MEE-NT For Regional Traffic >> For Road, Off-Road


MEE-NT For Regional Traffic >> For Road, Off-Road
1st Issue
December 2004
Railway Technology Magazine
For Regional Traffic
page 6
>> For Road, Off-Road
and Rail Applications
page 14
>> From Paris to Stuttgart
by TGV
page 16
Rail Focus
Railway Technology Magazine
Publisher: SMA Technologie AG
Hannoversche Str. 1–5
34266 Niestetal
Phone +49 561 95 22 - 0
Fax +49 561 95 22 - 100
photo: ALSTOM
photo: Bombardier
photo: Siemens
photo: Transrapid International
Ilha Formosa
MEE-NT Now Available for Short-Dist ance Traffic
For Urban and Rural Applications
Grid Interferences of Power Electronic Converters
Road, Off-Road, and Rail Applications
From Paris to Stuttgart by TGV
Rational Handling of Energy
Rail Solution Asia in Taipei
Keep Cool
Responsible for contents
Dirk Wimmer
Susanne Günther
Rail Focus Railway Technology Magazine will be published biannually
German edition: 1.500
International edition: 750
All brand and product names used in this magazine are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders, although they may not be specifically designated as such. Reprints, including excerpts,
are subject to written approval from the publisher. Printed on paper made from chlorine-free bleached
© 2004 SMA Technologie AG. All rights reserved.
Dear readers,
We are happy to present the first edition
of our new Railway Technology Magazine.
and wide range of know-how in form of
professional articles to those who are
interested in technology.
Our Rail Focus magazine is to inform you
at first hand about SMA’s Railway
Technology division, to introduce individual projects and to provide you with interesting information on the use of SMA
In view of the daily information overload
we would like to present the essential
issues in a clear, simple and understandable form and hope you will have
a good time in reading the Rail Focus
We regularly raise special issues and
would like to impart our long experience
We welcome your feedback and suggestions.
Please enjoy reading!
Railway Technology Management
Roland Grebe
Birgit Wilde
ra i l f o c u s | 3
Ilha Formosa!
SMA provides energy supplies
for Metro in Taiwan
More than 400 years ago, the first Europeans passed an island in the Chinese Sea with the Dutch navigator Jan
Huygen van Linschoten on board of the
Portuguese ship. When he saw the island he called out “Ilha Formosa”
meaning more or less ‘beautiful island’.
by Dirk Wimmer
Still today, ‘formosa’ stands for
Taiwan. Taiwan is still a subtropical
island with virgin forests, desert
mountain ranges and remote, fantastic sandy beaches. Originally the
island was populated by Polynesians. Now, the most of the population of 22 million people are Chinese living in the Western lowland
of the island. Taiwan is said to be the
second most populous area in the
world although the East is only
sparsely populated.
The second-largest city of Taiwan
after Taipei is Kaohsiung with a population of approx. 1.5 million people. Kaohsiung is located at the
Southern tip of Taiwan where
approx. a total of 3.5 million
people, including the surrounding
cities, live. Kaohsiung has been
affected by heavy industry, mainly
4 | ra i l f o c u s
Traffic in Kaohsiung is less hectic
than in Taipei. However, traffic and
air pollution give reason to extensive
measures in infrastructure.
Mascot of the Metro company
steel and shipbuilding, and by the
container harbor which is the third
largest in the world after Hongkong
and Singapore. And there is definitely room for growth.
Many construction projects are
currently running in the city of
Kaohsiung. The first Metro is being
designed – a mainly underground
transport system of 28 km and with
23 stations for the “Red Line” and
14 km with 14 stations for the
“Orange Line”. Additional lines and
a light-rail system are planned to be
opened up.
In addition to the tracks, stations
and depots, the vehicles are newly constructed as well. The first
trains are expected to go into service on a line section at the beginning of 2007. The service will be
upgraded to the entire line and to
1s t I s s u e
photo: Siemens
all vehicles at the beginning of
will be equipped with two auxiliary
power supplies MEE-NTSD by SMA.
