Armed with a dream, some talent
and a whole lot of charm, Kat and his
friends Bingo, Ballie and Magoo form
the acapella group The Cavalla Kings.
But history is unkind to Kat and his
ings it is the late
s and the rikaners are calling the shots. And everyone knows what happens next.
s with other ra er and etersen
collaborations (Distric t Si x , Ghoe ma),
the show features a small cast and an
excellent ensemble of musicians.
The characters are distinctive and
qui te unforgettable, their songs are
catchy and the music so lively that
even the most stubborn foot will tap
Seasoned actor Danny Butler
plays the role of the older Kat, a man
looking back on his life. Together
with Dean Balie, playing his younger
ersion they ake or so e finely
tuned acting.
Balie, a former Matie and Fiëstanominee (for best supporting actor
in Marthinus Basson and Marlene
van Niekerk’s Die k or tstondi ge rak lew e v an A nastasia W ), provides an
explosive, electrifying energy as the
young Kat Diamond.
However, as with many young
actors, Balie’s enthusiasm is overshadowed by his lack of emotional conviction. This is in strong contrast to
Butler, whom the audience could tell
really experienced history’s turmoil.
Saul Radomsky’s set design must
be praised, as he manages to transform
the very small Fugard stage into a
range of scenes with the change of a
lighting set or the sliding of a wall,
without creating a sense of it ever
being cluttered.
“I thought the whole production was qui te professional. The set,
costumes and choreography stood
o t
o eti es it was di fi lt to
understand everyone’s pronunciation.
The band also deserves special mention,” says Maria Vos, former editor of
Die Matie.
o p ti ket and range ro
he show r ns at the gard
Theatre until 2 September.
Gradueer in ’n wêreld van moontlikhede!
Swartland Boudienste
Swartland Boudienste is verbind tot die bewaring van ons omgewing; op stuk van sake dink ons tog langtermyn, en jy?
• Industriële Ingenieurswese • Meganiese Ingenieurswese
• Kwantitatiewe Bestuur
Jy moet tans met voltydse studie vir ’n graad/diploma besig wees en oor Suid-Afrikaanse burgerskap beskik.
Verantwoordelikhede behels: • gestruktureerde vakansiewerk • handhawing van hoë akademiese standaarde en
voorbeeldige gedrag gedurende studiejare • voltydse aansluiting by die maatskappy na voltooiing van studies • voldoening
aan die toepaslike terugwerkperiode ten opsigte van die jare finansiële steun wat ontvang is.
Indien jy aan bogenoemde vereistes voldoen, stuur asseblief jou volledige CV na hr@swartland.co.za of
faks 086 619 8886. Dui asseblief die studierigting waarvoor jy aansoek doen in jou e-pos aan.
Sluitingsdatum: 22 Augustus 2012 (met sluitingstyd)
Indien jy binne 30 dae na die sluitingsdatum nie van ons hoor nie,
beskou asseblief jou aansoek as onsuksesvol
Aansoekers moet bereid wees om evaluasies/assesserings en onderhoude
te ondergaan, indien en wanneer nodig. INDIEN DIE VOORGESKREWE PROSEDURE NIE GEVOLG WORD NIE,
EEN bykans die einde van ons redaksie se
termyn, is die tekort aan ’n gebalanseerde
verstaan van die media op kampus steeds
kommerwekkend. Die hiper-sensitiwiteit en onverdraagsaamheid ten op sigte van kritiek is ongehoord vir ’n tersiêre instelling wat debat en verskillende opinies moet aanmoedig.
Die aard en grootte van ons kampus beteken
dat kritiek, veral deur middel van kampusmedia, as
uiters persoonlik en aanvallend opgeneem word.
Die rol van die media as platform vir kommunikasie
en debat, spesifiek op die brieweblad, word
oorskadu deur rolspelers wat seergemaak en
persoonlik geskend voel.
’n Mens sou meer verwag van die intelektuele
elite van ons land.
Voorbeelde soos die (oorwegend negatiewe)
Critique of SU Choir unfounded
Dear Sceptical Soprano,
I am a Tenacious Tenor and six-year member
of the Stellenbosch University Choir. Last week
a letter of yours was published in Die Matie,
voicing concerns regarding the validity of our victory overseas and our status as prominent choral instrument. I am appreciative of your critical
stance towards the matter and would like to react
to some of your ideas.
The World Choir Games functions much like
the Olympic Games: out of hundreds of entrants,
open categories take place to choose the best
choirs; these choirs qualify to compete in championships to determine world champions. Likewise, you don’t see fifty people in the same pool
at the Olympics.
The choirs that compete in the final rounds
are the absolute best in the world, even if they
fall outside of your limited frame of reference.