In addition to signal and control
technology, catenary design and
entire project management, Siemens
was commissioned with the supply
of 42 Metro trains with three coaches, each, in 2001. Each Metro train
MEE-NTSD is the name for all auxiliary power supplies for short-distance traffic (Metro, tram and regional commuter trains). The systems for CITADIS® RegioTram Kassel
and CORADIA LIREX® Stockholm
Design draft of trains for Metro Kaohsiung
photo: Siemens
Depot for Metro Kaohsiung under construction
belong to SMA’s new product family
as well. MEE-NTSD is based on the
MEE-NT (see article pages 6—8).
ra i l f o c u s | 5
Now Available for Short-Dist
Since 1999, the multiple input voltage APS (Auxiliary
Power Supply) MEE-NT is used by different European
operators. For the first time, SMA realized an electric separation in the input stage by a soft switching
input converter that can be operated at all UIC input
voltages without electromechanical regrouping.
More than 250 railway coaches have meanwhile
been equipped with multiple input voltage MEE-NTs
and prove their reliability in daily use on European
For short- and long-distance traffic
by Dirk Wimmer
ALSTOM CORADIA Lirex® for Lokaltrafik
Stockholm, equipped with MEE-NTSD, during
final installation at ALSTOM LHB
Technology Platform MEE-NT
The MEE-NT is a modern proven
platform for auxiliary power supply systems for short- and long-distance traffic. The technological advantages of the MEE-NT are available for the MEE-NTSD* and the
MEE-NTLD** as well:
• Easy and low-cost adjustment to
different applications due to
modular system concept
• Lightweight systems due to
electric separation in input
converter with HF transformers
Input converter MEE-NTSD
for the Lokaltrafik Stockholm
• Compact design with very high
efficiency due to resonant
switching power units
*) SD = Short Distance
**) LD = Long Distance
6 | ra i l f o c u s
1s t I s s u e
ance Traffic
ALSTOM CITADIS® for the RegioTram Kassel, equipped with MEE-NTSD
• Optional operation under
partial load conditions without
forced ventilation due to special
arrangement of the heat sinks
• AC output voltages in grid
quality with load tolerant neutral
wire without additional 50 Hz
• High power factor and low grid
disturbances in input and high
output voltage quality due to
advanced digital control
• Easy service, analysis and
maintenance due to modern
diagnosis system and modular
MEE-NTSD is available as modular
system for different applications.
Each MEE-NTSD consists of an input
converter with electric separation
by HF transformers and any number
of output modules. Solutions are
available for all grid voltages usual
in short-distance traffic. Output
modules, such as three-phase
inverters and battery chargers, complete the system.
A DC voltage output for charging
the battery and supplying the
connected DC voltage consumers is
required in almost all systems. Thus,
an input converter with an optionally integrated battery charger has
been developed for the MEE-NTSD
reducing the system costs, weight
and required space.
SMA also entered new grounds in
the development of the enclosure.
For the first time, non-welded enclosures that can be mounted under
floor and on the roof are available.
They can alternatively be manufactured as steel, stainless steel or aluminum enclosures and convince by
their low weight.
The multiple input voltage MEE-NTLD
has continuously been enhanced
since its launch in 1999 and is
now available as complete system
ra i l f o c u s | 7
Multi-voltage capable input converters can be combined with any
number of output modules, such as
battery chargers and three-phase
inverters. The inverters can be operated in fixed or variable frequency
mode and generate a load tolerant
neutral wire without additional transformer, if required.
photo: CNL
A number of options, such as automatic train line detections, battery
inverters or diagnosis displays, complete the product range.
Double-deck couchette coach of the CityNightLine, equipped with multiple input
voltage MEE-NTLD
Power electronic module
of the MEE-NTSD CORADIA Lirex® Stockholm
8 | ra i l f o c u s
1s t I s s u e
For Urban & Rural Applications
First roll-out
of the RegioTram Kassel
Salzgitter – 6th of July 2004. The
first RegioTram for Nordhessen rolled
out of the hall of the railway technology manufacturer ALSTOM LHB
with a great fuss. By December
2004, eight vehicles will connect the
cities of Kassel and Warburg in
by Dirk Wimmer
Roll-Out of the first RegioCITADIS® of ALSTOM for Greater Kassel area,
equipped with MEE-NTSD
The first eight vehicles have passed
extensive test runs and will be used
in regular traffic between Kassel and
Warburg in December 2004.
The routes Kassel—Wolfhagen and
Kassel—Melsungen are scheduled to
open in 2005 and 2006.
SMA provides auxiliary power supplies for the redundant board supply
and independently controllable air
conditioning units for the tram-trains
of RegioTram by order of ALSTOM.