Seven internationally renowned choral conductors, leaders and clinicians judge each event
according to a rigorous standard. It is highly
unusual for a choir to score over ninety.
To measure a vocal instrument according to
sight-singing ability is unfair. Considering our
country’s historical background, choral singing
should be an inclusive and uplifting activity for
all to practice under equal opportunity. It should
be measured by one’s ability to produce healthy,
beautiful sound and express individual identity
through musical language. Whereas almost all
other choirs consist exclusively of voice majors,
our choir consists of students from every walk of
Your comment about the choir’s repertoire is
simply unfounded. We resist performing the tired
and hackneyed choral canon, because there is a
wealth of music being produced by composers
of great genius in our world today. Their styles are
varied and original and they are extremely well
known internationally, if not by you.
Our repertoire consists of works ranging from
the sixteenth to the nineteenth to the twentyfirst century. Our anthem was composed in the
seventeenth century. If our programme was more
varied, it would verge on the overly-eclectic. We
are regularly commissioned by composers to
perform new music – three works in 2012, for
example. No other choir on our continent would
attempt some of the works we sing this year (regardless of sight-singing abilities) because they
are so challenging.
I agree with you, Sceptical, that the
Stellenbosch University Choir is not the best choir
ever. But, we are the best at what we do based
on statistics gathered from over 100 competitions
and 260 000 participants.
Indeed, our 96.88% is the best achievement
of any choir at any of the interkultur events, ever,
including the Harvard Glee club and Latvia’s
Kamer. It remains a remarkable achievement. We
Min verstaan van kampusmedia
reaksie op Die Matie se voorbladberig “Bose
geeste word uitgedryf” (9 Mei 2012) getuig
hiervan. Ná die storie aan die lug gekom het, het
studente gevoel die kampuskoerant het Dagbreek
persoonlik aangevat.
Die woord “vendetta” is meermaals gebruik. Die
Matie se verantwoordelikheid om berig te doen oor
ongeruimdhede op kampus is as ’n persoonlike
aanval geïnterpreteer.
Onlangse reaksie op briewe wat in Die Matie gepubliseer is, spreek ook van hierdie tendens. Dit
is algemene praktyk dat die brieweblad in enige
koerant as platform vir lesers dien om opinies uit
te spreek. Dit blyk egter of die opinies wat in die
briewe uitgespreek word met die redaksie se persoonlike opinie vereenselwig word. Die redaksie
word dan kwalik geneem vir (ongemaklike) kritiek.
Die Matie se (by tye kritiese) beriggewing oor
SR-geleenthede is ook as onregverdig bestempel.
Die af wagting vir die jaarlikse SR-evaluering in
Die Matie het hierdie verhouding op die spits gedryf en gelei tot die ondertekening van ’n ooreenkoms wat Die Matie en die Studenteraad se verhouding uiteensit.
Dit is duidelik dat kampusmedia se rol as waghond en Die Matie se verantwoordelikheid om
kampus deursigtig te hou nie gerespekteer of verstaan word nie.
Die redaksionele besluite om sekere stories te
doen of sekere briewe te plaas moet nie as persoonlike vendettas geïnterpreteer word nie.
Miskien moet die fokus verskuif na die inhoud
van die berig/brief eerder as om die spreekbuis as
die v yand te bestempel?
are proud of the fact, as are we grateful, humbled,
inspired and motivated by it.
Antoni Schonken (a Tenacious Tenor)
Volg die korrekte klagte prosedures
In respons op die brief “Another no-show for
AELS lecturer” (Die Matie, 01/08/12). Binne die
fakulteit is daar meganismes vir die hanteer van
griewe en die bestaan van hierdie meganismes is
goed aan studente in die fakulteit bekend.
’n Paar van die opsies wat ’n student kan
volg om ’n grief te lig sluit in dat die student
die dosent, modulekoördineerder of departementele voorsitter kan gaan spreek of vir die
klasverteenwoordiger of ’n BASK-lid vra om namens hom/haar sy/haar saak te gaan stel.
(Plakkate met foto’s, name en kontakgegewens van BASK-lede kan dwarsdeur die Letteregebou op aansteekborde gevind word.) Die
betrokke vise-dekaan en/of dekaan kan ook
genader word.
As ’n student nie binne die fakulteit geholpe
raak nie, kan hy/sy onder meer die SR-lid vir
Akademiese Belange kontak om die saak verder
te neem.
’n Klagte wat by enige van hierdie persone ingedien word, word ondersoek en daar word aan
die student terugvoer gegee. As ’n student ontevrede is met hoe een persoon die saak hanteer,
neem hy/sy bloot die saak (in persoon of via die
klasverteenwoordiger, BASK-lid of SR-lid) na die
volgende persoon op die gesagsleer.