SMA realized an innovative and very
light weight solution for the vehicles
custom-tailored to the requirements of
Kassel’s tram system and the regional system of the Deutsche Bahn AG.
Great reception for the new train:
Representatives of ALSTOM, the
“Nordhessischer Verkehrsverbund”
(NVV) as well as of the local policy
18 of a total of 28 tram-trains belonging to the family of regional light
rail vehicles RegioCITADIS® are twosystem vehicles. They are used in
Kassel’s tram system as well as in the
system of the Deutsche Bahn AG.
The remaining ten vehicles are new
hybrid vehicles that may be driven in
electric mode with 750 V DC and in
diesel-electric mode as well: They run
under the tram’s catenary in the city
and the integrated diesel engine
allows full operation on non-electrified railroads in Kassel’s surrounding
ra i l f o c u s | 9
Grid Interferences of
Power Electronic
Auxiliary power supplies for rolling stock may affect their environment. This impact is to be restricted to an extent that other equipment is not impaired in its
functioning and that damages of persons are impossible. This article describes
the most common interferences and indicates the requirements to be considered in developing and producing an auxiliary power supply.
by Dirk Wimmer and Andreas Berger
Basically, conducted and non-conducted interferences are distinguished. Non-conducted interferences are divided into field-bound
and radiated phenomena. In case
of field-bound interferences the separately measurable values for the
electric and magnetic field are
assessed in the near field. For
example, limit values for magnetic
flux density in the track bed caused
by auxiliary power supplies apply
in order to avoid impact on sensors. Critical units are e. g. axlecounters used for clear track signalling systems. In addition, the
DIN VDE 0884 standard specifies
frequency-dependent limit values
for electric and magnetic fields referring to personnel protection in
order to specifically protect per-
10 | ra i l f o c u s
sons with implants, such as pace
In case of radiated interferences in
the far field the electric and the magnetic fields are not separately measured. Test methods and limit values
comply with the values of the classical EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) and are specified in the
harmonized EN 50121 standard.
In case of conducted interferences,
interference voltages and parasitic
currents above 9 kHz as well as test
methods and limit values are
specified by the EMC standards,
specifically by the EN 50121 standard. Particularly in case of low frequencies grid interferences are referred to.
When considering grid interferences, the impact of current harmonics on the voltage quality of a
PCC (Point of Common Coupling) is
basically summarized. These coherences that are normally complex
are significantly characterized by
the grid impedance and the consumers with non-linear current and
voltage characteristic according to
the frequency ranges to be considered. The ideal case is when the
power supply behaves like an ohmic
consumer for the frequency of the
supplying grid. This means, that a
power supply absorbs pure DC current in DC voltage grids and pure
AC current in AC voltage grids with
a maximum power factor.
1s t I s s u e
photo: Bombardier
Shanghai Movia Metro, equipped with a battery charger based on
MEE-NTSD technology
While the requirements indicated
above aim at the voltage quality at
the PCC, limit values assuring interoperability of different electric systems apply as well. In case of AC and
DC voltage grids maximum tolerable
parasitic currents, such as harmonic
currents of a passenger train’s influencing units, are defined according
to the UIC 550 standard. In addition,
operators may require the compliance with specific limit values in order to guarantee the functioning of
special communication and signalling systems within their grids.
Specifically power electronic actuators may have an undue impact on
other consumers and equipment in
case of an input current with harmonics. This applies e. g. to clear
track signalling systems operating
with discrete frequencies. Electric,
capacitive or inductive coupling is
In case of DC voltage grids a minimum input impedance of the power
supply to the feeding grid is specified as well. The reason for this are
communication systems, such as the
75 Hz automatic train control in the
Dutch 1,500 V DC grid, functioning
by modulation of signals onto the
DC voltage grid. The power supply
may not function as absorption circuit for these discrete signal frequencies.
Due to the requirements mentioned
above sophisticated auxiliary power supplies must be able to affect the
input current in a way that the limit
values specified for harmonics are
complied with. This may be possible
by filtering and controlling the input
The current is filtered by using passive components, such as inductors
and capacitors. However, specifically inductors will quickly have significant additional weight due to the
vehicles’ power requirements. A
highly dynamic current control is
therefore a better solution that may
be adjusted to the different requirements by slight software changes.