Só sal die klagte waarskynlik tot die student se
bevrediging aangespreek word. As ’n brief egter
in Die Matie geplaas word, eindig die saak daar,
want geen department of steundiensverskaffer
kan ’n briewekolom gebruik as platform vir die
aanspreek van huishoudelike sake nie.
– Besorgde Student
50 SHADES OF GOUWS After recent staff appointments, Prof Amanda Gouws is questioning Stellenbosch University’s commitment to gender and racial transformation.
HOOFREDAKTEUR Anika Marais (redakteur@diematie.com) ADJUNKREDAKTEURS
Roann Louw (grafika@diematie.com), Thea Visser (bedryf@diematie.com)
NUUS Innes Barnardt (nuus@diematie.com) AKTUEEL Malherbe Nienaber (aktueel@diematie.com) DAG EN NAG Bertus Snyman (dn@diematie.com) STUDENTELEWE Berta Nortje
(sl@diematie.com) SPORT Nicholas Glanvill (sport@diematie.com)
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Briewe mag nie langer as 400 woorde
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name moet alle briewe vergesel, selfs dié
wat onder skuilname geplaas word.
Die menings in die briewe is nie
noodwendig dié van die koerant, die
redakteur of enige lid van die redaksie nie.
Let ters should not be longer than 400
words and must be sent to redakteur@
diematie.com by the Friday before the
next edition. Writers’ real names must accompany all letters, even those published
under a pseudonym.
The opinions expressed in the letters
are not necessarily those of this newspaper, its editor, or any member of its staf f.
Indien enige leser ’n klagte het dat Die Matie nie op ’n ewewigtige, eerlike en objektiewe wyse rapporteer nie, of dink
dat menings uitgespreek in Die Matie nie godsdienstige en kulturele sake met omsigtigheid hanteer nie, kan ’n klag
by die SR-lid vir Media gelê word. Die Matie is onderhewig aan ’n gedragskode wat by die SR-lid vir Media beskikbaar
is. Alle klagtes word deur ’n regsdosent ondersoek, waarna Die Matie voor die Mediaraad kan verskyn. Klagtes moet
ingevolge die Mediareglement binne tien werksdae ná publikasie aanhangig gemaak word.
KWYTRAAK Robin Cupido (redakteur@diematie.com)
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Stephan Meyer (redakteur@diematie.com) SPOTPRENT Roann Louw (redakteur@diematie.com) ADDISIONELE GRAFIKA w w w.sxc.hu
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POSADRES Langenhoven Studentesentrum, Privaatsak X1, Universiteit
Stellenbosch, Matieland, 7602 WEBADRES w w w.diematie.com
OPLAAG 8 000 VOLGENDE UITGAWE 29 Augustus 2012
SPERDATUM 22 Julie 2012 ADVERTENSIES 071 134 9847
Die Matie subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes
news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to
the code, please contact the Press Ombudsman at 011 788 4837. You
may also lodge an internal complaint or report factual errors by contacting the SRC member for Media and following the procedure explained
on the left.
Noudat die silwerdoek weer Afrikaans praat
rken dit, ons almal het dit al gesê.
“Dit was goed vir ’n Afrikaanse
Dis moeilik om presies te pyl, maar
iewers ná die blomtydperk wat geken
is aan Katinka Heyns en Chris Barnard
se Die stor ie v an K lara V ilj ee (1992) en
P alj as
het die rikaanse fliek
die swartskaap an die fil edry geword
een wonder dat alle flieks wat
op eie ode
aar eer spesifiek in
eie taal
er aardig word
et dieselfde kam geskeer word nie.
In 2010 berig Leon van Nierop dat
rikaanse flieks iteindelik sy kop
it die toilet lig
y aak di stelling
oor J ak hal sdans
’n fliek oor
’n plattelandse dorpie wat de r ’n onwillige sanger gespeel de r he ns
ordaan gered oet word
et onoort igende dialoog swak toneelspel
en li h op li h sorg hierdie fliek
eerder ir ’n ter gkeer toilet toe
was lanklaas n ’n fliek s naar
Maar smaak verskil en die syfers lieg
nie oos an ierop tereg itwys het
J ak hal sdans binne die eerste paar weke op
die grootskerm byna R3 miljoen verdien.
n flieks is i
ers esighede kontant
r k ns is die le se
Kort op J ak hal sdans volg L ief ling
wat sing-sing die geld nog
meer laat klingel. Op dieselfde noot (en
ewe vals) is P latteland
n g ’n
storielied et n g eer sangers
it was
soos ’n moerse lang music v ideo , net nie so
c ol nie s ’n riend ir y n glo dit o
nie, maar P retv ille is op pad...
sikale mov ies is sekerlik ’n
er etering op die ge loek en geka oe el
wat met die (destyds) gewaagde L ips tiek
dips tiek (1994) begin het en met P oe na is
k o ning (2007) en V aatj ie sien sy gat (2008)
’n klam klimaks bereik het.
o wil ek weet
aaro dink sangers
h lle is akte rs
n in watter konsentrasiekamp is Katinka Heyns sedert 1998
y was egter y konsentrasiekampe betrokke in die maak van
F east of the U ninv ited, ’n minireeks wat
lessis se
rikaanse ro an
gegrond is).
Dit klink asof ek baie pessimisties oor
die Afrikaanse rolprentbedryf is, maar ten
spyte an die oontlikheid an ’n n g O h
Sc huc k s I t’ s Shi tter-fliek Mad B uddies 2,
ly ek hoop ol n
sien Die
on e oo i e ont re n
oe o
die lig – voorwaar ’n lig aan die einde van
’n tonnel. Met die verskyning van R oe pman erlede aar word ’n n we standaard
in die
id- rikaanse fil edry gestel
en dit word wyd en syd as een van die
este plaaslike flieks este pel
Sk onhe
id (2011), die eerste Afrikaanse
fil wat op die annes il ees wys is
grens ersk iwend en word in die iteland
oe ko die wonderlike n s
van Die W onde rw erk er – Katinka Heyns
se n we rolprent oor
g ne arais wat
eersdaags verskyn.
aarop ko dit neer
flieks goed o sleg
t in groot getalle
onderste n word
ant ir elke ier
siekrolprente wat ge aak word sal
daar ten inste een ander fil wees waar
y itstap et eer as net ’n de nt ie wat
in o kop draai
This is the result of a world with no religion
s is the accepted practice,
religion is a topic best
a oided a ter a dr nken
night o t d e to the olatility
o s h a on ersation
st dents ha e taken part in
st s h a sit ation where a
standard on ersation
i kly
t rns into a s rea ing at h
on e the religio s train has
been boarded.
st dy p lished
this past week has shown
that religion in o th
Africa, or rather those
who see themselves
as religio s has
y almost 20% over the
past years
st dy
p lished
y the
in- all p
whi h
easres glo al sel per eptions on elief, interviewed
52 000 people
from 57 different
o ntries
nderstandable, taking into
a o nt the past
economic crisis and the fact that many people
have started to view organized religion as a
r se on o ted y greedy swindlers to tri k
people o t o their hard earned in o e a ing ne er een a ery religio s person ysel
still find this drop alar ing
Religion has always been given a hard
ti e d e to its se as oti ation or so e
of the world’s more shocking spectacles by
religio s e tre ists here has een a growing voice from those who consider themselves
atheists or agnosti s that finally the h an
race is evolving beyond these fairytales of
» I am talking about the Stellen-
bosch Student. The man about
town. The coward who will never
own up to his transgressions, because of his fear for retribution
myth and magic and a ghost in the sky who
has planned o r e ery o e silently waiting
or so eone to slip p so as to anish the to
a rning hole o eternal fire his is a ery
short-sighted iew o the role that religion
plays in o r so iety
spe ially in o th ri a where it so etimes feels like we are living in a lawless
wasteland rather than a growing se ondworld o ntry there are those who elie e
that crime and poor service delivery are
the res lts o po erty and the still langing
- erkiesingtyd aak ir orrel opgewonde
Sommer baie. N ot .
Gorrel se maatjies dink die kandidate kon ten
minste beter pay - o f f lines gekies het.
sse lie
betekenisvol is Soenit (Soen in die Laan maak ’n
o e a k o sel s roenit net o
ir o
ssel bly te maak).
Gorrel hoor ook van ’n aw k w ard i pro pt
-sirk s die ongklo p noe
dit deesdae
lyk aar ’n ko k s op die i -trappe waar ’n
kandidaat et ’n ranse naa sonder s kses na
er ystappende st dente pro eer itreik het
Dieself de F ransnamige k andidaat se C V be v at
nie die gew on e hoë rsk ol pr estasies nie, maar
eerder O b ama- agtige slagspr euk e soos “ I be liev e
in be liev ers.”
hains o partheid hese are all a tors that
ontri te towards the rrent state o a airs
t taking into a o nt this drop in those who
onsider the sel es religio s is also playing
a large role.
he oral fi re o a o
nity spro ts
their religio s elie s
ery legal
syste in the world is rooted in the r les
of some or other religion. It has created the
framework for every decision ever made.
And the interesting thing is that the
sa e al es nderlie al ost all o the aor religions ’ not dis ssing the rit als
’ p rely saying that all religions share the
sa e asi elie s onor yo r od lo e thy
neighbor. Simple and straight forward.