Solution realized
for the MEE-NT
When designing the MEE-NT we
considered the requirements indi-
ra i l f o c u s | 11
Power electronic module of a multiple input voltage MEE-NTLD
cated above right from the start. It
was possible to comply with these
requirements by selecting an optimum pulse frequency, by influencing
the input current in terms of control
and by an additional inductivity for
high frequencies. This concept allows to design a system optimized
for low weight that may be projectspecifically adjusted at low costs.
In case of the MEE-NT the input current is influenced by the hard switching step-up converter on the input
side. The step-up converter controls
the voltage via the resonance capacitor for the soft switching inverter connected and at the same time
can directly affect the input current
by a subordinate, extremely dynamic current control circuit.
12 | ra i l f o c u s
The MEE-NT makes it possible to limit the grid loads caused by harmonics and to avoid impact on other
consumers by complying with the
limit values for parasitic currents and
input impedance. The compatibility
of the MEE-NT was already proven
by extensive tests during different
projects. The DB AG verifications
required for the compliance of the
limit values for magnetic fields in
tracks could effectively be completed as well.
1s t I s s u e
Innovative Converter Platform
for Long- and Short-Distance
For short- and long-distance traffic
System advantages
Compact and lightweight system due to sophisticated technology
Low-cost adjustment to any coach type
Highest reliability
High availability due to effective diagnosis
Minimum maintenance due to modular system design
SMA Technologie AG
Hannoversche Strasse 1–5
34266 Niestetal
Phone +49 561 9522 - 0
Fax +49 561 9522 - 100
Road, Off-Road and
Computer Technology for
Mobile Applications
SMA computer systems are used in the
Metro that went into service in Bangkok
last summer, in new Chinese passenger
trains and in the German maglev train
Transrapid. The company developed a
special know-how for using computers
in mobile applications within the last
years. This experience can be found in
the Enduro MobilePLC and WINtrak
fieldbus terminal blocks.
by Susanne Günther
Railroad-rugged and compact: The Enduro MobilePLC
In the field of mobile applications,
the demands on computers differ
widely and are harsher than in any
other area. In the case of railway
vehicles, high frequency vibrations
occur steadily over long periods of
time, whereas excavators and
cranes must primarily resist sudden
shock impacts. A forestry vehicle
must be able to start even at very
low temperatures and a harvester
has to operate reliably in hot
summer weather. EMI immunity is of
utmost importance specifically in railway applications (see page 10—
12). In addition, the components
must be corrosion-resistant when
e. g. they are used on board of
Metro trains that are usually running
in congested areas with sulfurous
air. Vehicles are normally very ex-
14 | ra i l f o c u s
pensive machines. Downtimes are
therefore not affordable. In addition, the safety of passengers and
transported goods ranks first.
This means that the use of industrial
computers for vehicles is only possible when, in addition to rigid industrial standards, additional specifications are met. When developing systems for mobile applications, we often refer to the European Railway
Standard EN 50155.
Less is more
During the past years, the concept
of decentral control has established
itself in automation technology. The
use of fieldbusses, such as CANopen, made this technological
development possible. Modular
systems boast several advantages,
including simpler wiring which
facilitates installation and maintenance, and results in significant
weight reduction and financial
savings. Decentral control provides
additional advantages in mobile
applications. Often, the space for
electronic components and wiring
in vehicles is limited. The amount
and therefore also the weight of the
wiring must be taken into consideration. That is one reason why conventional connections by means of
thick cables is not a good solution.
In addition, decentral control systems can be designed as an island
architecture, meaning that it is possible to distribute several controls
and I/O-nodes within the vehicle.
Plus, building redundant systems is
1s t I s s u e
photo: Transrapid International
Rail Applications
Transrapid Shanghai: SMA computer for vehicle and section diagnosis
and route measurement
Vehicles run under harshest environmental
very simple and is an important
safety feature.
can thus easily be added or exchanged.
Rugged = Enduro
For mobile applications, the Enduro
MobilePLC coupled with WINtrak
field bus terminals is the optimal basis for a decentral control system.
The Enduro has two electrically separated CAN interfaces and two
Ethernet ports. The PC compatible
processor GEODE SC 1100 is designed for fanless operation in the
T3 temperature range (–25 °C up
to +85 °C). After connecting the
voltage supply, the Enduro boots
the operation system and the application from the integrated CompactFlash. The electronics of the
Enduro is sealed by a lacquer and
thus protected against environmen-
tal influences. In the field of vibrations and broadband noise the
Enduro complies with the requirements according to the EN 61373
standard, Category Life Testing 1,
Class B, mounted at the car body.