Yet in the world where we live nowadays,
it seems there is a strong movement away
ro those asi al es eople say whate er
o es to ind no atter the onse en es
Vandalism is the order of the day. And I am
not talking a o t ri inal ele ents who
sneak into Stellenbosch in the dead of night.
t is the tellen os h t dent he an a o t
town he oward who will ne er own p
to his transgressions e a se o his ear o
retri tion his needs to stop
nd it spro ts ro a h ris a holierthan-tho attit de that no-one has li ed p to
his is the res lt o a world with no religion
world where e eryone st does whate er
they please.
he hard tr th is a world with no r les is a
world o haos nd n ort nately that is not
a sign of progress, it only shows how far we
have slipped already.
Die skinder agter die nuus. Die waarheid agter die kampuspolitiek. Die kommentaar waarvoor almal bang is. Gorrel is nie
verantwoordelik vir enige ongerief veroorsaak nie.
orrel ernee
erder dat die
-teso rier
hier teen die einde an sy ter yn ’n groot spreekwoordelike s g an erligting slaak en an sy
medewerkers het dit blykbaar ampertjies reggekry
om sy hele begroting te blaas.
Dí t be hor
t egter geen v errassing te w ees nie,
aangesien dieself de SR - lid v roe ë r onde r ’ n donk er
w ol k v an or be steding by haar ( semi- pr iv ate) oudk os hui s w eg is.
Ja, nog ’n storie oor die SR. Die afgelope twee
weke wys h lle wat in h lle steek iskien o dat
h lle tyd no so na y is y hoogheid die edelagare inister in die residensie
re or an el
het ’n r k gelede ’n oti eringspraat ie op ka -
p s ko lewer ie
se -trots kon dit toe nie
weerstaan o ho tydens die rae-sessie aan te
vat oor sy nasionale ontwikkelingsplan nie.
ngel kkig was haar kritiek nie esonder
de rdag nie en re or het die geleentheid ge r ik
o haar an ’n kant a it te haal
J a, dit w as so erg dat Gor rel haar v ir ’ n ruk
j ammer gek ry he t. E n dit gebe ur nie som mer nie.
i ons erg en a a se kleinsergroepe laat
die wenk ro e hierdie aar lig
n nie soos gewoonlik o dat h lle nie hondhaara aak nie erder o dat h lle in
nie deelneem nie.
Gor rel w onde r hoe k om hul le só be sluit he t –
be tek en dit ser gaan v ol gende j aar nes J O O L
af gesk af w or d? E n w at he t ons dan? SA
D2 ?
“What is our bib’s
name? I don’t
know who else to
acknowledge, so I’m
thanking the bib.”
– Heard in a Food
Science postgraduate seminar
“Jislaaik, dit hael
terwyl die son skyn.
Ja, jakkals slaan
alweer wolf se vrou.”
– Gehoor op die
“Hoe raak een van
die ser-lede so
verveerld terwyl hulle
optree dat sy gaan
kitaar oefen in die
- Gehoor tydens ’n
ser optrede
“You need a
newspaper and pipe to
complete your image.”
– First year student
comments on a postgraduate student’s
old-fashioned style
“Die probleem van ’n
seniorstudent wees, is
dat die ser-outjies te
jonk is vir ons om op
te perve.”
– Gehoor by Wilgenhof cluster-ser.
“Ek’s nie meer ’n
alkoholis nie, ek’s nou
’n alkoholeet!”
– Gehoor in Terrace.
“Ek wil dié lekker ou
se ma wees.”
– Student se ma praat
haar mond verby.
Stuur jou quotes na
Al wat mag laat wees
in die lewe is ’n period.”
– Student raak
ongeduldig toe sy
té lank vir haar pizza
et lsa
etie she wel o ed e into her o fi e with an
effusive warmth which immediately set me at ease. Speaking with a
refreshing openness, her enthusiasm for her work is infectious and it
is clear that she is passionate about journalism, especially local news. Elsabé’s
love for her work and love for her community overlap, and it is apparent that
these operate symbiotically in her life. As the former editor of the E ik estadnuus,
Elsabé is deeply involved in Stellenbosch life, and as we sit down she begins to
tell me of the journey her life has been and the path that brought her to where
she is today.
Having done her honours in Afrikaans and majored in English, Elsabé tells
me that she has always been interested in languages. She also did a year of art
study in Italy, then returned to Stellenbosch, where she became a researcher and
translator for an encyclopaedia publisher. Elsabé also taught Afrikaans at UCT,
raising a family and doing other jobs in between. Eventually she ended up at a
travel agency, later going into real estate.
A bit later, Elsabé came into contact with the then-editor of the E ik estadnuus,
who was interested in publishing real estate news, which Elsabé did freelance.
She spent more and more time at the newspaper, becoming a reporter for ten
twenty years at the newspaper, it has been such an experience. It has become our
job to draw attention to NGOs and NPOs who are doing wonderful work in the
community and to me it is very important for people to see what other people are
doing, and to let them know where to go if they need assistance or guidance. So I
think Eikestadnuus plays a very important role, especially in getting the ‘ haves’
to support the ‘ have-nots’.”
When asked about her readership, Elsabé says that the E ik estadnuus reaches
ore than
altho gh this is not refle ted in the newspaper sales as opies are often circulated amongst communities. “I am still convinced that there is
still an important role for local papers to play in society. It will be a long time
before everyone has access to a computer, and some people still enjoy the feel
of a newspaper.”
Elsabé is also well aware of the pitfalls of reporting on local news, as she is
often personally acqua inted with people she writes about and she admits that it
is so eti es di fi lt ro a personal perspe ti e
But as she says: “We reported what was being said. There is no agenda in a
local newspaper, we don’t take a political angle at all. We just report the facts
and try and stay o t o party politi s t is also di fi lt to write a o t the si-
years, after which the position of editor was o ered her t was di fi lt or
me, because I hadn’t done any layout work or planning up until that point. I was
so busy writing, as we had, at most, three reporters at a time. But then Barry de
Beer came over from Naspers. He was our publisher and he taught me everything that I needed to know. That was where I started. I was here from the end of
1991. It was like my second home.”
Elsabé’s main interest was in municipal planning and development and her
focus was on writing about town events. “I tried to be as impartial as possible
in writing a o t the town whi h is di fi lt e a se ’
ery passionate a o t
this town. The town is everything. Anything that negatively affects the town, it
really hurts me and I become emotional about it. I couldn’t experience things in
an impartial manner, but I could write about it in that way. I don’t do council
work anymore, as my husband is now on the council, but I am still passionate
about municipal affairs.
tellen os h is a di fi lt town to write a o t as it is a ery di ided town
When I started here there was a big divide between the different communities, as
each operates as a separate community and we had to discover all these clique s
within clique s.”
Despite this gap, Elsabé acknowledges that there are also those striving to
make a difference in Stellenbosch and she applauds the animal welfare, child
welfare and Matie Community Service for making a contribution to the wellbeing of our town.
“It’s been a wonderful journey for me, my forty years living in Stellenbosch,
ness sector, as they also have vested interests in town matters. It is not always
very pleasant, especially when one’s friends are involved, but we just report the
news. You can’t back off just because you know the people, and thus there have
been some tricky times.”
Elsabé is also involved in the editorial hub at Distric t Mail, but states that
E ik estadnuus is still closest to her heart. Despite this attachment, Elsabé is excited at the changes taking place in the sphere of local news and speaks with
enthusiasm of the work taking place at the Distric t Mail, where a number of local
newspapers are published.
When asked about her future plans, she responds that she would like to write
again, hinting at the possibility of writing a book based on her experiences with
municipal government.
When it comes to advice for young journalists, Elsabé cautions them not to be
scared and follow their gut feelings. “Always be prepared to listen to a mentor,
somewhere in the business or in the community who can guide you. One learns
so much from other people, not only writing skills but also how to understand
their communities better. I think you must be daring and humble and be prepared
to take criticism.”
These latter qua lities are an apt description of Elsabé herself, and her tenacity
and diligence. Her relentless pursuit of the truth behind the public story makes
Elsabé a worthy role model for many young journalists today.
130 learners participate
SUSPI hosts
hile the world enjoyed the
splendour, glamour and
grandeur of the athletes and
occasion of the recent Olympic Games
in London, Stellenbosch University’s
Sport Performance Institute (SUSPI)
organised a “mini-Olympics” on 4
In partnership with the Weber
Gedenk Primary School, SUSPI eno raged
learners ro fi e local primary schools to take part in the
ll the fitting tri
ings were added to the event, such as the lighting of
the fla e opening spee hes as well as
the parading o the flags in l ding an
opening and closing ceremony.
The organiser of the project and
coordinator for SUSPI’s Youth Sport
Initiative (YSI), David Kappel, as
well as 30 youth sport leaders from
the Outreach Programme organised
the event.
With guidance from two facilitators
from the South African NGO Altus Sport, the mini-Olympians were
divided into seven countries, namely
Greece, Ghana, Malawi, Namibia,
Nigeria, Uganda and South Africa.
The athletes took part in events
which included street soccer, hockey,
cricket, sack races, limbo dancing,
high jump and netball.
A life-skills session based on the
Olympic values was also hosted.
The atmosphere at the mini-Olympic Games reached fever pitch when
all the participants competed in a relay
race. Greece emerged as the winner
with South Africa a close second.