Vibration resistant = WINtrak
Fieldbus terminals for mobile applications are rare. SMA currently provides ten different modules.
The modules consist of one base
and one electronic module, each.
They communicate with the control system via CAN according to
the ISO 11898 standard. The
process interface cable is attached to the base module with
tension spring terminals, the electronic
plugged on. Electronic elements
The Enduro and the WINtrak terminals comply with the EN50155 standard, use the standard CANopen
protocol for mobile applications,
are complimentary to one another
and form a modular control system
for simple realization of mobile
application solutions at low price.
ra i l f o c u s | 15
From Paris
to Stuttgart
by TGV
In 1992, Germany and France agreed to build a high-speed
line between Paris, Eastern France and Southern Germany. The
route from Paris to the East via Lothringen and Saarbrücken to
Mannheim is an important step for closing the gap between
the German and French high-speed network.
by Dirk Wimmer
As of 2008, the travel time from Paris
to Stuttgart will take only four hours
(currently: six hours). Passengers
may benefit from this closed gap also on other routes. The travel times
between Paris and Frankfurt will be
under four hours and between Paris
and Munich a bit more than six
15 new TGV POS trains. The new
TGV POS power cars are equipped
for three different supply voltages
(25 kV 50 Hz, 15 kV 16.7 Hz and
1.5 kV DC voltage) and designed
for the use within the French and
German high-speed network with a
maximum travel speed of 320 km/h.
Battery and brake charger
In addition to new drive technology
and multiple input voltage equip-
TGV for Korea (KTX)
16 | ra i l f o c u s
photo: ALSTOM
In January 2003, the French Railways SNCF ordered 30 new TGV
power cars at ALSTOM. These units
are assembled with trailors already
available for the TGV-Reseau to form
1s t I s s u e
ment of the TGV POS power cars
new auxiliary power supplies were
used as well. In summer 2003,
ALSTOM commissioned SMA to
supply battery and brake chargers
for the TGV POS. Two battery
chargers per power car redundantly provide the 72 V main supply and
charge the battery. The brake
charger is primarily important for
In addition to being fast, high-speed
trains need to be able to efficiently
and safely break at any time. Electro-dynamic braking via the drives is
very important. A brake charger is
necessary in order to guarantee
electro-dynamic braking in case the
catenary or the power converter supplying the traction
intermediate circuit fails. In
this extreme
brake charger is able to
supply the two
traction interme-
diate circuits of a traction unit with a
minimum voltage from the battery
within a few seconds. It is thus possible to ensure functioning of the
electro-dynamic brake under these
Mechanical Integration
The mechanical integration of the
TGV POS chargers into the specified
underfloor configuration was a special challenge. SMA’s container
technology introduced with the auxiliary power supplies for RegioTram
Kassel provides significant advantages in terms of weight. The underfloor enclosures are non-welded
aluminum IP65 enclosures with a
weight of only 12 kg without fixing
SMA battery charger TGV POS
in front view with interfaces and
revision door
ra i l f o c u s | 17
Handling of Energy
Innovative power engineering – not only for railways
In times of raw materials running short it becomes more and more
important to use all available energies as effectively as possible. As
the consumption of electric energy is increasing worldwide it is so
much more important to also use the available energy sources as efficiently as possible. In many cases sophisticated power electronics
is essential in order to approach this objective.
by Volker Wachenfeld
Power electronics
for diesel-generator sets with
variable speed
MSA40 – Frequency converter
for diesel-generator sets with
variable speeds
18 | ra i l f o c u s
Compared to conventional technology, the use of sophisticated power
converter technology combined with
permanently excited synchronous
machines provides significant advantages when developing mobile
power generating sets. Adjusting
the speed of the combustion engine
to the actual load situation allows to
drastically reduce fuel consumption,
noise emission and machine wear
and tear. Since the output voltage
and frequency of the generator is
lower than the grid voltage required
in case of low speeds, a frequency
converter is used for the necessary
adjustment. SMA equips dieselgenerator sets with frequency con-
1s t I s s u e
verters of the power classes 5 kVA
to 44 kVA for the Kirsch GmbH in
Trier, Germany.