Rugby film planned
A FILM based on a racially mixed
social rugby club in Stellenbosch in
the 1980s is in the pipeline.
The club, which goes by the name
of De Akker Vyftiental (the Acorn
Fifteen), was named after the popular Stellenbosch pub that lies in the
heart of Dorp Street. The barman at
the time, Aubrey Makunu, introduced
Matie students to black players from
De Akker Vyftiental was funded by
Barney Strydom, the chief executive
of Case International at the time.
With this funding, they went on a
countrywide tour in July 1987 and
played against other mixed teams. The
club called it qui ts in 1988 when funding dried up.
nding or the aking o the fil
has been problematic. CNH, an Ameri an agri lt ral fir has apparently
p lled o t o the fil as it e poses
and deals with a “potentially sensitive
STERKTE! Prof Julian Smith (Viserektor: Gemeenskapsdiens) het 22 Matie Paralimpiese atlete sterkte toegewens voor hulle binnekort na die Paralimpiese Spele in Londen vertrek.
Soccer tournament honours Matie
IN THE spirit of Matie Week, the
SRC hosted both the Bixa Football
Tournament and Enduro Challenge.
The Enduro Challenge took place
on Wednesday 1 August on the grass
in front of Metanoia and Nerina and
residences were invited to enter a team
o o r people or this open field sport
The idea behind the event was
to promote a healthy Matie lifestyle
through exercise and fun.
Each team received a timeslot to
compete on the exercise course to see
how many laps they could complete in
40 minutes.
ag reek and sa a e in first
place with 17 laps, with Majuba and
Lydia coming in a narrow second
place with 16 l aps.
Then on Friday 3 August, the Bixa
Football Tournament took place where
15 teams (12 men’s and 3 women’s
teams) competed in 5 pool groups.
Dagbreek came out victorious
again, with Majuba having to be satisfied with se ond pla e
The tournament was born when
i a i a first approa hed the
with the idea of Street Soccer.
Liza Bixa died in a car accident in
2010. In memory of Bixa, the SRC renamed the tournament to honour Bixa.
During the tournament a candle was always lit at the event in
remembrance of Bixa.
Gymnasts win at USSA
STELLENBOSCH played host to the
USSA gymnastics competition from 4
to 8 August.
Home town advantage helped Maties competitors to grab a huge overall
tally of 28 medals.
managed to win the
trophies for the best
men’s team, the
best event team and
the overall winners.
gymnasts managed
to walk away with
a total of 28 medals
(5 Bronze, 12 Silver, and 11 Gold).
team asserted their
dominace at the
winning 6 medals in
the mini-trampoline
and 8 in the WAG
(Women’s Artistic
Gymnastics). They
also managed to
get 3 Golds in the
Rhythmic discipline, where 2004
Athens Olympian Stephanie Sandler
was one of the winners.
The other universitites that
competed were Tuks (Pretoria), Wits
(Witwatersrand), Pukke (Potchefstroom) and UCT (Cape Town).
In the men’s divison, Maties
topped the log with 523.183 points,
another 250 ahead of the total of Tuks.
In the women’s divsion, Tuks unfortunately beat Maties convincingly
by 100 points as
the ladies from Pretoria finished with
a very respectable
317.251 points to
their name.
Both Tuks and
Maties came very
close for the team
event title, with
Maties cutting it
fine y winning y
0.8 points ( with a
total of 17.9).
In the end, it
was the Maties men
who were to thank
for the overall team
and home town victory, with all the
points adding to a
victory of well over
100 points over their closest competitors Tuks, with a resounding total of
763.164 poi nts.
DON’T STOP! On 9 August, local women (and men) competed in the 2012 Totalsports Ladies Race in Stellenbosch. The race began in Plein Street and ended at Coetzenberg. Participants have the choice between a
5km walk/run or a 10km walk/run. For every entry, Totalsports donated R2 to The Race Charity. Three Maties
runners managed to place in the top 10: Mia Pienaar, Louise Muller and Sunel Jacobs came in places 5th,
6th and 9th respectively. The next Matie was Genine Manchip who came in a very respectable 16th place
with a time of 42:49 over 10km.
2nd year BComm student youngest Comrades finisher
Matie athlete rewarded
Doen aansoek vir
Rektor se Uitstygtoekennings
D ie Rek tor se U itsty gtoek ennings word nou
besk ik baar gestel aan studente wat p resteer
ondank s moeilik e omstandighede om sodoende aan hulle die geleentheid te bied om hul
volle ak ademiese p otensiaal te verwesenlik .
‘ n M aksimum van drie nuwe toekennings per j aar sal
oorweeg word. T oekennings word vir een j aar gemaak,
maar kan tot twee maal hernieu word. Die toekenning is
dus vir ‘ n maksimum tydperk van drie j aar per graadprogram.