Power electronics
for steam power plants
In conventional combined heat and
power plants, the fuel, normally natural gas, is directly combusted in an
engine powering a generator. Heat
extracted from the generator’s cooling circuit is tapped for a heating
system. Whereas, the SteamCell initially generates steam that is used to
power a specifically developed machine. This machine in turn provides
electric power of variable frequency and voltage via a permanently
excited synchronous generator. The
frequency converter connected
feeds the power into the public grid.
Illustration: Enginion
Illustration: Enginion
Design of SteamCell
SteamCell is a compact steam powered plant
for cogeneration
The generation of steam makes high
total efficiencies possible since thermal power for the heating system is
not only produced as waste product
of engine cooling. The combustion
process is more controlled than within an engine. The emission values
therefore comply with those of sophisticated boiler heating systems.
However, these systems are not
able to generate electric current! As
the system may be adjusted to
almost all kinds of fuels without high
efforts it may be used on vehicles or
in the field of renewable energy
sources, such as biomass energy, as
Due to a wide range of know-how
and the technical basis resulting
from many different converter
applications SMA was able to provide a specific converter with new
features for the SteamCell in best
time. The process requires the synchronous machine to be powered
as well as slowed down. In addition, the electric power is to be fed
into the public grid. Here, SMA
could directly rely on the experience of the Solar Technology division.
A home power supply on the basis
of the SteamCell economically and
ecologically friendly feeds the electric power produced into the grid.
This power will be used exactly
where it is produced without unnecessary transport losses.
ra i l f o c u s | 19
Hydro Boy: Inverter for fuel cells
Hydro Boy –
the inverter for fuel cell
heating systems
Fuel cell heating systems are also
plants for cogeneration. In contrast
to the SteamCell they generate electric power and heat out of natural
gas by an electrochemical reaction.
A high electrically efficient and lownoise system with low pollutant emissions is the result.
The fuel cell provides DC current. An
inverter transforming the DC current
into the commonly used AC current
is required to feed the current into
the public grid. Based on the experience in the field of photovoltaic,
SMA has now developed a power
inverter for fuel cell applications:
the Hydro Boys. In cooperation with
20 | ra i l f o c u s
partners in the business of heating
engineering, SMA has designed the
Hydro Boys as a specific solution for
fuel cell heating systems. The Hydro
Boys are used at a key position in a
relatively new technology and will
perform efficiently since they are
based on SMA’s proven and reliable photovoltaic inverters. For more
than a year now, about a hundred
devices are successfully performing
a field test.
The least common denominator of
the applications mentioned above is
that up-to-date power electronics
supports rational handling of the
used energy in order to directly save
fuel or to decentrally generate electric power with a high total efficiency. We consider this an interesting
and, in view of the increasing costs
of fossil energy sources, essential
task for the future.
Fuel cell heating systems with integrated inverter for home power supply are among the most sophisticated systems for transforming fuel into
useful energy. They will make an important contribution to a sustainable
handling of fossil raw materials still
1s t I s s u e
Rail Solution Asia
in Taipei
A wide range of projects, from lightrail trains, to Metros and high-speed
trains all the way to maglev trains,
attract railway technology manufacturers to Asia, especially to China.
by Dirk Wimmer
Exhibition hall with SMA booth
However, Asia is not just China. For
example, in Thailand, Korea or Singapore new transportation systems
are developed or existing systems are
expanded or modernized as well.
Compared to China, these countries are very interesting specifically
for modernization projects. Many
systems have already been in service for some years. Modernizing
and/or upgrading the systems is an
option often used in view of the vehicles’ remaining useful life.
Countries, such as Vietnam, should
be considered as well. Currently,
they do not have the financial
resources required but may present
significant potential in the near
In order to meet the potential of the
market a number of trade exhibitions
have been established in Asia. One
of these exhibitions is the Rail
Solution Asia, a combination of
trade exhibition and conference,
which takes place every year in another Asian city.
The Rail Solution Asia attracts decision makers of many Asian operators, consultants or manufacturers
and provides a basis for the establishment of new contacts and for the
discussion of concrete projects. The
exhibition has a pleasant familiar
atmosphere providing the possibility for casual discussions during meetings with snacks and drinks every
Due to the SARS crisis, the exhibition
in Hongkong in 2003 did not fulfill
the expectations. In 2004, the exhibition took place in the “Taipei
International Convention Center”
(TICC) directly in the heart of Taipei.