Slegs aansoekers wat aan die volgende kriteria
voldoen, sal oorweeg word:
kandidatewatvoldoenaandietoelatings en
vorderingsvereistes van die Universiteit
Suid Afrikaanse urgerswatreedsingeskrewe
studente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch is,
ofaan nanderuniversiteit,enwataandie
Universiteit Stellenbosch verder wil studeer;
geleenthede wat hulle gehad het; en
kandidatewat ewyskanlewervan uitenge
‘ n Bedrag van tot R60 000 per j aar mag toegeken word.
Aansoekvorms vir beurse te kry by:
agraads ilcocksge ou, amer
, agraadse
oorgraads AdminBlokA, oorgraadseBeurskantoor
ri fiths was
awarded the MastertonSmith Youngest Finishers Trophy at this year’s Comrades
ri fiths a se ond year
BComm student, was the youngest
person to finish the o rades this
The Comrades Marathon is an
annual race that takes place between
Pietermaritzburg and Durban.
approximately 89km is the world’s
longest and oldest ultra-marathon:
runners may only compete if they are
over the age of 20 and are able to complete a marathon (42.2 km) in under
fi e ho rs
2012 marked the return of the
Youngest Finishers Trophy on Race
Day, which the Comrades Marathon
Association (CMA) awarded to
the yo ngest o rades finisher on
Sunday 3 June.
he trophy or the yo ngest finish-
er o the o rades arathon was first
awarded in 1949, having been called
the ‘ Lyle Lightbody Trophy’ in its day.
Unfortunately, the prized item disappeared in 1967.
Comrade’s history details that Phil
Masterton-Smith was the youngest
person ever to win at the age of 19,
back in 1931 – a record which can
never be beaten due the current age
[He] finished the race with his
father. They [...] managed to clock
in at 9 hours and 56 minutes
limit of 20 years.
his year was the first year the
Masterton-Smith Youngest Finishers
Trophy was awarded.
The direction of the race alternates
each year between the “up” run (87
km) starting from Durban, and the
“down” run (89 km) starting from
Somewhat fortunately for Henry,
his first o rades this year was the
down run.
Since being a boy, growing up and
watching his father compete year after year (this year marked his father’s
20th race) has motivated Henry to take
the opportunity to take part.
he -year-old finished the ra e
with his father. They ran side by side
and managed to clock in at 9 hours and
56 m inutes.
This meant that they were comfortably clear of the 12-hour cut-off time.
Finishing the race is already a major accomplishment as each athlete
st rea h fi e t-o points in spe ified ti es to o plete the ra e
Henry did, however, have the advantage of a guiding force next to him
throughout the race to motivate him.
Henry admits that his father provided him with very wise words in
running the race: “Don’t think or look
at the race as 89km: break it down step
by step (small milestones); 1km, 10km
and so on. Don’t think ahead.”
Henry goes on: “It’s hard work, and
it’s never easy to train but I have great
support from my family and friends.”
SU Olympic dreams over – for now
WITH THE Olympics having gone by
as qui ckly as some of the partaking
athletes, Maties and South African
representatives have four years to
refle t on these ga es and to try i prove their abilities for Rio de Janeiro
in 2016.
Matie Heerden Herman’s luck unfortunately did not get any better after
missing out in the 400m Freestyle.
e also issed o t on the final
of the men' s 1 500m freestyle after
clocking in at 15:25.71 in his heat on
Friday 3 August.
He won the silver for the same event
in Delhi at the 2010 Commonwealth
On the same day Herman’s sprint
teammate, Trudi Maree,
to make it into the women' s 50m
reestyle se i-finals a ter lo king a
time of 25.78.
In athletics, the South African
4x400m relay team crossed the line in
the last position with a season' s best
time of three minutes, 46 seconds on
Friday 10 August.
This team won silver at the IAAF
World Athletics Championships in
Daegu, South Korea last year
The team consisted of Matie Shaun
de Jager, Willie de Beer, LJ van Zyl
and Oscar Pistorius.
Ofentse Mogowane was ruled out
of Friday' s race after he injured his
shoulder in a heat where something
as small as tripping would rob him of
o peting in the final
This left the door open for Willie
de Beer to compete.
Maties Kathleen Taylor and
Mariette Rix competed in the South
African women’s hockey team.
hey anaged a th pla e finish
after their 2-1 loss to Japan last
his is the first ti e in the tea ’s
history that they have not come last at
the Olympic Games.
They beat the USA 7-0 last
he ho key tea also finished
two pla es higher than their o fi ial
Their results list is as follows: lost
to Argentina 7-1, lost to New Zealand
4-1, lost to Australia 1-0, beat USA
7-0 and lost to Japan 2-1.