SMA also participated in the exhibition.
SMA’s main goal was to present
their MEE-NTSD system optimized
for the use in short-distance traffic to
a broad public. The system convinced large-scale operators in Asia
by its advantages, such as low system weight and high modularity.
The Taipei International
Convention Center in
front of the 101-Tower
ra i l f o c u s | 21
Keep Cool
SMA inverter for Bvmz coaches
Air-conditioned railway coaches of high quality, such
as the Bvmz 185 assembled to locomotive-driven
trains are the basis for national and international longdistance traffic of German Railways (DB AG) in addition to motorized high-speed trains (ICE) consisting
of fixed train units. The DB AG decided to replace the
inverters for the electric supply of the air conditioning
by more powerful SMA devices in order to increase
travel convenience for the passengers.
by Thomas Krämer and Joachim Bierschenk
The Bvmz 185 were developed in
the 80ies as last generation of railway coaches before the ICE motorized trains. At that time, the high demands on comfort within the InterCity and EuroCity traffic also in the
second class of coach and especially regarding air conditioning
could only be fulfilled by the Bpmz
coaches developed at the end of the
70ies. The first high-speed track was
opened for service in 1988 resulting
in the demand for pressure-tight vehicles for use on the high-speed tunnel tracks.
In order to close this gap, existing
Bpmz coaches were adjusted to be
pressure-tight and the DB AG purchased a total of 180 new Bvmz
185 type coaches. New ground
was broken in the interior design:
ambiences of compartment and
open carriage were combined in
22 | ra i l f o c u s
one vehicle and seamlessly merged
into each other.
Some of these vehicles have been
used for more than 15 years now
which is approximately half of a
coache’s service life. After this time,
the vehicles are generally overhauled in order to prepare them for
the second half of their service life.
In August 2003, the DB AG decided to replace the inverters for the
electric supply of the air conditioning system by more powerful SMA
devices in order to increase the travel convenience for the passengers in
hot summer weather.
The inverter supplies the air conditioning system with electric power. It
generates a three-phase AC voltage allowing to power the com-
pressor engine of the air condition
which produces cooling energy just
like a standard refrigerator.
Temperature control
Temperature control is an essential
feature of an air condition. The inverter’s output voltage and frequency is varied which is required to operate the compression motor of the
air condition with a variable speed.
Different refrigerating capacities can
therefore be set. The air conditioning
control within the vehicle specifies
the temperature and refrigerating
In order to save costs when changing the BordBistro and Bvmz coaches the DB AG decided to use the existing enclosures. The SMA inverter’s
mechanical and electric design had
to be adjusted to these enclosures.
1s t I s s u e
Air con inverter for Bvmz coach
The inverter (three-phase inverter) is supplied with 2 x 230 V, 16 2/3 Hz
by a transformer connected in incoming circuit that is coupled with
the train line. The inverter generates a three-phase AC voltage of
3 x 99 to 285 V, 20 to 65 Hz at the output.
Technical data
Input voltage
460 V, 16 2/3 / 50 Hz
Output voltage
3 x 90 V to 285 V
Output frequency
20 to 65 Hz, sine
26 kVA / 24 kW
Harmonic distortion of the output
< 10 %
Special features
• short and open circuit proof
• 100 % non-symmetric load
• high overload withstand
sure needs to be removed, sent to SMA,
reequipped and sent
back to the mainteCooling
nance workshop. The
time available for this
procedure is short as the coaches
with the new inverters are to be put
back into service as fast as possible.
Such a procedure for modifying the
vehicles requires considerable
logistic efforts since the old enclo-
The first devices already prove their
efficiency in daily use. Thus, the
passengers can travel at convenient
• power factor control
• diagnosis interface
forced ventilation
temperatures even in hot summer
BordBistro and Bvmz coaches are equipped
with SMA inverters
photo: DB AG
The electric and mechanical external interfaces (plugs, blanking
plates, etc.) were reproduced to
have a new inverter that fits in form
and function. Thus, the old inverter
may be replaced by the new inverter in a short amount of time and with
little efforts by the maintenance
workshop of the DB AG.
ra i l f o c u s | 23
Railway Technology Magazine
photo: Transrapid International
photo: CNL
Hannoversche Strasse 1–5
34266 Niestetal
Phone +49 561 95 22 - 0
+49 561 95 22 - 100
SMA Technologie AG